Ray Optics (Theory)

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Ray optics and optical instruments


Reflection of Light
The phenomenon in which light travelling in one medium, incident
on a surface of other medium and returns to the first medium is
called reflection of light.

Laws of reflection of light

1. The incident ray, reflected ray and the
normal drawn to the reflecting surface at
the point of incidence lies on the same plane.
2. The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence.

Spherical mirror
It is a mirror whose reflecting surface forms part of a hallow sphere.
Spherical mirrors are of two types
1. Concave mirror
2. Convex mirror
1) Concave mirrors are used as shaving mirrors because they give a magnified image.
2) Convex mirror used as side view mirrors in cars because they form diminished
images. Hence, even a small mirror can give a large field of view.

Some important definations

1. Aperture: It is the surface area of spherical mirror available for reflection.
2. Pole: It is the middle point of the spherical mirror.
3. Centre of curvature: It is the centre of the sphere of which the mirror forms a part.
4. Radius of curvature: It is the radius of the sphere of which the mirror forms a part.
5. Principal axis: It is a line passing through a pole and centre of curvature.
6. Principal focus: It is a point on the principal axis where the parallel beam of light
converge or appears to diverge after reflection.
7. Focal length: It is the distance between the principal focus and pole of the mirror.
8. Focal plane: It is the plane through the principal focus and perpendicular to the
principal axis.
9. Paraxial rays
The rays which are parallel and very close to the principal axis are called paraxial rays.

Cartesian sign conventions used for measuring distances in the case of

spherical mirrors/lenses
1. All distances are measured from the pole of the
spherical mirror or optical centre of the lens
along the principal axis.
2. The distances measured along the direction of
incident light is taken as positive.
3. The distances measured in the direction opposite0
to the direction of incident light are taken as negative.

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4. The heights measured upwards perpendicular to the principal axis are taken as
5. The heights measured down wards perpendicular to the principal axis are taken as

Derivation of the relation in the case of concave mirror OR

Show that the focal length of a concave mirror is half of its radius of curvature.
Consider a ray parallel to the principal axis, incident at point M of a concave
spherical mirror of small aperture as shown in figure.
Let f = PF, focal length of a mirror.
R = PC, radius of curvature.
θ = angle of incidence = angle of reflection.
MD = perpendicular to PC
MFP = 2θ
In MCD, tan - - - - - - - - - (1)
In MFD, - - - - - - - - - - (2)
For paraxial rays θ is very small
and D comes very close to P
Equations (1) and (2) becomes
- - - - - - - - - - - (3)
- - - - - - - -- -- - (4)
On dividing equation (4) by (3) we get,

- - - - - - - - - - - (5)

1) The focal length of a spherical mirror does not depend on the medium in which it
is placed.
2) Focal length of a concave mirror is taken as negative
3) Focal length of a convex mirror is taken as positive.

Differences between a real image and a virtual image

Real image Virtual image
1. The image is real, if the rays actually 1. The image is virtual, if the rays do not
converge to the point. actually meet but appear to diverge
from the point when produced
2. It is formed in front of the mirror 2. It is formed behind the mirror
3. It is always inverted 3. It is always erect

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Derivation of the mirror formula for a concave mirror forming a real image
Consider an object AB placed on the principal axis beyond the centre of curvature C
of a concave mirror of small aperture then it forms a real image A‘B’
Let BP = u, object distance B’P =v, image distance
FP = f, focal length
In fig, triangle A’B’F & MPF are similar

But PM = BA
- - - - (1)
Triangles A’B’P & ABP are also similar
- - - - (2)
From equations (1) and (2) we get,

- - - - (3)
Applying sign convention, B’P = - v, BP = - u and FP = - f
( )

Divide both the sides by v

The same mirror formula is valid for both concave and convex mirror whether the
image formed is real or virtual

Linear magnification of mirror

It is defined as the ratio of the height of the image to the height of the object.
Linear magnification is also given by
Where, v – Image distance
u – Object distance
1. The ray diagram to construct an image when an object is placed between the
principal focus and pole of a concave mirror.

Nature of image is virtual, erect and magnified.

Sign for f = -ve, R = -ve , u = -ve, v = +ve, ho = +ve, hi = +ve, m = +ve

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2. Draw the ray diagram showing formation of virtual image by convex mirror.

Nature of image is virtual, erect and diminished.

Sign for f = +ve, R = +ve , u = -ve, v = +ve, ho = +ve, hi = +ve, m = +ve

Refraction of Light
The phenomenon of bending of light ray when it passes from one medium to another
medium of different optical densities is known as refraction of light.

1) When ray of light travels from a rarer medium to a denser medium, it bends towards
the normal.
2) When a ray of light travels from a denser medium to a rarer medium, it bends away
from the normal.
AO – incident ray
OB – refracted ray
MN – normal to the surface
̂ – Angle of incidence
̂ Angle or refraction
̂ ( ) Angle of deviation

The laws of refraction of light

1. The incident ray, the refracted ray and the normal drawn at the point of incidence all
lies in the same plane.
2. Snell’s law: The ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of
refraction is constant for a given pair of media and for a given wavelength of light .
i.e., constant

1) The above law is known as Snell’s law of refraction. The constant in the above
relation is called refractive index ‘n’.
2) Snell’s law of refraction fails for normal incidence. This is the limitation of Snell’s law
of refraction.
Relative refractive index of a medium
Refractive index of a medium with respect to another medium is called relative
refractive index.
When a ray of light travels from first medium to second medium, Snell’s law be
written as

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Where, is known as relative refractive index of second medium with respect to

first medium.

Relative refractive index of a pair of media in terms of velocities of light

Relative refractive index,
Where, V1 – velocity of light in first medium
V2 – velocity of light in second medium,
– Wave length of light in first medium and
– Wave length of light in second medium

Absolute refractive index of a medium

Refractive index of a medium with respect to vacuum or air is called absolute
refractive index.
When a ray of light travels from air medium ( ) to second medium ( )
Snell’s law can be written as

Where, c – Velocity of light in vacuum or air and

v – Velocity of light in the given medium
1) The factors on which the refractive index of a medium depends
1. Nature of the medium
2. Wavelength of light used
3. Temperature
4. Nature of surrounding medium
2) The frequency of light does not change when it travels from one medium to other

Lateral shift of light

When a ray of light passes through a parallel sided glass slab, the perpendicular
distance between the emergent ray and direction of incident ray is called lateral

The ray diagram representing lateral shift through a parallel sided glass slab
PQ – incident ray
QR – refracted ray
RS – emergent ray
Angle of incident
Angle of refraction
LN – t, thickness of glass slab
RO = LS, lateral shift

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Normal shift of light

The apparent shift in the position of an object placed in one medium when viewed
normally from another medium is called normal shift.

A ray diagram representing a normal refraction when an object in a denser

medium is viewed normally through air
AB – refracting surface
OP – ray of light incident normally and moves undeviated along PQ
OR – ray of light incident at R and refracted along RS
Angle of incidence at R
Angle of refraction at R
I – virtual image
IP – apparent depth
OP – t, real depth
OI – NS, normal shift
The refractive index is given by,
Atmospheric refraction
1) The sun is visible before actual sunrise and after actual sunset due to the
atmospheric refraction.
2) While sunset and sunrise, sun appear to be oval due to the atmospheric refraction.
3) Twinkling of stars is due to the atmospheric refraction.

Total Internal Reflection

The phenomenon of complete reflection of light at the interface of two optical media,
when a ray of light travelling from denser to rarer medium is known as total internal

Explanation with neat ray diagram

When a ray of light travels from an optically denser medium to a rarer medium, the
refracted ray bends away from the
normal. As the angle of incidence is
gradually increased, the angle of
refraction also increases. For a particular
angle of incidence, the refracted ray just
grazes the surface separating the two
media. If the angle of incidence is further
increased the ray is totally reflected back
into the same medium. This phenomenon
is known as total internal reflection.

The conditions for total internal reflection of light

The conditions for total internal reflection are
1. The ray of light must travel from denser medium to rarer medium.
2. The angle of incidence in denser medium should be greater than the critical angle.

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Critical Angle
Critical angle for a media and for a given wavelength of light is that angle of
incidence in the denser medium for which the angle of refraction in the rarer
medium is 90°.
The critical angle for a pair of media is given by
( )
Where refractive index of rarer medium

Refractive index of denser medium

Critical angle is
(i) Minimum for violet colour and
(ii) Maximum for red colour.

Applications of Total Internal Reflection (TIR)

TIR is used in
1. The total reflecting prisms
2. The optical fibers and
3. Brilliance of diamond.

The illustrations of TIR

1) Optical fiber
Optical fibre is thin transparent fibre of glass or plastic which can transmit light along
any desired path.

Optical fibre works on the principle of total internal reflection.

A ray light entering an optical fibre meets the
interface between the core and the cladding
at an angle greater than the critical angle.
Hence it undergoes total internal reflection,
this happens repeatedly as shown in fig and
finally the ray emerges at the other end with
practically no loss of intensity (energy).

Uses of optical fibres

Optical fibers are used
1. In transmitting and receiving electrical signals in telecommunication.
2. For transmitting optical signals
3. For the medical examination of internal organs like stomach, intestines and
4. For measuring the blood flow in the heart (photometric sensors)
5. To measuring refractive indices of liquids (refractometers).

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2) Total reflecting prisms

Total reflecting prisms are right angled isosceles glass prisms, using this principle we
can deviate the incident light through an angle of 90° or 180° or 360°.

Total reflecting prism can be used to

(i) To deviate a ray through 90° (ii) To deviated a ray through 180°

(iii) To invert an image without deviation of rays.

The minimum refractive index of a right-angled isosceles prism to turns a beam of
light through 90° is 1.414.

3) Mirage
A mirage is an optical illusion caused due to refraction and total internal reflection of
light at air layers of different optical densities.

Note: Formation of mirage in deserts

On a hot summer day, the layer of air near the earth are more heated than the higher ones. Hence
the optical density and refractive index of air layers increases with height. As the rays of light from
a distant object like a tree travel towards the earth through layers of decreasing refractive index,
they bend more and more away from the normal. When the angle of incidence becomes greater
than the critical angle, the ray is totally reflected and undergo refraction in the upward direction.
The observer sees an inverted image of the object, as if formed in a pond of water.

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4) The sparkling effect of diamond

The brilliance of diamonds is due to total internal reflection.
Note: As the refractive index of diamond is very large. Its critical angle is very small about
24.4°. The faces of diamond are so cut that the light entering the crystals suffers total
internal reflections repeatedly. Hence the diamond sparkles when seen in the direction
of emerging light.
Spherical Surfaces
Spherical surface is surface that forms part of a sphere.

Some important definitions

1. Aperture is the area of the spherical surface available for refraction.
2. Pole (P) is the midpoint of the spherical surface.
3. Centre of curvature(C) is the center of the sphere of which the given surface is a
4. Radius of curvature (R) is the radius of the sphere of which the given surface is a
5. Principal axis is the straight line passing through centre of curvature.
Derivation of an expression for the relation between and R for refraction at
a spherical surface which is convex towards a point object in the rarer medium.
Consider a convex spherical surface APB which separates two media of refractive
indices and . The incident ray OM from point object O incident at M with an angle i
and refracted ray form the real image at I.
Draw NM perpendicular to the principal axis

From θ - - -- - - - - - (1)

- - - - - - - - - (2)
From Snell’s law of refraction,

From equations (1) and (2) we get,

( θ) (θ ) - - - - - - - (3)
For paraxial rays, all angles are small and N is close to P

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Equation (3) becomes

( ) ( )
( ) ( )

( )

From figure, PO = -u, PI = +v, PC = +R

Note: If refraction takes place from denser medium to rarer medium(object placed
in denser medium) then

Refraction by a Lens
Lens is an optical medium bound by two surfaces of which at least one is either
spherical or cylindrical.

1) Optical centre : It is the point of intersection of refracted ray and the principal axis
when the emergent ray is parallel to the direction of incident ray.
In fig, PQ – incident ray
QR – refracted ray
RS – emergent ray.

2) A parallel beam of light after refraction through convex lens converge to a point on
the principal axis. The point is called principal focus.

Focal length of a lens

The distance between the optical center of the lens and principal focus is called the focal
length of a lens.

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Derivation of Lens Maker’s Formula using convex lens

Consider a thin convex lens of focal length f and refractive index n2 placed in medium of
refractive index n1 having two surfaces ABC and ADC of radii of curvatures
A ray from point object O after refraction meets at I on the principal axis.

Refraction at the surface ABC

For the object in rarer medium, the O acts as a real object to form real image at I’
Here, v =v1, u = u and R = R1
Then, - - - - - - - - (1)
Refraction at the surface ADC
For the object in denser medium, the I’ acts as a virtual object to form a real image at I
Here, u =v1 , v = v and R = R2
( )
Then, - - - - - - - - (2)
Adding (1) and (2) we get,

( )
( ) - - - - - - - - (3)

For a lens,
Equation (4) in (3) we get,
( )( )
Focal length of lens in air
( )( )

Factors on which focal length of a lens depends

The focal length of a lens depends on
1. Refractive index of the material of the lens.
2. Radii of curvature of the surfaces.
3. Refractive index of the surrounding medium.
4. Wavelength of light used.

Thin Lens
A thin lens is one whose thickness is very small with respect to the radii of curvature of
its surfaces.

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Lens formula
The lens formula or lens equation is given by

Where, f – focal length of a lens

v – image distance
u – object distance
Linear Magnification of lens
It is defined as the ratio of the size of the image to the size of the object.
Linear magnification of a lens is given by

Where, - size of the image

- size of the object.
Power of a Lens
The power of a lens is defined as the tangent of the angle by which it converge or
diverges the beam of light falling at unit distance from the optical centre.
The power of a lens may also be defined as the reciprocal of its focal length.
The SI unit of a power of a lens is Dioptre (D).
Defination of one dioptre
The power of a lens is said to be one Dioptre if its focal length is one metre.

Derivation of the relation between power of a lens and its focal length
Consider a convex lens of focal length f. A beam of light is incident at distance h from
the optical centre O. It converges the beam by angle .
In figure,
If then
By the definition of the power of a lens.

1) The power of a lens is numerically equal to the reciprocal of its focal length.
2) The power of a lens is
(i) Positive for converging lens and
(ii) Negative for diverging lens.
3) The factors on which the power of a lens depend
1. Refractive index of the material of the lens.
2. Radius of curvature of the lens.
4) The power of a lens immersed in a liquid of refractive index equal to that of the lens
is zero.

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Derivation of an expression for the equivalent focal length of two thin lenses
are in contact
Consider two thin convex lenses L1 and L2 of focal lengths f1 and f2 are placed
coaxially in contact.
Let O – luminous point object on the principal axis.

Image formation takes place in two stages

1. Refraction through L1:
In the absence of L2, I’ is the real image of object O due to L1, at a distance v1.
Here, , and
From Lens formula
- - - - - - - - - (1)
2. Refraction through L2:
For a lens L2, I’ serves as a vertical object and I is the real image at a distance v.
From Lens formula
- - - - - - - - - - (2)
Adding (1) and (2) we get,


1) An equivalent lens of a combination of lenses is single lens which produces the
same effect as the combination and its focal length is called an equivalent focal
length or effective focal length.
3) P=P1+P2+P3+ ………..

Refraction of Light through a Prism

A prism is a homogeneous optical medium bounded by at least two non-parallel

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Derivation of an expression for refractive index of a prism in terms of angle of a

( )
prism and angle of minimum deviation OR Show that for a prism
( )

where the symbols have their usual meaning.

Consider a prism of principal section ABC, angle of the prism A and refractive index
n placed in air medium.
Let PQ – incident ray
QR – refracted ray
RS – emergent ray
At AB, i1 – angle of incidence and
r1 – angle of refraction
At AC, r2 – angle of incidence and
i2 – angle of emergence
From the quadrilateral AQNR,
A+ - - - - - (1)
- - - - - (2)
From equations (1) and (2) we get,
- - - - - (3)
Total deviation produced by the prism is
d= Deviation at Q + Deviation at R
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
From equation (3)
- - - - - - - (4)
From graph, at minimum deviation position,

Equation (4) becomes, - - - - - (6)

Equation (5) becomes, - - - - - (7)
From Snell’s law

Equations (6) and (7)

( )
( )

1) The angle of deviation produced by a prism depends on the following factors
1. Angle of the prism
2. Refractive index of the material of the prism
3. Wavelength of light used
4. Angle of incidence
2) The angle made by the refracting surfaces of a prism is known as the angle of prism.
3) When ray of light passing through a prism the angle between the emergent ray and
the direction of the incident ray is called angle of deviation.

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4) The least value of deviation for a ray passing through a prism is called of angle of
minimum deviation.
Thin prism
A small angled prism(less than 10) is called a thin prism.

Derivation of an expression for refractive index of the material of the thin prism
We have the refraction index of the material of the prism is
( )
( )

For a thin prism A is very small and hence D is also very small.
For small angles, ( ) and ( )

( )

Dispersion by prism
The phenomenon of splitting of composite light into its constituent colours is called
dispersion of light.

1) The phenomenon involved in the formation of rainbow in the sky is dispersion of
2) The monochromatic ray can’t undergo dispersion
3) Red colour travels with maximum speed and least deviated through a prism.
4) Violet colour travels with minimum speed and most deviated through a prism.

Rain bow
The rainbow is nature’s most spectacular display of the spectrum of light.
The phenomenon of rainbow is due to combined effect of dispersion, refraction and
reflection of sunlight by the spherical water droplets of rain.
Conditions to see a rainbow
1. The Sun should be shining in one part of the sky while it is raining in the opposite part
of the sky.
2. An observer back should be towards the sun.
Note: Formation of primary and secondary rainbows.
The primary rainbow is formed by rays which undergo one TIR and two refractions and
finally emerge from the raindrops at minimum deviation. The red rays emerge from the
waterdrops at one angle of 42° and the violet rays emerge at another angle of 40°. The
parallel beam of sunlight getting dispersed at these angles produces a cone of rays at the
observer eye. Thus, the rainbow is seen as a colorful are, with its inner edge violet and
outer edge red in colour.

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The secondary rainbow is formed by the rays which undergo two internal reflections and
two refractions before emerging from the water drops at minimum deviation. Due to two
internal reflections, the sequence of colour in secondary rainbow is opposite to that in the
primary rainbow. Here the inner red rays emerge from the water drops at an angle of 50°
and the outer violet rays emerge at an angle of 53°

Differences between primary rainbow and secondary rainbow

Primary rainbow Secondary rainbow
1. It is 3 step process and formed due to 1. It is 4 step process and formed due to
two refractions and one TIR two refractions and two TIR
2. It has violet colour on the inner edge 2. It has red colour on the inner edge and
and the red colour on the outer edge of violet colour on the outer edge of the
the rainbow rainbow
3. It occurs due to rain drops in lower 4. It occurs due to rain drops in upper
atmosphere atmosphere
Scattering of Light
When light pass through homogenous optical medium, the particles of the medium
absorbs the incident light and re-emits in a direction other than the incident direction.
This phenomenon is known as scattering of light.
Rayleigh’s scattering Law
The intensity of the scattered light (the amount of scattering) is inversely proportional
to the fourth power of the wavelength of light.

1) Blue Colour of the Sky

The phenomenon responsible for blue colour of the sky is Rayleigh scattering of light.
According to law shorter wavelengths scatter much more strongly than higher
wavelengths. Among shorter wavelengths our eyes are more sensitive to blue.
Therefore sky appears blue.
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2) Sun appearance red at Sunrise and Sunset

The phenomenon responsible for red colour of the sun during sunrise and sunset is
Rayleigh scattering of light.
At sunset and sun rise, sun is at horizon. Sun rays have to pass through larger distance
in the atmosphere. Most of the blue and other shorter wavelengths are removed by
scattering. The least scattered red light reaches our eyes. Hence sun appears red at
sunrise and sunset.
3) White colour of the clouds
Large particles like raindrops, dust and ice particles do not scatter light in accordance
with Rayleigh law. Because the size of particles is very large compared to wavelength of
lighgt (a > > ). therefore they scatter all colours of light almost equally. Hence the
clouds appear white in colour.
4) The colour of the sky in the absence of atmosphere is black.
Least Distance of Distinct Vision (D) or near point.
The minimum distance for which the eye lens can focus the object on the retina and see
the object clearly is called least distance of distinct vision.
For normal eye
(i) The least distance of distinct vision is 25 cm
(ii) The position of far point is infinity.
Simple Microscope
A simple microscope is a convex lens of shorter focal length.
It forms a magnified image when the object is placed between its focus and optic centre.
Ray diagram of a simple microscope for image formed at the least distance of
distinct vision (D) and its working principle.
A simple microscope is based on the fact that when on object is placed between the
optical centre and focus of a convex lens, a
virtual, erect and magnified image of the object
is formed on the same side of the lens as the
The position of the lens is so adjusted that the
final image is formed at a distance D from the
Magnifying Power of a Simple Microscope
It is defined as the ratio of the angle subtended by the image and the object at the
eye, when both are at the least distance of distinct vision from the eye.
Magnifying Power of a simple microscope for the image formed at the least distance
of distance of distinct vision is
Magnifying Power of a simple microscope for the image formed at infinity is

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Compound Microscope
A compound microscope is an optical instrument used to see the magnified images
of tiny objects.
Ray diagram for image formation of a compound microscope in normal
adjustment( at near point) and its working.

The object AB to be viewed is placed slightly beyond the principal focus f 0 of the
objective. The objective forms an inverted, real and magnified image A1B1 lies within the
principal focus fe of the eyepiece. Now, the eyepiece behaves as a simple microscope or
magnifier. The position of the eyepiece is further adjusted so that if forms a virtual and
enlarged image A2B2 at the least distance of distinct vision D or near point of the eye.
This is the normal adjustment of the compound microscope.

The final image is inverted with respect to the object. It is virtual and magnified.
Magnifying power of a compound microscope (m)
It is defined as the ratio of the angle subtended at eye by the final virtual image to
the angle subtended at the eye by the object, when both are at the least distance of
distinct vision from the eye.
The total magnification of the compound microscope is
m = (magnifying power of objective) (magnifying power of eye piece)
m = m0 me
The magnifying power when the final image is formed at D is
m = m0 me
( )
The magnifying power when the image is formed at is
m = m0 me
( )
The magnifying power of a compound microscope depends on
1. Focal length of the objective lens (f0)
2. Focal length of the eye lens (fe)
Astronomical telescope
Astronomical telescope is a refracting type of telescope used to see heavenly bodies
like stars, planets, satellites etc.
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Ray diagram for image formation of an astronomical telescope in the normal

adjustment position.

The final image formed is virtual, magnified and inverted with respect to the object.
Magnifying Power of a Telescope in normal adjustment
It is defined as the ratio of the angle subtended at the eye by the final image as seen
through the telescope to the angle subtended at the eye by the object seen directly,
when both the image and the object lie at infinity.
The expression for the magnifying power of a telescope is given by

Where, - Focal length of objective lens

- Focal length of eye lens

Normal adjustment of a telescope

When the final image is formed at infinity, the telescope is said to be in normal

The length of a telescope in normal adjustment

It is the distance between the objective and the eyepiece of astronomical telescope in
normal adjustment
The length of a telescope in normal adjustment is given by

Where, and - focal length objective lens and eye lens

Reflecting Telescope
Telescopes with mirror objectives are called reflecting telescope.
The advantages of reflecting telescopes over refracting telescopes
1. Less chromatic aberration 2. Less spherical aberration
3. High resolving power 4. High intense image
Labeled schematic ray diagram of Cassegrain’s reflecting telescope

The disadvantages of reflecting telescopes

The objective mirror focuses light inside the telescope tube.
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1) What is reflection?
2) What is refraction?
3) When does Snell’s law of refraction fail?
4) Name the parameter which is remain same when light travels from one medium to
5) Name the principle on which the optical fiber works?
6) Define critical angle for a pair of media?
7) What is mirage?
8) What is dispersion of light?
9) Define principle focus of a lens?
10) What are paraxial rays?
11) What are thin lens?
12) What is rainbow?
13) State’s laws of reflection?
14) State’s laws of refraction?
15) Explain Total internal reflection?
16) Write two conditions for Total internal reflection?
17) Write two conditions for rainbow?
18) Write any two applications of optical fiber.
19) Define power of a lens and mention its S.I unit.
20) A lens has a focal length of 0.1 m. what is its power?
21) What is linear magnification and mention its expression?
22) Write any two differences between primary rainbow and secondary rainbow.
23) Prove that for a concave mirror.
24) Derive the expression for mirror equation in the case of concave mirror?
25) Derive the expression for equivalent focal length of combination of two thin convex
lenses in contact.
26) Draw a labeled ray diagram of a simple microscope for the image formation and
mention the expression for its magnifying power when the final image is at
a) Least distance of distinct vision. b) Infinity.
27) Draw a labeled ray diagram of a compound microscope for the image formation and
mention the expression for its magnifying power when the final image is at Least
distance of distinct vision.
28) Draw a labeled ray diagram of a telescope for the image formation at infinity.
29) Derive relation between object distance (u) and image distance (v) in terms of
refractive index of the medium (n) and radius of curvature of the spherical surface (R).
30) Derive the lens maker’s formula for a convex lens.
31) Obtain the expression for the refractive index of the material of the prism in terms of
the angle of the prism and angle of minimum deviation.

Sri Narayana PU college, Malur Page 31

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