Eye Models

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Schematic Eyes - Introduction

Curvatures, spacings and indices of the ocular components lead us to raytracing the surfaces to determine the imaging properties of the eye. Many schematic eye models exist of varying complexity. Cardinal points are a first priority, aberration analysis is a more sophisticated analysis.

Gullstrand-LeGrand Eye Model

R (mm) - (mm -1) t (mm) Infinity n 1 t/n (mm) y (mm) nu (rad) 0 yc (mm) nuc (rad) 0.1 Anterior Cornea 7.8 -0.04835 0.55 1.3771 0.39939 1 -0.04835 -0.30376 0.114686

Posterior Cornea Anterior Lens Posterior Lens Retina 6.5 10.2 -6 -13.4 0.006108 -0.0081 -0.014 3.05 4 16.59655 1.3374 1.42 1.336 2.280544 2.816901 12.42257 0.980691 0.884095 0.744614 0 -0.04236 -0.04952 -0.05994 -0.25796 0 0.31862 1.668325 0.11311 0.11311 0.108649

Cardinal Points & Pupils

Principal Planes conjugate planes that have unit magnification. Can be used to generate effective lens. Focal Points points where collimated beams come to focus. Nodal Points a ray passing through the front nodal point at a given angle, leaves the rear nodal point at the same angle. Entrance and Exit pupils conjugate planes that are the entrance and exit ports of the optical system.

Principal Planes


-0.05994/1.336 1 PF PF = -22.28896 or 1.908 mm from corneal vertex

Similarly, the front principal plane P is located 1.595 mm from corneal vertex.

Total Power
Total Power = n / PF = 1.336 / 22.28896 mm = 0.05994 mm-1= 59.94 D Total Power = 1 / PF PF = -16.683 mm or the front focal point is 15.089 mm from corneal vertex (about where your spectacles sit).


Entrance Pupil VE -0.30376 0.1 VE = 3.038 mm

Exit Pupil 0.108049/1.336


VE = 3.682 mm

Nodal Points
PN = PN= (nvit nair) / = 0.336 / 0.05994 = 5.605 mm Front Nodal Point N is 7.200 mm from corneal vertex Rear Nodal Point N is 7.513 mm from corneal vertex


Angular Subtense
y N N F

y = 16.684 tan Typically, 1 minute of arc is stated as the eyes limit of resolution. This leads to y ~ 5 microns (two points separated by 5 microns on the retina can just be resolved.


Relaxed ciliary muscle pulls zonules taut an flattens crystalline lens.

Constrict ciliary muscle releases tension on zonules and crystalline lens bulges.

Accommodated Gullstrand Model

R (mm) Anterior Cornea Posterior Cornea Anterior Lens 7.8 6.5 6.0 n 1.3771 1.3374 1.4270 1.3360 t (mm) .55 2.65 4.50 16.497

Posterior Lens -5.5

Your ability to accommodate reduces steadily with age. Typically, you dont notice the effects until it affects your ability to read comfortably. This is presbyopia.

Definitions Refractive Error

Myopia near-sightedness. F is in front of retina because eye is too long or power is too high

Hyperopia far-sightedness. F is behind retina because eye is too short or power is too low.

Emmetropia perfect vision. F at retina.

Far Point point conjugate to the retina when eye is unaccommodated. Myopia Hyperopia

Near point point conjugate to the retina when the eye is fully accommodated.

Schematic Eye Models

1924 - Gullstrand made a six surface eye model (crystalline lens with a high index core and a lower index shell). Later reduced to four surfaces since raytracing is time consuming. 1952 - Emsley made a single surface model for simplicity and speed of raytracing. Today, computers can quickly raytrace eye models, so sophistication is ok.
Big Problem with early models is that the surfaces are all spherical. Therefore, the paraxial properties (Cardinal Points) are accurate, but aberrations do not look like clinical findings.

Schematic Eye Models

1971 - Lotmar (JOSA Vol 61, p. 1522) made anterior cornea a polynomial based on clinical measurements and made posterior lens a parabola to give clinical levels of spherical aberration. 1983 and 1985 - Kooijman (JOSA Vol 73, p. 1544) and Navarro (JOSA A Vol 2, p. 1273) Added aspherics to all four surfaces of their models. Kooijman model is based on light distribution on the retina. Navarro added dispersion for chromatic effects

Arizona Eye Model

Name Cornea 6.5 mm Aqueous Lens Vitreous Retina Rant Rpost -13.4 mm Kant Kpost 0.00 -0.25 1.337 nlens 1.336 61.3 51.9 61.1 taq tlens 16.713 mm Radius 7.8 mm Conic -0.25 1.377 57.1 0.55 mm Index Abbe Thickness

Rant = 12.0 0.4A Kant = -7.518749 + 1.285720A Rpost = -5.224557 + 0.2A Kpost = -1.353971 0.431762A tlens = 3.767 + 0.04A taq = 2.97 0.04A nlens = 1.42 + 0.00256A 0.00022A2


r /R r2 1 + 1 (K + 1) 2 R
K < -1 K = -1 -1 < K < 0 K=0 K>0

Conic Section
z = sag of surface r2 = x2 + y2 R = radius of curvature K = conic constant
Hyperboloid Paraboloid Prolate Spheroid (Ellipsoid) Sphere Oblate Spheroid (Ellipsoid)

Prolate Cornea is prolate meaning that it flattens towards the periphery. By adjusting the conic constant, the spherical aberration can be controlled without changing paraxial properties.

R Spherical Oblate

Conic Section (Alternatives)

z= 1 R R 2 (K + 1)r 2 K +1 r 2R

; K -1


; K = -1

z = sag of surface r2 = x2 + y2 R = radius of curvature K = conic constant

Schematic Eyes - Spectral Sensitivity

1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 380
Relative Spectral Sensitivity

Scotopic - Low light level Peak around 505 nm

Photopic Scotopic

Photopic - High light level Peak around 555 nm Mesopic - In between


580 Wvaelength (nm)



To include in raytracing code, weight wavelengths by appropriate curve.

Stiles-Crawford Effect
1933 - Stiles and Crawford found an effect where light striking photoreceptors with a low angle of incidence has a higher efficiency than light striking at a high angle of incidence. Full Effect
Reduced Effect Retinal Photoreceptors

Minimal Effect

Schematic Eye Model

Reduce intensity of flickering beam until it is not detected.

Stiles-Crawford Effect
The Stiles-Crawford effect acts like an apodizing filter. Most raytracing problems allow for apodization. Efficiency of peripheral ray fall to about 20% for 8 mm pupil. L(r) = exp(-0.105r2)
Relative Efficiency

1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -4 -2 0 Pupil Entry Point (m m ) 2 4

Apodization is routinely used in microscopy and astronomy to reduce diffractive halos.

Astronomical Apodization
No Apodization Sonine Apodization

A hexagonal apodizing filter is used in this case to shift the location of the diffracted light to reveal a stellar companion.

Stiles-Crawford Effect
The Stiles-Crawford effect is phototropic (i.e. the retinal photoreceptors realign themselves with the light source.

Eye Axes
Since the eye is not rotationally symmetric (i.e. the centers of curvature of each surface do not lie on a common axis), several axes can be defined which all collapse to the optical axis in rotationally symmetric systems.

Visual Axis
The visual axis connects the fixation point to the front nodal and the rear nodal to the fovea. Usually denoted by angle measured from optical axis. Typically 4 8 The fovea is usually displaced temporally and slightly inferior. Fovea N N

Pupillary Axis
The pupillary axis strikes the cornea at right angles and passes through the center of the entrance pupil. It is equivalent to the chief ray.

Pupillary Axis

Line of Sight
The LOS connects the fixation point to the center of the entrance pupil and the center of the exit pupil to the fovea. Usually denoted by angle measured from pupillary axis. Typically .

Pupillary Axis LOS

Fovea E E

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