Lesson and Learning Task Mod 10

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1. Why do you think biodiversity is important in the survival of the species?

Biodiversity is important in the survival of the species because it provides functioning ecosystems
that supply oxygen, clean air and water, pollination of plants, pest control, wastewater treatment
and many ecosystem services. Biodiversity makes the earth habitable.

2. Why do we need to protect the habitats of animals and other species?

We need to protect the habitats of animals and other species because it promotes biodiversity and
we know how important biodiversity is to all species on Earth. Also, it helps to prevent the entire
ecosystem being harmed. As more and more species face extinction, the work being done to
protect wildlife is becoming more and more important.

3. What are human-caused activities that threaten the loss of species? Discuss at least 3

Human-caused activities that threaten the loss of species are the following:
 Expansion of Roads and Cities
 Logging
 Hunting
 Overfishing

4. How would you reconcile the emerging needs of human beings regarding their health and
the need to protect the growth of biodiversity?

I would reconcile the emerging needs of human beings regarding their health and the need to
protect the growth of biodiversity by supporting local organic farms, raising meat such as cows
and pigs on grass, creating agricultural pods in areas with large population, eat seasonal foods
like foods that are commonly around in winters, summer or etc., recycle food waste into compost
or livestock feed.

5. Do you think that earth can exist without human beings taking care of it? Or biodiversity
also needs human beings for it to be in a continuous growing process?
Yes, I think the Earth would strive much better without humans, if you think about it most of the
problems that we are facing then and to this day is cause by humans. Humans not having to exist
makes Earth a striving planet that has species in it that continuously evolves. With biodiversity,
No, biodiversity does not need humans for it to grow continuous. Biodiversity can grow on its
own, come to think of it, humans are the only ones who are damaging or disrupting the cycle in
the ecosystem by way of activities that harms species, thus resulting to extinction of species.
6. What are small ways that you think would promote safekeeping our biodiversity? What
do you think are the common human activities that can harm biodiversity? What would
be the consequences if these human activities might be stopped and prohibited?

The small way I can think of that would promote safekeeping our biodiversity is by fulfilling our
need as a human in a way that doesn’t interfere with other species and their habitat, if it is
impossible, then lessen the impact or come up with better ways to fulfill human needs with
damaging or disrupting our biodiversity. The common human activities that can harm
biodiversity I think is hunting because it involves killing of different species that can result to
those species being endangered or worst case scenario, extinct. What I think would be the
consequences if these human activities might be stopped and prohibited is that our biodiversity
would be able to strive much better without the interference of human activities.

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