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Screenshot 2023-10-31 at 15.49.09
Screenshot 2023-10-31 at 15.49.09
6 Exploration Working Areas Offered
Peri Mahakam
Jabung Tengah
Government awards oil and gas Contract Area through bidding process for local and foreign
In accordance to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No.35 of 2021,
bidding process is conducted through 2 (two) schemes, they are Regular Tender and Direct
Proposal Tender.
1) and 2) For Exploration Working Area, relinquishment and firm commitment’s during 3 contract years
Direct Proposal Direct Proposal without Joint Study Reguler Tender
JABUNG TENGAH – Direct Proposal
This Working Area is covering approximately 8,728.34 sq km.
The Jabung Tengah area is located in onshore & offshore Jambi, Source Rock
Riau and Riau Islands province of South Sumatera Basin.
consists of Lemat (SUN) Formation
(type I Lacustrine SR), LTAF & UTAF
Formation (type II & III Terrestrial origin
SR) and Baturaja Formation potential
(type II Marine setting).
Fractured Pre-Tertiary Basement,
(Lemat/Lahat) sandstones, LTAF-UTAF
sandsrones, (BRF) carbonate, Gumai
(GUF) and Air Benakat (ABF)
sandstones. All these plays have been
proven productive in adjacent area as
well as in the South Sumatra Basin.
GUF potential as regional top seal for
older plays has been proven in Jabung
areas and most of South Sumatra Basin.
Leads, prospect and potential inventory Trap
Most of the fields in South Sumatra Basin are
structural play either as four-way or three-
way fault bounded closures.
Fluvial, transitional, to shallow
marine facies that were formed in
Early Oligocene to Pliocene.
Sandstone in shallow marine facies
is vary between 4% - 24%.
Carbonate reservoirs have porosity
from 3.2% - 29.3% for Early Miocene
Carbonate and 2.7% - 23% porosity
for Middle Oligocene Carbonate
Seal Trap
seal in Sangkar area consists of Late Miocene Several other trap models in the North East Java
intraformation seal, Miocene intraformation seal, Basin are: three-way dip closure, four-way dip
Early Miocene intraformation seal, and Oligocene closure, fault bounded anticline, and carbonate bulid-
intraformation seal up. And there are also other trap models such as
biogenic gas.
Distribution leads and prospects in the Sangkar Area
Infra Structure Surounding
BUNGA – Direct Proposal
This Working Area is covering approximately 8,500 sq km. PETROLEUM SYSTEM
The Bunga area is located in offshore East Java province of
East Java Basin. Source Rock
Paleocene, Mid Eocene and Mesozoic
Play Concept
Paleocene synrift, Mid-Eocene Clastic,
Buildup Carbonate Eo-Oligocene, Pre
Tertiary Fracture and Pre-Tertiary
Claystone from Late Eocene or Late
Inverted Structure, Gentle anticlinal
trap, Sakala-sepandang Highs, Inverted
Southern Paleogene Graben, Mesozoic
Map of lead distribution Basement and Neogene Stratigraphic
Infrastructure Surounding
PERI MAHAKAM – Direct Proposal
This Working Area is covering approximately 7,415.22 sq km.
The Peri Mahakam area is located in onshore & offshore East Source Rock
Kalimantan province of Kutai Basin.
The source rock of the Peri Mahakam
Play Concept area contains type III and type II/III
kerogen which generated gas and a
mixture of oil and gas (Upper Oligocene
– Miocene)
Associated with fluvio-deltaic, shallow
marine to deep marine facies that were
formed in the Early Miocene to Pliocene
along the deltaic progradation system.
Seals are mostly shallow marine to deep
marine shale formed along the Early
Miocene to Late Pliocene in the delta
Distribution of Closure
progradation system.
Most of the traps began to form in the early
Middle Miocene due to tectonic gravity sliding in
the western part of the Mahakam area
Infrastructure Surounding
PAUS – Direct Proposal without Joint Study
This Working Area is covering approximately 8,214 sq km. PETROLEUM SYSTEM
The Paus area is located in offshore of East Natua Basin.
Source Rock
Play Concept Coals within the fluvial and coastal plain
deposits of the lower Arang and upper
Gabus Formations are considered to be the
primary source rock for the area.
The Terumbu carbonates 100 km the north
of the Paus block has high quality
reservoirs. However, sandstones within
the Muda formation are shown to have
excellent reservoir characteristics also with
porosities ranging from 25 to 35% and
permeability’s from 4 to 85mD.
In the Paus area the prospective sands of the
Pliocene section appear intercalated with shales
that can be very thick and provide an effective
Lead Inventory Structure and stratigraphic
This Working Area is covering approximately 8.738,83 Km2. The Source Rock
Bose area is located in Onshore & Offshore East Nusa Tenggara Those 2 source rocks are known as
Province which is an extension of basin in Northwest Shelf Australia. Mount Goodwin Formation of Early
Triassic (Tatarian-Ladinian) deposited in
Play Concept shallow-deep marine environment and
Aitutu Formation of Late Triassic-Early
Jurassic (Ladinian-Toarcian) deposited in
fluvio-marine environment.
Reservoir potentials in both areas are in
Mesozoic interval, divided into Triassic
and Jurassic Interval.
Early Cretaceous sediment of radiolarite
shale up to Late Cretaceous sediment
and Another interval in offshore area
considered as regional seal is Paleocene
sediment consist of marl intercalated by
Leads inventory in Bose Block shale that is equivalent to Johnson
Formation. Intraformational seal can also
be effective since shaly facies developed
inside Triassic-Jurassic interval, especially
Middle Jurassic-Late Jurassic.
Triassic Shallow Marine Sandstone and
Jurassic Fluvial Deltaic on faulted, Triassic
Shallow marginal Marine Sandstone on
Drape Horst, Jurassic Sandstone Sub-
Thrust and Mio Pliocene Carbonate
Electicity Infrastructure
Accessing Bid Document shall be made during the allocated duration for each Tender Mechanism
Registering your company is mandatory in
▪ NPWP (domestic company) or Tax Payer ID (overseas company)
▪ Company Director’s ID
▪ Notarial Deed, Article of Incorporation
▪ Company Profile
▪ Email (will be used as user)
▪ Phone number
Sign In
Access Bid
Access Data
▪ One (1) Bid Document corresponds to one (1) working area, must be purchased individually
by company. Payment of the Bid Document in the amount of USD 5,000 per Bid Document
shall be made in advance.
▪ In accordance to the regulation concerning NonTax State Revenue deposit, payment of Bid
Document will be handled in SIMPONI account (Ministry of Finance’s account). Guidance
for creating Billing Code, invoice, channel of payment (ie: internet banking, bank teller,
ATM, EDC, mobile banking etc) will be detailed in the
▪ You may check if your bank is registered to our system as state revenue collector agent
service provider in (in Indonesian). Follow the instruction
to proceed payment after have the “Billing Code”. (will be vary depend on the bank’s
Bidder can access data, which shall be
used for technical evaluation of the
For every bidder which has purchased exploration/exploitation work program.
the Bid Document, the Data Package is
free of charge with conditions applies Data Package consists of geological &
1. Did not win the Working Area; or geophysical data and outside which are
2. Does not continue to participate in directly related to the Working Area.
the bidding If the bidder wins the
Working Area, the bidder shall pay
the Data Package
Instead of Data Package accessing for The Data Package shall be access at:
each Working Area, company may
register for membership in MDR Pusat Data dan Teknologi Informasi ESDM
(Migas Data Repository), these (PUSDATIN ESDM)
Pertamina Upstream Data Center
registration valid for one year exclusive
access to Indonesia G&G data library. Taman Tekno, BSD
Komplek Pergudangan Taman Tekno
Bidder which has registered as a MDR’s Blok G2/1, Serpong
member is not obligated to access bid Tangerang Selatan 15314
Data Package. Telp. +62-21-75882510
Fax. +62-21-75882511
With regard to the Minister of Energy
and Mineral Resources Regulation
No.1/2022, PSC’s contractors are
mandatory to register for MDR’s