Booklet Sandwich Mountings

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Available with or without interleaf, the VRD 34/35 type mountings are produced in a range of
Sandwich Mountings rubber hardness ( M45, MN50, MN55 and MN60 ) and sizes, close to stiffness tolerances, for
use as main and auxiliary engine mountings. This type of mounting can also be used in
earthquake and shock area ’ s. In that case, additional calculations are required. All moun-
tings are individually tested and selected on stiffness.
Sandwich mountings, horizontally mounted for stationairy applications
For land-based / stationairy applications, sandwich mountings can be placed horizontally un-
derneath the generatorset, in order to provide a resiliently mounted system. Selection of the
amount and rubber hardness of the sandwich mountings, as well as the position of the sand-
wich mountings, is done based on the weight of the installation, and the disturbing frequencies
that have to be isolated.
Sandwich mountings are perfectly suited for these installations based on their high permanent
workload capacity, and their excellent isolating capabilities, combined with a relatively low
price. Besides, installation of these mountings is very easy, both on initial assembly as well as
upon replacement of the sandwich mountings.

A combination of sandwich mountings arranged in a ‘ V ’ system allows considerable flexibi-
lity to the designer. The important natural frequencies can be positioned into the excitation
free frequency bands and in addition seaway and torque movements are relatively low at the
coupling position. A ‘ V ’ system applies to the installation of a main engine and particulary to
a medium speed engine. With high speed engines the design is in most cases much simpler
than that of the medium speed engine. The acoustic properties of the sandwich mountings are
excellent. The result of the measured structure borne vibration and noise transmission are
available. In both the vertical and horizontal direction, the transfer functions show in the low
frequency range a decrease of 12 dB/octave which can be compared with an ‘ ideal massless
spring characteristic ’ .

We will be pleased to undertake all suspension design calculation and advise on mounting
type, quantity, position and rubbermix to ensure a ‘ faultless ’ flexible mounted installation.
Before we can commence the design of a ‘ V ’ system, detailed information is required.

Mounting selection
The characteristics table is ideal for initial selection; however, it is advisable to seek expert
advice before finalising an installation design. In practice most installations will be subject to
both translational and rotational excitation and in consequence an analysis of all six degrees
of freedom will be necessary. We will be pleased to advise on mounting numbers, rubber mix
and mounting positions to ensure a ‘ faultless ’ flexible mounted installation.
Rubber Design gladly helps you with the engineering of your resilient mounted system. Vibrati-
on calculations are carried out using our specially developed computer programmes to meet
new standards for both crews and passengers.

Shock / earthquake
The standard execution of the VRD 34/35 mountings can withstand shock-displacements up
to 40% of the rubber height of the sandwich mount in lateral direction, and 20% in axial directi-
on. This makes the mounting ideal for usage when equipment is placed in regions where
earthquakes do occur. On application we can supply a special non-magnetic type manufactu-
red in inoxida.

It is our intention to maintain the excellent standard of our products. Modifications and impro-
vements may be made from time to time and it is therefore advisable to contact us before
DOCUMENTATION SHEET Hardness [°Sh. A] Max Marine load [kN] Max Static load [kN] Max. Static vert. defl. [mm]
45° 114 129 16
Sandwich Mountings 50° 133 152 15,5
Type 34L1 55° 161 184 15
60° 191 218 14,5



1 SM / 34L1 / MRT 2013

DOCUMENTATION SHEET Hardness [°Sh. A] Max Marine load [kN] Max Static load [kN] Max. Static vert. defl. [mm]
45° 57 65 16,0
Sandwich Mountings 50° 69 78 15,0
Type 35L0 55° 84 95 14,5
60° 95 108 13,5
65° 105 118 13,0



2 SM / 35L0 / MRT 2013

DOCUMENTATION SHEET Hardness [°Sh. A] Max Marine load [kN] Max Static load [kN] Max. Static vert. defl. [mm]
45° 185 230 15,5
Sandwich Mountings 50° 220 275 14,5
Type 35L1 55° 260 315 14,0
60° 300 365 13,5
65° 340 410 12,5



3 SM / 35L1 / MRT 2013

DOCUMENTATION SHEET Hardness [°Sh. A] Max Marine load [kN] Max Static load [kN] Max. Static vert. defl. [mm]
45° 39 45 16,0
Sandwich Mountings 50° 46 52 15,0
Type 35M0 55° 51 58 14,5
60° 56 64 13,5
65° 60 68 13,0



4 SM / 35M0 / MRT 2013

DOCUMENTATION SHEET Hardness [°Sh. A] Max Marine load [kN] Max Static load [kN] Max. Static vert. defl. [mm]
45° 105 125 15,5
Sandwich Mountings
50° 119 142 14,5
Type 35M1
55° 130 155 14,0
60° 140 167 13,5
65° 150 178 12,5




5 SM / 35M1 / MRT 2013

DOCUMENTATION SHEET Hardness [°Sh. A] Max Marine load [kN] Max Static load [kN] Max. Static vert. defl. [mm]
45° 33 38 16,0
Sandwich Mountings 50° 41 46 15,0
Type 35S0 55° 48 55 14,5
60° 56 64 13,5



6 SM / 35S0 / MRT 2013

DOCUMENTATION SHEET Hardness [°Sh. A] Max Marine load [kN] Max Static load [kN] Max. Static vert. defl. [mm]
45° 74 85 15,5
Sandwich Mountings 50° 91 106 14,5
Type 35S1 111 129 14,0
60° 152 180 13,5



7 SM / 35S1 / MRT 2013

DOCUMENTATION SHEET - The life expectancy of the rubber elements will be approx. 20 years in ideal circumstances.
Unfortunately, ideal circumstances are not feasible, therefore the ( w orking ) life expectancy
Sandwich Mountings will be approx. 10 years. The life expectancy of the rubber elements is dependent on the envi-
ronmental circumstances ( weather influences, contaminants, etc ) .

- A visual inspection of the sandwich mountings should be carried out six months after installa-
tion and should be repeated every year. For better recognition of damages, a blunt pin can be
used. The use of a screwdriver is not advisable, because of the damage it can cause to the
sandwich mountings.

- The use of a natural rubber ( N R ) compound for the rubber elements means that they are
not oil resistant. The occasional occurrence of oil leaks does not effect the working of the
sandwich mountings, because the oil will only damage the surface of the rubber elements. In
case of oil contamination the rubber elements will show some signs of swelling. Certainly ele-
ments showing signs of severe swelling or evidence of rubber to metal separation should be
replaced. To prevent damage caused by oil contamination, the rubber elements can be trea-
ted with an oil resistant coating.

- When cleaning the engine room with a solvent cleansing agent, it is advisable to cover up
the sandwich mountings. If the cleansing agent still contaminates the rubber elements, they
should be cleaned as follows.
Storage, cleaning and maintenace of the rubber elements should be done in accordance with
DIN 7716. The cleaning of the sandwich mountings should be done with a normal
( h ousehold ) cleansing agent. It is also advisable to use a glycerine-alcohol mixture
( 1 :10 ) . Do not use a solvent cleansing agent.

- If required, the customer can paint the sandwich mountings. Be aware that only the top- and
baseplate of the sandwich mounting can be painted. Do not use paint on the rubber element
as the rubber element might be contaminated and therefore be damaged.

- Each sandwich mounting has a serial number for identification, which will be used for repla-
cement to deliver a complete new identical product or to replace the inserts of the mountings,
in question with genuine inserts and/or parts.

Type information can be found on the short side of the top baseplate. The above illustration
gives the meaning of the used code.

- All deliveries are stored for over 20 years in a database including all relevant data and cha-
racteristics. V-positioned sandwich mountings In cases where it is necessary to replace the
rubber insert, we advise to return the complete sandwich mounting to Rubber Design BV.
The central buffer clearance should be examined and reset if necessary after the first week,
after three months, and thereafter to fit in with normal maintenance programmes.


DOCUMENTATION SHEET Mounting and adjustment instructions for horizontally placed sandwich mountings

Sandwich Mountings The sandwich mountings must be mounted on the prepared brackets on the base frame.

Installation instruction
1 ) Fit the sandwich mountings to the bracket on the base frame by means of four M16 bolts.

2 ) Align the generating set above the foundation frames. The mounting holes in sandwich
mounting must be aligned with the holes in the foundation frames.

3 ) Place a steel chock on the foundation frame underneath each sandwich mounting. Thick-
ness of steel chock: 20 mm.

4 ) Lower the generating set until it rests completely on the sandwich mountings

5 ) After 48 hours, level and load distribution should be checked by measuring the height of
the sandwich mounting. The difference between the sandwich mountings should be as small
as possible and should not exceed ± 2 mm.

6 ) The mounting ( s ) with the largest deviation ( from the average ) should be adjusted
first. By machining the steel chock or adding thin steel shims between the sandwich mounting
and the steel chock.

Mounting of sandwich elements on the foundation frame.

7 ) Fix all the sandwich mountings and the steel chocks to the foundation frame with four bolts
per sandwich.

Mounting and adjustment instructions for V-positioned sandwich mountings.

This instructions can be sent upon request.


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