Agujero Macular

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Idiopathic Macular
Hole Preferred Practice

© 2019 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology

Published by Elsevier Inc. ISSN 0161-6420/19
Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

Secretary for Quality of Care

Timothy W. Olsen, MD

Academy Staff
Ali Al-Rajhi, PhD, MPH
Andre Ambrus, MLIS
Meghan Daly
Flora C. Lum, MD

Medical Editor: Susan Garratt

Approved by: Board of Trustees

September 7, 2019

© 2019 American Academy of Ophthalmology®

All rights reserved


registered trademarks of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. All other trademarks are the property of
their respective owners.

Preferred Practice Pattern® guidelines are developed by the Academy’s H. Dunbar Hoskins Jr., MD Center
for Quality Eye Care without any external financial support. Authors and reviewers of the guidelines are
volunteers and do not receive any financial compensation for their contributions to the documents. The
guidelines are externally reviewed by experts and stakeholders before publication.

Ali A. Al-Rajhi, PhD, MPH, American Academy of Ophthalmology, P. O. Box 7424, San Francisco, CA
94120-7424. E-mail: [email protected].

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

The Retina/Vitreous Preferred Practice Pattern® Panel members wrote the Idiopathic Macular Hole
Preferred Practice Pattern® (“PPP”) guidelines. The PPP Panel members discussed and reviewed successive
drafts of the document, meeting in person twice and conducting other review by e-mail discussion, to develop a
consensus over the final version of the document.

Retina/Vitreous Preferred Practice Pattern Panel 2018–2019

Gurunadh A. Vemulakonda, MD, American Society of Retina Specialists Representative
Ron A. Adelman, MD, MPH, MBA, FACS
Steven T. Bailey, MD, Retina Society Representative
Amani Fawzi, MD, Macula Society Representative
Jennifer I. Lim, MD
Gui-shang Ying, MD, PhD, Methodologist
Christina J. Flaxel, MD

We thank our partners, the Cochrane Eyes and Vision US Satellite (CEV@US), for identifying reliable systematic
reviews that we cite and discuss in support of the PPP recommendations.

The Preferred Practice Patterns Committee members reviewed and discussed the document during a meeting
in June 2019. The document was edited in response to the discussion and comments.

Preferred Practice Patterns Committee 2019

Robert S. Feder, MD, Chair
Roy S. Chuck, MD, PhD
Steven P. Dunn, MD
Christina J. Flaxel, MD
Steven J. Gedde, MD
Francis S. Mah, MD
Randall J. Olson, MD
David K. Wallace, MD, MPH
David C. Musch, PhD, MPH, Methodologist

The Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP was then sent for review to additional internal and external groups and individuals
in July 2019. All those returning comments were required to provide disclosure of relevant relationships with
industry to have their comments considered (indicated with an asterisk below). Members of the Retina/Vitreous
Preferred Practice Pattern Panel reviewed and discussed these comments and determined revisions to the document.

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

In compliance with the Council of Medical Specialty Societies’ Code for Interactions with Companies
(available at, relevant relationships with industry are listed. The
Academy has Relationship with Industry Procedures to comply with the Code (available at A majority (88%) of the members of the Retina/Vitreous
Preferred Practice Pattern Panel 2018–2019 had no financial relationship to disclose.

Retina/Vitreous Preferred Practice Pattern Panel 2018–2019

Christina J. Flaxel, MD: No financial relationships to disclose
Ron A. Adelman, MD, MPH, MBA, FACS: No financial relationships to disclose
Steven T. Bailey, MD: No financial relationships to disclose
Amani Fawzi, MD: No financial relationships to disclose
Jennifer I. Lim, MD: Alcon Laboratories—Consultant/Advisor
Gurunadh A. Vemulakonda, MD: No financial relationships to disclose
Gui-shang Ying, MD, PhD: No financial relationships to disclose

Preferred Practice Patterns Committee 2019

Robert S. Feder, MD, Chair: No financial relationships to disclose
Roy S. Chuck, MD, PhD: Novartis—Consultant/Advisor
Steven P. Dunn, MD: No financial relationships to disclose
Christina J. Flaxel, MD: No financial relationships to disclose
Steven J. Gedde, MD: No financial relationships to disclose
Francis S. Mah, MD: Novartis—Consultant/Advisor & Lecture Fees
Randall J. Olson, MD: No financial relationships to disclose
David K. Wallace, MD, MPH: No financial relationships to disclose
David C. Musch, PhD, MPH, Methodologist: IRIDEX, Notal Vision—Consultant/Advisor

Secretary for Quality of Care

Timothy W. Olsen, MD: No financial relationships to disclose

Academy Staff
Ali Al-Rajhi, PhD, MPH: No financial relationships to disclose
Andre Ambrus, MLIS: No financial relationships to disclose
Meghan Daly: No financial relationships to disclose
Flora C. Lum, MD: No financial relationships to disclose

The disclosures of relevant relationships to industry of other reviewers of the document from January to
October 2019 are available online at

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

OBJECTIVES OF PREFERRED PRACTICE PATTERN GUIDELINES ...........................................P190

METHODS AND KEY TO RATINGS .......................................................................................................P191
HIGHLIGHTED FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CARE ...........................................P192
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................P193
Disease Definition ..........................................................................................................................................P193
Patient Population ...........................................................................................................................................P193
Clinical Objectives .........................................................................................................................................P193
BACKGROUND ...........................................................................................................................................P193
Epidemiology .................................................................................................................................................P193
Natural History ...............................................................................................................................................P193
CARE PROCESS .........................................................................................................................................P196
Patient Outcome Criteria ................................................................................................................................P196
Diagnosis ........................................................................................................................................................P196
History ...................................................................................................................................................P196
Examination ...........................................................................................................................................P197
Ancillary Tests .......................................................................................................................................P197
Management ...................................................................................................................................................P197
Prevention and Early Detection .............................................................................................................P197
Early Stages ...........................................................................................................................................P197
Later Stages ...........................................................................................................................................P198
Surgical Management ............................................................................................................................P200
Preoperative Discussion ................................................................................................................P200
Vitrectomy ....................................................................................................................................P200
Detaching the Posterior Vitreous ..................................................................................................P201
Internal Limiting Membrane Removal and Dyes..........................................................................P201
Seal ...............................................................................................................................................P203
Positioning ....................................................................................................................................P204
Outcomes of Surgery ....................................................................................................................P204
Predictors of Visual Results ..........................................................................................................P205
Complications of Vitrectomy........................................................................................................P205
Follow-up Evaluation after Surgery..............................................................................................P207
Vitreopharmacolysis .....................................................................................................................P208
Provider and Setting .......................................................................................................................................P210
Counseling and Referral .................................................................................................................................P210
Socioeconomic Considerations .......................................................................................................................P210
APPENDIX 1. QUALITY OF OPHTHALMIC CARE CORE CRITERIA ..........................................P211
LITERATURE SEARCHES FOR THIS PPP ...........................................................................................P213
RELATED ACADEMY MATERIALS ......................................................................................................P214
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................................P215

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

An idiopathic macular hole (or macular hole) is an anatomic discontinuity of the neurosensory
retina that develops in the center of the macula or fovea. The formation of a macular hole
typically evolves over a period of weeks to months through the clinically defined stages. Macular
holes are more common in females than in males and usually manifest in adults 55 years of age
or older. Most investigators believe that macular holes are caused by pathologic vitreoretinal
traction at the fovea. There is a high rate of macular hole formation in the fellow eye (10% to
15%) in the 5-year period after a macular hole occurs in the first eye. The recommendations of
this Preferred Practice Pattern (PPP) are based on Cochrane-identified reliable systematic
Rationale for treatment:
The patient outcome criteria and rational for treatment include the prevention of visual loss and
functional impairment, improvement of visual function, and maintenance or improvement of
quality of life. It should be noted that early detection of a macular hole is associated with both a
higher closure rate after vitrectomy surgery as well as better postoperative visual acuity.

Care Process:
The care process for a patient with symptoms and signs suggestive of a macular hole starts with
all the elements of a comprehensive adult eye evaluation, with attention to those aspects relevant
to macular hole. For each patient, physicians are recommended to examine their medical history,
conduct an ophthalmologic examination (e.g., slit-lamp biomicropscopy, an indirect peripheral
retinal examination, Amsler grid test and/or Watzke-Allen test), and complete ancillary tests
including OCT.

Diagnosis and management of macular hole requires expertise, skills, and specialized equipment
to detect alterations in the retina and then select, perform, and/or monitor the appropriate
treatment regimen. Referral to an ophthalmologist who has expertise and experience in managing
this condition is recommended. Management of an early or later stage macular hole is detailed in
this PPP, which includes surgical management and follow-up evaluation. At the time of this
published PPP, there are no known preventive measures for the development of a macular hole.


Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

As a service to its members and the public, the American Academy of Ophthalmology has developed a series
of Preferred Practice Pattern® guidelines that identify characteristics and components of quality eye care.
Appendix 1 describes the core criteria of quality eye care.

The Preferred Practice Pattern® guidelines are based on the best available scientific data as interpreted by
panels of knowledgeable health professionals. In some instances, such as when results of carefully conducted
clinical trials are available, the data are particularly persuasive and provide clear guidance. In other instances,
the panels have to rely on their collective judgment and evaluation of available evidence.

These documents provide guidance for the pattern of practice, not for the care of a particular
individual. While they should generally meet the needs of most patients, they cannot possibly best meet the
needs of all patients. Adherence to these PPPs will not ensure a successful outcome in every situation. These
practice patterns should not be deemed inclusive of all proper methods of care or exclusive of other methods
of care reasonably directed at obtaining the best results. It may be necessary to approach different patients’
needs in different ways. The physician must make the ultimate judgment about the propriety of the care of a
particular patient in light of all of the circumstances presented by that patient. The American Academy of
Ophthalmology is available to assist members in resolving ethical dilemmas that arise in the course of
ophthalmic practice.

Preferred Practice Pattern® guidelines are not medical standards to be adhered to in all individual
situations. The Academy specifically disclaims any and all liability for injury or other damages of any kind,
from negligence or otherwise, for any and all claims that may arise out of the use of any recommendations or
other information contained herein.

References to certain drugs, instruments, and other products are made for illustrative purposes only and are
not intended to constitute an endorsement of such. Such material may include information on applications
that are not considered community standard, that reflect indications not included in approved US Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) labeling, or that are approved for use only in restricted research settings. The
FDA has stated that it is the responsibility of the physician to determine the FDA status of each drug or
device he or she wishes to use, and to use them with appropriate patient consent in compliance with
applicable law.

Innovation in medicine is essential to ensure the future health of the American public, and the Academy
encourages the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic methods that will improve eye care. It is
essential to recognize that true medical excellence is achieved only when the patients’ needs are the foremost

All Preferred Practice Pattern® guidelines are reviewed by their parent panel annually or earlier if
developments warrant and updated accordingly. To ensure that all PPPs are current, each is valid for 5 years
from the approved by date unless superseded by a revision. Preferred Practice Pattern guidelines are funded
by the Academy without commercial support. Authors and reviewers of PPPs are volunteers and do not
receive any financial compensation for their contributions to the documents. The PPPs are externally
reviewed by experts and stakeholders, including consumer representatives, before publication. The PPPs are
developed in compliance with the Council of Medical Specialty Societies’ Code for Interactions with
Companies. The Academy has Relationship with Industry Procedures (available at
preferred-practice-patterns) to comply with the Code.

The intended users of the Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP are ophthalmologists.

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

Preferred Practice Pattern® guidelines should be clinically relevant and specific enough to provide
useful information to practitioners. Where evidence exists to support a recommendation for care, the
recommendation should be given an explicit rating that shows the strength of evidence. To accomplish
these aims, methods from the Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline Network1 (SIGN) and the Grading of
Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation2 (GRADE) group are used. GRADE is a
systematic approach to grading the strength of the total body of evidence that is available to support
recommendations on a specific clinical management issue. Organizations that have adopted GRADE
include SIGN, the World Health Organization, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Policy, and the
American College of Physicians.3
◆ All studies used to form a recommendation for care are graded for strength of evidence individually, and
that grade is listed with the study citation.
◆ To rate individual studies, a scale based on SIGN1 is used. The definitions and levels of evidence to rate
individual studies are as follows:
I++ High-quality meta-analyses, systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials (RCTs), or
RCTs with a very low risk of bias
I+ Well-conducted meta-analyses, systematic reviews of RCTs, or RCTs with a low risk of bias
I- Meta-analyses, systematic reviews of RCTs, or RCTs with a high risk of bias
II++ High-quality systematic reviews of case-control or cohort studies
High-quality case-control or cohort studies with a very low risk of confounding or bias and a
high probability that the relationship is causal
II+ Well-conducted case-control or cohort studies with a low risk of confounding or bias and a
moderate probability that the relationship is causal
II- Case-control or cohort studies with a high risk of confounding or bias and a significant risk that
the relationship is not causal
III Nonanalytic studies (e.g., case reports, case series)

◆ Recommendations for care are formed based on the body of the evidence. The body of evidence quality
ratings are defined by GRADE2 as follows:
Good quality Further research is very unlikely to change our confidence in the estimate of
Moderate quality Further research is likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the
estimate of effect and may change the estimate
Insufficient quality Further research is very likely to have an important impact on our confidence in
the estimate of effect and is likely to change the estimate
Any estimate of effect is very uncertain

◆ Key recommendations for care are defined by GRADE2 as follows:

Strong Used when the desirable effects of an intervention clearly outweigh the
recommendation undesirable effects or clearly do not
Discretionary Used when the trade-offs are less certain—either because of low-quality evidence
recommendation or because evidence suggests that desirable and undesirable effects are closely

◆ The Highlighted Findings and Recommendations for Care section lists points determined by the PPP
Panel to be of particular importance to vision and quality of life outcomes.
◆ All recommendations for care in this PPP were rated using the system described above. Ratings are embedded
throughout the PPP main text in italics.
◆ Literature searches to update the PPP were undertaken in April 2018 and June 2019 in PubMed and the
Cochrane Library. Complete details of the literature searches are available online at

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

Macular holes are more common in females than in males and usually occur after age 55. There is a high rate
of macular hole formation in the fellow eye (10%-15%) in the 5-year period after a macular hole occurs in
the first eye.

Patients with vitreous traction and no macular hole (stage 1-A or 1-B) should be observed without treatment,
because they often remain stable or even improve. Currently, there is no evidence that treatment improves the

Most patients with stage 2 to 4 macular holes will have a poor prognosis without treatment. The visual
prognosis is good following successful macular hole closure. The benefits of treatment designed to achieve
macular hole closure should be discussed.

Studies report that approximately 90% of recent macular holes that are <400 µm can be closed with
vitrectomy surgery.

The early detection of a macular hole is associated with both a higher closure rate after vitrectomy surgery as
well as better postoperative visual acuity.

Careful removal of the internal limiting membrane (ILM) during vitrectomy surgery increases the macular
hole closure rate without adversely affecting the visual acuity.

Cataract is a frequent complication of vitrectomy surgery to repair macular holes. This risk should be
discussed with patients preoperatively, and postoperative monitoring is advised.

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

A macular hole is a discontinuity of the neurosensory retina, located at the fovea.

The patient population consists of adults often 55 years of age or older, most of whom are women,
who have idiopathic macular holes.

◆ Identify patients at risk for macular hole

◆ Educate high-risk patients about the reason for periodic monocular self-assessment and follow-up
examination, the symptoms of a macular hole, and the need to return promptly should symptoms occur
◆ Follow patients who are at risk for vision loss from macular hole
◆ Inform patients of the risks and benefits of the treatment options for macular hole
◆ Optimize recovery of visual function

A macular hole is an anatomic discontinuity of the neurosensory retina that develops in the center of the
macula or fovea. Typically, the patient will experience metamorphopsia and decreased visual acuity, which
may progress to a central scotoma as the macular hole enlarges.4,5 Most investigators believe that macular
holes are caused by pathologic vitreoretinal traction at the fovea. Uncontrolled series also suggest that trauma
may be responsible for a minority of macular hole cases.6,7 It is important to differentiate a full-thickness
macular hole (FTMH) from a lamellar macular hole, which is a partial-thickness defect in the neurosensory
retina. Another macular abnormality that can simulate an FTMH on clinical examination is a macular
pseudohole, a circular or oval configuration of the foveal depression that can result in perifoveal fraction
from an epiretinal membrane. A pseudohole has no retinal defect but can give the false clinical appearance of
an FTMH.

The Beijing Eye Study is a population-based cross-sectional study of 4346 subjects aged 40 or older,
that found an FTMH in eight eyes of seven subjects, which corresponds to a prevalence of 1.6 per
1000 Chinese people having a macular hole in this age range. 8 Another population-based cross-
sectional study in rural India of 4542 people aged 30 or older found a macular hole in 18 eyes of 13
subjects, which corresponds to a prevalence of 2.7 per 1000 people having a macular hole in this age
Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

range.9 In the United States, a population-based retrospective study of the largely Caucasian residents
(>90%) of Olmsted County, Minnesota, estimated the age- and sex-adjusted incidence of macular
holes to be 7.8 people and 8.7 eyes per 100,000 people (all ages) per year.10 In a case-control study,
the majority (72%) of idiopathic macular holes occurred in women; more than 50% of holes were
found in individuals 65 to 74 years of age and only 3% in those under the age of 55.11 The 5-year risk
of a patient with an FTMH of developing an FTMH in the fellow eye was approximately 10% to
15%.12-18 Fellow eyes with a complete posterior vitreous detachment have a lower risk of developing
an FTMH. In one study, it was observed that no fellow eye with a complete posterior vitreous
detachment developed an FTMH during a median follow-up period of 33 months (range, 9--99

The formation of a macular hole typically evolves over a period of weeks to months through the
clinically defined stages first described by Gass,19 although some macular holes may develop more
rapidly. In both cases, macular holes are frequently detected when the patient’s symptoms change
relatively abruptly.19,20 The anatomic findings from optical coherence tomography (OCT) support
Gass’ original observations, and an updated classification of the stages of development of FTMH is
described in Table 1.

Importantly, a full-thickness retinal defect is not present in stages 1-A and 1-B. Therefore, these
stages may be better classified as impending macular holes.

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

• ≥

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

Evidence provided by OCT,21,22,26-29 retinal thickness analyzer,30 scanning laser ophthalmoscopy,31

and observations made during vitrectomy32,33 suggests that vitreomacular traction (VMT) or
vitreomacular adhesion (VMA) is likely responsible for a stage 1-A hole. Some impending holes may
resolve spontaneously and completely,34,35 while a few may evolve into lamellar or partial-thickness
holes. About to 40% to 50% of pseudocysts characteristic of impending holes may progress over a
period of weeks to months to an FTMH, often passing from stage 1-A through stage 1-B.34,36
Approximately 75% of stage 2 macular holes progress to stage 3 or stage 4 macular holes.16,36-39

The prognosis of untreated FTMHs is poor. Only 5% will have 20/50 visual acuity or better,
approximately 55% will have visual acuity of 20/100 or better, and 40% will have visual acuity of
20/200 or worse.14,17,24,40,41 Sixty percent of eyes with an FTMH lose 2 or more lines of vision over 5
years of follow-up.17,40 After a follow-up of 3 to 5 years, 70% to 80% of eyes will have 20/200 or
worse visual acuity, and the visual acuity in the remaining 20% to 30% will usually be 20/70 to
20/100.14,24,40,41 In about 3% to 11% of cases, an FTMH will close spontaneously.16,17,42-44 If the hole
closes spontaneously, the visual acuity may recover dramatically. The vast majority of eyes with
untreated macular holes deteriorates to the 20/100 to 20/400 range and then stabilizes with good
peripheral vision.

Patient outcome criteria include the following:

◆ Prevention of visual loss and functional impairment

◆ Improvement of visual function
◆ Maintenance or improvement of quality of life

The initial evaluation of a patient with symptoms and signs suggestive of macular hole includes all
features of a comprehensive adult medical eye evaluation, with particular attention to those aspects
relevant to macular hole.45 Conditions often mistaken for the various stages of macular hole include
cystoid macular edema, central serous retinopathy, a subfoveal druse, lamellar macular hole, epiretinal
membrane with pseudohole, and solar maculopathy.46-48

A complete history includes the following elements, although the exact composition varies
according to the patient's particular symptomatology and specific needs.

◆ Duration of symptoms
Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

◆ Ocular history: glaucoma, retinal detachment or tear, other eye disease, eye or head injuries,
ocular surgery, or sun or eclipse gazing or use of a laser pointer or other type of laser
◆ Medication use that may be related to macular cystoid edema (e.g., systemic niacin, topical
prostaglandin analogues, tamoxifen)

Examination includes the following elements:

◆ Slit-lamp biomicroscopy of the macula and vitreoretinal interface

◆ An indirect peripheral retinal examination
◆ Amsler grid test and/or Watzke-Allen test

Optical coherence tomography is extremely helpful and offers detailed information about the
macular anatomy size of the macular hole if an FTMH is present, and presence of any VMT or
an epiretinal membrane. This information aids in the diagnosis, staging, and follow-up.49,50
Optical coherence tomography images are also helpful with patient education. However,
FTMHs are often readily apparent with slit-lamp biomicroscopy of the fundus.

At this time, there is no known prevention for the development of an idiopathic macular hole.
The initial evaluation should include a careful assessment of the fellow eye. Fellow eyes are at
higher risk of developing a macular hole when a definite posterior vitreous detachment cannot
be confirmed. Early detection of a macular hole and intervention with vitrectomy surgery is
associated with both a higher macular hole closure rate after vitrectomy surgery as well as
better postoperative visual acuity, perhaps because of the smaller size of the hole and a more
limited duration of compromise to the macula. For these reasons, it is important to diagnose a
macular hole in the fellow eye as soon as possible. Thus, patients should be educated about
early warning signs such as metamorphopsia or any changes in central vision. An OCT image
of the macula of the fellow eye may also help to identify at-risk eyes, evident by the presence of
vitreous traction at or near the center of the macula.

Some people with stage 1-A or 1-B macular holes have foveal cysts that may resolve
completely without treatment.34,35 One study reported that patients with foveal cysts can remain
stable with good vision for up to 5 years.16 The visual acuity of patients with stage 1 macular
hole (i.e. impending macular hole) may improve spontaneously when the posterior vitreous

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

detaches from the central macula. Most patients who present with good central visual acuity can
be followed and asked to return promptly if symptoms worsen.34 Although stage 1-A and early
stage 1-B lesions have been referred to as early or impending macular holes, only about 50%
progress to an FTMH from persistent VMT.36 When the vitreous attachment spontaneously
separates from the fovea in the other 50%, the appearance of the fovea either returns to normal
or appears as a reddish spot and there is often a rapid improvement in visual symptoms. 19,34,51
Vitrectomy surgery to prevent an FTMH has been explored and has been shown to have no
effect on the rate of progression to an FTMH.34

When the macular hole progresses beyond stage 2, further vision loss will occur if the patient
does not receive treatment. Moreover, as the macular hole enlarges, epiretinal membranes may
develop and the success rate of macular hole closure with vitrectomy surgery may decrease.52 A
Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis by Parravano in 2015 has demonstrated the
benefit of vitrectomy on improving visual acuity outcomes and increasing macular hole closure
rates.53 (I+, Moderate quality, Strong recommendation)

Table 2 delineates management recommendations for each of the stages of macular hole.

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

The preoperative discussion should include the following information:

◆ The natural history of most eyes with an untreated macular hole is progressive loss of
central vision resulting in visual acuity in the 20/200 to 20/400 range. The peripheral vision
is usually unaffected. Delays in repair of macular hole may result in reduced success of
hole closure and visual benefit.
◆ Phaco-vitrectomy could be considered.56
◆ The risk of developing a macular hole in the fellow eye if the vitreous is attached to the
macula is 10% to 15%; the risk is lower of the vitreous appears detached.
◆ There is a remote chance for spontaneous macular hole closure. If this happens, there may
be visual gain depending on the duration and size of the macular hole.
◆ Vision does not typically return to “normal” even after successful hole closure.
◆ The option to use intravitreal ocriplasmin or expansile gas to treat a macular hole should be
discussed if the eye has an associated VMT. The discussion should include detailed risks
and benefits for each option relative to vitrectomy surgery and continued
observation.57,58The expected visual outcome of successful hole closure should also be
discussed, including residual visual blur and metamorphopsia that will likely persist after
hole closure.

For surgery, the discussion should include the following:

◆ The type of anesthesia required. (Usually, monitored anesthesia care is provided with a
local anesthetic.) Macular hole surgery can be performed under general anesthesia for
anxious or claustrophobic patients.
◆ The use of nitrous oxide gas. It should be avoided at least during the last 10 minutes of the
air fluid exchange when general anesthesia is used because it may result in an
unpredictable gas fill postoperatively.
◆ The risks (e.g., cataract, retinal tears) versus benefits of vitrectomy surgery.
◆ The role of positioning postoperatively. Detailed instructions about positioning
postoperatively to tamponade the hole and minimize the risk of developing a cataract in
phakic eyes should be discussed prior to scheduling surgery. Information can be given
about equipment that can be rented and purchased for postoperative positioning.
◆ The possibility of an increase in postoperative intraocular pressure (IOP). The surgeon
should inform patients about this possibility. In order to minimize the risk, patients should
be advised about the importance of maintaining their scheduled postoperative examination
visits and avoiding travel to higher altitudes, especially above 2000 feet altitude. Severe
Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

and sustained elevations in IOP can result in permanent vision loss, especially in patients
with glaucoma. The surgeon is responsible for formulating a postoperative care plan and
should inform the patient of these arrangements. 57,58

An important anatomic goal of the pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) for macular hole closure is
to separate the posterior cortical hyaloid from the retinal surface of the macula. Various
surgeons have individual preferences or techniques to accomplish the surgical objectives.
Triamcinolone acetonide can be injected into the vitreous following a core vitrectomy to
highlight the posterior vitreous. Iatrogenic retinal breaks may develop in eyes with macular
holes, often during the creation of a posterior vitreous detachment.59 Thus, an intra-
operative examination of the peripheral retina for breaks or tears should be performed
intraoperatively prior to air-fluid exchange to minimize the risk of postoperative retinal

Another unsettled controversy is the value of removing the internal limiting membrane
(ILM) during surgery. The ILM may act as a scaffold for cellular proliferation or
attachment of contractile tissue elements that may cause persistent VMT after vitrectomy.
Thus, failure of the original vitrectomy surgery to close the macular hole or late reopening
of initially successfully closed holes may occur without removal of the ILM.60 On the other
hand, loss of its structural role or secondary collateral nerve fiber layer loss during removal
may be detrimental.60-62 In a recent large meta-analysis of 5480 cases, Rahimy and
McCannell concluded that ILM peeling at the time of surgery significantly reduces the
likelihood of the hole reopening but without better postoperative best-corrected visual
acuities.63 (I++, Good quality, Strong recommendation)

Table 3 summarizes large case series and randomized controlled trials that compared
macular hole closure rates following vitrectomies when the ILM was either peeled or not
peeled. Margherio et al found little difference with ILM removal,64 whereas Tognetto et al
found statistical evidence that ILM peeling is associated with higher rates of macular hole
closure.65 Brooks et al reported an 18% difference in favor of ILM peeling with a
statistically significant difference in visual acuity between the peeling and non-peeling
groups.66 Interestingly, they noted a rather high rate (25%) of macular holes reopening in
the non-peeled eyes compared with no reopening in ILM peeled macular holes.66 In their
randomized controlled trials, Christensen et al and Lois et al reported a greater difference
in hole closure rates in favor of ILM peeling. 56,61 However, these trials were small and
subject to some potential biases.

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

A meta-analysis of 4 randomized control trials which included 317 patients with stage 2-4
idiopathic full thickness macular holes by Spiteri et al found that ILM peeling achieves
higher anatomical success with a reduced need for additional surgical interventions when
compared with non-peeling in treating patients at stages 2, 3, and 4.68,69 One study in 2016
evaluated a small group of eyes that compared the extent of the ILM peel and evaluated
outcomes. This study did show there was less metamorphopsia associated with wider ILM
peel.70 The use of inverted ILM flaps has been shown to be an effective technique for
addressing idiopathic, myopic, and large macular holes, improving both functional and
anatomical outcomes.71-73 In general, it is thought that large, chronic, and myopic macular
holes may benefit from ILM peeling, while small, recent macular holes may not need ILM
peeling in all cases.74

A cost-effectiveness analysis was also performed alongside a RCT and concluded that ILM
peeling is a cost-effective treatment for FTMH compared to no-peeling technique over a 6-

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

month period and was based on the higher number of reoperations required in the no-peel
arm of the trial.75

Indocyanine green (ICG), trypan blue (TP), brilliant blue (BB), and other dyes, as well as
triamcinolone acetonide (TA), have been reported to optimize visualization of the ILM
during surgery.76-80 When ICG was used initially, reports of visual field defects and retinal
pigment epithelium abnormalities in the foveal center raised concerns about possible
toxicity.81,82 Subsequent studies have suggested either a slight decrease in postoperative
visual acuity using ICG compared with using no dye or no difference between the various
dyes.77,78,80,82-88 A meta-analysis concluded that there is no difference in the rate of macular
hole closure between eyes with ILMs that were peeled without dye or with the use of ICG
or BB.88 The authors found a slight decrease in visual acuity outcomes using ICG for ILM
peeling during the first postoperative year; however, there was no difference thereafter and
no difference even during the first year when a concentration of ≤0.05% ICG was used. 88 A
recent retrospective study of 351 patients found that the closure rate of ICG-assisted ILM
peels (73.2%) was statistically lower than the closure rate using BB, but this closure rate is
lower than that seen in most other studies of ILM peeling in FTMH.89 One study compared
cone electroretinograms after ILM peeling using BB, ICG, or TA and found no difference
in visual acuity at 6 months among the groups but it found a decreased photopic negative
response with ICG compared with the other agents, indicating possible subclinical
impairments of the retinal ganglion cell layer.88 However, a similar paper, reporting on 48
eyes of 48 patients with a macular hole in which, the same three agents were used (16 per
agent) found no differences in focal macular electroretinogram outcomes between agents; it
concluded that none of the three agents is toxic to the macula.90 Triamcinolone acetonide
has been safely used to visualize residual vitreous to facilitate removal of the ILM with
good results and low concerns for toxicity. 76,80

Importantly, when the surgeon prefers ICG to stain the ILM, efforts should be made to
avoid unnecessarily high concentrations of ICG or prolonged exposure. And, in summary,
definitive recommendations about the use of specific dyes to peel the ILM in macular hole
surgery simply do not exist in the literature. Unfortunately, there has not been a large
randomized trial comparing dyes in ILM peeling.

Retinal tamponade may be created by intravitreal injection of different agents at the

conclusion of macular hole surgery to achieve anatomic closure of the macular hole. In
general, there is no consensus about the best choice of tamponade agent. Tamponade
options include the use of air (lasting days), SF6 (lasting about 2 weeks), C3F8 (lasting
about 6 weeks), or silicone oil (long term). Two early studies found that better results were
achieved by using C3F8 gas when compared with SF6 gas.91,92 A later study found no

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

difference in results when comparing the use of these two gases.93 A recent study found a
98% rate of closure using SF6 gas.94 High closure rates have been reported when air
tamponade and ILM peeling are used,66 though this may not apply to larger macular holes
(>400 µm).95

Silicone oil may be used for patients who cannot position facedown.96,97 In one study, 86%
of 40 holes were closed using silicone oil;96 however, these same investigators later
concluded that the anatomic and visual results are better with gas tamponade. 98 Using
silicone oil also requires a second operation to remove oil. Postoperative, patients may
have ellipsoid zone loss in the area of the previous macular hole and may note distortions
centrally, even after surgical repair.98

In the early days of macular hole surgery, patients were instructed to maintain a face-down
position for 10 to 14 days postoperatively to optimize macular hole closure. Postoperative
prone positioning is uncomfortable for the patient. In some cases, positioning may be
extremely difficult or even lead to pressure sores or neuropathy.99-101 Recent studies have
reported excellent results using face-down positioning for 1 to 3 days.94,102,103 Surgeons
have reported closure rates with no face-down positioning that are similar to the rates seen
in series requiring face-down positioning.104-110 Longer positioning may be required for
holes larger than 400 µm or those with inadequate gas fill.63,108

A small comparative study was published comparing facedown positioning to not being
face down and found that differences in positioning had no effect on the macular hole
closure rate.111 In all of these studies, however, the patient was told to avoid the face-up or
supine positioning. Specifically, recommendations were for an upright position that
avoided the head tilting back.108,110 Additionally, some advocates of this approach have
emphasized the importance of a good postoperative gas fill to allow for tamponade of the
macular hole without prone positioning.112 Longer positioning may be required for holes
larger than 400 µm or those with inadequate tamponade. 63,108 This minimizes the risk of
cataract progression and provide some tamponade of the macular hole.

Some studies have monitored the timeline of macular hole closure by obtaining OCT
imaging of the macula within days of vitrectomy surgery (through the gas-filled vitreous
cavity) and used that information to curtail positioning. 113-117 In a recent meta-analysis of
251 cases by Hu et al. concluded that no face down positioning was similar to face down
positioning for holes smaller than 400µm, but face-down positioning may be beneficial for
holes larger than 400µm.118 (I+, Good Quality, Discretionary Recommendation)

Two multicenter, randomized, controlled trials provide evidence for the efficacy of surgery
compared with observation for FTMH.39,43 One study of 120 patients with stage 3 and stage
Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

4 macular holes reported a benefit from vitrectomy surgery in the closure rate and visual
acuity 6 months after randomization.43 However, results with stage 2 macular holes did not
demonstrate a similar benefit.39 Nevertheless, the consensus of the vitreoretinal community
is to recommend surgery for a stage 2 macular hole, not only because the visual acuity
results are good with surgery but also to minimize further visual loss that accompanies
progression to a stage 3 or stage 4 macular hole. However, observation with close follow-
up is also recommended for early-stage macular holes. For a stage 1 macular hole, a
randomized controlled study showed that 60% may not progress to an FTMH and that
vitrectomy surgery did not prevent the progression of stage 1 macular holes.34 With OCT
imaging, the physician is able to monitor the progress of early-stage macular holes and
make appropriate treatment recommendations.

Surgical studies have reported closure rates of 91% to 98% for FTMHs.83,94,102,110 Most
articles have reported that the median postoperative visual acuity of sealed macular holes is
approximately 20/40,77,83,94,102,110,119-121 clearly better than the visual acuity of untreated
macular holes.14,17,24,40,41 However, post-operatively patients may have elliptical zone loss
in the area of the previous macular hole and may note some distortion in central vision
even after successful surgical repair of the macular hole.

In case series, many authors have reported better closure rates and better final visual
acuities when the duration of symptoms is less than 6 months.122-126 Findings from case
series indicate that a macular hole that has been present for more than 2 to 3 years may be
closed, yet the success rate is lower (63%) and visual acuity outcomes are worse than for a
macular hole of shorter duration.66,122,127-132

Patients whose macular holes fail to seal after the first surgery usually have a less favorable
visual acuity outcome when compared with primary closure. Two studies have shown that
up to 70% of the macular holes close following additional vitrectomy surgery but visual
gain may be reduced. An improvement of only 1 line in visual acuity and an approximate
visual acuity of 20/100 were reported.133,134 On the other hand, patients whose macular
holes closed following the initial surgery but then required additional vitrectomy for
reopened hole did better than those who required additional surgery.133

The vast majority of phakic eyes in adults develop cataracts after macular hole surgery.
Clinically significant cataract develops in over 80% of phakic eyes within the first few
years after vitrectomy.135,136 One study found that the median time to cataract surgery
after vitrectomy for a macular hole was 14 months and that 98% of eyes needed cataract

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

surgery when followed for a mean of 91 months after vitrectomy.137 One study showed
a high rate of 11% of closed macular holes reopening after cataract surgery and that the
development of cystoid macular edema after surgery increased the risk by sevenfold.138
Given the rate of cataract formation and risk of reopening of the macular hole, some
surgeons advocate combining macular hole surgery with phacoemulsification and
placement of an intraocular lens.104,138-140 A combined procedure eliminates the need for
two operations and may allow for a more complete gas fill.104,138,139 The potential
complications of combining cataract surgery with vitrectomy include hypotony,
intraocular lens-iris capture, and possibly an increased risk of macular edema in some
patients. Up to 10% of successfully closed macular holes later reopen, although the risk
might be less when the ILM is peeled during the vitrectomy to close the hole. 18,137,141-146

Intraoperative retinal tears have been reported in 3% to 17% of macular hole operations,
and most occur inferiorly.144,145,147-151

Although postoperative retinal detachment has been reported to be as high as 14% of

cases, most series report an incidence of 1% to 5%.64,77,104,144,145,147-149,152 The
detachment is typically located inferiorly and caused by small flap tears at the posterior
vitreous base. Fortunately, most detachments can be repaired without reopening of the

In the past, up to 20% of patients were noted to have a permanent temporal visual field
loss after macular hole surgery.153-157 Most ophthalmologists believe that this field loss
is caused by either mechanical injury (such as trauma to the peripapillary retinal
vasculature or nerve fiber layer156) or dehydration damage to the retina as a result of air
streaming from the temporally placed infusion cannula during the air-fluid exchange.158
It is unknown whether the following recommendations for the surgeon have reduced the
incidence of visual field loss:

◆ To minimize direct instrument contact with optic disc during air-fluid


◆ To minimize prolonged air flow at high pressure

◆ To securely close the sclerotomies to minimize air flow through the eye during
the air-fluid exchange

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

◆ To allow the valved cannulae to leave a puddle of fluid posteriorly until the
final aspiration159

◆ To humidify the air160

◆ To use a low-infusion pressure during air-fluid exchange.161,162

In addition, it is possible that the air flow through the vitreous cavity is decreased
in small-gauge vitrectomy, or by incorporating valved cannulae that decrease air

Endophthalmitis has been reported in less than 0.05% of vitrectomies, including those
performed for macular holes.144,145

Patients who have retinal tamponade achieved by an intravitreal injection of gas bubble
must take special precautions for the duration that the gas bubble is in the eye. This
includes avoiding air travel and driving or ascending to a higher altitude. Physicians
should also discuss the implications of travel to higher altitudes of more than 1000 feet
from the site of the operation. For example, driving to or ascending to a higher altitude
in some regions may result in gas expansion and increased IOP may result. Bubble
expansion at higher altitude causes increased IOP that could risk arterial occlusion,
wound dehiscence, gas leakage, or other IOP-related injury.163 Care must also be taken
when traveling to lower elevations because reduction in bubble size may increase the
risk of ocular hypotony and postsurgical retinal detachment.164 Intraocular gas also
limits the type of anesthetic agents that can be used. Most surgeons require their
patients to wear a wristband warning alert that states that the wearer’s eye contains
intraocular gas and that anesthetic (e.g., nitrous oxide) should be avoided. The use of
nitrous oxide in a patient with intraocular gas may result in a dangerous rise in IOP.164

Patients who have surgery are usually examined the first 1 to 2 days post-operatively and
again approximately 1 to 2 weeks following surgery. The frequency and timing of
subsequent postoperative visits varies, depending on the outcome of surgery and the
patient’s symptoms. Components of the follow-up visit should include the following:

◆ Interval history, including new symptoms

◆ Visual acuity measurement
◆ Measurement of IOP

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

◆ Slit-lamp biomicroscopy of the anterior chamber and central retina, and indirect binocular
ophthalmoscopy of the peripheral retina
◆ OCT to document the postoperative macular anatomy when indicated

Ocriplasmin is a recombinant protease that was approved by the FDA in 2012 for the
management of symptomatic VMA. Ocriplasmin is a recombinant protease that cleaves
proteins that compose the vitreoretinal interface. Approval by the FDA was based on
the results of a randomized study.165 The study's inclusion criteria encompassed all eyes
with vitreous traction on the macula, including a subset of eyes with stage 2 macular
holes. In this subset, the closure rate of macular holes was 40% when the protease was
used compared with 10% when the macular holes were injected with an intravitreal
saline placebo.165 In the post-marketing Macula Society Collaborative Study on
physician reported outcomes of ocriplasmin use in 208 eyes, VMA release was
confirmed in 45% with closure of the FTMH in 40% of eyes without PPV; however,
visual acuity decreased in 20%, and adverse events were not infrequent.166
Additionally, a 2018 post-market analysis revealed a lower macular hole closure
success rate (32.2% at months 10-12) compared to the original study.167 168 In contrast,
on average, stage 2 macular holes have a 90% chance of closure when vitrectomy
techniques are used.94,102,103,108 To date, there have been very few head-to-head studies
comparing the use of ocriplasmin with PPV. In cases of holes larger than 400 µm, in the
absence of evident VMT, or in the presence of epiretinal membrane, vitrectomy is the
first choice.169 Further, there is no data to support the use of ocriplasmin for
management of macular hole without VMA, and this would be considered an off-label
use of the medication. A 2018 post-market analysis revealed a lower macular hole
closure success rate (32.2% at months 10-12) compared with the original study.167,168

Postmarket concerns have been raised about the safety of ocriplasmin. Acute vision
loss, electroretinographic abnormalities, macular detachment, and dyschromatopsia
have been described.165

A 2017 study was published reporting on the use of ocriplasmin in the United Kingdom
and concluded that macular hole closure rates were lower than published in the Trial of
Microplasmin Intravitreal Injection for Non-surgical Treatment of Focal Vitreomacular
Adhesion (MIVI-TRUST) trial data (42.1% vs. 58.3% for small FTMH and 12.7% vs.
36.7% for medium FTMH). The incidence of adverse events was also greater than
Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

previously reported.168,170 The benefits and risks associated with vitrectomy surgery
versus intravitreal ocriplasmin require continued investigation.

The Ocriplasmin for Treatment for Symptomatic Vitreomacular Adhesion Including

Macular Hole (OASIS) trial was designed by the drug manufacturer to evaluate the
long-term efficacy and safety profile of ocriplasmin for the treatment of symptomatic
VMA/VMT, including FTMH.171 This trial demonstrated the long-term efficacy and
safety of ocriplasmin, providing improved resolution of symptomatic VMA compared
with previous phase III trials.

In cases of treatment failure with ocriplasmin, patients may ultimately undergo PPV.
The Vitrectomy After Ocriplasmin for Vitreomacular Adhesion or Macular Hole
(VAVOOM) study was a multicenter retrospective study of eyes that received
intravitreal ocriplasmin between January 2013 and January 2014 for symptomatic
VMT, with or without macular hole, and then went on to PPV (ocriplasmin-treated
group) for persistent pathology. They were compared with a control group of patients
with symptomatic VMT, with or without macular hole, who were offered ocriplasmin
injection but proceeded directly to PPV (PPV-only group).172,173 Although visual acuity
was better at all times in the PPV-only group, the authors concluded that eyes with
persistent symptomatic VMT and/or macular hole have similarly high rates of
pathology resolution as well as similar visual acuity gains after vitrectomy and
regardless of whether they received prior ocriplasmin.

The data from the 2018 American Society of Retinal Specialists Preferences and Trends
survey based on VMT with macular hole from 1022 respondents revealed the
following: For patients with VMT, small macular hole, and 20/50 vision, the treatment
of choice was ocriplasmin; 7.4% US (5.3% international) vitrectomy: 70.4% US (72.4%
international) and pneumatic vitreolysis: 9.6% US (10.2% international)

The reported complications associated with ocriplasmin are as follows:

◆ Retinal tears
◆ Floaters (usually due to progression of the posterior vitreous detachment)
◆ Blue-yellow vision, dyschromatopsia or dark vision
◆ Photopsias
◆ Visual field abnormalities
◆ Electroretinography changes
◆ Weakening of zonular fibers and possible lens subluxation 51

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

Diagnosis and management of macular hole requires expertise, skills, and specialized equipment to
detect alterations in the retina and then select, perform, and/or monitor the appropriate treatment
regimen. Referral to an ophthalmologist who has expertise and experience in managing this condition
is recommended (i.e. a fellowship-trained vitreo-retinal surgeon). The performance of certain
diagnostic procedures is often delegated to appropriately trained and supervised personnel. However,
the interpretation of the results of the diagnostic procedures, as well as the medical and surgical
management of a macular hole, require medical training, clinical judgment, and experience.

Patients should be informed to notify their ophthalmologist promptly when they have new visual
symptoms such as an increase in floaters, a loss of visual field, metamorphopsia, or a decrease in
visual acuity.174-176 The goal of vision rehabilitation is to restore functional ability. 177 Patients with
function-limiting postoperative visual impairment should be referred for vision rehabilitation and
social services.162,178 More information on vision rehabilitation, including materials for patients, is
available at

The economic considerations related to treatment and management of idiopathic macular hole have
not been comprehensively studied. Measures of patient satisfaction after surgery correlate with the
visual and anatomic results.179-181 Vision-related quality of life, assessed by the National Eye Institute
Visual Function Questionnaire 25, has been reported to improve following surgery for idiopathic
macular hole.56,179 Research has shown that PPV was the most cost-effective procedure relative to
intravitreal injection of either ocriplasmin or saline.182

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

Providing quality care

is the physician's foremost ethical obligation, and is
the basis of public trust in physicians.
AMA Board of Trustees, 1986

Quality ophthalmic care is provided in a manner and with the skill that is consistent with the best interests of
the patient. The discussion that follows characterizes the core elements of such care.
The ophthalmologist is first and foremost a physician. As such, the ophthalmologist demonstrates
compassion and concern for the individual, and utilizes the science and art of medicine to help alleviate
patient fear and suffering. The ophthalmologist strives to develop and maintain clinical skills at the highest
feasible level, consistent with the needs of patients, through training and continuing education. The
ophthalmologist evaluates those skills and medical knowledge in relation to the needs of the patient and
responds accordingly. The ophthalmologist also ensures that needy patients receive necessary care directly or
through referral to appropriate persons and facilities that will provide such care, and he or she supports
activities that promote health and prevent disease and disability.
The ophthalmologist recognizes that disease places patients in a disadvantaged, dependent state. The
ophthalmologist respects the dignity and integrity of his or her patients and does not exploit their
Quality ophthalmic care has the following optimal attributes, among others.
◆ The essence of quality care is a meaningful partnership relationship between patient and physician. The
ophthalmologist strives to communicate effectively with his or her patients, listening carefully to their
needs and concerns. In turn, the ophthalmologist educates his or her patients about the nature and
prognosis of their condition and about proper and appropriate therapeutic modalities. This is to ensure
their meaningful participation (appropriate to their unique physical, intellectual, and emotional state) in
decisions affecting their management and care, to improve their motivation and compliance with the
agreed plan of treatment, and to help alleviate their fears and concerns.
◆ The ophthalmologist uses his or her best judgment in choosing and timing appropriate diagnostic and
therapeutic modalities as well as the frequency of evaluation and follow-up, with due regard to the
urgency and nature of the patient's condition and unique needs and desires.
◆ The ophthalmologist carries out only those procedures for which he or she is adequately trained,
experienced, and competent, or, when necessary, is assisted by someone who is, depending on the
urgency of the problem and availability and accessibility of alternative providers.
◆ Patients are assured access to, and continuity of, needed and appropriate ophthalmic care, which can be
described as follows.
 The ophthalmologist treats patients with due regard to timeliness, appropriateness, and his or her own
ability to provide such care.
 The operating ophthalmologist makes adequate provision for appropriate pre- and postoperative
patient care.
 When the ophthalmologist is unavailable for his or her patient, he or she provides appropriate alternate
ophthalmic care, with adequate mechanisms for informing patients of the existence of such care and
procedures for obtaining it.
 The ophthalmologist refers patients to other ophthalmologists and eye care providers based on the
timeliness and appropriateness of such referral, the patient's needs, the competence and qualifications
of the person to whom the referral is made, and access and availability.

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

 The ophthalmologist seeks appropriate consultation with due regard to the nature of the ocular or other
medical or surgical problem. Consultants are suggested for their skill, competence, and accessibility.
They receive as complete and accurate an accounting of the problem as necessary to provide efficient
and effective advice or intervention, and in turn they respond in an adequate and timely manner. The
ophthalmologist maintains complete and accurate medical records.
 On appropriate request, the ophthalmologist provides a full and accurate rendering of the patient's
records in his or her possession.
 The ophthalmologist reviews the results of consultations and laboratory tests in a timely and effective
manner and takes appropriate actions.
 The ophthalmologist and those who assist in providing care identify themselves and their profession.
 For patients whose conditions fail to respond to treatment and for whom further treatment is
unavailable, the ophthalmologist provides proper professional support, counseling, rehabilitative and
social services, and referral as appropriate and accessible.
◆ Prior to therapeutic or invasive diagnostic procedures, the ophthalmologist becomes appropriately
conversant with the patient's condition by collecting pertinent historical information and performing
relevant preoperative examinations. Additionally, he or she enables the patient to reach a fully informed
decision by providing an accurate and truthful explanation of the diagnosis; the nature, purpose, risks,
benefits, and probability of success of the proposed treatment and of alternative treatment; and the risks
and benefits of no treatment.
◆ The ophthalmologist adopts new technology (e.g., drugs, devices, surgical techniques) in judicious
fashion, appropriate to the cost and potential benefit relative to existing alternatives and to its
demonstrated safety and efficacy.
◆ The ophthalmologist enhances the quality of care he or she provides by periodically reviewing and
assessing his or her personal performance in relation to established standards, and by revising or altering
his or her practices and techniques appropriately.
◆ The ophthalmologist improves ophthalmic care by communicating to colleagues, through appropriate
professional channels, knowledge gained through clinical research and practice. This includes alerting
colleagues of instances of unusual or unexpected rates of complications and problems related to new
drugs, devices, or procedures.
◆ The ophthalmologist provides care in suitably staffed and equipped facilities adequate to deal with
potential ocular and systemic complications requiring immediate attention.
◆ The ophthalmologist also provides ophthalmic care in a manner that is cost effective without
unacceptably compromising accepted standards of quality.

Reviewed by: Council

Approved by: Board of Trustees
October 12, 1988
2nd Printing: January 1991
3rd Printing: August 2001
4th Printing: July 2005

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

Literature searches of the PubMed and Cochrane databases were conducted in April 2018; the search
strategies are provided at Specific limited update searches were conducted after June 2019.

(Retinal Perforations/epidemiology[mh]) AND (macular hole*[tiab])

(Retinal Perforations[mh]) AND (Risk Factors[mh]) AND (macular hole*[tiab])

(Retinal Perforations[mh]) AND (Cost-Benefit Analysis[mh]) OR (Cost of Illness[mh])

AND (macular hole*[tiab])

(Retinal Perforations[mh]) AND (Quality of Life[mh]) AND (macular hole*[tiab])

(Retinal Perforations/surgery[mh] OR Retinal Perforations/therapy[mh]) AND (macular


(Retinal Perforations/etiology[MAJR]) AND (macular hole*[tiab])

(Retinal Perforations[mh]) AND (macular hole*[tiab])

(macular hole*[tiab]) AND ((review*[tiab] AND (literature[tiab] OR systematic[tiab] OR

search*[tiab])) OR meta-analysis[tiab])

(Retinal Perforations/diagnosis[MAJR]) AND (macular hole*[tiab])

(Retinal Perforations[mh]) AND (Treatment Outcome[mh]) AND (macular hole*[tiab])

(Retinal Perforations[mh]) AND (Postoperative Complications[mh]) AND (macular


(Retinal Perforations/surgery[mh] OR Retinal Perforations/therapy[mh]) AND (macular hole*[tiab]

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

Basic and Clinical Science Course

Retina and Vitreous (Section 12, 2019–2020)

Focal Points
Diagnosis and Management of Macular Holes (2015)

Ophthalmic Technology Assessment –

Published in Ophthalmology, which is distributed free to Academy members; links to full text available
Laser Scanning and Imaging for Macular Disease OTA (2007)
Surgical Management of Macular Holes (2001; reviewed for currency 2012)

Patient Education
Face-Down Recovery After Retinal Surgery Brochure (2014)
Macular Hole Brochure (2014)
Retina Informed Consent Video Collection (2013)

Preferred Practice Pattern® Guidelines – Free download available at

Comprehensive Adult Medical Eye Evaluation (2015)

To order any of these products, except for the free materials, please contact the Academy’s Customer Service
at 866.561.8558 (U.S. only) or 415.561.8540 or

Idiopathic Macular Hole PPP

1. Shinoda K, Hirakata A, Hida T, et al. Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical findings in five

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