Damage Characterization of Laminated Composites Using Acoustic Emission - A Review

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Composites Part B 195 (2020) 108039

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Damage characterization of laminated composites using acoustic emission:

A review
Milad Saeedifar, Dimitrios Zarouchas *
Structural Integrity & Composites Group, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands


Keywords: Damage characterization of laminated composites has been thoroughly studied the last decades where re­
Acoustic emission searchers developed several damage models, and in combination with experimental evidence, contributed to
Laminated composites better understanding of the structural behavior of these structures. Experimental techniques played an essential
Damage characterization
role on this progress and among the techniques that were utilized, acoustic emission (AE) was extensively used
Damage diagnostics
Damage prognostics
due to its advantages for in-situ damage monitoring with high sensitivity and its capability to inspect continu­
ously a relatively large area. This paper presents a comprehensive review on the use of AE for damage char­
acterization in laminated composites. The review is divided into two sections; the first section discusses the
literature for damage diagnostics and it is presented in three subsections: damage initiation detection, damage
type identification and damage localization, while the second section is devoted to damage prognostics and it
focuses on the remaining useful life (RUL) and residual strength prediction of composite structures using AE data.
In every section, efforts have been made to analyze the most relevant literature, discuss in a critical manner the
results and conclusions, and identify possibilities for future work.

structure [1–3]. The intralaminar damage mechanisms refer to damages

within a lamina, i.e. matrix cracking, fiber breakage, fiber/matrix
1. Introduction debonding and fiber pull-out [4–7].
The damage accumulation sequence depends on many variables such
Laminated composite structures, driven by advantages in structural as the material properties of the composite’s constituents, the exact
efficiency, performance, versatility and cost, have made a significant layup, the defects induced during manufacturing, the loading profile and
mark in numerous industries, such as aerospace, wind energy, auto­ the environmental conditions in which the structure operates. Addi­
motive and naval. However, their full potential is held back by an overall tionally, the inhomogeneous nature of the composite material and the
lack of understanding of the damage accumulation process over the stochastic activation of different damage mechanisms should also be
lifetime of the structure. It is yet unclear how different damage mech­ taken into account making the damage process a very complex phe­
anisms are triggered, which parameters and how they affect their nomenon to study.
interaction, and what is the precise influence of a particular damage In the effort to unfold the damage accumulation process, researchers
state on the integrity of structural component. As a consequence, large have employed several experimental techniques. Extensive research has
safety factors must be applied in composite design to compensate for this been performed the last three decades in the field of damage assessment
deficiency in understanding. The overdesign due to these large safety using experimental techniques and as a result a large amount of sensing
factors reduces the potential efficiency of composite structures, partic­ technologies exist nowadays [8–17]. These techniques are generally
ularly in terms of their weight. categorized into two main groups: active techniques and passive tech­
In general, the damage mechanisms in laminated composites are niques. In the case of active techniques, the composite structure is
categorized into two groups: interlaminar and intralaminar damage excited by a foreign source. Then, according to the response of the
mechanisms. Delamination is an interlaminar damage mechanism, excited structure, the damage is identified. The most common active
which is defined as the initiation and propagation of an interlaminar techniques used for damage assessment in the laminated composites are
matrix crack that leads to the separation of two laminas and significantly ultrasonic inspection [18,19], active thermography [20–22], modal
degrades the out-of-plane and flexural properties and of the composite

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (D. Zarouchas).

Received 1 December 2019; Received in revised form 27 January 2020; Accepted 3 April 2020
Available online 25 April 2020
1359-8368/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
M. Saeedifar and D. Zarouchas Composites Part B 195 (2020) 108039

Abbreviations LVI Low-velocity impact

MARSE Measured area under the rectified signal envelope
AE Acoustic emission MMB Mixed-mode bending
aJ Attojoule NHHSMM Nonhomogeneous hidden semi Markov model
ANN Artificial neural network OHT Open-hole tensile
BNN Bayesian neural networks PCA Principal component analysis
CAI Compression after impact PDT Peak definition time
CFRP Carbon fiber reinforced polymer RA Rise time/amplitude
DCB Double cantilever beam RUL Remaining useful life
DIC Digital image correlation SEM Scanning electron microscope
ENF End-notched flexural SHM Structural health monitoring
FCM Fuzzy c-means SOM Self-organizing map
FFT Fast Fourier transform SVM Support vector machine
GFRP Glass fiber reinforced polymer UHMWPE/HDPE Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene fiber
GKM Genetic k-means reinforced high-density polyethylene
GMD Gaussian mixture distribution WT Wavelet transform
HDT Hit definition time 3 PB 3-point bending
HT Hilbert transform 4 PB 4-point bending

analysis [23,24], eddy current [25], radiography [26], guided wave [27, advanced data analytics should be performed in order to relate the ob­
28], terahertz imaging [29] and shearography [30,31]. The weakness of servations with the damage states. The main target of the feature
the active SHM techniques is the fact that they are not capable of online extraction is to fulfil the four SHM levels; 1) damage detection, 2)
monitoring of the composite structures in operation [32]. In the case of damage localization, 3) damage identification and 4) damage severity.
passive techniques, there is not any foreign source to excite the material
and the sources are inside the material. These sources may be damage 2. AE as an online damage monitoring tool
nucleation, damage propagation, plastic deformation, internal friction,
etc. The most common passive techniques are acoustic emission (AE) The literature review shows AE has been widely used for damage
and passive thermography [33]. The superiority of the passive tech­ assessment in laminated composites. The first papers on this topic,
niques over the active ones is their capability for structural health indexed in Scopus, are referred to the two conference papers authored
monitoring (SHM) while the structure is in operation. by Hagemaier et al. [34,35] in the 1970s. They used AE to detect ma­
This review paper discusses the advantages of AE, which has the terial and manufacturing anomalies in graphite composites. As depicted
potential to be used for SHM. SHM can be described as the process of in Fig. 1, since the 1970s, there is an increasing trend to use AE for
implementing a real-time damage detection strategy for load bearing damage analysis and assessment of composite materials, especially
structures. This process involves the observation of the mechanical during the last decade. During these five decades, around 700 papers
response and the integrity assessment of the structure by using perma­ have been published on this topic, including ~450 journal papers and
nently installed sensors. The sensors record data periodically or ~250 conference papers. This data was obtained from Scopus (23
continuously over the in-service life of the structure. The sensors cannot October 2019) using the keywords: acoustic emission and composite
measure damage but the response of the structure. Thus, the sensitive laminate.
information is hidden within the data, and feature extraction using AE is defined as the transmission of an elastic stress wave through the

Fig. 1. The number of indexed papers in Scopus (23 October 2019) using the keywords: acoustic emission and composite laminate.

M. Saeedifar and D. Zarouchas Composites Part B 195 (2020) 108039

material which is usually originated from an internal source such as groups: damage diagnostics and damage prognostics. The first group
crack initiation and growth [32]. According to Fig. 2, the required consists of three subgroups: damage initiation detection, damage
apparatus to perform AE monitoring consists of: localization and damage identification. The second group contains the
studies related to the remaining useful life (RUL) and residual strength
� The structure under loading. prediction of composite structures using AE. Accordingly, the literature
� A network of AE sensors to capture the infinitesimal surface vibra­ is presented hereafter in the aforementioned structure where the most
tions of the test structure and to convert them to the analog signals. relevant papers in the field, the results and conclusions, as well as pos­
� Pre-amplifiers which magnify the intensity of the analog signals. sibilities for future work are presented and discussed. It is worth to
� Acquisition and recording section, where the amplified signals are notice that Romh� any et al. published recently a review paper on the
recorded and converted from the analog to digital signals. damage localization in laminated composites using AE [37]. Our review
� Data processing section, where the recorded digital AE waveforms paper does not address the damage localization topic, therefore it is
are analyzed. recommended that the reader refers to their work.

The AE analyses are usually performed using AE waveforms or the 3. Damage diagnostics
features extracted from the AE waveforms. Fig. 3 shows a typical AE
waveform. The most important features of an AE waveform are the The procedure of damage diagnosis using AE consists of three levels;
following: damage initiation detection, damage localization and damage identifi­
cation. The first level deals with the definition of the damage initiation
� Threshold: Only the AE signals with the intensity higher than the criteria, irrespective of the damage type. Then, in the second level, the
threshold are recorded by the AE system. It is reported in dB unit. damage is localized using a network of AE sensors and different locali­
� Amplitude: The maximum voltage of the signal and it is usually re­ zation methods. Finally, the damage is identified by analyzing the AE
ported in dB unit. data using unsupervised clustering, supervised classification and signal
� Duration: The time interval between the first and the last threshold analysis methods.
crossings and it is reported in μs unit.
� Rise time: The time interval between the first threshold crossing and 3.1. Damage initiation detection
the maximum amplitude and it is reported in μs unit.
� Counts: The number that the waveform crosses the threshold in the Many researchers used AE to detect the initiation of the damage in
increasing direction within the waveform’s duration. laminated composites. The studies cover a variety of loading conditions
� Energy: The area beneath the squared waveform within the wave­ and specimen configurations; from coupon level tests such as tensile,
form’s duration. It is usually reported in attojoule (aJ) unit (1 aJ ¼ compression, double cantilever beam (DCB), end-notched flexural
10 18 J). (ENF), mixed-mode bending (MMB), 3-point bending (3 PB), 4-point
� Peak frequency: The frequency corresponded to the highest magni­ bending (4 PB), buckling, quasi-static transverse indentation, low-
tude in the frequency distribution obtained from fast Fourier trans­ velocity impact (LVI) and compression after impact (CAI), to a real
form (FFT) of the signal. It is reported in kHz unit. composite structure subjected to an arbitrary load. The list of literature
of damage initiation detection in laminated composites is reported in
The published papers in the field of damage characterization of Table 1. The studies cover a wide range of the composite materials,
laminated composites using AE can be categorized into two main including thermoset material; glass/epoxy and carbon/epoxy,

Fig. 2. The different units of an AE monitoring system.

M. Saeedifar and D. Zarouchas Composites Part B 195 (2020) 108039

Fig. 3. A typical AE waveform and the most important features [36].

thermoplastic material; glass/polyester and glass/polyamide, sandwich considered as the moment of the damage initiation, it may lead to
and hybrid composites. conservative indication on when the damage initiated. AE is very sen­
As presented in Table 1, most of the researchers used either one or sitive to micro damages while most of these micro damages do not
multiple AE features or a combination of AE features with the me­ degrade the integrity of the composite structure significantly. For
chanical data for identifying the initiation of damage in the material. AE example, a lot of imperfections might be induced in the laminated
events, AE energy, AE counts and also the cumulative values of these composite structures during the fabrication process, such as the fiber
parameters are the main utilized features. In the case where AE events misalignment, micro voids and impurities [48]. These imperfections
were used as a criterion, the first identified AE event during the loading could induce many AE events in the early stage of the loading while the
is considered as the moment of the damage initiation [38,39]. On the structure retains its integrity.
other hand, in few papers the first high-energy or high-counts AE signals In addition, some of these imperfections could induce high-energy
are used as the criterion for damage initiation [40–42]. Furthermore, and high-counts AE events. The misalignment of a few numbers of fi­
there are some studies that used the cumulative AE events, cumulative bers, which frequently happens in the hand layup fabrication process,
AE energy, and cumulative AE counts as criterion. The first significant results in the breakage of the misaligned fibers in the early stage of the
increase in the gradient of these cumulative curves is considered to be loading. Thus, observing the first high-energy or high-counts AE event is
the moment of damage initiation [5,6,43,44]. The last group of the re­ not always a reliable indicator of the damage initiation.
searchers tried to increase the sensitivity of damage detection by Further, the criteria such as “high-energy”, “high-counts”, “the first
combining the AE data and the mechanical data by introducing the significant increase” in the gradient of cumulative curves and “the first
sentry function [2,45,46]. The sentry function is defined as the loga­ significant drop” in the sentry function curve are qualitative criteria that
rithm of mechanical energy to the AE energy [47]: can be interpreted in different ways (see Fig. 4).
� � The possibility of different interpretations of the proposed qualita­
Em ðxÞ
f ðxÞ ¼ ln (1) tive criteria to detect the damage initiation in a glass/epoxy DCB test,
performed by the authors, is demonstrated in Fig. 4. According to Fig. 4
(a) and in agreement with the aforementioned explanations, considering
where Em (x) is the mechanical energy (area under the load-
the first recorded AE event as the sign of the damage initiation, leads to
displacement curve), EAE (x) is the cumulative AE energy and x is the
the conservative prediction of damage in the initial loading stages
(displacement ¼ 1.45 mm). As it is clearly seen, no degradation is seen in
Based on the state of the damage in the structure, the sentry function
the load curve and load increases up to 3.6 times after detecting the first
could show one of the four following trends: 1) Increasing trend: it
AE event. In addition, the continuous AE activity initiates at the
shows that the structure is still intact and no damage or some micro
displacement of 5.6 mm, which is long after the first captured AE event.
damages occurred in the material. 2) Sharp drop: it reveals that huge
In Fig. 4(b), AE energy is used to detect the damage initiation. The se­
damage occurred in the material. 3) Constant trend: It demonstrates that
lection of the first high-energy AE event depends on the scale of the AE
there is a balance between the degrading mechanisms, like damages,
energy plot and also the interpretation of the person who is performing
and the strengthening mechanisms, like fiber bridging. 4) Gradually
the AE data analysis. If the AE energy is plotted in the scale of the
decreasing: It is emphasizing that the load-carrying capability of the
maximum recorded energy (around 4300 aJ) the first high energy AE
composite structure is losing gradually. Accordingly, the first big drop in
event is detected at the displacement of 43.3 mm which is long after the
the sentry function curve is considered as the moment of the damage
first load drop. In addition, if the AE energy curve is shown in a
magnified view (the upper limit of the AE energy axis -the right vertical
Although different approaches have been proposed for AE-based
axis-is 200 aJ), there are 7 peaks in the AE energy plot with the corre­
detection of damage initiation in laminated composites, this task still
sponding displacements of 4.8, 6.6, 8.1, 9.5, 9.9, 10.8 and 13.9 mm,
remains open with challenges to be addressed. The limitations of each
respectively. Based on the user’s judgment and experience, each one
proposed method are discussed hereafter. If the first AE event is

M. Saeedifar and D. Zarouchas Composites Part B 195 (2020) 108039

Table 1
Damage initiation detection in laminated composites using AE.
Materials Type of the test Damage modes The utilized AE Damage detection approach Ref.
Damage initiation detection by one instantaneous AE feature
Aluminum to aluminum Quasi-static and Micro cracks at adhesive Events Detecting first micro cracks at the adhesive layer [39]
adhesively-bonded fatigue DCB tests bond before macroscopic delamination failure by first AE
Carbon/epoxy Constant and cyclic Fiber breakage Events The first AE event [38]
internal pressure on
the pressure vessel
Glass/polyester DCB Delamination Energy The first high-energy AE event [42]
Glass/epoxy DCB, ENF and MMB Delamination Energy The first high-energy AE event [41]
Glass/epoxy 3 PB Delamination Counts The first high-counts AE event [53]
Glass/epoxy 3 PB Delamination Counts The first high-counts AE event [40]
Sandwich composite with DCB Delamination Counts The first high-counts AE event [54]
glass/epoxy skin and
foam core
Damage initiation detection by cumulative curve of AE features
Glass/epoxy Quasi-static Matrix cracking, Cumulative energy Different damage mechanisms were clustered using [55]
indentation delamination and fiber packet wavelet transform and cumulative energy used
breakage to detect the initiation of each damage mechanism
Carbon/epoxy DCB Delamination Cumulative energy The first increase in the gradient of cumulative energy [43]
Glass/epoxy ENF Matrix cracking, fiber/ Cumulative energy The signals were clustered using FCM, then the first [7]
matrix debonding and fiber increase in the gradient of cumulative energy curve
breakage for each damage was considered as the initiation of
that damage mode
Carbon/epoxy DCB fatigue Delamination Cumulative energy By fitting a linear equation to the cumulative energy [56]
and delamination growth data, crack growth was
predicted by AE
Glass/epoxy Tensile Layer failure and Cumulative energy The first increase in the gradient of cumulative energy [57]
delamination curve
Glass/epoxy DCB Delamination Cumulative energy By fitting a linear equation to the cumulative energy [58]
and delamination growth data, crack growth was
predicted by AE
Carbon/epoxy Quasi-static Matrix cracking, Cumulative energy and The signals were clustered by the hierarchical model, [5]
indentation delamination and fiber cumulative events then first increase in the gradient of cumulative events
breakage and cumulative energy curves showed the damage
Glass/polyamide Fatigue tensile Matrix cracking, Cumulative events The signals were clustered according to their [6]
delamination and fiber amplitude, then the first increase in the gradient of
breakage cumulative events curve, for each damage, was
considered as the initiation of that damage mode
Glass/epoxy Quasi-static and Matrix cracking, fiber/ Cumulative events The signals were clustered using an unsupervised [4]
fatigue tensile tests matrix debonding, clustering method, then the first increase in the
delamination and fiber gradient of cumulative events curve, for each damage,
breakage was considered as the initiation of that damage mode
Glass/epoxy DCB Matrix cracking, fiber/ Cumulative counts The signals were clustered by Hilbert transform (HT), [44]
matrix debonding and fiber then the first increase in the gradient of cumulative
breakage counts curve, for each damage, was considered as the
initiation of that damage mode
Glass/epoxy Tensile test of the Matrix cracking Cumulative counts The first increase in the gradient of cumulative counts [59]
drilled specimen curve
Glass/epoxy ENF Delamination Cumulative counts The first increase in the gradient of cumulative energy [60]
Sandwich composite with DCB Interfacial debonding, Cumulative counts Different damage mechanisms were clustered using [61]
glass/epoxy skin and matrix cracking, fiber GKM algorithm and cumulative counts was utilized to
foam core breakage and core failure detect the initiation of each damage mechanism
Damage initiation detection by the combination of AE and mechanical data
Sandwich composite with DCB Delamination Sentry function The transition point in the plot of the integration of [62]
glass/epoxy skin and sentry function against cumulative energy release rate
foam core
Glass/epoxy DCB Delamination Sentry function The first significant drop in the sentry function curve [63]
Glass/polyester DCB Delamination Sentry function The first significant drop in the sentry function curve, [46]
the transition point in the plot of the integration of
sentry function against cumulative energy release rate
Carbon/epoxy DCB, ENF and MMB Delamination Sentry function The first significant drop in the sentry function curve [2]
Damage initiation detection by several approaches
Hybrid of thin carbon/ Tensile Fiber fracture and ply Energy and cumulative The first high-energy signal, the first significant [64]
epoxy and conventional fragmentation energy increase in the gradient of cumulative energy curve
Carbon/Thermoset resin DCB Delamination Events, cumulative The first increase in the gradient of cumulative energy [65]
Carbon/Thermoplastic energy and cumulative curve, the first increase in the number of AE events,
resin events the first increase in the gradient of cumulative events
Hemp/epoxy 3 PB Global collapse [66]
(continued on next page)

M. Saeedifar and D. Zarouchas Composites Part B 195 (2020) 108039

Table 1 (continued )
Events, normalized The first AE event, the first increase in the gradient of
cumulative counts and normalized cumulative counts curve and the first
normalized counts rate high-counts rate event
Glass/epoxy DCB, ENF and MMB Delamination Cumulative energy, The first high-energy AE event, the first increase in the [67]
energy rate and sentry gradient of cumulative energy curve and the first
function significant drop in the sentry function curve
Glass/epoxy ENF Delamination Counts, energy and The first high-counts AE event and the first significant [68]
sentry function drop in the sentry function curve
Glass/epoxy DCB Delamination Counts, energy and The first high-counts AE event and the first significant [69]
sentry function drop in the sentry function curve
Glass/epoxy ENF Delamination Energy and sentry The first high-counts AE event and the first significant [70]
function drop in the sentry function curve
Glass/epoxy DCB Delamination Energy and sentry The first high-energy AE event and the first significant [1]
function drop in the sentry function curve
Glass/epoxy DCB, ENF and MMB Delamination Energy, cumulative The first high-energy AE event, the first increase in the [3]
energy and sentry gradient of cumulative energy curve and the first
function significant drop in the sentry function curve
Glass/epoxy Buckling Delamination Energy, cumulative The first high-energy AE event, the first increase in the [71]
counts and sentry gradient of cumulative counts curve and the first
function significant drop in the sentry function curve

could be considered as “the first high-energy AE event” and therefore The last challenge that affects the reliability and reproducibility of
damage initiation. A similar problem exists if AE counts are used for AE results for the damage evaluation in laminated composites is the fact
damage indicator. Therefore, the obtained results depend on the plot that most of the AE descriptors such as amplitude, duration, rise time,
scale and also the operator’s interpretation. Similar to the previous ap­ central frequency, peak frequency and energy are affected by the
proaches, in the case of cumulative AE energy, cumulative AE count, and source/sensor distance, sensor type, coupling quality, damage accu­
cumulative AE event curves (see Fig. 4(f–k)), choosing the first signifi­ mulation and specimen’s geometry (wave mode conversion, dispersion
cant increase in the gradient of the cumulative curves, again completely and reflection). For example, Hamstad et al. [50] investigated the
depends on the scale of the plot (the upper limit of the right vertical axis propagation of the AE waves during the impact tests of a GFRP pressure
that corresponds to the cumulative curves). For example, in the real vessel. The obtained results showed that some features such as the
scale plot, the corresponding displacements to the first significant in­ duration, rise time, amplitude and the spectral content of the signals,
crease in the gradient of the cumulative AE energy, AE counts, and AE originated from the same source, are significantly affected by the sour­
events curves are 7.9, 7.7 and 6.9 mm, while, in the magnified plot, they ce/sensor distance. In addition, the damage state of the structure can
are 4.7, 4.6 and 5.5 mm, respectively. Therefore, the obtained results affect the AE signals [51]. As the damage accumulates, the medium al­
from the cumulative curves also depend on the plot scale. The sentry ters and the recorded AE waveforms, originated from the same damage
function curve of the DCB specimen is shown in Fig. 4(l). There are two mechanism but at different damage state of the structure, may have
significant drops at the early stage and both drops could be considered as different AE features.
the first “significant” drop. Therefore, one person might choose drop Furthermore, the AE features are also depended on user’s input such
number 1 as the first drop and another person might select drop number as the threshold level, the peak definition time (PDT) and hit definition
2 as the moment of the damage initiation because of its severity in time (HDT) parameters. To overcome this limit the user’s influence, Chai
comparison to the first drop. et al. [52], proposed a new AE parameter, Shannon’s entropy, which is
In order to avoid the different interpretations of the aforementioned directly extracted from the waveform and its trend is almost similar to
qualitative criteria for damage initiation detection using AE, a quanti­ counts and energy parameters. The Shannon’s entropy represents the
tative criterion based on the Felicity effect has been proposed in ASTM uncertainty of the probability amplitude distribution of the AE wave­
E2478-11 standard [49], “Determining damage-based design stress for form. An increase in the Shannon’s entropy indicates the occurrence of
glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) materials using acoustic emission”. an internal change in the material, which can be due to the damage
Accordingly, the damage initiation is specified by the presence of a occurrence. The Shannon’s entropy of the AE waveform is obtained in
“significant AE activity” during the reloading portion of the loading/­ three steps: 1) the voltage per the microsecond values of the waveform
reloading cycles. The term of “significant AE activity” is determined should be extracted, 2) the histogram of the discrete probability distri­
using a quantitative historic index. In order to obtain the historic index, bution of the voltage values is plotted with a small bin width, and 3) the
first, the ultimate strength of the specimen should be determined using a Shannon’s entropy of each waveform is calculated using Eq. (3) [52]:
monotonic loading up to the final fracture of the specimen. Then, the
similar specimen is subjected to some load/reload cycles. The first load H¼ pðxi Þ ⋅ log2 ðpðxi Þ

level should be equal to 15% of the ultimate load and it is increased 5% i¼1
in each subsequent reload cycle. During the reload cycles, the AE signals
are recorded until the maximum load of the previous cycle. The historic where H is the Shannon’s entropy, the waveform’s voltage values are
index is defined as follows [49]: given by {x1, x2, …, xn} and p(xi) is the probability mass associated with
Pi¼N xi. The Shannon’s entropy is a non-negative value and sum of the
HðtÞ ¼
(2) probabilities should be equal to 1.
i¼1 Oi

where HðtÞ is the historic index at time t, N is the number of AE hits up to 3.2. Identification of different damage mechanisms
time t, SOi is the MARSE value of ith hit (other parameters such as signal
strength or energy can also be used) and K is a parameter that is A composite structure might experience different types of damage in
depended to the number of hits and it is obtained from Table 2. The operation, including but not limited to matrix cracking, fiber breakage,
damage initiation is indicated when the historic index becomes equal or fiber/matrix debonding, delamination and fiber pull-out. As already
greater than 1.4 for the first time. mentioned, the type of damage depends on several factors, such as the
loading direction, loading rate, resin and fiber materials, laminate’s

M. Saeedifar and D. Zarouchas Composites Part B 195 (2020) 108039

Fig. 4. Damage initiation detection in glass/epoxy DCB specimen using different AE-based approaches.

M. Saeedifar and D. Zarouchas Composites Part B 195 (2020) 108039

Fig. 4. (continued).

cracks usually could not drop the stiffness and the integrity of the
Table 2
structure considerably, while delamination and fiber breakage signifi­
The values of K parameter for the historic index [49].
cantly reduce the out-of-plane and in-plane load-bearing capacity of the
K Number of hits, N structure. Therefore, detecting and distinguishing different damage
Not applicable <20 modes can give a better perspective of the integrity state of the structure.
0 20 to 100 In this case, AE technique has shown an excellent capability to identify
0.8 N 101 to 500 different damage mechanisms in composite materials. The literature
review reveals that each damage mechanism in composite materials

usually generates AE signals with almost unique features. For example,

layup, adhesion quality between the fiber and matrix and environmental matrix cracking is usually characterized by low amplitude, low fre­
conditions like temperature and humidity. The impact of these damages quency, long duration, long rise time and large counts. While, delami­
on the integrity of the structure is not equal. For example, micro-matrix nation is determined by the intermediate amplitude, low frequency and

M. Saeedifar and D. Zarouchas Composites Part B 195 (2020) 108039

very long duration. On the other hand, fiber breakage produces signals Distinguishing the AE signals originated from different damage
with high amplitude, high frequency and short rise time [7,64,66,72]. mechanisms is still a challenging issue. This is because in a real com­
Among all the AE features such as amplitude, rise time, duration, energy, posite structure, subjected to an arbitrary load, several damages usually
centroid frequency and peak frequency, two features are treated as the occur simultaneously and their AE signals arrive at the sensor at the
most preferred AE features for damage identification: peak frequency same time. Therefore, correlating each signal to a specific damage mode
and amplitude. Because the peak frequency is not highly affected by the is not straightforward.
attenuation phenomenon, it seems to be a better damage distinguishing One solution for this problem is designing the specific test coupons
parameter than the amplitude. with the biased damage modes, in a way that just one damage mode
Tables 3 and 4 present the reported peak frequency and amplitude in occurs in the coupon or at least one damage mode be the dominant one.
literature for the AE signals of various damage mechanisms in different Accordingly, the AE features of that damage mode could be captured
composites. The variations in the reported values for each damage mode irrespective of the other damages. By changing the coupon design, layup
can be related to the different types of sensors, loading conditions, and loading condition, the AE signals of other damages can also be
boundary conditions and the sensors’ position. Irrespective of the vari­ collected with the minimum interference together. For example, de
ations, one conclusion is that matrix cracking usually has been identified Groot et al. [74] distinguished the different damage mechanisms,
by the lowest amplitude and frequency while the fiber breakage has including matrix cracking, fiber/matrix debonding, fiber pullout and
been characterized by the highest amplitude and frequency. The fiber breakage in carbon/epoxy laminates based on their frequency. To
delamination and interfacial debonding have been also identified by the this aim, they designed and performed a couple of tests, including the
average frequency and amplitude. However, Oz et al. [73] showed that tensile test on pure resin, uncured prepregs, 0� , 10� and 90� coupons,
this conclusion is not always true. They used in-situ digital image cor­ and the fracture tests on the DCB and single lap joint specimens. The
relation (DIC) and AE to identify different damage modes in CFRP results showed that the AE signals of the pure resin and 90� coupons
composites subjected to tensile loading. They correlated the recorded AE tensile tests are only generated by matrix cracking. While, in the case of
signals to the DIC results and found that the matrix cracking might also DCB and single lap shear specimens, in addition to the matrix cracking,
produce some high-frequency signals. They also reported that the debonding also happened in the specimens. In the case of the tensile test
amplitude of fiber breakage signals depends on the relative position of of 0� coupons, besides the two previous damage modes, the fiber
the damage respect to the specimen’s boundary. Thus, it is highly rec­ breakage and fiber pull-out were also observed. All the damage modes
ommended that other complementary in-situ techniques like DIC, observed in 0� coupons occurred in 10� coupons again, except the fiber
camera, and thermography are employed during the tests to find the breakage. Finally, they could identify and distinguish the AE signals of
sources of the originated AE signals. The results obtained from these all aforementioned damage modes by comparing the AE frequency of
techniques can be used in parallel to AE results to correlate the clusters these tests (see Table 5).
of AE signals to the corresponded damage mechanisms confidently. Gutkin et al. [75] conducted five different types of test, including

Table 3
The AE peak frequency (in kHz unit) of different damage mechanisms reported in the literature.
Reference Material Type of the test Matrix Fiber/matrix Delamination Fiber breakage Fiber
cracking debonding pullout
[74] Carbon/epoxy Tensile 90–180 240–310 – >300 180–240
[75] Carbon/epoxy Tensile, compact tension, compact <50 200–300 50–150 400–500 500–600
DCB and 4-ENF
[99] Carbon/epoxy Tensile <300 – – >500 >500
[5] Carbon/epoxy Quasi-static indentation <150 – 150–300 >400 –
[100] Carbon/epoxy 3 PB 60–120 – 120–210 200–350 –
[38] Carbon/epoxy Tensile – – 250–330 >450 –
[101] Carbon/epoxy Tensile <100 200–300 – 400–450 –
[102] Carbon/epoxy Tensile 20–400 30–400 120–360 50–500 –
[103] Graphite/epoxy Tensile <120 – – 120–180 –
[104] 2D woven carbon/epoxy Tensile <100 150–300 <100 350–600
[105] 2D and 3D woven carbon/ Tensile <300 – – >300 –
[63] Glass/epoxy DCB 140–250 250–350 – 350–450 –
[77] Glass/epoxy Open-hole tensile (OHT) 80–250 250–375 – 375–480 –
[106] Glass/polypropylene Tensile – Around 100 – 450–550 200–300
[107] GFRP 45.7-m long wind turbine blade loaded in <30 120–250 30–120 – –
the flap-wise direction
[108] 2D woven glass/epoxy Tensile <180 – >180 >180 –
[109] 2D and 3D woven glass/epoxy Tensile 50–80 50–150 150–500 150–500 –
Other types of composites
[72] Kevlar-woven composites High strain rate impact Near 106 Near 110 – >300 Near 110
[110] Hybrid of carbon & glass/ Tensile 200–600 200–350 100–500 >1500 700–1100
[54] Sandwich composite with DCB 170–250 – 50–170 350–500 –
glass/epoxy skins
[111] carbon/Kevlar hybrid woven High strain rate compressive loading Near 190 Near 110 – (Near 400 for Near 110
composites carbon)
(Near 350 for
[112] Glare, graphite/epoxy and Tensile, compact tension, Flexural Around 140 Around 300 – Around 405 –

M. Saeedifar and D. Zarouchas Composites Part B 195 (2020) 108039

Table 4
The AE amplitude (in dB unit) of different damage mechanisms reported in the literature.
Reference Material Type of the test Matrix Fiber/matrix delamination Fiber breakage Fiber
cracking debonding pullout
[113] Carbon/epoxy Tensile fatigue 60–77 – 77–90 – >90
[114] Carbon/epoxy OHT 40–60 50–70 60–80 80–100 80–100
[102] Carbon/epoxy Tensile 60–100 45–65 60–95 <60 –
[85] Carbon/epoxy Tensile Around 60 – Around 80 Around 80 –
[115] Carbon/epoxy Tensile 40–70 – – 60–100 –
[99] Carbon/epoxy Tensile <70 – <60 – –
[38] Carbon/epoxy Tensile – – >90 40–60 –
[116] Carbon/epoxy 3 PB Around 50 – Around 62 – –
[105] 2D and 3D woven carbon/epoxy Tensile <70 – – 30–90 –
[117] Glass/epoxy Tensile 40–80 50–80 70–100 70–100 70–100
[69] Glass/epoxy DCB – – – 85–100 –
[118] Glass/epoxy Torque loading 33–45 50–68 – 87–100 69–86
[119] Glass/epoxy Tensile and flexural tests 60–80 – 70–90 – –
[120] Glass/polyester Fatigue bending 40–55 – 55–75 >80 –
[121] Glass/polypropylene Tensile, tensile fatigue and crack 40–55 60–65 60–65 85–95 65–85
propagation tests
[108] 2D woven glass/epoxy Tensile <55 – >55 35–100 –
[109] 2D and 3D glass/epoxy Tensile 35–55 55–100 35–80 35–80 –
Other types of composites
[72] Kevlar-woven composites High strain rate impact 42–48 50–65 – >70 50–65
[122] UHMWPE/HDPE Tensile 30–60 30–45 60–85 80–97 60–80
[54] Sandwich composite with glass/ DCB 75–85 – 60–80 85–105 –
epoxy skins
[111] Carbon/Kevlar hybrid woven high strain rate compressive loading 42–43 50–67 – (94–99 for 50–67
composites carbon)
(70–87 for
[123] Sandwich composites with CFRP Tensile 80–90 – – >90 –
[124] Sandwich composite with glass/ 3 PB 40–78 – 72–100 95–100 –
epoxy skins

tensile, compact tension, compact compression, DCB and ENF, on CFRP group the AE data and to correlate them to the different damage modes.
coupons to obtain the AE frequency of the five different damage For instance, Nikhbakht et al. [44] manually categorized the AE data
mechanisms. These damages were matrix cracking, fiber breakage, recorded during the DCB test into three groups based on their frequency.
fiber/matrix debonding, delamination and fiber pull-out. Saeedifar et al. They correlated these groups to matrix cracking, fiber/matrix debond­
[76] distinguished the AE signals of different damage mechanisms in the ing and fiber breakage. They also used the in-situ microscopy images to
adhesively-bonded hybrid double-lap joints using AE. The damages verify the AE results. However, sometimes different damage mecha­
observed in the double lap joints were CFRP skin failure, core steel nisms are not completely differentiated using just one AE feature. In this
deformation, adhesive layer failure (which was named cohesive failure) situation, it is better to use multiple AE features simultaneously to
and debonding at the interface of the adhesive layer with CFRP skin or identify the damage type with more confidence. In this case, due to the
steel core (which was name adhesive failure). In order to characterize complex relations among the different AE features, the data partitioning
the AE signals of these damages, they conducted four series of tests on process is usually done by the machine learning techniques: unsuper­
the constituent materials: 1) the tensile and shear tests of steel, 2) ten­ vised and supervised techniques. Unsupervised clustering techniques
sile, in-plane mode I and mode II shear tests of adhesive, 3) tensile test of like k-means, genetic k-means (GKM), fuzzy c-means (FCM), Gaussian
CFRP and 4) DCB test of CFRP to CFRP and steel to steel mixture distribution (GMD), self-organizing map (SOM) and hierarchi­
adhesively-bonded coupons. To obtain the AE signals of matrix cracking cal models have been frequently used for damage clustering in com­
and fiber breakage, some researchers [54,77] performed tensile tests on posite materials. Generally, all unsupervised clustering techniques try to
pure resin and fiber bundle coupons while the originated AE signals partition a set of AE signals, {X1, X2, …, Xn}, each signal has been
were recorded. This damage identification process requires a large defined by p features, X1 ¼ [x1, x2, …, xp]), into k clusters (k�n), {C1, C2,
experimental effort and a database with AE characteristics of each in­ …, Ck}. Among the unsupervised clustering techniques, k-means has
dividual damage mechanism should be created. As aforementioned, the been widely used in literature to discriminate different damage mech­
AE features of each damage mechanism could be obtained by perform­ anisms in laminated composites [4,78–82]. K-means clusters AE data in
ing the individual constituent tests, but the AE dataset of a damaged two steps; it first selects the initial clusters’ centroid randomly and each
composite structure usually contains the AE signals of several damage data point is assigned to the cluster with the nearest cluster’s centroid
mechanisms mixed together. (Eq. (4)). In the second step, the new centroid of each cluster is updated
The second level of damage assessment of a composite structure is to the average value of all the data points, which are inside the cluster
partitioning the AE signals of different damage mechanisms. This pro­ (Eq. (5)) [83]:
cess is usually done according to one of the four following ways: 1) n � � � �2 o
ðtÞ 2 � ðtÞ �
manual discriminating of the AE data, 2) unsupervised clustering, 3) Ci ¼ Xn : �Xn mi � � �Xn mj � 8j; 1 � j � k (4)

supervised classification and 4) signals processing. The details of the

studies devoted to the damage identification and damage clustering 1 X
mi ¼ � ðtÞ � Xj
using AE are presented in Table 5. Some literature [44,64,74] used one �Ci � ðtÞ
or two AE features, mostly peak frequency and amplitude, to manually X 2C
j i

M. Saeedifar and D. Zarouchas Composites Part B 195 (2020) 108039

Table 5
Damage distinguishing in laminated composites using AE.
Material Type of the test Types of damage Utilized method Utilized AE parameters The utilized method to Ref.
validate AE results
The manual partitioning of AE data
Carbon/epoxy Tensile Matrix cracking, fiber/matrix Manual clustering Peak frequency Performing the tensile [74]
debonding, fiber pullout and fiber tests on resin, uncured
breakage prepregs, 0� and 90�
coupons, and also DCB
Hybrid of thin Tensile Fiber fracture and ply Manual clustering Amplitude and AE energy Visual inspection of [64]
carbon/epoxy fragmentation the specimens
and conventional
Glass/epoxy DCB Matrix cracking, fiber/matrix Manual clustering Peak frequency Microscopy images [44]
debonding and fiber breakage
Glass/epoxy Tensile and Matrix micro crack, matrix macro Manual clustering Peak frequency DIC [125]
compression tests on crack and fiber breakage
dogbone samples
and single-lap
bonded joints
Damage partitioning using one method
Unsupervised and supervised techniques
Glass/epoxy Quasi-static and Matrix cracking, fiber/matrix k-means Amplitude, energy, rise time, SEM images from the [4]
fatigue tensile tests debonding, delamination, fiber counts and duration fractured surfaces
Carbon/flax fiber Tensile Matrix cracking, fiber/matrix k-means Amplitude, absolute energy, SEM images from the [79]
hybrid debonding, delamination and fiber duration, counts to peak and fractured surfaces
composites breakage rise-time
Glass/carbon fiber Pure bending and Matrix cracking, interface failure, k-means Amplitude, Counts, Rise time, Weighted peak [82]
hybrid tensile tests fiber breakage and fiber pull out Peak frequency, weighted frequency and partial
composites frequency, partial powers power
Woven carbon/ Tensile and flexural Matrix cracking, interface failure k-means Weighted peak frequency and SEM and DIC [78]
epoxy tests and fiber breakage partial power 1
Flax, glass and DCB Matrix cracking, interface failure, k-means amplitude, duration, number of SEM [81]
hybrid flax-glass delamination and fiber breakage counts, energy and rise time
fiber woven
Flax fiber Quasi-static and Matrix micro-cracking, fiber- k-means Amplitude, duration, rise time, – [80]
reinforced fatigue tensile tests matrix debonding, fiber pull-out energy and numbers of counts to
thermoplastic and fiber breakage peak
2D and 3D woven Tensile Matrix cracking, delamination and k-meansþþ Amplitude, peak frequency and – [105]
carbon fiber/ fiber breakage centroid frequency
Glass/epoxy 3 PB Matrix cracking, fiber/matrix FCM Amplitude, duration and average SEM images [7]
debonding and fiber breakage frequency
Glass/epoxy and Tensile test on rod Matrix cracking, fiber/matrix FCM Duration, peak amplitude, SEM images [36]
carbon/epoxy type specimens debonding and fiber breakage energy, and the number of
Hemp/epoxy and 3 PB Matrix cracking, delamination, GMD Peak frequency – [66]
Glass/epoxy Interfacial debonding and fiber
Glass/epoxy Buckling Matrix cracking, delamination and GMD Peak frequency and amplitude Camera images [71]
fiber breakage
Carbon/epoxy Tensile Matrix cracking, delamination and SVM Rise time, counts, duration, – [85]
fiber breakage amplitude and energy
Carbon/carbon Tensile Matrix cracking, fiber/matrix Unsupervised Parametric load, amplitude, rise – [126]
debonding, fiber pullout, thermal clustering angle, reverberation frequency
stress relief, fiber arrangement to
the loading direction, matrix
friction, fiber push-in and single
fibers and fiber bundles failure
Hybrid of flax/ Tensile Matrix cracking, fiber breakage Combining Amplitude, duration, rise time, SEM images [86]
epoxy and glass/ and fiber/matrix debonding principal counts and energy
epoxy component
analysis (PCA) and
Glass/epoxy Creep tensile Matrix cracking, fiber breakage Combining PCA Duration, sum and maximum of – [87]
and fiber/matrix debonding and FCM the square moduli of continues
wavelet transform coefficients
and maximum of the square
discrete wavelet transform detail
Sandwich DCB Interfacial debonding, matrix Combining PCA Amplitude, peak frequency and Camera and SEM [61]
composite with cracking, fiber breakage and core and GKM energy images
glass/epoxy skin failure
and foam core
(continued on next page)

M. Saeedifar and D. Zarouchas Composites Part B 195 (2020) 108039

Table 5 (continued )
Glass/polyester DCB Matrix cracking, fiber/matrix Combining PCA Energy, amplitude, rise time, – [88]
debonding and fiber breakage and FCM counts, peak frequency and
Adhesively-bonded Tensile Steel core failure, adhesive failure, Ensemble bagged Amplitude, rise time, duration, DIC and fiber optic [76]
hybrid double lap cohesive failure and CFRP skin trees counts, energy, RMS, centroid sensor
joint failure frequency and peak frequency
Signal processing methods
Glass/epoxy 3 PB Matrix cracking, fiber breakage WT The AE waveform SEM images [53]
and fiber/matrix debonding
Carbon/epoxy Tensile Matrix cracking, fiber/matrix WT The AE waveform SEM images [95]
debonding, fiber pull-out and fiber
Sandwich DCB Core failure, adhesive bond failure, WT The AE waveform Camera and SEM [54]
composite with matrix cracking and fiber breakage images
glass/epoxy skin
and foam core
Glass/epoxy Tensile test of the Matrix cracking, fiber slippage and WT The AE waveform SEM images [59]
drilled specimen fiber breakage
Glass/polyester OHT Fiber failure WT The AE waveform – [127]
Glass/epoxy ENF Matrix cracking, fiber/matrix HT The AE waveform SEM images [60]
debonding and fiber breakage
Damage partitioning using multiple methods
Glass/epoxy DCB, ENF and MMB Matrix cracking, fiber/matrix Combining PCA Amplitude, frequency, energy, SEM images [41]
debonding and fiber breakage and FCM, packet count, rise time, and duration
wavelet transform
Glass/epoxy 3 PB Matrix cracking, fiber breakage Combining PCA The AE waveform and three SEM images [40]
and fiber/matrix debonding and FCM, packet parameters, including peak
wavelet transform amplitude, average frequency
and counts
Glass/epoxy Quasi-static Matrix cracking, fiber/matrix Combining PCA The AE waveform and five AE – [55]
indentation debonding and fiber breakage and FCM, packet parameters, including
wavelet transform amplitude, duration, rise time,
counting, and average frequency
Glass/epoxy 3 PB Matrix cracking, fiber/matrix Hilbert-Huang The AE waveform, duration, – [128]
debonding, fiber breakage and transform and k- peak amplitude, counts, rise time
delamination means and energy
Carbon/epoxy Buckling Matrix cracking and delamination Combining PCA 17 parameters, including rise – [129]
and k-means, FCM time, decay time, counts,
duration, energy, amplitude,
average frequency, absolute
energy, etc.
Carbon/epoxy OHT, 4 PB and Crack growth and fiber failure k-means, FCM, Amplitude and peak frequency DIC [92]
tensile tests hierarchical model
and GMD
Carbon/epoxy Quasi-static Matrix cracking, delamination and k-means, GKM, Amplitude and peak frequency Microscopy and C-scan [5]
indentation fiber breakage FCM, SOM, GMD images
and hierarchical

� �2 �T �
where Ci is cluster i and mi is the center of cluster i at iteration t.
ðtÞ ðtÞ
D2ij ¼ �Xj C i � ¼ Xj Ci Xj Ci
These two steps are repeated until the stop criterion is met, i.e. the
maximum number of iterations or a minimum value of changing the where γ ij is the membership parameter and α is the fuzzier. The objective
cluster centroid’s position between two consequent iterations. Although function will be minimized if [84]:
this technique is simple and has a low computational cost, there is no
guarantee that it always converges to the optimum results. In other γ ij ¼ � �α 2 1 ; 1 � i � k; 1 � j � n (7)
words, there is a possibility that the algorithm partitions data incor­ P

rectly. This is due to the random selection of the initial clusters’ cen­

troids (refer to Ref. [83] to find more details about this method). To
overcome this limitation, some researchers tried to improve this tech­ and
nique by adding a fuzziness parameter to k-means, which is named fuzzy P
n �α
c-means (FCM), or combining k-means with the genetic algorithm, γij Xj
which is named genetic k-means (GKM) algorithm. The clustering pro­ Ci ¼ P
n �α ; 1 � i � k
cess using FCM is similar to k-means with the difference that in FCM, a γij
membership parameter is defined that allows a data point belongs to
more than one cluster at the same time, with different membership In the case of GKM algorithm, the genetic algorithm is used to create
values from 0 to 1 (more details about this technique can be found in better clusters’ centroids in the new iterations by crossover of the pre­
Ref. [84]). To find the best clustering, FCM tries to minimize objective vious clusters’ centroids (more details about this technique can be found
function J(X;C) (Eq. (6)) [84]: in Ref. [61]). FCM and GKM have been widely used for damage clus­
tering in composite materials under different loading conditions such as
k X
�α � �2 tensile [36,85,86], creep tensile [87], 3 PB [7] and fracture mode I [61,
JðX; CÞ ¼ γij �Xj Ci � (6)
i¼1 j¼1 88]. Besides k-means-based methods, other methods like GMD and SOM
have been also utilized for damage clustering in composites [5,66,71].

M. Saeedifar and D. Zarouchas Composites Part B 195 (2020) 108039

GMD assumes that the whole dataset can be expressed as a weighted nobody reported the limitations of these techniques for the clustering of
summation of several Gaussian densities with unknown parameters (p AE signals. Saeedifar et al. [5] compared the performance of six different
(x)) [89]: unsupervised clustering techniques, including k-means, FCM, GKM,
� ! SOM, GMD, and hierarchical for partitioning the AE data of CFRP
XK � X
pðxÞ ¼

wk g X �μk ; (9) laminates, subjected to the indentation load. They tried to discriminate
� k three damage mechanisms, including matrix cracking, delamination and
fiber breakage with the corresponding frequency ranges of <150 kHz,
0 1

� X
1 T [150–300 kHz] and >500 kHz, respectively. As depicted in Fig. 5,
� 1 B 2ðX μk Þ�C among the 6 techniques, k-means and GMD failed to cluster the initial
g X �μk ; ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi�ffi exp@P
¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi�ffiP A
� k ð2πÞk � k � k X μk AE dataset correctly. To compare the performance of the four other
techniques, they created a more complex artificial AE dataset by adding
K another dense data group to the original AE dataset (a new AE data
wk ¼ 1 group with the frequency of less than 50 kHz shown in Fig. 6). As
k¼1 illustrated in Fig. 6, although all the 4 techniques could cluster the new
dataset appropriately, the results of FCM, SOM and GKM were not
where g is the Gaussian density function with mean vector μk and
reproducible. In other words, whenever the computer program of these
covariance matrix Ʃk, X is data and wk is the mixture weight function.
techniques was run, the obtained clusters were changing. The only
First, the algorithm estimates random initial values for mean vectors
technique that always gives the same optimum data clustering result was
and covariance matrices of density distributions. Then, it calculates
the hierarchical model.
weight function values for all the data points and the mixture distribu­
Sawan et al. [92] used four techniques consisting of k-means, hier­
tions. Afterward, the new mean vectors and covariance matrices are
archal, FCM, and GMD for AE signals distinguishing in open hole tensile
updated ( Eqs. (10)and (11)). This process is repeated until the stop
CFRP specimens, subjected to the tensile and bending loading condi­
criterion is satisfied which can be the maximum number of iterations
tions. The results showed that only the GMD model could distinguish AE
(more details can be found in Ref. [89]).
data appropriately. Thus, it seems that the performance of unsupervised
� �X
1 n
clustering techniques depends on the AE dataset. For example, for a
k ¼ wik ⋅Xi ; 1 � k � K (10) simple AE dataset, which the AE features of different damages have the
Nk i¼1
minimum overlap, a simple technique like k-means might works prop­
Xnew � � n
1 X � �T erly, while in the case of a more complicated AE dataset, a more
¼ wik ⋅ Xi μnew
k Xi μnew
k ; 1�k�K (11) powerful technique like the hierarchical model should be used. In
k Nk i¼1
addition, the repeatability of the clustering results should be checked.
Nk The unsupervised clustering methods have some kinds of intrinsic
k ¼
; 1�k�K blindness to partition data and they could not entirely realize the
inherent structure of the dataset [76]. In addition, the outputs of these
where NK is sum of membership weight for kth component defined as NK techniques are not labeled, thus it is not known which cluster is related
¼ Ʃwik. to which damage mechanism. Therefore, if some well-labeled training
The SOM is a type of artificial neural network (ANN) that can be used dataset is available, the use of supervised classification techniques is
in data clustering. The SOM is constructed of a number of weighted preferred over the unsupervised techniques. The supervised classifica­
neurons in a lattice structure. When a new data point comes into the tion process is generally performed in two steps: 1) the classifier is
lattice, the neuron that has the most similarity to the new data owns it. trained by a training dataset that has been labeled already. 2) After
Then, the weight functions (W) of the winner neuron and the neighbor sufficient training of the classifier, it will be used to classify the unknown
neurons are updated as follows [90]: dataset. Saeedifar et al. [76] used the ensemble decision tree supervised
classifier to distinguish four damage mechanisms in the adhesively
Wv ðt þ 1Þ ¼ Wv ðsÞ þ θðu; v; tÞ⋅ðXi Wv ðtÞÞ (12)
bonded double lap joint coupons. To obtain the training AE dataset, they
� � conducted several destructive tests on the constituent materials. Then,
kru rv k2
θðu; v; tÞ ¼ exp (13) this dataset was used to train the ensemble model. When the model was
2σ 2 ðtÞ
sufficiently trained, it was employed to classify damage in the double lap
joint coupon. The AE results were validated by the camera images, DIC
where u is the label of the winning neuron for data point X, θðu; v; tÞ is the
and fiber optic sensor results.
neighborhood function which expresses the distance between neuron u
The last group of researchers used the signal processing techniques
and v, t is the time step. The positions of neurons u and v are represented
for distinguishing damage modes in composite materials. The frequently
by ru and rv , and finally σ ðtÞ is the neighborhood function’s width. By
used technique in this group is wavelet transform (WT). In WT, a signal
feeding new data to the algorithm, the shape of the lattice gradually
is decomposed into low and high frequency subcomponents. Based on
changes to get into the shape of the dataset. Finally, according to the
the type of WT, both of the low and high frequency parts (packet wavelet
new positions of the lattice neurons, the dataset is clustered (more in­
transform) or just the low frequency part (discrete wavelet transform)
formation can be found in Ref. [90]).
will be decomposed in the other levels till the original signal finally is
Data clustering by the hierarchical model is simple and it is per­
decomposed into several subcomponents with different frequencies (see
formed in one of the two forms: divisive and agglomerative. In the
Fig. 7). Then, based on the frequency of subcomponents, one or some of
divisive procedure, each data point is initially considered as a cluster.
them are correlated to the specific damage modes. In the case of AE
Then, the algorithm finds two nearest clusters and create a new cluster
signals, because most of the times valuable information is placed in the
containing both data points. The algorithm calculates the distance
high frequency components (for example, fiber damage signals), packet
among the new cluster and the old ones again and merges the two closest
wavelet transform is usually preferred over discrete wavelet transform.
clusters. This process is continued to reach the desired number of clus­
The frequency range of each subcomponent in the packet wavelet
ters. The agglomerative procedure is exactly the reverse of the divisive.
transform tree is calculated using Eq. (14) [93]:
The drawback of the hierarchical model is the low rate of the clustering
� �
process (more information can be obtained in Ref. [91]). Although all nfs 2 ðiþ1Þ ; ðn þ 1Þfs 2 ðiþ1Þ (14)
the aforementioned techniques have been used frequently in literature,

M. Saeedifar and D. Zarouchas Composites Part B 195 (2020) 108039

Fig. 5. The performance of k-means, GKM, FCM, SOM, GMD and hierarchical methods to partition the AE signals into three groups (the data belongs to carbon/
epoxy laminates subjected to the indentation load) [5].

M. Saeedifar and D. Zarouchas Composites Part B 195 (2020) 108039

Fig. 6. The performance of SOM, FCM, GKM and hierarchical methods to partition the artificial AE dataset into four groups at different iterations [5].

where fs is the AE sampling rate, i shows the level of decomposition, and signal, shows the amount of its corresponding damage mode in the
n shows the label of subcomponent, which is equal to n ¼ 0, 1, …, 2i 1 composite structure (more information about WT can be found in Refs.
for decomposition level i. [93,94]):
The energy percentage of each subcomponent, respect to the original

M. Saeedifar and D. Zarouchas Composites Part B 195 (2020) 108039

Fig. 7. a) Discrete wavelet transform and b) packet wavelet transform tree (L: low frequency subcomponent and H: high frequency subcomponent).

� n �2 4. Damage prognostics
Eni ¼ fi ðTÞ (15)
Prognostics is a new dynamically rising field where researchers uti­
lize SHM data, machine learning algorithms and probabilistic modeling
En aiming to provide estimations for the future condition of a composite
Pni ¼ P P2i i 1 (16)
i n Eni structure. They focus their efforts on the predictions of remaining useful
life (RUL) and residual strength and they design prognostic frameworks
where Eni is the energy of subcomponent n located in level i, fin is the with the capability to perform analysis in real-time. In order to succeed
wavelet subcomponent, t0n and t1n show its time period, and Pni represents that, the availability of online SHM data is essential and AE is good
the energy percentage of the subcomponent respect to the original candidate that fulfills this requirement.
signal. Nevertheless, the literature review reveals that there is a limited
WT technique has been used successfully for damage mechanisms number of papers published in the prognostics field where the re­
identification in FRP composites subjected to tensile [59,95,96], frac­ searchers utilize AE data. The papers published in this field can be
ture modes I, II, mixed-mode I&II [40,41,54,60] and LVI [55,97] loading divided into the three groups, based on the models the authors adopt in
conditions. In addition, a good consistency between the quantified order to perform predictions: regression analysis, artificial neural
damages by this technique and the other unsupervised techniques like network (ANN) and hidden Markov-based models. The details of the
FCM [40,41,55] and hierarchical model [97] has been reported in the studies focused on the prognostics of laminated composites using AE are
literature. Beside WT, some other signal processing techniques have presented in Table 6.
been rarely used in literature. For example, Beheshtizadeh et al. [98] The first group of literature used a linear or non-linear regression
compared the performance of Choi–Williams transform with WT for analysis to find a mathematical correlation between a special AE indi­
damage characterization in glass/epoxy and carbon/epoxy laminates, cator and a mechanical property of the composite structures, mostly
subjected to 3 PB loading conditions. They reported that the sensitivity strength and RUL. Then, the mathematical model is used to extrapolate
of WT to the low-intensity part of the signals is higher than the mechanical properties of the structure in the future using the AE data
Choi–Williams. It is due to the fact that the exponential kernel function of the structure. Philippidis and Assimakopoulou [130] used a
of the Choi–Williams transform resulted in the missing of some small non-linear data fitting to formulate a regression model between the AE
details. The last signal processing technique used in literature is Hilbert counts and the residual strength of glass/epoxy coupons which were
transform (HT). Nazmdar et al. [60] used HT to determine the damage subjected to the constant and variable amplitude fatigue load. Then,
type in glass/epoxy ENF specimens. They used the phase angle param­ they used the model to predict the residual strength of two new speci­
eter of HT as a feature to obtain the frequency of different damage mens: one with a different matrix material but under the same loading
modes. conditions as the previous ones and the other one with the same matrix
but subjected to a new variable-amplitude fatigue load. The average

M. Saeedifar and D. Zarouchas Composites Part B 195 (2020) 108039

Table 6
Prognostics of mechanical properties of laminated composites using AE data.
Composites Type of the test SHM Prognostic Utilized AE parameters Predicted Approach Ref.
techniques methods parameter
Glass/ Quasi-static AE Regression Cumulative counts Tensile residual By fitting a curve to the cumulative AE [130]
epoxy tensile after strength counts and residual strength, an
fatigue aging empirical model was generated to
predict the residual strength
Glass/ Four-point AE Regression Cumulative counts Flexural residual By fitting a curve to the cumulative AE [131]
epoxy bending fatigue strength counts and residual strength an
test empirical model was generated to
predict the residual strength
Carbon/ Quasi-static AE ANN Amplitude Failure Strength Using the AE data collected up to 50% of [132]
epoxy tensile test failure load, the failure strength of
coupons were predicted.
Glass/ 4 PB fatigue test AE ANN Event counts Flexural residual GFRP specimens were pre-fatigued up to [136]
epoxy strength different portions of their fatigue life,
then ANN was used to predict their
residual strength
Carbon/ Post-impacted AE ANN Cumulative counts Failure tensile load The AE data collected to 50% and 75% [133]
epoxy tensile test of maximum load were used to train the
ANN and then the ANN predicted the
failure tensile load.
Glass/ Compression after AE ANN Counts, counts to peak, RMS Residual The AE data collected during the impact [137]
epoxy impact and signal strength compression after tests was used to train the ANN and then
impact strength the ANN used to predict the impact
damage tolerance
Glass/ 3 PB after aging AE ANN Events, cumulative counts, Flexural failure The specimens were aged for different [138]
epoxy cumulative energy, cumulative strength times then the ANN with the AE data
absolute energy, cumulative used to predict the flexural failure
signal strength strength
Hidden Markov-based models
Carbon/ Open-hole fatigue AE NHHSMM Windowed cumulative RA (rise RUL Using NHHSMM with AE data to predict [139]
epoxy tensile test time/amplitude RUL of CFRP specimens
Carbon/ Open-hole fatigue AE NHHSMM Windowed cumulative RA (rise RUL Comparing the performance of BNN and [134]
epoxy tensile test and BNN time/amplitude NHHSMM to predict RUL of CFRP
specimens using the AE data
Carbon/ Open-hole fatigue AEþ DIC NHHSMM 1/amplitude RUL Using NHHSMM to predict RUL of CFRP [135]
epoxy tensile test specimens using the fusion of AE data
and DIC results

error of residual strength prediction for the coupon with the new loading hidden semi Markov model (NHHSMM) could predict RUL of OHT
condition and the coupon with new matrix material was 2.89% and carbon/epoxy specimens, subjected to the fatigue load, better than ANN,
5.46% respectively. Caprino et al. [131] used an exponential regression Bayesian neural networks (BNN) (see Fig. 8). They cited three reasons
model to correlate the 4 PB residual strength of pre-fatigued glass/epoxy for the superiority of NHHSMM over BNN: 1) BNN works almost as a
composites to the total AE counts that had been recorded at the black box, 2) the oscillation of BNN predictions is much higher than
maximum stress level of the pre-fatigue tests. NHHSMM, and 3) despite the claim of the aforementioned literature, the
The second group of researchers used ANN to predict the residual accuracy of BNN prediction is not improved by increasing the numbers
strength of pre-fatigued composite coupons based on their AE activities. of data, while the accuracy of NHHSMM is continually improved as more
The prediction process is usually done in two steps: first, the ANN is online AE data comes into play. Eleftheroglou et al. [135] used
trained by the AE data collected from the already tested specimens and NHHSMM to predict RUL of the OHT coupons using a fusion of the AE
then, after the sufficient training, the ANN model is used to predict the and DIC data. The results showed that the accuracy of RUL prediction
degradation of the mechanical properties of a new coupon. Rajen­ was improved considerably by data fusion in comparison with using the
draboopathy et al. [132] did the tensile test on 18 glass/epoxy speci­ AE data individually.
mens. They separated 12 specimens as the training set and used the
collected AE data up to 30%, 40%, and 50% of the failure load. After­ 5. Conclusions
ward, this AE data and the corresponding maximum strength were used
to train the ANN. After the training process, ANN was employed to This review addresses the employment of AE technique for damage
predict the maximum strength of the 6 remained specimens based on characterization in laminated composites. The review was structured in
their AE activities. The results showed the ANN that was trained with two main sections: damage diagnostics and damage prognostics. A
more data (AE data up to 50% of failure load) had a better prediction. comprehensive damage diagnostic is usually done in three levels:
Arumugam et al. [133] performed tensile tests on the low-velocity damage initiation detection, damage identification and damage locali­
impacted carbon/epoxy laminates. They used the collected AE data up zation. Because damage localization was fully addressed in a recently-
to 50% and 75% of the tensile failure load of the impacted specimens to published review paper, it was not discussed here anymore. In the sec­
train an ANN. Then, the trained model was used to predict the residual ond section, three main prognostic approaches using the AE data were
strength of some new samples with an error range of 0.4%–15%. They presented: regression models, ANN and hidden Markov-based models.
claimed that the proposed technique could predict the residual strength The main conclusions of the review are listed hereafter:
of impacted laminates just by loading them up to a percentage of their
maximum load without inducing severe damages in them. � Most of AE features such as amplitude, energy, rise time, duration,
However, Loutas et al. [134] showed that the nonhomogeneous counts, centroid frequency and peak frequency are highly affected by

M. Saeedifar and D. Zarouchas Composites Part B 195 (2020) 108039

Fig. 8. RUL prognostic results for an OHT carbon/epoxy coupon using BNN and NHHSMM methods (lower and upper bounds shown for both models represent 90%
confidence intervals) [134].

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