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Scientific Works. Series C. Veterinary Medicine. Vol.

LXIV (1), 2018

ISSN 2065-1295; ISSN 2343-9394 (CD-ROM); ISSN 2067-3663 (Online); ISSN-L 2065-1295


Ana Maria Alexandra STĂNESCU2, Valentina Alina SIMION1, Lucian IONIȚĂ1
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest,
59 Marasti Blvd, District 1, Bucharest, Romania
Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 37 Dionisie Lupu Street,
District 2, Bucharest, Romania

Corresponding author email: [email protected]


Electrophoresis defines the migration of charged particles in an electrical field in accordance to their
molecular charge and size. In clinical medicine, electrophoresis is used mainly to separate and thus
differentiate between and proteins in a given sample, be it serum, urine, cerebrospinal fluid or others. This
paper aims to briefly describe the fundamentals and scope of electrophoresis and review the most recent
knowledge on urine protein electrophoresis. Urine electrophoresis (UEP) is always evaluated in conjunction
with serum electrophoresis and a measurement of total urine protein. In human medicine, proteinuria has
been identified and characterised based on this criterion. UEP can also be used to differentiate between
glomerular and tubular disease, based on the quantity and size of the molecules. Considering the advances
in human medicine and the wealth of disorders that can present with proteinuria in animals, the authors
consider that this diagnostic technique deserves more attention in veterinary medicine, in particular as a
valuable aid in the detection and identification of renal lesions.

Key words: proteinuria, electrophoresis, urine.

INTRODUCTION protein); tubular injury (with excessive

production and excretion of tubular proteins)
Proteinuria is defined as the presence of and overfiltration of plasma protein in
abnormal quantities of protein in the urine. In hyperproteinemia (Toto RD, 2004). The main
healthy animals, proteins that pass through a causes of proteinuria in small animals are
glomerulus are reabsorbed by the renal tubules summarised in Table 1. In human medicine,
or broken down by renal tubular epithelial cells clinical proteinuria (>0.5 g/24h) is recognized
(Harley L and Langston C, 2012). The as the strongest risk predictor of progression to
characteristics of the molecule of protein (size, end-stage renal failure and a strong predictor of
shape, and charge) determines its ability to pass risk of cardiovascular disease (Camaré C and
through the glomerular filter (Latimer KS, Caussé E, 2013; Johnson DW, 2011).
2011). The types of protein normally found in In recent years, urinary proteomics has
human urine are plasma proteins (30% garnered a lot of interest due to its advantages:
albumin, 30% serum globulins) and around urine can easily obtained in large quantities and
40% are tissue proteins from the kidney and without the need for qualified personnel; the
urinary tract (mainly Tamm–Horsfall protein, a protein it contains is relatively stable; its
glycosylated product from the loop of Henle, protein content is less complex and requires
alongside protein from epithelial cells, casts or less processing than that of blood, which
exostomes (Wein et al., 2016, Keren DF, 2003, facilitates analysis and interpretation and it
Barrat et al, 2007; Kalantari S et al, 2013). usually contains few cells, lipids and less
Determining the composition of proteinuria is a soluble protein that can interfere with analysis
non-invasive diagnostic approach that helps (Mischak et al., 2010).
distinguish different disease processes. The Determining and analysing proteinuria can be
three mechanisms that result in proteinuria are done in a multitude of ways. The most frequent
glomerular injury (with excessive filtration of is point-of-care testing using urine reagent
strips (Figure 1) in various pathologies such as Due to the frequent occurence of false positive
diabetes, hypertension, systemic diseases, renal and false negative reactions, it is highly
disease in order to monitor the effect of recommended to quantify and type proteinuria
nephrotoxic drugs. The dipstick test is most in a laboratory. This can be achieved through
sensitive for albumin but can detect other quantitative measurements with devices using
proteins (Harley L and Langston C, 2012) and various reactions (the biuret method or
it can be combined with the sulfosalicylic acid colorimetry) and through qualitative quanti-
(SSA) precipitation test which detects all types fications though various various techniques:
of protein (Guedes-Marques M. et al, 2015). If electrophoretic methods or immunochemistry
the SSA test is positive but urine dipstick is (Camaré C and Caussé E, 2013).
negative, UEP is required to evidentiate The urine protein to creatinine ratio (UPCR)
immunoglobulin light chain excretion due to obtained by dividing the urinary protein
dysproteinemias (Patel VB and Preedy VR, concentration (mg/dL) by the creatinine
2016). Herbivores that produce a highly concentration (mg/dL) is a ratio that serves as a
alkaline urine always obtain a false-positive sensitive and reliable method to detect and
reaction for proteinuria (trace or 1+) on urine quantify proteinuria (in samples that present no
dipstick tests (Constable et al., 2017). Recently, inactive sediment) and can replace the protein
microalbuminuria assays have been count in a 24-hour sample (Constable et al,
recommended in both human and veterinary 2017). In healthy dogs UPCR is usually <0.5
medicine as screening tests, as they are more and in cats it is <0.4 (Harley L & Langston C,
sensitive than the dipstick and sulfosalicylic 2012). The normal UPCR in the horse is
acid methods for albumin (Bartges J and Polzin considered less than 1.0 (Constable et al.,
DJ, 2011; Rangaswami J et al., 2017). 2017). Values over 0.5 in dogs and cats are
considered proteinuric; values > 1.0 are
considered pathologic and glomerular
proteinuria is usually associated with a ratio of
over 2.0 (Duffy et al, 2015; Lees et al, 2004,
Harley L and Langston C, 2012). In horses with
proteinuria, UPCR under 13 is believed to be
indicative of tubular proteinuria (Constable et
al., 2017). Urine protein electrophoresis can be
performed on a spot urine sample (morning
preferable) or a 24-hour collection (Lee et al
2017). While serum is processed undiluted,
UEP requires concentration and desalting
before processing (Keren DF, 2003). For
electrophoresis, urine (either from one miction
or from a 24-hour urine collection) is
centrifuged to eliminate the mineral and
organic sediment and analysed immediately or
stored at -80°C (Magdeldin et al., 2012).
Electrophoresis defines the migration of
charged particles in an electrical field in
accordance to their molecular charge and size
and can differentiate mixed populations of
protein macromolecules into large protein
Fig. 1. An example of a urine reagent test strip fractions such as albumin, alpha-1, alpha-2,
commonly used in veterinary medicine in Romania. beta and gamma globulins and even into
GLU glucose, PRO total protein, BIL bilirubin, URO
subunit structures such as polypeptides that
urobilinogen, S.G. specific gravity, BLD blood, KET
ketones, NIT nitrite, LEU leukocytes, CRE creatinine differ by a few hundred daltons or 0.1 pH units,
(ARKRAY Europe, B.V.) depending on the techniques and equipment
available (Westermeier R, 2016).

Table 1. Differential diagnosis for small animal • Inflammatory bowel disease
proteinuria, from Gough A, Murphy K, Differential • Leishmaniasis
Diagnosis in Small Animal Medicine, 2nd Edition, • Leptospirosis
Wiley Blackwell, 2015; modified with data from • Mycoplasma polyarthritis
Harley L and Langston C, 2012 • Pancreatitis
• Polyarthritis
Proteinuria • Prostatitis
False positives (strip test) • Pyometra
Contamination, e.g. benzalkonium chloride, • Pyrexia
cetrimide, chlorhexidine • Rocky Mountain spotted fever (dog)
Stale urine • Septicaemia
Highly alkaline urine (pH greater than 8.0) • Sulphonamide hypersensitivity
• Systemic lupus erythematosus
False positives (20% sulphosalicylic acid test) Severe:
Cephalosporins • Amyloidosis
Penicillins • Glomerulonephritis
Radiographic contrast media Post-renal
Sulphafurazole Genital tract disease: prostatitis, vaginitis
Thymol Genital tract secretions
Tolbutamide Lower urinary tract disease: trauma, urinary tract
Pre-renal infection, urolithiasis
Fever, heat stroke Urogenital neoplasia: bladder, ureteral, urethral,
Central nervous system disease (eg. seizures) vaginal or prostatic neoplasia
Systemic hypertension; cardiac disease (eg. CHF) Electrophoretic techniques commonly used are
Drug reactions horizontal and vertical gel electrophoresis,
Acute pancreatitis agarose gel electrophoresis, polyacrylamide
Hyperthyroidism (cat)
Hyperadrenocortism (dog)
gels, sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide
Haemoglobinuria, e.g. haemolytic anaemia gel electrophoresis, native (buffer) gels,
Hyperproteinaemia e.g. derived from colostral gradient gels, capillary electrophoresis,
proteins, monoclonal free light chain (multiple cellulose acetate electrophoresis, isoelectric
myeloma) focusing and two-dimensional gel
Myoglobinuria, e.g. muscle trauma, rhabdomyolysis
Physiological, e.g. exercise, stress
electrophoresis, microchip electrophoresis.
Several techniques can be used in conjunction
Renal with electrophoresis, such as immunofixation,
Mild to moderate
• Acute kidney injury
immunonephelometry or mass spectrometry
• Amyloidosis (Keren, 2003; Kurien BT and Scofield RH,
• Breed-associated nephropathy (dog) 2012, Westermeier R, 2016).
• Chronic kidney disease In human clinical medicine, urinary protein
• Fanconi syndrome electrophoresis is used by nephrologists and
• Glomerulonephritis
• IgA nephropathy
cardiologists to look for signs of glomerular or
• Primary renal glucosuria tubular proteinuria, while hematologists look
• Secondary glomerular disease for paraprotein suggestive of malignant
• Bacterial endocarditis hemopathies (Camaré C and Caussé E, 2013).
• Borreliosis UEP can help distinguish if the proteinuria is
• Brucellosis
• Chronic bacterial infection
glomerular or tubular (Jenkins MA, 2009).
• Chronic skin disease However, urinary protein electrophoresis is a
• Diabetic glomerulosclerosis semi-quantitative method that has poor
• Dirofilariasis performance for the study and monitoring of
• Ehrlichiosis proteinuria and in order to obtain more
• Exogenous steroid use
• Feline infectious peritonitis (cat)
information one should investigate glomerular
• Feline leukaemia virus (cat) and tubular urinary markers such as IgG,
• Hyperthermia albumin, transferrin, alpha-1-microglobulin and
• Hypothermia retinol binding protein using complementary
• Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia methods such as immunonephelometry
• Infectious canine hepatitis (dog)
(Bastard JP et al., 2017). Nephelometry is the
measurement of scattered light used to followed by serum and urine electrophoresis. A
determine the size, shape, and concentration of decreased albumin to globulin ratio is either
scattering particles; in immunoassays, these due to renal proteinuria and/or excessive
particles are the antigen-antibody complexes immunoglobulin production due to antigenic
formed (Ackerman E, Rosevear JW, 1979). stimulation or a monoclonal gammopathy
Immunoelectrophoresis includes a variety of (Latimer KS, 2011). B-cell chronic
techniques that combine electrophoresis and the lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) in humans is
precipitation reaction between antibody and accompanied by macroglobulinemia; in
antigen (Csako G in Kurien BT and Scofield animals this is more rare and, if present, the
RH, 2012). Immunofixation electrophoresis is globulin is usually IgM (identified through
an alternative to immunoelectrophoresis that immunoelectrophoresis) (Meuten DJ, 2017).
helps identify specific proteins in situ (Csako G Electrophoresis can thus help distinguish
in Kurien BT and Scofield RH, 2012). between a T-cell or B-cell CLL.


In order to review current knowledge on

urinary electrophoresis in human and veterinary
medicine we searched through scientific
databases using keywords such as ‘urinary’,
‘electrophoresis’, ‘veterinary’, ‘small animal’,
‘large animal’. We selected those results that
were relevant to the topic and presented both
well established and novel uses for UEP. Fig. 2. An example of serum and urine
electrophoretograms from a cat with multiple myeloma -
a monoclonal peak in the γ region can be observed in
both serum and urine electrophoretograms; the
immunoglobulin was IgG (Cornell University Veterinary
The main reason for performing UEP is to Diagnostic Laboratory)
monitor and diagnose monoclonal
gammopathies, which are disorders in which In myeloma, one usually encounters a mono- or
lymphocytes/plasma cells proliferate and biclonal gammopathy, most frequently
produce monoclonal intact immunoglobulin constituted of IgG, less so IgA and IgM, while
(IgG, IgA or IgM), free light chain or free some are nonsecretory (Meuten, 2017). These
heavy chain protein (Tate et al, 2009; Jenkins, gammopathies can be identified in the serum,
2009), resulting in different electrophoretic while in urine one can identify light chain
patterns, as in chronic lymphocytic leukemia immunoglobulins (Fig. 2) that are small enough
and multiple myeloma (Keren DF, 2003). In to pass through the nephron; these globulins
small animals, serum monoclonal can determine glomerulonephritis or nephrotic
gammopathies can be caused by canine syndrome (Meuten DJ, 2017). The diagnosis of
ehrlichiosis, leishmaniasis, pyoderma, B-cell or plasma cell lymphoma can be aided
B́CLL, B́cell lymphoma, plasmacytoma by UEP through the detection of large amounts
and feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), and some of monoclonal immunoglobulin light-chain
of these protein can also be found in urine, as in when renal damage can be excluded from the
myeloma or FIP (Harley and Langston, 2012; differential (Schwab M, 2011).
Meuten DJ, 2017). Further investigations are UEP is also useful for investigating proteinuria
required to identify the type of protein involved of renal origin and distinguishing between
and the cause, thus determine the severity of glomerular and tubular protein (Fig. 3). The
the lesion - benign monoclonal gammopathy, glomerular filter is composed of three
multiple myeloma or light chain amyloidosis successive barries: the endothelial cells,
(Tate et al, 2009; Jenkins, 2009). basement membrane and podocyte foot
Routine biochemistry in an animal may reveal a processes that work together (Bartges J, Polzin
low albumin to globulin ratio, which should be DJ, 2011; D’Amico G, Bazzi C 2003). In

glomerular kidney disease, UEP will identify
albumin as the cause of proteinuria, as larger
protein molecules can be lost through urine
(Lee et al, 2017; Wein et al., 2016). Tubular
lesions impair the reabsorbtion of low
molecular weight proteins, with increases in
alpha-1 and beta-2 fractions in urine such as
retinol binding protein and alpha-1
microglobulin (Jenkins, 2009). Tubular damage
may result in high molecular weight protein
loss in the urine, which must be differentiated
though UEP immunofixation to determine its
nature and origin (Lee et al., 2017; Wein et al.,
2016). Yalçin A and Çetin M (2004) used UEP
and imunoblotting to identify transferrin, alpha-
1 microglobulin, beta-2-microglobulin and
retinol binding protein (RBP) in dogs with
renal disease and detected RBP in all patients
with proteinuria and in two healthy dogs.
Schaefer et al. (2010) also detected RBP in
dogs with various pathologies diagnosed with
systemic inflammatory response syndrome.
Several studies identify RBP as a possible
biomarker in human as well as animal kidney
disease (Nabity et al., 2011). In small animal
medicine, it is important to note that renal
disease can be present in the absence of
increased blood urea nitrogen or creatinine
values and proteinuria is a negative prognostic
factor in renal disease (Harley L and Langston
C, 2012). On 49 dogs admitted for an increase
in serum creatinine, proteinuria or both, Zini et
al. (2004) performed renal biopsy and
histologic examination as well as urinalysis and
SDS-agarose gel electrophoresis on urine
collected through cystocentesis and compared
the histopathologic score with the
electrophoretic pattern. They observed that
Fig. 3. Nephron filtration of plasma protein:
dogs with glomerular disease has very similar A = physiologic; B = primary glomerular dysfunction
proteinuric patterns and cannot be with secondary tubular dysfunction; C = primary tubular
differentiated on this basis (Zini et al., 2004). dysfunction. In health, a small quantity of low molecular
When tubular and tubulo-interstitial lesions weight protein and albumin pass through the glomerular
were detected on histology, only the most barrier to be reabsorbed by tubular cells. When different
disease processes alter the permeability of the glomerular
severe forms were accompanied by a tubular membrane and/or overcome the reabsorbtive capacity
pattern on the urinary electrophoretogram, and of the tubular cells, urine may contain albumin (ALB),
the smaller the molecules detected, the more low molecular weight protein (LMW) and high
severe was the histological score (Zini et al., molecular weight protein (HMW)
2004). It is recommeded that proteinuria be (Reproduced from de Loor et al., 2013).
treated if it persists after the inciting causes
have been managed, in particular in the Nephrotic syndrome, defined as the presence of
presence of polyuria and polydypsia (Harley L proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, extravascular
and Langston C, 2012) - see Figure 4. accumulation of fluids and hyperlipidemia, is
an uncommon occurence in dogs and cats with
protein-losing nephropathy (Bartges J, Polzin the most common reservoir hosts (Nally JE et
DJ, 2011). It presents with decreased serum al., 2015). Song et al. (2013) devised a method
albumin and γ-globulin and increased α2- for the rapid detection of bacteria in urine using
albumin, while UEP demonstrates increased capillary electrophoresis with a limit of
albumin and some increase in globulins (Keren, detection of 106 CFU/mL. Urine capillary
2003; Longsworth LG, MacInnes DA, 1940). electrophoresis can be used alongide comple-
Nephrotic syndrome can be more readily mentary methods for the metabolic profiling of
diagnosed and its cause discovered through a urine, rapid screening for drug abuse, toxic
complex urine examination (routine urinalysis, compounds and metabolites (Kohler I et al,
UEP and immunofixation), as the serum 2013; Zhang Q et al., 2015; Wang W et al.,
electrophoretic pattern may only become 2010) alongside other techniques.
evident in severe disease (Keren 2003).

UEP is essential to determining the profile of

the urinary proteome. Urine is an easily
sampled biological fluid that is being searched
worldwide for biomarkers of disease, both of
the genito-urinary tract and of other systems. It
is also useful to detect subclinical infection,
toxic compounds in humans, pets and large
animals or growth promoters in food-producing
animals. Urine proteomics in animals and UEP
in particular are not well established at the
moment. We consider that serum electropho-
resis and UEP should become routine inves-
Fig. 4. Antiproteinuric drugs (from Harley L and
Langston C, 2012)
tigations in animals with relevant clinical signs
and for monitoring purposes and that a minimal
UEP is currently used in the search for protein urinalysis (dipstick and sediment) should be
biomarkers in specific diseases in order to included in all routine examinations.
monitor and detect diseases in earlier stages. To
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