Haemato-Biochemical Alterations in Dogs Suffering From Chronic Renal Failure

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Haemato-biochemical alterations in dogs suffering from chronic renal failure

Article · September 2019

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6 authors, including:

Sonu Ghadwal Gaurav Charaya

Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences


Yogesh Bangar Divya Agnihotri

Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences


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Indian J. Vet. Med. Vol. 39, No. 1, 2019 pp. 31-35 31

Haemato-biochemical alterations in dogs suffering from chronic renal failure

*Sonu1, Ashok Kumar1, Gaurav Charaya1, Yogesh Bangar2, Divya Agnihotri3 and Tarun Kumar3
Department of Veterinary Medicine, 2 Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding , 3 Department of Teaching
Veterinary Clinical Complex, College of Veterinary Sciences, Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal
Sciences, Hisar, Haryana-125001

The present study was conducted to determine the haemato-biochemical alterations in dogs suffering from
chronic renal failure. A total of 24 dogs brought to the clinics with the history and clinical signs suggestive
of renal failure were included in the study. Blood and serum samples were collected and subjected to
haematological and biochemical analysis. All the dogs were found to be suffering from renal failure on the
basis of elevated level serum creatinine. Staging following IRIS guidelines suggested 58.3% dogs to be in
Stage IV of chronic renal failure 29.16% in Stage III, 8.32% in Stage II and 4.16% in Stage I. Haematological
analysis depicted significant reduction in haemoglobin, leucocytosis with neutrophilia, decreased PCV
and decreased number of platelets. Biochemical analysis showed significant increase in BUN, creatinine,
phosphorous and decreased protein levels in diseased dogs in comparison with apparently healthy control
dogs considered in the present study.
Keywords: Chronic renal failure, Dogs, Haemato-biochemical alterations

Renal failure is the loss of ability of kidneys to Material and Methods

excrete waste products, concentrate urine, electrolytes
Twenty four dogs presented at Small Animals
and fluid balance leading to retention of creatinine, urea
Clinics, College Veterinary Hospital, Teaching
and other metabolic waste products that are normally
Veterinary Clinical Complex, College of Veterinary
excreted by the kidney. It is of two types depending on
Sciences, LUVAS, Hisar, with clinical signs suggestive
the onset of disease condition i.e. acute renal failure
of renal failure were considered for the study. A total
and chronic kidney failure or chronic kidney disease.
of 24 dogs irrespective of age, sex and breed were
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is defined as the presence
diagnosed to be suffering from chronic renal failure on
of structural or functional abnormalities of one or both
the basis of clinical and ultrasonographic findings. The
the kidneys that have been present for an extended
blood samples collected in vials coated with K3EDTA
period, usually three months or longer (Polzin, 2011)
were immediately analyzed for complete hematological
and is manifested by cardiovascular disease, azotemia,
examination using fully automated haematology
hyperphosphatemia, melena, buccal ulcers and anemia
cell counter (MS4s, Melet Schloesing Laboratories,
(Kralova et al.,2010).
France). The parameters measured were haemoglobin
Disease can be diagnosed by clinical (Hb) in g/dl, total leucocyte count (TLC) in 103/
examination, urine examination, ultrasonographic mm3, differential leukocyte count (DLC lymphocytes
findings and serum analysis for biochemical parameters. (L) in %, monocytes (M) in %, neutrophils (N) in
Estimation of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum %, eosinophils (E) in % and basophils (B) in %. and
creatinine (SC) are widely used for evaluation of thrombocyte count (THR) in 103/μl. The serum samples
glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and renal functions in were analyzed for estimation of biochemical test
dogs. profile by using fully automated random access clinical
Therefore, present study was conducted to chemistry analyzer (EM Destiny 180, Erba Diagnostics
diagnose renal failure cases in dogs on the basis of Mannheim GmbH-Germany). The serum biochemical
clinical signs and find haemato-biochemical alteration parameters measured were alanine aminotransferase
in the affected dogs. (ALT) in U/L, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) in U/L,
gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) in U/L, alkaline
phosphatase in U/L, protein in g/dl, albumin in g/dl,
bilirubin direct (BID) in mg/dl, bilirubin total (BIT)
Corresponding author: [email protected]
32 Sonu et al.

in mg/dl, glucose in mg/dl, urea in mg/dl, creatinine inflammation of one or more organs of renal system.
in mg/dl, calcium (Ca) in mg/dl and phosphorus (P) in Similar findings were also reported by Mrudula et al
mg/dl. Six apparently healthy dogs brought for general (2005) and Kandula and Karlapudi (2015). Neutrophils
health check up and vaccination formed the control count (%) was significantly (P<0.05) increased in
group. Samples from healthy animals were collected diseased dogs with mean values of 82.70±2.21 % as
and processed for comparison purpose after taking compared to apparently healthy dogs of control group
proper ethical permission from the IAEC. Results were 71.10±1.94 %. Lymphocyte values were found to be
analyzed statistically by applying Student t test using significantly lower in dogs suffering from renal failure
SPSS 16.0 software. with mean value of 14.45±1.96 % as compared with
that of control healthy dogs (19.83±3.31 %). This
Results and Discussion finding of decreased lymphocyte is in exact conjuction
The mean values of haemoglobin (Hb) in g/ with the findings of Kandula and Karlapudi (2015) and
dl, total leukocyte count (TLC) in 103/ml, neutrophil Devpriya et al (2018). Leucocytosis with neutrophilia
in %, lymphocyte in %, monocytes in %, eosinophils and lymphopenia might occur due to variable extent of
in %, packed cell volume in % and platelets in are stress as in cystitis and nephritis as well as a sign of
shown in Table 1 Lower value of Hb was recorded manifestation of induction of body defense mechanism
in dogs suffering from renal failure with the mean against bacterial infection (Senior et al, 1986).
value 7.52±0.69 g/dl as compared to the mean control Monocyte count (1.25*±0.39%) was significantly less
value of 13.43±0.67 g/dl. A significant alteration in as compared to mean value of control 4.0±1.12 %.
values (p<0.05) between diseased and control group Mean value of eoisinophil count was calculated to be
was recorded. Decreased haemoglobulin value can be 1.041±41% compared to 0.0±0.0% in healthy dogs.
attributed to lack of erythropoiesis and decrease red Lower value of PCV was seen in dogs of renal
blood cell survival because of uremia. Similar results of failure with mean value 36.45±0.94% as compared to
anemia with same values were recorded by Sharma et al control mean value 40.9±2.12%. There was significant
(2015); Chibber et al (2017) and Devpriya et al (2018). difference observed between groups at P<0.05 level.
TLC count of sick dogs was found to be elevated with Similar results was given by Prathan and Roy (2012);
a value of 16.91±1.96 x 103 /ml as compared to those Sharma et al (2015); and Devpriya et al (2018) showing
of apparently healthy dogs with a value of 10.46±1.94 decreased PCV in effected dogs. The mean value of
x 103 /ml without a significant difference between platelets of renal failure cases was significantly lower at
them. Increased TLC count or leucocytosis in cases P<0.05 177±1.77 x 103/ml as compared to control mean
of renal failure can be observed because of underlying value 241.6±51.78 x 103 /ml. This finding of decreased
platelet count was also reported by Sharma et al (2015)
Table 1: Showing mean hematological value of diseased dogs which can be attributed to the reduced thrombopoietic
and healthy dogs and comparison using Student
activity in uremic dogs.
T test
The mean values for blood urea nitrogen,
Parameter Mean± SE
creatinine, total protein, albumin, glucose, SGOT,
Diseased dogs Healthy dogs SGPT, ALP, GGT, triglyceride, cholesterol, total
Hb g/dl 7.52*±0.69 13.43±.67 bilirubin, total calcium and phosphorus were presented
TLC (103/ml) 16.91±1.96 10.46±1.94 in table II. The mean value of blood urea nitrogen was
237±29.5 mg/dl elevated in dogs suffering from renal
N% 82.70*±2.21 71.10±3.59
failure as compared to mean value 13.6±2.20 of control
M% 1.25*±0.39 4.0±1.12 group with significant difference. Value of serum
L% 14.45*±1.96 19.85±3.31 creatinine was found to be elevated in diseased dogs
E% 1.041±.41 0.0±0.0 with mean value of 7.31±1.02 mg/dl as compared to in
PCV% 36.45*±.94 40.9±2.12 apparently healthy dogs with mean value of 0.95±0.02
Platelets (103/ml) 177*±1.77 241±51.78 mg/dl. Values were found to be statistically different.
* indicates significant alteration in values (p<0.05) Staging of renal failure was done in diseased dogs using
Chronic renal failure in dogs 33

Table 2: Showing mean serum biochemical value of diseased who also depicted reduced protein level in renal
dogs and healthy dogs and comparison using disorders. Hypoproteinemia and hypoalbuminemia
Student T test observed in present study can be attributed to protein
Parameter Renal failure Control loss in urination due to kidney failure and GIT bleeding
(Mean ± SE) in uremic dogs. The mean value of phosphorus was
BUN (mg/dl) 237*±29.5 13.6±2.20 recorded 8.5±1.07 mg/dl with a significant increase as
Serum Creatinine (mg/dl) 7.31*±1.02 0.95±0.02 compared to 4.2±1.2 mg/dl in apparently healthy dogs.
Total protein (g/dl) 5.0±0.38 5.31±0.38 In present study, hyperphoshatemia was observed in
renal failure cases as compared to healthy. Suggestive
Albumin (g/dl) 3.20±0.97 3.87±0.04
reason for hyperphosphatemia is declining kidney
ALP (U/L) 220±40.32 94.16±4.3
function because the kidneys are the primary route
T. Bilirubin (mg/dl) 0.64 ± 0.40 0.55±0.04 of phosphorus excretion and its consequences results
GGT (U/L) 11.04±4.25 5.5±2.3 in phosphorus retention. In patients with CKD stages
Ca (mg/dl) 8.65*±2.9 7.4±1.2 1 and 2, phosphorus typically remain within the
Glucose (mg/dl) 67.80*±8.06 91±12.7 normal range because of a compensatory reduction
Triglyceride (mg/dl) 92.72*±64 46±12.8 in phosphorous reabsorption in surviving nephrons,
Phosphorus (mg/dl) 8.5*±1.07 4.2±1.2 thereby enhancing phosphaturia. This compensatory
Cholesterol (mg/dl) 218.6±10.11 198±5.2 adaptation is a consequence of the phosphaturic effects
SGOT (U/L) 69±17.33 24±4.77
of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF-23) and parathyroid
hormone (PTH) (Liu and Quarles, 2007). The
SGPT (U/L) 58±29.6 17±4.3
tradeoffs or consequences of ameliorating development
* indicates significant alteration in values (p<0.05)
of hyperphosphatemia include renal secondary
International Renal Interest Society (IRIS guidelines) hyperparathyroidism and impaired production of
as shown in Table 3. Majority of dogs (58.33%) in calcitriol. In dogs and cats with CKD stages 3 and 4, the
current study were found to be in Stage IV of chronic usual compensatory mechanisms typically fail to prevent
renal failure with serum creatinine value greater than hyperphosphatemia (Polzin, 2011).. The mean value of
5.0mg /dl followed by 29.16% in Stage III with values cholesterol was 218.6±10mg/dl. Hypercholesterolemia
between 2.0-5.0mg/dl, 8.32% in Stage II with values is usually part of a more complex syndrome, the
between 1.4-2.0mg/dl and 4.16% in Stage I with values nephrotic syndrome, Hypercholesterolemia has been
less than 1.4 mg/dl. Sharma et al., (2015) also graded reported in varying frequencies in dogs with acquired
the diseased dogs into stages and found significantly glomerular disease (Xenoulis and Steiner, 2008).
increased values in dogs in Stage III and Stage IV. Mean value of total bilirubin was calculated to
Reason for increased creatinine was its diminished be on non significantly higher side in diseased animals
renal excretion in CRF but creatinine is insensitive for with mean of 0.64±0.40 mg/dl as compared to mean
early renal disorders, at least 75% loss of functional value 0.55±0.04 mg/dl of control. The mean value
nephrons occurs before creatinine increases above the of alkaline phosphatase was 220±40 U/L showing
reference levels as mentioned by Watson et al (2002) elevated level as compared to the mean value of
and Lefebvre (2011). Increased values of creatinine in control 94.16±4.3 U/L. The finding was in accordance
cases of renal failure was also reported by Mrudula et al with Sharma et al. 2015 who also depicted increase
(2005); Bradea et al (2013); and Devpriya et al (2018). in alkaline phosphatase level in renal disorders. This
The mean value of total protein and albumin elevated serum alkaline phosphates level was due to
levels in diseased dogs was non-significantly lower secondary renal hyperparathyroidism (Centre 1996)
5.0±0.38g/dl and 3.20±0.97g/dl as compared to and is found to be associated with increased mortality
healthy control dogs with a value of 5.3±0.38g/dl and in CRF (Srinivasn et al. 2009)
3.87±0.04g/dl. There was no statistical significant. The Mean calcium value was recorded to be
finding is in accordance with Kandula and Karlapudi significantly higher (8.65±2.9 mg/dl) in diseased dogs
(2015); Chibber et al (2017) and Devpriya et al (2018) as compared to that of healthy dogs (7.4±1.2 mg/dl).
34 Sonu et al.

Table 3: Showing grading of diseased dogs suffering from chronic kidney disease (CKD) following IRIS guidelines
IRIS guidelines Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Serum.creatinine Serum. creatinine serum .creatinine serum.creatinine
(<1.4mg/dl) (1.4-2.0mg/dl (2.0-5.0mg/dl) >5.0mg /dl
No of dogs affected 1 (4.16%) 2 (8.32%) 7 (29.16%) 14 (58.33%)

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Received : 10.07.2019
Accepted : 09.09.2019

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