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10/5/23, 10:24 PM Practice Exam #3 Flashcards | Quizlet

Practice Exam #3 Study

Practice Exam #3
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What could cause longitudinal d

grooves in the ID of a heat f)
exchanger tube?
a) corrosion at nozzle inlets/outlets
and tube inlets
b) crevice corrosion of any of the
affected materials
c) localized corrosion from
underdeposit corrosion
d) corrosion at ERW weld areas
along the weld fusion lines

Corrosion damage from acidic· a

sour water is typically general
thinning. However, localized
corrosion or localized under
deposit attack can occur, especially
if oxygen is present. Corrosion in
C02 containing Penvironments may
be accompanied by:
a) carbonate stress corrosion
b) crevice stress corrosion cracking
c) sulfide stress corrosion cracking
d) none of the above

Cooling water corrosion can result d

in which forms? a)
a) gener al corrosion
b) pitting corrosion
c) MIC, stress corrosion cracking
and fouling
d) all of the above 1/24
10/5/23, 10:24 PM Practice Exam #3 Flashcards | Quizlet

Practice Exam
Decarburization #3related
is closely b
to what other damage mech anism
and how is it best inspected?
a) high temperature hydrogen
attack (HTHA) - VT and RT
b) high temperature hydrogen
attack (HTHA) -field metallography
and replication
c) high temperature oxide attack
(HTOA) - hardness testing for
localized hard spots
d) high temperature oxidation
attack (HTOA) -hardness t esting
for localized hard spots

Atmospheric corrosion attack will a

be: a)
a) gener al or localized depending
upon whether or not the moisture is
b) gener al regardless if moistm e is
trapped or not
c) gener al if there is coating failure
d) all of the above

Reheat cracks on the surface of the a

component can be detected with: a)
a) UT and MT examination of
carbon and low alloy steels
b) UT and MT examination of 300
Series SS and nickel base alloys
c) SWUT or MT for all steels
d) SWUT, RT, PT, and MT for all
steels 2/24
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Practice Exam #3
Erosion and erosion-corrosion b
failures can occur in a relatively a)
short time and are characterized by
a localized loss in thickness in the
form of:
a) non-directional patterns most
b) pits, grooves, gullies
c) both a and b
d) elongated troughs with dove tail

Naphthenic acid corrosion (NAC) is d

a form of high temperature a)
corrosion that occurs primarily in
crude and vacuum units, and
downstream units that process
certain fractions or cuts that
contain naphthenic acids. NAC is
controlled by:
a) the naphthenic acid content
(neutralization number)
b) temperature and sulfur content
c) velocity and alloy composition.
d) all of the above

Car bonate stress corrosion a

cracking (often refen ed to as
carbonate cracking) is the term
applied to surface breaking or
cracks that occur adjacent to
carbon steel welds under the
combined action of tensile stress
and corrosion in carbonate-
containing systems. It is a form of:
c) HIC
d) SSC 3/24
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Practice Exam
The two critical factors#3
for long- a
term protection against
atmospheric corrosion are:
a) surface preparation and proper
coating application
b) surface hardness and coating
application method
c) coating application method
selection and steel grade
d) coating curing time and steel

A form of corrosion that can occur a

at the junction of dissimilar metals
when they are joined together in a
suitable electrolyte, such as a moist
or aqueous environment, or soils
moisture is called:
a) galvanic corrosion
b) galvanizing corrosion
c) gallium corrosion
d) anodic-anodic corrosion

Caustic embrittlement is often a

found in piping and equipment that
handles caustic, including H2S and
mercaptan removal units, as well as
equipment that uses caustic for
neutralization in sulfuric acid
alkylation units and HF alkylation
units. Cracking can be effectively
prevented by:
a) stress-relieving heat treatment
(e.g. PWHT)
b) using 300 Series SS
c) steamout of PWHT'd carbon
steel piping and equipment
d) equipment should be water
washed after steamout 4/24
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What are the Exam #3
factors affecting d
885°F (475°C) embrittlement? a)
a) alloy composition
b) chromium content
c) amount of ferrite phase and
operating temperature
d) all of the above

Which factor is not likely to d

influence C0 2 corrosion? a)
a) the absence of COz vapor phase
b) decreasing temperatures up to
the point where C02 is vaporized
c) increasing the level of chromium
in steels until a minimum of 12% is
d) increasing the level of chromium
and molybdenum at or above
2.25% and 1.00% respectively

After insulation is removed from a

carbon and low alloy steels, CUI a)
damage often appears as:
a) loose, flaky scale covering the
corroded component
b) may be gener al corrosion with
elongated oval pits
c) carbuncle type pitting that is
usually found when a coating syst
em has withstood corrosion
d) b and c

Temper embrittlement is the d

reduction in:
a) Creep resistance
b) High temperature stress rupture
c) Elevated temperature toughness
d) Ambient temperature toughness
(start-up and shutdown) 5/24
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Practice Exambisulfide
To avoid ammonium #3 d
corrosion, good design practice
should consist of symmetrical and
hydraulically balanced flow in and
out of air cooled exchangers.
Carefully review design and
localized velocities as process
conditions change, particularly as
NH4HS concentrations exceed 2
wt % and begin to approach 8 wt %
or higher. A well-prepared
inspection and monitoring program
should include:
a) determine ammonium bisulfide
content through sampling and
b) frequent UT scanning and/or RT
profile thickness of high and low
velocity areas
c) UT downstream of control valves
at high NH4HS concentrations
d) all of the above

Crude and vacuum unit piping and b

vessels exposed to naphthenic d)
acids in some crude oils may suffer
severe erosion-corrosion metal
loss depending on:
a) the temperature, sulfur content,
and TAN level.
b) the temperature, velocity, sulfur
content, and TAN level.
c) sulfur and TAN particle size.
d) sulfur particle size only. 6/24
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Practice Exam
What is the most #3
frequently b
measured condition to evaluate soil c)
corrosivity and why?
a) dissimilar soils: mainly because
they are easy to measure
b) soil resistivity: mainly because it
is easy to measure
c) soil-to-air interface areas:
because of moisture and C02
d) metal temperature: since
corrosion rates decrease with
decreasing metal temperature

The dewpoint of sulfuric acid b

depends on the concentration of
sulfur tri oxide in flue gas, whereas
for hydrochloric acid the dewpoint
depends on the concentration of
hydTogen chloride. What are the
typical dewpoint temperatures for
sulfuric and hydrochloric acids?
a) 180°F and 230°F, respectively
b) 280°F and 130°F, respectively
c) both dewpoints are 280°F
d) neither sulfuric acid or
hydrochloric acid have dewpoints

Sigma phase embrittlement is a a

metallurgical change that can only
be confirmed through:
a) Metallographic examination and
impact testing
b) In-situ metallographic
c) Metallurgical field replicas for
laboratory examination
d) 100% radiography followed by a
thorough visual examination 7/24
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Cooling waterExam #3can occur
corrosion a
a) carbon st eel, all grades of
stainless steel, copper, aluminum,
titanium and nickel base alloys
b) carbon steel, a few grades of
stainless steel, copper, aluminum,
titanium and nickel base alloys
c) carbon steel and a few grades of
stainless st eel only
d) carbon steel, a few grades of
stainless steel and tantalum alloys
(not pure tantalum)

Fatigue failure fracture appearance a

is noted by:
a) a clam shell type fingerprint that
has concentric rings called beach
b) a clam shell type fingerprint that
has concentric rings called chevron
c) v-shaped chevron marks
d) a and b

Sulfuric acid promotes general and a

localized corrosion of carbon steel c)
and other alloys. Carbon steel heat
affected zones may experience
severe corrosion. Carbon steel
corrosion rates increase
significantly if:
a) the acid concentration is below
b) acid concentrations above 90%
c) the flow velocity is below
turbulent flow
il ) the flow velocity is below turhu
len t flow :mil aciil concentration is
below 65% 8/24
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Practice Exam
You notice clips #3 welded
are being c
on the shell of a 316L pressure a)
vessel. What would be the material
type that would concern you
regarding liquid metal
a ) aluminum
b) carbon steel
c) galvanized steel
d) Cr-Mo alloy steel

Inspection for CUI should utilize d

multiple inspection techniques to g)
produce the most cost effective
approach, including:
a) partial and/or full stripping of
insulation for visual examination
b) UT for thickness verification
c) real-time profile x-ray (for small
bore piping)
d) all of the above

Which of the following is not a d

factor related to amine corrosion? d)
a) velocity
b) temperature
c) diethylamine solvents (MEA,
d) lean amine

Caustic corrosion is caused by the a

concentration of caustic or alkaline
salts that usually occurs under
evaporative or high heat transfer
conditions and is usually found in
the form of:
a) localized corrosion
b) general corrosion if the pH is
below 6.5
c) pitting corrosion
d) all of the above 9/24
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Practice Exam
A carbon steel elbow is#3 d
inadvertently installed on a h eater
outlet and discovered after start up.
The line is in dry hydrogen service
oper ating at 900°F. What damage
mechanism would be most likely to
a) hydrogen induced cr acking
b) hydrogen embrittlement (HE)
c) H2/H2S corrosion
d) high temperature hydrogen
attack (HTHA)

Cr acking associated with cyclic a

stresses caused by variations in
temper ature can occur in:
a) all materials of construction
b) all ferrous metals and some
nonferrous metals
c) only welds of dissimilar metals
d) magnetic ferrous metals

Graphitization is a cha nge in the a

microstructure after long-term
operation in what temperature
a) 800°F to 1100°F
b) 885°F
c) 400°F to 1300°F
d) 1100°F to 1300°F

Thermal shock cracks may: a

a) appear as "craze" cracks on the
b) appear as "craze" cracks through
c) either a or b
d) appear as intergranular cracks 10/24
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Practice Exam
Phenol (carbolic #3
acid) corrosion of a
carbon steel can occur in plants
using phenol as a solvent to
remove aromatic compounds from
lubricatiJng oil feedstocks. Affected
materials of increasing resistance
are: carbon steel, 304L, 316L and
Alloy C276. Two critical factors
a) temperature and water content
b) when the treating section
operates is below 250°F (121°C) and
water content
c) design of process system and
concentration of feedstock
d) all of the above

Most cases of sigma phase a

embrittlement are found in the form b)
of ______ during startup or shutdown
when the material is below about
500°F (260°C):
a) cracking in both wrought and
cast (welded) metals
b) coalesced chromium carbides
that may or may not be found with
NDE techniques
c) chromium carbide precipitation
that can be found with
metallographic examination
d) all forms of carbide precipitation
that can be found with
metallographic examination 11/24
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Practice Exam
Polythionic acid stress #3
corrosion a
cracking (PASCC) is a form of stress a)
corrosion cracking normally
occurring during shutdowns,
startups or during operation when
air and moisture are present.
Cracking is due to sulfur acids
forming from sulfide scale, air and
moisture acting on:
a) sensitized austenitic st ainless
b) PWHT carbon steels
c) PWHT alloy steels
d) All of the above

Spheroidization can be found d

a) 100% radiogTaphy
b) visual examination followed by
100% radiography
c) VT and MT or PT
d) Field metallography or removal
of samples for metallographic

Amine corrosion is very closely t d

ied to the oper ation of the unit.
With a few except ions, carbon
steel is suitable for most
components in a properly
designed and operated unit. Most
problems can be traced to faulty
design, poor operating practices or
solution contamination. Proper
operation of the amine system is
the most effective way to control
corrosion, with attention to:
a) acid gas loading levels
b) avoid corrosive amine
degradation products
c) the process temper ature should
not exceed recommended limits
d) all of the above 12/24
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Practice Exam
Geometry, stress level,#3
number of c
cycles, and material hardness are
factors that affect:
a) stress corrosion cracking
b) environmental cr acking
c) fatigue resistance
d) stiffness compression resistance

Amine cracking can be prevented a

by PWHT all carbon steel welds in c)
piping and equipment in
accordance with API RP 945. The
same r equirement a pplies to r
epair welds and to internal and
external attachment welds. Water
washing is done on:
a) non-PWHT carbon steel piping
and equipment prior to welding
b) non-PWIIT carbon steel piping
and equipment after steamout
c) PWHT carbon steel p1pmg and
equipment prior to welding, heat
treatment or steamout
d) PWHT carbon steel p1pmg and
equipment after to welding, heat t
reatment or steamout

Once a s team blanket forms , tube a

rupture can occur rapidly, as a
result of:
a) short term overheating, usually
within a few minutes.
b) long term overheat ing, usually
over several years.
c) both a and b.
d) thermal fatigue. 13/24
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Practice Exam
Cracks produced #3
as the result of a
dynamic loading due to vibration,
water hammer, or unstable fluid
flow are called:
a) vibration-induced fatigue cracks
b) low cycle-high stress fatigue
c) high cycle-low stress fatigue
d) cavitation fatigue cracks

Cr eep is a function of: a

a) Time dependent deformation of
stressed components.
b) Strain dependent deformation of
stressed components.
c) Both a and b.
d) Post weld heat treatment.

The ma terials most affected by d

sigma phase embrittlement are: b) c)
a) Alloy steels with high (10-40%)
ferrite content
b) 300 Series SS wrought metals,
weld metal, and castings
c) Cast 300 Series SS including the
HK and HP
d) b and c 14/24
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Practice Exam
Dissimilar metal #3 can
weld cracking d
be prevented by: a) b) d)
a) locating the dissimilar weld met
al in a low temperature region, if
300 Series SS welding elect rodes
are used
b) installing a pup piece that has an
intermediate thermal expansion
coefficient between the two
materials to be joined
c) using nickel base filler metals
which have a coefficient of thermal
expansion closer to the carbon
steel portion of the joint
d) all of the above

A 316L pressure vessel is in service d

that may result with CI- SCC b)
damage suspected on the process
side. What is the best method of
a) RT
c) AE
d) PT or phase analysis EC
techniques are the preferred

Inspection and monitoring for a

steam blanketing should include:
a) properly maintaining burners to
prevent flame impingement
b) 100% radiography during
shutdowns when steam blanketing
is suspected
c) visual examination and MT during
d) none of the above 15/24
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Practice Exam
Cavitation is most often#3
observed d
in: a)
a) pump casmgs
b) pump impellers (low pressure
c) in piping downstream of orifices
or control valves
d) all of the above

For carbon steel, hydrochloric acid d

damage is usually in the form of c)
general thinning but may be highly
localized wher e a water phase is
condensing. Serious corrosion can
also be found at mix points where
dry chloride contruning streams
mix with streams containing free
water or where water saturated
streams are cooled below the
dewpoint. Evidence of locally
thinned areas can be found using:
a) automatic ultrasonic scanning
b) profile radiography
c) VT
d) a and b

Cracking of dissimilar metal welds a

can occur in the ferritic side of a
weld between:
a) carbon steel and 316 stainless
b) copper alloys and Monel
c) carbon steel and ferrit ic
stainless steel
d) carbon steel and Cr-Mo alloy
steel 16/24
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The effects ofExam #3in weld
strain aging a
repairs can be eliminated by: c
a) Applying PWHT to susceptible
b) Applying preheat to susceptible
c) Applying preheat to the
weldment followed by 100%
radiography of susceptible mat
d) There are no means to eliminate
strain aging in weld repairs

Process conditions to monitor high d

temperature corrosion should
a) the use of tubes kin
b) the use of tubeskin infr ared
c) using external ultr asonic
thickness measurements
d) all of the above

What are the critical factors of d

alkaline sour water corrosion?
a) NH4HS concentration (salt
deposits) leading to under deposit
b) velocity and/or localized
c) pH, temperature, flow
distribution , and alloy composition
d) all of the above 17/24
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Practice Exam
Fuel Ash Corrosion #3 ated
is acceler d
high temper ature wastage of
materials that occurs when
contaminants in the fuel form
deposits and melt on the met al
surfaces of fired heaters, boilers
and gas turbines. Corrosion
typically occurs with fuel oil or coal
that is contaminated with a
combination of sulfur , sodium,
potassium and/or vanadium. Which
material is immune to this
type of corrosion?
a) alloy steels with 2 14 Cr-1 Mo or
higher Cr content
b) 300 series of stainless steels
c) 50% Ni-50% Cr alloys
d) none of the above

Graphitic corrosion is a form of a

dealloying in which the iron matrix
is corroded, leaving corrosion
products and porous graphite. The
primary materials affected are:
a) gray cast iron
b) nodular cast steel
c) malleable cast st eel
d) white iron 18/24
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Practice Exam
Services where HE is a #3
concern a
include carbon steel piping and a)
vessels in wet H2S services in FCC,
hydroprocessing, amine, sour water
services and HF alkylation units.
However , mild steel used for
vessels and piping in most refining,
fossil utility and process
applications have low hardness and
are usually not suscept ible to HE
except at weldments, particularly
the HAZ, if suitable PWHT is not
performed. What are the most
common types of inspection that
can be used for surface HE
a) PT, MT or WFMT
b) PT, MT or WFMT with SWUT to
confirm tight cracking
c) PT with SWUT to confirm tight
d) none of the above, since HE cr
acking always occurs internally

Spheroidization may cause: a

a) a loss in strength and/or
b) a loss in ductility
c) an increase in hardness
d) an increase in tensile strength

A carbon steel vessel has a history c

of hydrogen blistering in H2S
service. What would be the best
mitigation strategy to prevent
further damage?
a) PWHT at 1100°F
b) hydrogen bake-out heat
treatment at 400°F
c) install a stainless steel cladded
d) add ammonia to increase pH
above 9 19/24
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Practice Exam
Rain can cause _______ at#3
hot/cold d
injection points. e)
a) fatigue cracking.
b) brittle fracture.
c) thermal fatigue.
d) thermal shock.

Thermal fatigue cracks usually a

initiate on the surface of the a)
component and often:
a) are filled with oxides due to
elevated temperatur e exposure
b) are filled with chlorides when in
sour service
c) become dormant
d) grow in an intergranular manner

What is the most effective means of a

preventing microbiologi cally a)
induced corrosion?
a) treated systems that contain
water with ultraviolet light
b) proper application of biocides
will always eliminate microbes so
that continued reatment is
c) maintain flow velocities at levels
that promote stagnant zones where
the microbes can be treated
d) keep hydrotest water in storage
tanks as long as possible to ensure
moisture present to discourage
MIC 20/24
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Practice Exam
To mitigate brittle #3 in
fracture c
pressure vessels, what is the best
method of inspection and
a) Charpy impact testing at room
temperature during vessel
b) Radiography and MT during the
vessel manufacturing
c) Susceptible vessels should be
inspected for pre-existing
d) All vessels should be inspected
for pre-existing flaws/defects

What is the most common type of a

equipment susceptible to a)
a) fired heater tubes
b) coke drums
c) tubes in refrigeration units
d) where steam/air vapour-liquid
interfaces are present

Sulfidic corrosion of carbon steel a

and other alloys result from their
reaction with sulfur compounds in
high temperature environments.
Corrosion is accelerated by the
presence of:
a) hydrogen
b) oxygen
c) carbon dioxide
d) carbon monoxide 21/24
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Practice Exam
Fired heater tubes #3be
should d
inspected for evidence of c)
overheating, corrosion, and erosion
as follows:
a) Tubes should be VT examined for
bulging, blistering, cracking,
sagging, and bowing.
b) Wall thickness measurements of
selected heater tubes should be
made where wall losses are most
likely to occur.
c) Tubes should be examined for
evidence of diametric growth
(creep) with a strap or go/no go
d) All of the above

Deaerators are susceptible to what a

type of cracking that are related to b)
residual welding and fabrication
stresses, stress risers (attachments
and weld reinforcement) and the
normal deaerator environment?
a) corrosion fatigue
b) mechanical (vibration) fatigue
c) thermal fatigue
d) all of the above

In the atmospheric tower overhead c

system, when does the corrosion c)
from HCl acid occur?
a) as the first droplets ofHCl
evaporates from the vapor stream
off the top of the tower
b) as the first droplets of HCl
evaporates from the vapor stream
at the bottom of the tower
c) as the first droplets of water
condense from the vapor stream
off the top of the tower
d) as the first droplets of water
evaporates and concentrates HCl
from the vapor stream off the top
of the tower 22/24
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Practice Exam
SOHIC is similar to HIC#3
but is a b
potentially more damaging form of c)
cracking which appears as
arrays of cracks stacked on top of
each other. The result is a through-
thickness crack that is
perpendicular to the surface and is
driven by high levels of stress (r
esidual or a pplied). They usually
appear in the base metal:
a) of PWHT components
b) adjacent to the weld heat
affected zones
c) when oper ating in highly
concentrated MEA and DEA
d) all of the above

Small branch connections with c

unsupported valves or controllers c)
and steam reducing stations are
prime locations for:
a) short-term overheating
b) steam blanketing
c) vibration-induced fatigue
d) thermal fatigue

Fired heaters tubes in refractory c

lined boxes where stress rupture is a)
likely to occur should be:
a) inspected visually
b) monitored with IR of tubes and
tubeskin thermocouples
c) both a and b.
d) inspected only during
shutdowns when access to the
tubes is more practical. 23/24
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Practice Exam
Ammonia stress #3cracking
corrosion a
occurs in aqueous streams where a)
ammonia is present and
can be found in:
a) Cu-Zn alloys
b) carbon steel
c) 300 series stainless steels
d) nickel alloys 24/24

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