Nervous System
Nervous System
Nervous System
2 TYPES OF PNS SUPPORTING CELLS The armlike processes, or fibers, vary in length
Supporting cells in the PNS come in two major from microscopic to about 7 feet in the tallest
varieties—Schwann cells and satellite cells. humans.
Schwann cells The longest ones in humans reach from the
form the myelin sheaths around nerve fibers that lumbar region of the spine to the great.
are found in the PNS
Satellite Cells Dendrites
are the Neuron processes that convey incoming
act as protective, cushioning cells messages (electrical signals) toward the cell body.
are those that generate nerve impulses and
typically conduct them away from the cell body
Neurons may have hundreds of the branching
dendrites (dendr = tree), depending on the
neuron type, but each neuron has only one axon,
which arises from a conelike region of the cell
body called the Axon Hill
also called nerve cells, are highly specialized to
transmit messages (nerve impulses) from one
part of the body to another.
differ structurally from one another, they have
many common features
All have a cell body, which contains the nucleus
and is the metabolic center of the cell, and one or
more slender processes extending from the cell
Cell Body
is the metabolic center of the neuron. Its
transparent nucleus contains a conspicuous
The cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus
contains the usual organelles except it lacks
centrioles (which confirms the amitotic
nature of most neurons).
The rough ER, called Nissl bodies, and
Neurofibrils (intermediate filaments that are
important in maintaining cell shape)
are particularly abundant in the cell body
PROCESSESES (nerve fibers) Most long nerve fibers are covered with a whitish,
Dendrites and Axons fatty material called with a waxy appearance.
Myelin protects and insulates the fibers and
increases the transmission rate of nerve impulses.
Axons outside the CNS are myelinated by Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Schwann cells, as just noted. These cells wrap In people with multiple sclerosis (MS), the myelin
themselves around the axon in a jelly-roll fashion sheaths around the fibers are gradually
Initially, the membrane coil is loose, but the destroyed, converted to hardened sheaths called
Schwann cell cytoplasm is gradually squeezed Scleroses.
from between the membrane layers. When the As this happens, the electrical current is short-
wrapping process is done, a tight coil of wrapped circuited.
membranes, the myelin sheath, encloses the The affected person may have visual and speech
axon. disturbances, lose the ability to control his or her
muscles, and become increasingly disabled.
Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease in
which a protein component of the sheath is at
tacked. As yet there is no cure, but injections of
interferon (a hormonelike substance released by
some immune cells) appear to hold the symptoms
at bay and provide some relief.
Cell bodies that are found in the CNS in clusters
are called nuclei.
Remember: that neurons do not routinely
undergo cell division after birth. The cell body
carries out most of the metabolic functions of a
neuron, so if it is damaged, the cell dies and is not
A part of the Schwann cell, external to the myelin Ganglia or Ganglion
sheath. Small collections of cell bodies, are found in a few
CNS sheaths lack a neurilemma. Because the sites outside the CNS in the PNS.
neurilemma remains intact (for the most part)
when a peripheral nerve fiber is damaged, it plays Bundles of nerve fibers (neuron processes) are called:
an important role in fiber regeneration, an ability Tracks: in CNS
that is largely lacking in the central nervous Nerves: in PNS
Nodes of Ranvier Presence of myelin sheaths:
White Matters
Are the gaps or indentations at regular intervals, Consist of dense collections of myelinated fibers
because myelin sheath is formed by many (tracts)
individual Schwann cells. Gray matters
contains mostly unmyelinated fibers and cell
They are also the most numerous, because pain
warns us that some type of body damage is
occurring or about to occur.
strong stimulation of any of the cutaneous
receptors (for example, by searing heat, extreme
cold, or excessive pressure) is also interpreted as
those in the muscles and tendons.
The proprioceptors detect the amount of stretch,
Functional and Structural Classification or tension, in skeletal muscles, their tendons, and
FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION They send this information to the brain so that
It groups neurons according to the direction the the proper adjustments can be made to maintain
nerve impulse is traveling relative to the CNS: balance and normal posture.
sensory, motor, and association neurons Propria: comes from the Latin word meaning
(interneurons) “one’s own,” and the proprioceptors constantly
advise our brain of “our own” movements.
SENSORY OR AFFERENT NEURONS Structural classification is based on the number
Neurons carrying impulses from sensory of processes extending from the cell body
receptors (in the internal organs or the skin) to
the CNS are sensory, or afferent neurons. Multipolar Neuron
Sensory neurons keep us informed about what is If there are several processes, the neuron is a
happening both inside and outside the body. multipolar neuron.
The dendrite endings of the sensory neurons are Because all motor and association neurons are
usually associated with specialized Receptors multipolar, this is the most common structural
that are activated by specific changes occurring type.
Bipolar Neurons
TYPES OF SENSORY RECEPTORS Neurons with two processes—an axon and a
Cutaneous Sense Organs dendrite—are called bipolar neurons.
Bipolar neurons are rare in adults, found only in
the simpler types of sensory receptors in the skin.
some special sense organs (eye, nose), where they
The pain receptors (actually bare nerve
act in sensory processing as receptor cells.
endings) are the least specialized of the
cutaneous receptors. Unipolar neurons
have a single process emerging from the cell body. neuron’s plasma membrane than there are on its
However, it is very short and divides almost outer face.
immediately into proximal (central) and distal The major positive ions inside the cell are
(peripheral) processes. potassium (K+), whereas the major positive ions
are unique in that only the small branches at the outside the cell are sodium (Na+).
end of the peripheral process are dendrites. As long as the inside remains more negative than
The remainder of the peripheral process and the the outside, the neuron will stay inactive.
central process function as axons; thus, in this
case, the axon conducts nerve impulses both Action Potential Initiation and Generation
toward and away from the cell body. Sensory Many different types of stimuli excite neurons to
neurons found in PNS ganglia are unipolar become active and generate an impulse.
For example, light excites the eye receptors,
sound excites some of the ear receptors, and
pressure excites some cutaneous receptors of the
However, most neurons in the body are excited by
neurotransmitter chemicals released by other
Saltatory Conduction
faster type of electrical impulse propagation.
Fibers that have myelin sheaths conduct impulses
much faster because the nerve impulse literally
jumps, or leaps, from node to node along the
length of the fiber.
This occurs because no electrical current can flow
across the axon membrane where there is fatty
myelin insulation.
All reflex arcs have a minimum of five elements:
Reflexes Sensory Receptor (which reacts to a stimulus), an
Are rapid, predictable, and involuntary responses Effector Organ (the muscle or gland eventually
to stimuli. stimulated), and Sensory and Motor neurons to
They are much like one-way streets— once a connect the two. The synapse or interneurons
reflex begins, it always goes in the same direction. between the sensory and motor neurons represents
Reflexes occur over neural pathways called reflex the central element— the CNS integration center.
arcs and involve both CNS and PNS structures.
Somatic reflexes
include all reflexes that stimulate the skeletal
muscles. When you quickly pull your hand away
from a hot object, a somatic reflex is working.
Autonomic reflexes
regulate the activity of smooth muscles, the heart,
and glands.
Peripheral Nervous System
consists of nerves and scattered groups of
neuronal cell bodies (ganglia) found outside the
nerve is a bundle of neuron fibers found outside
the CNS. Within a nerve, neuron fibers, or
processes, are wrapped in protective connective
tissue coverings
endoneurium: Each fiber is surrounded by a
delicate connective tissue sheath
perineurium: groups of fibers are bound by a
coarser connective tissue wrapping
Fascicles: are the fiber bundles,
Epineurium: a tough fibrous sheath where all
the fascicles are bound together to form the
cordlike nerve.
are Nerves carrying both sensory and motor fibers
all spinal nerves are mixed nerves.
12 pairs of cranial nerves primarily serve the head
and neck. Only one pair (the vagus nerves) extends
to the thoracic and abdominal cavities
“Oh, oh, oh, to touch and feel very good velvet, ah.”
Mixed Nerves
The 31 pairs of human spinal nerves are formed
by the combination of the ventral and dorsal
roots of the spinal cord.
Each spinal nerve divides into dorsal and ventral
rami making each spinal nerve only about ½ inch
Dorsal Rami
serve the skin and muscles of the posterior
body trunk
Ventral Rami
The ventral rami of spinal nerves T1 through
T12 form the intercostal nerves, which
supply the muscles between the ribs and the
skin and muscles of the anterior and lateral
form complex networks of nerves called
Plexuses, which serve the motor and sensory
needs of the limbs