Module 3 Crim 5

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IMPORTANT PROVISIONS OF PD 603 responsibilities aimed at

ensuring the well-being and

PD 603 – THE CHILD AND YOUTH proper upbringing of their
WELFARE CODE offspring. These responsibilities
- approved on 10 December 1974 typically include providing for the
- effectivity date is 10 June 1975 basic needs of children, such as
(six months after approval) food, shelter, and clothing, as
- shall apply to persons under well as ensuring access to
eighteen (18) years of age education and healthcare.
- RA 10630, law that amend RA
9344 - Parents are also responsible for
nurturing their children’s
This decree is a comprehensive emotional and social
piece of legislation that aims to promote and development, imparting values,
protect the rights and welfare of children and guiding them towards
and youth in the Philippines. PD 603 becoming responsible and
recognizes that children and youth are vital productive members of society
resources of the nation and deserve special moreover, parental responsibility
care, protection, and assistance. involves protecting children from
harm and making decisions in
their best interests, especially in
PARENTAL AUTHORITY (PATRIA matters of custody, visitation,
POTESTAS) and important life choices. It is a
fundamental aspect of parenting
- the sum total of the rights of the that carries both legal and ethical
parents over the person and weight, emphasizing the
property of their child importance of a stable and
- the exercise of which has no supportive environment for
distinction between a legitimate children to thrive and grow into
and an illegitimate child well-rounded individuals.
- the father and the mother shall
- the sum total of the duties and
exercise jointly just and
reasonable parental authority obligations of parents over their
and responsibility over their minor children.
legitimate or adopted children
- in case of death of either parent, LIABILITIES OF PARENTS
the surviving parent shall
- parents and guardians are
exercise sole parental authority
- in case of disagreement, the responsible for the damage or
injury caused by the child under
father’s decision shall prevail
their parental authority
unless there is a judicial order to
the contrary
- The liabilities of parents are the
PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY legal and moral obligations they
bear for the actions and well-
- Parental responsibility refers to being of their children. Legally,
parents can be held liable for the
the legal and moral obligations
misconduct or harm caused by
that parents have towards their
their children, especially if they
children. It encompasses a wide
fail to exercise reasonable
range of duties and
supervision and control. This (5) Fails or refuses, without justifiable
liability may extend to property grounds, to enroll the child as
damage, personal injury, or required by article 72.
criminal acts committed by their (6) Causes, abates, or permits the
minors furthermore, parents are truancy of the child from the school
typically financially responsible where he is enrolled.
for their children's basic needs. (7) Improperly exploits the child by
Including food, clothing, and using him, directly or indirectly, such
shelter, which may result in legal as for purposes of begging and other
obligations such as child support, acts which are inimical to his interest
morally, parents have a and welfare.
responsibility to provide (8) Inflicts cruel and unusual
emotional support, guidance, punishment upon the child or
and a nurturing environment to deliberately subjects him to
promote their children’s physical indignations and other excessive
emotional, and social chastisement that embarrass or
development. Neglecting these humiliate him.
responsibilities can lead to (9) Causes or encourages the child to
emotional and psychological lead an immoral or dissolute life.
consequences for the child and (10) permits the child to possess, handle
may even result in legal or carry a deadly weapon, regardless of
intervention, such as child its ownership.
protective services becoming (11) allows or requires the child to drive
involved. without a license or with a license which
the parent knows to have been illegally
procured. If the motor vehicle driven by
LIABILITIES OF PARENTS the child belongs to the parent, it shall
be presumed that he permitted or
TORTS ordered the child to drive.
Parents and guardians are
responsible for the damage caused by the LEGAL CUSTODY
child under their parental authority in - in case of separation of parents,
accordance with the civil code. no child under SEVEN (7)
YEARS OF AGE shall be
CRIMES separated from his mother
Criminal liability shall attach to any unless the court decides
parent who: otherwise
(1) Conceals or abandons the child with
intent to make such child lose his In the Philippines, legal custody of a
civil status. child below 7 years old is typically granted
(2) Abandons the child under such to the mother, provided that she is not
circumstances as to deprive him of deemed unfit or disqualified by the court this
the love, care and protection he principle is based on article 213 of the
needs. family code of the Philippines, which states
(3) Sells or abandons the child to that "no child under seven years of age shall
another person for valuable be separated from the mother, unless the
consideration. court finds compelling reasons to order
(4) Neglects the child by not giving him otherwise." this legal provision is rooted in
the education which the family’s the belief that a child of such a young age is
station in life and financial conditions best cared for and nurtured by the mother,
given her natural bond and ability to provide - Guardianship proceedings in the
for the child's physical and emotional needs. Philippines are typically
governed by the family code and
However, it’s important to note that other relevant laws, to establish
this provision does not automatically guardianship an interested party
exclude fathers or other guardians from must file a petition with the
having legal custody of a child below 7 appropriate court, seeking the
years old. The court may grant custody to appointment of a guardian the
the father or another suitable guardian if court will then evaluate the
there are compelling reasons, such as the circumstances and make a
mother being unfit or incapable of providing determination based on the best
proper care, or if it is in the child’s best interests of the ward (the
interest to be placed under a different individual in need of a guardian).
guardian’s care.
- It’s important to note that
Ultimately custody decisions in the guardianship can be temporary
Philippines, even for children below 7 years or permanent, depending on the
old, are made by the court, taking into specific circumstances of the
consideration the child’s welfare and best case temporary guardianship
interests, and any relevant evidence and may be granted in situations
circumstances presented during legal where the ward’s incapacity or
proceedings. It’s advisable for parents to need for assistance is expected
seek legal counsel to navigate the to be temporary, such as in
complexities of child custody matters in the cases of illness or temporary
Philippines. absence of parents. Permanent
guardianship is typically granted
GUARDIANSHIP in situations where the ward’s
- a trust relation of the most incapacity is expected to be
sacred character, in which one long-term or permanent.
person, called a guardian, acts
for another, called a ward, SUBSTITUTE PARENTAL AUTHORITY
regarded as incapable of - in case of absence or death of
managing his own affairs both parents, substitute parental
authority shall be given to the
- Guardianship in the Philippines following, in order of priority:
is a legal arrangement that 1) grandparents
grants a person the authority and 2) oldest brother or sister at
responsibility to care for and least 21 years of age
make decisions on behalf of 3) relative who has actual
someone who is incapable of custody of the
taking care of themselves, such child/guardian duly
as a minor or an incapacitated appointed by the court
individual the need for
guardianship often arises when COMMENCEMENT OF CIVIL
parents are unable to fulfill their PERSONALITY
parenting duties, when a child is - the CIVIL PERSONALITY of the
orphaned, or when an adult is child shall commence from the
declared legally incapacitated MOMENT OF CONCEPTION
due to physical or mental
In the Philippines, the determining the individual's inherited traits
commencement of civil personality is a legal and characteristics.
concept that marks the beginning of an
individual’s legal existence and rights as a CIVIL PERSONALITY
person. This concept is primarily defined - pertains to the identity and
and governed by the civil code of the recognition of an individual as
Philippines civil personality begins at birth person having rights.
and encompasses several important
aspects: - shall commence from the
moment of conception, thus all
At the moment of birth, when a child children shall have the right to be
is completely delivered from the mother’s born and the right to live.
womb, their civil personality is deemed to
have commenced. This means that from - Civil personality, also known as
that point forward, the child is recognized as legal personality or legal
a legal entity with certain rights and capacity, is a fundamental
responsibilities these rights include the right concept in the field of law that
to a name, the right to inherit property, and pertains to the recognition of
the capacity to enter into contracts and individuals, organizations or
transactions, subject to limitations based on entities as having certain rights
age and mental capacity. and responsibilities within a legal
framework it is the foundation
Birth registration plays a crucial role upon which legal relationships
confirming and formalizing an in individual’s and transactions are built in
civil personality. It is a legal requirement in essence civil personality grants
the Philippines to register a child’s birth with entities the ability to act, own
the local civil registrar within a specific property enter into contracts, and
period after birth. This registration not only be subject to legal obligations
establishes the child’s identity but also and liabilities.
enables them to enjoy the full range of
rights and privileges associated with their ABORTION
civil personality. - the expulsion of the fetus from
the mother’s womb
- the start of life - Abortion in the Philippines is a
- the union of the sperm cell and highly controversial and sensitive
the egg cell issue due to the country’s strong
- also called the process of cultural and religious influences,
fertilization primarily from the roman catholic
church. The Philippines has one
Conception, in the context of human of the most restrictive abortion
reproduction, is the pivotal moment when a laws in the world, with abortion
sperm cell from a male successfully being illegal under most
fertilizes an egg cell from a female, resulting circumstances. The 1987
in the formation of a zygote. This Philippine constitution
remarkable biological process typically recognizes the sanctity of life
occurs in the fallopian tubes of the female from conception, which serves
reproductive system. Conception marks the as the legal basis for these
initiation of a new human life, as the stringent restrictions.
combination of genetic material from both
parents forms a unique set of DNA,
- As a result the termination of a
pregnancy is only allowed to In what ways is the crime of intentional
save the life of the pregnant abortion committed?
woman, and even then, access • Using any violence upon the person of the
to safe and legal abortion pregnant woman
services can be extremely • By administering drugs or beverages upon
limited. such pregnant woman without her consent
• By administering drugs or beverages with
- The restrictive legal framework the consent of the pregnant woman
has led to significant public
health concerns, as many
women in the Philippines resort CATEGORIES OF CHILDREN
to unsafe and clandestine 1) DEPENDENT
abortion procedures, putting their - one who is without a parent,
lives at risk. These unsafe guardian or custodian, or whose
practices often result in maternal parents, guardian or other
morbidity and mortality. The lack custodian for good cause desire
of access to safe abortion to be relieved of his care and
services also disproportionately custody and is dependent upon
affects marginalized the public for support
communities and low-income
individuals who cannot afford 2) ABANDONED
private healthcare options. - one who had no proper parental
care or guardianship or whose
parents or guardians have
KINDS OF ABORTION deserted him for a period of at
least six consecutive months (PD
- classified as intentional or - refers to a child who has no
unintentional as provided by the proper parental care or
Revised Penal Code Art. 256(- guardianship, or whose parents
any person who shall have deserted him or her for a
intentionally cause an abortion period of at least three (3)
shall suffer: the penalty of continuous months (RA 9523
reclusion temporal, if he shall
use any violence upon the 3) NEGLECTED
person of the pregnant woman) - one whose basic needs have
the penalty of prision mayor if, been deliberately unattended or
without using violence, he shall inadequately attended
act without the consent of - a child is unattended when left
woman. by himself without provision for
- punishable by law his needs and without proper
- neglect may occur in two ways:
2) THERAPEUTIC ABORTION a) physical neglect
- recommended and performed by o Malnourishment, untidy and
a certified physician when there damaged clothing, no shelter
are health risks and b) emotional neglect
complications o maltreated, raped, seduced,
- not punishable by law abused, exploited, made to
work under conditions not SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION OF CHILD
conducive to good health or “BOARD QUESTION”
placed in moral and physical
danger A. Mentally retarded (socially
incompetent, inadequate)
4) MENTALLY-RETARDED 1. Custodial (IQ 25)
- socially incompetent, socially 2. Trainable (25-50)
inadequate, occupationally ¼ or average child
incompetent and unable to 3. Educable (50-75)
manage their own affairs ½ to ¼ (up to 5-6 g)
- mentally sub-normal 4. Borderline or low
- retarded intellectually from birth normal (75 to
or early age about 89) requires
- retarded at maturity some extra help
- mentally deficient as a result of 5. Idiot – one whose
constitutional origin through mental condition is
heredity or disease liken to a person 2
- essentially incurable years old below.
6. Imbecile – those
whose mental
condition is similar
- crippled, deaf-mute, blind and
to that of age 2 to 7
other conditions which restrict
years old.
their means of action or
7. Moron – one whose
communication with others
mental condition is
similar to that of
seven years of age
- those who, although not afflicted
with insanity or mental defect,
are unable to maintain normal
social relations with others and B. MENTALLY ILL
the community in general due to (BEHAVIORAL DISORDER)
emotional problems or FOR O
- may be caused by traumatic
experiences C. EMOTIONALLY
- those with any behavioral HANDICAPPED (CRIPPLED,
disorder, whether functional or DEAF- MUTE, BLIND ETC.)
organic, which is of such a DISABLED: MENTALLY –
degree of severity as to require MENTALLY RETARDED
professional help or PHYSICALLY-
hospitalization HANDICAPPED

8) DISABLED Full Scale Intelligence Quotient (FSIQ)

- includes mentally-retarded,
physically-handicapped,  Classifies overall intellectual
emotionally-disturbed and ability within a range
mentally-ill children
 Extremely Low (<60)
- passed date is on Feb 13, 1998
 Borderline (70-79) - approved on 25 February 1998
- signed by Fidel V. Ramos
 Low Average (80-89)
 Average (90-109) - the person adopting or
petitioning for the adoption of a
 High Average (110-119)
 Superior (120-129) - the child or person being
petitioned for adoption
 Very Superior (>130)
ON ADOPTION - a child who has been voluntarily
RA 8552 or involuntarily committed to the
DSWD or to a duly licensed and
ADOPTION accredited child-placing or child-
- an act by which relations of caring agency, freed of the
paternity and filiations are parental authority of his or her
recognized as legally existing biological parents or guardians
between persons not so related or adopter, in case of rescission
by nature - refers to a child in whose favor a
- the taking into one’s family of the certification was issued by the
child of another, as son or DSWD that he or she is legally
daughter and heir, and available for adoption after the
conferring on it a title to the fact of abandonment or neglect
rights and privileges of such has been proven through the
submission of pertinent
FILIATION documents, or one who was
- the acknowledgment of the voluntarily committed by his or
father of his relationship with the her parents or legal guardian
child (RA 9523)
- also called paternity
BIOLOGICAL CHILD - one whose parents or legal
- natural-born child of the parents guardian knowingly and willing
ADOPTED CHILD fully relinquished parental
- a child who underwent the authority to the DSWD or any
judicial process of adoption duly accredited child-placement
or child caring agency or
FOUNDLING institution
- refers to a deserted or
abandoned infant or child whose INVOLUNTARY-COMMITTED CHILD /
parents, guardian or relatives are INVOLUNTARY COMMITMENT OF THE
unknown CHILD
- When the need of the child is
RA 8552 – DOMESTIC ADOPTION ACT being neglected
OF 1998
- The DSWD found that the best WHO MAY ADOPTED:
interest of the child is neglected 1) any person below eighteen (18)
- is one whose parent(s), known or years of age judicially declared
unknown, has been permanently available for adoption
and judicially deprived of 2) the legitimate son or daughter of one
parental authority due to spouse by the other spouse
abandonment; substantial, 3) an illegitimate son or daughter by a
continuous, or repeated neglect; qualified adopter to improve his or
abuse; or incompetence to her status to that of legitimacy
discharge parental 4) a person of legal age if prior to the
responsibilities. adoption, said person has been
consistently considered and treated
CHILD-CARING AGENCY OR by the adopter as his or her own
INSTITUTION child since minority
- refers to a private non-profit or 5) a child whose adoption has been
government agency duly previously rescinded
accredited by the DSWD that 6) a child whose biological or adoptive
provides twenty-four (24) hour parents has died, but proceedings
residential care services for may only be initiated after six (6)
abandoned, neglected, or months from the time of the death of
voluntarily committed children the parents
(RA 9523)
CHILD-PLACING AGENCY OR - a period of time within which a
INSTITUTION social worker oversees the
- refers to a private non-profit adjustment and emotional
institution or government agency readiness of both adopter and
duly accredited by the DSWD adoptee in stabilizing their filial
that receives and processes relationship
applicants to become foster or - the period is at least six (6)
adoptive parents and facilitate months
placement of children eligible for
foster care or adoption
WHO MAY ADOPT: - the nullification of the adoption
1) any Filipino citizen of legal age at - adoption shall not be subject to
least sixteen (16) years older than rescission by the adopter
the adoptee unless the adopter is
the biological parent of the adoptee, GROUNDS FOR RESCISSION OF
or is the spouse of the adoptee’s ADOPTION
biological parent 1) repeated physical and verbal
2) any alien possessing the same maltreatment by the adopter despite
qualifications as that of a Filipino having undergone counseling
citizen, who has been living in the 2) attempt on the life of the adoptee
Philippines for at least three (3) 3) sexual assault or violence
consecutive years, and whose 4) abandonment and failure to comply
country has diplomatic relations with with parental obligations
the Philippines
3) the guardian respect to the ward SIMULATION OF BIRTH
- is the tampering of the civil the parent by nature of the adoptee
registry making it appear in the or the spouse of such parent
birth records 4) coming from a country with whom
that a certain child was born to a the Philippines has diplomatic
person who is not his/her relations
biological mother, causing such 5) possesses all the qualifications
child to lose his/her true identity provided in other applicable
and status. Philippine laws

SEC. 9. Who May Adopt. — Any alien or a

RA 8043 – INTER-COUNTRY ADOPTION Filipino citizen permanently residing abroad
ACT OF 1995 may file an application for inter-country
- approved on 7 June 1995 adoption of a Filipino child if he/she:
1. Is at least twenty-seven (27) years
INTER-COUNTRY ADOPTION of age and at least sixteen (16)
- the socio-legal process of years older than the child to be
adopting a Filipino child by a adopted, at the time of application
foreigner or a Filipino citizen unless the adoptor is the parent by
permanently residing abroad nature of the child to be adopted or
where the petition is filed, the the spouse of such parent;
supervised trial custody is 2. If married, his/her spouse must
undertaken and the decree of jointly file for the adoption;
adoption is issued outside the 3. Has the capacity to act and assume
Philippines all rights and responsibilities of
parental authority under his national
MATCHING – judicious pairing of the laws, and has undergone the
adopted child and the applicant appropriate counseling from an
accredited counselor in his/her
- acts as the central authority in 4. Has not been convicted of a crime
matters relating to inter-country involving moral turpitude;
adoption 5. Is eligible to adopt under his/her
- shall act as the policy-making national law;
body for purposes of carrying out 6. Is in a position to provide the proper
the provisions of RA 8043, in care and support and to give the
consultation and coordination necessary moral values and
with the DSWD example to all his children, including
- headed by the Secretary of the the child to be adopted;
7. Agrees to uphold the basic rights of
DSWD as ex officio chairman
the child as embodied under
and six (6) members to be
Philippine laws, the U.N.
appointed by the President, with
Convention on the Rights of the
a term of office of six (6) years
Child, and to abide by the rules and
regulations issued to implement the
provisions of this Act;
1) any alien or a Filipino citizen
8. Comes from a country with whom
permanently residing abroad
the Philippines has diplomatic
2) at least twenty-seven (27) years of
relations and whose government
maintains a similarly authorized and
3) at least sixteen (16) years older than
accredited agency and that adoption
the adoptee unless the adopter is
is allowed under his/her national CHILD ABUSE
laws; and - refers to maltreatment, whether
9. Possesses all the qualifications and habitual or not, of the child
none of the disqualifications
provided herein and in other FORMS OF CHILD ABUSE
applicable Philippine laws. 1) CRUELTY – refers to any word or
deed which debases, degrades or
WHERE TO FILE APPLICATION demeans the intrinsic worth and
- shall be filed either with: dignity of the child as human being
a) the Philippine Regional Trial 2) PHYSICAL INJURY – includes but
Court; or is not limited to lacerations, fractured
b) the Inter-Country Adoption bones, burns, internal injuries,
Board, through an severe injuries, or serious bodily
intermediate agency in the harm suffered by a child
country of the prospective 3) PSYCHOLOGICAL INJURY –
adoptive parents means harm to a child’ psychological
or intellectual functioning which may
SUPERVISED TRIAL CUSTODY be exhibited by severe anxiety,
- shall be at least six (6) months depression, withdrawal or outward
aggressive behavior
IMPORTANT PROVISIONS OF RA 9523 4) NEGLECT – means failure to
provide, for reasons other than
RA 9523 – the law giving DSWD the sole poverty, the basic needs of the child,
authority to issue the certification such as food, clothing, medical care,
declaring a child legally available for shelter and basic education
adoption 5) SEXUAL ABUSE – includes the
- amended provisions of RA 8552 employment, use, inducement or
and RA 8043 coercion of a child to engage in
- approved on 12 March 2009 sexual intercourse or lascivious
conduct; the molestation, prostitution
IMPORTANT PROVISIONS OF RA 7610 and or incest with children


CHILDREN AGAINST CHILD ABUSE, - exploitation of children, whether
EXPLOITATION AND DISCRIMINATION male or female, by coercing
ACT them into indulging in sexual
- approved on 17 June 1992 intercourse or lascivious conduct
- this law is also commonly for money, profit or any other
referred to as the Anti-Child consideration
Abuse Act
RA 7658 – amendatory law to RA 7610 CHILD PROSTITUTION:
- approved on 9 November 1993 1) those who engage in or promote,
- this law amended the provisions facilitate or induce child prostitution,
such as:
of RA 7610 regarding working
a) those acting as procurer of a
child prostitute
- this law was further amended by
b) parents, guardians, or relatives
RA 9231
who knowingly allow or coerce
their children or ward into
2) those who commit the act of sexual
intercourse or lascivious conduct
with a child exploited in child
prostitution, such as:
a) clients of child prostitutes
3) those who derive profit or advantage
there from, such as:
a) managers or owners of the
establishment where the
prostitution takes place


- the use, hiring, employment and
coercing of children as
performers, actors or models for
obscene exhibitions and
indecent shows, whether live or
in video, or in printed
pornographic materials


- children shall not be the object of
attack in situations of armed
- they shall be protected from any
form of threat, assault, torture or
other cruel, inhumane or
degrading treatment
- children shall not be recruited to
become members of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines of its
civilian units, nor be allowed to
take part in the fighting, or used
as guides, couriers or spies
- children shall be given priority
during evacuation as a result of
armed conflict

RA 9208 anti trafficking in persons act of 1992

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