Summary of NETR 1696938078

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September 2023

Summary of the
National Energy
Transition Roadmap
Navigating the transient stage
Part 1:

3 Capitalising on high-value
green economy

Part 2:

10 Establishing low-carbon
pathway, energy mix and
emission target reduction

32 Your voice
What we are hearing

38 How we can help

Navigating the market

This summary document is mainly sourced from the National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR)
supplemented by further research and analysis.
Part 1:

Capitalising on high-value
green economy

Six energy transition levers and

ten flagship projects
The first phase of the NETR has identified ten
flagship catalyst projects based on six energy
transition levers, crucial for navigating the complex
shift from traditional fossil fuels to a thriving green

Forecasted energy flows in 2050 shows that dependency on
fossil fuels will reduce while renewable energy grows
PwC Strategy& illustration of energy source and target (2050) - Illustrative

By 2050,
low-carbon sources will
account for more than
90% of energy, and fossil
fuels will account for less
than 10%.

Renewable energy
sources will be the main
feedstock for the
economy, while fossil fuels
will be required for
decarbonise sectors.

Source: PwC’s Inventing Tomorrow’s Energy System (2021)

Buildings include residential, both commercial and public
Feedstock include agriculture, forestry, fishing
NETR recognises the current state and addresses
challenges moving forward
Malaysia state of energy affairs
Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES), 2020

26% 4% Renewables

of national GDP Coal
are contributed
by the energy
TPES is the sum
of production and
imports, minus

As such, the transition from a Natural gas

fossil fuel dependent economy to
a high-value green economy 1 out of 4 Crude oil &
must be done meticulously, to of total workforce in 27%
amplify positive impacts and Malaysia is employed
reduce any ramifications to near by the energy sector NETR highlights natural gas as a vital transitional fuel in
zero, especially to the Rakyat. ensuring energy security and affordability remain intact.

Source: NETR (2023), Suruhanjaya Tenaga website (2023)

NETR doubles down on reducing greenhouse gases intensity
against GDP by 45% by 2030 compared to 2005 baseline
Several risks which would delay the energy transition progress were identified

01 Malaysia’s energy sector produced almost 80% of greenhouse gases (GHG)

emissions which is approximately 259 Mt a year (2019).

02 Climate change poses a threat to the global economy, trade and financial
system, with potential losses amounting to 10% - 46% of GDP by 2050.

03 The EU introduced the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), which

could affect up to 57% of exports to the EU by 2026 comprising key industries
such as iron, steel, aluminium and consumer appliances.

04 The US introduced the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which prioritises the
production and demand for domestically produced clean energy goods and
services over imported ones.

Source: NETR (2023), Swiss Re Press Release (2021)

NETR identifies six levers comprising ten flagship catalyst
projects, reducing GHG emissions by at least 10 Mt per year
1 Efficient Switch 2 RE Zone 3 Energy Storage 4 Energy Secure

Energy efficiency (EE)

Energy Efficiency and Integrated RE Zone Energy Storage System Sabah Energy Security
1 Conservation Act by Khazanah Nasional (ESS) by NRECC and Initiative by Energy
(EECA) by NRECC Suruhanjaya Tenaga Commision of Sabah
Solar park and hybrid (ST) (ECoS)
Renewable energy (RE) hydro-floating solar PV
by TNB
Energy Audit for Rail
2 3 4 Sector by Ministry of Residential Solar
Shift to Renewables

Transport (MOT) by Sime Darby

Hydrogen Property

5 6
5 Green Hydrogen 6 Hydrogen for 7 Biomass Demand 8 Future Mobility
Bioenergy Sarawak Hydrogen
Power Creation EV charging stations
Hub by SEDC Energy Co-firing of hydrogen Biomass clustering by MITI
and ammonia by TNB by NRECC and SEDA
Mobile hydrogen
Green mobility Biomass co-firing refuelling station by
by Malakoff MOSTI
8 9
Public transport
9 Future Fuel 10 CCS for Industry electrification by MOT
Carbon capture,
and Prasarana

utilisation and Biofuels Hub Regulatory Framework

by PETRONAS by Ministry of Economy
storage (CCUS) Solar PV for Rail by
Kasawari carbon capture and MOT
10 storage (CCS) by PETRONAS

Source: NETR (2023) | Abbreviations: Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Climate Change (NRECC), Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI), Ministry of Science and Technology (MOSTI) 7
NETR outlines the prioritisation criteria for energy
transition initiatives
Understanding the four prioritisation criteria will allow players to evaluate projects that are impactful
and aligned with national aspirations

Prioritisation criteria Emission reduction potential

Projects must have a measurable benefit in reducing
GHG emissions to be considered as impactful.
Economic opportunities
Projects shall be able to propel high impact industries
including micro, medium and small enterprises,
attract investments and generate job opportunities.

Social Economic Cost effectiveness

High upfront investments must be backed by
reasonable long-term yield, especially on nascent
technology, to ensure they are feasible.

Social inclusiveness
Cost Initiatives shall take into account job security, job
creation, wellbeing and its benefit to the communities
and future generations.

Energy transition initiatives are estimated to require up to
RM1.85tn in financing by 2050
Malaysia Energy Transition Outlook (METO) estimates US$415bn cumulative investments are required
for the 1.5 Celsius with 100% RE generation scenario

3% Key takeaways

● To achieve the target of 70% RE capacity

15% by 2050, approximately RM637bn in
43% investments is required.
(RM1.85tn) ● The ten flagship projects listed in the NETR
would generate almost RM25bn in

38% ● Opportunities worth up to RM1tn are up

for grabs beyond the transition to
renewable energy such as smart grid,
energy efficiency initiatives and energy
Renewable end uses Power plant Electrification storage solutions.
installation capacity
Grid & flexibility Energy efficiency
Part 2:

Establishing low-carbon
pathway, energy mix and
emission target reduction

Energy transition ambition, macro

position and five cross-cutting
Part 2 of NETR introduces the Responsible Transition
(RT) targets and expands on two critical parts of the
1) the energy transition ambition and macro
position including the detailed targets
2) the five cross-cutting enablers which are
relevant to Malaysia and its future outlook.

NETR Part 2 focuses on the energy transition aspiration,
macro position, and the five cross-cutting enablers
Part 2

Energy transition ambition and macro position

Supports Supports

Energy transition levers

Part 1

Energy Renewable Hydrogen Bioenergy Green Carbon

efficiency energy mobility capture,
and storage

Enables Cross-cutting enablers Enables

Part 2

Financing and Human capital Policy and Technology and

investments and capabilities regulation infrastructure

PwC 11
NETR introduces Responsible Transition (RT) targets in
2050 corresponding to each energy transition lever
Energy RT 2050 Energy RT 2050
Key driver Key driver
transition levers targets transition levers targets

EE Industry and commercial energy savings 23%1 GM Urban public transport modal share 60%

Residential energy savings 20%1 xEV (4W4) share of fleet 80%

RE Coal share of installed capacity 0% E2W5 share of fleet 80%

RE share of installed capacity 70% Light vehicle fuel economy ~30%

HY Green hydrogen production (MTPA1) Up to 2.5 Heavy transport fuel economy ~24%

Grey hydrogen feedstock phase off 100% Biofuel blending for heavy transport B30%

No. of hydrogen hubs 3 Hydrogen penetration for heavy transport 5%

BI Biofuel capacity (billion litres) 3.5 Green fuel in marine transport 40%

Bioenergy power generation (GW) 1.4 SAF6 blending mandate by 2050 47%

CC No. of CCUS clusters 3-6

To achieve the targets set for 2050, we see
extensive opportunities that industry players can Co2 storage capacity (MTPA) 40-80
leverage on
Compared to business-as-usual scenario (BAU), 2 Mllion tonnes per annum, 3 Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV), etc. 44-wheeler, 5electric 2-wheeler, 6Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)

PwC 12
RT targets rely on energy produced from natural gas to provide
baseload demand, complemented by renewable energy
Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES) in Mtoe1 Responsible transition (RT) scenario estimates TPES to
increase to 102 Mtoe in 2050 from 96 Mtoe in 2023, a 2%
102 CAGR2.
96 Renewables
for hydrogen National Energy Policy 2040 scenario estimates TPES at
117 Mtoe, which is higher than RT 2050. Energy efficiency
initiatives play an important role in reducing national energy
Coal demand.

Natural gas Key observations

Crude oil and The government is phasing out coal as an energy
1 source by 2050, which is complemented by the
increase in dependency on natural gas.

To reduce high reliance on natural gas (extracted or

2 imported), renewable energy should be scaled up to
70% of installed capacity of the power mix.

RE readiness will also be complemented with energy

Starting point Responsible transition 3 storage solutions, RE imports and other
non-carbon energy sources.
1 2
Million tonnes of oil equivalent, compound annual growth rate, 3 includes bioenergy, solar, hydropower and hydrogen
PwC 13
Understanding the energy trilemma, a key challenge for
energy transition
Key challenges are centred around the energy trilemma

A nation’s capacity to meet

current and future energy Ability to provide universal
demand reliably, withstand access to reliable, affordable
Security Equity
and bounce back swiftly from and abundant energy for
system shocks with minimal domestic and commercial use
disruption to supplies



Sustainability of energy systems represents the transition

of a country’s energy system towards mitigating and
avoiding potential environmental harm and climate
change impacts 14
RT addresses the impact on energy trilemma
2023 2030 2050 Analysis
Our power mix is only
Power system HHI¹ 0.36 0.32 0.30 slightly diversified by
Energy 2050 compared to 2030
security Reduced imported coal Increased import of
Import dependence - with indigenous natural natural gas (and
gas potentially RE)

System costs are

Incremental system costs
- 1,476 1,924 expected to increase
(RM per kW)
over time
Total investment required
Energy equity ∼10-20 ∼200-220 ∼560-580
(RM b)
and economic
development Direct job creation vs 2022
∼110,000 ∼270,000 ∼310,000

GDP impact vs 2022

∼20-25 ∼60-80 ∼200-220
(RM b)
GHG emissions from
GHG emissions reduction
- (4%) (32%) energy is decreased
Environmental (% MtCO2eq reduced vs 2019)
Emissions per capita Emissions per capita
7.5 6.8 4.3
(MtCO2 eq per capita) almost halved in 2050

Herfindahl-Hirschman Index measures the market concentration. Lower number indicates higher diversity in power system mix

PwC 15
Six energy transition levers:

Key initiatives and challenges

Lever 1: Energy efficiency (EE)
Reducing energy consumption from the end uses via regulations, standards
and aggregator platform

Key initiatives Key challenges Our views

Code Initiatives
Lack of awareness of benefits and ● EE benefits come from cost
EE1 Improve EE awareness 1 availability of EE reduction accumulated over
EE2 Improve existing MEPS1 and 5-star rating time against an initial capital
brands expenditure. Economies of
EE3 Enforce mandatory audits for large scale need to be achieved to
commercial and industrial buildings Absence of viable funding options ensure feasibility.
2 from scarcity of demand and supply
EE4 Establish green buildings codes for ● The Green Building Index
energy-intensive residential and commercial (GBI) can be further
buildings effectively utilised for
EE5 Financial burden of EE upgrades buildings in the country.
Establish an Energy Service Companies
(ESCO) platform 3 for building owners
- Coordinate government projects with Note: Based on the Green
private ESCOs Practices Guideline for
- Streamlines funding by using a revolving Manufacturing Sector, GHG
Narrow range of appliances emissions from manufacturing
fund through the ESCO platform encompassed by MEPS constrains industries and construction
EE6 Launch a major EE retrofit initiative amongst
4 the potential for comprehensive contribute to 9% of Malaysia’s
government buildings energy savings GHG emissions

Minimum Energy Performance Standards
Source: Malaysian Green Technology And Climate Change Corporation (2023), Green Practices Guideline for Manufacturing Sector
Energy Service Company (ESCO) as a platform to
leverage on economies of scale
Measures that can
Proposed ESCO platform to interface with stakeholders benefit from this

Shared savings Knowledge

Customers: 1
Private ESCOs sharing platform
Energy Performance private sector
Certificate (EPC)
projects Streamlined
Energy efficiency 2
technology solutions 1 2 EPC Projects
Energy efficiency 7 Aggregation
4 5 EE Government
Subcontracting 6 Debt or equity 3
financing Buildings

Equity/Debt investments
Shared savings Bulk purchase
ESCO platform 7
EPC projects Returns/Repayments Encourage local
3 5 production
Startup equity, 3 Equity returns,
credit guarantee developmental impact
and policy support 6
6 Guarantee fund
Customers: Equity/Portfolio
public sector investors
Government Portfolio
7 investments

PwC 18
Lever 2: Renewable energy (RE)
Solar as the dominant source of renewable energy through mass installation,
while considering the need for grid stability and energy storage solutions

Key initiatives Key challenges Our views

Code Initiatives Large scale solar (LSS)

● The scattered development
RE1 Establish solar parks for accelerated deployment of 1 development limits scalability and
approach of LSS diminishes
utility-scale solar efficiency
scale economies, leading to
RE2 Promote floating solar and agrivoltaic technology Need for more streamlined and higher development costs.

RE3 Expand virtual aggregation model for rooftop solar 2 supportive framework to
● Intergovernmental
- Scale up corporate and industrial solar rooftop encourage adoption of RE
collaboration might allow
programme Malaysia to benefit from
other renewable sources
RE4 Develop plan for accelerated investments of
transmission and distribution
3 Grid limitations for RE
such as wind and hydro.
- Establish amount, timing and mode of funding for
grid infrastructure investment to reduce grid Lack of TPA regulatory
constraints while balancing energy trilemma 4 framework to address
mismatches in supply-demand
RE5 Develop Third-Party Administrator (TPA) framework
for sourcing of RE
Absence of RE exchange platform
RE6 Set up RE exchange hub to enable cross-border 5 inhibits the potential to capitalise on
RE trading export price premiums

Lever 3: Hydrogen (HY)
Make hydrogen viable and competitive through policies and innovation while
securing long-term offtakes through bilateral agreements with importing countries

Key initiatives Key challenges Our views

Code Initiatives
Limited supply of electrolysers ● Nascent technology requires
HY-1 Establish low-carbon hydrogen standards and 1 in the global market extensive feasibility study
regulations enabled by proven
HY-2 Develop domestic green electrolyser technologies, which may
manufacturing capabilities include partnering with
Lack of technical expertise to
2 produce green hydrogen
leading companies globally.
HY-3 Reduce Levelised Cost of Hydrogen (LCOH)
● Production of green hydrogen
for low-carbon hydrogen
is nearing commercial
- Establish hydrogen hubs to optimise
Low competitive advantage from feasibility, driven by scale
economics of low-carbon hydrogen
3 high capital expenditure and low (larger projects, more capital)
and lower renewable energy
HY-4 Stimulate demand for low-carbon hydrogen electrolyser efficiency
- Explore bilateral agreements with key costs due to bigger
importing countries to develop low-carbon availability on a global level.
hydrogen value chain, catalyse project Absence of policy support and ● The usage of hydrogen in
development and secure long-term green 4 defined standards transportation will contribute
hydrogen offtakes to the lowering of Scope 3

Source: PwC (2020), The Dawn of Green Hydrogen

PwC (2021), Inventing Tomorrow’s Energy System
Key characteristics of a hydrogen hub

Significant scale Broad value chain coverage

Embarking on double-digit multi-million Covering multiple steps in the value
ringgit investments projects that extend chain, from hydrogen production to
beyond the pilot stages and storage, transport and off-take

Hydrogen hub
Multi-sector supply Define geographical scope
Showcasing the versatility of hydrogen Establish hydrogen ecosystems that
by catering to more than one end sector cover specific geographical areas,
or application in the transport, industry from local/regional activities to
and power sectors international outreach

Looking above and beyond

Many chemical companies identify hydrogen as an important production feedstock, energy source and business opportunity for
their applications, with focus on harvesting, creating, capturing and recycling electrons and molecules in a circular fashion.
As renewable energy gains popularity, this dynamic new force will forge new paths and businesses must reinvent themselves.
A major challenge for usage of hydrogen is the transportation which needs to be cryogenic. For distances that fall below
1,800km, transporting hydrogen through pipelines is the lowest cost and recommended while for further distances, ammonia
ships will be the most economical solution.
PwC Source: PwC’s Inventing Tomorrow’s Energy System (2021)
Lever 4: Bioenergy (BI)
Address the supply risk and limited domestic demand by exploring alternative
feedstock and blend mandates, while acknowledging the role of palm oil biomass

Key initiatives Key Challenges Our views

Code Initiatives
Supply security of biomass and ● Bioenergy feasibility may be
BI-1 Explore alternative bioenergy feedstock 1 bioenergy feedstock impacted by inadequate
enforcement of our waste
BI-2 Enhance attractiveness of palm oil biomass management policy such as
Negative perception of palm oil separation at source.
BI-3 Address challenge of supply security 2 biomass globally Regulation is present but
- Scale-up UCO1 collection via awareness enforcement is key.
campaigns and UCO collection facilities
● Targeting the end-users of
High aggregation cost of bioenergy could be a lucrative
BI-4 Catalyse local demand for bioenergy 3 bio-based feedstock venture within different
BI-5 Improve solid waste management policies
- Explore expansion of de-risking revenue ● Key points for execution:
sources and co-funding of waste-to-energy Limited domestic demand for Lock in pricing via long term
plants to ensure financial sustainability
4 bioenergy contracts to secure
availability of biomass and
bioenergy feedstock.

Used Cooking Oil

Lever 5: Green mobility (GM)
Promote the transition to EV for light vehicles and to biodiesel for heavy vehicles
via infrastructure, incentives and blend mandates

Key initiatives Key Challenges Our views

Code Initiatives Light vehicles

GM-LV1 ● Subsidised petrol in Malaysia
Drive public transport modal share shift to Inadequate public transport has made green mobility less
40% by 2040 and 60% by 2050 1 infrastructure and connectivity attractive in comparison. With
GM-LV2 Improve light vehicle fuel economy the ambitious targets for EV
Need to comply with the ASEAN adoption and PT ridership, a
GM-LV3 Accelerate electrification of light vehicles 2 fuel economy standards more aligned strategy is
segment (E4W) required across the GOM.

GM-LV4 Slow expansion of affordable EVs ● Powertrains for EVs are

Accelerate electrification of light vehicles
segment (E2W) 3 and charging infrastructure moving from premium to
mass market and we expect
GM-HV1 Enhance demand-side management with fuel the inflection point of mass
Heavy vehicles market adoption to happen
soon. In developed countries,
Increasing mandated biodiesel sales of EVs as a percentage
GM-HV2 Implement B30 biodiesel blending mandate
1 blend rates could affect industry of the Total Industry Volume
player uptake ability
GM-HV3 Introduce future powertrains for heavy has increased - with 19
vehicles countries passing the
Limited visibility into optimal inflection point i.e. 5% of EV
Source: PwC (2023), Powertrain Study 2023 (Strategy&)
2 heavy vehicle powertrain sales.
SCMP (2023), Technology adoption: electric cars pass 5% crucial tipping point in 23 countries

Lever 5: Green mobility (GM)
Promote the transition to EV for light vehicles and to biodiesel for heavy vehicles
via infrastructure, incentives and blend mandates

Key initiatives Key Challenges Our views

Code Initiatives Marine

● Decarbonisation of marine
GM-MA1 Unlock market opportunity of biofuel in marine Limited capacity for biofuel
transport focuses on freight
bunkering 1 production despite growing
and logistic segment.
GM-MA2 Unlock market opportunity of future fuels in ● Decarbonisation of aviation
marine bunkering Limited viability of e-ammonia transport seems to only have
- Enhance competitiveness of domestic ports 2 and hydrogen fuel one solution at this juncture,
in future fuel marine bunkering by providing which is SAF. The plantation
incentives Alternative fuels necessitates players can leverage this as
the major ingredient to
GM-AV1 Establish overarching decarbonisation
3 adjustments in vessel and
produce SAF is ethanol which
engine design
roadmap will require downstream
Aviation investments.
GM-AV2 Implement Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)
blending mandate ● Currently, biofuels are more
Lack of guidance on the
viable than batteries for large
GM-AV3 Undertake palm oil-feedstock emission study 1 implementation of
scale transport due to the
decarbonisation levers
sheer size required.

Limited demand signals that

2 incentivise domestic SAF
Lever 6: Carbon capture, utilisation and storage
Encourage the implementation of CCUS by industry through incentives, trade
agreements and regulations

Key initiatives Key challenges Our views

Code Initiatives
Lack of regulatory framework
● To be economically viable,
CC1 Develop CCUS-specific policies and 1 and governance to catalyse
CCUS must outweigh the
regulations CCUS development
expected environmental cost
CC2 Strengthen CCUS adoption through provision of releasing the CO2 into the
of incentives across all relevant sectors and High costs of CCUS technology atmosphere.
facilitate hub development 2 necessitate incentives and
● The costs of the capital and
competitive funding rates
energy intensive CCUS for
CC3 Facilitate CCUS Hub infrastructure
industrial plants burden the
Undeveloped transboundary entire supply chain.
CC4 Establish transboundary CO₂ agreement for 3 and domestic policy for
● As CCUS technology is
transportation and storage of CO₂ transportation and storage of CO₂
- Develop liability framework to protect relatively new in Malaysia, the
against environmental damage arising from regulatory environment and
Absence of viable utilisation commercial feasibility are key
CCS activities
4 opportunities such as urea factors that need to take
CC5 Promote local utilisation of CO₂ in industry production and precast concrete shape for CCUS to be
effective in net zero strategies.

Five cross-cutting enablers:

Key initiatives and challenges

PwC 26
Enabler 1: Financing and investments
Achieve energy transition targets while looking at fiscal suitability through identifying
current financing gaps and recommending initiatives to increase capital investments

Key initiatives Key challenges Our views

Code Initiatives Commercial viability from

technologically immature ● Reliance on capital
EN1 Launch a National Energy Transition Facility 1 initiatives with limited scale (i.e. investments and sustainability
(NETF) of fiscal support has to be
CCUS, green hydrogen, SAF)
- The Ministry of Economy to launch NETF with examined to safeguard the
an initial seed funding amounting to RM2bn country’s long term economic
Small scale initiatives fail to
development. For example,
EN2 Mobilise and attract private capital for energy 2 attract investors, translating to
following Norway’s recent
transition sectors higher development costs
- Scale-up sustainable finance literacy, clawback on its subsidy for
awareness programmes and technical capacity EVs, it leaves a question to
building targeting small and medium enterprises Implementation risks complicate many adopting countries on
(SMEs) 3 project roll out the sustainability of such
EN3 Roll out carbon pricing mechanism
- Implement a carbon pricing mechanism that ● Organisations could consider
sends clear signals on decarbonisation while an Internal Carbon Pricing
simultaneously creating additional capital for 4 Scarcity of viable projects strategy to encourage
investments in energy transition behavioural changes in
preparation for carbon trading
on the voluntary markets.
Source: CleanTechnica (2022), Norway Rethinks Its Incentive Package For Electric Cars
NewsinEnglish (2020), Norway pulls plug on el-car incentives

Enabler 2: Policy and regulations
Strengthening governance and regulatory frameworks to bolster continued
growth and innovation in the market

Key initiatives Key challenges Our views

Code Initiatives
Economic distortions arising ● While designing policies that
EN4 Rationalise energy subsidies 1 from energy subsidies can hinder support green industries and
adoption of sustainable energy technological advancements,
policymakers should consider
EN5 Launch the Natural Gas Roadmap (NGR)
the opportunity costs,
- Enhance competitiveness of upstream oil
Balancing energy equity for consequential impact and
and gas to meet domestic demand and 2 low-income households equitability to the public.
energy transition needs for sustainability
and security ● The road to net zero requires
commitments and concerted
Addressing increasing demand effort by the public sector
3 for natural gas while striving for
● Three general models we
reduced reliance on fossil fuels
foresee being adopted by
Source: PwC (2021), Inventing Tomorrow’s Energy System governments around the world
● Policy driver
● Strategic infrastructure
● Co-investor

Enabler 3: Human capital and just transition
Adopting green skills in the energy sector’s workforce, and the coordination from the
local government

Key initiatives Key challenges Our views

Code Initiatives
Strategies required to transition
● Timeline for implementation of
EN6 Establish green skills taxonomy and ensure workers in GHG-intensive sectors
strategic workforce planning 1 to new employment
green education and training
programmes might be lengthy and
opportunities expensive, which might
EN7 Develop and roll out targeted green skilling
programmes discourage industries from making
the long term investment.
EN8 Develop and implement community support Targeted training and upskilling
initiatives required to incorporate ● Productive workforce trained in
programmes 2 green skills to the existing green skills will be essential to
EN9 Enhance energy literacy and energy efficiency workforce skill sets implement the NETR initiatives
awareness among students, SMEs and and flagship projects.
● The International Renewable
- Strengthen the MELP1 to catalyse a paradigm Addressing low energy literacy
Energy Agency (IRENA) predicts
shift in public perception and behaviour levels to ensure informed that jobs in the renewable energy
towards energy utilisation 3 decision-making and active field will increase significantly
- Implement energy literacy and awareness participation in sustainable from now until 2050. Solid
programmes at educational institutions energy transition workforce planning and strategy
are required to advance
Malaysia Energy Literacy Program employment in the decades
Source: IRENA (2022), Renewable Energy and Jobs

Enabler 4: Technology and infrastructure
Supportive environment and financial investments to enhance the technological
landscape in the energy sector

Key initiatives Key challenges Our views

Code Initiatives
Slow gradual uptake of ● Being an energy-intensive
EN10 Accelerate development of domestic industries country, industries need
for green manufacturing and adoption of green 1 sustainable practices within
enabling environments to
domestic industries
technologies operate in as they work
towards net zero
EN11 Develop a National Energy Knowledge Hub for commitments.
public access
- Establish a one-stop centre for energy Absence of a robust energy ● SMEs grapple with resource
transition data, information and programmes 2 knowledge platform tailored for limitations (e.g. funding, skills,
under the National Energy Council SMEs and businesses people), hindering their ability
to undertake sustainability
initiatives, notably in
transitioning to cleaner energy

Enabler 5: Governance and implementation
Promotes cross-sector collaboration in energy supply planning

Key initiatives Key challenges Our views

Code Initiatives
Fragmented governance of ● The establishment of the
EN12 Establish National Committee on Energy National Energy Council
energy which leads o inefficient
Transition under the National Energy Council
- The National Energy Council will act to
1 energy planning and underscores the importance of
decision-making comprehensive planning to
monitor the progress of the NETR ensures continuity of energy
transition initiatives.
● Financing structures could
take the form of public-private
partnerships with further
assessment of risk sharing
● There is a need for clear
legislation and governance
models with feedback loops to
support energy transition

Your voice

What we are hearing

Survey on market player’s

position on energy transition and
net zero initiatives
We conducted a survey to gauge perspectives on net
zero and energy transition initiatives amongst clients
from a diverse range of sectors, such as healthcare,
public sector, financial services, manufacturing,
infrastructure and others.

Malaysian organisations are at early stages of energy transition journey.
Some are ahead than their peers, but still far from global standards

We begin the survey by categorising the players in the markets into three
Exhibit 1
Exhibit 1 categories with respect to their position on energy transition.

Market players position on energy Category Definition

Implemented several initiatives with a comprehensive plan for energy
Advanced Advanced transition and decarbonisation including allocating adequate resources
to achieve a specific timeline
Have a timeline and strategy and are in the process of planning on
how to transition to low-carbon operations/high energy efficiency

50% Preliminary
Have only heard about energy transition/net zero, with either no or
Intermediate very broad strategy and commitments

Our respondents categorised 50% of their clients as preliminary organisations,

followed by 50% as intermediate organisations.
50% It is clear that no organisations are currently perceived as being advanced in their
Preliminary energy transition initiatives or net zero commitments. Throughout this section, we
will delve deeper into the key challenges and the enablers required to elevate them
to the advanced category.

Preliminary organisations often exhibit high inertia, showing resistance to
exploring further or being less susceptible to energy transition initiatives
unless required
Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3

What are the key factors anchoring preliminary companies’

position on not supporting energy transition efforts?

Lack of capabilities/
Lack of
Lack of

Almost half of our clients’ inaction towards supporting energy transition can
of preliminary companies are not looking be attributed to lack of regulation and enforcement, while 27% are due to
further to understand their role in energy high cost or lack of financial support either by stakeholders or tax
transition authorities. So, how do we address these factors and support their journey
towards future sustainability?

For the intermediate companies, several common attributes solidify their
position as first movers on transitioning to low-carbon operating model

Exhibit 4 External factors, such as government policies and investor demands are the main
forces pushing companies towards energy transition. Notably, peer pressure among
Why are intermediate companies companies in the same sector also encourages a shift towards more sustainable
operating practices.
where they are today?

80% Exhibit 5

76% of companies at this stage have net zero/energy transition

as their key strategic goals/priorities within the next five years

The rest targets for a longer lead time, between 2030 and 2040

7% Intermediate companies tend to have specific, measurable, actionable and relevant
timelines to achieve their net zero commitments. Goal-setting and high-level
Government Peer pressure Unsure roadmap are one of the key enablers to come up with a detailed step-by-step action
policies/ plan during the transition period.

Implementing sustainability governance, reporting structure and allocating
adequate resources would allow intermediate companies to move towards
advanced stage
Exhibit 6 Exhibit 7

Intermediate companies' sustainability governance and Have adequate resources been

reporting structure allocated?

37% have a person in charge e.g. Chief Sustainability

Officer, Corporate Sustainability Department etc. 24% have allocated adequate resources

39% have a person in charge but are unsure whether

they have the necessary capability for execution 22% have just started

have not put aside enough

24% have no such structure 52% resources

Resources can refer to investments, changes in

Companies with a person in charge would induce a more effective internal processes and digitalisation that are
implementation of net zero commitments and energy transition initiatives. necessary to ensure roadmaps can be achieved
The person in charge, who acts as the champion, must also attempt to and plan can be executed. Some companies
continuously upskill and stay up-to-date with the dynamic regulatory might struggle to allocate such resources, so
environment and technological advancements. how do we solve this complication?

Market players agree on common key challenges and external support
needed for the energy transition journey

Exhibit 8 Exhibit 9

Key challenges faced by companies in intermediate stage of Almost all companies demand support from
energy transition journey the government, in the form of...

Knowledge and capability
1 Favourable tax incentives
30% for investment or capital
expenditure incurred for
Cost energy transition

20% 2 Clearer policies/regulations

Unclear regulations to ensure public and private
sectors are aligned throughout
the whole journey
Technological limitations

How we can help

Navigating the market

PwC 38
Takeaways for businesses
1 Authenticity and the courage to be bold
Sustainability vision and goals need to be authentic and seamlessly integrated into an organisation’s business
strategy, practices and culture. Energy transition should form the core of any strategy with a view on long
term sustainability. Investments that move the needle are needed to create the momentum required.

2 Strategic trade-offs may be required

Leaders need to make important decisions that may require trade-offs. These trade-offs depend on your
sustainability vision, mission and goals, and anticipated developments in the macro environment and your
respective industries, balanced with commercial perspectives.

3 Getting the timing right

The technologies required to enable energy transition may be reaching an inflection point soon and different
technologies are becoming available and commercially viable at different stages. A comprehensive framework
such as a capabilities-driven strategy complemented by financial projections clearly demonstrating
financial impact are important to help an organisation be ahead of the curve.

4 Cross-functional team for integrated sustainability implementation

Implementing sustainability in any organisation requires an effective cross-functional team as sustainability
initiatives cut across multiple activities. This is essential for successful transition and implementation of any
sustainability initiatives as transition can be complex and multi-layered.

5 Holistic approach to the entire ecosystem

Achieving net zero requires a substantial commitment to transform various industrial models, via a comprehensive
approach across the entire business ecosystem. A people-centered change management approach is
essential during this intricate and lengthy transition. This entails envisioning and formulating strategies for a
future aligned with the people's aspirations, rather than relying solely on historical metrics.
Takeaways for businesses (continued)
6 Just transition pathways
There is a need to balance the environmental impact with
commercial feasibility and the impact to all stakeholders Ultimately, navigating this energy
while transitioning towards net zero. This transition should embed transition through all the
social inclusion, contribute to sustainable employment and macroeconomic and geopolitical
development of resilient communities to create a more uncertainties is inevitable.
sustainable global economy.
The support from energy transition
7 Making the math work
To fund the shift to cleaner energy, organisations must find the levers and enabling cross-cutting
right mix of debt and equity financing. Currently, companies enablers is therefore more
have varying investor value propositions, each with its own mix of important now than ever
growth, risks and returns. Businesses need to assess how to to attain Malaysia’s
balance shareholder returns against energy transition energy transition
ambition and
For instance, revamping existing facilities can prolong their macro position.
lifespan and generate profits, which can then be reinvested in
eco-friendly projects. Carbon markets could play a vital role by
focusing on projects that lower emissions responsibly.

Let’s have a chat

Andrew Chan Edward Clayton Jasmine Voo

Asia Pacific Sustainability, Partner, Capital Projects & Sustainability Director,

Strategy & Transformation Infrastructure, PwC Malaysia
Partner, PwC Malaysia PwC Malaysia-Vietnam (MYVN)
[email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]

Supported by

Sharifah Sakinah Afif Akmal Affian Charmaine Ng

Manager Associate Associate

Capital Projects & Infrastructure, Capital Projects & Infrastructure, Business Restructuring Services,
PwC Malaysia PwC Malaysia PwC Malaysia

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


This content is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional advisors.

© 2023 PwC. All rights reserved. "PricewaterhouseCoopers" and/or "PwC" refers to the individual members of the PricewaterhouseCoopers
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