Week 1 - Communication Models Principles of Writing

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Communication Models

and Principles of Writing


Week 1

At the end of the session the students should be able to:

1. discuss the nature of communication and communication model/s;

2. review the fundamentals and principles of writing;
3. appreciate more the writing skills vis-a-vis communication; and
4. apply the principles in the arena of technical writing.

What is communication?

Nature and Importance of Communication

The English word 'communication' is derived from the Latin communis, which
means common sense. The word communication means sharing the same ideas. In
other words, the transmission and interaction of facts, ideas, opinions, feelings or
attitudes. Communication is the essence of management.
Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place,
person or group to another. Every communication involves (at least) one sender, a
message and a recipient. This may sound simple, but communication is actually a very
complex subject.
Communication is the act of giving, receiving, and sharing information -- in other
words, talking or writing, and listening or reading. Good communicators listen carefully,
speak or write clearly, and respect different opinions.
In our daily life, communication helps us build relationships by allowing us to
share our experiences, and needs, and helps us connect to others. It's the essence of
life, allowing us to express feelings, pass on information and share thoughts. We all need
to communicate.
Letters are most common means of communication. Postcards, inland letters,
envelops, postage stamps, etc., are used for writing letters. Money order can be used to
send money and speed-post and courier services can be used to send urgent messages
by post.

Effective Communication

For communication to be effective, it must be clear, correct, complete, concise,

and compassionate. We consider these to be the 5 C's of communication, though they
may vary depending on who you're asking.
Being able to communicate effectively is perhaps the most important of all life
skills. It is what enables us to pass information to other people, and to understand what
is said to us.
Effective communication helps students connect with others, express empathy,
resolve conflicts, and establish a supportive network. Strong interpersonal skills enable
students to form meaningful relationships that can positively impact their academic and
personal lives.
Communication in the workplace is important because it boosts employee morale,
engagement, productivity, and satisfaction. Communication is also key for better team
collaboration and cooperation. Ultimately, effective workplace communication helps drive
better results for individuals, teams, and organizations.
Communication Models

A communication model is a pictorial representation of the communication

process, ideas, thoughts, or concepts through diagrams, etc. They can be considered to
be systematic representations of the process that help us understand how
communication can be carried out.
Communication models help identify and understand the components and
relationship of the communication process being studied. Models represent new ideas
and thought on various aspects of communication which helps us to plan for effective
communication system.
The three models of communication we will discuss are the transmission,
interaction, and transaction models. Although these models of communication differ, they
contain some common elements.

The Aristotle (Transition) model of communication is a linear and speaker-centric

model with no scope for the audience to provide feedback. There are five basic
components, including speaker, speech, audience, effect, and occasion. The Aristotle
model of communication also details how speakers can become more persuasive.
The interaction model views communication as an interaction in which a message
is sent and then followed by a reaction (feedback), which is then followed by another
reaction, and so on. From this view, communication is defined as producing
conversations and interactions within physical and psychological contexts.

The Transaction Model of communication describes communication as a process

in which communicators generate social realities within social, relational, and cultural
contexts. In this model, nurses don't just communicate to exchange messages; they
communicate to: Create relationships. Form intercultural alliances.

What is writing and are the principles of writing?

Written communication is the exchange of information, ideas, or messages
through written language in the form of letters, emails, notes, and more. Our ability to
write has transformed over time.
Written communication is important because it is easy to share, it can be saved
for later, and it can be read at your convenience. The most obvious reason why written
communication is important is that you don't have to worry about mispronouncing a word
or forgetting what you want.

Effective Writing Communication

Effective writing is readable — that is, clear, accurate, and concise. When you are
writing a paper, try to get your ideas across in such a way that the audience will
understand them effortlessly, unambiguously, and rapidly. To this end, strive to write in a
straightforward way.
The 7 Cs stand for: clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete, and
courteous. Though there are a few variations. You can use the 7 Cs as a checklist in
your written and spoken messages.
Effective communication examples can be stated as active listening, giving and
taking feedback, empathy, and respectfulness, responding to messages, having volume
and clarity in messages, understanding non-verbal data, building friendliness and
confidence, adapting your communication style to the audience, and so on.

Principles of Writing
Principle 1: Using writing to clarify your own thinking.
This principle holds that it is often difficult to establish what we think before we
have put it down in words.
Principle 2: Committing to extensive revision.
Most people will readily agree that more revision would improve their writing.
Principle 3: Understanding the needs of your reader.
This principle relies on the simple but surprisingly elusive idea that the reader's
needs are different from our own. What we need to say—especially as we struggle with
the early stages of writing—and what our readers will need to hear can be strikingly

What is technical writing?

Technical writing is any writing about technical information. It can include, but is not
limited to, preparation of technical manuals and handbooks about technology. Technical
writers need to have good writing skills, because they have to convey complex

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