Blood Body Fluid Cleaning Disinfection Fact Sheet Access

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Blood and Body Fluid

Cleaning and Disinfection

In the event of contamination of equipment or surfaces with Recommended disinfectant solutions
blood, vomit and/or feces, special consideration must be
given to the cleaning of these items and surfaces. Cleaning 1. Hypochlorite (bleach) solution
should occur as soon as possible. Failing to properly clean The recommended level of 1:10 bleach solution is
contaminated areas or items can lead to rapid spread of made by adding 1 part household bleach (5.25%
illness. hypochlorite) to 10 parts water (or ½ cup of
bleach to 4 ½ cups of water, or 125 ml of bleach
Cleaning blood, vomit and feces to 1 litre of water). This will give approximately a
People who clean up blood, vomit or feces 5000 ppm dilution of hypochlorite solution.
should minimize the risk of infection to  Hypochlorite is corrosive and may bleach
themselves and others by: fabrics. Mixing bleach with other cleaning/
 Wearing disposable gloves, standard disinfecting agents can be dangerous. Never
procedure mask (or face shield), and a plastic mix bleach with other products unless the
disposable apron or water-resistant gown. product label specifically allows it.
 Using paper towels to soak up excess liquid.  Applying the bleach solution to surfaces and
Transfer these and any solid matter directly leaving to air dry should provide adequate
into a plastic garbage bag. contact time.
 Cleaning the soiled area with detergent and  The solution should be freshly made to be
water, using a single-use cloth. most effective. Don’t use diluted bleach
 Disinfecting the contaminated area with one solutions that are over 24 hours old.
of the recommended disinfectant solutions
(see below).
2. Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide solution
 Depositing disposable gloves, masks, and (0.5%)
aprons into a garbage bag and reusable There is documented evidence suggesting that
aprons/gowns into a laundry bag. this product (trade name “Virox”) is also effective
 Washing hands thoroughly using soap and against Norovirus, a common cause of viral
warm running water for at least 30 seconds. gastroenteritis (vomiting and/or diarrhea).
 Use as recommended in the product use and
Do not pick up glass, needles or other sharp safety information.
objects with your hands. These should be  A minimum contact time of five minutes is
collected using a brush and dustpan or other necessary to be effective against
mechanical means and disposed of in a safe gastrointestinal viruses.
manner (e.g., into a biohazard container) to
minimize the risk of injury due to exposure to

519-822-2715 or 1-800-265-7293
[email protected]
Note: There is insufficient evidence at this time to Soft furnishing or cloth-covered items should be
recommend a disinfectant other than the two listed above thoroughly cleaned with detergent and hot water.
where a viral agent (e.g., Norovirus) is known or suspected For disinfection, they can be placed outside in the
to be the cause of a gastrointestinal illness or outbreak. sun for a few hours. As this is not usually
Norovirus is considered to be very resistant to many other feasible, after being cleaned they should be steam
disinfectants commonly in use. cleaned (strongly recommended) or disinfected
with one of the recommended disinfectant
ALERT: Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide solutions (Note: some fabrics may not be bleach
solutions differ from a basic hydrogen resistant).
peroxide cleaning solution.
Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide (AHP)is a Contaminated hard surfaces should be washed
patented cleaning and disinfectant solution with detergent and water, using a single-use cloth,
developed by Virox Technologies (also comes then disinfected with one of the recommended
in wipes). It is a combination of commonly disinfectant solutions. If using a disinfectant
used ingredients that when mixed with low wipe, use one wipe to clean the surface (instead
levels of hydrogen peroxide dramatically of soap and water), and then a second wipe to
increases its germ-killing potency and cleaning disinfect.
It is sold by various distributors so you will see Note: Pre-cleaning is not usually required for
different brand names. The important items that aren’t heavily soiled when using
ingredient to look for is the Accelerated Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide-based products).
Hydrogen Peroxide. Information on AHP
products is also available on the Virox web site

Treatment of specific materials

Contaminated linens, clothes, towels, cloths, etc.,
should be washed in the hottest water available
and detergent using the maximum cycle length,
and then machine-dried on the hot cycle

Vinyl-covered equipment or surfaces should be

thoroughly cleaned with detergent and hot water,
and then wiped down with one of the
recommended disinfectant solutions. If using a
disinfectant wipe, use one wipe to clean the
surface (instead of soap and water), and then use
a second wipe to disinfect.

HPDCD(FS)33 – 11/2012

519-822-2715 or 1-800-265-7293
[email protected]

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