Eng Man

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Huerte, Angelica Rose R.


1. Why is it important for the engineer manager to acquire skills in organizing?

Answer: Organizing skills can help engineering managers to be more effective leaders. When things or
plans are organized they are more likely to be able to make clear and concise decisions, communicate
effectively with their team members, and build trust and respect. And also acquiring organizing skills
is essential for engineering managers because it helps them streamline operations, manage resources
efficiently, promote teamwork, reduce risks, and ultimately deliver successful projects that meet the
needs of both the organization and its stakeholders. These skills are fundamental to effective
leadership and achieving long-term success in engineering management.

2. How may organizing be defined?

Answer: Organizing is the process of allocating, structuring, and coordinating assets, tasks, and
activities to successfully accomplish particular goals or objectives. An organization's ability to respond
to opportunities and challenges in a changing environment is strengthened by effective organizing,
which also increases productivity and efficiency.

3. What purpose do organizational structures serve?

Answer: In an organization, organizational structures fulfill a number of vital functions. They provide a
framework for how an organization operates, organizes its resources, and defines roles and
relationships. Organizational structures serve as the backbone of an organization, guiding its
operations, facilitating communication, and promoting efficiency. Structures aid firms in achieving
their objectives and efficiently managing resources.

4. What must be the concern of the engineer manager when structuring the organization?

Answer: To make sure that the organization is successful, efficient, and in line with its goals, there are
some of crucial concerns and considerations to keep in mind when structuring it as an engineer
manager. One of this concerned is the company's general objectives and goals are in line with the
organizational structure. The organization's structure need to support its mission and overall strategy.
In order to ensure that the company is well-suited to meet its goals while being flexible in a dynamic
business environment, the engineer manager must strike a balance between structure and flexibility.

5. What is the purpose of the formal organization?

Answer: The formal organization serves several important purposes within an entity, whether it's a
business, government agency, non-profit organization, or any structured group. It creates the
guidelines, responsibilities, and organizational frameworks required to function well, accomplish
objectives, and preserve order. It may have some restrictions and can be rigid, but it is an essential
instrument for making sure an organization runs smoothly and effectively.
6. What are informal groups? Why are they formed?

Answer: Informal groups are social networks or associations that develop spontaneously within an
organization, often outside the formal organizational structure. These groups form naturally among
employees based on common interests, shared values, or personal relationships. Unlike formal
groups, which are created with specific organizational goals in mind, informal groups formed when
members of an organization spontaneously form a group with friendship as a principal reason for
belonging or in other word they arise organically and are not officially sanctioned by the organization.

7. What are the types of organizational structures? How may they be distinguished?


 Functional organization- This is a form of departmentalization in which everyone engaged in one

functional activity, such as engineering or marketing, is grouped into one unit.
 Product or market organization- This refers to the organization of a company by divisions that
brings together all those involved with a certain types of product or costumer.
 Matrix organization- An organizational structure in which each employee reports to both a
functional or division manager and to a project or group manager.

8. What is meant by “line authority” by “staff authority”?

Answer: The terms "line authority" and "staff authority" refer to two different types of organizational
power that specify duties and obligations within a hierarchical framework. Line authority is used to
describe roles that have direct influence over an organization's basic activities. On the other side, staff
authority relates to roles that do not have the same amount of direct control but nonetheless offer
support, knowledge, and direction to line employees.

9. Distinguish “personal staff” from “specialized staff”?

Answer: The key distinction between personal staff and specialized staff lies in their roles and
relationships within the organization. Personal staff serves the needs of specific individuals and offer
direct support, while specialized staff bring expertise in a particular area to benefit the organization as
a whole and perform specific functions across different departments or projects.

10. What are committees? How may they be classified?

Answer: A committee is a formal group of people who are assigned to work on a certain assignment,
project, issue, or decision within an organization. Committees are created in order to foster
collaboration, collect various viewpoints, and produce well-informed recommendations or decisions
on behalf of the broader organization. They are classified as “AD HOC COMMITTEE” AND “STANDING
COMMITTEE”. The difference between them is ad hoc is only for a short term purpose while standing
committee is for permanent that deals with issues on an on going basis.

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