Chapter 7 Presentation
Chapter 7 Presentation
Chapter 7 Presentation
Group 7
03 Delegation
Assigning authority and
Types of
1. Functional departmentalization, which is based on the
primary functions performed within an organizational unit.
2. Product departmentalization, which is based on the goods
or services produced or sold by theorganizational unit.
3. Process departmentalization, which is based on the
production process used by the organizational unit.
4.Customer departmentalization, which is based on the
primary type of customer served by the organizational
5. Geographic departmentalization, which is based on the
geographic segmentation of organizational units.
What contemporary organizational
structures are companies using?
There is 2 Contemporary Structures that are companies using,
they are Matrix Structure and Committee Structure
Matrix Structure
are typically made up of Manage themselves without any is a group of people with
employees from the same formal supervision, taking different functional expertise
department or area of responsibility for setting goals, working toward a common
expertise and from the same planning and scheduling work goal.
level of the organizational activities, selecting team
hierarchy. members, and evaluating team
Building High-Performance Teams
1. Nature of the task. The more complex the task, the narrower the span
of control.
2. Location of the workers. The more locations, the narrower the span of
3. Ability of the manager to delegate responsibility. The greater the ability to
delegate, the wider the span of control.
4. Amount of interaction and feedback between the workers and the manager.
The more feedback and interaction required, the narrower the span of
5. Level of skill and motivation of the workers. The higher the skill level and
motivation, the wider the span of control.
Mechanistic Structures versus Organic Structures
First, it provides a source of friendships and social contact for organization members. Second, the
interpersonal relationships and informal groups help employees feel better-informed about and
connected with what is going on in their firm, this giving them some sense of control over their
work environment. Third, the informal organization can provide status and recognition that the
formal organization cannot or will not provide employees. Fourth, the network of
relationships can aid the socialization of new employees by informally passing along rules,
basic objectives, and job expectations.
Trends in Organizational
Reengineering Organizational Structure
Periodically, all businesses must reevaluate the way they do business. This includes
assessing the effectiveness of the organizational structure. The purpose of reengineering
is to identify and abandon the outdated rules and fundamental assumptions that guide
current business operations. Every company has many formal and informal rules, based
on assumptions about technology, people, and organizational goals, that no longer hold.
Thus, the goal of reengineering is to redesign business processes to achieve
improvements in cost control, product quality, customer service, and speed.
The Virtual Corporation