Scada RFP Rev Doc-9 Nov 2022 Final

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<-Name of Utility->
(A Government of ---------- Enterprise or --------
Government Department)



SCADA/DMS Implementation for RDSS works in the


(Domestic Competitive Bidding)

Tender ID: <-e-tender id-> Date:< ----------


Bidding Document No: <- Utility to mention->

1.0 <- name of Utility -> invites on-line bids on Single Stage Two Envelope Basis (i.e.
Envelope-I: Techno-Commercial and Envelope-II: Price) from eligible Bidders for
SCADA/DMS Implementation for RDSS works in the <Utility>, as per the scope of
work briefly mentioned hereinafter.

2.0 Brief Scope of Work

The Brief Scope of work for subject Package shall comprise of Design, engineering,
manufacture, shop fabrication, preassembly, shop testing/ type testing at manufacturer’s
works, packing, transportation, unloading, handling and conservation of equipment at site,
complete services of construction including erection, supervision, pre-commissioning,
commissioning and FMS for 5 years .

The SIA in coordination with utility (as per the requirement to be given in the detailed RFP)
shall carry out field survey, design ,engineering, supply, integration, installation, testing &
commissioning of SCADA/DMS/OMS software applications, Dispatcher Training Simulator
(DTS) , hardware (including PCs, Servers, Routers, Switches, VPS, RTU, FRTUs, Multi
function Transducers (MFTs), Communication equipment , Auxiliary power supply etc),
software (including operating system, databases, network management system etc.), network
(LAN, WAN ), etc

The detailed scope of work shall be as per specifications and scope defined in the Bidding
Document for SCADA/DMS Implementation for RDSS works in the <Utility>,

3.0 <Utility> intends to finance the aforesaid Package through GoI Grant and internal resources as
per RDSS Guidelines.

4.0 Detailed specification, scope of work and terms & conditions are given in the Bidding
Documents, which are available at e-procurement portal website- <- Utility to mention->
and as per the following schedule::

Issuance of IFB --.--.----

Documents Download Dates and Time --.--.---- /------ Hrs (IST)
Last date for receipt of queries from --.--.---- /------ Hrs (IST)
bidders (if any) *
Pre Bid Conference date & time --.--.---- /------ Hrs. (IST)

Bid (both Techno-Commercial and Price) Upto --.--.---- / ------Hrs (IST)

receipt date & time
Date & Time for opening of Envelop-I --.--.---- / ----- Hrs (IST)
(Techno-Commercial bid)
Date & Time for opening of Envelop-II Shall be intimated after opening of
(Price bid) Techno- Commercial Bid.
Cost of Bidding Documents in INR (Tender INR
Bid Security 2% of the tender value or Rs. 5 (five)
Crore, whichever is lower, will be
Integrity Pact Applicable

*No Queries from Bidders, whatsoever, shall be entertained by the Employer beyond the last
date of receipt of Queries/ Pre-Bid Conference as specified above.

5.0 All bids must be accompanied by “Bid Security” in lieu of Bid Security in the form as
stipulated in the Bidding Documents.



5.1 Acceptable ‘Bid Security’ and Tender Fee payment proof shall be uploaded by all the bidder
in the e-tendering portal utility to mention specifics with regard to tendering portal.

6.0 Eligibility Criteria for Bidders:

Qualifying Requirement (QR) for subject package is attached as Section-IV of bidding


7.0 "<Utility>” shall allow purchase preference, as indicated in the bidding documents, to bids
from local suppliers as defined in the bidding documents. The bidders may apprise themselves
of the relevant provisions of bidding documents in this regard before submission of their

7.1 Any ‘Bidder from a country which shares a land border with India’, as specified in the Bidding
Documents, will be eligible to bid in this tender only if bidder is registered with the Competent
Authority as mentioned in the Bidding Documents.

However, the said requirement of registration will not apply to bidders from those
countries (even if sharing a land border with India) to which the Government of India has
extended lines of credit or in which the Government of India is engaged in development

8.0 Transfer of Bidding Documents purchased by one intending Bidder to another is not permissible.
9.0 Issuance of Bidding Documents to any bidder shall not construe that bidder isconsidered qualified.

10.0 <Utility> reserves the right to reject any or all bids or cancel/withdraw the Invitation for Bids
(IFB) for the subject package without assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case no
bidder/intending bidder shall have any claim arising out of such action.

11.0 A complete set of Bidding Documents may be downloaded by any interested Bidder from the
website <- Utility to mention->. The tender is invited under e-tendering process. The bidders
can enroll themselves on the website <- Utility to mention->. The said website also has
the detailed guidelines on enrollment and participation in the bidding process including
Bidder Manual for online fee payment (utility to check for the online fee payment
provision of tendering portal).

12.0 Address for Communication

Name & designation of concerned official:

Utility Name
Address of tender issuing office
Contact no of tender issuing office:
e-mail Ids of concerned official(s):

Websites : e-tendering portal website or

Website of utility

13.0 Registered Office

Corporate Identification Number
Section II.
Instructions to Bidders
Table of Clauses – Instructions to Bidders
Clause No Description
A. General
1. Mode & Type of bidding
2. Scope of Bid
3. Source of Funds
4. Corrupt Practices
5. Eligible Bidders
6. Eligible Goods and Related Services
B. Contents of Bidding Document
7. Sections of the Bidding Document
8. Clarification of Bidding Document
9. Amendment of Bidding Document
C. Preparation of Bids
10. Cost of Bidding
11. Language of Bid
12. Documents Comprising the Bid
13. Bid Submission Sheets and Price Schedules
14. Alternative Bids
15. Bid Prices and Discounts
16. Currencies of Bid
17. Documents Establishing the Eligibility of the Bidder
18. Documents Establishing the Conformity of the Goods and Related Services to
the Bidding Document
19. Period of Validity of Bids
20. Bid Security
21. Format and Signing of Bid
D. Submission and Opening of Bids
22. Sealing and Marking of Bids
23. Deadline for Submission of Bids
24. Late Bids
25. Withdrawal, Substitution, and Modification of Bids
26. Bid Opening
E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids
27. Confidentiality
28. Clarification of Bids
29. Responsiveness of Technical Proposal
30. Non conformities, Errors, and Omissions
31. Preliminary Examination of Bids
32. Examination of Terms and Conditions; Technical Evaluation
33. Marginof Preference
34. Evaluation of Bids
35. Comparison of Bids
36. Post-qualification of the Bidder
37. Purchaser’s Right to Accept Any Bid, and to Reject Any or All Bids
F. Award of Contract
38. Award Criteria
39. Purchaser’s Right to Vary Quantities at Time of Award
40. Notification of Award
41. Signing of Contract
42. Performance Security
43. Local Conditions
44. Annulment of award
45. Ineligibility for participation in re-tender
46. Restrictions on procurement from a Bidder of a country which shares a land
border with India
47. Independent External Monitors (IEM)s
G. Interpretation
48. Interpretation of the MTS and the RFP document
H. Conflict of Interest
49. Conflict of Interest

A. General
1. Mode & Type The bidding shall be done online through e-tender portal
of bidding -utility to specify----- on Domestic Competitive Bidding (DCB), Single
Stage Two Envelope bidding. Bidders are advised to go through the
guidelines provided at e-tender portal for online bidding.

2. Scope of Bid 2.1In support of the Invitation for Bids indicated in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS),
the Utility, as indicated in the BDS, issues this Bidding Document for the
supply of Goods and Related Services incidental thereto as specified in the
Scope of Work at Section VI. The name and identification number of the
Domestic Competitive Bidding (DCB) are provided in the BDS.

3. Source of 3.1. The Employer named in the Bidding Documents intends to use the
Funds capital subsidy {60% (90% in case of special category states) of cost of the
infrastructures in the project} under Revamped Reforms-based and Results
linked, Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS), a Government of India flagship
program for bringing down the costs and improve the efficiency of supply
of the electricity in the states, 40% (10% in case of special category states)
to be arranged by the State Government/Employer through loans from
REC/PFC/or other FIs/own resources. However, the payment as per the
contract payment terms will be released timely by the Employer, without
any linkage to disbursement of the funds under RDSS scheme
4. Corrupt 4.1 Utility requires bidders to observe the highest standard of ethics
Practices during the procurement and execution of such contracts.
(a) The following definitions apply:
 “Corrupt practice” means the offering, givingreceiving,
or soliciting, directly or indirectly, of anything of value
to influence the action of any party in the procurement
process or the execution of a contract;
 “Fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation or
omission of facts in order to influence a procurement
process or the execution of a contract;
 “collusive practices” means a scheme or arrangement
between two or more bidders, with or without the
knowledge of the Utility, designed to influence the
action of any party in a procurement process or the
execution of a contract;
 “coercive practices” means harming or threatening to
harm, directly or indirectly, persons, or their property
to influence their participation in a procurement
process, or affect the execution of a contract;
(b) Utility will reject a proposal for the award of Contract if it
determines that the bidder recommended for award has,
directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent,
collusive, or coercive practices in competing for the Contract
(c) Utility will declare a firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a
stated period of time, to be awarded a contract if it at any time
determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent
practices in competing for or in executing a contract of the

4.2 In continuance of ITB clause 4.1 above, the <Name of Utility> will cancel
the portion of the fund allocated to a contract for goods, works or
services if it at any time determines that corrupt or fraudulent
practices were engaged in by representatives of the Utility or a
beneficiary of the fund, during the procurement or the execution of
that contract, without the Utility having taken timely and
appropriate remedial action satisfactory to the <Name of
4.3 Any communication between the bidder and the Utility related to
matters of alleged fraud or corruption must be made in writing.
By signing the contract, the bidder shall represent that it is either the
owner of the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in the hardware,
software or materials offered, or that it has proper authorization
and/or license to offer them from the owner of such rights. For the
purpose of this clause, IPR shall be defined in the GCC Clause 15.
Willful misrepresentation of these facts shall be considered a
fraudulent practice subject to the provisions of Clauses 4.1 to 4.3
above, without prejudice to other remedies that the Purchaser may
5. Eligible Bidders 5.1 Bidders meeting the eligibility criteria as outlined in Section-IV
Eligibility Criteria of this document.
5.2 Bidding is open to bidders from within the Utility's country, subject to
fulfillment of conditions specified in ITB Clause 46 “Restrictions on
procurement from a Bidder of a country which shares a land border
with India”.
5.3 Bidders debarred as per Office memorandum No F.1/20/2018-PPD
Dated 02.11.2021 issued by Department of Expenditure, Ministry of
Finance or any amendments thereof shall not be eligible to
6. Eligible Goods 6.1 For the purpose of this Clause, the term “Goods” includes hardware,
and Related software, networking equipment and cables; and “Related services”
Services includes services such as insurance, transportation, associated
documentation, installation, customization, integration, field survey,
testing and commissioning, training, technical support, maintenance,
repair and other necessary services to be provided by the selected
bidder and necessary for successful implementation of the project as
specified in the contract.
6.2 In case Bidder that does not manufacture or produce the Goods it offers
to supply shall submit the Manufacturer’s Authorization using the
form included in Section V Form F-4, Bidding Forms todemonstrate
that it has been duly authorized by the manufactureror producer of
the Goods to supply these Goods.
B. Contents of Bidding Document
7. Sections of the 7.1 The Bidding Document consists of the section as indicated below and
Bidding should be read in conjunction with any Addenda issued in accordance
Document with ITB Clause 8.
 Section I. IFB
 Section II. Instructions to Bidders (ITB)
 Section III. Bid Data Sheet (BDS)
 Section IV. Eligibility Criteria
 Section V. Bidding Forms; Attachments; & Formats
 Section VI. Scope of Work incl Model Technical Specification
 Section VII. General Conditions of Contract (GCC)
 Section VIII. Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)

7.2 The Invitation for Bids (IFB) issued by the Utility is a part of the Bidding
7.3 The Utility is not responsible for the completeness of the Bidding
Document and its addenda, if they were not obtained directly from
the Utility.
7.4 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, and
specifications in the Bidding Document. Failure to furnish all
information or documentation required by the Bidding Document
may result in the rejection of the Bid.
8. Clarification of A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the Bidding Document
Bidding shall put the query under Clarification tab of the on-line bid prior to the
Document clarification end date. UTILITY will respond to any request for clarification
or modification of the bidding documents that it receives within the time
line specified.

UTILITY will post the Clarifications under Clarification/Corrigendum tab at

e-tender website. Bidders can view these clarifications.
Bidders are advised to regularly check under Clarification/Corrigendum tab
regarding posting of clarification, if any.
8.1 Bidders must check the Clarifications issued before submission of
Bid. Should the Utility deem it necessary to amend the Bidding
Document as a result of a clarification, it shall do so and upload the
amendments in the tender on the e-tender portal Should the Utility
deem it necessary to amend the Bidding Document as a result of a
clarification, it shall do so following the procedure under ITB Clause
9 and Sub Clause 25.2.
8.2 The Bidder is advised to visit and examine the site where the
facilities are to be installed and its surroundings and obtain for itself
on its own responsibility all information that may be necessary for
preparing the bid and entering into a contract for supply and
installation of the facilities. The costs of visiting the site shall be
borne by the bidder fully.
8.3 The Bidder and any of its personnel or agents will be granted
permission by the Utility to enter upon its premises and lands for
the purpose of such inspection, but only upon the express condition
that the Bidder, its personnel and agents will release andindemnify
the Utility and its personnel and agents from and against all liability
in respect thereof and will be responsible for death or personal
injury, loss of or damage to property and any other loss, damage,
costs and expenses incurred as a result of the inspection.
8.4 The Utility will organize a pre-bid conference at the time and place
indicated in BDS. The purpose of the conference will be to clarify
issues and answer queries that the bidders might have. Bidders are
requested to submit the queries in writing to reach the Utility not
later than 5 days before the conference. Queries and responses shall
be communicated in accordance with ITB Clause 8.1. Any
modifications to the Bidding document listed in ITB Clause 8.1which
may become necessary as a result of pre-bid conference /
clarifications shall be made by the Utility exclusively by issuing
Addendum and not through the clarifications of the pre-bid
8.5 Further, no queries from Bidders shall be entertained after last date
of receipt of Queries/Pre-Bid Conference (if applicable) as specified
in IFB. Accordingly, any query(ies) received from bidders after the
cut-off date shall not be considered and bidders to submit the bid
based on the bidding documents (and amendments
/ Errata / Clarifications etc. thereof) issued.
9. Amendment of 9.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of the Bids, the Utility
Bidding may amend the Bidding Document by issuing addenda.
9.2 The Utility, at its discretion for any reason whether at its own initiative
or in response to a clarification requested by a bidder may add, modify
or remove any element of the Goods (including hardware, software,
networking, etc) or any component of Related Service entirely or any
part thereof from the bid document till the time of Bid Submission
Date. The amendments will be posted at e- tendering website1 and it
will be assumed that the information contained therein has been
taken into account by the Bidder in its Bid. Bidders are advised to
regularly check e-tendering website regarding posting of Amendment,
if any.
9.3 In order to provide prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to
take the amendment into account in preparing their bids, the Utility
may, at its discretion, extend the last date for the receipt of Bids.
9.4 Any addendum issued shall be part of the Bidding Document and shall
be communicated in writing to all who have obtained the Bidding
Document directly from the Utility.
9.5 To give prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take an
addendum into account in preparing their Bids, the Utility may, at its
discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of the Bids,
pursuant to ITB Sub-Clause 25.2.

C. Preparation of Bids
10. Cost of Bidding 10.1 Tender Fee as mentioned in IFB.
10.2 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and
submission of its Bid, and the Utility shall not be responsible or liable
for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding
11. Language of Bid 11.1 The Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the
Bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Utility, shall be written in the
English. Supporting documents and printed literature that are part of
the Bid may be in another language provided they are accompanied
by an accurate translation of the relevant passages in English, in which
case, for purposes of interpretation of the Bid, such translation shall
The English Translation of the documents shall be carried out by
professional translators and the translator shall certify that he is
proficient in both languages in order to translate the document and that
the translation is complete and accurate. Further, translation shall be
authenticated by the Indian Consulate located in the Country where
the documents have been issued or the Embassy of that Country in

For e-tendering website please refer IFB
12. Single Stage-Two Envelope Bidding procedure shall be followed
through e-tendering portal for the subject package as under:
Envelope-I: Techno-Commercial
Envelope-II: Price Bid
The Envelope-I ("Techno-Commercial Bid") shall be evaluated for
completeness and in regard to fulfilment of the qualification
requirements and eligibility conditions. The Envelope- II ("Price Bid")
shall be considered for opening from those bidders who have been
considered qualified and whose Techno-Commercial Bids have been
found to be responsive and shall be opened as per the IFB.

12.1 Techno-Commercial Bid (Envelope-I)

The Techno-Commercial Bid shall comprise of the following:
12.1.1 Documents to be submitted in physical form in separate sealed
envelope (s) duly marked in accordance with ITB clause titled ‘Sealing
and Marking of Physical Documents
a) Attachment 1: Bid Security (To be given offline in physical form
and copy to be uploaded in Cover type ‘Fee' of e- Tendering
System) & Tender Fee (To be given offline inphysical form
and copy to be uploaded in Cover type ‘Fee' of e-Tendering
System, in case tender fee is submitted in the form of
Demand draft or Banker’s Cheque)
Bid security shall be furnished in accordance with ITB Clause
titled ‘Bid Security’ and as detailed in BDS. Tender Fee (if
applicable) shall be submitted in the form of a Demand draft
in favor of , Payable at .
<Utility to check the compatibility of the tendering
portal>Bidders also have an option to pay Tender Fee
directly in the online tendering portal while submitting the
bid. In such case, offline document is not required for Tender

b) Attachment 2: Power of Attorney](To be given offline in

physical form and copy to be uploaded in Cover type ‘Fee' of
e-Tendering System)
A power of attorney, duly notarized by a Notary Public,
indicating that the person signing the bid has the authority
to sign the bid and that the bid is binding upon the Bidder
during the full period of its validity in accordance with ITB
Clause titled ‘Period of Validity of Bids’.
Deed of Joint Undertaking as per relevant attachment (If
applicable) and Power of attorney(s), duly notarized by
Notary Public, indicating that the person(s) signing the
documents on behalf of Associate(s)/ collaborator(s)/
executants(s) of JV Agreement (if permissible) have the
authority to sign the same and the said documents are
binding upon them during the full period of their validity.
Joint Venture/Consortium Agreement (If applicable) as per
relevant attachment and further, in case of JV bid (if
permissible), a power of attorney in favor of the authorized
signatory of the lead partner, signed by legally authorized
signatory (ies) of other joint venture partner shall also be
c) Attachment 3: Integrity Pact
The “Integrity Pact"(if applicable) to be signed by the bidder
and submitted in a separate sealed envelope. (Refer Section-
(The Authority of the person issuing the Power of Attorney
shall also be submitted).
 Further, Bidder to note that bid can be submitted/digitally
signed by only one person. The Power of Attorney must be
in the name of person digitally signing the bids.
 Other Attachment (s), if any, shall be as specified in BDS.
12.1.2 Documents to be submitted online through e-tender portal:
The Technical Proposal Sheet as per Section-V, Form F-1,
duly completed together with the following Attachments
shall be uploaded at the e-tender portal:
(a) Section-V, Appendix C: Bidder’s Qualifications (To be
uploaded in e-Tendering System).
In the absence of pre-qualification documentary evidence
that the Bidder is eligible to bid and is qualified to perform
the contract, if its bid is accepted, shall be furnished in
Appendix-C to Bid.
The documentary evidence of the Bidder’s qualification to
perform the contract, if its bid is accepted, shall establish to
UTILITY’s satisfaction that the Bidder has the financial,
technical, production, procurement, shipping, installation
and other capacities and capabilities necessary to perform
the contract and meets the experience and other criteria as
outlined in Eligibility Criteria.
Bids submitted by a Joint Venture of two or more firms as partners,
if so permitted in the Bid Data Sheet, shall comply with the following
(i) The bid shall include all the information required for
Appendix C for each Joint Venture partner.
(ii) The bid shall be signed so as to be legally binding on
all partners.
(iii) One of the partners shall be designated as leader,
this authorisation shall be evidenced by submitting with the
bid a power of attorney signed by legally authorised
signatories of joint venture partners.
(iv) The leader shall be authorised to receive instructions
for and on behalf of any and all partners of the Joint Venture
and the entire execution of the contract, including payment,
shall be done exclusively with the leader.
(v) All partners of the Joint Venture shall be liable jointly
and severally for the execution of the Contract in accordance
with the contract terms.
(vi) Copy of the agreement entered into by the joint venture
partners as per the format provided in the Bidding
Documents shall be submitted with the bid.
For joint venture to qualify, each of its partners must meet the
minimum criteria listed for an individual Bidder for the component
of the contract they are designated to perform. Failure to comply
with this requirement will result in rejection of the Joint Venture's
A firm can be a partner in only one joint venture; bids submitted by
joint ventures including the same firm as partner will be rejected.
Bids submitted by a Bidder in association with an Associate, if so
permitted as per Qualification requirements, shall additionally
comply with the following requirements:
The bid shall include the information listed in Section-IV Eligibility
Original Deed of Joint Undertaking as specified in the relevant form
of, Appendix C entered into by the bidder with the Collaborator /
Associate shall be submitted along with the Techno-Commercialbid.

In case Bidder is permitted in the Bid Data Sheets to offer to supply

and/or install plant and equipment under the contract that the
Bidder did not manufacture or otherwise produce and/or install, the
Bidder shall (i) have the financial and other capabilities necessary to
perform the contract; (ii) have been duly authorised by the
manufacturer or producer of the related plant and equipmentor
component to supply and/or install that item in the Utility’scountry;
(iii) be responsible for ensuring that the manufacturer or producer of
the related item meets the minimum criteria listed for that item.
Bidder shall submit a ‘Declaration’ in the format enclosed as
Appendix C stating that the Bidder has carried out a comprehensive
assessment of the ‘Capacity and Capability’ of their Associate/
Collaborator and their Associate/Collaborator have sufficient
Capacity & Capability to execute the Work as per Provisions of the
Bidding Documents.
Bids not meeting the requirements as stated above shall be rejected.
Bidders are required to furnish the details of the past experiences
based on which selection is to be made as per format enclosed in the
bidding documents for the same and enclose relevant documents
like copies of authentic work order, completion certificate,
agreements etc. supporting the details/data provided in the format.
No claims without supporting documents shall be accepted in this
regard. However, if any of the reference work pertains to the
Contract(s)/Works executed by Bidder for tender issuing utility in the
past then in respect of such Contract(s)/Works Bidder shall not be
required to enclose Client Certificate (s) along with its bid.
Whether Joint Ventures are permitted : As per Section-IV Eligibility
Whether Associate/Collaborator permitted : As per Section-IV
Eligibility Criteria
Form-4: Manufacturer’s Authorization
Form-5: Certificate as to principal corporate.
(b) Attachment 5: Subcontractors Proposed by the Bidder
Subcontractors ]Proposed by the Bidder (To be uploadedin
Cover type ‘Pre-Qual /Technical ' of e-Tendering System)

The Bidder shall include in its bid details of all major items
of supply or services that it proposes to purchase or sublet
and shall give details of the name and nationality of the
proposed Subcontractor, including vendor, for each of those
items. Bidders are free to list more than one
Subcontractor/Vendor against each item of the facilities.
Quoted rates and prices will be deemed to apply to
whichever Subcontractor/Vendor is appointed, and no
adjustment of the rates and prices will be permitted.

The Bidder shall be responsible for ensuring that any plant,

equipment or services to be provided by the Sub-
Contractor/Vendor comply with the requirements of ITB
sub-clause 12.1.2 (a).

Utility reserves the right to delete any proposed

Subcontractor/Vendor from the list prior to award of
contract. After discussion between Utility and the
Contractor, relevant appendix to Contract Agreement (List of
Sub-Contractors) shall be completed, listing theapproved
Sub-Contractor(s)/Vendor(s) for each item.
(c) Attachment 6: Alternative Bid – NOT APPLICABLE
(d) Attachment 7: Quality Assurance Programme To be
uploaded in Cover type ‘Pre-Qual /Technical ' of e- Tendering
Details regarding the overall quality management &
procedures which the bidder proposes to follow during various
phases of execution of the contract.
(e) Attachment 8:– Additional Information To be uploaded in
Cover type ‘Pre-Qual /Technical ' of e-Tendering System).
Additional Information which the bidder wishes to provide in
his bid.
(f) Attachment 9: Demonstration Parameter To be uploaded
in Cover type ‘Pre-Qual /Technical ' of e-Tendering System).
The declaration on the demonstration parameters as per
Utility’s format.
Attachment 9A: Functional Guarantees

The declaration on the guaranteed values of parameters as

per Utility’s format.
(g) Attachment 10: Fraud Prevention Policy To be uploaded in
Cover type ‘Pre-Qual /Technical ' of e-Tendering System)
(Utility to check if applicable of not)

Form of acceptance of Fraud Prevention Policy (applicable as

per award issuing utility practice), duly filled in as per
UTILITY's Format.
(h) Attachment 11: Declaration on Policy for withholding and
Banning of Business Dealings to be uploaded in Cover type
‘Pre-Qual /Technical ' of e-Tendering System.
Declaration on Policy for withholding and Banning of
Business Dealings duly filled in as per Utility’s format.
(Utility to check if applicable of not)
(i) Attachment 12: Declaration regarding local content, for
granting of purchase preference
(To be uploaded in Cover type ‘Pre-Qual /Technical ' of e-
Tendering System)
In case a (Declaration regarding local content as per Utility’s
format, for granting of purchase preference) bidder does not
submit the aforesaid declaration or no value is indicated by
the bidder or statement/any declaration like ‘later’, ‘to be
furnished later’, ‘NA’ etc. are indicated by the bidder against
value/percentage of local content, then the bidder shall not
be considered as a local supplier and shall not be eligible for
any purchase preference. No Further claim in this regard
shall be entertained by the Utility.
Other Attachment (s), if any, shall be as specified in BDS.
The Techno-Commercial Bid should not contain any price
content entry. In case, the Techno-Commercial Bid is found
to contain any price content, such bid shall be liable for
For formats mentioned above, please refer Section V.

12.2 Price Bid

The Price Bid submitted by the Bidder shall comprise of the

Bidders shall necessarily submit the prices on-line in the Bill of

Quantity (BOQ) only.
In this regard it is to mention that for preparation of the “Price Bid”,
Bidders are expected to take into account the requirements and
conditions of the bidding documents. The Price Bid shall be made in
the ‘Excel BOQ template’ only of Bidding Documents. The rate
quoted by the bidder shall be inclusive of all provisions for incidental
expenses necessary for proper execution and completion of the work
in accordance with the terms & condition of the biddingdocument.
All prices to be quoted by the bidders will be in Indian Rupees only
unless otherwise mentioned in the Bid Data Sheet(BDS).
Further, The Bidder shall quote rate and applicable GST for each item
in the relevant field of Excel BOQ template (Price Bid) as detailed in
price forms. The Excel BOQ template must not be modified/replaced
by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after filling the
relevant columns.
If agency does not mention any GST rate, it will be treated that
GST is inclusive in the quoted Basic Rate. In case the bidder is
exempted from GST, bidder has to produce valid Exemption
Document. If not produced, it will be treated that GST is inclusive
in the quoted Basic Rate.
<Utility to amend this clause in line with the tendering portal
12.2.1 The Bid Form (Price Bid) as per Appendix C3, duly completed
together with the Excel BOQ template and the following
Attachments shall be uploaded at e-tender portal:
The Bid Form (Price Bid) as per Appendix C3, duly completed
together with the Excel BOQ template and other Attachment (s), if
any, shall be as specified in BDS shall be uploaded at e-tender portal.
The Price Bid submitted by the Bidder should be without any
deviations and strictly in conformity with the provisions of all bidding
documents and amendments / addenda / corrigenda / errata /
clarifications issued by Utility to the Bidding Documents. A
conditional Price Bid shall run the risk of rejection.
Price Bid should not contain any matter in respect of Technical and
/ or Commercial aspects other than the details specifically sought in
the Price Bid. If the Technical/commercial matters indicated in Price
Bid are found to be in contradiction with the details furnished in
Techno-Commercial Bid, the details furnished in Techno-
Commercial Bid shall prevail.
For formats mentioned above, please refer Appendix C3

13. Bid Submission 13.1. The Bidder shall submit the Technical Proposal and the Price
Sheets and Price Proposal using the appropriate Submission Sheets provided
Schedules in RfP. These forms must be completed without any
alterations to their format, and no substitutes shall be
accepted. All blank spaces shall be filled in with the
information requested.

13.2. The Bidder shall submit, as part of the Price Proposal, the Price
Schedules for Goods and Related Services, using the forms
furnished in Section V, Bidding Forms and Supplier response
format, Appendix C

13.3. The Bidders should take note of following points while

submitting the Price Proposal : -
13.3.1. Price Proposal should clearly indicate the price to be charged
without any qualifications whatsoever and should include all
taxes, duties (excise & customs, etc), octroi, fees, levies, works
contract tax, Entry tax and other charges as[S6] may be
applicable, to be paid pre- or post- delivery or to be deducted
by the Utility at source, in relation to the Goods and Related
Services. Such taxes, duties, cess, charges etc, if not explicitly
mentioned in the Price bid tables in Appendix C3, but applicable
under law, should be included in the Quote under “Any other
levies” column.

13.3.2. Please refer to GCC Clause [14] and the SCC for Price
adjustments due to change in Tax rates (including local taxes),
duties, levies, cess, charges etc.
14. Alternative Bids 14.1. Alternative (alternate technology / architecture / design /
functionality or proposals with multiple options) bids shall be
15. Bid Prices and 15.1. Unless otherwise specified in the Technical Specifications, Bidders
Price Basis shall quote for the entire facilities on a “single responsibility” basis such
that the total bid price covers all the Contractor’s obligations mentioned in
or to be reasonably inferred from the bidding documents in respect of the
design, manufacture, including procurement and subcontracting (if any),
delivery, construction, installation, commissioning, civil & steel structural
works (as applicable), Completion of the facilities and conductance of
Guarantee tests for the facilities including supply of mandatory spares (if
any). This includes all requirements under the Contractor’s responsibilities
for testing, pre-commissioning and commissioning of the facilities,
conducting Guarantee tests and, where so required by the bidding
documents, the acquisition of all permits, approvals and licenses, etc.; the
operation, maintenance and training services and such other items and
services as may bespecified in the bidding documents, all in accordance
with therequirements of the General Conditions of Contract and Technical

15.2. Bidders are required to quote the price for the commercial, contractual and
technical obligations outlined in the bidding documents.

15.3. Utility to incorporate clause regarding uploading detailed billing

breakup as per the e-tendering portal provisions.
15.4. Price Basis
Prices quoted by the Bidder must be firm and final and shallremain
constant throughout the period of the contract and shall not be
subject to any upward modifications, except as specified inthe GCC
Clause 14
15.5. The bidders are advised not to indicate any separate discount.
Discount, if any, should be merged with the quoted prices.
Discount of any type, indicated separately, will not be taken into
account for evaluation purpose. However, in the event of such an
offer, without considering the separate discount, is found to be
the lowest, the Utility shall avail such discount at the time of
award of contract.[S8]
16. Currencies of Bid 16.1. Bidders shall quote all prices in Indian Rupees only.

17. Documents 17.1. To establish their eligibility in accordance with ITB Clause 5,
Establishing the Bidders shall:
Eligibility and
(a) complete the eligibility declarations in the Bid Submission
Qualification of
Sheet, included in Section V, Bidding Forms
the Bidder
18. Documents 18.1. To establish the conformity of the Goods and Related Services to
Establishing the the Bidding Document, the Bidder shall furnish as part of its
Conformity of Technical Proposal the documentary evidence against Goods and
the Goods and related Services provided in Appendix C3.
Related Services 18.2. The documentary evidence may be in the form of literature,
to the Bidding drawings or data, and shall consist of a detailed description of the
Document essential technical and performance characteristics of the Goods
and Related Services, demonstrating substantial responsiveness of
the Goods and Related Services to those requirements, and if
applicable, a statement of deviations and exceptions to the
provisions of Appendix C;
18.3. Standards for workmanship, process, material, and equipment, as
well as references to brand names or catalogue numbers specified
by the Utility in the Scope of Work, are intended to be descriptive
only and not restrictive. The Bidder may offer other standards of
quality, brand names, and/or catalogue numbers, provided that it
demonstrates, to the Utility’s satisfaction, that the substitutions
ensure substantial equivalence or are superior to those specified
in the Scope of Work.
19. Period of 19.1. Bids shall remain valid for the period of 180 days after the bid
Validity of Bids submission deadline date prescribed by the Utility. A Bid valid for
a shorter period shall be rejected by the Utility as non-responsive.
19.2. In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the bid
validity period, the Utility may request Bidders to extend the period
of validity of their Bids. The request and the responses shallbe made
in writing. The Bid Security furnished in accordance with ITB Clause
20, it shall also be extended for a corresponding period. A Bidder
may refuse the request without the proceedings as outlined in Bid
Security Format being initiated. A Bidder
granting the request shall not be required or permitted to modify
its Bid.
20. Bid Security 20.1. The Bidder shall furnish, as part of its Bid, a Bid Security in original
form, and in the amount specified in IFB / BDS in a separate
20.2. Bid Security shall be a demand guarantee, and in any of the
following forms at the Bidder’s option:
(a) an unconditional guarantee issued by a nationalized/
scheduled commercial bank located in India;
(b) a cashier’s or certified check or demand draft from a
Nationalized/ Scheduled commercial bank located in India;
(c) another form security, if specified in the BDS.
In the case of a bank guarantee, the Bid security shall be
submitted using the Bid Security Form included in Section 4,
Bidding Forms – Technical Part of the Bid. The form must include
the complete name of the Bidder. The Bid Security shall be valid
for ninety (90) days beyond the original validity period of the Bid,
or beyond any period of extension if requested under ITB 19.2
20.3. Wherever Bids under Joint Venture route are permitted as per the
Qualifying Requirements in the Bidding Documents, the Bid Security
Declaration by the Joint Venture must be on behalf of all the
partners of the Joint Venture.
20.4. The Bid Security in Original shall be submitted in a separate
sealed envelope before the stipulated bid submission closing
date and time.
20.5. In case acceptable Bid Security is not received then online Bid shall
be rejected by UTILITY as being non-responsive andshall not be
20.6. Bid Security of unsuccessful Bidders shall be returned as promptly
as possible upon the successful bidder’s signing the contract and
furnishing the Performance Security pursuant to ITB 41 and ITB 42
20.7. The Bid Security of the successful bidder shall be returned as
promptly as possible once the successful bidder has signed the
Contract and furnished the required Performance Security
20.8. The proceedings as outlined in Bid Security Format shall be
(a) if a Bidder withdraws /modifies/substitutes its Bid during the
period of bid validityas specified in ITB Clause 19.1, except
as provided in ITB Sub- Clause 19.2 or 25 ; or

(b) if the successful Bidder fails to:

sign the contract in accordance with ITB clause 41; or
furnish a performance security in accordance with ITB
clause 42; or
accept the correction of its bid price pursuant to ITB sub-
clause 30.4
if the bidder is found to have submitted false particulars
/ fake documents; or
if the iT implementation agency (SI and its sub-
contractors) refuses to execute the job at his agreed
scope/quoted rates, after the utilities issue the letter of
intent (LOI)
incidents of manipulation of rates by cartelization

21. Format and The Bids shall be digitally certified (using the appropriate class of
Signing of Bid digital signature prescribed at e-tender portal) by a duly authorised
representative of the Bidder to bind him to the contract. The
authorization shall be indicated by written power of attorney, duly
notarized by a Notary Public, indicating that the person signing the bid
has the authority to sign the bid and that the bid is binding upon the
Bidder during the full period of its validity in accordance with ITB
Clause titled ‘Period of Validity of Bids’ and shall be submitted in
hard copy prior to the deadline for submission of bid.
D. Submission and Opening of Bids
22. Sealing and The Techno-Commercial Bid (comprising the Bid Form (Techno-
Marking of Bids Commercial Bid), together with its Attachments) and Price Bid
(comprising the Bid Form (Price Bid), together with its Attachments
and the Excel BOQ template shall be submitted simultaneously at the
e-tender portal and no manual/ hard copy of these documents shall
be acceptable. The documents comprising Tender Fee, Bid Security
Declaration, Power of Attorney, Integrity Pact etc in accordance with
ITB sub-clause 12.1.1 shall be submitted in physical form after being
sealed and marked in the manner specified below:

The physical documents shall be sealed and marked in the following

(i) The Bid Security shall be sealed in a separate envelope duly
marking the envelope as "BID SECURITY".
(ii) Tender Fee shall be in a separate envelope duly marking the
envelope as "TENDER FEE"
(iii) The power of attorney shall be sealed in a separate envelope
duly marking the envelope as "POWER OF ATTORNEY".
(iv) The deed of joint undertaking (if applicable) as per relevant
attachment shall be sealed in a separate envelope duly
marking the envelope as "DEED OF JOINT UNDERTAKING" (if
(v) The joint venture/consortium agreement (if applicable) as per
relevant attachment shall be sealed in a separate envelope
duly marking the envelope as "JOINT VENTURE/CONSORTIUM
(vi) The 'Integrity Pact" (if applicable) as per relevant attachment
duly signed by the signatory authorized to sign the bid, shall
be sealed in a separate envelope entitled "INTEGRITY PACT".
(vii) Other Attachments, if stipulated in BDS, shall be sealed in a
separate envelope duly marking the envelope in the manner
stipulated above.
The envelopes shall then be sealed in an outer envelope.
The inner and outer envelopes shall:

(a) be addressed to the Utility at the address given in the Bid Data
Sheet, and
(b) bear the Package name indicated in the Bid Data Sheet, the
Invitation for Bids number indicated in the Bid Data Sheet, and the
statement "DO NOT OPEN BEFORE [date]," to be completed with the
time and date specified in the Bid Data Sheet, pursuant to ITB clause
titled ‘Deadline for Submission of Bids’.
The inner envelopes shall also indicate the name and address of the
Bidder. If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked in the manner
specified above, the Utility will assume no responsibility for
its misplacement.
23. Deadline for 23.1. Bids must be received by the Utility no later than the date andtime,
Submission of and at the address indicated in the BDS. The physical documents
Bids shall be submitted before stipulated bid submission time at the
address specified in BDS and Utility shall not be liablefor loss/non-
receipt/late receipt of above documents in postal transit.
23.2. The Utility may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the
submission of Bids by amending the Bidding Document in
accordance with ITB Clause 9, in which case all rights and obligations
of the Utility and Bidders previously subject to the deadline shall
thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.

24. Late Bids 24.1. The Utility shall not consider any Bid that arrives after the deadline for
submission of Bids, in accordance with ITB Clause 23. Any Bid
received by the Utility after the deadline for submission of Bids shall
be declared late, rejected, and returned unopened to the Bidder.

25. Withdrawal, 25.1. A Bidder may withdraw, substitute, or modify its Bid after it has been
Substitution, and submitted by sending a written Notice, duly signed by anauthorized
Modification of representative, and shall include a copy of the authorization in
Bids accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 21. The corresponding substitution
or modification of the bid must accompany the respective written
notice. All Notices must be:
(a) submitted in accordance with ITB Clauses 21 and 22 (except
that Withdrawal Notices do not require copies), and in
addition, the respective inner and outer envelopes shall be
clearly marked “Withdrawal,” “Substitution,” “Modification”;
(b) received by the Utility prior to the deadline prescribed for
submission of bids, in accordance with ITB Clause 23.
25.2. Bids requested to be withdrawn in accordance with ITB Sub- Clause
25.1 shall be returned unopened to the Bidders.
25.3. No Bid shall be withdrawn, substituted, or modified in the interval
between the deadline for submission of bids and the expiration of
the period of bid validity specified in ITB Clause 19.1 or any extension

26. Bid Opening Opening of Bids

26.1. Techno-Commercial Bid Opening

26.1.1. The Utility will first open Techno-Commercial Bid in the presence of
bidders' representatives who choose to attend the opening at the time, on the
date and at the place specified in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS). In the event of
the specified date for the opening of bids being declared a holiday for Utility,
the bids will be opened at the appointed time on the next working day. All
important information and other such details as Utility, at its discretion, may
considerappropriate, will be announced at the opening.

26.1.2. In case requisite bid security, Tender Fee, and/or Integrity Pact (IP) as per
provision of Integrity Pact pursuant to ITB Clause 12 are not submitted
before the stipulated bid submission closing date and time then Bid shall be
rejected by Utility as being non- responsive and shall not be opened.
26.1.3. Clarification on Bids
During bid evaluation, Utility may, at its discretion, ask the Bidder for a
clarification of its bid including documentary evidence pertaining to the
reference plants declared in the bid for the purpose of meeting Qualifying
Requirement specified in Bid Data Sheet (BDS). Therequest for clarification
and the response shall be in writing, and no change in the price or substance
of the bid shall be sought, offeredor permitted.

26.2. Price Bid Opening

26.2.1. After the evaluation process of Techno-Commercial bid is completed,

Utility will inform in writing the eligible Bidders regarding date, time and
venue set for the opening of Price Bid. Bidders, whose Techno-Commercial
Bid is not substantially responsive or does not meet the Qualification
Requirements set forth in the bidding
documents, shall also be informed in writing and their Price bid will be
rejected and shall not be opened.
26.2.2. Price bids of those Bidders, who have been considered qualified and whose
Techno- Commercial Bid found to be responsive, will beopened online in
presence of the Bidder's authorised representativeswho choose to attend. The
Utility will open Price Bids at the time, on the date and at the place specified
by the Utility. In the event of the specified date for the opening of bids
being declared a holiday for the Utility, the bids will be opened at the
appointed time on the next working day. All important information and other
such details as the
Utility, at its discretion, may consider appropriate, will be announced at the
26.2.3. The participating bidders will be able to view the bid prices of all thebidders
after online opening of Price Bids by Utility.
<Utility to amend this clause in line with the tendering portal
26.3. Reverse Auction

26.3.1. If so permitted in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS), Reverse Auction shall
be carried out on the evaluated price as per methodology defined inthe BDS.

E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids

27. Confidentiality 27.1. Information relating to the examination, evaluation, comparison and
recommendation of contract award, shall not be disclosed to Bidders
or any other persons not officially concerned with such process.
27.2. Any attempt by a Bidder to influence the Utility in the examination,
evaluation, comparison, and post qualification of the Bids or
Contract award decisions may result in the rejection of its Bid.
27.3. Notwithstanding ITB Sub-Clause 27.2, from the time of opening the
Technical Proposals to the time of Contract award, if any Bidder
wishes to contact the Utility on any matter related to the bidding
process, it should do so in writing. If the bidder or any of his sub-
contractors/consortium members meet the Utility’s personnel, it
will be considered as “coercive practices”, and may result in
rejection of the bid.
28. Clarification of 28.1. To assist in the examination, evaluation, comparison and post-
Bids qualification of the Bids, the Utility may, at its discretion, ask any
Bidder for a clarification of its Bid. Any clarification submitted by a
Bidder that is not in response to a request by the Utility shall not be
considered. The Utility’s request for clarification and the response
shall be in writing. No change in the prices or substance of the Bid
shall be sought, offered, or permitted, except to confirm the
correction of arithmetic errors discovered by the Utility in the
evaluation of the Price Proposals, in accordance with ITB Clause 30.

29. Responsiveness 29.1. The Utility’s determination of the responsiveness of a Technical

of Technical Proposal is to be based on the contents of the Technical Proposal
Proposal itself.
29.2. A responsive Technical Proposal is one that conforms to all the
Qualifying Requirements (as per Sec-IV Eligibility Criteria) mandatory
requirements, terms, conditions, and specifications of the Bidding
Document without material deviation, reservation, or omission. A
material deviation, reservation, or omission is one that:
(a) Does not meet the Qualifying Requirements (as per Sec-IV
Eligibility Criteria)
(b) does not meet all the mandatory technical specifications (as
specified in Section VI
(c) affects the scope, quality, or performance of the Goods and
Related Services specified in the Contract; or
(d) limits or is inconsistent with the Bidding Document, the
Utility’s rights or the Bidder’s obligations under the
Contract; or
(e) if rectified would unfairly affect the competitive position of
other Bidders presenting responsive Technical Proposals.
29.3 If a Technical Proposal is not responsive to the Bidding Document,
it shall be rejected by the Utility and shall not subsequently be made
responsive by the Bidder by correction of the material
deviation, reservation, or omission.
30. Non 30.1. Provided that a Technical Proposal is responsive, the Utility may waive
conformities, any non-conformity or omission in the Bid that does not constitute a
Errors, and material deviation.
Omissions 30.2. Provided that a Technical Proposal is responsive, the Utility may
request that the Bidder submit the necessary information or
documentation, within a reasonable period of time, to rectify
nonmaterial, nonconformities or omissions in the Technical Proposal
related to documentation requirements. Such omission shall not be
related to any aspect of the Price Proposal of the Bid. Failure of the
Bidder to comply with the request may result in the rejection of its Bid.
30.3. that the Technical Proposal is responsive, the Utility will correct
arithmetical errors during evaluation of Price Proposals on the
following basis:
(a) if there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total
price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and
quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall
be corrected, unless in the opinion of the Utility there is an
obvious misplacement of the decimal point in the unit price,
in which case the total price as quoted shall govern and the
unit price shall be corrected;
(b) if there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or
subtraction of subtotals, the subtotals shall prevail and the total
shall be corrected: and
(c) if there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount
in words shall prevail. However, where the amount expressed in
words is related to an arithmetic error, the amount in figures
shall prevail subject to (a) and (b) above.
(d) If there is a discrepancy between percentage and figures related
to various taxes or levies, the percentage shall prevail over figure
mentioned. However, where the amount expressed in
percentage is related to an arithmetic error, the amount in
figures shall prevail subject to (a) and (b) above. It should also
be noted that at time of payment against, the prevailing tax/levy
rates will be used as on the date of approval of payment.
(e) Except as provided in sub-clauses (a) to (c) herein above, the
Utility shall reject the Price Proposal if the same contains any
other computational or arithmetic discrepancy or error.
30.4. If the Bidder that submitted the lowest evaluated Bid does not accept
the correction of errors, its Bid shall be disqualified and the
proceedings as outlined in Bid Security Format shall be initiated.
Examination The Utility will examine the bids to determine whether they are
of Bids complete, whether required securities have been furnished, whether
the documents have been properly signed and whether the bids are
generally in order.

Prior to the detailed evaluation, Utility will initially determine whether

each Techno-Commercial bid is of acceptable quality, is generally
complete and is substantially responsive to the bidding documents.
For purposes of this determination, a substantially responsive bid is
one that conforms to all the terms, conditions and specifications of
the bidding documents without material deviations, objections,
conditionalities or reservations. A material deviation, objection,
conditionality or reservation is one (i) that affects in any substantial
way the scope, quality or performance of the contract;
(ii) that limits in any substantial way, inconsistent with the bidding
documents, the Utility’s rights or the successful Bidder’s obligations
under the contract; or (iii) whose rectification would unfairly affect
the competitive position of other Bidders who are presenting
substantially responsive bids.

Compliance with the Provisions of Bidding Documents

No deviation, whatsoever, is permitted by Utility to any provisions of
Bidding Documents. The Bidders are advised that while making their
Bid proposals and quoting prices, all conditions may appropriately be
taken into consideration. Bidders shall certify their compliance to the
complete Bidding Documents by submitting the declaration regarding
full compliance to all provisions of Bid Doc
Submission of above declaration shall be considered as Bidder's
confirmation that any deviation to the any Provisions found anywhere
in their Bid Proposal, implicit or explicit, shall stand unconditionally
withdrawn, without any cost implication whatsoever to the Utility,
failing which the proceedings as outlined in Bid Security Format shall
be initiated.

INTEGRITY PACT: Bidders are required to unconditionally accept the

"Integrity Pact (IP)" (executed on plain paper) as per Attachment to
the Bidding Documents which has been pre-signed by the Utility and
submit the same duly signed on all pages by the Bidder's Authorized
signatory along with the bid. The Integrity Pact (IP) is to be submitted
in a separate sealed envelope as per provision of ITB 12.1. Bidder's
failure to comply with the aforesaid requirement regarding
submission of 'Integrity Pact (IP)' shall lead to outright rejection of
the bid and in such case the bids shall not be opened
UTILITY’s determination of a bid’s responsiveness is to be based on the
contents of the bid itself without recourse to extrinsic evidence.If a
bid is not substantially responsive, it will be rejected by UTILITY, and
may not subsequently be made responsive by the Bidder bycorrection
of the nonconformity.

Utility, by the examination of Techno-Commercial Bid, will determine

to its satisfaction whether the participating bidders are qualified to
satisfactorily perform the contract in terms of the qualifying
requirements stipulated in the Bid Data Sheet. The determination will
take into account the bidder’s financial and technical capabilities, in
particular its contracts, works in hand, future commitments and
current litigation. It will be based upon an examination of
documentary evidence of bidder’s qualification submitted by the
bidder in relevant attachment to the Bid Form of Techno-Commercial
Bid as well as such other information as Utility deems necessary and
appropriate. Notwithstanding anything stated anywhere else in the
bidding documents, Utility reserves the right to seek in writing
information relating to qualifying requirements in addition to details
contained in the bid. The bidder shall furnish required information
promptly to Utility. Utility will shortlist the Bidders meeting the
stipulated Qualifying Requirements.
An affirmative determination of meeting the qualifying requirements
will be a prerequisite for further evaluation of Techno-Commercialbid
and holding clarification meeting, if any, with the Bidder. A negative
determination will result in rejection of the Bidder’s Techno-
Commercial Bid in which event Utility will not open thePrice Bid of
the concerned bidder and his bid security shall be returned.
The capabilities of the vendors and subcontractors, proposed in
relevant attachment, will also be evaluated for acceptability. Their
participation should be confirmed with a letter of intent between the
parties, as needed. Should a vendor or sub-contractor be determined
to be unacceptable, the bid will not be rejected, but the Bidder willbe
required to substitute an acceptable vendor or sub-contractorwithout
any change in the bid price quoted in Price Proposal, prior to award.
Part C: Price Bids
The Utility will examine the Price bids to determine whether they are
complete, whether any computational errors have been made, and
whether the bids are generally in order.

Arithmetical Correction
Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis. In the Excel
BOQ template, if there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the
total price, which is obtained by multiplying the unit price and
quantity, or between subtotals and the total price, the unit or subtotal
price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected accordingly. If
there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in
words will prevail. All errors in totalling in the amount column of the
Excel BOQ template and in carrying forward totals shallbe corrected.
The discount (if any) mentioned in Conditions field of General
Data/Item Data in Main Screen of Bid Invitation shall be applied on
such corrected price. The bid sum so altered shall, for the purpose of
bid, be substituted for the sum originally bid and considered for
evaluation and comparison of the bids and also for acceptance of the
bid, instead of the original sum quoted by the
Bidder. If the Bidder does not accept such correction of errors, its bid
will be rejected and the proceedings as outlined in Bid Security
Format shall be initiatedin accordance with ITB Clause titled ‘Bid
32. Examination of 32.1. The Utility shall examine the Bids to confirm that all terms and
Terms and conditions specified in the GCC and the SCC have been accepted by
Conditions; the Bidder without any material deviation or reservation.
Technical 32.2. The Utility shall evaluate the technical aspects of the Bid submitted in
Evaluation accordance with ITB Clause 19, to confirm that all requirements
specified in the Scope of Work at Section VI, of the Bidding Document
have been met without any material deviation or reservation.
32.3. If, after the examination of the terms and conditions and the
technical evaluation, the Utility determines that the Technical
Proposal is not responsive in accordance with ITB Clause 30, it shall
reject the Bid.


Purchase preference shall be given to local suppliers as permethodology
specified in Annexure–II to Bid Data Sheet.
34. Evaluation of 34.1. The Utility shall evaluate Price Proposals of each Bid for which the
Bids Technical Proposal has been determined to be responsive.
35. Comparison of 35.1. The Utility shall compare all responsive bids to determine the bid
Bids lowest quoted bid.
36. Post- 36.1. The Utility shall determine to its satisfaction during the evaluation of
qualification of Technical Proposals whether Bidders are qualified to perform the
the Bidder Contract satisfactorily.
36.2. The determination shall be based upon an examination of the
documentary evidence of the Bidder’s qualifications submitted by the
Bidder, pursuant to ITB Clause 17 and to clarifications in accordance
with ITB Clause 28.
36.3. An affirmative determination in accordance with this clause shall be
a prerequisite for the opening and evaluation of a Bidder’s Price
Proposal. A negative determination shall result into the
disqualification of the Bid, in which event the Utility shall return the
unopened Price Proposal to the Bidder.
37. Utility’s Right 37.1. Utility reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the
to Accept Any bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to award of
Bid, and to contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder
Reject Any or or bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or bidders
All Bids of the grounds for Utility’s action.
F. Award of Contract
38. Award Criteria 38.1. Subject to ITB Clause 37.1 (Utility’s Right to Accept Any Bid and to
Reject Any or All Bids), the Utility will award the contract to the
successful Bidder whose bid has been determined to be substantially
responsive to the Bidding Documents and qualified to perform the
contract satisfactorily, as per methodology indicated in Annexure-II
to BDS , Section IV
The Bidder will be required to comply with all requirements of the
Bidding Documents without any extra cost to the Utility, failing
which the proceedings as outlined in Bid Security Format shall be
initiated. Utility reserves the right to vary the quantity of any of the
Spares and/or delete any item of Spares altogether at the time of
Award of Contract.
The lowest quoted bidder amongst the responsive and qualified
will be awarded the Contract.
39. Utility’s Right 39.1. At the time the Contract is awarded, the quantity of Goods and Related
to Vary Services for a town shall not be modified. However Utility reserves
Quantities at the right to increase or decrease the number of towns under the
Time of Award contract subject to the limit as mentioned in BDS, withoutany change
in the unit prices or other terms and conditions of theBid and the
Bidding Document.
40. Notification of 40.1. Prior to the expiration of the period of bid validity, the Utility shall
Award notify the successful Bidder, in writing, that its Bid has been accepted.
40.2. Until a formal Contract is prepared and executed, the notification of
award shall constitute a binding Contract.

41. Signing of 41.1. Promptly after notification, the Utility shall send to the successful
Contract Bidder the Agreement, a copy of SLA and the General and Special
Conditions of Contract.
41.2. Within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the Agreement, the successful
Bidder shall sign, date, and return it to the Utility.
41.3. The successful Bidder shall provide an undertaking that the key staff
identified for the project (as submitted in its bid proposal) shall be
available for the respective proposed work requirement, anytime
during the duration of the project, till its successful completion. The
same is intended to be published by the Nodal Agency on their
website for the information of other utilities who intend to appoint
SIA, for avoiding any duplicity in resource deployment.
42. Performance 42.1. Within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of notification of award from
Security the Utility, the successful Bidder shall furnish the Performance
Security in accordance with the GCC, using for that purpose the
Performance Security Form as provided in the documents.
42.2. Failure of the successful Bidder to submit the above-mentioned
Performance Security or sign the Contract shall constitute sufficient
grounds for the annulment of the award and the proceedings as
outlined in Bid Security Format shall be initiated. In that event the
Utility may award the Contract to the next successful Bidder whose
offer is responsive and is determined by the Utility to be qualified to
perform the Contract satisfactorily.
43. Local It will be imperative on each bidder to fully inform himself of all local
Conditions conditions and factors which may have any effect on the execution of
the works covered under these documents and specifications. The
Utility shall not entertain any request for clarifications from the
bidders, regarding such local conditions. It must be understood and
agreed that such factors have properly been investigated and
considered while submitting the proposals. No claim for financial
adjustment to the contract awarded under these specifications and
documents will be entertained by the Utility. Neither any change in
the time schedule of the contract nor any financial adjustments arising
thereof shall be permitted by the Utility, which are based on the lack of
such clear information or its effect on cost of the works to the bidder.

44. Annulment of Failure of the successful Bidder to comply with the requirements of ITB
award Clause titled ‘Signing the Contract Agreement’ or ITB Clause titled
‘Performance Security’ shall constitute sufficient grounds for the
annulment of the award and initiation of the proceedings as outlined
in Bid Security Format.
45. Ineligibility for Notwithstanding the provisions specified in ITB Sub-Clause for
participation in ‘Forfeiting of Bid Security’ and ITB Clause titled ‘Annulment of award’, if
re-tender a bidder after having been issued the Notification of Award/ Purchase
Order, either does not sign the Contract Agreement pursuant to ITB
Clause titled ‘Signing the Contract Agreement’ or does not submit an
acceptable Performance Security pursuant to ITB Clause titled
‘Performance Security’, and which result in tender beingannulled then
such bidder shall be treated ineligible for participation inre-tendering of
this particular package.
Ineligibility for participation in future tenders
If a bidder after opening of tenders where EMD is ‘NIL/Not applicable’
or exempted for bidders as per policy guidelines, withdraws its offer
within the validity period of the offer, then such bidder shall be treated
as ineligible for participation in the future tenders issued from
Respective Utility (Tender inviting Utility) for a period of 6 months from
the date of withdrawal of the bid.

If a bidder after having been issued the Notification of Award/ Purchase

Order of a package where EMD is ‘NIL/Not applicable’ or exempted for
bidder as per policy guidelines, either does not sign the Contract
Agreement pursuant to ITB Clause titled ‘Signing the Contract
Agreement’ or does not submit an acceptable Performance Security
pursuant to ITB Clause titled ‘Performance Security’, and which result
in retendering of the package, then such bidder shall be treated
ineligible for participation in re-tendering of this particular package.
Further, such vendor shall also be dealt as per the provisions of the
contract and policy for Withholding and Banning of Business Dealings
46. Restrictions on 46.1. Any Bidder (including its Collaborator/ Associate/ DJU Partner/ JV
a Bidder of a partner/ Consortium Member/ Assignee, wherever applicable) from
country which a country which shares a land border with India will be eligible to bid
shares a land in this tender only if bidder is registered with the CompetentAuthority
border with as mentioned in as per the instructions and guidelines issued by GoI
India. from time to time.
Such registration should be valid for the entire period of bid validity or
any extension thereof. However, in case the validity period of
registration is less than bid validity period, the Bidder shall be required
to submit the extension of the validity period of registration before
the opening of price bids, failing which the bid shall be rejected.
Further the successful bidder shall not be allowed to sub- contract
supplies/services/works to any “Sub contractor” from a country which
shares a land border with India unless such Sub- contractor is
registered with the competent Authority as per the instructions and
guidelines issued by GoI from time to time.
However, the said requirement of registration will not apply to
bidders/sub-contractors from those countries (even if sharing a land
border with India) to which the Government of India has extended
lines of credit or in which the Government of India is engaged in
development projects. Bidders may apprise themselves
of the updated lists of such countries available in the website of the
46.2. “Bidder” (including the term 'tenderer', 'consultant' or 'service provider'
in certain contexts) means any person or firm or company, every
artificial juridical person not falling in any of the descriptions of bidders
stated hereinbefore, including any agency, branch or office controlled
by such person, participating in a procurement process.

46.3. “Sub-contractor” (including the term ‘Sub-vendor’/Sub-supplier’ in

certain contexts) means any person or firm or company, every artificial
juridical person not falling in any of the descriptions of Sub-contractors
stated hereinbefore, including any agency branch or office controlled
by such person, participating in a procurement process.

46.4. “Bidders from a country which shares a land border with India” / “Sub-
contractor from a country which shares a land border with India”
mentioned in para 46.1 above means;
a) An entity incorporated, established or registered in such a
country; or
b) A subsidiary of an entity incorporated, established or
registered in such a country; or
c) An entity substantially controlled through entities
incorporated, established or registered in such a country; or
d) An entity whose beneficial owner is situated in such a
country; or
e) An Indian (or other) agent of such an entity; or
f) A natural person who is a citizen of such a country; or
g) A consortium or joint venture where any member of the
consortium or joint venture falls under any of the above.
46.5. The beneficial owner for the purpose of clause “46.4” above will be
as under;
(a) In case of company of Limited Liability Partnership, the beneficial
owner is the natural person(s), who, whether acting alone or
together, or through one or more juridical person, has a controlling
ownership interest or who exercises control through other
i. “Controlling ownership interest” means ownership of or
entitlement to more than twenty-five per cent of shares or capital
or profits of the company;
ii. “Control” shall include the right to appoint majority of the directors
or to control the management or policy decisions including by
virtue of their shareholdings or management rights or
shareholders agreements or voting agreements;

(b) In case of a partnership firms, the beneficial owner is the natural

person(s) who, whether acting alone or together, or through one
or more judicial person, has ownership of entitlement to more
than fifteen percent of capital or profits of the partnership;
(c) In case of an unincorporated associations or body of individuals,
the beneficial owner is the natural person(s) who,whether acting
alone or together, or through one or more juridical person, has
ownership of or entitlement to more than fifteen percent of the
property or capital or profits of such association or body of
(d) Where no natural person is identified under (a) or (b) or (c) above,
the beneficial owner is the relevant natural person who holds
the position of senior managing officials;
(e) In case of a trust, the identifications of beneficial owner(s) shall
include identification of the author of trust, the trustee, the
beneficiaries with fifteen percent or more interest in the trust and
any other natural person exercising ultimate effective control over
the trust through a chain of control or ownership.
46.6. An Agent is a person employed to do any act for another, or to
represent another in dealings with third person.

47. Independent In respect of this package, the Independent External Monitors (IEMs) would
External be monitoring the bidding process and execution of contract to oversee
implementation and effectiveness of the Integrity Pact Program.
The Independent External Monitor(s) (IEMs) as mentioned at UTILITY
(IEM)s WEBSITE (Mention web address) have been appointed by Utility, in terms
of Integrity Pact (IP) which forms parts of the Name of Utility

This panel is authorized to examine / consider all references made to it under

this tender. The bidder(s), in case of any dispute(s) / complaint(s) pertaining
to this package may raise the issue either with the designated 'Nodal Officer'
in NAME OF UTILITY or directly with the IEMs address:

(Mention IEM address)

The Independent External Monitors (IEMs) has the right to access without
restriction to all Project documentations of the Utility including that provided
by the Contractor. The Contractor will also grant the Monitor, upon his request
and demonstration of a valid interest, unrestricted and unconditionalaccess to
his Project Documentations. The same is applicable to Subcontractors. The
Monitor is under contractual obligation to treat the information and
documents of the Bidder/ Contractor/ Sub-Contractors/ JV partners/
Consortium member with confidentiality.
The Nodal Officer for necessary coordination in this regard shall be as under:

(Mention details of Utility Nodal Officer)

G. Interpretation

48. Interpretation 48.1 This Bid Document, inclusive of the MTS document, Schedules,
of the Model annexure(s), the statements, exhibits and sections, if any, comprises
Technical the whole and complete Document
(MTS) and the 48.2 This RFP document should be read in consonance with the MTS
document. In the RFP document references to the MTS have been
RFP document
provided. In case there is no reference relating to a particular clause(s)
of the MTS, it should be deemed as the said reference has been
provided. The bidder is required to read both the documents and
would be deemed to be in knowledge of the provisions of both the MTS
and the RFP document. No claim of any nature whatsoever shall be
entertained in this regard.

48.3 In case of any conflict with any provision relating to the MTS document
and the RFP document, the provisions of the RFP document shall
prevail for all intents and purposes

H. Conflict of Interest
49.1 A Bidder shall not have a conflict of interest. Any Bidder found to have
a conflict of interest shall be disqualified. A Bidder may be considered
to have a conflict of interest for the purpose of this Bidding process, if
the Bidder:

• directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by or is under

common control with another Bidder; or

• receives or has received any direct or indirect subsidy

from another Bidder; or

• has the same legal representative as another Bidder; or

• has a relationship with another Bidder, directly or

through common third parties, that puts it in a position
to influence the Bid of another Bidder, or influence the
decisions of the Employer regarding this Bidding
process; or

• any of its affiliates participated as a consultant in the

preparation of the design or technical specifications of
the works that are the subject of the Bid; or

• any of its affiliates has been hired (or is proposed to be

hired) by the Employer for the Contract implementation;

• has a close business or family relationship with a

professional staff of the Utility (or of the project
implementing agency) who: (i) are directly or indirectly
involved in the preparation of the bidding document or
specifications of the Contract, and/or the Bid evaluation
process of such Contract; or (ii) would be involved in the
implementation or supervision of such Contract unless
the conflict stemming from such relationship has been
resolved in a manner acceptable to the Employer
throughout the Bidding process and execution of the

49.2 A firm that is a Bidder (either individually or as a JV member) shall not

participate as a Bidder or as JV member in more than one Bid. Such
participation shall result in the disqualification of all Bids in which the
firm is involved. However, this does not limit the participation of a
Bidder as subcontractor in another Bid or of a firm as a subcontractor
in more than one Bid.
Section III.
Bid Data Sheet
A. Introduction
ITB 1 E-Tender Portal: utility to specify
ITB 2.1 The number of the Invitation for Bids is : utility to specify
ITB 2.1 The Purchaser is:
utility to specify
ITB 2.1 The name of the DCB is: SCADA/DMS Implementation for RDSS works in the
<Utility> for implementation of SCADA/DMS System in the State Electricity
Distribution Utility
The identification number of the DCB is: utility to specify

B. Bidding Document
ITB 8.4 Details of Pre-Bid conference:
Date: <To be filled by utility>
Venue: <To be filled by utility>
Time: <To be filled by utility>

ITB 8.4 & 22 The Utility address is:

<To be filled by utility>

C. Preparation of Bids

ITB 11.1 The language of the Bid is: English

ITB 12.1 For formats of the attachments Bidder needs to submit with its Technical
Proposal Refer to Section V

ITB 12.2 All prices to be quoted by the bidders will be in Indian Rupees only

ITB 12.2 For formats of the attachments Bidder needs to submit with its Price Proposal
Refer to Section V
ITB 14.1 Alternative Bids shall not be permitted.

Incoterms Incoterms means international rules for interpreting trade terms published by the
International Chamber of Commerce (latest edition), 38 Cours Albert 1er, 75008
Paris, France.
ITB 15.4 The prices quoted by the Bidder shall be: Firm (subject to GCC 14.5)
ITB 19.1 The bid validity period shall be 180 days after the bid submission deadline
date prescribed by the Purchaser.

ITB 20.1 Bidders are required to submit the Bid Security in line with the Order No
F.9/4/2020-PPD dtd 30.12.2021 issued by Ministry of Finance, Govt. of Indiaor
any amendments thereof. (Refer Annexure-I to BDS)

D. Submission and Opening of Bids

ITB 22 The written confirmation of Authorization to sign on behalf of the Bidder shall
consist of:

Notarized Power of Attorney.

ITB 22 The identification of this bidding process is: utility to specify

The identification of this bidding process is: Single stage Two envelope
The name of DCB: SCADA/DMS Implementation for RDSS works in the
<Utility> for implementation of SCADA/DMS System in the
State Electricity Distribution Utility
Bid Identification
No Particulars

The bid identification No. shall be mentioned by the Bidder prominently on the
top of envelope for the lots in the following manner :
(a) Bidding process for the bid is : “Single stage Two envelope”
(b) Bid identification No. “<>”

ITB 23.1 The deadline for bid submission is:

Date: <To be filled by Utility>

Time: <To be filled by Utility>

Wherever reference to “Time” has been made, the same shall be taken as Indian
Standard Time. If time is mentioned in “P.M”, the same shall be converted into
Hours by adding 12 Hours e.g. 2 P.M equal to 2 + 12 i.e. “14.00 Hours IST”
ITB 26.1 The bid opening shall take place at:

<To be filled by Utility>

Date: <To be filled by Utility>

Time: <To be filled by Utility>

E. Evaluation, and Comparison of Bids

Purchase preference shall be given to local suppliers as per methodology
specified in Annexure–II to Bid Data Sheet. (Refer Annexure-II to BDS)

2. Preference to MSE bidders shall not be applicable.

F. Award of Contract
ITB 39.1 The percentage by which number of towns may be increased is: 30 percent of
the total number of towns
The percentage by which number of towns may be decreased is: 30 percent of the
total number of towns

ITB 41.2 If the successful bidder fails to sign the Contract Agreement within 14 days from
the date the successful bidder’s receipt of the Contract Agreement, the Purchaser
reserves the right to terminate the award by forfeiting Bid Security without any

ITB 42.1 If the successful bidder fails to furnish the required Performance Security within
28 days of the receipt of notification of award, the Purchaser reserves the right to
terminate the award by forfeiting Bid Security without any notice.

G. Others

ITB 46 Restrictions on a Bidder of a country which shares a land border with India.
Please Refer Annexure-III to BDS
Annexure-I to BDS
Annexure-II to BDS
(Declaration of Local Content)
Dear Sirs,

We have read the provisions of “Preference to Make In India and granting of purchase preference to local
suppliers” enclosed with SCC. In terms of the requirement of the aforesaid provisions, we hereby declare the

1. In order of avail purchase preference, we confirm that we are at Local Supplier, and the local content
included in the package is ------ % of our total bid price for complete scope of work for NAME OF THE WORK
as per details given below.

S.No Description of Quality/qty Local Content Details of the Location(s) at which the
Goods & Weight (as % of Total local value addition is made
Services bid Price)

2. We undertake that a certificate from the statutory auditor or cost auditor (in the case the bidder is
a company) or from a practicing cost accountant or practicing chartered accountant (in respect
of bidders other than companies) certifying the percentage of local content shall be submitted
by us prior to submission of our last bill for payment.

3. Further we hereby confirm the following:

Whether the bidder is presently debarred /banned by the other procuring entity Yes* / No*
for violation of “Public Procurement (Preference to Make In India), Order 2017”
(PPP-MII Order) dated 15.06.2017 issued by Department of Industrial Policy
and Promotion (DIPP)

*Strike off, whichever is not applicable.

4. We agreed to furnish any information as a proof of the above to your satisfaction as and when

1. Continuation sheet of like size and format may be used as per Bidder’s requirement and shall be
annexed to this Attachment.
2. Certificate pertaining to percentage of local content from statutory auditor or cost auditor/ practicing
chartered accountant or cost accountant is to be furnished in case where the total bid price is more
than INR 10 Crores.
Annexure-III to BDS
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under RDSS - Govt. of India
Model Technical specification

Section IV of SBD
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under RDSS - Govt. of India
Model Technical specification

I) Qualifying Requirement/ Eligibility criteria

Utility may float tender individually or combined for Group-A & B together and may also
divide Group A & B into multiple packages to derive optimal volume of work and enhance
competition. Utility preferably may tender Group U towns separately.
Group-A /U towns

Only those bidders which meets the below mentioned minimum Qualifying Requirements shall
be considered for further evaluation of Technical Proposal. The bidder or members of the
consortium & their holding company shall not be based in prior referenced countries as notified
by MHA, GoI at the time of bidding at the time of award.
The Bidder can be a Sole Bidder or a Consortium (of not more than two members) who shall
meet the following: -

I. Financial (Both lead & Consortium partner shall meet the requirement
i. Average Annual financial turnover during the last 3 years, ending 31st March of the previous
financial year, should be at least 30% of the estimated cost (to be specified by utility).
(Proof: Annual Audited Financial Statements for last three financial years shall be submitted.
In case Audited Financial Statements for the previous year is not prepared then certificate
from statutory auditor shall be submitted certifying the annual financial turnover.)
ii. The bidder should have a net worth not less than paid-up equity, in each of the last three
audited financial years.
(Proof: Annual Audited Financial Statements for last three financial years shall be submitted.
In case Audited Financial Statements for the previous year is not prepared thencertificate
from statutory auditor shall be submitted certifying the networth)
II. Technical
iii. The following qualifying requirements (A and B) shall be met by the sole bidder.
However, member meeting qualifying requirements of part A as below, shall be the
lead member for the purpose of the contract:
A - The bidder shall provide evidence of previous experience in the design, engineering,
supply/integration , installation, testing and commissioning of atleast one SCADA &
DMS/EMS (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System & Distribution
Management System Projects for Power Distribution /Transmission / (11KV or above)
Tr a n

in the last seven (7) years meeting the following:-

i. The above project(s) should consist of atleast cumulative of all projects , 15 RTUs
or Data Concentrator (DC) or Bay controllerUnit (BCU or IED or in combination of
these items and 30 FRTU. In case of multiple projects, each project shall have
minimum 5 RTUs or Data Concentrator (DC) or Bay controllerUnit (BCU or IED or
in combination of these items above project should be in operation for atleast one year
during last 7 years from the bid due date.
B- bidder shall provide evidence of previous experience in the design, engineering, supply,
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under RDSS - Govt. of India
Model Technical specification

installation, testing and commissioning of atleast one Projects for POWER

DISTRIBUTION /TRANSMISSION (11KV or above) in the last seven (7) years meeting
the following:

 Integration or Commissioning of data from cumulative in all projects atleast 30

RMU or Sectionlizer or Auto re-closer or in combination of these items with
each project minimum quantity of 10.The above project should be in operation for
atleast one year during last 7 years from the bid due date

(Proof: i) LoA from the owners/client and ii)certificates of Acceptance/ successful

completion for work done, in support of the qualifying requirements, clearly establishing
– a) the start and end date, b) operation of at least 1 year of the project, c) brief scope of
work and d) cost of project, on client letterhead.

The supporting proof document must be labeled as original/true copy/translation, as the

casemay be, and the same shall necessarily be signed and authenticated by the Authorised
Signatory of bidder. The owner/client contact details shall be provided against each
project experience proof being submitted.

The proof documents available in any language other than English shall be translated to
English and authenticated by Authorised Signatory of bidder for submission. In such
cases, the original language copies shall also be submitted along with the translated proof
Group-B&C towns

Only those bidders which meets the below mentioned minimum Qualifying Requirements shall
be considered for further evaluation of Technical Proposal.
The bidder or members of the consortium & their holding company shall not be based in prior
referenced countries as notified by MHA, GoI at the time of bidding.
The Bidder can be a Sole Bidder or a Consortium (of not more than two members) who shall
meet the following:-

I. Financial (Both lead & Consortium partner both shall meet the requirement
i. Average Annual financial turnover during the last 3 years, ending 31stMarch of the previous
financial year, should be at least 30% of the estimated cost (to be specified by utility).
(Proof: Annual Audited Financial Statements for last three financial years shall be submitted.
In case Audited Financial Statements for the previous year is not prepared then certificate from
statutory auditor shall be submitted certifying the annual financial turnover)
ii. The bidder should have a net worth not less than paid-up equity, in each of the last three
audited financial years.
(Proof: Annual Audited Financial Statements for last three financial years shall be submitted.
In case Audited Financial Statements for the previous year is not prepared then certificate from
statutory auditor shall be submitted certifying the net worth.)
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under RDSS - Govt. of India
Model Technical specification

II. Technical

i. The following qualifying requirements (A and B) shall be met by the sole bidder.
However, member meeting qualifying requirements of part A as below, shall be the lead
member for the purpose of the contract:

A. The bidder shall provide evidence of previous experience in the design, engineering,
supply/ integration , installation, testing and commissioning of atleast one SCADA
(Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Projects for Power
/Transmission/Generation/ railways/ Oil /Gas / water / process control industries in
the last seven (7) years.

The above project(s) should consist of cumulative in all projects at least 15 RTUs
or/Data Concentrator (DC) or Bay controller Unit (BCU) or IED or in combination
of these items with each project minimum 5 qty The SCADA using IEC-870-5-
104/101/DNP3.0/MODBUS/IEC61850 protocol. The above project should be in
operation for atleast one year during last 7 years from the bid due date

B. The bidder shall provide evidence of previous experience in the design, engineering,
supply/Integration, installation, testing and commissioning of atleast one SCADA or
railways/Oil /Gas / water / process control industries in the last seven (7) years .

The above project(s) should consist of cumulative in all projects atleast 15 RTUs or
Data Concentrator or DC) or Bay controller Unit (BCU) or FPI or in combination
of these items with each project minimum 5 qty. The SCADA or RT-DAS using IEC-
870-5-104/101/DNP3.0/MODBUS protocol . The above project should be in
operation for atleast one year during last 7 years from the bid due date.

(Proof: i) LoA from the owners/client and ii)certificates of Acceptance/ successful completion
for work done, in support of the qualifying requirements, clearly establishing – a) the start
and end date, b) operation of at least 1 year of the project, c) brief scope of work and d)
cost of project, on client letterhead.

The supporting proof document must be labeled as original/true copy/translation, as the case may
be, and the same shall necessarily be signed and authenticated by the Authorised Signatory of
bidder. The owner/client contact details shall be provided against each project experience proof
being submitted.
The proof documents available in any language other than English shall be translated to English
and authenticated by Authorised Signatory of bidder for submission. In such cases, the original
language copies shall also be submitted along with the translated proof documents)
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under RDSS - Govt. of India
Model Technical specification

II) Evaluation Methodology

 Single-Stage, Two-Envelope Bidding Procedure

 Only those bidders which meet the minimum Qualifying Requirements shall be considered
for further evaluation of Technical Proposal Marks.
 The evaluation team will thoroughly review the proposals submitted by various bidders /
consortiums. The broad evaluation will be based as following:-
 QR compliance & Technical proposal
 Price Proposal: 100% Weight. (Based on L1 among technically qualified bidders)
 Each of the bidders will be requested to demonstrate the product and services.
 The technical evaluation will commence post the demonstrations for understanding and
shall be reason to reject bids. Rejection shall be only be made upon non-compliance of QR
 Alternate bids are not allowed.
 Utility, in observance of best practices, shall:
 Maintain the bid evaluation process strictly confidential
 Reject any attempts or pressures to distort the outcome of the evaluation, including
fraud and corruption.
 Strictly apply only and all of the evaluation and qualification criteria specified in the
Bid document.

E-1: Single-Stage, Two-Envelope Bidding Procedure

 In the Single-Stage, Two-Envelope bidding procedure, Bidders should submit two

sealed envelopes simultaneously, one containing the QR compliance & Technical
proposal and the other the Price Proposal, enclosed together in an outer single
envelope. Initially, only the QR compliance & Technical proposals are opened at the
date and time advised in the Bidding Document. The Price Proposals remain sealed
and are held in custody by the Purchaser. The QR compliance & Technical proposals
are evaluated by the Purchaser. No amendments or changes to the QR compliance &
Technical proposals are permitted. The objective of the exercise is to allow the
Purchaser to evaluate the Technical Proposals without reference to price.
 Bids of Bidders which do not conform to the mandatory requirements may be termed
as non-responsive and will not be evaluated further. Following the approval of the
technical evaluation, and at an address, date and time advised by the Purchaser, the
Price Proposals are opened in public. The Price Proposals are evaluated and,
following approval of the price evaluation, the Contract is awarded to the Bidder
whose Bid has been determined to be have scored maximum in the composite formula
as defined below:
Total Score = 100% x Price Proposal Score.
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under RDSS - Govt. of India
Model Technical specification

Evaluation and Comparison of bids

Initially the Supplier’s responses are reviewed for compliance with the Commercial terms and
conditions. The Suppliers who fail to comply with any of the commercial terms and conditions
mentioned may be termed as non-responsive and will not be evaluated further. For those
Suppliers who have qualified the commercial terms and conditions Technical evaluation will
be conducted followed by the Price-Bid evaluation. The price bids will remain sealed until the
technical evaluation is complete.

Technical Evaluation

Stage-1: Preliminary Evaluation

In stage-1, the following shall be confirmed:
QR Compliance , Submission of Bank Guarantee/ bid security , Acceptance of terms and
conditions,Acceptance to scope of work and compliance to model technical specification. In
case the bid doesn’t meet all the mandatory requirements, the bid shall be termed as non-
responsive and will not be evaluated further.


B. Price-Bid Evaluation:-
The Price-Bid evaluation shall be done only for those bids which meets minimum QR and
bidders with lowest bid price (L1) shall be awarded
Section V.
Bidding Forms; Attachments; and Formats
Form F-1: Technical Proposal Submission Sheet

Invitation for Bid No.:
e-Tender Bid
To <Address of Utility>

We, the undersigned, declare that:

1. Having examined the Bidding Documents including subsequent Amendment(s)/ Clarification(s)/

Addenda/ Errata (if any), the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, we,the undersigned, offer to
design, engineer, manufacture, test, deliver, install and commission (including carrying out
Guarantee Test) the facilities under the above-named Package in full conformity with the said
Bidding Documents for the sum, excluding Goods and Services Tax indicated by us, as mentioned in
Output Preview of Main Screen of Bid Invitation at Utility e-tender website or such other sums as
may be determined in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract.
1.1. We further understand that discount letter, if any, separately uploaded online or submittedin physical
form or indicated at location other than Condition field of General Data/Item Data in Main Screen
of Bid Invitation shall not be considered for the purpose of evaluation.

We have read all the provisions of the Bidding Documents and confirm that notwithstanding
anything stated elsewhere in our bid to the contrary, the provisions of the Bidding Documents, are
acceptable to us and we further confirm that we have not taken any deviation to the provisions of
the Bidding Documents anywhere in our bid.
Any deviation, variation or additional condition etc. or any mention, contrary to the provisions of
Bidding Documents and its subsequent Amendment(s)/ Clarification(s)/Addenda/Errata (if any)
found anywhere in our bid proposal, implicit or explicit shall stand unconditionally withdrawn,
without any cost implication whatsoever to the Employer, failing which our bid shall be rejected.
2.1. We further declare that additional conditions, variations, deviations, if any, found anywhere in the
proposal, shall not be given effect to
3. We are aware that the Price Schedules do not generally give a full description of the work to be
performed under each item and we shall be deemed to have read the Technical Specifications,
Drawings and other Sections of the Bidding Documents to ascertain the fullscope of work included
in each item while filling in the rates and prices. We agree that the entered rates and prices shall be
deemed to include the full scope as aforesaid, including overheads and profit.
4. We undertake, if our bid is accepted, to commence work on the Facilities immediatelyupon your
Notification of Award to us and to achieve Completion of Facilities and conduct Guarantee Test (if
any) within the time specified in the Bidding Documents.
5. Our Bid shall be valid for a minimum period of 180 days from the date fixed for the bid submission
deadline in accordance with the Bidding Document, and it shall remainbinding upon us and may be
accepted at any time before the expiration of that period.
6. If our bid is accepted, we undertake to provide Advance Payment Security, Contract Performance
Securities and securities for Deed(s) of Joint Undertaking (as applicable) in
the form and amounts and within the times specified in the Bidding Documents.
7. We are not participating, as Bidders, in more than one Bid in this bidding process in accordance
with the Bidding Document;
8. Our firm, its affiliates or subsidiaries, including any subcontractors or suppliers for anypart of
the Contract, has not been declared ineligible by the <UTILITY NAME> and debarred as per Office
memorandum No F.1/20/2018-PPD Dated 02.11.2021 or any amendments thereof as on <bidder
to enter date of bid submission>. We further confirm to intimate the tender issuing authority
regarding any change in status w.r.t. ineligibility / debarring.
9. We understand that until a formal Contract is prepared and executed between us, thisbid, together
with your written acceptance thereof in the form of your Notification ofAward shall constitute the
formation of the contract between us.
10. We understand that you are not bound to accept our bid or any other bid you may receive.
11. We have read the ITB clause regarding restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a country which
shares a land border with India and on sub-contracting to contractors from such countries. We certify
that we/our Collaborator/JV Partner/Consortium member are/isnot from such a country or, if from
such a country, have/has been registered with the Competent Authority and we will not sub-contract
any work to a contractor from such countries unless such contractor is registered with the Competent
Authority. We hereby certify that we fulfill all requirements in this regard and are eligible to be

*We further confirm that evidence of valid registration by the Competent Authority
for us/our Collaborator/JV Partner/Consortium member, as applicable, is enclosed as
Annexure…**…. to Bid.

*Bidder to strike-off, if not applicable.

**Bidder to mention the Annexure no.
12. We declare, that we have our office in India with the details as mentioned
below:- Address:
Contact Person:
Telephone No.:

In the capacity of

Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of

Note: 1. Bidders may note that no prescribed proforma has been enclosed for:
(a) Attachment 2 (Power of Attorney)

For this, Bidders may use their own proforma for furnishing the required information with the Bid
Form F- 2 : Price Proposal Submission Sheet

DCB No.:
Invitation for Bid No.:


We, the undersigned, declare that:

(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Document, includingAddenda No.
(if any):

(b) We offer to supply in conformity with the Bidding Document and in accordance withthe
delivery schedule, the following Goods and Related Services:

(c) The total price of our Bid is quoted in online tendering portal. Our quoted prices are inclusive of all
taxes and duties incl GST (Utility to check compatibility of the tenderingportal regarding GST).
(d) We have uploaded the Price Schedules as per the formats provided.

In the capacity of
Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of
Form F- 3: Bid Security

(Utilities to use Bid Security Format provided hereunder, to be customized by the

Utilities on case to case basis. Place marked * may be specifically be filled/verified
before finalizing the drafts by the utilities. Bank Guarantee is to be obtained on the
requisite value of Stamp paper asper Stamp Act)
Attachment 1
Format of Bank Guarantee for Bid Security

{To be on non-judicial stamp paper of Rupees One Hundred Only (INR 100/-) or appropriate value as per
Stamp Act relevant to place of execution, duly signed on each page.}

Reference No. ……………. Bank Guarantee No. ……………. Dated: …………….



Dear Sir/ Madam,

WHEREAS……………………… [Insert name of the Sole Bidder] / [ insert name of the Lead Joint Venture
Member followed by the words “ representing Joint Venture of [ insert names of all the members of Joint
Venture]”] with address ……………. [Insert address of Sole Bidder /Lead Joint Venture Member] having its
registered office at ……………. [Insert address of the Sole Bidder /Lead Joint Venture Member] (Hereinafter,
the “Bidder”) wishes to participate in Tender No. [Tender Details] (the “RFB”) issued by [Utility] (hereinafter,
the “Utility”) for [ name of the Package/ Contract title].

And WHEREAS a Bank Guarantee for [Amount] valid t i l l [Date] is required to be submitted by the Bidder
along with the RFB.

We, …………….[Insert name of the Bank and address of the Branch giving the Bank Guarantee] having our
registered office at …………….[Insert address of the registered office of the Bank] hereby give this Bank
Guarantee No. …………….[Insert Bank Guarantee number] dated …………….[Insert the date of the Bank
Guarantee], and hereby agree unequivocally and unconditionally to pay immediately on demand in writing
from the Utility any officer authorized by it in this behalf any amount not exceeding [Amount] to the said
Utility on behalf of the Bidder.

We ……………. [Insert name of the Bank] also agree that withdrawal of the Bid or part thereof by the Bidder
within its validity or not signing the Contract Agreement or non-submission of Performance Security by the
Bidder within the stipulated time of the Letter of Award to the Bidder or any violation to the relevant terms
stipulated in the RFB would constitute a default on the part of the Bidder and that this Bank Guarantee is liable
to be invoked and encashed within its validity by the Utility in case of any occurrence of a default on the part
of the Bidder and that the amount is liable to be forfeited by the Utility

This Guarantee shall be valid and binding on this Bank up to and inclusive of ……………. [Insert the date of
validity of the Bank] and shall not be terminable by notice or by Guarantor for the reason of change in the
constitution of the Bank or the firm of the Bidder or by any reason whatsoever and our liability hereunder shall
not be impaired or discharged by any extension of time or variations or alternations made, given, conceded
with or without our knowledge or consent by or between the Bidder and the Utility.

NOTWITHSTANDING anything contained hereinbefore, our liability under this guarantee is restricted to
[Amount]. Our Guarantee shall remain in force till [Date]. Unless demands or claims under this Bank Guarantee
are made to us in writing on or before [Date], all rights of the Beneficiary under this Bank Guarantee shall be
forfeited, and we shall be released and discharged from all liabilities there under.

[Insert the address of the Bank with complete postal [Insert signature of the Bank’s Authorized
branch code, telephone and fax numbers, and official Signatory]
round seal of the Bank]

……………………………. [Signature] (Notary
Place: …………………………. Date: …………………………….
1. Bank Guarantee to be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value as per Stamp
Act relevant to place of execution.
2. The Bank Guarantee by Bidder shall be given from any Scheduled Commercial Bank.
3. The full address along with the Telex/Fax No. and e-mail address of the issuing bank to be
Format of Power of Attorney of designated Bid Signatory by sole bidder/ lead
joint venture member

[To be on non-judicial stamp paper of Rupees One Hundred Only (INR 100/-) or appropriate value as per
Stamp Act relevant to place of execution.]

Know all men by these presents, we …………………………………………….[Insert name and address of the
registered office of the Lead Consortium Member of the Bidding Consortium/ Sole Bidder] do hereby
constitute, appoint, nominate and authorize Mr./Ms. ………………………………………………… [Insert
name and residential address], who is presently employed with us and holding the position of
………………………………. as our true and lawful attorney, to do in our name and on our behalf, all such
acts, deeds and things necessary in connection with or incidental to submission of our Bid in response to RFB/
Tender No. [RFB/ Tender Details] for [Insert name of Package/ Contract title] (the “Project”) issued by
[Utility], including signing and submission of the Bid and all other documents related to the Bid, including but
not limited to undertakings, letters, certificates, acceptances, clarifications, guarantees or any other document
which Utility may require us to submit. The aforesaid attorney is further authorized for making representations
to Utility, and providing information / responses to Utility, representing us in all matters before Utility, and
generally dealing with Utility in all matters in connection with our Bid till the completion of the bidding process
as per the terms of the IFB.

We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things done by our said attorney pursuant to this Power of Attorney
and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid attorney shall be binding on us and shall always be
deemed to have been done by us. All the terms used herein but not defined shall have the meaning ascribed to
such terms under the RFB

Signed by the within named ........................................... [Insert the name of the executant company] through
the hand of Mr./ Mrs. ……………………………………….duly authorized by the Board/ Owner to issue
such Power of Attorney dated this ………………………. day of ………

……………………………… (Signature of Attorney)
[Insert Name, designation and address of the Attorney]

(Signature of the executant)
(Name, designation and address of the executant)

Signature and stamp of Notary of the place of execution

Common seal of ……………… has been affixed in my/our presence pursuant to Board of Director’s
Resolution dated…./ Owner

1. WITNESS 1. ………………………………………………. (Signature)

Name ………………………………….
2. WITNESS 2. ………………………………………………. (Signature)
Name ………………………………….
a. The mode of execution of the power of attorney should be in accordance with the procedure, if any, laid
down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executant(s).
b. In the event, power of attorney has been executed outside India, the same needs to be duly notarized by a
notary public of the jurisdiction where it is executed.
c. Also, wherever required, the executant(s) should submit for verification the extract of the charter documents
and documents such as a Board resolution / power of attorney, in favor of the person executing this power
of attorney for delegation of power hereunder on behalf of the executant(s).
Integrity Pact


This pre-bid pre-contract Agreement (hereinafter called the integrity Pact) is made on day of the month of
…………………. and year of ……………… , between on one hand, the Chairman & Managing Director acting through
Shri ……………….,Designation of the executive, Unit of < of utility…> (hereinafter called the "Utility"
which expression shall mean and include, unless the context otherwise requires, his successors in office and
assigns) of the First Part and M/s ………………………………. represented by Shri , Chief Executive Officer
(hereinafter called the "BIDDER/Seller" which expression shall mean and include, unless the context
otherwise requires, his successors and permitted assigns) of the Second Part.

WHEREAS the Utility proposes to procure (Name of the Stores/Equipment/item) and the Bidder/Seller is
willing to offer/has offered the stores and

Whereas the Bidder is a private company /public company/ Government undertaking/ partnership/
registered export agency, constituted in accordance with the relevant law in the matter and the Utility is a
Ministry/ Department of the Government of India/PSU performing its functions on behalf of its Chairman &
Managing Director.

To avoid all forms of corruption by following a system that is fair, transparent and free from any
influence/prejudiced dealings prior to, during and subsequent to the currency of the contract to be entered
into with a view to:-

Enabling the Utility to obtain the desired said stores/equipment at a competitive price in conformity with the
defined specifications by avoiding the high cost and the distortionary impact of corruption on public
procurement, and

Enabling BIDDERs to abstain from bribing or indulging in any corrupt practice in order to secure the contract
by providing assurance to them that their competitors will also abstain from bribing and other corrupt
practices and the Utility will commit to prevent corruption, in any form, by its officials by following
transparent procedures.

The parties hereto hereby agree to enter into this integrity Pact and agree as follows:

Commitments of the Utility

1.1 The Utility undertakes that no official of the Utility, connected directly or indirectly with the contract,
will demand, take a promise for or accept, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe, consideration, gift,
reward, favour or any material or immaterial benefit or any other advantage from the BIDDER, either for
themselves or for any person, organization or third party related to the contract in exchange for an advantage
in the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting or implementation process related to the Contract.
1.2 The Utility will, during the pre-contract stage, treat all BIDDERs alike, and will provide to all BIDDERs
the same information and will not provide any such information to any particular BIDDER which could afford
an advantage to that particular BIDDER in comparison to other BIDDERs.
1.3 All the officials of the Utility will report to the appropriate Government office any attempted or
completed breaches of the above commitments as well as any substantial suspicion of such a breach.

2. In case any such preceding misconduct on the part of such official(s) is reported by the BIDDER to the
Utility with full and verifiable facts and the same is prima facie found to be correct by the Utility, necessary
disciplinary proceedings, or any other action as deemed fit, including criminal proceedings may be initiated
by the Utility and such a person shall be debarred from further dealings related to the contract process. In
such a case while an enquiry is being conducted by the Utility the proceedings under the contract would not
be stalled.
Commitments of Bidders
3. The BIDDER commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corrupt practices, unfair means
and illegal activities during any stage of its bid or during any pre-contract or post-contract stage in order to
secure the contract or in furtherance to secure it and in particular commit itself to the following:-
3.1 The Bidder will not offer, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe, gift, consideration, reward,
favour, any material or immaterial benefit or other advantage, commission, fees, brokerage or inducement
to any official of the BUYER, connected directly or indirectly with the bidding process, or to any person,
organization or third party related to the contract in exchange for any advantage in the bidding, evaluation,
contracting and implementation of the Contract.
3.2 The Bidder further undertakes that it has not given, offered or promised to give, directly or indirectly
any bribe, gift, consideration, reward, favor, any material or immaterial benefit or other advantage,
commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any official of the Utility or otherwise in procuring the Contract
or forbearing to do or having done any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of the contract or any
other contract with the Government for showing or forbearing to show favor or disfavor to any person in
relation to the contract or any other contract with the Government.
3.3 BIDDERs shall disclose the name and address of agents and representatives and Indian BIDDERs shall
disclose their foreign principals or associates.
3.4 BIDDERs shall disclose the payments to be made by them to agents/brokers or any other
intermediary, in connection with this bid/contract.
3.5 The Bidder further confirms and declares to the Utility that the Bidder is the original manufacturer/
integrator/ authorized government sponsored export entity of the defense stores and has not engaged any
individual or firm or company whether Indian or foreign to intercede, facilitate or in any way to recommend
to the Utility or any of its functionaries, whether officially or unofficially to the award of the contract to the
Bidder, nor has any amount been paid, promised or intended to be paid to any such individual, firm or
company in respect of any such intercession, facilitation or recommendation.
3.6 The Bidder, either while presenting the bid or during pre-contract negotiations or before signing the
contract, shall disclose any payments he has made, is committed to or intends to make to officials of the
Utility or their family members, agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in connection with the contract
and the details of services agreed upon for such payments.
3.7 The Bidder will not collude with other parties interested in the contract to impair the transparency,
fairness and progress of the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting and implementation of the contract.
3.8 The Bidder will not accept any advantage in exchange for any corrupt practice, unfair means and
illegal activities.
3.9 The Bidder shall not use improperly, for purposes of competition or personal gain, or pass on to
others, any information provided by the Buyer as part of the business relationship, regarding plans, technical
proposals and business details, including information contained in any electronic data carrier. The Bidder also
undertakes to exercise due and adequate care lest any such information is divulged.
3.10 The Bidder commits to refrain from giving any complaint directly or through any other manner
without supporting it with full and verifiable facts.
3.11 The Bidder shall not instigate or cause to instigate any third person to commit any of the actions
mentioned above.

3.12 If the BIDDER or any employee of the BIDDER or any person acting on behalf of the BIDDER, either
directly or indirectly, is a relative of any of the officers of the Utility, or alternatively, if any relative of an
officer of the Utility has financial interest/stake in the BIDDER’s firm, the same shall be disclosed by the
BIDDER at the time of filling of tender.
The term ‘relative’ for this purpose would be as defined in Section 6 of the Companies Act 1956.
3.13 The BIDDER shall not lend to or borrow any money from or enter into any monetary dealings or
transactions, directly or indirectly with any employee of the Utility.

4. Previous Transgression
4.1 The Bidder declares that no previous transgression occurred in the last three years immediately
before signing of this Integrity Pact, with any other company in any country in respect of any corrupt practices
envisaged hereunder or with any Public Sector Enterprise in India or any Government Department in India
that could justify Bidder’s exclusion from the tender process.
4.2 The BIDDER agrees that if it makes incorrect statement on this subject, BIDDER can be disqualified
from the tender process or the contract, if already awarded, can be terminated for such reason.

5. Earnest Money (Security Deposit)

5.1 As per govt orders, EMD is not required to be submitted alongwith the bid and Bidders shall
undertake in Form as given in the RFP not to withdraw the bid during its validity period and shall not
withdraw the bid failing in which they will be suspended for 3 years period for participating in PFC tenders.
5.2 In the case of successful Bidder a clause would also be incorporated in the Article pertaining to
Performance Bond in the Purchase Contract that the provisions of Sanctions for Violation shall be applicable
for forfeiture of Performance Bond in case of a decision by the Utility to forfeit the same without assigning
any reason for imposing sanction for violation of this pact.

6. Sanctions for Violations

6.1 Any breach of the aforesaid provisions by the Bidder or any one employed by it or acting on its behalf
(whether with or without the knowledge of the Bidder) shall entitle the Utility to take all or any one of the
following actions, wherever required:-
I. To immediately call off the pre-contract negotiations without assigning any reason or giving any
compensation to the Bidder. However, the proceedings with the other Bidder(s) would continue.
II. The Earnest Money deposit (in pre-contract stage) and/or Security Deposit/Performance Bond (after
the contract is signed) shall stand forfeited either fully or partially, as decided by the Utility and the Utility
shall not be required to assign any reason therefore.
III. To immediately cancel the contract, if already signed, without giving any compensation to the Bidder.
IV. To recover all sums already paid by the Utility, and in case of an Indian Bidder with interest thereon
at 2% higher than the prevailing Prime Lending Rate of State Bank of India, while in case of a Bidder from a
country other than India with interest thereon at 2% higher than the LIBOR or any other standard, as
applicable. If any outstanding payment is due to the BIDDER from the Utility in connection with any other
contract for any other stores, such outstanding payment could also be utilized to recover the aforesaid sum
and interest.
V. To encash the advance bank guarantee and performance bond/ warranty bond, if furnished by the
Bidder, in order to recover the payments, already made by the Utility, along with interest.
VI. To cancel all or any other Contracts with the Bidder. The BIDDER shall be liable to pay compensation
for any loss or damage to the Utility resulting from such cancellation/rescission and the Utility shall be entitled
to deduct the amount so payable from the money(s) due to the BIDDER.
VII. To debar the BIDDER from participating in future bidding processes of the Government of India for a
minimum period of five years, which may be further extended at the discretion of the Utility.
VIII. To recover all sums paid in violation of this Pact by Bidder(s) to any middleman or agent or broker
with a view to securing the contract.
IX. In cases where irrevocable Letters of Credit have been received in respect of any contract signed by
the Utility with the Bidder, the same shall not be opened.
X. Forfeiture of Performance Bond in case of a decision by the Utility to forfeit the same without
assigning any reason for imposing sanction for violation of this Pact.

6.2 The Utility will be entitled to take all or any of the actions mentioned at para 6.1 (i) to (x) of this Pact
also on the Commission by the BIDDER or any one employed by it or acting on its behalf (whether with or
without the knowledge of the BIDDER), of an offence as defined in Chapter IX of the Indian Penal code, 1860
or Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 or any other statute enacted for prevention of corruption.
6.3 The decision of the Utility to the effect that a breach of the provisions of this Integrity Pact has been
committed by the Bidder shall be final and conclusive on the Bidder. However, the Bidder can approach the
independent monitor(s) appointed for the purposes of this Pact.

8. Independent Monitors
8.1 The Utility has appointed Independent Monitors (hereinafter referred to as Monitors) for this Pact in
consultation with the Central Vigilance Commission (Name & Addresses of Monitors to be given).
8.2 The task of the Monitors shall be to review independently and objectively, whether and to what
extent the parties comply with the obligations under this Pact.
8.3 The monitors shall not be subject to instructions by the representatives of the parties and perform
their functions neutrally and independently.
8.4 Both the parties accept that the Monitors have the right to access all the documents relating to the
project/ procurement, including minutes of meetings.
8.5 As soon as the Monitor notices, or has reason to believe, a violation of this Pact, he will so inform the
Authority designated by the Utility.
8.6 The BIDDER(s) accepts that the Monitor has the right to access without restriction to all Project
documentation of the Utility including that provided by the BIDDER. The BIDDER will also grant the Monitor,
upon his request and demonstration of a valid interest, unrestricted and unconditional access to his project
documentation. The same is applicable to Subcontractors. The Monitor shall be under contractual obligation
to treat the information and documents of the BIDDER/Subcontractors(s) with confidentiality.
8.7 The Utility will provide to the Monitor Sufficient information about all meetings among the parties
related to the Project provided such meetings could have an impact on the contractual relations between the
parties. The parties will offer to the Monitor the option to participate in such meetings.
8.8 The Monitor will submit a written report to the designated Authority of Utility/Secretary In the
department/ within 8 to 10 weeks from the date of reference or intimation to him by the Utility/ BIDDER and
should the occasion arise, submit proposals for correcting problematic situations.

9. Facilitation of investigation
IN case of any allegation of violation of any provisions of this Pact or payment of commission, the Utility or
its agencies shall be entitled to examine all the documents including the Books of Accounts of the BIDDER and
the BIDDER shall provide necessary information and documents in English and shall extend all possible help
for the purpose of such examination.

10. Law and Place of Jurisdiction

This Pact is subject to Indian Law. The place of performance and jurisdiction is the seat of the Utility.

11 Other Legal Actions

The actions stipulated in this Integrity Pact are without prejudice to any other legal action that may follow in
accordance with the provisions of the extant law in force relating to any civil or criminal proceedings.

12 Validity
12.1 The validity of this Integrity Pact shall be from date of its signing and extend upto 5 years or the
complete execution of the contract to the satisfaction of both the Utility and the BIDDER/ Seller, including
warranty period, whichever is later. In case BIDDER is unsuccessful, this integrity Pact shall expire after six
months from the date of the signing of the contract.
12.2 Should one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid; the remainder of this Pact shall
remain valid. In this case, the parties will strive, to come to an agreement to their original intentions.

13 The parties hereby sign this integrity Pact at …………………………… on ………………………….

Utility BIDDER
<…name of utility…>.

Witness Witness
1. ………………………………….. 1. …………………………………………
2. ………………………………….. 2. ………………………………………….
*Provisions of these clauses would need to be amended /deleted in line with the policy of the BUYER in
regard to involvement of Indian agents of foreign suppliers.
Form F- 4: Manufacturer’s Authorization
(To be obtained from all OEMs)

DCB No.:
Invitation for Bid No.:


WHEREAS who are official

manufacturers of having factories
do hereby authorize
to submit a Bid in relation tothe
Invitation for Bids indicated above, the purpose of which is to provide the following Goods,
manufactured by us and to subsequently negotiate andsign the

We hereby extend our full guarantee and warranty in accordance with Clause E ( 25 to 29) of the
General Conditions of Contract, with respect to the Goods offered by the above firm in reply to this
Invitation for Bids.

In the capacity of:
Duly authorized to sign the Authorization for and on behalf of
Form F- 5: Certificate as to Corporate Principal


(To be signed by any of Board Directors or Co. Secry.)
(To be accompanied along with requisite copy of the board resolution)

I certify that I am _ of the Company

under the laws of and that who signed the
above tender is authorized to bind the Company / Firm by authority of its governing body.

Full Name:
Declaration regarding Local content for granting of Purchase Preference

Please refer Annexure-II to BDS

Contract Forms


THIS AGREEMENT is made on this (eg. 3rd) day of (eg. February),

(eg. 2022), between of
(hereinafter called “the Purchaser”) which expression shall
unless repugnant to the context thereof include his successors, heirs, assigns,of the one part,
of (hereinafter
called “the Supplier”) which expression shall unless repugnant to the context thereof include his
successors, heirs, assigns, of the other part.

WHEREAS the Purchaser had invited bids for certain Goods and RelatedServices, viz.,
(eg. Nameof
bid) vide their bid document number ,

AND WHEREAS various applications were received pursuant to the said bid

AND WHEREAS the Purchaser has accepted a Bid by the Supplier for the supply of thoseGoods
and Related Services in the sum
(hereinafter “the
Contract Price”).

And in pursuance of having accepted the said bid the parties have agreed to enter into this


1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are
respectively assigned to them in the Contract referred to.

2. The following documents (collectively referred to as “Contract Documents”) shall be

deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this Agreement, viz.:

i. the Detailed award of contract;

ii. the Service level agreement;
iii. Instructions to Bidders
iv. the Special Conditions of Contract;
v. the General Conditions of Contract;
vi. the MTS document
vii. the Scope of Work;
viii. the Technical Specifications
ix. the Purchaser’s Notification to the Supplier for Award of Contract;
x. Vendor’s response (proposal) to the RFP, including the Bid Submission Sheet andthe Price
Schedules submitted by the Supplier;
xi. Acceptance of purchaser’s notification
In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency within the Contract documents, then thedocuments shall
prevail in the order listed above.

3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Purchaser to the Supplier as indicated in this Agreement,
the Supplier hereby covenants with the Purchaser to providethe Goods and Related Services and to remedy the
defects therein and bring them in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contract.

4. The Purchaser hereby covenants to pay the Supplier in consideration of the provision of the Goods and
Related Services and the remedying of defects therein, the Contract Priceor such other sum as may become payable
under the provisions of the Contract at the timesand in the manner prescribed by the Contract.

IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed inaccordance with the
laws of on the day, month and year indicated above.

Signed by (Authorised Utility

official) Signed by (for the



Bank Guarantee No. …………………… Date...................

Contract No.....................................

…………..[Name of Contract]…………………….

To: [Name and address of Employer]

Dear Ladies and/or Gentlemen,

We refer to the Contract ("the Contract") signed on ..............(insert date of the Contract)…..... between
M/s. XXXXX (Name of Employer), having its Registered Office at XXXXX (Registered Address of
employer) (“the Employer”/” XXXXX (Name of Employer)”) on behalf of XXXX (Name of owner)
(hereinafter referred to as ‘XXXX (Short Name of Owner)’ / ’Owner’), and M/s ................. (Name of
Contractor) .................................................................................................................................,
having its Principal place of business at ………....(Address of Contractor)
............................... and Registered Office at ………....(Registered address of Contractor)
........................................................................................ ("the Contractor") concerning
…….................….. (Indicate brief scope of work) ............................... for the complete execution of the
…… (insert name of Package along with name of the Project)……..
[Applicable for Bank Guarantees issued by Contractor/Associate for those Contracts awarded to them]


We refer to the Contract signed on ..............(insert date of the Contract)… between M/s.
XXXXX (Name of Employer), having its Registered Office at XXXXX (Registered Address of employer)
(“the Employer”/” XXXXX (Name of Employer)”) on behalf of XXXX (Name of owner) (hereinafter
referred to as ‘XXXX (Short Name of Owner)’ / ’Owner’), and M/s ................. (Name of Contractor)
.................., having its Principal place of business at
………....(Address of Contractor) ............................... and Registered Office at
………....(Registered address of Contractor)
........................................................................................ ("the Contractor") and the Contract
("the Contract") signed on ..............(insert date of the Contract)…..... between XXXXX
(Name of Employer) on behalf of Owner and M/s ................. (Name of Associate)
.................., having its Principal place of business at ………....(Address of Associate)
............................... and Registered Office at ……....(Registered address of Associate)

........................................................................................, the Associate of the Contractor for

executing the Facilities concerning …….................….. (Indicate brief scope of work)
............................... for the complete execution of the …… (insert name of Package along with name of
the Project) ...................................... [Applicable for Bank Guarantees to be issued by Contractor
against those Contracts awarded to their Associate]

By this letter we, the undersigned, ………(insert name & address of the issuing bank)
………, a Bank (which expression shall include its successors, administrators, executors and assigns)
organized under the laws of .................................... and having its Registered/Head Office at
…..…….(insert address of registered office of the bank)……..... do hereby irrevocably guarantee payment
to the Employer up to ………………………….. i.e., Three percent (3%) of the Contract Price until thirty
(30) days beyond the Defect Liability Period i.e., upto and inclusive of (dd/mm/yy).

We undertake to make payment under this Letter of Guarantee upon receipt by us of your first written
demand signed by the Employer duly authorized officer or the authorized officer of Owner declaring the
Contractor to be in default under the Contract and without cavil or argument any sum or sums within the
above named limits, without your need to prove or show grounds or reasons for your demand and without
the right of the Contractor to dispute or question such demand.

Our liability under this Letter of Guarantee shall be to pay to the Employer whichever is the lesser of the
sum so requested or the amount then guaranteed hereunder in respect of any demand duly made hereunder
prior to expiry of the Letter of Guarantee, without being entitled to inquire whether or not this payment is
lawfully demanded.

This letter of Guarantee shall remain in full force and shall be valid from the date of issue until thirty (30)
days beyond the Defect Liability Period of the Facilities i.e. upto and inclusive of (dd/mm/yy) and shall
be extended from time to time for such period (not exceeding one year), as may be desired by M/s on
whose behalf this Letter of Guarantee has been given.

Except for the documents herein specified, no other documents or other action shall be required,
notwithstanding any applicable law or regulation.

Our liability under this Letter of Guarantee shall become null and void immediately upon its expiry, whether
it is returned or not, and no claim may be made hereunder after such expiry or after the aggregate of the
sums paid by us to the Employer shall equal the sums guaranteed hereunder, whichever is the earlier.

All notices to be given under shall be given by registered (airmail) posts to the addressee at the address
herein set out or as otherwise advised by and between the parties hereto.

We hereby agree that any part of the Contract may be amended, renewed, extended, modified, compromised,
released or discharged by mutual agreement between you and the Contractor, and this security may be
exchanged or surrendered without in any way impairing or affecting our liabilities hereunder without notices
to us and without the necessity for any additional endorsement, consent or guarantee by us, provided,
however, that the sum guaranteed shall not be increased or decreased.

No action, event or condition which by any applicable law should operate to discharge us from liability
hereunder shall have any effect and we hereby waive any right we may have to apply such law so that in all
respects our liability hereunder shall be irrevocable and, except as stated herein, unconditional in all respects.

For and on behalf of the Bank

[Signature of the authorised signatory(ies)]




POA Number

Contact Number(s): Tel. Mobile

Fax Number


Common Seal of the Bank





Contact Number(s): Tel. Mobile


Note :
1. For the purpose of executing the Bank Guarantee, the non-judicial stamp papers of
appropriate value shall be purchased in the name of Bank who issues the ‘Bank
2. The Bank Guarantee shall be signed on all the pages by the Bank Authorities indicating
their POA nos. and should invariably be witnessed.

3. The Bank Guarantee should be in accordance with the proforma as provided. However,
in case the issuing bank insists for additional paragraph for limitation of liability, the
following may be added at the end of the proforma of the Bank Guarantee [i.e., end
paragraph of the Bank Guarantee preceding the signature(s) of the issuing
authority(ies) of the Bank Guarantee]:


“Notwithstanding anything contained herein:

1. Our liability under this Bank Guarantee shall not exceed ________(value in
figures)_________________(value in words).
2. This Bank Guarantee shall be valid upto (validity date) .
3. We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this Bank
Guarantee only & only if we receive a written claim or demand on or before
(validity date) .”

Format of Bank Guarantee verification Check list

NIT/RFB No.: [insert details]

Package Name/ Contract Title: [insert details]

Page of_ pages

Bidder’s Name and Address: To: XXXXX (Name and Address of Employer)
{In case of JV bidder, mention name
and address of all the Joint Venture members}

(Bank Guarantee verification Check list)

Dear Sir/ Madam
We have ensured compliance to the following checklist in submission of Bank Guarantee :
S. No. Checklist Yes No
1 Does the bank guarantee compare verbatim with standard
proforma for BG?
2(a) Has the executing Officer of BG indicated his name
designation & Power of Attorney No. / Signing power
Number etc. on BG?
2(b) Is each page of BG duly Signed/ initialed by the executants
and last page is signed with full particulars as required in
standard proforma of BG and under the seal of the bank?
2(c) Does the last page of the BG carry the signatures of two
witnesses alongside the signature of the executing Bank
3(a) Is the BG on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate
3(b) Is the date of sale of non-judicial stamp paper shown on the
BG and the stamp paper is issued not more than Six
months prior to the date of execution of BG?
4(a) Are the factual details such as Bid specification No., LOA
No. contract price, etc, correct?
4(b) Whether Overwriting /cutting, if any on the BG,
authenticated under signature & seal of executants?
5 Is the amount and validity of BG is in line with contract
6 Whether the BG has been issued by a Nationalized bank /
Non- Nationalized Bank acceptable to Buyer /Scheduled
Bank in India (the applicability of the bank should be in line
with the provisions of bidding documents)?

Dated the ……………. [Insert date of the month] day of ...................... [Insert month, year]
at ...................... [Insert place].

Signature {(of Bidder’s authorized Bid Signatory (ies)}# {In full and initials}:

Full name: {insert full name of authorized Bid Signatory }

Title: {insert title/position of authorized Bid Signatory }
Name of Bidder (Sole Bidder’s name or Consortium/ JV’s name, if applicable):
Capacity: {insert the person’s capacity to sign for the Bidder}
Address: {insert the authorized Bid Signatory’s address}
Phone/fax: {insert the authorized Bid Signatory’s phone and fax number, if applicable}
Email: {insert the authorized Bid Signatory’s email address}
(Common Seal).…………..........................................
Appendix C - Supplier Response Format

C1 :General Guidelines to the bidders

The Purchaser will select a Supplier (also referred as the ‘bidder’) in accordance with the eligibility
criteria indicated in Section IV.

The bidders are invited to submit a Technical Proposal and a Price Proposal for goods and related
services required for the project as defined in Section VI, Scope of Work .This proposal will be the
basis for contract negotiations and finalization of the contract with the successful bidder.

The bidders must familiarize themselves with local conditions and take these into account while
preparing their proposals. To facilitate the bidders in making the Proposal, the Purchaser shall have a
“Pre-Bid conference” at the address and date as given in ITB, Section II. Please note that:
 Costs involved in preparation of the proposal and of negotiating the contract, includinga visit to
the Purchaser, are not reimbursable.
 The final evaluation shall be as per the evaluation methodology mentioned eligibilitycriteria.
 Please check all attachments with the checklist provided at the end, prior tosubmission of
C 1.1: Guidelines for Technical proposal
In preparing the Technical Proposal, bidders are expected to examine this Bid document in detail. The
proposal should cover all the aspects of this bid document. Any bid not found responsive to this bid
document shall be rejected. Material deficiencies in providing the information requested may also result
in rejection of the proposal. The price proposal should follow standard formats/forms as given in
Appendix C3

While preparing the technical proposal, bidders must give particular attention that thetechnical proposal
does not include any financial information.

C.1.2 : Guidelines for Price proposal

In preparing the price proposal, bidders are expected to take into account the requirements and
conditions of the bid document. The price proposal should follow standard formats/forms as given in
Appendix C3.
C2 : Technical Proposal

C 2.1 General Requirements

Company Statistics
Please provide the general and financial details of each of the entities (bidder, consortiummember
(if any) and subcontractors) in the following formats:
Table: Bidder – Company Statistics

Details Supplier Response

Bidder’s Name

Contact (s), Title (s), Telephone (s), E-mail id(s)

Name of the Chairman/ MD/ CEO/ Partners

Nature of Ownership

Date of Incorporation of Company/Entity

C 2.2: Project Experience

Bidder shall provide details of projects with application modules and other requirements(as
mentioned in Eligibility Criteria, (Section IV).

Bidders need to submit the details as per the format in the table provided.

Table: The details of the same should be included in the following format and necessarysupporting
documents should be attached with RFP:

Details of Project Experience

S.No. Eligibilit Client Name of Date and Year Indicate the modules
yCriteria Name the Project of implemented in the
Clause Commissioni project


Note : Kindly provide Client Performance Certificates for the completed projects
provided for establishing/confirming the requisite details for project experience as
mentioned above
Or Copy of LoA/ Work Order along with proof of release of final payment
C 2.3: Firm Detail
Bidder shall provide details of net-worth and turnover for the past three audited financialyears in
the following format:
Details FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22



Audited financial reports and copy of the certificates supporting the above need to besubmitted as

C 2.4: Facility Management Services Plan

The detail plan for FMS shall be given in accordance with the Section IV & chapter 17 of Section VI.

C 2.5: Project Management Practices

Please provide high-level details of the project management practices that will be followedto manage
the project. The project management practices would include (but not be limited to) details of:-

 Bidder must provide details of how they envisage the contract being managed including
principles such as (but not limited to) joint planning and control mechanisms; regular and active
review meetings; Project management of individual work streams and overall program
management of the entire service; Performance reporting

 Bidder should outline their proposed governance structure and designate a Service Manager to
co-ordinate their activities and provide a focal point of contact to whom Utility can refer on any
matter concerning the service.

 Reporting lines and decision-making powers within the bidder’s organization must be

 Reporting formats and templates that would be followed by the bidders

 Outline the proposed escalation procedures in the event that issues arise.

C 2.6: Quality Assurance

Quality of service - Suppliers must provide details of their proposed approach to quality
assurance to ensure the quality of services in accordance with Chapter 18 of Section VI,
Section IV .This should include

 Responsibility of quality of service;

 How the supplier will ensure quality service is provided;

 How quality will be measured

Does your company (and consortium partner) have any quality certification / Assessment? Ifso,
please provide your responses for the following:

Details of Certification
Description Bidder’s

Certification / Assessment Name

Who issued the certification/assessment?

When was the certification/assessment obtained?

Does this certification/assessment process involve periodic reviews

and observations/ remarks after such review? If so, please provide
details and specify when your company is due for its next quality

Please specify your company’s process for product development and enhancements



Refer Annexure-II to BDS

C2.13: Cyber Security Conformance Requirements:

C3: Price proposal

Utilities to prepare the detailed price schedules as per the Sample Price schedule is providedhereunder:

Price proposal
Bidders are requested to provide cost for each of the Project Area in the subsequent formats. The
Bidders should take a note of following points while filling the Price proposal.

1) Bidder will be responsible for payment of Taxes (including local entry taxes), duties, cess,
charges etc, including taxes, duties, cess, charges etc, to be paid by the Supplier pre- or post-
delivery. Such taxes, duties, cess, charges etc, if not explicitly mentioned in the following
tables, but applicable under law, should be included in the Quote under “Any other levies”
2) The Bidder will provide Tax rates assumed for the calculation at the time of proposal for
each item in notes to respective table.
3) Please refer to GCC Clause 12.2 and the SCC for Price adjustments due to change in Tax
rates (including local entry taxes), duties, cess, charges etc.
4) Purchaser reserves the right to deduct and pay to the government authorities the taxes at
applicable rates from the price payable to the supplier.
5) The unit prices mentioned for various components should be the same for all Project Areas.
In case of any discrepancy among unit prices of various Project Areas, the lowest unit price
of equipment mentioned for any Project Area shall prevail.

C 3.1: Project Area with Data Recovery Centre

Bidder should refer Appendix F to fill in following information:

Name of Project Area (town):-

Location Data Centre:-

Number Subdivision Offices under the Project Area:-

Number of Other Offices under the Project Area:-

 Forms (Form 1 to Form 10) should filled, by the bidder

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

Form : 1 Project Management Cost
Project Management Cost Including all Taxes &

Installation, Testing and Commissioning Cost to

Integrate Entire SCADA & IT (relevant to SCADA) Rs.

Integration with legacy applications & Data Migration Rs.

Training for the Employees Rs. Refer Form-9

Sub-Total A1
Grand Total A Rs.

*Project management cost include applicable tax /GST etc.

Specific Exclusions
 Land, Control Centre & various server rooms and other Civil & Structural Works including
 Infrastructures such as Air conditioning system,
 External & Internal electrification & Lighting,
 Fire fighting system
 DG Set for meeting the SCADA/DMS Control Centre critical load requirements
 Any mobile equipment such as Crane, truck, Jeep, filter M/c, etc.
 Any T&P, testing equipments. etc.
 Furniture for the computers required for SCADA/DMS & SCADA system
 Any contract for IT/ Outsourcing of services of revenue expenditure type where there is no capital
 Communication equipments such as mobile phone, telephone etc other than those specified in
 DISCOM Manpower for managing SCADA/DMS system

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

Note :
 Bidder shall specify make & model of proposed items by adding two columns by utility in
price proposal between column : equipment” and Column “ Unit” in all forms Form 2 -12
 Sum of cost of FMS/year shall match with FMS cost indicated /year in Form 10 . Bidder shall
ensure the same.
 Cost of basic unit price of RTU in Form 11 and basic unit price FRTU in Form 12 comprising
of panel , rack , DI,DO,AI , CPU ,PS , COMM card shall match with Form 4 (row 1) & Form
5 (row1 )
 Bidder may club functions in common server as per their architecture . However , they shall
mention the same in remark in Form about the same . However, bidder shall be solely
requirement as per SBD
SCADA/DMS Control Centre Cost (BoQ)
Form : 2
Per Unit
Cost (incl FMS Cost /
S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity taxes & year
C1 Server/ workstation Hardware
SCADA Server No.
DMS Server No.
OMS Server No.
FEP server with interface switches No.
ISR server No.
NMS server No.
DTS server No.
Other Active Devices No
Developmental server No.
Commnuication Server No.
Web/Directory server No.
SMS gaterway No.
Workstation with dual TFT
Monitors ( S/S monitoring)
Workstation with dual TFT
Monitors (Network monitoring)
Remote VDUs with one TFT
Developmental console with one
DTS/Workstation Console with
dual TFTs
DLP based Video Projection
system with 3x4 Module
configuration with each module at No.
least 70" diagonal with
Storage & Backup Devices

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

External RAID Mass storage device No.
( for 24 months online backup)
Exteranl DAT drive No.
Layer II switch (SCADA/DMS
Layer II switch ( Planning &
Development system LAN)

Router for interfacing IT system & No.

Router at remote VDU No.
Security system (DMZ)
Web server with load balancing No.
Mail server No.
Router No.
Firewall & network IDS/IPS No.
Layer II switch No.
Other Active Devices
GPS Time synchronisation system Set
Time, day & date digital displays Set
Color inkjet printer Set
B/W Laser printer Set
Any other items required to meet
functional /Performance Lot
requirement as per MTS
Sub-Total C1 (Hardware)
C2 Software for Control Centre
SCADA software Lot
ISR Software Lot
DMS software Lot
OMS Software Lot
DTS software Lot
Developmental software Lot
Network Management Software Lot
WEB /Network security software Lot
RDBMS package(incl in ISR) Lot
GIS Adaptor/Engine for importing
data from GIS system under IT Lot
Any other software to meet
functional /performance Lot
requirement of MTS
Sub-Total -B2 (Software)

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

Mandatory spares Max 5% of
Mandatory spares L/S
Sub -Total C3 spares
Grand Total C

SCADA/ Disaster Recovery Control Cost (BoQ)

Form : 3
Per Unit FMS
Cost (incl Cost
taxes &duties) Total
S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity Cost

Rs. Rs. Rs.

Server/ workstation
SCADA Server No.
DMS Server No.
OMS Server No.
FEP server with interface
ISR server No.
NMS server No.
DTS server No.
Other Active Devices no
Developmental server No.
Commnuication Server No.
Web/Directory server No.
SMS gaterway No.

Workstation with dual TFT No.

Monitors ( S/S monitoring)
Workstation with dual TFT
Monitors (Network monitoring)
Remote VDUs with one TFT No.
Developmental console with
one TFT
DTS/Workstation Console with
dual TFTs
DLP based Video Projection
system with 3x4 Module
configuration with eachmodule No.
at least 70" diagonal
with projector
Storage & Backup Devices

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

External RAID Mass storage
device ( for 24 months online No.
External DAT drive No.
Layer II switch (SCADA/DMS
Layer II switch ( Planning &
Development system LAN)
Router for interfacing IT
system & SCADA/DMS DR No.
Router at remote VDU No.
Security system (DMZ)
Web server with load balancing No.
Mail server No.
Router No.
Firewall & network IPS/IDS No.
Layer II switch No.
Other Active Devices
GPS Time synchronisation
Time, day & date digital
Color inkjet printer Set
B/W Laser printer Set
Any other item to meet
specification requirements

D2 Software
SCADA software Lot
ISR Software Lot
DMS software Lot
DTS software Lot
OMS Software Lot
Developmental software Lot
Network Management Software Lot
RDBMS package (incl in ISR)
WEB /Network security
(Incl in web server)
GIS Adaptor/Engine for
importing data from GIS Lot
system under IT system
Any other item to meet
specification requirements

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

Unit Price FMS
(Per Unit Cost
Cost (incl Total
S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity Cost
taxes &duties))

Rs. Rs. Rs.

Mandatory spares Max 5%

of D1
Mandatory spares L/S
Sub -Total d3 spares
Grand Total D
Form 4
Per Unit FMS
Cost (incl Total Cost /
S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity year
taxes &
Rs. Rs. Rs
RTU base equipment comprising
panels, racks, sub-racks, Power
Supply modules, CPU, interfacing
equipment, required converters & all
other required items/accessories
including complete wiring for all
modules for locations mentioned

Multifunctuions transducers No.

Contact Multiplying Relays (CMRs) No.
Heavy duty relays for Control No.
Dummy Breaker Latching Relays No.
Transformer Transducers No.
Single TFT PC for No
Any other hardware to meet functional Lot
/performance requirement of MTS
Sub - Total (Hardware) -E1
E2 Software for LDMS
LDMS software No.

Any other software to meet functional Lot

/performance requirement of MTS
Sub - Total (test equipment) -E2
RTU Database Configuration &
Maintenance Software tool
Master Station cum RTU Simulator &
Protocol analyser software tool

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

Per Unit FMS
Cost (incl Cost
taxes &duties) Total
S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity Cost

Rs. Rs. Rs.

Laptop PC for above software tools

along with interfacing hardware No.
including Hub
Sub - Total (test equipment) -E3
5% of E1
Sub - Total (mandatory spare) -D4
Grand total E

Form 5
Unit FMS Cost
S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity Cost / year
Rs. Rs. Rs

Mini pole mounted FRTU base equipment

along with enclosure suitable to work in
open environment (Adequate protection
from water & dust) , racks, sub-racks,
Power Supply modules with power backup
, I/o modules, CPU, interfacing
equipment, required converters & all other
required items/accessories including
complete wiring for all modules for
locations mentioned

Contact Multiplying Relays (CMRs) No.

Heavy duty relays for Control No.
Multifunction transducer No.
Any other hardware to meet functional
/performance requirement of MTS
Sub-Total (Hardware) F1
F2 Test Equipments for FRTU
FRTU Database Configuration &
Maintenance Software tool
Master Station cum FRTU Simulator &
Protocol analyser software tool

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

Laptop PC for above software tools along
with interfacing hardware including Hub
Sub-Total (Test equipment) F2
5% of E1
Sub-Total (Spares) F3
Grand Total F

Form 6

Per UnitCost
Total FMS Cost / year
S.No Equipment Unit Quantity taxes &
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Annual charges for
100MBps Links with No.

MPLS Router No.

Any other hardware

to meet functional
requirement of
Sub - Total g1
Annual charges for
2MBps Links with No.

Modems No.

Any other hardware

to meet functional
requirement of
Sub - Total g2
Mandatory spares
5% of g1,g2
Grand Total G

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

Form 7
Per Unit
Cost (incl FMS Cost /
S.No. Survey Unit Quantity year
taxes &
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Main Equipments -
Control centre
UPS with suitable
rating running in
parallel redundant
VRLA type Battery
banks for above UPS
for minimum 30 min.
backup duration Set

Sub- Total H1
Main Equipments -
H2 DR Centre
Main Equipments
UPS with suitable
rating running in
parallel redundant
VRLA type Battery
banks for above UPS
for minimum 30 min.
backup duration
Sub-Total H2
II For RTU / Data
Concentrator /
DC Power Supply
(DCPS) system
based on SMPS
Battery bank for
above DCPS
(VRLA Type) for
minimum 4 hrs
Sub-Total H3
48V DC Power
Supply (DCPS)
system based on
Battery bank for
above DCPS

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

(VRLA Type) for
minimum 4 hrs
Sub-Total H4
Remote VDU,
UPS (2 kVA )
Sub-Total H5
Mandatory Spares
for UPS
5% of above H1TO
Sub-Total H6
Grand Total (H)

Form 8

Per Unit FMS

Cost (incl Total Cost /
S.No. Survey Type Unit Quantity year
taxes &
Rs. Rs. Rs.
RMU (WAY No of
J1 requirement) WAYS
Sub- Total J1
Sectionlizer No
Recloser No
Sub-Total J2


Commnuicable No
Sub-Total J3
(Specify type of each
conductor existing &
reconductoring )
Sub-Total J4
Control/power cable
for RTUs from
switchgear,if any at

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

S/S and numerical

control /power cable Km

Numerical relay
Sub-Total J5
J6 Mandatory Spares
5% of above J1 TO J5
Sub-Total J6
Grand Total (J)

Form 9 : Training
Description Duration Total Cost (Rs.)
in days
A. Operator’s Training
1. Operator for SCADA/DMS Control Centre 5
2. Instructor for DTS 10
B. Maintenance Training
1 Computer Hardware & System Software 10
2. Application Software (SCADA/DMS) 10
3. RTU & FRTU 5
4. Database & display development 5
6. Auxiliary Power Supply 3
7. Communication System including NMS 5 2

Form10 : FMS
S.No. Description Duration Peer FOR FOR
cost ( Addl
1 FMS charges for SCADA/DMS Per year
system (maintaining overall system
availability as per TS)
2 FMS charges for SCADA/DMS Per
system (maintaining availability year
individual hardware & non –critical
functions as per TS)
3 Total FMS charges

 The necessary spares required for maintenance of the system during FMS shall be provided by the
contractor. However, the consumables shall be provided by the owner.
 FMS shall include all the supplied hardware & software under the project
 Cost of overall system availability/year shall not be less than 40 % and more than 60% of total
FMS charges/year

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

Form : 1 Project Management Cost
Project Management Cost Including all Taxes &

Installation, Testing and Commissioning Cost to

Integrate Entire SCADA & IT (relevant to SCADA) Rs.

Integration with legacy applications & Data Migration Rs.

Training for the Employees Rs. Refer Form-9

Sub-Total A1
Grand Total A Rs.

*Project management cost include applicable tax /GST etc.

Specific Exclusions
 Land, Control Centre & various server rooms and other Civil & Structural Works including
 Infrastructures such as Air conditioning system,
 External & Internal electrification & Lighting,
 Fire fighting system
 DG Set for meeting the SCADA/DMS Control Centre critical load requirements
 Any mobile equipment such as Crane, truck, Jeep, filter M/c, etc.
 Any T&P, testing equipments. etc.
 Furniture for the computers required for SCADA/DMS & SCADA system
 Any contract for IT/ Outsourcing of services of revenue expenditure type where there is no capital
 Communication equipments such as mobile phone, telephone etc other than those specified in
 DISCOM Manpower for managing SCADA/DMS system

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

ZSCC wise
Unit Cost
Cost Total
S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity / year
taxes &
Rs. Rs. Rs
C1 workstation
SCADA server No.
FEP server with
interface No.
ISR server No.
NMS server No.
DTS server No.
SMS gaterway No.
Workstation with
dual TFT
Monitors ( S/S
Workstation with
dual TFT
Monitors (FPI
Workstation with
dual TFT
Monitors ( S/S
monitoring) -
Workstation with
dual TFT
Monitors (FPI No.
Remote VDUs
with one TFT No.
console with one No.

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

Console with No.
dual TFTs
DLP based
system with 3x4
with each module
at least 70"
diagonal with

Storage &
Backup Devices
External RAID
Mass storage
device ( for 24 No.
months online
Exteranl DAT
Layer II switch
Layer II switch (
Planning &
system LAN)
Router for
interfacing IT
system & No.
DR centre
Router at remote
Security system
Web server with
load balancing
Mail server No.
Router No.
Firewall &
network IDS/IPS
Layer II switch No.
Other Active

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

GPS Time
synchronisation Set
Time, day & date
digital displays
Color inkjet
B/W Laser
Any other items
required to meet
requirement as
per UMTS
Sub-Total C1
Software for
Control Centre
SCADA software Lot
ISR Software Lot
DMS software Lot
DTS software Lot
Management Lot
WEB /Network
security software
(Incl in
package(In cl in
for importing
data from GIS
system under IT
Any other
software to meet
requirement of
Sub-Total -B2
C3 spares Max
5% of C1
<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>
spares L/S
Sub -Total C3
Grand Total C


Unit Total FMS Cost / year
S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity Cost
Rs. Rs. Rs
Server/ workstation
DR server No.
Workstation with
one TFT Monitors
Storage & Backup
External storage
Exteranl DAT drive No.

Layer II switch (DR
Router for
interfacing at No.
SCADA DMS centre
Color inkjet printer Set

B/w Laser printer Set

Any other items
required to meet
requirement as per
Sub-Total D1
Software for
Control Centre
RDBMS package Lot
(Incl in ISR)
<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>
Any other items
required to meet
requirement as per
Sub-Total D1
Mandatory spares
Max 5% of D1
Mandatory spares L/S
Sub -Total d3
Grand Total D


Unit Total FMS Cost / year
S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity Cost
Rs. Rs. Rs
RTU base equipment
comprising panels,
racks, sub-racks,
Power Supply
modules, CPU,
interfacing equipment,
required converters &
all other required
including complete
wiring for all modules
for locations
Contact Multiplying
Relays (CMRs)
Heavy duty relays for
Dummy Breaker
Latching Relays
Single TFT PC for
LDMS with 2KVA

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

Any other hardware to
meet functional
requirement of MTS
Sub - Total
(Hardware) -E1
E2 Software for LDMS
LDMS software
Any other software to
meet functional
requirement of MTS
Sub - Total
RTU Database
Configuration &
Maintenance Software
Master Station cum
RTU Simulator &
Protocol analyser
software tool
Laptop PC for above
software tools along
with interfacing
hardware including
Sub - Total (test
equipment) -E3
5% of E1
Sub - Total
(mandatory spare) -
Grand total E -


<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>


Total FMS
(per Total Cost /
S.No Equipment Unit Quantity unit) year
Rs. Rs. Rs
Annual charges for 100MBps Links with
A) No.

B) MPLS Router No.

C) Any other hardware to meet functional

/performance requirement of MTS

G2 Sub - Total g1

Annual charges for 2MBps Links with SA-

A) No.

B) Modems No.

C) Any other hardware to meet functional

/performance requirement of MTS
Sub - Total g2
G3 Mandatory spares 5% of g1,g2
Grand Total G


Unit Total Cost /
S.No. Survey Unit Quanti Cost year
ty (incl
taxes &
Rs. Rs. Rs
H1 Main Equipments - Control centre
UPS with suitable rating running in
parallel redundant mode*
VRLA type Battery banks for above UPS
for minimum 30 min. backup duration

Sub- Total H1

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

H2 Main Equipments - DR Centre
Main Equipments

UPS with suitable rating running in

parallel redundant mode*
VRLA type Battery banks for above UPS
for minimum 30 min. backup duration
Sub-Total H2
II For RTU / Data Concentrator /
Communication Eqpts.
DC Power Supply (DCPS) system based
Battery bank for above DCPS (VRLA
Type) for minimum 4 hrs backup
Sub-Total H3
48V DC Power Supply (DCPS) system
based on SMPS
Battery bank for above DCPS (VRLA
Type) for minimum 4 hrs backup
Sub-Total H4
H5 Remote VDU location
UPS (2 kVA )
Sub-Total H5
H6 Mandatory Spares for UPS
5% of above H1TO H5
Sub-Total H6
Grand Total (H)

Form 8
Per Unit FMS
Cost (incl Total Cost /
S.No. Survey Unit Quantity taxes & year
Rs. Rs. Rs
- -
Sub- Total J1 -
Sectionlizer recloser No
- -
Sub-Total J2 -

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>


Commnuicable No
- -
Sub-Total J3 -
(Specify type of each
conductor existing &
reconductoring )

Km - -

Km - -
Sub-Total J4 -
Control/power cable for
RTUs from outdoor
switchgear, numerical relays
if any at S/S
Control /Power cables
Km - -
Numerical relay
Nos - 1 -
Sub-Total J5
J6 Mandatory Spares
5% of above J1 TO J5
- -
Sub-Total J6 -
Grand Total (J)

Form 9 : Training

Description Duration Total Cost (Rs.)

in days
A. Operator’s Training
1. Operator for SCADA/DMS Control Centre 5
2. Instructor for DTS 10
B. Maintenance Training
1 Computer Hardware & System Software 10
2. Application Software (SCADA/DMS) 10
3. RTU & FRTU 5
4. Database & display development 5
6. Auxiliary Power Supply 3
7. Communication System including NMS 5 2

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

Form10 : FMS
S.No. Description Duration Peer FOR FOR
cost ( Addl
1 FMS charges for SCADA Per year
system (maintaining overall system
availability as per TS)
2 FMS charges for SCADA system Per
(maintaining availability individual year
hardware & non –critical
functions as per TS)
3 Total FMS charges Five

 The necessary spares required for maintenance of the system during FMS shall be provided by the
contractor. However, the consumables shall be provided by the owner.

 FMS shall include all the supplied hardware & software under the project

 Cost of overall system availability/year shall not be less than 40 % and more than 60% of total
FMS charges/year

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

Form : 1 Project Management Cost
Project Management Cost Including all Taxes &

Installation, Testing and Commissioning Cost to

Integrate Entire SCADA & IT (relevant to SCADA) Rs.

Integration with legacy applications & Data Migration Rs.

Training for the Employees Rs. Refer Form-9

Sub-Total A1
Grand Total A Rs.

*Project management cost include applicable tax /GST etc.

Specific Exclusions
 Land, Control Centre & various server rooms and other Civil & Structural Works including
 Infrastructures such as Air conditioning system,
 External & Internal electrification & Lighting,
 Fire fighting system
 DG Set for meeting the SCADA/DMS Control Centre critical load requirements
 Any mobile equipment such as Crane, truck, Jeep, filter M/c, etc.
 Any T&P, testing equipments. etc.
 Furniture for the computers required for SCADA/DMS & SCADA system
 Any contract for IT/ Outsourcing of services of revenue expenditure type where there is no capital
 Communication equipments such as mobile phone, telephone etc other than those specified in
 DISCOM Manpower for managing SCADA/DMS system

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

Form : 2
Per Unit
Cost (incl FMS Cost /
S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity taxes & year

C1 Server/ workstation Hardware

SCADA Server No.
DMS Server No.
OMS Server No.
FEP server with interface switches No.
ISR server No.
NMS server No.
DTS server No.
Other Active Devices no
Developmental server No.
Commnuication Server No.

Web/Directory server No.

SMS gaterway No.
Workstation with dual TFT
Monitors ( S/S monitoring)
Workstation with dual TFT
Monitors (Network monitoring)
Remote VDUs with one TFT
Developmental console with one
DTS/Workstation Console with
dual TFTs
DLP based Video Projection
system with 3x4 Module
configuration with each module at No.
least 70" diagonal with
Storage & Backup Devices
External RAID Mass storage device No.
( for 24 months online backup)
Exteranl DAT drive No.
Layer II switch (SCADA/DMS
Layer II switch ( Planning &
Development system LAN)
Router for interfacing IT system & No.
Router at remote VDU No.
<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>
Security system (DMZ)
Web server with load balancing No.
Mail server No.
Router No.
Firewall & network IDS/IPS No.
Layer II switch No.
Other Active Devices
GPS Time synchronisation system Set
Time, day & date digital displays Set
Color inkjet printer Set
B/W Laser printer Set
Any other items required to meet
functional /Performance Lot
requirement as per MTS
Sub-Total C1 (Hardware)
C2 Software for Control Centre
SCADA software Lot
ISR Software Lot
DMS software Lot
OMS Software Lot
DTS software Lot
Developmental software Lot
Network Management Software Lot
WEB /Network security software Lot
RDBMS package Lot
GIS Adaptor/Engine for importing
data from GIS system under IT Lot
Any other software to meet
functional /performance Lot
requirement of MTS
Sub-Total -B2 (Software)
Mandatory spares Max 5% of
Mandatory spares L/S
Sub -Total C3 spares
Grand Total C

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

SCADA/ Disaster Recovery Control Cost (BoQ) FOR SCADA DMS CONTROL
Form : 3
Unit Price FMS
(Inclusive of Cost/ye
all taxes, Total ar
S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity duties, Cost
Rs. Rs. Rs.

D1 workstation
SCADA Server No.
DMS Server No.
OMS Server No.
FEP server with
interface No.
ISR server No.
NMS server No.
DTS server No.
Other Active
SMS gaterway No.
Workstation with
dual TFT
Monitors ( S/S
Workstation with
dual TFT
Monitors No
Remote VDUs
with one TFT No.
console with one No.
Console with No.
dual TFTs

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

DLP basedVideo
Projection system
with 3x4 Module
with each module
at least 70"
diagonal with

Storage &
Backup Devices
External RAID
Mass storage
device ( for 24 No.
months online
External DAT
Layer II switch
Layer II switch (
Planning &
system LAN)
Router for
interfacing IT
system & No.
DR centre
Router at remote
Security system
Web server with
load balancing
Mail server No.
Router No.
Firewall &
network IPS/IDS
Layer II switch No.
Other Active
GPS Time
synchronisation Set
Time, day & date
digital displays

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

Color inkjet
B/W Laser
Any other item to
1. 5% of a1 No.
D2 Software
2. SCADA software Lot
3. ISR Software Lot
4. DMS software Lot
5. DTS software Lot
6. Lot
7. Management Lot
8. RDBMS package (incl in ISR)
WEB /Network
9. (Incl in web server)
security software
for importing
10. Lot
data from GIS
system under IT
Any other item to
11. Lot
5% of D1 No.
Sub -Total d3
Grand Total D

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

SCADA/ Disaster Recovery Control Cost (BoQ) FOR ZSCC
Form : 3
Unit Price FMS
(Inclusive of Cost/ye
all taxes, Total ar
S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity duties, Cost
Rs. Rs. Rs.

D1 workstation
SCADA Server No.
DMS Server No.
OMS Server No.
FEP server with
interface No.
ISR server No.
NMS server No.
DTS server No.
Other Active
SMS gaterway No.
Workstation with
dual TFT
Monitors ( S/S
Workstation with
dual TFT
Monitors No
Remote VDUs
with one TFT No.
console with one No.
Console with No.
dual TFTs

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

DLP/ based
Video Projection
system with 3x4 No.
with each module
at least 70"
diagonal with
Storage &
Backup Devices
External RAID
Mass storage
device ( for 24 No.
months online
External DAT
Layer II switch
Layer II switch (
Planning &
system LAN)
Router for
interfacing IT
system & No.
DR centre
Router at remote
Security system
Web server with
load balancing
Mail server No.
Router No.
Firewall &
network IPS/IDS
Layer II switch No.
Other Active
GPS Time
synchronisation Set

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

Unit Price FMS
(Inclusive of Cost/ye
all taxes, Total ar
S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity duties, Cost
Rs. Rs. Rs.

Time, day & date

digital displays
Color inkjet
B/W Laser
Any other item to
D2 Software
SCADA software Lot
ISR Software Lot
DMS software Lot
DTS software Lot
Management Lot
RDBMS package (incl in ISR)
WEB /Network
(Incl in web server)
security software
for importing
data from GIS
system under IT
Any other item to
5% of D1 No.
Sub -Total d3
Grand Total D

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

Form 4

Unit Price
(Inclusive FMS Cost /
S.No. Equipment Un Quantity ofall taxes, TotalCost year
it duties,
Rs. Rs. Rs
RTU base equipment
comprising panels,
racks, sub-racks,
Power Supply
modules, CPU,
interfacing equipment,
required converters &
all other required Set
including complete
wiring for all modules
locations mentioned
Contact Multiplying
Relays (CMRs)
Heavy duty relays
for Control
Dummy Breaker
Latching Relays
Single TFT PC for
Any other hardware
to meet functional
requirement of MTS
Sub - Total
(Hardware) -E1
E2 Software for LDMS
LDMS software No.
Any other software
to meet functional
requirement of MTS
Sub - Total (test
equipment) -E2
<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>
RTU Database
Configuration &
Software tool
Master Station cum
RTU Simulator &
Protocol analyser
software tool
Laptop PC for above
software tools along
with interfacing No.
hardware including
Sub - Total (test
equipment) -E3
5% of E1
Sub - Total
(mandatory spare) -
Grand total E

Form 5
Unit Price
(Inclusive Total FMS Cost
S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity ofall / year
&Insuran Rs. Rs

Mini pole mounted FRTU base equipment

along with enclosure suitable to work in
open environment (Adequate protection
from water & dust) , racks, sub-racks,
Power Supply modules with power backup
, I/o modules, CPU, interfacing
equipment, required converters & all other
required items/accessories including
complete wiring for all modules for
locations mentioned

Contact Multiplying Relays (CMRs) No.

Heavy duty relays for Control No.
Multifunction trnasducer No.
Any other hardware to meet functional
/performance requirement of MTS
Sub-Total (Hardware) F1

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

F2 Test Equipments for FRTU
FRTU Database Configuration &
Maintenance Software tool
Master Station cum FRTU Simulator &
Protocol analyser software tool
Laptop PC for above software tools along
with interfacing hardware including Hub
Sub-Total (Test equipment) F2
5% of E1
Sub-Total (Spares) F3
Grand Total F

Form 6

Unit Price
(Inclusive ofall Total FMS Cost / year
S.No Equipment Unit Quantity taxes, duties,

Rs. Rs. Rs.
Annual charges for
100MBps Links with No.

MPLS Router No.

Any other hardware

to meet functional
requirement of

Sub - Total g1
Annual charges for
2MBps Links with No.

Modems No.

Any other hardware

to meet functional
requirement of
Sub - Total g2

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

Mandatory spares
5% of g1,g2
Grand Total G

Form 7
Unit Price
(Inclusive FMS Cost /
S.No. Survey Unit Quantity ofall taxes, year

Rs. Rs. Rs.
Main Equipments -
Control centre
UPS with suitable
rating running in
parallel redundant
VRLA type Battery
banks for above UPS
for minimum 30 min.
backup duration Set

Sub- Total H1
Main Equipments -
DR Centre
Main Equipments
UPS with suitable
rating running in
parallel redundant
VRLA type Battery
banks for above UPS
for minimum 30 min.
backup duration
Sub-Total H2
II For RTU / Data
Concentrator /
DC Power Supply
(DCPS) system
based on SMPS
Battery bank for
above DCPS
(VRLA Type) for
minimum 4 hrs
Sub-Total H3
<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>
48V DC Power
Supply (DCPS)
system based on
Battery bank for
above DCPS
(VRLA Type) for
minimum 4 hrs
Sub-Total H4
Remote VDU
UPS (2 kVA )
Sub-Total H5
Mandatory Spares
for UPS
5% of above H1TO
Sub-Total H6
Grand Total (H)

Form 8

Unit Price FMS

(Inclusive Total Cost /
S.No. Survey Type Unit Quantity ofall taxes,

Rs. Rs. Rs.
RMU (WAY No of
J1 requirement) WAYS
Sub- Total J1
Sectionlizer No
Recloser No
Sub-Total J2


Commnuicable No
Sub-Total J3
(Specify type of each
conductor existing &
reconductoring )
<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>
Sub-Total J4
Control/power cable
for RTUs from
switchgear,if any at
S/S and numerical
control /power cable Km
Numerical relay
Sub-Total J5
J6 Mandatory Spares
5% of above J1 TO J5
Sub-Total J6
Grand Total (J)

Form 9 : Training

Description Duration Total Cost (Rs.)

in days
A. Operator’s Training
1. Operator for SCADA/DMS Control Centre 5
2. Instructor for DTS 10
B. Maintenance Training
1 Computer Hardware & System Software 10
2. Application Software (SCADA/DMS) 10
3. RTU & FRTU 5
4. Database & display development 5
6. Auxiliary Power Supply 3
7. Communication System including NMS 5 2

Form10 : FMS
S.No. Description PER 2YEARS 3 more years
YEAR initial years

1 FMS charges for SCADA/DMS system

(maintaining overall system availability as per
2 FMS charges for SCADA/DMS system
(maintaining availability individual hardware
& non –critical functions as per TS)
3 Total FMS charges

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

 Cost of FMS for 5 years shall not be less than 25% of total project cost and per year unit rate
shall be same. In case bidder quotes FMS less than 25%, bid shall be disqualified

 Cost of FMS for overall cost system availability shall not be less than 40% or not more than 60%
of total FMS cost

 FMS Cost of all items shall be specified. FMS cost of non critical items such as printer ,
DAT, DTS consoles , DTS server shall not be more 10% of unit rate of item and no FMS for
Bandwidth charges . The same needs to be specified in the cost and shall be paid on SLA on
actual usage basis

 The necessary spares required for maintenance of the system during FMS shall be provided by the
contractor. However, the consumables shall be provided by the owner.

Bidder can define quantity of servers , router, switches as per system configuration in the bid subject to
adherence to functional , performance , redundancy , cyber security and all technical requirements . The
quantity shall be as per indicative quantity in Chapter 19 , Table 9 . However , utility to define quantity as
per approved project and bidder can define quantity of servers , router, switches as per system
configuration of the proposal in the bid subject to adherence to functional , performance , redundancy ,
cyber security and all technical , test requirements .

Unit price is inclusive of taxes, freight and insurance, However , GST % to be indicated by bidder for items

For milestone payment – Payment schedule calculation

 Hardware components = C1+ D1+E1+F1+G1B+G1C+G2B+G2C

 Software components = C2+D2+E2+F2
 SPARES component = C3 + D3+E4+F4 G3+H6+J6
 TEST CONFIG TOOL component = E3+F3
 Training = Form 9
 FMS – Form 10
 Project Mgmt , Installation, Testing and Commissioning Cost = Form 1

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

Break up of RTU unit price in form 4 row 1 (Only basic RTU ie, panel rack , Power supply card ,
Communication card , CPU , DI,DO, AI card without MFT,CMR,HDRetc)

Total cost of basic RTU in form 4 row 1 shall comparable with the breakup given below in Form 11.
This is to derive unit rate of the modules

Total (per
S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity unit)

Rs. Rs.
1 Power supply
2 CPU Module
3 Communication
module (Specify
no of Ethernet
and serial ports
4 Digital Input
(DI) Module
(Specify no of
5 Digital
(Specify no
of channels
6 Analog input if
any (AI)
Module (Specify
no of channels
7 Any other hardware
to meet functional
requirement of MTS
Sub - Total (1
TO 7 = (ROW

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

Break up of FRTU unit price in form 5 row 1 (Only basic FRTU ie, panel rack , Power supply
card , Communication card , CPU , DI,DO, AI card without MFT,CMR,HDRetc)

Total cost of basic FRTU in form 4 row 1 shall be comparable with the breakup given below in
Form 11. This is to derive unit rate of the modules

Total (per
S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity unit)

Rs. Rs.
1 Power supply
2 CPU Module
3 Communication
module (Specify
no of Ethernet
and serial ports
4 Digital Input
(DI) Module
(Specify no of
5 Digital
(Specify no
of channels
6 Analog input if
any (AI)
Module (Specify
no of channels
7 Any other hardware
to meet functional
requirement of MTS
Sub - Total (1
TO 7 = (ROW

<Utility Name> Page <Date of release of Document>

C4: Checklists
Please submit a copy of this section with cover letter while submitting the proposal.

C 4.1: Mandatory forms that needs to be submitted

Check List for Mandatory Forms

S.No. Item Furnished
1 Documents against eligibility criteria Yes/ No

2 Bid Security Declaration / Bid Security Yes/ No

3 Technical Proposal Yes/ No

4 Financial Proposal Yes/ No

5 Proof of turnover and net worth for the last three audited Yes/ No
financial years of Bidder, consortium member (if any) and
6 Proposed SLA template Yes/ No
7 Filled-in copy of Bidding forms (Section V) Yes/ No

C 4.2:Compliance checklist

Check List for proper Documentation & Compliance

S.No. Item Furnished
1 Please confirm you agree to all clauses specified in the Section Yes/ No

2 Please confirm you have submitted all the mandatory forms Yes/ No
specified in Appendix C (Technical & Financial Proposal)

3 Please confirm you have noted the bid submission deadline Yes/ No
specified in Section III, BDS (ITB 23.1)
4 Please confirm you have noted that the performance security will Yes/ No
be furnished within time period as specified in Section II, ITB
clause 42.1

5 Please confirm you have provided all document proof to Yes/ No

substantiate you qualifying the eligibility criteria as mentioned in
Section IV
6 Please confirm you have complied with the proposed solution Yes/ No
architecture specified in MTS Document
7 Please confirm you have complied with all services specified in Yes/ No
the scope of services mentioned in Section VI
8 Please confirm that you comply with all clauses specified in the Yes/ No
General Conditions of Contract specified in Section VII
9 Please confirm that you comply with all clauses specified in the Yes/ No
Special Conditions of Contract specified in Section VIII
10 Please confirm that all goods (software and hardware) and Yes/ No
services have been included in the price proposal and is
complete in all respects without any deviation/ missing items
11 Please confirm that you have not submitted any alternate Yes/ No
12 Please confirm that you have noted the SLA guidelines and Yes/ No
penalty clauses applicable as specified in Section-VI.
13 Please confirm you have provided sufficient Bid security in Yes/ No
proper form as specified in clause 20, Section II ITB
14 Please confirm you have responded to all mandatory technical Yes/ No
specification given in Appendix A
Expected Implementation Schedule
The bidder is expected to complete the implementation within 24 months from the date of award of
contract by the utility for B,C towns and 30 months from the date of award of contract by the utility
for A,U towns.

Facilities Management Services post successful completion of acceptance tests shall be provided for a
period of five years from the date of completion of acceptance test.

Bidder shall submit a detail Gantt chart as per along with the following implementation schedule.
Bidders shall drill down these activities into sub/sub-sub activity in the chart. The chart shall also detail
out time and resource effort required to execute each activity. The detailed bar charts for all the work
activity shall however, be discussed and agreed to by the successful Bidder with the owner before start
of the execution of work.
Table 7: Expected Implementation Schedule
Sta En
Activity/ Sub Activity Weekly Plan
rt d
W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 …
1 Mobilization at site with establishment of site
office, requisite resource deployment etc.
2 Field Survey for SCADA/DMS Data
3 System Design (Pre-Implementation Plan,
Testing and Development) and Approval
4 Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)

- SCADA/DMS Control Center

- RTUs


- Auxiliary Power Supply

- Communication Equipment

- Other Bought Out Items if any

5 Installation/Erection of Control Center

Installation/Erection of Equipment at RTU/FRTU
/Locations /FPIs
End to End testing of RT/FRTU/FPI etc
Integration of SCADA/DMS System with other
systems viz IT system under R-APDRP, SLDC if
9 Commissioning and Site Acceptance Test
(Operational Acceptance of the System)
10 Facility Management Services (FMS)

<Utility Name> Page 1 <Date of release of Document>



Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, System under RDSS - Govt. of India
Model Technical specification

Table of Contents
CHAPTER-1: INTRODUCTION & GENERAL INFORMATION ...................................................... 1
1.0 Introduction: ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Objectives ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Parts of the Scheme ................................................................................................................. 1
1.2.1 Eligible Works and Activities under Part A – Metering ................................................. 1
1.2.2 Eligible Works and Activities under Part A- Distribution Infrastructure Works ............ 2
1.2.3 Eligible entities for Part A .............................................................................................. 2
1.2.4 Eligible Works and Activities under Part B .................................................................... 3
1.3 SCADA /DMS system ............................................................................................................ 3
1.3.1 Groups of SCADA system eligibility criteria’s & components ...................................... 3
1.3.2 Make in India ................................................................................................................ 10
1.3.3 Broad Role Definition for SIA ...................................................................................... 10
1.3.4 Specific Exclusions ....................................................................................................... 14
1.3.5 Generic requirements .................................................................................................... 14
1.3.6 Facilities to be provided by Employer/Owner (Utility) ................................................ 15
1.3.7 General Requirements ................................................................................................... 15
1.3.8 General Bidding Requirements ..................................................................................... 16
1.3.9 Items of Special Interest ................................................................................................ 17
1.3.10 Site Conditions .............................................................................................................. 17
1.3.11 Applicable Standards .................................................................................................... 17
1.3.12 Warranty ....................................................................................................................... 18
1.3.13 Terms for utility & SIA ................................................................................................. 18
1.3.14 Proposed SCADA/DMS system ................................................................................... 18
1.3.15 Existing System for Group A , B, C & U towns separately. ......................................... 19
CHAPTER -2: SCADA FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................. 20
2.0 General requirements ............................................................................................................ 20
2.1 Design requirements ............................................................................................................. 20
2.1.1 SCADA/DMS Function Access ............................................................................................ 20
2.1.2 Critical & non critical functions ............................................................................................ 20
2.2 SCADA Functions .................................................................................................................... 21
2.2.1 Communication protocol....................................................................................................... 22
2.2.2 Data Acquisition ................................................................................................................... 23 Polling method .................................................................................................................. 23 Telemetry Failure .............................................................................................................. 24
2.2.3 Time synchronization of RTUs ............................................................................................. 25
2.2.4 Data Exchange ...................................................................................................................... 25
2.2.5 Data Processing ..................................................................................................................... 26
2.2.6 Continuous Real-time data storage and playback ................................................................. 30

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2.2.7 Sequence-of-Events data ....................................................................................................... 31
2.2.8 SCADA language.................................................................................................................. 31
2.2.9 Supervisory Control .............................................................................................................. 31
2.2.10 Fail-soft capability ................................................................................................................ 35
2.2.11 Remote database downloading, diagnostics & configuration ............................................... 35
2.3 Information Storage and Retrieval ............................................................................................ 35
2.3.1 Circuit breaker status Table .................................................................................................. 36
2.3.2 Real-time Database Snapshot Tables .................................................................................... 36
2.3.3 Hourly Data tables ................................................................................................................ 37 Missed Hourly Data Storage ................................................................................................. 37 Hourly Data Calculations ...................................................................................................... 38
2.3.4 SAIDI/SAIFI table ................................................................................................................ 38
2.3.5 Daily Energy Data table ........................................................................................................ 38
2.3.6 Load priority table................................................................................................................. 38
2.3.7 SOE data table....................................................................................................................... 39
2.3.8 Feeder Limit overshoot table ................................................................................................ 39
2.3.9 FPI fault table ....................................................................................................................... 39
2.3.10 Equipment Failure Table....................................................................................................... 39
2.3.11 User defined index table ....................................................................................................... 39
2.3.12 Average time restoration table .............................................................................................. 39
2.3.13 Daily /Weekly Flash report for management of utility ......................................................... 40
2.3.14 Historical Information (HI) Data Retrieval ........................................................................... 40
2.3.15 System Message Log Storage and Retrieval ......................................................................... 40
2.3.16 Mass storage of data/files ...................................................................................................... 40
2.4 Load Shed Application (LSA) .................................................................................................. 40
2.4.1 Basic rules for load shedding & restoration .......................................................................... 41
2.4.2 Modes of operation ............................................................................................................... 41 Manual Load Shed ................................................................................................................ 41 Manual Load Restoration ...................................................................................................... 42 Auto Load Shed .................................................................................................................... 42 Auto Load Restoration .......................................................................................................... 42
2.4.3 Alarms/Events ....................................................................................................................... 43
2.4.4 Summary Report ................................................................................................................... 43
2.5 Common Disaster Replica Recovery Centre ( DRR) ................................................................ 43
2.6 Data recovery function (DR) ..................................................................................................... 43
2.7 RT-DAS system ........................................................................................................................ 44
CHAPTER 3: DMS FUNCTIONS & SUPPORTING FUNCTIONS .................................................. 45
3.0 General Requirements ........................................................................................................... 45
3.1 DMS functions ...................................................................................................................... 45

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3.1.1 Network Connectivity Analysis (NCA) ........................................................................ 51
3.1.2 State Estimation ............................................................................................................ 53
3.1.3 Load Flow Application (LFA) ...................................................................................... 55
3.1.4 Volt –VAR Control (VVC) ........................................................................................... 58
3.1.5 Fault Management & System Restoration (FMSR) Application .................................. 59
3.1.6 Loss Minimization via Feeder Reconfiguration (LMFR) ............................................. 62
3.1.7 Load Balancing via Feeder Reconfiguration (LBFR) ................................................... 63
3.1.8 Operation Monitor......................................................................................................... 64
3.2 Outage Management System ................................................................................................ 65
3.2.1 Outage Scheduling Management .................................................................................. 65
3.2.2 Trouble Call Management System ................................................................................ 65
3.2.3 Crew Dispatch & Work Management Key Features..................................................... 66
3.2.4 Outage Analytics & Reporting ...................................................................................... 67
3.2.5 Web Clients & Mobile Views ....................................................................................... 67
3.3 Disptacher Training Simulator (DTS)................................................................................... 68
3.3.1 Instructor Control .......................................................................................................... 69
3.3.2 Trainee control .............................................................................................................. 69
3.3.3 Pre-Session Activities ................................................................................................... 69
3.3.4 Scenario Construction ................................................................................................... 69
3.3.5 Event Types .................................................................................................................. 70
3.3.6 Event Initiation.............................................................................................................. 71
3.3.7 Session Activities .......................................................................................................... 71
3.3.8 Post-session Activities .................................................................................................. 72
3.3.9 DTS Performance and Sizing ........................................................................................ 72
3.3.10 DTS Database and Displays .......................................................................................... 72
CHAPTER –4: USER INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS .................................................................... 73
4.0 General Requirements ........................................................................................................... 73
4.1 System Users......................................................................................................................... 73
4.2 Function and Data Access Security....................................................................................... 73
4.3 Windows Environment ......................................................................................................... 74
4.4 Display interactions............................................................................................................... 75
4.4.1 Display Requests ........................................................................................................... 75
4.4.2 Display navigation ........................................................................................................ 75
4.4.3 Permanent Indicators..................................................................................................... 76
4.4.4 Default Screen Layout .................................................................................................. 77
4.4.5 Display Note pad........................................................................................................... 77
4.4.6 Quality Code and Tag Indication .................................................................................. 77
4.5 User Interaction Techniques ................................................................................................. 77
4.5.1 User Guidance ............................................................................................................... 78

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4.5.2 User Help ...................................................................................................................... 78
4.5.3 Overlapping user access ................................................................................................ 78
4.5.4 Function Key Usage ...................................................................................................... 79
4.6 Trend ..................................................................................................................................... 79
4.6.1 Graphical Trend ............................................................................................................ 79
4.6.2 Tabular Trending........................................................................................................... 80
4.7 Alarms ................................................................................................................................... 80
4.7.1 Alarm Categories .......................................................................................................... 81
4.7.2 Alarm Priority levels ..................................................................................................... 81
4.7.3 User Interaction for Alarms .......................................................................................... 81
4.7.4 Alarm Inhibit/Enable..................................................................................................... 81
4.7.5 Alarm Acknowledgment ............................................................................................... 81 Audible alarm silencing ................................................................................................ 82 Change Alarm Limits .................................................................................................... 82 Alarm Presentation........................................................................................................ 82
4.8 Events.................................................................................................................................... 82
4.9 Hardcopy Printout ................................................................................................................. 82
4.10 Report Generation ................................................................................................................. 83
4.11 System Configuration Monitoring and Control .................................................................... 83
4.12 Dynamic Data Presentation................................................................................................... 83
4.13 Element Highlighting ............................................................................................................ 84
4.14 Display Types ....................................................................................................................... 84
4.14.1 Dashboard ......................................................................................................................... 84
4.14.2 SCADA/DMS System Display ......................................................................................... 84
4.14.3 Distribution System Network Display .............................................................................. 84
4.14.4 Interchange Display .......................................................................................................... 85
4.14.5 Substation SLD displays Menu ......................................................................................... 85
4.14.6 Substation SLD Displays .................................................................................................. 85
4.14.7 Control panel displays ....................................................................................................... 85
4.14.8 Tabular Displays ............................................................................................................... 85
4.14.9 Alarm Summary Displays ................................................................................................. 85
4.14.10 Event Summary Displays .............................................................................................. 85
4.14.11 Operating Information Summaries ................................................................................ 86
4.14.12 Manual Override Summary ........................................................................................... 86
4.14.13 Off-Normal Summary ................................................................................................... 86
4.14.14 Out-of-Scan Summary .................................................................................................. 86
4.14.15 Alarm Inhibit Summary ................................................................................................ 86
4.14.16 Tag Summary ................................................................................................................ 86
4.14.17 Graphical Trending Summary Displays ........................................................................ 86

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4.14.18 Tabular trending summary display ……………………………………………………86

4.14.19 Notes display ………………………………………………………………………….86

4.14.20 Computer system configuration monitoring display ………………………………….86

4.14.21 RTU/FRTU/FPI channel monitoring display ……………………………………...…87

4.14.22 SCADA /DMS application monitor display ………………………………………….87

4.14.23 SAIDI/SAIFI display …………………………………………………………………87

4.14.24 SLA monitoring display ………………………………………………………………87

4.14.25 Help displays………………………………………………………………………….87

CHAPTER -5: SYSTEM SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................ 88

5.0 General .................................................................................................................................. 88
5.1 Software Standards ............................................................................................................... 88
5.1.1 Design and Coding Standards for SCADA/DMS applications ......................................... 88
5.2 Operating System .................................................................................................................. 89
5.3 Time and Calendar Maintenance .......................................................................................... 89
5.4 Network Software ................................................................................................................. 89
5.4.1 Network Communication .................................................................................................. 89
5.4.2 Network Security .............................................................................................................. 89
5.4.3 Network services ............................................................................................................... 89
5.4.4 Security Services ............................................................................................................... 90
5.4.5 Features ............................................................................................................................. 90
5.4.6 Other Aspects of Security ................................................................................................. 93 Application Security Monitoring ...................................................................................... 93 Analysis and Reports ........................................................................................................ 93 Log Archiving ................................................................................................................... 93 Data Access through intranet ............................................................................................ 94 Signature Updating Requirements .................................................................................... 95 Network Management system (NMS) .............................................................................. 95 Central Cyber security Monitoring & Detection ............................................................... 96
5.5 Database structure ................................................................................................................. 98
5.5.1 Software Maintenance and Development Tools ............................................................... 99
5.6 Database Development software ......................................................................................... 101
5.6.1 Run-Time Database Generation and Maintenance.......................................................... 102
5.7 Display Generation and Management ................................................................................. 103
5.7.1 Display Elements ............................................................................................................ 104
5.7.2 Display Generation and Integration ................................................................................ 105
5.8 Report Generation Software................................................................................................ 105

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5.9 System Generation and Build ............................................................................................. 106
5.10 Software Utilities ................................................................................................................ 106
5.10.1 File Management Utility ................................................................................................. 106
5.10.2 Auxiliary Memory Backup Utility .................................................................................. 106
5.10.3 Failure Analysis Utility ................................................................................................... 106
5.10.4 Diagnostic Utility ............................................................................................................ 107
5.10.5 System utilization Monitoring Utility ............................................................................. 107
5.10.6 Other Utility Services...................................................................................................... 107
CHAPTER -6: HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS FOR SCADA/DMS ............................................ 108
6.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 108
6.1 General Requirements for Hardware .................................................................................. 108

6.2 Hardware Configuration ..................................................................................................... 109

6.2.1 Servers............................................................................................................................. 109
6.2.2 Operator Workstations .................................................................................................... 113
6.2.3 LED color monitor .......................................................................................................... 114
6.2.4 WAN router..................................................................................................................... 114
6.2.5 Local Area Network (LAN) and Device Interfaces ........................................................ 117
6.2.6 Printers ............................................................................................................................ 117
6.2.7 Time and Frequency system............................................................................................ 118
6.2.8 Digital Light Processing (DLP) or LED based Video Projection System....................... 119
6.2.9 Furniture .......................................................................................................................... 120
6.3 Auxiliary Power Supply for Computer systems.................................................................. 120
6.4 Environmental Conditions .................................................................................................. 120
6.5 Acoustic Noise Level .......................................................................................................... 120
6.6 Construction Requirements of panels ................................................................................. 120
6.7 Assembly and Component Identification ............................................................................ 121
6.8 Interconnections .................................................................................................................. 121
6.9 Consumables ....................................................................................................................... 121
6.10 Certain criteria for Hardware /Configuration ...................................................................... 122
CHAPTER 7: CONFIGURATION & SYSTEM AVAILABILITY ................................................... 123
7.0 General ................................................................................................................................ 123
7.1 System Redundancy ............................................................................................................ 123
7.2 Server and Peripheral Device States ................................................................................... 123
7.3 Server States........................................................................................................................ 123
7.4 Peripheral Device States ..................................................................................................... 124
7.5 Functional Redundancy ...................................................................................................... 124
7.6 Backup Databases ............................................................................................................... 124
7.7 Error Detection and Failure Determination......................................................................... 125
7.8 Server and peripheral device Errors .................................................................................... 125

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7.9 Software Errors ................................................................................................................... 125
7.10 Server Redundancy and Configuration Management ......................................................... 125
7.11 Server Startup...................................................................................................................... 126
7.12 Peripheral Device Redundancy and Configuration Management ....................................... 127
7.13 System Configuration Monitoring and Control .................................................................. 127
CHAPTER 8: TESTING & DOCUMENTATION............................................................................. 128
8.0 General ................................................................................................................................ 128
8.1 Type testing......................................................................................................................... 128
8.2 Ad-doc testing ……………………………………………………………………………. 128
8.3 Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) ........................................................................................ 128
8.3.1 Hardware Integration Test .............................................................................................. 128
8.3.2 System Build test ............................................................................................................ 128

8.3.3 Functional Performance Test .......................................................................................... 129

8.3.4 Continuous operation Test (48 hours) ............................................................................. 130
8.4 Field Tests (Site Acceptance tests -SAT)............................................................................ 130
8.4.1 Field Installation Tests .................................................................................................... 130
8.4.2 End-to-End Test .............................................................................................................. 130
8.4.3 Field Performance Test ................................................................................................... 131
8.4.4 Cyber security compliance .............................................................................................. 131
8.5 System Availability Test (360 hours) ................................................................................. 131
8.5.1 Downtime ........................................................................................................................ 133
8.5.2 Holdtime ......................................................................................................................... 133
8.6 Documentation .................................................................................................................... 134
CHAPTER-9: TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS OF RTU ............................................................... 136
9.0 General ................................................................................................................................ 136
9.1 Design Standards ................................................................................................................ 136
9.2 RTU Functions .................................................................................................................... 136
9.3 Communication ports .......................................................................................................... 137
9.3.1 Master Station Communication Protocol ........................................................................ 138
9.3.2 Communication Protocol between RTU & MFTs .......................................................... 138
9.4 Analog Inputs ...................................................................................................................... 138
9.5 Status input.......................................................................................................................... 139
9.6 Sequence of Events (SOE) feature ...................................................................................... 139
9.7 IED pass through................................................................................................................. 140
9.8 PLC capability .................................................................................................................... 140
9.9 Control Outputs ................................................................................................................... 140
9.9.1 Heavy duty control output relays .................................................................................... 140
9.9.2 Control Security and Safety Requirements ..................................................................... 141
9.9.3 Local/Remote selector switch ......................................................................................... 141

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9.9.4 Dummy breaker latching relay ........................................................................................ 141
9.10 Contact Multiplying Relays (CMRs) .................................................................................. 141
9.11 Time facility ........................................................................................................................ 142
9.12 Diagnostic Software ............................................................................................................ 142
9.13 SCADA language based on IEC61131-3 ............................................................................ 142
9.14 Input DC Power Supply ...................................................................................................... 142
9.15 Environmental Requirements .............................................................................................. 142
9.16 RTU Size and Expandability............................................................................................... 142
9.17 RTU Panels ......................................................................................................................... 143
9.18 Wiring/Cabling requirements .............................................................................................. 143
9.19 Terminal Blocks (TBs)........................................................................................................ 144
9.20 RTU Architecture................................................................................................................ 144

9.21 Local Data Monitoring System (LDMS) ............................................................................ 144

CHAPTER-10: TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS OF FRTU ........................................................... 145
10.0 General ................................................................................................................................ 145
10.1 Design Standards ................................................................................................................ 145
10.2 FRTU Functions.................................................................................................................. 145
10.3 Communication ports .......................................................................................................... 146
10.3.1 Master Station Communication Protocol ........................................................................ 146
10.3.2 Communication Protocol between FRTU & MFTs ........................................................ 147
10.4 Analog Inputs ...................................................................................................................... 147
10.5 Status input.......................................................................................................................... 147
10.6 Sequence of Events (SOE) feature ...................................................................................... 147
10.7 Control Outputs ................................................................................................................... 148
10.7.1 Heavy duty control output relays .................................................................................... 148
10.7.2 Control Security and Safety Requirements ..................................................................... 149
10.7.3 Local/Remote selector switch ......................................................................................... 149
10.7.4 Dummy breaker latching relay ........................................................................................ 149
10.8 Contact Multiplying Relays (CMRs) .................................................................................. 149
10.9 Time facility ........................................................................................................................ 150
10.10 Diagnostic Software ........................................................................................................ 150
10.11 Input DC Power Supply .................................................................................................. 150
10.12 Environmental Requirements .......................................................................................... 150
10.13 FRTU Size and Expandability ........................................................................................ 150
10.14 FRTU Panels ................................................................................................................... 150
10.15 Wiring/Cabling requirements .......................................................................................... 151
10.16 Terminal Blocks (TBs).................................................................................................... 152
CHAPTER-11: TRANSDUCER & MODEM REQUIREMNTS....................................................... 153
11.0 Transducer & Modem Requirements .................................................................................. 153

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11.1 Multi-Function Transducers (MFTs) .................................................................................. 154
11.2 DC Transducer .................................................................................................................... 154
11.3 Transformer Tap Position Transducer................................................................................. 155
11.4 Modems............................................................................................................................... 155
11.5 WAN router ........................................................................................................................ 157
SECTION 3, CHAPTER –12 ............................................................................................................. 158
TEST EQUIPMENTS FOR RTU/FRTU ............................................................................................ 158
12.0 RTU/FRTU Configuration and Maintenance Tool ............................................................. 158
12.1 RTU/FRTU Data base configuration & Maintenance software tool ................................... 158
12.2 Master station-cum-RTU/FRTU simulator & protocol analyzer software tool .................. 158
12.3 Laptop PC for above software tools along with interfacing hardware ............................... 158
CHAPTER –13: TESTING, TRAINING & DOCUMENTATION ................................................... 159

13.0 RTU/FRTU Testing ............................................................................................................ 159

13.1 Training ............................................................................................................................... 159
13.2 Documentation .................................................................................................................... 160
CHAPTER 14: AUXILIARY POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM ...................................................................... 164
14.0 General ................................................................................................................................ 164
14.1 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) ................................................................................. 164
14.1.1 UPS Functions................................................................................................................. 164
14.1.2 UPS Operation ................................................................................................................ 165
14.1.3 4.1.3 UPS Equipment Design ......................................................................................... 165
14.1.4 Rectifier/Charger Units ................................................................................................... 166
14.1.5 Invertors .......................................................................................................................... 166
14.1.6 Static Bypass Switches.................................................................................................... 166
14.1.7 Manual Maintenance Bypass Switches ........................................................................... 167
14.1.8 Batteries .......................................................................................................................... 167
14.1.9 Battery Breaker for UPS system ..................................................................................... 167
14.1.10 UPS Control/Monitoring ............................................................................................. 167
14.1.11 Internal Wiring ............................................................................................................ 168
14.1.12 Enclosures/Panels design ............................................................................................ 168
14.1.13 Equipment / Panel Earthing ........................................................................................ 168
14.1.14 External Power Connections ....................................................................................... 168
14.1.15 Testing of UPS ............................................................................................................ 169
14.1.16 Type Test of UPS ........................................................................................................ 169
14.1.17 Factory Acceptance Test of UPS ................................................................................ 169
14.1.18 Documentation, and completeness of the hardware .................................................... 169
14.1.19 Environmental Conditions .......................................................................................... 169
14.2 AC Distribution Boards ...................................................................................................... 170
14.2.1 Enclosures/Panels............................................................................................................ 171

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14.2.2 Equipment/Panel Earthing & Surge Protection............................................................... 171
14.2.3 Cabling Requirements ..................................................................................................... 171 Power Cables .............................................................................................................. 171 Cable Identification ..................................................................................................... 171 Cable and Hardware Installation ................................................................................. 172 Enclosures/Panels design ............................................................................................ 172 Enclosure/Panel Earthing ............................................................................................ 172
14.3 DC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM........................................................................................ 173
14.3.1 General Technical Requirements for SMPS based DC power supply units ................... 173
14.3.2 Operational/Component Requirements ........................................................................... 174
14.3.3 Wiring ............................................................................................................................. 174
14.3.4 Bus Bars .......................................................................................................................... 174

14.3.5 Earthing ........................................................................................................................... 174

14.3.6 Finish and Painting.......................................................................................................... 176
14.3.7 Marking and Labelling of Cables .................................................................................... 176
14.3.8 Name Plate ...................................................................................................................... 176
14.3.9 System and Panel Configuration ..................................................................................... 176
14.3.10 System Configuration ................................................................................................. 176
14.3.11 Constructional Features of Panel ................................................................................ 177
14.3.12 Electrical Requirements: ............................................................................................. 177
14.3.13 DC output Characteristics of Modules ........................................................................ 178
14.3.14 Current Limiting (Voltage Droop) .............................................................................. 178
14.3.15 Soft/Slow Start Feature ............................................................................................... 178
14.3.16 Voltage overshoot/Undershoot.................................................................................... 178
14.3.17 Electrical Noise ........................................................................................................... 179
14.3.18 Parallel Operation ....................................................................................................... 179
14.3.19 Protection .................................................................................................................... 179 DC Over voltage protection ........................................................................................ 179
14.3.20 Fuse/Circuit Breakers .................................................................................................. 179
14.3.21 AC Under/Over Voltage Protection ............................................................................ 179
14.3.22 Over Load/Short Circuit Protection ............................................................................ 179
14.3.23 Alarms and indicating lamps ....................................................................................... 179
14.3.24 Termination ................................................................................................................. 180
14.3.25 4.3.25 DC Terminations .............................................................................................. 180
14.3.26 Power Cables .............................................................................................................. 180
14.3.27 Earthing Cables ........................................................................................................... 180
14.3.28 Alarms ......................................................................................................................... 180
14.3.29 Temperature Compensation for Battery ...................................................................... 181
14.3.30 Digital Meters/Display Unit ........................................................................................ 181

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14.3.31 Type Testing of DCPS ................................................................................................ 181
14.3.32 Factory/Site Testing of DCPS ..................................................................................... 182
14.4 BATTERY REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................... 183
14.4.1 Constructional Requirements .......................................................................................... 184
14.4.2 Containers ....................................................................................................................... 184
14.4.3 Cell Covers...................................................................................................................... 184
14.4.4 Separators ........................................................................................................................ 184
14.4.5 Pressure Regulation Valve .............................................................................................. 184
14.4.6 Terminal Posts ................................................................................................................ 184
14.4.7 Connectors, Nuts & Bolts, Heat Shrinkable Sleeves ...................................................... 185
14.4.8 Flame Arrestors ............................................................................................................... 185
14.4.9 Battery Bank Stand ......................................................................................................... 185

14.4.10 Capacity Requirements ............................................................................................... 185

14.4.11 Expected Battery Life ................................................................................................. 185
14.4.12 Routine Maintenance of Battery system ..................................................................... 186
14.4.13 Testing of Battery........................................................................................................ 186
14.5 Testing Requirements ......................................................................................................... 186
14.6 2KVA UPS.......................................................................................................................... 186
14.7 Documentation .................................................................................................................... 187
14.8 Mandatory Spares ............................................................................................................... 188
CHAPTER-15: SCADA ENABLERS ................................................................................................ 189
15.0 STANDARDS: ................................................................................................................... 189
15.1 11kV 5 - 3 way Ring Main unit .......................................................................................... 189
15.1.1 Key RMU Configurations of Ring Main Unit ................................................................ 190
15.1.2 Scope of Work ................................................................................................................ 190
15.1.3 Environmental Conditions .............................................................................................. 191
15.1.4 Distribution Network Electrical Parameters ................................................................... 191
15.1.5 Testing............................................................................................................................. 191
15.1.6 11 kV 5 way and 3 way RMU Technical Parameters ..................................................... 192
15.1.7 Maintainability, Expandability and Life Span ................................................................ 193 Maintainability ............................................................................................................ 193 Expandability .............................................................................................................. 193 Life Span ..................................................................................................................... 193
15.1.8 Outdoor Features ............................................................................................................. 193 General ........................................................................................................................ 193 Corrosion Protection ................................................................................................... 193 Immunity to Electrical Stress and Disturbance ........................................................... 194 Minimum Insulation of Equipment ............................................................................. 194 Nameplate Information ............................................................................................... 194

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15.1.9 Interconnecting Cables, Wiring, Connectors, and Terminal Blocks ............................... 194 Metallic Cables ........................................................................................................... 194 Connectors .................................................................................................................. 195 RMU-FRTU Connectors ............................................................................................. 195
15.1.10 5.6 RMU Characteristics ............................................................................................. 195
15.1.11 General Requirements ................................................................................................. 195
15.1.12 Parameter Requirements ............................................................................................. 196
15.1.13 Design Details ............................................................................................................. 197
15.1.14 Earthing ....................................................................................................................... 198
15.1.15 Incomer Load Break Switches .................................................................................... 198
15.1.16 Circuit Breakers .......................................................................................................... 198
15.1.17 Cable Termination....................................................................................................... 199

15.1.18 Safety of Equipment.................................................................................................... 199

15.1.19 Current and Voltage Transformers ............................................................................. 199 Current Transformers .................................................................................................. 199 CTs for Metering..................................................................................................... 199 CTs for Protection: .................................................................................................. 200 Voltage Transformers ................................................................................................. 200
15.1.20 Fault Passage Indicator for RMU ................................................................................ 200 The FPIs shall include: ................................................................................................ 200 The characteristics of the FPIs shall include ............................................................... 201 Protection Relay .......................................................................................................... 201 General .................................................................................................................... 201 Features and Characteristics.................................................................................... 201
15.1.21 Power Supply and auxiliary power transformer .......................................................... 202
15.1.22 Multi-Function Transducer (MFT) ............................................................................. 203
15.1.23 Construction ................................................................................................................ 203
15.1.24 Enclosures ................................................................................................................... 203
15.1.25 Motors ......................................................................................................................... 204
15.1.26 Inspection and Test ..................................................................................................... 204 Inspections .................................................................................................................. 204 Test Procedures ........................................................................................................... 205 Test Reports ................................................................................................................ 205 Factory Acceptance Test ............................................................................................. 205 Routine Factory Tests ................................................................................................. 205
15.1.27 Operating Manuals ...................................................................................................... 206 As-Built Documents and Drawings ............................................................................ 206
15.2 11 KV Auto-recloser ........................................................................................................... 206
15.2.1 Scope of Work ................................................................................................................ 207

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15.2.2 Applicable Standard ........................................................................................................ 208
15.2.3 Definitions and Abbreviations ........................................................................................ 208
15.2.4 Requirements .................................................................................................................. 210 General ........................................................................................................................ 210 Environmental Conditions .......................................................................................... 210 Testing......................................................................................................................... 211 Mounting Features of Autorecloser ............................................................................ 211 Bushings ...................................................................................................................... 211 Finish........................................................................................................................... 211 Control Equipment ...................................................................................................... 211
15.2.5 Auto recloser Operation parameters................................................................................ 214
15.2.6 Auto Recloser Statistical Measurement Functions ......................................................... 214

15.2.7 Power Quality analysis characteristics ............................................................................ 215 Local Engineering ....................................................................................................... 215 Event Records ............................................................................................................. 215 Tele Control Requirements ......................................................................................... 216 Communication ........................................................................................................... 217 Power Supply .............................................................................................................. 217 Maintenance and commissioning ................................................................................ 217 Rating Plate ................................................................................................................. 217 Additional Information ............................................................................................... 218 Tests ............................................................................................................................ 219 Packing and Documentation ....................................................................................... 219
15.3 11 KV Sectionalizer ............................................................................................................ 220
15.3.1 Scope of Work ................................................................................................................ 220
15.3.2 Applicable Standard ........................................................................................................ 220
15.3.3 Construction .................................................................................................................... 220 General ........................................................................................................................ 220 Environmental Conditions .......................................................................................... 221 Distribution Network Electrical Parameters ............................................................... 221
15.3.4 Definitions And Abbreviations ....................................................................................... 221
15.3.5 Testing............................................................................................................................. 223
15.3.6 Mounting of Sectionalizer ............................................................................................... 223
15.3.7 Bushings .......................................................................................................................... 223
15.3.8 Finish............................................................................................................................... 223
15.3.9 Control Equipment .......................................................................................................... 223
15.3.10 Detection, Measurement & Power Quality characteristics ......................................... 224
15.3.11 Power Quality analysis characteristics ........................................................................ 226
15.3.12 Tele Control Requirements ......................................................................................... 227

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15.3.13 Communication ........................................................................................................... 227
15.3.14 Power Supplies............................................................................................................ 227
15.3.15 Maintenance and Commissioning ............................................................................... 228
15.3.16 Rating Plate ................................................................................................................. 228
15.3.17 Additional Information ............................................................................................... 229
15.3.18 Test.............................................................................................................................. 230
15.3.19 Packing/Documentation .............................................................................................. 230
15.3.20 Auxiliary Supply to the Controller Unit of Auto Recloser and Sectionliser ............... 231 STD: IS 3156-1992: voltage transformers .................................................................. 231
15.3.21 Fault passage indicators .............................................................................................. 231 Environmental specifications ...................................................................................... 231
15.4 Fault Passage Indicator (Communicable with FRTU/ Direct to Control Centre ) .............. 232

15.4.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................... 232

15.4.2 Quality Assurance ........................................................................................................... 232
15.4.3 Wireless communication Fault detection systems .......................................................... 232 General information .................................................................................................... 232
15.4.4 Constitution ..................................................................................................................... 233 Components ................................................................................................................ 233
15.4.5 Installation: ..................................................................................................................... 234 Inrush Restraint ........................................................................................................... 232 Reset............................................................................................................................ 234 Transient fault evolution: ............................................................................................ 234
15.4.6 Operational specifications ............................................................................................... 234 Fault detection ............................................................................................................. 234
15.4.7 Additional requirements .................................................................................................. 237 Marking ....................................................................................................................... 237 Environmental specifications ...................................................................................... 237 Dielectric withstand .................................................................................................... 237 Electromagnetic compatibility .................................................................................... 237 Environment ................................................................................................................ 238
15.5 Numerical relays / BCPU .................................................................................................... 238
15.5.1 Engineering Tools ........................................................................................................... 239
15.5.2 Standards Compliance and Certificates........................................................................... 239
15.5.3 Protection and Control .................................................................................................... 240
15.5.4 Measurement, Power Quality and Records ..................................................................... 241
15.6 General Requirements ......................................................................................................... 241
15.6.1 Documentation ................................................................................................................ 241
15.6.2 Labels/Name Plate .......................................................................................................... 241
15.6.3 Surface Treatment and Painting Of Steel Parts ............................................................... 241

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15.6.4 Workmanship: ................................................................................................................. 242
15.6.5 Drawing and Literatures ETC ......................................................................................... 242
15.6.6 Overall Dimensions......................................................................................................... 242
15.6.7 Tests & test certificates ................................................................................................... 242
15.6.8 Guarantee ........................................................................................................................ 242
15.6.9 Training ........................................................................................................................... 242
15.6.10 RMUs: ......................................................................................................................... 243
15.6.11 Auto Reclosers ............................................................................................................ 243
15.6.12 Sectionalizer ................................................................................................................ 243
15.6.13 Fault passage indicators .............................................................................................. 243
CHAPTER 16: SUPPORT SERVICES AND TRAINING ................................................................ 246
16.0 General ................................................................................................................................ 246

16.1 Training Course Requirements ........................................................................................... 246

16.1.1 Database, Display Building & Report generation Course ............................................... 246
16.1.2 Computer System Hardware & Software Course............................................................ 247
16.1.3 Application Software Course .......................................................................................... 247
16.1.4 RTU/FRTU / SCADA enabler course............................................................................. 248
16.1.5 Operator Training Course ............................................................................................... 248
16.1.6 SCADA enabler, networking, power supply related Training: ....................................... 248
CHAPTER 17: SUPPORT SERVICES- FMS .................................................................................... 249
17.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 249
17.1 Scope of Work .................................................................................................................... 249
17.1.1 Hours of cover ................................................................................................................. 250
17.1.2 Essence of the Agreement ............................................................................................... 251 Service Delivery Management .................................................................................... 251
17.2 Support Services ................................................................................................................. 256
17.2.1 Emergency Support ......................................................................................................... 256
17.2.2 Monitoring ...................................................................................................................... 256 Error Log Monitoring.................................................................................................. 256 Resource Monitoring................................................................................................... 256
17.2.3 Support for System expansion ........................................................................................ 257
17.3 Problem Severity Levels ..................................................................................................... 257
17.3.1 Severity of the system under different Severity level ..................................................... 257
17.4 Problem/Defect Reporting Procedure ................................................................................. 258
17.5 Response and Resolution Time ........................................................................................... 258
17.5.1 Emergency Support Response/Resolution Time ............................................................. 259
17.6 Preventive Maintenance ...................................................................................................... 259
17.7 Availability and Payment charges Calculation ................................................................... 260
17.7.1 Availability computation for SCADA-DMS-OMS System ............................................ 260

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17.7.2 Payment of maintenance charges (based on SCADA-DMS -OMS System availability )260
17.8 The Contractor’s Obligations .............................................................................................. 264
17.9 Responsibilities of Utility ................................................................................................... 264
17.10 Responsibility Matrix ...................................................................................................... 264
............................................................................................................................................................ 267
18.0 Project Management ........................................................................................................... 267
18.1 Project Schedule.................................................................................................................. 267
18.2 Progress Report ................................................................................................................... 267
18.3 Transmittals......................................................................................................................... 267
18.4 Quality Assurance & Testing .............................................................................................. 268
18.4.1 Quality Assurance and Quality Control Program............................................................ 268
18.4.2 Inspection ........................................................................................................................ 269
18.4.3 Inspection and Test ......................................................................................................... 270 Test Plans & Procedures ............................................................................................. 271 Test Records................................................................................................................ 271 Reporting of variances ................................................................................................ 271 Factory Test ................................................................................................................ 271 Field Performance Test ............................................................................................... 272
18.5 Type Testing ....................................................................................................................... 272
18.6 Documentation .................................................................................................................... 272

Chapter 19 Design & performance tables & Indicative BoQ

Table 1-8 Design & performance tables…………………………………………..275-291

Table 9 indicative BoQ ……………………………………………………………...292- 316

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1.0 Introduction:-
As per Government of India’s commitment for providing 24x7 uninterrupted, quality, reliable
and affordable power supply, that the Revamped Reforms Based and Results Linked
Distribution Sector Scheme has been formulated by Ministry of Power for supporting
DISCOMs to undertake reforms and improve performance in a time bound manner.
The Revamped Reforms-based and Results-linked, Distribution Sector Scheme seeks to
improve the operational efficiencies and financial sustainability, by providing conditional
financial assistance to DISCOMs for strengthening of supply infrastructure based on meeting
pre-qualifying criteria and achieving basic minimum benchmarks.
The Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme has the following parts:
Part A - Metering & Distribution Infrastructure Works: Facilitating in installing smart prepaid
meters for all consumers, communicable meters integrated with AMR for all DTs & Feeders
and a unified billing and collection system; Feeder Segregation, aerial bunched cables, SCADA
and distribution management system (DMS) in urban areas and regular distribution
infrastructure creation and strengthening works in all areas.
Part B - Training & Capacity Building and other Enabling & Supporting Activities: Supporting
and enabling components, such as Nodal Agency fee, enabling components of MoP
(communication plan, consumer awareness and other associated measures such as third-party
evaluation etc), up-gradation of Smart Grid Knowledge Centre, training and capacity building,
awards and recognitions etc.
1.1 Objectives
The objectives of the scheme are to:
 Improve the quality, reliability and affordability of power supply to consumers through
a financially sustainable and operationally efficient distribution sector;
 Reduce the AT&C losses to pan-India levels of 12-15% by 2024-25;
 Reduce ACS-ARR gap to zero by 2024-25.
The state-wise targets will depend on their current levels of AT&C losses and ACS-ARR gap.
1.2 Parts of the Scheme
The Scheme has the following parts -
 Part A
 Component I: Metering
 Component II: Distribution Infrastructure Works
 Component III: Project Management
 Part B: Training, Capacity Building and other Enabling & Supporting
1.2.1 Eligible Works and Activities under Part A – Metering
 Facilitating in installing prepaid smart meters for all consumers along with associated
AMI, communicable meters for DTs & Feeders, ICT including Artificial Intelligence
(AI), Machine Learning (ML), etc. based solutions for power Sector and a unified
billing and collection system;

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 Distribution infrastructure works as required for strengthening and modernizing the

system as well as measures for loss reduction. The infrastructure strengthening works
will include separation of Agriculture feeders to enable implementation of the
KUSUM scheme, Aerial Bunch cables and HVDS for loss reduction, replacement of
HT/LT lines as required, construction of new/ up-gradation of substations, SCADA
and DMS system etc. Each DISCOM/ State will draw up the scheme according to its
requirement with the end objective of reducing losses and ensuring 24 x 7 supply.
1.2.2 Eligible Works and Activities under Part A- Distribution Infrastructure Works
Under this component, DISCOM can take up works related to loss reduction and system
strengthening. 33kv level and below will be eligible under this component. In areas, were 33kv
system does not exist, 110 kV/ 66kV shall be permitted. A list of indicative works is given
i. Construction of new substations, augmentation of substations
ii. Provision of Armoured / Aerial bunched Cables (ABC) or High Voltage
Distribution System in high loss areas.
iii. Segregation / Bifurcation of feeders and other allied works
iv. Replacement of conductors, which are old/frayed
v. Additional HT lines to improve quality of supply
vi. IT/OT works
vii. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Distribution Management
System (DMS) in urban areas
 SCADA/DMS in 100 towns (approx.) with eligibility of towns having
population > =1 Lacs in special category states and towns having population >
= 2.75 Lacs in other states as per Census 2011 data, as well as all
Capital/DISCOM HQ towns, if not covered earlier.
 Basic SCADA in 3875 towns approx. based on district-wise or Circle-wise
common control centers in all other statutory towns
viii. Works like new feeders, capacitors etc. for loss reduction
ix. Under-ground cabling works
x. Any other works required for system strengthening and loss reduction
Segregation of feeders dedicated only for supply of power for agricultural purpose, which are
proposed to be solarized under Kisan Urja Suraksha Evam Utthan Mahabhiyan (KUSUM)
scheme will be sanctioned on priority under the scheme. Further, agricultural feeders once
segregated will not be used for serving other non-agricultural consumers.
1.2.3 Eligible entities for Part A
All State-owned Distribution companies and State /UT Power Departments (referred to as
DISCOMs collectively) excluding private Sector power companies will be eligible for financial
assistance under the revamped scheme. The State transmission utilities which own and operate
network at 110 kV and 66 kV levels in areas where 33 kV system does not exist shall also be
eligible (for this purpose, all eligibility, and other relevant parameters of respective DISCOMs
shall be evaluated) Further, funds release and any coordination shall be through DISCOM only,
for such works to be executed in the specific manner by the transmission utility).

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The scheme would be optional to DISCOMs and will be implemented in urban and rural areas
of all States/UTs except private DISCOMs.
1.2.4 Eligible Works and Activities under Part B -
Part B encompasses work related to Training, Capacity Building and other Enabling
& Supporting Activities
1.3 SCADA /DMS system
The objective of reducing Aggregate Technical and Commercial (AT&C) losses in the project
area can be achieved by plugging pilferage points & reliability by improvement in supply of
quality power, faster identification of faults & early restoration of power, proper metering,
strategic placement of capacitor banks & switches, proper planning and design of distribution
network. Bidder /Contractor responsible to implementation of the system shall be SIA
(SCADA Implementation Agency)
1.3.1 Groups of SCADA system eligibility criteria’s & components Group-A: SCADA /DMS system in towns Eligibility
The real time monitoring & control of the distribution system through state-of-the art
SCADA/DMS system encompassing all distribution Sub-stations & secondary network
emanating from S/S shall be implemented to achieve objective of this scheme. SCADA/DMS
system for Towns with following criteria shall be eligible
Non special category states

 Town population > = 2.75 Lacs (as per 2011 Census data) in non-special category
states and Capital /Discom/PD HQ towns
Special category states
 Town population > =1 Lacs (as per 2011 Census data) in special category states
and Capital /Discom HQ towns

Further, works in existing SCADA /DMS towns due to outgrowth /suburb and differential
area/electrical network (newly added S/S, Feeders) or functions such as OMS, FPI , additional
RTU/ FRTU w.r.t RAPDRP or legacy SCADA/RT-DAS (For new locations or locations
where faulty equipment or equipment with end of life ) may be considered as up-gradation of
the system as Group U towns.
Further, where RTDAS under IPDS is commissioned, the existing FRTU shall act as Sub RTU
to new RTU and report all Input points captured to new RTU and I/O card for differential
points may only be considered in configuration of new RTU in order maximize usage of
infrastructure created under RT-DAS.
In case of numerical relays, RTU at substations to act as gateway , data concentrator for
numerical relays/ BCPUs connected over IEC 61850 and I/O Cards in RTUs to be configured
accordingly i.e. for bays where requisite I/Os are not served through numerical relays/ BCPUs. Components of Group- A towns
Major components that a SCADA /DMS implementation would include are given as under.
However, the final scope of work will be finalized by the utilities as per their requirements in

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the relevant RFP document. Survey, Supply, Design, Engineering, Installation, Testing,
Commissioning, Go-Live & service based (SLA) for utility for:
a. SCADA/DMS Control Centre (SDCC) at each Group-A town
b. Common Disaster Recovery Centre for SCADA/DMS for group-A towns per utility or
town as per requirement and availability of infrastructure (Building etc.) by utility
c. SCADA & Information Storage & Retrieval (ISR) Functions
d. Load Shed application (LSA)
e. Outage data analytics and reporting (ODAR)
f. DMS Functions
i. Network Connectivity Analysis (NCA)
ii. State Estimator (SE)
iii. Load Flow (LF)
iv. Voltage VAR Control (VVC)
v. Fault Management and System Restoration (FMSR)
vi. Feeder Reconfiguration, Loss Minimization, Load Balancing, LMFR,LBFR)
vii. Operation Monitor (OM)
g. OMS Functions
i. Trouble call & Outage Management System (TCOMS)
ii. Crew assignment & Work Order Management (CAWOM)
iii. Mobile APP, Web client for Crew (MAWC)

h. SCADA/DMS/ Dispatcher training simulator (DTS) for each town

i. SCADA/DMS system to supervise & control primary S/S & secondary HV Distribution
j. RTUs at all primary S/S & FRTUs at RMUs, /Auto Reclosers/Sectionalizers, FPI
communicable on secondary HV Distribution network etc. MFTs at Feeders
k. Ring Main Units (RMUs) suitable for multi-feed systems for proposed loads
l. Sectionalizers for sectioning the circuit
m. Auto reclosers at proposed feeder heads
n. Fault passage Indicators (Communicable ) for fault reporting
o. Secured Communication using VPN/SSL
i. MPLS network for connecting all S/S RTUs to Main & DR center
ii. Secured GPRS/MPLS-4G/DLC etc. for communicating of FRTUs /FPIs
with controlcenters
p. Protocols for communication

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i. IEC 60870-5-104 –RTU, IEC 60870-5-104/101 for FRTUs, FPI to control

ii. MODBUS or IEC 60870-5-101/104 – MFTs to RTUs/FRTUs
iii. ICCP (TASE.2) between SCADA/DMS Control center /DR center & state load
dispatch center(optional)
iv. Support /compliance to IEC61850 ,IEC60870-5 suite for RTU/CC for numerical
q. Support /compliance to DLMS/ IEC 62056 for SMART meters
r. Cyber security compliance from CERT.IN empanelled agencies and any other notified
MoP/Nodal agency /CEA from time to time.
s. Machine to Machine requisite data transfer of reliability to National Power Portal or
any other portal as directed by MoP /PFC / CEA in the desired format such as JSON
Object, XML , CSV etc.
t. Conducting Factory Acceptance Test (FAT), Site Acceptance Test (SAT), Type test (as
required), etc. successfully, Go live, operational acceptance & handing over to
u. Service based (SLA ) support for utility post enterprise Go-Live to utility

Ref Fig 1.1

The real time monitoring & control of the distribution system through state-of-the art SCADA
system encompassing all distribution Sub-stations & FPIs at secondary network emanating

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from S/S shall be implemented to achieve objective of this scheme. SCADA system for Towns
with following criteria shall be eligible
SCADA in towns based on Common district-wise or Circle-wise or Zone wise common
control centers in all other statutory towns (2011 census) with population 25000 or more. Components of Group- B towns
Major components that a SCADA implementation would include are given as under.
However, the final scope of work will be finalized by the utilities as per their requirements in
the relevant RFP document. Survey, Supply, Design, Engineering, Installation, Testing,
Commissioning, Go-Live & service based (SLA) utility for:
 Common District/ Circle /Zone - wise, Standard SCADA Control Centre (SSCC) for
all eligible in the district. (A district control center can be clubbed in to Zonal SCADA
control centers (ZSCC) adjoining districts if present count of aggregated O/G Feeders
is up to 400 feeders. This includes monitoring of Substations of Group C also). Further,
for Ladakh, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh,
Tripura, Andaman, Puducherry, DNH&DD, Goa, Lakshadweep etc. may have
common ZSCC in each state for all towns for SCADA besides SDCC for capital town.
This is a guideline to create appropriate architecture. However, utilities of other states
can decide to club / co-locate ZSCC with SDCC as per the ease in monitoring /control
of electrical network / optimize control centers requirements based on availability of
building infra for control centers as per sanction
 Common Data Recovery Centre for SCADA for group-B towns per utility
 SCADA & Information Storage & Retrieval (ISR) Functions
 Network Connectivity Analysis (NCA)
 State Estimator (SE)
 Load Flow (LF)
 Load Shed Application(LSA)
 Outage data analytics and reporting (ODAR)
 SCADA Dispatcher training simulator (DTS) per Control center
 SCADA system to supervise& control primary S/S & monitor FPIs at secondary HV
Distribution network
 RTUs at all primary S/S &, FPI communicable on secondary HV Distribution network
etc. MFTs at Feeders
 Fault passage Indicators (Communicable/ Non Communicable ) for fault reporting
 Secured Communication using VPN/SSL
 MPLS network for connecting all S/S RTUs to Main & DR center
 Secured GPRS/MPLS-4G/DLC etc. for communicating of FPIs with control centers
 Protocols for communication
 IEC 60870-5-104 –RTU, IEC 60870-5-104/101 for FRTUs, FPI to control
 MODBUS or IEC 60870-5-101/104 – MFTs to RTUs

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 ICCP (TASE.2) between SCADA/DMS Control center /DR center & state load
dispatch center(optional)
 Support /compliance to IEC61850 ,IEC60870-5 suite for RTU/CC for
numerical relays

Ref. Fig 1.2
 Support /compliance to DLMS/ IEC 62056 for SMART meters
 Cyber security compliance from CERT.IN empanelled agencies and any other
notified MoP/Nodal agency /CEA from time to time.
 Machine to Machine requisite data transfer of reliability to National Power Portal
or any other portal as directed by MoP /PFC / CEA in the desired format such as
JSON Object, XML, and CSV etc.

 Conducting Factory Acceptance Test (FAT), Site Acceptance Test (SAT), Type test
(as required), etc. successfully, Go live, operational acceptance & handing over to
 Service based (SLA ) support during FMS for utility post Operational acceptance
 Further , where RTDAS under IPDS is commissioned , existing FRTU shall act as

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Sub RTU to new RTU and report all Input points captured to new RTU and I/O
card for differential points may only be considered in configuration of new RTU in
order maximize usage of infrastructure created under RT-DAS
 In case of numerical relays, RTU at substations to act as gateway , data concentrator
for numerical relays/ BCPUs connected over IEC 61850 and I/O Cards in RTUs
to be configured accordingly i.e. for bays where requisite I/Os are not served
through numerical relays/ BCPUs Group-C : RT-DAS system in towns Eligibility
The real time monitoring of the distribution system through state-of-the a RT-DAS system
encompassing all distribution Sub-stations & FPIs at secondary network emanating from S/S
shall be implemented to achieve objective of this scheme. SCADA system for Towns with
following criteria shall be eligible
RT-DAS in towns based on Common district-wise or Circle-wise or Zone wise common
control centers of Group B in all other statutory towns (2011 census) with population less
than 25000. However, based on the requirement, utility may opt basic SCADA Components of Group- C towns
Major components that a RT-DAS implementation would include are given as under.
However, the final scope of work will be finalized by the utilities as per their requirements in
the relevant RFP document. Survey, Supply, Design, Engineering, Installation, Testing,
Commissioning, Go-Live & service based (SLA) for utility for:
 Common District/ Circle /Zone - wise, Standard SCADA Control Centre (SSCC)
for all eligible in the district. (A district control center can be clubbed Zonal
SCADA control centers (ZSCC) adjoining districts if present count of aggregated
O/G Feeders is up to 400 feeders. This includes monitoring of Substations of Group
C also. Further, for Ladakh, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Sikkim,
Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Andaman, Puducherry, DNH&DD, Goa,
Lakshadweep shall have common ZSCC in each state for all towns for SCADA
besides SDCC for capital town.
 Real time Data Acquisition & Information Storage & Retrieval (ISR) Functions
 Network Connectivity Analysis (NCA)
 State Estimator (SE)
 Load Flow (LF)
 Outage data analytics and reporting (ODAR)
 RT-DAS system to supervise primary S/S & monitor FPIs at secondary HV
Distribution network
 RTUs at all primary S/S &, FPI communicable on secondary HV Distribution
network etc. MFTs at Feeders
 Fault passage Indicators (Communicable/ Non Communicable ) for fault reporting
 Secured Communication using VPN/SSL
 MPLS network for connecting all S/S RTUs to Main & DR center.

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 Secured GPRS/MPLS-4G/DLC etc. for communicating of FPIs with control centers.

 Protocols for communication
 IEC 60870-5-104 –RTU, IEC 60870-5-104/101 for FRTUs, FPI to control
 MODBUS or IEC 60870-5-101/104 – MFTs to RTUs
 ICCP (TASE.2) between SCADA/DMS Control center /DR center &
state load dispatch center(optional)
 Support /compliance to IEC61850 ,IEC60870-5 suite for RTU/CC for
numerical relays

Ref Fig 1.3


 Support /compliance to DLMS/ IEC 62056 for SMART meters

 Cyber security compliance from CERT.IN empanelled agencies and any other
notified MoP/Nodal agency /CEA from time to time.

 Machine to Machine requisite data transfer of reliability to National Power Portal

or any other portal as directed by MoP /PFC / CEA in the desired format such as
JSON Object, XML , CSV etc.
 Conducting Factory Acceptance Test (FAT), Site Acceptance Test (SAT), Type test
(as required), etc. successfully, Go live, operational acceptance & handing over to
the customer.

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 Service based (SLA ) support during FMS for utility post Operational acceptance
1.3.2 Make in India
Keeping in view the aims and objectives of Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan, Ministry of Power
has issued Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) for Purchase Preference (linked
with local content) Order in respect of Power Sector on 28.7.2020. This order is in line with the
DPIIT Notification No.P-45021/2/2017-PP (BE-II) dated 4th June, 2020. This order along-with
amendments, if any, from time to time, shall be followed by the DISCOMs and bidder in the
implementation of the scheme.
1.3.3 Broad Role Definition for SIA
The SIA in coordination with utility (as per the requirement to be given in the detailed RFP and
group A , B , C, U towns ) shall carry out field survey, design ,engineering, supply, installation,
testing & commissioning of SCADA/DMS software applications, Dispatcher Training
Simulator (DTS) , hardware (including PCs, Servers, Routers, Switches, VPS, RTU, FRTUs,
Multi-function Transducers (MFTs), Communication equipment , Auxiliary power supply
etc.), software (including operating system, databases, network management system etc.),
network (LAN,WAN), RMUs, Sectionalizers, A/R , FPIs etc.
Integration with existing /under implementation IT system under IPDS & any other relevant
SCADA/ DMS or RT-DAS legacy/ Numerical relay in the identified project areas of the utility
in the RFP
Data of outage /SAIDI/SAIFI to be transported in machine to machine mode to National Power
portal or any other GoI portal as notified in future.
Integration with State Load Dispatch center (SLDC) for the state for exchanging relevant real
time data & scheduling data over ICCP if opted by utility. In case utility includes data exchange
facility with SLDC, then it is their responsibility to do necessary bilateral agreement for data
exchange with TRANSCO or owner of SLDC. & facilitate necessary help to SIA
Facilities management services for maintaining infrastructure as per SLA , post successful
completion of acceptance tests for a period of seven years from the date of completion of
acceptance test.
The key components of the model RFP includes & not limited to following:
1) Hardware: site survey, planning, assembly/ manufacturing, design & Engineering,
Supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling,
storage, installation, testing, commissioning and documentation of all necessary
hardware and networking equipment and its connectivity, as specified in the detailed
specifications. The SIA shall take the responsibility to install the servers, RTU/FRTU,
MFTs, Video Projection System (VPS) switches, routers, backup and tape devices,
Workstation PCs, Aux Power supply, communication equipment, RMUs,
Sectionalizers, A/R, FPIs etc. and other necessary hardware/software at the sites. The
SIA shall provide the time frame for procuring and delivering all the necessary
hardware. Though the scope covers establishment of a SCADA/DMS control center
along with associated hardware and software, the SIA shall design and provide the
Software & hardware at SCADA/DMS control center including RTU/FRTU locations
with 100% expandability for future growth in electrical distribution network of the city.
The delivered hardware ( Processor ,HDD, RAM &software etc.) for servers, PCs ,RTU,
FRTU etc. shall be sized for ultimate system sizing while maintaining the performance,
availability & functions as per specification.. However, other items such as I/O modules,

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additional workstation can be added as per the growth in the network The SIA shall
provide the necessary design & engineering documents, drawings and plan, sizing,
cabling and connectivity and the bill of material, etc. & obtain approval from utility
2) Software: Site survey, planning, assembly/ manufacturing, design & Engineering,
Supply, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance, delivery at site, handling,
storage, installation, testing, commissioning and documentation of operating systems at
servers/desktops, database and SCADA/DMS,OMS, RTDAS application software, etc.
3) Facilities management services (FMS) for maintaining infrastructure, activities for
creation/ modification /deletion of database / display, reports , GIS data maintenance
and activities related to additional RTU/FRTU/ and enablers etc. procured by utility
to cater growth of electrical distribution network . During the FMS period any creation
modification/addition/deletion of database incl. GIS , RTU/FRTU/displays/ reports,
limits setting etc. shall be ensured in line with change/ growth of electrical network in
form of new RTU/FRTU/ RMU/Sectionalizers/ FPIs , numerical replays etc. provided
by utility. The activities shall be ensured for atleast post successful completion of
acceptance tests for a period of seven years from the date of completion of operational
acceptance of the SCADA/DMS System. However, under RDSS scheme, utilities will
be funded & awarded for FMS for two years from the date of Go-Live / S.A.T only but
bids will be evaluated considering 5 years of FMS
The Contractor shall be required to provide the services under FMS so as to manage
entire system including all equipment, installations including hardware, software &
networks installed & commissioned by Contractor for the utility in order that they meet
the availability requirement as specified in the document.
The System Management Services shall be provided by SIA as FMS Contractor inorder
that maximum uptime & performance levels of systems installed are ensured. As such,
FMS Contractor is expected to provide services as per ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library)
standards with performance levels meeting or exceeding those mentioned in Service
Level Agreement (SLA) agreed between utility & Contractor.
To achieve the desired Service Levels, the Contractor may need to interact, coordinate
and collaborate with the other Service Providers as required. The Contractor will act
as the Single Point of Contact for all issues relating to the Service Levels. The
Contractor will have the responsibility to deal with the other vendors (during warranty
period) /other vendors as selected by utility (after warranty period) as the case maybe, to
provide the services at agreed service levels. However, the prime responsibility of
providing desired services shall be that of lead Contractor during warranty period. The
role of SIA as FMS Contractor (shall start immediately after systems are installed,
commissioned and handed over to the owner after Operational acceptance (S.A.T) of
the System.

The Scope of Work shall include the software and hardware maintenance support to be
provided by the Contractor in respect of the system supplied including interim audit
in case of major change and regular annual Cyber security audit by CERT.IN
empaneled agency or any agencies notified by MoP/GoI /Nodal agency under this
project during 5 year Facility Management Services (FMS) period along with
Supervision & Operationalizing 5 year warranty of the SCADA,DMS,OMS, RTDAS
System and communication network after the Operational Acceptance of the same.

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4) System Design and Engineering: The SIA shall be responsible for detailed design and
engineering of overall system, sub-systems, elements, system facilities, equipment,
services, including systems application software and hardware etc. It shall include
proper definition and execution of all interfaces with systems, equipment, material and
services of utility for proper and correct design, performance and operation of the
SIA shall provide complete engineering data, drawings, reports, manuals and services
offered etc. i.e. complete set of documentation /drawings for Utilities review, approval
and records
5) Supply of Equipment and Material: The SIA shall also be responsible for
manufacture, inspection at manufacturer’s works, supply, transportation, insurance,
delivery at site, unloading, storage, complete supervision, installation and successful
commissioning of all the equipment, systems and application software. The proposed
deliverables should be state of the art in architecture and engineering practices In case
of third party products/software packages, SIA should furnish at least 5 years warranty
along with supporting plan from respective OEMs to support FMS time line
Any item though not specifically mentioned, but is required to complete the project
works in all respects for its safe, reliable, efficient and trouble free operation & to meet
performance ,availability & functional requirements as envisaged in the RFP shall also
be taken to be included, and the same shall be supplied and installed by the SIA without
any extra cost
6) Testing and Commissioning: The SIA shall be responsible for the testing processes
such as planning (includes preparing test plans and defining roles and their
responsibilities), preparation (consists of preparing test specification, test environment
and test data) for all tests viz. Type tests, FAT, SAT and successful commissioning.
During the FMS period any modification/addition/deletion of database/displays/
reports etc. shall be ensured in line with growth of electrical network in form of new
like RTU/FRTU/ RMU/Sectionalizers / FPIs provided by utility. SIA shall also be
responsible for successful conduction of cyber security audit by CERT.IN empaneled
7) Geographical Scope: The Locations where the systems shall be implemented shall be
detailed by the particular utility in the RFP
8) Integration Scope: SIA should ensure that legacy systems and the new solutions lined
up by them are tightly integrated and do not remain stand-alone and shall perform on
real time basis as envisaged in specifications. All required external systems shall be
integrated using an integration middleware layer. The scope of integration of external
systems includes, legacy SCADA/DMS system, RTU/FRTU, IT systems, Numerical
relays etc. including billing , customer care , GIS etc. already existing and functional
in the utility, but outside the present scope of work and defined in RFP by utility . The
integration is expected to be Industry Standards Based on IEC 61968-1 Bus (SOA
Enabled on enterprise Bus) using CIM/XML, OPC, ICCP etc., which is, on-line, real
time or offline where appropriate and shall operate in an automated fashion without
manual intervention, which is documented for future maintenance.
SIA shall make necessary provisions/software linkages in the proposed solution so that
the IT system or any legacy SCADA/DMS system as specified in the RFP may be
integrated seamlessly.
9) Training for Employees: The SIA shall organize training to the core Group of

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implementation team of the utility as well as end user training. Representatives from
the successful bidder, Purchaser’s implementation project and change management
teams will be involved throughout in the development of training strategy, training
material design and development, standards and training delivery to ensure that change
management issues are incorporated, and that training strategies and materials are
aligned to the requirements of the project and as business-specific as possible
10) Assist Utility and PMA for responding to queries to Nodal Agency: SIA may be
responsible for preparing responses to the queries raised by the Nodal Agency.
Adequate support will be provided by the utilities to the SIA
11) Progress Update: The SIA may also provide periodic status update reports
highlighting critical issues to the utility. Further, any information (progress report, etc.)
as and when sought by the Nodal Agency/Ministry of Power shall be furnished by the
12) In addition to the above, following works are also in the scope of the contractor:
(a) Database, Reports and display development
(b) Training
(c) Obtaining the statutory clearances required, if any from Ministry of
Communication/ Govt Authority. All the charges deposited to aforesaid authority
for obtaining statutory clearance will be reimbursed by the owner. The owner will
also provide the necessary support if required in getting the clearances
d) Hired /leased communication network & arrange SLA with service provider in line
with SLA of FMS period. Once SIA is appointed, a tripartite agreement among
Utility, service provider & SIA shall be signed.
e) Sufficient SPARES /INVENTORY for FMS period of 5 years to meet SLA
13) Other Services and Items: The scope also includes, but not limited to the following
services/items described herein and elsewhere in specification:
a. Project Management and Site Supervision: The bidder shall be responsible
for the overall management and supervision of works, including the
implementation of risk management as well as change management initiatives.
He shall provide experienced, skilled, knowledgeable and competent personnel
for all phases of the project, so as to provide the utility with a high quality system
b. Interface Coordination: The bidder shall identify all interface issues with utility
and other agencies if any, and inform utility which shall interface, coordinate and
exchange of all necessary information among all concerned agencies.
c. Scope Change Management: Utility to finalize the scope change management
procedure during development/Implementation stage

d. Suitable Electronic Earthing and surge protection devices to insulate SCADA

system including RTU/FRTU from fault current / voltage surges in the HV
electrical system etc.
e. Any compliance notified by GOI/ MoP/CEA from time to time such as cyber
security guidelines dtd 07.10.21 etc.

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1.3.4 Specific Exclusions

The SIA is not expected to address the following:
a. All civil & architectural works, internal and external electrification, Air conditioning
and ventilation, fire-fighting system and Access control system required for
SCADA/DMS system are outside the scope of the SIA, however contractor has to
indicate the space requirement for control center, DR center, RTU / FRTU/Auxiliary
power supply & communication equipment any other specific requirement, power
supply requirement including standby supply requirement, so that the utility can
provide the same as per bidder's requirement
b. Manpower required operating SCADA/DMS, SCADA, RTDAS system.
c. A.C. input power supply
d. Augmentation of field devices to make existing field devices, CT/PT, breaker, switches
etc. SCADA ready
The detailed technical requirements including Bill of Quantity of the above components is
described in subsequent sections of this volume.
The responsibility of the Contractor shall include supplying, laying and termination of the
cables, wherever required for:
a. Acquiring analog data using MFT , transducer, sensor which shall be connected with
the primary devices.
b. Acquiring the digital data for status of field devices relays in the control room.
c. Extending control output to field devices through heavy duty relays
d. Interconnection between Contact Multiplying Relays (CMRs) and RTUs/FRTUs
& field devices (CMRs to be supplied by the contractor as per BOQ),
e. Power and signal cabling between the supplied equipment & Owner’s equipment Incl.
Outdoor panels
f. Any other cabling required for completion of the project.
1.3.5 Generic requirements:
The contractor shall undertake detailed site survey immediately after award of the contract of
all the sites to access the various requirements such as space, identification of input terminals,
and availability of air-conditioning, spare contacts etc. for completion of engineering, site
installation, testing and commissioning of the project. The type and number of hardware and
software elements (Bill of Quantity) within the scope of the project to be supplied for the
various sites are identified in the Appendices. The individual functions to be performed by the
hardware and software and system sizing criteria are described in the relevant sections. The
specification defines requirements on functional basis and does not intend to dictate a specific
design. On the other hand certain minimum requirements must be met in accordance with the
particular details provided elsewhere in the specification.
The items, which are not specifically identified but are required for completion of the project
within the intent of the specification, shall also be supplied & installed without any additional
cost implication to the employer/owner.
The utility can invite bids in multiple packages i.e. Group of districts /zone/region including
upgradation separately (Zone size for packaging shall be maximum 2 Zones per package).

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Similarly for Group A Towns of SCADA/DMS, bidding can be done in multiple packages
(Maximum 5 towns of Group A). Also, for Group U Towns of SCADA/DMS, bidding can be
done in multiple packages (Maximum 5 towns of Group U). The package mentioned here is
indicative for optimal configuration for packaging and utility may reconfigure as per the need
of the project
1.3.6 Facilities to be provided by Employer/Owner (Utility)
a. Arranging necessary shutdowns and work permits at various sites.
b. Formation of team for SCADA works at control center and field level both.
c. Timely approval of documents, tests ensures completion of project in time.
d. Timely release of payment to contractor on achievement of milestones/compliances
e. Reconductoring of line for switching of loads in case of RMU connected networks
f. Retrofittment of breaker for SCADA ready
g. Any other communication infra like Fiber/ radio optic etc. other than MPLS ,GPRS/MPLS-4G
h. Providing all the necessary data regarding the power distribution system network.
i. Providing storage space at site free of cost wherever available. Special storage needs
such as watch and ward services and air conditioning shall be provided by the
j. The existing earthing system at the substations may be utilized for earthing of the
offered equipment. However, it is essential that the contractor shall assess its suitability
for the offered equipment and carry out the modifications if required. It is recommended
to provide separate electronic earthing for SCADA equipments by contractor.
k. Suitable space/Infrastructure incl. civil works, electrical raw supply , Air-conditioning
, firefighting , building security , lighting , furniture etc. for Control center/DR,
Substations for installation of control center/ DR equipments, RTUs /FRTUs/APS
line with SCADA/DMS system implementation schedule.
l. Providing details of Existing Legacy systems if any SCADA/DMS/ RTDAS,
RTU/FRTU, IT, Numerical relays RMU/FPI, GIS etc. system under R-APDRP for
m. Utility shall ensure that Project implementation & operation to be done by O&M dept.
of utility where IT dept. /cadre shall work as support. This is mandatory
1.3.7 General Requirements
The Bidder's proposal shall address all functional, availability and performance requirements
within this specification and shall include sufficient information and supporting
documentation in order to determine compliance with this specification without further
necessity for enquiries
An analysis of the functional , availability and performance requirements of this specification
and/or site surveys, design, and engineering may lead the Contractor to conclude that additional
items and services are required that are not specifically mentioned in this specification. The
Contractor shall be responsible for providing at no added cost to the employer all such
additional items and services such that a viable and fully functional system is implemented
that meets or exceeds the capacity, and performance requirements specified. Such materials
and services shall be considered to be within the scope of the contract. To the extent possible, the
Bidders shall identify and include all such additional items and services in their proposal.

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All equipment provided shall be designed to interface with existing equipment and shall
be capable of supporting all present requirements and spare capacity requirements
identified in this specification.
The offered items shall be designed to operate in varying environments including
suitability as per higher altitude requirement. Adequate measures shall be taken to provide
protection against rodents, contaminants, pollutants, water & moisture, lightning& short
circuit, vibration and electro-magnetic interference etc.
The Contractor shall demonstrate a specified level of performance of the offered items
during well-structured factory and field tests. Further, since at the substations limited
space is available the contractor shall make all the efforts to economize the space
The Bidders are advised to visit sites (at their own expense), prior to the submission of the
proposal, and make surveys and assessments as deemed necessary for proposal submission.
The successful bidder (Contractor) is required to visit all sites. The site visits after contract
award shall include all necessary surveys to allow the contractor to perform the design
and implementation functions.
After the site/route survey the Contractor shall submit a survey report for all the sites. This
report shall include at least the following items; however, the exact format of the report
shall be finalized by the contractor with the approval of Employer.
a. Proposed layout of Equipment in the existing rooms and buildings.
b. Proposed routing of power, earthing, signal cables and etc.
c. Confirmation of adequacy of Space and AC Power supply requirements
d. Proposals for new rooms/buildings, if required
e. Identification of facility modifications, if required
f. Identify all additional items required for interconnection with the existing equipment.
g. Requirement of Modification to existing earthing arrangement, if any.
1.3.8 General Bidding Requirements
The offered equipment/system/ solution must be in successful operation for at least one
year as on the date bid opening. However, the computer software /hardware shall be of
latest current industry technology/ standard models as per Model Technical specification
chapter 1-19 The Bidder shall beresponsive to the technical requirements as set forth in
this specification. To be considered responsive, the Bidder's proposal shall include the
1. A detailed project implementation plan and schedule that is consistent with the scope
of the project. The plan shall include all the activities required, show all key milestones,
and clearly identify the nature of all information and project support to be provided for
completion of the project. Manpower resources, proposed to be deployed by the
Contractor during the execution phase, shall be clearly indicated.
2. Documentary evidence in support of the qualifying requirements specified in the
bidding document i.e. RFP shall be submitted along with the bid.
3. Performance certificate for the offered equipment/systems from the user’s in line to the
requirements mentioned in the biding documents.

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4. The type test certificates for the offered equipments. In case it is not type tested. The
commitment for same to be conducted during implementation
5. Completed equipment Data Requirement sheets/Questionnaire
6. Technical details of the offered equipment/systems.
7. Description of existing IT system shall be included by utility
8. SLA & Cyber security compliance plan
1.3.9 Items of Special Interest
To assist in understanding the overall requirements of the project, the following items of special
interest are listed. The Bidder shall pay particular attention to these items in preparing the
a. The contractor shall be responsible for overall project management, system integration
and testing to complete all the facilities under the project.
b. The project shall be implemented in the time schedule described in the section- 9.
c. The database, displays and reports for SCADA/DMS/OMS/RT-DAS system are to be
developed by the contractor; however, the contractor shall associate the
employer/owner’s engineers also during the data base development. The required
hardware & software for completion of this activity may be used out of the hardware &
software to be supplied under this contract.
d. The APIs (Application Program Interfaces) specified/needed chapter 2 is to be supplied.
However the supply of source code is not mandatory. (API only for customized portion
,if any is to be provided )
e. Integration with legacy system if indicated in the RFP
1.3.10 Site Conditions
The sites are located in the towns of Group A for SCADA/DMS as per list in Chapter 19
Annexure 1. The minimum to maximum temperature & relative humidity generally falls
between … to … C. & ..... to. % respectively. The sites are located in the towns of Group B
for SCADA as per list in chapter 9 Annexure 2. Further, where RTDAS under IPDS is
commissioned, the existing FRTU shall act as Sub RTU to new RTU and report all Input points
captured to new RTU and I/O card for differential points may only be considered in
configuration of new RTU in order maximize usage of infrastructure created under RT-DAS
as per list in chapter 19 Annexure 2.
The minimum to maximum temperature & relative humidity generally falls between … to …
C. &..... to.... % respectively. The sites are located in the towns of Group C for SCADA as per
list in Annexure 3 The minimum to maximum temperature & relative humidity generally
falls between … to … C. &..... to.... % respectively. The sites are located in the towns of Group
U for SCADA /DMS as per list in Annexure 4 The minimum to maximum temperature
& relative humidity generally falls between … to … C. &..... to.... % respectively. Utility shall
also indicate locations at above 2000 m form M.S.L if any for suitable hardware. The
system/equipment shall be designed as per the environmental conditions mentioned in the
relevant section of this specification. The operating and ambient temperature specified for
hardware /equipment in respective chapters are indicative for each equipment in the
specification . Utility may change as per the climatic condition and operational requirement
with vendor neutral approach
1.3.11 Applicable Standards
The applicable standards are mentioned in the respective technical section. The offered
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equipment shall conform to the standards mentioned in the specification except to the extent
modified by this specification. In case of any discrepancy between the description given in the
specification and the standards the provisions of the technical specification shall be followed.
The parameters not specifically mentioned in this specification shall conform to the standard
mentioned in this specification.
Wherever, new standards and revisions are issued during the period of the contract, the
Contractor shall attempt to comply with such standards, provided there is no additional
financial implication to employer/owner.
In the event the Contractor offers to supply material and/or equipment in compliance to any
standard other than those listed herein, the Contractor shall include with their proposal, full
salient characteristics of the new standard for comparison for equivalence or better.
For Group A , SCADA/DMS/OMS and Group B , SCADA and Group C RTDAS and Group
U shall be considered irrespective of terms of SCADA , DMS, OMS, RTDAS is mentioned in
any combination in specification as per the relevant functional requirements common and
specific both that group .
1.3.12 Warranty
This would include seven years warranty for the related hardware & software supplied under
the SCADA/DMS project after the Site acceptance test (S.A.T), operational acceptance of the
SCADA/DMS System. The 5 year warranty shall include comprehensive OEM on-site warranty
for all components (H/W and Software including OS) supplied including reloading and
reconfiguration of all Software and device drivers/patches etc. if required. In case 5 Years
warranty is beyond standard warranty period of the equipment or required to cover to cover
FMS period , the extended warranty shall be the responsibility of SIA.
1.3.13 Terms for utility & SIA
The term contractor & bidder shall be referred as SCADA/DMS implementation agency (SIA)
& owner; employer shall be referred as utility where ever mentioned in the RFP /Model
Technical specification (MTS)
1.3.14 Proposed SCADA/DMS system
Utility shall write in brief about the proposed system for Group A ,B &C

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Ref Fig 1.3

1.3.15 Existing System for Group A , B, C & U towns separately.
Utility shall include write up about their existing geographical details ( pop (2011 census),
annual energy in MUs ,, organization setup , hierarchy, town , district , no. of
substations, DT, RMU , electrical network etc. Of the project area. Utility shall provide details
electrical system considered /committed, enabling SCADA/DMS implementation.
Utility shall also list all existing infrastructure / legacy systems viz SCADA/DMS, RTU, FRTU,
MFTs , RMU/Sectionalizers, Numerical relays/ IT system under R-APDRP viz. billing
,customer care, GIS etc., if any that are required to be integrated with this system. Utility shall
provide details of Existing Legacy systems SCADA/DMS, RTU/FRTU, IT system under R-
APDRP for integration including protocol implementation profiles, interface details etc.
Utility shall give configuration diagram & technical write up of IT data center, customer care
center DR center, sub div, other offices under R-APDRP.
Utility shall provide details electrical system considered for enabling SCADA implementation.
Utility shall mention details of existing communication, power supply, building infrastructure
for SCADA system. Utility shall ensure the data mentioned above is true & according to
approved DPR for the project area.

End of Chapter 1

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2.0 General requirements
This chapter describes the functions to be performed by the SCADA applications for
distribution system for the project area. Bidders are encouraged to supply standard, proven &
tested products that meet or exceed the Specification requirements. This chapter describes the
requirements of ISR functions also. Unless specified as optional functions/ features all
functions/ features mandatory for the project area. This chapter is applicable to Group A, B, C,
U towns as per functional requirements
2.1 Design requirements
The software shall be modular in nature. The software shall be able to work platform based on
minimum 64 bit architecture. All the variable parameters of SCADA/DMS applications, which
require adjustment from time-to-time, shall be defined in the database and shall be adjustable
by system personnel. All periodicities and time intervals contained in the Specification that
define these parameters shall be considered as initial values to be used for performance
purposes. The adjustments made to parameters by the user or programmer shall become
effective without having to reassemble or recompile programs or regenerate all or portions of
the database.
The specific requirements for output results are described along with the other requirements of
each function. However, all results that the user deems to be important shall be stored in a form
accessible for display and printing, whether or not explicitly specified in the particular
The SCADA functions specified for Group A Towns only means that system will presently be
using the same due to consideration of corresponding field equipment like FRTU at RMU,
SECTIONLIZER etc. but the system for Group B Towns shall also be compliant to use the
function to use field devices if available on field/ will be available in future. In the specification
SCADA/DMS or SCADA or RTDAS shall be considered by per functional requirement of
Group A , Group B towns , Group C and term SCADA/DMS shall be read as SCADA for B ,
C Towns accordingly as per functional and BoQ requirements or unless specified in the bid
specifically .
2.1.1 SCADA/DMS Function Access
Various application functions shall be designated as single user/ multi-user. For a single-user
function, the user with access to the function must relinquish access to it before access can be
granted to another user. For a multi-user function any number of users, up to the maximum
designated for the function, may have access to the function simultaneously. All such actions
shall be recorded as events in the event log
2.1.2 Critical & non critical functions
The functions defined in this specification shall be classified as Critical or as Non- critical.
Every critical function must be supported by sufficient hardware & software redundancy to
ensure that no single hardware & /software failure will interrupt the availability of the
functions for a period exceeding the automatic transfer time defined in the specification.
Non-critical function may not be supported by hardware & software redundancy and can
be suspended in case of non-availability of corresponding hardware.

Generally the following are to be classified as Critical functions:-

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a) All SCADA applications

b) Information Storage and Retrieval (ISR)
c) Load Shed application (LSA)
d) Outage data analytics and reporting (ODAR)
e) All DMS & OMS applications (Group A Towns only)
f) Data exchange among the contractor supplied SCADA/DMS system, IT system
established under R-APDRP
g) Web server applications, Security applications
h) Network Management system (NMS)
i) Disaster Recovery for Group A & Data recovery function (DR) for Group B &
The following are non-Critical functions
a) Dispatcher Training Simulator (DTS)
b) Database modification and generation
c) Display modification and generation
d) Report modification and creation
e) Data exchange with Remote VDUs, if any
2.2 SCADA Functions
The following SCADA functions are envisaged under this specification.
• Data Acquisition from RTUs at S/S & FPIs , FRTUs at RMU/Sectionalizers for
Group A/U towns
• Data Acquisition from RTUs at S/S & FPIs for Group B,C Towns
• Time synchronization of RTUs,, FRTUs & FPIs(if time synch is supported in
 Data Exchange among the contractor supplied SCADA/DMS system, IT system
established under IPDS (in specified format (OPC / CIM-XML / ICCP /ODBC
Format) Model & Data Exchange over IEC 61968-1 Enterprise SOA Based
BUS), or any other legacy system defined in the RFP
 Continuous real-time data storage and playback
 Sequence of event processing
 Supervisory Control for all towns except Group C
 Fail-soft capability
 Remote database downloading ,diagnostics & configuration
 CIM compliance IEC61968
 GIS adaptor (GIS Land base data, network model using GIS engines/adaptors
supporting Native Adapters , CIM/XML Model for Distribution / Power System,
using Model Exchange & Data Exchange over IEC 61968-1 Enterprise SOA
Based BUS) (Group 1 Towns only)

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 Information Storage & Retrieval (ISR)

 Load Shed Application (LSA)
 Disaster Replica Recovery (DRR) for Group A & Data recovery function (DR)
for Group B& C
The System Design Parameters of SCADA/DMS functions ,The power system sizing,
Performance requirements for complete SCADA/DMS system are specified are specified in
The SCADA system shall have capability to accept data from the following sources:
(a) Telemetered data received from RTUs,
(b) Telemetered data received from FRTUs (Group A Towns only)
(c) Telemetered data received from FPIs
(d) Data received from IT system established under IPDS Data exchange
(e) Calculated data
(f) Pseudo-data (Manually entered data)
(g) GIS land base data, network model using GIS engines/adaptors (Group A
Towns only)
All input data and parameters, whether collected automatically or entered by a user, shall be
checked for reasonability and rejected if they are unreasonable. All intermediate and final
results shall be checked to prevent unreasonable data from being propagated or displayed to
the user. When unreasonable input data or results are detected, diagnostic messages, clearly
describing the problem, shall be generated. All programs and all computer systems shall
continue to operate in the presence of unreasonable data.
Each of the SCADA functions is described below.
2.2.1 Communication protocol.
SCADA system shall use the following protocols to communicate
(a) For RTU - IEC 870-5-104 protocol also 101 to communicate when acting as
data concentrator with slave devices
(b) For FRTU- IEC 870-5-101 /104 protocol
(c) For FPIs - IEC 870-5-101 /104 protocol d) for MFTs – MODBUS
(d) For DR & Other any other SCADA system - ICCP/TASE.2 in specified format
(OPC / CIM-XML / ICCP / ODBC Format) Model & Data Exchange over IEC
61968-1 Enterprise SOA Based BUS)
(e) For IT Systems - (in specified format (OPC / CIM-XML / ODBC Format)
Model & Data Exchange over IEC 61968-1 Enterprise SOA Based BUS)
(f) In case existing system uses DNP3.0 protocol, the same shall be used for
integration of existing RTUs.
(g) IEC62056 (DLMS) SMART meters compliant in case of integration of
SMART Meters in future
The protocol considerations shall be made in accordance to the system/ device to be interfaced.
However, system shall have capability to interface using all necessary protocols as specified

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above for the devices that may be interfaced in future

2.2.2 Data Acquisition
SCADA system shall acquire data from Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) (Group A, B, C, U
Towns), FRTUs (Group A, U Towns) & FPIs (Group A, B,C, U Towns).
The type of data to be acquired through RTUs, FRTUs shall include analog values, digital
status data (Double point and single point indications) and SOE data from the substation,
RMUs etc.
Analog values like P, Q, F, each phase V, each phase I, each phase pf, and energy values
(Export/Import KWh and KVARh) shall be collected by the RTU, FRTUs from the M F T s .
Analog values such as station battery voltage, oil temperature, winding temperature, tap
changer t ransducer data etc. shall also be acquired through RTU using analog input modules
& suitable transducer, if defined in the RTU BOQ.
For FPIs, Digital status in the form Fault protection indication viz O/C & E//F & in case also
analog data such as Fault settings are remotely.
The actual point counts & type of data acquired are given in the RTU, FRTU are specified in
Annexure for in I/O points in chapter 19 Polling method
Digital status data from RTU shall be reported by exception and shall be updated and displayed
within 3 seconds. Digital status data from FRTU & FPI shall be also be reported by exception
and shall be updated and displayed within 3 seconds. Digital status data shall have higher
priority than the Analog data. The system shall have dead band for data by exception.
All analog values except energy values shall be reported by exception from the RTU, FRTU &
FPI. The analog value, when reported by exception, shall be updated & displayed within 4 sec
from S/S & 6 sec from RMU/Sectionalizers locations at the control center. An integrity scan of
all status & Analog values shall also be made every 10 minutes (configurable).
The provision shall also be made to report analog values & status data periodically at every
10sec (user configurable), if required by the user.
The time skew at SCADA/DMS control center, S/S , RMU,FPI shall not be more than 0.1sec
at each location & latency shall not be more than 0.5sec for status. For analog data the time
skew shall not be more than 1sec & latency shall not be more than 1sec for analog as per IEEE
Energy values of 15-minute blocks shall be collected periodically from the RTU, FRTU at scan
rate of 15 minute/1 hour (configurable up to 24 hours). Alternatively, the energy values shall
be calculated for each 15 minutes/1 hour blocks at SCADA level from the acquired energy
values of MFTs through RTU & FRTU.
The contractor must assess & take the network delay into consideration while designing the
system so that the update time in normal & peak level of activities are met.
The SCADA/DMS computer system shall also be able to collect any and all analog & digital
data from its RTUs/FRTU/FPI on demand. Apart from the periodic integrity scan, the integrity
scan shall also be initiated automatically for an RTU/ FRTU/ FPI whenever the following
situations arise:
i. Upon startup of the system

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ii. RTU/ FRTU/ FPI status change is detected such as RTU/ FRTU/ FPI restart,
Communication Link restoration
iii. On demand by SCADA/DMS functions
iv. On request by the user
The TCP/IP Communication for RTU, FRTU,FPI on public network shall be encrypted over
SSL Security / VPN & the equipment should take control command from designated Master
IP address only and no other IP. The RTU, FRTU, FPI & all TCP/IP devices that are on Public
Network shall form a private VPN network with the SCADA Front End, through which
encrypted data gets exchanged. In case, RMU & Sectionlizer is supplied with built -in FRTU
is supplied, then also the above time skew and update requirement shall be met . Telemetry Failure
If data is not received from an RTU/FRTU/ FPI after a user-adjustable number of retries, each
affected point in the SCADA system shall be marked with a ‘telemetry failure quality code’
and an alarm shall be generated. Telemetry failure of data can be due to failure of
communication link, failure of complete RTU/, FRTU/FPI or RTU/ FRTU module or MFT
etc. Only a single alarm shall be generated if an entire RTU/ FRTU or its communication
channel fails.
In the event of telemetry failure, the last good value/status shall be retained in the database for
each affected point. When telemetry returns to normal, the associated SCADA system shall
automatically resume updating the database with the scanned data.
The user shall be able to substitute a value in the database for any point that is experiencing
telemetry failure which shall be marked with ‘manual replaced’ quality code in addition to
the ‘telemetry failure’ quality code. The user shall also be able to delete any point (or entire
RTU/FRTU/FPI) from scan processing. All deleted points shall be marked with a ‘delete-from-
scan’ quality code.
Acquisition Modes
The following modes of data acquisition shall be supported:
a) Enable
When RTU/FRTU/FPI is enabled, the data is scanned in normal fashion and
control command execution is allowed.
b) Disable
When RTU/FRTU/FPI is disabled, the data scanning & control execution is
disabled. This is equivalent to” delete from scan “of complete RTU/FRTU/FPI
c) Test /Maintenance
Placing an RTU/ FRTU in test mode shall generate an appropriate event message. When an
RTU/FRTU is in the test mode, the real-time database shall retain the last value from all points
collected via the RTU/FRTU before it was placed in the test mode. The points shall be marked
in the database with a quality code indicating that their source RTU/FRTU is in the test mode.
All system displays, programs, data links, and other devices shall use this value. Supervisory
control of points that are in the test mode shall not be permitted.
When an RTU/FRTU is removed from the test mode, a message shall be generated, the test
mode quality code shall be removed from all points assigned to the RTU/FRTU, the database
values shall resume updating on each scan, and any controls for the RTU/FRTU shall be

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2.2.3 Time synchronization of RTUs
The SCADA/DMS system will be synchronized from the GPS based Time and frequency
system. The SCADA system shall synchronize the time of all connected RTUs/FRTUs/FPI
every 15 minutes (user configurable from 5 minutes to 24 hrs.) using time synchronization
message in the IEC 870-5-104/101 protocol /NTP/SNTP. The servers /Workstations at
SCADA/DMS control center shall be synchronized using NTP/SNTP. The time of DR center
shall also be synchronized from the GPS based system installed in one of the associated
SCADA/DMS control center or SCADA centre in the DISCOM
2.2.4 Data Exchange
Utility shall specify the external systems, if any with which data exchange of SCADA system
is envisaged and shall specify interface and interoperability parameters in the RFP. Utility
shall also provide the required access & information of such existing systems to SIA for
implementation National Power Portal (NPP) & National Feeder Monitoring System (NFMS)
Machine to Machine data transfer to existing National Power Portal (NPP) & National Feeder
Monitoring System (NFMS envisaged under PART A of the scheme separately. The data
transfer shall be done in JSON object or any other format as finalized required, by creating
suitable APIs at SCADA control Centre. The data primarily will be feeder wise SAIFI/SAIFI
values on daily basis. Further, it shall be possible to transfer other telemetered data of interest
of feeder also. The data & exchange format will be decided during design & Engineering
Further, the real time SCADA/DMS status /reports in view only mode for capacity building
may be required to be linked with any common infra directed by MoP/ PFC SCADA/DMS system with IT system (optional)
If data exchange requirement of specific parameters with IT system is envisaged by utility in
the RFP then, SCADA/DMS System shall exchange data with ISR System & ISR System shall
be the nodal interface with all IT System. The Data Center, DR Center and Customer Care
Center under IT System, shall exchange data with the ISR System, using Open Standards like
CIM/XML & IEC 61968 Series Standards for Power System, OPC, ICCP/TASE.2., ODBC
The GIS System shall exchange data with SCADA System over IEC 61968-1 SOA based
ESB/Bus using CIM/XML Models for Power System using GIS Engine / Adapters supporting
the standard.
Direct SQL/ODBC interfaces should continue to be supported for report generation and ad-hoc
If utility was having GIS/ billing/customer system prior to this scheme such as IPDS i.e.
considered as legacy, then interfaces may be selected accordingly viz. ODBC/DDE etc. using
ASCII files. However, they shall provide system in compliance of the data exchange
requirement specified in this para.
Data to be exchanged with IT system is defined ISR section. For DR & SLDC, it is given
below: For data exchange between SCADA/DMS control centers & DR center,
optional (SLDC):
If opted & requirement specified by utility in this RFP, then SCADA/DMS control centers

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shall also exchange data using ICCP with State Load Dispatch Centre (SLDC) of the state.
Data exchange shall also allow other information to be transferred report by exception but also
configurable periodically, or on demand. It shall be possible to exchange at least the
following data:
 Real-time telemetered data of the interconnected network,
 Non-telemetered data of the interconnected network,
 Calculated data of the interconnected network,
 SOE data of the interconnected network
 Historical data of the interconnected network
 Scheduling data
 Operator messages.
 Event /alarm lists
It is envisaged that the utility shall get the load forecasting & drawl schedules from SLDC
& versa in order to execute planning of load distribution. In addition, status /measurement of
interconnected network shall be able exchanged in both directions.
For Group-A towns, Disaster recovery is replica of main control center and hence shall be
in sync on daily basis or on demand also.
Whereas for Group B&C, the data exchange with DR is required all the data to be transferred
from control center to DR which is required for system build in order to build a system from
scratch. ICCP TASE.2 protocol or equivalent nonproprietary/ De-Facto protocol shall be used
transfer network model / database changes on incremental /global basis automatically once a
day & on demand It shall transfer all data /information which are required for system build in
order to build a system from scratch.
2.2.5 Data Processing
The SCADA/DMS system shall prepare all data that they acquire for use by the power system
operations and other applications. The data processing requirements shall apply to data
collected from all specified sources.
Data acquired from RTUs/FRTUs/FPI/IT system, as well as data received from the DMS and
the existing control centers (if any and specified by utility in this RFP), shall be processed and
placed in the Real-Time Database as soon as it is received.
Data processing involves a value which has been converted to internal form and analyzed for
violations of limits. The data processing shall set various data attributes depending on the
results of the checks and shall trigger any additional processing or calculation. The SCADA
/DMS system shall prepare all the acquired data for use by the power system applications. The
SCADA system shall have capability to accept data from the following sources:
a. Real-time (also referred as telemetered) data received from control centers /IT
system (data center, customer care, DR center and RTUs/FRTU/FPI etc.)
b. Calculated data
c. Manually entered data
d. Sequence of events data
e. Alternate data sources

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Model Technical specification Analog Data Processing

Analog data processing shall be performed according to the requirements listed below.
(i) Conversion to Engineering Units
Analog points that are transmitted to SCADA system in raw data format shall be converted to
engineering units before being stored in the database. This conversion function shall include,
as a minimum, the capability to perform the following conversion algorithm:
Value = (A * scanned valued) + B,
Where A and B are programmer-adjustable constants assignable as database attributes on a per
point basis.
(ii) Zero dead band processing
The SCADA system at control center shall process each analog input for dead band zone
processing. The acquired value, if falls between the dead band range around zero then it shall
be considered as clamped zero value else the actual value shall be considered.
(iii) Reasonability Limit Check
The reasonability limits shall represent the extremes of valid measurements for the point's value.
All analog values shall be compared against defined high and low reasonability limits. The
comparisons shall be performed at the scan rates of the analog values. An alarm shall be
generated the first time a reasonability limit violation is detected. The last valid value of the
variable shall be maintained in the database and marked with a quality code indicating the
‘reasonability limit violation’. When data returns to a reasonable value, the new value shall
be accepted and a return-to-normal message shall be generated.
(iv) Limit Monitoring
For bi-directional quantities (positive or negative) there shall be a set of three limits for each
direction. For unidirectional quantities there shall be a set of three limits in one direction. These
limits will represent increasing levels of concern and shall be named as "Operational",
"Alarm" and "Emergency" limits. These three limits shall be set within the boundaries of
reasonability limit. Generally, any alarm can be assigned as audible alarm but emergency limit
shall necessarily be assigned as audible alarm.
All telemetered and calculated analog point shall be compared against above sets of high and
low limits each time the value is scanned or calculated. Whenever a monitored point crosses a
limit in the undesirable direction a limit violation alarm message shall be generated.Whenever
a monitored point crosses a limit in the desirable direction, an exit alarm message shall be
generated. If multiple limits have been crossed since the last check, each limit crossedshall be
All limit monitoring shall preclude annunciation of multiple alarms when a value oscillates
about an alarm limit by utilizing a programmer-adjustable alarm dead- band for each point.
The user shall be able to temporarily override any of the above limits (which are in use) by
entering a new value. When the user overrides a limit, it shall be marked with a ’limit override
quality code’ on all displays. The override value shall be recognized, and any display, report,
or log containing the value of the overridden limit shall include it as such. An override value
shall be used instead of the permanent value until the user removes the override condition or
system is re- initialized. Any change in alarm states resulting from a change in limit value shall
be reported. Contractor shall finalize & take approval from utility for limit values.

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(v) Rate of change /Gradient

All telemetered and calculated analog points shall also be processed for rate of change /
Gradient processing, if defined that point for such processing in the database. An Alarm
for over shoot & event message for return to normal shall be generated.
The rate of change shall be calculated periodically for each assigned point, by dividing the
point’s values at the beginning and the end of the period into the length of the period. Filtering
shall be applied so that single scan excursions do not cause an alarm. The result shall be saved
as a non-telemetered database point. All the requirements that apply to calculated points, such
as limit checking,
Alarming and availability for display and processing shall apply to the ROC points. There shall
be a positive limit and a negative limit to catch excessive rises in the analog value.
(vi) Sign Conventions
The sign conventions for the display, data entry and reporting of active and reactive power
flow shall be used universally by all SCADA/DMS functions. All imports to bus bars shall be
represented with + sign and all exports from bus bars shall be with –ve sign.
(vii) Accumulator Processing
The system shall be able to store accumulator history. Storing accumulator history shall be
provided with a method in which that stores data only once per hour and in other method that
stores data each time new data enters the system.
It shall be possible to use the two methods concurrently for any pulse accumulator, making it
possible to maintain two records for data that are read more than once an hour. Digital Input Data processing
Each state of a digital input point shall be associated with the state of an actual device. The
number of bits that will be used to define the state of a device is defined in the RTU/FRTU
Specification. A status point shall be defined as being either legal or illegal, and normal or
 Illegal state: The first check on a new input to a digital status point is the legality check.
If the new state is illegal, then the old value shall be left in the database and marked
old with relevant quality code such as telemetry failure etc.
 Abnormal state: If the new state is legal, it shall be checked to see if it is among the
normal states defined for the point. If not, the status point shall be marked as abnormal.
While abnormal, it shall appear in the summary display of abnormal conditions/ off-
normal summary
 Alarm checking: Each new value shall be checked to see if transitions into that state
are to be alarmed. If so, and if no control action is pending on the status point, then an
alarm action shall be triggered.
The following digital input data types shall be accommodated as a minimum:
a. Two-state points: The following pairs of state names shall be provided as
minimum :
(1) Open/Closed
(2) Tripped/Closed
(3) Alarm/Normal

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(4) On/Off
(5) Auto/Manual
(6) Remote/Local
(7) On Control/Off Control
(8) Set/Reset
b. Three-state points: Any of the state combinations listed in (a) above shall be
supported with a third, typically, in-transit state which is the case for slow
operating devices such as isolator. If a device remains in this state for a period
more than a threshold value, the same shall be alarmed.
c. Momentary change Detection (MCD): The input to capture the states of fast
acting devices such as auto-reclosers.
Commanded changes initiated by supervisory control shall not be alarmed but shall generate
an event message. All other status changes in the state of telemetered, calculated digital input
points & uncommanded changes shall be alarmed.Each CB, isolator, switching device etc.
shall have normal & off normal positions states defined. In the event of off normal positions,
the same shall be reflected in the off normal summary list Calculated Data processing
SCADA system shall be capable of performing calculations and storing the result in the database
as calculated data available for display. The database variables to be used for arguments and
the mathematical/statistical/logical functions to be used as operations shall be definable
interactively at a console as well as by the programmer using database creation and maintenance
Calculated analog values shall use database points as the arguments and mathematical and
statistical functions as the operations. Functions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division, maximum value, minimum value and average value, count, integration, square root
extraction, exponentiation, trigonometric functions, logarithms and logical & comparative
operators etc. shall be provided.
It shall be possible to calculate running maximum value, minimum value and average value
over a time interval (time interval configurable from 5 minutes to 60 minutes). The value shall
be reset after the elapse of defined time interval. These values shall be stored with time of
occurrence for maxima and minima and the time for averaging.
Calculated status values shall use database points as arguments and combinational logic
functions that include the logical, comparative operators such as AND, inclusive OR, exclusive
OR, NOT, Less Than, Greater Than, Less Than or Equal To, Greater Than or Equal To, and
Equal To ,If , else if etc. Suitable rules or operators (such as multi-level parentheses) shall be
provided to indicate the sequence of operations in the calculation. Substation Topology Processing
The SCADA /DMS system shall be provided with a Substation topology processor function.
This function shall be capable of analyzing the open/closed status of switching devices, such
as breakers and disconnectors, in order to define the configuration of the substation for display.
The energization of lines, transformers, bus sections and generating units shall be determined
so that the associated displays may correctly show the status of these power system elements.
The configuration shall be re-evaluated and updated whenever a switching device status
change & analog value change beyond dead-band is detected.

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Model Technical specification Alternate source for data:

The system shall have capability to accept multiple data sources by defining as main &
secondary. Normally, data from normal source will be considered. In the event of non-
availability of primary source, data from secondary source shall be considered & once primary
source is healthy, it shall switch back to primary source. There shall be an indication for
primary /secondary source in displays, reports etc. Suitable alarm shall be generated in the
event to change from primary to secondary & vice versa. Alternate source of data can be
defined for certain critical points in the database. Quality Codes
Quality codes indicate the presence of one or more factors that affect the validity of a data value.
All quality codes that apply to a data value shall be maintained in the database for that data
The quality of the calculated value shall be the quality of its "worst" component of its
arguments. The presence of a quality code on any of the component data values shall not
disrupt the calculation using that value. Results of calculations that are manually overridden
by the user shall be denoted with a quality code that can be differentiated from the propagation
of a manual replaced quality code from one of its component values.
At least the following data quality codes preferably as the following single letter code shall
be provided. However, distinct symbols /shapes after approval from employer may also be used.
S. No. Quality code Code Reason
1. Telemetry Failure (RTU Link) T Telemetry has failed

2. Manual Replaced M Manual updation

3. Delete from Scan (RTU/point) D User disabled the scan of the of data/point

4. Questionable data Q Analog values of the de- energized elements

5. Calculated C Calculated data

6. Estimated E Estimated data from state estimator

7. Limit Override L Limits are overridden

8. Primary /secondary source P/S Primary or secondary source

9. Reasonability Limit Exceeded R Value beyond reasonability limit

10. Alarm Inhibit A Alarm processing is inhibited

11. Test or maintenance mode X Point is in test /maintenance mode

2.2.6 Continuous Real-time data storage and playback

All real-time data (Analog and status) shall be continuously stored in auxiliary memory for
at least two weeks as and when it is received in the SCADA database from the
It shall be possible to playback above stored data on single line diagram and network diagram
for a time window of at least 10 minutes (configurable in seconds /minutes) by defining Start
and End date and time. It shall be possible to have tabular and graphical trends of the

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stored data. It shall be possible to set a different sampling rate for playback than the sampling
rate for data storage.
The users shall be able to select the time window of interest for archival of data in the ISR
system for future retrieval and playback in SCADA system. This archived data shall be
transferable in RDBMS database tables of ISR system for generation of tabular displays and
2.2.7 Sequence-of-Events data
Sequence-of-events (SOE) data shall be chronological listings of „status change events with
time stamp‟ acquired from RTUs /FRTUs/FPIs. The SOE data shall be collected from all
RTUs/FRTU/FPI either in normal polling or periodically/on demand. SOE data collection
shall have lower priority than supervisory control actions and normal data acquisition. The
SOE data collected from different RTUs/FRTU/FPI shall be merged for chronological listings
and stored for subsequent review. At least latest 1000 SOE data shall be available for display.
The SOE resolution of RTU/FRTU/FPI is defined in respective sections for RTU/FRTU.
SCADA/DMS system at control center shall have 1ms SOE resolution. However, a s SOE
time stamping is done at RTU/FRTU/FPI level, the same shall be in line with resolution
defined for RTU/FRTU/FPI.
All SOE data collected from all RTU/ FRTU/FPIs shall be stored in daily RDBMS database
of ISR system.
2.2.8 SCADA language
The SCADA system shall have capability to write various programs using IEC 61131-3
SCADA language or C/C++ or any non-proprietary language. It will facilitate user
(programmer) to write various programs/ logics using points defined in the database.
2.2.9 Supervisory Control
The operator shall be able to request digital status control, set-point control and raise/lower
control on selected points and analogs using Select check before operate (SCBO) Sequence.
Supervisory control shall allow the SCADA system to remotely control switching devices. A
control action shall require a confirmation-of-selection-prior-to-execution response. Initiation
of the control execute step shall occur after the dispatcher confirms that the correct point and
control action have been selected.
After the dispatcher/DMS function initiates control execution, the RTU/FRTU shall be
addressed for verification that the correct point has been selected at the RTU/FRTU and then
the control action shall be executed. It shall also be possible to reset the flag in FPI through a
It shall be possible to issue control commands as a group control from SCADA where
switching devices pertaining to different RTUs/FRTU or a RTU/FRTU may be controlled as
a group. The SCADA system shall send the control commands sequentially (without
dispatcher intervention), if the commands pertain to switching devices in the same
RTU/FRTU, using the Selection Check before operate (SCBO) of prior–to-execution. The
control commands pertaining to different RTUs /FRTUs may be executed in parallel.
If, after selecting a point, the user does not execute the control action within a programmer-
adjustable time-out period, or if the user performs any action other than completing the control
action, the selection shall be cancelled and the user be informed. If the communication to the

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RTU /FRTU/FPI is not available, the control command shall be rejected and shall not remain
in queue.
The user shall not be prevented from requesting other displays, performing a different
supervisory control action, or performing any other user interface operation while the
SCADA/DMS system waits for a report-back on previously executed control actions.
The system shall process supervisory control commands with a higher priority than requests
for data from the RTU /FRTU /FPI data acquisition function.
Functional requirements for the various types of supervisory control are given below. A
supervisory control request shall be sent from control center only after the controlled point was
checked for proper conditions. The request shall be rejected by the System if:
1. The requested control operation is inhibited by a tag placed on the device or
maintenance tag
2. The device or S/S in local manual control mode
3. An Uninitialized, Telemetry failure, delete from scan, manual replaced,
Test/maintenance , or Manually Entered data quality indicator is shown for the
4. The Operating Mode/ user permission of the workstation/console attempting
control does not permit supervisory control
5. The device is already selected for control request or control execution is from
another workstation / user/window /console or control request is progressing
6. Time out after selection
7. The device is not subject to supervisory control of the type being attempted
Rejection of a control request from control center shall occur before any transmission is made
for control purposes. A control rejection message shall be displayed for the Dispatcher Digital Status Control
A digital control output results in the activation of an output relay in a RTU/FRTU.Different
commands shall be possible for these digital status controls.
Successful completion of the control request shall be recorded as an event. Failures to
complete shall be handled as specified in UI section. Control requests shall be canceled and
the selection of the point shall be terminated when the user cancels a request, does not perform
the next step of the control procedure within the selection time-out period from the previous
step of the procedure, or the request is rejected. Breakers
The user shall be able to select and operate the two state controllable switching device i.e.
Circuit breakers/ LBS/ in case of RMUs, Isolator also Reset flag of FPI
The user shall be able to select and operate switches or the reset flag of FPI as per utility
SoP. Capacitor Banks
The user shall be able to control capacitor devices. The procedure for controlling these devices
shall be the same as that of a switching device except that any supervisory control action must

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be inhibited for a programmer-adjustable time period after the capacitor/ reactor device has
been operated. A message shall appear if an attempt is made to operate the device prior to
expiration of that time period & dispatcher is required to give command after expiration of
inhibited time period. Tap Changing Transformers
SCADA system shall have the capability to raise and lower the on load tap position of the
transformers from SCADA control center through supervisory commands.
Depending on system conditions, the user may raise or lower the tap positions of On Load
Tap Changing (OLTC) transformers. OLTC's tap position needs to be monitored if supervisory
control action is to be exercised. OLTC tap position input shall be acquired as an analog value.
Tap excursions beyond user-specified high and low limits shall cause the master station to
generate an alarm.
Supervisory control of OLTCs shall only be permitted when the transformer's control mode
is Supervisory. All attempted invalid control actions shall be rejected.
For supervisory operations, the initial selection and control of the transformer for a raise/lower
operation shall follow the (SCBO) Sequence. Upon receipt of the raise/lower command, the
RTU will immediately execute the control action. It shall not be necessary for the user tore-
select the transformer for additional raise/lower operations; the user shall only have to repeat
the desired number of raise/lower commands, which shall be executed immediately. Normal
scanning functions shall not be suspended between the times that repeated raise/lower
commands are issued.
The user shall be able to cancel the operation or have it automatically cancelled by the master
station after a programmer-adjustable time period elapses after the last raise/lower command.
This multi-step procedure as described below
1. The RAISE and LOWER pushbuttons shall be displayed.
2. The command shall be launched as soon as RAISE or LOWER is selected.
The Raise and Lower buttons shall not be replaced by a single Execute
button. The RAISE/LOWER pushbuttons shall continue to be displayed,
and it shall be possible to initiate these controls repeatedly without
reselection of the controlled point, provided that the execution of the
previous control command has successfully been completed.
3. The RAISE/LOWER pushbuttons shall remain available until either (a) the
dispatcher clicks the CANCEL button or (b) the control times out due to
inaction by the dispatcher.
4. A separate timeout period, adjustable in the range of up to 120 seconds, shall
be provided for incremental control. The timer shall be reset and start counting
again whenever a RAISE or LOWER command is issued.
Successful completion of incremental control shall be recorded as an event. However failure
of incremental control, including failure to achieve the intended result, shall be alarmed. Set point Control
The SCADA/DMS shall provide the capability to issue set point control using SCBO
procedure to field equipment The SCADA/DMS shall transmit a numerical value to the
device being controlled, to indicate the desired operational setting of the device.

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Model Technical specification Auto execution sequence /Group control

The Auto execution sequence function shall permit multiple supervisory control commands to
be programmed for automatic execution in a predefined sequence. The dispatcher shall be able
to execute this sequence. Commands to be supported shall include:
 Time delayed
 Pause & until a user commanded restart or step execution
 Jump to other sequence on certain conditional logic
 Manual Entry.
After executing a supervisory control action, the SCADA/DMS shall pause to obtain an
indication of a successful control completion check. If the control completion check is not
received, or does not have the expected value, the SCADA/DMS shall terminate the execution
of the sequence and shall declare an alarm. Apart from waiting for control completion checks,
and unless there is an explicit command for a delay, such as a “Pause” or “Stop” command,
the SCADA/DMS shall not introduce any other delays in the execution of an sequence. No
limit shall be placed on the number of Auto execution sequences, which may execute in
parallel. At any time during the execution of a list, the user shall be able to stop further
execution via a cancel feature. Control Inhibit Tag
A user shall be able to inhibit or enable supervisory control on any device. A tag symbol
indicating the control inhibit conditions shall be displayed next to the device on all displays
where the device is presented.
The programmer shall be able to define up to 4 tag types with the following attributes for
a) Type of controls that shall be inhibited by the tag (e.g. open only (Green tag)
close only (Yellow tag), open and close (Red tag), or information only - no
control inhibit (White tag). Tags shall be preferably identified by colors.
However, distinct symbols /shapes after approval from employer may also be
b) Tag priority
Further the user shall be able to place at least 4 tags per device. Only the highest priority tag
shall be displayed. Any combination of tags shall be supported, including multiple tags of the
same type. The combined effect of multiple tags shall be to inhibit a type of control if it is
inhibited by any of the tags.
When a tag is placed on a device, the user shall be prompted to enter tag number and comment.
An event message shall be generated each time a control inhibit tag is placed or removed with
information on user ID, type of tag, time of placement or removal of tags. Control Permissive interlocks
It shall be possible to define the interlocks at SCADA level as necessary for control actions. It
shall also be possible for operator to bypass the interlock which shall be recorded as an event
message with user ID information. Control Action Monitor
The response to all control actions shall be verified by monitoring the appropriate feedback
variable. A report-back timer (the duration dependent on the type of device) shall be initiated

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when the command is issued. At least ten timer periods of 1 to 60 seconds (adjustable in steps
of one second) shall be supported, any of which may be assigned to any device.
The user shall be provided with an indication that a control action is in progress and,
subsequently, a report of the result. If the control was unsuccessful, an alarm shall be generated
that states:
(a) The control message exchange was not completed successfully,
(b) The device failed to operate, or
(c) The device operated but failed to achieve the desired result (e.g., following a
close control action, a three-state device operates from the open state, but
remains in the transition state).
If the control was successful, an event message shall be generated.
For commands issued as part of a group control, DMS applications etc., the successful
completion of all device control actions shall be reported via a single message. If the operation
is unsuccessful, the user shall be informed of those devices in the group that failed to operate.
2.2.10 Fail-soft capability
The SCADA system shall be able to manage & prevent system from total shutdown / crash the event of system crosses mark of peak loading requirements through graceful de-
gradation of non –critical functions & also relaxing periodicity / update rate of display refresh
& critical functions by 50%.
2.2.11 Remote database downloading, diagnostics & configuration :
The SCADA/DMS system shall be able to download database run diagnostics & create/modify
/delete configuration/ parameterization from centralized control center locations to
RTU/FRTU/FPI etc. using ASDU/ messages of respective protocols or file transfer.
2.3 Information Storage and Retrieval
Information Storage and Retrieval (ISR) function shall allow collection of data from real-time
SCADA/DMS system and storing it periodically in a Relational database management system
(RDBMS) database as historical information (HI) data. This includes storing of data such as
SOE, status data, Analog values, calculated values, Energy values etc. Programmer shall also
be able to set storage mode as by exception in place of periodic storage.
Subsequently, the data shall be retrieved for analysis, display, and trending and report
generation. All stored data shall be accessible from any time period regardless of changes
made to the database after storage of that data (e.g., it shall be possible to retrieve stored data
for a variable that no longer exists in the SCADA/DMS computer system through backups on
storage medias viz. tapes /MO disks e t c . and initialize study-mode DMS functions with stored
data on the corresponding power system model).
The addition, deletion, or modification of data to be collected and processed shall not result
in loss of any previously stored data during the transition of data collection and processing to
the revised database.
It should be able to compress data, and should have 100% retrieval accuracy. However, the
retrieval of compressed historical streams should be of the same performance levels as normal
SCADA retrieval. The ISR should be able to interface over ICCP, OPC, ODBC and
CIM/XML, JSON to external systems (as defined by utility to interface with in the section
“Data exchange”) for analytics over SOA / ESB for Integration with IT Systems, over the
Enterprise Services Bus & SOA Architecture provided as part of legacy system. The ISR

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system shall act as the real interface between SCADA and IT System, where-by the real-time
operational system is not affected with a transaction processing system like IT, and the IT
Integration efforts will not in any way effect the real-time operationally of SCADA/DMS
In ISR should also support ad-hoc queries /reports, and define display and report formats for
selected data via interactive procedures from operator workstations. Formatted reports and
responses to user queries shall be presented in alphanumeric or graphical format on either
operator workstations or printers at the option of the user. Procedure definition facilities shall
be provided for activities that will be frequently performed. SQL-based language shall be used
for selecting, retrieving, editing, sorting, analyzing, and reporting ISR data stored. The
selection and sorting criteria shall include time tags and ranges, station names, point names,
equipment types, status values, text string matches on selected data fields etc. and
combinations of these criteria.
It shall be possible to reload any IS&R archival media that has been removed from IS&R and
access the archived data without disturbing the collection, storage, and retrieval of IS&R data
in real-time.
The ISR system shall also be used for mass storage of data/files such as DMS application save-
cases, Output results of DMS applications, Continuous real-time data of selected time window
The online period of data tables is 24 months, however, there shall not be time restriction to
online availability of logs, real time data based on the stored values.
The System Design Parameters of ISR system is given in the chapter19
2.3.1 Circuit breaker status Table
The ISR function shall maintain a table in RDBMS database where real-time status of all
Circuit breakers, in case of RMU -LBS, isolators & Sectionalizers switching also along with
the associated quality codes shall be stored. The change of status of any breaker shall be
updated in this table as soon as the change is detected by the SCADA system. This table shall
contain additional information such as date & time of tripping, cause of tripping, Expected
duration of outage etc. Some of the causes of tripping could be Supervisory controlby user,
Protection tripping, Tripping / closing by DMS applications. Information on expected
duration of outage shall be taken from schedules for DMS application such as Load shed
application etc. For expected duration of outages due to p r o t e c t i o n tripping, the sameshall
be user enterable field. Such daily tables for 24 months duration shall be stored on auxiliary
memory (Online). Tables for the previous day shall be backed up to Magnetic tape/or any
offline storage device for this purpose by the user at 10AM daily.
The ISR function shall transfer the information available in the "Circuit breaker status table”
as defined above, and may be used by existing Customer Care center /legacy system using
SOA/Enterprise Service Bus, over ODBC/OPC/ICCP Adapters / Interfaces. The complete
Circuit Breaker Information shall be transferred to Customer care center on demand & by
exception along with the associated quality codes and additional information associated with
the CB.
2.3.2 Real-time Database Snapshot Tables
At the end of each 5 minutes, the following real time snapshot data shall be stored in RDBMS
in Real-time Database Snapshot tables:

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a) All telemetered analog values and Calculated values for all tele-metered analog
points (at least maxima & minima with associated time and average values).
Energy values are not envisaged for storage in Data snapshot tables.
b) All status values with time stamp
All the above values as specified above in (a) & (b) shall be stored along with their associated
quality code. The periodicity of the snapshot shall be user adjustable to include 5, 15, 30, and
60 minutes. Data Snapshot tables shall be created on daily basis. Such daily tables for 24
months duration shall be stored on auxiliary memory (Online). Tables for the previous day
shall be backed up to Magnetic tape/ or any offline storage device for this purpose by the user
at 10AM daily.
The ISR function shall prompt the user through a pop-up window to inform the user for taking
the backup. The pop-up window shall persist till user acknowledges the same. In addition to
that data can be stored on offline storage device.
The user shall also be able to initialize the study-mode power system analysis functions from
stored snapshot data.
2.3.3 Hourly Data tables
At the end of each hour information as defined below shall be included in the hourly data
tables, in RDBMS database form:
(a) Selected analog values along with their associated quality codes
(b) Selected status values along with their associated quality codes
(c) Results of hourly calculations for selected analog points (atleast maxima &
minima with associated time and average) alongwith their associated quality
(d) In addition to above a separate hourly energy data table exclusively for energy
values (Export and Import Active and reactive Energy values for each feeder)
shall be created in ISR alongwith their associated quality codes.
Hourly data tables shall be created on daily basis. Such daily tables for 24 months duration
shall be stored on auxiliary memory Online). Tables for the previous day shall be backed up
to Magnetic tape/ or any offline storage device for this purpose by the user at 10AM daily.
The ISR function shall prompt the user through a pop-up window to remind the user for taking
the backup. The pop-up window shall persist till user acknowledges the same. Missed Hourly Data Storage
The programmer shall be able to independently assign any one of the following processing
for each hourly value to be executed when the value is missed and cannot be acquired prior to
the storage of hourly values.
(a) Store zero and a telemetry failure quality code for each missed hour.
(b) Store the last good data value, with a questionable data quality code, for each
missed hour.
(c) Temporarily store zero with a telemetry failure code for each missed hour.
(d) When the next good hourly value is obtained, divide that value by the number of
hours since the last good value was obtained and insert this value, with a
questionable data quality code, for all hours with missed data and the first hour

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that good data was obtained as is the case for energy values. Hourly Data Calculations
The programmer shall be able to define calculated values using stored hourly data and
constants as operands. The calculations shall allow the carry-forward of data from one day,
week, or month to the next. The results of all calculations shall include quality codes derived
from the quality codes of the operands. The following calculations shall be provided:
(a) Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
(b) Summation of an hourly value by day, week, and month: The running total
of the summation for the current day, week, and month shall be updated each
hour and made available for display.
(c) Maximum and minimum of a value over a programmer-definable time period,
and the time the maximum or minimum occurred
(d) Average of a value over a programmer-definable time period
2.3.4 SAIDI/SAIFI table
SAIDI/SAIFI values of each feeder shall be stored on daily/ weekly/ monthly/ quarterly and
yearly and user defined timeline basis The values shall be determined from IEEE 1366
standard formula. In addition any customization as per Govt requirement may also be
The SAIDI/SAIFI data shall be determined from outage and restoration time (breaker on &
off /on cycle) and the time of outage. SAIDI /SAIFI shall be determined considering reason
of outage in terms of planned and unplanned outage (Planned due to maintenance /operator
command driven), Unplanned ( Fault/Trip driven ). In addition, the data consumer count and
load connected on feeder on monthly basis shall be updated from user entry or export from
IT system if any. There shall be suitable alarm/event message including user ID for such
activity. Such tables on daily/ weekly/ monthly/ quarterly and shall be available
The data so captured shall also derive town wise SAIDI/SAIFI on daily/ weekly/ monthly/
quarterly, yearly and user defined timeline basis. Such daily tables for two years duration
shall be stored on auxiliary memory (Online). Tables for the every year shall be backed up to
Magnetic tape/ or any offline storage device for this purpose by the user.
2.3.5 Daily Energy Data table
The daily energy data table shall be generated for storage of daily energy values for 15 minute
blocks / one hour blocks of a day & shall be stored for each feeder on daily basis along with
quality codes. This daily energy data shall be exchanged with the Billing system in Data
center/ legacy master billing center, if so defined to integrate in data exchange on daily basis
and on demand. This table shall be created on daily basis. Such daily tables for 24 months
duration shall be stored on auxiliary memory. Daily Energy data table for the previous month
shall be backed up to Magnetic tape by the user on the 10th of every month.
2.3.6 Load priority table
ISR system shall maintain a Load priority table containing information such as breaker name,
number of consumers connected to each Breaker and Load priority of each Breaker. In
addition, the priority of the feeders shall be updated from user entry or export from IT system
if any on monthly basis or user defined based on AT&C and revenue generation /collection
or any other priority Besides, this system shall also be able to set load priority based on the
AT&C an revenue information collected from IT system for each feeder

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There shall be suitable alarm/event message including user ID for such activity. The
table information shall be used by various DMS applications.
2.3.7 SOE data table
ISR system shall maintain SOE data table which shall store the SOE data for complete
distribution system. It shall be possible to sort the table by Time, Date, Substation name/,
feeder/line name, device name etc. using SQL commands. This table shall be made on daily
basis. Such daily tables for two years duration shall be stored on auxiliary memory. For the
purpose of sizing of table, daily 4 changes per SOE point may be considered. All CBs,
protection and alarm contacts shall be considered as SOE. Tables for the previous day shall
be backed up to Magnetic tape/ MO disks by the user at 10AM of every day.
2.3.8 Feeder Limit overshoot table
ISR system shall maintain feeder limit over shoot instances record for each feeder load for
overload condition, voltage for under voltage, over voltage and power factor for low power
factor any other parameter utility required to define Feeder Limit overshoot table. The data
shall contain count of such instances and duration for which feeder experienced such
condition and index for overshoot limit of voltage ) low ,high ), current ( high ), power factor
(low) etc on daily, monthly, quarterly, yearly basis. Such daily tables for two years duration
shall be stored on auxiliary memory. Tables for the previous day shall be backed up to
Magnetic tape/ MO disks by the user at 10AM of every day.
2.3.9 FPI fault table
ISR system shall maintain feeder FPI instances record for each feeder for o/c & E/F instances
required to define FPI index table . The data shall contain count of such instances and type
, section (FPI ) for which feeder experienced such condition and index for FPI fault index on
daily, monthly, quarterly, yearly basis. Such daily tables for two years duration shall be stored
on auxiliary memory. Tables for the previous day shall be backed up to Magnetic tape/MO
disks by the user at 10AM of every day
2.3.10 Equipment Failure Table
ISR system shall maintain record of DT, Power transformer failure information on weekly
manner . The same shall be collected from ERP system if any or any other system where such
data is maintained and also there shall be provision for user to enter data pertaining to failure
of power transformer and DT to determine DT & Power transformer failure rate shoot
instances record on weekly monthly, quarterly, yearly basis. Such daily tables for two years
duration shall be stored on auxiliary memory. Tables for the previous day shall be backed up
to Magnetic tape/ MO disks by the user at 10AM of every day.
2.3.11 User defined index table
ISR system shall maintain record of user defined indexes derived for performance from
telemetered data to record on daily weekly monthly, quarterly, yearly basis. Such daily tables
for two years duration shall be stored on auxiliary memory. Tables for the previous day shall
be backed up to Magnetic tape/ MO disks by the user at 10AM of every day.
2.3.12 Average time restoration table
ISR system shall maintain record of avg time to report outage location, restoration of supply of
feeder, project area on monthly, quarterly, yearly basis. Such daily tables for two years duration
shall be stored on auxiliary memory. Tables for the previous day shall be backed up to Magnetic
tape/ MO disks by the user at 10AM of every day.

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2.3.13 Daily /Weekly Flash report for management of utility

ISR system shall maintain record and flash report in form of dashboard for management of utility
exhibiting key performance indices. Such daily tables for two years duration shall be stored on
auxiliary memory. Tables for the previous day shall be backed up to Magnetic tape/ MO disks
by the user at 10AM of every day
2.3.14 Historical Information (HI) Data Retrieval
The data stored in the ISR system shall support the following retrieval capabilities:
(a) The user shall be able to view and edit HI data on displays/Forms and reports.
The user shall be able to edit HI data, request recalculation of all derived values,
and regenerate and print any daily, weekly or monthly HI report for the current
and previous month.
(b) The user shall be able to view tabular trend and graphical trend of multiple data
points simultaneously by specifying the start date and time, the end date and time,
and the time period between displayed samples. The duration of viewable tabular
trend and graphical trend could be up to 24 hours. The features of Tabular/graphic
trend are mentioned in the specification for User interface.
(c) The HI retrieval shall expose the ISR Data over SOA / Enterprise Services BUS
Supplied by ITIA, over CIM/XML, ICCP or OPC ODBC Interfaces / Adapters.
(d) The retrieval shall provide 100% accuracy and fidelity of data
2.3.15 System Message Log Storage and Retrieval
System message log, which shall consist of the chronological listing of the SCADA/DMS
computer system alarm messages, event messages and user messages shall be stored for
archival and analysis. Each entry shall consist of time tag and a text containing user and device
identification as displayed on the Alarm Summary or Event Summary displays. The System
message log data storage shall be sized for up to 20,000 entries per month.
System message log data shall be stored in daily tables & shall be available for minimum two
months on auxiliary memory (online) System message log data for previous months shall be
Backed up on Magnetic tapes/ MO disks by the user for which ISR function shall prompt the
user every hour with suitable message to remind user for taking the backup on the 10th of
every month. This message shall be disabled once the backup is taken.
Facilities to sort and selectively display and print the contents of the system message log shall
be provided. The user shall be able to select the display of system message log entries based
upon Alarm type, Events, User generated messages, Device, and Time period.
2.3.16 Mass storage of data/files
The ISR system shall be sized for m a s s storage of data/files for at least the following :
a) 10 save-cases for each DMS & OMS application
b) 10 Output results of each DMS & OMS applications
2.4 Load Shed Application (LSA)
The load-shed application shall automate and optimize the process of selecting the best
combination of switches to be opened and controlling in order to shed the desired amount
of load. Given a total amount of load to be shed, the load shed application shall recommend
different possible combinations of switches to be opened, in order to meet the requirement.
The despatcher is presented with various combinations of switching operations, which shall

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result in a total amount of load shed, which closely resembles the specified total. The
despatcher can then choose any of the recommended actions and execute them. The
recommendation is based on Basic rules for load shedding & restoration
In case of failure of supervisory control for few breakers, the total desired load shed/restore
will not be met. Under such conditions, the application shall inform the dispatcher the balance
amount of load to be shed /restore. The load-shed application shall run again to complete the
desired load shed /restore process. The result of any Load Shed operation shall be archived
in Information storage and retrieval (IS&R) system.
2.4.1 Basic rules for load shedding & restoration
The load shall be shed or restored on the basis of following basic rules:
(a) By load priority
The LSA shall have a priority mechanism that shall allow the user to assign higher priorities
for VIP/ Critical loads or any other important load or feeders with high revenue or low AT&C
losses. The load assigned with the higher priorities shall be advised to be shed later and restore
earlier than load with relatively lower priorities. Each load priority shall be user definable
over the scale of at least 1-10.
(b) By 24 Hrs. load shed /restore history
The loads of equal priorities shall be advised for restoration in such a way that loads shed
first shall be advised to be restored first. The application shall ensure that tripping operations
is done in a cyclic manner to avoid the same consumers being affected repeatedly, however,
priority loads shall be affected least.
(c) By number of consumers affected
The consumer with equal priority and similar past load shed history shall be considered by
the application in such a way that minimum number of consumers are affected during the
proposed load shed. The data for number of consumers connected to a feeder /device shall be
taken from computerized billing system.
2.4.2 Modes of operation
The load-shed application shall operate in the following modes:
(a) Manual load shed
(b) Manual load restoration
(c) Auto load shed
(d) Auto load restoration
Each mode of operation can be enabled or disabled by operator independently. The load
can be shed & restore in possible combination i.e. manually shed & auto restore vice versa or
both operations in the same modes. Manual Load Shed
In this mode operator specifies a load to be shed in a project area The software shall determine
& propose all the possible combinations of switches to be operated for the requested load
shed considering the basic rules for load shed & restoration.
In case more than one options are possible, then the application shall identify all such options
with the priority of consumers along with the number of consumers are likelyto be
affected for the particular load shed option. The despatcher shall select & execute one

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of these options for affecting the load shed. Manual Load Restoration
In this mode operator specifies the desired load to be restored. The software shall determine
the switches to be operated for the requested load restore considering the basic rules for load
shed & restoration.
In case more than one options are possible, then the application shall identify all such options
with the priority of consumers along with the number of consumers are likely to be
restored for the particular load restore option if chosen by despatcher. The despatcher shall
select & execute one of these options for effecting the load restoration.
The Load shed Application shall maintain a load restore timer, which shall automatically start
after tripping of CB due to manual load shedding. An alarm shall be generated to remindthe
operator to restore the loads when this timer expires. For manual mode of operation the
dispatcher shall enter the value of load restore timer. Auto Load Shed
This shall have two modes namely frequency based load shed & time of day based load shed
as described below.
(a) Frequency based Load Shed
The function shall execute the tripping of breakers based on the system frequency
automatically considering the basic rules for load shed & restoration.
The software shall automatically execute the switching operations as soon as system
frequency reaches at load shed start (LSS_str) frequency threshold and it shall continue to
do so unless system frequency crosses the load shed stop (LSS-stp) frequency limit. The
frequency limits shall be despatcher assignable up to single decimal points. Once frequency
crosses below LSS_stp limit, then load shed can only be started again when frequency attains
LSS_str. Limit LSS_str shall be lower than LSS_stp & suitable protection to ensure that
shall be provided in user interface such as discard, forbidden etc. if user accidently enters
LSS _str higher or equal to LSS_stp or LSS are entered higher than LSR
(b) Time of day based Load Shed
The function shall operate to shed load at the predefined time of the day & load to be
shed. The software shall automatically execute the switching operations considering the basic
rules for load shed & restoration. Auto Load Restoration
This shall have two modes namely frequency based load restoration & time of day based load
restoration as described below:
(a) Frequency based restoration
The function shall execute the closing of breakers based on the system frequency
automatically considering the basic rules for load shed & restoration.
The software shall automatically execute the switching operations as soon as system
frequency attains load restore start frequency limit (LSR_ str) and it shall continue to do so
as long as system frequency is crosses below the mark load shed restore stop frequency limit
(LSR_stp). The frequency limits shall be despatcher assignable up to single decimal points.
Once frequency crosses below LSR_stp limit , then load shed can only be started again when
frequency attains LSR_str. Limit LSR_str shall be higher than LSR_stp &

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suitable protection to ensure that shall be provided in user interface such as discard ,forbidden
etc. if user accidently enters LSR _stp higher or equal to LSR_str or LSR limits or LSS _str
higher or equal to LSS_stp or LSR limits, lower than LSS . The sequence of frequency limits
shall be permitted as LSR str>LSR_stp>LSS _stp >LSS_str. Adequate protection as
mentioned above shall be given if user tries to violate the same.
(b) Time of day based restoration
The function shall operate to restore load at the predefined time of the day & load to be
restored. The software shall automatically execute the switching operations considering the
basic rules for load shed & restoration.
2.4.3 Alarms/Events
All Load shed & restore operations executed shall be logged in the system as events. In case
the supervisory control fails during the operation in predefined time, an alarm shall be
generated with the possible reason for the failure.
2.4.4 Summary Report
Load shed application shall generate Summary Reports for project area on daily basis. These
reports shall be available online for minimum period of two days. The following reports shall
be made.
(a) Daily Load shed report indicating, substation name, feeder/device name,d
a t e /time, duration of load shed and amount of load shed, Number of
consumers affected based on consumer indexing information, mode of load
shed including planned outages of feeders/network equipments.
(b) Daily Alarm summary pertaining to LSA, substation wise.
(c) Substation wise daily Served, un-served power & energy for every 5 minute
time block
(d) Served & un-served power for last seven days for every 5-minute time block
to calculate Load forecast for the next day. The report shall contain a column
to define weightage factor (multiplier) by despatcher to calculate Load forecast
for the next day. The weightage factor is required to consider the type of the
day such as holiday, festivals, rainy day, etc. Separate report for total load
forecast of complete project area shall also be generated from above two
2.5 Common Disaster Replica Recovery Centre ( DRR)
The same shall be replica of SCADA DMS Control center for Group A and with secured
permission and upon non availability of main SCADA/DMS Control center, the operation of
that town shall be possible from DRR. However, system shall remain in sync at hourly basis
and shall be suitable interlocks to avoid any accidental command. In case main control center
is not available, all underlying equipment i.e. RTU/FRTU/FPI etc shall switch reporting to
DRR and DRR will now act as master and sych old master. The process of switching shall
not take more than 15 minutes. Now, after swapped configuration of DRR and Main Control
Centre, the data sych shall continue from new master SCADA Centre to swapped DRR centre
2.6 Data recovery function (DR)
The DR function is a repository of system build up software of all towns Group B & Group
C towns.Two year online backup shall be available at this location with data pertaining to
each town i.e. system build ups shall be available of each town separately so that the same can

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be utilized upon setting up newer system after disaster. The data related to network model of
SCADA/DMS control center of each town shall be sent to DR center periodically once a day
& upon user request. The data shall be configured to be sent globally & incremental. All logs,
data model etc. & necessary interfaces that are essential for complete system build up shall be
stored at DR center. All requisite data which is build the system from scratch shall be
transferred to DR. An alarm shall be generated & send to SCADA/DMS control center upon
attaining user defined threshold e.g. 80% for storage at DR center.
2.7 RT-DAS system
The RT-DAS system shall use control center of Group B towns and shall have SCADA
features except control capability. However, the same may be upgraded for enabling control
,if need be without additional license and only by adding output cards and enabling in the
configuration software.

End of Chapter 2

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3.0 General Requirements
This chapter describes the Distribution Management System (DMS) applications & other
supporting applications that are required for SCADA/DMS System. The DMS applications
shall utilize the data acquired by the SCADA application. Distribution management System
Software s h a l l include the following applications. Utilities shall select /all or certain
applications according to the need & characteristic / profile of the electrical network in the
project area. This chapter is applicable to Group A. However also applicable for B, C towns as
per functional requirements mentioned explicitly in this chapter. For U category towns, the
functions that are required sanctioned to be integrated, are applicable.
3.1 DMS functions
These functions are applicable to Group A Towns only except LSA, LFA, OM & DTS
functions which are also applicable for Group B, C towns as pseudo SCADA functions limited
to substation network).
 Network Connectivity Analysis (NCA)
 State Estimation (SE)
 Load Flow Application (LFA) (Group B,C) towns also as a pseudo SCADA
feature also limited to Substation network)
 Voltage VAR control (VVC)
 Load Shed Application (LSA) (Group B,C) towns also as a pseudo SCADA
feature also limited to Substation network). (Chapter 1, ClauseNo. 1.4))
 Fault Management and System Restoration (FMSR)
 Loss Minimization via Feeder Reconfiguration(LMFR)
 Load Balancing via Feeder Reconfiguration( LBFR)
 Operation Monitor (OM) ) (Group B,C) towns also as a pseudo SCADA feature
also limited to Substation network)
Other Supporting functions
 Dispatcher training Simulator (DTS)
Contractor’s Standard product
The bidders are encouraged to supply standard, unmodified products that meet or exceed the
Specification requirements. These products may be provided from the bidder's in-house
baseline offerings as standard products from other established suppliers. Bidders shall describe
all standard; unmodified products proposed and shall highlight those features that exceed the
Specification requirements. Although the bidder is encouraged to use as much standard
hardware and software as possible, the proposal will be judged by its conformance to the
Specification. Hence, a minimum level of customization in order functional requirement is
permitted. The product CIM based interfaces to other enterprise applications shall be available.
Bidder shall survey and collect network element parameters from utility and utility shall
provide the same to run DMS functions.
Graphical & Tabular display requirements for DMS functions

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A network overview display of the distribution system with substations, feeders color coded
by voltage shall be provided. This display shall present the distribution system in a graphic
format. Telemetered and calculated values like active and reactive power flows etc. shall be
displayed with direction arrow. Lines, Loads, transformers etc. that have exceeded their loading
limits shall be highlighted. Stations shall be depicted by suitable symbols which reflect the
presence of alarms. Cursor selection of a station symbol shall result in display of the associated
Single line diagram for that station. “What if “analysis shall be included to visualize network
& verify the impact before an action is taken by dispatcher. For all switching actions which
dispatcher have to execute manually/step by step shall have the option to simulate switching
operations in order to visualize the effect on the distribution network using what if analysis.
All DMS result tabular displays shall have capability for sorting by name and calculated
parameters. The solution prescribed by DMS application shall consider & identify & sort
the following as minimum.
1. Remote controllable circuit breaker with capability to interrupt fault currents
2. Non-remote controllable circuit breaker with capability to interrupt fault currents
3. Remote controllable circuit breaker with no capability to interrupt fault currents
4. Non-remote controllable circuit breaker with no capability to interrupt fault
5. Remote controllable disconnector
6. Non remote controllable disconnector.
7. Fuse
8. Ground/ Earth switch etc.
9. RMUs
10. Sectionlizer
11. Communicable FPIs
Network Model, GIS association
The DMS applications shall have a common model for the project area comprising of primary
substation feeders, distribution network and devices with minimum 10 possible islands, which
may be formed dynamically. All DMS applications shall be able to run successfully for the
total distribution system with future expandability as envisaged under the specification. The
following devices shall be represented in the model as a minimum:
a) Power Injection points
b) Transformers
c) Feeders
d) Load (balanced as well as unbalanced)
e) Circuit Breakers
f) RMUs &Sectionizers
g) Isolators
h) Fuses

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i) Capacitor banks
j) Reactors
k) Generators
l) Bus bars
m) Temporary Jumper, Cut and Ground
n) Ring, Meshed & radial network configuration
o) Line segments, which can be single-phase, two-phase or three-phase and
makeup a distribution circuit.
p) Conductors & Cables
q) Grounding devices
r) Fault detectors/FPI
s) IEDs
t) Operational limits for components such as lines, transformers, and switching
All DMS applications shall be accessed from graphic user interface through Operator consoles
as defined in this specification. Reports, results and displays of all DMS application shall be
available for printing at user request.

Population and maintenance of the distribution network model should be possible by using the
database maintenance tools to build the database from scratch. In case the required data already
exists within the Employer’s corporate Geographic Information System (GIS) as a legacy, the
DMS database functions should leverage this effort by providing an interface/adaptor to extract
GIS data using the CIM international standard IEC 61970/61968 and automatically generate
the complete Network Operations Model. The data extracted should include network device
information, connectivity, topology, nominal status and non- electrical data such as cable,
l a n d b a s e data etc. Further Land base data can be sourced from GIS in Shape files or DXF.
The utility shall provide all necessary details of legacy system for interface and to use this data.
The extraction process should comply with the international standard CIM data descriptions.
The CIM standard is maintained by the IEC (Technical Committee 57, WorkingGroup 14) and
is used for a wide range of purposes. The extraction process should be independent of the real-
time network management system. Any GIS model should be extractable to build the network
model regardless of the supplier or internal schema.
The extraction should also allow incremental updates & global transfer with no need to bring
the system down or even fail over. The model should support extraction on a per-station basis
and must be fully scalable from a single zone substation to the largest distribution
networks.SCADA/ DMS should be able to present geospatial data even when the link to the
source GIS at the data center/DR is not available. The user interface supporting the database
will provide updated data directly to display geographic and/or schematic views of the network.
The model should support multiple geographic coordinate sets for each device so that, if
available, the network can be displayed in custom geo- schematic formats. The network views
may also include various levels of detail depending on the zoom level. Information such as
land-based data (provided as a dxf file, shape file etc.) may also be displayed as required.

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An interface with the already existing Geographical Information Systems shall be developed
using interoperability features between the DMS and the installed GIS.
Each of the two systems shall keep its own specificity, and shall be used for what it has been
designed: the SCADA for the real-time data acquisition, control and processing, the GIS for
the maintenance of the network construction and geographic data.
The interface shall be developed in order to obtain a maximum benefit of the two systems use.
It shall be implemented while maintaining the SCADA/DMS and GIS integrity as individual
systems. It is of the utmost importance that the two systems remain able to operate separately.
The required functionalities for this interface shall cover the two following aspects:
The transfer of specific real-time data from the DMS into the GIS data-base the possibility to
navigate easily from one system to the other through the user’s interface
Data exchanges shall be made through the Control Center LAN/WAN.. Bidder shall
demonstrate its incorporation capability to the main GIS Vendors through a dedicated reference
list or provide and support standard interfaces to GIS.
In case of non-availability of the interface details of legacy system by utility. GIS adaptor shall
tested to establish with sample database and the bidder shall run the same through, single line
diagrams schema with network element parameters.

Utility shall specify availability of updated GIS based asset /network database and GIS
application software In case of non-availability of the same , utility shall be provided through
sanctioned scope of IT/AMISP etc or on their own funds. For SCADA/DMS , if existing
database of electrical assets is not up to date or incorrect. Bidder may consider , the scope of
survey , data entry , updation in their scope . Further , if license is not upto date. Then bidder
shall in their as part of “any other items required to meet functional and performance
requirement” in the BOQ . The details software ,available interface and state of data to be
specified in the legacy section .i.e chapter 1 of RFP
As an option , utility may also include GIS software also in the RFP as per approved IT OR
/SCADA projects . There shall not be duplication in IT (AMISP etc and SCADA). Key feature
/ specification is given in the table below:
Sr.No. GIS Specifications
Geographic Information System solution consists of a system for capturing, storing,
checking, integrating, modification , analyzing and displaying geo data related to positions
on the Earth's surface and data related to attributes of the entities/Customers in an utility
1 area. It pertains to both vector and raster GIS
The GIS product shall have an industry standard Data Model and shall be CIM compliant.
2 Standard adaptors to export the data in CIM model should be available off the shelf.
Geographic Information System solution shall support modelling of High voltage, Medium
voltage and Low voltage distribution network and associated assets including Generators,
HV lines, HV Transformers, MV lines (OH & UG cables), Poles, Primary Substations, LV
lines (OH, ABC & UG cables, 1Phase, 2Phase & 3Phase), Switchgears, Auto-Reclosers, Load
Break Switches, DDLO’s, Distribution Transformers, LV fuses, Retail & Bulk customers ,
3 RMU, IED , FPIs etc using appropriate GPS coordinate system .
Existing data if available with discom will be shared with the bidder which shall be migrated
4 to the proposed GIS solution by the bidder.
Bidder will propose to follow the three-stage database modeling process involving
Conceptual, Logical and Physical data models. The finalization of the data model would be
performed as part of SRS jointly with discom. To design the Data model, Bidder will
5 develop conceptual model to assemble a high-level abstract representation of the GIS
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layers and to identify basic relationship between data entities by grouping of simple
features into categories or thematic groups. Standard five key elements of Geo database

Logical model will be developed further to visualize clearly data relationships, shapes and
business attributes and finally Physical model will be prepared which will constitute
complete details, defined schema design and specifically defines attributes and their
characteristics like Relationships, Subtypes,
Domains, Topology Rules, data dictionary, primary keys for each feature class. Fine-tuning
6 of these models will be performed until all the data requirements are fulfilled.
This shall enable creation of GIS base application geo-database, which shall provide
interfaces to the business process applications presently operational in the utility and to
7 future business applications planned to be implemented by the utility.
Shall support structured export of connected network in CIM/XML format for one-time
initial load as well as incremental changes. Shall also support structured publishing of
8 proposed network changes with SCADA/DMS/OMS system.
The GIS Enterprise software package with latest version, and spatial database engine with
industry proven database specifically for maintaining spatial networks and long
transaction spatial handling scaling up to very large numbers of users and terabytes of
data with latest version supplied. The system shall have to be Open GIS consortium (OGC)
9 registered compliant product time tested, widely deployed at multiple utilities worldwide
The system shall provide support in the form of a documented interface specification
10 (API) to allow software - based functionality
11 The system should have functionality to Zoom; PAN the display across the screen.
. The system shall generate color graphic displays of the system network which can be
zoomed in / out. This shall represent each of the elements in the electrical system with
suitable differing colors for the elements. The color-coding will be based on the rated
voltage, Percentage of voltage at each bus,
12 Percentage of loading of section, Symbols or any other chosen parameters by user.
Dynamic selection of attributes: User should be able to dynamically select one or more of
the attributes of an object, to be displayed as label of the object. This can be for viewing,
13 plotting and printing purposes
14 System should be able to perform move, copy, rotate, mirror and offset.
15 System should specify the real time measurement / length while drawing the lines.
Ability to report the lengths of conductors and the associated cost of the conductor (if
16 available from associated compatible units.
The graphic user interface shall have a modular structure with main menus and sub-
menus that allow users to dynamically configure their own user interface to required
17 level.
It shall be possible to view the system elements such as Customer location etc on,
mapping and indexing work. It shall be dynamically possible to switch from one mode of
view to the other by use of a pointing device. It shall be possible to view the physical
18 system details in the background of the area maps created
The application should have facility of cluttering and decluttering. The process of showing
more details as users zooms in is called cluttering and process of hiding details as user
19 zooms out is called decluttering
The software shall be able to check the electrical network line continuity for the power
flow through graphical and non- graphical data as listed below :
The electrical line tracing till the end of the line by considering the switch positions on the
20 line. The line will have to be highlighted after the tracing.
Should provide a collection of tools for managing, modelling, and editing facility and land
21 base data in an enterprise system.

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Should have configurable tools such as.
• Support electric feeder/circuit creation and configuration
• Support to industry standard utility data models
• Support various types of electric feeder Traces (upstream, downstream, protective
device etc.).
• Network trace shall be configurable – By Voltage Class (HV,MV,LV), phase, circuit,
22 upstream/downstream, etc.
Should support for Standard distribution operations such as Phase Change/Phase
Replacement or Addition of Conductor, Rotation of phasing information, updating flow
23 directions, updating voltages etc
Should have out of the box tracing tools for the Electric utility:
• Find Downstream features
• Find Upstream features
24 • Protective device trace and options
It should have out of box tools to store stored items and can update attribute in a mass
25 manner.
26 Database extraction tools for importing and exporting network data.

27 Audit trail of changes made with detals

System shall support effective management of asset lifecycle status. The current network
shall include equipment that already exists in the field, and the future network shall include
28 new network proposed in the design, together with the currently existing network.
To support the business processes that involve planning, design, maintenance and
retirement of facilities, conducting and structure objects in the data model shall have a
Lifecycle status attribute which determines whether the object is considered to belong in
29 the current or future state of the network, or both
Report Generation Tools. A business user shall be able to connect to proposed GIS, other
standard GIS databases as well as other enterprise system databases (Oracle, SQ Server)
30 and flat file databases like excel, csv etc. without any data extraction or loading
Features should support file attachments, which should provide a flexible way to store
additional information in any format related to your features. For example, if you have a
feature representing a building, you could use attachments to add multiple photographs of
the building taken from several angles, along with PDF files containing the building's deed
31 and tax information
Multiple geometries per object to support multiple representations of same object, e.g.
32 on geographic maps or schematic diagrams
System to support plotting functionalities including template creation for standard
layouts and output the plot to PDF. Plot Series creation for creating map books and job
33 sheets is also required
The system shall support to quickly generate plots for the Construction Pack provides
34 tools to create construction plots and manage these and other related documents.
The system shall support users to add content to layout document pages. The content
could be:
• Text annotation: users can add free text or they can add predefined annotations to
database objects shown in the viewport
• Lines, arrows and symbols
• Images
• Additional Views
35 • Stencils
36 Snap to vertex, endpoint, midpoint, or along the edge of features & layer wise snapping
37 On-the-fly dynamic joins between different databases

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Create statistics & various statistical operations, viz. create charts and reports, and Sort
38 tables by multiple attributes, populate values based on expression, Summarize data.
39 Should be able to plot data on the map directly from the tables.
40 Software should support Display graphs, charts and calculated values
Tool should have simplified view of the network for better operations management and
41 faster decision making.
42 Tool should Check network connectivity

GIS solution shall be a integrated GIS product to deliver value beyond just asset data
GIS Software should be compatible to be integrated with enterprise systems such as AMI,
Mobile work Force Management, SCADA, DMS,OMS ERP, Online billing System, or any
43 other system to be used by utility in future with standard interface specificied.
44 Data analytical dashboards / reports

3.1.1 Network Connectivity Analysis (NCA)

The network connectivity analysis function shall provide the connectivity between various
network elements. The prevailing network topology shall be determined from the status of all
the switching devices such as circuit breaker, isolators etc. that affect the topology of the
network modeled.
NCA shall run in real time as well as in study mode. Real-time mode of operation shall use
data acquired by SCADA. Study mode of operation will use either a snapshot of the real-time
data or save cases.
NCA shall run in real time on event-driven basis. In study mode the NCA shall run on operator
The topology shall be based on:
(a) Tele-metered switching device statuses
(b) Manually entered switching device statuses.
(c) Modelled element statuses from DMS applications.
It shall determine the network topology for the following as minimum.
(a) Bus connectivity (Live/ dead status)
(b) Feeder connectivity
(c) Network connectivity representing S/S bus as node
(e) Energized /de-energized state of network equipments
(f) Representation of Loops (Possible alternate routes)
(g) Representation of parallels
(h) Abnormal/off-normal state of CB/Isolators

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The NCA shall assist operator to know operating state of the distribution network indicating
radial mode, loops and parallels in the network. Distribution networks are normally operated
in radial mode; loops and/or parallel may be intentionally or inadvertently formed.
A loop refers to a network connectivity situation in which there exist alternative power flow
paths to a load from a single power source. A parallel refers to a topological structure in which
a load is fed from more than one power source. Parallel paths often result in circulating currents
and such operating conditions need to be avoided. All loops/parallels in an electrical network
shall be shown by different colors in such a way that each is easily identifiable.
Abnormal state of CB/Isolators means these devices are not in their Normal OPEN or CLOSED
Alarms shall be generated when presence of abnormal switches, De- energized components of
network and of Network loops / parallels is detected. Tracing
NCA function shall also have the capabilities of network tracing when requested by the
dispatcher. Dedicated colors shall be used for feeder and circuit tracing and also when
information available is not complete or inconsistent. The trace shall persist through
subsequent display call-ups, until the operator explicitly removes it or requests another trace.
In addition, at the bottom of the geographic view the number of transformers and customers
passed by the trace are shown.
(a) Feeder tracing - This feature shall aid dispatcher to identify the path from a
source to all connected components by same color.
(b) Circuit tracing- This feature shall enable operator to select any device and
identify the source and path by which it is connected through the same color.
(c) Between Tracing- This feature shall enable the operator to select any two
components of the network and shall able to trace all components connected in
between them.
(d) Downstream Trace- from a selected circuit element the trace identifies all
devices that are downstream of the selected element. In the case where a
downstream trace is performed on a de-energized section of the network, the trace
highlights all devices electrically connected to the element. Temporary Modifications:
The NCA will allow temporary modifications at any point in the distribution network to change
the network configuration, to isolate faults, restore services or perform maintenance. A
Summary shall list the jumpers, cuts and grounds that are currently applied. The function is
performed by the NCA and is implemented locally within the client software and has no effect
on the operations model or other clients viewing the network. Cuts:
Cuts facilitated in any line segment in the network. The cut may be applied to one or more
available phases of the conductor. The cut could also be applied as a temporary switch inserted
in the line.
 The cut must be given a name or id number for identification, which is
displayed as a label on the geographic network view.
 It should be possible to select the position of the label relative to the cut

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 The position can be altered after the cut has been placed.
Once placed the cut symbol can be selected and switched on and off by the operator in the same
way as a standard disconnect switch. Cuts can also be tagged. Jumpers
Jumpers are a means of providing a temporary, switchable connection between two points on
the network. The operator should be able to select two points and place the jumper with relevant
details. The initial state of the jumper may be set to open or closed. The jumper popup
automatically defaults to show the phases available for connection between the two points but
other partial or cross-phase connections may be made if required. The popup shall warn the
operator about abnormal connections such as not all phases being connected or the nominal
voltage being different at the two connection points. Once the jumper has been placedthe switch
symbol in the center can be selected and switched open or closed. The topology of the network
model is updated accordingly. There is no restriction on the placement of jumpersbetween lines
connected to different feeders or different substations.
Temporary connections between phases on the same line segment, known as a phase jumper
shall be supported. This can be used in conditions where one phase is de-energized and it is
desired to restore customers by energizing the dead conductor from one of the live phases. Temporary Grounds
Temporary grounds should only be placed, for obvious reasons, on de- energized sections of
a line. These grounds represent the mechanical grounding of lines for safety purposes during
maintenance or construction.
A temporary ground may be placed on one or more of the available phases. It must be given a
name and addition information can be included in the description field.. If a line segment is re-
energized while a temporary ground is still applied, the ground will be automatically removed. Reports and Displays
The reports and displays shall be generated indicating the followings as a minimum:
(a) Abnormal switches in tabular display
(b) De-energized components of network in tabular display
(c) Presence of loops & parallels on network displays
(d) Un-served/ disconnected loads (loads affected due to tripping of CBs) in
tabular displays
(e) List of temporary jumpers/cuts /grounds
3.1.2 State Estimation
The primary function is to determine network state where SCADA system monitoring is
directly envisaged. The State Estimation (SE) shall be used for assessing (estimating) the
distribution network state. It shall assess loads of all network nodes, and, consequently,
assessment of all other state variables (voltage and current phasors of all buses, sections and
transformers, active and reactive power losses in all sections and transformers, etc.).
Firstly, the symmetrical (per phase) and asymmetrical (three-phase) load of all nodes in the
radial or weakly meshed MV network, which are not remotely monitored, that is not directly
covered by the SCADA System shall be using evaluated Load Calibration . SE represents the
basic DMS function, because practically all other DMS Analytical Functions are based on its

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This is the unique function dealing with the unobservable load of the actual network, which is
not directly covered by the SCADA System. Function is used for balanced and unbalanced
The function is based on an algorithm specially oriented towards distribution networks, with
low redundancy of real time, remotely monitored data, The deficiency of real time data has to
be compensated with historical data.
Beside the parameters of network elements, the real-time data consists of:
 Actual topology, transformers tap changer position, etc.
 Voltage magnitudes of supply point and other nodes in the network.
 Current magnitudes (active and reactive power) at feeder heads.
 Current magnitudes (active and reactive power) from the depth of the network.
The historical data of the network consists of:
 Daily load profiles – current magnitudes and power factors, or active and reactive
powers for all load classes (types, for example: industrial, commercial,
residential), for all seasons (for example: winter, spring, summer, autumn), for
e.g. four types of days (for example: weekday, Saturday, Sunday and holiday).
 Peak-loads for all distribution transformers and/or consumers (peak-currents
and/or peak powers) and/or monthly electric energy transfers across all
distribution transformers (consumers).
SE function shall run in all cases from the range of networks where all historical data are
known, but also in networks with no historical data available (based on parameters of the
network elements).
Also according to users setting, the SE function shall be able to run:
 With or without verification of telemetered measurements.
 With manual or automatically processing unobservable parts of network.
 With or without fixed measurements.
This shall have real time & Simulation mode both. In the first one, the function shall be used
for estimation of the current state. In the Simulation mode, the function is used for estimation
of the desired state (e.g. any state selected from the saved cases).
The SE algorithm shall consider into account the non-availability of real-time data and
compensates them with historical data, pseudo and virtual measurements, to achieve the
minimal set of input data necessary for running a consistent Load Flow.
The SE algorithm shall consist of the next important steps:
Pre-estimation – It shall be based on the historical data of the network: daily load
profiles, peak-loads for all distribution transformers and/or consumers, etc. This step
shall give pre-estimated states of considered MV networks.
Verification of measurements– It shall be obtained from artificially redundancy of
measurements (too small number of measurements and notable main number of
pseudo measurements obtained from first approximation). This step shall consider

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two sub-steps: (a) in sighting evidence bad measurements, (b) verification and/or
correction all permanent measurements. In this step, incorrect measurements shall be
corrected or discarded.
Load calibration – The function shall distribute the load to the busbars of the MV
network on the basis of the set of verified measurements and historical data.Also,
Load calibration shall deal with consumers specified directly through their
current/time diagrams i.e. load curves as well as with consumers with constant
consumption. The function shall run even any of these data are not available. It shall
be designed in such a way that the quality of results of the function running increases
directly with the amount of given data.
Load Flow calculation – This shall be the next function in the specification based on
the loads assigned in the previous step. Input/output
Beside the network element parameters, main inputs for the functions consist of above noted
real time and historical data. In the case of the function running in the Simulation mode, the
real time data must be replaced with the corresponding data from the saved cases or forecasted
Main outputs of the function are estimation of:
 Voltage magnitudes in the entire network.
 Current magnitudes and power factors for all network elements.
 Loads of all MV and LV consumption buses.
 Losses of active and reactive powers in the entire network, by each supply
transformer or feeder.
Beside those results, output of SE function is tabular report, also. In this report measurement
verification results are presented those results are:
 Pre-estimated and estimated values of measurements. Minimal and maximal
expected values of measurement. Quality of each measurement.
 Deviation measured values from estimated and pre-estimated values.
3.1.3 Load Flow Application (LFA)
The LFA shall utilize information including real-time measurements, manually entered data,
and estimated data together with the network model supplied by the topology function, in order
to determine the best estimate of the current network state.
The Load Flow Application (LFA) shall determine the operating status of the distribution
system including buses and nodes
The LFA shall take the following into consideration:
a. Real time data
b. Manual entered data
c. Estimated data
d. Power source injections
e. Loops and parallels

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f. Unbalanced & balanced loads

g. Manually replaced values
h. Temporary jumpers/ cut/ grounds
i. Electrical connectivity information from the real-time distribution
network model
j. Transformer tap settings
k. Generator voltages, real and reactive generations
l. Capacitor/reactor bank ON/OFF status value.
m. Save case data
General Characteristics of LF application:
The following general characteristics/ capabilities shall be provided as minimum:
 The LF model shall support the different kind of lines such as cable feeders,
overhead lines and different kind of transformers having various vector groups
& winding configurations.
 Unbalanced & balanced three phase loads connected in radial and non-radial
 Compute voltages and currents and power factor for each phase for every node,
feeder and network devices.
 Compute each phase active and reactive loads and technical losses for the
distribution system as a whole, for individual substations and feeder wise with
in telemetered zone.
 Use previous save-case to make new save case or use new snapshots to set the
base case for LF.
 The results of the LF application shall reasonably match with the operating
condition in which the distribution system is stable.
 The LFA function shall be executed in real time & study mode.
 It shall be possible to model load either as a percentage of system load or
profile base load modeling
 It shall be possible to model individual component of load i.e. Active and
Reactive parts Real Time Load Flow Execution:
The Real-Time LF function shall be executed:
 On event trigger
 On periodic basis
 On demand basis
 On initiation by other DMS applications functions
 On placement of temporary jumper, cuts and ground

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The Event Triggered LF execution shall always have the highest priority. The study mode LF
function shall be executed on a snapshot or save case with user defined changes made to these
cases. The study mode execution of LF Function shall not affect the Real-time mode execution
of LF function.
(a) Event Triggered Real Time LF Execution:
The LF function shall be executed by pre-defined events that affect the distribution system.
Some of the events the dispatcher may choose for triggers shall include:
 Power system Topology Change i.e. Alteration in distribution system
 Transformer Tap Position Change / Capacitive/reactor MVAR Change
 Feeder Over loadings
 Sudden change in feeder load beyond a set deadband
(b) Periodic Real Time LF Execution:
The real-time distribution system load flow application shall be executed periodically as
configured by the dispatcher. The function shall be executed periodically even if there are no
significant changes in the operating conditions, as some of the power flow outputs shall be
required to provide aggregate summaries (losses, etc.)
(c) On Demand Real Time LF Execution:
Dispatchers may initiate the real-time LF function at any time through dispatcher command.
(d) Real Time LF Execution initiated by other DMS Applications:
Other DMS functions may initiate the real-time LF function at any time as desired for the
execution of the respective functions. Study Mode Load Flow Execution:
It shall provide despatchers with estimates of kW, kVar, kV, Amps, power losses and the other
information on the distribution system, but not necessarily reflecting its real-time state. In
study mode the application should use the same data model and have direct access of the real
time data as necessary. Study mode load flow shall be used to study contingency cases.
It shall be possible to prepare and store at least f i f ty cases along with the input parameters,
network configuration and output results.
The dispatcher shall be able to select the saved Case to be used as a Base case for LF execution
and modify the base case. Possible changes, which the dispatcher shall be permitted to make,
shall include:
(a) States of individual power system elements
(b) Values of specific parameters including nodal loads, bus voltages, connected
kVA, power factor etc.
The Study Mode shall calculate various values for each feeder and prepare summaries as LF
The Load Flow function shall provide real/active and reactive losses on:
 Station power transformers
 Feeders

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 Sections
 Distribution circuits including feeder regulators and distribution
transformers, as well as the total circuit loss Load Flow Output:
The following output capability shall be provided:
(a) Phase voltage magnitudes and angles at each node.
(b) Phase and neutral currents for each feeder, transformers, section
(c) Total three phases and per phase KW and KVAR losses in each feeder, section,
transformer, DT substation & for project area
(d) Active & reactive power flows in all sections, transformers List of overloaded
feeder, lines, bus bars, transformers loads etc. including the actual current
magnitudes, the overload limits and the feeder name, substation name
(e) List of limit violations of voltage magnitudes,
(f) Voltage drops
(g) Losses as specified above Display and Reports
All input and output data shall be viewed through tabular displays and overlay on the one line
network diagram. Tabular displays shall consist of voltages, currents (including phase angles),
real and reactive powers, real and reactive losses as well as accumulated total and per phase
losses for each substation, feeder and project area. All the overloaded lines, busbars,
transformers, loads and line shall start flashing or highlighted.
The LF outputs shall be available in the form of reports. The report formats along with its
contents shall be decided during detailed engineering. Alarms
The LFA shall warn the Despatcher when the current operating limits are exceeded for any
element or when lines are de-energized. It shall also warn the Despatcher when any abnormal
operating condition exists.
Alarms generated during Study Mode shall not be treated as real-time alarms but shall be
displayed only at Workstation at which the LF application is running in study mode.
3.1.4 Volt –VAR Control (VVC)
The high-quality coordination of voltages and reactive power flows control requires
coordination of VOLT and the VAR function. This function shall provide high-quality voltage
profiles, minimal losses, controlling reactive power flows, minimal reactive power demands
from the supply network.
The following resources will be taken into account for voltage and reactive power flow control:
 TAP Changer for voltage control
 VAR control devices: switchable and fixed type capacitor banks.

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The function shall propose the operator solution up on change in the topology of the network
switching. The function shall consider the planned & unplanned outages, equipment
operating limits, tags placed in the SCADA system while recommending the switching
operations. The functions shall be based on user configurable objectives i.e. minimal loss,
optimal reactive flow voltage limits, load balancing. These objectives shall be selectable on
the basis of feeder, substation & group of substations or entire network. The despatcher shall
have the option to simulate switching operations and visualize the effect on the distribution
network by comparisons based on line loadings, voltage profiles, load restored, system losses,
number of affected customers. The solution shall identify /sort the different type of switches
that are required for operation i.e. remote /manual etc. Modes of operation
The VVC function shall have following modes of reconfiguration process:
(a) Auto mode
(b) Manual mode
The despatcher shall be able to select one of the above modes. These modes are described
Auto mode
In auto mode, the function shall determine switching plans automatically and perform
switching operations upon despatcher validation automatically.
Manual mode
In manual mode, the function shall determine switching plans automatically and perform
switching operations in step-by-step manner.
A filter for remote operable & manual switches shall be provided with switching plan. Reports
Detailed reports of complete switching sequence for VVC operation, including voltage / VAR
levels before switching & after switching shall be presented. Displays
The User interface for VVC function shall have following summary displays as minimum:
(a) Network & tabular display to VVC switching
(b) Tabular display giving chronological sequence for VVC operation

3.1.5 Fault Management & System Restoration (FMSR) Application

The Fault Management & System Restoration application software shall provide assistance to
the despatcher for detection, localization, isolation and restoration of distribution system after
a fault in the system. The FMSR function shall be initiated by any change in the network
connectivity due to any fault. It shall generate automatic report on switching sequence
depicting analysis of fault, location of fault & recommendations for isolation of faulty sections
& restoration of supply. Functional Requirement
The FMSR function shall include the following characteristics:
1) FMSR shall be capable of handling phase-to-ground and phase-to-

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phase faults and shall not be restricted by their time of occurrence on one
or more feeders. Thus, the ability to handle multiple faults of different types,
on multiple feeders, shall be provided. It shall be capable to carry out
restoration of large area after a occurrence wide spread faults amounting to
substantial outages in the town.
2) FMSR shall be capable of allowing the substitution of an auxiliary circuit
breaker or line reclosers that may temporarily function in place of a circuit
breaker or line reclosers that is undergoing maintenance.
3) The Operator shall be able to suspend FMSR restoration capabilities by
activating a single control point. Otherwise, FMSR shall continue to operate
for fault detection and isolation purposes. The Operator shall be able to
resume FMSR's normal operation by deactivating the same point.
4) FMSR shall be capable of isolating faulty sections of network by opening
any available line Circuit Breaker that may be necessary, however operating
limitations on device such as control inhibit flag shall be respected.
5) FMSR application shall utilize the results of LF for recommendations of
switching steps for restoration where in it should guide the operator for
amount of overloading in lines ,bus voltage violations and amount of load
that can be restored for various options of restorations ,the operator shall
have the privilege of selecting the best restoration option suggested by
FMSR before it starts restoration .The operator shall also be to simulate the
LF for the recommended switching actions ,so that the necessary violations
can be displayed on graphical display also. If an overload condition is
expected as a result of the proposed switching, it shall be displayed to the
operator on a graphical display and proposed alternative switching
sequence to avoid or minimize the overload.
6) FMSR shall be capable of using data derived from substation RTUs/FRTUs
/FPIs to recognize faults in substation transformer banks, any fault on the
primary side of these banks that cause loss of outgoing feeder voltage and
current or any fault occurred on 11KV network.
7) FMSR shall be capable to make Restoration plans with identification name
and respective merit orders & its execution of Restoration plan using
network Display and single line diagram of substation.
8) FMSR shall be capable to find delay in the restoration of network beyond
specified time (Despatcher configurable) and shall be able to report
separately in the form of pending restoration actions. Detection of fault
FMSR function shall detect the faulty condition of the network causing CB tripping due to
protection operation or FPI indication. The Circuit breakers having auto-reclose feature, the
FMSR application shall wait for programmer specified (settable for individual feeders)
duration before declaring the network as faulty. On detection of fault in the network, an alarm
shall be generated to draw attention of the dispatcher.
Switching device tripping caused by SCADA/DMS applications shall not be considered as a
faulty condition. FMSR application shall also not be initiated if the quality flags such as,
manually replaced value , and Out of scan are set for a switching device.

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To avoid potential difficulties during severe storm conditions, the Operator shall be able
to suspend FMSR switching sequence of restoration capabilities by activating a single control
point. Otherwise, FMSR shall continue to operate for fault detection and isolation purposes.
The Operator shall be able to resume FMSR's normal operation by deactivating the storm-
mode control point. When this occurs, FMSR shall be ready to restore power as well as detect
and isolate faults following the next outage event. The same shall be recorded as an event. Localization of Fault:
Wherever protection signal or FPI indication is not available, FMSR function shall determine
the faulty section by logically analyzing the telemetered data (status of CBs, analog values
etc.) as acquired through SCADA system. Besides this, for such cases an iterative method for
determining fault shall be used e.g. In case of fault, upstream breaker is tripped & long stretch
of multiple sections are having no intermediate fault indicators & intermediate switches are
not capable to trip on fault upto the closest NO(Normal open) point, the dispatcher can open
the last switch before NO point & try to close breaker , if trips again faultis on further upstream
& the same method is to be repeated else fault is located in the downstream section only. For
t h e sections where protection signal or FPI indication is available, the same shall be derived
through these telemetered signals. Network diagram identifying the faulty
sections/components shall be displayed identifying the relevant section. And various
configurations of switch type etc.). Minimum of following switch types shall be considered by
FMSR system:
1. Remote controllable circuit breaker with capability to interrupt fault currents
2. Non-remote controllable circuit breaker with capability to interrupt fault
3. Remote controllable circuit breaker with no capability to interrupt fault currents
4. Non-remote controllable circuit breaker with no capability to interrupt fault
5. Remote controllable disconnector
6. Non remote controllable disconnector.
7. Fuse
8. Ground/ Earth switch etc. System isolation & restoration
Once faulty section is identified, the FMSR function shall determine the switching plan to
isolate healthy area from unhealthy area. FMSR function shall suggest switching plans for
restoration of power to the de-energized healthy sections of the network. It may done be by
closing NO switch to allow the power from alternate source. In case more than one feasible
switching plan exist, the despatcher shall be guided for most optimum plan based on the merit
order ie minimum switching operations, minimum loss path, and system operation within the
safe limits of various network elements. The despatcher shall have the option to simulate
switching operations and visualize the effect on the distribution network by comparisons based
on line loadings, voltage profiles, load restored, system losses, number of affected customers.
The FMSR function shall have feature to attain the pre-fault configuration on despatcher’s
request after repair of faulty sections.
The FMSR function shall have following modes of restoration process:

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(a) Auto mode of restoration

(b) Manual mode of restoration
The despatcher shall be able to select one of the above modes. These modes are described
(a) Auto mode of restoration
In auto mode, the FMSR shall determine switching plans automatically upon experiencing
fault & proper isolation of unhealthy network from healthy part of the network and perform
restoration actions upon despatcher validation automatically.
(b) Manual mode of restoration
In manual mode, the FMSR shall determine switching plans upon experiencing faulty state
& proper isolation of unhealthy network from healthy part of the network. The switching plans
shall be presented to despatcher for step by step restoration. Despatcher shall be allowed to
introduce new steps.
A filter for remote operable & manual switches shall be provided with switching plan, Reports
Detailed reports of complete switching sequence from outage to restoration, feeder-wise
outage duration with Date & Time stamp, and quantum of served & un-served load, number
of consumers interrupted & restored and network parameters limits violations shall be
generated by FMSR application Displays
The User interface for FMSR function shall have following summary displays as minimum:
(a) Network & tabular display to identify faulty network
(b) Network & tabular display to identify remotely controllable devices
(c) Network Display to show plan for Isolation of faulty sections from the network
using single line diagram of substation or network as selected by the despatcher.
(d) Tabular display for Restoration plans with identification name and respective
merit orders & execution of Restoration plan using network Display, and single
line diagram of substation
(e) Delay in the restoration of network beyond specified time (Despatcher
configurable) shall be reported separately in the form of pending restoration
actions in Tabular display.
(f) List of sections not restored with the reasons for non-restoration such as
overloading and voltage limit violations etc. shall be shown in tabular display.
3.1.6 Loss Minimization via Feeder Reconfiguration (LMFR)
This function shall identify the opportunities to minimize technical losses in the distribution
system by reconfiguration of feeders in the network for a given load scenario. The technical
losses are the losses created by characteristic of equipments & cable such as efficiency,
impedance etc.
The function shall calculate the current losses based on the loading of all elements of the
network. The telemetered values, which are not updated due to telemetry failure, shall be

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considered by LMFR application based on recommendations of LF Application.

Function shall advise the transfer of load to other elements of the network with an aim to
minimize the loss. All such advises shall indicate the amount of loss reduction for present load
condition. The LMFR application shall consider the planned & unplanned outages, equipment
operating limits, tags placed in the SCADA system while recommending the switching
operations. The despatcher shall have the option to simulate switching operations and visualize
the effect on the distribution network by comparisons based on line loadings, voltageprofiles,
load restored, system losses, number of affected customers.
LMFR application shall run periodically at every 15 minutes and on demand. Short duration
Power Interruption to the consumers during suggested switching operations may be permitted. Modes of operation
The LMFR function shall have following modes of reconfiguration process:
(a) Auto mode
(b) Manual mode
The despatcher shall be able to select one of the above modes. These modes are described
Auto mode
In auto mode, the function shall determine switching plans automatically for minimal loss
condition in the network and perform switching operations upon despatcher validation
Manual mode
In manual mode, the function shall determine switching plans automatically for minimal loss
condition in the network based on which despatcher can perform switching operations in step-
by-step manner.
A filter for remote operable & manual switches shall be provided with switching plan, Displays & Reports
At the defined periodicity or on demand, the despatcher shall be presented with the tabular &
graphical displays indicating feeder-wise, substation-wise, project area wide technical losses
in % before & after the feeder reconfiguration.
The summary report shall also be generated periodically to display technical losses and
possible reduction in losses if despatcher follows the LMFR recommended switching
operations. The report shall also highlight violations that are occurring in the network with
display layers before and after reconfiguration.
3.1.7 Load Balancing via Feeder Reconfiguration (LBFR)
The Load Balancing via Feeder Reconfiguration function shall optimally balance the segments
of the network that are over & under loaded. This function shall help in better utilization of
the capacities of distribution facilities such as transformer and feeder ratings.
The Feeder Reconfiguration Function shall be activated either by an overload condition,
unequal loadings of the parallel feeders and transformers, periodically or on demand by the
despatcher. It shall generate the switching sequence to reconfigure the distribution network for
transferring load from some sections to other sections. The LBFR application shall consider
the planned & unplanned outages, equipment operating limits, tags placed in the

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SCADA system while recommending the switching operations. The function shall distribute
the total load of the system among the available transformers and the feeders in proportion to
their operating capacities, considering the discreteness of the loads, available switching
options between the feeder and permissible intermediate overloads during switching. The
despatcher shall have the option to simulate switching operations and visualize the effect on
the distribution network by comparisons based on line loadings, voltage profiles, load restored,
system losses, number of affected customers. Modes of operation
The function shall have following modes of reconfiguration process:
(a) Auto mode
(b) Manual mode
The despatcher shall be able to select one of the above modes. These modes are described
Auto mode
In auto mode, the function shall determine switching plans automatically for load balancing in
the network and perform switching operations upon despatcher validation automatically.
Manual mode
In manual mode, the function shall determine switching plans automatically for load balancing
in the network based on which despatcher can perform switching operations in step-by-step
A filter for remote operable & manual switches shall be provided with switching plan, Displays & Reports
The summary report shall cover the followings:
(a) Loadings of feeders and transformers before and after reconfiguration.
(b) Voltage profile of the feeders before and after reconfiguration.
The report shall also highlight violations that are occurring in the network with display layers
before and after reconfiguration.".
3.1.8 Operation Monitor
The Operations Monitoring function shall track the number of operations made by every
breaker, capacitor switch, reclosers, OLTC, isolator and load break switch that is monitored
by the System. Devices shall be identified by area of responsibility, substation, feeder, and
device ID to provide the necessary information for condition-based maintenance of these
Each monitored device shall be associated with a total operations counter. This counter shall
be incremented whenever the associated device changes state. When a multiple change (such
as a trip-close-trip sequence) is reported by an RTU/FRTU, each transition shall be counted
separately. In addition, a fault operations counter is required. This counter shall be incremented
only for uncommanded trip operations. The date and time of the last operation shall be saved
for each device when one of the counters is incremented.
An Operator with proper authorization shall be able to enter total operations and fault
operations limit for each counter. An alarm shall be generated when a counter exceeds its
limits. No additional alarms shall be generated if the counter is incremented again before it is

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reset. For each counter, the System shall calculate the present number of operations expressed
as a percent (Which may exceed 100%) of the corresponding limit.
The ability to reset individual counters shall be provided. In addition, a user shall be able to
inhibit operations counting for individual devices. Such devices shall be included in
summaries based on areas of responsibility. Resetting and inhibiting counters shall be
permitted only for devices that belong to the areas of responsibility and resetting shall require
the console to be assigned to an appropriate mode of authority. The user info, date and time,
when each counter was last reset shall be saved.
The countersand other related information shall be available for display and inclusion in
reports. The user shall be able to view the date and time of a device’s last operation together
with its accumulated operations data by simply selecting the device on any display where it
3.2 Outage Management System
3.2.1 Outage Scheduling Management
Full-fledged OMS is envisaged in A/U towns and in B/C it is limited to Fault reporting from
FPI to maintenance crew over mobile and information to customer care centre and
considered in SCADA functions and servers under B/C towns
The system shall enable utility to partially or completely deenergize an electric circuit and
notify utility concerned personnel and provide interface to customer care system. The system
shall exhibit following features
 Advance notifications
 Priority Management of outage requests
 Work permits
 Generating switching plans to support the power outage requests
 Status updates
 Work order completion
 Notifies affected customers in advance so that they have adequate time to make
appropriate decisions or alternate plans
 Allows for field crew to communicate delays in planned work and assists in
providing a timely update to the expected time of restoration
 Allows for field crew to promptly provide notifications when their work is
 Crews can submit preliminary information about changes made to the
energized system, and close the associated work orders or tasks
3.2.2 Trouble Call Management System
Customer outage related trouble call management system summarizes all of the ticket
information and primarily used by the operator or dispatcher to analyze the location of any
ticket (prediction or confirmed outage). The data of OMS regarding outages / tickets shall
be shared with Customer Care Centre of DISCOM.
The system shall exhibit following features:
 Trouble call summary display provides an itemized summary of all trouble
calls on the system in whole or by area.
 Switching devices operated by SCADA as a commanded change of state will
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generate an outage ticket which does not have to be confirmed by a crew.
 Telemetered protective devices operate automatically on a fault condition when
they are tripped by relay. In this condition, outage prediction will 'walk'
downstream to predict incident downstream of tripped protective device.
 If a telemetered protective device closes automatically, or under SCADA
control, the system will close the outage ticket and commence with the call
back process to inform the affected customers.
 Trouble calls are organized into accounts and may be expandedby
geographical, electrical or work areas:
 Normal
 Critical
 Premium / VIP
 Medical, etc.
 SCADA generated outages are logged as SCADA generated so as to
differentiate them from trouble calls generated manually or by the prediction
 Customer-centric information organized and displayed both graphically and in
tabular form by area
 User friendly table organizes the calls into the following basic ticket groups
which are filtered by type based on the user’s area of responsibility:
 Unassigned
 Assigned
 Incident
 Trouble Calls
 Outages
 Completed Trouble Calls
 Rejected
 Closed
3.2.3 Crew Dispatch & Work Management Key Features
Crew & Work Order Management provides an organized and efficient way to manage the
correlation of crews to Work Orders or Tickets. Crew Management user interface enhances the
dispatcher and supervisor’s situational awareness via an easy to use and visual progress of
outage restoration or work resolution.
 Enables Operator / Dispatcher to monitor crews and assign crews to jobs
 Manage crews and activity related to daily work orders
 Schedule the work for independent creation, tracking and management of each
 Work orders may be linked to Trouble Calls if the work order is related to the
 Dispatcher is able to monitor the crew workload and the crew’s progress.

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 Summary screens to monitor and manage Work Orders and Trouble Calls
 Crew workload can be balanced to handle changes in the personnel or resources
3.2.4 Outage Analytics & Reporting
Real-time dashboard summaries as well as detailed tabular and customizable graphic reports
supporting drill-down and query capability shall be built up

 User-defined reports covering crew, trouble calls, outage, outage codes, call
codes, failure codes, calculations, area reports, device operation, planned
outages, etc.
 Create custom reports using drag and drop from the data model.
 Automatic calculation and reporting of several performance indices including
IEEE 1366 continuity of service indices: SAIDI, CAIDI, SAIFI, MAIFI, etc.
 Quality of Service (QoS) reporting based on the logged events, times and
degree of restoration for display and reporting.
 Reporting to crew through SMS about on configured feeder manager nos.
The following reports shall be minimum and shall be defined apart from utility specific
reports :
 Outage History
 Cause analysis
 KPI indices (Reliability, efficiency in closure of tickets)
 Recurring trouble summary
 Worst performing feeders/ devices
 Crew assignments
 Closed cases
3.2.5 Web Clients & Mobile Views
The Web-Based Solution offers an extended thin-client web-based application that allows users
to visualize, simulate, and manage their electrical systems remotely from the web.
This tool applies to Real-Time operations as well as analysis, and optimization. It provides the
user with a remote platform for executing “what-if” scenarios on existing operating conditions
and predicts system responses using analysis calculations. Users can monitor single or multiple
systems from a single web page; No software installation is required at the client machines.
 Predictive “What-if” Simulation using exiting operating conditions
 Remote Scenario Execution
 Review Results on the One-Line Diagrams & Reports
 System Monitoring & KPI Views
 Geographical Power Distribution Views
 Alarms & Events

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 Load Shedding System View

 Switching Sequence Management
 Customizable User Interface & Reporting
3.3 Disptacher Training Simulator (DTS)
A Dispatcher Training Simulator (DTS) shall be provided for SCADA/DMS system for training
of operators/ dispatchers during power system normal, emergency/ disturbance and restoration
activities. The DTS shall be installed at the at each SCADA/DMS control center for Group A
towns and District Scada Control Centre for Group B towns, where it shall be used to train
employer and other utilities dispatchers. The major DTS features shall include:
a. The DTS model shall simulate the distribution power system in a realistic
manner, including its response to simulated events, Instructor actions,
and Trainee actions. The response shall be identical to the response
observed by the dispatcher in the actual computer system environment.
b. The consoles shall be assignable as trainee or instructor consoles. The
DTS shall support at least one instructor & two trainees
c. Instructor control features shall include the ability to set up, control,
participate in, and review the results of a training session.
d. Dispatcher control feature shall facilitate dispatchers to train dispatcher
to use all SCADA, dispatcher & DMS functions under normal &
disturbed conditions.
e. An ability to obtain data from the SCADA/DMS systems automatically
for DTS initialization. The initialization data shall include save cases,
predefined & instructor defined scenarios.
f. It shall prevent actions & keep insulated the actions performed by the
Instructor and Trainee using the DTS from affecting the real-time system
database or the actual power system.
g. An ability to simulate actual system disturbances from historical data
"snapshots" stored by the real-Time database Snapshots.
h. DTS function shall have ability to establish the following training
conditions as a minimum:
(i) Normal steady state
(ii) Disturbed network conditions for distribution network
(iii) High & Poor Voltage conditions
(iv) Poor VAR conditions
(v) Indiscriminate tripping
(vi) islanding
(vii) System blackout
(viii) System restoration
(ix) Conditions/functions included for SCADA/DMS real time system
(x) OMS related actions

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i. Following features as minimum:

(i) All SCADA/DMS/OMS functions as envisaged in the
(ii) Cry wolf alarms
(iii) Record/ Playback /slow/real-time/fast forward
(iv) Record trainee actions
DTS Model features, functions & user interface shall be true replica of SCADA/DMS system
model for that project area. The DTS can be used in the following modes as minimum:
1. Instructor Control
2. Trainee Control
3.3.1 Instructor Control:
The Instructor shall be able to perform pre-session, session, and post-session activities. Each
training session shall consist of executing a scenario (tailored to the simulated SCADA/DMS
system) starting from a base case. The base case shall consist of a solved network output case
from the NCA or load/power flow and one or more load curves.
Pre-session activities consist of scenario building and development of events that occur during
the training scenario. A load/power flow function shall be provided in the DTS tosupport this
Session activities performed by the Instructor include initiation, control, and participation in
the training session.
Post-session activities shall consist of session review and evaluation of Trainee performance.
The DTS shall maintain records of the training session so that the base case, scenario, Trainee
actions, and other session activities may be reviewed. Instructor shall have all rights of trainee
mode also as mentioned below:
3.3.2 Trainee control :
All activities, features, functions, user interfaces, which dispatcher can perform or use in real
time shall be available to trainee in trainee control mode.
3.3.3 Pre-Session Activities
The Instructor shall be able to create a base case and to execute a power flow if desired to
initialize the base case. The Instructor shall be able to build groups of events scheduled to occur
during the training session. A training session shall be built by combining one or more event
groups with a base case.
3.3.4 Scenario Construction
The following features shall be provided for building a training session:
(a) Base Case Construction: shall allow Instructor to set conditions, parameters,
and limitation for equipment in the network database. It shall be possible to
initialize a base case from the following sources:
(1) A stored base case created in the DTS
(2) A power flow solution obtained in the DTS
(3) A power flow or NCA /SE solution obtained from real-time

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(4) Output of real time DMS executed functions

(b) Base Case Store: shall allow instructor to save a base case for future use.
It shall be possible to transfer saved base cases to auxiliary memory (e.g.,
magnetic tape) and to reload saved base cases from auxiliary memory.
(c) Base Case Select: shall allow instructor to select a specific base case for
modification or further processing. Base case selection may be indexed by
title or subject.
(d) Base Case Review: shall allow instructor to display the contents of the base
(e) Base Case Editing: shall allow instructor to modify a base case and to store
the updated version.
(f) Event Group Construction: shall allow instructor to construct event groups
containing one or multiple events. The Instructor shall be able to define the
events within the event group to occur simultaneously or according to other
parameters of time or system conditions. Checks shall be performed to
assure that each event entered is one of the predefined set of events and
that the equipment and parameters associated with the event are valid for
the event specified.
The system shall provide an interactive means for specifying the device or
point associated with each event.
(g) Event Group Store: shall allow the Instructor to save the event group
constructed for future use.
(h) Event Group Select: shall allow the Instructor to select one or more event
groups for incorporation into a training scenario.
(i) Event Group Review: shall allow the Instructor to display events within
an event group.
(j) Event Group Editing: shall allow the Instructor to modify an existing
event group and to store the updated version.
3.3.5 Event Types
The Instructor shall be provided with a set of permissible event types that can be scheduled as
part of a scenario. As a minimum, the following event types shall be included:
i. Change of bus load
ii. Change of system load
iii. Fault application/FPI indication
iv. Circuit breaker trip/close
v. Circuit breaker trip with successful reclosers
vi. Circuit breaker trip with unsuccessful reclosers
vii. Isolators switching
viii. Supervisory control disable/enable for specific device
ix. Relay status enable/disable

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x. Loss of RTU /FRTU/FPI due to telemetry failure for specified period of

xi. Loss of single RTU /FRTU/FPI point
xii. Replace value of telemetered point
xiii. Messages to Instructor
xiv. Pause simulation
xv. Demand snapshot.
xvi. Cry wolf alarms
3.3.6 Event Initiation
Events shall be executed at an Instructor-specified time, when Instructor-specified conditions
occur, upon Instructor demand, and when protective relays operate. Event initiation shall
(a) Time Dependent Events: These events shall be scheduled by the Instructor to occur
at a specified simulated clock time or at time intervals relative to the start time of
the scenario.
(b) Conditional Events: Conditional events shall be based on simulated power system
conditions obtained from DTS model. The Instructor shall be able to specify a
conditional event by specifying a permissible events and a Boolean equation for
the power system condition that will trigger the event. The Boolean equation shall
allow the following triggers to be incorporated separately or in combination:
(1) A status variable equal to a defined state
(2) An analog variable above or below a defined threshold
(3) Change in analog variable from one DTS cycle to the next by
more than a defined amount (positive or negative).
(c) Demand Events: The Instructor shall be able to demand the immediate
execution of an event without having to insert it in the events list.
(d) Relay Initiated: The operation of a relay shall result in the execution of one
or more Instructor-specified events.
3.3.7 Session Activities
The Instructor shall be able to monitor the training scenario and guide it toward a specific
objective by inserting new events omitting scheduled events, and performing other actions. The
following commands shall be provided to control a Trainee scenario:
(a) Pause/Resume: Shall allow the Instructor to suspend or resume the training
scenario without affecting the scenario. While in the Pause mode, the Trainee and
Instructor shall be able to call all displays but perform no other functions. The
Resume command shall resume the simulation from the point at which the pause
(b) Slow/Fast Forward: shall allow the Instructor to move a training scenario forward
at a Instructor-specified speed slower/faster than real-time.
(c) Event Insertion: shall allow the Instructor to add new events when a training
scenario is in progress without the need to interrupt the training scenario.

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(d) Event Demand: shall allow the Instructor to demand the immediate execution of
an event.
(e) Event Omission: shall allow the Instructor to omit a scheduled event from the
training scenario in progress without interrupting the training scenario.
(f) Periodic Snapshot: shall allow the instructor to create a historical file that is
periodically updated with session data necessary to resume simulation as it occurs
during the simulation. The DTS shall not pause while the snapshots are being
collected and saved. The snapshot save area shall be circular in nature where the
oldest snapshot will be overwritten each time a new snapshot is saved when the
save area is full.
(g) Demand Snapshot: shall allow the Instructor to create a historical file, identical
to that created by a periodic snapshot, on demand during the simulation. The DTS
shall not pause while the snapshots are being collected and saved.
3.3.8 Post-session Activities
The DTS shall provide the following capabilities to assist the Instructor in reviewing a training
session with the Trainee:
(a) Snapshot Review: shall initialize the DTS with a snapshot saved during a training
session. After a snapshot has been loaded, the Trainee and Instructor shall be able
to call displays to examine any data available during a session.
(b) Snapshot Resume: shall resume the simulation from a snapshot in the same
manner as it would resume from a Pause.
(c) Evaluation report: Based on the actions performed, timeliness & an evaluation
report shall be created to review performance of trainee.
3.3.9 DTS Performance and Sizing
The DTS shall be sized the same in all respects as the SCADA/DMS control system. In
addition, the capabilities of the DTS shall include the following items as minimum:
(a) 20 DTS base cases
(b) 20 scenarios
(c) 250 event groups
(d) 50 events per group
(e) 50 session snapshots
(f) 5-minute snapshot periodicity
(g) 100 conditional events
(h) 1000 variables in conditional events.
(i) 2 Trainee (according to no. of DTS consoles) & 1 instructor
3.3.10 DTS Database and Displays
The DTS SCADA and Network model database must have the same functionality & displays
as the real-time system database & displays. It must be possible to initialize the DTS with a
copy of the database of real-time system in addition creation of database locally.
End of Chapter 3

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4.0 General Requirements

This chapter describes the User Interface requirements for the SCADA/DMS system. All
SCADA/DMS functions shall have common user interface as user interaction shall be
performed from Operator Consoles envisaged in this specification. This chapter is applicable
to Group A, B, C towns as per functional requirements. All user interactions shall be from full
graphics display. The sizing requirements are given in the appendices in chapter 19
4.1 System Users
The term "user" is applied to the personnel interacting with the SCADA/DMS system. These
users shall be required to login in one or more of following user modes, which include:
(a) Supervisor: Personnel responsible for SCADA/DMS system administration
and management such as assigning the access area to users, creating users etc.
(b) Dispatcher: Personnel responsible for real-time Power system operations
including real-time study as per assigned town /domain in AoR (Area of
(c) Engineer: Personnel having access to certain SCADA/DMS system functions
and maintenance of database/ displays and responsible for support activities
such as post fault analysis, report generation, regular backup of database
(d) Programmer: Personnel responsible for continuing development and
maintenance of the SCADA/DMS system functions, databases, displays and
report formats. Security system
(e) Remote VDU user: Personnel having only monitoring access of real-time
power system from SCADA/DMS system, reports..
(f) DTS (Instructor & Trainee modes): The Consoles dedicated for DTS shall
have instructor & trainee modes. The requirements are defined in chapter 2 &
chapter 3
The role, accessibility for each mode is defined as above, However, the Utility with login
as supervisor shall be able to assign the operation of certain functions, or features of functions,
to specific user modes. Utility shall maintain the privileges as specified to each user mode
.Each individual user shall be assignable to anyone or more user modes. User access to all
SCADA/DMS functions shall follow a consistent set of common user access guidelines.
A mechanism for defining and controlling user access to the SCADA/DMS system shall be
Password security shall be provided for access to the SCADA/DMS system, its operating
system, layered products, and other applications. Each password shall be validated against the
corresponding user information in the database. Users shall have the ability to change their
own passwords.
4.2 Function and Data Access Security
After a user has successfully logged on, access to the SCADA/DMS functions, displays,
reports, and databases shall be restricted by pre-assigned operating jurisdictions. These
operating area assignments shall be made when the function, display, report, or database
element is defined.

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The access security function shall compare the user's assigned operating jurisdiction
against the operating jurisdictions assigned to the function, display, report, or database
element each time a user attempts a console action, such as:
(a) Calling a display
(b) Entering or changing display data
(c) Viewing, editing, or printing a report
(d) Executing a supervisory control action
There shall be no restrictions on the assignment of multiple jurisdictions to a console & user
or the assignment of a jurisdiction to multiple consoles & users. The access security function
shall ensure that each jurisdiction is at all times assigned to a least one console. If a console
failure or manual reassignment of jurisdiction results in one or more jurisdictions not being
assigned to at least one console, the unassigned jurisdictions shall be automatically assigned
to a pre- assigned default console and suitable alarms shall be generated.
SCADA/DMS users shall not require additional login (user name and password) to the other
facility allowed as per operating jurisdictions such as ISR. “Single Sign-On” (SSO) technology
be employed (i.e., a user logs on once to the SCADA/DMS using individually defined user
name and password which permits appropriate level of access to all SCADA/DMS facilities,
including IS&R. Further, the facility should be compatible with enterprise-wide SSO
Each log-on and log-off shall be reported as an event. Unsuccessful attempts to log-on shall
also be reported as events.
4.3 Windows Environment
The user interface for SCADA/DMS system shall be web enabled. The SCADA/DMS system
displays shall operate within a windows environment and shall conform to the standards
contained in the X Consortium's Inter-Client Communications Conventions Manual (ICCCM).
The window system shall work with the graphical user interface provided and shall allow
windows created on the workstations to communicate with processors equipped with X
Windows- compatible software on their respective local area networks (LANs) and with future
remote applications over the wide area network (WAN).
Alternatively, the SCADA/DMS system can have the user Interface based on Microsoft
Windows. The functionality in technical specification related to the GUI features of X-
windows, shall be met by available features of Microsoft Windows.
It shall be possible to save window configuration in Rooms. Rooms shall allow each user to
configure and save a preferred layout, size, and location of windows and displays. The World
Display Features shall provide two-dimensional graphic world displays that a user shall be
capable of panning, zooming and rubber banding.. The world display features such as Layers,
Declutter levels, Overlays shall be supported. Displays & navigation on VPS shall be same as
on the operator workstations.
The user interface software shall be based on state-of-the-art web-based technology to present
interactive, full-graphics views of system data via LAN, corporate intranet or the internet. The
same displays shall be used.
It is essential that the same web-based user interface (same navigator, same tools) be available
to the operator either for local use in the dispatching center or remotely.

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Real-Time Dynamic Graphics and HMI Solutions for C/C++, C# / NET, Java and Web /
Mobile is envisaged.
The web technology shall be natively supported by the SCADA & DMS product, which means
that having the displays shown in the web browser shall not bring additional work to the
maintenance engineer at display building time. Nor shall it require additional third-party
software products like specific plug-ins.
C/C++, Java and C# .NET libraries for a variety of Windows, Linux/Unix and embedded
platforms, with MFC, Qt and Gtk support. z Cross-platform support for a run-time choice of
a graphics driver: hardware-accelerated OpenGL or a native GDI. z Web deployment via a
client-side HTML5 and JavaScript, or server-side (ASP.NET or JSP. Supported platforms:
Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HPUX etc
A vast collection of pre-built widgets - real-time charts, graphs, dials, meters, process control
symbols and others – to be provided with the Toolkit. The Graphics Builder may be used to
modify widget drawings, create dashboards containing multiple widgets, as well as design
custom widgets and add them to the Builder’s palettes.
The web user interface shall support and enforce all security features including cyber security
4.4 Display interactions
Rapid, convenient, and reliable display requests shall be provided using the following
4.4.1 Display Requests
a) Selection of a display from a menu display
b) Cursor target selection on any menu, graphic, or tabular display
c) Selection of an alarm : in this case, it shall call up the one-line display containing
the alarm’s location,
d) Selection of an alarm or event message on a summary display followed by a display
request command
e) Selection of display by Entering a display name or number
f) Forward and reverse paging in a page-based display.
g) Selecting a previous display by re-call command.
h) Selecting a point of interest from an Overview display for viewing on full screen
(such as viewing a SLD of a substation by selecting the Substation node from a
Network diagram).
i) Selecting function keys or cursor targets dedicated to displays.
4.4.2 Display navigation
Display navigation methods shall provide a consistent approach for moving within a
display. The following methods shall be provided:
a) Panning with cursor positioning device or scroll bars
b) Zooming with cursor positioning device
c) Navigation window for rapid movement between portions of a world display
d) Rubber-band zooming.

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e) Tool tip
f) Find & locate
g) Drag & drop
Zooming shall affect the magnification level of the data displayed. Panning shall move the
viewed portion of a world map space. The size of the viewed portion of the map relative to the
whole display shall be indicated by the width of the sliders in the scroll bars of the window
displaying the sector. When a display is first called up in a window, it shall be automatically
scaled as per default zoom level.
Both continuous and discrete panning and zooming control shall be provided. Continuous
panning and zooming shall be done in a convenient and intuitive way using the mouse; and
the resulting changes in the screen contents shall be “smooth” and instantaneous without any
noticeable delay. Discrete panning and zooming in larger steps shall be possible by dragging
the mouse, using the keyboard, and clicking on pushbuttons on toolbars.
When only a part of the display is shown in the active window, the user shall be able to request
a “navigation” window for orientation. This window shall show a small replica of the complete
display, with the displayed sector of the display highlighted. The user shall be able to move
the navigation window anywhere on the screen, and shall be able to close it.
A decluttering mechanism that defines the visibility of a graphic construct as a function of its
magnification shall be provided. As zooming changes the magnification of data displayed, the
declutter mechanism shall cause levels of detail to be shown or suppressed.
The magnification range corresponding to each declutter level shall be defined as system
configuration parameter. Static and dynamic element within a display shall have associated
with it a visibility designation as yes or no for each
In addition to reaching the various decluttering levels through zooming, users shall also be
allowed to request a specific level from a dialog menu.
The user shall be able to scale (zoom) the image of a world co-ordinate space or display in a
smooth fashion to any convenient scale factor. The scale factors shall allow the presentation
of an entire world co-ordinate space or display on the full screen or a window.
Static and dynamic data shall be displayed and updated during a scaling operation, and display
text shall be scalable to be consistent with the scaled image. At defined scale factors, levels of
de-clutter shall be invoked.
The user shall be able to select an area of a world co-ordinate display by cursor manipulation
(“rubber-banding”) and cause the display to be redrawn with the selected area centered in the
display and with the selected area magnified to best fit the full window. The window
dimensions shall not be changed by such an action.
A tool tip or equivalent method shall be provided for displaying information in English text &
numeral upon moving cursor on the device etc.
Find & locate feature to take the user to the online/ network display where the particular
component exists.
4.4.3 Permanent Indicators
Several indicators, including those listed below, shall be permanently shown on each
SCADA/DMS Display screen as minimum:
 Date and Time: Date shall be presented in the format DD/MM/YY.

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 Time shall be presented in the format HH:MM:SS with a resolution of one

second, and shall be updated once per second.
 Username: Name of the user logged in the SCADA/DMS Name of the active
 Name of the SCADA/DMS display accessed
 Name of the display window
4.4.4 Default Screen Layout
It shall be possible for each user to define a personal layout (Rooms) for the screens displayed
on the screen(s) of the workstation, i.e. to define a personal default setup of the position, size,
and contents of the screens.
The user’s default layout shall appear when the user logs on to a workstation. When a
dispatcher takes over a new shift by logging on without the previous dispatcher logging off
first, the current screen layout shall be preserved. It shall be possible to go to another room
layout of the logged on user at any time.
4.4.5 Display Note pad
User shall be able to place and edit a note on bays, devices etc. on any display. A symbol shall
appear on the display indicating the presence of Note on that display. The content of the note
shall be callable using a cursor target.
4.4.6 Quality Code and Tag Indication
All displays and reports containing telemetered analog values, device status and calculated
values shall have a data quality code associated with each data field. The quality code shall
reflect the condition of the data on the display or report. When more than one condition applies
to the data, the symbol for the highest priority condition shall be displayed.
A separate indicator shall identify the devices that have supervisory control inhibit tags. When
more than one tag is present on a device, the highest priority tag shall be displayed.
4.5 User Interaction Techniques
The user's interaction with the SCADA/DMS system for power system operations shall
primarily be accomplished using a menu item selection technique. The first step in the
interaction will be selection of the item to be operated upon. The user shall then be provided
a menu of operations applicable to the selected item. The required operation alternatives
(a) Supervisory control
(b) Data entry
(c) Device status entry
(d) Scan inhibit/enable
(e) Tag placement/removal
(f) Trend.
A set of parameters shall be presented appropriate to the item type and operation to be
performed. For example, selecting a device for control shall cause a menu of control actions
to be presented. Selecting an analog value for trending shall cause a menu of parameters, such
as range and trend rate etc., to be presented.

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As appropriate for the data and function requested, a menu containing output destinations such
as screen, printer, or file shall be presented. When the destination is selected by the user, the
requested action shall begin. It shall not be necessary to select an execute command to
complete the interaction except for supervisory control actions.
The user shall be able to end the interaction sequence at any time by selecting a cancel
command. The progress of all user operations shall be monitored. If the user does not complete
to a step within a multi-step operation within a pre-defined time, the process shall reset, and
the user shall be informed of the reset. A partially completed action shall be reset if the user
begins another non-related sequence.
A programmer-adjustable time-out cancel shall also be provided.
4.5.1 User Guidance
The SCADA/DMS system shall respond to all user input actions indicating whether the action
was accepted, was not accepted, or is pending. For multi-step procedures, the systems shall
provide feedback at each step. User guidance messages shall be English text and shall not
require the use of a reference document for interpretation. User shall be guided for multiple
options. The use of mnemonics is prohibited, unless the mnemonics are industry-accepted or
approved by employer. Provisions are required for administrators to edit the toolbars and
menus, user guidance messages and to construct new ones through an interactive procedure
and without programming.
4.5.2 User Help
In addition to the user guidance, general and specific context-sensitive on-line help shall be
available to the SCADA/DMS user. Context sensitive means that the help informationprovided
shall be applicable to the next step or steps in the sequence being performed. The Help menu
shall present a list of topics available for reference. The topics shall refer to the SCADA/DMS
user documents. The ability to scroll through the topic’s explanatory text shallbe supported.
The Help button in a dialog box and help key shall present the text of the user documents
where use of the dialog box is explained. The user shall be able to scroll through this text. Exit
from the help facility shall return the user to the same point in the sequence for which help
was requested.
Context sensitive help facilities shall be provided for each application software package and
operator display. The capability to easily edit or add additional help facilities in the future shall
be provided.
The provided help facility shall also support:
 Search mechanism
 Navigation links between related topics within the help
 select/copy mechanism
 Print facilities
4.5.3 Overlapping user access
The ability to queue multiple commands from different consoles shall be provided. In this
regard, however, interlocks shall be provided to avoid overlapping user access to certain
functions such as data entry and supervisory control as follows:

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(a) Data Entry: Although the same data entry field, device status entry or
fields (in the case of full-page data entry) may appear concurrently in
multiple windows at multiple consoles, data entry for the field or fields
shall be restricted to one window at one console at a time. An attempt
to initiate data entry for the field or fields from another window shall
result in a user guidance message. Concurrent data entryon different
areas of a world display, however, shall be allowed.
b) Supervisory Control: Although the same power system device, such asa
circuit breaker, may appear concurrently in multiple windows at
multiple consoles, control of the power system device shall be
restricted to one window at a console at a time. An attempt to initiate
control of the power system device from another window shall result
in a user guidance message.
4.5.4 Function Key Usage
Special functions shall be assigned to the 12 function keys on a standard keyboard. With
extensions (e.g., Shift, Alt, Esc) this shall result in a minimum of 48 function key actions.
4.6 Trend
Trend shall be a display of series of values of parameters on a time axis. Both graphical trend
and tabular trends shall be supported. The attributes of the trend display shall be user
configurable. The trend application shall be able to show trends for any measurement type
from more than one source, at least from real- time, historical and forecast sources. It shall
be possible to combine this data showing data for comparison using a shared timeline
simultaneously comparing for example yesterday (historic) and today (historic, actual and
forecast) as two curves on the same time axis. It should be possible to trend different types of
parameters (P, Q, V, I, F etc.) with associated Scales on the same display. The user shall be
able to select a trend rate different than the sampling rate.
4.6.1 Graphical Trend
The user shall be able to select and configure trending on Graphical displays enabling user for
entry of the following parameters:
(a) Data value name
(b) Trend header
(c) Trend direction (horizontal or vertical)
(d) Scale (unidirectional and bi-directional)
(e) Zero offset
(f) Trace number, color & texture
(g) Trend data rate
(h) Trend start time and date (historical data only)
(i) Total trend duration (historical data only)
(j) Reference lines or shading axes (With default to restrictive alarm
(k) Windows/chart to be used

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(l) Simultaneous trending of different parameters with associated scales.

Trending of at least four values simultaneously, on a common axis or separate axes shall be
supported. All scales corresponding to the values selected shall be visible on the Trend Display
simultaneously. There shall be automatic movement of data down or across the screen as new
values are generated. When the number of real-time trend samples reaches the limit that can
be displayed, the oldest value shall automatically be removed as the display is updated.
The magnitude & time of all the trended quantities at a particular time instant shall be displayed
when the cursor is placed on the timescale on the trend display.
When historical data is selected for trending, the user shall be able to page forward and
backward, or scroll by the use of a scroll bar, through a non-updating snapshot of the data
within the constraints of the data stored in the historical files.
Shading between each trend value and user-definable axes shall be provided. Trend colour
shall be changeable based on a comparison of the trend value against associated alarm limits.
It shall be possible to have at least data samples corresponding to 2 months on line storage for
each of the trended variable. The user shall be able to print the trend without interfering with
the continuing trending process.
4.6.2 Tabular Trending
Tabular trending shall be a listing of the time-sequential values of a variable/ variables. The
tabular trend shall present the data in a tabular form with one column for Date/time and
additional columns for each of the trended variable. The tabular trend shall contain at least
rows for samples corresponding to 2 months on line storage. Each row shall contain the values
of the trended variables. It shall be possible to scroll up and down to see the rows. The sampling
rate shall be individually definable for each tabular trend.
The historical tabular trends, which shall be produced from the previously stored values in
trend files, it shall be possible to choose the start time, the end time, and the sampling rate
independently of the sampled rate of historical data.
It shall also be possible to save trend output to an Excel, .csv ,ASCII file., with date and time
information and the engineering unit value of the trended variables for each collection interval.
The user shall be able to print the trend on a user-selected printer without interfering with the
continuing trending process.
4.7 Alarms
Alarms are conditions that require user attention. All alarms shall be presented to the user in
a consistent manner. Alarm conditions shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(a) Telemetered or calculated value limit violations
(b) Values returning to normal from a limit violation state
(c) Uncommanded changes of a power system device state
(d) SCADA/DMS application program results
(e) Data source communication errors resulting in loss of data
(f) SCADA/DMS system hardware or software failures.

Each alarm shall be subjected to a series of alarm processing functions. A device or value's
alarmable conditions shall be assigned to an alarm category and alarm priority levels. Alarms

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shall also be subjected to advanced alarm processing. The results of the alarm processing shall
determine the console(s) that will receive and be authorized to respond to the alarm and the
associated actions with the alarm.
All alarm messages shall be recorded on auxiliary memory of SCADA/DMS system and
archived in chronological order & reverse chronological order. It shall be possible to sort,
display and print user selected alarm messages from any console by the user.
4.7.1 Alarm Categories
An alarm category provides the logical interface that connects an alarm condition to a specific
Area of Responsibility (AOR) or operational jurisdiction as defined and accordingly alarm
shall be reported to user. Every alarm shall be assignable to a category. Each category shall,
in turn, be assignable to one or more users. A means shall be provided for changing operating
shifts without reassignment of alarm categories at a console. Each log-on and log-off shall be
reported as an event.
4.7.2 Alarm Priority levels
Each alarm shall be assigned to an alarm priority level. Up to 8 alarms priority levels shall be
supported. Each alarm priority level shall be presented in separate display. For each alarm, it
shall be possible for the programmer to independently configure the following actions:
(a) Audible alarm tone type selection and its enabling/disabling
(b) Alarm messages to be displayed on an alarm summary
(c) Alarm message deleted from alarm summary when acknowledged
(d) Alarm message deleted from alarm summary when return-to-
normal alarm occurs
(e) Alarm message deleted from alarm summary when return-to-
normal alarm is acknowledged
(f) Alarm message deleted by user action.
This assignment shall determine how the alarm will be presented, acknowledged, deleted, and
4.7.3 User Interaction for Alarms
The User shall be able to perform the alarm interactions described below.
4.7.4 Alarm Inhibit/Enable
Inhibiting alarms for a value or device, including a complete RTU /FRTU/FPI or other data
source, shall cause all alarm processing of that value or device to be suspended. The action
shall be recorded in the event log. However, Scanning of the value or device shall continue
and the database shall be updated.
4.7.5 Alarm Acknowledgment
An alarm shall be acknowledged by selecting an alarm acknowledge command when the item
in alarm is selected on:
(a) Any display showing the item in alarm
(b) Any display showing the alarm message.
User shall be able to acknowledge alarm individually, by page, user selected manner. It shall
be possible for the user to distinguish persistent & reset alarms under acknowledged &

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unacknowledged conditions. All alarms shall be stored by the system Audible alarm silencing
User shall be able to silence alarm without acknowledgement and shall remain until the user
enable the audible alarm. The silencing & enabling shall be recorded as event. The tones shall
be definable on the console basis. For each console, multiple tones shall be available. Tones
shall be of continuous & short duration type both. The former shall be of high priority condition
& require operator intervention to stop. In case of short duration tone, it shall go offat its own. Change Alarm Limits
The user shall be able to change the alarm limits.. When the user selects an item to change its
alarm limits, a menu showing the alarm limits currently in use and a data entry field for the
revised limits shall appear. All changes to alarm limits shall be subjected to data entry error
checking and recorded as events. The alarms shall be annunciated according to the changed
alarm limits. The user shall be able to reset alarm limits to the limits set in the SCADA
database. However, these shall be treated as temporary changes & if the system is re-
initialized, the original limits defined in the SCADA database shall be operationalized. Alarm Presentation
Alarm presentation shall be determined by the alarm's category and priority. Displays shall
highlight every alarm condition using a combination of color, intensity, inverse video,blinking
and audible sound. The alarm condition highlighting shall show whether the alarm has been
acknowledged. The highlighted alarm condition shall appear on all displays containing that
device or value at all consoles regardless of the alarm's category.
Alarm messages shall be a single line of text describing the alarm that has occurred and the
time of occurrence. The alarm message shall be English text and shall not require the use of
a reference document for interpretation.
4.8 Events
Events are conditions or actions that shall be recorded by the SCADA/DMS system but do not
require user action. Events shall be generated under the following conditions
(a) User initiated actions
(b) Conditions detected by application functions that do not require
immediate user notification, but should be recorded.
Events shall be recorded in the form of an event message. The event message format shall be
similar to the alarm message format. The same message format shall be used for displaying
and printing events. Event messages shall be displayed on an events summary.
Event messages shall be stored on auxiliary memory of SCADA/DMS system and archived
in chronological order and reverse chronological order.. It shall be possible to sort, display,
and print event messages from any console.
4.9 Hardcopy Printout
The SCADA/DMS system shall have features to produce a print out of a display, reports,
Alarms, Events etc. from a menu. Any of the available printers shall be selectable by the
SCADA/DMS users from menus for taking printout.
It shall be possible to print a complete display or a selected portion of a display. The options
for printing shall include at least choice for orientation, background color, page size, color/

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black & white and print preview. Also any of the available printers shall be selectable from
the print Menu.
4.10 Report Generation
The contractor shall be required to generate the Daily, Weekly, Monthly reports formats for
SCADA/DMS system. The report formats shall be finalized during detailed engineering stage.
The user shall be able to schedule periodic generation of reports, direct report to display, print
report, and archive report using report-scheduling display. The report scheduling display shall
enable entry of the following parameters, with default valuesprovided where appropriate:
(a) Report name
(b) Report destination (printer or archiving device)
(c) Time of the system should produce the report.
The user shall be able to examine and modify the contents of reports for the current period
and for previous report periods using displays. Any calculation associated with the revision
of data in a report shall be performed automatically after data entry has been completed.
The report review displays shall accommodate formatted report pages up to132 characters in
width and 66 lines in length and shall contain headings that correspond to the printed report
headings. For reports containing more columns or rows than the display, the system shall
include a means to view the entire report in a graphic format. The report view and editing
displays shall function with the initially supplied reports and all future reports added by
4.11 System Configuration Monitoring and Control
The user shall be provided with the capability to review SCADA/DMS computer system
configuration and to control the state of the configuration equipment using displays. The
following operations shall be possible:
(a) Failover of each server
(b) Monitoring of servers, device, including workstations, RTUs, FRTUs,FPIs,
status & loading of WAN LANs etc.
(c) Monitoring of the processor resource, hard disk & LAN/WAN
(d) Control & monitor of SCADA/DMS functions
4.12 Dynamic Data Presentation
It shall be possible to present any item in the database on any display. All supervisory control
and data control capabilities shall be supported from any window of a world display. Device
status or data values shall be displayable anywhere on the screen, excluding dedicated screen
areas such as the display heading.
Only standard X Window system or Microsoft windows standard fonts shall be provided with
the SCADA/DMS. All fonts supplied shall be supported on the user interface devices and all
printers supplied with the system. The types of fonts to be used in a particular display shall
be selected at display definition time.
Status and data values shall be presented in the following formats as appropriate:

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(a) Numerical text that presents analogue values shall have the provision forthe
format definition of the text shall include the number of characters, number
of decimal places, and the use of positive /negative sign or flow direction
arrows, etc.
(b) Normally the telemetered MW/Mvar values along with the sign/direction
shall be displayed on the Single line diagram and Network diagram.
However the user shall also be able to display all other telemetered and
calculated/ estimated analog values (I, V, pf etc. for each phase) on the
Single line diagram (SLD) and Network diagram.
(c) Symbols, including alphanumeric text strings for an item, based upon state
changes e.g., circuit breaker (OPEN/CLOSE/ INVALID).
(d) Symbols, including alphanumeric text strings for indicating the data quality
(e) Colors, textures and blink conditions based upon state or value changes or a
change of data quality, e.g., alarm limits.
4.13 Element Highlighting
Element highlighting techniques shall be provided to draw the attention of Dispatcher to
critical state of the system. The highlighting technique shall include change of color, color
intensity, blinking, Character inversion, Line texture, appended symbols etc. This feature shall
be used to highlight alarms, power system device and measurement status, data quality, data
entry locations on a display and error conditions.
4.14 Display Types
The following indicative list describes the types of displays that are to be included in the
SCADA/DMS system. The user interface shall support the capabilities of all displays as
specified. The User mode, Current Time and date shall be displayed on a screen-basis, not on
a display basis, and shall be always visible.
4.14.1 Dashboard
A suitable dashboard for utility to view vital parameters at a glance shall be created.
4.14.2 SCADA/DMS System Display
A display shall be provided that lists all SCADA/DMS system directory displays. The displays
shall be listed in alphabetical order with suitable separation in the list to enhance readability.
Each entry in the list shall have a cursor target for display selection.
4.14.3 Distribution System Network Display
A graphic overview network display of the distribution system with substations, feeders.
Distribution network color coded by voltage shall be provided. This display shall present the
distribution system in a graphic format provided by employer. Telemetered and calculated
data like Real and reactive power flows shall be displayed as a value with a direction. Lines
that have exceeded their loading limits shall be highlighted. Substationsand power stations
shall be depicted by symbols that reflect the presence of alarms at that substation or power
station. Cursor selection of a substation/ power station symbol shall result in the associated
Single line diagram display for that substation/ power station.

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4.14.4 Interchange Display

The interchange display shall be provided as a schematic diagram showing power transfers
among various utilities. This diagram shall show each power system as a block with actual and
scheduled net interchange values outside the block. Symbolic arrows shall indicate power flow
directions. The diagram shall also show schedule deviations. This display shall show the
frequency values collected from all substations having tie-lines.
4.14.5 Substation SLD displays Menu
A display shall be provided that lists all substations that can be viewed via a SLD display. The
name of the SLD displays shall be listed in alphabetical order, according to substation name,
with suitable separation in the list to enhance readability. Each entry in the list shall have a
cursor target for graphic display selection.
4.14.6 Substation SLD Displays
SLD displays shall be provided for each substation, including those for which telemetry may
not be available but are required for running the DMS applications. Each display shall present
telemetered, manually entered, and calculated power system data on a Single line diagram that
shows substation layout in terms of its buses, switches, lines, and transformers. The feeder
names in the SLD shall have linkage with remote substation end SLD, distribution network
associated with that feeder. It shall be possible to move to remote-end substations SLD by
selecting this feeder. The user shall be able to perform any user interaction defined by the
Specification on these displays.
4.14.7 Control panel displays
As utilities are presently using conventional panels at S/S for supervision & monitoring, The
control panel displays giving look -alike feeling shall be provided for operator supervise &
4.14.8 Tabular Displays
Tabular displays shall be provided for each substation. These displays shall list the real-time
values of telemetered, manually entered, and calculated data associated with the substation as
well as related information such as alarm limits. The user shall be able to perform any user
interaction defined by the Specification on these displays.
4.14.9 Alarm Summary Displays
Displays that list or summarize all unacknowledged and acknowledged alarms shall be
provided. The summary shall separate acknowledged and unacknowledged alarms. Capacity
shall be provided for at least 200 alarm messages for each alarm summary type. If an alarm
summary display becomes full, the oldest messages shall be automatically deleted and the
newest messages shall be added. It shall be possible to perform any alarm interaction from this
display. The user shall be able to select between viewing events in chronological or reverse
chronological order.
4.14.10 Event Summary Displays
Event summary displays shall list the most recent events and shall be organized by category
for those categories assigned to a given console, as one summary display for all categories
assigned to a console, or by all conditions system-wide without reference to the categories
assigned to a console, as selected by the user. The user shall be able to select between viewing
events in chronological or reverse chronological order.

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4.14.11 Operating Information Summaries

The operating information summaries defined below shall be provided. Summary items shall
be listed in reverse chronological order with the most recent item shown on the first page. All
summary displays, except for Tag Summary shall be information-only displays; no user
interaction, other than display call up, shall be associated with them. The Tag Summary shall
be interactive, i.e., the user shall be able to place or remove tags on this summary.
4.14.12 Manual Override Summary
The manual override summary shall list all telemetered and calculated device status and data
values for which a user has substituted a value
4.14.13 Off-Normal Summary
The off-normal summary display shall list devices and values that are found to be abnormal,
i.e., are not in their normal state. Telemetered, calculated, and manually entered status and
data values shall be included.
4.14.14 Out-of-Scan Summary
The out-of-scan summary display shall list device status and data values that are not currently
being processed by the system. If an entire telemetry source such as an RTU /FRTU /FPI is
out-of-scan, the out-of-scan summary shall display the source without any of the individual
device status or data values associated with the source
4.14.15 Alarm Inhibit Summary
This display shall list devices and data values for which the user has suspended alarm
4.14.16 Tag Summary
This display shall list and describe all active device tags.
4.14.17 Graphical Trending Summary Displays
The summary display shall list all items being trended. The list shall include the item name,
trace number or color, trend orientation, and trend range.
4.14.18 Tabular Trending Summary Displays
The summary display shall list all items being recorded for tabular trends. The list shall
include the item name and the file name.
4.14.19 Notes Display
This display shall include a minimum of 5 pages on which a user at any console may enter and
edit messages. The contents of these pages shall be accessible by any console. The user shall
have the ability to clear any page of this display and to type over previous messages.
4.14.20 Computer system Configuration and Monitoring Displays
Graphic and tabular displays shall be provided that allow the user to:
(a) Monitor and revise the configuration of the computer system
(b) Monitor the system's resource utilization statistics
4.14.21 RTU/ FRTU/FPI Communication Channel Monitoring and Control Display
This display shall show information on the status of the system's communication interface
devices (including communication channels), the accessibility of each RTU/FRTU/FPI in a

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graphical form. The user shall be able to Enable/Disable any communication channel from this
display. Such actions shall be recorded with User ID details
4.14.22 SCADA/DMS Application Program Displays
Application program displays shall be provided to satisfy the user interface requirements of
the system functions stated throughout this Specification. Application program displays shall
be based on a standard user interface design across all applications to provide a common look
and feel. The application's information shall be presented in such a way as to facilitate user
The required displays for all DMS Applications, as defined in Chapter 2 shall also be made
available to the user.
4.14.23 SAIDI/SAIFI displays
There shall be suitable displays to visualize SAIDI /SAIFI (Planned, unplanned & total ) feeder
wise, Substation wise , Town wise, Distt. wise or any another logical boundary mentioned by
utility on daily, weekly, month, quarterly, FY , Yearly basis with comparison with past years
through suitable navigation
4.14.24 SLA monitoring displays
The display shall capture and maintain record and display historical and current values as per
requirement of monitoring of SLA as per chapter 17
4.14.25 Help Displays
Help displays shall be provided to aid the user in interpreting displayed information and to
guide the user through a data entry or control procedure. Help displays shall be provided for
each display that is provided with the system. Each display shall have a prominent cursor target
that the user can select to request the associated help display. For standard displays, software
aids (such as context sensitivity) shall be used to present pertinent help information in an
expeditious manner. A programmer shall be allowed to modify and create help displays.

Further,e SCADA/DMS dynamic distribution network with GIS land base at the back ground
shall be available for navigation. Operator shall be able to perform all functions & have
features as envisaged in the specification. Suitable GIS adaptor shall be provided to import the
distribution network model & GIS information from GIS system. Refer other GIS details as
mentioned in chapter 1 &2 of this section.

End of Chapter 4

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5.0 General
This chapter describes the characteristics of system software such as Operating system,
RDBMS and support software (programming language compilers, database development and
maintenance, display development, network services, report generation, diagnostics and
backup utilities) to be provided by Contractor and the original software manufacturer as
necessary to support the SCADA/DMS/OMS/RT-DAS applications. This chapter also
describes the standards to be followed for all supplied software. It is necessary that functional,
availability & performance aspects are met. Bidder shall assess the adequacy of software
specified & if any additional software is required to meet all the requirements of the technical
specifications, the same shall also be included in the offer. This chapter is applicable to Group
A,B,C towns as per functional requirements
5.1 Software Standards
All SCADA/DMS software provided by the Contractor, including the Operating system,
RDBMS and support software, shall comply with the industry-accepted software standards
produced by national and international organizations, such as ANSI, ISO, IEC, IEEE, ECMA
in order to facilitate maintenance and enhancement of the SCADA/DMS systems being
supplied. In areas where these organizations have not yet set standards, the software shall
comply with those widely accepted de- facto standards put forth by industry consortiums,such
as OSF and X/Open or equivalent. The Contractor shall commit to meet the "open systems"
objective promoted by industry standards groups by using software products that arebased on
open standards.
5.1.1 Design and Coding Standards for SCADA/DMS applications
All SCADA/DMS applications shall be maintainable by employer using the supplied software
utilities and documentation. The SCADA/DMS software design and coding standards shall
also address the following:
(a) Expansion/ scalability: software shall be dimensioned to accommodate the
ultimate size of SCADA/DMS system envisaged.
(b) Modularity: software shall be modular to minimize the time and
complexity involved in making a change to a program.
(c) User-Directed Termination: Functions taking long execution times shall
recognize and process user requests to abort the processing.
(d) Programming languages: The software shall be written using ISO or ANSI
or ECMA standard programming languages like FORTRAN, C, C++ and
SQL and for Unix based systems the APIs shall be POSIX- conforming.
(e) SOA architecture: Software shall conform to SOA.
(f) Enterprise service bus (ESB): ESB based architecture is essential toenable
interaction of applications from different product manufacturer, platforms
(g) Portability & Interoperability: The software shall be designed for hardware
independence and operation in a network environment that includes
dissimilar hardware platforms to the extent possible. The use of system

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services software shall be built on Open standards

5.2 Operating System
The contractor shall use Unix /Linux / Microsoft Windows™ operating system servers. The
servers based on of Unix O/s, shall generally comply with the evolving set of POSIX standards
defined by IEEE.
5.3 Time and Calendar Maintenance
The SCADA/DMS system shall maintain Time and date for use by various software
applications. The GPS based time receiver shall be used for synchronizing the SCADA/DMS
system time. All Servers and O p e r a t o r workstation clocks shall be synchronized within
the accuracy of +/-100 milliseconds. The SCADA/DMS system shall not be dependent on
a particular server for time /calendar maintenance. . The SCADA/DMS shall include two
redundant time and frequency standards. Failure of the online unit shall result in automatic
switching to the redundant unit. The SCADA/DMS shall periodically check if the backup
unit is operational and failure of either unit shall be alarmed.
The frequency reading shall be accessible by SCADA/DMS applications with three post-
decimal digits resolution .The system shall support communication protocols such as NTP
and SNTP. The time and frequency standard unit shall support a common time code output
format such as IRIG-B.
A surge protection system shall be included to prevent the time and frequency standard
equipment from lightning.
5.4 Network Software
The network software for SCADA/DMS system shall include software for network
communication, security and services.
5.4.1 Network Communication
Users and various applications shall be able to communicate within the SCADA/DMS local
area network and operate as described in this Specification. The network communications
software shall use a standard network protocol such as TCP/IP. The software shall link
dissimilar hardware nodes, including local and remote workstations, application servers,
communication servers, and various peripherals (such as printers) into a common data
communication network allowing communications among these devices.
5.4.2 Network Security
A user authentication scheme consisting at least of a user identification and password shall be
required for the user to request a connection to any network node.
The design & configuration , parameterization, placement of DMZ shall be such that SCADA
/DMS /RTDAS system shall be protected from intrusion /vulnerabilities from outside world
as per IEC62443, IEC 62351-3, ISO/IEC27001. The cyber security same shall certified on
SAT by CERT.IN empanelled agency/ NCIIPC or any GoI agency before Operational
acceptance by SIA. The same shall be required to be verified at least once annually or Major
upgrade or change on the system or data of validity of certification which ever earlier during
the FMS period also and maintain required performance and functional requirements/SLA

5.4.3 Network services

The following network services shall be provided for the users of SCADA/DMS system:

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(a) Network file management and transfer, for files containing text, data,
and/or graphics information
(b) Network printing management
(c) Network time synchronization
(d) Network backup over LAN
(e) Task-to-task communications to external computers
(f) LAN global naming facilities.
(g) Remote procedure call
(h) Remote terminal session
5.4.4 Security Services
The security solution shall comprise of comprehensive solution for secured zone Firewalls i..e
LAN Firewall & Gateway Firewall, intrusion Prevention system IPS (Network based & Host
based) & Strong Authentication (multi layered), LDAP , Encryption mechanism. The
contractor shall provide a tightly integrated intrusion detection system to detect and prevent
Followings are the functional requirement from the security system:
• System shall have Multilayer (at least network, application layer ) firewall
which shall protect the complete system network from unwanted users.
Further the separate firewall of different OEMs shall be provided to take
care the security of all the servers & shall have High Availability
architecture with No Single Point of Failure (NSPOF).
• Gateway Firewall should be capable of load balancing multiple links from
different service providers.
• LAN Firewall shall provide isolation/security services between the
subsystems installed under SCADA system
• Firewalls deployed should not become a bottleneck. It shall be Robust,
Secure, Scalable and future-proof with Centralized Management.
• Two type of IPS Host based & Network based shall be deployed with
minimum hardware & they should not go blind in peak traffics.
• IPS should have hybrid technology to detect attacks. It should detectthrough
a combination of Protocol Anomaly and Signature matching.
• Shall have Gateway antivirus which will protect from inflow of virus from
the Internet and other WAN locations at the gateway itself with content
filtering without any lag in data transmission.
• Shall have strong authentication containing user name and passwords which
shall be very difficult to compromise.
• SSL over VPN to provide secured link over public network such as with
5.4.5 Features
Followings are the features specific to each component of security system Firewall

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The Firewall shall be hardware box Firewall system with following features.
• Firewall speed >250 Mbps
• Data encryption supported DES (56 bits) 3 DES (168 bits) and hashing
algorithm like MD5 and SHA-1
• Encryption to offload the main CPU
• It shall have minimum 8 Ethernet 10/100 /1000 ports (4ports for
connectivity to two web servers & 4 Ports for connectivity to LAN
• Support NAT and PAT
• Capability of working in Load sharing and hot standby mode
• Denial of service prevention.
• DNS guard features
• JAVA and ActiveX blocking
• Radius integration
• Web based management interface
• Stateful inspection for web, mail, SQL application etc.
• Detailed system logging and accounting feature
• No. of concurrent TCP Sessions supported shall be more than 5000. Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
The contractor shall provide a tightly integrated intrusion detection & prevention system
Capable for detecting the intrusion attempt that may take place and intrusion in progress and
any that has taken place.
Both Network based and Host based IPS should have centralized Management Console system
which will be either the application server with NMS or any of the workstation. The
Centralized management console shall have integrated event database & reporting system &
it must be able to create and deploy new policies, collect and archive audit log for post event
analysis. The system shall have Integrated Event Database & Reporting System.
Automated Update of the signature for two years shall be provided and there should be
provision for creating customized signature
(A) Intrusion Prevention System (Network Based)
After detecting any intrusion attempt there should be provision to configure to perform the
following functions:
 Capability for Detecting the intrusion attempt that may take place,
intrusion in progress and the intrusion that has taken place
 Reconfigure the firewall provided in this package.
 Send an SNMP Trap datagram to the management console.
 The NMS server envisaged under the specification shall be used as
management console also.
 Send an event to the event log.

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 Send E-mail to an administrator to notify of the attack.

 Save the attack information (Timestamp, intruder IP address, victim
IP address/port, protocol information).
 Save a trace file of the raw packets for later analysis
 Launch a separate program to handle the event
 Forge a TCP FIN packet to force a connection to terminate.
 Detect multiple forms of illicit network activity: -Attempted
 Vulnerability Exploits -Worms -Trojans -Network Scans -Malformed
 Traffic -Login Activity
 The System shall support monitoring of multiple networks. The system
shall also support the monitoring of additions or changes to addresses of
devices on the network.
The system shall have detection rules for monitoring faults, dangerous and malicious activity
related to IP based protocols. The Contractor shall also apply its power control and security
experience to enhance these detection rules for specific issues within the system.
(B) Intrusion Prevention System (Host Based)
Host based IPS shall run on the servers. After detecting any intrusion attempt there shall
be provision to configure the IPS to perform following actions
• Send an SNMP Trap datagram to the management console. The NMS server
envisaged under the specification shall be used as management console also.
• Send an event to the event log. Send e-mail to an administrator to notify of
the attack.
• It should be capable of creating audit trail for user and file access activity,
including file accesses, changes to file permissions, attempts to install new
executable and/or attempts to access privileged services,
• In an event where user accounts are added, deleted, or modified changes to key
system files and executable is done in by unauthorized account or there is
unauthorized attempt to overwrite vital system files, to install Trojan horses or
backdoors, suitable action shall be taken such as :
 Terminate user Login (intruder)
 Disable user Account (intruder)
 Administrator can define the action to be taken
 Forge a TCP FIN Packet to force a intruder connection to terminate.
• Should provide events check for suspicious file transfers, denied login attempts,
physical messages (like an Ethernet interface set to promiscuous mode) and
system reboots. Gateway Antivirus
This shall be used for Gateway scanning of viruses. Gateway antivirus shall have Centralized-
user Administration which will Communicate directly with centralized userdirectories such as
LDAP. It shall have the all the essential/standard features of Latest version of Gateway
antivirus, some of the features are as following:

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• It shall have Policy-based URL filtering and Dynamic Document

• It shall protect web traffic with high-performance, integrated virus
scanning and web content filtering at the gateway
• It shall ensure protection by combining list-based prevention with
heuristic content analysis for both virus protection and web content
• It shall eliminate unwanted content and malicious code & Scan all
incoming and outgoing HTTP and FTP traffic etc.
The Security System shall use the best practices to prevent the System itself being a source of
security compromise. The System shall be hardened, patched, tested, and designed with
security as a primary objective. Communication with (GUI and notifications) and within
(agent reporting and updates) the System shall use encryption and authentication.
5.4.6 Other Aspects of Security Application Security Monitoring
The standard operating system shall support the monitoring of security on host installed
applications. The system shall support or allow the creation of monitoring for:
• Application Software Error Conditions
• Application Software Performance Issues
• Application Configuration Changes
• Application Logins, etc.
The system shall be capable of annunciation, to include audible and visual alarms and remote
paging whenever a security event takes place and shall support the following:
• Instant notification through email or pager
• Logical grouping of security events by time, location, and device, etc
• Interactive dashboard window for viewing and acknowledgement Analysis and Reports
The system with the stored information shall be able to produce analyses and
reports to meet security compliance requirements. The system shall be equipped
with best practices ad-hoc reports widely used in the industry.
The employer’s personnel shall be trained to be capable of creating new
custom analysis and reports, and revising existing, without requiring external
consultation. Log Archiving
The security system shall archive, record, and store all security related events in raw form for
at least one year. As a minimum, the event logger shall record all security related events from
the perimeter security devices and the host IPS. Graphical trend displays of each event shall
be available along with specific information on the type of intrusion, the area affected and
the source via IP address.

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The Web server at Control Center is to function as source of information on the distribution
network. It will be accessed by utility intranet user. Any additional client software, if required,
at external clients/users ends, the same shall be made dynamically available from Web server
for its downloading by these external clients. There shall not be any restriction to the number
of clients downloading this software (i.e. Unlimited number of client downloads shall be
The external users shall be licensed users of the employer. The following features are
a) The Web servers shall be sized to support atleast 50 concurrent
external intranet clients/users for providing access to real-time
b) External intranet clients/users shall be connected to the web
servers through secure authentication such as VPN access.
These users shall be denied direct access to the SCADA/DMS
protected LAN.
c) Internal SCADA/DMS users shall not have any dependency
on the availability of the Web servers.
d) For the purpose of transfer of data/displays/ from the
SCADA/DMS system to the Web server system, the
SCADA/DMS system shall initiate a session with the Web
server and any attempt to initiate a session by the Web server
shall be terminated by the Firewall in SCADA/DMS system
LAN. Interface between Web server and SCADA/DMS zone
shall preclude the possibility of external clients defining new
For any sessions initiating from the DMZ LAN into the protected
LAN, the servers shall be located in a separate DMZ LAN that
will be isolated from common applications connected directly
to ISP such as email. The Access to these servers from the
external web will be through authorization of Virtual Private
e) The web server shall provide access to allowable real time data
and displays, at defined periodicity, for viewing by external
clients/users. The access to each display shall be definable on
per user type basis. It shall be possible to define up to 100 users.
Further the SCADA/DMS system administrator shall exercise
control over the real-time displays which can be accessed
through the Web server.

f) The Web server at Control Center shall also facilitate

exchange of email messages from ISP (Internet Service
Provider) and other mail servers supporting SMTP..
g) Suitable load balancing shall be provided among the web
servers where each shall serve proportionate number of clients.

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However in case of failure of one of the servers, all the clients

shall automatically switch to the other web server(s).
Typical displays/pages for Intranet access shall be same as that on the SCADA/DMS. Real
time SCADA data on web server shall be refreshed every minute. The access to Web
server/site shall be controlled through User ID and password to be maintained /granted by a
system administrator. Further, different pages/data access shall be limited by user type (i.e.
CMD, Mgmt. user, in-charge etc.). The access mechanism shall identify and allow
configuration of priority access to selected users.
Further, tools shall be provided for maintaining the website, web server configuration, E-mail
configuration, FTP configuration, Mailing lists setup and customer support. Latest protections
against viruses shall be provided. Signature Updating Requirements
The system shall be able to accept timely updates. The updates shall keep the threat signatures
current, providing the latest detection and protection. The updates shall also incorporate the
latest security enhancements into the Security Management System. These enhancements shall
increase security and functionality, without requiring redesign or reengineering efforts. Network Management system (NMS)
A network monitoring and administration tool shall be provided. The interface of this tool
shall show the DMS hardware configuration in form of a map. The network-monitoring tool
shall automatically discover the equipment to construct the map. It shall support management
of multi-Vendor network hardware, printers, servers and workstations.
It shall support remote administration of network devices, management of thresholds for
monitoring performance and generation of alarm and event notifications. It shall be possible
to send these notifications to maintenance personnel through e-mail
The Network management system shall manage the interfaces to the SCADA/DMS servers,
workstations, devices, communication interface equipment, and all SCADA/DMS gateways
and routers ,switches etc
The network management software shall be based on the Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP-Internet latest RFC ) over TCP/IP (CMOT), with additional proxy software
extensions as needed to manage SCADA/DMS resources.
The NMS software shall provide the following network management capabilities:
(a) Configuration management
(b) Fault management
(c) Performance monitoring.
The network management software shall:
(a) Maintain performance, resource usage, and error statistics for all of the above
interfaces (i.e. servers, workstation consoles, devices, telephone circuit
interface equipment, and all SCADA/DMS gateways , routers etc.) andpresent
this information via displays, periodic reports, and on-demand reports.
The above information shall be collected and stored at user configurable
periodicities i.e. upto 60 minutes. The Network Management System
(NMS) shall be capable of storing the above data for a period of one year at

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periodicity of 5 minutes.
(b) Maintain a graphical display of network connectivity to the remote end routers
(c) Maintain a graphical display for connectivity and status of servers and
peripheral devices for local area network.
(d) Issue alarms when error conditions or resource usage problems occur.
(e) Provide facilities to add and delete addresses and links, control data blocks,
and set data transmission and reception parameters.
(f) Provide facilities for path and routing control and queue space control.
(g.) SLA monitoring - Availability of all devices shall be monitored and SLA shall
be calculated as per SLA requirement specified in FMS chapter Central Cyber security Monitoring & Detection
The Contractor shall implement a unified cyber security Application platform purpose built to
monitor, manage & maintain the security posture of the overall control system network. The
system shall establish mechanisms & processes for detection of cyber security threats, to ensure
cyber security threats or incidents can be responded promptly to. These shall include key
security technologies like central security policy management for host machines, capturing and
& analyzing security event logs from all security/networking assets and continuous threat
detection systems adopted for an operational technology environment.
The proposed deployment shall be based on a vendor agnostic platform, natively supporting
the said cyber security services, while offering flexibility and scalability to provide additional
functionalities needed in the context of security improvement plan.
The software platform shall be designed in conformance to key global standards like IEC 62443
and IEC 62351 while supporting compliance to the country specific guidelines/frameworks.
The central security management server shall be deployed in the De-Militarized zone inside the
control room segregated by suitable firewalls and shall act as an IT/OT interface
All hosts machines shall implement advanced end point protections including antimalware,
application whitelisting, data loss prevention, HIPS etc. The whitelisting and application
control shall allow only list of permitted applications, services and processes to run on each
host; no other processes shall be permitted to be executed on the host. It shall not be possible
for users to circumvent the malicious code protection on a host device.
The Host based IPS shall monitor the characteristics of a host and the events occurring within
that host for suspicious activity. The characteristics which need to be monitored include
network traffic, system logs, running processes, file access & modification, and system &
application configuration changes.
The central policy Orchestrator shall be deployed to enable operators/security administrators to
centrally monitor and manage the security policy for all host workstations. The application shall
allow creation of automated workflows, support creation of reports, customized dashboards to
analyze the performance of each security setting while tracking the deployment of signature
(DAT files) updates date from a single location.
Continuous (24/7) anomaly & threat detection shall be implemented to detect and alert for all
known & unknown threats including Zero days, MITM attacks, DDoS attacks, unauthorized
behavior or malicious activities on the network. The system shall support a wide range of IT &
OT communication protocols including the proprietary protocols, and able to discover
information from the network passively using Deep Packet Inspection by connecting to the

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Mirror Port / SPAN port on a backbone switch(s).

The proposed system shall support the following capabilities:
 Real time network visualization of the entire ICS network, including asset
inventory information, communication patterns, connections, protocols and
 Discover detailed asset inventory information (like Manufacturer, Model,
Firmware, serial no etc.) from network devices including nested devices to
enable enhanced visibility, segmentation, and vulnerability management.
Additionally, it should be capable of automatic asset grouping to help visualize
a micro-segmentation view of the network primarily based on asset behavior.
 Automated identification of vulnerabilities in the environment, correlated with
operational context to provide detailed insights and rapid remediation.
 The system shall learn typical behavior through Dynamic learning via
artificial intelligence to automatically learn nodes, devices, connections, etc. to
accurately profile normal process behavior and engage a "protection mode"
where variants and risks from the learned process behavior are alerted.
 Create detailed behavioral profiles for every device according to the process
state thereby identifying/alerting users for anomalies on the network such as
new or unusual assets, communication patterns, configuration changes,
malfunctions etc. based on extensive learned baselines using Deep Packet
Inspection (DPI) into the OT protocols.
 System should be able to calculate a granular Risk score for each identified
threat based on the context it has about the network, the assets and the events
that occurred.
 Automatically capture network traffic associated with the alert to analyze and
identify what happened before and after the Incident.
 Integrates with firewalls to inject rules associated with an alert or policy
The security monitoring application shall encompass collecting security logs from various
devices in the system (Hosts, IED’s, Firewalls, routers, IDS, AV Servers etc) over standard
protocol formats i.e. syslog/SNMP/WMI etc. and provide dashboards for real-time situational
security awareness and alerts. The application must be compliant to international standards IEC
62443-3-3 (for providing syslog server and audit trail capabilities) and IEC 62351-14 (for
central management functionalities).
The system shall have a capability to archive, record and store all security related events. The
logs of the system shall be analyzed for exceptions and the possible incident of
intrusion/trespass shall be presented to the employer in the form of alerts/notifications. The
audit log function must be enabled and protected against tampering. The Bidders shall put in
place audit trail and logging mechanism to ensure security logs are available for upto 12months.
The entire system shall use a uniform system time which can be synchronized with an external
time source (GPS).
The tool must be open and customizable with dashboards as per the local infrastructure
requirements and business KPI’s. Typically it should support basic used cases like:
Application Security Monitoring

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The standard operating system shall support the monitoring of security on host installed
applications. The system shall support or allow the creation of monitoring for:
 Application Software Error Conditions
 Application Software Performance Issues
 Application Configuration Changes
 Authentication activities - login, logout, failure access
Host Security Monitoring:
 Security policy changes.
 Anti-malware activities - alerts provided by antivirus or whitelist
 Mobile drive activities - USB connection in the system
 Windows event logs from Windows Machine System - Windows
patches and activities,
Network monitoring alerts and events:
 Configuration update activities - settings and parameters changes in
 Unauthorized access attempts events from Security appliances

Application must be simple and intuitive to support OT operators with limited IT skills to
quickly identity the security issues or any unauthorized access to the system and respond to it
before it becomes a major threat to the system. Employer’s personnel shall be trained to be
capable of creating new custom analysis and reports.
The contractor shall propose a centralized patch management solution to securely execute and
manage all necessary systems, security mitigation and signature-related patching in timely
manner. All host machines shall be configured via domain policy to contact patch servers and
check for missing updates. These updates shall be installed manually to avoid cause
unscheduled disruptions.
All the security appliances (Firewalls, Antivirus, central cyber security monitoring & detection
appliances etc) being supplied under this project shall have definition updates for
virus/signatures and updates for software patches for the warranty and complete FMS period.
The signature and patches shall then be deployed to all the respective devices. These
enhancements shall increase security and functionality, without requiring redesigning or
reengineering efforts.
5.5 Database structure
The SCADA/DMS RTDB (Real Time Data Base) shall be an active process model. i.e. It shall
initiate actions or events based on the input it receives. The RTDB shall describe the state of
the power system at a given point in time and the events that move the system to a new state
at the next point in time. This database is required to support the data access to real time
information and to allow efficient integration and update.
A library of event routines may encapsulate or interface the RTDB with other components of
the system. These event routines shall be the preferred means for application programs to

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interact with RTDB. This way, application programs (and programmers) only need to concern
themselves with callable interface (API) of these routines. Each application shall interact with
the RTDB through the event library. These event routines shall serve as generic APIs for
database access thereby eliminating proprietary database function calls at the application level.
The SCADA/DMS shall include a single logical repository for all data needed to model the
historical, current, and future state of the power system and SCADA/DMS – the Source
Database (SDB). All information needed to describe the models on which the SCADA/DMS
operates, shall be defined once in the SDB and made available to all SCADA/DMS
applications, real-time database, and user interface maintenance tools that need the
Any database update, whether due to local changes or imported network model changes, shall
be able to be placed online in a controlled manner without causing undue interruption to
network operations, including without losing any manually entered data. For example, a
network model update to introduce a new substation shall not interrupt the ability to perform
supervisory control actions or receive telemetry to view the network state. It shall be possible
the changes, local or imported, to be placed online either automatically or under manual control
with proper validation. It shall be possible to easily revert to an earlier databaseVersion, again
without undue interruption to network operations.
The capability to import & export the CIM compliant network model data including the
corresponding telemetry and ICCP data reference in XML format to send it to other parties
shall be provided. The capability to import the CIM compliant network model data from other
parties in XML format shall also be provided.
The SCADA/DMS shall provide a consistent interface to accept XML format data for updates
from other database applications; and provide a consistent interface to import & export data in
XML format.
5.5.1 Software Maintenance and Development Tools General requirements
A set of software shall be provided to enable maintenance of application software and
development of new software in software development mode.
All hardware and software facilities shall be provided to allow creation, modification and
debugging of programs in all languages that are supplied.
The following shall thus be possible:
 Program and data editing
 Program compiling and assembling
 Linking
 Loading, executing and debugging program. Version management
 Concurrent development
The following features shall be provided:
 Library management
 Programs allowing to copy and print any data or program file
 Backup and restore File comparison Sort and merge

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 Programs that allow to partially save and recover volumes

 Core and memory dump.
In addition tools shall have the following: Command language
A complete command language shall be provided that allows interactive use of any console to
interactively create, modify and debug programs in all languages provided. It should also be
possible to create and save command procedure file and to execute it sequentially. Linkage Editor and Loader
Compilers and assemblers, linkage editor and loader shall be provided to link object modules
from an assembly or compilation to produce an executable module and load it in system. As far
as possible, the loader shall accept object modules issued from various language compilers. Symbolic Debugger
A language-independent, interactive symbolic debugger shall be provided to enable the user
to test new software and inspect the characteristics of existing software. The execution of a
program shall be under the control of the debugger according to parameters entered by the user.
The following features shall be supported:
(a) Program execution breakpoint control
(b) Program execution sequence tracing
(c) Display and modification of program variables
(d) Attachment of specifically written debug code to the program under
The debugger shall allow halting execution of a program at predefined points, reading and
modifying the registers and memory locations and executing step by step a program. Tender
shall describe the features of debuggers for each type of equipment. System Integration
System integration services shall be provided for adding new programs to the set of active
software after the programs have been tested. These services shall include commands to
substitute one program for another, to set up or modify operating system tables, and to schedule
and activate a new program with a minimum of interference with the normal running of the
SCADA/DMS functions. The capability to restore the system to its status prior to the new
program integration shall be provided. System Generation
System generation software and procedures shall be provided to generate an executable object
code of all software, databases, displays, and reports. Employer personnel shall be able to
perform a system generation on site, using only equipment, software, procedures, and
documentation supplied with the SCADA/DMS. It shall not be necessary to return to the
Contractor's facility or rely on the assistance of Contractor personnel.

The procedures necessary to perform a complete system generation shall be provided as

interactive or batch commands maintained on auxiliary memory and on archive storage, source
listings, and detailed manuals. System generation shall be accomplished without programming;
only directives or control commands described in the procedures shall be required.

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A code management utility shall be provided for documenting and controlling revisionsto
all SCADA/DMS application programs. The utility shall maintain a library of source, object,
and executable image code and provide a controlled means for changing library files containing
this code.
The code management utility shall include inventory, version, and change control and reporting
features. Program dependencies shall be included in the library for user reference. The code
management facility shall retain a complete history of additions, deletions, and modifications
of library files.
An integrated source code development subsystem supporting C, Fortran, Java, and C++, other
programming languages used in the SCADA/DMS shall provide a software configuration
management system to define the elements and the associated attributes of the applications
provided in the SCADA/DMS. Source definitions for all elements of an application shall be
maintained in disk files under a code management system. As a minimum, the code
management system shall:
1) Manage source code and binary images
2) Allow tracking of code changes by date, author, and purpose
3) Manage documentation modules and associate them with source
code, binary images, and other documentation
4) Support multiple teams of programmers working concurrently on the
same modules
5) Provide an efficient link between modules
5.6 Database Development software
The databases organization shall be designed to meet the following major functional
 Data consistency,
 Compliance with the system performance
requirements including both response times and
expansion capabilities,
A Database development software shall be provided which shall contain database structure
definitions and all initialisation data to support the generation of all relational , real time
database (RTDB) non-relational run-time databases required to implement the functions of
SCADA/DMS system. All the facilities required for generating, integrating and testing of the
database shall be provided with the SCADA/DMS system. The delivered SCADA/DMS
database shall be sized for the ultimate system as described in this Specification. The database
development facility shall be available on development system comprising of server &
workstation. Once the database creation/ modification activity is over, the compiled runtime
executable shall be downloaded to all respective machines. Executing the database generating
functions shall not interfere with the on-line SCADA/DMS functions.

The database development function shall locate, order, retrieve, update, insert, and delete data;
ensure database integrity; and provide for backup and recovery of database files. The database
development function shall generate and modify all SCADA/DMS data by interfacing with all
database structures. The location of database items shall be transparent to the user

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performing database maintenance.

Extensive reasonability, integrity, and referential integrity checks shall be made on user entries
to detect errors at the time of entry. Invalid entries, such as entering an invalid data type or
attempting to define contradictory characteristics for a database item, shall be detected and
reported to the user in an error message. All error messages shall be in plain English. Theuser
shall not be required to repeat steps that were correctly executed prior to the erroneous
action. Help displays shall be available to provide additional, detailed information to the user
on request.
All newly defined points shall be initially presented to the user with default values for all
parameters and characteristics where defaults are meaningful. It shall also be possible to
initialise a new database point description to an existing database point description. The user
shall be guided to enter new data, confirm existing data, and change default values as desired.
All required entries for any database item selected for changes shall be presented to the user.
When parameters are entered that require other parameters to be specified, the additional
queries, prompts, and display areas required to define the additional parameters shall be
presented automatically.
(a) Add, modify, and delete telemetered, non-telemetered, or calculated
database items and data sources such as RTUs/ FRTUs / FPI, data
links, and local I/O.
(b) Add, modify, and delete application program data
(c) Create a new database attribute or new database type
(d) Resize the entire database or a subset of the database
(e) Redefine the structure of any portion of the database.
The database tool for creation, editing, generation, export, import of ICCP database
including complete definition, association, bilateral tables, objects etc. shall be
5.6.1 Run-Time Database Generation and Maintenance
The database development software shall generate incremental database changes as well as
run-time (loadable) databases from the global source database (user entered database)
Incremental structure changes in the source database such as addition of a bay or a substation
shall not require regeneration of the entire run-time database. Based on the nature of the
change, the database development software shall determine which portion of the database must
be regenerated and which displays, reports, and software functions must be re- linked.
All errors that were not detected during data entry time but are encountered during run- time
database generation shall be flagged. The database generation routines shall continue
processing the database in an effort to detect all errors present in the database before
terminating the generation task. Data Retention
The database generation process shall retain and utilize data from the current SCADA/DMS
database in the newly generated database, even when a newly generated database contains
structure changes. Data to be retained across database generation cycles shall include, but not
be limited to, quality codes, manual entries, tags, historical data, and tuning parameters. Making Database Online

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After an error-free database generation, the user shall be able to test the data- base in an off-
line server prior to its use in an on-line server. The previous run- time database of the server
shall be archived such that it is available to replace the new database upon demand. The
archived database shall be deleted only when directed by the user.
Newly generated run-time databases shall only be placed on-line by user command. Following
the assignment of a new database to a server and on user demand, the database management
software shall access each SCADA/DMS server to ensure that all databases are consistent.
Inconsistencies shall be annunciated to the user. On-Line Database Editing
Selected database management functions and changes to a run-time database shall be possible
without requiring a database generation. These shall be limited to viewing functions and
changes to the contents, but not the structure of the database. On-line changes shall be
implemented in all applicable SCADA/DMS run-time databases without system downtime.
Changes shall also be implemented in the global database to ensure that the changes are not
lost if a database regeneration is performed. On-line database editing shall not affect the
SCADA/DMS system's reaction to hardware and software failures nor shall it require
suspension of exchange of data among servers for backup purposes. Tracking Database Changes
The database manager utility shall maintain Audit trail files for all changes made by all users.
The audit trails shall identify each change including date and time stamp for each change, and
identify the user making the change. An audit trail of at least last 2 months shall be maintained
and another audit trail maintaining records of who/when performed the edit operation shall be
maintained for a period atleast 2 months. Initial Database Generation
The initial database shall contain all data required by the SCADA/DMS systems. Default
values shall be used in consultation with the employer for data that is not provided by
employer. Population and maintenance of the distribution network model should be possible
by using the database maintenance tools to build the database from scratch.
5.7 Display Generation and Management
SCADA/DMS displays shall be generated and edited using interactive display generation
software delivered with the system. The display generator shall be available on development
system & once the display/ displays creation/ modification activity is complete, the compiled
runtime executable shall be downloaded on all workstations/servers.
The display editor shall support the important construction options like:
 Copy/move/delete/modify,
 Building at different zoom level,
 Linking of any defined graphics symbol to any database point,
Pop-up menus,
 Protection of any data field on any display against user entry
based on log- on
 identifiers
 Activation of new or modified displays for any application or
across all applications of the system by a simple command that

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causes no noticeable interruption of on-line DMS system

All displays, symbols, segments, and user interaction fields shall be maintained in libraries.
The size of any library and the number of libraries shall not be constrained by software. The
display generator shall support the creation, editing, and deletion of libraries, including
copying of elements within a library and copying of similar elements across libraries. A
standard set of libraries and libraries of all display elements used in the delivered
SCADA/DMS system shall be provided.
Displays shall be generated in an interactive mode. The user shall be able to interactively:
(a) Develop display elements
(b) Link display elements to the database via symbolic point names
(c) Establish display element dynamics via database linkages
(d) Define linkages to other displays and programs
(e) Combine elements and linkages into display layers
(f) Combine display layers into displays.
The display generation, compilation & loading shall not interfere with the on line
SCADA/DMS functions. All user interface features defined in this Specification shall be
supported by the display generator.
5.7.1 Display Elements
The elements available to create a display shall consist of graphic primitives symbols,
segments, User Interaction Field and layers. These elements shall be available to be linked to
the SCADA/DMS functions and dynamically transformed on the display as governed by
linkages to the database. Segments

The display generator shall support the construction of display segments consisting of
symbols, primitives, and dynamic linkages to the database and user interface. Typical uses of
display segments are pull-down menus, bar charts, and common circuit breaker
representations. The display generator shall be able to save display segments in segment
libraries for later use. The SCADA/DMS system shall include a base library of segments
commonly used by display builders.
The display generator shall support the addition, deletion, and modification of segments,
including the merging of one segment with another to create a new segment. Segment size
shall not be limited. Segments shall be defined at an arbitrary scale factor selected by the
user. Dynamic Transformation Linkages
Dynamic transformations shall be performed on symbols and display segments based upon
dynamic linkages to database variables. All linkages to the database shall be defined via
symbolic point names. Each symbol or segment stored in a library shall include its dynamic
transformation linkages, although the specific point names shall be excluded. Dynamic
transformation linkages shall support the dynamic data presentation

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5.7.2 Display Generation and Integration

The displays shall be constructed from the display elements described above. The display
definition shall allow displays to be sized to meet the requirements of the SCADA/DMS
application for which they are used; displays shall not be limited by the size of the viewable
area of the screen. The display generation software shall allow unbroken viewing of the display
image being built as the user extends the size of the display beyond the screen size limits. Each
display shall include the display coordinates definition that will permit a userto navigate
successfully to the portion of the display that is of interest.
It shall be possible for a user to build a new display starting with a blank screen or an
existing display. The definition of each layer shall include a range of scale factors over which
the layer shall be visible. The display generator shall also support manual control of layer
visibility, where the user of the display shall determine the layers on view. Each display may
incorporate manually and automatically (by scale factor) displayed layers. The user shall
also define the periodic update rate of the dynamic information on the display and any
programs called before or after presentation of the display.
The display generator shall support the integration of new and edited displays into the active
display library. During an edit session, the display generation software shall allow the user to
store and recall any display. To protect against loss of display work when computer fails, the
current work shall be automatically saved every 5 minutes (user adjustable) to an auxiliary
memory file.
The display generator shall verify that the display is complete and error-free before integrating
the display into the active display library. A copy of previous display library shall be saved &
protected and it shall be brought back on line or can be deleted upon user request.. It shall not
be necessary to regenerate any display following a complete or partial system or database
generation unless the database points linked to the display have been modified or deleted.
5.8 Report Generation Software
The SCADA/DMS /OMS system shall include report generation software to generate new
report formats for SCADA/DMS/OMS and edit existing report formats. The user shall be
guided in defining the basic parameters of the report, such as the report database linkages as
symbolic point names, the report format, the report activation criteria, the report destination
(workstation, printer, or text file), and the retention period for the report data.
The user shall be able to construct periodic reports and ad-hoc queries via interactive
procedures. The capability to format reports for workstations and printers shall be provided.
The user shall be able to specify the presentation format for periodic reports and ad-hoc query
reports as alphanumeric display format, graphical display format, or alphanumeric printer
format. The user shall be able to specify that processing functions, such as summations and
other arithmetic functions, be applied to portions of the report data when the report is processed
for display, printing, or file storage. The software shall provide for generation of reports that
are the full character width of the printers and that use all of the printer's capabilities, such as
font sizes and styles and print orientation. For report data editing, the usershall be able to obtain
the data from a retained report, modify the data, repeat the inherent datacalculations, reprint the
report, and save it in a report retention file on auxiliary memory without destroying the original
The user shall also be able to access a retained report, modify its point linkages to the database,
modify its format, and save it in a report retention file on auxiliary memory as a newreport
without destroying the original report.

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Executing the report generating functions shall not interfere in any server of the system with
the on-line SCADA/DMS functions.
5.9 System Generation and Build
System generation includes the activity of generating an executable object code of all
databases, displays, and reports as required for SCADA/DMS system. System build is the
process under which all the above executable and the executable provided for SCADA/DMS
application software are ported to the SCADA/DMS system hardware and configuring to make
it operational.
The contractor shall do the complete system generation and build as required for successful
operation of the SCADA/DMS system. The contractor shall also provide the complete backup
of the SCADA/DMS system in electronic media such as tapes, CDs, MO disks etc.
Employer personnel shall be able to restore the SCADA/DMS system at site by using above
backup tapes/CDs etc. The contractor shall provide the procedures necessary to restore the
system from the backup tapes/CDs etc. The DR system shall always have updated set of system
build. It shall be synchronized with the SCADA/DMS control center .
5.10 Software Utilities
All software utilities used to maintain SCADA/DMS software, whether or not specifically
required by this Specification, shall be delivered with the system.
The software utilities shall operate on-line (in background mode) without jeopardizing other
SCADA/DMS application functions that is running concurrently. This utility software shall
be accessible from workstations, programming terminals, and command files on auxiliary
memory. Multiple users shall have concurrent access to a utility program task, provided there
are no conflicts in the use of peripheral devices.
5.10.1 File Management Utility
File management utilities shall be provided that allocate, create, modify, copy, search, list,
compress, expand, sort, merge, and delete program files, display files, and data files on
auxiliary memory and archive storage.
5.10.2 Auxiliary Memory Backup Utility
A utility to backup auxiliary memory of server and workstation files onto a user- selected
auxiliary memory or archive device shall be supplied. The backup utility shall allow for user
selection of the files to be saved based on:
(a) Server and workstation
(b) File names (including directory and wildcard
(c) File creation or modification date and time
(d) Whether or not the file was modified since the last backup.
A backup utility that can backup all server and workstation auxiliary memories on to a single
target auxiliary memory or archive device shall be provided. The backup utility must ensure
that the source auxiliary memory files are captured properly regardless of caching activity.

5.10.3 Failure Analysis Utility

Failure analysis Utility shall be provided to produce operating system and application program

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status data for analyzing the cause of a fatal program failure. The failure information shall be
presented in a condensed, user-oriented format to help the user find the source of the failure.
The information shall be presented on displays and recorded for historical records and user-
requested printed reports.
5.10.4 Diagnostic Utility
The system shall have suitable auto diagnostic feature, on line & offline diagnostic Utility for
on-line and off-line monitoring for equipments of SCADA/DMS system shall be provided.
5.10.5 System utilization Monitoring Utility
Software utility shall be provided in each server and workstation to monitor hardware and
software resource utilization continuously and gather statistics. The monitoring shall occur in
real-time with a minimum of interference to the normal SCADA/DMS functions. The period
over which the statistics are gathered shall be adjustable by the user, and the accumulated
statistics shall be reset at the start of each period. The statistics shall be available for printout
and display after each period and on demand during the period.
5.10.6 Other Utility Services
On line access to user and system manuals for all software/Hardware products (e.g., Operating
System and Relational Database Software/hardware) and SCADA/DMS applications shall be
provided with computer system.

End of Chapter 5

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6.0 Introduction
This chapter articulates the hardware requirements for the SCADA/DMS system. The
conceptual hardware configuration diagram of SCADA/DMS control center is indicated in
Figure-1 of chapter 1. The bidders are encouraged to optimize the hardware for servers where
SCADA, DMS & ISR applications can be combined or distributed in any combination with
adequate redundancy. However, quantity of servers shall be as per detailedbill of quantities
for SCADA/DMS defined in chapter 19. Bidder shall assess the adequacy of hardware
specified in the BOQ & if any additional hardware is required to meet all the requirements of
the technical specifications, the same shall also be included in the offer. TheBidder shall offer
the minimum hardware configuration as specified here for various equipment, however if
required, higher end hardware configurations shall be offered to meet all the requirements of
the technical specification. The redundant hardware such as servers (Except DTS,
development server) , CFE, etc. shall work in hot standby manner. It is necessary to ensure
that the functional requirements, availability & performance aspects are met as per
SCADA/DMS system specification. This chapter is applicable to Group A,B,C, Utowns as
per functional requirements
6.1 General Requirements for Hardware
All hardware shall be manufactured, fabricated, assembled, finished, and documented with
workmanship of the highest production quality and shall conform to all applicable quality
control standards of the original manufacturer and the Contractor. All hardware components
shall be new and suitable for the purposes specified. All hardware such as computers,
computer peripherals/accessories etc. and networking products proposed and implemented
shall conform to latest products based on industry standard. All hardware shall be of reputed
All servers and workstations shall include self-diagnostic features. On interruption of power
they shall resume operation when power is restored without corruption of any applications.
The hardware shall be CE/FCC or equivalent international standard compliance. The
specification contains minimum hardware requirement. However, the contractor shall provide
hardware with configuration equal or above to meet the technical functional & performance
requirement. Any hardware /software that is required to meet functional, performance &
availability requirement shall be provided by Contractor & the same shall be mentioned in the
BOQ at the time of bid . If not mentioned at the time of bid, contractor shall provide the same
without any additional cost to the owner The proposed system shall be designed for an open
& scalable configuration, to ensure the inter-compatibility with other systems of the Utility,
the future smooth expansion as well as the easy maintainability. The proposed hardware
configuration should be extended by adding either CPU processors / memory boards / disks delivered units or additional units for capacity extension.
The configuration of the SCADA/DMS shall comprise a distributed computing environment
with an open systems architecture. The system architecture shall be open internally and
externally to hardware or application software additions, whether supplied by the original
supplier of the SCADA/DMS or obtained from third party vendors, both for capacity
expansion and for upgrading functionality, without affecting existing SCADA/DMS
components or operation.
To be recognized as a true open computer system, all internal communications among the

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SCADA/DMS Servers and all external communications between the SCADA/DMS and other
computer systems shall be based on widely accepted and published international or industry
standards which are appropriate and relevant to the open systems concept or should have a
field proven acceptance among utilities. This applies to the operating system, database
management system, and display management system, as well as to APIs providing
standardized interfacing between System software and application software.
The contractor should ensure that at the time of final approval of hardware
configuration/BOQ, all the above hardware are current industry standard models and that the
equipment manufacturer has not established a date for termination of its production for said
products. Any hardware changes proposed after contract agreement shall be subject to the
following: -
a) Such changes/updates shall be proposed and approval obtained from Employer
along with the approval of Drawings/documents.
b) The proposed equipment shall be equivalent or with better features than the
equipment offered in the Contract.
c) Complete justification along with a comparative statement showing the original
and the proposed hardware features/parameters including technical brochures
shall be submitted to the Employer for review and approval.
d) Changes/updates proposed will be at no additional cost to the Employer.
6.2 Hardware Configuration
In this technical specification all hardware has been broadly classified as server and Peripheral
device. The term "server" is defined as any general-purpose computing facility usedfor hosting
SCADA, DMS & ISR application functions as defined in the specification. The servers
typically serve as the centralized source of data, displays and reports. The term “Peripheral
Device” is used for all equipment other than servers. Peripheral device includes Operator
Workstations, WAN router, LAN, Printer, Time and Frequency system, External Auto loader,
External Cartridge Magnetic tape drive, VPS, RTU/FRTU etc.
6.2.1 Servers
The OEM of servers shall be member of TPC/SPECMARK. can be broadly classified into
the following categories:
A) Application server
 DMS (Group A /UONLY)
 OMS (Group A/U ONLY)
 Web server
B) Communication server
 Front –End server (Communication Front End) FEP(CFE)
 ICCP /Inter control center communication server

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C) De –militarized server (DMZ)

 Web server with load balancing
D) Training & development system server
 DTS #
 Developmental server #
E) Data recovery
/DRR/DR/ Communication server ^
The minimum hardware configuration of the servers shall be:
 2.8GHZ each processor - Min 2X8 Core (in case the offered server
is RISC & EPICbased processor speed shall be at least 2GHz)
 Minimum 2 Processors
 64GB Main memory (RAM)
 Hard disk - SAS HDD with 1 TB or better configuration (For ISR Server SSD type
hard disk with Min. 4 TB
 19” LED color monitor
 Keyboard & Mouse
 4 nos. of Gigabit Ethernet ports (2 nos. for DTS & Development Server)
 DVD-R/W drive
 One hot pluggable port for external Storage drive (Servers for which external
storage connectivity is required)
 Redundant power supply (230 VAC) & fan
SCADA/DMS and other servers shall be RISC (Reduced Instruction Set for Computation) or
Non RISC e.g. EPIC/CISC etc.
Contractor shall provide cubicle mounted servers. The main & standby servers shall be
provided with separate cubicles where each cubicle can be provided with one set of LED
monitor, keyboard, and mouse through KVM switch with re-traceable tray. Application servers
Redundant SCADA/DMS servers shall house SCADA/DMS application. Redundant ISR
application shall be provided with common external memory for mass historical data storage
and retrieval. The external memory shall comprise of multiple hot pluggable type hard disks
configured in RAID configuration. (Except RAID-0) The external memory shall be connected
either directly to the ISR server through SATA/ SCSI /SAS interface or directly on the LAN
(Network Attached Storage). Alternatively, the bidder may offer RAID with each server to
meet the mass storage requirement in place of common external memory.. The minimum
requirement for external RAID for ISR servers is as below. The SCADA shall include
historical data storage configured to store historical data at the storage rates, for the required
period of time, and for the Ultimate historical database sizes given in section8.

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 Storage Array
 Controller Cache: 512 MB per controller standard
 Integrated RAID controller with an LCD/LED status display
and 256 MB
 read/write battery-backed cache (expandable to 512 MB per
 Host Interface: Fiber Channel connection per controller from
the host side
 Host Ports per Controller: Dual 2 Gb/s RAID Levels
 Redundant Controller: Yes
Redundant Web / Active Directory Services Server shall host Web Applications for
SCADA/DMS LAN and the DNS configuration
Redundant NMS server shall be provided to host NMS application Communication Servers: FEP ( CFE) Server
The redundant FEP server shall be a functional unit that offloads the task of communication
& pre-processing between RTUs/FRTUS/FPIs & SCADA/DMS servers. All
RTUs/FRTUs/FPIs shall be connected to CFE through IEC 60870-5-104/101 link.. For any
existing RTUs/FRTU/FPI that are to be integrated, interface must be available to use existing
protocols. Free slots shall be made available inside the FEP server, so as additional
communication boards can be plugged-in to meet the network future expansion. Each channel
shall be assigned a different protocol and the front-end shall be able to manage several
protocols in parallel.
The redundancy of front-end servers shall allow handling of RTUs/FRTUs/FPIs connected
either through single channel or redundant channels. In both cases, one FEP server shall be able
to take control of all RTUs/FRTUs/FPIs channels. In order to meet network’s expansion
behind the full capacity of a pair of FE servers, it shall be possible to connect additional FE
servers’ pairs to the LANs. Each communication line shall be able to support its own
communication protocol. The CFE shall comply VPN / SSL based security for connecting
with IEC 60870-5-104 &101 nodes on public networks. Further the nodes and CFE shall be
self-certified by manufacturers as NERC/CIP compliant to comply with future smart grid
All FEPs shall not have open ports other than needed for protocol traffic / SCADA traffic, and
shall have an audit trace of all login attempts / connection attempts. This FEP shall exchange
data through secured SSL / VPN and encryption of protocol traffic whether it is a is public
network or a dedicated one. The equipment should take control command from designated
Master IP address only and no other IP.
All RTU/FRTU/FPI shall be connected to the SCADA/DMS Control Center.
RTU Communication Card / Module shall support VPN / SSL Security / Encryption of data
coming to it through Public network, and then send over private & secure Utility network to the
SCADA Control Center.

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The Communication Servers shall be able to process time – stamped data and can be directly
connected to GPS device for time synchronization ICCP Server /inter control center communication server
Depending upon the protocol i.e ICCP o other intercontrol center protocol used as permissible
as per this specification for , the server shall be called as ICCP or inter control center
communication server. The redundant ICCP//inter control center communication server
servers shall be installed at each SCADA/DMS control centers of eligible towns of the state
and DR center & shall be used to retrieve, transmit and process data to and from remote
sources i.e. remote control centers. Data retrieved and processed from remote sources maybe
stored in communication servers, which then distributes the data to other servers periodically
or on demand. The server may also be used by utility to exchange data with StateLoad Dispatch
Centers (SLDC) of the state where scheme will be implemented for exchange of scheduling
data. Network Management System (NMS) Servers
Redundant NMS servers shall be used for configuration management, fault management &
performance monitoring of servers, workstations, routers & LAN equipments etc. Part of the
above functions may be performed by other servers as per the standard design of offered
product. Web servers with Active directory:
Redundant Web servers with active directory LDAP, DNS shall be provided. Demilitarized/ Security servers Web servers with Firewalls and IPS:
Redundant Web servers shall be provided to allow the access of SCADA/DMS system data,
displays by outside users. One router shall be provided which shall be connected to the
external LAN/WAN communicating SCADA/DMS system. The external LAN/WAN users
shall be able to access SCADA/DMS data through the Web server system through this router.
Web servers shall also be provided with host based Intrusion prevention & detection system
(IPS ). The host-based IPS will be installed in both the Web-servers. The Network based IPS
shall be supplied for both the SCADA/DMS dual LAN and DMZ dual LAN.
All necessary hardware & software for Web Servers with firewalls and IPS shall be supplied
by the contractor.
The design & configuration, permertization, placement of DMZ shall be such that SCADA
/DMS system shall be protected from intrusion /vulnerabilities from outside world as per
IEC62443, IEC 62351-3, ISO/IEC27001. The cyber security shall be certified on SAT by
CERT.IN empanelled agency/ NCIIPC or any GoI agency before Operational acceptance by
SIA . The same shall be required to be verified at least once annually or Major upgrade or
change on the system or data of validity of certification which ever earlier during the FMS
period also and maintain required performance and functional requirements Firewall:
Two firewalls shall be provided, one between Web servers & SCADA/DMS dual LAN and
another between Web servers & W eb server dual LAN. Specification of the firewall is given
in the chapter for software requirements.

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Contractor shall provide equivalent tools such as Apache etc.for Web servers if UNIX
or LINUX O/s is used to meet the security requirement as envisaged in the
specification. Training & development system server DTS server;
A non - redundant server to host DTS applications shall be provided to impart the training. Development server
A non- redundant server to host Developmental applications shall be provided Data recovery cum communication server
Redundant DR server shall be provided with common external memory for mass historical
data storage and retrieval. The external memory shall comprise of multiple hot pluggable type
hard disks configured in RAID configuration. (Except RAID-0) The external memory shall
be connected either directly to the ISR server through SCSI/SAS interface or directly on the
LAN (Network Attached Storage). Alternatively, the bidder may offer RAID with each server
to meet the mass storage requirement in place of common external memory.. The minimum
requirement for external RAID for ISR servers is as below. The SCADA shall include
historical data storage configured to store historical data at the storage rates, for the required
period of time, and for the Ultimate historical database sizes given in chapter 19
 Storage Array
 Controller Cache: 512 MB per controller standard
 Integrated RAID controller with an LCD/LED status display and 256 MB
read/write battery-backed cache (expandable to 512 MB per controller).
 Host Interface: Fiber Channel connection per controller from the host side
 Host Ports per Controller: Dual 2 Gb/s FC enabled
 Redundant Controller: Yes
6.2.2 Operator Workstations
The operator Workstation console shall be used as a Man Machine Interface (MMI) by
despatcher for interacting with all SCADA/DMS system. Operator Workstation consoles shall
also be used as development console to take up developmental/ maintenance activities such
as generation/updation of database, displays etc.& to impart training through DTS
workstation consoles.
Each workstation shall consist dual monitors & single keyboard and a cursor positioning
Workstation consoles for development system shall also be available with single TFT monitor
Operator workstation consists of a console driving single/ dual monitors as defined in the
BOQ.The user shall be able to switch the keyboard and cursor-positioning device as a unit
between both monitors of console. The minimum hardware configuration of operator
workstation shall be:
 Multi core , Processor Speed : 3.2Ghz or better.
 16GB Main memory (RAM)

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 1TB Auxiliary memory (Hard disk drive)

 21 inch LED colour monitors
 Graphic adaptor cards
 Two speakers for audible alarms with configurable tones
 Keyboard & Mouse
 Dual 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet ports
The specification of Remote VDU, LDMS is same as of workstation for SCADA/DMS
system mentioned above, except, it shall have suitable software & hardware to facilitate remote
VDUuser to monitor remotely, the real time power system from SCADA/DMS system & have
facility to generate report. The additional associated hardware is mentioned in the BOQ.
6.2.3 LED color monitor
The LED monitor shall have flat panel color screen. The following is the minimum
characteristics of LED color monitors
S. Specification For 19” monitor For 21”monitor
1 Diagonal 19” 21”
Viewable size
2 Viewing angle Sufficiently wide Sufficiently wide
horizontal & vertical horizontal & vertical
viewing angles viewing angles
3 Response time 5ms or better 5ms or better
4 Resolution 1920x1080 (Full HD) 1920x1080 (Full HD)

5 On screen Yes yes

6 Anti glare & Yes yes
anti static
7 Tilt , Swivel yes yes

Monitor shall have inbuilt audio and speaker

6.2.4 WAN router
WAN router shall be required for data exchange of SCADA /DMS control centers with other
systems (Other Data center,SLDC etc. if envisaged in the RFP ), remote VDUs and LDMS &
SLDC optional. Further, data exchange between RTU and SCADA control center is also
envisaged over MPLS using routers. The data exchange between the two centers shall be over
TCP/IP using Ethernet based communication network on various mediums viz FO, radio etc.
The router shall have the following features:
 support the OSI and TCP/IP protocols
 support X.21/V.35/G.703 interface for interfacing communication
The data exchange between the two centers shall be primarily over MPLS based secured
network using TCP/IP on various mediums as per the requirement and availability in

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the respective project area viz FO, radio, V-SAT network bandwidth service
provider(NBSP ) part of SIA team. The router shall support the OSI and TCP/IP protocols.
The Wide Area Links are planned for 2Mbps or higher Bandwidth capacity from ISPs (BSNL,
MTNL or any other NBSP)
The Router offered shall deliver high performance IP/MPLS features and shall support Layer
3 MPLS VPN connection. It shall support PPP/Frame Relay transport over MPLS.
The Routers shall be configurable and manageable through local console port, http interface,
NMS software and as well through Telnet.
The Router shall provide built-in monitoring and diagnostics to detect failure of hardware.
The Router shall be provided with LED/LCD indication for monitoring the Operational status.
The configuration changes on the Router should take effect without rebooting the router or
1) Memory Flash: Minimum 2GB
2) Console Port: 01 No. for configurations and diagnostic tests
3) LAN/WAN Port: The router shall support variety of interfaces as per the
concerned utility's requirement at site like V.24/V.35, E1, Channelized E1 etc.
along with following minimum number of ports:
Two fixed 10/100Mbps high speed Ethernet ports
Two fixed Serial ports with synchronous speed up to 2 Mbps and
with interface support for V.35/V.24 ports
Two fixed ports of G.703 E1 (2 Mbps) interface
One AUX port
Total no of ports shall be determined by the connectivity requirement.
All the interface cables for interconnecting all LAN/WAN ports as well as
connection to SCPC/MCPC/ leased E1 – V.35 ports etc. shall be in the scope
of bidder.
4) Scalability: Should have provision of at least 100% additional number of free
ports for future scalability
5) Network Protocol: TCP/IP and support for IP version 6. Shall provide IP address
6) Routing Protocols:
RIP v1 (RFC 1058), RIPv2 (RFC 1722 AND 1723), OSPFv2 (RFC1583 & RFC
2328), OSPF on demand (RFC 1793), BGP4 with CIDR implementation as per
RFC 1771. The implement should be compliant as per RFC1745 that describes
BGP4/IDRP IP OSPF interaction. It shall provide Policy routing to enable changes
to normal routing based on characteristics of Network traffic. IS-IS protocol
support (RFC 1195).
7) WAN Protocols:
Frame Relay(LMI & Annexed & ITU Annex A), PPP (RFC1661), Multi-link PPP

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(RFC1717), HDLC/LAPB, Frame Relay support shall include Multi-protocol

encapsulation over Frame relay based on RFC1490, RFC 1293 for Inverse ARP/IP,
DE bit support. Support of protocols of VPNL, L2TP,L2VPN, L3VPNs
8) High Availability:
Shall support redundant connection to LAN
For high availability, the router should support the standards based RFC 2338
Router redundancy Protocol (VRRP) or equivalent
9) Network Management:
SNMP, SNMPv2 support with MIB-II and SNMP v3 with Security authentication.
Implementation control configuration on the Router to ensure SNMP access only
to SNMP Manager or the NMS work Station.
 RMON 1 & 2 support using service modules for Events, Alarms, History.
 Should have accounting facility.
 Shall support multilevel access.
 Shall be Manageable from any Open NMS platform.
 Shall support for telnet, ftp, tftp and http & https enabled Management.
 Should have debugging facility through console.
 AAA Authentication support shall be provided via RADIUS (Remote
Authentication Dial-IN User Service) and/or TACACS, PAP/CHAP
authentication for P-to-P links, 3DES/IPsec encryption with hardware based
encryption services.
10) Optimization feature:
Data Compression for both header and payload to be supported for Frame Relay
and Leased/Dial-up WAN Links. Dial restoral on lease link failure Dial on demand
or congestion, Load Balancing.
Support for S/W downloads and quick boot from onboard Flash. Online software
re- configuration to implement changes without rebooting. Should support
Network Time Protocol for easy and fast synchronization of all Routers.
11) QOS Support:
RSVP (Resource Reservation Protocol as per RFC 2205), IGMP v1, v2 (Inter
Group Management Protocol Version 2 as per RFC 2236), Multicast Routing
support like PIM- SM (RFC 2362), PIM-DM etc.
Policy based routing (It shall be possible to affect the normal routing process for
specific mission critical traffic through specified alternate routes in the network).
A class based scheduling, Priority Queuing mechanism that shall provide
configurable minimum Bandwidth allocation to each class and IP Precedence.
Congestion Avoidance –Random Early Detection (RED). Support for
Services as per RFCs 2474, 2475, 2598 & 2597.

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12) Switching Performance: should be SD-WAN ready and should support current (200 Mbps)
upgradable up to 1Gbps
The following routers will be required as minimum, The minimum port
requirement is specified above. However, bidder shall determine no. of ports
requirement on the basis the interface & performance, availability & functional
requirements & shall provide additional features/ ports over and above minimum
requirement specified:
o SCADA/DMS router
o Intranet router at/DMZ
o DR router
o Router at S/S & remote VDUs locations

The router shall conform to UL 60950 or IEC 60950 or CSA 60950 or EN 60950
Standards for Safety requirements of Information Technology Equipment.
The router shall conform to EN 55022/32 Class A/B or CISPR22/32 Class A/B or
CE Class A/B or FCC Class A/B Standards for EMC (Electro Magnetic
Compatibility) requirements or equivalent BIS standard

6.2.5 Local Area Network (LAN) and Device Interfaces

Servers, consoles and devices are connected to each other on a local area network (LAN),
which allows sharing of resources without requiring any physical disconnections &
reconnections of communication cable. Four LAN shall be formed namely SCADA/DMS OR
SCADA, DTS, developmental system & DMZ. Dual LAN is envisaged each for the SCADA
/DMS system & DMZ system & Single LAN is envisaged each for DTS & development
system. At DR center also redundant LAN is envisaged. LAN shall have the following
 Shall conform to the ISO 8802 or IEEE 802 series standards.
 Shall preclude LAN failure if a server, device, or their LAN interface
 Shall allow reconfiguration of the LAN and the attached devices
without disrupting operations
 Shall be either controlled LAN such as Token passing or uncontrolled
LAN such as CSMA/CD
 Shall have minimum of twenty four (48) ports of 10/100/1000Mbps per
LAN switch for SCADA/DMS LAN & (24)ports be considered for DMZ
system, DTS & development system & DR system each,)

6.2.6 Printers
Except for the output capabilities unique to any printer type (such as extended character sets,
graphic print and colouring features), there shall be no limitations on the use of any printer to
perform the functions of any other printer. All the SCADA/DMS system printers shall have
dual LAN interface either directly or through internal/external print servers. Printers for DTS
& development system shall have single LAN interface. The characteristics for each type of
printer are described below:

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a) Color inkjet printer
Color inkjet printer shall be used to take colored hardcopy printout. The Printer shall have
the following features:
 Shall be suitable for printing on A4 & A3 size normal paper.
 The printout shall match to object/content to be printed in color & size.
 Shall have resolution of at least 1200 X 1200 dots per inch.
 Print time shall be less than 60 seconds per page for a colour printout in
normal mode for A4 size of printing.
 Shall have suitable port for connectivity with Remote VDU.
 Shall have input & output trays
 Shall have landscape and portrait print orientation
B) Black & White Laser Printer
It is a multipurpose printer used to take prints of displays, reports etc. The laser printer
shall have the following features:
 Shall be black & white laser printer
 Have speed of at least 17 pages per minute
 minimum resolution of 1200 dots per inch
 Landscape and portrait output orientation
 Memory buffer of at least 48 mbyte
 Shall be suitable for a4 size normal paper
C) Colour Laser Printer
It is a multipurpose printer used to take prints of displays, reports etc . The color laser
printer shall have the following features:
 shall be color laser printer
 have speed of at least 10 pages per minute for A3 & 17 pages for
20pages per minute
 in color
 600 X 600 dpi
 Landscape and portrait output orientation
 Duplex printing
 Memory buffer of at least 128 Mbyte
6.2.7 Time and Frequency system
GPS based time facility, using Universal Time Coordination (UTC) source, shall be provided
for time synchronization of computer system at SCADA/DMS control center. The time receiver
shall include an offset adjustment to get the local time. It shall have propagation delay
compensation to provide an overall accuracy of +1.5microsec. The GPS system shall have
dual 10/100/1000Mbps LAN interface. The GPS receiver shall be provided in redundant
The time receiver shall detect the loss of signal from the UTC source, which shall be suitably
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indicated. Upon loss of signal, the time facility shall revert to its internal time base. The internal
time base shall have a stability of 2ppm or better.
The GPS system shall include digital displays for time and date in the format DDD:
HH:MM:SS (the hour display shall be in 00 to 23 hour format)
GPS system shall also be used to drive separate time, day & date indicators which shall be wall
mounted type. The display for time shall be in the 24-hour, HH:MM:SS format. The display for
the day & date shall be xxx format (MON through SUN) & DD:MM:YYYY respectively.
Contractor shall provide wall mounted type digital display units for time, day, date &
frequency indication. The display of frequency shall be in the xx.xx Hz format. The frequency
shall be derived from 230V AC supply.
Each digit on the time, day and frequency indicators shall be at least 7.5 cm in height and shall
be bright enough for adequate visibility in the control room from a distance of 15 meters.
The offered GPS clock shall also provide at least one 2 MHz (75 ohm interface confirming to
ITU-T G.703) synchronization interface to meet the time synchronization requirement of the
communication system. This interface shall confirm to the requirements specified in ITU-T
G.811 for accuracy, jitter, wander etc. Alternatively, a separate GPS clock for synchronization
of communication system is also acceptable.

6.2.8 Digital Light Processing (DLP) Laser based Video Projection System
The contractor shall provide a video projection system based on modular DLP (Digital Light
Processing) Laser technology. All the screen modules of the VPS system, shall be suitableto
form combined high resolution projection images. The VPS system will be used to project
displays of SCADA/DMS system independently of workstation console monitors. All the
operations envisaged from workstation console (dispatcher) shall be possible from VPS also.
The Contractor shall supply all necessary hardware and software, including the multi- screen
drivers, adapters and memory to seamlessly integrate the video projection system with the
user interface requirements described in the specification.
The video projection systems shall be rear projection systems and shall be complete with all
projection modules, supporting structures and cabling. Design & installation of the video
projection systems shall be coordinated with the Employer during project implementation.
The requirement for each modular video display system include:
a) VPS screen with 3x4 matrix with each module minimum 70” diagonal and depth
of module 700mm max
b) VPS screen shall form a seamless rectangular array, using modules. (0.5mm)
c) VPS Graphics controller shall be interfaced to the SCADA/DMS system
through dual LAN connectivity.
d) Each projector shall provide a minimum resolution of 1920x1080 pixels per
module. The rear projection screens shall be capable of displaying full resolution
of the Laser source.
e) The VPS shall be capable of supporting multiple display modes in which one or
more modules show one or more SCADA/DMS displays concurrently as selected by
the user.
f) This system shall provide the same functional display capability as the full
graphics workstations.

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g) The VPS shall have a horizontal & vertical viewing angle of approximately 160
degrees minimum .The half gain angle shall be at least 36 degrees horizontal and 34
degree vertical .The overall brightness of individual projector shall be at least 550
ANSI lumens. The luminance measured at the screen shall be minimum 100
h) The light source shall have an average operating life of 1,00,000 hours
i) Centre to corner brightness shall be generally uniform.
j) The configuration of the VPS (no. of screens and size of each screen) is defined
in the BOQ.
k) The VPS controller shall have audio out-and DVI and HDMI ports
l) VPS shall have Rail Kit mounting arrangement to optimize control room space
6.2.9 Furniture
Utility shall provide necessary furniture & shall look aesthetically pleasing. It is not in the
scope of contractor.
6.3 Auxiliary Power Supply for Computer systems
The computer system should be suitable for operation with single-phase, 230 +10% Vac,50
+5.0% Hz power supply. To ensure uninterrupted & regulated power supply to computer
system, suitable rating UPS are envisaged under auxiliary power supply specification. All
cables supply, laying & their termination between UPS panel & computer system shall be in
the scope of contractor.
The input circuit breakers are provided in the UPS for protection against short circuits, any
additional fuses, switches and surge protection if necessary to protect the hardware shall also
be supplied by the Contractor.
The auxiliary power to all computer system hardware shall be fed from parallel operating UPS
system. On interruption of input AC power to UPS, the load shall be fed through UPS inverter
through it’s batteries. In case of battery capacity low conditions (due to prolonged failure of
input supply to UPS), the computer system shall go for orderly shutdown to avoid corruption
of any applications. The orderly shutdown of computer system can be implemented either
through RTU (where UPS alarms shall be wired to RTU) or through suitable interface with
UPS Supplier software.
6.4 Environmental Conditions
Equipment to be located in the SCADA/DMS control center building shall operate over an
ambient temperature range of 16 C to 32 C, with a maximum rate of change of 5 C per hour.
Relative humidity will be less than 80% non-condensing. In case of Altitude of 2000MSL or
more, the same may be specified by utility
6.5 Acoustic Noise Level
The noise level of any equipment located in the control room shall not exceed 60dbA
measured at three feet from equipment especially for the printers.
6.6 Construction Requirements of panels
In case the equipments are mounted in panel type of enclosures, then such enclosures shall
meet the following requirements:

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a) shall be free-standing, floor mounted and shall not exceed 2200 mm in

b) Enclosures shall be floor mounted with front and rear access to hardware and
wiring through lockable doors.
c) Cable entry shall be through the bottom. No cables shall be visible, all cables
shall be properly clamped, and all entries shall be properly sealed to prevent
access by rodents.
d) The safety ground shall be isolated from the signal ground and shall be
connected to the ground network Each ground shall be a copper bus bar. The
grounding of the panels to the owner’s grounding network shall be done by
the contractor.
e) All enclosures shall be provided with, 230 VAC 15/5A duplex type power
socket & switch for maintenance purpose.
f) All panels shall be provided with an internal maintenance lamp and space
heaters, gaskets.
g) All panels shall be indoor, dust-proof with rodent protection, and meet IP41
class of protection.
h) There shall be no sharp corners or edges. All edges shall be rounded to
prevent injury.
i) Document Holder shall be provided inside the cabinet to keep test report,
drawing, maintenance register etc.
j) Cooling air shall be drawn from the available air within the room.
k) All materials used in the enclosures including cable insulation or sheathing,
wire troughs, terminal blocks, and enclosure trim shall be made of flame
retardant material and shall not produce toxic gasses under fire conditions.
l) Suitable sized terminal blocks shall be provided for all external cablings.
6.7 Assembly and Component Identification
Each assembly in the system, to the level of printed circuit cards, shall be clearly marked with
the manufacturer's part number, serial number, and the revision level. Changes to assemblies
shall be indicated by an unambiguous change to the marked revision level. All printed circuit
card cages and all slots within the cages shall be clearly labelled. Printed circuit cards shall
be keyed for proper insertion orientation.
6.8 Interconnections
All signal cabling between component units of the computer systems shall be supplied by the
Contractor. Plug-type connectors shall be used for all signal interconnections. The connectors
shall be polarized to prevent improper assembly. Each end of each interconnection cable shall
be marked with the cable number and the identifying number and location of each of the cable's
terminations. Each cable shall be continuous between components; no intermediate splices or
connectors shall be used. Terminations shall be entirely within the enclosures.

6.9 Consumables
The Contractor shall supply, at its own expense, all consumables required for use during all

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phases of the project through completion of the system availability test. The consumable
items shall include as minimum :
(a) Printer paper
(b) printer toner, ink. Ribbons and cartridges
(c.)storage devices like bluray disc /CD in line with storage device of Server
or Workstation

6.10 Certain criteria for Hardware /Configuration

1. Each SCADA /DMS control center and ZSCC shall have 1 DTS at
control center .
2. Each DISCOM can have maximum 1 common or Disaster Recovery
center for SCADA/DMS cities (Group A) . However, as per
availability of infrastructure by utility , the same may corresponding
to each control center .
3. Each DR for ZSCC
4. For (Group B&C) or combined can be considered as per
infrastructure availability by utility
5. Workstation
For S/S - 2 minimum and 1 per each 20s/s and maximum upto 5
For network - 1minimum and 1 per each per 100 FPIs locations
and maximum upto 3 workstations
6. Remote VDUs shall be required at one each at Circle, Division, Sub-
division office, HQ (Common for all towns) , control center in-

End of Chapter 6

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7.0 General
This chapter describes the requirement of monitoring and managing the SCADA/DMS system
with regard to its configuration and availability under normal conditions and under hardware
and software failure conditions. This chapter is applicable to Group A, B, C ,U,towns as per
functional requirements except legacy system
7.1 System Redundancy
The SCADA/DMS/OMS system envisages some functions as critical functions and others as
non-critical functions as defined in Chapters 1 and 2.The critical functions shall have sufficient
hardware and software redundancy to take care of hardware or software failure condition
whereas non-critical functions may not be provided with hardware and software redundancy.
The redundancy requirement for hardware of SCADA/DMS system shall be as follows:
a) Servers: The servers for SCADA/DMS, OMS, ICCP, Communication servers, ISR
application, servers for DMZ/ security system systems, DR and shall be configuredas
redundant system. (Except for DTS , development server)
b) LAN and device interface: LAN shall be configured as redundant. All equipment, except
DTS, development system shall have single LAN)
c) Printers: All Printers shall be non- redundant devices.
d) Operator workstations/ Remote VDUs: These shall be configured as non-redundant
e) Time and frequency system: The GPS receiver of time and frequency system shall
be configured as a redundant device at SCADA/DMS control center.
f) Communication front end (CFE): Communication front end shall be configured as
redundant system.
g) WAN Router: The WAN router connected to dual LAN shall have channel
redundancy. Video Projection System (VPS) shall be non-redundant.
Every critical function must be supported by sufficient hardware redundancy to ensure that no
single hardware failure will interrupt the availability of the functions for a period exceeding the
automatic transfer time.
Non-critical functions are those that support maintenance and development of database,
application software and training of users. No hardware redundancy is envisaged for these
7.2 Server and Peripheral Device States
Server and peripheral device states represent the operating condition, of each server and
peripheral device. The various states have been defined below: The system's reaction to
restart/failover operations shall be governed by the state. Server and peripheral device states
shall be assigned by the function restart, server and device failover functions, and by user
7.3 Server States
Each server shall be assigned to one of the following states:

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(a) Primary State: In primary state, a server performs any or all of the on-line functions
described in this specification and is referred as primary server. A primary server
shall concurrently perform maintenance functions (e.g. update of database, display
and reports).
(b) Backup State: A server in backup state is referred as backup server. A backup server
replaces a primary server/primary server group in the event of primary
server/primary server group failure or upon user command. It shall communicate
with the primary server(s) to maintain backup databases and monitor the state of
the primary server(s). A backup server shall concurrently perform maintenance
(c) Down State: A server in down state shall not communicate with the computer
system and is not capable of participating in any system activity
7.4 Peripheral Device States
Each peripheral device shall be assigned to one of the following states:
(a) Primary state: A device in primary state is referred as primary device. The
primary device is logically attached to a primary server or primary server
group. If the primary server or primary server group fails and its functions are
reassigned to a backup server or backup server group, the device shall follow
the reassigned functions.
(b) Backup state: A device in backup state is referred as backup device. A backup
device is used to replace a primary device in the event of primary device failure.
It shall communicate with the primary server or primary server group to inform
its readiness for it’s assignment as a primary device. A device may be assigned
to the backup state by the server function and by user action.
A backup device may participate in on-line activity alongwith the primary
device as can be the case with LAN s. For such cases, failure of any one device
shall cause other device to take up the role of both devices.
(c) Down state: A device in down state is referred as down device.
A down device cannot be accessed by the computer system.
7.5 Functional Redundancy
Every critical function must be supported by sufficient hardware redundancy to ensure that no
single hardware failure will interrupt the availability of the functions for a period exceeding the
automatic transfer time.
Non-critical functions are those that support maintenance and development of database,
application software and training of users. No hardware redundancy is envisaged for these
7.6 Backup Databases
Copies of all databases shall be maintained on the Backup server so that system operations may
continue in the event of Primary server, peripheral device or software failure. The backup
databases shall be updated with the current contents of the primary databases such that all
changes to a primary database are reflected in the backup database within 60 seconds of the
change. The backup databases shall be maintained in such a manner as to be protected from
corruption due to server and device failure. Backup databases shall be preserved for system
input power disruptions of any duration. The information maintained in the backup databases

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shall include:
a) Telemetered, calculated, and manually-entered values and their attributes, including
quality codes, control inhibit state, and tag data
b) Data and associated attributes maintained by the Information storage and Retrieval
c) Alarm, event, and summary displays (such as off-normal, control inhibit, and alarm
inhibit displays) or sufficient information to rebuild the displays in their entirety
(including the time and date of the original data entries, not the time and date the display
is newly created)
d) Application function execution, control, and adaptive parameters and input and output
data, including DMS functions save cases.
e) Changes resulting from the addition or deletion of items and restructuring of databases
in an existing database shall be automatically accommodated in the backup database.
7.7 Error Detection and Failure Determination
All servers, peripheral devices, on-line software functions, and maintenance functions in
SCADA/DMS/OMS system shall be monitored for fatal error and recoverable errors. All errors
shall be recorded for review by maintenance personnel. Each type of error (e.g., server failure,
memory access violation, device reply time-out, or message checksum error) shall be recorded
separately with a date and time tag.
7.8 Server and peripheral device Errors
The Server/Device shall be declared as failed in case of fatal error. Server and peripheral device
failure shall be detected and annunciated to the user within 10 seconds of the failure. For
each type of recoverable error the programmer shall assign a threshold. When the count of
consecutive recoverable errors exceeds this threshold, a warning message shall be issued to the
7.9 Software Errors
Execution errors in on-line and maintenance functions that are not resolved by program logic
internal to the function shall be considered fatal software errors. Examples of errors that may
be resolved by internal program logic include failure of a study function to achieve a solution
due to violation of an iteration limit or arithmetic errors (such as division by zero) which are
caused by inconsistent input parameters or data. These errors shall produce an alarm informing
the user of the error but shall not be considered fatal software errors. Fatal software errors shall
result either in termination of the function or shall be handled as a fatal Server error. The action
to be performed shall be defined by the programmer for each on-line function and each
maintenance function. If the function is to be terminated, future executions of the function shall
also be inhibited until the function is again initiated by the programmer.
On the occurrence of each fatal software error, Server and operating system error codes and
messages shall be recorded in the SCADA/DMS/OMS system.
7.10 Server Redundancy and Configuration Management
Each server or server group supporting the CRITICAL functions described in the specifications,
shall include at least one redundant server. The redundant server shall normally be assigned to
the backup state and shall take the role of a primary server in the event of failure or upon user

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When a failure of a primary server in a redundant group is detected, the SCADA/DMS computer
system shall invoke the appropriate failover and restart actions so that on- line functions
assigned to the failed server are preserved. The on-line functions of the failed primaryserver shall
be assigned to the backup server by execution of a function restart within 30 seconds after
detection of server failure, except for ISR function. For ISR server function the corresponding
time shall be within 120 seconds after detection of server failure in case of failure of ISR sever,
the ISR data shall be stored in the SCADA/DMS system till the failover of ISR server is
completed to avoid data loss. This stored data shall be transferred to the ISR server automatically
after restoration of ISR server.
If on-line functions are restarted in a backup server, the server's state shall be changed to
primary. If backup servers are not available to perform the required functions, the
SCADA/DMS computer system shall attempt to restart the failed primary server. A complete
restart of the System, including full update from the field, shall not more than the stipulated time
as specified above. No data shall be lost during the transfer of operation.
A failover (transfer of critical functions) to an alternate Server shall occur, as a minimum, under
any one of the following situations:

 Non-recoverable failure of a server performing a critical function

 User request for a transfer of servers
 Failure of a periodic / scheduled function to execute on schedule.
 Violation of a configurable hardware device error counter threshold.
Failure of non-critical function shall not cause server failover. Functions assigned to a failed
server in a non-redundant group may be lost until the failed server is restored to service. Failure
of server operating in the backup state shall not initiate failover action.
Failed server shall be switched from down to any other state by user command only. All server
reinstatement actions shall result in operator message. The messages shall identify the server(s)
affected, all server state changes, and the success or failure of any restart operations.
7.11 Server Startup
Server startup shall be performed when commanded by a user, when server input power is
interrupted and restored such that the operating environment of the server is established prior to
restarting the on-line functions. Establishment of the operating environment may include
execution of self-diagnostics, reloading the operating system and system services, and
connection to and verification of communications with all nodes on the SCADA/DMS computer
system LAN. Subsequent to server startup, a function restart shall bring the server(s) to the
appropriate server state.
Server Startup requirements are as follows:
Cold Start: In which default values are used for entire database. A cold start would be used
only to build the initial SCADA/DMS and to recover from extraordinary failure conditions.
Server startup shall be completed within 15 minutes and all applications shall be operational
within 20 minutes of applying power except for ISR server and its database initialisation, which
can be up to 60 minutes.
Warm Start: In which a previously saved version of the database shall be used to initialise

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all real time data values. Server startup shall be completed within 10 minutes and all applications
shall be operational within 15 minutes of application of power.
Hot Start: In which the memory resident version of database shall be used for continued
operation. No reload of saved data shall be performed, although application software restarts.
The intent is that after hot restart, only the operations being performed at the time of failure may
be lost. All on line applications shall be operational not more than failover time.
7.12 Peripheral Device Redundancy and Configuration Management
The device failover shall result in an orderly transfer of operations to a backup device in the
event of failure of primary device. The device failover function may replace a failed device with
an identical backup device or with a backup device that is different from the normal device.
Device failover actions shall be completed and the backup device shall be operating within 30
seconds of detection of the device failure. All device failures shall be annunciated by alarms.
7.13 System Configuration Monitoring and Control
Required displays shall be provided for the user to review the system configuration and to
control the state of the equipment. The following operations shall be possible:
 Fail-over, switching of states and monitoring of Servers and peripheral devices.
 Control of the resource usage monitoring function and display of server resource
 The user shall be provided with the capability to interact with all functions using
displays. It shall be possible to atleast Stop, Start, inhibit /enable and Restart any
of the functions.
 Displays to view and control the status of backup databases shall also be

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8.0 General

This chapter describes the specific requirements for testing and documentation of the SCADA/DMS
system. The general requirements of testing and documentation are covered in chapter 18. This chapter is
applicable to Group A, B, C , U towns as per functional requirements.
8.1 Type testing –
Equipment wherever mentioned in the specification for type testing shall conform to the type tests listed
in the relevant chapters. Type test reports of tests conducted in NABL accredited Labs or internationally
accredited labs with in last 5 years/ or validity of test of certificate whichever is lower from the date of
bid opening may be submitted. In case, the submitted reports are not as per specification, the type tests
shall be conducted without any cost implication to employer before approval during design & engineering.
Further, the equipment indicated in the MoP oder no 12/34/2020-T&R dtd 08.06.21 & CEA
/PLG/R&D/MII/2021 dtd 11.06.21 and any amendment from time to time shall be adhered to. If there is
a difference between the type test requirement mentioned above specification and type test requirement
mentioned in the respective sections, the above shall prevail
8.2 Ad –doc testing
Utility may optionally ask SIA to stage ad-doc testing in presence of team comprising of PFC, utility.
Other members may also be opted like, by like CEA, Discom , Nodal agency . for basic of prototype of
SCADA/DMS /OMS functions of offered product with simulated offered at least 2 RTU & FRTUs.and
balance by simulation for one sample project area . The same may be considered in design & engineering
8.3 Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT)
For each SDCC , ZSCC , SCADA/DMS/OMS system including DR center (DR is part of theproject area)
shall be tested at the Contractor's facility. All hardware and software associated with the SCADA/DMS
/OMS system and atleast two RTUs alongwith, LDMS, 1 type of numerical relays and one SCADA
enabler each (if part of supply under this project) &10 FRTUs & all Remote VDUs, shall be staged for
the factory testing and all remaining RTUs/FRTUs/FPIs shall be simulated for the complete point counts
(ultimate size). The requirements for exchanging data with other computer systems like DR (if DR is not
a part of the project area), data exchange with other envisaged shall also be simulated.
Each of the factory tests described below (i.e. the hardware integration test, the functional performance
test, integrated system test and unstructured tests) shall be carried out under factory test for the
SCADA/DMS system. The factory tests, requiring site environment, shall be carried out during the Field
Tests after mutual agreement for the same from owner.
8.3.1 Hardware Integration Test
The hardware integration test shall be performed to ensure that the offered computer hardware, conforms
to this Specification requirements and the Contractor- supplied hardware documentation. All the
SCADA/DMS system hardware shall be integrated and staged for testing. Applicable hardware
diagnostics shall be used to verify the hardware configuration ofeach equipment. The complete hardware
& software bill of quantity including software licenses & deliverables on electronic media shall also be
8.3.2 System Build test
After completion of hardware integration test, the SCADA/DMS system shall be built from the backup
software on electronic media (CDs/ Tapes) to check the completeness of backup mediafor restoration of
system in case of its crashing/failure. The software deliverables shall includeone copy of backup software
on electronic media.
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8.3.3 Functional Performance Test

The functional performance test shall verify all features of the SCADA/DMS hardware and
software. As a minimum, the following tests shall be included in the functional performance
a) Testing of the proper functioning of all SCADA/DMS & other software
application in line with the requirements of various sections of technical
b) Simulation of field inputs (through RTU/FRTU/FPI) from test panels that allow
sample inputs to be varied over the entire input range
c) Simulation of field input error and failure conditions
d) Simulation of all type of sample control outputs
e) Verification of RTU /FRTU/FPI communication Protocol IEC-60870-5-104 /101 etc
f) Verification of MFT communication Protocol MODBUS etc
g) Verification of c o m plia n c e of support i ng interfaces such as IEC61850,
IEC60870-5-103 etc.
h) Verification of Security & Encryption using SSL for all FRTU/FPI Connectivity.
i) Confirmation of cyber security compliance of products through software and
RTU/FRTU and networking devices to be carried out by Cyber Crisis Management plan
(CCMP) & its implementation during SAT by CERT.IN empanelled agency. CISO
designated by DISCOM shall be available during these verification
j) Verification of Integration between GIS using adapter
k) Verification of data exchange with other systems
l) Verification of interoperability profile of all profiles of all protocols being used.
m) Verification of RTU /FRTU/FPI communication interfaces
n) Verification of LAN and WAN interfaces with other computer systems
o) Testing of all user interface functions, including random tests to verify correct
database linkages
p) Simulation of hardware failures and input power failures to verify the reaction
of the system to processor and device failure
q) Demonstration of all features of the database, display, and report generation and
all other software maintenance features on both the primary and backup servers.
Online database editing shall also be tested on primary server.
r) Logic verification of SAIDI/SAIFI reports and API for transfer of data to NPP
s) Demonstration of the software utilities, libraries, and development tools.
t) Verification that the SCADA/DMS computer system meets or exceeds employer's
performance requirements (as per table for peak & normal loading in chapter 19
Verification of Design parameters as mentioned in chapter 19 & wherever defined in
the specification.
u) Verification that ultimate expansion requirements are met.
v) Verification of DTS

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w) Verification of Development system

x) Verification of data transfer of main to back up SCADA/DMS system. (s) Functions
of DR /DRR system, if it is in the project area.
y) Unstructured testing of the SCADA/DMS system by employer. The unstructured tests
shall include the test, which are not in the approved test procedures and may be required
to verify the compliance to the specification.(Max 20% of total testing)
8.3.4 Continuous operation Test (48 hours)
This test shall verify the stability of the SCADA/DMS/OMS hardware and software after the
functional performance test has been successfully completed. During the test, all SCADA/DMS
functions shall run concurrently and all Contractor supplied equipment shall operate for a
continuous 48 (forty eight) hour period with simulated exchange with other interconnected
system IT system envisaged etc. The test procedure shall include periodic repetitions of the
normal and peak loading scenarios defined. These activities to be tested may include, but shall
not be limited to, database, display, and report modifications, configuration changes (including
user-commanded processor and device failover), switching off of a primary server and the
execution of any function described in this Specification. During the tests, uncommanded
functional restarts or server/device failovers are not allowed; in case the problems areobserved,
the Contractor shall rectify the problem and repeat the test.
8.4 Field Tests (Site Acceptance tests -SAT)
The SCADA/DMS system shall be tested at the site. All hardware and software associated
with the SCADA/DMS system along with all RTUs/FRTUs/FPIs along with all field devices
including MFTs connected shall be tested under the field tests.
8.4.1 Field Installation Tests
The equipment which has undergone the factory testing shall be installed at site and integrated
with the RTUs /FRTU/FPI and other computer systems though the communication medium.
The field installation test shall include the following:
(a) Proper installation of all delivered hardware as per approved layout.
(b) Interconnection of all hardware
(c) Interconnection with communication equipment
(d) Interconnection with power supply
(e) Diagnostic tests to verify the operation of all hardware
(f)Random checking of SCADA/DMS/ software basic functions
The Contractor shall be responsible for performing the field installation tests and Employer
may witness these tests
8.4.2 End-to-End Test
After the field installation tests, the Contractor shall carry out end-to-end test to verify:
a) the communication of RTUs/FRTUS/FPIs/MFTs with
b) the RTU /FRTU/FPI communication channel monitoring in the

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c) the mapping of SCADA database with RTU /FRTU/FPI database for all
d) the mapping of SCADA database with displays and reports
The Contractor shall provide the details of all the variances observed and corrections carried
out during end to end test.
8.4.3 Field Performance Test
The field performance test shall concentrate on areas of SCADA/DMS/OMS operations that
were simulated or only partially tested in the factory (e.g., system timing and loading while
communicating with a full complement of RTUs/FRTU/FPI and data links and system reaction
to actual field measurements and field conditions). Further the validity of factory test results
determined by calculation or extrapolation shall be examined.
After the end to end test, the Contractor shall conduct the field performance test to verify the
functional performance of the system in line with the technical specification which includes the
a) the communication of other system envisaged, if any e.g. IT , SLDC, DR system with
b) Mapping of SCADA/ISR database with other system database e.g. IT , SLDC, DR
system , NPP (SAIFI ,SAIDI data) with SCADA/DMS/OMS system
c) Verify that all the variances observed during the Factory test are fixed and
d) Conduction of the Factory tests deferred (tests requiring site environment)
e) Functional tests of SCADA/DMS /OMSsystem
f) Verify the execution rates of all SCADA/DMS/OMS application
g) Verify update rate & time for data update & control command execution as per
specification requirements
h) Verify the response time of all SCADA/DMS/OMS applications.
i) Verify the response time for User interface requirements
j) Testing of all features of the database, display, and report generation and all other
software maintenance features on both the primary and backup servers. Online
database editing shall also be tested on primary server.
k) Conduction of unstructured tests as decided by the Employer
8.4.4 Cyber security compliance
Compliance of cyber security without threatening vulnerabilities by CERT.IN empaneled
agency shall be carried out. DISCOM CISO shall also be available during this verification.
Further, the equipment indicated in the MoP order no 12/34/2020-T&R dtd 08.06.21 & CEA
/PLG/R&D/MII/2021 dtd 11.6.21 and any amendment from time to time shall be adhered to.
8.5 System Availability Test (360 hours)
Contractor shall provide & approve theoretical and practical figures used for this calculation
at the time of detailed engineering. The calculation shall entail reliability of each individual
unit of the System in terms of Mean Time between Failures (MTBF and a Mean time to Repair
(MTTR) as stated by OEM. Reliability figures of existing equipment shall be supported by

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evidence from operational experience at similar types of installation / figure given by OEM.
From those data, the unavailability of each sub-system shall be calculated taking in account
each item redundancy. The global availability shall then be calculated from those different
unavailability data. This calculation shall lead to the failure probability and equivalent global
MTBF data for the control center system.
The overall assessment of System availability shall be provided in the form of an overall
System block diagram with each main item shown, complete with its reliability data. The
calculation of overall availability shall be provided with this diagram.
System availability tests shall be conducted after completion of the field tests. The system
availability test shall apply to the SCADA/DMS/OMS system (hardware and software)
integrated with its RTUs/FRTU/FPIs and legacy system envisaged However, the non-
availability of RTUs/Data Concentrators/ FRTU/FPI , legacy IT system etc. & Communication
System shall not be considered for calculating system availability. However, RTU/FRTU,
communication equipment’s auxiliary power supply shall be tested as per the provisions given
in their chapters.
The SCADA/DMS system (hardware and software systems) shall be available for
99% of the time during the 360hours (15 days) test period. However, there shall not be any
outage /down time during last 85 Hours of the test duration. In case the system availability falls
short of 99%, the contractor shall be allowed to repeat the system availability test after fixing
the problem, failing which the system shall be upgraded by the contractor to meet the
availability criteria without any additional cost implication to the owner.
Availability tests of RTUs/FRTUs /FPI shall be conducted along with System availability test
for 360 hours. Each RTU/FRTUs shall exhibit minimum availability of 98%. In case the
RTU/FRTU availability falls short of 98%, the contractor shall be allowed to repeat the
RTU/FRTU availability test (for failed RTU/FRTU/FPI only) after fixing the problem, failing
which the equipment shall be upgraded by the contractor to meet the availability criteria
without any additional cost implication to the owner.
In the event of unsuccessful reruns of the availability test, employer may invoke the default
provisions described in the General Conditions of Contract.
The system availability tests will be performed by the owner by using the SCADA/DMS
system and RTUs/FRTU/FPI for operation, control and monitoring of distribution system and
using Contractor supplied documentation. The owner will also be required to generate daily,
weekly and monthly reports. The supplied system shall be operated round the clock.
The SCADA/DMS/ OMS system shall be considered as available if
a) one of the redundant hardware is available so that all the SCADA/DMS/OMS
applications are functional to ensure the design & performance requirement as
envisaged in the specification
b) At least one of the operator console is available
c) At least one of the printers is available (off-lining of printers for change of ribbon,
cartridge, loading of paper, paper jam shall not be considered as downtime)
d) All SCADA applications are available
e) All DMS, OMS applications are available
f) All SCADA/DMS/ OMS functions described in the specification are executed at
periodicities specified in the specification. without degradation in the response times

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g) Requests from available Operator Consoles & VPS are processed

h) Information Storage and Retrieval applications are available
i) Data exchange with other system is available
j) DC/DR data exchange and synch at defined periodicity
k) SAIDI/SAIFI and other performance (KPIs) related reports are available
However each device, including servers, shall individually exhibit a minimum availability
of 98%.
The non-availability of following Non-Critical functions shall not be considered for
calculations of system availability; however these functions should be available for 98% of
the time.
(a) Database modification and generation
(b) Display modification and generation
(c) Report modification and creation
(d) DTS
During the availability test period, employer reserves the right to modify the databases,
displays, reports, and application software. Such modifications will be described to the
Contractor at least 48 hours in advance of implementation to allow their impact on the
availability test to be assessed, except where such changes are necessary to maintain control
of the power system.
The successful completion of system availability test at site shall be considered as
“Operational acceptance” of the system.
8.5.1 Downtime
Downtime occurs whenever the criteria for successful operation are not satisfied. During the
test period, owner shall inform the Contractor for any failure observed. For attending the
problem the contractor shall be given a reasonable travel time of 8 hours. This service response
time shall be treated as hold time and the test duration shall be extended by such hold time.
The downtime shall be measured from the instant, the contractor starts the investigation into
the system and shall continue till the problem is fixed. In the event of multiple failures, the
total elapsed time for repair of all problems (regardless of the number of maintenance
personnel available) shall be counted as downtime. Contractor shall be allowed to use
mandatory spares (on replenishment basis) during commissioning & availability test period.
However it is the contractor’s responsibility to maintain any additional spares as may be
required to maintain the required system availability individual device/ equipment availability.
All outage time will first be counted but if it is proven to be caused by hardware or software
not of Contractor’s scope, it will then be deducted.
8.5.2 Holdtime
During the availability test, certain contingencies may occur that are beyond the control of
either employer or the Contractor. These contingencies may prevent successful operation of
the system, but are not necessarily valid for the purpose of measuring SCADA/DMS
availability. Such periods of unsuccessful operation may be declared "holdtime" by mutual
agreement of employer and the Contractor. Specific instances of holdtime contingencies could
be Scheduled shutdown ofan equipment, Power failure to the equipment, Communication link

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8.6 Documentation
The complete documentation of the systems shall be provided by the contractor. Each revision
of a document shall highlight all changes made since the previous revision. Employer's intent
is to ensure that the Contractor supplied documentation thoroughly and accurately describes
the system hardware and software.
The contractor shall submit the paper copy of all necessary standard and customized
documents for SCADA/DMS in 2 sets for review/approval by the Employer for necessary
reference which includes the following:
a) System overview document
b) Cross Reference Document
c) Functional design document
d) Standard design documents
e) Design document for customization
f) System Administration documents- software utilities, diagnostic programs etc.
g) Software description documents
h) Bill of Quantity & List of software and hardware deliverable
i) protocol implementation documents
j) point address document
k) IP addressing plan document
l) Software User document for dispatchers
m) Software Maintenance document
n) Training documents
o) Real time & RDBMS documents
p) Database settings, Displays and Reports to be implemented in the system
q) Test procedures
r) Test reports
s) Hardware description documents
t) Hardware User documents
u) Hardware Maintenance documents
v) Data Requirement Sheet (DRS) of all Hardware
w) Site specific Layout, Installation, GA, BOQ, schematics and cabling details
x) SCADA & IT Integration Plan Document using GIS Adapters & Messaging
y) Cyber Security Plan & Mitigation document (or Cyber Crisis Management Plan
(CCMP)) for the system if Public Networks are used.
z) Interoperability profiles/ Tables
After approval two sets of all the above documents as final documents shall be

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delivered to site by the Contractor. In case some modifications/corrections are carried

out at site, the contractor shall again submit as built site specific drawings in three sets
after incorporating all such corrections as noticed during commissioning. Any software
modifications/updates made at site shall also be documented and submitted in three sets
to site and one set to Employer.
In addition to paper copies, two sets of final documentation shall be supplied on
Electronic media to employer. The contractor shall also submit two sets of the standard
documentation of Operating system and Databases in electronic media. Paper copies of
these may be submitted, if the same are available from the OEM as a standard part of
delivery. One copy of the software packages used for accessing & editing the final
documentation in electronic media shall also be provided.
After successful completion of System availability test, the contractor shall take the
software backup of complete SCADA/DMS/OMS system on electronic media and two
copies of these backup software shall be submitted to the owner.

End of Chapter 8

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9.0 General
The Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) shall be installed at primary substation to acquire data from
Multifunction Transducers (MFTs), discrete transducers & status input devices such as CMRs
etc. RTU & shall also be used for control of Substation devices from Master station(s). The
supplied RTUs shall be interfaced with the substation equipment, communication equipment,
power supply distribution boards; for which all the interface cables, TBs, wires, lugs, glands
etc. shall be supplied, installed & terminated by the Contractor. Further , the equipments
indicated in the MoP order no 12/34/2020-T&R dtd 08.06.21 & CEA /PLG/R&D/MII/2021 dtd
11.6.21 and any amendment from time to time shall be adhered to. This chapter is applicableto
Group A,B,C & new RTUs of Group U as per functional requirements
9.1 Design Standards
The RTUs shall be designed in accordance with applicable International Electro- technical
Commission (IEC), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer (IEEE), American National
Standards Institute (ANSI), and National Equipment Manufacturers association (NEMA)
standards, unless otherwise specified in this Technical specification. In all cases the provisions
of the latest edition or revision of the applicable standards in effect shall apply.
The RTU shall be designed around microprocessor technology. For easy maintenance the
architecture shall support pluggable modules on backplane. The field wiring shall be terminated
such that these are easily detachable from the I/O module. The RTU shall comply to IEC62351-
3/ IEC62443 standard for cyber security

9.2 RTU Functions

All functional capability described herein shall be provided by the Contractor even if a function
is not initially implemented.
As a minimum, the RTU shall be capable of performing the following functions:
(a) Acquiring analog values from Multifunction Transducers or alternatively
through transducer- less modules and the status inputs of devices from the
substation, processing and transmitting to Master stations. Capability to acquire
analog inputs from analog input cards receiving standard signals viz current
loops 4-20Ma standard signals such as 0-5vdc etc.for RTD , transducer etc.
(b) Receiving and processing digital commands from the master station(s)
(c) Data transmission rates - 300 to 19200 bps for Serial ports for MODBUS. and 10/100
mbps for TCP/IP Ethernet ports
(d) IEC 60870-5-104 protocol to communicate with the Master station(s) at least 2,
IEC 60870-5-101 for slave devices & MODBUS protocol over RS485 interface
, to communicate with the MFTs.
(e) RTU shall have the capability of automatic start-up and initialization following
restoration of power after an outage without need of manual intervention. All
restarts shall be reported to the connected master stations.
(f) Remote database downloading of RTU from master station/SCADA/DMS
control center
(g) Act as data concentrator on IEC60870-5-101/103/104/MODBUS(h) Internal

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battery backup to hold data in SOE buffer memory & also maintaining the time
& date.
(i) As the SCADA/DMS system will use public domain such GPRS/MPLS-
4G/CDMA etc., therefore it mandatory to guard the data/ equipment f r o m
intrusion/damage/breach of security & shall have SSL/VPN based security.
(j) Shall have SNMP
(K) Conformance to IEC62351-3/ IEC62443 standard for cyber security
Support Feature:
All support feature as mentioned below will not be used now & may require in future. However,
the same shall be tested in routine /Factory Tests. Further, it should be possible to have
following capabilities in the RTU by way of addition of required hardware limited to addition
of I/O modules & communication card or protocol converter & using the same firmware at later
a) Support for Analog output in form of standard current loops viz 4-20Ma
b) Support for IEC61850 /protocols & ability to act as a gateway for Numerical
relays/ Smart Meters may have to be interfaced if need be
c) Have required number of communication ports for simultaneous
communication with Master station(s), /MFTs and RTU configuration &
maintenance tool.
(d) PLC support
(e) Communication with at least two master stations simultaneously on IEC]
(f) Receiving and processing analog commands from master station(s) and
Capability of driving analog output card.
(g) RTU shall be capable of acquiring analog values through transducers having
output as 4-20 mA, 0-10 mA, 0-+10 mA or +/- 5 volts etc. using analog
input modules.
(h) Capability of time synchronization with GPS receiver which may be
required future.
9.3 Communication ports
The RTUs shall have following communication ports to communicate with master station,
existing /MFTs and configuration & maintenance terminal.
a) RTU shall have two TCP/IP Ethernet ports for communication with Master
station(s) using IEC 60870-5-104.
b) RTU shall have required number of RS 485 ports for communication with
MFTs to be connected in daisy chain using MODBUS protocol. Minimum 15
analog values (including 4 energy values) to be considered per energy meter The
RTU shall be designed to connect maximum 5 MFTs. Further , bidder to
demonstrate during testing that all analog values updated within 2 sec. The
updation time shall be demonstrated during FAT(routine) & SAT testing . The

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bidder can offer MFT on IEC 60870-101/104 protocol to communicate with

c) In addition, if weather transducer & DC transducers are also having RS485
d) MODBUS port., the same can be also added in the daisy. However, total devices
including MFT connected on one port shall not exceed
e) RTU shall have one port for connecting the portable configuration and
maintenance tool for RTU.
f) RTU as a data concentrator, then RTU shall have additional communication
ports Ethernet or serial for IEC60870-5-104/101 using SSL/VPN
It shall be possible to increase the number of communication ports in the RTU by addition of
cards, if required in future. The RTU shall support the use of a different communication data
exchange rate (bits per second) and scanning cycle on each port & different database for each
master station. FRTUs & FPIs shall be communicating to SCADA/DMS Master control using
IEC60870-5-104 /101 protocol over MPLS/GPRS/MPLS-4G.
9.3.1 Master Station Communication Protocol
RTU shall use IEC 60870-5-104 communication protocol for communicating to master station.
The RTU communication protocol shall be configured to report analog (except energy values)
& status changes by exception to master stations. However, RTU shall support periodic
reporting of analog data and periodicity shall be configurable from 2 sec to 1 hour. Digital status
data shall have higher priority than the Analog data. The dead-band for reporting Analog value
by exception shall be initially set to 1% (user configurable) of the full scale value. In addition,
analog values shall also be reported to Master station by exception on violation of a defined
threshold limit. All the analog values and status data shall also be assigned to scan groups for
integrity check by Master stations at every 10 minutes configurable up to 60 minutes RTU wise.
RTU shall report energy values to master station periodically. The periodicity shall be
configurable from 5 minutes to 24 hours (initially set for 15 minutes)
9.3.2 Communication Protocol between RTU & MFTs
The RTU shall acquire data from the MFTs using the MODBUS protocol. In addition, usage
of IEC 60870-5-101/104 protocols is also permitted. The MFT will act as slave to the RTU. The
RTU shall transmit these values to the master station in the frame of IEC 60870-5-104/101
protocol. As an alternate approach the utility/contractor may use RTU as a data concentrator
& acquire all the required analog data from DCU installed & connected to energy meters using
MODBUS /DLMS as legacy system . However, performance, functional, availability & update
time requirement shall be met in this case also. It is the responsibility of utility /contractor to
assess this option & only opt in case it is found feasible,
9.4 Analog Inputs
The real time values like, Active power, Reactive Power, Apparent power three phase Current
& Voltage and frequency, power factor & accumulated values of import /export energy values
will be acquired RTU from the following in the given manner:
1. MFTs installed in substations
2. RTU shall also take 4-20 mA, 0-20mA, 0- -10mA, 0-+10mA, 0-5V
analog inputs to acquire transformer tap position, DC power supply voltage,
weather transducer etc.

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The RTU analog-to-digital (A/D) converters shall have a digital resolution of at least twelve
(12) bits plus sign. The overall accuracy of the analog input system shall be at least 0.2%(i.e.
99.8%) at 25 ºC of full scale . Mean accuracy shall not drift more than 0.002% per degree C
within the temperature range of –5 to +55 degree Linearity shall be better than 0.05%. The RTU
shall be designed to reject common mode voltages up to 150 Vac (50 Hz). For dc inputs,normal
mode noise voltages up to 5 Vac shall be rejected while maintaining the specified accuracy.
Each input shall have suitable protection and filtering to provide protection against voltage
spikes and residual current at 50 Hz, 0.1 ma (peak-to-peak) and overload. Loading upto150% of
the input value shall not sustain any failures to the RTU input.
The ability of the RTU to accommodate dc inputs shall include the following signal ranges:
Unipolar Voltage:0-0.5V, 0-1V, 0-5V, 0-10V, Unipolar Current:0-1mA, 0-10mA,
0-20mA, 4-20Ma, Bipolar Voltage: 0.5V, 2.5V, 5V, -20-0-20mA (- to +)
The total burden imposed by the RTU/DC analog input circuit shall not exceed 0.5 volt-ampere
for current and voltage inputs. As an option, contractor may also provide transducer less
solution to connect direct CT/PT secondaries.
9.5 Status input
RTU shall be capable of accepting isolated dry (potential free) contact status inputs. The RTU
shall provide necessary sensing voltage, current, optical isolation and de-bounce filtering
independently for each status input. The sensing voltage shall not exceed 48Vdc.
The RTU shall be set to capture contact operations of 20 ms or more duration. Operations of
less than 20 ms duration shall be considered no change (contact bounce condition). The RTU
shall accept two types of status inputs i.e. Single point Status inputs and Double point status
To take care of status contact chattering, a time period for each point and the allowable number
of operations per time period shall be defined. If the allowable number of operations exceed
within this time period, the status change shall not be accepted as valid
Single point status input will be from a normally-open (NO) or normally-closed
(NC) contact which is represented by 1-bit in the protocol message.
The Double point status input will be from two complementary contacts (one NO and one NC)
which is represented by 2-bits in the protocol message. A switching device status is valid only
when one contact is closed and the other contact is open. Invalid states shall be reported when
both contacts are open or both contacts are closed.
All status inputs shall be scanned by the RTU from the field at 1 millisecond periodicity.
9.6 Sequence of Events (SOE) feature
To analyse the chronology or sequence of events occurring in the power system, time tagging of
data is required which shall be achieved through SOE feature of RTU. The RTU shall have an
internal clock with the stability of 10ppm or better . The RTU time shall be set from time
synchronization messages received from master station using IEC 60870-5- 104 protocol. In
addition, the message can be transmitted using NTP/SNTP. SOE time resolution shall be 1ms
or better
The RTU shall maintain a clock and shall time-stamp the digital status data. Any digital status
input data point in the RTU shall be assignable as an SOE point. Each time a SOE status
indication point changes the state, the RTU shall time-tag the change and store in SOE buffer
within the RTU. A minimum of 1000 events can be stored in the SOE buffer. SOE shall be

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transferred to Master Station as per IEC 60870-5-104 protocol. SOE buffer & time shall be
maintained by RTU on power supply interruption.
9.7 IED pass through
The Master Station user shall be able to perform a virtual connection with any IED connected to
the RTU/DC, provided the communication protocol functionality, to support the information
transfer from and to the IEDs. For example, the Master Station shall gather on-demand IED
data, visualize IED configuration parameters, and IED source code depending upon the IED
capabilities. On the other hand, the Master Station shall be able to download to the IEDs
configuration parameters, code changes, etc. depending upon the IED capabilities. This feature
is a support function considering in future implementation. The capability can be demonstrated
with the upload & download of data from master station with IEDs connected to the RTUs
using the support of protocols specified in this chapter. Numerical relays Analog data viz
voltage ,current, sag swell instantaneous, momentary , temporary, over voltage, under voltage,
over current , phasor measurement , THD, current TDD & current unbalance ratio etc. at
numerical relays if installed at bay of S/S

9.8 PLC capability

The RTU shall be provided with programmable logic capabilities supported by easy to use
editor facilities. The programmable logic capability shall enable the RTU to perform control
functions using ladder logic language conforming IEC 1131.
9.9 Control Outputs
The RTU shall provide the capability for a master station to select and change the state of digital
output points. These control outputs shall be used to control power system devices such as Circuit
breakers relay disable/enable and other two-state devices, which shall be supported by the RTU.
A set of control outputs shall be provided for each controllable device. On receipt of command
from a master station using the select check-before-execute operate (SCBO) sequence, the
appropriate control output shall be operated for a preset time period which is adjustable for
each point from 0.1 to 2 seconds.
Each control output shall consist of one set of potential free NO contact. The output contacts
shall be rated for atleast 0.2 Amp. at 48 Vdc. These output contact shall be used to drive heavy
duty relays. In case Control output module of RTU does not provide potential free control
output contact of this rating, then separate control output relays shall be provided by the
contractor. These relay coils shall be shunted with diodes to suppress inductive transients
associated with energizing and de-energizing of the relay coils & shall conform to the relevant
IEC requirements.
9.9.1 Heavy duty control output relays
The control output contact from the RTU shall be used for initiating heavy duty relays for
trip/close of switching devices and energizing relays of OLTC raise lower. The contractor shall
provide heavy duty relays. Each control output relays shall consist of atleast 2 NO contacts.
The output contacts shall be rated for at least 5 Amps Continuous at 220Vdc and shall provide
arc suppression to permit interruptions of an inductive load. Relay coils shall be shunted with
diodes to suppress inductive transients associated with energizing and de-energizing of the relay
coils. The relays shall conform to the IEC255-1-00 and IEC 255-5 requirements.

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9.9.2 Control Security and Safety Requirements

The RTU shall include the following security and safety features as a minimum for control
(a) Select- check-before-operate operate (SCBO) sequence for control output.
(b) No more than one control point shall be selected/executed at any given time.
(c) The control selection shall be automatically cancelled if after receiving the
"control selection" message, the "control execute" command is not received
within the set time period.
(d) No control command shall be generated during power up or power down of
9.9.3 Local/Remote selector switch
A manual Local/Remote selector switch shall be provided for each RTU to disable all control
outputs by breaking the power supply connection to the control output s. When in the "Local"
position, the Local/Remote switch shall allow testing of all the control outputs of RTU without
activating the control outputs to field devices. A status input indication shall be provided for
the Local/Remote switch to allow the SCADA system to monitor the position of the switch.
9.9.4 Dummy breaker latching relay
The Contractor shall provide a latching relay to be used to simulate and test supervisory control
from the Master station. The latching relay shall accept the control signals from the RTU to
open and close, and shall provide the correct indication response through a single point status
9.10 Contact Multiplying Relays (CMRs)
Contact Multiplying Relays (CMRs) are required to multiply the contacts of breaker, isolators
and protection relays etc. The contacts of these relays shall be used to provide status inputs to
the RTUs.
The relays shall be DC operated, self-reset type. The rated voltage for relay operation shall be
on 24/48/110/220V DC depending on the station DC supply. The relay shall be able to operate
for +/-20% variation from nominal voltage.
The relay shall have a minimum of two change over contacts, out of which one shall be used
for telemetry purposes. The contacts shall be rated to carry minimum current capacity of 5A.
The relay shall conform to following requirement.
a) Power Frequency withstand voltage–2KV for 1 minute as per IEC 255-5. b)
Insulation Resistance of For ohms measured using 500V DC megger. c) 5KV
Impulse test as per IEC 255-5
The relays coils shall be shunted with diodes to suppress inductive transients associated with
energizing and de-enegizing of the relay coils. The relays shall conform to the IEC 255-1-00
and IEC 255-5 requirements. The relays must be protected against the effects of humidity,
corrosion & provide with a dust tight cover. The connecting terminals shall be screw type &
legibly marked. The relays may optionally have a visual operation indicator. The relays are to be
mounted in Control & Relay (C&R) panels and therefore shall be equipped with suitable
mounting arrangements. In case suitable space is not available in C&R panel the same shall be
mounted in RTU panel or suitable panels , which shall be supplied & mounted on the top of the
C&R panel by the contractor.

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9.11 Time facility

The internal RTU time base shall have a stability of 10 ppm. The RTU shall be synchronized
through synchronization message from master station at every 15 minutes (configurable from
15 minutes to 24hrs) over IEC 60870-5-104/101/NTP/SNTP. The RTU shall also carry out
time stamping of the events which are not received as time stamped from connected IEDs/FPIs
9.12 Diagnostic Software
Diagnostic Software shall be provided to continuously monitor operation of the RTU and report
RTU hardware errors to the connected master stations. The soft- ware shall check for memory,
processor, and input/output ports errors and failures of other functional areas defined in the
specification of the RTU.
9.13 SCADA language based on IEC61131-3
RTU shall have capability to write various programs based IEC 61131-3 SCADA language. It
will facilitate user to write various programs using points defined in the database .
9.14 Input DC Power Supply
The RTU will be powered from a 48 V DC power supply system. The RTU shall not place
additional ground on the input power source. The characteristics of the input DC power
supply shall be
(a) Nominal voltage of 48 Vdc with variation between 40.8 and 57.6
Vdc.(i.e. 48(+20%/-15%)
(b) Maximum AC component of frequency equal to or greater than 100 Hz and
0.012 times the rated voltage peak-to-peak.
The RTU shall have adequate protection against reversed polarity, over current and under
voltage conditions, to prevent the RTU internal logic from being damaged and becoming
unstable causing mal-operation. The specification for DCPS is given in respective chapter 14
of MTS. In place of 48VDC , Utility may opt any other voltage level such as 12, 24, 110 ,125
220 VDC etc. The permissible ranges as per applicable standards specified shall be adhered to
accordingly . The interface components like CMRs , HDRs MFT etc. may also be selected
9.15 Environmental Requirements
The RTU will be installed in control room buildings with no temperature or humidity control. The
RTUs shall be capable of operating in ambient temperature from-20 to +60 degree C with rate
of temperature change of 20 degree C/hour and relative humidity less than 95%, non-
condensing. For RTUs to be installed in the hilly region with the history of snowfall, the lower
ambient temperature limit shall be -10 degree C. Utility may specify location with altitude more
than 2000m above MSL for compliance of RTUs to be installed in that project area
9.16 RTU Size and Expandability
RTU shall be equipped for the point counts defined in the BOQ (Basic+20% spare (wired &
hardware). It shall be possible to expand the RTU capability for additional 100 % of the basic
point counts by way of addition of hardware such as modules, racks, panels, , however, RTU
software and database shall be sized to accommodate such growth without requiring software
or database regeneration.

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9.17 RTU Panels

At least 50% of the space inside each enclosure shall be unused (spare) space that shall be
reserved for future use. The Contractor shall provide required panels conforming to IEC 529 for
housing the RTU modules/racks, relays etc. and other required hardware. The panels shall meet
the following requirements:
(a) shall be free-standing, floor mounted and height shall not exceed 2200 mm.
All doors and removable panels shall be fitted with long life rubber beading. All
non load bearing panels/doors shall be fabricated from minimum 1.6 mm
thickness steel sheet and all load bearing panels, frames, top & bottom panels
shall be fabricated from minimum 2.0 mm thickness steel sheet
(b) shall have maintenance access to the hardware and wiring through lockable full
height doors.
(c) shall have the provisions for bottom cable entry
(d) The safety ground shall be isolated from the signal ground and shall be
connected to the ground network. Safety ground shall be a copper bus bar. The
contractor shall connect the panel’s safety ground of to the owner’s grounding
network. Signal ground shall be connected to the communication equipment
signal ground.
(e) All panels shall be supplied with 230 Vac, 50 Hz, single-phase switch and
15/5A duplex socket arrangement for maintenance.
(f) All panels shall be provided with an internal maintenance lamp, space heaters
and gaskets.
(g) All panels shall be indoor, dust-proof with rodent protection, and meet IP41 class
of protection.
(h) There shall be no sharp corners or edges. All edges shall be rounded to prevent
(i) Document Holder shall be provided inside the cabinet to keep test report,
drawing, maintenance register etc.
(j) All materials used in the enclosures including cable insulation or sheathing, wire
troughs, terminal blocks, and enclosure trim shall be made of flame retardant
material and shall not produce toxic gasses under fire conditions.
9.18 Wiring/Cabling requirements
The RTU panels shall gather all signals from and to the devices located in Control & Relay panels
in the substation control room. All wires that carry low-level signals shall be adequately protected
and separated as far as possible from power wiring. All wires shall be identified either by using
ferrules or by color coding. In addition, cables shall be provided with cable numbers at both
ends, attached to the cable itself at the floor plate where it enters the cubicles.
Shielded cables shall be used for external Cabling from the RTU panels. The external cables
(except communication cables) shall have the following characteristics:
a) All cables shall have stranded copper conductor.

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b) Minimum core cross-section of 2.5 mm2 for PT cables, 4 mm2 for CT cables, ifapplicable
and 2.5 mm2 for Control outputs and 1.5mm2 for Status inputs
c) Rated voltage Uo/U of 0.6/1.1KV
d) External sheathing of cable shall have oxygen index not less than 29 & temperature
index not less than 250. Cable sheath shall meet fire resistance testas per IS 1554 Part- I.
e) Shielding, longitudinally laid with overlap.
f) Dielectric withstand 2.5 kV at 50 Hz for 5 minutes
g) External marking with manufacture's name, type, core quantity, cross-section, and
year of manufacture.
h) Armored Cables shall be used in the area where cable will pass through openarea
which may experience loading.
i) The Communication cable shall be of shielded twisted pairs and of minimum0.22sq
mm size.
9.19 Terminal Blocks (TBs)
Terminal blocks shall be having provision for disconnection (isolation), with full- depth
insulating barriers made from moulded self-extinguishing material. Terminal blocks shall be
appropriately sized and rated for the electrical capacity of the circuit and wire used. No more
than two wires shall be connected to any terminal. Required number of TBs shall be provided for
common shield termination for each cable.
All terminal blocks shall be suitably arranged for easy identification of its usages such as CT
circuits, PT circuits, analog inputs, status inputs, control outputs, auxiliary power supply
circuits, communication signals etc. TBs for CT circuits shall have feature for CT shorting (on
CT side) & disconnection (from load side) to facilitate testing by current injection. Similarly,
TBs for PT circuit shall have feature for disconnection to facilitate voltage injection for testing.

9.20 RTU Architecture

Bidder has the option to offer RTUs having following architectural design:
a) Centralized RTU design where all I/O modules are housed in RTU panelsand
communicating with master station through communication port.
b) Distributed RTU design where distributed I/O modules /processor with I/Omodules are
housed in respective bay panels/RTU panel. All these distributed I/O modules / I/O
modules with processor shall be connected to a central processor for further
communication with master station. The bidder shall asses the requirement of RTU
panels for such design and supply panels accordingly. This is applicable for Numerical
replay/BCPU concept
In both cases the RTU requirements as envisaged in this specification shall be followed.
9.21 Local Data Monitoring System (LDMS)
The LDMS is a client workstation of main SCADA/ DMS control center connected on 2Mbps
or 64kbps leased line for local monitoring of SCADA/DMS system. The hardware & software
specification, features shall be same as of remote VDU defined for SCADA/DMS system.

End of Chapter 9

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10.0 General
The Feeder Remote Terminal Unit (FRTU) shall be installed at Ring Main Units (RMUs),
Sectionalizers locations FRTU shall also be used for control of switching devices such as
breaker, isolator switches etc. inside RMU panel, Sectionalizers etc. from Master station(s). The
supplied FRTUs shall be interfaced with the RMUs, FPI, communication equipment, power
supply distribution boards; for which all the interface cables, TBs, wires, lugs, glands etc. shall
be supplied, installed & terminated by the Contractor. Further, the equipments indicated in the
MoP oder no 12/34/2020-T&R dtd 08.06.21 & CEA /PLG/R&D/MII/2021 dtd 11.6.21 and any
amendment from time to time shall be adhered to. This chapter is applicable to Group A towns
as per functional requirements
10.1 Design Standards
The FRTUs shall be designed in accordance with applicable International Electro- technical
Commission (IEC), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer (IEEE), American National
Standards Institute (ANSI), and National Equipment Manufacturers association (NEMA)
standards, unless otherwise specified in this Technical specification. In all cases the provisions
of the latest edition or revision of the applicable standards in effect shall apply. The FRTU shall
comply to IEC62351-3/ IEC62443 standard for cyber security
10.2 FRTU Functions
All functional capability described herein shall be provided by the Contractor even if a function
is not initially implemented.
As a minimum, the FRTU shall be capable of performing the following functions:
a) Acquiring analog values from Multifunction Transducers or alternatively through
transducer- less modules and the status inputs of devices from the substation,
processing and transmitting to Master stations. Capability to acquire analog inputs
from analog input cards receiving standard signals viz current loops 4-20Ma , RTD
b) Receiving and processing digital commands from the master station(s) (c) Data
transmission rates - 300 to 19200 bps for Serial ports for MODBUS and 10/100 mbps for
TCP/IP Ethernet ports
c) Use of IEC 60870-5-104/101 protocol to communicate with the Master station(s) at
least 2 Use of MODBUS over RS485 interface , Protocol to communicate with the
d) Have required number of communication ports for simultaneous communication
with Master station(s), MFTs and FRTU configuration & maintenance tool.
e) FRTU shall have the capability of automatic start-up and initialization following
restoration of power after an outage without need of manual intervention. All
restarts shall be reported to the connected master stations.
f) Remote database downloading of FRTU from master station from SCADA/ DMS
control center.
g) Internal battery backup to hold data in SOE buffer memory & also maintaining the
time & date.

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h) As the SCADA/DMS system will use public domain such GPRS/MPLS-

4G/CDMA etc, therefore it mandatory to guard the data/ equipment f r o m
intrusion/damage/breach of security & shall have SSL /VPN based security.
i) Shall support SNMP
j) Conformance to IEC62351-3/ IEC62443 standard for cyber security
k) Further it should be possible to have following capabilities in the FRTU by way of
addition of required hardware limited to addition of I/O modules & communication
card or protocol converter & using the same firmware at later date
l) Communication with at least two master stations simultaneously on IEC 60870-5-
104 /101
m) RTU shall be capable of acquiring analog values through transducers having output
as 4-20 mA, 0-10 mA, 0-+10 mA etc. using analog input modules.
10.3 Communication ports
The RTUs shall have following communication ports to communicate with master station MFTs
and configuration & maintenance terminal.
a) FRTU shall have one TCP/IP Ethernet port for communication with Master
station(s) using IEC 60870-5-104/101 protocol or serial port in case IEC60870- 101
b) FRTU shall have required number of RS 485 ports for communication with
c) MFTs/ to be connected in daisy chain using MODBUS protocol . Minimum
d) 15 analog values (including 4 energy values) to be considered per energy meter. The
RTU shall be designed to connect maximum 5 MFT per port. Further, bidder to
demonstrate during testing that all analog values updated within 2 sec. The updation
time shall be demonstrated during testing.
e) FRTU shall have one port for connecting the portable configuration and
maintenance tool for FRTU.
f) Support for /IEC61850 /protocols & ability to act as a gatewayfor Numerical relays/
Smart Meters may have to be interfaced if need be..
g) SSL/VPN ,NERC/CIP complaint
h) Ability to communicate over dual SIM modem
i) Ability to auto changeover incase configured for single SIM configuration at a time
It shall be possible to increase the number of communication ports in the FRTU by addition of
cards, if required in future. The FRTU shall support the use of a different communication data
exchange rate (bits per second) and scanning cycle on each port & different database for each
master station.
10.3.1 Master Station Communication Protocol
FRTU shall use IEC 60870-5-104/101 communication protocol for communicating to master
station. The FRTU communication protocol shall be configured to report analog (except energy
values) & status changes by exception to master stations. However, FRTU shall support
periodic reporting of analog data and periodicity shall be configurable from 2 sec to 1 hour.
Digital status data shall have higher priority than the Analog data. The dead-band for reporting
Analog value by exception shall be initially set to 1% (in %) of the full scale value. In addition,

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analog values shall also be reported to Master station by exception on violation of a defined
threshold limit. All the analog values and status data shall also be assigned to scan groups for
integrity check by Master stations at every 10 minutes configurable up to 60 minutes FRTU
FRTU shall report energy values to master station periodically. The periodicity shall be
configurable from 5 minutes to 24 hours (initially set for 15 minutes)
10.3.2 Communication Protocol between FRTU & MFTs
The FRTU shall acquire data from the MFTs using the MODBUS protocol. In addition, usage
of IEC 60870-5-101/104 protocols is also permitted. The MFT will act as slave to the FRTU.
The FRTU shall transmit these values to the master station in the frame of IEC 60870-5-
104/101 protocol.
10.4 Analog Inputs
The real time values like, Active power, Reactive Power, Apparent power three phase Current
& Voltage and frequency, power factor & accumulated values of import /export energy values
will be acquired FRTU from the following in the given manner:
1. MFTs installed in RMU/DTs
2. RTU shall also take 4-20 mA, 0-20mA, 0- -10mA, 0-+10mA, 0-5V analog
inputs to acquire DC power supply voltage etc.
The FRTU analog-to-digital (A/D) converters shall have a digital resolution of at least twelve
(12) bits plus sign. The overall accuracy of the analog input system shall be at least 0.2%(i.e.
99.8%) at 25 ºC of full scale . Mean accuracy shall not drift more than 0.002% per degree C
within the temperature range of –5 to +55 degree Linearity shall be better than 0.05%. The
FRTU shall be designed to reject common mode voltages up to 150 Vac (50 Hz). For dc inputs,
normal mode noise voltages up to 5 Vac shall be rejected while maintaining the specified
accuracy. Each input shall have suitable protection and filtering to provide protection against
voltage spikes and residual current at 50 Hz, 0.1 ma (peak-to-peak) and overload. Loading upto
150% of the input value shall not sustain any failures to the FRTU input.
The ability of the FRTU to accommodate dc inputs shall include the following signal ranges:
Unipolar Voltage:0-0.5V, 0-1V, 0-5V, 0-10V,
Unipolar Current: 0-1mA, 0-10mA, 0-20mA, 4-20Ma, Bipolar
Voltage: 0.5V, 2.5V, 5V, -20-0-20mA (- to +)
The total burden imposed by the FRTU analog input circuit shall not exceed 0.5 volt-ampere
for current and voltage inputs. As an option, contractor may also provide transducer less
solution to connect direct CT/PT secondaries.
10.5 Status input
RTU shall be capable of accepting isolated dry (potential free) contact status inputs. The RTU
shall provide necessary sensing voltage, current, optical isolation and de-bounce filtering
independently for each status input. The sensing voltage shall not exceed 48 Vdc/220VAC.
The RTU shall be set to capture contact operations of 20 ms or more duration. Operations of
less than 20 ms duration shall be considered no change (contact bounce condition). The RTU
shall accept two types of status inputs i.e. Single point Status inputs and Double point status
To take care of status contact chattering, a time period for each point and the allowable number

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of operations per time period shall be defined. If the allowable number of operations exceed
within this time period, the status change shall not be accepted as valid
Single point status input will be from a normally-open (NO) or normally-closed (NC) contact
which is represented by 1-bit in the protocol message.
The Double point status input will be from two complementary contacts (one NO and one NC)
which is represented by 2-bits in the protocol message. A switching device status is valid only
when one contact is closed and the other contact is open. Invalid states shall be reported when
both contacts are open or both contacts are closed.
All status inputs shall be scanned by the FRTU from the field at 1 millisecond periodicity.
10.6 Sequence of Events (SOE) feature
To analyze the chronology or sequence of events occurring in the power system, time tagging of
data is required which shall be achieved through SOE feature of RTU. The RTU shall have an
internal clock with the stability of 100ppm or better. The RTU time shall be set from time
synchronization messages received from master station using IEC 60870-5- 104 protocol. SOE
time resolution shall be 10 ms or better
The RTU shall maintain a clock and shall time-stamp the digital status data. Any digital status
input data point in the RTU shall be assignable as an SOE point. Each time a SOE status
indication point changes the state, the RTU shall time-tag
The change and store in SOE buffer within the RTU. A minimum of 300 events can be stored in
the SOE buffer. SOE shall be transferred to Master Station asper IEC 60870-5-104 protocol. SOE
buffer shall be maintained by FRTU on power supply interruption.
10.7 Control Outputs

The FRTU shall provide the capability for a master station to select and change the state of
digital output points. These control outputs shall be used to control power system devices such
as Circuit breakers, isolator, reset, relay disable/enable and other two-state devices, which shall
be supported by the RTU.
A set of control outputs shall be provided for each controllable device. On receipt of command
from a master station using the select check-before-execute operate (SCBO) sequence, the
appropriate control output shall be operated for a preset time period which is adjustable for
each point from 0.1 to 2 seconds.
Each control output shall consist of one set of potential free NO contact. The output contacts
shall be rated for atleast 0.2 Amp. at 48 Vdc. These output contact shall be used to drive heavy
duty relays. In case Control output module of FRTU does not provide potential free control
output contact of this rating, then separate control output relays shall be provided by the
contractor. These relay coils shall be shunted with diodes to suppress inductive transients
associated with energizing and de-energizing of the relay coils & shall conform to the relevant
IEC requirements.
10.7.1 Heavy duty control output relays
The control output contact from the FRTU shall be used for initiating heavy duty relays for
trip/close of switching devices. The contractor shall provide heavy duty relays. Each control
output relays shall consist of atleast 2 NO contacts. The output contacts shall be rated for at least
5 Amps Continuous at 220Vdc and shall provide arc suppression to permit interruptions of an
inductive load. Relay coils shall be shunted with diodes to suppress inductive transients

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associated with energizing and de-energizing of the relay coils. The relays shall conform to the
IEC255-1-00 and IEC 255-5 requirements.
10.7.2 Control Security and Safety Requirements
The FRTU shall include the following security and safety features as a minimum for control
a) Select- check-before-operate operate (SCBO) sequence for control output.
b) No more than one control point shall be selected/ executed at any given time.
c) The control selection shall be automatically cancelled if after receiving the
"control selection" message, the "control execute" command is not received
within the set time period.
d) No control command shall be generated during power up or power down of
10.7.3 Local/Remote selector switch
A manual Local/Remote selector switch shall be provided for each FRTU to disable all control
outputs by breaking the power supply connection to the control output s. When in the "Local"
position, the Local/Remote switch shall allow testing of all the control outputs of FRTU without
activating the control outputs to field devices. A status input indication shall be provided for the
Local/Remote switch to allow the SCADA system to monitor the position of the switch.
10.7.4 Dummy breaker latching relay
The Contractor shall provide a latching relay to be used to simulate and test supervisory control
from the Master station. The latching relay shall accept the control signals from the FRTU to
open and close, and shall provide the correct indication response through a single point status
10.8 Contact Multiplying Relays (CMRs)
Contact Multiplying Relays (CMRs) are required to multiply the contacts of breaker, isolators
and protection relays etc. The contacts of these relays shall be used to provide status inputs to
the RTUs.
The relays shall be DC operated self-reset type. The rated voltage for relay operation shall be
on 24/48/110/220V DC depending on the station DC supply. The relay shall be able to operate
for +/-20% variation from nominal voltage.
The relay shall have a minimum of two change over contacts, out of which one shall be used
for telemetry purposes. The contacts shall be rated to carry minimum current capacity of 5A.
The relay shall conform to following requirement.
a) Power Frequency withstands voltage–2KV for 1 minute as per IEC 255-5.
b) Insulation Resistance of 100M ohms measured using 500V DC megger.
c) 5KV Impulse test as per IEC 255-5
The relays coils shall be shunted with diodes to suppress inductive transients associated with
energizing and de-energizing of the relay coils. The relays shall conform to the IEC 255-1-00
and IEC 255-5 requirements. The relays must be protected against the effects of humidity,
corrosion & provide with a dust tight cover. The connecting terminals shall be screw type &
legibly marked. The relays may optionally have a visual operation indicator. The relays are to be
mounted in junction /termination box and therefore shall be equipped with suitable mounting

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arrangements. In case suitable space is not available in junction /termination box the same shall
be mounted in FRTU panel.
10.9 Time facility
The internal FRTU time base shall have a stability of 100 ppm. The RTU shall be synchronised
through synchronisation message from master station at every 5 minutes (configurable from 5
minutes to 60 minutes) over IEC 60870-5-104/101/NTP/SNTP
10.10 Diagnostic Software
Diagnostic Software shall be provided to continuously monitor operation of the FRTU and
report RTU hardware errors to the connected master stations. The soft- ware shall check for
memory, processor, and input/output ports errors and fail- ures of other functional areas defined
in the specification of the RTU.
10.11 Input DC Power Supply
The FRTU will be powered from a 48 V DC power supply system. The RTU shall not place
additional ground on the input power source. The characteristics of the input DC power supply
shall be
(a) Nominal voltage of 48 Vdc with variation between 40.8 and 57.6
Vdc.(i.e. 48(+20%/-15%)
(b) Maximum AC component of frequency equal to or greater than 100 Hz and
0.012 times the rated voltage peak-to-peak.
The FRTU shall have adequate protection against reversed polarity, over current and under
voltage conditions, to prevent the RTU internal logic from being damaged and becoming
unstable causing mal-operation. Utility may opt any other voltage level such as 12, 24, 110
VDC etc. and permissible ranges and applicable standards specified shall be adhered to
accordingly. The interface components like CMRs , HDRs MFT etc. may also be selected
10.12 Environmental Requirements
The FRTU will be installed in inside RMU Panel or in open environment with no temperature
or humidity control. The RTUs shall be capable of operating in ambient temperature from -20
to +60 degree C with rate of temperature change of 20 degree C/hour and relative humidity less
than 95%, non-condensing. FRTUs to be installed in the hilly region with the history of
snowfall, the same the lower ambient temperature limit shall be -20 degree C. Utility may
specify location with altitude more than 2000m above MSL for compliance of FRTUs to be
installed in that project area
10.13 FRTU Size and Expandability
FRTU shall be equipped for the point counts defined in the BOQ (Basic+20% spare (wired &
hardware). It shall be possible to expand the FRTU capability for additional 100 % of the basic
point counts by way of addition of hardware such as modules, racks, panels, , however, FRTU
software and database shall be sized to accommodate such growth without requiring software or
database regeneration.
10.14 FRTU Panels
At least 50% of the space inside each enclosure shall be unused (spare) space that shall be
reserved for future use. The Contractor shall provide required panels conforming to IEC 529 for
housing the FRTU modules/racks, relays etc. and other required hardware. The panels shall meet

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the following requirements:

(a) shall be pole/ wall mounted compact size cabinet. The size shall be preferably
in the order of 400 mm. All doors and removable panels shall be fitted with long
life rubber beading. All non-load bearing panels/doors shall be fabricated from
minimum 1.6 mm thickness steel sheet and all load bearing panels, frames, top &
bottom panels shall be fabricated from minimum 2.0 mm thickness steel sheet

(b) shall have maintenance access to the hardware and wiring through lockable doors.
(c) shall have the provisions for bottom cable entry

(d) The safety ground shall be isolated from the signal ground and shall be connected
to the ground network. Safety ground shall be a copper bus bar. The contractor
shall connect the panel’s safety ground of to the owner’s grounding network.
Signal ground shall be connected to the communication equipment signal ground.

(e) All panels shall be supplied with 230 Vac, 50 Hz, single-phase switch and
15/5A duplex socket arrangement for maintenance.
(f) All panels shall be provided with an internal maintenance lamp, space
heaters and gaskets.

(g) All panels shall be outdoor, dust-proof with rodent protection, and meet class of
protection. IP41 if housed in RMU panel & IP54 in case of in open outdoor.
(h) There shall be no sharp corners or edges. All edges shall be rounded to

(j) All materials used in the enclosures including cable insulation or sheathing, wire
troughs, terminal blocks, and enclosure trim shall be made of flame retardant
material and shall not produce toxic gasses under fire conditions.
10.15 Wiring/Cabling requirements
The FRTU panels shall gather all signals from and to the devices located in Control
& Relay panels in the substation control room. All wires that carry low-level signals shall be
adequately protected and separated as far as possible from power wiring. All wires shall be
identified either by using ferrules or by color coding. In addition, cables shall be provided with
cable numbers at both ends, attached to the cable itself at the floor plate where it enters the
Shielded cables shall be used for external Cabling from the FRTU panels. The external cables
(except communication cables) shall have the following characteristics:
a) All cables shall have stranded copper conductor.
b) Minimum core cross-section of 2.5 mm2 for PT cables, 4 mm2 for CT cables, if
applicable and 2.5 mm2 for Control outputs and 1.5mm2 for Status inputs
c) Rated voltage Uo/U of 0.6/1.1KV

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d) External sheathing of cable shall have oxygen index not less than 29 &
temperature index not less than 250. Cable sheath shall meet fire resistance test as
per IS 1554 Part- I.
e) Shielding, longitudinally laid with overlap.
f) Dielectric withstand 2.5 kV at 50 Hz for 5 minutes
g) External marking with manufacture's name, type, core quantity, cross- section,
and year of manufacture.
The Communication cable shall be of shielded twisted pairs and of minimum 0.22sq mmsize.
10.16 Terminal Blocks (TBs)
Terminal blocks shall be having provision for disconnection (isolation), with full- depth
insulating barriers made from moulded self-extinguishing material. Terminal blocks shall be
appropriately sized and rated for the electrical capacity of the circuit and wire used. No more
than two wires shall be connected to any terminal. Required number of TBs shall be provided for
common shield termination for each cable.
All terminal blocks shall be suitably arranged for easy identification of its usages such as CT
circuits, PT circuits, analog inputs, status inputs, control outputs, auxiliary power supply
circuits, communication signals etc. TBs for CT circuits shall have feature for CT shorting (on
CT side) & disconnection (from load side) to facilitate testing by current injection. Similarly, TBs
for PT circuit shall have feature for disconnection to facilitate voltage injection for testing.

End of Chapter 10

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11.0 Transducer & Modem Requirements:

All transducers shall use a 48 Vdc or 12/24/110/125VDC etc auxiliary power supply as
provided for the RTU/FRTU and applicable values /limits/ permissible test values shall be
considered as per nominal value of voltage. Optionally, MFTs can also be self-powered. All
transducers shall have a maximum power consumption of 10 watts. Transducer shall be din rail
or wall/plate mounted. Further, the equipments indicated in the MoP oder no 12/34/2020-T&R
dtd 08.06.21 & CEA /PLG/R&D/MII/2021 dtd 11.6.21 and any amendment from time to time
shall be adhered to. This chapter is applicable to Group A,B,C towns as per functional
The input, output and auxiliary circuits shall be isolated from each other and earth ground. The
transducer output shall be ungrounded and shall have short circuit and open circuit protection.
The transducers shall comply to the following requirements, in addition to the requirement of
IEC 60688, without damage to the transducer.
(a) Voltage:
Voltage test and other safety requirement compliance as specified in IEC
60688 or 60687and IEC 414.
(b) Impulse Withstand:
IEC 60688 or 60687 compliance is required.
(c) Electromagnetic Compatibility:
IEC 60688 or 60687 and IEC 801-3, level 1 compliance is required.
(d) Permanent Overload Protection:
IEC 60688 or 60687 compliance is required.
(e) Temporary Overload Protection:
IEC 60688 or 60687 compliance is required.
(f) High Frequency Disturbance:
IEC 60688 or 60687 compliance is required.
The transducers shall comply with the following general characteristics:
(a) Shock Resistance:
Minimum severity 50 A, IEC 68-2-27 requirements
(b) Vibration Strength:
Minimum severity 55/05, IEC 68-2-6 requirements.
(c) Input Circuit Consumption:
Less than or equal to 0.2 VA for voltage and 0.6VA for current circuits.
(d) Reference Conditions For Accuracy Class:
IEC 60688 or 60687compliance is required.

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(e) Temperature Rise:

IEC 60688 or 60687 compliance is required.
(f) Operating Temperature: 0 o C to + 60 o C ( -5 o C to + 55 o C for project area
with snowfall history)
11.1 Multi-Function Transducers (MFTs)
The contractor shall provide the multi-function transducers for acquiring the real time analog
inputs through 3 phase 3 wire CT/PTs circuits/ 3 phase 4 wire CT/PTs circuits (Based on the field
requirement). Based on the CT/PT secondary rating , the multi-function transducer shall be
designed for nominal 110 V (Ph-Ph voltage) and 1A/5A (per phase current). The MFT shall be
suitable for 20% continuous over load and shall be able to withstanding 20 times the normal
current rating for a period one second. The MFT shall be able to accept the input voltages upto
120% of the nominal voltage. The MFT shall have low VA burden. MFTs shall be mounted in
the interface cabinet to be supplied by the contractor.
Multi-function transducers shall provide at least phase voltage, phase current active/reactive
power, import & export energy (active & reactive) , pf , frequency with class 0.5 accuracy or
The parameters to be acquired from multifunction transducers shall be selectable. MFT shall
provide the 15 minute values (configurable 15 minute/1 hour) of Active Energy Import, Active
Energy Export, Reactive Energy Import and Reactive Energy Export.
Multi-function transducers shall accept nominal 48 V DC as auxiliary power supply.
Optionally, MFT can be self-powered also. Multi-function transducer shall be provided with
RS485 interface to communicate with RTU over Modbus protocol in multi-drop mode.
Optionally, the MFT with IEC60870-5-101/104 can be used.
The MFTs shall be suitable for mounting on DIN rails. The MFT terminals shall accept upto
two 2.5 mm2 / 4 mm2 for PT/CT circuit terminations as applicable.
The MFT shall be programmable with password protection thru suitable facia mounted key pad
arrangement so that the configuration parameters such as CT/PT ratio , integration time of
energy , reset, communication parameters setting (Address, baud , parity ) can be set up at site
also. The device shall have LCD displays to visualize all parameters being monitored &
configuration etc. have configurable at site for CT/PT ratio etc.
11.2 DC Transducer
The DC transducer (DCT) are following types.
I. Voltage
II. Current
III. Winding Temp
IV. Oil temp
The Dc Transducer are required to measure battery charger current & voltage shall be suitable
for 20% continuous over load and shall be able to withstanding 20 times the normal current
rating for a period one second. The DCT shall be able to accept the input upto 120% of the nominal
voltage. The DCT shall have low VA burden. DCT shall be mounted in the interface cabinet to
be supplied by the contractor. The input range for current & voltage are site specific & hence
the same shall be specified RFP floated by utility/state Output of the device shall preferably
be 4-20ma or MODBUS in order to optimize the BOQ. However, as specific cases the output in

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line ranges specified in analog input card in clause for analog input shall be selected. The
accuracy of transducer shall be ±0.5%
11.3 Transformer Tap Position Transducer
The transformer tap position indications shall be either of two types based on field requirement..
(i) Variable resistance type
(ii) Lamp type
The Contractor shall provide suitable resistance tap position transducers which shall have the
following characteristics
(a) The input measuring ranges shall be from 2 to 1000 ohms per step, which is
tuneable at site with at least 25 steps.
(b) Dual output signal of 4 to 20 mA DC, 0.5% accuracy class as per IEC 688 shall be
provided. One output will be used for driving a local digital indicator (to be
provided by the contractor) and the other will be used for interfacing with the
RTU. Alternatively for RTU, MODBUS link may be used. In case of lamp type,
additional resistance/potentiometer unit shall be provided to convert the dry type
contacts to a variable resistance as defined in (a) above, suitable for the remote
11.4 Modems
 The modem shall have suitable interface facility to connect with the meter by using the
RS232 /485cable. It shall have dual SIM facility 
 The offered modems should be capable of operating on Threephase supply drawn from
the FPI input itself. Auxiliary Power supply will not be acceptable form Modem at FPI
The operating voltage range for the modem should be 90 V ac P-P to 440 V ac P-P.
However the modem should also be capable of operating on single phase 230 V, 50 Hz
power supply. The modemvoltage surges. Modem at FRTU locations should be
capable of operating on dc voltage in line with FRTU voltage . The offered Modem
should be capable to transfer the entire data as per the FRTU data requirement of
FRTU/FPI at control center shall be suitably protected against
 The offered Modem should be capable to transfer the entire data as per the FRTU data
requirement of FRTU/FPI at control center i.e. 4G /5G as per site signal condition
 The offered Modem should be supplied with power cable, antenna with co-axial cable
of length, RS 232 /485connecting suitable cable, mounting adopter etc
 Sealing :- The modem cover and body should have arrangement for sealing. In addition
to this, the SIM card holder cover should also have arrangement for sealing.
 Antenna :- The Modem should have flexible external antenna to enable placement of the
antenna at the location of strongest signal inside the Metering Cubicle. Bidders are
requested to quote separately for multiple gain antenna, such as OdBi/3dBi/10dBi with
screw mount / Wall mount arrangement. The actual requirement of these Modem
Antennas of various gains may vary as per the requirement at site. Bidder will be
required to supply the exact requirement as per site conditions and will be paid as per
the separate unit rated quoted for different Gain Antennas.
 Before supply of GSM/CDMA modem, the bidder is requested to ensure the availability
of appropriate signal and operation of GSM/CDMA Modem in all the areas to be covered
by making physical survey or otherwise. Before making the actual supply of Modems
for FPI & FRTU locations , the Bidder is requested to assess the exact

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requirement and should supply a high gain antenna or any other suitable alternate
communication network for collecting data in such area.
 In the event of an outage, the modem should be able to initiate separate call or send SMS
to predefined number to notify the outage event with data and time of occurrence and
 The Modem should act a completely transparent channel i.e. the Commands
received from SCADA/DMS Control center should be conveyed to FRTU/FPI and
data from FRTU/FPI should be conveyed to SCADA/DM control center without any
changes in the modem.
 Data collection from FRTU/FPI should take place only after connection is established
between Control center and FRTU/FPI. Data should not reside in the modem before the
time of transmission to Control center, to avoid chances of tampering of data at Modem
 The Modem should be capable of operating with SIMs of local GSM/CDMA Service
provider in the area.
 Modem should be capable for continuous working for 24 hours every day under field
 Modem should be a compact model housed in a polycarbonate /engineering plastic
/ Metallic enclosure. The modem should comply with IP55 degree of protection for
FPI locations & IP41 for FRTU as the same shall be housed in the FRTU panel.

 Modem should be Dual Band modem capable of operating at 900 and 1800 MHz
transmission. GSM Modem should support bothData and SMS transmission. It should
have both GSM and GPRS/MPLS-4G/EDGE feature
 Modem should have an RS232 Interface through a 9 pin or 15 pin D type
Connector for connection to FRTU/FPI. The SIM interface should be a 3 V
Interface in accordance with GSM 11.12 phase 2 with a retractable SIM
cardholder, which should be fully inserted inside the modem. The holder opening
should have a sliding cover with provision for sealing after placing of the SIM card.
The modem shall accept the standard SIM Card. Modem should have a SMA
Antenna connector
 Storage Temperature : -20 degrees to +70 degree Celsius
 Operating Temperature: -10 degrees to +60 degree Celsius
 Humidity:- 95% RH ( Non - Condensing)
 Utility may specify location with altitude more than 2000m above MSL for
compliance of FRTUs to be installed in that project area
 Maximum Power Output should be 2 W at 900 MHz (Class 4) and 1W at 1800
MHz (Class 1).
 Sensitivity :- GSM 900 : <-100 dBm GSM 1800 : <-100 dBm
 Standard AT Command set (GSM 07.05, GSM07.07)
 TCP/IP stack access via AT
 Internet Services : TCP, UDP, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3
 Max. Baud Rate: for GSM -9600
 GPRS/MPLS-4G Class B Multi slot class 12 or class B Multi slot class 10 Packet channel

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support : PBCCH
 EDGE (EGPRS/MPLS-4G) Multi slot class12 or Multi slot class 10Mobile station Class
B Modulating and coding schemes : MCS 1 to 9 Packet channel support : PBCCH
 SMS Features: - Text and PDU Point to point (MT/MO, Cell broadcast
 The Modem should have LED indications for transmit data, received data carrier detects
and Power ON, etc. to indicate Power on position and to indicate the availability of
signal at the place of installation.,
11.5 WAN router
RTU shall communicate with control center through MPLS network. The router specification
shall be suitable to communicate with Control center. Industrial Grade Router should support
QUAD core 1.2GHz CPU, DRAM of 2GB & usable Flash Memory of 2GB. Should support
WAN port on Combo Gigabit Ethernet (RJ45/SFP slot)Gateway should have Four
10/100BASE-T Fast Ethernet LAN ports with 4KV isolation for Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
protection. Router should support 1 RS-232 serial ports Gateway should have mini Type B
USB Console port, Dual SIM for 3G/4G/5G
The Router should have built-in security features like SSL VPN for remote access, Next gen
encryption such as AES-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512, IP Sec tunells, NAT Transparency,
VRF Aware Ipsec and Ipsec over IPv6.
Gateway should also have built in firewall features like Zone based policy firewall, VRF-aware
stateful inspection routing firewall, Advanced application inspection and control, Dynamic and
static port security
Router should have SDWAN so that dynamic path selection feature can be achieved to select
the best available path out of multiple routes based on delay, jitter, and latency.
Router should support IPv6 name resolution, IPv6 DHCP and IPv6 NAT features, IP SLA,
Router should support IEC 60870 T101, T104 protocol translations. Comply with IEEE 1613
and IEC 61850-3 standards
Router should be able to operate in the temperature range of -40 to 60 degree celcius. Gateway
should support both In-band and out-of-band management using Telnet and SNMP, including
MIB II and other extensions. Hazardous certification : ANSI/ISA ,EN

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12.0 RTU/FRTU Configuration and Maintenance Tool
Test equipment for RTU/FRTU shall have Configuration and maintenance tool consisting of
the followings:
12.1 RTU/FRTU Data base configuration & Maintenance software tool
The RTU/FRTU database configuration & Maintenance software tool shall be required to
perform the database modification, configuration, compilation and documentation. The
database compiler shall provide error detection services. It shall also perform the downloading
of the compiled database into the RTU database.
12.2 Master station-cum-RTU/FRTU simulator & protocol analyzer software tool
The Master station cum RTU/FRTU simulator tool shall be used to test the communication
interfaces of Master station, RTU/FRTU and Electronic MFT. The Master station simulator tool
shall be capable of emulating the master station for IEC 60870-5-104,101 and MODBUS
protocols. The RTU/FRTU simulator shall be capable of emulating the slave protocols for both
the IEC 60870-5-104,101, and MODBUS protocols for MFTs. It shall also be possible to
prepare illegal messages for transmission, such as messages having invalid checksum.
The protocol analyzer shall be used to monitor all communication traffic on a channel (between
Master station & RTU/FRTU and between RTU/FRTU & MFT without interfering channels
operation. Channel traffic captured in the active or passive modes of operation shall be
The Master station simulator and protocol analyzer tool shall also have following features:
 Each received message shall be checked for validity, including the check sum.
The tool shall maintain and display error counters so that the number of errors
during a period of unattended testing can be determined.
 All fields of a message shall be displayed. A pass/fail indication for the
message shall be included.
In case of usage of IEC 103/61850/ IEC62056 for data acquisition, the feature of the same also
be provided with same or additional tool
12.3 Laptop PC for above software tools along with interfacing hardware
A laptop PC shall be used for the above mentioned software tools. The laptop PC shall be provided
with all hardware accessories including cables, connectors etc. required for interfacing with
Master station, RTU/FRTU and MFT. A suitable Hub shall be provided to use the tool in monitor
mode. A carrying case and a suitable power adaptor (input 230VAC, 50Hz) for laptop PC shall
also be supplied.

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13.0 RTU/FRTU Testing
This chapter describes testing, training & documentation requirement for RTU/FRTU
(a) Type Testing:
RTU/FRTU in including Transducers shall conform to the type tests listed in the relevant table.
Type test reports of tests conducted in NABL accredited Labs or internationally accredited labs
with in last 5years from the date of bid opening may be submitted. In case, the submitted reports
are not as per specification, the type tests shall be conducted without any cost implication to
employer. A complete integrated unit shall be tested to assure full compliance with the functional
and technical requirements of the Specification including functional requirement. The testing
sample shall include one of each type of cards/modules and devices. The list of Type tests to be
performed on the RTU/FRTU is mentioned in Table-1 & type test requirements are mentioned
in Table-2 of this chapter. For other items also such as MFT, sensor etc. the requirements are
mentioned in the respective sub sections of specification.. However, the type tests shall be only
be limited to the specification of that item only & not as specified for RTU/FRTU.
(b) Routine Testing or Factory acceptance test (FAT):
Each complete unit shall undergo routine testing. The list of Routine tests to be performed in
the factory is mentioned in Table-2.
(c) Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
(i) Field Tests
After RTU/FRTU panel installation, interface cabling with C&R panels/Termination boxes
,communication panel and interface cabling with field & communication equipment, the
Contractor shall carry out the field- testing. The list of field tests for RTU/FRTU is mentioned
in Table-2
(ii) Availability Tests
After field testing, RTU/FRTU shall exhibit 98% availability during test period. Availability
tests shall be performed along with Master station. The RTU/FRTU shall be considered
available only when all its functionality and hardware is operational. The non-available period
due to external factors such as failure of DC power supply, communication link etc., shall be
treated as hold-time & availability test duration shall be extended by such hold time.
13.1 Training
The contractor shall provide training to the Employer’s personnel. The training program shall
be comprehensive and provide for interdisciplinary training on hardware and software. The
training program shall be conducted in English. RTU/FRTU training course shall cover the
a) RTU/FRTU operation including data flow.
b) Troubleshooting, identification and replacement of faulty Modules.
c) Preventive maintenance of the RTU/FRTU
d) Use of RTU/FRTU configuration and Maintenance tool
e) All functional and Diagnostic testing of RTU/FRTU
f) Database modification and configuration of RTU/FRTU

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13.2 Documentation
The Contractor shall submit 3 sets of all the standard and customized RTU/FRTU documents for
review and approval which includes the following:
a) RTU/FRTU Function design document
b) RTU/FRTU Hardware description document & all the documents referred
therein to meet all the clauses of the specification.
c) RTU/FRTU Test equipment user documents d) RTU/FRTU user guide
d) RTU/FRTU Operation & Maintenance document f) RTU/FRTU Training
e) RTU/FRTU database document h) RTU/FRTU I/O list
f) RTU/FRTU Test procedures
g) Data Requirement Sheet (DRS) of all items
h) Protocol documentation including implementation profile etc.
i) RTU/FRTU installation and Layout, GA, BOQ, schematics and internal wiring
drawings for each RTU/FRTU site
j) RTU/FRTU to C&R panels/ field device cabling details for each RTU/FRTU Site
k) Cyber security compliance certificate /document by manufacturer incl
international agencies like KEMA / TuV etc.
After approval of all the above documents, the Contractor shall submit three sets as final
documents. The site-specific drawings as indicated at item (i) and (j) above shall be submitted
in three sets for each site before installation of RTU/FRTU. In case some
modifications/corrections are carried out at site, the contractor shall again submit as built site-
specific drawings in three sets after incorporating all such corrections as noticed during
commissioning of the RTU/FRTU.
Table-1: List of Tests on RTU/FRTU
Nos. test test test
1. Check for BOQ, Technical details, Construction & Wiring as per √ √ √
RTU/FRTU drawings
2. Check for database & configuration settings √ √ √
Check the operation of all Analog inputs, Status input & Control √ √ √
3. output points of
4. Check operation of all communication ports of RTU/FRTU √ √ √
Check for communication with master stations including remote √ √
5. database downloading from master station
6. Check for auto restoration of RTU/FRTU on DC power recovery √ √
after its failure
7. Test for self-diagnostic feature √ √

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Nos. test test test
8. Test for time synchronization from Master √ √
9. Test for SOE feature √ √
10. End to end test (between RTU/FRTU & Master station) for all √
I/O points
Test for MODBUS protocol implemented for acquiring data √ √
11. from MFT/ transducers
and updation time demonstration in daisy chain configuration
12. Test for IEC 60870-5 -104,101 protocol implemented √ √
13. Test for supporting other protocol √
14. Test for operation with DC power supply voltage variation √
15. Test for internal Clock stability √
16. Test for Noise level measurement √
17. Test for Control Security and Safety for Control outputs √
18. Test for functionality/parameters verification of , CMRs & √ √ √
Heavy duty trip relays
19. Test for data concentrator √*
20. Test for IED pass through √*
21. Test for SOE buffer & time data back up √
Other functional tests as per technical specification requirements √
22. including features in
support/ capability (for future)
23. Test for DCPS of FRTU √**
Test for compliance of standards for bought items viz. CMRs, √
24. Heavy duty trip relays ,
MFT, weather sensor etc.
Test for functionality/parameters for bought items viz. CMRs, √ √
25. Heavy duty trip relays ,
MFT , weather sensor etc.
26. Test for test tools √ √
27. Test for LDMS functioning √** √**
28. Surge Immunity Test as per IEC 60870-2-1 √
29. Electrical Fast Transient Burst Test as per IEC-60870-2-1 √
30. Damped Oscillatory Wave Test as per IEC 60870-2-1 √
31. Electrostatic Discharge test as per IEC 60870-2-1 √
32. Radiated Electromagnetic Field Test as per IEC 60870-2-1 √

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Nos. test test test
33. Damped Oscillatory magnetic Field Test as per IEC-60870-2-1 √
34. Power Frequency magnetic Field Test as per IEC-60870-2-1 √
35. Power frequency voltage withstand Test as per IEC 60870-2-1 √
36. 1.2/50 μs Impulse voltage withstand Test as per IEC 60870-2-1 √
37. Insulation resistance test √
38. Dry heat test as per IEC60068-2-2 √
39. Damp heat test as per IEC60068-2-3 √
E Other test
40 Product cyber security compliance IEC 62443 /IEC62351-3 √
certificate of RTU/FRTU from labs incl. international accredited
labs like KEMA/TuV/ DNV etc
1) Test levels for above type tests mentioned in B, C & D above are elaborated in Table 2 of this Chapter
2) * For RTU only & ** For FRTU only
3) Contractor can provide test certificates for the type tests mentioned in B,C,D & supporting protocols
from Govt of India/NABL/International accredited Labs. If not provided, the same needs to conducted at
Govt of India/NABL/International accredited Labs
4) Transducer type test requirements are mentioned in the respective sub section of specification.

Table—2: RTU/FRTU Type Test Requirements

Test Name I/O
EUT Test Power Supply Points Passing
Status Level Criteria
Surge Immunity
Test ON 2 Kv 1 kV 2 kV A
(Test 28)
Electrical Fast
Transient Burst Test ON 2 KV - 1 kV A
(Test 29)
Damped Oscillatory
Wave Test ON 2.5 kV 1 kV 2.5 kV A
(Test 30)
Level +/- 6 kV in Contact discharge mode or +/- 8 kV in
Discharge ON A
3 Air discharge mode
(Test 31)
Electromagnetic Level
ON 10 V/m electric field strength A
Field 3
(Test 32)
Damped Oscillatory Level 30 A/m at 1MHz of magnetic field
Magnetic Field test 3 strength

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(Test 33)
Power frequency
Level 30 A/m of magnetic field strength
magnetic field ON A
3 (Continuous duration sine wave)
(Test 34)
Power frequency No break
voltage withstand down or
(Test 35) OFF - 1 KVrms for 1 minute flashover
1.2/50μs impulse No break
voltage withstand down or
(Test 36) OFF - flashover
2 kVp shall
Insulation Measure Insulation resistance using As per
Resistance 500 V DC Megger before & after manufact
Test Power Freq & Impulse voltage urer
(Test 37) withstand tests standard
Dry heat test Continuous operation at 550 C for 16
ON - 0
(Test 38) hrs
Damp heat test
ON - at 95% RH and 400 C 0
(Test 39)

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14.0 General
This chapter describes the technical requirements for Auxiliary Power Supply System. The
BOQ for Auxiliary Power Supply system equipments required for SCADA/DMS control
center, RTU/Data Concentrator, FRTU Communication equipment & remote VDU locations
The components of Auxiliary Power Supply system are Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS),
48V DC power supply (DCPS), the batteries for UPS and DCPS. The technical requirements
for all the above components are described in the various subsequent clauses.
The Bidder is encouraged to offer their standard products and designs. The UPS, DCPS,
Battery shall be manufactured & tested as per the relevant IS/IEC/ EN/BS standards. However,
the Bidder shall conform to the requirements of this specification and shall provide any special
interface equipment necessary to meet the requirements stated herein.
All equipment except Batteries shall be designed for an operating life of not less than 15 years,
however, batteries shall have a minimum expected operating life of 5 years under normal
operating conditions or 1200 charge/discharge cycles (whichever is earlier). The Contractor
shall demonstrate the functionality of the equipment during tests in the factory. After the
equipment is installed, the Contractor shall demonstrate all of the functions during well-
structured field tests. This chapter is applicable to Group A, B, C towns as per functional
14.1 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
The technical requirements for the Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) System and
associated equipments to be provided by the contractor are described below.
The UPS system shall include the following:
 UPS equipments supplying load at 0.8 lagging power factor
 VRLA batteries for UPS system with backup duration
 UPS input and output AC Distribution Boards.
 Power, control and network cables
14.1.1 UPS Functions
The UPS shall be designed for continuous-duty, on-line operation and shall be based on solid-
state design technology to provide uninterrupted power supply for computer system and
associated items. The control of the UPS system shall be microprocessor based providing
monitoring and control of rectifier/charger, Inverter, static switches, firing and logic control.
Each UPS system provided by the Contractor shall include all of the following sub- systems
as well as any other components and support hardware necessary for complete and proper
operation of the UPS:
a) Rectifier/charger unit Inverter unit
b) Battery Low Voltage Disconnect device
c) Static bypass switches
d) Manual maintenance bypass switches
e) Isolation transformer

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f) Load transformer and filters

g) Control panels including source selection equipment & ACDBs,
automatic controls and protection
h) Hardware and software as required for parallel operation of two no of
i) Systems
j) All necessary cables, MCCBs/MCBs/ switches/ fuses
In the event of a loss of AC source, the UPS equipment shall provide uninterrupted power to
the critical loads from the output of the UPS inverter subsystems through batteries.
14.1.2 UPS Operation
The UPS systems with associated batteries shall operate in parallel redundant configuration
sharing the connected load. The conceptual diagram for UPS is shown in figure 4-1.
The UPS shall primarily use the inverter subsystem to deliver AC power to the computer loads.
In case of failure of any one of UPS, the other healthy UPS shall continuously supply the
power to the computer loads without any interruption. If the other healthy UPS also fails then
automatically Static bypass of UPS shall start supplying the connected load through AC mains
without any interruption.
The Manual Maintenance Bypass shall be provided for each of the UPS separately to extend
AC raw power supply to computer systems in case of complete failure or shutdown of UPS
The facilities shall also be provided to manually control the UPS through its control panel.
14.1.3 4.1.3 UPS Equipment Design
The design of the UPS shall have the capability to isolate any failed piece of equipment viz.
Rectifier/charger unit, inverter and battery for maintenance. UPS equipment design shall
consider the following electrical parameters:
 UPS equipment shall comply with IEC 62040 or equivalent. EN/BS standards
for design, performance and EMC requirements.
 The input mains AC supply to the UPS shall b e 415 volt AC, 3-phase, 4-wire 50
Hz. The input supply voltage may vary +10% to -15% from nominal and the
frequency may vary from 47.5 to 52.5 Hertz.
 The UPS shall be suitable for operation on Mains input AC on phase sequence
reversal. The UPS shall provide 3-phase four wire output plus ground. The UPS
shall Supply power to the connected loads at 415 volt AC, 3-phase, and 50 Hz. 0.8-
lagging power factor.
 The UPS shall provide continuous regulated sine wave AC power to the connected
 The overall efficiency of the UPS, input to output, shall be a minimum of 90
percent with the batteries fully charged and operating at full load and unity power
 Noise generated by the UPS under normal operating condition shall not exceed 78
dB measured five (5) feet from the front of the cabinet surface. The requirements
of each sub-system of UPS are detailed below.

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14.1.4 Rectifier/Charger Units

Each rectifier/charger unit output voltage shall be regulated to match the characteristics of the
batteries and inverter. The rectifiers/chargers shall provide voltage regulated DC power to the
invertors while also charging and maintaining the batteries at full capacity.
The rectifier/charger units shall have the following characteristics:
 Input Voltage and frequency characteristics as per clause 14.1.3 above.
 Input current limit of 125 percent of the nominal full load input current
 Maximum input current total harmonic distortion of 5 percent at nominal
input voltage and under full load.
 The output shall be current limited to protect the rectifier/charger unit
circuitry and to prevent the batteries from over-charging.
 Capacity to recharge the batteries to 90% of its capacity (from fully
discharged state i.e. ECV of 1.75) within 8 hours while carrying full load.
 Automatic equalizing after partial discharge of the batteries.
 Temperature dependent battery charging with temperature sensing probes
mounted on the battery banks.
 Automatic float cum boost charging feature.

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14.1.5 Invertors
The invertors shall normally operate in synchronism with the mains AC power source. Upon
loss of the mains AC power source or its frequency deviating beyond a preset range, the
invertors shall revert to their own internal frequency standard. When the mains AC source
returns to normal, the invertors shall return to synchronized operation with the mains AC source.
Such reversal of operation of inverters from synchronous to free running mode and vice-versa
shall not introduce any distortion or interruption to the connected loads. A suitable dead band
for frequency may be provided to avoid unnecessary frequent reversal of inverter operation
between free running mode and synchronized mode under fluctuating frequency conditions.
The invertors shall have the following characteristics:
(a) Inverter unit shall be based on Pulse Width modulation (PWM) technique.
(b) The nominal output voltage shall be 415 Volt ±1%, 3-phase, 4-wire AC up to
rated load.
(c) The transient voltage response shall not exceed 4% for the first half-cycle
recovering to 1% within ten cycles for a 100 percent step load application or
(d) The free running frequency shall not deviate by more than + 0.1 % for the rated
frequency of 50 Hz.
(e) The invertors shall be synchronized to the main AC source unless that source
deviates from 50 Hz by more than 1% (adjustable to 1/2/3/4/5 %).
(f) The output voltage harmonic distortion shall not exceed 5% RMS and no single
harmonic component shall exceed 3%.
(g) The invertors shall be capable of resistive load operation & deliver at least 80%
of the nominal capacity at the rated power factor and be capable of operation
with loads ranging from the rated through unity power factor. Inverter shall also
accept 100% load at crest factor of at least 3:1 for Switching Mode Power
Supply (SMPS) load of computer system equipments without de-rating.
(h) The invertors shall provide protection logic to automatically shut down and
isolate itself from the load when the battery voltage drops below a preset
(i) The invertors shall provide interrupter switch to isolate the unit from the load
on failure of the unit. The interrupter switch shall be rated to carry full continuous
load and to interrupt the inverter under full fault load.
(j) The invertors shall be capable of supporting a start-up surge or overload of 150
percent of rated output for up to 60 seconds.
In case the inverter subsystem does not include an internal load transformer, an external load
transformer of delta-wye configuration, 3-phase, 50Hz, 415 V AC, suitable for the inverter shall
be provided.
14.1.6 Static Bypass Switches
Each UPS system shall include static bypass switch to facilitate automatic transfer of loads
from the inverter sub-system output to bypass AC source though isolation transformer.
Isolation transformer shall be rated for at least two times the rating of single UPS sub system.
However, in case of parallel-redundant UPS systems, the transfer to Static bypass must occur
only when the invertors of both the UPS systems have failed.

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The transfer to Static Bypass from the inverter shall take place under the following fault
(a) The inverter load capacity is exceeded
(b) An over- or under-voltage condition exist on the inverter output
(c) Inverter failure.
The static bypass switches shall be high-speed devices rated to transfer and carry full rated
load. The static bypass switches shall provide protection to prevent out of phase transfers. The
switching speed of the static bypass switches shall be less than 1 millisecond. During the
changeover, the output voltage should not fall below 205V A.C, 50Hz +5%, in order to avoid
any disruption to computer load supply. An automatic transfer back to the inverter subsystem
shall occur if the transfer from the inverter subsystem was caused by a temporary overload and
the load has returned to normal or by a temporary over/under voltage condition on inverter
output and the voltage has returned to normal.
The transfer back to the inverter subsystem, both automatic and manual, shall be inhibited
under the following conditions:
a. The frequency of bypass AC source is outside the frequency band of ± 1% of
50Hz (adjustable to 1/2/3/4/5 percent).
b. The inverter output voltage and frequency are beyond the preset
c. An overload exists.
14.1.7 Manual Maintenance Bypass Switches
Manual bypass switches are provided to facilitate maintenance of the UPS system and shall
provide transfer of the connected load from one UPS output to the other UPS system. These
switches shall be rated to transfer and carry continuous full rated load.
14.1.8 Batteries
UPS system shall have a set of storage batteries designed for continuous UPS application. The
battery set shall have sufficient capacity to maintain output at full rated load for the specified
backup duration after 8 hour charging. The backup duration of the battery shall be as specified
in the BOQ. The battery set shall be maintenance free VRLA type Batteries. The detailed
requirement of batteries is given under clause 14.4.
14.1.9 Battery Breaker for UPS system
A 2-pole MCCB of suitable rating shall be provided near the battery bank (at suitable location
on the frame of the battery bank) to allow disconnection of the batteries from the
rectifier/charger unit and inverter. This shall also provide over-current protection to the battery
14.1.10 UPS Control/Monitoring
The Contractor shall supply control panel to permit automatic & manual operation of UPS,
display of associated alarms and indications pertaining to the UPS. In each UPS system, a local
display of the following analog and status/alarm signals/indications as a minimum shall be
included Analog signals for the following measurements:
AC input voltage (to display each phase)
i. AC output voltage (to display each phase)

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ii. AC output current (to display each phase)

iii. AC input mains Frequency
iv. AC UPS Output Frequency
v. DC voltage (battery subsystem)
vi. DC current (battery subsystem) Status/Alarms signals for the following
a) Parallel operation of inverters
b) Inverters running in synchronized / free running mode
c) Battery Low voltage alarm (battery subsystem)
d) Load on battery alarm
e) Battery Circuit Breaker Open alarm
f) Overload trip alarm
g) High-temperature alarm Equipment failure alarm
For remote monitoring a wall mounted type panel consisting of audio visible alarm or PC
based monitoring system shall be provided in the control room. For PC based monitoring
system required computer hardware and software shall be provided by the contractor. The
monitor of PC shall be 15” TFT type.
14.1.11 Internal Wiring
All internal wires shall be of stranded copper conductor, sized according to the current
requirements with minimum insulation rating of 1100 VAC. Extra-flexible wire shall be used
for all circuits mounted on door or swing panels within the UPS.
14.1.12 Enclosures/Panels design
The UPS electronic equipment and associated circuitry & all devices shall be housed in a
freestanding enclosures/panels. Modules and sub-assemblies shall be easily replaceable and
maintainable. Cable entry shall be from the bottom/top of the enclosures (to be finalized during
detailed engineering). The applicable degree of protection of enclosures shall be IP20
however, suitable protection shall be provided against vertical dripping of water drops. UPS
shall be installed with the necessary base frame including anti-vibration pad. The thickness of
the structural frames and load bearing members shall be minimum 2.0 mm and for front & rear,
sides, bottom and top covers shall be minimum 1.6 mm. For other requirement of
enclosure/panel, clause may be referred.
14.1.13 Equipment / Panel Earthing
Each enclosure shall include suitable signal & safety earth networks within the enclosure. The
signal-earthing network shall be separate & terminated at a separate stud connection, isolated
from safety earth network. Each earth network shall be a copper bus bar, braid or cable. The
contractor shall connect safety and signal earths of each enclosure to the earth grid/earth riser
through suitable 50X6 sq. mm. GI strips. For other requirement of enclosure/panel earthing,
clause may be referred.

14.1.14 External Power Connections

All breakers/switches shall be suitably rated to match the requirement of external power

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14.1.15 Testing of UPS
14.1.16 Type Test of UPS
The Contractor shall supply type tested UPS equipments. The Contractor shall submit the UPS
type test reports of earlier conducted tests (including performance & EMC requirements) on
the same make, model, type & rating as offered, as per IEC 62040 or equivalent EN/BS
standards. For type testing requirements in addition to provisions of chapter 18 is also to be
14.1.17 Factory Acceptance Test of UPS
A factory acceptance test shall be conducted on all the equipments and shall include, but not
be limited to the following, appropriate to the equipment being tested:
(a) Verification of all functional characteristics and requirements specified
(b) Voltage drop and transients generated during switching operations
(c) System efficiency tests
(d) Verification of all features and characteristics included in all the delivered
equipments and also as per specification requirements.
(e) Inspection and verification of all construction, wiring, labeling
14.1.18 Documentation, and completeness of the hardware
Before the start of factory testing, the Contractor shall verify that all change orders applicable
to the equipment have been installed. As a part of the factory tests, unstructured testing shall
be performed to allow Employer representatives to verify proper operation of the equipment
under conditions not specifically tested in the above structured performance test. A minimum
of 8 hours of the factory test period shall be reserved for unstructured testing. The Contractor's
test representative shall be present and the Contractor's technical staff members shall be
available for consultation with Employer personnel during unstructured test periods. All
special test facilities used during the structured performance test shall be made available for
Employer’s use during unstructured testing.
The respective factory acceptance tests for UPS are listed in Table 4.1
14.1.19 Environmental Conditions
UPS & all other hardware and components shall be capable of continuous operation at rated
load without failures in the following environmental conditions:
Temperature/humidity - Ambient temperature of 00 to 500C and upto 95 percent humidity,
non-condensing. However, air conditioned environment shall be provided for VRLA batteries.

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Sl. Test Factory Site Tests
No. Acceptance
1. Interconnection Cable Check √ √
2. Light Load Test √
3. UPS Auxiliary Devices Test √ √
4. A.C. input failure Test √ √
5. A.C. input return Test √ √
6. Simulation of parallel redundant UPS fault √
7. Transfer Test √ √
8. Full Load Test √ √
9. UPS Efficiency test √
10. Unbalanced Load test √
11. Balanced Load test √
12. Current division in parallel or parallel √
13. Rated stored energy time test (Battery test) √
14. Rated restored energy time test (Battery test) √
15. Battery ripple current test √
16. Overload capability test √
17. Short circuit test √
18. Short-circuit protection device test √
19. Restart test √ √
20. Output Over voltage test √
21. Periodic output voltage variation test √
22. Frequency variation test √
23. Harmonic Components test √
24 Earth Fault test √
25. On site ventilation test √
26. Audible noise test √
27. Parameter/Configuration settings √ √
28. Phase Sequence Test √ √
29 Coordination and discrimination of Tripping √
of associated breakers (MCCB/MCBs) in
14.2 AC Distribution Boards
AC distribution boards shall be provided for UPS input and output power distribution. The
distribution boards shall distribute power and provide protection against failures on feeder
circuits, to the equipment. The Contractor shall be responsible for design, engineering,
manufacturing, supply, storage, installation, cabling, testing & commissioning of AC distribution
boards required for distribution of power. The nominal input frequency is 50 Hz, which may
vary from 47.5-52.5Hz. The phase to neutral input voltage shall be (Nominal 240V) varying
from 190V to 265 V.
The Input ACDB will cater for the load requirements of DC power supply system, air-
conditioning alarm system, fire protection alarm system, lighting loads and one spare of 20A
minimum, in addition to UPS system load. The Output ACDB shall cater for only critical

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loads in the control center. The number of feeders and their ratings in the output ACDB shall be
decided during detail engineering. At least five spare feeders in the output panel shall be
All MCCBs shall conform to IEC-60947-2 & IS 13947-2/IEC 947-2, IEC-60898 and IS8828
and shall be of Four (4) Pole type of requisite rating. MCBs used for load feeders in output
ACDB shall be of minimum curve B characteristics. The load feeders shall be coordinated with
requirement of loads of computers and other loads.
14.2.1 Enclosures/Panels
The equipments of ACDBs shall be physically mounted in freestanding enclosures/panels.
MCCBs and sub-assemblies shall be easily replaceable and maintainable. Cable entry shall be
from the bottom/top of the enclosures (to be finalized during detailed engineering). The
Contractor shall state the type, size and weight of all enclosures and indicate the proposed
manner of installation. The applicable degree of protection of enclosures shall be at least IP21.
The thickness of the structural frames and load bearing members shall be minimum 2.0 mm and
for front & rear, sides and top covers shall be minimum 1.6 mm. For wall mounted type of
output ACDB the above requirements shall not be applicable.
14.2.2 Equipment/Panel Earthing & Surge Protection
Each enclosure shall include suitable safety earth networks as per clause . Surge
protection devices shall be installed in the input ACDB to provide adequate protection against
current and voltage transients introduced on input AC due to load switching surges. These
protection devices shall be in compliance with IEC- 61312, IEC- 61024 and VDE 0100-534
for following surges:
a) Low Voltage Surges (Class C)
Between Requirement
R, Y, B & N In ≥ 10 kA, 8/20 µS for each phase
N & PE In ≥ 20 kA, 8/20 µS
In= Value of Nominal Discharge Current.
14.2.3 Cabling Requirements
The contractor shall supply, install and commission all power cables, control cables, network
interface cables and associated hardware (lugs, glands, cable termination boxes etc.) as
required for all equipment. The contractor shall be responsible for cable laying and termination
at both ends of the cable. The Contractor shall also be responsible for termination of owner
supplied cables if any at contractor’s equipment end including supply ofsuitable lugs, glands,
terminal blocks & if necessary cable termination boxes etc. All cabling, wiring and
interconnections shall be installed in accordance with the following requirements. Power Cables
All external power cables shall be stranded aluminum/Copper conductor, armoured
XLPE/PVC insulated and sheathed; 1100V grade as per IS 1554 Part-I. The conductor for the
Neutral connection from UPS to Output ACDB shall be sized 1.8 times the size of the Phase
conductors to take care of the non-linear loads. However, the cable between UPS & Battery
bank shall be of copper conductor (armoured type). Cable Identification
Each cable shall be identified at both ends, which indicates the cable number, and the near-end

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and far-end destination. All power cables shall have appropriate color for identification of each
phase/neutral/ground. Cable marking and labelling shall comply with the requirements of the
applicable standards. Cable and Hardware Installation
The Contractor shall be responsible for supplying, installing, and terminating all cables and
associated hardware (lugs, glands, etc.), required to mechanically and electrically complete the
installation of facilities for the project. Enclosures/Panels design
Enclosures/panel shall be of freestanding type of design. Cable entry shall be from the
bottom/top of the enclosures (to be finalized during detailed engineering). The enclosures shall
not have doors that are wider than 80 cm and doors shall be hinged with locking as per standard
design of the manufacturer. Keyed locking is required with identical keys for all enclosures.
The enclosures shall not exceed 220 cm in height. The thickness of the structural frames and
load bearing members shall be minimum 2.0 mm and for others shall be minimum
1.5 mm. The panels/boards shall be equipped with necessary cable gland plates. The Contractor
shall state the type, size and weight of all enclosures and indicate the proposed manner of
Wiring within panel shall be neatly arranged and securely fastened to the enclosure by non-
conductive fasteners. Wiring between all stationary and moveable components, such as wiring
across hinges or to components mounted on extension slides, shall allow for full movement of
the component without binding or chafing of the wire. Conductors in multi-conductor cables
shall be individually color coded, and numbered at both ends within enclosures.
The enclosures shall be painted inside and outside. The finish color of all enclosures shall be
aesthetically pleasing and shall be approved by the owner. Further, finish color of external
surfaces shall be preferably of same color for all enclosures/panels.
Maintenance access to the hardware and wiring shall be through full height lockable doors.
Each panel shall be supplied with 240 VAC, 50Hz single-phase sockets with switch. Each
ACDB and equipment within ACDB enclosures shall be clearly labelled to identify the
enclosure/equipment. All labelling shall be consistent with Contractor-supplied drawings. Enclosure/Panel Earthing
Each enclosure shall include suitable earth networks within the enclosure. Earth network shall
be a copper bus bar, braid or cable inside enclosures.
The safety earth network shall terminate at two/more studs for connecting with the earthing
grid. Safety earthing cables between equipment and enclosure grounding bus bars shall be of
minimum size of 6 mm2, stranded copper conductors, rated at 300 volts. All hinged doors shall
be earthed through flexible earthing braid.
For all enclosures requiring AC input power, the green earthing wire from the AC input shall
be wired to the safety-earthing stud. The Contractor shall provide all required cabling between
enclosures for earthing. The contractor shall connect safety and signal earths (as applicable) of
each enclosure to the nearest earth grid/earth riser through suitable 50X6 sq. mm. GI/25x3 Cu
strips. The contractor may use the existing grid wherever available. In case the suitable earthing
grid is not available the same shall be made by the contractor.
The signal earthing network shall terminate at a separate stud connection, isolated from safety
ground. The stud connection shall be sized for an external earthing cable equipped with a
suitable lug.

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All earthing connections to equipment shall be made directly to each equipment chassis via
earthing lug and star washer. Use of the enclosure frame, skins, or chassis mounting hardware for
the earthing network is not acceptable.
14.3 DC Power Supply System
The DC Power Supply system shall be capable of meeting the load requirements for various
Telecom equipments, RTUs and other associated equipment located at indoor, i.e. at the
substations, the control centers and customer care system. The AC input to the ACDB shall be
provided from the ACDB described under clause 14.2 at control center. At other locations the
AC input to the DCPS system shall be single phase AC which will be provided from the existing
system. At these locations the class B & C level of surge protection (between phase-neutral and
neutral – protective earth) as specified under and conforming to IEC 61312, IEC 61024 and
VDE 0100-534 shall be installed in the DCPS system.
Surge protection devices shall be installed in the DCPS panel to provide adequate protection
against current and voltage transients introduced on input AC due to load switching and low
energy lightning surges. These protection devices shall be in compliance with IEC- 61312,
IEC- 61024 and VDE 0100-534 for following surges:
a) Lightning Electromagnetic impulse and other High Surges (Class B):
Between Requirement
Ph & N Iimp ≥ 50 kA, 10/350 µS for each phase
N & PE Iimp ≥ 100 kA, 10/350 µS
Iimp= Value of Lightning Impulse Current

b) Low Voltage Surges (Class C)

Between Requirement
Ph & N In ≥ 10 kA, 8/20 µS for each phase
N & PE In ≥ 20 kA, 8/20 µS
In= Value of Nominal Discharge Current.
14.3.1 General Technical Requirements for SMPS based DC power supply units
SMPS based DC power supply system is to be used in Auto Float-cum-Boost Charge mode as
a regulated DC Power source. DCPS system is to be installed indoors and shall be provided
with IP21 panels. The System shall consist of the following:
(a) SMPS modules
(b) Controller module to control and monitor all DCPS modules.
The number and rating of SMPS modules shall be provided as per the Employer’s
requirements stipulated in the BOQ. The Panel, Distribution/Switching arrangement shall be
provided for the ultimate system capacity. Ultimate System capacity is defined as 150% of the
present capacity specified. The ultimate capacity is over and above the requirement of
redundancy wherever specified. All factory wiring for the panel shall be for the ultimate
capacity so that only plugging-in of SMPS module shall enhance the DC power output. The size
of fuses, MCBs, switch, bus etc. shall be suitable for the ultimate capacity.

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The system shall be sufficiently flexible to serve any load depending on manufacturer‟s design,
rating and number of SMPS modules used in panel and system configuration. To cater for
higher load requirements, same type of SMPS modules mounted in the same rack or different
racks shall be capable of working in parallel load sharing arrangement. The DCPS system shall
be suitable for operation from single phase A.C. mains.
14.3.2 Operational/Component Requirements
The basic modules shall operate at specified ratings and conform to requirements stipulated in
this specification. The DCPS system shall meet requirement of the latest TEC specification /
IEC/BS for other parameters not specified in this specification. The component parts of the
equipment shall be of professional grade of reputed manufacturer to ensure prompt and
continuous service and delivery of spare parts. The component shall confer to relevant IEC/IS
standards. The contractor shall obtain Employers approval of major component before
procurement of the same. Conceptual diagram is for DCPS is shown in figure 4-2.
The DCPS shall be suitable for operation at ambient temperature of 0-50 deg and relative
humidity up to 95 %. Utility may specify requirements as per site conditions
14.3.3 Wiring
All insulated conductors except those within the confines of a printed circuit board assembly
shall be of the rating enough to withstand the maximum current and voltage during fault and
overload. All insulated conductors/cables used shall conform to IS 1554 or equivalent
international standard.
All wiring shall be neatly secured in position and adequately supported. Where wires pass
through any part of metal panel or cover, the hole through which they pass shall be suitably
14.3.4 Bus Bars
High conductivity Cu bus bar shall be provided and shall be sized to take care of the current
of ultimate DCPS system capacity for which it is designed. However, it shall not be less than
25mm X 5mm.
14.3.5 Earthing
Two earth terminals shall be provided in the frame of the system. The Contractor shall connect
these earth terminals to the earth bus. All modules and devices shall be connected to these
earth terminals. The hinged door shall be connected to the panel with braided Cu at two points
at least.

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14.3.6 Finish and Painting

The finish of Steel/Aluminum alloy structure and panels shall conform to relevant IS
specification (or equivalent international specifications). The color scheme for panel, Door
and Modules shall be decided during detailed engineering.
14.3.7 Marking and Labelling of Cables
The Contractor shall propose a scheme for marking and labeling the inter panel cables and get
it approved from the Employer. A cabling diagram, screen printed or any other better
arrangement ensuring better life expectancy shall be placed in the inside of the front door or
any other convenient place for ready reference of the maintenance staff.
14.3.8 Name Plate
A name plate etched, engraved, anodized or any other better arrangement ensuring better life
expectancy shall be suitably fixed on each panel /module and contain at least the following
information :
(a) Type of the Unit / Model No
(b) Manufacturer’s Name and identification
(c) Unit serial No
(d) Year of manufacture
(e) Input voltage and phase
(f) Output Voltage and Current
14.3.9 System and Panel Configuration
The mechanical and electrical requirements of the Panel are described as below:
14.3.10 System Configuration
The SMPS modules shall be accommodated in panels. The system shall employ a modular
configuration to provide flexibility, keeping in view the future load requirements of DC Power.
The system shall be configured for ultimate capacity as brought out in clause 14.3.1 General
Technical Requirements. The control, Monitoring, Alarm arrangement and DC & AC
distribution shall be provided suitably in the panel.
The number of SMPS modules to be provided in the DCPS system shall be provided in N+ 2
configurations, where N is the number of SMPS modules to meet the battery charging current
(10% of C10 AH Capacity) of the offered battery plus the load requirement stipulated in the
BOQ. The current rating of each module shall be considered as output current of the SMPS
module at nominal voltage (48V).
It shall be possible to easily mount/remove the modules from the front side of the panel. The
SMPS modules/SMPS module sub-racks shall be designed to slide into the panels and fixed
securely by a suitable mechanical arrangement.

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14.3.11 Constructional Features of Panel

Panel (Enclosure) shall be freestanding type of design. Cable entry shall be from the
bottom/top of the enclosures (to be finalized during detailed engineering). The enclosures shall
not have doors that are wider than 80 cm and doors shall be hinged with locking as per standard
design of the manufacturer. Keyed locking is required with identical keys for all enclosures.
The enclosures shall not exceed 220 cm in height. The thickness of the structural frames and
load bearing members shall be minimum 2.0 mm and for others shall be minimum 1.5 mm.
The panels/boards shall be equipped with necessary cable gland plates. The Contractor shall
state the type, size, and weight of all enclosures and indicate the proposed manner of
Wiring within panel shall be neatly arranged and securely fastened to the enclosure by non-
conductive fasteners. Wiring between all stationary and moveable components, such as wiring
across hinges or to components mounted on extension slides, shall allow for full movement of
the component without binding or chafing of the wire. Conductors in multi conductor cables
shall be individually color coded, and numbered at both ends within enclosures.
The enclosures shall be painted inside and outside. The finish color of all enclosures shall be
an aesthetically pleasing and shall be approved by the owner. Further, finish color of external
surfaces shall be preferably of same color for all enclosures/panels.
Maintenance access to the hardware and wiring shall be through lockable, full height, from
Each panel shall be supplied with 240 VAC, 50Hz single-phase sockets with switch and
lighting lamp for panel illumination.
The manufacturer so as to ensure the uninterrupted use of the equipment shall do proper
thermal engineering of hardware design. The Panel shall be designed to allow cooling
preferably by natural convection. The Bidders shall submit detail design of proposed
Panel/enclosure and heat dissipation calculations during detailed engineering. Forced cooling
is permitted (DC Fans are permitted in the Panel or SMPS module) for equipment mounted
indoors (buildings/rooms/shelters). If cooling is provided at Panel level it shall be provided
with additional fan with facility for manual switch over. Proper filtering shall be provided to
control dust ingress. There shall be an arrangement for automatic Switching-OFF of fans
during AC input failure. The required individual modules may be separated by air baffle to
provide effective convection. The manufacturer shall also ensure that the failure of fan does
not cause any fire hazards. The failure of any of the fans shall draw immediate attention of the
maintenance staff.
14.3.12 Electrical Requirements:
AC input supply: The nominal input frequency is 50 Hz, which may vary from 47.5-52.5Hz.
The input voltage shall be single phase (Nominal 240V) varying from 190V to 265V.
There shall be an automatic arrangement for shutting off of the SMPS module whenever the input
voltage is beyond the specified operating limits with suitable alarm indication. The SMPS
module shall resume normal working automatically when the input is restored within the
working limits. Hysteresis within specified working limits shall not cause shutting down of the
SMPS. A tolerance of ±5V may be acceptable for protection & alarm operation.

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14.3.13 DC output Characteristics of Modules

The module shall be capable of operating in “Auto Float-cum-Boost Charge” mode depending
on the condition of the battery sets being sensed by the Control unit.
a) The float voltage shall be continuously adjustable & pre-settable at any value in
the range of –48 to –56V either at the module or may be set from the common
controller configuration. Further, the prescribed float voltage setting shall be
based on recommendations of the VRLA battery supplier.
b) In Boost charge mode SMPS shall supply battery & equipment current till
terminal voltage reaches set value, which is normally 2.3V/cell (55.2V) or as
recommended by the VRLA battery supplier & shall change over to constant
voltage mode
c) The DC output voltage variation shall not be more than 2% for load variation
from 25% load to full load.
14.3.14 Current Limiting (Voltage Droop)
The current limiting (Voltage Droop) shall be provided in DCPS modules in float and boost
charge modes of operation. The float/boost charge current limiting shall be continuously
adjustable between 50 to 100% of rated output current for output voltage range of –44.4 volts
to –56 Volts.
The float and boost charge current limit adjustment shall be provided in the DCPS system.
The SMPS modules shall be fully protected against short circuit. It shall be ensured that short
circuit does not lead to any fire hazard.
14.3.15 Soft/Slow Start Feature:
Soft/Slow start circuitry shall be employed such that SMPS module input current and output
voltage shall reach their nominal value within 10 seconds.
The maximum instantaneous current during start up shall not exceed the peak value of the
rectifier input current at full load at the lowest input voltage specified.
14.3.16 Voltage overshoot/Undershoot:
The requirements of (a) to (c) given below shall be achieved without a battery connected to
the output of SMPS module.
(a) The SMPS modules shall be designed to minimize DC output voltage
Overshoot/Undershoot such that when they are switched on the DC output
voltage shall be limited to ± 5% of the set voltage & return to their steady state
within 20 ms for load variation of 25% to 100%.
(b) The DC output voltage overshoot for a step change in AC mains as specified in
clause 14.3.12 Electrical Requirements shall not cause shut down of SMPS
module and the voltage overshoot shall be limited to ± 5% of its set voltage and
return to steady state within 20ms.
(c ) The modules shall be designed such that a step load change of 25 to 100% andvice
versa shall not result in DC output voltage Overshoot/Undershoot of not more
than 5% and return to steady state value within 10 ms without resulting theunit to

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14.3.17 Electrical Noise:

The Rectifier (SMPS) Modules shall be provided with suitable filter at output with discharge
arrangements on shut down of the modules. The Psophometric Noise and ripple shall be as per
relevant standards.
14.3.18 Parallel Operation
SMPS modules shall be suitable for operating in parallel with one or more modules of similar
type, make and rating, other output conditions remaining within specified limits.
The current sharing shall be within ± 10% of the average current per rectifier module
individual capacity of each rectifier module in the system (mounted in the same or different
Panels) when loaded between 50 to 100% of its rated capacity for all other working conditions.
14.3.19 Protection
The SMPS module, which has failed (for any reason) shall be automatically isolated from the
rest of the modules and an alarm shall be initiated for the failure. DC Over voltage protection
DCPS shall be fitted with an internal over voltage protection circuit.
In case output DC voltage exceeds –57V or as per the recommendations of the manufacturer
of batteries, the over voltage protection circuit shall operate & shut off the faulty module. A
tolerance of ± 0.25V is permitted in this case.
Shutting off of faulty SMPS module shall not affect the operation of other SMPS modules
operating in the Panel. Operation of over voltage shut down shall be suitably indicated and
extended monitoring/control unit. The circuit design shall ensure protection against the
discharge of the Battery through the SMPS module in any case. The over voltage protection
circuit failure shall not cause any safety hazard.
14.3.20 Fuse/Circuit Breakers
Fuses or miniature circuit breakers (MCB) shall be provided for each SMPS module as follows:
1. Live AC input line
2. Control Circuit
All fuses/circuit breaker used shall be suitably fault rated.
14.3.21 AC Under/Over Voltage Protection
AC input Under/Over voltage protection shall be provided as per clause 1 4.3.12 for
Electrical Requirements.
14.3.22 Over Load/Short Circuit Protection
The SMPS shall be protected for Over load/Short circuit as per clause 14.3.14 Current Limiting
(Voltage Droop).
14.3.23 Alarms and indicating lamps
Visual indications/display such as LEDs, LCDs or a combination of both shall be provided on
each SMPS module for detection of SMPS module failure.

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14.3.24 Termination
Suitable termination arrangements shall be provided in the panel for termination of inter cubicle
cables from other equipment such as owners ACDB, Telecom and other associated equipments
and alarm cables. All the termination points shall be easily accessible from front and top. AC
and DC terminals shall be separated by physical barriers to ensure safety. All theterminals
except AC earth shall be electrically isolated.
14.3.25 4.3.25 DC Terminations
All terminations including through MCBs shall be through lock and screw type terminations.
Load and batteries shall be connected to DCPS through appropriate MCBs. The isolation of
any of the battery from the load shall create an alarm. DC distribution shall be provided with
adequate no of feeders (with three no of spare) with appropriate MCBs (6 Amp thru 32 Amp)
for termination of the loads. Actual rating of the MCBs and no of feeders shall be finalized
during the detail engineering.
DC distribution may be done either on wall mounted panel or on the DCPS panel. The proper
rated MCB shall be provided at the combined output of the SMPS modules (if not provided at
each SMPS module). All the AC, DC and Control/alarm cabling shall be supplied with the
Panel. All DC +ve and –ve leads shall be clearly marked. All conductors shall be properly
rated to prevent excessive heating.
14.3.26 Power Cables
All power cables shall be stranded copper conductor XLPE/PVC insulated and PVC sheathed,
single core/two core/three core/four core, 1100V grade as per IS 1554 Part-I.
14.3.27 Earthing Cables
Earthing cables between equipment and grounding bus bars shall be minimum size 70 mm2
stranded conductors copper/copper strip, rated at 300 volts. All hinged doors shall be earthed
through flexible earthing braid. Signal and Safety earthing shall be provided separately.
14.3.28 Alarms
Following Visual indications/display such as LEDs, LCDs or a combination of both shall be
provided to indicate:
Functional Indications for local monitoring:
a) Mains available (not mandatory if provided at module level)
b) DCPS/SMPSs in Float
c) DCPS/SMPSs in Charge Mode
Alarm Indication for local monitoring:
a) Load Voltage High /Low
b) DCPS module/SMPS fail
c) Mains out of range
d) System Over Load
e) Mains “ON”/Battery Discharge
f) Temp. Compensation fail
g) Battery fail/isolated

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All the protections/alarms shall be within tolerance of 0.25V in case of DC voltage, 1% in

case of DC current and ± 5V for AC voltage
Alarm Indication for remote monitoring:
a) Input AC mains supply fail alarm
b) Battery low voltage (Pre cut off) alarm
c) DCPS module fail
Potential free Contacts in two numbers for each of the above remote monitoring alarms (one for
remote alarm interfaced through RTU and one redundant for local monitoring at suitable
location) shall be provided. All these potential free contacts are to be wired and terminated at
the suitable location for termination to RTU.
14.3.29 Temperature Compensation for Battery
There shall be provision for monitoring the temperature of battery and consequent
arrangement for Automatic temperature compensation of the SMPS output voltage to match
the battery temperature dependant charge characteristics. The output voltage of the rectifier in
Float/Charge operation shall decrease or increase at the rate of 72 mV (24 cell battery) per
degree increase or decrease in temperature over the set voltage or as may be recommended by
the VRLA Battery supplier. The output voltage shall decrease till the open circuit voltage of
the battery is reached. The open circuit voltage range shall be settable between 2.1V/cell to
2.2V/cell. The increase in output voltage due to decrease in temperature has been taken care of
by the tripping of the unit due to output voltage high (57V) protection. Failure of temperature
compensation circuit including sensors shall create an alarm and shall not lead to abnormal
change in output voltage.
14.3.30 Digital Meters/Display Unit
There shall be provision to monitor the following parameters through digital meters or digital
display units:
(a) Input AC voltage.
(b) Output DC voltage
(c) Output DC current of charger
(d) Battery current
(e) Load current.
The Digital display of meters or display unit shall be with minimum 31/2 digital display of
height 12mm and shall have accuracy 1.5% or better.
14.3.31 Type Testing of DCPS
The contractor shall supply DCPS System, which was already type tested. The test reports for
immunity, Emission and surge must be in accordance with relevant IEC/CISPR standards shall
be submitted. The Contractor shall submit the DCPS type test reports of earlier conducted tests
on the same make, model, type & rating which shall include the following tests. For type
testing requirements in addition to provisions of this chapter 18 is also to be complied.
Type Tests on DCPS
1 Surge immunity (Level 4- as per IEC 61000-4-5)
2 Electrical Fast Transients/Burst (Level 4 – as per IEC 61000-4-4)

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3 Electrostatic Discharge (Level 4 – as per IEC 61000-4-2)

4 Radiated Electromagnetic Field (Level 3 – as per IEC 61000-4-3)
5 Conducted disturbances induced by radio-frequency field
(Level 3 – as per IEC 61000-4-6)
6 Damped oscillatory magnetic field (Level 3 – as per IEC 61000-4-10)
7 Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations
(Level 2 – as per IEC 61000-4-11)
8 Conducted Emission (Level - Class A, Group 1 as per IEC CISPR 11)
9 Radiated Emission (Level - Class A, Group 1 as per IEC CISPR 11)
10 Verification of Protection class (IP 21) for enclosure
11 Safety Tests (as per IEC 60950)
12 Burn in test for 72 hours at maximum operating temperature
14.3.32 Factory/Site Testing of DCPS
The factory/site tests to be carried out on DCPS system/module in the factory and site are
listed respectively in Table below. The manufacturer shall conduct routine tests on all the
systems/modules and submit the report before offering for FAT. The routine tests shall include
at least the tests mentioned under FAT.
Sl. No. Test FAT SAT
Tests on DCPS System
1. Mechanical & Visual Check Tests √ √
2. Insulation Test. √
3. High Voltage Withstand Test √
4. Switch On Test √ √
5. DCPS Low voltage & High voltage limits check Test √* √
6. Pre-alarm test for Battery Voltage Low √* √
7. Battery Low Voltage Disconnect Level Test √* √
8. AC Input Low and High voltage limits check Test √*
9. Rectifier Fail Alarm Test √* √
10. Voltage Regulation Test √* √
11. Current Sharing Test √*
12. Total Output Power Test √* √
13. Hot Plug In Test √* √
14. Calibration & Parameter settings √* √
15. Automatic Float cum Boost Charge Mode Change √* √
Over Test

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Sl. No. Test FAT SAT

16. Battery Path Current Limiting Test √* √
17. Battery Charging and full load Current Test √* √
18. Battery Temperature Compensation Test √*
19. Total Harmonic distortion Test √*
20. Burn in Test for 8 hours at max operating temperature √*
Tests on SMPS module
21 Mechanical & Visual Check Test √*
22 Module-On Test √*
23 Input low/high voltage cut-off test √*
24 Voltage Droop Test √*
25 Voltage Regulation Test √*
26 Power Output & Current Limit Test √*
27 DC High Voltage Test √*
28 O/P Voltage Ripple Test √*
29 Psophometric Noise Test √*
30 Efficiency Test √*
31 Power Factor √*
32. Input Current Limit √*
33. Input AC Frequency Range Test √*
34. Rectifier Dynamic Response √*
35. Output Short Circuit Test √*
36. Hold up Time Test √*
Note* : These tests (Sl. No. 5-36) shall be conducted on 10% samples of the offered batch and
other tests (Sl. No 1-4) shall be conducted on each equipment during the FAT.
The contractor shall supply Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) maintenance free Battery for
UPS & DCPS system. Each battery set shall have sufficient capacity to maintain output atfull
rated load for duration as defined in BOQ The Bidder shall furnish detailed battery sizing
calculations along with all arrangements and supporting structures, for UPS and DCPS system
being proposed, along with the bid. In all cases the battery is normally not allowed to discharge
beyond 80% of rated capacity (80% DOD) at 10 hours rate of discharge.
The contractor supplying the cells/batteries as per this document shall be responsible to
replace/repair free of charge, the battery/cell becoming faulty, owing to defective
workmanship or material as per the provisions of the bid document.
Battery sizing calculation for UPS shall be done considering the actual charging achieved in
eight hours i.e. in case 100% charging is not achieved in eight hours the Ah of the battery shall
be enhanced by the ratio of charging actually achieved in eight hours.

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14.4.1 Constructional Requirements

The design of battery shall be as per field proven practices. Partial plating of cells is not
permitted. Paralleling of cells externally for enhancement of capacity is not permitted.
Protective transparent front covers with each module shall be provided to prevent accidental
contact with live module/electrical connections. It shall be possible to easily replace any cell
of the battery at site in normal working condition.
14.4.2 Containers
The container material shall have chemical and electro-chemical compatibility and shall be acid
resistant. The material shall meet all the requirements of VRLA batteries and be consistent with
the life of battery. The container shall be fire retardant and shall have an Oxygen Index of at least
28%. The porosity of the container shall be such that so as not to allow any gases to escape
except from the regulation valve. The tensile strength of the material of the container shall be
such that so as to handle the internal cell pressure of the cells in the worst working condition.
Cell shall not show any deformity or bulge on the sides under all working conditions. The
container shall be capable of withstanding the rigors of transport, storage and handling. The
containers shall be enclosed in a steel tray.
14.4.3 Cell Covers
The cell covers shall be made of suitable material compatible with the container material and
permanently fixed with the container. It shall be capable to withstand internal pressure without
bulging or cracking. It shall also be fire retardant. Fixing of Pressure Regulation Valve &
terminal posts in the cover shall be such that the seepage of electrolyte, gas escapes and entry
of electro-static spark are prevented.
14.4.4 Separators
The separators used in manufacturing of battery cells, shall be of glass mat or synthetic material
having high acid absorption capability, resistant to sulphuric acid and good insulating
properties. The design of separators shall ensure that there is no misalignment during normal
operation and handling.
14.4.5 Pressure Regulation Valve
Each cell shall be provided with a pressure regulation valve. The valve shall be self re- seal able
and flame retardant. The valve unit shall be such that it cannot be opened without a proper
tool. The valve shall be capable to withstand the internal cell pressure specified by the
14.4.6 Terminal Posts
Both the +ve and –ve terminals of the cells shall be capable of proper termination and shall
ensure its consistency with the life of the battery. The surface of the terminal post extending
above the cell cover including bolt hole shall be coated with an acid resistant and corrosion
retarding material. Terminal posts or any other metal part which is in contact with the
electrolyte shall be made of the same alloy as that of the plates or of a proven material that does
not have any harmful effect on cell performance. Both +ve and –ve posts shall be clearly and
unambiguously identifiable.

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14.4.7 Connectors, Nuts & Bolts, Heat Shrinkable Sleeves

Where it is not possible to bolt the cell terminals directly to assemble a battery, separate non-
corroding lead or copper connectors of suitable size shall be provided to enable connection of
the cells. Copper connections shall be suitably lead coated to withstand corrosion due to
sulphuric acid at a very high rate of charge or discharge.
Nuts and bolts for connecting the cells shall be made of copper, brass or stainless steel. Copper
or brass nuts and bolts shall be effectively lead coated to prevent corrosion. Stainless steel
bolts and nuts can be used without lead coating.
All inter cell connectors shall be protected with heat shrinkable silicon sleeves for reducing
the environmental impact including a corrosive environment.
14.4.8 Flame Arrestors
Each cell shall be equipped with a Flame Arrestor to defuse the Hydrogen gas escaped during
charge and discharge. Material of the flame arrestor shall not affect the performance of the
14.4.9 Battery Bank Stand
All batteries shall be mounted in a suitable metallic stand/frame. The frame shall be properly
painted with the acid resistant paint. The suitable insulation shall be provided between
stand/frame and floor to avoid the grounding of the frame/stand.
14.4.10 Capacity Requirements
When the battery is discharged at 10-hour rate, it shall deliver 80% of C (rated capacity,
corrected at 27ºCelcius) before any of the cells in the battery bank reaches 1.85V/cell.
All the cells in a battery shall be designed for continuous float operation at the specified float
voltage throughout the life. Float voltage of each cell in the string shall bewithin the averagefloat
voltage/cell +0.05V band.
The capacity (corrected at 27ºCelcius) shall also not be less than C and not more than 120% of
C before any cell in the battery bank reaches 1.75V/cell. The battery voltage shall not be less
than the following values, when a fully charged battery is put to discharge at C/10 rate:
a) After Six minutes of discharge:
b) After Six hours of discharge : 1.92V/cell
c) After 8 hours of discharge : 1.85V/cell
d) After 10 hours of discharge : 1.75V/cell
Loss in capacity during storage at an average ambient temperature of 35º Celsius for a period of
6 months shall not be more than 60% and the cell/battery shall achieve 85% of its rated capacity
within 3 charge/discharge cycles and full rated capacity within 5 cycles, after the storage
period of 6 months. Voltage of each cell in the battery set shall be within 0.05V of the average
voltage throughout the storage period. Ampere-hour efficiency shall be better than 90% and
watt-hour efficiency shall be better than 80%.
14.4.11 Expected Battery Life
The battery shall be capable of giving more than 1200 charge/discharge cycles at 80% Depth
of discharge (DOD) at an average temperature of 27º Celsius. DOD (Depth of Discharge) is
defined as the ratio of the quantity of electricity (in Ampere-hour) removed from a cell or battery

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on discharge to its rated capacity. The battery sets shall have a minimum expected operational
life of 5 years at normal operating conditions or 1200 charge / discharge cycles (whichever is
14.4.12 Routine Maintenance of Battery system
For routine maintenance of battery system, the contractor shall supply 1 set of following tools:
a. Torque wrench.
b. Tool for opening /closing of pressure regulation valve of battery.
c. H a n d held digital Multimeter for measurement of resistance, AC/DC
14.4.13 Testing of Battery
The contractor shall supply type tested battery as required for DCPS and UPS system. The
Contractor shall submit the Battery type test reports of earlier conducted tests on the same
make, model, type & rating as offered as per the IEC 60896 or equivalent IS/EN/BS standards.
These Type test reports shall be submitted for the highest rating battery to be supplied under
the contract. For type testing requirements in addition to provisions of this chapter 18 is also
tobe complied. The tests mentioned in the Table 4.2 shall be conducted on the battery at site


S. No. Test Factory Tests Site Tests
1. Physical Verification √ √
2. C/10 Capacity test on the √
3. 8 H r s . Charge and 30 √
minutes (duration as
Specified) discharge test at
full rated load for UPS.

14.5 Testing Requirements

The requirements for type tests, factory acceptance tests and field acceptance testing have been
specified under the respective clauses. After completion of field acceptance testing the
auxiliary power supply system shall be put under availability test for fifteen (15) days.
Availability test shall be carried out by the employer/owner. During the availability test the
APS shall be used as required to be used for rest of the life. In case of any failure or mal-operation
during this period the contractor shall take all necessary action to rectify the problems. The APS
shall be accepted only after rectification of the problems by the contractor in a manner
acceptable to the employer.
14.6 2KVA UPS
Two KVA UPS shall be supplied for bill collection centers as per the quantity specified in the
BOQ. The technical particulars of these UPS shall be as mentioned below:

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Technical Specification for 2 KVA (1.6 KW) UPS

Parameter Requirements
INPUT Voltage 230±15%V AC, 50Hz, Single phase
Frequency 50 ± 5% Hz
OUTPUT Power 2 kVA / 1.6 kW (at 0.8 pf)
Voltage 230V AC Single phase (±1 %)
Frequency 50 Hz & ±0.2%(Free Running)
Regulation ±1%
Transient Response ±5% for 100% load change and recovers to
normal within 10 milliseconds
Waveform Pure Sine wave, THD <2% (linear load)
Short term overload 110% for 15 minutes and 150% for 10 seconds
Efficiency (Peak) >90%
Supported load pf 0.6-unity
Change Over Transfer time (in Sync Mode) less than 5 msec
BATTERY Type SMF/lead Acid tubular
Backup time 4 hours
Recharge Time Maximum12 hours*
Life Minimum 3 years (SMF)/ 8 years(LATB)
GENERAL LED Indicators Mains ON, Converter / Inverter faults, O/P
high/low, Bypass mode, Inverter ON/OFF
Audible Alarm Main Failure, Low Battery, Overload
Isolation UPS output isolated from Mains Input
Protection class IP-21
Temperature 0-45º C (Battery shall be sized at an average
Temp. Of 27 Deg C.)
Humidity Upto95% RH (Non condensing)
* Note: Battery shall be sized to deliver rated load for specified duration after charging for 12
hours from fully discharged state of battery (1.75V for VRLA).

14.7 Documentation
The following specific document for items covered under this chapter shall be submitted which
shall be in addition to the applicable general document required under chapter 18
 Data Requirement Sheets (DRS)
 Battery sizing calculations
 Cable sizing calculations
 Inventory of the hardware
 Panel General Arrangement drawing
 Panel Internal General Arrangement drawing indicating modules, major
devices/components location etc.
 Installation drawings
 Schematic drawings
 Type Test reports

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 FAT plan & procedure

 SAT plan & procedure
 External cable laying & termination schedule details
 Availability test plan & procedure

14.8 Mandatory Spares

List of mandatory spares for UPS, DCPS are mentioned in the BOQ

End of Chapter 14

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a) The equipment delivered shall be new and of high quality, suitable for the purpose it is
intended for, free from defects and imperfections and of the classifications listed herein,
or their equivalents, subject to acceptance by the Utility.
b) Materials used in the manufacture of the specified equipment shall be of the kind,
composition and physical properties best suited to their various purposes and in
accordance with the best engineering practices.
c) The equipment design shall be suitable to render satisfactory operation under the
conditions prevailing at site, and the equipment shall operate satisfactorily under normal
load and voltage variations and frequency variations (50 Hz  3%) ensuring thesafety,
further include all necessary provisions ensuring the safety of the operating and
maintenance personnel.
d) As part of customization, Utility may change control voltage 24/48 Vdc etc as per site
requirement but shall be uniform accords state and vendor neutral and also the ambient
/operational requirement as per site conditions such as high altitude over 2000m and
low temperature, environment conditions Utility may specify location with altitude
more than 2000m above MSL for compliance of in that project area
e) However, the same shall be vendor neutral and serving objective of the scheme.
Further, utility may opt RMUs / sectionalizer /AR with built in FRTU. In that case, The
Quantity of the same shall be deducted from BOQ of FRTU and space for FRTU in the
equipment may not be mnadatory. The FRTU optionally can be housed in separate
enclosure suitable for ouside installation.
f) The applicable standards of various equipment for the DMS project is as specified here below:
15.1 11kV 5 - 3 way Ring Main unit
Description Standard
11kV 5 way - 3 way Ring Main unit
AC metal enclosed switchgear and control gear for rated IS 3427/IEC 62271-200
voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV
Classification of degrees of protection provided by enclosures IS/12063IEC60529
of electrical equipment
High Voltage Switches IS 9920 (Parts 1 to 4)/
IEC 62271
Specification for AC disconnectors and earthing switches for IS 9921 (Parts 1 to 5)/
voltages above 1000 V IEC 62271-102
HV AC Circuit Breakers IS 13118/ IEC 62271-
Dimensions of terminals of HV Switchgear and Control gear IS 10601
General requirements of switchgear and control gear for IS 12729
voltages exceeding 1000 V
High voltage/Low voltage prefabricated substations IEC 1330
Common clauses for MV switchgear standards IEC 62271-100/200
Monitoring and control IEC 6081

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Description Standard
Current Transformers IS 2705/ IEC61869-2
Voltage transformers IS 3156/ IEC61869-3
Specification for Static Protective Relays IS 8686/ IEC60255
Standards for high voltage metal clad switchgear up to 52 KV. IEC 62271-200

15.1.1 Key RMU Configurations of Ring Main Unit

 WAY RMU – Left or Right side extensible Two (2) Motor operated load break
switches (LBSs) with manual operated earthing switches in SF6 and 1 vacuum
circuit breaker with Electrical closing and tripping along with disconnector and
earthing switches WITH BUS PT metering module and base channel and suitable
space for mounting FRTU, battery charger, Auxiliary PT of suitable rating inside
metering cubical. The Battery charger along with batteries required for Electrical
operations of RMU is also in the scope of the Bidder.
 WAY RMU - Left or Right side extensible Two (2) Motor operated load break
switches (LBSs) with manual operated earthing switches in SF6 and (3) vacuum
circuit breakers with Electrical closing and tripping along with disconnector and
earthing switches WITH BUS PT metering module and base channel suitable space for
mounting FRTU, battery charger, Auxiliary PT of suitable rating inside metering
cubical. The Battery charger along with batteries required for Electrical operations of
RMU is also in the scope of the Bidder.
15.1.2 Scope of Work
 The Package scope of work shall include design, manufacture, testing, delivery
installation commissioning of SCADA Compatible Ring Main Units capable of being
monitored and controlled by the SCADA/DMS. This also includes supply of relevant
11 kV cable termination kits including the jointing as per this tender specification
 Each RMU shall include its own power supply unit (including auxiliary power
transformer, batteries, and battery charger), which shall provide a stable power source
for the RMU. The RMUs will be connected to the FRTU including the power supply
required will be procured, supplied and installed by SIA. Each new RMU shall be
equipped with main-line load break switches and a fault passage indicator (FPI).
Furthermore, to protect each of its lateral / transformer feeders, it shall be equipped with
a corresponding set of circuit breakers and self-powered numerical relays. The RMU
shall include potential-free contacts so as to connect to SCADA/DMS via FRTUs, so
as to:
 Monitor and control the open/closed status of the RMU circuit breakers and load break
 Monitor the local/remote position of RMU manually-operated switches that can be used
to enable and disable remote monitoring.
 Monitor the health of the power supply, which will include battery failure and low
voltage indications.
 Monitor the open/closed status of RMU earthing switches.

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 Facility for remote reset of FPI.

 Monitor for low SF6 gas pressure indication.
 Monitor for circuit breaker relay operations.
 Monitor for indication of main-circuit fault detected by the RMU’s FPI.
 The civil works, foundations works including providing of Earth pits and earth flat
and their connectivity to earth pits for erection and commissioning of the RMU’s are in
the scope of the Bidder.
 Any site/ equipment/ statutory approvals at site etc. required shall be in Utility
15.1.3 Environmental Conditions
All materials supplied shall be capable of operating under relevant environmental conditions
are listed as follows:
 Maximum ambient air temperature: - 55 ºC
 Minimum ambient air temperature : --10 ºC
 Average ambient air temperature : - 40 ºC
 Maximum relative humidity: - 0-100 %
 Average thunder storm days per annum: - 10
 Average rainfall per annum: - 400 mm
 Maximum wind speed: - 119 km/hr
 Utility may specify location with altitude more than 2000m above MSL for compliance
of in that project area The above environmental conditions are indicative and utility,
msy specify as per site conditions
15.1.4 Distribution Network Electrical Parameters
The main parameters of the distribution network are as follows:
 Nominal system voltage: - 11 kV (rms)
 Highest system voltage: - 12 kV (rms)
 Number of phases: -3
 Frequency: - 50 Hz
 Variation in frequency: - 50 ±3% Hz
 Type of earthing: - Solid
 Power frequency withstand voltage: - 28 kV rms
 Basic impulse withstand voltage: - 75 kV peak
15.1.5 Testing
The specified RMUs shall be subject to type tests, routine tests, and acceptance tests. Where
applicable, these tests shall be carried out as per the standards stated above. Prior toacceptance
testing, the supplier shall prepare and submit a detailed test plan for review and approval by
the Utility.

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15.1.6 11 kV 5 way and 3 way RMU Technical Parameters

The scope of supply is supply 11 kV 5 Way RMU and 3 Way RMU suitable for outdoor
The RMU to be supplied shall be compact and shall meet the following requirements:
 Easy to install
 Safe and easy to operate
 Compact
 Low maintenance
It shall include, within the same metal enclosure number of MV functional units required for
 Power supply including the battery bank for controlling the LBS and breakers
 Load break switches,
 Earthing Switches
 Breakers
 Relays
 BUS PT metering module, FPI’s and other allied equipment.
 Space for FRTU
Equipment and material conforming to any other standard, which ensures equal or
better quality, may be accepted. In such case copies of English version of the standard
adopted shall be submitted.
The electrical installation shall meet the requirement of Indian Electricity Rules, 1956
as amended up to date; relevant IS code of practice and Indian Electricity Act, 1977.
The Electricity Act, 2003 and Amendment if any shall also apply. In addition other
rules and regulations applicable to the work shall be followed. In case any discrepancy
the most stringent and restrictive one shall be binding.
The high-tension switchgear offered shall in general comply with the latest issues
including amendments of the following standards but not restricted to them.
All design features of the proposed RMU, as described in the supplier’s bid and in the
bid’s reference materials, shall be fully supported by the equipment actually delivered.
The key design features include those that relate to:
 Maintainability, expandability, and life span
 Ability to operate in severe outdoor environmental conditions.
 Immunity to electrical stress and disturbance.
 Acceptable insulation properties.
 Convenient FRTU interconnection features.

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15.1.7 Maintainability, Expandability and Life Span Maintainability
The Utility intends to be self-reliant for RMU maintenance. To this end, the Supplier shall
provide the support, documentation, and training necessary to operate and repair the RMU.
The Utility will prefers RMU designs that do not require periodic preventive maintenance
and inspections. To facilitate expansion and maintenance, the RMUs should be of modular
type. Expandability
The whole switchgear (RMU) should be suitable for extension on at least one side either left
or right. Life Span
Each RMU shall have a design life of at least 20 years from the date of final acceptance. The
Contractor shall make available, at no cost to the Employer, the manufacturing drawings,
wiring diagrams, bill of material, foundation detail drawings, unpacking and transportation
instructions, operation & maintenance manual, As-built drawings, installation and
commissioning manual, and other relevant documentation. The specific components of each
component /sub-assembly shall be identified and referenced in Supplier-supplied
15.1.8 Outdoor Features General
 The RMUs shall be designed specifically for outdoor installation with ingress
protection degree of IP54. They shall also be suitable for conditions in which they will
be exposed to heavy industrial pollution, and high levels of airborne dust.
 The Outdoor RMU shall be conformably coated to meet these climatic conditions. In
this respect, standards such as IEC 62271-200, covering equipment, systems, operating
conditions, and environmental conditions shall apply. In particular, the RMU
equipment shall have been type tested for IP54 from a national NABL aggregated
laboratory. Failure to conform to this requirement shall constitute grounds for rejection
of the proposal
 In addition to the above, materials promoting the growth of fungus or susceptibility to
corrosion and heat degradation shall not be used, and steps shall be taken to provide
rodent proof. Corrosion Protection
The main SF6 tank, housing the on-load break switches and the vacuum circuit breakers
should be of 2.0 mm thick (minimum) stainless steel tank so as to have high corrosion
resistance and ensure high longevity. This tank containing SF6 to a maximum pressure of
1.3 bars @ 20 deg C should be hermetically welded and sealed for life, ensuring a leakage
rate not more than 0.1 % per annum. Except for stainless steel, all steel surfaces that are not
galvanized shall be treated to protect against corrosion. As a minimum, corrosion treatment
shall include the following procedures:
 The surface shall be cleaned to bare material by mechanical or chemical means.
 Must be powder coated by means of seven tank process

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 All outdoor metal enclosures shall be treated in 7 tank Pre-treatment process &
should be painted with UV Resistant Pure Polyester Powder coating. The
powder coated sheet steel fabrication shall fulfill 700 Hrs of Salt spray test. The
thickness of Painting/Powder coating shall be of 100+/-25 microns to withstand
tropical heat and extremes of weather. Immunity to Electrical Stress and Disturbance
The electrical and electronic components of the RMU shall conform to relevant standards
concerning insulation, isolation, and the product shall comply with IEC 60270 Immunity
to electrical stress & disturbance. The ability to meet these requirements shall be verified by
type tests carried out by accredited test laboratories that are independent of the bidder and/or
the manufacturer of the RMU components. Certified copies of all available type test
certificates and test results shall be included as part of the bidder’s proposal. Minimum Insulation of Equipment
The RMUs shall be of SF6 gas-insulated type with a maximum gas operating pressure up to
1.2 BAR @ 20 deg C. Nameplate Information
RMU nameplate information shall be determined in agreement with the Employer. This
information may include for example:
 Name of manufacturer and country
 Type, design, and serial number
 Rated voltage and current
 Rated frequency
 Rated symmetrical breaking capacity
 Rated making capacity
 Rated short time current and its duration
 Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage
 Purchase Order number and date
 Month and year of supply
Each RMU shall also exhibit a Danger Board to indicate the presence of high voltage
(11,000 V).
15.1.9 Interconnecting Cables, Wiring, Connectors, and Terminal Blocks
 The Contractor shall provide all interconnecting wires, cables, connectors, terminations and
other wiring accessories such as terminal blocks required by the RMU. Metallic Cables
 All metallic cables and wiring shall be of required cross-section solid or multiple strands of
round copper conductors and have flame retardant insulation. All wiring shall be neatly laced
and clamped.
 All wire and cable connectors and terminators shall be permanently labeled for identification.
All connection points for external cables and wires shall be easily accessible for connection

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and disconnection and shall be permanently labeled. Conductors in multi-conductor cables

shall be individually color-coded. Connectors
 Nuts & Bolts type terminal blocks shall be provided in LV compartment for SCADA
connectivity and to accommodate FRTU. RMU-FRTU Connectors
 For ease of installation and maintenance, the interconnection between the RMU and the
FRTU, (FRTU to be installed by SCADA Implementing agency (SIA) in a separate
enclosure shall be supported by having heavy-duty terminal blocks with Nuts & Bolts type
terminals shall be provided by the supplier for necessary cable terminations. In using a
terminal block, no more than two cables or wires shall be connected to any of its individual
 Making strips shall be used to identify all external connection blocks. Marking tags shall be
read horizontally. All terminals to which battery or other high voltages are connected shall be
provided with fireproof covers.
 All individual status input, AC voltage input, and control output points shall be isolatable
without the need to remove wiring by means of individual terminal blocks of the removable
link type. In order to avoid open circuits on the secondary side of CTs, termination blocks
with by-pass bridges shall be provided for all AC current inputs.
 Terminal blocks shall comply with IEC 60947-7-1 (2009): Low-voltage Switchgear and
Control Gear, Part 7-1: Ancillary Equipment, Terminal Blocks for Copper Conductors.
15.1.10 5.6 RMU Characteristics
 As a minimum, the RMUs shall be equipped with on-load break switches and a fault passage
indicator (FPI), circuit breakers, and self-powered numerical relays for the protection of
transformer feeders, and provision for wiring for multifunction transducer (MFT is not in the
scope of the bidder, to be provided by SCADA Implementing agency (SIA)) for monitoring
voltage, current, power, energy, and power factor readings and tripping and protection
functionalities from the Communicable Numerical relay to be provided on the RMU. The
Load Break Switches and earthing switches shall be housed in SF6 and the Circuit Breakers
used in the RMU shall be vacuum interrupter type.
 In addition, each RMU shall be equipped with all necessary connectors, terminal blocks, and
other accessories that will allow it to be connected to the FRTU, which in-turn will send
required indications and measurements to the DMS via the communications system.
15.1.11 General Requirements
Each RMU shall include its own power supply, including battery and battery charger. In
addition, RMU should have a bus connected PT panel (air insulated), which shall serve as the
power supply’s 230 V AC input.
Within this context, the general requirements of the RMU shall include, but shall not be
limited to provision of the following monitoring and control features:
 Positions of local/remote switches as used to control local and remote access to circuit
breakers and load break switches
 Power supply indications including battery failure and voltage alarms
 Open/closed position of load break switches, circuit breakers, and earthing switches

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 SF6 gas-pressure low indication.

 Circuit breaker relay indications
 Indications of fault in the RMU’s main feeder circuit as detected by the FPI
 Load break switch and circuit breaker open/close control
 FPI remote reset.
 Earth switch open/Close status for remote.
 Door open potential free contact for SCADA.
15.1.12 Parameter Requirements
The RMUs shall be suitable for cable networks of 630 Amps and loop cable networks of 400
Amps. The minimum design parameters to which their major components shall conform or
exceed are summarized in the following tables.
Table 1: System Parameters

Parameter Value

Nominal System Voltage 11 kV

Highest System Voltage 12 kV
Rated Voltage 12 kV
System frequency 50 Hz
Number of Phases 3 Phase/3 Wire

Table 2: Circuit Breaker Parameters

Parameter Value

Lightning Impulse Withstand Voltage 75 kV (peak)

Phase-to-Phase & Phase-to- Earth:
Power Frequency Withstand Voltage to Earth, Between 28 kV rms for 1 minute
Poles, & Across Opening Span
Rated Short Time Withstand/Breaking Current: 21 kA (rms)
Rated Duration of Short Circuit: 3 seconds
Rated Normal Current: 630 Amps (rms)

Table 3: Load Break Switch Parameters

Parameter Value

Rated Short Circuit Making Capacity 52.5 kA peak at rated voltage

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Parameter Value

(both LBS & Earthing Switch)

Rated Load Interrupting Current 630 Amps
Rated Cable Charging Interrupting Current 25 Amps

The RMU switchgear shall be capable of withstanding the specified currents without damage
in accordance with the latest versions of IEC 60694 (Common Specifications for High-
Voltage Switchgear and Control Gear Standards) and IS 3427 (AC Metal Enclosed
Switchgear and Control Gear for Rated Voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV).
The equipment offered shall be as per the standards specified in the bid specification
and if the offered equipment is tested with any other international standards which is
superior to the standards specified they can also be considered and the bidder has to
submit the documentary evidence for the same to Utility
15.1.13 Design Details
 The RMU shall be designed to operate at the rated voltage of 12 kV.
 It shall include, within the same metal enclosure, On-load break switch, circuit breakers and
earthing switches for each Load Break Switch/Circuit Breaker.
 Suitable fool-proof interlocks shall be provided to the earthing switches to prevent inadvertent
or accidental closing when the circuit is live and the concerned Load Break Switch/Circuit
Breaker is in its closed position.
 The degree of protection required against prevailing environmental conditions, including
splashing water and dust, shall be not less than IP 54 as per IS 12063.
 The active parts of the switchgear shall be maintenance free. Otherwise, the RMU shall be of
low-maintenance type.
 The tank shall be made of minimum 2.0 mm thickness of stainless steel.
 The Stainless Steel tank should be completely welded so as to ensure IP 67 degree of
protection and shall be internal arc tested.
 The RMU shall be suitable for mounting on its connecting cable trench.
 For each RMU enclosure, a suitably sized nameplate clearly identifying the enclosure and the
electrical characteristics of the enclosed devices shall be provided.
 The access to the cable compartment should be from the front of the switchgear only to
have minimum operating & maintenance space at site.
 The RMU design shall be such that access to live parts shall not be possible without the use
of tools.
 The design shall incorporate features that prevent any accidental opening of the earth switch
when it is in the closed position. Similarly, accidental closing of a Circuit Breaker or Load
Break Switch shall be prevented when the same is in an open position.
 The RMU tank must be equipped with a suitable pressure relief device. The pressure relief
must ensure that the escaping gases are dissipated to the rear / top/ bottom of the switchgear.

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 The complete RMU shall be tested in an accredited INDIAN or FOREIGN laboratory and
designed for an Internal Arc.
15.1.14 Earthing
 There shall be continuity between metallic parts of the RMUs and cables so that there is no
dangerous electric field in the surrounding air and the safety of personnel is ensured.
 The RMU frames shall be connected to the main earth bars, and the cables shall be earthed
by an Earthing Switch having the specified short circuit making capacity.
 The Earthing Switch shall be operable only when the main switch is open. In this respect, a
suitable mechanical fail-proof interlock shall be provided.
 The Earthing Switch shall be provided with a reliable earthing terminal for connection to an
earthing conductor having a clamping screw suitable for the specified earth fault conditions.
The connection point shall be marked with the earth symbol. The flexible connections
between the earthing blade and the frame shall have a cross-section of at least 50 mm2 copper
or equivalent in GI
 The Earthing Switch shall be fitted with its own operating mechanism. In this respect, manual
closing shall be driven by a fast acting mechanism independent of the operator's action.
15.1.15 Incomer Load Break Switches
 The Load Break Switches shall be maintenance free. With outdoor canopy doors open, the
position of power contacts and earthing contacts shall be clearly visible from the front of the
RMU through the Mimic facia.
 The position indicator shall provide positive contact indication in accordance with IS 9920.
In addition, the manufacturer shall prove the reliability of indication in accordance with IS
9921. These switches shall have three positions (or states), i.e., Open, Closed, and Earthed,
and shall be constructed in such a way that natural interlocking prevents unauthorized
 The switches shall be fully assembled, tested, and inspected in the factory.
 In case of Manual operation without motors, opening and closing shall be driven by a fast-
acting mechanism independent of manual operator action.
 The Load Break Switches shall be provided with a motorized operating mechanism suitable
for SCADA control.
 A facility shall be provided with an electrical operating mechanism allowing an operator at
the RMU site to operate the Load Break Switches without any modification of the operating
mechanism and without de-energizing the RMU.
 The switch and earthing switch mechanisms shall have a mechanical endurance of at least
1,000 operations.
15.1.16 Circuit Breakers
 The Circuit Breakers shall be maintenance free and, when standing in front of the RMU with
outdoor canopy doors open, their positions shall be clearly visible, through the Mimic facia.
The position indicator shall provide positive contact indication in accordance with IS 9920.
The breakers shall have three positions (or states), i.e., Open, Closed, and Earthed, and shall
be constructed in such a way that natural interlocking prevents unauthorized operations. They
shall be fully assembled, tested, and inspected in the factory.

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 An operating mechanism shall be used to manually close the Circuit Breaker and charge the
mechanism in a single movement. It shall be fitted with a local system for manual tripping.
There shall be no automatic reclosing. The Circuit Breaker shall be capable of closing fully
and latching against the rated making current. Mechanical indication of the OPEN, CLOSED,
and EARTHED positions of the Circuit Breaker shall be provided.
 Each Circuit Breaker shall operate in conjunction with a suitable protection relay under
transformer feeder/ circuit phase and earth fault conditions. In addition, the Circuit Breaker
shall be provided with a motorized operating mechanism that can be remotely controlled by
the SCADA.
15.1.17 Cable Termination
 Bushings shall be conveniently located for working with the specified cables and shall allow
for the termination of these cables in accordance with the prevailing practice and guidelines
of cable manufacturers. The dimensions of the terminals shall be in accordance with IS 10601.
 A non-Ferro-magnetic cable clamp arrangement shall be provided for each cable to be
terminated in the RMU.
 A suitable arrangement for the Circuit Breakers, Earthing Switches, and Load Break Switches
shall be provided so that these devices can be padlocked in the "Open" and "Closed" positions.
 A permanent "Live Cable" indication as per IEC 61958 shall be provided for each cable using
a capacitor voltage divider.
 It shall be possible to test the core or sheath insulation of the cables without disconnecting
the cables in the cable compartment, after accessing the cable compartment. The cable end
kits including the supply and erection is in the scope of the successful bidder.
 Two earth pits of 10 ohms each shall be provided diagonally and earthing to the equipment
shall be done as detailed in the scope of supply.
15.1.18 Safety of Equipment
 With respect to the RMU’s SF6-filled equipment, any accidental overpressure inside the
sealed chamber shall be limited by the opening of a pressure-limiting device in the enclosure
so that the gas will be released away from the operator and to the rear bottom or top of the
tank without endangering the operator or anyone else in the vicinity of the RMU.
 All manual / motorized operations, monitoring of open/close position of switches/breakers,
live line indicators, FPI indication, SF6 gas pressure indication and access to the cable
compartment shall be carried out from the front of the RMU only.
15.1.19 Current and Voltage Transformers.
 The RMU shall be provided with current and voltage transformers. These CTs & PTs shall
meet the electrical and mechanical ratings as per the relevant standards. Current Transformers
 3 Nos. ring type, single core CTs shall be provided in each incoming load break switch for
metering purposes. A similar arrangement shall be provided in each circuit breaker cable
compartment to mount a 3 Nos. single-core, ring type CT for protection purposes.
 The CTs shall conform to IS 2705. The design and construction shall be sufficiently robust to
withstand thermal and dynamic stresses during short circuits. Secondary terminals of CTs
shall be brought out suitably to a terminal block, which will be easily accessible for testing
and terminal connections.

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 Further characteristics and features distinguishing CTs used for metering from CTs used for
protection are listed as follows: CTs for Metering:
 Material : Epoxy resin cast
 Burden : 2.5VA
 Ratio : 400-200-100/1 A
 Accuracy Class : 0.5 CTs for Protection:
 Material : Epoxy resin cast
 Burden : 2.5VA
 Ratio : 400-200-100/1 A
 Accuracy Class : 5P10
 The RMU’s other CTs / sensors, i.e., those used by Fault Passage Indicators (FPIs), shall be
supplied by the FPI manufacturer. These CTs/sensors shall be an integral part of the FPI’s
design to ensure that they properly match the requirements of the FPI. Voltage Transformers
 A 3 phase single or 3 nos. single phase potential transformers shall be provided. These should
be housed in a separate air insulated PT Panel, directly connected to the RMU through main
bus. The burden per transformer shall not be more than 50 VA and the voltage ratio shall be
11000 V/ root 3 /110 V/ root 3. The accuracy class shall be 0.5.
 HRC fuses shall be provided on the HV side.
 The PTs shall be of cast epoxy-resin construction, and they shall conform to IS 3156. Their
design and construction, in particular, shall be sufficiently robust to withstand the thermal
and dynamic stresses during short circuits.
15.1.20 Fault Passage Indicator for RMU
 The FPI shall facilitate quick detection of faulty section of line. The fault indication may be
on the basis of monitoring fault current flow through the device. The FPI should be self-
powered and should have internal lithium battery for external indication and setting of FPI in
the absence of current. The FPIs shall include:
 Fault detection - Phase to phase and Phase to earth faults.
 One potential-free output contacts for hardwiring to FRTUs. On this basis, the SCADA/DMS
will be able to monitor phase / earth fault condition.
 Local fault indications - LCD display on FPI front panel along with LED indication on front
panel of RMU enclosure.
 Multiple reset option –
 End of time delay (Adjustable from 2 to 16 Hrs)
 Remote reset (Via potential free input contact of FPI)
 Manual reset (Reset button on front panel of FPI)

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 Automatic reset on current restoration. The characteristics of the FPIs shall include:
 Phase fault thresholds configurable from at least 200 to 1200 A
 Earth fault thresholds configurable from at least 10 to 200 A
 Multiple number of steps for adjusting phase and earth fault thresholds.
 Fault current duration range configurable from at least 40 ms to 100 ms in 20 ms steps and
further 100 ms to 300 ms in 50 ms steps.
 Variations with respect to these characteristics may be acceptable as long as they prove
applicable and provide the same or better flexibility. Protection Relay
The RMU shall be equipped with self-powered numerical relays (Communicable relays
shall be with auxiliary power which shall be given from battery but the tripping shall be
self-powered philosophy) communicable to trip the RMU circuit breakers General
The Circuit Breaker in the RMU shall be fitted with a communicable-type, self-powered
numerical relay, i.e., one for each outgoing circuit breaker. The protection relay’s auxiliary
contacts shall be provided for hardwiring to the FRTU. The relay shall also interface with the
FRTU via an RS 232/485 port in order to send, as minimum, real-time readings using the
MODBUS protocol.
The numerical relay shall be self-powered and should provide Inverse Definite Minimum
Time (IDMT) and Instantaneous protection characteristics. On this basis, the relay as a
minimum shall provide:
 Phase Overcurrent Protection (50/51)
 Earth Fault Protection (50N/51N)
The relay shall be provided with an input for remote tripping, which shall be realized via an
electric output pulse even without presence of phase current. A flag indicator shall be installed
for signaling the occurrence of trip conditions. Features and Characteristics
The numerical relay shall have the following minimal features and characteristics noting that
variations may be acceptable as long as they provide similar or better functionality and/or
 It shall be housed in a flush mounting case and powered by the RMU power supply unit.
 It shall have three phases over current elements and one earth fault element.
 IDMT trip current settings shall be 50-200% in steps of 1% for phase over current and 10-
80% in steps of 1% for earth fault.
 instantaneous trip current settings shall be 100-3000% in steps of 100% for phase over current
and 100-1200% in steps of 100% for earth fault.
 Selectable IDMT curves shall be provided to include, for example, Normal Inverse, Very
Inverse, Extreme Inverse, Long Time Inverse, and Definite Time. Separate curve settings for
phase over current and earth fault shall be supported.

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 For IDMT delay multiplication, the Time Multiplier Setting (TMS) shall be adjustable from
0.01 to 0.1 in 0.01 steps.
 The relay shall also be provided with:
1. Alphanumeric Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) for relay setting.
2. Communications via a MODBUS RS232/RS485 port to provide the FRTU (and hence
the DMS) with phase current measurements. It is also desirable that this same means of
communication can be used by the FRTU to send setting and control commands to the
3. Parameter change capability that is password protected.
4. LED indication on front panel eg battery , cable test
FPI shall have atleast 2000 hours of flashing hours and support site tEst functions
15.1.21 Power Supply and auxiliary power transformer
Each RMU shall be fitted with a power supply, including batteries and battery charger,
suitable for operating the motors of the On-load Isolators and Circuit Breakers. On this basis,
the following operational specifications shall apply:
 The power supply unit shall conform to the following requirements:
1) Input: 230 V AC nominal from the RMU’s auxiliary power transformer allowing for
possible variations from 190 to 300 V AC
2) Output: Stable 24 V DC.
3) Batteries: 24 V DC (2 Nos of 12 V DC each) SMF VRLA.
The auxiliary power transformer shall be of suitable rating as per the load calculation and the
Auxiliary power transformer inputs shall be equipped with surge protection devices in
accordance with IEC 62305.
 The 24 V DC batteries shall have sufficient capacity to supply power to the following devices
with a nominal backup of 4 hours:
1) RMU’s motors for a minimum of five (5) operations
2) RMU’s trip coils, close coils, FPI.
 The batteries shall be of sealed lead acid VRLA and shall have a minimum life of five
(5) years at 25oC.
 The battery charger shall be fully temperature compensated.
 To prevent deep discharge of the batteries on loss of AC power source, the battery charger
shall automatically disconnect all circuitry fed by the batteries following a user-adjustable
time period or when the battery voltage falls below a preset value. If the battery voltage falls
below the preset value, the time to fully recharge all batteries shall not exceed twenty-four
(24) hours.
 An automatic battery checking device shall be provided to check the battery’s health and
initiate a battery-failed alarm signal in case battery deterioration is detected. Such detection
may be based on comparing measurement values with set values (e.g., internal resistance,
voltage, etc.).
 The battery charger shall be provided with an alarm displayed at the local control panel and
remotely at the DAS to account for any of the following conditions:
1) Low battery voltage 2 ) Charger failed

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15.1.22 Multi-Function Transducer (MFT)

The RMU main incoming On-load switches circuits shall be equipped with Communicable
Numeric relays and the multi-function transducers to be supplied by SCADA Implementing
agency (SIA) capable of providing distribution system voltage, current, power factor, power,
and energy readings and is in the scope of the bidder. The wiring from metering current
transformer shall be made available for connecting to MFT that is being provided by the
SCADA Implementing agency (SIA). The data from Communicable Numeric relay
regarding the tripping functionalities shall be provided and data shall be integrated with the
Each MFT shall have the following minimum features:
 Measurement, display, and communications capability of up to 31 parameters
 True rms measurement
 Digital communications
 Simple menu driven interface
 High quality LED display
 Able to monitor:
a) Voltage: line-to-line and line-to-neutral
b) Current: phase and neutral
c) Frequency
d) Power factor
e) Power (active, apparent, and reactive)
f) Energy (active and reactive)
g) Total harmonic distortion
15.1.23 Construction
The RMU shall be sufficiently sturdy to withstand handling during shipment, installation, and
start-up without damage. The configuration for shipment shall adequately protect the RMU
equipment from scraping, banging, or any other damage.
15.1.24 Enclosures
 All supplied enclosures shall be sized to provide convenient access to all enclosed
components. It shall not be necessary to remove any component to gain access to another
component for maintenance purposes or any other reason.
 The enclosures shall also be designed to ensure that the enclosure remains rigid and retains
its structural integrity under all operating and service conditions with and without the
enclosure door closed.
 The thickness of all enclosure panels shall be at least 2 mm (minimum). The appropriate
corrosion treatment and finish requirements shall apply to both inside and outside
enclosure surfaces. Other required features are as follows:
 Constructed of mild steel according to IEC 60529 with IP rating 54 or better. Must be grit/shot
blasted, thermally sprayed with Zinc alloy, phosphate, and subsequently painted with

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polyurethane based powder paint, the overall paint layer thickness including Zinc spraying
shall be of the order of 80 to 90 microns
 A metal pocket attached to the inside of the front door to hold documentation, maintenance
log sheets, and other such information.
 Door opening mechanism with built-in key-lock facility suitable for padlocking. An opening
mechanism that is less prone to breaking than a projecting door handle is preferred, e.g., a
push-button opening mechanism.
 A grounding terminal including grounding bolt and lock washer for connecting a 50 mm 2
copper or galvanized steel grounding conductor. The grounding bolt and lock washer shall be
made of stainless steel/Zinc Passivated mild steel .
 Means of preventing moisture from condensing on electronic components mounted inside the
enclosure proposed for housing the FRTU. If necessary, heaters providing adjustable
thermostat-control within the range 20 to 60 ºC shall be installed in the enclosure for this
 Means of protection against rain water, and high levels of airborne dust, should be provided.
 Means of enabling the SCADA to monitor the open/closed status of the enclosure door. A
SCADA equipment alarm shall be produced whenever the enclosure door is open.
 The outdoor RMU shall include having a minimum protection class of IP 54. It shall be tested
in accordance with the latest IEC 60529 standard.
 The outdoor canopy shall have a hinged front access door with a two-point latch locking
system with a latch operating lockable handle. The door shall be fitted with a perimeter flange
and gasket (rubber or neoprene) to prevent the entrance of water. In addition, a means of
monitoring and indicating that the door is open shall be provided.
15.1.25 Motors
 The RMU shall be fitted with spring charging 24V DC motors of high insulation class
allowing the circuit breakers and load break switches to be operated without manual
 In addition to allowing circuit breaker tripping by the RMU’s protection relays, the motorized
operating mechanism shall be suitable for remote control by the SCADA.
 The motors along with the supplied control card and push buttons shall allow Utility’s
personnel to electrically operate the circuit breakers and load break switches at site without
any modification of the operating mechanism and without de-energizing the RMU.
15.1.26 Inspection and Test
 Inspections and tests shall be performed to ensure RMU compliance with these Technical
Specifications. Responsibility for conducting the inspections and tests shall rest with the
Supplier. The Utility representatives will participate in the RMU inspections and will witness
the testing as described in the following sub-clauses. Inspections
 Utility’s representatives shall be allowed access to supplier’s facility where the RMU or its
parts are being produced or tested. Such access will be used to verify by inspection that the
RMUs are being or have been fabricated and tested in accordance with the Technical

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 The supplier shall give the utility’s representatives 15 days’ notice in writing concerning the
date and place at which the equipment will be ready for inspection or testing. The supplier
shall provide all the necessary assistance and facilities to utility’s representatives to carry such
inspections and test witnessing.
 The supplier shall provide any and all documentation that is necessary to complete the
inspections. The representatives shall be allowed to inspect the supplier’s quality assurance
standards, procedures, and records. Inspections, as a minimum, shall include checks on
inventory, general appearance, cabling, drawing conformance, and labeling. Test Procedures
 The supplier shall provide test plans and detailed procedures for all required testing. The plans
and procedures shall ensure that each test is comprehensive and verifies proper performance
of the RMU under test and, in this respect, shall be submitted for review and approval by the
 The test plans shall include all routine tests and acceptance tests as per relevant BIS/IEC
standards and shall describe the overall test process including the responsibilities of the test
personnel and how the test results will be documented.
 The test procedures shall describe the individual tests segments and the steps comprising each
segment, particularly the methods and processes to be followed. Test Reports
 The tenderers should, along with the tender documents, submit copies of all Type test
certificate of their make in full shape as confirming to relevant IS/IEC of latest issue obtained
from a International/National Govt. Lab/Recognized laboratory.

 The above type test certificates should accompany the drawings for the materials duly signed
by the institution that has type test certificate.
 The supplier shall maintain complete records of all test results. The records shall be keyed to
the test procedures.
 Upon completion of each test, the supplier shall submit a test report summarizing the tests
performed and the results of the tests. Factory Acceptance Test
 A formal factory acceptance test shall be conducted to ensure that the RMUs have been
designed to meet the utility’s functional requirements in all respects. Utility representatives
shall witness the test on a representative RMU, and the test shall be carried out in accordance
with the supplier’s test plan and procedures as approved by the Utility. Should the factory
acceptance test prove unsatisfactory in any way, the Utility reserves the right to have further
tests conducted and, if applicable, request further improvements in the supplier’s RMU
design. Routine Factory Tests
 These tests shall be carried out during RMU manufacture as a quality control measure, i.e.,
to ensure each RMU to be delivered meets the Employer’s minimum requirements including
all relevant standards. Recording and reporting the routine test results shall be the
responsibility of the Supplier.

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 At the Utility’s discretion, Utility representatives will witness such testing. This may include
requesting the Supplier to perform tests on RMUs selected at random from each batch of
RMUs that the Supplier deems ready to be delivered to site. Should any such test prove
unsatisfactory, the Utility reserves the right to have further tests conducted and for delivery
not to take place until a mutually agreed course of action has been reached.
 Further for additional reliability of the manufactured RMU it is mandatory to have the
complete assembled tank tested for partial discharge.
15.1.27 Operating Manuals
 The Supplier shall submit, operating manuals for all RMU components including items such
as FPI, Relay, and other equipment provided by the bidder. These manuals shall be in English.
They shall include the RMU operating instructions. Context sensitivity shall be used to go
directly to the appropriate place in the manual.
 The manuals shall be organized for quick access to each detailed description of the operator
procedures that are required to interact with the RMU functions. This shall include the
procedures to define, build, edit, and expand all data points provided with the RMU.
 The manuals shall present in a clear and concise manner all information that operators,
including maintenance personnel, need to know to understand and operate RMUs
satisfactorily. The manuals shall make abundant use of diagrams and/or photographs to
illustrate the various procedures involved. As-Built Documents and Drawings
The supplier shall submit as built documents including applicable drawings for review and
approval. All deliverable documents and drawings shall be revised by the supplier to reflect
the as- built RMU components including all the FPI, LLI & Relay. Any errors in or
modifications to an RMU resulting from its factory and/or site acceptance test shall be
incorporated. Within this same context, all previously submitted documents that are changed
because of engineering changes, contract changes, errors, or omissions shall be resubmitted
for review and approval. The successful bidder has to provide his quality document to Utility.
15.2 11 KV Auto-recloser

Description Standard

11 kV Auto recloser
Requirements for overhead, pad mounted, dry vault, and submersible ANSI/IEEEC37.60-
automatic circuit recloser and fault interrupters for AC systems 1981
(RI993) IEC 62271-111
Electrical relays IEC 60255
High-voltage alternating-current circuit breakers. Amendment No. IEC 60056:1987
1:1 992.
Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code). IEC 60529:1989

Standard Description Level

IEEE C37.60 Requirements for overhead, pad mounted, dry
vault, and submersible automatic circuit

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Standard Description Level

IEC 62271-111 recloser and fault interrupters for AC systems
IEC 60255 Electrical relays
IEEE C37.60.6.13 Control element surge withstand
IEC 60529 Degrees of protection provided by IP65
enclosures IP44
(IP Code). IP2X
-Electronic modules
-Control enclosure
- Dangerous voltage screening
IEC 68-2-5 Temperature rise due to Solar radiation
IEC68-2-6 Vibration in 3 axes
IEC 61000-4-2 Electrostatic Discharge 4
IEC 61000-4-3 Radiated Electromagnetic Field 3
IEC 61000-4-4 Fast Transient 4
IEC 61000-4-5 Surge 4
IEC 61000-4-6 Conduced Disturbances 3
IEC 61000-4-8 Power Frequency Magnetic Field 5
IEC 61000-4-11 Voltage Dips and Interruptions 3
IEC 61000-4-16 Conducted Common mode disturbances 0- 4
IEC 61000-4-18 Damped Oscillatory Wave 3

15.2.1 Scope of Work

 The Package scope of work shall include design, manufacture, testing delivery, installation
commissioning of SCADA Compatible (built-in FRTU) Auto Reclosers along with
Lightning Arrestors capable of being monitored and controlled by the SCADA/DMS.
 Where relevant, the Auto recloser scope of work shall be coordinated with the work to be
carried out under the project’s other construction packages.
 Each Auto recloser shall include programmable protection features and integrated remote
operation capability and that are intended for installation on 11kV Feeders on distribution
networks to implement complete overhead network automation. Auto recloser should have
own power supply unit (including auxiliary 11000V / 230V Dry Type Resin Cast Power
Transformer, batteries, and battery charger), which shall provide a stable power source for
the controller of the Auto recloser including the FRTU.
 The Auto-recloser shall be connected to its controller by means of umbilical cable using
suitable connector.

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 A primary objective of this specification is to foster modularity and a maximum level of

interchangeability and integration to a central SCADA system by supporting IEC 60870-5-
104 communications protocol.
 The auto-reclosure shall be fixed on the existing MS pole or if additional pole is required,
one 9.1 M (height) Steel Girder Pole / Rail Pole or MS Box 175 X 85 mm X 2 Nos. back
to back box pole with all the hardware and clamping structures conductor, concreting and
earthing of the equipment etc., is in the scope of the Bidder.
15.2.2 Applicable Standard
The following standards contain provisions that, through reference in the text, constitute
requirements of this specification at the time of publication the revisions indicated were valid.
All standards are subject to review and parties to purchasing agreements based on this
specification are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent
revisions of the standards listed below.

Description Standard

Auto reclosers
Requirements for overhead, pad mounted, dry vault, and ANSI/IEEEC37.60-1981/
submersible automatic circuit reclosers and fault interrupters IEC 62271-111
for AC systems (RI993)
Electrical relays IEC 60255
High-voltage alternating-current circuit breakers. Amendment IEC 60056:1987/ IEC 62271-1
No. 1:1 992.
Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code). IEC 60529:1989

15.2.3 Definitions and Abbreviations

Automatic Protection Group Selection (APGS):
An automated feature to determine and activate a pre-programmed group of protection settings
based on the direction of power flow.
Auto-recloser (AR)
A mechanical switching device that, after opening, closes automatically after a predetermined
time. Several reclosers could occur before lockout.
Cold load pick-up (CLP) feature:
A feature that allows modification of the over-current protection characteristics in order to
prevent nuisance tripping under conditions of system energization.
Dead time:
Also referred to as "Reclosing Interval". This is the time between the instant that the current
is interrupted by the AR and the instant the contact of the AR closes as a result of an automatic
reclose operation. [IEC 50-448-04-09]
Definite time lag (DTL) protection element:
A protection element with a settable time delay that is constant above the pick-up current

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Delayed protection operation:

The protection functionality enabling delayed circuit-breaker operation, whether this is due to
an IDMTL or DTL protection element.
Effectively earthed system:
An earthed system in which the healthy phase power frequency phase-to-earth over voltages
associated with earth faults are limited to 80% of the highest phase-to-phase voltage of the
Fast curve protection element:
A family of curves with operating times approximately constant (slightly inverse) relative to
the multiple of pick-up setting.
Instantaneous protection element:
An element with no intentional time delay active above a pre-determined pick-up current
Inverse definite minimum time (IDMT) protection element:
A protection element of which the minimum operating time is adjustable and is inversely
proportional to the fault current.
Where the recloser remains open and will not reclose automatically.
Pole-mounted remote terminal unit (PMRTU):
A remote terminal unit that is designed for pole mounting and that operates specific pole-
mounted equipment remotely.
Rapid protection operation:
The protection functionality enabling rapid circuit-breaker operation, whether this is due to an
instantaneous, fast curve, or a definite time delay protection element with relatively short
definite time delay.
Reset time:
The time duration after a circuit-breaker close operation for which the measured currents are
below a fault detecting level. On the expiry of this time the protection sequence resets.
Secure control:
A single mechanically non-latching switch that effects one state of a control function only. An
example of which is either a non-latching switch or two separate push buttons that effect one
state of a control function only in each position. If a control is activated repeatedly it only
effects that state and does not change the state of the control.
Sensitive earth fault (SEF) relay:
A relay that is sensitive to very low earth fault currents and in which the operating settings are
for current magnitude and definite time delay.
Remote control and indications of an AR or a PMRTU by means of a telecommunications
Toggled control:

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A single mechanically non-latching switch/push-button that enables a single control function

on the first operation of the switch/push-button and disables the function on the second
operation of the same switch/push button.
Sequence co-ordination:
The feature that allows protection devices to maintain sequence co-ordination for
combinations of rapid and delayed protection operations.
15.2.4 Requirements General
The AR shall be suitable for use on effectively earthed networks and under the system
conditions and service conditions as follows.
The Auto recloser shall have insulation media and interruption with Vacuum Interrupter. Environmental Conditions
All materials supplied shall be capable of operating under relevant environmental conditions
are listed as follows: (Utility may change as per site requirement within logical limit and
 Maximum Ambient Air Temperature - 60°C
 Average ambient Air temperature - 40°C
 Minimum ambient Air Temperature - -5°C
 Relative Humidity - 0 to 100%
 Altitude - Utility may specify location with
altitude more than 2000m above MSL for compliance of in that project area
 Annual rain fall - 750 mm
 Rainy Months - JUNE to OCTOBER
 Average no. of Rainy Days - 60
 Average no of Thunder Storms - 10
 Average Wind speed - 15-30 kmph
Environmental parameter specified are indicative only, utility may specify as per site
conditions and standard product
The main parameters of the distribution network are as follows:
a) Nominal system voltage (U) (r.m.s.) - 11 kV;
b) Maximum system voltage (Um) (r.m.s.) - 12 kV;
c) Load current - 630 A;
d) Short circuit-breaking capacity - 12.5 KA/1 Sec;
e) Lightning Impulse Withstand Voltage (BIL) - 75kV peak
f) System frequency - 50 HZ
g) Number of phases - 3;
h) Interrupting medium - Vacuum

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i) Insulation medium - SF6

j) Minimal number of rated load operations - 10000
k) Operating Mechanism - LV motor/Magnetic Actuator Testing
The specified Auto reclosers shall be subject to type tests, routine tests, and acceptance tests.
Where applicable, these tests shall be carried out as per the standards stated above. Prior to
acceptance testing, the supplier shall prepare and submit a detailed test plan. Mounting Features of Autorecloser
The AR shall be suitable for single pole mounting and provided with the mounting bracket.
Adequately rated lifting eyes shall be provided and they shall be designed to allow the
completely assembled Auto recloser. The diameter of the eyes shall be a minimum of 30mm.
Suitable mounting brackets for surge arresters shall be provided. The AR shall have laser cut
markings on each bushing marked I, II, III for the normal line side and X, XX, XXX for
normal load side. All support structures and associated bolts and nuts with these parts, shall
be hot-dip galvanized. Bushings
Bushings Terminals - The preferred arrangement for connection to overhead conductor is
using crimp lugs with holes. The material for bushing shall be outdoor Cycloaliphatic epoxy
resin / hydrophobic Cycle aliphatic epoxy / HECP. There shall be encapsulated CVTs for
voltage measurement on bushings required for auto-reconfiguration of the network. Finish
All interior and exterior ferrous surfaces of auto recloser and control cabinets shall be
manufactured from 304 or better grade stainless steel. Control Equipment
Control cabinet
 Electronic control and protection modules shall be mounted in a weather-proof outdoor
cabinet with access to the contents through one door. The cabinet will be mounted
independently of the AR.
 The cabinet shall be manufactured from 304 or better grade stainless steel.
 Suitable ultraviolet-resistant cable, 7 m long, shall be provided to connect the AR to the
control cabinet.
 It shall be possible to disconnect the cable at the AR while the AR is connected to the
power system, without causing damage or malfunction: care shall be taken that CTs are
not open circuited. A robust, multi-pin weatherproof connector shall be supplied. The
female part of the connector shall be moun5ted on the AR and the male part shall be
mounted on the cable. Preference will be given to products supplying connectors at both
the AR and the control cabinet.
 Cabinets shall be adequately sealed with ingress protection rating of IP55. Internal
module design and placement will avoid the need for moisture control heaters.
 The supplier shall ensure that the equipment housed in the control cabinet can withstand
the heating effect of direct solar radiation without causing failure and/or malfunction.
Details shall be provided in the tender documentation.

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 The cabinet shall make provision for bottom entry of three cables (excluding the cable
connected to the AR). All holes shall be pre-punched, two with a diameter of 20 mm
and one with a diameter of 32 mm. The holes shall be suitably blanked off.
 Ventilation holes shall be provided to drain water and avoid hydrogen build-up.
 The cabinet shall be fitted with an external M12 earthing stud with a nut, lock nut and
a serrated washer.
 The door of the cabinet shall be fitted with a robust locking arrangement that is capable
of being secured by a padlock that has a shackle of 10 mm diameter. A minimum of
two latching points shall be provided. The cabinet door shall be removable for
replacement in the field.
 A door stay shall be fitted to keep the door open while operators are attending the unit.
 Front door entry shall allow access to the operator interface, accessory equipment and
communication cables. If an internal swing panel is fitted, the panel shall have a door
stay fitted, shall weigh less than 5kg, shall not have any sharp edges and there shall not
be any danger of pinching or guillotining an operator’s fingers or hands
 All connections that could potentially expose the operator to dangerous voltages will
be shielded to IP2X. These connections include the terminals used for current
transformers, primary power supply and voltage measurement inputs.
The controller shall provide following integrated features:-
 Local human machine interface (HMI) shall be menu driven via 6 menu display groups.
 Protection flags and counters displayed on LCD.
 Large 4 lines by 40 characters LCD or as per manufacturers std.
 Four configurable quick keys.
 Operator Interface turns on when opening the door.
 Close and Open indications LEDs.
 Trip & close circuit isolation shall be through large rocker switches/ user configurable
function keys.
 Front mounted isolated RS 232 data port for local communication at site.
 It shall be with automatic and manual battery health monitoring.
 Electronic modules shall perform continuous diagnostic monitoring and shall contain
hardware and software watchdog checking.
Protection, Measurement & Power Quality characteristics.
Following protection element shall be provided with at least 4 independent protection group
 Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent
 Earth Instantaneous Overcurrent
 Phase Time Overcurrent.
 Earth Time Overcurrent.

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 Phase time Overcurrent Protection.

 Loss of Phase (LOP) protection..
 Sensitive Earth fault (SEF) protection
 Earth fault protection
 Voltage Imbalance
 Negative Sequence Instantaneous Overcurrent.
 Sensitive Earth Fault Instantaneous Overcurrent.
 Under frequency & over frequency protection / auto-restoration
 Under Voltage & over Voltage protection.
 Cold load pickup control.
 Phase Directional protection
 Earth Directional Protection
 Directional Blocking.
 Loop Automation.
 Directional Protections.
The ratio of drop-off current to pick-up current shall be at least 95 % for all protection
The E/F and SEF functions shall be equipped with harmonic filtering to prevent operation when
harmonics are present in the primary residual earth currents
All protection functions, i.e. over-current (O/C), earth fault (E/F) and sensitive earth fault (SEF)
shall have elements with characteristics that comply with IEC 255.
All the basic protection parameters shall be provided with Standard inverse (SI), very inverse
(VI) or extremely inverse (El), definite time curve.
In addition to above, provision for at least four customer programmable curves shall be
LOP shall be provided to ensure the protection functionality; auto recloser should trip with no
autoreclose , in case if there is a loss of voltage on one or two phases on the upstream part of
the line. Loss of supply on all three phases shall not generate the protection trip. There shall be
facility to turn LOP ON or OFF without affecting other protection functions of the device.
6SEF a primary earth fault current of 4A to 20A in steps not exceeding 1A shall be detectable.
Delayed protection operation shall be possible by selecting a definite time protection element
with time delay from 3s to 25s, in 1s steps.
The AR and Control element shall support multiple protection groups and this shall meet the
requirements specified below:
 The AR shall have minimum 4 independent protection groups. The Protection Groups
shall have clear indication and shall be marked as "I, II, III, IV" or "A, B, C, D"
 Each protection group shall have the facility to configure O/C, E/F and SEF trip current
and specify the number of the protection trips independently from others.

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 Changes to any of the protection parameter to any of the not active protection group
shall not affect the protection functionality of the active protection group.
 Information about activation of any of the protection group shall be recorded in history
and shall be easily assessable. Information about protection trip shall clearly indicate
the protection group, active at the time of fault.
 AR and Control element shall have the facility for Automatic protection group
selection. Automatic Protection Group Selection shall have the facility to be turned ON
or OFF with pass-word protection or other form of access control.
 The auto re-closures shall have the facility including the software of connecting in
LOOP AUTOMATION. Supply outage management is in the scope of bidder.
 The Modem required for the Auto recloser will be provided by the SCADA
Implementing agency (SIA).
 The earthing of auto recloser as per the standard including providing of earth pit, and
connection to the control cabinet and other allied equipment is in the scope of bidder.
15.2.5 Auto recloser Operation parameters
The number of sequential trips to reach lockout shall be selectable to be either 1, 2, 3 or 4.
Reset times shall ideally be separately selectable for SEF and the combination of over-current
and earth fault functions. The reset time shall be selectable from 5s to 120s in 1s steps.
Dead times shall ideally be separately selectable for SEF and the combination of over-current
and earth fault functions. The dead time between each -successive recloser shall be
independently selectable from instantaneous to 5s for the first recloser and from a minimum of
2s up to a maximum of 120s for subsequent reclosers.
A close instruction initiated locally or remotely during a dead time shall result in lockout if the
fault is still present upon closure.
15.2.6 Auto Recloser Statistical Measurement Functions
The Measurement shall be done with one of the following methods i.e. three-phase-3-wire
method; and or the three-phase-4-wire method and made available at HMI and remote location.
Quantities to be measured/calculated with specified accuracy are:
 Phase Voltage (V) ±2.5% of auto-recloser rated voltage.
 Line Voltage (V) ±2.5% of auto-recloser rated voltage.
 Phase Current (A) ±2.5% of auto-recloser rated current.
 Three phase active Power (kW) ± 5 %;
 Three phase reactive power (kVAr) ± 5 %;
 Total three-phase active energy (kWh) ± 5 %;
 Power factor ± 5 %;
 Maximum demand ± 5 %.
 Phase Angle ± 10 deg.
 Total Pwr (KW, KVA, KVAr) ± 5 %.
The real power energy and maximum demand measurement shall be integrated with respect to

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time. Energy values shall be calculated with selectable time integration periods of 30 min. The
data buffer shall work on the FIFO principle and a minimum size for the data buffer shall store
values for 4 months on the 30 minutes integration period.
Supply Outage management (SOM) which is a part of SCADA system.
The following parameters shall be recorded in SCADA
 Cumulative total number of outages.
 Cumulative total outage duration.
 Time and duration of each outage
15.2.7 Power Quality analysis characteristics
 Waveform Capture It shall capture the Waveform and store in flash memory filtered
and scaled raw data (32 samples per cycle ) of the 3 line to earth or 3line to line
voltages and 4 currents for a predefined time window either side of a user-defined
trigger. The user shall be able to configure a pre and post trigger time ratio for data to
be stored.
 Harmonic Analysis: It shall able to calculate for voltages and currents of 2nd to 7th
harmonic and Total Harmonic DistortIon (THD) for 4 currents and 3 line to line
voltages or 3 line to earth voltages.
 Sag and Swell monitoring, when sag/surge is identified then an event shall be logged.
The same shall be downloadable at the remote through communication interface. Local Engineering
The AR controller shall contain a real time clock (with leap year support) that can be set both
locally and remotely.
A facility for selecting all the protection, operating and communications characteristics shall
be locally available in the control cabinet. Optional password protection against unauthorized
changes shall be available. Event Records
 The controller shall provide, non-volatile memory storage shall be sized to store
at least 3,000 logs :
 All operating, protection and communications parameters.
 An event record containing at least 3,000 events.
 All setting change logging.
 Maximum demand shall have the facilities to be configured for weekly or monthly
 Demand Logging shall be daily, weekly, monthly.
 It shall record wide range of parameters such as current, voltage, including the
monitoring of the battery and its healthiness, gas pressure etc. with IEC 104 /
101/103/ Modbus
 It shall also record specific information including temperature pertaining to
Control box

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 Facility for configuring the interval in minutes shall be provided.

A pointer shall be provided to indicate up to where the data was last read. This will
enable regular uploading of the data without re-loading of previously read data.
All events shall be time and date stamped with a resolution of at least 10 ms relative to
the onboard real time clock. Tele Control Requirements
The AR controller shall detect and report disconnection of the control cable between the
controller and AR.
It shall be possible to operate AR, change the active protection group, turn Auto-Recloser
capabilities ON/OFF and turn E/F and SEF ON/OFF remotely using the protocol specified. Communication
As a minimum, one independent RS-232, & two Ethernet communication ports that allow for
simultaneous operation shall be provided, to be used as follows
A USB port shall be provided to upload the non-volatile data to and from a personal computer.
To interface to remote communications equipment (modems, radio-modems,
GSM/GPRS/MPLS-4G and Fiber Optic) [GSM/GPRS/MPLS-4G modem will be supplied
through SCADA Implementing agency (SIA).
As a minimum, it shall be possible for serial ports to operate at the following speeds :
-1200 bps
-2400 bps
-9600 bps
- 19200 bps
Provision shall be made for mounting modems
It shall be possible to disconnect the RS-232-to-modem interface to facilitate local protocol
and communications troubleshooting. Alternatively, a low-level protocol monitor shall be
integrated in the software and accessible via the diagnostic port.
The protocol to be supported by the AR controller for remote communications shall be IEC
60870-5-104 Protocol
The serial ports shall have IEC 60870-5-101 protocol and shall be available as a backup port. Power Supply
The AR system shall provide power for the electronics, operation of the AR and Controller
operation and Modem being provided separately. The Dry Type (Resin Cast) 11000/230 V
AC Control Transformer shall be used for supplying at least 100VA or higher suitable for
self-operation of AR and Modem.
Primary supply: Preference will be given to the ability to obtain primary power directly from
the HV power system requiring no additional primary supply connection.
Test supply: The AR shall accept an external AC 230 V 50 Hz supply.
Auxiliary supply: An auxiliary supply with the following minimum characteristics shall be

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One battery and constant voltage charger with current limiting shall be part of the AR. Battery
standby time shall not be less than 24 hours and shall allow for a minimum of ten (10)
sequences of LRC trip-close operations and a transmit/receive standby duty cycle of 10/90
percent with respect to the GPRS/MPLS-4G modem. The battery shall recharge to 80 % of its
capacity in a maximum of 15 h. The total number of circuit-breaker operations under the above
communications scenario shall be at least 10 AR operations preventing closing if the battery
will not have enough stored energy to open the circuit- breaker for a protection trip condition.
Batteries shall be disconnected at the manufacturer's specified minimum voltage.
Battery Low' indication shall be available locally and remotely and shall include a battery test.
The indication of "Battery Low" status shall allow for a further ten AR operations.
The minimum battery life expectancy shall be 5 years. Details of the guaranteed life
expectancy of the battery shall be stated in the tender documentation. Maintenance and commissioning
All the communications equipment shall be easily accessible in the control cabinet. Wiring of
"communications links in the control cabinet shall permit the connection of a temporary
protocol-Monitor. It shall be possible to perform secondary injection testing while the AR is
communicating with the center.
It shall be Possible to disconnect the AR circuit breaker and connect a simulated breaker to
the control cabinet for testing purposes.
The AR shall not malfunction while the modem is transmitting via an antenna in close
proximity and the control cabinet door is open.
Provision shall be made in the control cabinet for individually isolating the power supply
to/from the following:
 Battery;
 Battery charger;
 GPRS/MPLS-4G modem; and
 Primary supply to the control cabinet electronics. Rating Plate
Each AR shall bear a rating plate of an intrinsically corrosion-resistant material, indelibly
marked with the sea-level rating for which the equipment has been type tested. The rating
plate shall be indelibly marked with:
 The manufacturer's name;
 The equipment type designation and serial number of the AR;
 The mass, in kilograms;
 The date of manufacture;
 The voltage transformer ratio, class and burden.
 Auxiliary supply voltage (if applicable).
 Purchase Order number and date.
 Each AR shall also exhibit a Danger Board to indicate the presence of high voltage.

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The following shall be submitted with the tender.
Circuit breaker details
 Manufacturer;
 Type designation;
 Place of manufacture;
 Short circuit breaking capacity: 1s
 Asymmetrical breaking current;
 Peak making current; and
 Critical current (maximum instantaneous peak).
A schematic-wiring diagram of the AR offered.
A general-arrangement drawing of the AR offered.
Details of the maintenance and operating equipment and procedures needed and a detailed parts
list of the various components.
A description of the AR operation, with instruction and maintenance manuals, including
maintenance schedules, protection characteristics, communications facilities, the method of
applying settings to relays and controls, together with any software required and the cost
thereof. The software requirements shall be stated in the tender documentation.
Details and the cost of any available portable calibration and diagnostic test set that may be
used to perform the functionality described.
A list of recommended spares and tools, quoting the prices of each item and its availability.
If protection setting changes are accomplished by resistors, electronic cards or modules or
computer programs, the price and range of such items. The method of changing protection
settings shall be stated in the tender documentation.
Details of technical back-up facilities available. These details shall be stated in the tender
Details of the class, ratio(s) and burden of the protection current transformer and voltage
transformer, if supplied, shall be stated in the tender documentation.
The supplier shall include the following details of measurement current transformers (not
internal to the AR) that can be supplied with the AR. The following details shall be provided:
 Available ratio(s) and accuracy class;
 Method of fitting; and
 Effect on Creepage distance and BIL
Details of AR service history:
 How many in service, where and for what period;
 Contact names and numbers.
Details of LV trip/close coil if available as an option

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Power requirements for a close operation

The maximum achievable separation between the control unit and the circuit breaker.
Full details of the protocol implementation and the complete point database. Tests
Type Tests
The AR shall have been type tested in accordance with, and found to comply with, the
requirements of either IS or ANSI/IEEE C37.60-2003/IEC 62271-111 for the following, and
the appropriate. Values shall be stated.
 Interrupting performance (automatic operation).
 Interrupting performance (manual operation).
 Operating duty.
 Making current.
 Minimum tripping current.
 Insulation (dielectric tests).
 Radio interference voltage.
 Temperature rise.
 Mechanical operations.
 Control equipment surge withstand capability.
Test records (on identical equipment) in the form of validated copies of test certificates issued
by a recognized testing authority shall be submitted with the tender documentation.
Routine tests
 Routine tests, as required in the relevant standards, shall be carried out as a normal
requirement of the contract and, unless otherwise agreed upon, shall be witnessed by
the purchaser or by his appointed representative. No additional charge shall be levied
for such tests or for the production or presentation of documentation related to routine
 Duplicate copies of routine test certificates shall be supplied together with the
equipment when the latter is delivered to the final destination stated in the order. Packing and Documentation
All equipment shall be carefully packed to prevent damage or deterioration during normal
transportation, handling and storage. Each container shall bear the following information on
the outside of the container:
 The address of the destination
 The gross mass, in kilograms
 The name of the manufacturer
 The purchaser's order number and port of destination

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Each AR shall be supplied complete with the documentation specified in Items, together with
the routine test certificates specified above.
15.3 11 KV Sectionalizer

Description Standard

11 kV Sectionalizers
High Voltage Switches IEC 60265-1
Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code). IEC 60529:1989

15.3.1 Scope of Work

This specification covers requirements for outdoor SCADA Compatible Pole-mounted
Sectionalizer / load break switches along with Lightning Arrestors and 11KV 400A Conv.
AB Switch with Single break that have programmable fault detection with built-in FRTU
and the Sectionalizer features and integrated remote operation capability and that are intended
for installation on 11kV Feeders on distribution networks to implement complete overhead
network automation.
A primary objective of this specification is to foster modularity and a maximum level of
interchangeability and integration to a central SCADA system by supporting IEC 60870-5-
104 communications protocol.
The Sectionalizer shall be fixed on the existing MS pole or if additional pole is required,
one 9.1 M (height) Steel Girder Pole / Rail Pole or MS Box 175 X 85 mm X 2 Nos. back
to back box pole with all the hardware and clamping structures conductor, concreting and
earthing of the equipment etc., is in the scope of the Bidder.
15.3.2 Applicable Standard
The following standards contain provisions that, through reference in the text, constitute
requirements of this specification at the time of publication the revisions indicated were valid.
All standards are subject to review and parties to purchasing agreements based on this
specification are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent
revisions of the standards listed below.

Description Standard

High Voltage Switches IEC 60265-1

Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code). IEC 60529:1989

15.3.3 Construction General
The Sectionalizer / load break switch shall be suitable for use on non-effectively earthed and
effectively earthed networks and under the system conditions and service conditions as

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All materials supplied shall be capable of operating under relevant environmental conditions
are listed as follows:
 Maximum ambient air temperature : 50 ºC
 Minimum ambient air temperature : 0 ºC
 Average ambient air temperature : 40 ºC
 Maximum relative humidity : 0-100 %
 Average thunder storm days per annum : 10
 Average rainfall per annum : 400 mm
 Maximum wind speed : 119 km/hr
 Utility may specify location with altitude more than 2000m above MSL for
compliance of in that project area
 Environmental parameter specified are indicative only, utility may specify as per
site conditions and standard product Distribution Network Electrical Parameters
The main parameters of the distribution network are as follows:
1) Nominal system voltage (U) (r.m.s.) - 11 kV;
2) Maximum system voltage (Um) (r.m.s.) - 12 kV;
3) Load current - 400 A;
4) Lightning Impulse Withstand Voltage (BIL) - 75 kVpeak
5) System frequency - 50 / 60Hz;
6) Number of phases - 3
7) Interrupting medium - SF6
8) Insulation medium - SF6
9) Minimal number of rated load operations - 600
10) Minimal number of no load mechanical operation - 3000
11) Operating Mechanism - LV motor

15.3.4 Definitions And Abbreviations

Automatic Detection Group Selection (ADGS):
An automated feature to determine and activate a pre-programmed group of detection settings
based on the direction of power flow.
Cold load pick-up (CLP) feature:
A feature that allows modification of the over-current fault detection characteristics in order to
prevent false fault detection under conditions of system energization.
Dead time:

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Also referred to as "Reclosing Interval". This is the time between the instant that the current is
interrupted by the AR and the instant the contact of the AR closes as a result of an automatic
reclose operation.
Definite time:
A fault detect event occurs if the current exceeds the fault threshold setting for a time equal to
the definite time setting.
Effectively earthed system:
An earthed system in which the healthy phase power frequency phase-to-earth over voltages
associated with earth faults are limited to 80% of the highest phase-to-phase voltage of the
The fault detection elements are monitored and an element “picks up” when the measured
current exceeds the preset level of the specific element. Typical detection elements are Phase,
Earth and Sensitive Earth Fault (SEF).
Pole-mounted remote terminal unit (PMFRTU):
A remote terminal unit that is designed for pole mounting and that operates specific pole-
mounted equipment remotely.
Sequence reset time:
The time duration after a supply interruption occurred before the sectionalising sequence resets
if the sectionaliser does not detect another fault.
The ability of the load break switch to count the operations of an upstream AR and to open
during the dead time of the AR after a configurable number of supply interrupts.
Secure control:
A single mechanically non-latching switch that effects one state of a control function only. An
example of which is either a non-latching switch or two separate push buttons that affect one
state of a control function only in each position. If a control is activated repeatedly it only
effects that state and does not change the state of the control.
Sensitive earth fault (SEF):
A relay that is sensitive to very low earth fault currents and in which the operating settings are
for current magnitude and definite time delay.
Remote control and indications of an LBS or a PMRTU by means of a telecommunications
Supply Interruption:
A fault pickup followed by a “no current” and “no voltage” condition is called a Supply
Interruption. This condition typically occurs when an upstream recloser trips due to a
downstream fault.
Toggled control:
A single mechanically non-latching switch/push-button that enables a single control function

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on the first operation of the switch/push-button and disables the function on the second
operation of the same switch/push button.
15.3.5 Testing
The specified Sectionalizer shall be subject to type tests, routine tests, and acceptance tests.
Where applicable, these tests shall be carried out as per the standards stated above. Prior to
acceptance testing, the supplier shall prepare and submit a detailed test plan.
15.3.6 Mounting of Sectionalizer
The LBS shall be suitable for single pole mounting and shall be provided with mounting
brackets. Adequately rated lifting eyes shall be provided and they shall be designed to allow
the completely assembled LBS. The diameter of the eyes shall be a minimum of 30mm.
Suitable mounting brackets for surge arresters shall be provided. The LBS shall be fitted with
an external M12 Earthing stud, complete with a nut, lock nut and spring washer. The earth
stud shall be welded to the tank for optimal Earthing connection. All support structures and
associated bolts and nuts with these parts, shall be hot-dip galvanized.
The earthing of sectionalizer as per the standard including providing of earth pit, and
connection to the control cabinet and other allied equipment is in the scope of bidder.
15.3.7 Bushings
The preferred arrangement for termination is an insulated bushing arrangement achieved by
using epoxy resin bushing/ HECP. The material for bushing shall be outdoor aromatic epoxy
resin with silicon rubber boots details of the type and Creepage shall be provided.
15.3.8 Finish
All interior and exterior ferrous surfaces of the LBS and control cabinets shall be
manufactured from marine grade 304 or 316 Stainless steel.
15.3.9 Control Equipment
Control cabinet
Cabinets that house equipment for detection and control shall be mounted independently of
the LBS. The cabinet shall be manufactured from 304 or 316 grade stainless steel.
Suitable ultraviolet-resistant cable shall be provided to connect the LBS to the control cabinet.
It shall be possible to disconnect the cable at the LBS while the LBS is connected to the power
system, without causing damage or mal-operation: care shall be taken that CTs are not open
A robust, multi-pin weather proof connector shall be supplied. Preference will be given to
products supplying connectors at both the LBS and the control cabinet.
Cabinets shall be adequately sealed and dust protected and shall be internally treated to prevent
moisture condensation. The degree of protection shall be suitable for purpose.
The control cabinet shall be for all – weather access & vandal resistant.
The door of the cabinet shall be fitted with a robust fastening arrangement that is capable of
being secured by a padlock that has a two point locking mechanism system.
The cabinet shall be fitted with an external Earthing stud with a nut, lock nut and a serrated
The control cabinet shall house Control and detection enclosure, which shall incorporate all
the electronic modules. These electronic circuits shall fulfill the functions ,detection ; Network

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measurement; Communications; Switch control; Operator interface; and Uninterruptible

power supply.
All the components shall be assembled in a die cast aluminum enclosure and shall be
housed inside the Box of Stainless steel of grade 304 to protect the electronics against
electromagnetic, electrostatic and environmental influences
The controller shall provide following integrated features: -
 Local human machine interface (HMI) shall be menu driven via 6 menu display groups.
 Protection flags and counters displayed on LCD.
 Large 4 lines by 40 characters LCD.
 Four configurable quick keys.
 Operator Interface turns on when opening the door.
 Close and Open indications LEDs.
 Trip & close circuit isolation shall be through large rocker switches.
 Front mounted isolated RS 232 data port for local communication at site.
 It shall be with automatic and manual battery health monitoring.
 Electronic modules shall perform continuous diagnostic monitoring and shall contain
hardware and software watchdog checking.
15.3.10 Detection, Measurement & Power Quality characteristics.
Detection features:-
The Following detection element shall be provided with at least 4 independent detection group.
 Phase Instantaneous Over-current
 Earth Instantaneous Over-current
 Phase Time Over-current.
 Earth Time Over-current.
 Sensitive Earth fault (SEF).
 Earth fault.
 Sensitive Earth Fault Instantaneous Over-current.
 Cold load pickup control.
Each of the detection elements is monitored with independent definite time settings and fault
The ratio of drop-off current to pick-up current shall be at least 90 % for all detection
The O/C pick-up setting shall be selectable from 10 A to 400 A in steps.
A cold load pick-up feature shall be provided that allows user selectable modification of
detection element characteristics under condition of system power restoration.
The SEF functions shall be equipped with harmonic filtering to prevent operation when
harmonics are present in the primary residual earth currents

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SEF a primary earth fault current of 4A to 20A in steps not exceeding 1A shall be detectable.
The LBS and Control element shall support multiple detection groups and this shall meet the
requirements specified below:
 The LBS shall have minimum 4 independent detection groups. The Detection Groups
shall have clear indication and shall be marked as "I, II, III, IV" or "A, B, C, D"
 Each detection group shall have the facility to configure O/C, E/F and SEF fault
detection current and definite time.
 Changes to any of the detection parameter to any of the not active detection group shall
not affect the detection functionality of the active detection group.
 Information about activation of any of the detection group shall be recorded in history
and shall be easily assessable. Information about fault detection shall clearly indicate
the detection group, active at the time of fault.
 LBS and Control element shall have the facility for Automatic detection group
 Automatic Detection Group Selection shall have the facility to be turned ON or OFF
with password detection or other form of access control.
Sectionalizing function
 The number of detected faults to trip shall be selectable to be either 1, 2, 3 or 4.
 Reset times shall ideally be separately selectable from 5s to 120s in 1s steps.
Statistical measurement functions
The Measurement shall be done with the three-phase-4-wire/ three phase 3 wire method and
the data shall be made available at control center for further integration
Quantities to be measured/calculated with specified accuracy are:
 Phase Voltage (V) ±2.5% of Sectionalizer rated voltage.
 Line Voltage (V) ±2.5% of Sectionalizer rated voltage.
 Phase Current (A) ±2.5% of Sectionalizer rated current.
 Three phase active Power (kW) ± 5 %;
 Three phase reactive power (kVAr) ± 5 %;
 Total three-phase active energy (kWh) ± 5 %;
 Power factor ± 5 %;
 Maximum demand ± 5 %.
 Phase Angle ± 10 Deg.
 Total Pwr (KW, KAV, KVAr) ± 5 %.
The real power energy and maximum demand measurement shall be integrated with respect
to time. Energy values shall be calculated with selectable time integration periods of 5 min,
15 min, 30 min or 60 min. The data buffer shall work on the FIFO principle and a minimum
size for the data buffer shall store values for 4 months on the 30 minutes integration period.
Supply Outage management (SOM), LBS and Control element shall have the facilities to

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record the number and duration of outages. The information shall be assessable locally or
remotely using SCADA/DMS system.
The following parameters shall be recorded as,
 Cumulative total number of outages.
 Cumulative total outage duration.
 Time and duration of each outage
15.3.11 Power Quality analysis characteristics
Waveform Capture It shall capture the Waveform and store in flash memory filtered and
scaled raw data (10 x 3200 samples per second) of the 3 line to earth or 3 line to line voltages
and 4 currents for a predefined time window either side of a user-defined trigger. The user
shall be able to configure a pre and post trigger time ratio for data to be stored.
Harmonic Analysis It shall able to calculate 2nd to 7th harmonics and total harmonics
distortion an over 40ms period for 4 currents and 3 line to line voltage or 3 line to earth
Sag and Swell monitoring, when sag/surge is identified then an event shall be logged. The
same shall be downloadable at the remote through communication interface.
Local Engineering
 The LBS controller shall contain a real time clock (with leap year support) that can be
set both locally and remotely.
 A facility for selecting all the detection, operating and communications characteristics
shall be locally available in the control cabinet. Optional password detection against
unauthorized changes shall be available.
Event Recording
The controller shall provide, Non-volatile memory storage shall be sized to store at least 3,000
logs as:
 All operating, detection and communications parameters.
 An event record containing at least 3,000 events.
 All setting change logging.
 Maximum demand shall have the facilities to be configured for weekly or monthly
 Demand Logging shall be daily, weekly, monthly.
 It shall record wide range of parameters with the configurable history, such as current,
voltage, total power, auxiliary voltage, battery voltage, gas pressure.
 It shall also record specific information pertaining to Control module temperature,
Switchgear Temperature and battery temperature.
 Facility for configuring the interval time in minutes shall be provided.
 A pointer shall be provided to indicate up to where the data was last read. This will
enable regular uploading of the data without re-loading of previously read data.

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 All events shall be time and date stamped with a resolution of at least 10 ms relative to
the onboard real time clock.
15.3.12 Tele Control Requirements
 The LBS controller shall detect and report disconnection of the control cable between
the controller and LBS.
 It shall be possible to operate LBS change the active detection group, turn Sectionalizer
functionally ON/OFF and turn E/F and SEF ON/OFF remotely using the protocol
15.3.13 Communication
As a minimum, one independent RS-232, one RS-485 communication ports & one Ethernet
communication ports that allow for simultaneous operation shall be provided, to be used as
USB port shall be provided to upload the non-volatile data to and from a personal computer.
To interface to remote communications equipment (modems, radio-modems,
GSM/GPRS/MPLS-4G andFiber Optic).
As a minimum, it shall be possible for serial ports to operate at the following speeds :
-1200 bps
-2400 bps
-9600 bps
- 19200 bps
Provision shall be made for mounting GPRS/MPLS-4G modems
It shall be possible to disconnect the RS-232-to-modem interface to facilitate local protocol
and communications troubleshooting. Alternatively, a low-level protocol monitor shall be
integrated in the software and accessible via the diagnostic port.
The protocol to be supported by the AR controller for remote communications shall be IEC
60870-5-104 Protocol
The serial ports shall have IEC 60870-5-101 protocol and shall be available as a backup port.
15.3.14 Power Supplies
The Sectionalizer system shall provide power for the electronics, operation of the Sectionalizer
and Controller operation of the inbuilt FRTU and Modem being provided separately by
SCADA Implementing agency (SIA). The Dry type (Resin Cast) 11000V/230V Control
Transformer so used shall be capable of supplying at least 100 VA or higher suitable for self-
operation of Sectionalizer and Modem.
Primary supply: Preference will be given to the ability to obtain primary power directly from
the HV power system requiring no additional primary supply connection.
Test supply: The LBS shall accept an external AC 230 V 50 Hz supply.
Auxiliary supply: An auxiliary supply with the following minimum characteristics shall be
One SMF VRLA Battery and Constant Voltage charger with current limiting shall be part of
the Sectionalizer. Battery standby time shall not be less than 24 hours and shall allow for a

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minimum of ten (10) sequences of LRC trip-close operations and a transmit/receive standby
duty cycle of 10/90 percent with respect to the GPRS/MPLS-4G modem. The battery shall
recharge to 80
% of its capacity in a maximum of 15 h. The total number of circuit-breaker operations under
the above communications scenario shall be at least 10Sectionalizer operations preventing
closing if the battery will not have enough stored energy to open the circuit- breaker for a
protection trip condition.
Batteries shall be disconnected at the manufacturer's specified minimum voltage.
Battery Low' indication shall be available locally and remotely and shall include a battery test.
The indication of "Battery Low" status shall allow for a further ten LBS operations.
The minimum battery life expectancy shall be 5 years. Details of the guaranteed life expectancy
of the battery shall be stated in the tender documentation.
15.3.15 Maintenance and Commissioning
All the communications equipment shall be easily accessible in the control cabinet. Wiring of
"communications links in the control cabinet shall permit the connection of a temporary
protocol- Monitor. It shall be possible to perform secondary injection testing while the LBS is
communicating with the center.
It shall be Possible to disconnect the LBS circuit breaker and connect a simulated breaker to
the control cabinet for testing purposes.
The LBS shall not malfunction while the GPRS/MPLS-4G Modem is transmitting via an
antenna in closeproximity and the control cabinet door is open.

Provision shall be made in the control cabinet for individually isolating the power supply
to/from the following:
 Battery;
 Battery charger;
 GPRS/MPLS-4G modem; and
 Primary supply to the control cabinet electronics.
15.3.16 Rating Plate
Each LBS shall bear a rating plate of an intrinsically corrosion-resistant material, indelibly
marked with the sea-level rating for which the equipment has been type tested. The rating
plate shall be indelibly marked with:
 The manufacturer's name;
 The equipment type designation and serial number of the LBS;
 The mass, in kilograms;
 The date of manufacture;
 The voltage transformer ratio, class and burden.
 Auxiliary supply voltage (if applicable).
 Purchase Order number and date.

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 Each Sectionalizer shall also exhibit a Danger Board to indicate the presence of
high voltage.
15.3.17 Additional Information
The following shall be submitted with the tender.
Load Break switch details
 Manufacturer;
 Type designation;
 Place of manufacture;
 Fault make capacity; 3s 1s
 Critical current (maximum instantaneous peak).
A schematic-wiring diagram of the LBS offered.
A general-arrangement drawing of the LBS offered.
Details of the maintenance and operating equipment and procedures needed and a detailed parts
List of the various components.
A description of the LBS operation, with instruction and maintenance manuals, including
maintenance schedules, detection characteristics, communications facilities, the method of
applying settings to relays and controls, together with any software required and the cost
thereof. The software requirements shall be stated in the tender documentation.
Details and the cost of any available portable calibration and diagnostic test set that may be
used to perform the functionality described.
A list of recommended spares and tools, quoting the prices of each item and its availability.
If detection setting changes are accomplished by resistors, electronic cards or modules or
computer programs, the price and range of such items. The method of changing detection
settings shall be stated in the tender documentation.
Details of technical back-up facilities available. These details shall be stated in the tender
Details of the class, ratio(s) and burden of the detection current transformer and voltage
transformer, if supplied, shall be stated in the tender documentation.
The supplier shall include the following details of measurement current transformers (not
internal to the LBS) that can be supplied with the LBS. The following details shall be provided:
- Available ratio(s) and accuracy class;
- Method of fitting; and
- Effect on Creepage distance and BIL
Details of LBS service history:
- How many in service, where and for what period;
- Contact names and numbers.
Details of LV trip/close motor if available as an option
Power requirements for a close operation

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The maximum achievable separation between the control unit and the circuit breaker.
Full details of the protocol implementation and the complete point database.
15.3.18 Test
The LBS / Sectionalizer shall have been type tested in accordance with, and found to comply
with, the requirements of either IS or IEC/ANSI/IEEE C37.63-2005 for the following, and the
appropriate. Values shall be stated.
 Operating duty.
 Making current.
 Insulation (dielectric tests).
 Radio interference voltage.
 Temperature rise.
 Mechanical operations.
 Control equipment surge withstand capability.
 The control cabinet and associated electronics shall have been type tested in accordance
 Control Apparatus for Generating Stations and Substations: Electromagnetic
 Test records (on identical equipment) in the form of validated copies of test certificates
issued by a recognized testing authority shall be submitted with the tender
7.12.2 Routine tests
 Routine tests, as required in the relevant standards, shall be carried out as a normal
requirement of the contract and, unless otherwise agreed upon, shall be witnessed by
the purchaser or by his appointed representative. No additional charge shall be levied
for such tests or for the production or presentation of documentation related to routine
 Duplicate copies of routine test certificates shall be supplied together with the
equipment when the latter is delivered to the final destination stated in the order.
15.3.19 Packing/Documentation
All equipment shall be carefully packed to prevent damage or deterioration during normal
transportation, handling and storage. Each container shall bear the following information on
the outside of the container:
 The address of the destination
 The gross mass, in kilograms
 The name of the manufacturer
 The purchaser's order number and port of destination

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Each LBS shall be supplied complete with the documentation specified in Items, together with
the routine test certificates specified above.
15.3.20 Auxiliary Supply to the Controller Unit of Auto Recloser and Sectionliser STD: IS 3156-1992: voltage transformers
For charging the batteries of the each auto recloser and Sectionalizer unit. They shall be
supplied with a suitable Dry Type Resin Cast 100 VA or more capacity auxiliary PT
according to the equipment load requirement or any other arrangement for the supply. The
auxiliary PTs shall be provided with HT jumper and control cable. For providing auxiliary
supply an external voltage transformer shall be mounted on the pole. The primary of the
transformer shall be connected to the HV mains and secondary (LV) shall be connected to the
control cubical to provide auxiliary power.
The minimum requirement of Auxiliary PT as follows,
 Voltage ratio : Primary 11 KV (Phase to Phase), Dry Type Resin Cast
 Voltage ratio : Secondary 230 V AC
 Highest Service voltage : 12 KV
 VA burden : 100 VA
 Insulation level : 12/28/75KVP
 Voltage factor: 1.2 continuous and 1.9 for 8 hrs.
 Winding wires of PT shall be of grade 3 doubled enameled
 THE HV terminal shall be adequately long from the bushing epoxy material such that
the connecting lug shall not rest directly on the bushing epoxy
15.3.21 Fault passage indicators Environmental specifications
Mechanical resistance to vibration and shocks
The equipment shall have vibration resistance in accordance with
Description Standard
10 to 500 Hz; 0.7 mm peak to peak from 10 to 59Hz and 5g from 59 IEC 60068.2.6
to 500 Hz.
40g / 6 ms / 2000 positive and 2000 negative shocks in each direction, IEC 60068.8.77
in the three directions
Dielectric withstand
Description Standard
Insulation (50 Hz/1 min.): 2 kV IEC 61010
Impulse wave (1.2/50 µs): 5 kV EN 60-950

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Electromagnetic compatibility
Description Standard
Electrostatic discharge IEC 1000-4-2 Level 3
Radiated fields IEC 1000-4-3 Level 3
Radio frequency IEC 1000-4-6 Level 3
Magnetic immunity, 50 Hz IEC 1000-4-8 Level 4
Emissions EN 55011 Class A

15.4 Fault Passage Indicator (Communicable with FRTU/ Direct to Control Centre )
15.4.1 Scope
This specification applies to a system allowing to remotely monitor appearance of faults on
an Overhead Medium Voltage network so that to localize faulty sections and send patrols for
reconfiguration of the network accordingly.
The system shall be made of Fault detection systems with wireless communication to be
installed on Medium Voltage Overhead Electric networks.
15.4.2 Quality Assurance
The Bidder shall supply documentary proof that the manufacturer possesses ISO:9001/
ISO:14001 Quality assurance certification, from an independent internationally recognized
body, for the design, manufacture and testing of Fault Indicators and remote monitoring and
control equipment for medium voltage lines
15.4.3 Wireless communication Fault detection systems General information
System parameters
The Fault detection systems shall be designed to operate on a Medium Voltage overhead
network with the following characteristics:
 Nominal Operation Voltage 7 to 69 kV
 System Maximum Voltage 69 kV
 Frequency 50 Hz
 Type of MV neutral earthing through a resistor or solidly grounded
 Conductor diameter 5 to 42 mm
 One single product shall be proposed to cover the whole range of above characteristics:
Particularly, the same product should be installed on any network from 7 to 69 kV.
Offers requiring to have in stock 2 or more different product references depending on
the Line Voltage or on the conductor diameter shall not be considered.
Service conditions
The Fault detection system shall be designed to operate in the following environmental

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Model Technical specification

Symmetrical Fault Current 12.5 kA/1s (maximum phase current that the system
shall withstand)
Shocks & vibrations 120 minutes of sine vibrations and 2000 negative and
2000 positive shocks, in OX, OY and OZ axes
Lightning surge As per relevant IS standard
Maximum Ambient 55° C
Maximum annual average 30° C
Humidity At least 95% temperature up to +55°C according to IEC

Purpose of equipment
The main functions of the equipment are:
 To detect phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth fault currents on the MV network.
 To detect voltage presence interruptions.
 To time stamp faults and Voltage dips and store them in memory
 To transmit information to the control center spontaneously via the
 To provide a local light indication of fault.
 To provide operators with all useful information for fault finding and preventive
 To be self-supplied at all times, including during outages.
15.4.4 Constitution Components
The equipment shall be made of the following parts:
 Fault Passage Indicators clipped on the overhead lines. One such device shall be clipped
on each phase so that to detect current and Voltage presence in this phase and compute
fault detection algorithm accordingly.
 FPI shall commnucte to control entre thorugh GPRS/MPLS-4G modem and link or through
/Mini RTU ( SIA to provide configuration to meet SLA )
 The auxiliary power source shall be provided 11000V/230V, 100VA Potential
Transformer (Dry type) along with Charger and Batteries (SMF VRLA),
appropriately dimensioned to continuously supply the GSM/GPRS/MPLS-4G
communication interface.
 External GPRS/MPLS-4G Modem with Communication protocol to the control center
shall be IEC 60870-5-104 (so that FPIs sends the monitoring data to the SCADA server
and receives thetrol command sent by the SCADA server to achieve bidirectional
controllable operation.)

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 The maintenance free Battery shall have a warranty of at least 5 years or FMS period
whichever is higher & shall be replaceable. Low battery alarm shall be provided at
remote location.
The Fault Passage Indicators shall be designed to be clipped on the Overhead MV line. 3 Fault
Passage Indicators shall be clipped on one line, one on each phase. It shall include the following
 Measurement of current running in the phase it is clipped on
 Detection of Voltage absence/presence on the phase it is clipped on
 From the 2 previous functions, detection of phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth faults
 Short-range radio communication with a Mini RTU GSM/GPRS/MPLS-4G
communicationinterface at a maximum distance of 100m at least.
It shall be self-supplied from a lithium battery of a minimum life time 8 years, in the
temperature conditions specified above, including at least 1 short range radio communication
with the GSM/GPRS/MPLS-4G communication interface every hour and 300 hours flashing
for fault indication all over these 8 years.
The Fault Passage Indicators shall be suitable for outdoor use in the tropical climate condition
stipulated in the relevant paragraph. The components used in the Fault Passage Indicators shall
be suitably protected from direct sunlight to prevent malfunctioning due to solar radiation. The
maximum operating temperature shall be 70° C. The Fault Passage Indicators shall be suitable
for mounting on live line conductors of a diameter ranging between 5 and 42 mm, with clamps
designed so that the Fault Passage Indicator can withstand winds of 150km/h without falling
from the line. The Fault Passage Indicator shall be fully self-contained type without any
external connection, indicator or sensors. The Fault Passage Indicators shall be suitable for use
on multiple lines supported by the same pole.
15.4.5 Installation:
The FPIs shall be suitable for installing on overhead line conductors using hot sticks, while line
is in charge condition. The supplier shall supply hot sticks free of charge along with supply of
FPIs. The ratio of FPIs v/s hot sticks shall be 10 hot sticks per 30 sets of FPI. Inrush Restraint:
The FPI shall be equipped to filter out the inrush current due to transformer magnetizing
currents thus avoiding the possible false indication of faults. Reset
Once the fault is cleared, the FPI shall reset itself upon the power return, it shall also have a
facility of resetting with settable time duration and the manual reset. Transient fault evolution:
If FPI is busy in flashing on transient fault and if the permanent fault occurs, the FPI shall
automatically change the priority and shall start flashing differently to show the permanent
fault; thus helping maintenance crew to review the priorities.
15.4.6 Operational specifications Fault detection
Fault detection shall be performed by the Fault Passage Indicator described above. Fault
sensing shall be made from current measurement and Voltage presence detection, based on
detection of the electromagnetic field and its variations.

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The Fault Passage Indicator shall be of the programmable type, suitable for sensing:
Short-circuit faults up to 12.5 kA for 1s.
 Low earth leakage faults (referred to as “unbalance”) down to 6A.
 The Fault Passage Indicators shall detect faults based on 2 simultaneous tripping
 In order to detect strong fault currents (typically phase-to-phase faults), it shall trip
when the phase current exceeds an absolute threshold for a fixed duration of about 20
to 30 ms. This absolute threshold must be configurable to at least 8 different values
between 100 and 800A.
 In order to detect low fault currents (typically resistant phase-to-earth faults), it shall
trip when it detects the phase current increase within a fixed duration (about 20 to 30ms)
exceeds a relative threshold. This threshold must be configurable to at least 6 different
values between 6 and 80A.
It shall be possible to disable this second tripping criteria. When a fault occurs on the network,
the upstream protection will trip within 70ms maximum (inverse time protection). Therefore,
in order to prevent tripping due to a load increase, on detection of one of the above criteria, the
Fault Passage Indicators shall confirm the fault by checking if the voltage disappears within
the next 70ms, and start to indicate the fault only under this condition. In case of faults, the
Fault Passage Indicators which are detecting the variation of the electromagnetic field due to
fault current (Fault Passage Indicators installed between the circuit breaker and fault point)
shall provide a fault indication, while Fault Passage Indicators downstream the fault or on non-
faulty branches shall not provide any indication.
The fault indication shall be provided:
By the means of a flashing light system offering a good contrast against sunshine (red color is
preferred) and an MTBF of the light emitting system at least 45 000 Hours (LEDs for
instance). It shall provide a light of an intensity of 40 Lumen minimum and give a 360°
visibility from at least 50m in sunny day conditions, and at least 300m at night.
 By an alarm sent to the GSM/GPRS/MPLS-4G interface which shall itself forward the
alarm to the control center according to its configuration.
 The Fault indication shall remain until:
 a time-out, configurable to at least 4 possible values between 2 and 16 hours, has
 the medium voltage is back,
 the Fault Passage Indicator is reset manually,
 Whatever condition comes first.
 Caution: since the load current might be very low upon MV return, load current reset
is not acceptable.
 The Fault indication reset shall consist in:
 Stopping the local light indication flashing
 Sending an alarm to the GSM/GPRS/MPLS-4G interface which shall itself forward
this alarm tothe control center according to its configuration.

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The Fault Passage Indicator shall include some self-test possibility usable when it is on the
line (powered or not).
The Fault Passage Indicator shall be selective in action as indicated below
 It shall not respond to any sudden variation (increases/decrease) in load current
 It shall not respond to a over current not due to a fault
 It shall not respond to high magnetizing inrush currents, created upon line energizing.
Detection of voltage presence and absence
The Fault Passage Indicator shall send a message to the GSM/GPRS/MPLS-4G interface as
soon as it detects disappearance or appearance of Voltage on the MV conductor. The
GSM/GPRS/MPLS-4G interface shall then memorize the information as a time-stamped
event and send an alarm to the control center according to its configuration.
Communication with the control center
Communication between the FPI and the control center shall be through GSM/GPRS/MPLS-
4G network, dual-band 900 MHz – 1800 MHz, and using any standard protocol.
GPRS/MPLS-4G modem 4G /5G as per site signal availability, will be supplied by DISCOM/
SCADA Implementingagency (SIA)
It shall allow communication in 2 ways:
 At any time, based on configured periodic calls or on operator action, the pole mounted
RTU shall be ready to receive a call from the control center
 Whenever a monitored information declared as alarming in the pole mounted RTU
configuration changes status, the pole mounted RTU shall make a call to the control
center and send it an alarm.
Each monitored information (fault current detection, voltage absence/presence, digital inputs
etc…) shall be configurable as "alarming" when changing state, individually and
independently of others. If used with GSM communication, as an addition to the alarm to the
control center, it shall be possible to configure FPIs so that it send an SMS message to a defined
mobile phone. The configuration software shall allow to define the mobile phone number and
SMS messages service center number through modem to be provided by the SCADA
Implementing agency (SIA)
Monitored information configurable as “alarming” shall include at least the following,
consisting both of MV network diagnostic information and monitoring equipment internal
faults for self-diagnostic purpose:
 Fault detection appearance with indication of Fault Passage Indicator reporting the fault
and tripping criteria tripped.
 Fault detection disappearance with indication of Fault Passage Indicator reporting the
fault and tripping criteria tripped.
Voltage absence
 Voltage presence
 Change of state of a digital input
 Fault Passage Indicator absent (failure of the pole mounted RTU communication
interface to communicate with it through short range radio)

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 Fault Passage Indicator battery low

Configuration and maintenance
Equipment configuration and diagnostic shall be performed by connection of a laptop PC to
the pole mounted RTU using the PC RS232 interface.
Configuration shall include:
Scanning of all Fault Passage Indicators in the short range radio range (at least 100m) and
assigning of an identification (typically number) to each of them, so that to allow
identification of line (when pole mounted Concentrator/ RTU is monitoring 9 Fault Passage
Indicators) and phase on the line on which each Fault Passage Indicator is clipped-on, in order
to allow identification by the control center of line and phase where faults or voltage absence
are detected.
Configuration of fault detection thresholds and other characteristics.
Configuration of communication: PIN code, telephone numbers (control center and mobile
for sending SMS messages), transmission speed, etc
15.4.7 Additional requirements Marking
Each Fault Passage Indicator shall carry a weather and corrosion proof plate indicating the
following particulars.
 Manufacturer’s identification.
 Model or type number (as per catalogue)
 Year of manufacture in characters big enough to allow reading from the ground so that
to provide indication of battery age. Environmental specifications
Mechanical resistance to vibration and shocks
The equipment shall have vibration resistance in accordance with
IEC 60068.2.6: 10 to 500 Hz; 0.7 mm peak to peak from 10 to 59Hz and 5g from 59 to 500
IEC 60068.8.27: 40g / 6 ms / 2000 positive and 2000 negative shocks in each direction, in the
three directions. Dielectric withstand

Description Standard

Insulation (50 Hz/1 min.): 2 kV IEC 61010

Impulse wave (1.2/50 µs): 5 kV peak EN 60-950/IEC equivalent Electromagnetic compatibility

Description Standard

Electrostatic discharge IEC 1000-4-2 Level 3

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Description Standard

Radiated fields IEC 1000-4-3 Level 3

Radio frequency IEC 1000-4-6 Level 3
Magnetic immunity, 50 Hz IEC 1000-4-8 Level 4
Emissions EN 55011 Class A/IEC equivalent Environment
 Maximum ambient air temperature : 55 ºC
 Minimum ambient air temperature : -20 ºC
 Average ambient air temperature : 40 ºC
 Maximum relative humidity : 0-100 %
 Average thunder storm days per annum : 10
 Average rainfall per annum : SUITABLE arrangement for high
rainfall areas
 Maximum wind speed : up to 120 km/hr
 Altitude above mean sea level : Utility may specify location with
altitude more than 2000m above
MSL for compliance of in that
project area
Utility may change environmental requirement as per site requirements and availability
of standard products
15.5 Numerical relays / BCPU
In case of numerical relays, RTU at substations to act as gateway , data concentrator for
numerical relays/ BCPUs connected over IEC 61850 and I/O Cards in RTUs to be
configured accordingly i.e. for bays where requisite I/Os are not served through
numerical relays/ BCPUs
The salient features of Numerical replays are:
 The protection relay shall be compact and easy to install and be shall be flush mounting.
 The protection relay shall meet IP54 on the front face.
 The protection relay shall facilitate commissioning tests by having the ability to force
the digital outputs to operate and the protection functions to start / trip under test mode.
 The protection relay shall have a display to support single line mimic LCD screens and
to allow access to the settings.
 The protection relay shall be a modular design and have full self-diagnostic functions
on both energization and operation for hardware and software components to ensure the
relay reliability. The relay must have a self-diagnostic watchdog output with a normally
closed contact and a normally open contact.
 The protection relay shall have wide operating temperature range from –20°C to +55°C.
 Communication and Cyber-security

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 The protection relay shall provide one USB port on the front panel for local
configuration and data extraction.
 The protection relay shall have 2 no RJ45 port at the rear with IEC 61850
communication. The protection relay shall support RSTP and PRP/HSR redundancy
protocols. The protection relay shall support IEC 61850 edition 1 and edition 2.
 The protection relay shall support IEC 61850 GOOSE communication.
 The protection relay shall support simultaneously IEC 61850 (MMS) clients.
 The protection relay shall provide the enhanced Cyber Security function with the
security logs, setting control ,maintenance passwords and the full central security
management for Role Based Access Control (RBAC) using an industry standard
 The protection relay shall secure any firmware upgrade with a firmware signature to
avoid unauthorized or malicious firmware downloads and to guarantee the source of
the firmware.
 The relay shall be compliant to IEC 62443 standard, and compliant to NERC CIP
15.5.1 Engineering Tools
 The protection relay PC-installed configuration tool shall, as a minimum, provide the
following functions: Setting configuration, Mimic configuration, Logic configuration,
LEDs, function keys, digital inputs and outputs configuration, Measurement auto-
reading, Events/ fault records/ disturbance records reviewing, Protection status
reviewing, Control command execution.
 The protection relay shall support Web-HMI (web browser-based HMI) with secured
communication to provide the similar functions as the PC configuration tool above.
 The protection relay and corresponding software tool shall offer the possibility to
simulate energy injection to test and validate the protection settings.
 The IEC61850 configuration tool shall support importing and exporting of valid IEC
61850 files (ICD, CID, SCD, IID).
15.5.2 Standards Compliance and Certificates
 For Products safety, the protection relay shall meet the product safety requirements
according to IEC 60255-27.
 For electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), the protection relay tested under min setting
shall meet the EMC requirements according to IEC 60255-26.
 For mechanical robustness, the protection relay shall meet the mechanical test
requirements according to IEC 60255-21-1, -2, -3, Class 2 for vibration, shock, bump,
earthquakes compliance.
 The protection relay must have an IEC 61850 Edition 2 certificate from an accredited
Level A testing laboratory.
 The protection relay shall be compliant to RoHS and REACH and it shall be provided
with PEP and EoLI certificates.
 The protection relay shall be compliant to Security assurance Level 1 (SL1) with the
3rd party certified for IEC 62443-4-1 and IEC 62443-4-2.

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Relay Hardware
 The protection relay shall have requisite CT inputs and VT inputs. The relay shall provide
requisite digital inputs, digital outputs and a watchdog contact.
 The polarity of the digital outputs of the protection relay shall be settable, as Normally
Open or Changeover.
 The protection relay shall have settable digital inputs voltage thresholds from 24V –
220V DC or 220AC.
 The protection relay shall provide the same wiring terminals for the 1A or 5A rated CT
connection of the phase current inputs and residual current input.
 The protection relay shall support a very sensitive 1A rated CT input for residual current
 The protection relay shall have programmable function keys and freely programmable
and pre-assigned LEDs.
15.5.3 Protection and Control
The protection relay shall provide the following protection functions:
1) Multi stage non-directional or directional phase overcurrent protection.
2) Multi stages non-directional or directional earth fault protection
3) The instantaneous trip time at set shall be less than 30 ms.
4) Earth fault protection with optional memory mode to extend the transient fault
information and quickly clear the fault.
5) Inrush detection, Cold load pickup and Selective overcurrent logic for non-
directional and directional phase overcurrent and earth fault protection
6) Broken conductor , negative sequence overcurrent ,negative sequence overvoltage
7) Multi-stages under voltage protection and overvoltage protection with settable any
phase or all phases tripping logic
8) Multi- stages neutral overvoltage protection, with neutral voltage either calculated
from the three phase voltages or measured from broken delta VT.
9) Thermal overload protection
10) CB Failure protection with independent backup trip timer and re-trip timer
11) Switch onto fault protection
12) Fault locator function
 For non-directional / directional phase overcurrent protection and earth fault protection,
the protection relay shall provide the inverse definite minimum time (IDMT)
characteristics as per standard IEC, IEEE, ANSI, RI operating curves. The relay shall
provide at least three fully user programmable IDMT curves.
 For non-directional / directional phase overcurrent protection and earth fault protection,
the protection relay shall operate correctly based on the current sample values under
primary CT saturation conditions.

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 The protection relay shall support controllable objects (CB, Switches, etc), with Select-
Before-Execute or Direct Control principles via local HMI, remote communication,
digital input or function keys.
15.5.4 Measurement, Power Quality and Records
 The protection relay shall offer a complete set of measurement functions, including 3
phase currents and voltages, zero-sequence/ negative-sequence/ positive-sequence
currents and voltages.
 Within the range of ±5 Hz of the nominal frequency, the protection relay shall provide
the current accuracy 0.5% (I > 0.05 In), the voltage accuracy 0.5% (V > 0.5 Vn), the
frequency accuracy 0.01 Hz.
 The protection relay shall provide the power factor, active power, reactive power,
apparent power and active energy, reactive energy measurements.
 The protection relay shall provide harmonic for current and voltage.
 The protection relay shall support at least 1000 sequence-of-events associated with time
stamps with 1 ms accuracy stored in the relays non-volatile memory.
 The protection relay shall support at least 20 fault recorders associated with time stamps
with 1 ms accuracy stored in the relays non-volatile memory
15.6 General Requirements
15.6.1 Documentation
Each device shall be supplied with a user manual for installation and commissioning on site.
15.6.2 Labels/Name Plate
Equipment should be provided with name plate giving full details of manufacture, capacities
and other details as specified in the relevant ISS/SS. The purchase order No. date and words
Funded under RDSS , MoP , GoI Scheme & PFC/REC ( Nodal agency for state ) name and
logo Utility Name must be etched on the name plate.
 Scheme Name (RDSS Govt. of India)
 Manufacturer’s name or trade mark
 Purchase Order number
 Year of manufacture
 Purchasers name with Serial no
The color and finish may be in accordance with the Manufacturer standards for the service
conditions specified, subject to Buyer’s approval. The equipment to be supplied shall work
satisfactorily under tropical conditions
15.6.3 Surface Treatment and Painting Of Steel Parts
 Before painting all un-galvanized parts shall be completely cleaned and made free from
rust scale and grease and all external rough surface cavities on castings shall be filled
by metal deposition.

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 The interior parts and internal structural steel work shall be cleaned of all scale and rust
by sand blasting or other approved method.
 All external surfaces shall receive a minimum of 3 coats of paint.
 All equipment furnished by the contractor shall be completely painted for final use,
with the exceptions of those parts or surfaces that are expressly designated as unpainted
for instance Aluminum Alloy parts.
The contractor shall perform all painting work in his shop before dispatch and only a field
touch-up shall be performed after installation. (The paint used for field touch up shall be
delivered by the supplier, and shall be of the quality and color shade as used in shop painting).
The paint shall be guaranteed for 5 years from the date of receipt of the material or end of FMS
whichever is higher.
15.6.4 Workmanship:
a) Workmanship shall be of the highest grade and conform to the best modern practice
for the manufacture of high grade machinery and electrical equipment.
b) Field welding of the equipment is to be avoided and erection at site shall be kept to a
minimum. Sub-assemblies erected and tested in the factory are limited only by the
transport conditions and handling facilities at site.
15.6.5 Drawing and Literatures ETC
The drawings with plan elevation and cross section of the equipment to be supplied with
complete dimensions and weights of module shall be enclosed. The drawings shall include
control circuit drawings, Technical literature covering instruction booklet and O&M manuals
of the equipment shall be enclosed to the offer. Tenders not accompanied by the above are
liable to be rejected. Six sets of these drawings and literature (Instruction booklets and O&M
manuals). The photographs (front and side views) of the equipment offered shall be furnished.
15.6.6 Overall Dimensions
The manufacturer shall give the necessary information as regards to the overall dimensions
of the equipment to be supplied. All the equipments shall be packed in suitable crates with
suitable steel bands so as to withstand rough handling and storage at destination.
15.6.7 Tests & test certificates
The tests shall be carried out as per relevant IS/IEC latest versions and test certificates shall
be furnished for approval. The tenderer shall indicate the details of the equipment available
with him for carrying out the various tests as per relevant IS/IEC latest versions. The tenderer
shall indicate the source of all materials and collaborators if any. They shall also indicate the
name of the supplier and make of constructional steel etc. Copy of the type test certificates
for the equipment offered shall be enclosed or in case not available, the same shall be provided
during finalization of equipment. The bidder shall confirm the same and shall provide the
equipment with requisite compliances
15.6.8 Guarantee
 The Equipments shall be guaranteed for Seven years from the date of operation
 The manufacturer shall demonstrate the availability of spares for all the above
equipment for next 10 years from the date of supply of the product.
15.6.9 Training
The supplier shall give rigorous training to the engineers & staff (40 persons) for 2 days for

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each RMU/FPI/Sectionalizer/Auto recloser/Numerical in attending trouble shooting and

maintenance at owners/utility premises and in the field after successful installation. Training
should be at free of cost.
15.6.10 RMUs:
Test certificates certified by CPRI or any international recognized testing laboratory as per
IEC 62271-100 / 200 or relevant IS Standard with latest amendments. Following Test
Certificate has to be submitted.
 Dielectric Withstand Test
 Short time withstand - STC withstand test
 Mechanical endurance test
 Internal Arc test –(IAC Test) Tank & Cable compartment test
 Degree of protection test – IP test
15.6.11 Auto Reclosers:
Test certificates certified by CPRI or any international recognized testing laboratory as per
ANSI / IEEE C37.60/IEC 62271-111 Standard with latest amendments. Following Test
Certificate has to be submitted.
 Dielectric Withstand Test
 Short time & Peak Withstand test - STC withstand test
 Mechanical endurance test
 Ingress Protection -IP – Test for Control Cabinet
 Electro Magnetic Compatibility - EMC -test for Control Cabinet
15.6.12 Sectionalizer:
Test certificates certified by CPRI or any international recognized testing laboratory as per
IEC 60265-1 Standard with latest amendments. Following Test Certificate has to be
 Dielectric Withstand Test
 Short time & Peak Withstand test - STC withstand test
 Mechanical endurance test
 Ingress Protection -IP – Test for Control Cabinet
 Electro Magnetic Compatibility - EMC -test for Control Cabinet
15.6.13 Fault passage indicators
Test certificates certified by CPRI or any international recognized testing laboratory as per
standard IEC/IEEE/ANSI/IS with latest amendments. The following Type Test Certificates
shall be submitted prior to dispatch and shall also enclose an undertaking letter along
with the bid.
 Dielectric Withstand Test
 Ingress Protection - IP – Test for Control Cabinet
 Short time & Peak Withstand test - STC withstand test

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Further , the applicable equipments indicated in the MoP oder no 12/34/2020-T&R dtd
08.06.21 & CEA /PLG/R&D/MII/2021 dtd 11.6.21 and any amendment from time to time
shall be adhered to. This chapter is applicable to Group A,B,C ,U towns as per functional
requirements. If RMU/SECTIOLIZER or AUTO RECLOSER have built-in FRTU , then the
quantity shall be reduced from external FRTU . However, the FRTU shall be meet minimum
functional requirement in chapter for RTU/FRTU
Table-1: List of Tests on IED / BCPU
Nos. test Test test
1. Check for make, type and rating. √ √
2. Check for full model number of IED / BCPU, no. of CT, VT, DI √ √
and DO.
3. Verification of CT and VT Ratio settings in IED / BCPU. √ √
4. Verification of programmable DI and DO configuration in √ √
Check the available protection function stages in IED / √
5. BCPU.
6. Verification of enabled protection function stages and its √
parameter settings.
7. Measurement checks via injection kit – Current and Voltage √ √
(if applicable)
8. Testing of protection function pickup and time delay though √
secondary injection. kit.
9. Check output contacts (DO) through force function of IED / √ √
10. Verification of configurable LEDs settings. √ √
11. Check event records, fault records and disturbance record √ √
12. Verification of communication parameter settings in IED / √ √
13. Check the IEC61850 communication. √
14. Surge Immunity Test as per IEC 61000-4-5 √
15. Electrical Fast Transient Test as per IEC 61000-4-4 √
16. Damped Oscillatory Wave Test as per IEC 61000-4-18 √
17. Electrostatic Discharge test as per IEC 61000-4-2 √

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Nos. test Test test
18. Radiated Radio Frequency as per IEC 61000-4-3 √
19. Voltage dips, short interruptions and variations IEC 61000- √
20. Immunity to conducted RF disturbances IEC 61000-4-6 √
21. Power frequency voltage withstand Test as per IEC 60255- √
22. 1.2/50 μs Impulse voltage withstand Test as per IEC 60255- √
23. Insulation resistance test IEC 60255-27 √
24. Vibrations, Shocks and Bumps IEC 60255-21 √
25. Cold test as per IEC60068-2-1 √

26. Dry heat test as per IEC60068-2-2 √

27. Damp heat teat as per IEC60068-2-78 √
28. Flowing mixed gas corrosion test IEC60068-2-60 √
E Other test
29. Cyber security compliance IEC 62443-4-1 and IEC 62443-4- √
2 certificate of IEC / BCPU from NABL labs asper GoI
30. Communication IEC 61850 Edition-2 from an accredited √
Level A testing laboratory.

End of Chapter 15

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This chapter describes general requirements that apply to all training courses. The Contractor
shall submit the training proposal along with the bid. This chapter is applicable to Group A,
B, C towns as per functional requirements.
The training content, schedule and location shall be finalized during project execution.
16.0 General
(a) Training will be conducted by Contractors personnel, who are experienced instructors
and speak understandable English.
(b) All necessary training materials shall be provided by the Contractor. Each trainee shall
receive individual copies of all technical manuals and all other documents used for
(c) Class materials, including the documents sent before the training courses as well as
class handouts, shall become the property of owner. Employer/owner reserves the
right to copy such materials, but for in-house training and use only.
(d) Hands-on training shall utilize equipment similar to that being supplied under the
(e) For all training courses, the travel and per-diem expenses will be borne by the owner.
(f) The Contractor shall quote training prices under project management cost. & shall be
included in the bid
(g) The schedule, location, and detailed contents of each course will be finalized during
employer and Contractor discussions shortly after placement of the award. The
Consultant/Employer shall review and approve the contents of the overview training
prior to the start of the training.
16.1 Training Course Requirements
Employer's training course requirements are described below in terms of the contents of each
course to be provided. Training shall be provided on actual database for the application
software course and the associate training courses.
16.1.1 Database, Display Building & Report generation Course
The database and display building course shall be the first course to be given in the overall
training sequence. It shall be a hands-on course using the hardware and software to be supplied
by the contractor. The course shall be designed to train owner personnel in how to develop
the databases, displays, reports, and logs for the offered system.
Course objectives shall include:
a) How to set up a database & display development system
b) How to identify database fields, entries, records, tables, and contents
c) How to structure RTU /FRTU table definitions
d) How to build tables, arrays, and report formats and displays.
e) How to perform database maintenance
f) How to generate the database from source information
g) How to maintain symbol libraries, display color groups, and display string lists.

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On course completion, all participants shall be able to prepare the necessary input data to
define the system operating environment, build the system database and displays, and prepare
the database administrator to maintain and modify the database and its structures.
16.1.2 Computer System Hardware & Software Course
The computer system hardware & Software course shall be offered, at the system level only.
The training course shall be designed to give owner hardware & software personnel sufficient
knowledge of the overall design and operation of the system so that they can correct obvious
problems, configure the hardware, perform preventive maintenance, run diagnostic programs.
The following subjects shall be covered:
(a) System Hardware Overview: Configuration of the system hardware.
(b) Operating System: Including the user aspects of the operating system, such as program
loading and integrating procedures; scheduling, management service, and utility
functions; and system expansion techniques and procedures
(c) System Initialization and Fail over: Including design, theory of operation, and practice
(d) Equipment Maintenance: Basic theory of operation, maintenance techniques and
diagnostic procedures for each element of the computer system, e.g., processors,
auxiliary memories, LANs, routers and printers. Configuration of all the hardware
(e) Diagnostics: Including the execution of diagnostic procedures and the interpretation
of diagnostic outputs,
(f) System Expansion: Techniques and procedures to expand and add equipment such as
loggers, monitors, and communication channels.
(g) System Maintenance: Theory of operation and maintenance of the hardware
configuration, fail over of redundant hardware etc.
(h) Operational Training: Practical training on preventive and corrective maintenance of
all equipment, including use of testing tools.
16.1.3 Application Software Course
The Contractor shall provide training on Application software courses covering all
applications other than those already covered above. The training shall include:
(a) Overview: Block diagrams of the application software and data flows. Programming
standards and program interface conventions.
(b) Application Functions: Overview of Functional capabilities, design, and algorithms.
Associated maintenance and expansion techniques.
(c) System Programming: An introduction to software architecture, Effect of tuning
parameters (OS software, Network software, database software and Application
Software etc.) on the performance of the system. Administration of Database (both
real- time and RDBMS),
(d) Software Documentation: Orientation in the organization and use of system software
and Application software documentation.
(e) Hands-on Training: shall be provided with allocated computer time for trainee
performance of unstructured exercises and with the course instructor available for
assistance as necessary.

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16.1.4 RTU/FRTU / SCADA enabler course

The Contractor shall provide an RTU/FRTU course that covers the following subjects as a
(a) Theory of operation of all RTU/FRTU functions
(b) Operational procedures for various modes of operation, including diagnostic tests and
interpretation of the associated test results
(c) Implementing and maintaining multiple communication ports
(d) Converting an RTU/FRTU from one protocol to a different
(e) Demonstration of complete RTU/FRTU test set use, including test set connection and
set up for all possible modes of operation, all operational procedures, the exercise of
each command or feature associated with each mode of operation, the interpretation of
results, and how to use the test set to diagnose and isolate RTU problems
(f) Disconnection and replacement of all RTU/FRTU equipment, including all modules
within the RTU/FRTU
16.1.5 Operator Training Course
This training course shall provide training to Owner’s operators on SCADA/DMS and Billing
& Customer Care Systems so that operators can manage the system effectively.
The training shall include:
(a) System Overview: Configuration of the system, a functional overview, and an overview
of system capabilities and performance.
(b) General Operating Procedures: Hierarchical structure of displays, display capabilities
and features, user procedures, log-on and user access restrictions, and error messages.
(c) System Applications: Theory of operation, capabilities, and operating procedures
for each application function.
(d) Handling of Equipment: Minor maintenance operations, such as removal of stuck
paper in printers etc., which do not require spares/specialized skills.
(e) Operator Documentation: Orientation in the organization and application of all user
documentation for Operator and verification of the information contained therein.
The course shall focus on hands-on training on the system. The trainees shall perform
instructor-defined procedures with the help of the dispatcher documentation. In addition there
shall be training for Instructor to use DTS.
16.1.6 SCADA enabler, networking, power supply related Training:
The training shall focus on critical aspects associated with installation, testing &
commissioning , operation , maintenance of SCADA enabler (SECTIONLIZER, RMUs ,
FPIs etc.) & Leased network equipment & Auxiliary power supply related training however,
responsibility of service provider & contractor who has signed SLA with utility, but required
level of knowledge for troubleshooting, up keeping the equipment will be required.This shall
include the state-of-the art techniques employed in laying, splicing & testing of fiberoptic cable
& terminal equipments etc. The owner’s personnel shall be trained in such a waythat the basic
maintenance of terminal equipments & cable etc. can be carried out effectively.
End of Chapter 16

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This chapter describes general requirements describes the project’s spares and maintenance
requirements. This chapter is applicable to Group A,B,C towns as per functional requirements
17.0 Introduction
The Contractor shall be required to provide the services through Facility Management Service
provider so as to manage SCADA / DMS/ OMS system for all Group A,B,C,U as applicable
including all equipments, installations including hardware, software & networks installed &
commissioned by Contractor for the utility in order that they meet the availability requirement
as specified in the document.
System Management Services shall be provided by FMS Contractor i.e. SIA in order that
maximum uptime & performance levels of SCADA systems installed are ensured. As such,
FMS Contractor is expected to provide services as per ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library)
standards with performance levels meeting or exceeding those mentioned in Service Level
Agreement (SLA) agreed between utility & Contractor.
To achieve the desired Service Levels, the Contractor may need to interact, coordinate and
collaborate with the other Service Providers as required. The Contractor will act as the Single
Point of Contact for all issues relating to the Service Levels. The Contractor will have the
responsibility to deal with the other vendors (during warranty period) /other vendors as
selected by utility (after warranty period) as the case maybe, to provide the services at agreed
service levels. However, the prime responsibility of providing desired services shall be that of
lead Contractor during warranty period. The role of FMS Contractor shall start immediately
after systems are installed, commissioned and handed over to the owner after Operational
acceptance of the SCADA/DMS System.
17.1 Scope of Work
The Scope of Work shall include the software and hardware maintenance support to be
provided by the Contractor in respect of the system supplied under this project during five year
Facility Management Services (FMS) period along with Supervision & Operationalizingfive
year warranty serving entire FMS period of the SCADA/DMS System after the Operational
Acceptance of the SCADA/DMS System.
The maintenance of the SCADA-DMS System under FMS period shall be comprehensive, as set
forth herein, in nature and would broadly include but not be limited to diagnosis and
rectification of the hardware and software failures. The Scope also includes:
 Co-ordination with equipment supplier for Repair/ replacement of defective
 Configuration of the replaced hardware/software, periodic routine checking as part of a
preventive maintenance program (as described in further detail in this document) which
would include checking of functionality of hardware and software,
 Services to maintain, bring up any or all SCADA-DMS- OMS systems upon its failure
and to restore the functioning of SCADA-DMS system including Control Centers and
field equipment, communication under the scope etc. .
 Database sizing and CFE card addition for new RTUs/FRTUs
 Creation / modification /deletion of database , displays , reports , GIS delta changes
etc. ,
 The support for the RTU’s /FRTUs & SCADA enablers (Sectionalizers, RMUs ,RMUsetc.)

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 All Software modules under the SCADA-DMS System and the associated Hardware
supplied under this project.
 Communication & auxiliary power supply
Contractor shall also carry out routine works like database building/ modification, report
creation/ modification, addition of analog, status points, control points and testing from field
and other such day-to-day operational activity in presence, knowledge and concurrence of
utility representatives. The information of modifications shall be documented by contractor
and utility. Further, supply of quantity of RTU/FRTUs beyond mentioned in the contract shall
be responsibility of utility. In case RTU/FRTUs and associated components are added for
further growth in the network during FMS period and are part of supply by SIA only (as per
same unit rate of the contract for implementation and 5 Years of FMS period after operational
acceptance , then SIA shall also responsible erection , commissioning of the same ). Otherwise,
the responsibility of SIA will be limited to control center activities data base population,
mimic, report generation
/modification including end to end testing
The Scope does not include management of physical security for access to the said facilities,
the following facilities will be provided at the start of contract to FMS Contractor by Utility
for carrying out the FMS responsibilities:
 Sufficient Operators for dispatch control (However, SIA shall provide adequate
training to utility operators for supervision and control and handhold for at least one
initial year during FMS for the same. In any case, operations shall be made by utility
personnel or agency hired for operations by utility only).
 Appropriately secured lockable storage/setup area
 Sufficient Sitting/office space in neat & clean environment
 PC (other communication facilities like P&T telephone & internet facility are to be
arranged by FMS Contractor)
Utility shall provide all logistic support including access, work permits / shutdowns, Air-
conditioning, raw power supply at control centers, furniture and other interface requirements
on field of components which are not in the scope of contractor. Further, supply, erection,
commissioning of quantity of SCADA enablers beyond in the contract shall be responsibility
of utility
17.1.1 Hours of cover
The Contractor’s on-site support standard hours of service the timings for Emergency Software
Support would be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week throughout the year (i . e .24x365). At least
three Engineers including Site Manager along with one on-site support personnel for Hardware
and one on-site personnel for Software shall be deployed at each control center and at least
one field engineer per district in case of Group B & C. towns and one field engineer each for
Group A /U town The support personnel so deployed shall be qualified personnel having
experience in the delivered SCADA/DMS system. The Contractorshall submit the CV’s of all
such personnel to Utility .The manpower specified is minimum, however, contractor shall
ensure sufficiency of manpower to meet SLA during FMS period

The Contractor shall be responsible for 24*7*365 management of all the systems as per scope
of work with services rendered at least as per Service Level Agreement between utility &
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17.1.2 Essence of the Agreement

The essence of the Agreement (to be entered) is to provide FMS for the designated hardware
and software, with the goal of meeting the Availability as set forth herein and to provide system
tuning and configuration to accommodate a growing system. Service Delivery Management
FMS Contractor shall provide detailed description for service delivery management for the
complete project including transition plan and deliverables and project management
a) Project Management
During FMS, a Project Manager for the entire discom who will provide the management
interface facility and has the responsibility for managing the complete service delivery during
the contractual arrangement between utility and the FMS Contractor. Project Manager will be
responsible for preparation and delivery of all monthly/weekly reports as well as all invoicing
relating to the service being delivered. Project Manager’s responsibilities should essentially
cover the following:
 Overall responsibility for delivery of the Statement of Work/s (SOW) and
 Meeting Service Level Agreement (SLA).
 Act as a primary interface to Utility for all matters that can affect the baseline,
schedule and cost of the services project.
 Maintain project communications through Utility’s Project Leader.
 Provide strategic and tactical recommendations in relation to technology related
 Provide escalation to Contractor’s senior management if required
 Resolve deviations from the phased project plan. Conduct regularly scheduled
project status meetings.
 Review and administer the Project Change Control Procedure with utility
 Identify and resolve problems and issues together with utility Project Leader.
Responsible for preparation and delivery of all monthly reports as well as all invoicing
relating to the services being delivered
b) Install, Moves, Adds, Changes (IMAC) Services
This Service provides for the scheduling and performance of install, move, adds, and change
activities for Hardware and Software. Definitions of these components are as follows:
i. Install: Installation of desktop machines/workstations, servers, peripheral equipment,
and network-attached peripheral equipment, which form part of the
SCADA/DMS/OMS System supplied under the contract (new equipment needs to be
procured by the Utility or due to growth of network).
ii. Move: Movement of desktop machines/workstations, servers, peripheral equipment,
and network-attached peripheral equipment.
iii. Add: Installation of additional hardware /software after initial delivery
iv. Change: Upgrade to or modification of existing hardware or software on
desktop/workstations and servers etc.

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Requests for IMAC shall be prepared by FMS Contractor depending on customer/ system
requirements & shall be approved by utility. Utility shall formulate guidelines for IMAC &
communicate it to FMS Contractor. All procurement shall be done by utility other than
replacement of faulty items as per warranty /SLA under FMS period of the said item. Any item
consumed during warranty period from SIA supplied spares to utility, shall be replenished by
c) Contractor Management Services
As part of this activity, for efficient and effective warranty implementation, the FMS
Contractor’s team will:
1. Manage the vendors for escalations on support
2. Logging calls and co-ordination with Contractors
3. Contractor SLA tracking
4. Management of assets sent for repair
5. Maintain database of the various vendors with details like contact person, Tel. Nos.,
response time and resolution time commitments. Log calls with vendors, Coordinate
and follow up with the vendors and get the necessary items exchanged.
6. Analyze the performance of the Contractors periodically (Quarterly basis)
7. Provide MIS to utility regarding tenure of completion of warranty/AMC with outside
vendors for software, hardware & networks maintenance in order that utility may take
necessary action for renewal of warranty/AMC. FMS Contractor shall also provide
MIS regarding performance of said Contractors during existing warranty/AMC.
8. Since during initial five years, warranty is in scope of OEM vendors there will be no
AMC for SCADA/DMS system. During such period, FMS Contractor has to interact
with such vendors for maintenance services and spares. After warranty period, if
required Utility can award the suitable AMC and FMS Contractor has to interact with
Contractors as selected by utility for providing AMC for the said system on mutually
agreed terms & conditions.
9. The faulty hardware /software may be replaced from available spares of utility to
minimizing downtime time. However, in such case the same be replenished to utility
by SIA within a month.
d) FMS Contractor’s (SIA) Other Responsibilities
1. Provide a single-point-of-contact for responding to Utility’s queries or accepting its
problem management requests. FMS Contractor’s specialist will respond to utility’s
initial request within agreed service level objectives set forth.
2. Monitor availability & Escalate to service provider and Notify Utility for
communication failures.
3. Review the service levels of the service provider (as per pre-defined schedules on SLA
performance) along with utility.
4. Provide network availability incident reports severity wise to utility in a format mutually
5. Provide SLA performance management report of the Service Provider.
6. Fault Detection and Notification: The Contractor shall diagnose problems that could

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arise as part of the LAN/WAN network. These include connectivity problems due to
failures in communication transport links, routing configuration points, or from software
bugs etc.
7. Fault Isolation and Resolution: All faults that have been identified need to be isolated
and rectified appropriately. The resolution measures undertaken by the Contractor and
results produced accordingly shall be documented in the report.
8. Carrier Coordination: Carrier Coordination implies providing a single point of contact
to resolve network related problems involving carrier circuits, whether equipment or
circuit related. When a problem is diagnosed because of a WAN circuit, the Contractor
must coordinate with the corresponding carrier to test and restore the circuit. The
Contractor must take the responsibility and ensure that the problem is resolved.
9. Hardware/Software Maintenance and Monitoring: This would include problem
determination, configuration issues, and hardware and software fault reporting and
resolution. All such issues would need to be recorded and rectified.
10. 24x7 Network Monitoring and reporting: The Contractor shall monitor the network
on a continuous basis using the NMS and submit reportson a monthly basis with instances
from the NMS system. System performance is to be monitored independently by the
Contractor and a monthly report mentioning Service up time etc. is to be submitted to
Utility. The report shall include:
 Network configuration changes
 Network Performance Management including bandwidth availability and
Bandwidth utilization
 Network uptime
 Link uptime
 Network equipment health check report
 Resource utilization and Faults in network
 Link wise Latency report (both one way and round trip) times.
11. Historical reporting for generation of on-demand and scheduled reports of Business
Service related metrics with capabilities for customization of the report presentation.
12. Generate SLA violation alarms to notify whenever an agreement is violated or is in
danger of being violated.
13. Any other reports/format other than the above mentioned reports required by utility
e) Backup/Restore management
FMS Contractor will perform backup and restore management in accordance with mutually
FMS Contractor shall ensure:
1. Backup and restore of data in accordance to defined process / procedure.
2. 24 x 7 support for database restoration requests
3. Maintenance and Upgrade of infrastructure and/or software as and when needed.
4. Performance analysis of infrastructure and rework of backup schedule for optimum

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5. Generation and publishing of backup reports periodically.

6. Maintaining inventory of onsite tapes.
7. Forecasting tape requirements for backup.
8. Ensuring failed backups are restarted and completed successfully within the backup
9. Monitor and enhance the performance of scheduled backups
10. Real-time monitoring, log maintenance and reporting of backup status on a regular
11. Management of storage environment to maintain performance at optimum levels.
12. Periodic Restoration Testing of the Backup
14. Periodic Browsing of the Backup Media
15. Management of the storage solution including, but not limited to, management of
space, volume, RAID configuration, configuration and management of disk array etc.,
16. Interacting with Process Owners in developing / maintaining Backup & Restoration
Policies / Procedures to provide MIS reports as per agreement
f) Restoration of Control Centre in case of Failure
The FMS Contractor shall ensure that all the relevant data is transferred from control center
at regular frequency to Data Recovery Centre (DR) which is required for restoration of Control
Centre in case of complete failure of Control center. In case of catastrophe / damage of ZSCC
control center including force majeure conditions , FMS Contractor shall carry out system
build in order to build the SCADA/DMS system at Control center from scratch from software
licenses of control center data stored at DR Centre . However, in such condition where damage
of control center is not attributed to SIA , the development will be done on hardware procured
by utility . In case the damage is attributed due to SIA , SIA shall be liable provide control
center hardware The same applies to damage of Disaster Recovery center / SDCC in case
Group A towns
g) Performance Monitoring & Reporting
 Regularly monitor and maintain a log of the performance monitoring of servers
including but not limited to monitoring CPU, disk space, memory utilization, I/O
utilization, Central Storage etc.
 Regular analysis of events and logs generated in all the sub systems including but not
limited to servers, operating systems, databases, applications etc. The system
administrators shall also ensure that the logs are backed up and truncated at regular
 The administrators shall undertake actions in accordance with the results of the log
analysis to ensure that the bottlenecks in the infrastructure are identified and fine-
tuning is done for optimal performance
 Reporting to utility for all system performance monitoring % of availability of RTU &
it’s COMMUNICATION in a month ( Minimum 98% ) & FRTU , FPI, Numerical
relay, Enablers & it’s communication (Minimum 95% time respectively ). For % of
availability of RTU, FRTU , FPI Digital & Analog status & control points ( Minimum
of total count end to end tested/ total count and for it’s communication total no of hours
, the link was up / total no of hours in a given period)

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status to be derived from trend table and failure reporting of control command
execution event , if any
 Cyber security audit from CERT.IN empaneled agency on annual basis or interim
audits in case of major change
 No cyber-attack or intrusion in SCADA/DMS system incident
The Contractor must adhere to well-defined processes and procedures to deliver consistent
quality services throughout its contractual period. Any hardware/software to meet the
requirements under this legacy system for integration under chapter 1 , must be provided by
the Contractor. The Contractor isexpected to have the following system management controls
in place:
i) Availability Management
The Contractor must define the processes/procedures which ensure the service delivery as per
the required SLAs or exceed it. It should cover various equipments such as all the servers,
networks, switches, routers, Modems & other site specific services, and the critical services
and their supporting hardware, and software components, as defined in scope of work. Industry
standard SLA management tools should be deployed and shall have following essentialfeatures:
 Ability to create an escalation for an SLA.
 Ability to workflow the SLAs.
 Ability to create new action types, if needed.
 Ability to define sets of actions that are grouped together in a specific sequence.
 Ability to associate an escalation point with one or more actions through the action
ii) Performance Management
The recording, monitoring, measuring, analyzing, reporting, and forecasting of current levels,
potential bottlenecks, and enhancements of performance characteristics for the services,
networks, applications, system software, and equipment within the scope shall be required.
System tuning and optimization is an inherent part of this contract. Where warranted, the
Contractor will utilize capacity management data in combination with performance
management data to identify ways to improve performance levels of the resources, extend their
useful life, and request utility to approve revisions/upgrades to the computing and
communications hardware, software and other equipments such that higher levels of
performance of the resources are obtained.
iii) Security Management
 The protection from unauthorized usage, detection of intrusions, reporting as required
and proactive prevention actions are to be provided by the Contractor. No cyber-attack
or intrusion in SCADA/DMS system incident
 Cyber security audit shall be carried out from CERT.IN empaneled agency on annual
basis or interim audit in case of major modification
 No cyber-attack or intrusion in SCADA/DMS system incident

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17.2 Support Services

17.2.1 Emergency Support
The severity levels are defined under clause 17.3 of this chapter. Emergency Support for Severity
1 issues are to be provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The on- call support team shall
include all key technical competencies so that any aspect of a system failure can be attended.
The team comprise of experienced technical staff that are skilled in troubleshooting SCADA /
DMS systems. Severity 1 problems shall be reported by telephone for rapid response; target
response times are defined in clause 17.5. The Contractor shall submit the process details to
meet the above requirements along with the offer. For severity 1 problems, the key objective
is to restore the system to an operational state as quickly as possible, including by a temporary
workaround. Resolution of the defect may be completed during standard hours.
Severity 2, 3, and 4 problems shall be reported by Utility through a call tracking system to be
provided by the Contractor. The Emergency Support service goal is to meet the availability
targets greater than specified in this document (minimum 99% for Overall SCADA/DMS
System). Resolution of problems may also be provided by an individual fix that will be
installed by the Contractor at no extra cost to Utility.
17.2.2 Monitoring
The Contractor shall conduct the following monitoring, for the supplied SCADA/DMS System . Error Log Monitoring
To monitor the performance of SCADA/DMS system on a monthly basis, the Contractor shall
review the following, analyze the results, and communicate to Utility:
 System logs for a selected day
 System history log
 Aggregate data collection
 Events Collection
During monitoring if any defect is found, the Contractor shall undertake corrective action for
the same. The Contractor shall submit the process details to meet the above along with the
offer Resource Monitoring
Resource Monitoring services comprises checking the system's major node resources, gather
log data, analyze results, and advise Utility on the appropriate actions to be taken and undertake
any agreed upon actions. A tool will be created to continuously collect the following
CPU loading (Peak and Average)
 System error log
 Disk utilization (Peak and Average)
 Operating system error reports
 LAN utilization (Peak and Average)
 Bandwidth utilization
 Memory utilization (Peak and Average)

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The Contractor shall submit the procedures details to meet the above along with the offer.
17.2.3 Support for System expansion
New RTUs, RMUs & FPIs etc. per year are likely to be added to match the growing Power
system. The services to be provided by the Contractor will include the Communication Front
End (CFE) port/card addition/expansion, database resizing, interface addition in CFE and
support for integration confirming to the IEC standards / existing application. This would not
include the cost of equipments/card required for expansion.
17.3 Problem Severity Levels
The problems will be categorized as follows:

Category Definition
Severity 1 – Urgent Complete system failure, severe system instability, loss or failure of
any major subsystem or system component such
as to cause a significant adverse impact to system availability,
performance, or operational capability (as described at 17.3.1).
Severity 2 – Serious Degradation of services or critical functions such as to negatively
impact system operation. Failure of any redundant system
component such that the normal redundancy is lost (as described at
17.3.1. Non-availability of Man-power at control center during
working hours

Severity 3 – Minor Any other system defect, failure,

(as described at 17.3.1.
Severity 4 – Request for information, technical configuration assistance,
General/Technical “how to” guidance, and enhancement requests. (as
Help described at 17.3.1.

The details of the system under different severity level are as below:-
17.3.1 Severity of the system under different Severity level.
a) Severity-1 (Urgent support)
This support is required when there is a complete system failure, severe system instability, the
loss/ failure of any major sub-system / system or its components, which may significantly
impact the system availability, performance, or operational capability at Control center. For
example, loss of data to the operator due to any problem in SCADA-DMS system,
,Loss/failure of DR / Disaster recovery Centre, outages of both the CFEs attributable to any
software/hardware related problem, outage of any important software functionality (on both
the servers) which is required to disperse Distribution management /OMS functions, , Failure
of both GPS clock and time synchronization and outage of both routers, failure of both LAN
system, outage of both main and backup servers of any system, firewall would be included
under this category. The problem shall be attended by the Contractor at the earliest, within the
response/Resolution time as specified in the Agreement on occurrence of incident . The

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Contractor shall take all steps to restore the SCADA functionality at the earliest to avoid data
b) Severity-2
The support services not defined under Severity-1 are included under this category. Failure of
one SCADA/DMS/FEP Server/ICCP server, failure of VPS , Stoppage of data collections for
archiving, real time calculations, failure in Acquisition of SOE at the respective Control-
Centre, outage of Real Time Network and distribution applications, and other applications are
included in this category, Coverage under this severity would be outages that do not
immediately cause on feeder data loss but subsequently could result into Severity-1 category
outage, loss of an important subsystem that may affect the day-to-day works and loss of
archived data. Failure of any redundant system component affecting the critical redundancy
like loss of any one Application Processor, Router, CFE would also be included in this category.
Non-availability of Man-power at control center during working hours will also be covered
under this category.
c) Severity-3 (Standard support)
The support services included under this category are when the outage or loss of functionality
is neither an emergency nor a priority functionality as indicated in severity level 1 or 2 above.
Problems like database reworking, failure of any one workstation, etc. would be covered under
this Severity.
d) Severity-4 (General Technical Help)
Request for information, technical configuration assistance, “how to” guidance and
enhancement requests are included under this category.
17.4 Problem/Defect Reporting Procedure
The Contractor shall propose an appropriate problem/defect reporting procedure to meet the
requirement of all severity level cases along with the offer.
17.5 Response and Resolution Time
This clause describes the target times within which the Contractor should respond to support
requests for each category of severity. The Initial Response Time is defined time as the period
between the initial receipt of the support request (through approved communications channels)
and the acknowledgment of the Contractor. The Action Resolution Time is the period between
the initial response/ incident concurrence and the Contractor delivering a solution. This period
includes investigation time and consideration of alternative courses of action to remedy the
situation. The Action is defined as a direct solution or a workaround.
Except for Severity Level 1 & RTUs/ substation equipment , all hours and days specified are working
hours only.

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17.5.1 Emergency Support Response/Resolution Time

Severity Initial Action Action
Response Resolution
1 30 minutes 2 hours An urgent or emergency situation requiring
continuous attention from necessary support staff
until system operation is restored – may be by
2 1 day 2 days Attempt to find a solution acceptable to Utility/
Employer as quickly as practical. Resolution time is
dependent on reproducibility, ability to gather data,
and Utility prioritization. Resolution may be by
3 2 days 5 days Evaluation and action plan. Resolution time is
Dependent on reproducibility, ability to gather data,
and Utility prioritization. Resolution may be by
4 2 days 5 days Report on the problem/query is to be furnished.

Downtime will be calculated time beyond response & resolution time

The Contractor shall submit the detailed format/procedure for all the activities such as Reporting time,
Resolution time, Downtime etc. along with the offer.
17.6 Preventive Maintenance
The Contractor shall undertake preventive maintenance of all equipment/modules (i.e. Hardware
& Software supplied under the SCADA/DMS System), under the scope of this contract, in
accordance with this section. The Contractor will prepare the report as per periodicity defined
below and submit the same to the Engineer-in-charge.
i) Activities shall include but not limited to:
a) Patch Management for OS and Application Software
b) Automatic update of Antivirus and firewall signatures on daily basis.
c) Average and peak usage of CPU, LAN, Memory and Disk –once every month .
d) Monitoring of machine with reference to error reports and logs - once every
e) Online diagnostics for servers and workstations - once every 3 months.
f) Connection test of LAN cables for identifying potential loose contacts in
machines, hubs and routers - once every 3 months.
g) Physical hardware checks to ensure proper working of cooling fans etc.- once
every 3 months.
h) Physical inspection to check the machines and the panels for rat droppings,
lizards or other vermin - once every 3 months,

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i) Cleaning and blowing for removal of dust from Servers , Workstations, CFE
panels and RTUs/FRTUs/ Numerical relays supplied etc.- once every 3 months.
j) Routine maintenance of electronics of RMU/ SECTIONLIZER /FPI
ii) Exclusions:
a) Maintaining dust free / AC environment and protection from rodents and vermin is
the responsibility of Utility.
b) Regular cleaning of computer furniture and surroundings is the responsibility of
c) Equipment shutdown during preventive maintenance shall be deemed as available.
17.7 Availability and Payment charges Calculation
It is the endeavor of both the Contractor and Utility to maximize system availability to the extent
possible. The Contractor shall provide guaranteed availability for various types of Severity
levels as specified in clause 17.3 above. The non-availability hours for availability calculation
may be reckoned from the end of the allowed Action Resolution time. A standardized register/
log on system shall be maintained at each site containing full details of each outages, actions
taken by Utility to correct the problem, applicable Severity level, time of reporting to the
Contractor support engineer/support centers pursuant to the appropriate methods in the
Agreement, allowed Response time as per the Response times defined in clause 17.5, actual
Resolution time, and signature of Engineer-in-charge as well as the Contractor’s support
engineer of the site. Duration of outages over and above the Action Resolution time in each of
the Severity levels shall be counted for the non- availability computation and shall be clearly
brought out in the register. The resolution may be accomplished by a work around, and such
solution shall mark the end of non-availability. In the event of multiple failures at a site, due to a
common cause, the first FPR (Field Problem, Report) logged shall be used for the purpose of
availability calculation. However, simultaneous multiple outages duetounrelated cause would be
counted separately
17.7.1 Availability computation for SCADA-DMS-OMS System
Availability would be on per quarterly basis. The formula to be used for availability computation
would be as under:
Availability per quarter (per site) = THQ- (S1 x 0.6+S2 x0.3+S3 x 0.1) x 100%
Where THQ is total hours in the quarter
S1 is the total non-available hours in Severity Level-1
S2 is the total non-available hours in Severity Level-2
S3 is the total non-available hours in Severity Level -3
In case of cyber-attack incident which is not neutralized by cyber security and affected the
system, the availability shall be considered nil
17.7.2 Payment of maintenance charges (based on SCADA-DMS -OMS System
In the event of availability below a certain level, the maintenance charges would be
proportionately reduced as follows. The non-availability will be considered if system is non
available beyond reporting/response + resolution time :
For overall system availability (S)

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Availability per Deduction as % of the apportioned price of total FMS for

Quarter SCADA-DMS -OMS portion of the contract applicable for
that site
> 98% NIL
Less than 98% Deduction of 2.5 % of the apportioned price on each 1% non-
availability below 98% and upto 95% and deduction of 4 % of the
apportioned price on each 1% non-availability upto 90% & 100%
deduction below90%

While calculating Availability following shall be considered:

The Overall SCADA/DMS/ OMS System shall be considered as available if
a. All SCADA applications are available
b. All OMS/DMS applications are available
c. All SCADA/DMS/OMS functions described in the specification are executed at
periodicities specified in the specification. without degradation in the response times
d. Requests from available Operator Consoles & VPS are processed e) Information
Storage and Retrieval applications are available
e. Data exchange with other system is available
f. One of the redundant hardware is available so that all the SCADA/DMS applications
are functional to ensure the design & performance requirement as envisaged in the
g. Availability of SAIDI/SAIFI and other Key performance indictor reports
h. DC/DR data exchange and synch at defined periodicity
i. Performance calculation report/ dashboard for FMS is available and shall be system generated

Further, Non-Availability of legacy systems shall not be considered for calculating Overall
SCADA/DMS System Availability . However , data availability from legacy to be ensured.
Further, the non-availability of following Non-Critical functions shall not be considered for
calculations of SCADA/DMS System availability, however these functions should be available for
98% of the time.
a. Database modification and generation
b. Display modification and generation
c. Report modification and creation
d. DTS

For individual critical hardware & functions (C.)

Availability per Deduction as % of the apportioned price of total FMS for
quarter SCADA-DMS- OMS portion of the contract applicable for
that site and all critical hardware/ redundant hardware
> 98% NIL

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Less than 98% Deduction of 2.5 % of the apportioned price on each 1% non-
availability below 98% and up to 95% and deduction of 4% of the
apportioned price on each 1% non-availability upto 90% & 100%
deduction below 90%
For individual hardware or non critical functions (N)
Availability per Deduction as % of the apportioned price of total FMS for
quarter SCADA-DMS- OMS portion of the contract applicable for
that site
> 95% NIL
Less than 95% Deduction of 2.5 % of the apportioned price on each 1% non-
availability below 95% and up to 90% and deduction of 5% of the
apportioned price on each 1% non-availability up to 85% & 100%
deduction below 85%

Critical function /hardware

SCADA/DMS /OMS functions, Defined reports incl SAIDI/SAIFI , Servers, LAN ,WAN,
VPS , GPS time synch , Mass storage Operator workstation , CFE/FEP and redundant
hardware /software etc and associated communication and auxiliary power supply. For In
dividual critical hardware/software, response/report and resolution time shall be as per
severity 1 if both main and standby failed, and shall be per severity 2 if one of main or
standby system , VPS, till one workstation at least for project area is available
Non Critical function /hardware:
Response/report and resolution time shall be as per severity 3, if Database & mimic
development , DTS , and non -redundant hardware /software etc & associated
communication and auxiliary power supply is not available


= % C FOR CRITICAL INDIVIDUAL HW/ SW = (Total Hours up OR running / total
Hours in quarter )*100
% N FOR NON CRITICAL INDIVIDUAL HW/ SW = (Total Hours up OR running /
total Hours in quarter )*100

For RTUs (R)

Availability per Deduction as % of the apportioned price of total FMS for
quarter apportioned portion of RTU and associated communication
and power supply applicable
> 98% NIL

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Less than 98% Deduction of 1 % of the apportioned price on each 1% non-
availability below 98% and upto 95% and below 95% & up to 90%
and deduction of 2% of the apportioned price on each 3% non-
availability below 90% up to 80% & 100%deduction below 80%

Availability of RTU, is determined by up OR functional status of RTU

in hrs / total no of hours in quarter & the link was up / total no of hours
in a quarter and data availability of status and analog and control
points tested for end to end upto beginning of that quarter which
ever is lower . The measurement of data acquisition and control shall
assessed through at each 15 min integrity cycle/ or as per recorded
trend which ever minimum 98% points shall be reported and
controllable for RTUs

Response/report and resolution time shall be as per severity 2 in case of failure ,

= % R in Qtr = Min ( (RTU up in Hrs / total Hrs), (Link up in Hrs / Total Hrs), (No of
points with good telemetry code captured / total number of points end to end tested ) *100%

For FRTUs (F)

Availability per Deduction as % of the apportioned price of total FMS for
quarter apportioned portion of all FRTUs and associated
communication and power supply applicable
> 95% NIL
Less than 95% Deduction of 1 % of the apportioned price on each 1% non-
availability below 95% and upto 90% and below 90% & up to 80%
and deduction of 2% of the apportioned price on each 3% non-
availability below 80% up to 75% & 100% deduction below 75%

Availability of FRTU, is determined by up /functional status of FRTU

in hrs / total no of hours in quarter & the link was up / total no of hours
in a quarter and data availability of status and analog and control
points tested for end to end upto beginning of that quarter which
ever is lower . The measurement of data acquisition and control shall
assessed through at each 15 min integrity cycle/ or as per recorded
trend which ever minimum 98% points shall be reported and
controllable for RTUs

Response/report and resolution time shall be as per severity 2 in case of failure ,

% F in Qtr = Min ( AVG Hrs FRTU up in Hrs / total Hrs), (Avg Hrs Link up in Hrs /
Total Hrs), ( Total No of points with good telemetry code captured / total number of points
end to end tested ) * 100%
 Points are suggested to be taken from tabular display of 15 min for all status and
control points
The computation of Availability / Non-availability would be rounded up to single decimal places
at each Contract Co-ordination Site on quarterly basis and any deduction in the FMS charges
thereof would be calculated as stated above in Clause 17.7.2 on pro-rata basis.

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17.8 The Contractor’s Obligations
In order to optimize and improve the response of the system, the Contractor may re-install the
program modules after making the Utility engineer aware of the consequence like data loss,
database rebuild etc.).
Any modification of software/Operating System required to restore functionality due to
hardware upgrades, patches, or arising out of a necessity to fix FPRs, would be done by the
Contractor at no extra cost to Utility. Also, any software updates/upgrades released till the
completion of warranty period /AMC shall be provided and installed & commissioned free of
cost as per instructions from Utility.
The Contractor shall ensure that all components (Hardware & Software) covered under
minimum 5 yearsororcomprehensive on-site warranty are maintained in good working condition
and in case of any defect , timely replacement/repair shall be carried out so as to meet the
availability requirements specified herein. The entire FMS period shall be covered. If not the
same shall warranty shall be extended by SIA
The Contractor will submit FSR (Field Service Report) and the steps taken to solve the
problem, along with details of code changes.

17.9 Responsibilities of Utility

a. Utility will ensure the availability of competent staff appropriately trained in the
administration and use of existing SCADA/DMS systems for proper operation of the

b. Utility shall ensure that proper Environmental conditions are maintained for the
c. Utility shall ensure that the System is kept and operated in a proper and prudent manner
and only trained Utility employees (or persons under their supervision) are allowed to
operate the system.
d. Utility shall provide access to the sites of installation for purposes of providing
Support Services.
e. Utility shall provide the Contractor with Office and storage space for their
maintenance staff and spares. However , contractor shall be responsible for security
of the items stored
17.10 Responsibility Matrix
The table in this clause provides a summary definition of the roles and responsibilities of the
Contractor and Utility.

Legend: This indicates who has primary responsibility to perform this function.
A This indicates who will provide assistance.

Item Task Utility / Employer Contractor


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Root cause analysis to
determine whether the
1.1 A
fault is attributable to
Hardware or Software.
Resolution of problems
involving third party
maintainer where there is
1.2 A
uncertainty whether the
root cause is hardware or
Report problem and assist
2.1 with problem A
Provide or recommend
corrections, temporary
2.2 patches, workarounds or A
other fixes to system

2.3 Install and test

corrections, temporary
patches, workarounds or
other fixes to system
problems A
Report Problem in
supervision and control
Build and maintain
3.1 database, displays and A
3.2 Perform system back-ups A
Restore or reinstall
3.3 A
software from back-ups
Monitor system logs (part
3.4 of remote monitoring A
3.5 Maintain system logs A
3.6 Maintain user accounts A
4.1 Report problem and assist A
with defining problem
4.2 Troubleshoot problem to
diagnose if it is software- A
related or hardware-related
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4.3 Identify failed component,
Replace failed components A
in online system using
parts from spares
4.4 Restore operation of A
5.1 To keep inventory for A
SLA by SIA .
5.2 Provide appropriate A
facility for local storage of
spares in case not
available with SIA but this
is not obligation for

5.3 Replenish local spares A
6.1 CFE /RTU/FRTU Card A
addition/Expansion field
6.2 Database resizing, Mimic A
creation/ editing etc ,
6.3 Annual cyber security A

The contractor shall be responsible for all the maintenance of the system till the operational
acceptance. The consumables and spares wherever required for maintaining the system shall be
provided by the contractor till operational acceptance of the system. The consumable items
shall include but not be limited to (a) VPS lamps (b) printer paper (c) Printer toner, ink, ribbons
and cartridges (d) Special cleaning material

End of Chapter 17

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This chapter describes the project management, schedule, quality assurance, and
documentation requirements for the project. This chapter is applicable to Group A,B,C, U
towns as per functional requirements
18.0 Project Management
The Contractor shall assign a project manager with the authority to make commitments and
decisions that are binding on the Contractor. Employer will designate a project manager to
coordinate all employer project activities. All communications between employer and the
Contractor shall be coordinated through the project managers. The project managers shall also
be responsible for all communications between other members of the project staffs.
Bidder shall submit the manpower deployment plan along with the bids, describing the key roles
of each persons.
18.1 Project Schedule
The project implementation schedule shall be not exceed 24 months from the date of award
for B,C Towns and 30 months from award for A,U Towns . Based upon this schedule the bidder
shall submit a preliminary implementation plan along with the bid. The detail project
implementation schedule shall be submitted by the contractor after award for employer’s
approval, which shall include at least the following activities:
a) Site Survey
b) Documents submission and approval schedule
c) Factory & Site Testing Schedule
d) Database development schedule
e) Hardware purchase & Manufacturing, Software development & integration schedule
f) Dispatch Schedule
g) Installation / commissioning schedule
h) Training schedule
The project schedule shall include the estimated period for completion of and its linkage with
other activities.
18.2 Progress Report:
A progress report shall be prepared by the Contractor each month against the activities listed in
the project schedule. The report shall be made available to employer on a monthly basis, e.g.,
the 10th of each month. The progress report shall include all the completed, ongoing and
scheduled activities.
18.3 Transmittals
Every document, letter, progress report, change order, and any other written transmissions
exchanged between the Contractor and employer shall be assigned a unique transmittal
number. The Contractor shall maintain a correspondence index and assign transmittal numbers
consecutively for all Contractor documents. Employer will maintain a similar correspondence
numbering scheme identifying documents and correspondence that employer initiates.

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18.4 Quality Assurance & Testing

All materials and parts of the system / sub-system to be supplied under the project shall be of
current manufacture from a supplier regularly engaged in the production of such equipment.
18.4.1 Quality Assurance and Quality Control Program
The Contractor shall maintain a Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) program that
provides that equipment, materials and services under this specification whether
manufactured, designed or performed within the Contractor's plant, in the field, or at any sub-
contractor source shall be controlled at all points necessary to assure conformance to
contractual requirements. The program shall provide for prevention and ready detection of
discrepancies and for timely and positive corrective action. The Contractor shall make
objective evidence of quality conformance readily available to the Owner. Instructions and
records for quality assurance shall be controlled and maintained at the system levels. The
Contractor shall describe his QA/QC program in the Technical Proposal, (along with samples
from his QA/QC manual) and shall submit his QA/QC Manual for review and acceptance by
the Owner.
Such QA/QC program shall be outlined by the Contractor and shall be finally accepted by
Owner after discussions before the award of Contract. A Quality Assurance Program of the
Contractor shall generally cover but not be limited to the following:
a) The organization structure for the management and implementation of the proposed
Quality Assurance Program.
b) Documentation control system.
c) Qualification data for key personnel.
d) The procedure for purchase of materials, parts/components and selection of sub-
contractor's services including vendor analysis, source inspection, incoming raw
material inspection, verification of material purchases, etc.
e) System for shop manufacturing including process controls.
f) Control of non-conforming items and system for corrective action.
g) Control of calibration and testing of measuring and testing equipments.
h) Inspection and test procedure for manufacture.
i) System for indication and appraisal of inspection status.
j) System for quality audits.
k) System for authorizing release of manufactured product to utility.
l) System for maintenance of records.
m) System for handling, storage and delivery.
n) A Quality Plan detailing out the specific quality control procedure adopted for
controlling the quality characteristics of the product.
The Quality Plan shall be mutually discussed and approved by the employer after incorporating
necessary corrections by the Contractor as may be required.

Neither the enforcement of QA/QC procedures nor the correction of work mandated by those
procedures shall be cause for an excusable delay. An effective Quality Assurance and Quality

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Control organization shall be maintained by the Contractor for at least the duration of this
Contract. The personnel performing QA/QC functions shall have well-defined responsibility,
authority, and organizational freedom to identify and evaluate quality problems and to initiate,
recommend, or provide solutions during all phases of the Contract. The QA/QC organization of
the Contractor shall be an independent administrative and functional structure reporting via its
manager to the Contractor's top management. The QA/QC manager(s) shall have the authority
within the delegated areas of responsibility to resolve all matters pertaining to quality to the
satisfaction of employer when actual quality deviates from that stated in the Work Statement.
The Contractor shall be required to submit all the Quality Assurance Documents as stipulated in
the Quality Plan at the time of employer's inspection of equipment/materials.
The employer or his duly authorized representative reserves the right to carry out Quality Audit
and Quality Surveillance of the systems and procedures of the Contractor's/his vendor's Quality
Management and Control Activities.
The scope of the duties of the employer, pursuant to the Contract, will include but not be limited
to the following:
a) Review of all the Contractor's drawings, engineering data etc.
b) Witness or authorize his representative to witness tests at the manufacturer's works
or at site, or at any place where work is performed under the Contract.
c) Inspect, accept or reject any equipment, material and work under the Contract
in accordance with the specifications.
d) Issue certificate of acceptance and/or progressive payment and final payment
e) Review and suggest modification and improvement in completion schedules
from time to time; and
f) Monitor the Quality Assurance program implementation at all stages of the
18.4.2 Inspection
The Contractor shall give the employer/Inspector two weeks in case of domestic supplies and
six weeks in case of foreign supplies written notice of any material being ready for testing.
Such tests shall be to the Contractor's account except for the expenses of the Inspector. The
employer/Inspector, unless witnessing of the tests is waived, will attend such tests on the
scheduled date for which employer/Inspector has been so notified or on a mutually agreed
alternative date. If employer/Inspector fails to attend the testing on the mutually agreed date,
Contractor may proceed with the test which shall be deemed to have been made in the Inspec-
tor's presence and Contractor shall forthwith forward to the Inspector, duly certified copies of
the test results in triplicate.
The employer/Inspector shall, within fourteen (14) days from the date of inspection as defined
herein, give notice in writing to the Contractor of any objection to any drawings and all or any
equipment and workmanship which in his opinion is not in accordance with the Contract. The
Contractor shall give due consideration to such objections and shall make the modifications
that may be necessary to meet said objections. When the factory tests have been completed at
the Contractor's or Sub-contractor's works, the employer/Inspector shall issue a certificate to
this effect within fourteen (14) days after completion of tests but if the tests are not witnessed
by the employer/Inspector, the certificate shall be issued within fourteen (14) days of receipt of
the Contractor's Test Certificate by the Employer/Inspector. The completion of these tests or

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the issue of the certificates shall not bind the employer to accept the equipment should it, on
further tests after erection, be found not to comply with the Contract.
In cases where the Contract provides for tests, whether at the premises or works of the
Contractor or of any Sub-contractor, the Contractor except where otherwise specified shall
provide free of charge items such as labor, materials, electricity, fuel, water stores, apparatus
and instruments, as may be reasonably demanded by the employer/Inspector or his authorized
representative to carry out effectively such tests of the equipment in accordance with the
Contract and shall provide facilities to the employer/Inspector or his authorized representative
to accomplish testing.
The inspection by Employer and issue of Inspection Certificate thereon, shall in no way limit
the liabilities and responsibilities of the Contractor in respect of the agreed Quality Assurance
Program forming a part of the Contract.
The Contractor shall keep the Employer informed in advance of the time of starting of the
progress of manufacture of material in its various stages so that arrangements can be made for
Record of routine test reports shall be maintained by the Contractor at his works for periodic
inspection by the Employer's representative.
Certificates of manufacturing tests shall be maintained by the Contractor and produced for
verification as and when desired by the Employer. No material shall be dispatched from its
point of manufacture until it has been satisfactorily inspected and tested. Testing shall always
be carried out while the inspection may be waived off by the Employer in writing only.
However, such inspection by the Employer's representative(s) shall not relieve the Contractor
from the responsibility for furnishing material, software, and equipment to conform to the
requirements of the Contract; nor invalidate any claim which the Employer may make because
of defective or unsatisfactory material, software or equipment.
Access to the Contractor's facilities while manufacturing and testing are taking place, and to
any facility where hardware/software is being produced for Employer shall be available to
Employer representatives. The Contractor shall provide to Employer representatives sufficient
facilities, equipment, and documentation necessary to complete all inspections and to verify
that the equipment is being fabricated and maintained in accordance with the Specification.
Inspection rights shall apply to the Contractor's facilities and to subcontractor facilities where
equipment is being manufactured.
Inspections will be performed by Employer, which will include visual examination of
hardware, enclosure cable dressings, and equipment and cable labeling. Contractor
documentation will also be examined to verify that it adequately identifies and describes all
wiring, hardware and spare parts. Access to inspect the Contractor's hardware quality assurance
standards, procedures, and records that are applicable to the facilities shall be provided to
18.4.3 Inspection and Test
All materials furnished and all work performed under this Specification shall be inspected and
tested. Deliverables shall not be shipped until all required inspections and tests have been
completed, all deficiencies have been corrected to Employer’s satisfaction, and the equipment
has been approved for shipment by Employer.
Should any inspections or tests indicate that specific hardware, software or documentation does
not meet the Specification requirements, the appropriate items shall be replaced, upgraded, or

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Model Technical specification

added by the Contractor as necessary to correct the noted deficiencies. After correction of a
deficiency, all necessary retests shall be performed to verify the effectiveness of the corrective
The test shall be considered complete when (a) when all variances have been resolved (b) all
the test records have been submitted (c) Employer acknowledges in writing the successful
completion of the test. Test Plans & Procedures
Test plans for both factory and field tests shall be provided by the Contractor to ensure that
each test is comprehensive and verifies all the features of the equipment are tested. The test
plans for factory and field tests shall be submitted for Employer approval before the start of
The contractor shall prepare detail testing procedure in line to specification and submit for
employer’s approval. The procedure shall be modular to the extent possible, which shall
facilitate the completion of the testing in the least possible time. Test Records
The complete record of all factory and field acceptance tests results shall be maintained by the
Contractor. The records shall be maintained in a logical form and shall contain all the relevant
information. The test reports shall be signed by the testing engineer and the engineer witnessing
the tests. Reporting of variances
A variance report shall be prepared by either Employer or Contractor personnel each time a
deviation from specification requirements is detected during inspection or testing. All such
variances shall be closed in mutually agreed manner.
However, at any stage if employer feels that quality of variances calls for suspension of the
testing the testing shall be halted till satisfactory resolution of variances, which may involve
retesting also. Factory Test
The factory tests shall be conducted on all the equipments and shall include, but not be limited
to the following, appropriate to the equipment being tested:
a. Verification of all functional characteristics and requirements specified
b. Inspection and verification of all construction, wiring, labeling, documentation and
completeness of the hardware
Before the start of factory testing, the Contractor shall verify that all changes applicable to the
equipment have been implemented. As a part of the factory tests, unstructured testing shall be
performed for SCADA/DMS/OMS system to allow Employer representatives to verify proper
operation of the equipment under conditions not specifically tested in the above structured
performance test. The Contractor's test representative shall be present and the Contractor's
technical staff members shall be available for consultation with Employer personnel during
unstructured test periods. All special test facilities used during the structured performance test
shall be made available for Employer’s use during unstructured testing.

Unless otherwise specified in the relevant sections of the specification & except for
SCADA/DMS/OMS Hardware , Software, RTUs , the sampling size for FAT () is 10% and in

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case any selected sample fails during the test, the failed samples shall be rejected and 20% of
the samples from the balance quantity shall be tested. If any failures are observed, the entire lot
shall be rejected. Field Performance Test
After the equipment has been installed, the Contractor shall start up and check the performance
of the equipment of field locations. All hardware shall be aligned and adjusted, interfaces to all
inputs and outputs installed, operation verified, and all test readings recorded in accordance
with the Contractor's recommended procedures. The field performance test shall exhibit
generally all functions of the equipment and duplicate factory test. All variances must be
corrected prior to the start of the field performance test. The list of final tests to be carried out
in the field shall be listed in the site-testing document in line to the requirements specified in
the relevant sections of this volume.
18.5 Type Testing
The equipment being supplied shall conform to type tests as per technical specification and
shall be subjected to routine tests in accordance with requirements stipulated under respective
sections. The type test shall be conducted on the equipment if it is specifically mentioned in the
relevant section, for other equipment the type test report shall be submitted. Employer reserves
the right to witness any or all the type tests. The Contractor shall intimate the Employer the
detailed program about the tests at least three (3) weeks in advance in case of domestic supplies
& six (6) weeks in advance in case of foreign supplies.
The reports for all type tests as per technical specification shall be furnished by the Contractor
along with equipment / material drawings. The type tests conducted earlier should have either
been conducted in accredited laboratory (accredited based on ISO / IEC Guide 25 / 17025 or
EN 45001 by the national accreditation body viz. NABL / of the country where laboratory is
located) or witnessed by the representative(s) of Utility. However, type test reports shall not
more than 5 year old than the date of bid opening or validity of report by testing lab whichever
is lower.
In the event of any discrepancy in the test reports i.e. any test report not acceptable due to any
design / manufacturing changes or due to non-compliance with the requirement stipulated in
the Technical Specification or the type test(s) not carried out, same shall be carried out without
any additional cost implication to the Employer.
In case of failure during any type test, the Supplier at his own expenses shall modify the
equipment and repeat all type tests successfully at his own cost and within the project time
Wherever, the make of the items is indicated in the technical specification, the type test reports
are not required to be submitted for the makes, indicated in the specification. For the new makes
(other than those indicated in the technical specification), type test reports as per relevant
standard shall be submitted for Employer’s approval.
18.6 Documentation
To ensure that the proposed systems conform to the specific provisions and general intent of
the Specification, the Contractor shall submit documentation describing the systems to
employer for review and approval. Further the contractor shall also submit the
drawings/documents for all the hardware & software required for site installation, testing and
commissioning and thereafter operation of the system. The contractor shall obtain approval of
employer for the relevant document at each stage before proceeding for manufacturing, system
development, factory testing, site testing, training etc. The schedule for submission/approval of

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Model Technical specification

each document shall be finalized during the discussions before placement of the contract, this
schedule shall be in line to overall project schedule.
Each document shall be identified by a Contractor document number, the employer document
number, and the employer purchase order number. Where a document is revised for any reason,
each revision shall be indicated by a number, date, and description in a revision block along
with an indication of official approval by the Contractor's project manager. Each revision of a
document shall highlight all changes made since the previous revision.
The contractor shall submit two copies of each document/drawing for employer’s review and
approval. After approval five sets of all the documents shall be submitted as final
documentation, however, for site specific documents two sets of documents shall be provided
for each site. Any changes observed during field implementation shall be incorporated in the
as-build drawing and required sets of the same shall be submitted to employer/owner. In
addition to paper copies all the documents shall also be provided on electronic media in two
copies. In case any documentation requirement is specified in the relevant chapters , the same
shall apply for the equipment /system defined in that section. The contractor shall also supply
five sets of User manuals/guides/O&M manuals/manufacturer’s catalogues for all the hardware
& software supplied under the contract which shall be in addition to the one set each at all the
locations where the System has been installed. The user manual shall at minimum include the
principle of operation, block diagrams, troubleshooting and diagnostic and maintenance
procedures. Considering all the components of the project briefly the following
documents/drawings shall be required under the project.
a. System Description Documents (Overview)
b. Data Requirement sheets
c. Software Requirements Specification
d. Data base Documents
e. Drawings/Documents for manufacturing/Assembly of the equipment/system
f. Drawings/Documents for installation of the equipment/system at site
g. Software description/design documents for each software module
h. Testing Procedures and reports
i. Manuals for each equipment/hardware/test equipment
j. Bill of Quantities
k. Site Testing documents
l. Training documents
m. System Administrator Documents
n. User guide for Despatcher
However, all the above type of documents may not be required for each sub-system of the
project e.g. item (n) above may not be required for auxiliary power supply system, therefore,
the contractor shall submit a comprehensive list of the document as applicable for the offered
system for employer’s approval immediately after signing of the contract and the documents
shall be finalized as per the approved list. In regard to Data requirement sheets (DRS) for these
will be duly filled in by the bidder & submitted along with the bid. During detailed engineering,
contractor will be required to submit detailed DRS to include all technical parameters of the
equipment to ensure that the offered equipment meets all the technical specification

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Model Technical specification

The Licensed Equipment manufacturers shall be able to manufacture, assemble, test, market
and sell the product as per OEM type tested design under technology transfer agreement. The
Licensed Equipment manufacturers should submit following documents
a) Licensed Equipment manufacturers should furnish Technology Licensee certificate or
agreement copy.
b) Licensed Equipment manufacturers should be able to furnish valid Type test certificate
from OEM.
c) Tender specific Authorization letter backed by OEM shall be submitted at the time of

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Model Technical specification

Chapter 19

The SCADA/DMS system shall be designed as per the technical parameters defined in the
specification and the tables specified here. The SCADA/DMS/OMS system (such as databases,
network elements etc.) shall be sized to accommodate the requirement mentioned in table 7.
This chapter is applicable to Group A,B,C ,U towns as per functional requirements.

The system shall be tested with the doubled present power system size (ultimate capacity )
as defined in table 7& measure the various performance of the system as defined in the tables
and technical specification including peak and average load scenarios.

The auxiliary memory utilization , average CPU, RAM & LAN utilization parameters shall
not exceed the limits as defined in table 8. This memory utilization includes the memory used
for storage of data for the defined duration as specified in the various sections of technical

The SCADA/DMS system shall be suitable for addition of at least double the operator
workstations (in future) without requiring any up gradation of the servers.

The SCADA/DMS system design & performance parameters are defined in the following



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Model Technical specification


Note ; The parameters which are not indicated in the tables & only mentioned
elsewhere in the specification shall also be considered as design parameters

Chapter 2 Function Description Design capacity Execution rate

2.2.2 & Data Acquisition As per spec
STATUS By exception From RTU shall be
reported by
exception and shall
be updated and
displayed within 2
seconds. Digital
status data
Integrity All status shall be also be
periodically 10 min reported by
( configurable cycle) exception and shall
be updated and
displayed within 4

Analog By exception From RTU shall be

reported by
exception and shall
be updated and
displayed within 3
seconds. Digital
status data
Integrity All analog From FRTU & FPI
periodically 10 min( shall be also be
configurable cycle) reported by
exception and shall
be updated and
displayed within 5

Max Time skew 0.1sec at each

status location

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Model Technical specification

Max latency status 0.5sec .

Max Time skew 1 sec at each

analog location

Max latency analog 1 sec

Energy values 15-minute blocks Update time and
shall be collected time skew as per
periodically from analog data
the RTU, FRTU at
scan rate of 15
minute/1 hour
(configurable up to
24 hours
2.2.3 & Time synchronization RTU/FRTUs/FPI/ Every 15 minutes
Subclauses NUMERICAL (user configurable
RELAYS from 5 minutes to
24 hrs.)
2.2.4& Data exchange NPP SAIDI/SAIFI data
Subclauses with planned
/unplanned and
total / other
parameters as
defined by utility
.As required for
ISR function &
data exchange
IT system If opted As defined by
utility. As required
for ISR function &
data exchange
SLDC if opted As defined by
utility. As required
for ISR function &
data exchange
2.2.5 & Data Processing (status & Each time the
Subclauses analog) value is received

Min, max ,Avg For analog vlaues

2.2.7 Sequence-of-Events data 1000 events circular SOE retrieval

buffer in the Periodically (5

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Model Technical specification

SCADA database minutes) or by

2.2.9 & Supervisory Control Within as per SoP
subclauses of utiliy
a) Control Inhibit Tag Type 4 (a) (b) (c) On
demand by
function initiated
b) Control inhibit Tags / device 4

c) Control Action Monitor 10 timer periods

(1 to 60 sec)
For all control

d) Control permissive d) Each time

supervisory control
is requested
2.2.10 Fail-soft capability in the event of graceful de-
system crosses mark gradation of non –
of peak loading critical functions
requirements & also relaxing
periodicity /
update rate of
display refresh &
critical functions
by 50%.

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Model Technical specification


Chapter 2 Function Design capacity Execution rate
/clause Description
2.3.1 Circuit breaker Real-time status of all Circuit Every time status
status Table breakers, in case of RMU - changes
LBS, isolators & FPI Daily tables online
Sectionalizers alongwith storage for 24 months
quality date & time of tripping
and requirements as per

2.3.2 Real-time Database a) All telemetered analog Every 5 min .

Snapshot Tables values and Calculated Daily tables online
values for all tele-metered storage for 24 months
analog points (at least
maxima & minima with
associated time and
average values). Energy
values are not envisaged
for storage in Data
snapshot tables.
b) All status values with time
2.3.3 Hourly Data tables  Selected analog values along Hourly tables
with their associated quality incl Missed and
codes hourly data
calculation on
 Selected status values along
daily basis
with their associated quality
online storage
for 24 months
 Results of hourly
calculations for selected
analog points (atleast
maxima & minima with
associated time and average)
alongwith their associated
quality codes.
In addition to above a separate
hourly energy data table
exclusively for energy values
(Export and Import Active and
reactive Energy values for
each feeder) shall be created in
ISR alongwith their associated
quality codes.

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Model Technical specification

2.3.4 SAIDI/SAIFI Table SAIDI/SAIFI data with SAIDI/SAIFI on daily/

reason of outage in terms of weekly/ monthly/
planned and unplanned outage quarterly, yearly and
user defined timeline
basis on daily basis
online storage for 24
2.3.5 Daily Energy Data
daily energy data table shall be daily basis online
generated for storage of daily storage for 24 months
energy values for 15 minute
blocks / one hour blocks of a
day feeder on daily basis along
with quality codes.

2.3.6 Load priority Table Load priority table containing Monthly basis online
information such as breaker storage for 24 months
name, number of consumers
connected to each Breaker and
Load priority of each Breaker/
2.3.7 SOE Data Table . All CBs, protection and alarm Minimum daily 4
contacts shall be considered as changes per SOE point
SOE. may be considered
Daily basis online
storage for 24 months

2.3.8 Feeder Overshoot Table shall contain count of Minimum daily 4

limit table such instances and duration for overshoots per
which feeder experienced such parameter may be
condition and index for considered
overshoot limit of voltage ) low Daily basis online
,high ), current ( high ), power storage for 24 months
factor (low) etc

2.3.9 FPI fault table Table shall contain count and Minimum daily 4 faults
time of such FPI fault for O/C may be considered
and E/F Daily basis online
storage for 24 months

2.3.10 Equipment failure DT, Power transformer failure Minimum monthly 1

detail information on weekly manner incident per device
from IT / ERP system on may be considered
weekly basis Monthly basis online
storage for 24 months

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Model Technical specification

2.3.11 User definable index Customized report Daily basis online

table storage for 24 months
2.3.12 Average Time avg time to report outage Minimum daily 4 time
Restoration Table location, restoration of supply of restoration may be
feeder considered
Monthly basis online
storage for 24 months
2.3.13 Daily/Weekly Flash Customized report for Daily basis online
reports Management for daily basis storage for 24 months
2.3.15 System Message Log System message log data Monthly basis online
Storage storage shall be sized for up to storage for 24 months
20,000 entries per month.
2.3.16 Mass storage of  10 save-cases for each DMS As per functional
data/files & OMS application requirement in Spec
 10 Output results of each
DMS & OMS applications
2.4 Load Shed As per functional requirement As per functional
Application (LSA) requirement in Spec
2.5 Common Disaster Switchover in 15 min As per functional
Replica Recovery requirement in Spec
2.6 DATA recovery network model of SCADA/DMSAs per functional
centre control center of each town shallrequirement in Spec
be sent to DR center periodically
once a day & upon user request.
All logs, data model etc. &
necessary interfaces that are
essential for complete system
build up shall be stored at DR
center. All requisite data which
is build the system from scratch
shall be transferred to DR. An
alarm shall be generated & send
to SCADA/DMS control center
upon attaining user defined
threshold e.g. 80% for storage at
DR center.

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Model Technical specification

2.7 RT-DAS All SCADA feature exceptAs per specification


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Model Technical specification


Chapter 3 Name Design capacity Execution rate Response

clause time
3.1.1 Network One model with atleast 10
Connectivity possible islands. Islands may
analysis be formed dynamically.. All
electrical components
mentioned in the spec
Complete network
2) Real time 2sec
mode - Event driven
b) Study - On demand 2sec
State Complete network On change 5sec
3.1.2 estimation
3.1.3 Load Flow Complete network
a) Real time - periodic (10 5sec
mode minutes)
- On demand
-Event driven
- Jumper /Cut

b) Study mode On demand 5 sec

3.1.4 Voltage/VAR All tap changers/ cap bank On change 5sec
Control switching
3.1.5 FAULT At least 2 simultaneous fault auto and manual Solution
MANAGEMENT scenario and prescribed modes both on prescribed in
solution in auto and manual actuation of fault 15 sec
(FMSR) modes both

3.1.6 Loss minimization At least 2 simultaneous auto and manual Solution

via Feeder scenario and prescribed modes both on prescribed in
solution in auto and manual availability of 15 sec
modes both minimal loss path

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Model Technical specification

3.1.7 Loss minimization At least 2 simultaneous auto and manual Solution

via load balancing scenario and prescribed modes both on prescribed in
solution in auto and manual availability for 15 sec
modes both load balancing
3.2 Outage As per spec As per spec Update time
Management and time skew
System (OMS)
of devices fro
Notification to crew On fault / data acquisition
maintenance of SCADA

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Model Technical specification

Table 4 : Maintenance activities

Action Performance
Complete database regeneration 2 hours
Complete system software build, including 6 hours
operating system, applications, and
Software build or all applications and databases 3 hours
Software build of a single applications and 10 minutes
Installation of a single, new display 60 seconds
including distribution to all consoles
Reinstallation of all displays 60 minutes
Perform an on-line update of a database parameter 60 seconds
and propagation of the change to the source data


Chapter 4 Description Minimum

Windows 16
Rooms 16
Layers 8
Variable per trend 8
Alarm levels 8



Chapter 6 Description Max time in sec

Processor error detection 5
Other devices error detection 5
Processor switchover 30
Functional availability after switchover 10

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Model Technical specification

ISR availability after switchover 120

Processor – Hot startup Limited to switching time
Processor – Warm startup 600(10 min)
Processor- Cold startup except ISR /with 900(15 min) / 1800(30min )




Note Control system hardware & software shall be equipped & sized for for double
the size of the above

Control centre wise System Present (Nos) Ultimate (DOUBLE OF
1. Primary S/S
2. RMU
3. sectionizer
4. FPI
5. Power transformer
6. Distribution transformer
7. Feeders
8. Bus bars
9. Capbanks
10. OLTCs
11. Switchable breakers
12. Switchable
13. MFTs
14 IEDs
19 Any other network parameter

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Model Technical specification


At no time the SCADA/DMS system shall delay the acceptance of User request or lockout
console operations due to the processing of application functions

User interface requirements Response time

(Peak loading )

Requests for call-up of displays shall be acknowledged Within 2 sec

indication of request is being processed
Any real time display and application display (except Within 3 sec after
DB displays) on workstation console, Complete display & acknowledgement of
values shall appear on screen request
Manual Data entry of the new value shall appear on Within 2 sec

Display update rate Every 2 sec for at least

Panning of a world display from one end of screen to other Within 2sec
of screen in a continuous manner
Supervisory control action shall be completed with Within (2sec + scan
displayed on the screen time +
communication delay
time +field device
operation time)

Alarm and event response time display within 1 sec

of receipt in
Alarm and event acknowledgement With in 2 sec

Requests for printing of displays shall be acknowledged Within 2 sec

an indication of request is being processed

Requests for generation of reports shall be acknowledged Within 2 sec

an indication of request is being processed

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Model Technical specification

(Considering double the present power system size )
Name Average Comments
Servers 30% Normal loading
50% Peak loading
15% Normal loading
40% Peak loading

Main memory utilisation 50% Normal loading

67% Peak loading
Auxiliary memory utilisation 50%

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Model Technical specification


(Considering double the present power system size )
The normal level of activity shall simulate system activities spread over one hour period. During
the testing, the response times and the average utilizations shall not exceed the specified values.
The following conditions define normal level of system activity to generate the normal loading
scenario. Test simulation shall be done using software tool to generate this loading within 1 hr .
Staggering of loads during the test duration of I hour is permitted.
(a) All RTU/FRTU/FPI data shall be scanned and processed
(b) All data exchange with other systems shall occur as specified in the
(c) All periodic functions shall be executed at the rates defined in tables
(d) The following SCADA/DMS functions shall be executed on-demand:
Function Number of demand
Substation topology processor 50 state changes
Sequence-of-Events data 50 SOE points reported
All DMS/ OMS applications 4 on-demand per DMS/OMS
(e) Alarms (2 X no. of RTUs +FRTU+FPI ) per hour shall be generated. Each
alarm shall be acknowledged individually within 5 seconds.
(f) Events (2 X no. of RTUs +FRTU+FPI ) per hour shall be generated.
(g) 1% analog of total analog/ 5sec measurements of total analog point count
changes as per IEEEC37.1
(h) One complete run of on-line diagnostics shall be performed on all computers
(i) Communications channel monitoring shall be performed
Display Selection 30 per operator workstation & VPS
Supervisory control actions 2 per RTU & 1 per 50 FRTUs
Display Updates Each operator workstation shall display 3 updating and 1 non-updating
display window per monitor. This also includes VPS.
Updating displays:
- alarm summary list
- world display containing a S/S SLD
- Network display
Non-updating displays:
- SCADA/DMS System Display
Data Entry 5 data entry actions from any single display
Display Trending 8 display trends, each trending 4 variables
Reports Prepare and printing of 5 reports

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Model Technical specification

Display Selection 30 per operator workstation & VPS

Supervisory control 2 per RTU & 1 per 50 FRTUs
Display Updates Each operator workstation shall display 3 updating and 1 non-updating
display window per monitor. This also includes VPS.
Updating displays:
- alarm summary list
- world display containing a S/S SLD
- Network display
Non-updating displays:
- SCADA/DMS System Display

Data Entry 5 data entry actions from any single display

Display Trending 8 display trends, each trending 4 variables
Reports Prepare and printing of 5 reports

(k) The following maintenance activities shall be performed:

Function Task
On-Line Database Editing Modify 20 data points in each of the
Display Generator and Modify one single-line diagram one tabular display

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SCADA/DMS, system under Part A –RDSS
Model Technical specification

The peak level of activity is an addition to the average level of activity described in (A)
NORMAL LEVEL OF ACTIVITY above. The peak level of activity shall be applied for a
five minute period. During the next ten minutes, only the normal level of system activity shall
be applied. This test shall be repeated for four consecutive fifteen minute periods, fora total
peak level test time of one hour. The five-minute peak loading period shall coincide with
SCADA/ DMS system period where all periodic software is scheduled for execution and at
least one five minute period shall span an hour boundary to consider the scheduled hourly
periodic activities. There shall be no restrictions on the period when the five-minute peak can

The software execution rates and response times defined in tables of this chapter, shall not
be degraded and the utilization defined in tables of this chapter shall not exceed during the
peak loading conditions. The following conditions shall define the additional peak level of
system activity:
(a) As per IEEE C37.1
a. 15 % of status of total status points/ 5sec measurements
b. 40% analog of total analog measurements /5sec
50% of the alarms shall be acknowledged within the five-minute period
(automatic acknowledgement is unacceptable).

(c) Display Requests

6 display requests per minute per console
(d) Supervisory Control
Total 1 per RTU & 1 per 10 FRTUs in 5 Minute period of peak loading cycles
(e) DMS/OMS applications
3 Network Connectivity Analysis & Reporting of crew of all feeders
(f) Reports
Prepare 5 reports.

The above are indicative, utility align with their Standard operating procedure
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part A –RDSS
Model Technical specification

Table 9
The BOQ shall be composite along with separate for break up for each Control center ( I.E. SCADA
/DMS & SCADA District Control center

A/U TYPE TOWNS - SCADA/DMS control center (BoQ) SDCC

In U TOWNS , only items with end of life/ spares /faulty can be proposed for refresh or replaced and
field equipment due to growth and OMS
S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity

C1 Server/ workstation Hardware

SCADA Server No. 2
DMS Server No. 2
OMS Server No. 2
FEP server with interface switches No. 2
ISR server No. 2
NMS server No. 2
DTS server No. 1
Other Active Devices no
Developmental server No. 1
Commnuication Server No. 2
Web/Directory server No. 2
SMS gaterway No. 2
*2minimum and 1
Ref per each 20s/s and
Workstation with dual TFT Monitors ( S/S Remarks maximum upto 5
monitoring) workstations
1minimum *and 1
per each per 100
No. FRTUs and
Workstation with dual TFT Monitors maximum upto 3
(Network monitoring) workstations
Ref 1 per Circle/ div/Sub
No. div
Remote VDUs with one TFT Monitors Remarks
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part A –RDSS
Model Technical specification

Developmental console with one TFT No. 2

DTS/Workstation Console with dual TFTs No. 2
DLP based Video Projection systemwith
3x4 Module configuration with each
No. 1
module at least 70" diagonal with
Storage & Backup Devices
External RAID Mass storage device ( for 24
No. 1
months online backup)
Exteranl DAT drive No. 1
Layer II switch (SCADA/DMS LAN) No. 2
Layer II switch ( Planning & Development
No. 2
system LAN)
Router for interfacing IT system &
No. 2
Router at remote VDU No. 0
Security system (DMZ)
Web server with load balancing No. 2
Mail server No. 2
Router No. 2
Firewall & network IDS/IPS No. 2
Layer II switch No. 2
Other Active Devices
GPS Time synchronisation system Set 2
Time, day & date digital displays Set 1
Color inkjet printer Set 2
B/W Laser printer Set 2
Any other items required to meet
functional /Performance requirement as Lot 1
per MTS
Sub-Total C1 (Hardware)
C2 Software for Control Centre
SCADA software Lot 1
ISR Software Lot 1
DMS software Lot 1
OMS Software Lot 1
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part A –RDSS
Model Technical specification

DTS software Lot 1

Developmental software Lot 1
Network Management Software Lot 1
WEB /Network security software (INCL IN
Lot 1
RDBMS package Lot 1
GIS Adaptor/Engine for importing data
Lot 1
from GIS system under IT system
Any other software to meet functional Lot 1
/performance requirement of MTS
Sub-Total -B2 (Software)
C3 Mandatory spares Max 5% of C1
Mandatory spares L/S 1
Sub -Total C3 spares
Grand Total C

Estimated Bill of Quantity for

Recovery control centre
S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity

D1 Server/ workstation Hardware

SCADA Server No. 2

DMS Server No. 2

OMS Server No. 2

FEP server with interface switches No. 2

ISR server No. 2

NMS server No. 2

DTS server No. 1

Other Active Devices

Developmental server No. 1

No. 2
Commnuication Server
Web/Directory server No. 2

SMS gaterway No. 2

Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part A –RDSS
Model Technical specification

Workstation with dual TFT Monitors

No. 2
( S/S monitoring)

Workstation with dual TFT Monitors No. 1

(Network monitoring)

Remote VDUs with one TFT No. 0

Developmental console with one TFT No. 2
DTS/Workstation Console with dual
No. 2
DLP based Video Projection system
with 3x4 Module configuration with
No. 0
each module at least 70" diagonal
with projector

Storage & Backup Devices

External RAID Mass storage device ( No. 1

for24 months online backup)
Exteranl DAT drive No. 1

Layer II switch (SCADA/DMS LAN) No. 2
Layer II switch ( Planning &
No. 2
Development system LAN)
Router for interfacing IT system &
No. 2
Router at remote VDU No. 0
Security system (DMZ)
Web server with load balancing No. 2
Mail server No. 2
Router No. 2
Firewall & network IDS/IPS No. 2
Layer II switch No. 2
Other Active Devices
GPS Time synchronisation system Set 2
Time, day & date digital displays Set 1
Color inkjet printer Set 2
B/W Laser printer Set 2
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part A –RDSS
Model Technical specification

Any other items required to meet

functional /Performance Lot 1
requirement as per MTS
Sub-Total D1 (Hardware)
D2 Software for DR Centre
SCADA software Lot 1
ISR Software Lot 1
DMS software Lot 1
OMS Software Lot 1
DTS software Lot 1
Developmental software Lot 1
Network Management Software Lot 1
WEB /Network security software Lot 1
RDBMS package Lot 1
GIS Adaptor/Engine for importing
data from GIS system under IT Lot 1
Any other software to meet functional
Lot 1
/performance requirement of MTS
Sub-Total D2 (Software)
D3 Mandatory spares Max 5% of D1
Mandatory spares L/S 1
Sub -Total D3 spares
Grand TotalD

S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity

RTU base equipment comprising panels, racks, Per S/S
sub-racks, Power Supply modules, CPU,
interfacing equipment, required converters & all Ref
other required items/accessories including remarks
complete wiring for all modules for locations
mentioned at Vol Vi
As per
Multifunctuions transducers No. Do point count
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part A –RDSS
Model Technical specification

Do As per
Contact Multiplying Relays (CMRs) No. point count
Do As per
Heavy duty relays for Control No. point count
Dummy Breaker Latching Relays No. Do Per S/S

Transformer Transducers No. Do Per PXF

Single TFT PC for LDMS No Do Per S/S

Any other hardware to meet functional Do

/performance requirement of MTS
Sub - Total (Hardware) -E1
E2 Software for LDMS
Ref Per S/S
LDMS software No.
Any other software to meet functional Lot
/performance requirement of MTS
Sub - Total (test equipment) -E2
RTU Database Configuration & Maintenance Ref Per 20s/s ,
No. min 1
Software tool remarks
Master Station cum RTU Simulator & Protocol Ref Per 20s/s ,
No. min 1
analyser software tool remarks
Laptop PC for above software tools along with Ref Per 20s/s ,
No. min 1
interfacing hardware including Hub remarks
Sub - Total (test equipment) -E3
5% of E1
Sub - Total (mandatory spare) -D4
Grand total E
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part A –RDSS
Model Technical specification

S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity

Mini pole mounted FRTU base equipment remarks
along with enclosure suitable to work in
open environment (Adequate protection
from water & dust) , racks, sub-racks,
Power Supply modules with power backup Per
, I/o modules, CPU, interfacing RMU/SECT
equipment, required converters & all other
required items/accessories including
complete wiring for all modules for
locations mentioned at Vol Vi

Contact Multiplying Relays (CMRs) No. Point count
Ref Point count
Heavy duty relays for Control No.
Ref Point count
Multifunction transducer No.
Any other hardware to meet functional
Lot -
/performance requirement of MTS
Sub-Total (Hardware) F1
F2 Test Equipments for FRTU
FRTU Database Configuration & Ref Per 100
Maintenance Software tool remarks FRTU
Master Station cum FRTU Simulator & Ref Per 100
Protocol analyser software tool remarks FRTU
Laptop PC for above software tools along Ref Per 100
with interfacing hardware including Hub remarks FRTU
Sub-Total (Test equipment) F2
5% of E1
Sub-Total (Spares) F3
Grand Total F
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part A –RDSS
Model Technical specification

G1 - Communication system

S.No Equipment Unit Quantity

Annual charges for 100MBps Links No. 0 RTU/CC/OTH
MPLS Router No. 0

Any other hardware to meet functional

/performance requirement of MTS

Sub - Total g1


Annual charges for 2MBps Links with FRTUs FRTU ,FPI

No. 0

Modems No. 0

Any other hardware to meet functional

/performance requirement of MTS
Sub - Total g2
Mandatory spares 5% of g1,g2
Grand Total G


S.No. Survey Type Unit Quantity

Main Equipments -
Control centre
UPS with suitable rating
running in parallel Set Per CC
redundant mode*
VRLA type Battery banks
for above UPS for
minimum 30 min. backup
duration incl above Set
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part A –RDSS
Model Technical specification
Sub- Total H1
Main Equipments - DR
Main Equipments

UPS with suitable rating

running in parallel Per DR
redundant mode*
VRLA type Battery banks
for above UPS for
minimum 30 min. backup
duration incl above
Sub-Total H2
II For RTU / Data
H3 Concentrator /
Communication Eqpts.
DC Power Supply
(DCPS) system based on - PER RTU
Battery bank for above
DCPS (VRLA Type) for -
minimum 4 hrs backup incl above
Sub-Total H3
48V DC Power Supply
(DCPS) system based on - PER FRTU
Battery bank for above
DCPS (VRLA Type) for -
minimum 4 hrs backup incl above
Sub-Total H4
H5 Remote VDU location
Sub-Total H5
Mandatory Spares for
5% of above H1TO H5 -
Sub-Total H6
Grand Total (H)


S.No. ITEM Type Unit Quantity

J1 RMU (WAY requirement) No of WAYS

Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part A –RDSS
Model Technical specification

RMU No -
Sub- Total J1
Sectionlizer No -
Recloser No
Sub-Total J2


Commnuicable No -
Sub-Total J3
RECONDUTORING (Specify type of
each conductor existing &
reconductoring in other modernisation
WORKS if any )
Km -
Km -
Sub-Total J4
Control/power cable for RTUs from
J5 outdoor switchgear,if any at S/S and
numerical relays
control /power cable Km -
Numerical relay /BCPU Nos -
Sub-Total J5
J6 Mandatory Spares
5% of above J1 TO J5 -
Sub-Total J6
Grand Total (J)
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part A –RDSS
Model Technical specification


S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity

Server/ workstation
SCADA server No. 2
FEP server with interface
No. 2
ISR server No. 2
NMS server No. 2
DTS server No. 1
Developmental server No. 1
Commnuication Server No. 2
Web/Directory server No. 2
SMS gaterway No. 2
*2minimum and 1 per
Workstation with dual TFT each 20s/s and maximum
Monitors ( S/S monitoring) upto 5 workstations
Ref 1minimum *and 1 per each
Remarks per 100 FRTUs and
Workstation with dual TFT maximum upto 3
Monitors (FPI monitoring) workstations
Workstation with dual TFT Ref *2minimum and 1 per
Monitors ( S/S monitoring) Remarks each 20s/s and maximum
-RTDAS upto 5 workstations
Ref 1minimum *and 1 per each
Workstation with dual TFT Remarks per 100 FRTUs and
Monitors (FPI monitoring)- maximum upto 3
RTDAS workstations
Remote VDUs with one Ref 1 per Circle/ div/Sub div
TFT Monitors Remarks
Developmental console
No. 2
with one TFT
DTS/Workstation Console
No. 2
with dual TFTs
DLP based Video
Projection system with 3x4
Module configuration with
No. 1
each module at least 70"
diagonal with projector

Storage & Backup Devices

External RAID Mass
storage device ( for 24 No. 1
months online backup)
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part A –RDSS
Model Technical specification
Exteranl DAT drive No. 1

Layer II switch
No. 2
Layer II switch ( Planning
& Development system No. 2
Router for interfacing IT
system & SCADA/DMS No. 2
DR centre
Router at remote VDU No. 0
Security system (DMZ)
Web server with load
No. 2
Mail server No. 2
Router No. 2
Firewall & network
No. 2
Layer II switch No. 2
Other Active Devices
GPS Time synchronisation
Set 2
Time, day & date digital
Set 1
Color inkjet printer Set 2
B/W Laser printer Set 2
Any other items required
to meet functional
Lot 1
requirement as per UMTS
Sub-Total C1 (Hardware)
Software for Control
SCADA software Lot 1
ISR Software Lot 1
DMS software Lot 1
DTS software Lot 1
Developmental software Lot 1
Network Management
Lot 1
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part A –RDSS
Model Technical specification

WEB /Network security

Lot 1
software (Incl in webserver)
RDBMS package Lot 1
GIS Adaptor/Engine for
importing data from GIS Lot 1
system under IT system
Any other software to meet
functional /performance Lot 1
requirement of UMTS
Sub-Total -B2 (Software)
Mandatory spares Max
5% of C1
Mandatory spares L/S 1
Sub -Total C3 spares
Grand Total C

S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity

D1 Server/ workstation Hardware

DR server No. 2

Commnuication Server No. 2

Workstation with one TFT Monitors No. 2

Storage & Backup Devices

External storage device No. 1

Exteranl DAT drive No. 1

Layer II switch (DR LAN) No. 2

Router for interfacing at SCADA DMS
No. 2
Color inkjet printer Set 1

B/w Laser printer Set 1

Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part A –RDSS
Model Technical specification

Any other items required to meet

functional /Performance requirement as Lot 1
per UMTS

Sub-Total D1 Hardware
D2 Software for Control Centre
RDBMS package Lot 1
Any other items required to meet
functional /Performance requirement as Lot 1
per UMTS

Sub-Total D1 Sofware
D3 Mandatory spares Max 5% of D1
Mandatory spares L/S 1

Sub -Total d3 spares

Grand Total D

S.No. Equipment Unit Quantity

RTU base equipment comprising panels, racks, Per S/S
sub-racks, Power Supply modules, CPU,
interfacing equipment, required converters & all Ref
other required items/accessories including remarks
complete wiring for all modules for locations
mentioned at Vol Vi
As per
Multifunctuions transducers No. Do point count
Do As per
Contact Multiplying Relays (CMRs) No. point count
Do As per
Heavy duty relays for Control No. point count
Dummy Breaker Latching Relays No. Do Per S/S

Transformer Transducers No. Do Per PXF

Single TFT PC for LDMS No Do Per S/S

Any other hardware to meet functional Do

/performance requirement of MTS
Sub - Total (Hardware) -E1
E2 Software for LDMS
Ref Per S/S
LDMS software No.
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part A –RDSS
Model Technical specification

Any other software to meet functional Lot

/performance requirement of MTS
Sub - Total (test equipment) -E2
RTU Database Configuration & Maintenance Ref Per 20s/s ,
No. min 1
Software tool remarks
Master Station cum RTU Simulator & Protocol Ref Per 20s/s ,
No. min 1
analyser software tool remarks
Laptop PC for above software tools along with Ref Per 20s/s ,
No. min 1
interfacing hardware including Hub remarks
Sub - Total (test equipment) -E3
5% of E1
Sub - Total (mandatory spare) -D4
Grand total E

G1 - Communication system
S.No Equipment Unit Quantity

Annual charges for 100MBps Links No. 0 RTU/CC/OTH
MPLS Router No. 0

Any other hardware to meet functional

/performance requirement of MTS

Sub - Total g1


Annual charges for 2MBps Links with FRTUs FPI

No. 0

Modems No. 0

Any other hardware to meet functional

/performance requirement of MTS
Sub - Total g2
Mandatory spares 5% of g1,g2
Grand Total G
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part A –RDSS
Model Technical specification


S.No. Survey Type Unit Quantity

Main Equipments -
Control centre
UPS with suitable rating
running in parallel Set Per CC
redundant mode*
VRLA type Battery banks
for above UPS for
minimum 30 min. backup
duration incl above Set

Sub- Total H1
Main Equipments - DR
Main Equipments
UPS with suitable rating
running in parallel Per DR
redundant mode*
VRLA type Battery banks
for above UPS for
minimum 30 min. backup
duration incl above
Sub-Total H2
II For RTU / Data
H3 Concentrator /
Communication Eqpts.
DC Power Supply
(DCPS) system based on - PER RTU

Battery bank for above

DCPS (VRLA Type) for -
minimum 4 hrs backup incl above
Sub-Total H3
H5 Remote VDU location
Sub-Total H5
Mandatory Spares for
5% of above H1TO H5 -
Sub-Total H6
Grand Total (H)
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part A –RDSS
Model Technical specification


S.No. ITEM Type Unit Quantity


Commnuicable No -
Sub-Total J3
Control/power cable for RTUs from
J5 outdoor switchgear,if any at S/S and
numerical relays
control /power cable Km -
Sub-Total J5
J6 Mandatory Spares
5% of above J1 TO J5 -
Sub-Total J6
Grand Total (J)


Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part A –RDSS
Model Technical specification


Com DI modul mod
module module e ule


Note: - SS : Single status input, DS : Double status input for CBs, DC : Digital Control Output (Trip &
Close)/Raise /lower CMR : Contact Multiplying Relay, HDR : Heavy Duty Relay, METER : Energy
meter, CM: Communication Module , DI : Digital input , DO : Digital Output AI: Analog module
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part A –RDSS
Model Technical specification

Note: 6. MFT provide data that is to be acquired by RTU on Modbus/or IEC protocol for Voltage (phase to phase and phase to neutral),Current (phase
and neutral), Active Power, Reactive Power, Apparent Power, Power Factor, Frequency, active energy (import & export), reactive energy (import
& export) etc.
7. CMRs shall be mounted in the existing C&R panels. Wherever the space is not available in the existing panels the same shall be
mounted in the RTU panels. Heavy Duty Relays shall be provided for Digital outputs for CBs and shall be mountedin the RTU panels
8. The RTU shall be equipped for the above specified I/O (analog input (meter), digital input & digital output) point points, which includes 20
% spare for future use (except for CMRs & HDRs). These 20 % spare points shall be terminated on terminal blocks in
9. All protection relay/Alarm points & CBs shall be considered for SOE.
10. Point counts include three alarms per station for auxiliary system and fire, which shall be interfaced to RTU.

Note: 1. MFT provide data that is to be acquired by RTU on Modbus/or IEC protocol for Voltage (phase to phase and phase to
neutral),Current (phase and neutral), Active Power, Reactive Power, Apparent Power, Power Factor, Frequency, active energy

2. CMRs shall be mounted in the existing C&R panels. Wherever the space is not available in the existing panels the same shall be mounted
panels. Heavy Duty Relays shall be provided for Digital outputs for CBs and shall be mounted in the RTU panels itself.

3. The RTU shall be equipped for the above specified I/O (analog input MFT), digital input & digital output) point points, which includes 20
future use . These 20 % spare points shall be terminated on terminal blocks in RTU panel.
4. All protection relay/Alarm points & CBs shall be considered for SOE.




Com DI modul mod
module module e ule


Note: - SS : Single status input, DS : Double status input for CBs, DC : Digital Control Output (Trip & Close) CMR :
Contact Multiplying Relay, HDR : Heavy Duty Relay, METER : Energy meter, CM:Communication Module , DI :
Digital input , DO : Digital Output: AI: Analog input
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part A –RDSS
Model Technical specification

Provide Equipment break-up at each location


H) Training including refresher course after Operational Acceptance

S.No. Description Duration No. Of Trainees

in days
A. Operator’s Training
1. Operator for SCADA/DMS Control 5 1 Per workstation
console/ shift at
control center
2. Instructor for DTS 10 2 Per Control center
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part A –RDSS
Model Technical specification

B. Maintenance Training
1 Computer Hardware & System 10 2 Per Control center
2. Application Software (SCADA/DMS/OMS ) 10 2 Per Control center
3. RTU & FRTU 5 2 Per Town
4. Database & display development 5 2 Per Control center
6. Auxiliary Power Supply 3 2 Per Control center
7. NMS/ Communication 5 2 Per Control center
8. SCADA enablers( 2 Per Town


Sl No. Description Duration

1a FMS charges for SCADA/DMS system Two Years
(maintaining overall system availability as per
1b FMS charges for SCADA/DMS system 3 additional years
(maintaining overall system availability as per

2 Total FMS charges Five Year

The cost of shall not be less than 25 % of total contract value . The cost per year for all 5 year shall be same

 The necessary spares required for maintenance of the system during FMS shall beprovided by the
contractor. However, the consumables shall be provided by the owner.

 FMS shall include all the supplied hardware & software under the project.
o FMS for 2 years after operational acceptance or up to Sunset of scheme is
provisionedunder GOI sanction (whichever is earlier) and remaining period totaling
to 5 years after operational acceptance will be borne by utility. However, the cost
of all 5 years shall be same and will form part of financial evaluation .

Bidder can define quantity of servers , router, switches as per system configuration in the bid subject to
adherence to functional , performance , redundancy , cyber security and all technical & SLA

Unit price is inclusive of taxes , freight and insurance, However , GST % to be indicated by bidder for
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part Revamped Reforms-Linked Results-based
Distribution Sector Scheme - Govt. of India
Model Technical specification


S. No. Items Completion Schedule from the

Award of Contract
1 SCADA/DMS/OMS System (Group A, U) 30 months from award

2 SCADA system (Group B,C ) 24 months from award


Page 313 of 19
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part Revamped Reforms-Linked Results-based
Distribution Sector Scheme - Govt. of India
Model Technical specification

Annex 1 - List of locations under Group A & U

SNO A/U NAME OF Disaster Ambient Rel Humidity Altitude from

TOWN recovery at Temperature deg C in RH% MSL < 2000
M (Y/N)

Annex 2 - List of locations under Group B

SNO B/ NAME OF ZSCC name Ambient Rel Humidity Altitude from

B* TOWN Temperature deg C in RH% MSL < 2000
M (Y/N)

Page 314 of 19
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part Revamped Reforms-Linked Results-based
Distribution Sector Scheme - Govt. of India
Model Technical specification

B* if existing RT-DAS and upgrading for SCADA

Annex 3 - List of locations under Group C

SNO C/ NAME OF ZSCC name Ambient Rel Humidity Altitude from

C* TOWN Temperature deg C in RH% MSL < 2000
M (Y/N)

C* if existing RT-DAS and upgrading for FPI

Annex 4 - List of locations under Group A & U

SNO A/U NAME OF RTU Count FRTU count FPI Count RMU Sectionlizer
TOWN Count count

Annex 5- List of locations under Group B



Page 315 of 19
Power Finance Corporation
SCADA/DMS, system under Part Revamped Reforms-Linked Results-based
Distribution Sector Scheme - Govt. of India
Model Technical specification

B* if existing RT-DAS and upgrading for SCADA

Annex 6 - List of locations under Group C



C* if existing RT-DAS and upgrading for FPI

Page 316 of 19
Section VII.
General Conditions of Contract
A. Contract and Interpretation

1 Definitions The following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby
assigned to them:
(a) “Contract” means the Agreement entered into between the
Purchaser and the Supplier, together with the Contract
Documents referred to therein, including all attachments,
appendices, and all documents incorporated by reference
(b) “Contract Documents” shall mean the following documents listed,
including any amendments thereto be read and construed as part
of this Agreement, viz.:

i. the Detailed award of contract;

ii. the Service level agreement;
iii. the Special Conditions of Contract;
iv. the General Conditions of Contract;
v. the Scope of Work;
vi. the Model Technical Specification (MTS)
vii. the Instructions to bidders;
viii. the Purchaser’s Notification to the Supplier for Award of
ix. Supplier’s response (proposal) to the RFP, including the Bid
Submission Sheet and the Price Proposal submitted by the
x. Appendix C;
xi. Acceptance of Utility notification
xii. RFQ document (as mentioned in IFB) along with all
corrigendum, clarifications and related documents issued by the
Nodal Agency.
(c) “Contract Price” means the price payable to the Supplier as specified
in the Agreement, subject to such additions and adjustments
thereto or deductions there from, as may be made pursuant to
the Contract.
(d) “Day” means calendar day.
(e) “Delivery” means the transfer of the Goods and services from the
Supplier to the Purchaser in accordance with the terms and
conditions set forth in the Contract.
(f) “Completion” shall mean the completion of the Related Services by
the Supplier in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth
in the Contract.
(g) “GCC” mean the General Conditions of Contract.
(h) “Goods” means all hardware, software, networking equipment
and/or other equipment accessories and materials that the
Supplier is required to supply to the Purchaser under the Contract.
(i) “Intellectual Property Rights” means any patent, copyright,
trademark, trade name, service marks, brands, propriety
information, whether arising before or after the execution of this
Contract and the right to ownership and registration of these
(j) “Purchaser’s Country” shall mean India.
(k) “Purchaser or Employer or Utility” means the entities purchasing
the Goods and Related Services.
(l) "Project Manager" means the person appointed by the Utility to
perform the duties delegated by the Utility.
(m) “Related Services” means the services to be provided as per the
requirements / conditions specified in the Contract. In addition
to this, the definition would also include other related/ancillary
services that may be required to execute this Contract.
(n) “SCC” means the Special Conditions of Contract.
(o) “Service Level Agreement” (SLA) shall mean the Service Level
Agreement entered into between the Purchaser and the Supplier.

(p) “Subcontractor” means any natural person, private or government

entity, or a combination of the above, including its legal successors
or permitted assigns, to whom any part of the Goods to be
supplied or execution of any part of the Related Services is
subcontracted by the Supplier, as per the provisionsof Clauses
18 of the GCC.
(q) “Supplier or Bidder” means the eligible Implementation Agency (IA)
whose bid to perform the Contract has been accepted by the
Purchaser and is named as such in the Agreement, and includes the
legal successors or permitted assigns of the Supplier.
(r) “Contractor’s Representative” means any person nominated by the
Contractor and approved by the Utility hereof to perform the duties
delegated by the Contractor.
(s) “The MoP” is the Ministry of Power, Government of India.
(t) “The Site,” shall mean all identified locations within the State of
<Utility to Define>, where the Supplier carries out any installation
of Goods or is required to provide any Related Services.

(u) “OEM” means the Original Equipment Manufacturer of any equipment

/ system / software / product that are providing such goods to the
Purchaser under the scope of this Tender / Contract.

(v) “Kick Off Meeting” means a meeting convened by the Purchaser to

discuss and finalize the work execution plan and procedures with
the Supplier.
(w) the term “in writing” means communicated in written form with
proof of receipt
2 Contract Documents
2.1 Subject to the order of precedence set forth in the Agreement, all
documents forming the Contract (and all parts thereof) are intended to be
correlative, complementary, and mutually explanatory. The contract shall
be read as a whole.
3 Interpretation
3.1 Language
(a) All Contract Documents, all correspondence and
communications to be given, and all other documentation to be
prepared and supplied under the Contract shall be written in
English, and the Contract shall be construed and interpretedin
accordance with that language.
(b) If any of the Contract Documents, correspondence or
communications are prepared in any language other than the
governing language under GCC Sub-Clause 3.1 above, the
English translation of such documents, correspondence or
communications shall prevail in matters of interpretation.
(c) The English Translation of the documents shall be carried out
by professional translators and the translator shall certify that
he is proficient in both languages in order to translate the
document and that the translation is complete and accurate.
Further, translation shall be authenticated by the Indian
Consulate located in the Country where the documents have
been issued or the Embassy of that Country in India.
In case of any conflict with any provision relating to the MTS
document and the RFP document, the provisions of the RFP
document shall prevail for all intents and purposes.
(b) unless otherwise specified a reference to a clause number is a
reference to all of its sub-clauses;
3.3 Singular and Plural
(a) The singular shall include the plural and the plural the
singular, except where the context otherwise requires.
3.4 Headings
(a) The headings and marginal notes in the General Conditions of
Contract are included for ease of reference, and shall neither
constitute a part of the Contract nor affect its interpretation.
3.5 Persons
(a) Words importing persons or parties shall include firms,
corporations and government entities.
3.6 Incoterms
(a) Unless inconsistent with any provision of the Contract, the
meaning of any trade term and the rights and obligations of
parties thereunder shall be as prescribed by Incoterms.

Incoterms means international rules for interpreting trade terms

published by the International Chamber of Commerce (latest
edition), 38 Cours Albert 1er, 75008 Paris, France.
3.7 Entire Agreement
(a) The Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the
Employer and Contractor with respect to the subject matter of
Contract and supersedes all communications, negotiations and
agreements (whether written or oral) of parties with
respect thereto made prior to the date of Contract.
3.8 Amendment
(a) No amendment or other variation of the Contract shall be
effective unless it is in writing, is dated, expressly refers to the
Contract, and is signed by a duly authorized representative of
each party hereto.
3.9 Independent Contractor

(a) The Contractor shall be an independent contractor performing

the Contract. The Contract does not create any agency,
partnership, joint venture or other joint relationship between
the parties hereto.

Subject to the provisions of the Contract, the Contractor shall be

solely responsible for the manner in which the Contract is
performed. All employees, representatives or Subcontractors
engaged by the Contractor in connection with the performance of
the Contract shall be under the complete control of the
Contractor and shall not be deemed to be employees of the
Utility, and nothing contained in the Contract or in any
subcontract awarded by the Contractor shall be construed to
create any contractual relationship between any such employees,
representatives or Subcontractors and the Utility.
3.10 Non-Waiver

(a) Subject to GCC Sub-Clause 3.10(b) below, no relaxation,

forbearance, delay or indulgence by either party in enforcing
any of the terms and conditions of the Contract or the granting
of time by either party to the other shall prejudice, affect or
restrict the rights of that party under the Contract, nor shall any
waiver by either party of any breach of Contract operate as
waiver of any subsequent or continuing breach of Contract.

(b) Any waiver of a party’s rights, powers or remedies under the

Contract must be in writing, must be dated and signed by an
authorized representative of the party granting such waiver,
and must specify the right and the extent to which it is being

3.11 Severability

(a) If any provision or condition of the Contract is prohibited or

rendered invalid or unenforceable, such prohibition, invalidity
or unenforceability shall not affect the validity or enforceability
of any other provisions and conditions of the Contract.

3.12 Joint Venture or Consortium

(a) If the Contractor is a joint venture or consortium of two or more

firms, all such firms shall be jointly and severally bound to the
Utility for the fulfilment of the provisions of the Contract and
shall designate one of such firms to act as a leader with
authority to bind the joint venture or consortium. The
composition or the constitution of the joint venture or
consortium shall not be altered without the prior consent of the
4 Notices 4.1 Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, all notices to be given under
the Contract shall be in writing, and shall be sent by personal delivery,
airmail post, special courier, or e-mail to the address of the relevant
party set out in the Contract Coordination Procedure to be finalised
pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause 17.2, with the following provisions.
(a) Any notice sent by airmail post or special courier shall be
deemed (in the absence of evidence of earlier receipt) to have
been delivered ten (10) days after dispatch. In proving the fact
of dispatch, it shall be sufficient to show that the envelope
containing such notice was properly addressed, stamped and
conveyed to the postal authorities or courier service for
transmission by airmail or special courier.
(b) Any notice delivered personally or sent by e-mail shall be
deemed to have been delivered on date of its dispatch.
(c) Either party may change its postal or e-mail address or
addressee for receipt of such notices by ten (10) days’ notice
to the other party in writing.
4.2 Notices shall be deemed to include any approvals, consents,
instructions, orders and certificates to be given under the Contract.

5 Governing Law 5.1 The Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with
the laws of the India. The High Court of Judicature at Utility Head
Quarters and Courts subordinate to such High Courts shall have
exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any disputes relating to the
tendering process, award of Contract and execution of the Contract.
6 Settlement of 6.1 The Utility and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve
Disputes amicably by direct informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute
arising between them under or in connection with the Contract.
6.2 If the parties fail to resolve such a dispute (The date of commencement
of the dispute shall be taken from the date when this clause
reference is quoted by either party in a formal communication clearly
mentioning existence of dispute or as mutually agreed) or difference
by mutual consultation within twenty-eight (28) days from the
commencement of such consultation, either party may require that
the dispute be referred for resolution to the formal mechanisms
specified in the SCC.
6.3 In the event of any dispute or difference relating to the interpretation
and application of the provisions of commercial contract (s) between
Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)/ Port Trusts inter se and also
between CPSEs and Government Departments/ Organizations
(excluding disputes concerning Railways, Income Tax, Customs &
Excise Departments), such disputes or difference shall be taken up by
either party for resolution through Administrative Mechanism for
Resolution of CPSEs Disputes (AMRCD) as mentioned in DPE Office
Memorandum No. 4(1)/2013- DPE(GM)/FTS-1835 dated 22.05.2018 or
any amendments thereof.
B Subject Matter of Contract
7 Scope of Work 7.1 The Goods and Related Services to be supplied are specified in Appendix-
C3. At the time of awarding the contract, the Utility shall specify any
change in the Scope of Work. Such changes may be due for instance,
if the quantities of goods and related services are increased or
decreased at the time of award.
7.2 Unless otherwise stipulated in the Contract, the Scope of Work shall
include all such items not specifically mentioned in the Contract but
that can be reasonably inferred from the Contract as being required for
attaining Delivery and Completion of the Goods and Related Services
as if such items were expressly mentioned in the Contract.
8 Delivery 8.1 Subject to GCC Sub-Clause 33, the Delivery of the Goods and Completion
of the Related Services shall be in accordance with the Implementation
chapter 19 Table 9 . The details of shipping and other documents to be
furnished by the Contractor are specified in the SCC.

9 Contractor’s 9.1 The Supplier shall supply all the Goods and Related Services included in
Responsibilities the Scope of Work and Appendix-C3 in accordance with GCC Clause 7,
and the Implementation Schedule, as per GCC Clause 8.
9.2 The Contractor confirms that it has entered into this Contract on the
basis of a proper examination of the data relating to the Facilities
provided by the Utility and on the basis of information that the
Contractor could have obtained from a visual inspection of the Site (if
access thereto was available) and of other data readily available to it
relating to the Facilities as at the date fifteen (15) days prior to
deadline set for price bid submission. The Contractor acknowledges
that any failure to acquaint itself with all such data and information
shall not relieve its responsibility for properly estimating the difficulty
or cost of successfully performing the Facilities.
9.3 The Contractor shall acquire in its name all permits, approvals and/or
licenses from all local, state or national government authorities or
public service undertakings in the country where the Site is located that
are necessary for the performance of the Contract, including, without
limitation, visas for the Contractor’s and Subcontractor’s personnel and
entry permits for all imported Contractor’s Equipment. The Contractor
shall acquire all other permits, approvals and/or licenses that are not
the responsibility of the Employer under GCC Sub-Clause 10 hereof and
that are necessary for the performance of the Contract.
9.4 The Contractor shall comply with all laws in force in the country where
the Facilities are installed and where the Installation Services are
carried out. The laws will include all national, provincial, municipal or
other laws that affect the performance of the Contract and bind upon
the Contractor. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the
Employer from and against any and all liabilities, damages, claims,
fines, penalties and expenses of whatever nature arising or resulting
from the violation of such laws by the Contractor or its personnel,
including the Subcontractors and their personnel,
but without prejudice to GCC Clause 9 hereof.

10 Utility’s 10.1 Whenever the supply of Goods and Related Services requires that the
Responsibilities Supplier obtain permits, approvals, and import and other licensesfrom
local public authorities, the Utility shall, if so required by the Supplier,
make its best effort to assist the Supplier in complying with such
requirements in a timely and expeditious manner.
10.2 The Purchaser shall bear all costs involved in the performance of its
responsibilities, in accordance with GCC Sub-Clause 14.1.
10.3 The Project Manager or any other person designated by the
utility, as defined in SCC, shall act as the nodal point for
implementation of the contract and for issuing necessary instructions,
approvals, commissioning, acceptance certificates, payments etc. to
the Supplier.
10.4 The Project Manager or any other person designated by the utility shall
approve all such documents within 15 working days.
10.5 Purchaser may provide on Supplier’s request, particulars/ information
/ or documentation that may be required by the Supplier for proper
planning and execution of Scope of Work under this contract.
10.6 Purchaser shall provide to the Supplier sitting space and infrastructure
and utilities, in the Purchaser’s offices at such location as may be
mutually decided by the Parties.
C. Payment
11 Contract Price 11.1 The Contract Price shall be as specified in the Agreement subject to any
additions and adjustments thereto, or deductions there from, as may
be made pursuant to the Contract as also subject to provisionsof
Clause 14.5.
11.2 Prices charged by the Supplier for the Goods delivered and the Related
Services performed under the Contract shall not vary from the prices
quoted by the Supplier in its bid, with the exception of any price
adjustments authorized in the SCC.
11.3 In the event any approval required for imports and/ or use of imported
equipment is denied in accordance with all applicable laws including
those in relation to testing issued by Ministry of Power (Order No
No.12/34/2020-T&R dated 08 June 2021, as amended and/ or modified
from time to time), the same shall neither entitle revision of Contract
Price nor shall result in revision of the Project
Implementation Plan.
12 Terms of 12.1 The Contract Price shall be paid in the manner specified in the SCC. No
Payment invoice for extra work/change order on account of change order will be
submitted by the Supplier unless the said extra work /change orderhas
been authorized/approved by the Utility in writing.
12.2 The Contractor’s request for payment shall be made to the Utility in
writing, accompanied by invoices describing, as appropriate, the Goods
delivered and Related Services performed, accompanied by the
documents submitted.
12.3 Payments shall be made promptly by the Utility, no later than forty five
(45) days after submission of an invoice or request for payment bythe
Contractor, and the Utility has accepted it.
12.4 If any excess payment has been made by the Purchaser due to
difference in quoted price in proposal and Supplier’s invoice, the
purchaser may without prejudice to its rights recover such amounts by
other means after notifying the Supplier or deduct such excess
payment from any payment subsequently falling due to the Supplier.

12.5 The currency in which payment shall be made to the supplier under
this contract is Indian Rupees (INR).
13 Securities 13.1 Issuance of Securities
The Contractor shall provide the securities specified below in favor of
the Employer at the times, and in the amount, manner and form
specified below.
13.2 Advance Payment Security
(a) The Contractor shall, within twenty-eight (28) days of the
Notification of Award of Contract, provide a security in an
amount equal to the advance payment calculated in
accordance with Terms and Procedures of Payment to the
Contract Agreement, and in the currency or currencies of the
Contract, with an initial validity of up to ninety (90) days
beyond the schedule date of Completion of the last facility
covered under the package. However, in case of delay in
completion of the facilities under the package, the validity of
this security shall be extended by the period of such delay. The
advance payment security shall also cover the amount of GST
as applicable on the advance payment to be paid to the
(b) The security shall be in the form of an unconditional bank
guarantee as per the proforma provided as Form of Advance
Payment Security. The Advance payment Security shall be
reduced pro-rata every three (03) months after First Running
Account Bill/Stage Payment under the Contract based on the
value of the respective equipment/facilities received and
applicable GST. The cumulative amount of reduction at any
point of time shall not exceed ninety (90%) of the advance and
the amount of GST paid on the advance amount
corresponding to cumulative value of the respective
equipment/Facilities supplied and received as per certificate
issued by the Project Manager. The balance shall be released
upon release of respective milestone linked payments as
identified in Terms of payments of Contract Agreement. In
case milestone payment is not envisaged in the package, the
balance shall be released after Completion of those Facilities
on certification by the Project Manager. It should be clearly
understood that reduction in the value of security for advance
shall not in any way dilute the Contractor's responsibility and
liabilities under the Contract including in respect of the
Facilities for which the reduction in the value of security is
13.3 Performance Security
(a) The Contractor shall, within twenty-eight (28) days of the
Notification of Award, provide securities for the due
performance of the Contract for ten percent (10%) of the
Contract Price of all the Contracts, with an initial validity up to
ninety (90) days beyond the end of scheduled Defect Liability
Period of the last equipment covered under the Contract.
However, in case of delay in completion of the defect liability
period, the validity of all the contract performance securities
shall be extended by the period of such delay.
(b) The performance security shall be denominated in the
currency or currencies of the Contract, or in a freely
convertible currency acceptable to the Utility, and shall be in
the form of unconditional bank guarantee provided as Form
of Performance Security of the bidding documents.
(c) Unless otherwise stipulated in SCC, the security shall be
reduced pro rata to the Contract Price of a part of the Facilities
for which a separate time for Completion is provided, twenty
one (21) months after Completion of the Facilities or where
relevant part thereof, or fifteen (15) months after Operational
Acceptance of the Facilities (or the relevant part thereof),
whichever occurs first; provided, however, that if the Defects
Liability Period has been extended on any part of the Facilities
pursuant to GCC Sub- Clause 33 hereof, the Contractor shall
issue an additional security in an amount proportionate to the
Contract Price of that part. The security shall be returned to
the Contractor immediately after its expiration, provided,
however, that if the Contractor, pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause
33, is liable for an extended warranty obligation, the
performance security shall be extended for the period and up
to the amount agreed upon or as specified in the SCC.
(d) The Purchaser shall at its sole discretion invoke the
Performance Security and appropriate the amount secured
there under, in the event that the Supplier commits any delay
or default in Delivery of the Goods or Related Services during
the contract period (including FMS period) or commits any
other breach of the terms and conditions of the Contract.

14 Taxes and Duties 14.1 The prices quoted by the supplier shall be inclusive of all
duties/taxes/levies . Responsibility for including all applicable
taxes/duties/levies in the proposal lie with the supplierand the utility
shall not be responsible for any error/omission on the part of the
bidder. Payment of taxes/duties/levies except GST shall not be made
14.2 For goods supplied from outside the Purchaser’s country, the Supplier
shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, duties, stamp duties, license
fees, and other such levies imposed outside the Purchaser’s country.
14.3 For goods supplied from within the Purchaser’s country, the Supplier
shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, duties, entry tax, license fees,
other levies etc, incurred until delivery of the Goods and
Related service to the Purchaser.
14.4 The cost of Entry Tax as applicable will be the liability of the Supplier
i.e. the price quoted will be inclusive of Entry Tax. The amount of Entry
Tax will be deducted from the Supplier’s invoice and remittanceto tax
dept. will be made by the Purchaser under the TIN number of
Purchaser. If any liability is raised by the commercial tax department,
Govt. of <STATE> on account of Entry Tax at a later date, the same
shall be to the Supplier's account and accordingly recovery shall be
made from the supplier's pending bills/security deposit as available
with the Purchaser.
14.5 For the purpose of the Contract, it is agreed that the Contract Price
specified in (Contract Price and Terms of Payment) of the Contract
Agreement is based on the taxes, duties, levies and chargesprevailing
on seven (7) days prior to the deadline set for price bid submission in
the country where the Site is located (hereinafter called “Tax” in this
GCC Sub-Clause 14.4). If any rates of Tax are increased or decreased, a
new Tax is introduced, an existing Tax is abolished, or any change in
interpretation or application of any Tax occurs in the course of the
performance of Contract, which was or will be assessed on the
Contractor in connection with performance of the Contract, an
equitable adjustment of the Contract Price shall be made to fully take
into account any such change by addition to the Contract Price or
deduction therefrom, as the case may be, in accordance with GCC
Clause 30 (Change in Laws and Regulations) hereof. However, these
adjustments shall not be applicable on procurement of raw materials,
intermediary components and intermediary services etc. by the
D. Intellectual Property

15 Copyright 15.1 Purchaser shall own and have a right in perpetuity to use all newly
created Intellectual Property Rights which have been developed solely
during execution of this Contract, including but not limited to all
Source code, Object code, records, reports, designs, application
configurations, data and written material, products, specifications,
reports, drawings and other documents which have been newly
created and developed by the Supplier solely during the performance
of Related Services and for the purposes of inter-alia use or sub-
license of such Services under this Contract. The Supplier undertakes
to disclose all such Intellectual Property Rights arising in performance
of the Related Services to the Purchaser and execute all such
agreements/documents and file all relevant applications, effect
transfers and obtain all permits and approvals that may be necessary
in this regard to effectively transfer and conserve the Intellectual
Property Rights of the Purchaser. To the extent that Intellectual
Property Rights are unable by law to so vest, the Supplier assigns those
Intellectual Property Rights to Purchaser oncreation.
15.2 The Supplier shall be obliged to ensure that all approvals, registrations,
licenses, permits and rights etc. which are inter-alia necessary for use
of the goods supplied / installed by the Supplier,the same shall be
acquired in the name of the Purchaser, and the same may be assigned
by the Purchaser to the Supplier solely for the purpose of execution of
any of its obligations under the terms of this Contract. However,
subsequent to the term of this Contract, such approvals, registrations,
licenses, permits and rights etc. shall endure to the exclusive benefit
of the purchaser.
15.3 The Supplier shall ensure that while it uses any software, hardware,
processes, document or material in the course of performing the
Services, it does not infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of any
person and the Supplier shall keep the Purchaser indemnified against
all costs, expenses and liabilities howsoever, arising out any illegal or
unauthorized use (piracy) or in connection with any claim or
proceedings relating to any breach or violation of any
permission/license terms or infringement of any Intellectual Property
Rights by the Supplier or its personnel during the course of
performance of the Related Services. In case of any infringement by
the Supplier, the Supplier shall have sole control of the defense and all
related settlement negotiations.
15.4 Subject to sub-clauses 16.1 to 16.3, the Supplier shall retain exclusive
ownership of all methods, concepts, algorithms, trade secrets,
software documentation, other intellectual property or other
information belonging to the Supplier that existed before the effective
date of the contract.
16 Confidential 16.1 Both parties undertake to each other to keep confidential all
Information information (written as well as oral) concerning the business and
affairs of the other, which has been obtained or received as a result
of the discussions leading upto or the entering of the contract
16.2 After the entering of the contract the Purchaser and the Supplier shall
keep confidential and shall not, without the written consent of the
other party hereto, divulge to any third party any documents, data, or
other information furnished directly or indirectly by the other party
hereto in connection with the Contract, whether such information has
been furnished prior to, during or following completion or termination
of the Contract. Notwithstanding the above, the Supplier may furnish
to its Subcontractor such documents, data, and other information it
receives from the Purchaser to the extent required for the
Subcontractor to perform its work under the Contract, in which event
the Supplier shall obtain from such Subcontractor an undertaking of
confidentiality similar to that imposed on the Supplier under this
16.3 The Purchaser shall not use such documents, data, and other
information received from the Supplier for any purposes unrelated to
the Contract. Similarly, the Supplier shall not use such documents,
data, and other information received from the Purchaser for any
purpose other than the design, procurement, or other work and
services required for the performance of the Contract.
16.4 The obligation of a party under GCC Sub-Clauses 16.1 and 16.2 above,
however, shall not apply to information that:
a. the Purchaser or Supplier need to share with the institutions
participating in the financing of the Contract;
b. now or hereafter enters the public domain through no fault of that
c. can be proven to have been possessed by that party at the time of
disclosure and which was not previously obtained, directly or
indirectly, from the other party; or
d. Otherwise lawfully becomes available to that party from athird party
that has no obligation of confidentiality.
16.5 The above provisions of GCC Clause 16 shall not in any way modify
any undertaking of confidentiality given by either of the parties
hereto prior to the date of the Contract in respect of the Supply or
any part thereof.
16.6 Each of the parties to this contract, undertakes to the other to take
all such steps as shall from time to time be necessary to ensure
compliance with the provisions of the above clauses by it’s
employees, agents and sub-contractors.
16.7 The provisions of GCC Clause 17 shall survive completion or
termination, for whatever reason, of the Contract.
E. Work Execution

17 Representatives 17.1 Project Manager

If the Project Manager is not named in the Contract, then within

fourteen (14) days of the Effective Date, the Employer shall appoint
and notify the Contractor in writing of the name of the Project
Manager. The Employer may from time to time appoint some other
person as the Project Manager in place of the person previously so
appointed, and shall give a notice of the name of such other personto
the Contractor without delay. The Employer shall take reasonable care
to see that no such appointment is made at such a time or in such a
manner as to impede the progress of work on the Facilities. The Project
Manager shall represent and act for the Employer at all times during
the currency of the Contract. All notices, instructions, orders,
certificates, approvals and all other communications under the
Contract shall be given by the Project Manager, except as herein
otherwise provided.

All notices, instructions, information and other communications given

by the Contractor to the Employer under the Contract shall be given
to the Project Manager, except as herein otherwise provided.

17.2 Contractor’s Representative

(a) The Contractor shall appoint the Contractor’s Representative
within fourteen (14) days of the Effective Date or beforestart
of work whichever is earlier and shall request the Employer in
writing to approve the person so appointed.
i. The Contractor's representative shall be a
regular Employee/ Partner/ Director only and
the Contractor shall be required to submit a
Power of Attorney in original in favour of its
ii. In case, the Contractor's representative is also
doing some other Contract(s)/ Work(s) as
nominee of the same contractor, the
Contractor shall give a declaration citing list of
all works where the Contractor's
representative is the nominee.
iii. If the Employer objects to the appointment
giving the reason therefore, then the
Contractor shall appoint a replacement within
18 Subcontracting 18.1 The Implementation Agency shall not be permitted to sub-contract its
obligations under the Contract with the utilities. However, scopeof
work related to auxiliary power supply ,communication (i.e. only in
case of new infrastructure like FO/Radio etc. is being set up by utility)
and SCADA Enabler Works may be subcontracted after seeking prior
approval of the utility.
19 Conflict of 19.1 The Implementation Agencies shall not engage, and shall cause their
Interest Personnel not to engage, either directly or indirectly, in any business
or professional activities which would conflict with the activities
assigned to them under this Contract.
19.2 The Utility considers a conflict of interest to be a situation in which a
party has interests that could improperly influence that party’s
performance of official duties or responsibilities, contractual
obligations, or compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and
that such conflict of interest may contribute to or constitute a
prohibited corrupt practice
19.3 Implementation Agency for a Utility cannot participate in the bidding
process of <Project Name> Consultant of the same Utility.
19.4 If the <Project Name> Implementation Agency is found to be involved
in a conflict of interest situation with regard to the present
assignment, the Utility may choose to terminate this contract as per
Clause 34 of GCC
20 Specifications 20.1 Technical Specifications and Drawings
and Standards (a) The Supplier shall ensure that the Goods and Related Services
comply with the technical specifications and other provisions of the
(b) The Supplier shall be entitled to disclaim responsibility for any
design, data, drawing, specification or other document, or any
modification thereof provided or designed by or on behalf of the
Purchaser, by giving a notice of such disclaimer to the Purchaser.
(c) The Goods and Related Services supplied under this Contract shall
conform to the standards mentioned in Section VI, Scope of Work
and, when no applicable standard is mentioned, the standard shall
be equivalent or superior to the official standards whose application
is appropriate to the country of origin of the Goods with express
approval of the Utility.
20.2 Wherever references are made in the Contract to codes and standards
in accordance with which it shall be executed, the edition or the
revised version of such codes and standards shall be those specified in
the Section VI, Scope of Work. During Contract execution,any changes
in any such codes and standards shall be applied only after approval
by the Purchaser and shall be treated in accordance with GCC Clause

21 Packing and 21.1 The Supplier shall provide such packing of the Goods as is requiredto
Documents prevent their damage or deterioration during transit to their final
destination, as indicated in the Contract. During transit, the packing
shall be sufficient to withstand, without limitation, rough handling and
exposure to extreme temperatures, salt and precipitation, and open
storage. Packing case size and weights shall take into consideration,
where appropriate, the remoteness of the final destination of the
Goods and the absence of heavy handling facilities at all points in
transit. The Purchaser shall not be responsible in any manner for any
loss or damage caused to the Goods during Transit.
21.2 The packing, marking, and documentation within and outside the
packages shall comply strictly with such special requirements as shall
be expressly provided for in the Contract and in any other
instructions ordered by the Purchaser.
22 Insurance 22.1 The Goods supplied under the Contract shall be fully insured by the
Supplier, in INR, against loss or damage incidental to manufacture or
acquisition, transportation, storage, and delivery, in accordance with
the applicable Incoterms or in the manner specified in the SCC.
23 Transportation 23.1 Obligations for transportation of the Goods shall be borne by the
Supplier and shall be in accordance with the Incoterms specified in
Sections VII
24 Inspections and 24.1 The Supplier shall at its own expense and at no cost to the Purchaser
Tests carry out all such tests and/or inspections of to ensure that the Goods
and Related Services are complying with the functional parameters,
codes and standards specified in the Scope of Work at Section VI, to
the satisfaction of the Purchaser.
24.2 The inspections and tests may be conducted on the premises of the
Supplier, at point of delivery, and/or at the final destination of the
Goods, or in another place in the Purchaser’s country as per the
requirement of Section VI. Subject to GCC Sub-Clause 24.3, if
conducted on the premises of the Supplier or its Subcontractor, all
reasonable facilities and assistance, including access to drawings and
production data, shall be furnished to the inspectors at no charge to
the Purchaser.
24.3 The Purchaser or its designated representative shall be entitled to
attend the tests and/or inspections referred to in GCC Sub-Clause 24.2,
provided that the Purchaser bear all of its own costs and expenses
incurred in connection with such attendance including, but not limited
to, all traveling and board and lodging expenses.

24.4 Whenever the Supplier is ready to carry out any such test and
inspection, it shall give a reasonable advance notice, including the
place and time, to the Purchaser.
24.5 The Purchaser may require the Supplier to carry out any test and/or
inspection to verify that the characteristics and performance of the
Goods or Related Services comply with the technical specifications,
codes and standards under the Contract.
24.6 The Supplier shall provide the Purchaser with a report of the results
of any such test and/or inspection.
24.7 The Purchaser may reject any Goods / Related Services or any part
thereof that fail to pass any test and/or inspection or do not conform
to the specifications. The Supplier shall either rectify or replace such
rejected Goods/ Related Services or parts thereof or make alterations
necessary to meet the specifications at no cost to the Purchaser, and
shall repeat the test and/or inspection, at no cost to the Purchaser,
upon giving a notice pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause 24.4.
24.8 The Supplier agrees that neither the execution of a test and/or
inspection of the Goods / Related Services or any part thereof, nor
the attendance by the Purchaser or its representative, nor the issue
of any report pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause 24.6, shall release the
Supplier from any warranties or other obligations under the Contract.

E. Guarantees & Liabilities

25 Completion Time Guarantee
25.1 The Contractor guarantees that it shall attain Completion of the
Facilities (or a part for which a separate time for completion is
specified in the SCC) within the Time for Completion specified in the
SCC pursuant to GCC Sub- Clause 8, or within such extended time to
which the Contractor shall be entitled under GCC Clause 33 (Extension
of Time for Completion) hereof.
25.2 If the Contractor fails to attain Completion of the Facilities or any part
thereof within the Time for Completion or any extension thereofunder
GCC Clause 33 (Extension of Time for Completion), the Contractor shall
pay to the Employer liquidated damages in the amount computed at
the rates specified in the GCC Clause 26.
25.3 No bonus shall be given for earlier completion of the facilities or part
26 Liquidated 26.1 Except as provided under GCC Clause 33, if the Supplier fails to deliver
Damages and any or all of the Goods or perform the Related Services within the
Penalty period specified in the Contract, the Purchaser may without prejudice
to all its other remedies under the Contract, deduct from the Contract
Price, as liquidated damages, a sum equivalent to 0.5% of the value of
the Goods or Related Services, supplied beyond stipulated delivery
schedule for each week or part thereof of delay until actual delivery or
performance, subject to a maximum of 10% ofvalue of such goods and
services except FMS and BW which is a part of SLA
26.2 In addition, the Supplier is liable to the Purchaser for payment
penalty as specified in the SLA.
26.3 If the Goods and Related Services supplied do not meet the minimum
specifications as per the Contract, and the same is not
replaced/modified by the Supplier to meet the requirements within 14
days of being informed by the Utility, the Utility shall be free to impose
any penalty as deemed fit. In addition, the Utility shall reserve the
right to terminate the contract and recover liquidated damages by
forfeiting the performance guarantee submitted by the
27 Warranty 27.1 The Supplier warrants that all the Goods are new, unused, and of the
most recent or current models, and that they incorporate all recent
improvements in design and materials, unless provided otherwise in
the Contract.
27.2 Subject to GCC Sub-Clause 20.1, the Supplier further warrants that the
Goods shall be free from defects arising from any act or omission of
the Supplier or arising from design, materials, and workmanship,
under normal use in the conditions prevailing in the country of final
27.3 The warranty shall remain valid for the period Specified in theSCC.
27.4 The Purchaser shall give Notice to the Supplier stating the nature of any
such defects together with all available evidence thereof, promptly
following the discovery thereof. The Purchaser shall afford all
reasonable opportunity for the Supplier to inspect such defects.
27.5 Upon receipt of such Notice, the Supplier shall, within the period
specified in the SCC, expeditiously repair or replace the defective
Goods or parts thereof, at no cost to the Purchaser.
27.6 If having been notified, the Supplier fails to remedy the defect within
the period of warranty specified in the SCC; the Purchaser may
proceed to take within a reasonable period such remedial action as
may be necessary, at the Supplier’s risk and expense and without
prejudice to any other rights which the Purchaser may have against
the Supplier under the Contract.
28 Liability/ 28.1 The Supplier hereby agrees to indemnify the Purchaser, for all
Indemnity conditions and situations mentioned in this clause, in a form and
manner acceptable to the Purchaser. The supplier agrees to indemnify
the Purchaser and its officers, servants, agents (“Purchaser
Indemnified Persons”) from and against any costs, loss, damages,
expense, claims including those from third parties or liabilities of any
kind howsoever suffered, arising or incurred inter alia during and after
the Contract period out of:
a. any negligence or wrongful act or omission by the Supplier or
its agents or employees or any third party associated with
Supplier in connection with or incidental to this Contract; or
b. any infringement of patent, trademark/copyright or industrial
design rights arising from the use of the supplied Goods and
Related Services or any part thereof.
28.2 The Supplier shall also indemnify the Purchaser against any privilege,
claim or assertion made by third party with respect to right or interest
in, ownership, mortgage or disposal of any asset, property, movable or
immovable as mentioned in any Intellectual PropertyRights, licenses
and permits.
28.3 Without limiting the generality of the provisions of this clause 28.1 and
28.2, the Supplier shall fully indemnify, hold harmless and defendthe
Purchaser Indemnified Persons from and against any and all suits,
proceedings, actions, claims, demands, liabilities and damages which
the Purchaser Indemnified Persons may hereafter suffer, or pay by
reason of any demands, claims, suits or proceedings arising out of
claims of infringement of any domestic or foreign patent rights,
copyrights or other intellectual property, proprietary or confidentiality
rights with respect to any Goods, Related Services, information, design
or process supplied or used by the Supplier in performing the
Supplier’s obligations or in any way incorporated in orrelated to the
Project. If in any such suit, action, claim or proceedings,a temporary
restraint order or preliminary injunction is granted, the Supplier shall
make every reasonable effort, by giving a satisfactory bond or
otherwise, to secure the suspension of the injunction or restraint
order. If, in any such suit, action, claim or proceedings, the Goods or
Related Services, or any part thereof or comprised therein, is held to
constitute an infringement and its use is permanently enjoined, the
Supplier shall promptly make every reasonable effort to secure for the
Purchaser a license, at no cost to the Purchaser, authorizing continued
use of the infringing work. If the Supplier is unable to secure such
license within a reasonable time, the Supplier shall, at its own expense,
and without impairing the specifications and standards, either replace
the affected work, or part, or process thereof with non-infringing work
or part or process, or modify the same so that it becomes non-
Survival on Termination
The provisions of this Clause 28 shall survive Termination.

28.4 Defense of Claims:

(a) If any proceedings are brought or any claim is made against the
Purchaser arising out of the matters referred to in GCC Sub-
Clause 28.1, 28.2, or 28.3 the Purchaser shall promptly give
the Supplier a notice thereof, and the Supplier may at its own
expense and in the Purchaser’s name conduct such
proceedings or claim and any negotiations for the settlement
of any such proceedings or claim.
(b) If the Supplier fails to notify the Purchaser within twenty- eight
(28) days after receipt of such notice that it intends to conduct
any such proceedings or claim, then the Purchaser shall be
free to conduct the same on its ownbehalf
(c) The Purchaser shall, at the Supplier’s request, afford all
available assistance to the Supplier in conducting such
proceedings or claim, and shall be reimbursed by the Supplier
for all reasonable expenses incurred in so doing.
29 Limitation 29.1 Except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct :
of Liability (a) neither Party shall be liable to the other Party, whether in
contract, tort, or otherwise, for any indirect or consequential
loss or damage, loss of use, loss of production, or loss of
profits or interest costs, which may be suffered by the other
Party in connection with the Contract, provided that this
exclusion shall not apply to any obligation of the Contractor to
pay liquidated damages to the Employer and
(b) the aggregate liability of the Contractor to the Employer,
whether under the Contract, in tort or otherwise, shall not
exceed the total Contract Price, provided that this limitation
shall not apply to any obligation of the Contractor to
indemnify the Employer with respect to patent infringement.
(c) the aggregate liability of the Employer to the Contractor
except for GCC sub-clause 28.3, whether under the Contract,
in tort or otherwise, at any point of time during the
execution/performance of the Contract, shall not exceed the
‘total Contract Price less payments already released to the
G. Risk Distribution

30 Change in Laws 30.1 Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, if after the date of the
and Regulations Invitation for Bids, any law, regulation, ordinance, order or bylaw
having the force of law is enacted, promulgated, abrogated, or
changed in the place of the Purchaser’s country where the Site is
located (which shall be deemed to include any change in
interpretation or application by the competent authorities) that
subsequently affects the Delivery Date, then such Delivery Date shall
be correspondingly increased or decreased, to the extent that the
Supplier has thereby been affected in the performance of any of its
obligations under the Contract. Additional clause of AMISP Bid
Document creates a ambiguity w.r.t. clause Contract Prices
31 Force 31.1 The Supplier shall not be liable for forfeiture of its Performance
Majeure Security, liquidated damages, or termination for default if and to the
extent that it’s delay in performance or other failure to perform its
obligations under the Contract is the result of an event of Force
31.2 For purposes of this Clause, “Force Majeure” means an event or
situation beyond the control of the Supplier that is not foreseeable,
is unavoidable, and its origin is not due to negligence or lack of care
on the part of the Supplier. Such events may include, but not be
limited to wars or revolutions, earthquake, fires, floods, epidemics,
quarantine restrictions, and freight embargoes.
31.3 If a Force Majeure situation arises, the Supplier shall promptly andno
later than seven days from the first occurrence thereof, notify the
Purchaser in writing of such condition and the cause thereof. Unless
otherwise] directed by the Purchaser in writing, the Supplier shall
continue to perform its obligations under the Contract as far as is
reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative means
for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event.
31.4 The decision of the Purchaser with regard to the occurrence,
continuation, period or extent of Force Majeure shall be final and
binding on the Supplier.
H. Change in Contract Elements

32 Change Orders 32.1 The Purchaser may at any time order the Supplier through Notice in
and Contract accordance GCC Clause 4 ,12.1, Section VI to make changes within
Amendments the general scope of the Contract in any one or more of the following:
(a) drawings, designs, or specifications, where Goods to be
furnished under the Contract are to be specifically
manufactured for the Purchaser;
(b) Specifications for hardware, software and Related Services
(c) the method of shipment or packing;
(d) the place of delivery; and
(e) the Related Services to be provided by the Supplier.

32.2 If any such Change Order causes an increase or decrease in the cost of,
or the time required for, the Supplier’s performance of any provisions
under the Contract, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the
Contract Price or in the Delivery and Completion Schedule, or both,
and the Contract shall accordingly be amended. Any claims by the
Supplier for adjustment under this Clause must be asserted within
twenty-eight (28) days from the date of the
Supplier’s receipt of the Purchaser’s Change Order.
32.3 No variation or modification of the terms of the contract shall be
made except by written amendment signed by the parties.
33 Extensions 33.1 If at any time during performance of the Contract, the Supplier or its
of Time Subcontractors should encounter conditions impeding timelydelivery
of the Goods or completion of Related Services pursuant to GCC
Clause 10, the Supplier shall promptly notify the Purchaser in writing
of the delay, its likely duration, and its cause. As soon as practicable
after receipt of the Supplier’s notice, the Purchaser shall evaluate the
situation and may at its discretion extend the Supplier’s time for
performance, in which case the extension shall be ratified by the
parties by amendment of the Contract.
33.2 Except in case of Force Majeure, as provided under GCC Clause 31 or
where the delay in delivery of the Goods or completion of Related
Services is caused due to any delay or default of the Purchaser, any
extension granted under clause 32.1 shall not absolve the Supplier
from its liability to the pay of liquidated damages pursuant to GCC
Clause 26.
34 Termination 34.1 Termination for Default
(a) The Purchaser may, without prejudice to any other remedy for
breach of Contract, by Notice of default sent to the Supplier,
terminate the Contract in whole or in part:
i. if the Supplier fails to deliver any or all of the Goods or
Related Services within the period specified in the
Contract, or within any extension thereof granted by
the Purchaser pursuant to GCC Clause 32; or
ii. if the Supplier, in the judgment of the Purchaser has
engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive
practices, as defined in ITB Clause 4, in competing for
or in executing the Contract; or
iii. Any representation made by the bidder in the
proposal is found to be false or misleading
iv. if the Supplier commits any breach of the Contract and
fails to remedy or rectify the same within the period
of two weeks (or such longer period as the Purchaser
in its absolute discretion decide) provided in a notice
in this behalf from the Purchaser.
v. as specified in the SLA

(b) In the event the Purchaser terminates the Contract in whole or

in part, pursuant to GCC Clause 34.1(a), the Purchaser may
procure, upon such terms and in such manner as it deems
appropriate, Goods or Related Services similar to those
undelivered or not performed, and the Supplier shall be liable
to the Purchaser for any additional costs for such similar
Goods or Related Services. However, the Supplier shall
continue performance of the Contract to the extent not
34.2 Termination for Insolvency

(a) The Purchaser may at any time terminate the Contract by

giving Notice to the Supplier if the Supplier becomes bankrupt
or otherwise insolvent. In such event, termination will be
without compensation to the Supplier, provided that such
termination will not prejudice or affect any right of action or
remedy that has accrued or will accrue thereafter
to the Purchaser.
34.3 Termination for Convenience
(a) The Purchaser, by Notice sent to the Supplier, may terminate
the Contract, in whole or in part, at any time for its
convenience. The Notice of termination shall specify that
termination is for the Purchaser’s convenience, the extent to
which performance of the Supplier under the Contract is
terminated, and the date upon which such termination
becomes effective.
(b) The Goods that are complete and ready for shipment within
twenty-eight (28) days after the Supplier’s receipt of the
Notice of termination shall be accepted by the Purchaser at
the Contract terms and prices. For the remaining Goods, the
Purchaser may elect:
(i) To have any portion completed and delivered at the
Contract terms and prices; and/or
(ii) to cancel the remainder and pay to the Supplier an agreed
amount for partially completed Goods and Related
Services and for materials and parts previously procured by
the Supplier.
Model Bid Document for Appointment of SCADA/DMS Implementation Agency by Power
Distribution Utility

34.4 Consequences of Termination

Upon Termination of the Contract, the Supplier shall:
(i) Prepare and present a detailed exit plan within five calendar
days of termination notice receipt to the Project Manager or
authorized representative (“Exit Plan”).
(ii) The Project Manager or authorized representative and along
with designated team will review the Exit plan. If approved,
Supplier shall start working on the same immediately. If the
plan is rejected, Supplier shall prepare alternate plan within two
calendar days. If the second plan is also rejected, Project
Manager or authorized representative or the authorised person
will provide a plan for Supplier and it should be adhered by in
(iii) The Exit Plan should cover at least the following :-
a. Execute all documents that may be necessary to effectively
transfer the ownership and title, including OEMwarranties
in respect of all equipment;
b. Handover all developed codes, related documentation and
other Configurable Items, if any in his possession;
c. Handover the list of all IT Assets, passwords at all locations
to the Purchaser.
(iv) The supplier and Project Manager or authorized representative
will sign a completion certificate at the end of successful
completion (all points tracked to closure) of the ExitPlan.

35 Assignment 35.1 The Contractor shall not, without the express prior written consent of
the Employer, assign to any third party the Contract or any part thereof,
or any right, benefit, obligation or interest therein or thereunder,
except that the Contractor shall be entitled to assign either absolutely
or by way of charge any monies due and payable to it or that may
become due and payable to it under the Contract.

36 Disclaimer 36.1 Purchaser reserves the right to share, with any consultant of its
choosing, any resultant Proposals in order to secure expert opinion.
36.2 Purchaser reserves the right to accept any proposal deemed to be in
the best interest of the Utility.
I. Other Conditions
37 Public 37.1 All materials provided to the Purchaser by bidder are subject to Country
Disclosure and <STATE> public disclosure laws such as RTI etc.
37.2 The Supplier’s Team shall not make or permit to be made a public
announcement or media release about any aspect of this Contract
unless the Purchaser first gives the Supplier its written consent.

38 SLA Audit 38.1 A designated team / person from <UTILITY> will review the performance
of Supplier against the SLA each month. The review / audit report will
form basis of any action relating to imposing penalty
on or breach of contract of the Supplier.
Model Bid Document for Appointment of SCADA/DMS Implementation Agency by Power
Distribution Utility
39 Adherence to 39.1 Supplier shall comply with the provision of all laws including labour laws,
safety rules, regulations and notifications issued there under from time to
procedures, time. All safety and labour laws enforced by statutory agencies and by
rules Purchaser shall be applicable in the performance of this Contract and
regulations and Supplier’s Teamshall abide by these laws.
restriction 39.2 Access to the Datacenter Sites and Purchaser’s locations shall be strictly
restricted. No access to any person except the essential personnel
belonging to the Supplier who are genuinely required for execution of
work or for carrying out management/maintenance who have been
explicitly authorised by the Purchaser shall be allowed entry to the
Datacenter Sites and some Purchaser’s locations. Even if allowed,
access shall be restricted to the pertaining equipment of the Purchaser
only. The Supplier shall maintain a log of all activities carriedout by each
of its personnel.

39.3 The Supplier shall take all measures necessary or proper to protect the
personnel, work and facilities and shall observe all reasonable safety
rules and instructions. Supplier’s Team shall adhere to all security
requirement/regulations of the Purchaser during the execution of the
work. Purchaser’s employee also shall comply with safety
39.4 The Supplier shall report as soon as possible any evidence, which may
indicate or is likely to lead to an abnormal or dangerous situation and
shall take all necessary emergency control steps to avoid such
abnormal situations.
39.5 The Purchaser will be indemnified for all the situations mentioned in
this clause in the similar way as defined in GCC clause 28.
40 Non-Solicitation 40.1 For the purpose of this contract, both parties to this contract agree,not
of Staff to solicit either directly or indirectly with a view to provide or offer
employment to, offer to contract with or entice a staff member of the
other party to leave without the consent of the other during he term
of this agreement and for an additional period of 180 days after
41 Survival 41.1 The clauses of this contract, which by nature are intended to survive
termination of this contract, shall remain in effect after such
Section VIII.
Special Conditions of Contract
The following Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) shall supplement the General Conditions of Contract
(GCC). Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over those in the GCC.

GCC 1.1(j) The Purchaser’s country is: The Union Of India

GCC 1.1(k) The Purchaser is:
<Name and address of Utility>, India
GCC 3.1 The language shall be: English
GCC 4.1 For notices, the Purchaser’s contact details shall be:
<Address, Phone, Fax, Email, etc.>
GCC 5.1 The governing law shall be: Laws applicable in exclusive jurisdiction of The High Court Of
Judicature at <Utility HQ>, India and all courts subordinate to its exclusive Jurisdiction.

GCC 6.2 The formal mechanism for the resolution of disputes shall be:

If the parties fail to resolve such a dispute or difference by mutual consultation within
twenty-eight (28) days from the commencement of such dispute and difference, either
party may require that the dispute be referred for resolution to the formal mechanisms,
described below (The date of commencement of the dispute shall be taken from the date
when this clause reference is quoted by either party in a formal communication clearly
mentioning existence of dispute or as mutually agreed) :

a. The mechanism for resolution of disputes for bidders shall be in accordance with
the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act of 1996. The Arbitral Tribunal shall
consist of 3 (Three) Arbitrators. Each Party shall nominate an Arbitrator and the
two nominated Arbitrators shall mutually agree and nominate a third Presiding

b. The Arbitrators shall necessarily be retired High Court Judges and the umpire shall
be a retired Chief Justice.

c. The place for arbitration shall be <to be mentioned byutility>

GCC 12 Payment Schedule:

Please refer Annexure-I to SCC

GCC 12.2 Details of shipping and documents to be furnished by the Supplier shall be:


Upon shipment, the Supplier shall notify the Purchaser and the Insurance Company
by telex or fax the full details of the shipment (Consignment through air is also
possible), including Contract number, description of Goods, quantity, the vessel, the
bill of lading number and date, port of loading, date of shipment, port of discharge, etc.
The Supplier shall send the following documents to the Purchaser, with a copy to the
Insurance Company.

(a) Copy of the Supplier’s invoice showing the description of the Goods, quantity, unit
CIF price and total amount;

(b) Copy of on-board bill of lading marked “freight prepaid”.

(c) Copy of the packing list identifying contents of each lot.

(d) Insurance certificate;

(e) Copy of test certificate approval and dispatch instructions issued by the purchaser
(combined or separately).

(f) Certificate of Origin.

(g) Manufacturer’s or supplier’s Warranty Certificate

The Purchaser shall receive the above documents at least two weeks before arrival of the
Goods at the port or place of arrival and, if not received, the Supplier will be responsible
for any consequent expenses.

For goods from within the Purchaser’s country as per INCOTERMS EXW basis
including freight and insurance charges:

Upon delivery of the Goods to the transporter, the Supplier shall notify the Purchaser and
send the following documents to the Purchaser;

a) Copy of the Supplier’s invoice showing the description of the Goods, quantity,
unit Ex-works price and total amount;

b) Copy of Motor Transport Receipt (MTR) of a transport contractor approved by

Indian Bankers Association or material receipt certificate from consignee.

c) Copy of test certificate approval and dispatch instructions issued by the

purchaser combined or separately.

d) Copy of packing list identifying contents of each lot.

e) Insurance certificate;

f) Certificate of Origin.

g) Manufacturer’s or supplier’s Warranty Certificate

The Purchaser shall receive the above documents before the arrival of the Goods and, if
not received, the Supplier will be responsible for any consequent expenses.

GCC 12.5 The currencies for payments shall be in Indian Rupees (INR).
GCC 13.3 The Supplier shall provide Performance Security of three (03) percent of the total Contract

The Performance Security shall be in the form of Bank Guarantee issued by a Scheduled
Bank as notified by Reserve Bank of India (RBI). A model format of Performance Bank
Guarantee is provided, utilities to modify the format as per there standard practices.

GCC 14.5 The price adjustment shall be:

Prices shall not be subject to any upward/downward revision on any account whatsoever
throughout the period of contract, except as provided in GCC Sub Clause 14.5.
The utility reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of towns under the
contract subject to the limit of 30% of the number of towns covered under the contract. It
is clarified that this increase or decrease of 30% shall not entitle either party to claim
revision of the unit price of the goods supplied.
In case of services where lump-sum prices are quoted, the increase or decrease of 30% of
the number of towns shall be subject to mutual negotiations.

GCC 21.2 The packing, marking and documentation within and outside the packages if applicable
shall be: As specified (if any) in Technical Specification

GCC 22.1 The insurance coverage: Goods supplied under the contract shall be also fully insured on
all risk basis during inland transit up to destination store in the purchaser’s country. The
supplier must insure the Goods in an amount equal to 110% of CIF/EXW price of Goods.

GCC 27.3 The period of validity of the warranty shall be governed as per provisions of FMS

GCC 27.5 In case of any damage or defect is found during verification after receipt of material at
Purchaser’s stores or material develops defects within warranty period, the supplier shall
attend/replace such defects free of all charges within 30 days of being notified by the
Purchaser, of the occurrence of such defects. In case the defect is not attended or
replacement of material is not received within specified period, then apart from encashing
the performance security deposit, the Purchaser may also take suitable penal action
including debarring from all future business.

Annexure I to SCC – Payment terms

Payment Schedule
 10% of total value of contract as (excluding FMS and Bandwidth Charges) “Mobilization Advance”
after signing the contract. The following shall be ascertained before release of payment :-
• Opening of site office in project area
• Submission of necessary Bank Guarantee for the 110% of Initial Advance (Interest
• Submission of the necessary Contract Performance Bank Guarantee. The same will
be released on completion of contract/assignment.
• Submission of agreed project implementation schedule

 Progressive /Milestone based payment for Each Project Area excluding DR Centre

SCADA /DMS/ OMS system (Control center wise) For Group A&U towns

S.No. Description/Milestone % Value

20 % of software
1.0 Approval of Functional Design document , BOQ , DRS component of contract

2.0Pro-rata basis after Successful Completion of Factory

Acceptance Tests (FAT as defined in MTS) and Delivery of 20% of software
necessary software to Utility as per Bill of Quantities for Software component of contract
Installation based on certification by the Utility
3.0 Pro-rata basis after successful completion of End to End Tests
(as defined in MTS) at Site based on certification by the Utility (
Pro rata payment based on 0.25( FRTU E TO E tested /TOTAL 10 % of software
FRTU) +0.7(RTU E TO E tested /TOTAL RTU)+ 0.05 (FPI end to component of contract
end tested/ Total FPI )

4.0 After successful completion of Field Performance Tests ( as 25 % of software

defined in MTS) component of contract

20 % of Hardware
1.0Approval of Functional Design document , BOQ , DRS
component of contract
2.0Pro-rata basis on the receipt of equipment at site along with
submission of :
20 % of hardware
B component of contract
a. Detailed Packing list identifying contents of each
consignment (3 copies)
b. Manufacturer’s/contractor’s Guarantee certificate of
c. Insurance Policy/certificate (3 Copies)
d. Material Inspection Clearance or equivalent Certificate for
dispatch issued by the Utility
e. Test Certificates
3.0 Pro-rata basis on successful completion of end to end testing at 10 % of hardware component
site based on certification by the Utility( Pro rata payment based on of contract
= 0.25( FRTU E TO E tested /TOTAL FRTU) +0.7(RTU E TO E
tested /TOTAL RTU)+ 0.05 (FPI end to end tested/ Total FPI )

After successful completion of Field Performance Tests ( asdefined 25% of hardware component
in MTS) of contract
Installation, Testing and Commissioning Cost to Integrate Entire 40% after successful
SCADA & IT (relevant to SCADA) Infrastructure (Please refer completion of Field
Form:1 Project management cost) Installation Test (as
defined in MTS)
C ( Pro rata payment based on = 0.25( FRTU E TO E tested
/TOTAL FRTU) +0.7(RTU E TO E tested /TOTAL RTU)+ 0.05
35% after successful
(FPI end to end tested/ Total FPI )
completion of end to end
test (as defined in MTS)
Training: Pro-rata payment on the basis of completion of training of 75% of total value of
D required personnel as mentioned in MTS (Please refer Form F-8) Training Cost
75% of receipt of material
Spares and Test Equipment and physical verification of
E material by utility at the
15% software, hardware,
installation, testing and
Final Payment after Operational Acceptance (on successful +
completion of system availability tests) and Cyber security audit by 100% of payment for
CERT.IN empanelled agency proof of submission of the required Integration with legacy
F number of reproducible, O&M Manuals, approved drawings, data applications & Data
sheets, test reports and manuals etc. of spares, maintenance & testing Migration
equipment , training etc. +
15% payment for training
15% of spares and test

Bandwidth Charges Based on actual claim and

G verification by the utility
based on SLA
FMS Charges FMS charges shall be paid
H quarterly based on SLA
** Payment for Disaster Recovery Centre
Proportionate Cost shall be paid for DR software , hardware to be paid based on achievement of
corresponding milestone. The rest of DR software and hardware cost payment shall be done on basis of
satisfactory completion of Operational Acceptance Test (as defined in MTS) *** Hardware also includes
power supply equipment and communication equipment. and , RMU , SECT FPIs etc

*** Hardware also includes power supply equipment and communication equipment. SECTIONLIZER/
RMU/FPIs /Numerical relays

^ In case bidder does not opt to avail mobilization advance of 10% , the same may be released along with
FAT and Field installation in equal tranches
SCADA system ( Distt Control center wise) (B/C)

S.No Description/Milestone % Value

A. Software

1.0 Approval of Functional Design document , BOQ , 20 % of software

DRS component of contract

2.0Pro-rata basis after Successful Completion of Factory

Acceptance Tests (FAT as defined in MTS) and Delivery 20 % of software
of necessary software to Utility as per Bill of Quantities component of contract
for Software Installation based on certification by the

3.0 Pro-rata basis after successful completion of End to

End Tests (as defined in MTS) at Site based on 10 % of software
certification by the Utility ( Pro rata payment based component of contract
= ( 0.9 *RTU E TO E tested /TOTAL RTU) + 0.1*
FPI END TO END TESTED /Total FPI ) 25 % of software
component of contract
4.0 After successful completion of Field Performance
Tests ( as defined in MTS)

1.0Approval of Functional Design document , BOQ , 20 % of Hardware

DRS component of contract
2.0 Pro-rata basis on the receipt of equipment at site
along with submission of : 20 % of hardware
component of contract
a. Detailed Packing list identifying contents of
each consignment (3 copies)
b. Manufacturer’s/contractor’s Guarantee
certificate of Quality
c. Insurance Policy/certificate (3 Copies)
d. Material Inspection Clearance or equivalent
Certificate for dispatch issued by the Utility
e. Test Certificates

3.0 Pro-rata basis on successful completion of end to

endtesting at site based on certification by the Utility( 10 % of hardware component
Pro rata payment based on = ( 0.9 *RTU E TO E of contract
tested /TOTAL RTU) + 0.1*FPI END TO END

4.0 After successful completion of Field Performance 25 % of hardware

Tests ( asdefined in MTS) component of contract
Installation, Testing and Commissioning Cost to
C 40% after successful
Integrate Entire SCADA & IT (relevant to SCADA)
Infrastructure (Please refer Form:1 Project management completion of Field
cost) Installation Test (as
defined in MTS)
( Pro rata payment based on = ( 0.9 *RTU E
TO E tested /TOTAL RTU) + 0.1*FPI END TO END 35% after successful
TESTED /Total FPI ) completion of end to
end test (as defined in
Training: Pro-rata payment on the basis of completion
D. 75% of total value of
of training of required personnel as mentioned in MTS
(Please refer Form F-8) Training Cost
Spares and Test Equipment 75% of receipt of material
and physical verification of
material by utility at the site
Final Payment after Operational Acceptance (on
F. 15% #software,
successful completion of system availability tests) and
Cyber security audit by CERT.IN empanelled agency
testing and
proof of submission of the required number of
reproducible, O&M Manuals, approved drawings, data
sheets, test reports and manuals etc. of spares,
100% of payment for
maintenance & testing equipment etc.
Integration with legacy
applications & Data
15% #of balance
paymentfor training
15%#of spares and
Bandwidth Charges Based on actual claim and
verification by the utility
FMS Charges
H. 100% of the annual
FMS charges at the end
of each year based on
** Payment for Data Recovery Centre
Proportionate Cost for DR software , hardware to be paid based on achievement of corresponding
milestone. The rest of DR software and hardware cost payment shall be done on basis of
satisfactory completion of Operational Acceptance Test (as defined in MTS) *** Hardware also
includes power supply equipment and communication equipment. and FPIs
^ In case bidder does not opt to avail mobilization advance of 10% , the same may be released along
with FAT and Field installation in equal tranches

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