Tender Notice: 9 July 2010 by 3.00 PM
Tender Notice: 9 July 2010 by 3.00 PM
Tender Notice: 9 July 2010 by 3.00 PM
Request for proposal for Supply,customization, imple mentation of ERP sy stem containing human resour ce management, pay roll, self service por tal, accounting modules, connected hardware/software and providing post im plementation support along w ith softw are updates. S.No Activity 1 Issue of RFP 2 Submission of Application for Bid ( Envelope-I) Announcement of Shortlisted IT firms on IRDAs 3 website 12-Jul-10 4 Pre-bid Meeting Uploading of pre-bid Questions and Answers on the website 6 Last date for submission of Technical Bid ( 7 Envelope-II) 26-Jul-10 8 Opening of Technical Bids 27-Jul-10 9 10 12 13 14 Technical presentations Announcement of Shortlisted IT firms on website Last date for submission of Financial Bids by Shortlisted firms Date of Financial Bid opening 12-Aug-10 Selection of Vendor and Award of Contract Date 25-Jun-10 09-Jul-10 14-Jul-10 Stage Phase-I Phase-I Phase-I Phase-II
SECTION A DEFINITIONS These definitions shall be applicable for all sections of this document Bidding Party: Bidding Parties shall mean ERP Pro Implementer (Implementing Agency) infrastructure. ERP Product/ Software ERP product/ software would m ean integrated software available across off the shelf covering the following activities 1. Human Resource Management 2. Accounting 3. Payroll Administration 4. Staff self service portal 5. Approval workflow ERP Solution ERP Solution in IRDA shall com prise ERP software package covering Acc ounting, Payroll, Human Resource Management, data bas es, ot her tools, acc essories, services required for the fulfillment of the intent of the contract. IRDA/ IRDA management: Specific to the context of the agreement clause, indivi duals shall be iden tified during the preparation of the project char ter- who would operate, monitor, agree and deliberate on the behalf of IRDA/ IRDA management duct Vendor, and its authorized ERP and the supplier of the required IT
Lead bidder: The Authorized implementation Partner of ERP solution who has s ubmitted a Bid/proposal on behalf of bidd ing parties will be c onsidered as lead bidder. After the award of contract, the Lead Bidder will be called as the Implementing Agency (IA) for IRDA with reference to these General Terms and Conditions Purchaser Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority, Hyderabad REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Request for proposal (RFP) is a written so requirements for products/ services that implement. licitation that convey s to the Bidder, the Purchaser intends to buy and
The application for bid is given in Annexure. 1. The last date of submission of application for bid is 9th Jul 2010 2. At any time before the submission of proposal, the Authority may, for any reason, whether at its own initiati ve or in respons e to a clar ification requested by the service provider, carry out amendment(s) to this RFP document. The amendment will be made available in our website (www.irdaindia.org) and will b e binding on them. The Authority may at its discreti on extend the deadline for the submission of proposals. 3. The Authority has a process to shor tlist the RFP responses and only the shortlisted parties would be required to make a presentation before the Technica l Committee of the Authority. 4. A Pre-bid meeting will be convened at the Authority on 14 th J ul 2010 . The purpose of this meeting wi ll be to clarify the require ments as envisaged by the Authority and also to address the queries if any, of the bidders. 5. The functional requirements a nd technical specifications of the proposed system have been made available in this document in Section-G & H. Any other available information, to the extent po ssible, will be provided to the shortlist ed bidders to facilitate their Technical presentation. 6. The Authority reserves the right to assigning any reason there for. accept or reject any application without
7. Applications/ Bids that are inc omplete in any respect or those that are not consistent with the requirem ents as spec ified in this document or those that do not adhere to formats, wherever specif ied may be c onsidered non-responsive and may be liable for rejecti on and no further correspond ences will be entertained with such bidders . 8. Canvassing in any form would disqualify the applicant. 9. The Authority would select the suit implementation work. 10. The select ed Bidder is expected to specified in the Work Order. able party for the exec ution of ERP
(1) Bidders are expec ted to examine all inst ructions, forms, terms, specifications, and other information in the bidding documents . Failure to furnish all information as required or to submit a Bid not substantially responsive to the bidding documents in every respect will be at the Bidders risk and may result in rejection of the Bid. (2) Pre Qualification of Applicant
Qualification criteria Supporting Documents
i). The organisation must be a reputed Copy of t he Registr ation certif icate IT Firm/Company incorporated in India issued by ROC with a standing of 10 years existence ii) The IT firm should be an Aut horized Copy of the Certificate implementation partner of ERP product vendor and proof of the same should be submitted iii) The org anisations Global revenue of company from ERP implement ation in the financial year 2009 should not be less than Rs.100 Crore. iv) The firm should have succ essfully completed minimum 3 su ch ERP implementations in I ndia (similar to the modules requested by IRDA in this RFP) especially in Regulatory Sector / PSUs/ Government Organizations in t he last 3 years. A certificate to this effect from a Chartered Accountant, in original must be submitted
A Statement containing the det ails of such implementations like Name of the firm, brief scope/description of the project, duration in months, from/to Team size, approxim ate cost of the project, client details (including t he name and details of contact person)
Copies of the satisfactory completion certificates (vi) Organisation should have in-house ERP implementation and support team (vii) The Bidder must be CMMi Level 5 or CMM Level 5 Certified (viii) The Bidd er should not ha ve been blacklisted by any Central/State Government Organization or PSU for any corrupt and fraudulent practice Confirmation from the Bidder Copy of the Certificate An Undertaking by t he Authorized Signatory on the letter head of the Bidder
(3) Clarification on bidding documents Bidders requiring any cl arification on the Bidding Documents may send its clarifications by email at the P urchasers mailin g ad dress [email protected] The Purchaser will respond to the request for clarifications or modification of the bidding documents. (4) Pre-Bid conference The shortlisted IT firm or his authorized r epresentatives will be invited to attend crebid conference which will take place at the address given below: INSURANCE REGULATORY AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 3RD FLOOR, PARISRAMA BHAVAN, BASHEER BAGH HYDERABAD 500 004 ANDHRA PRADESH
The pre-bid conference shal l be held at the venue m entioned above on 14th July 2010 at 3. 00 PM .The purpos e of the c onference wil l be to clarify any issues regarding the Bidding Documents in general and the Scope of Work in particular. The Bidder is requested to submit questions in writ ing or by email ([email protected]) to reach the Purchaser at the address indicated above, not later than 13 th July 2010 . Any modifications of the Bidding Doc uments, which may become necessary as a result of the Pr e-Bid Conference, shall be made by the Purchaser exc lusively through an amendm ent/corrigendum .Non-attendance at the Pre-Bid Conference will not be a cause for disqualif ication of a Bidder. Any issues raised by the bidders after the pre-bid conference can be rejected at the discretion of IRDA Any effort of the Bidder to influence the Purchaser in its dec ision in respect of evaluation of the Bid or award of the contract shall resu lt in the rejection of the Bid and forfeiture of the Earnest money depos it (EMD). During the Bid preparation process, Bidders will focus their inquir ies and com munications, if any, to the
authorized designated contact person of t he Purchaser. The designated points of contact for all matters concerning this request for technical proposal is Shri.Deepak Gaikwad Sr.Assistant Director (IT) Phone:040-23381182 e-mail: [email protected] (5) Amendments to the RFP At any time prior to the deadline for submi ssion of bids, the Purchaser may, for any reason, whether at its own in itiative, or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder, amend the bidding documents. The amen dment will be notified in the we bsite of IRDA and will be bindin g on al l Bidders. (6) Formats and submission of bids The final bid document shall comprise super-scribed as below: Sealed envelope- I: Application for bid Sealed envelope- II: Technical bid Each of these bid envelopes, in addition to the documents as specified in the relevant sections, shall carry a soft copy of the respective documents- in a CD. (I) SEALED ENVELOPE I This envelope shall be super scribed as Envelope l: Application for Bid. This envelope shall contain the following:a. Application for supply of ERP product/ software and implementation thereof (Section K, Form 1.a.) b. A letter of authorization in favor of the lead bidder (Section K, Form 1.b.) c. A letter of undertaking (SectionK Form 2) d. Copy of the registration Certificate issued by ROC a large envelope contai ning two envelopes
e. Form- 4, ERP implementer profile f. A certificate from a Charted Accountant on organisations Global revenue for the financial year 2009 in original g. Completion certificates from bidders customers for at least three such ERP implementations (implemented in India during last 3 year) similar to those being requested in this proposal h. Copy of CMM Level 5 / CMMi Level 5 Certification i. An undertaking from t he bidder that it has not been black listed by any Central/State Government Organization or PSU for any corrupt and fraudulent practice (II) SEALED ENVELOPE II This envelope shall be super scribed as Envelope II: Technical proposal. This envelope shall contain the following:a. Responses to the questionnaire for all the functional requirements as per the Section G of this bid document. b. Responses to the questionnaire for all the functional requirements as per the Section H of this bid document. c. ERP product vendors past experience in supplying ERP package as per the Section K Schedule 3a and Schedule 3c d. ERP implementers past experience in implementing ERP package as per Section K Form 4 Schedule 4a and 4b e. Approach & methodology to be followed for implementation as per Section K Form 6, Form 7 and Form 8 f. Standardization of functional offerings as per Section K Form 9 g. Level of compliance with contractual terms Form 10 h. Proposed solution i. Technology architecture ii. Security Architecture iii. Deploymen t architecture i. Details of Hardware Configuration proposed / Software requriements Section K, Form 11 i. Proposed team structure j. Effort estimation for implementing the Project. j. Project approach, work plan and illustrative CVsk. Duly Signed (authorized signatory of bidder) and stamped copy of the following documents as token of acceptance Section C General Conditions of Contract (GCC)
Section D Scope of Work Section E Technical Requirements Please not e, at this stage no price inform ation should be provided in any of the envelopes. Also, the bidder should ensure th at all the supporting document s requested against eligibility criteria are submitted along with the proposal. (7) Submission of the proposals The sealed envelope I constitute the Applicat ion for bid shall be enclosed in other envelope super scribed Application for bid - Supply of ERP & Implementation in IRDA due on 9th July 2010 The sealed envelope I I shall together constitu te the complete technical proposal and shall be enclosed in other envelope super s cribed Technical Bid - Suppl y of ERP & Implementation in IRDA due on 26th Jul 2010 The original and all copies of the bid, each c onsisting of the documents listed above, shall be signed by the Bidder or a pers on or persons duly aut horized to bind the Bidder to the Contract. The letter of authority should be on the letterhead of the Bidder and should be signed by a person competent and having the power of attorney to bind the Bidder. The Bidders are advised to submit their Bids complete in all respect. Clarifications on the Bids may be sought by the P urchaser from the Bidders from time to time, if so desired by the Purchaser, at its sole discretion. The Purc haser reserves the right to itself to postpone and/or ext end the date of receipt or to withdraw the Bid notice, without as signing any reason ther eof, entirely at its discret ion. In such an event, Bidders shall not be entitled to any compensation, in any form whatsoever. (8) Deadlines for submission Bids must be received by the Purchaser as per the deadlines stated at the address below.
The chronological events for the entire bidding process would be as follows: S.No Activity 1 Issue of RFP 2 Submission of Application for Bid ( Envelope-I) Announcement of Shortlisted IT firms on IRDAs 3 website 12-Jul-10 4 Pre-bid Meeting Uploading of pre-bid Questions and Answers on the website 6 Last date for submission of Technical Bid ( 7 Envelope-II) 26-Jul-10 8 Opening of Technical Bids 27-Jul-10 9 10 12 13 14 Technical presentations Announcement of Shortlisted IT firms on website Last date for submission of Financial Bids by Shortlisted firms Date of Financial Bid opening 12-Aug-10 Selection of Vendor and Award of Contract Date 25-Jun-10 09-Jul-10 14-Jul-10 Stage Phase-I Phase-I Phase-I Phase-II
In the event of the specifi ed date for submission of bids being declared a holiday for the Purchaser, the bids will be received up to the appointed time on next working day. Any bid received by the Purchaser afte r the bid submission deadline prescribed by the Purchaser will be rejected and returned unopened to the Bidder. (9) Medium of Submission Envelopes prepared as per the instructions above s hall co mprise the Application/ bid. In addition, the information in each env elope should be submitted in elec tronic format in a CD, kept in th e envelope- s ealed along with the hardcopies of the respective bid docum ents. All the Bi d documents and CDs will be bec ome the property of Purchaser.
(10) Bid evaluation process: All Technical Bids to the RFP would be ev aluated on the technical criteria set belo w by assigning the relevant scoring on each of the technical param eters. Technica l bids shall be opened and evaluated f or a cceptability of the techno-functional requirements, deviations and other technical suitability. The Bidders shall respond to the requirements as per the Forms and Data template requested in this document. The bidders may be requested to present their proposal to the IRDA team. The technical evaluation would be carried out on the following parameters and associated weightages thereof are as given below Criteria ERP product vendor profile
Company stability Experience with Indian PSU/Government Organizations/Regulatory Sectors Section K, Form 3.a
Weightage 15 8 7 15
9 8 15 15
5 5 5
Coverage of the required functions in the ERP Proposed approach and methodology
Implementation approach Team structure Quality assurance Section K, Form 6 Section K, Form 7 Section K, Form 8
Standardization of functional offerings (Form 9) Level of compliance with contractual terms (Form 10) Technical presentation
15 5 25
Each of these data fields (information category defined ab ove) have been detailed out with their spec ific metrics, their scori ng methodology and specific information, as given in their respective forms. The score agains t each of these inf ormation categories shall be calculated as below: Score on a data field = Total score achieved/ Maximum score achievable * Weightage of the respective data field No score shall be awarded against any forms, items and data fields where the relevant information is not provided. Unless specified otherwise, a notarized undertaking of the accuracy and correctness of the information provided shall suffice as the documentary proof as Section K, Form 2.
(11) Technical score Total score of the each bidding party shall be det ermined based on their tota l technical score. A minimum score of 70% shall be required to qualify for the Pric e Bid evaluation. IRDA may choose to invite the bidders to discuss and clarify their technical proposal. Any change in the proposal, however, s hall not be permis sible after the bid submission. IRDA reser ves the right to accept or reje ct any bid or to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to the award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidders; without giving any reasons whatsoever (12) Vendor shortlist and next steps A shortlist shall be issued by IRDA to the bidder s achieving the cutoff score subsequent to the technical evaluation, after which t he qualified bidder s hall be required to make pres entation to the Technical Committ ee. The s hort listed vendors (after the Technical ev aluation) shall b e required to submit the price bids as per the timelines specified at the time of shortlist. Specific details of price bid evaluation shall be provided along with the price bid forma t- shall be made available to the vendors shortlisted after the technical presentations. Subsequent to the price bid evaluation, the successful vendor shall be issued a letter of intent as per specified timelines. The implementer shall furnis h the performance guarantee as per the attached format within one week of the receipt of the letter of intent. The final work-order/ contract shall be issued to the successful bidder within one week of receipt of the relevant documents. (13 )Language of bid The bid prepared by the Bi dder and all cor respondence and documents related t o the bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Pu rchaser shall be written in Englis h language. Any printed literature furnished by the Bid der may be written in another
language, as long as such literature is a ccompanied by a translation of its pertinent passages in English language, in whic h case, for purposes of interpretation of the bid, the translation in English shall govern. (14) Bid scope Bidders shall submit their technical propos al for the entire Services on a single responsibility basis such that the propos al covers all the Bidders obligations mentioned in or to be reasonabl y inferred from the bidding documents in respect of providing the product / services. This incl udes all requirement s under the Bidders responsibilities for successful completion of the ERP implement ation assignment as per scope of work and, where so required by the bidding docum ents, the acquisition of all permits, approvals and licenses etc.; and such other items and services as may be specified in the bidding documents, all in accordance with the requirements of the General Conditions of Contract and the Forms and Data templates (15)Earnest money deposit (EMD) The shortlisted applic ants shall need to furnis h, as part of its price bid, an earnest money deposit (EMD) equal to Rs. 3 lakhs eit her in the form of a Demand Draft in favor of the Insurance Regu latory an d Develo pment Authority payable at Hyderabad from any Indian nationalized bank /scheduled bank for the Earnes t money deposit (EMD). Earnest m oney deposit (EMD) shall remain valid till the pric e bid evaluation process is complete. The EMD of unsuccessful Bidde rs will be returned as promptly as possible, but not later than fourty five (45) days after the pr ice bid evaluation process is complete. The earnest money depo sit (EMD) of the succe ssful Bid der will be returned when th e Bidder has signed the C ontract Agreement and has furnished the required performance guarantee. The earnest money deposit (EMD) may be forfeited: 1. If the bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder in the Bid Form 2. If the bidder does not accept the correction of its Bid 3. In the case of a successful bidder, if the bidder fails within the specified time limit to sign the Contract Agreement, or to furnish the required performance guarantee
4. If the bidder fails to produce sufficient proof for the information provided as part of response of technical bid evaluation as given in Section K. Form 2 (16) Bid validity The Price Bid shall be invite d by the Purchaser, not later than 90 days of th e release of the shortlist from the tec hnical evaluation process. The price bid shall remain valid for not more than 90 days after the submission of the price bid. In exc eptional c ircumstances, the Purchas er may solicit the Bidders consent to an extension of the bid valid ity period. The request and responses thereto shall be made in writing or by email. If a Bidder accepts to prol ong the period of validity, the earnest money deposit (EMD) shall also be suitably extended. A Bidder may refuse the request without forfeiting its earnest m oney deposit (EMD). A Bidder granting the request will not be required nor permitted to modify its technical bid. The Bidder is not allowed to withdraw or modify its technical bid, once submitted. (17) Cost of bidding The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the technical and the pric e bid an d Purchaser will in no c ase be res ponsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process. Only those Bids, which are received prior to the due date and time and in the f ormat prescribed for receipt of Bids, will be considered. Email / Telephonic/ Fax Bids shall be rejected.
as a
regulatory body to protect the interests of policy holders in Insurance Industry and to orderly and healthy growth of Insurance Market. IRDAs primary activities, in addition to the objectives stated above, comprise of
regulating insurance intermediaries, mark et conduct, and development of Insurance Industry. IRDA is based at Hyderabad and has a regional office at Delhi. IRDA has the following departments 1. Life 2. Non-Life 3. Intermediaries 4. Inspections 5. Financ ial Analysis 6. Consumer Affairs 7. Administration 8. Actuarial 9. Research and Development 10. Consumer affairs 11. Legal There are around 300 staff currently working for the organisation and the staff strength is expected to increase to 500 in the next few years.
ii) IRDAs current IT Setup Particulars Servers Desktops 300 Network Head Office Peer to Peer connectivity via switches & CAT 5 cables, 300 nodes in LAN, Internet Connectivity & E-Mail via VPN/Broadband Windows XP/Vista/2000 Server/2003 Server Oracle Database Server 9i with IDS, Microsoft Office XP/2007 Professional with FrontPage Tally, Payroll Pro, Receipt and Inward System, ATI database, Grievances Management System, INTRANET, INTERNET website Delhi Office 10 Peer to Peer connectivity via switches & CAT 5 cables, 10 nodes in LAN, Internet Connectivity & EMail via Broadband Windows XP/Vista
Software /Packages
Application Packages
The Administration Department (Admin) is headed by an Execut ive Director and is divided into the following Divisions: Personnel General Administration Accounts Currently, Administration Department is partially automated . However, these functions are not integrated. The activities handled by each of the above divisions are as follows. (I) Personnel The division handles the following activities Recruitments, deputations and contracts Performance appraisals Promotions, confirmations, pay structure and salary increments Training requirements Leave Transfers and job rotations Disciplinary actions, staff suggestions 1. Recruitments, deputations and contracts Recruitments in IRDA are made through advertisements in newspapers, placement agencies or campus interviews. Various sub-activities under this are: short listing candidates sending offer letters conducting medical tests building service files generating office orders for place of posting
A person may also be employed on deputati on or on contract basis. Personnel ar e deputed in IRDA from the vari ous government organisations like I AS, IES, Reserve Bank of India and Public Sector Insurance Companies etc. Salary is given by IRDA according to the IRDA grade or the grade prevalent in their parent organization. Personnel can be contracted generally for a mi nimum period of 2 years. In case of contract Assistants the salaries are fixed. 2. Performance appraisals: Performance Apprais al Reports (PARs) and subsequent interviews are a major deciding factor for promotions. All em ployees are appraised once a y ear. The training report is considered for appraisal for trainees. 3. Promotions, confirmations, pay structure and salary increments: Promotions are done whenev er the employ ee is due for it, subjec t to the available vacancies and approved by the Chairman. letter and the payroll package is The employee is giv en the promotion updated acco rdingly. Based on the performance
appraisal, promotions, confirmati ons and salary increments are decided. The pay structure details are also maintained. The system should provide a status of persons due for confirmation. The status of sanctioned vacancies should also be provided. 4. Training Training is imparted to all the empl oyees as and when required and recommended by the senior authority. In-house, local and foreign training details are maintained. 5. Leave The leave of all employees is processed as per the limits exist for each type of leave. Employees can also encash ordinary leave as per the rules. The leave status of any employee should be available readily. Different types of leav e, with various gov erning clauses, which IRDA employ ees can avail are:
Casual Leave (CL) Privilege leave (OL) Sick Leave (SL) Extra-ordinary leave (EOL)
6. Transfers and job rotations: The transfers could be departmental or lo transfer. 7. Disciplinary actions, staff suggestions The div ision keeps track of the boar d meetings, staff suggestions and any cational. The job rotations provide an
opportunity to familiarise with all sections and it involv es department al or div isional
misconduct/disciplinary actions taken against IRDA employees. Disciplinary action is taken against employ ees who have violated IRDA rules and regulations. The details of the act ion taken are recorded. The number of dis ciplinary actions taken in a year is very few. II. General Administration The Division also performs the following functions: Insurance Maintenance contracts Purchase requisitions Hire purchase and lease agreements Regional office expenses Air ticket bookings Stationery Board meeting details III) Accounts (1) Payroll Administration (2) Provident Fund (PF) accounts (3) Bills Processing
(1) Payroll The divis ion maintains a grade-wise pay st ructure. Dearness Allowance (DA) is
variable depending upon quarterly change in working Class c onsumer price index . House Rent Allowanc e ( HRA) depends on pay-range and grade. DA and HRA ar e payable on variable basis. Various deductions for PF, income tax, loans, house rent etc. are taken into c onsideration. Deductions are also made on account of extraordinary leave (EOL) without pay and allowances a nd sick leave on half pay . Salary for persons on deputation, contract and trainees is also handled. (2) PF accounts Ten percent (12%) of the basic pay and t he dearness allowance is deducted as bution from IRDA. Employees may have the pay. All these amount s
are deposited with the IRDA PF trust, which in turn inv ests this amount and returns certain interest ( presently 8 % ) to the employee PF account. The interes t is calculated every six m onths on monthly product basis. When a ne w person joins, the PF amount wit h the former employer is transferred to the IR DA PF trust. (3) Bills All bills submitted to the division are forwarded to the accounts division on approval. Types of bills processed by the division are: a. Staff Bills Different bills are sub mitted by the IRDA e mployees. There are limits as per the grade of the employee for each type of bill. There is also a time limit within which the employee must avail of the am ount. Various verifications are done. Some of the bills need supporting cash memos. For Leave F are Concession the employee m ust have the leave to his credit. The requisite detail registers. s of all bills are ma intained in physica l
There are different types of bills which are processed by the Accounts Department. The different types of bills are: Re-imbursement of cost of Brief Case Financial Dailies (Newspapers) Re-imbursement of Medical expenses Hospita lisation Leave Fare Concession Telephone Mobile Book Grant Re-imbursement of Vechicle Maintenance Expence Re-imbursement of Cost of Petrol / Conveyance Vehic le Special Advance Travelling Allowance (Tours) Annual Health Checkup Tour (Domestic) Advance Detailed Tour Bill (Domestic Travel) Re-imbursement of Medical expenses for retired Employees Scheme for providing House hold items Approvals of Tour Programme b. Supplier Bills Bills are s ubmitted for various purchases made by IRDA lik request is made to accounts. Insurance The General Administration division handles insurance of office/residential premises, various items of furniture, computers etc. There is also a Group Mediclaim Insurance Policy for all staff members/s pouse/dependent children. It is necessary to record the details of the items under insurance. Maintenance contracts The divis ion handles different contracts the rent paid accordingly. like pest control, maintenance of Air conditioners, office maintenanc e. The frequ ency for these contracts is variable and e air conditioners,
machines, furnitures etc. Entries are made in the Fixed Asset Register and payment
Purchase requisitions The major items are purchased by inv iting quotations, evaluating them and placing orders with the desired vendors. On receipt of items, bills are forwarded to the accounts division and subsequently payments are made. Hire purchase and lease agreement The divis ion maintains the details of th e hire purchas e and leas e agreements. At present there are no hire-purchase agreements. Regional office expenses Regional offices submit their fund requirements and expenditure reports to the head office at regular intervals. In case of extra requirement, special approval is required. Air ticket bookings Air ticket bookings ar e done for employee s travelling on official work. Most of the bookings are done by the booking agent. R egular payments are made to the agent. Details of travel and cancellation are maintained. Stationery Office stationery is stored and given to the department s/employees on submission of an appr oved request. The details are ma intained and stationer y is bought whe n the stock is low. Board meeting details Board meetings are held onc e in 3 to 4 m onths. Hotel book ings are done for the board members. The Chairman fixes the dat e and t he agenda of the board meeting in cons ultation with the Board M embers. The agenda is circulated. The m eeting is held and finally minutes of the meetings are recorded.
Problems with the Current System The following limitations were observed while studying the requirements of Admin Dept. Partial or no automation Difficulty in retrieving information on the status at any point of time Difficulty in accessing historical data Interfaces between different divisions of Administration Department are required
Present payroll and Accounting package does not meet the user requirement.
(1) Need for ERP solution The activities in the Administration depar tment are mostly done manually and also to some extent with the help of m s-excel and other office tools. T he overall level of computerization in the department is low and the data lies s cattered at different desks across manual, computerized and s emi-computerized systems. A robust ERP solution has been identified as an effectiv e mechanism to address these challenges and provide improved business processes. (2) System Objectives The objectives of the proposed system ERP for Administration Department are as follows: To implement appropriate packages whic h meet the requirement s of the various divisions of the department. To interface all the divis ions of t he Administration department, so that the
required data is easily accessible and data redundancy is avoided. To place in position, an integrated ERP system ad dressing the needs of the Department using the most effective technologies. Improve efficiency of the department. Automate day to day functional operati ons of the department using work flows and electronic approval processes
(3) Overview of the Proposed ERP System The proposed system for Ad modules: 1. Human Resources Management 2. Payroll Administration 3. Accounts 4. Self Service Portal for staff (4) Summary of Impacts/Benefits The proposed system will have the following impacts: Customized workflow solution will mi significantly. Up-to-date information will be a vailable wh ich will help in smooth functioning of the divisions Enhanced reporting (status reports) will provide better control and monitoring nimize the workload of the department ministration Department will have the following
In this regard IRDA wishes to select a competent Implementation Agency (IA) who would be able to put together its functions t o deliver the complete solution to IRDA which includes Supply, Customization, Implementation ERP system co ntaining Human Resource Management, Pa yroll, Self Servic e portal, Ac counting modules, Connected Hardware and providing post implementation support along with Software Updates. As a first step towards selection of this IA, IRDA has iss ued this Request for Proposal. The purpose behind this step is to select the implementing Agency (IA) for the supply,customization, implement ation of ERP system containing human resource management, payroll, self service portal, accounting modules and providing post implementation support along with software updates.
SECTION G FUNCTIONAL SCOPE The proposed system envisages meeting department in the following areas: The minimum functional expectation from the ERP solution is outlined in this section. The list is only indic ative and is aimed at providing a br oad overview of the type of activities being under taken within IRDA. T he implementation partner of IRDA will need to provide an exhaustive list of functionalities that IRDA should adopt within the organization to attain its strategic and oper ational goals. The bidder is expected t o respond to the highlighted func tional requi rements outlined in the section and indicate functionalities that are not supported by its core ERP product. Please mention if these functions can be met by core product/customization/not supported Core Product: S Customization: C Not Supported: N the requirements of Administration
2 3 4 5
Supports recording of employee information like qualifications/skill set/photographs, experience and other details. Supports organizational classification by Function and Departments Supports job position classification and job specification/description Accessibility from both the regional offices as well as at the central level Supports generation of unique IDs for all new employees in the system
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Supports generation of pre-defined and query based MIS reporting. Supports manpower planning by skill sets and employee level for each departments Facilitates construction of organization chart Supports employee transfer requests Identification / modification of KRAs for each function/functionary on a on- going basis Allows to track/maintain history of an employee Supports maintenance of SC/ST/OBC/PH rosters
13 Supports identification of sanctioned strength at a particular time 14 Maintain employee medical history 15 Supports functionality to capture salary related information. Different pay scales based on the differ ent Class es and Grades. Supports maintenance of staff wise perks related information bas ed on classes and Grades. Supports monthly ge neration of Annual increments due list Online raising and approval of leave application Auto-calculation and tracking of leave entitlement, accruals and balance On-line validation for approval of leave based on annual entitlement , accrual and balance Maintain list of annual public holidays Maintain complete attendance and leave history of each employee Online checking , query handling and notification for leave balance Support for leave calculation based on roll-overs and encashment Generation and availability of employee related details like PF Pension contributions balance, LTC, Medical records, details of Advances etc. Supports functionality to generate MIS reports
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
26 27 28 29
Supports functionality to process various staffs Bills like tour Bills (Do mestic / Overseas), Vehic le maintenanc e, Petrol Bills, Telephone bill s etc. There are around 10-15 different types of Bills submitted by the staff Online submission of Staff Bills through self service portal. Facility to generate bills due to be submitted by the employees. Auto-calculation and tracking of entitlements, accruals and balance Support various type of staffs loans like housing loans, Furnishing loans, Vehicle loans, educational loans, PF loans etc. Supports various types of advances to the staffs like Festival advances, tour advances etc. The monthly loans deductions should automatically recorded to the respective loan acc ount of the employee. Employee should be able to generate their loan balanc es at any point of time through self service portal Maintain complete Bills claim history of each employee Online checking , query handling and notification for Bills submitted by employees Provide automated dispatch of Bills approvals/ cleared details to all employees having email ids and print for those that do not have email ids Maintain c omplete loan history of each employee Generation and elec tronic transfer of Bills approvals details to employees and facility to credit t he b ills am ount to the respec tive Bank Accounts of the Staffs Supports various types of advances lik e Tour advances ( domestic tour / foreign tours), festival advances etc. Facility to staffs to check their entitlements on various staff schemes. Facility to staffs to submit / modify their dependents details through self-service portals
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Facility to generate copy of pay slips, tax statements, tax commitments etc. through self service portal. Submission investment details, Annual Investment declarations by the staffs through self service portal Maintaining of employee training history for domestic and overseas training Supports maintenance of retirement benefits like provident funds, gratuity
3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10
11 12
Payroll management and linking with Accounting module Generation of statutory reports e.g. Form 16, Form 16A, Form 12BA, Income Tax Returns, E-TDs Returns (capable of being uploaded to NSDL) Provide linkage with the HR module for accessing employee details Support preparation / modification of Salary Database Enable online receipt and processing of investment details Enable categorization of employees based on type of appointments( recruitment, deputation, contract etc.) , designations, scale of pay etc. Enable entry of tax provisions applicable for various categories of employees and computation of Tax. Generate report of statutory obligations details its due dates Generation of interim Tax statements. Raise flags to the pre-defined users in the event that payment of payroll related statutory obligation are being delayed Ability to generate Bank advise letter along with data file (in the form defined by the salary processing partner) For salaries that could not be paid by the salary processing partner, allow automated generation of cheques
14 15
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Generate electronic salary slips including details of deductions for each of the employees s howing the pending number of installments pertaining t o loans and advances with linkage to the self service portal. Capture and report details of exceptions Facility to provide periodic tax planning schedule for employees based on fixed savings and expected total gross for the year Provision of relevant YTD figs, leave balances, Loan/Advance balances, Tax savings declaration data and attendance related data in pay slips along with standard/actual earning & deduction data Generation of payroll statement and comparative payroll statement of different months. Provision of carried-over deduction facility and priority of deduction codes Provision of part salary and supplementary payments and integration with main pay bill Provision of wage revision arrears calculation. On-line query of any Loan/Advances application status / Deduction / Balance status Provision of flexible addition/modification of earning / deduction structure Provision for utilizing simple, configurable formulas. Facility to Monitor payroll processes end-to-end
General ledger and financial accounting activities across organization Ability to support different accounting periods and multiple companies Ability to maintain code master
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To enable to add, delete , modify the journal entries across multiple books to any open accounting period and enable to capturing of journal types, indicating the source of the journal ( Should be able to drill-down from the final accounts to the source entry and vice-versa) Ability to search details by any parameters Ability to generate age wise analysis of debtors, creditors, advances, claims etc. Ability to directly deposit amounts into customers / employee bank accounts Ability to auto mail the payment details to the party Ability to generate daily and periodically bank reconciliation statement Ability to accept bank statements from bank as & when required Ability to print the cheques in preprinted format Ability to create journal entries and post cash related entries into GL Ability to accept multiple form of payments including manual/electronic Ability to calculate income tax of employees as per Indian Income Tax laws. Ability to pick up the financia l information (e.g. sal aries, contractual expenses, depreciat ion , sales etc. against individual cos t centre and use them in cost calculations Ability to merge/delete/modify the cost centers Ability to generate budget & variance reporting. Ability to do what if analysis Ability to provide balance of any account code, details of the balances, age wise analys is for the balances at any point of time. Automatic updation of the asset registers (while entering the data in finance ledger or in receipt vouchers) in case of new purchas es, Sales or w/off of the assets and calculation of depreciation.
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21 22
System should have ability to provide the details the expenses, income etc
Ability to provide the balance sheet, Receipt and Payment A/c and Income & Expenditure A/c as per IRDA (Form of Annual Statement of Accounts & records) Rules 2001. 23 Automatic generation of the opening and closing entries. 24 The previous year figures are to be picked up automatically in current financial statements. Provision for regrouping of previous year figures. 25 System should record and account the physical discrepancies arising out of physical verification of inventories. 26 System should calculate accumulated depreciation to be reversed at the time of sales, scrap and retirement of assets. 27 Ability to import/export data from/to the other external systems. 28 Ability to support the change in depreciation method, 29 Ability to support revaluation of assets 30 Ability to generate TDS challans 4). CASH MANAGEMENT S.No Functional 1 2 3 requirements S C N
Ability to maintain petty cash book having different heads of accounts Support cash flow forecasting based on operational data like payment schedule Future cash flow requirements should be generated daily / weekly /monthly along with sensitivity analysis Ability to monitor investments and FDs Generation of Cash and fund flow statement Ability to upload electronically received bank statements Facilitate automatic bank reconciliation Support the enquiry of the bank account and cheque issuance
4 5 6 7 8
information 9 Support capturing of investment details and investment management and also support storing of the scanned images of investments Allow the classification of investments/deposits and provide bank information maintenance Calculation of interest on FDs up to particular months/maturity Support integration with bank / uploading of external data in order to monitor investment performance Deposit instruction maintenance and management (e.g. rollover, uplift, new deposit etc.) Electronic approval of investments by appropriate person Develop templates and issue confirmation/settlement letters, vouchers etc Generate treasury and cash management reports Ability to generate receipt advice for the amount received
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
SECTION H TECHNICAL SCOPE In the proposed ERP implementation pl an, IRDA plans to automate the Administration functions namely Hum an Resource Management, Accounts and Payroll to establish an int egrated working environment: T he following are the certain technical requirements requirements expected from the proposed system. Please mention whether the following requirements can be met by core product/customization/not supported Core Product: S Customization: C Not Supported: N
S.No 1
Function S Proposed solution s hould be webbased s olution. All components of ERP pack age should be acc essible using standard Web-Browser without any need for extra a pplication client software. The system should be designed in manner that operational data is not lost in case of any failure of equipment or communication network. The proposed solution should have necessary security and audit trail features The ERP software owner should have a competency center in India for the package quoted. The ERP software should have System administration tool, and development tool to enable s ystem administration and Customization. (Third party tools shall not be us ed for this purpose)
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6 7
The ERP software offered must have in-built components catering to basic Indian Statutory requirements. The product should have ready to use features for I ndian Statutory requirements like Payroll, Sales Tax, PF, Excise, VAT at no extra cost.
Other Technical requirements 1. The latest version of the ERP software should be quoted. Mention the version number. 2. The configuration of the servers should be robust and capable of handling the load. 3. The implementing agency should prepare technical manuals to enable configure, customize, enhance and deploy ERP and make available to IRDA. 4. The implementing agency should conduct direct knowledge transfer through contact sessions that are held at IRDA once a month for the first 6 months following the certification of ERP modules during each session, the IA shall conduct structured training sessions on the technical details of ERP and on customizing it and address questions from IRDA. 4. The training/KT should commence right after the successful completion of UAT. The duration of the contact sessions and other details would be determined through discussions between IA and IRDA
1. Introduction The scope of this cont ract is to supply, Customization, Implementation ERP systems containing Human Resour ce Management, Payroll, and Self Service portal, Accounting modules and prov iding post implementation support along with Software Updates, at IRDA, Hyderabad. The supply shall inc lude supply of ERP softwar e package licenses for Human Resource Management, Payroll, Accounting and the tools, accessories, databases or any other hardware, software to make the ERP solution work as per the requirements of IRDA. The bidder shall perform all such work a nd / or s upply all s uch items, tools, resources, equipments and s ervices not specif ically mentioned in the scope of work but that can be reas onably inferred as being required fo r successful implementation and completion of this assignment. The hardware required as a part of the ERP solution, shall be procured by the selected vendor and hence the su pply of the same is part of the scope of work. 2. Functional scope The minimum functional expect ation from the Integrated ERP solution is outlined in Functional requirements (Section G) . The list is o nly indi cative and is aimed at providing a broad overview of the type of activities being underta ken within IRDA. The implementation partner of IRDA will need to provide an exhaustiv e list of functionalities that IRDA s hould adopt within the organization to attain its st rategic and operational goals. The bidder is expec ted to respond to the highlig hted functional r equirements outlined in the section and indicate functionalities that are not supported by its core ERP product. As far as possible, all t he requirements slated in this RFP document should be met by the core applic ations comprising the latest versions of the standard ERP packages, including functionalities such as workflow.
3) Technical scope The minimum functional expect ation from the Integrated ERP solution is outlined in Functional requirements (Section G) In the propos ed ERP im plementation plan, IRDA aims to automate its Admin func tions namely Human Res ource Management, Accounts and Payroll t o establish an int egrated working environment. The proposed solutions will be supported by an appropriate back-up solution.
4) Solution sizing The bidder shall provide various lic enses to support IRDAs requirement under different categories is mentioned below. The bidder will provide a comprehensiv e solution sizing, based on the information provided by IRDA. The sizing estimate must include detailed server configuration, network architecture, platform to be used, data storage scheme bas ed on number and type of users, IRDAs expected service levels, desired response time etc. S.No Particulars 1 Accounts comprising of the following (I) General Ledger (ii) Fixed Deposits and Investments (iii) Cash managements (iv) Fixed Assets etc. Self service portal (with necessary linkage to HRM, Payroll and Accounts ) Administration Resource Management Approximate number of Users 10 users
500 users
3 Payroll 4 Human
10users 10 users
5) Data migration scope The implementing agency should ensure that the data from 1 financial year) is available in the new system. 6) Customization scope As far as possible, all the requirements mentioned in this docum ent should be met by the core ERP application c omprising t he latest versions of the standard ERP package, including functionalities such as workflow and document management. When approved, the ERP solution will hav e to be customized to suit IRDAs requirement. The customization scope that is covered as part of the overall scope of work defined in the document is as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Leave approval workflow Integration with Bio-metric attendance system Staff Bills submission and approval workflow. Personal information update work flow Linking of Staff Bills re-imbursements with Accounts module. Bills Payment workflow Workflow pertaining to the Accounts Department for its day-to-day activities. 8. Workflow pertaining to the Administration Department for its day-today activities Internal and statuary reports- Up to 30 customized reports for internal and s tatutory requirements shall be carried out as part of the defined scope of work. Any report customization abov e this num ber will be compensated by IRDA on a per customization basis rate. Please note that all MIS and analyt ics report generation and corresponding interventions is part of t he defined scope of work and no additional charges will be paid by IRDA for the same.
7) Timelines The entire work of analysis, design/deve lopment, integration, implementation, acceptance and Go-live of the ERP solution should be completed within a period of 6 calendar months from the date of issuance of work order. This should be followed by 6 months of post-go live stab ilization support from the last go-live. The bidding parties are expected to adhere to the broad timeline and miles tone dates while presenting their approach. 8) Deliverables The Bidder should refer to Annexure-I (Section L) for the list of deliverables as part of the ERP solutions implementation. The annexur e gives a set of high-level activities and corresponding deliverables expected, which IRDA envis ions to be required as part of this project i.e. Supp ly, Installation, Implementation and Support of the ERP solutions. The Bidder should us e this list only as guideline in terms of expected deliv erables. The bidder is re quired to furnish detailed information regarding each deliver ables of every step of activities proposed during and after the implementation of the project by Annexure - I Any additional activities deemed necessary towards achieving the scope of work shall be distributed between the ERP product vendor and implementer upon approval of IRDA. 9) Scope of work for ERP product vendor ERP product vendors scope for supply and services shall include all activities and elements relevant for the successful implementation of the ERP solution. In addition to ensuring the successful ERP implementation, the product vendor should also facilitate the following: a. Hardware sizing b. Supply of licenses, tools & accessories and documentation c. Audit and quality control d. Solution review e. Technical review f. Development review g. Final technical support
i) Assistance in Solution and Hardware sizing The ERP vendor shall assist the implem enting Agency in finalization of hardwar e and network capability requirement in order to meet the performance require ment as specified, technical requirement includ ing acceptance test / quality control parameters for tender document. The spec ifications should be prov ided for quality & production servers, storage and others as required inc luding RDBMS and other applications suggested as an overall solution as per the project timeline set in ii) Supply of Licenses, Tools & Accessories and Documentation The offered ERP product shall satisfy all re quirements as specifie d in functional and technical r equirements in Section G & H . Vendor shall also supply database, any other tools & accessories required to make the offered ERP solution complete as per the requirement. IRDA desires to implement ERP solution th at will cater to 10 (Ten users) full access transaction users who will be per forming activities from basic data entry to querying , report generation, analysis in respect of payroll, accounting and HRM modules . About 500 ( Five hundred) em ployees will use self serv ice transactions such as request creation, authorization/approval and workflow. The ERP vendor shall supply user licenses for transaction, employ ee service, and technical & system administration for the offered ERP product along with the relevant tools, accessories, documentation as a part of the offered so lution. The ERP vendor should supply the latest version of the offered ERP software package and any other software, tools and bolt-on application supported on the RDBMS database. The ERP vendor should submit two sets of Product Documentation in hard copy and one soft copy to be supplied along with licenses and shall include but not limited to following:: 1. Technical manuals 2. Installation guides 3. User manuals 4. System administrator manuals 5. Toolkit guides and Troubleshooting guides
All the above documents m entioned or any other stan dard documentation for the product should be inc luded in the cost of the license as m entioned in the Price Bid during the Price Bid s ubmission (not part of the technica l propos al). All the tools, accessories, software and media supplied under the contract shall be original copies and warranted, against damages or not working, for 90 days from the date of t he last go-live and will be replaced without any cost to IRDA. iii) Supply of Licenses for Database The ERP Product vendor will provide adequ ate software and licenses for a database to support the ERP solution. The vendor should also provide all manuals, and guides required to use and maintain the database handling the ERP product. iv) Audit and Quality Control The ERP Product vendor will be responsible for minimizing pr oject risk through periodic reviews of the implementation proj ect. It is to provide an independent and objective view of the impl ementation project, identify an y risks to the project goals and recommend appropriate corrective action by conducting reviews in the following areas: 1. Assurance 2. Application, technical and project management 3. IT infrastructure 4. Organizational change management 5. Sustained support and benefits achievement There would be at least 2 such audit cycles, one before gap analysis and the other just before go-live during the project implementation depending on the need, deliverables and project timelines. v) Solution review The solution review (audit) covers t he application d esign and business process parameters. The objective of this exercise is to review the business model proposed and configured in system. The review team should also mak e suitable recommendations towards use of functionalities and features and share the practices followed in other implementations.
vi) Technical review This review is an analys is of the te chnical implementation components and operational procedur es, such as securi ty, backup, performance management, printing, and desktop operations. vii) Development review This rev iew helps to determine whether t he des ign and implementation adheres to proven standards, such as upward compat ibility where custom developments or enhancements to the systems are planned. The scope of this review is t o study programs and applic ations t hat have been developed explicitly for IR DA. The feedback provided will mainly deal with ways and means of optim izing the custom developments to achieve better performance. viii) Scope of work for implementing Agency The implementing Agency will be responsible fo r providing a full range of services in implementation of offered ER P application, supporting the operation of the proposed solution during and post im plementation. These services should include, but not be limited to, the following: a. Preparation of project charter b. Development of hardware sizing and overall solution c. Supply of licenses of thirdparty solutions if any d. ERP application and backend database components installation and integration e. Operati onal guarantee f. Implementation of ERP Solution at IRDA g. Process analysis & reports h. Product configuration, interface design and customization i. Product integration j. Data migration k. System testing l. Integration testing m. Load and stress testing n. User acceptance testing
o. Final acceptance p. Product documentation q. Training and change management r. Post go-live stabilization s. Support of mandatory audit by independent system auditors ix) Preparation of project charter A detailed Project charter incl uding the detailed Project Plan, indicating all activities with resources required with their roles and responsibilities and time schedule will be required to be prepared at the start of the project and submitted to IRDA for approval. The project charter may also contain brief project description, approach and methodology, milestones, project organizati on with their roles and responsibilities , project risks and mitigation plans , dependencies etc. The implementing Agency shall also include in the program for supply ing, installing and imp lementing the software covered under this contract. The implementing Agency shall form a project team comprising the following key positions: 1. Project director 2. Project manager 3. Functional and technical lead 4. Functional and technical team 5. Other project roles such as process improvement, change management, training, custom development etc. All the above positions are critic al to th e project and hence eac h of the abov e team leads/ expert(s) should ha ve minimum of three year s of experience in their respective field of expertise. Bidder shal l def ine indiv idual role s and responsibilities and the level of involvement of a particular role in t he project and its schedule / frequency.
x) Development of hardware sizing and overall solution The implementer shall be responsible for ha rdware sizing, supply and installation of the same. The specifications should be provided for quality & production servers, storage and others as required. xi) Supply of licenses The implementing Agency wi ll be responsible for suppl ying database and/or any other tools or software requi red along with the ERP s oftware to make a complete solution so as to meet IRDAs functional and technical requirements as mentioned . All the software and media supplied under t he contract shall be warranted agains t damages or not wor king for two years from the date of work order and will b e replaced without any cost to IRDA xi) ERP application and Database components installation The implementer shall be responsible for installation of ERP software, database, system operating software, tools, and any other component (together referred as ERP solution) required to achieve the desired functionalities as per the requirements of IRDA. The ERP so lution and database c omponents will b e ins talled as s pecified by IRDA. All s olutions, whether own or third par ty, not forming a part of the standar d ERP package s oftware, shall be defined, procured and im plemented only after the prior approval of IRDA. These solutions, howev er, would be procured and supplied by the Implementing Agency at no additional cost to IRDA. xii) Operational guarantee Bidders shall give Operati onal guarantees covered in t he contract; this includes guaranteed uptime sta ndard, system response time etc as specified in performanc e criteria and scope of work . As system response time and other operational parameters are also depend ant upon the hardwar e and net work infrastructure deployed, the implementer is expected to advise IRDA on an appropriate systems environment and landscape strategy.
xiii) Implementation of ERP Solution at IRDA The implementing Agency shall implement all modules, any other software to meet the technic al and functional requirement as specified and approved To-Be process documentation as agreed upon.. The implementer shall c arry all such func tions that are require d to make the ER P solution work successfully and shall at minimum include the functions as explained in Scope of Work during the pilot as well as rollout phase. xiv) Process analysis & reports The implementing Agency shal l study the ex isting business processes of IR DA and submit a report detailing the problem areas and expectations, thereby generating the Pain area report. The im plementer shall develop t he To-be process blueprint based on the leading practices of ERP and shall explain how the specific pain areas are being addressed. The To-be proc ess report should identify significant deviations from the existing practi ces and recom mend IRDA on the proposed process changes. The To-be processes shall be treated as a Sys tem Blueprint and should hav e all the details of the proposed solutions which shall include but not limited to organization struct ure, process and activity m aps, organizational c ontrols, documentation and report requi rements, naming and c oding conventions, templates/ formats, legal and s tatutory requirements. In addition, all as pects of IRDAs requirements not provided for by the pr oposed ERP s olution should be identified together with the recommendations for customization/ Workaround solutions. xv) Product configuration, interface design and customization: The implementing Agency shal l undertake system co nfiguration and customization based on the approv ed To-be processes, thereby ensuring c ompliance to the processes as envisaged at the business process design stage. The implementing Agency shall conduct trial r uns with the IRDA database, and may further reconfigur e the ERP solution if the results are not up to the expectat ions of the IRD A management. Only the approved/ accepted solu tion shall be implemented in t he Golive phase.
The ERP users at IRDA may need a particular interface/ print layout / reports/ MIS based on t heir business requirements. An indi cative list of reports is provided in Annexure-3. All such modifications in interfaces and c onfiguration of reports should be carried out by the implementer to the satisfaction of the ERP users. IRDA intends to implement standard ERP processes as far as practically possible and to adopt the leading practices in the standard ERP pa ckages. However, the implementing agency may be required to undertake process cus tomization that may be in line with the changed, improved or specific business process requirem ents identified during the To-be processes study phase. The implem enting mus t make the required system design modifications and implement t he changes to ac hieve the desired functionalities after the approval of the IRDA management. xvi) Product integration The implementer shall ensure the data retrieval and entry in external IT systems for, but not be limited to the following: Inter operability with standard mailing software like Microsoft exchange for unified mailing and messaging Inter operability with Online Agency Licensing portal through flat file systems or auto integration The scope of external integration will be to: 1. Ensure that only the required data is transferred to ERP s olution from the external system 2. Ensure that all interfaces are self checking so that any exceptions or data validation errors are reported by the system 3. Ensure integration logs are maintained to confirm the success or otherwise of the interface, complete with control totals xvii) Data migration The scope of data migration fr om the existing systems would be f or each of the core and other processes listed u nder data migration scope, su ch that the ERP system can ably s upport and implement the intended pr ocesses. All hist oric transactional data may not be migrated- but all data suffi cient for future use and maintaining the opening / closing balance for the last year and the data pertaining to the current
financial year should be migrated. The cor e team me mbers have to be inv olved t o discuss and agree on the data to be migrat ed. Specific forms / formats/ tem plates have to be prepared to transfer the dat a. Data being migr ated have to be rationalized, codified, transformed and reconc iled to be suitably used for future purposes. One-time data such as employee records since their date of joining IRDA, asset records since the date of capitalization, retrials since the date of retirement etc. have to be migrated. All data upload/ download program s/ interfaces required to carry out the migration shall be carried out by the implementer as per scope. xviii) System testing The implementer shall prepar e procedures detailing the st eps for conducting system tests and shall c onduct tests to demonst rate that the sy stem meets all the requirements (functional and technical) spec ifications as brought out in this request for technical propos al and would be in acc ordance with the procedures det ailed in approved To-Be process document. The evaluation methodology and results have to be validated with the IRDA core team members and a report should be submitted for review and approval by IRDA management. xix) Integration testing Integration testing shall be carried out by the implementer to ens ure cross function modules are integrated and transaction data is flowing across the modules accurately. The implementer shall desi gn the integration tests and shall conduct tests to demonstrate the integration across functions. The evaluation methodology and results have to be validated and approved by IRDA core team members xx) Load and stress testing Loading, s calability a nd stress te sting wou ld b e con ducted prior to Go-Live, once the system testing and integr ation testing of the config ured and customized solution has been c onducted s uccessfully. The stress and load testing requirements will be jointly determined with IRDA an d the re commended testing tool will b e procure d separately by IRDA. The implem enter will conduct the test based on the agreed test procedures as propos ed by the implement er and agr eed up on by the cor e team, keeping in view IRDAs future load of tr ansactional users. The ERP solution shall not
be cleared for Go-live unless the testing is conducted s uccessfully and is cleared by IRDA. xxi) User acceptance testing The implementer shall develop t he acceptance test procedures in mutual agreement with IRDA and shall c onduct tests to demonst rate the conformance to the r equired process maps and operations response ti mes. The acceptance tests should be carried out before the Go-live functions, and a report be submitted on the successful conclusion of these tests. Any function will be allowed to Go-live only after the successful conclusion of these tests.
xxii) Final acceptance The final acceptance would be based on adher ence to required response time, the integrity of the software after installation and no operational bugs. This would include fine tuning of the software, ensuring a ll required related co mponent software are installed and no debugging is required. The acceptance tests should be carried out within a month of Go-live for each major m odule as and a report be submitted on the successful conclusion of these tests (The IA would make the necessary changes to the application to ensure that implemented ERP solution successfully goes through UAT) The commissioning/ implementation of the software shall be deemed complete only after the satisfactory acceptance by the IRDA management. xxiii) Product documentation The implementer shall provide detailed final system documentation for reference of IRDA. The implementer shall prepare the final user manual incorporating all details of all menus and functionalities provided by the system. The implementer shall provide the following product documents; however, the list may not be limited to the same: Configuration documents- consisting of system setting and parameters for each function modules Process blue print and process flows implemented User manual including system instruction and user cases, running of a program to perform specific task in the system with sample reports, screen formats etc. Program flow and documentation Source codes used for customization, configuration and testing System operational procedure manuals On line help Any other documentation required for usage of implemented solution future additions and/ or future modifications in the customized solutions The implementer shall provide a minimum of three hard copies and one soft copy of the above mentioned manuals.
xxiv)Training and change management The implementer shall study the training requirements, design t he training programs and train the core team members, end us ers and t echnical users of IRDA. T he quality of the training provided s hall be a ssessed by IRDA against a set of metrics set in cons ultation with the implementer. T he implementer may have to repeat all or parts of the training based on the quality assessment carried out by IRDA. A training need assessment of the ERP c ore team mem bers as well as end-users shall be conducted by the implementer as a component of process improvement and change management. A detailed t raining calendar should be pr epared based on t he training needs ident ified and should be agreed upon with IRDA management. ERP training tools/ software(s), trai ning mate rial (paper / electronic media/ training manuals/ quick reference cards etc.) s hould be continuously employed to ensure training the users. Training c ourses like ERP fundamentals, busines s proces s overview, j ob activ ity trainingand case ba sed trainings can be conducted to ensure effective learning for the users. Training will be conducted as per the implem entation plan and business requirement. Continuous change management activities shall be conducted by the implementer. IRDA expec ts the implementer in creating and maintaining effective communication a nd facilitate change th ereby ens ure the successful adoption of the To-be proc esses. The implementer will provide communication strategy and relevant materi al to support communication as part of change management initiative.
The implementer will have to provide training and support to IRDA team as below: (a)Training tools: The implementer shall arr ange required ERP training t ools for providing various essential trainings. Adequate training material which includes training manuals, quick reference cards etc. should be provid ed during the training sessions. The recommended training material can be in paper / electronic media with co urses on ERP fundamentals, business pr ocess overvi ew, job activity training, and deliv ery options being online, CBTs, instructor led class rooms, etc. (b)Core team members training The IRDA core team will comprise members from the Administration Department and IT. Each member should be prov ided orientation training to understand ERP product overview, project orientation training (methodology, tools, project planning, roles etc), and training in the relevant functions in cluding the original product. This training would be required to be given to approxim ately (10 Functional and 5 Technica l) personnel of IRDA. Authorized or own training institute of the vendor or implementer shall be required to deliver this training covering official / standard curriculum, leading to proper understanding of the processes for carrying out routine functionalities on the offered ERPproduct wit hout any external help. The training will be organized by the implement er wherein logistics and supportive arrangements will also be done by the implementer. Functional training would inc lude module wise training on system functionality mapped to business process of IRDA and various reporting nee ds; this may also include training on configuration aspects required for efficiently running the offered ERP solution. Technical training would include training IT professionals on programming and system administration aspects of the offered ERP solution.
(c) End user training The Implementer will provide training to IR DA users in batches of appropriate sizes. These training sessions will be required to be conducted at IRDA. A detailed Training
Plan shall be submitted by the Implementer for which the logis tics and supportive arrangements will be borne by IRDA. The Implementer is required to train directly at least 30% of the end-users over and above the core team members. Train the trainer approach may be employed for the remaining end users. (d) ERP competency centre Implementer shall as sist IRDA in dev eloping an ERP competency centre for the purpose of building an d managing the maintenance related skills within IRDA for the ERP solution. The implement er should also provide c ourse structure, cours e curriculum, methodology and tests for the competency centre. The curriculum should allow training of IRDA Technic al personnel so that they can provide the required maintenance support to the E RP installati on. Implementer shall also arrange t o conduct a one day refresher training for the upgrades/updates/new releases/versions received during warranty period and the post warranty support period. e) Post go-live stabilization The implementer shall provide post Go-Live support as a part of this project, by deputing technical consultants at IRDA for fu ll six mont hs, at a cost included in this project. The consultants with required c ompetency shall provide quick solution to all ERP related issues/ complaints. During th e stabilization period, the implementer shall help IRDA users to troubleshoot transactions and reports, update user manuals and configuration manuals.
Annual maintenance support (AMS) The bidder shall provide on-s ite wa rranty, support and ma intenance of ERP package, tools, accessories and any service provided as part of solution for a period 6 months from the last go-live. This shall include functional support and maintenance of ERP, RDBMS and all other standard third party software wherever applicable as a solution for the contract peri od. This AMS shall be renewable on yearly basis, if so desired by IRDA. The AMS shall be provided by trained and experienced personnel of the bidding parties and shall entail the following: i. Tuning of ERP, data bases, third party software and any other component s provided as a part of the business soluti on, such as to meet the requirement s slated in this request for technical proposal ii. Rectify the defects in the customized forms, reports and workflows. iii. Version upgrades of the procured product iv. Upgrade scripts v. Provide and apply free upgrades, updates, fixes, security alerts, and patches of the products to IRDA as and when released vi. Technical upgrade of the installation to the new version, as and when required vii. Provide free upgrades , updates & patches of the ER P software and tools to IRDA as and when released by OEM. viii. Tax, legal, and regulatory updates of the product ix. The servic e level for IRDAs probl em resolution shall be defined by the response time and time taken for successful resolution. The required problem resolution time during post go-live stabilization, as defined in Post go-live stabilization is: a. Support category: High The system is unable to be used for normal business activities. Cert ainty of financial loss. Response time: < 30 mins, Resolution: < 90 minutes b. Support category: Medium There is a problem with a part of the system and shall impact the departm ents day-to-day oper ation. Response time: <2 hours, Resolution: <4 hours
c. Support category: Low The efficiency of the users is being impacted, but the bu siness can still be c arried out with workaro unds. Response time: <4 hours, Resolution: <8 hours Post acceptance, the desired resolution time would be: d. Support category: High The system is unable to be used for normal business activities. Response time: <1 hours, Resolution time: < 4 hours e. Support category: Medium There is a problem with a part of the system and shall impact IRDAs decision making. Response time: <4 hours, Resolution time: <8 hours f. Support category: Low The efficiency of the users is being impacted, but the business can still be carried out with workarounds. Response time: <24 hours, Resolution time: <4 day Non adherence of these service levels shall amount to a breach of contract which may initiate the appropriate liquidating damage. As and when any new releases / higher versi on become available, the IA will inform IRDA for the enhanc ements and interpret how it may benefit IRDA directly . The IA shall acc ordingly inform IRDA through form al communcation. All product fixes or release updates on the new system will take place at IRDAs discretion.
II. Section F Technical requirements All the standard technical functionalities available with the ERP solution covering the f unctionalities req uired sho uld be implemented in I RDA as f ar a s p ossible. Specifically, IRDA requires a minimum of the following technical requirements in the proposed ERP solution. General technical requirements a. The solution is required to cover all the functions stated above and provide modularity that sh ould support a ddition/removal of on e or more modules as and wh en require d. Howeve r, these modul es sho uld be sea mlessly integrated in the core application system. b. The lat er versions o f t he sol ution shall support t he f unctionality and features of an earlier version. c. The source code of customization shall be open for modification. d. Solution shall be integrated with messaging solutions like Ms-Exchange. e. The solutio n sh all be extensible to address new or software components. Integration a. The solu tion shall pro vide all the rele vant lea ding technolo gy (e.g. XML, Flat f ile, messaging etc.) t o m eet t he integrat ion requirements. The implementer shall sp ecify the product s / tools required for integration and highlight the feature / functionality of the proposed products/tools and how these shall be used for integration b. The solution shall have standard based interoperability capabilities with all standard devices relevant for IRDA current and future operations including barcode reader Smart card reader, etc. c. The solution shall maintain integration logs that confirm the success or otherwise of the interface, complete with control totals etc. changing business scenarios and business rules wit hout ha ving to do major rewrite o f the
Sizing and scalability a. The initial configuration recommended should have capability of handling transactions for the next 5-6 years b. The initial configuration recommended should be optimally sized to ensure the system operated at approximately 90% utilization. c. The solution should support current work load of users categorized as below: 10 - Direct users for Accounts module 500 users for self service module 10 Direct users of payroll 10 Direct users of HR
Performance criteria IRDA would expect the following performance level of the ERP solution at the end of hand holding period. User Activity Menu Navigat ion Displaying the appropriate menu as per the defined user role and profile Screen Opening Display of the selected data entry screen from the menu Field Navigation Navigation between different data entry fields in the Screen Look up response Display of items f rom a Drop d own list, List of Values, etc 61 < 8 sec < 10 sec < 1 sec < 3 sec < 5 sec < 9 sec Direct Connect Users 90% < 2 sec All < 5 sec
Screen Navig
< 8 sec
< 11 sec
Navigation bet ween different data entry screens (from one to another) Transaction Commit Transaction save aft completing the data entry entered by the user Simple query Medium Complexity query High Complexity query Reports response Report fired by t he user from the Report Generator Simple Report Medium Complexity report Overall, po st st abilization, the solution sh all ensure full availability not less than 99% of t he monthly time and not more than 8 hours of maintenance t ime in one stretch. Th e IT inf rastructure and net working r equirements specified during t he hardware sizing may be derived from these performance requirements. User access, security and backup a. The implementer shall recommend appropriate security architecture covering authentication and authorization services b. The solution shall base its application security on industry open standards so that it adheres to all security, confidentiality and privacy policies and applicable laws on a global basis c. The service provider should propose appropriate security architecture to support remote connectivity i.e. internet d. All application comp onents of the solut ion shall be Single Sign-on through e accessible through a < 7 sec < 30 sec < 10 sec < 50 sec er < 10 sec < 15 sec
Query retrieval Online query < 7 sec < 8 sec < 15 sec < 12 sec < 12 sec < 20 sec
users fro m
accessing the solution beyond the level of their designated security access. e. The so lution shal l hav e the capa bility to define secur ity authoriza tion cont rol to the Solution through the job r oles defined in the organizational structure. It shall pr ovide the capabili ty t o define use r groups and group level acces s control to individua l or groups structure f. The solution shall provide a complete audit trail of transactions by user-id, timestamp, IP address, etc; incorporate standard Audit Trail for Maintenance of Confidential or Sensitive Master Data and should be compliant with the Indian IT Act. g. The Solution shall support on-line and off-line data backup capability with the necessary restore and archival capabilities. of applications as per t he organizationa l
SECTION J GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1. Schedule and terms of payments The se lected IA shall subm it in voices t o IRDA within a f ortnight as per the payment schedule agreed upon in the contract. All invoices shall become due for payment within t hirty days of their presentation. All p ayment made during t he contract sh all be o n-account payment onl y. Final payment will b e made to the implementing agency on acceptance of completion of all works & discharge of all liabilities by the implementing agency as per the contract. 2. Billing for ERP Implementation: The Invoices will be raised by the implementing Agency as per the following Milestones: Milestone Description Software 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
On finalization of agreement, Project Plan and submission 10%
Milestone percentage
On completion of data migration, Testing , Complete 20% Implementation of core HR, Self Service Poral and GO LIVE On completion of data migration, testing, tomplete 20% Implementation of Accounts,Payroll modules and GO LIVE Completion of Training , Knowledge transfer and submission technical and operational manuals Final Integration Test and acceptance 10% 15%
After completion of 6 mont hs of post -go live 10% stabilization support from the last go-live On delivery, installation and acceptance of hardware 90% & software components (Operating Systems etc) of the 64
Hardware 1
proposed solution 2 On submission of BG valid during the warranty period 10% of 36 months
3. Work program The implementing agency selected shall prepare an d submit to I RDA a d etailed program of completion of the contract, within 10days of the receipt of work order. The program shall be in t he for m of PERT net work, MS-Project or ot her internationally used p rogram clearly showing the sequence in which it pr oposes to complete the contract. 4. Disruption of progress The implementing agency shall give notice to IRDA whenever planning or execution of the Works is likely to be delayed or disrupted. 5. Extension of time Delivery o f the servi ces sha ll be mad e by the implemen ting age ncy in
accordance with the wo rk sch edule. Ho wever, the implem enting agency m ay claim extension of time limits as set forth in the work schedule in case of: a) Changes ordered by IRDA. b) Delay in providing any material, drawing or services, which are to be provided by IRDA. c) Force Majeure and d) Delay in performance of work caused by orders issued by the IRDA relevant to but not included in the contract. The im plementing agency shall submit t o IRDA a notice of a claim for an extension of the t ime f or achieving Operational Accept ance, together wi th particulars of the even t or circum stance justifying such extension as soon as reasonably practicable after the commencement of such event or circumstance. Af ter receipt of such notice and sup porting part iculars of the
claim, the purchaser and the implementing agency shall agree in writing upon the period of such extension. 6. Coordination The implementing agency shall at all times co-operate with IRDA with res pect to Technical Assistance and IRDA shall provide suitable counter part to co-operate with and assist the personnel in carrying out the services. 7. Amendments No amendment or ot her variation of the Co ntract shall be effective unless it is in writing, is dated, expressl y refer to the Contract, and is sig ned b y a duly authorized representative of each party hereto. 8. Liquidated damages for delay in completion If the implementing agency fails to de liver and successfully implem ent the
proposed solution within the st ipulated time schedule f ramed by I RDA or by t he date extended by IRDA, it will be considered as breach of contract. In such case, the implem enting agency sha ll be liable to pay liqu idated damag es (LD) , which would be at 0.5 % of the payment for that specific segment of the work for delay of each week or part thereof subject to a ceiling of 5% of the total contract value. However, no such L iquidated Damages shall b e levied wh ere t he delay is attributable to IRDA or due to Force Majeure. 9. Liability of implementing agency In case any defect or inadeq uacy ap pear in the services rendered by the
implementing agency prior to t he date of final accept ance of t he work by IRDA, the bidding party shall perform at his own initiatives and free of any cost to IRDA, all such servi ces a s shall be necessary to remedy inadequacy. the identified defe ct or
10. Defect liability The I A should warrant t hat the ERP solutio n, includin g all subsy stem and other services provided, sh all be free f rom def ects in the d esign, en gineering, and workmanship t hat pre vent t he ERP solutio n a nd/or any of its c omponents fro m fulfilling the technical requirements. IA shall have to provide a comprehensive, on-site, post installation warr anty of 6 months from the dat e of acceptance of proposed solution. If during the warranty period any defect should be foun d in t he design and implementation of the ERP solution a nd other services provided by t he implementing agency, t he Implementing Ag ency shall prom ptly, in co nsultation and agreem ent wit h IRDA, and at it s sole cost, repair, replace, or otherwise make go od such defect. The implementing agency shall war rant that the implem entation services will be provided with due care, skill and diligence and will use techniques, methods and materials of a hig h standard and quality commensurate with the current industry practice. IRDA sh all give the implementing age ncy a notice pr omptly following t he discovery of such defect, stating the nat ure of any such defect . IRDA shall offer the i mplementing a gency all r easonable oppo rtunity for the implementer to inspect such defects. The imp lementing ag ency sha ll not be responsible fo r replacem ent, or making good of any defect or any damages to the ERP solution arising out of or resulting from any of the following clause: i) Improper operation or maintenance to the of ERP solution by IRDA ii) Modifications made t o the ERP solution b y I RDA or a third p arty wit hout consultation with the implementing agency.
11. Functional guarantees The IA shall submit t o IRDA a funct ional guarantee where the party guarantees that once the perf ormance acceptance c ertificate has been issued, the ERP solution represent s a co mplete, integrated sol ution to I RDA requirement s set forth i n t he funct ional & t echnical requirem ents and it co nforms to all ot her aspects of t he cont ract. Any expected deviat ions will be highl ighted as part of request for technical proposal response. 12. Completion of contract Unless otherwise terminated under the pro visions of any relevant ca use of t he document, cont ract shall be dee med to have been com pleted after issua nce of completion certif icate f rom I RDA stating that there is no demand out standing against the part y and t hey have satisfactorily dischar ged a ll liabilities u nder the contract. 13.Risk and cost Without prejudice to any of its legal rights, IRDA shall have the power to recover the a mount du e to d amage, from any money d ue or likely to become due to implementing agency from any cont ractual value pending or liable to be pending at IRDA. T he p ayment or deduct ion of such compensa tion sha ll not relie ve the implementing agency f rom its obligation t o com plete t he work or f rom any of other obligations/ liabilities under the contra ct. In case of failure of implementing agency t o complete t he work, IRDA wi ll have t he righ t to o rder some ot her agency to complete the work after issuance of a notice in writing of minimum ten days by IRDA. The implementing agency will be liable to bear the cost of work by the other agency to the extent of the value of the contract. 14. Confidentiality All information which is m arked as "confidential" or if disclosed orally will be identified a s "confide ntial". The Purchaser and t he bidding p arties shall keep 68
confidential and shall not, without the writt en consent of the either part y hereto, divulge to any third party. The bidding party may use in its business activities the ideas, concepts and know-how contained in the confidential information which are retained in the memories of bidding partys employees who have had access to t he confidentia l under this contract . The bidd ing part ies shall take all necessary steps to e nsure con fidential ha ndling of all information develop ed or acquired b y the part y form IRDA. All int ellectual Property Rig hts in t he ERP solution shall be g overned by t he terms and conditions of the End Use r License Agreement (EULA) signed between IRDA and the ERP solution provider. 15. Arbitration Any dispute or difference whatsoever arising between the parties out of in course of or relating to, the construction, meaning and operation or effect of the contract or the breach thereof shall be raised within 2 months from the date of occurrence shall be settled through arbitration in Ind ia by a So le Arbitrator from the panel of Indian Council of Arbitration and in accordance with its Rules under the provision of Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 and all statutory modification thereof shall be governed such arbitration proceedings. The arbitration will b e cond ucted in English language an d I ndian la w will b e applicable. The venue of such arbitration shall be at Hyderabad only. 15. Termination: In case t he successful bi dder f ails to fulfill the Cont ractual o bligation within stipulated time f rame without a ny valid r eason, IRDA reserves the right to terminate the cont ract by giving 15 days notice provided the f ailure is not cured within such 15 days notice period. Upon receipt of such notice, the implementing agency will ter minate all t asks in an orderly m anner, as soon as practical or in accordance with a schedule agreed to by the par ties. In the event of termination, Customer agrees to pay t he implement ing agencyfor servi ces and deliverable items provided, f urnished, developed or ot herwise prepar ed through t he termination of all tasks. Such deliverable items will be delivered to Purchaser, if such delivery is reasonably possible and they have not yet delivered. 16. Applicable law : 69
The Indian Acts will be applicable in all matters. 17.Force majeure : Neither IRDA nor the bidd ers shall be held responsibl e or con sidered to be in default if t he e xecution o f the cont ract is delaye d/ in terrupted due t o the cause absolutely beyo nd their co ntrol, such as acts of Go d, nat ural calamities, war, major civil comm otion, fire, sto rms, strikes a nd f loods. However, only t hese causes wh ich have a bearing of more than 7 days will be considered as be ing causes of Force M ajeure. In such event neither part y sh all com pensate t he other for the loss that might accrue or m ight have accrued beca use of the ef fect of such event upon the execution of the contract. If the im plementing agency is unable to perform the contract beyond 7 days due to the reasons attributable to force majeure conditions, IRDA reserves the right to make immediate arrangement for engaging another supplier(s) for the same work without assigning any liability to the original supplier. 18.Procedure for payment IRDA sha ll m ake progressive p ayment as and wh en the paym ent is due as per the t erms of payment set f orth in this docu ment. Payment will b ecome due and payable by I RDA wit hin 15 days f rom the dat e of re ceipt bill / invoice from implementing agency, provided the documents are complete in all respects. Other commercial terms The Sched ules do n ot generally gi ve a full description of the inform ation
technologies to be suppli ed, i nstalled, an d op erationally acce pted, or t he services t o b e perf ormed under each ite m. However, it is assumed that Bidders shall have read all relevant sect ions of the request for t echnical proposal to ascertain t he full scope of the r equirements associated with each item. If Bidders are unclear or uncertain as to the scope of any item, they shall seek clarification in accordance with the Bidding process in the Bidding Documents prior to submitting their bid. 70
The resou rces required fr om IRDA f or the Study, Design, Development, Customization, I ntegration, Testing, Training, I mplementation, M aintenance and Suppo rt shall be indicated by the bidd er in t he Technical proposal. This will form the basis of the final team that will be assembled by IRDA to support the implementation.
Form- 1A, Application for supply of ERP product/ software and implementation thereof (Letter head paper of the Lead Bidder) Date: --/--/2010 The Executive Director (Administration & IT) Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority 3rd floor, Paris ram Bhavan Basher Bagh Hyderabad 500 004 Sirs, At the out set, we would like to thank you for providing us this opportunity and inviting us to bid fo r th e su pply, installation , inte gration and im plementation o f ERP modules with reference to Bid no. ______________________ 1. Being du ly authorized to repres ent and act on behalf of < Name o f Lead Bidder> ______________________________(hereinafter re ferred to a s "the L ead Bidder") and havin g qualified by IRDA fo r participa tion in ERP ten dering process, , t he undersigned hereby apply as a bidd ing party for the wo rks o f Supply of ERP Product/Software and Implementation as specified in the RFP thereof ; 2. Attached to this letter are copies of documents defining a. The Applicant's legal status b. The principal place of business and c. The place and date of incorporation. 3. You and y our authorized repre sentatives are hereby authoriz ed to conduct an y inquiries or investigations to verify t he s tatements, do cuments, an d info rmation submitted in c onnection with this ap plication, and to seek c larification from our bankers and clients re garding any financ ial a nd techn ical a spects. This letter of
any individual or au
thorized erify to th e
representative of any institution referre d to in the s upporting information, to p rovide such info rmation deemed nece ssary and re quested by yourselves to v with regard statements and information provid ed in th is application, or resources, experience, and competence of the applicant (s). 4. You and your authorized representatives may contact the person(s) listed below for further information. The undersigned is (are) fully authorized to act on behalf of the Applicant. 5. This Application is made in the full understanding that: a. Tenders by Applicants can be subject to verification of all information submitted for tendering b. You reserve the right to: i. Amend the scope and value of any contracts to be tendered under this project. In such event, tenders will only be called from bidders who meet the revised requirements and ii. Reject or accept any application and reject all applications: and c. You and your personnel and agencies shall not be liable for any such actions and shall be under no obligation to inform the Applicant of the grounds for them. 6. We confirm that, in the event we tender, the tender as well as any resulting contract will be signed so as to legally bind the lead partner to be severally liable 7. The undersigned declare that the statements made and the information provided in the duly completed Application are complete, true, and correct in every detail. Signature
_________________ Name For and on behalf of <Lead Partner between the bidding parties>
Form- 1B Letter of authorization by ERP Vendor in favour of the lead bidder (Letter head paper of the ERP vendor) We, the undersigned hereby apply as a bidding party for the works of Supply of ERP Product/Software and Implementation at IRDA as specified in this Request for Technical (RFP) thereof ; We hereby authorize M/s __ ______________________ to rep resent our bid as the Lead Bidde r, who will represent bo th of us for the entire s cope of the project and shall be responsible for end to end delivery as per the defined scope of work, and we agree that 1. The contract shall be signed between the Lead Bidder and IRDA 2. The Lead bidder will alone be responsible for the entire Scope of the Contract and is authorized to sign all contract documents, receive payments and incur liabilities on the behalf of both the bidding parties. 3. The supply of ERP Product shall be subject to the IRDA accepting the conditions in the End User License Agreement as may be prescribed by the Licensors of the ERP Product 4. The lead bidder shall be liable to receive instructions on behalf of all bidding parties and other vendors hired by bidding parties for the purpose of supply of ERP solution and shall be overall responsible for delivery of all provisions of the contract till the completion of the contract 5. All payment transactions shall be done by the Purchaser to the lead bidder A copy of this duly executed letter of authorization to this effect is enclosed for your reference. Thanking you, Yours faithfully Implementing Agency _________________________
FORM- 1C, Letter of authorization by Hardware vendor in favor of the lead bidder (Letterhead paper of the Hardware supplier) We, the unders igned h ereby apply as a bidding pa rty fo r the works of Supply o f Servers, Operating s ystems and ot her related equi pments at IR DA to be finalised by the leader bidder M/s _____________ of the ERP product ; We hereby authorize M/s ________________________ to represent our bid as the Lead Bidder, who will represent us for the hardware scope of the project and shall be responsible for end-to-end delivery as per the defined scope of work, and we agree that 1. The contract shall be signed between the Lead Bidder and IRDA 2. The Lead bidder will alone be responsible for the entire Scope of the Contract and is authorized to sign all contract documents, receive payments and incur liabilities on the behalf of both the bidding parties. 3. The lead bidder shall be liable to receive instructions on behalf of all bidding parties and other vendors hired by bidding parties for the purpose of supply of ERP solution and shall be overall responsible for delivery of all provisions of the contract till the completion of the contract 5. All payment transactions shall be done by the Purchaser to the lead bidder A copy of this duly executed letter of authorization to this effect is enclosed for your reference.
We he reby confirm that t he inf ormation prov ided is t rue an d correc t to t he bes t of our knowledge and belief and nothing in ma terial has been co ncealed, misre presented, manipulated or exaggerated there from. We shall provide material proof, to the satisfaction of IRDA, for all the items responded below within 7 days of issue of letter of intent, in event of our bid emerging successful. In the ev ent of t he proof being ins ufficient or for any representation in this bid at an deviation obs erved agains t our
candidature and shall amount to the forfeiture of our earnest money deposit (EMD). We understand tha t in s uch a n e vent IRDA shall reserv e its right in tak ing the du e course of action for the IRDA vendor selection without providing any reason thereof.
Form- 3, ERP product vendor profile Information in this form aims to gain an understanding of the suitability of the HRMS product vendor to meet ERP business needs. The information provided in this Form may or may not pertain to the experiences together with the proposed implementer. Schedule 3.A Company stability Rating Parameters Global revenue of company in the financial year 2009 (Rs. Cr.) Global revenue of company from II ERP in the financial year 2009 (Rs. Cr.) No. of Indian ERP professionals III (Including ERP support and maintenance personnel) No. of Indian ERP R&D IV professionals dedicated full time to product development No. of Indian customers where V ERP products were implemented acquired in the past five years < 10 10 -25 25 -50 > 50 < 200 200 -500 500-1000 > 1000 < 1000 1000 2500 2500 -5000 > 5000 < 250 250 -500 500 -2500 > 2500 0 < 500 1 500 -1000 3 1000 -5000 5 > 5000 Vendor response
S.No I
7 7
Schedule 3.b Additional information Please provide the information of the top 5 Indian customers referred to in Schedule 3.(a).as per the template below: Name of customer reference Email address and phone number of contact
Sl. no.
7 8
Schedule 3C: Experience in Indian PSU/GOVT/REGULATORY ORGANISATIONS Rating Parameters No. of Indian PSU / GOVT/REGULATORY customers acquired in the past three years Highest ERP number of ERP licenses given to 3.c.II any Indian PSU in the past three years (where at least five modules being offered to IRDA, were implemented) Additional information required Ref: 3.c.I Please provide the information of the Indian PSU / GOVT/ REGULATORY customers referred to in 3.c.I - subject < 150 150 -500 500 -1000 > 1000 <3 0 1 3-5 3 5-10 > 10 5 Vendor response
to a maximum of 10 customers - as per the template below: Name of customer reference Email address and phone number of contact
Sl. no.
7 9
Ref: 3.c.II
Please provide the information of the Indian PSU/GOVT customer given the highest number of licenses referred
to in 3.c.II as per the template below Name of the customer Number of licenses given Year of award of contract Name of customer reference Email address and phone number of contact
8 0
Form- 4, ERP implementer profile Information in this Form aims to ga in an understanding of the suitability of the ERP implemen ter to meet IRDAs business needs. The information provided in this Form may or may not pertain to the experiences together with the proposed ERP package. Schedule 4.a Company Stability S.No 4.a.I 4.a.II 4.a.III Rating Parameters Global revenue of company in the financial year 2009 (Rs. Cr.) Global revenue of company from ERP in the financial year 2009 (Rs. Cr.) No. of Indian ERP professionals (Including ERP support and maintenance personnel) No. of ERP professionals leaving the 4.a.IV organization as % of total Indian ERP professional at the start of year (FY 2009) No. of global customers (where at least five 4.a.V modules being offered to IRDA , were implemented) acquired in the past five years No. of Indian customers (where at least f 4.a.VI modules b eing offer ed to IR implemented) in the past five years ive < 10 10 -25 25 -50 > 50 DA, were < 75 75 -150 150 -250 > 250 > 25% 20 -25% 10 -20% <10% 0 < 500 < 250 < 1000 1 500 -1000 250 -500 1000 2500 3 1000 -5000 500 -2500 2500 -5000 5 > 5000 > 2500 > 5000 Vendor response
8 1
Ref: 4.a.VI
Please provide the information of the top 5 Indian customers referred to in 4.a.VI as per the template below:
Sl. no.
8 2
Form- 6, Implementation approach Schedule 6.a.I Please mention the key steps in arriving at the business blueprint of a process
The approach and examples will be used to score the exhaustiveness of approach and detail of blueprint document as per below: Excellent: Good: Medium: 3 1 5
No response: 0
8 3
Form- 7, Team structure Schedule 7.a Please provide information about the resources that will be deployed by implementer for ERP implementation as per the template below Data required Total number of man-months to be deployed during the project (including implementation and post-go live stabilization period) Man month of resources with less than 2 year of experience Response
Man month of resources with greater than 5 year of experience Name of the full time project manager of the implementation team for the ERP implementation at IRDA
8 4
The suitability of the implementation team will be rated as below: S.No 7.a.I 7.a.II 7.a.III Rating Parameters Number of man-months deployed during implementation and handholding period Man month of resources with less than 2 year of experience (% of total man-month to be deployed) Man month of resources with greater than 7 year of experience (% of total man-month to be deployed) 0 < 100 > 30% 0% 1 100 -150 20 -30% 0 -5% 3 150 -200 10% -20% 6 -10% > 200 < 10% >10% 5
Schedule 7.b: Please attach the CV of the full time project manager of the implementation team. Yes/ No The experience of the full time project manager will be rated as below S.No 7.b.I 7.b.II Rating Parameters Total experience of the full time project manager of the implementation team (Years) Other qualifications of the senior most full time project manager of the implementation team <3 0 3 -5 1 5 -7 Good 3 >7 Excellent 5 Enclosed
Insignificant Average
8 5
Form- 8, Quality assurance mechanism Schedule 8.a.I Please mention the process and methodology in ensuring quality of the deliverables to IRDA
Schedule 8.a.II Please attach a sample quality assurance report employed in an engagement similar to that of IRDA, clearly describing the key elements of quality assurance Enclosed Excellent: Good: 3 1 Average: 5 Yes/ No The approach and sample report will be used to score the quality assurance mechanism as per below:
No formal procedure: 0
8 6
Schedule 8.b Rating Parameters Number of man-days from ERP product vendor for quality review during blueprinting Number of man-days from ERP product vendor for quality review during Go-live <5 <5 0 5 -7 5 -7 1 3 7 -10 7 -10 > 10 > 10 5 Vendor response
8 7
Form- 9, Standardization of functional offerings Schedule 9.a Responses to the functional requirement specified in Section G, shall be scored as per the scoring methodology given below: Rating Parameters Standardization of offering 0 Not supported 1 Complete Customization 3 Partial Customization 5 Standard
S.No 9.a.I
Please submit the responses to all the functional requirements given in Section G, as instructed in the section, for the evaluation on this schedule Enclosed No A total of all the scores achieved against each of the functional requirements across the functions shall be calculated. The score of a bidder against this parameter shall be normalized to the weight-age of this parameter (15/ 100) as given in the evaluation criteria mentioned in Section C. Score of the bidder = Score achieved/ Maximum score achievable * Weight-age of the parameter No deviations to the technical requirements, as specified in Section F, shall be allowed. Yes/
8 8
Form- 10, Compliance with general terms and conditions Please specify all deviations from the contractual conditions as given in the General terms and conditions (Section G), along with the relevant clause as mentioned in the RFP document as per the template below
S. No.
Clause number
Each of the clause mentioned in the General terms and conditions (Section G) shall be rated against the responses of the bidders as per the scoring methodology below: Rating Parameters List all deviations across all contractual terms 0 Major deviationcan impact delivery 1 Significant deviation 3 5
S.No 10.a.I
The total score achieved by each bidder shall be normalized to the weight-age of this parameter (5/ 100) as given in the Evaluation criteria mentioned in this document Score of the bidder = Score achieved/ Maximum score achievable * Weightage of the parameter
8 9
Form 11: Hardware & Networking Specifications The bidders shall furnish the minimum requirements for the hardware, networking components and the same shall be incorporated in the following form. The bidder can provide with better specificat ions keeping in view of the performance requirements specified in this RFP. Model Proposed Specifications/ Features Complied/Not complied S.No Item Description Specifications Proposed Make Model Product Code
After the completion of the Tech nical Prese ntations, th e Technical Committee will de cide the acce ptable conf igurations / specifications of the hardwares and the same will be binding to all. While submitting the financial bids, the bidder shall quote ONLY for the hardware specifications / model/ make finalized by the Technical Committee.
9 0
9 1
9 2
Scope A A-1 A-2 A-3 B B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-7 B-8 HRMS Product Vendor Assistance in solution and hardware sizing Supply of software/licenses Audit and Quality control Implementing Agency Project Charter Hardware Sizing HRMS and Data Base Components Installation Training As-Is and To-Be Process Reports Change management Product configuration and
Indicative Deliverable Comment on the hardware sizing proposed by the implementing Agency Licenses and technical documents Review report with recommendation Inception Report, agreed and finalized Project Plan Hardware sizing, specification and acceptance report Installation report Training requirement report, curriculum, schedule and completion report Pain Area analysis report and TO-BE process and gap analysis report Change management methodology, requirement report System configuration/ design document, customization requirement
9 3
Scope customization B-9 B-10 B-12 B-13 B-14 B-15 C1 Data migration Testing User acceptance testing Product documentation Post Go-Live Stabilization Final acceptance are supplier
Indicative Deliverable report, design and operation document Data migration methodology and completion report System test plan and report, integration test report, load test plan and report, system performance report Acceptance certificate System, user, functional, technical and any other manuals Systems Quality Assurance Undertaking and Action Taken Report Acceptance report
C Hardw
Installation report Supply a nd installation of Servers, Operating Syste m licenses, backup devices, backup software a nd medias as per hardware sizing fina lized of implementing Agency On-site post installation warranty for a period of 36 months from the date of installation/Last Go Live Joint deliverables by ERP vendor and IA Supply of Data base software/licenses Annual Maintenance Support (AMS) Licenses and technical documents Upgrade, patches and scripts for all software provided, maintenance of deployed HRMS solution and any information regarding the same Warranty certificate
C C-1 C-2
9 4
Annexure-2: Data migration scope Data for the following activities will be required to be transferred to the new system. Closing balance as on 31st March 2010 / Opening balance as on 1st April 2010 and the transaction details after 1st April 10 till go live date.
Sub-Functions Management Attendance Management Loan & Advance Transfer & Promotion Benefits Management Pay Fixation Deputation / Contract
9 5
Annexure-3: Indicative list of reports S.No Report Particular 1 Balance Sheet 2 Income and Expenses Account Statement 3 Receipts and Payment Account Statement 4 Schedule of Fixed Assets 5 Statement of Investments 6 Statement of Current Assets, Loans and Advances 7 Statement for Contingent Liabilities 8 Payment and Provisions for employees 9 Statement of establishment expenses Nos. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Frequency Quarterly/Annual Quarterly/Annual Quarterly/Annual Quarterly/Annual Quarterly/Annual Quarterly/Annual Quarterly/Annual Quarterly/Annual Quarterly/Annual
The actual requirement of reports shall be finalised during the implementation process.
9 6
Annexure-4: Indicative number of transactions Functions Personnel SubFunctions Leave Management Attendance Management 1000/day 20-30 / day Presently done manually This is the employee attendance data that is used for salary processing. Bio-metric system is used for recording the attendance. Delhi Office uses manual system for attendance. Loan & Advance Transaction related to loan and advances given to employees 1. Housing loan 2. Educational loan 3. Loan for marriages 500/month 4. Loan for Medical treatments 5.Festival advance 6.Tour advance 7.P.F Loan Head Office Description
9 7
Transfer Negligible
Transaction related to the transfer & promotion data of employees which is used for incorporating changes in the personnel master and payroll masters At IRDA, employees are provided with lunch coupons and corresponding entry is made for each employee in 5000/month the master. There are other benefits paid to the employees as per the list provided in the Functional Scope
Benefits Management
Pay Fixations
Data related with pay components This relates to Superannuation data that is used for purchase of annuities from the deductions from employees and also the contribution from employer The number of transactions that are used for
9 8
Annexure-5: Functions 1. Finance Financial Working Management YY 2. Human Resource Locatio ns Manpower Planning Recruitment, Induction & Mentoring Out-sourcing Management Em plo ye e Rel ati on s Head Office YY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Perform ance Manage ment System Training & Developme nt Promoti ons Salary Processing Legal Y Y Y Y Treasury & Cash Management Budgeting & Allocation Legal & Regulatory Compliance Payroll Administration
Accounting Capital
9 9
3. Procureme nt Locations Procurement Vendor Database Head Office 4. MIS Locations Head Office MIS and analytics Y YY Database Negotiations and Contracting Y Y Vendor Management
1 0
Annexure-6: Indicative list of forms & reports Staff Benefits Sr.No 1 Forms Name Re-imbursement of Cost of Petrol / Conveyance Form 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Report 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 Re-imbursement of Vehicle Maintenance Expense 3 Re-imbursement of cost of Brief Case 4 Tour (Domestic) 5 Tour (Foreign) 6 Telephone Bill ( Mobile /Landline) 7 Re-imbursement of Medical expenses 8 Financial Dailies 9 Re-imbursement of Medical expenses for retired Employees 10 Book Grant 11 Scheme for providing House hold items 12 Festival Advance 13 Loan application 14 Approval for tour programme 15 Leave Travel Concession 16 Leave enhancement 17 Annual Health Checkup
Payroll: 1. Pay slip 2. Summary statement of pay slips for 12 months 3. Income tax statement 4. Form-16 5. Summary of Allowances statement for all employees ( option to select type of employee, allowance heads ) 6. Summary of Deductions statement for all employees ( option to select type of employee, allowance heads ) 7. Monthly Consolidated pay statement 8. All statutory statements for Income tax department as per Income tax Act 9. Employee wise Loan ledger (year, month, deduction amount, opening , closing balance) for various loan heads 10. Employee wise outstanding statement Provident Fund: 1. PF Loan application 2. PF loan sanction order 3. PF Statement ( Annual ) with accrued Interest 4. PF ledger 5. Statutory statements
1 0
1 0