Data Encoding

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Signal Encoding Techniques

5.1 Digital Data, Digital Signals
Nonreturn to Zero (NRZ)
Multilevel Binary
Modulation Rate
Scrambling Techniques
5.2 Digital Data, Analog Signals
Amplitude Shift Keying
Frequency Shift Keying
Phase Shift Keying
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
5.3 Analog Data, Digital Signals
Pulse Code Modulation
Delta Modulation (DM)
5.4 Recommended Reading and Animations A n i m a ti o n

5.5 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems


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174   Chapter 5 / Signal Encoding Techniques

Learning Objectives

After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

◆ Understand how both analog and digital information can be encoded as

either analog or digital signals.
◆ Present an overview of the basic methods of encoding digital data into a
digital signal.
◆ Present an overview of the basic methods of encoding digital data into
an analog signal.
◆ Present an overview of the basic methods of encoding analog data into a
digital signal.

In Chapter 3 a distinction was made between analog and digital data, and ana-
log and digital signals. Figure 3.14 suggested that either form of data could be
encoded into either form of signal.
Figure 5.1 is another depiction that emphasizes the process involved.
For digital signaling, a data source g(t), which may be either digital or analog,
is encoded into a digital signal x(t). The actual form of x(t) depends on the
encoding technique and is chosen to optimize use of the transmission medium.
For example, the encoding may be chosen to conserve bandwidth or to mini-
mize errors.
The basis for analog signaling is a continuous constant-frequency s­ ignal
known as the carrier signal. The frequency of the carrier signal is chosen to be
compatible with the transmission medium being used. Data may be transmit-
ted using a carrier signal by modulation. Modulation is the process of encoding
source data onto a carrier signal with frequency fc. All modulation techniques
involve operation on one or more of the three fundamental carrier signal
parameters: amplitude, frequency, and phase.
The input signal m(t) may be analog or digital and is called the modulat-
ing signal or baseband signal. The result of modulating the carrier signal is
called the modulated signal s(t). As Figure 5.1b indicates, s(t) is a bandlimited
(bandpass) signal. The location of the bandwidth on the spectrum is related to
fc and is often centered on fc. Again, the actual form of the encoding is chosen
to optimize some characteristics of the transmission.
Each of the four possible combinations depicted in Figure 5.1 is in wide-
spread use. The reasons for choosing a particular combination for any given
communication task vary. We list here some representative reasons:

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5.1 / Digital Data, Digital Signals   175


g(t) x(t) g(t)

Encoder Decoder
Digital or Digital
analog t
(a) Encoding onto a digital signal

Carrier S(f)

m(t) s(t) m(t)

Modulator Demodulator
Digital or Analog
analog f
(b) Modulation onto an analog signal
Figure 5.1 Encoding and Modulation Techniques

• Digital data, digital signal: In general, the equipment for encoding digital data
into a digital signal is less complex and less expensive than digital-to-analog
modulation equipment.
• Analog data, digital signal: Conversion of analog data to digital form permits
the use of modern digital transmission and switching equipment. The advan-
tages of the digital approach were outlined in Section 3.2.
• Digital data, analog signal: Some transmission media, such as optical fiber and
unguided media, will only propagate analog signals.
• Analog data, analog signal: Analog data in electrical form can be transmit-
ted as baseband signals easily and cheaply. This is done with voice trans-
mission over voice-grade lines. One common use of modulation is to shift
the bandwidth of a baseband signal to another portion of the spectrum. In
this way multiple signals, each at a different position on the spectrum, can
share the same transmission medium. This is known as frequency division

This chapter discusses the encoding for the first three of these combinations.
The case of encoding analog data as analog signals is somewhat more complex

5.1 Digital Data, Digital Signals

A digital signal is a sequence of discrete, discontinuous voltage pulses. Each pulse is

a signal element. Binary data are transmitted by encoding each data bit into signal
elements. In the simplest case, there is a one-to-one correspondence between bits

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176   Chapter 5 / Signal Encoding Techniques
and signal elements. An example is shown in Figure 3.16, in which binary 1 is repre-
sented by a lower voltage level and binary 0 by a higher voltage level. We show in
this section that a variety of other encoding schemes are also used.
First, we define some terms. If the signal elements all have the same algebraic
sign, that is, all positive or negative, then the signal is unipolar. In polar signaling,
one logic state is represented by a positive voltage level and the other by a negative
voltage level. The data signaling rate, or just data rate, of a signal is the rate, in bits
per second, that data are transmitted. The duration or length of a bit is the amount
of time it takes for the transmitter to emit the bit; for a data rate R, the bit dura-
tion is 1/R. The modulation rate, by contrast, is the rate at which the signal level is
changed. This will depend on the nature of the digital encoding, as explained later.
The modulation rate is expressed in baud, which means signal elements per second.
Finally, the terms mark and space, for historical reasons, refer to the binary digits 1
and 0, respectively. Table 5.1 summarizes key terms; these should be clearer when
we see an example later in this section.
The tasks involved in interpreting digital signals at the receiver can be sum-
marized by again referring to Figure 3.16. First, the receiver must know the timing
of each bit; that is, the receiver must know with some accuracy when a bit begins
and ends. Second, the receiver must determine whether the signal level for each bit
position is high (0) or low (1). In Figure 3.16, these tasks are performed by sampling
each bit position in the middle of the interval and comparing the value to a thresh-
old. Because of noise and other impairments, there will be errors, as shown.
What factors determine how successful the receiver will be in interpreting the
incoming signal? We saw in Chapter 3 that three factors are important: the signal-
to-noise ratio (SNR), the data rate, and the bandwidth. With other factors held
­constant, the following statements are true:
• An increase in data rate increases bit error rate (BER).1
• An increase in SNR decreases bit error rate.
• An increase in bandwidth allows an increase in data rate.

Table 5.1 Key Data Transmission Terms

Term Units Definition

Data element Bits A single binary one or zero
Data rate Bits per second (bps) The rate at which data elements are transmitted
Signal element Digital: a voltage pulse of That part of a signal that occupies the shortest
constant amplitude interval of a signaling code
Analog: a pulse of constant
frequency, phase, and amplitude
Signaling rate or Signal elements per second The rate at which signal elements are
modulation rate (baud) transmitted

The BER is the most common measure of error performance on a data circuit and is defined as the
probability that a bit is received in error. It is also called the bit error ratio. This latter term is clearer,
because the term rate typically refers to some quantity that varies with time. Unfortunately, most books
and standards documents refer to the R in BER as rate.

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5.1 / Digital Data, Digital Signals   177

Table 5.2 Definition of Digital Signal Encoding Formats

Nonreturn to Zero-Level (NRZ-L)

0 = high level
1 = low level
Nonreturn to Zero Inverted (NRZI)
0 = no transition at beginning of interval (one bit time)
1 = transition at beginning of interval
0 = no line signal
1 = positive or negative level, alternating for successive ones
0 = positive or negative level, alternating for successive zeros
1 = no line signal
0 = transition from high to low in middle of interval
1 = transition from low to high in middle of interval
Differential Manchester
Always a transition in middle of interval
0 = transition at beginning of interval
1 = no transition at beginning of interval
Same as bipolar AMI, except that any string of eight zeros is replaced by a string with two code violations
Same as bipolar AMI, except that any string of four zeros is replaced by a string with one code violation

There is another factor that can be used to improve performance, and that is
the encoding scheme. The encoding scheme is simply the mapping from data bits
to signal elements. A variety of approaches have been tried. In what follows, we
describe some of the more common ones; they are defined in Table 5.2.

Example 5.1 Figure 5.2 shows the signal encoding for the binary sequence
01001100011 using six different signal encoding schemes.

Before describing these techniques, let us consider the following ways of eval-
uating or comparing the various techniques.
• Signal spectrum: Several aspects of the signal spectrum are important. A lack
of high-frequency components means that less bandwidth is required for trans-
mission. In addition, lack of a direct-current (dc) component is also desirable.
With a dc component to the signal, there must be direct physical attachment of
transmission components. With no dc component, ac coupling via transformer
is possible; this provides excellent electrical isolation, reducing interference.

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178   Chapter 5 / Signal Encoding Techniques

0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1



(most recent
preceding 1 bit has
negative voltage)

(most recent
preceding 0 bit has
negative voltage)



Figure 5.2 Digital Signal Encoding Formats

Finally, the magnitude of the effects of signal distortion and interference

depends on the spectral properties of the transmitted signal. In practice, it
usually happens that the transmission characteristics of a channel are worse
near the band edges. Therefore, a good signal design should concentrate the
transmitted power in the middle of the transmission bandwidth. In such a case,
a smaller distortion should be present in the received signal. To meet this
objective, codes can be designed with the aim of shaping the spectrum of the
transmitted signal.
• Clocking: We mentioned the need to determine the beginning and end of each
bit position. This is no easy task. One rather expensive approach is to pro-
vide a separate clock lead to synchronize the transmitter and receiver. The
alternative is to provide some synchronization mechanism that is based on the
transmitted signal. This can be achieved with suitable encoding, as explained
• Error detection: We will discuss various error-detection techniques in Chapter
6 and show that these are the responsibility of a layer of logic above the signal-
ing level that is known as data link control. However, it is useful to have some

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5.1 / Digital Data, Digital Signals   179

error-detection capability built into the physical signaling encoding scheme.

This permits errors to be detected more quickly.
• Signal interference and noise immunity: Certain codes exhibit superior per-
formance in the presence of noise. Performance is usually expressed in terms
of a BER.
• Cost and complexity: Although digital logic continues to drop in price, this
factor should not be ignored. In particular, the higher the signaling rate to
achieve a given data rate, the greater the cost. We shall see that some codes
require a signaling rate that is greater than the actual data rate.
We now turn to a discussion of various techniques.

Nonreturn to Zero (NRZ)

The most common, and easiest, way to transmit digital signals is to use two differ-
ent voltage levels for the two binary digits. Codes that follow this strategy share the
property that the voltage level is constant during a bit interval; there is no transi-
tion (no return to a zero voltage level). For example, the absence of voltage can be
used to represent binary 0, with a constant positive voltage used to represent binary
1. More commonly, a negative voltage represents one binary value and a positive
voltage represents the other. This latter code, known as Nonreturn to Zero-Level
(NRZ-L), is illustrated2 in Figure 5.2. NRZ-L is typically the code used to generate
or interpret digital data by terminals and other devices. If a different code is to be
used for transmission, it is generated from an NRZ-L signal by the transmission sys-
tem [in terms of Figure 5.1, NRZ-L is g(t) and the encoded signal is x(t)].
A variation of NRZ is known as NRZI (Nonreturn to Zero, invert on ones). As
with NRZ-L, NRZI maintains a constant voltage pulse for the duration of a bit time.
The data themselves are encoded as the presence or absence of a signal transition at
the beginning of the bit time. A transition (low to high or high to low) at the beginning
of a bit time denotes a binary 1 for that bit time; no transition indicates a binary 0.
NRZI is an example of differential encoding. In differential encoding, the
information to be transmitted is represented in terms of the changes between suc-
cessive signal elements rather than the signal elements themselves. The encoding
of the current bit is determined as follows: If the current bit is a binary 0, then the
current bit is encoded with the same signal as the preceding bit; if the current bit is
a binary 1, then the current bit is encoded with a different signal than the preceding
bit. One benefit of differential encoding is that it may be more reliable to detect a
transition in the presence of noise than to compare a value to a threshold. Another
benefit is that with a complex transmission layout, it is easy to lose the sense of the
polarity of the signal. For example, on a multidrop twisted-pair line, if the leads
from an attached device to the twisted pair are accidentally inverted, all 1s and 0s
for NRZ-L will be inverted. This does not happen with differential encoding.
The NRZ codes are the easiest to engineer and, in addition, make efficient use
of bandwidth. This latter property is illustrated in Figure 5.3, which compares the

In this figure, a negative voltage is equated with binary 1 and a positive voltage with binary 0. This is the
opposite of the definition used in virtually all other textbooks. The definition here conforms to the use of
NRZ-L in data communications interfaces and the standards that govern those interfaces.

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