Bañares Detailed LP

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Detailed Lesson Plan

Subject : English Time Frame : 1 hour

Grade Level : Grade 9 Teacher : Ms. Marielle Anthia D. Bañares

I. Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson student's should be able to :

 Define adverbs of Manner
 Participate during the discussion
 Use adverbs of manner to construct a sentences

II. Subject Matter

Topic : Adverbs of Manner

References : English Expressways II 2007 pp.196- 197

Matetials : Visual Aids,Pentel pen,Cardboard,mobile phone

III. Learning Procedures

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

A. Routine Activities


 Before we start let's pray first In the name of the father and of the son
and of the holy spirit.......AMEN
Good morning Ma'am
 Goodmorning class!

Checking of Attendance
Okay ma'am
 Say present if your name is
Teacher's Activity Student's Activity


 In your own opinion what is (Sharing her opinion)

adverb of Manner? Yes,Ellisha?

Well very good

 I prepared here two title of the

song and I will group you into
two groups.What you will going
to do is to come here in front and
pick a paper that having a title of
the song,and you need to sing the
song you picked base on the
word you also picked.For
example you picked a word
(slowly) and a song Leron leron
sinta.So you are going to sing a
song slowly.I will give you one
minute to practice then after that
perform in the class.
Am I clear?

 Okay,I will give you 3 minutes to

Yes ma'am

 Alright,Let's start group 1 what
have you picked?

Okay,sing a song Happy Birthday

(Happily and Happy Birthday ma'am)

Wow!very nice performance.And let's


(Singing Happy Birthday Happily)

 Okay,let's proceed to the next
group.Group two you are the
next presenter.Are you ready?

 Now what have you picked?

 Okay good,you may now start

Yes ma'am

 Wow that's nice,good job class.

Now let's proceed to our lesson

(Slowly and Alphabet Song ma'am)

(Perform Alphabet song in a slowly


Thank you ma'am

B. Presentation

 And to start our new lesson,let us Adverbs of manner tell us how

define first what is adverb of something happens.They are usually
manner?Everyone please read. placed either after the main verb or
after the object.
Okay Thankyou.
 So adverbs of manner tell us
HOW something happen.Just like
what you did while ago group 1
sing a song Happy Birthday in They sang the Happy Birthday in a
Happily way,so now how did Happily
they sang Happy Birthday?

C. Discussion

 Yes,exactly!They sang it
Happily.So the words loudly,
Slowly,happily,and sadly is what? Those words are Adverbs of manner
Yes ,Diether? ma'am
Yes,very good

 So adverbs of manner it describe

the manner,in which,an action
occurs.And adverbs of manner
describe how someone does
something.For example,Angel They are living happily
Please read our given example.

Thankyou,In this example what

is the adverb of manner?Yes,Ara?

Exactly!Another example,Lance The adverb of manner is the word

please read Happily ma'am

Yes,thankyou so what is the

adverb of manner in this She completed the task easily.
Can you tell me why?

Easily ma'am
Wow!very good

 Okay,class always remember that

adverbs of manner ends in -ly.
So I have here some It's beacuse the word easily it is used to
example,everybody please read modify the verbs

 Thankyou,Do you have any

question or clarification?
1. Rudely -He bahaved rudely

Now let's proceed 2.Carelessly -He is driving carelessly

3.Nicely -She speaks nicely

D. Generalization

 Okay class have you learn None ma'am

something from our lesson?

 That's great,okay if you learned

something in our lesson,Is
anyone tell me what is Adverbs
of manner?Yes,Jhon?

Okay Very good.

 So the adverbs of manner
ends in?Yes,Lyca?

Adverbs of manner it tell us something

 Now,you have already
happen ma'am.
understand our lesson,let's

It ends in ly ma'am.

E. Application

 Class I prepared here a ten cards

with different words.I will group
you into two,so what you are
going to do is every group will
pick five cards and then each
words you will construct it into
sentences.For exmple one of the
advervbs of manner you have is
(loudly).So use loudly in a a
sentence:So Ana speak
loudly.And after that select one
representative to read your

Okay,are we clear my dear


 You may start your working.Now

I'll give you ten minutes to do
your work.
Are you done students?

 Now please select one

representative to go in front and
read your work.
Thankyou class,you did a good
job .okay settle down.

F. Evaluation

 Please get one whole sheet of

paper.And answer this,but before
you start please read the
instruction first.
 Severly
 Frequently
 Gently
 Greedily
 Slowly (The student's are working)

1. Tortoise walks very ________

2. He is speaking very ________ Yes,ma'am were done
3. This door opens ________
4. He ate my tiffin ________
5. His car crashed ________

 Okay,Time's up pass your paper

Thankyou ma'am
in front

Assignment Instruction: Fill in the blank,choose one

word in the box to complete the
 Now for your assignment please sentences correctly.

(Passing their answer's)

In a long bond paper write twenty

examples of Adverbs of manner and
read in advance page 215-220.

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