EPCON-MS-12-00029 Method Statement For Piping Works.
EPCON-MS-12-00029 Method Statement For Piping Works.
EPCON-MS-12-00029 Method Statement For Piping Works.
RD CODE: D5913
SUBCONTRACT No. 2544-00-CS-0000-02
0 28-03-23
Engineering Review by/
QC Review by/
8. Erection pipe on pipe rack and bridge JHA 12
1 Scope
This Method of Statement is to define the minimum requirements of piping works on pipe
racks, including preparation and lifting arrangement, method of placing and installing pipes
on pipe racks in position for fit-up and welding. Installation of supports and inline items such
as valves, blinds, gaskets piping system in fully compliance with IFC drawings, codes and
project specification to cover all activities related to MIDOR REFINERY EXPANSION Project.
The main objective of this document is to ensure that all activities are carried out:
How to manage the main activities related to Erection of spools of Carbon Steel, Stainless,
Alloy and Threaded Galvanized Steel pipes, or any other material as project data includes.
Erection activity should cover also the standard and special pipe support as reference to the
pipe support spec and detail with different material as needed.
Welding as referred to project welding procedures and Specs.
Heat treatment activity should be taken as a work shop activity for all alloy steel or for all
cases mentioned in quality procedures.
Coordinator should be responsible to transport all fabricated spools and necessary material
take off MTO between lay down area of painted spools and the area with good preservation
and maintain in suitable area.
Site engineer should request the spools which is ready to be erected one week front. As
Working in brown area should take more precautions in welding, cutting, PWHT, RT, and
tighten process
Working progress in straight run pipe on pipe rack or sleeper.
Flange management activity will be illustrated in this document.
2 References
2.2 Procedures.
• QC Procedures.
• Coating and Wrapping of Underground.
• Specification (Min Requirements for WPS).
• Piping Materials Classification.
• Pipe Support Standard
• Project Quality Plan.
• Minimum Requirements for Welding Procedure
• Repair Procedure
• Adhere to Company Safety Standards and promote safety culture among the
ranks throughout the company.
QA/QC Manager:
• The Site Quality Manager is responsible for support in the development of site-
specific quality systems based on project design engineering standards invoked
to meet CONTRACTOR requirements and expectations.
• The Site Quality Manager's responsibilities include the selection of construction
quality inspection procedures used to inspect the construction activities
identified by the Field Engineering Manager.
• This selection may be made from SUBCONTRACTOR site Quality Manual. In
the instance where a project's or CONTRCTOR requirements differ from these
• The Site Quality Manager should develop site specific procedures to be
approved by the Site Manager and the Field Engineering Manager.
• The site quality manager shall be resident on site during the construction, pre-
commissioning, and commissioning activities.
• The Site Quality Manager reports to the Project Manager and functionally to the
Branch Quality Manager.
Piping Superintendent:
• Each Area Superintendent has overall responsibility for ensuring that all
disciplines within his area comply with the HSE plan Erection Procedure for
Piping Works Plan
• Enforce high standards of project organization and compliance with site and
area specific HSE rules.
• Ensure that all activities are fully coordinated so that each discipline is aware of,
and alerted to, hazards Caused by other disciplines working in the area; for
example, different disciplines shall plan their work to ensure that there is no
lifting of loads over other workers.
• Check ISO drawing versus prefabricated spools, material issued, Piping rout,
Plans, general arrangement Drawing (GAD).
• Submit the suitable number of qualified workers and equipment (heavy lift and
other welding machine), also avail the needed tools.
• Estimate the risk of the activity, Executes and Control of piping erection
activities and lead the construction crews for a safe work at site to meet and
satisfy the production target
• Responsible for dimension and direction check safely with high quality according
to IFC drawing and project specifications.
Material controller.
• Prefabricated spools shall be stored off the ground on wooden planks or other
non-metal material, all ends will be covered at least with polyethylene sheets,
and flanges face will be protected with hard covers mentioned in preservation
• Not allow any open ends for fabricated spools anywhere including site laydown
area and during transportation.
• Special material should be separated from the carbon steel material in different
• Stainless Steel and alloy prefabrication spools shall be stored separately and
away from carbon steel and off the ground it will be responsibility of piping
engineer with Forman.
Piping Supervisors
Their Responsibilities includes but not limited to:
• The verification and signing of MIR for all the materials delivered to the site (in
coordination with the material controller).
• Report any shortage, damages, or any dimension deviation to the piping
executive Engineer.
• Issue of Isometrics to pipe, structure (pipe support) fitters.
• Following all the instruction mentioned in the Traceability procedure and Spool
labelling and barcode application procedure 2544-00-PP-869-Rev.0
• Record and checking the marking of individual spool pieces.
• Verification of the line fit up after erection dimension after fit-up.
• Erection progress report, in co-ordination with the Quality Control.
• All straight run pipe or prefabricated spool shall be inspected as per the
material receiving inspection procedure after blasting and painting release.
• Loading will be according to the site survey and availability of all remaining
condition (painting, shortage material, access).
Lifting steps
1. Check and verify the lifting tools, slings and chain blocks if used.
2. Confirm the crane location and routin lifting plan to compaer the load with the required tools
3. After unloading the pipe on the ground the first
groub of riggers prepare the pipe to lift on the
4. The rigger supervisor check all lifting steps
5. Connect the right slings from two point as
illustrate on (fig 1) and guide rope to the pipe
before lift with the crane.
6. Start lift the load to reach the chosne point which
pipe will be pentrate from
7. Be sure the straight pipe to be lift with horizontal angel, approximately 45 deg
8. In pipe rack , before to lift the pipe check if all spool of the line are arrive on site
9. Do not hang the pipe for long time waiting for other spools
10. In sleppers areas , it is forbidden to put pipes on sleepers without release from civil displine.
11. In pipe rack ,Using man lift or man basket to raise the riggers to the location of pipe inlet
A. In order to reach the fixation point of the slings
B. manipulate the wire rope connected to the pipe.
12. The load should be intered to the pipe rack untill the pipe reach more than half of the total
13. Ensure that slings and chain block are used in straight position and according to
manufacturer manual.
14. Rigger should tight himself to man lift basket by two safety hock of parachute belt
15. Respectively there is another group responsible to recive the pipe on the pipe rack with the
suitable lifting tools.
16. When the load arrived the rigger receiving it fix it in place using slings and chain clock
17. When arrive to the pipe rack level rigger should connect himself with fall arrestor and the
Existing pipe rack beam.
18. Riggers on the man lift should release on of two slings and complete pentrate the pipe into
pipe rack.
19. If rollers are used, it is forbidden to store them at height
20. Put piece of wood to stop the pipe rolling
21. Move the crane, truck and man lift to another location to Repeat the previous steps along
the pipe rack
22. It is forbidden to pass under the pipes when they are lifted or hanged on tifor and chain
Note: In case the rigger must get off the man lift’s basket to remove the shackles and make the
pipe free he should tight himself to the basket and rack beam in the same time
First scaffolding will be built each 12 meters at the last level of pipe rack with necessary
ladder and access, also Scaffolding should be built at any other necessary location as
required at site.
All welding activity should be done according to the approved erection procedure.
1. Most of the previous steps should be repeated while lifting and weld the pipe on the bridge
except when lift the load.
2. The lifting procedure should be done from the open ends of the bridge
3. Roller may be used to facilate the pipe pentration on its acces.
4. Spooling engineer define with TIEB the location of the field joints.
5. Specially for the bridges should make the elbows joints with horizontal spools as a field
joints to help the riggers to erect the fabricated spools
6. Make the joints for the elbows with the vertical spools (at the both ends of the bridges) as a
shop joints.
7. Check the length of the free pipes to avoid finding and welding joint on the same location
with the existing column
8. Piping supervisor once the fabricated spools arrive to the site should make any available
field joints (for example make double free run spools) before lifting the spool according to
the availability of the lifting after check with the lifting engineer.
9. Try to make actual check for the positions on the bridges before lifting of the spools to mark
the extra length on the spools and give orders for the grinders to make the cutting and
10. Make any special lifting plan for the spools erection of the bridges if required.
11. Check with piping supervisor before welding any field joint on the land beside the bridge
before lifting.
12. Choose clever riggers for the erection of the spools on the crowded bridges
13. Review the rigging engineer the lifting plan
14. Check with the scaffold supervisor the required scaffold shape to enable the lifting and
erection of the spool and the required modification for the scaffolds during the lifting job if
15. The welding supervisor Report to the quality engineer for the fit up before welding .
16. The welding supervisor Report to the quality engineer after welding to finish any NDE
requirements before lifting to minimize the remaining NDE on the bridges.
17. Choose perfect welders for the remaining joints on the bridges.
18. Welders will start to weld after the sign of the QC engineer for the acceptance of the fit-up
19. Finish any NDE requirements for the spools and any joint welded on the land beside the
bridges before lifting (RT, PT…)
20. Finish the NDE requirements for the line directly after erection and welding before erection
of the next line
21. Once the line welding and NDE finished remove the scaffold and start to lift the next line
22. The purpose is to minimize any activities on the bridges (no space between the lines)
5.1. Quality Control activities shall be done following the
requirements of QCP-1320-01 and related reference documents
The managements of QC shall be done as required by PP-810
5.2. Site Quality Manager shall file and preserve in a safe place all quality records
produced during prefabrication.
• MCM: (material control manager)
• NDE: (Non-Destructive Examination)
• PWHT: (Post Weld Heat Treatment)
• STO: (Site Technical Office)
• SQC: (Site Quality Control)
• SUP: (Fabrication Supervision)
• IFC: Issued for construction
• ITP: Inspection and Test Plan
• GAD: General Arrangement piping Drawing/Piping Plan
• CONTRACTOR TIEB – Technip Italy Egypt Branch.
• OWNER MIDOR – Middle East Oil Refinery
• WBS Work Breakdown Structure
• ROC Rome operating Centre
• ENPPI Engineering for the Petroleum and Process Industries
• EVDMS Electronic vendore Document Management Syste
• ال يمكن استخدام انابيب السقالة كنقطة ربط اال اذا كان تم
بناؤها وتصميمها بشكل صحيح
• Cuts and abrasions whilst • All equipment will be inspected prior to
handling chains and use
slings. • فحص جميع المعدات قبل االستخدام
• قطع وخدوش اثناء التعامل اليدوي • Chain blocks/ Tirfors certificates to be
مع الويرات والسالسل available
• توفير شهادات المعايرة
• Use of Personal Protective Equipment at
all times
• ارتداء مهمات الوقاية الشخصية المناسبة
• Ensure proper ancor point for Chain block
, tirfors.
• التاكد من نقطة الربط المناسبة عند استخدام البالنكوهات