Lost Spring-Anees
Lost Spring-Anees
Lost Spring-Anees
Points to Remember
• name means-lord of thit_universe
• but earns living by rag-picking
• lives in Seemapuri
• walks barefoot
boys and girls assist parents inJhe_dim light of flickering oil tamps.
Veyes more adjusted to dark than light.
~ dust from polishing bangles affect their eyes, skin and health
~ exploited by money lenders, police, bureaucrats, politicians •
.. ~ _Jearofbeing ill-treated by police.
V live in a state of intense poverty.
.. /
,' I I 1 '
. . ....... .
. •i • • ,,... • •
. :_ . .,\
' .. .
.. ; :..
Summ ary-
l<?.st ~pring ·
. -
money in it
. It is ironical that- ·saheb 's name means . lord of ."the universe and he roams
ab~~l. th~ streets-with_his,fri~ncf~
. . . : . - ,..-- . .. . . . . . ;' . : : ··, .
: ' . -~-~. . . -_ _
~ .
- Saheb -has giv~n .1.,1p rag pi~ng: to workJor a tea,shop. He earns
.. ~
,.. . ... . .._.· ·, . ~. . . . . . .. . -~ .
Rs.BOO Rlus
. . :
his meals . surJje has ~ost ·his ca_r~tree. life. H~: now has to'
. work a UDder
workin g in dingy,
, -~;e ille~~l!y.
. .~~pl~y ~Q_!n
---····-·-·····' ~9;zardot
cells..-o ear-fi~ es~iti Lbigh .lerqp er.aLu res.
.is surroundings. _______
- Even. th~ hom-~ s - a_r~ st!uat~d- in. stink_fo~ ·1an,~s cb2kkd· with garbag e.
• • • 0
. walls seem s-to. crumblina. : there are rio.-windows, families crcwd :n hovs!s.
along wifb.2ci~als. ·...
- Mukesh's .paren ts and
grandparents h~ve accep ted their destiny as their
. Karma ~nd continue to ~log in inhuman condit ions . 'Thtly a,~
.. ~ . t·xpiutied oy the
middle.men, ·sah4~~r~, pol_i9e, · politicians and b}ircaucr,1ts (}mi SP can never
break the vici.ous·circle of misery ang_ poverty.
Th~ autho r sees a ray of hope in the end. Mukl~sh has dar~:d
. to dream. to
break the family tradition and wants lo be a motor mechanic. ~ le \'lsmts
J. to be
nlS OWO r.tia£,Ler,
-....... .
- Name means. - lord of lhE: ~niverse, migrated with his family from Dhaka
in 197_1 ; ·lives in Seemapuri, stJrvive~ by ragpi_ cking, _doesn't -go to school, works
bar-efdoted. · .- .- ·.. · · · .:" · · ·-. ·
. ~ \
. ", •• !- : • .- . • • :
Liying ·conditions . : Lack of_ b~sic amenities, structures of mud, tin and
tarpa~-. ,i~.
no se,\~ag~. no .drainage_; n6,1~ater, loses fr~edomwtien
he starts working
at a tea-stall. ,,
o,·i it°",(: outskirts of De!hi ·yet miles away from it, home to 10,000 ragpickers ,
- friJks a li·,Jing by picking garbage;_i-nastered tt1e _art ·ol rag picking . tood and
. .
; .· . . • · 1'" .•
•·· .
"~u "'tval
• lnore imPortant
... for their identity,
· live ·in a state r ·P·-nvert•Y·· Gamage
• ·
t l'1eir,
· · QOld .because it is a means of survival,
is . ·
somehmes th ey find .a
l'\Jpc:,e or even a ten rupee note and for children
· garbage is wrapped
· ,n
,: - •
✓~'!- 0
t Working in Glass Bangle ~actory
.-. .
high temperatures, tack or proper ventilation and light,
long Worful)g hours in front al hot f4fn.ice
boys and girts dSsist pafents in the dim light or fliekering oii lamps.
eyes are ' mo"re adillsteo to dark than light
' ·
lack of it leader who can organize thern
uvercrowve ...
• I d •a11"th humans·_
,.ana an imal S .
., .
- !. ~
SuNlval ls more Important to them than
• For more than 30 vean they have lived
wfthout an idem.It,, with out PlffllftS.
1et th~ r names on vo~ s list and t'!na they ha'wl! ,ataon t4fm that
ble them tn buy ,atM.
• "Barefoot" Implies a perpetual st:at:e
·ellC\lse since they can' t afford to buy poverty. They daim it Is 8 tradition to stay barefoot. ~ , tt I'S an
• Chftd labour:
• Even cf\ildren wor k in the glass in~u
stry. None of the families know that It
glass furn aces with high t-emperature ts llfegal for children to "'°'k
in dingy cells with out proper venb1atio
are worlcing in the hot furnaces. They n and fight. 20,000 chil dren
spen d mos t of tt,e;, daylight hours
up losing thei r eyesight (brightness in dart celfs thef efot e thev' end
of thei t eyes).
• Dwelling cond ition s of Seem apur i
• loca ted in stinking lane s filled with
gam age
• Houses are hovels (small miserabl
e dwellings)
• liou ies have crumbling walls, lack
windows, crow ded with families
toge tller. of hum an and antmafs «Jel (r.ti ng
• Mukesh's Father
• He wor ked hatd as a tailor and then
as a bangle mak er and yet he failed
his sons to school. This implies the to reno vate the house and set'lC
poverty is perp etua l. No mat ter how S
to dim b up the social ladder. They hard they try they are never able
are supp ress ed and subj ecte d by
controlling and dominating them . the rich so that they coukS keep
Ansl: Working in the glass bangle industryis fuli of h~altb-_.hazards. ftg_e!aj_~th_e cf:!!ldr~n -from going to vboc,I tjnce
it is their import<ID,t wean, of li.velihood. The children havc ·to work !°'_glass furnaces with-high tempeAlfr,re. These
are dingy cells which do not have both air and light. Whil~ ~!ishjng !-!J~ ~ar]gles the dust enters their eyes and
consequently they lose their eyesight ·before becoming adults.
02: How is Mukesh' s attitude to his srtuation diffecent from that of his family?
- ---
Ans2: Mukesh being an _innocent child s:tUi dce_a ros to hP_a_01otor mecha!:!Ic..!~y_g h he belongs to the family of the
bang1_e makers yet he dares to break this god given lineage and ~nt to fulfil his dreams. Unlike his (arniy fflf'l'l"bers
he does not believe in Karam and is determ1~ed to cross ~ e hurdles that come in the achieving of his dream.
03: What forces conspire to keep the workers in bangle industry of Firozabad in QOverty?
Ans3: Being orthodox. in a nature a~ qp;jgn Jbev adapt 1!'>e p_r9f~ssion..2,f__!_h ir forefathers:. 'S5>t SR $Q!?k ol this.
they believed in the theory of kacam. Further thi; grim state of poverty b<)s..l,Q~U their power of initiation. Thev are
left without any kind of dare to move to any new professidns. Tiu:ir elders do not ern;gucav lbrOJ Ibn on't ~
united or start any coop!:£ation. They are harassed and roughcJlug_bv the oo!•ce lb•"¥ ace beilteo Qlf'lr:ileuly ~
put behind the dingy~. All have given up hope and exhausted like tbcic wcestor5: Jbey a,r to,;yptng from p o ~
to apathy to greed and to~ce.
Ans4: Spring is the most beautiful period of one's life; In naturtt also Uu.~ sNwn is full of youth, menv. C!njoyment
;;;owcr. In t.uman lifo child Is eonsld~rcd as spring as this Is the stag...- wht"n child i\ b!sNOli1W cm,e,lnc .and
advancing. lronitaU){ ht lfMJia and many other c:ountf los this tvndor Attt: h cc u~h«-d bt"t\Nth ttk~ ,~,w-rty ~nd
starvation. lhrouch th,~ tltl,- 'I o!O .-Ing' Aneos June hns hl11hlit1,htmt th~ plie;ht of Utmn 1>r>rv • htl,fren WM ~re the
victim of the vkiou\ <.. nltt ul ,,ove, ty. 1hr.y wu, k a, potty wurkctn In "'"'~"'I bacw,I~ f pd Plbc mewa• worb. In
most of the caws lf1t~V 11du1,1 th~ 11mfesslun of raa plddna and movo f1om po~t to ptllar ii) 1:N!t b nC snkt in the
garbage. 1 hus, thclf bloomlne ngl! t, ettlned end lh9\' 101• nll lnltlatJun and nblttty tu work. ~ \fldouS cwde of the
poverty, the mlddlcm~d polltlcl!!llJlnmper their proaron and thc?V fail to bloom properly they deterior•te in
health, eduwll<,11&.J'VWW :rs es aA l hw1, their 111•1"1" ■-mptetetv lu\l .and rumvd.
:: -~L:,A$S: XII : J:NGijlSH :: OiAPTER - LQST ~PRING - Anees :Jy~g
·. ){!.✓ How. i~. Sa_~eb's nam~ a ·cont~a~t to his destiny? It is- ironical lhal-Sabeb '$ fuU
· .name 1s Saheb - .e- Alam. E:.<olarn. •
Ans. Saheb's. full name is Saheb-e-- Alam mean lord of the universe. Saheb is a
- - humble rag P.ickei- and not ·u,e master. It is ironicar that a poor rag pick~,, ~ho
• roamed t~~ ~t~eets with his friends. barefooi, sr;co11Af/1ng the garbage_shoul<;f be
) named the ~aster of un[~_r..st?: The au.thor has used h>'perbofe....to highfigh~- !he
trony of t~e fate of a poor slum· d\Yeller who_iives a life of denial and depriv~tJon
. but ~as ~- regal ~ e . ·
, ~e author Writes ·seempuri. ·a place o~ the periphery of Delhi yet miles a~ay
from it9: . Explaili. · · · .: !
Ans. Seemapuri is a slum without even the basic ame~ities of life. It ~ated the in
pedP.~ery of qelhir 'yef metaphoricaliy it is ,miles awily, It has._nooe pf the natiim~I
capital's metropoHta.n-foatuce$. Th_ e houses here ~re made of mud wilb.roo(s of
_tin_and ~a~auliri. tf do~s _riot.have_proper sewa~l!L2I .£!!:~inag1:_system. nor do~s it
have .th.e facility .of water supply. Life in the slum is a far cry from the comfort.
h..oo.nies ·and amenities available in Delhi: --:·-----
' ~---........__
Q-4 ln~pil~ of p~o~ living conditions, why· doesn't Saheo's famrly return_.)o their vil ~age
antl fields? . · - . - · ,
Ans_ Saheb~s- ·{clmily ryiigrafed fro~ Banglades h . in . 1971 _ T0e(r_ fl.eld...§~L J.:!c:fme _:,h ad
· . be~n · destroyed by frequ·e nt storms;,,-They:-J{a~~-n o me9!7S -~ survi',({31_ . !t ~s
difficult _for _them ~o- earn two sg_ u.a.[~.-. nie~Js =~ __9~.Y ..J ~- ~~ E;_mapl-!r(_ l~ e a ttie.i
miserable life o_f deprivation and .sb•
•~lor, Their n\ ud houses dor,'t even r.a'?e a
"proper roof but at least it. is a~robf. . I ~~_y -~a:-v-f :-°?lion
cards -and can buy food
grain at
low cost. They _qJe...:_salrsfie d-Jha.!--l-he:, .family._doe s _not have to_sleep
hungry at night. . So they do_6_'L.y,laO.LJ.oJ £lumJ!l...1b.e.iL"llllci~ <3-!ld__ th_~_frel~s which
did not pr..o vide sqsleoaoce
. to. ·tt1~m- : ·:· --
. . .
' op.,,, ~ is a ~arado~ that chit_dren rnanuracturi,ng IJPci ullful , r.ulot~rJut gl ilS S bangle~.
nave 1he1r O\.•,n lives devoid of all colour and lrnpp.u 1{ "i"'" i: It irnla~e
Ans The author refers lo _20,000 c1·,i1<.J1 e~1 ernploy~d in th e yfm;~. bluw,r,g ir.dustr • in
f~r~zabad. :,hese ch,ldrc~ work dur,~ UH?_ ir dt!YJ.i9ht lloi1r r,•it~.,,
{flngy _cc?lls \\,1lhout prdpr:r h~Jl,I :tnd ve11t1l7 ;..-1t1on . ·1Ii >1 ti, lhi•ir ,rents
htlt fume.tee! i~l
I IJ O ofd ' , ;:..
hp;,,1111,,1 2'1'' - I .
· .., ,.o 0ui,u d•:~,t-~s al n,9111 1n Ille hHh! ol 011 l.irnp;- ' f"hejr• 111 w .. rno .,
. , : m•·,, ,,: r'd
1:; <Jef,nvcd ol. all hope, llr1hl
· JI ·
n Oiler, ttw los e lh '-' 1, ic•~, ,,,- ,.. .•) I ,, . ·,O ·
~ v- ' 1 111 --.»;>• •l"1lll\-V11
c::yes all< iapp,n,:ss of tlw,r ch•lclhoocJ Y'!iJl'.i l;1'riWSt:' o! P>t· ti Jrk bcer1~,~~- tc~il
lhe end?
~oes th~ -atJlhor'iea a ray of hope 11
\. :,,P.'- f =A~w!>an worktng 1n Iha blttak, d,. .,,.
. Ans. l The gle makers or Flrozabad haw bean - on
! _bl!? !"'"9 ln~ustry for years. and They accept it as their destiny and , of mn,
..~eb l lo lhe nex l oetteratton. Yea 11
! ..huij;\~n _of poverty, misery~i~HiaUv e and u,a abHily 10 dtri m. BUI at the
end 1,e
: num.~fng toll have kflled all break the W!lols
boy, Mukeah hes dared to
! a_uth~sees a .ray of hope. A_HtUe_ ires lo be ,noto,
aulhor is hap py lhal hf! asp
, c,rc re a~ ·ha~ dar ed lo dre am. ~The
lo_free hi~s eff of the burden of fdtro
wtn g lhe
. ; me~ ~ar uc. 11 .1s .the first ste p I
~~;~e . ·· . · . ·. •
tory ·tos t Spri~g•.
is ~
• 0.8... UUe of.s
nation. hope, growth and new life. H
•~ , ·· ~~ time is a fim o uve
n lfm an fives n symbof;zes a lme
~o. !in9 of
full O! -colour. -fragrance and freshness ildien into adu ft$ -.o .
blpo min o
leam rng . growin .• ha iness, ·oy .a~d ·the tole n chit dho od' is a boot
cory , to the soc ief¥ . "los t,. pring - stor ies of.s
9!_n um nisl In P.J_e ·book she has exf)(?Sed
by ~n r 7s J.ung.:_ a renowr1~d. author and cofin .various. dangerous industries and •
gur n~~ o_nal. sh ~e : .ch~(f,r~m ~11,
rl(tor long ho( !rs in.inhuman con dif ., -,
. - tradesiwh e~. ffi~y -are force~ to
. . • I rons o' . I ~n rn our
Sah ~b and _Muke.sh. The ir childho
rou n • ,ve a life of
o .is con sum ed in ma ·
e . -and ex loita'fron fike
_ are
our •
_dum ps· on the streets of Del hi fQI' lis. '
: Saf:ieb -~c rou ~g~ _ th~ 9.~r:J;>a_ge bleak afass
Muk esh _bas _to slog in the dark
~ s-l!ryival a~d _•~:fer wo ~ -fn a_.t¢.,fsUiJI/ ative yea rs. ot lheit
ther ·.c:bffqreq "TTle_form
; bloV'lflng •rndiistty...afqn:gw,tJi.,_4u;OO
Ofo I - .-
refe rs to -ifileir Gh1fdhood bein g stol
en from
e · has b~ n .snatched awa and
; the m is/ a · to riate : ·TI1e_ir sp'I jng
j :beE n d_en{ed the ·o.pportunity't9 b' oom m o-young_ adu
_ •~-8. _:,- Wh y: do ~ the ~-tffhor,
,s ay 'F~ ~-a·ii~ ane s flyo ver Ftrozab
tha! . th_e tnwn is_iso 1ated ,
Ans;~ -'Fe w. airp lane s fly oveexr-Firo•zapiffed'..incf icat es
. hno _ "ihe
sed ude d. and f')as no osu re to ihEt l'!}:o der n day·.pro ress an
\.,. ·, - : call hf hli hts the Tadt
~ peo le·s erd o~ s~e ane ~y ·by. It a ~b syinboli
eve n-a n.a f l_
z.a a . '.W ~ - are ~ ' an :e rr.2 ers.
3 of opp orfu nitie
s for_the.:- e.bp~e i?- 'F1~-0_ _conti'l-rue- to, ~
{o-:5ucc)Jmb t~ thei r des tiny _and
; .. ey a(d ly ha~ e apy opt ion bu~ but thei r min ds ha":Je been
ibolise drea rr,~ _
.pov erty .~and rniser,y. Al_rp~~~es ~yrr
in l_dr ear ns have bee n crus h~d and t.~r
nurtibec;i -dwe- to y-eaii (?f ~opp~ss1on, t/.iei
do. not oare.
to take up challe·qo~s
- the garbage dum p ? ·
0.-1G Wh at is Saheb loo.k ing fpr ~ 1s Ute S\XX C~ o:
Ans . Sah eb is raa-pfcker livin
g in the .slums of See ma Puri. Gar bag e~1:~f::
live liho od for-: him : He sea rch
es: for ·gold" in l!1e 9a: bage •-i~ $."~m
1.Q_r~~pce not e. ff luck_}'. S:-ih~t; p,a y ey~.1
~en a· ;i:~:!
: ma nag es to find -~ ·rup e~ or 11 ')
~a :;ilver coin Ga,r q~g e fo~ the sr 'slumoffe cl:!!!str:~n is "~r~pped ~;\\,:()~~~~~- • .... ·, _
r for the,.c.f)Jldrc llnO J..V_ .;.;..,l1 1NJ. sr -~es
/~.J.~~j: \:\/hat explanati(?H~ d~cs the_aulhorlrave_l throu h th_e COUllli : ha~
:ot tc:. o ~~~: ·J~ f-tl
./ 4n ~: The author; ih tiie·;nco1 frse ~,..'her
cities ard villages . People g,ve he Jt;~t,ttc, .h01 l ,tlv1t , h l~ l
\ . : -' . fk ' bar efoo t k It . I II .. . ,~ · . r·tt· )
· n ''il"
. ain .'barefcc. l. □ ut sllc new "' u-, tt , • ·' \ ; teti '• 11 1 1
...wa ,ng for them. to rem
/ t dT I__.
w, ' W\ :-t\\'~ 'i ~
I•• •'X"'
. wondered~ -,, ·, . as-0,1 Y '~c . 1 -
ra , ,on
con vinc ing and · .,!IJ .llue r •. --\.v
inleµ_rnl rml of Jndt'1
. . perpetual sta!e of PC;lVert.y .lh~I is an , . _' .. , h •~
Q<,2 Is sdhib hapthe py working al llllL.1.ea-sli'AIJ'l.ExµJ.uo . w.nrk•~<J ;ti ,lw !( .1 st,.11 H_c _... c,
,. Saheb Josi joy of chilcll,ood when he starlr•d
S Hs fU'U •lC~ a~f
Ans . bur den ed and his free dom has been curtailed though 11£· " ii10
·, &,: • .,. ~ -· ~ t"" ' . "' ••. ' \ lilt
l ti!" C~\tfl(l't
' tn
. fn<; I I,,, I rl t
• 'I\
'.'f,f!r.ce nct. . • '
0.~~ Hoy! ~.ukesh's attitude to his situation different·from thcrt
of'his family? i
~s...Mul<es? ~~ti- his_fa~ily ~xist in ~o dis~nct worlds ·: T)ili1amJL:ii]ias_aa;epJe~
· years of bac)c btec;!kmg toil and _e,o~ider it lB be a God given lio.ea_g,e.....Ib.eYif.<now ·
~-at !hey .are , ·entrapped in ·the vicious. drcle of. povew•.juiathy.· gree4 and·
mJustice. .:They ~ave been exploited for generations by the sabukars; ~id.die
men, policemen,·politidans a,:id bur~aucrals, me~kiy ·relenting to their destiny.
·1 hey. have -no_leader or.:organi~ation to help tnefn1mprove their situation.~ This
pa~etic life h_ a~ .kill~d: all in,tia~ve ~and··thetnb1Ti v"fil..tei3K.Ib_¢_~:na~s..o.n;tl,s
b . r _en D m1s·ery.tG>-thei(childreil who .accepfth~irfate unquesJ.i;onmg y. . _. ;:_. .
K?i.v .H ~ :· ~ <fM;.~ ~;,, ~~ . . . ~- -.·
But Mu'kesh . ·ha,s dared to dream_: He wants .JQ_b_c.e.a.lctbe_sba.ckl.es_o.t.J,amlly
-tradition. by_.·not working in th~ gla~s l:>J,owing indus.!cy.:. .,. _l::ie_wa:::i~~otor
mechanic and wi'II riot mind walking I~ long dist~nce to the lli!rage e\le(Y day_
s hope in his heart ahd his eyeshave not lost the ability to _p~rsevere
rte still ha_
and d ~. : . _ ·_ / _ .
subjected to a suffocc:ting lifE{of social injusti nd th: rE:s1dents of vi!_ l.~ges iar~
These conditions force I-he ru·r·a· ·, dw·e11 ·- ·:. t ce, ca.:,te system and !a~lessnei;i; _.
· · · u, · life. The 1::,s. o move·tt' the ·ti · th h
·,ure· , ·
m~f.E: c~:-r-ifort_ablt: ana u,gnified be ' c_, es .,n . e ope? of~ .
a ·betterstan dard.of IMng tt _. . th . 0
~~r earn,r:1gs ano prospects of
a ~~c ~ people to the ·aties. Thrs,·~elps them to gain .
freedom 'from a e
the city are· pathttirr~U al:ty !-
a~e 0 rnd ebtedn~ss. Even if the living .condi~ions in
th · h d
!J ,e1r aa s.
· • e Cl pro'✓ides them w,t.h there meals a day arid a roof on ·
. • .-
' .
C' ~ What ;forces conspire ts,·keep the yv-orkers:iri the ~angle industry of Firozabad. in
poverty? : t · . · ·
. .Ans~ . ~fr<?~~bad is shabby,_isolat~ 2nd :underdevelo ped town with no infrastru~tura l
~ah ties. Hal(- the pe~ple ·here are _bc1ngle · makers whose backbone h~s been
~roken and tfley . accept _th9ir -d~stiny wi_ tti' resignation .. !lliteracy-·and ignorance
_furU1er ~dd to their problems: TI.iey:are~l;lfta'Nare -tf)at chilc! !c::;!:;ou; ;s illegai and
that the iaw: if enforc~d could' fr~.e::t11e 2ctoo:ochiidren from their: iive~ of
T:he peopl¢ .thernselv~.s·_._?.i"C:'tr~d.itiqr. boun<j ,anti have accepted \their !(araJYI as
O• Gocts ~,jsh: ·-C.aste sysfem trapsj them. and·,:tliey' :are
L!liable to break lf:c stigma cA
.ceste.' ' ' ' . '
111ey-haye_-,ost tt'le··spirit
to _:rebel and free th~QlSelve~f of thf! vicious ~ircle which
traps · them for generations; _ T here \ is 2 r:ex'us between the middlemen, the
. Sahukar-s, police,. politicians a_n d b!Jfe2!Jt:rats who exploit t:ie pa-:>r ai1Ci the
downtrodde n for their .own· personal g~ins: The· men in power. tlie f3w ma:«trs ·
themselves become-.the . law- breakers aild aHow the o_ffence ofchild lab01.i:- _to ·
i(liive. The youth also have givE¥1· u'p aH hope c1n~ aGcepted theii: parents destiny
: submissive ly ,as _they ar~ the .o~e3. ·· who will ·be hauled ; by police, b~at~n and
; dragged to.jail if they
,~ .
rebt!I: . · ·- ---·-·· ··· ·
The sub theme o ( the les~!.)n is the selfish ar:d c31rcus aHi'tude of tf&..£:~ ry ~d
polihcians. The:Y !ack comp2ss1on . emoc:hy anq ,ccmrnitme:-:l Siums ;,a'i E
rnustm56rned around all .big and small cities. People !ive in p81heiic cor.d:!ion :;;
· without sanitation facilitic.~~ watc.L.amL.eJecfrimy cooa 0 ~1rons '?Ck8§_jQj cct
~ I n ~iro~aba~. chll~~~~ like M~~h work in hazardous S8:-:dit1ons :i -; ;i
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