02a - Root - Play Materials - Travelers & Outsiders
02a - Root - Play Materials - Travelers & Outsiders
02a - Root - Play Materials - Travelers & Outsiders
_________________________________ Choose Your Nature
• fox, mouse, rabbit, bird, dog, ■ Advocate
Details Clear your exhaustion track when you
• he, she, they, shifting confront a powerful NPC about their
• stout, focused, disheveled, vain mistreatment of the powerless or weak.
• ornate belt, heirloom ring, poetry
book, token of chivalry
Demeanor ■ Exemplar
• gruff, thoughtful, dramatic, kind
Clear your exhaustion track when you
publicly take on a challenging task on
Background behalf of the Just and those they represent.
Where do you call home?
____________ clearing
Your Connections
the forest
Your Drives
a place far from here
Why are you a vagabond? Protector
I seek justice for all the Woodland ____________ is a true hero, someone
I wish to become a legend across choose two drives
whom even I look up to for their moral
many clearings
My enemies will burn any home I Justice clarity. What did they do that convinced
me of their righteousness?
try to make Advance when you achieve justice
I have sworn to redeem a lost or When they are in reach, mark exhaustion to
for someone wronged by a powerful,
failed cause take a blow meant for them. If you do, take
wealthy, or high-status individual. +1 ongoing to weapon moves for the rest of
I am running from a terrible secret
Principles the scene.
Whom have you left behind? Advance when you express or embody
my spouse
my mentor
your moral principles at great cost to Family
yourself or your allies. ____________ and I are more-or-less
my best friend
my ward Loyalty siblings after years spent in each other’s
company. Why have we struggled to get
my commander You’re loyal to someone; name them.
along in the past?
Which faction have you served Advance when you obey their order at a
When you help them fulfill their nature, you
the most? (mark two prestige for great cost to yourself.
both clear your exhaustion track.
appropriate group)
With which faction have you Advance when you increase your
earned a special enmity? reputation with any faction.
(mark one notoriety for
appropriate group)
your reputation
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
notoriety prestige
Your Moves
Charm [+1] you get take up the call, then choose one more
Take Up the Call
Cunning [-1]
Name two non-denizen factions: declare one to be the best hope for the
Woodland (The Just) and the other evil tyrants (The Enemy). Take +1 ongoing
to protect members of the Just or harm agents of the Enemy. You may switch
which factions you consider to be the Just or the Enemy at the end of any
Finesse [-1] session by clearing all prestige from the faction which no longer inspires you;
your reputation with both factions remains the same.
The Just:____________________ The Enemy:____________________
Equipment starting value: 11 carrying: ____ burdened (4 + might): ____ max (twice burdened): ____
Root® and Leder Games® logo and key art TM & © 2017 Leder Games. Text and design TM & © 2021 Magpie Games. All rights reserved.
The Chronicler
You are a sage who honors history and the written word, keeper
of lost, banned, or forbidden texts of truths the great Woodland
powers would rather be forgotten.
_________________________________ Choose Your Nature
• fox, mouse, rabbit, bird, otter, ■ Observer
Details Clear your exhaustion track when you
• he, she, they, shifting enter a dangerous situation to try to
• fastidious, rumpled, proper, colorful witness a significant or secret event or
• old scrolls, letter of introduction, meet an important individual.
small glasses, vest with secret pockets
Demeanor ■ Activist
• clumsy, endearing, sly, thoughtful
Clear your exhaustion track when you
publicly confront the leadership of a
Background clearing about changes you think are
vital to the community’s success.
Where do you call home?
____________ clearing
Your Connections
the forest
Your Drives
a place far from here
Why are you a vagabond? Partner
I seek the Woodland’s secrets ____________ and I exposed a dark
I swore an oath to record true, choose two drives
secret of a faction, leading to a meaningful
unbiased history
I want to spread knowledge Justice political change. What was it? And which
member of that faction hates us for it?
throughout the Woodland Advance when you achieve justice
I aim to change the Woodland by When you fill in this connection, you each
for someone wronged by a powerful,
sharing its history mark 2-prestige with the faction you helped,
wealthy, or high-status individual. and mark 2-notoriety with the faction you
I crave adventure
Discovery harmed. During play, if you are spotted
together, then any prestige or notoriety gains
Who inspired your love of history? Advance when you encounter a new
My parents with those factions are doubled for the two
wonder or ruin in the forests. of you.
An older sibling
An old mentor Ambition
A lover or friend Advance when you increase your Peer
A formal school reputation with any faction. I think ____________ sees the truth of
Clean paws
Which faction have you served the world, and I value their perspective
the most? (mark two prestige for deeply. What kinds of information do
Advance when you accomplish an they see that I often overlook?
appropriate group)
illicit, criminal goal while maintaining a
If you share information with them after
With which faction have you believable veneer of innocence.
reading a tense situation, you both benefit
earned a special enmity? from the +1 for acting on the answers. If you
(mark one notoriety for help them while they attempt a roguish
appropriate group) feat, you gain choices on the help move as if
you had marked 2-exhaustion when you mark
your reputation
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
notoriety prestige
Your Moves
Charm [-1] you get the worth of a book, then choose two more
The Worth of a Book
Cunning [+2]
When you study your tomes and scrolls to discover old techniques or
methods to solve an intractable problem—curing a deadly disease, ending a
drought, legally unseating a leader, etc—decide what you want to accomplish
and tell the GM. The GM will give you between 1 to 4 conditions you
Finesse [+1] must fulfill to discover a path forward, including time taken, additional
information needed, mentors or translators needed, facilities/tools needed,
or the limits of your solution. When you fulfill the conditions, you gain
whatever knowledge you were seeking—it’s up to you to put to use.
[0] An Eye for the Real Story
When you read a tense situation, mark an exhaustion—even on a miss—to
Might [0]
spot someone who knows more than they’re letting on. Take a +1 ongoing to
convince them to share their secrets with you when you get them in private.
Equipment starting value: 8 carrying: ____ burdened (4 + might): ____ max (twice burdened): ____
Root® and Leder Games® logo and key art TM & © 2017 Leder Games. Text and design TM & © 2021 Magpie Games. All rights reserved.
The Envoy
You are a professional representative, capable of speaking for other powers while
maintaining plausible deniability, fashioned as the ultimate neutral agent and
diplomatic mercenary.
_________________________________ Choose Your Nature
• fox, mouse, rabbit, bird, bat, ■ Agent
Details Clear your exhaustion track when you
• he, she, they, shifting convince someone influential to allow
• bucolic, decadent, elegant, traveled you to represent their interests.
• fancy boots, token of esteem,
rugged scarf, pipe and leaf
Demeanor ■ Sworn
• commanding, kind, professional, sleazy
Clear your exhaustion track when you
openly commit to resolve a dangerous
Background conflict on behalf of someone vulnerable.
Where do you call home?
____________ clearing
Your Connections
the forest
Your Drives
a place far from here
Why are you a vagabond? Watcher
I am called to serve a noble cause ____________ reminds me of a powerful
I want to make a name for myself choose two drives
political figure of the Woodland.
with every faction
I hold no loyalty save to the Loyalty Whom do they resemble? Why is the
resemblance so striking to me?
highest bidder You’re loyal to someone; name them.
I have many conflicting loyalties When you figure them out, you always hold
Advance when you obey their order at a
I seek the truth behind an ally’s 1, even on a miss. When you plead with them
great cost to yourself. to go along with you, you can let them clear
Greed 2-exhaustion instead of 1.
Whom have you left behind? Advance when you secure a serious
my commander
my family
payday or treasure. Peer
my loved one Ambition ____________ and I negotiated a truce
between two warring parties within a
my master Advance when you increase your
my mentor clearing. Why were they so important
reputation with any faction.
to closing the deal?
Which faction have you served
the most? (mark two prestige for
Clean paws If you share information with them after
Advance when you accomplish an reading a tense situation, you both benefit
appropriate group) from the +1 for acting on the answers. If you
illicit, criminal goal while maintaining a
help them while they attempt a roguish
With which faction have you believable veneer of innocence.
feat, you gain choices on the help move as if
earned a special enmity? you had marked 2-exhaustion when you mark
(mark one notoriety for 1-exhaustion.
appropriate group)
your reputation
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
notoriety prestige
Your Moves
Charm [0] you get diplomat, then choose two more
+0 +1 +2 +3
Cunning [+1] You are known across the Woodland as an accomplished diplomat; you
have a track (Diplomat) to reflect your professional reputation, starting
at a +1. When you raise your reputation with any faction, raise Diplomat;
when you lower your reputation with any faction, lower Diplomat. You
Finesse [0] cannot lower Diplomat below +0 or raise it above +3.
• Mark exhaustion to use Diplomat when you ask for a favor or meet
someone important for the first time, regardless of the faction of your target.
• When you persuade or figure out an important NPC while acting on behalf
[+1] of another—not you or your band—roll with Diplomat instead of Charm.
Equipment starting value: 8 carrying: ____ burdened (4 + might): ____ max (twice burdened): ____
Root® and Leder Games® logo and key art TM & © 2017 Leder Games. Text and design TM & © 2021 Magpie Games. All rights reserved.
The Exile You were once a prominent member of a powerful faction, but now you are exiled from
it, and defined by what you do in relation to the group you once called your own.
_________________________________ Choose Your Nature
• fox, mouse, rabbit, bird, lizard, ■ Schemer
Details Clear your exhaustion track when you
• he, she, they, shifting promise valuable resources to a dangerous
• shabby, flashy, formal, inconspicuous Woodland figure to secure their aid.
• precious heirloom, mark of privilege,
ragged cloak, old book
Demeanor ■ Avenger
• bitter, cautious, clever, vain
Clear your exhaustion track when you
openly attack those who have wronged
Background you or your sworn vassals and wards.
Where do you call home?
____________ clearing
Your Connections
the forest
Your Drives
a place far from here
What caused your fall? Protector
I led a failed coup or rebellion I see greatness in ____________ that
I committed a terrible crime choose two drives
I wish to nurture...and perhaps turn
I was betrayed by my closest allies
I fell prey to my rival’s schemes Loyalty to my own purposes. What is it about
them that inspires me so?
You’re loyal to someone; name them.
Why were you exiled (not killed)? When they are in reach, mark exhaustion to
Advance when you obey their order at a
A complex legal system protected take a blow meant for them. If you do, take
great cost to yourself. +1 ongoing to weapon moves for the rest of
my life
The last of my allies saved my life Revenge the scene.
My enemies granted me mercy Name your foe. Advance when you
I fled before facing judgment cause significant harm to them or their Family
Why are you a vagabond? interests. ____________ sheltered me in the
I seek a new home in the Woodland
I want to reclaim my prestige
Chaos earliest days of my exile when I was at my
most vulnerable. Why did they offer me
Advance when you topple a tyrannical or
I wish to make amends for my sins such kindness in my moment of need?
dangerously overbearing figure or order.
I seek revenge against my enemies When you help them fulfill their nature, you
Which faction exiled you? (set Infamy both clear your exhaustion track.
your reputation with them to -2) Advance when you decrease your
reputation with any faction.
Which faction now seeks your
loyalty or allegiance? (set your
reputation with them to +1)
your reputation
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
notoriety prestige
Your Moves
Charm [+1] you get known by all, then choose two more
Known by All
Cunning [-1]
When you first encounter an important NPC from your former faction,
you may declare them to be an old ally—choose and mark one unmarked
option from the list below instead of meeting someone important—and roll.
They shared your political networks; roll with +1.
Finesse [0] You worked closely with them for years; roll with +2.
They were a loyal friend or dutiful servitor; roll with +3.
On a hit, their loyalty has not diminished; they offer whatever aid they can, even
risking their own reputation and safety. On a 7-9, they can only assist you if they
[+1] can pretend you forced their hand and cover their tracks when you leave; mark
as much notoriety with their faction as you added to your roll. On a miss, your
attempt to reconnect only reveals your desperation; mark as much notoriety as
Might [+1] you added to your roll and know that those who hunt you will be here soon.
When you have marked all three options, clear them all; your agents will tell
you of an opportunity to redeem yourself in the eyes of your faction now that
add +1 to a stat of your choice, to a max of +2
they know you are still active.
Born to Be a King
Weapon Skills Take +1 Charm (max+3).
choose one bolded weapon skill to start
Fancy Paper
Cleave Parry You gain the roguish feat Counterfeit (it does not count against your
Confuse Senses Quick Shot maximum for advancement). When you attempt a roguish feat to produce
Disarm Storm a Group counterfeit documents using your intimate knowledge of your home
Harry Trick Shot faction’s politics and procedures, mark notoriety with that faction to make
Improvise Vicious Strike the move as if you had rolled a 12+.
Equipment starting value: 11 carrying: ____ burdened (4 + might): ____ max (twice burdened): ____
Root® and Leder Games® logo and key art TM & © 2017 Leder Games. Text and design TM & © 2021 Magpie Games. All rights reserved.
The Heretic
You are a fervent believer in a cause or ideology that most Woodland denizens
and factions find distasteful and unacceptable, even if your beliefs are
genuinely for the greater good of the denizens.
_________________________________ Choose Your Nature
• fox, mouse, rabbit, bird, ■ Believer
Details Clear your exhaustion track when you
• he, she, they, shifting publicly call out a symbol or authority
• unkempt, young, clear-eyed, lithe dedicated to beliefs opposed to yours.
• colorful robes, facial tattoo, token
of belief, unique jewelry
Demeanor ■ Healer
• passionate, naive, eccentric, proud
Clear your exhaustion track when you
attempt to start a dialogue between two
Background foes from different factions.
Where do you call home?
____________ clearing
Your Connections
the forest
Your Drives
a place far from here
What are the fundamental tenets Protector
of your cause? (Pick 2): ____________ has come to share my
To overturn a tradition choose two drives
beliefs; I must stand with them, no
To exalt the worthy
To unseat the corrupt Principles matter the cost. What happened to us
that convinced them of the wisdom of
To uplift the downtrodden Advance when you express or embody
my cause?
To destroy a falsehood your moral principles at great cost to
When they are in reach, mark exhaustion to
yourself or your allies.
Why are you a vagabond? take a blow meant for them. If you do, take
I must make amends for my past Protection +1 ongoing to weapon moves for the rest of
I want to bring my truth to all Name your ward. Advance when you the scene.
I seek still greater understanding protect them from significant danger, or
I’m being hunted by the powerful when time passes and your ward is safe. Watcher
Whom have you left behind?
Freedom ____________ was once hurt greatly
by someone who shared my cause. Why
my devotee my family
Advance when you free a group of
my guru my secret love do I think I might still win them over?
denizens from oppression.
What have I already tried to do to earn
Which faction is known to hate
those who share your cause? (set Chaos their trust?
Advance when you topple a tyrannical or When you figure them out, you always hold
your Reputation with them to -1)
dangerously overbearing figure or order. 1, even on a miss. When you plead with them
Which faction is known to harbor to go along with you, you can let them clear
those who share your cause? (set 2-exhaustion instead of 1.
your Reputation with them to +1)
your reputation
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
notoriety prestige
Your Moves
Charm [+2] you get friends indeed & hear me, then choose one more
Friends Indeed
Cunning [0]
When you first seek out those who share your cause after arriving in a
clearing, roll with Charm. On a hit, you find one or two; they provide what
they can in service to your collective work. On a 7-9, they also tell you about a
threat to your shared ideology that has arisen in the clearing. On a miss, you
Finesse [-1] are caught by someone in the clearing who openly despises your kind.
Hear Me!
When you give an inspiring speech to a persuadable crowd in the service
Luck [+1] of your cause, mark exhaustion and roll with Charm. On a hit, you sway
them; pick 2. On a 7-9, you must put yourself at the crowd’s mercy and lead
them directly for them to follow through.
Might [0]
• They tear down an opposing symbol
• They overthrow a vulnerable tyrant
• They destroy the trappings of tradition
• They elevate someone overlooked
add +1 to a stat of your choice, to a max of +2
• They deliver justice to the wicked
On a miss, the crowd is moved to action but ignores your guidance, leading
injury to terrible consequences.
Weapon Skills
hit, your foes cannot get past you until they take you down—brace yourself.
On a 10+ choose 1. On a 7-9, choose 2:
choose one bolded weapon skill to start • You suffer +1 harm from all your enemies’ attacks
Cleave Parry • A single enemy (GM’s choice) slips past you
Confuse Senses Quick Shot • You cannot retreat from your position
Disarm Storm a Group On a miss, your enemies find or create a new way past you that makes your
Harry Trick Shot situation far worse.
Improvise Vicious Strike
Equipment starting value: 9 carrying: ____ burdened (4 + might): ____ max (twice burdened): ____
Root® and Leder Games® logo and key art TM & © 2017 Leder Games. Text and design TM & © 2021 Magpie Games. All rights reserved.
The Pirate
You are a rogue boat captain, at home on the waters of the Woodland’s rivers,
lakes, or bays, free from the sway of land-bound life and more than willing to do
whatever it takes to maintain that freedom.
_________________________________ Choose Your Nature
• fox, mouse, rabbit, bird, rat, ■ Rogue
Details Clear your exhaustion track when you
• he, she, they, shifting attempt to doublecross, triplecross, or
• branded, fancy, grizzled, attractive betray a powerful or dangerous NPC.
• flashy hat, lucky trinket, flask of rum,
lodestone and compass
Demeanor ■ Merchant
• honest, flamboyant, stoic, strange
Clear your exhaustion track when you
carry valuable goods or treasure past
Background danger, difficulty, or blockade.
Where do you call home?
____________ clearing
Your Connections
the forest
Your Drives
a place far from here
Why are you a vagabond? Partner
I believe I’m haunted by a ____________ and I seized valuable
powerful curse choose two drives
cargo from a faction together. Who did
I hear the call of gold and silver
I am despised by other denizens Freedom we rob? Why?
When you fill in this connection, you each
I am fleeing the legal Advance when you free a group of
mark 2-prestige with the faction you helped,
consequences of my piracy denizens from oppression. and mark 2-notoriety with the faction you
I wish to build a network of fellow
pirates and freebooters Revenge harmed. During play, if you are spotted
together, then any prestige or notoriety gains
Name your foe. Advance when you with those factions are doubled for the two
What happened to your captain? cause significant harm to them or their
disappearance of you.
died in a blaze of glory
mutiny Crime Family
imprisonment Advance when you illicitly score a ____________ had a good relationship
retirement significant prize or pull off an illegal with my former captain. How have they
Which faction have you served caper against impressive odds. supported me in taking on the role as
the most? (mark two prestige for my own?
appropriate group) When you help them, you can mark
Advance when you decrease your
2-exhaustion to give a +2, instead of
With which faction have you reputation with any faction.
1-exhaustion for a +1.
earned a special enmity?
(mark one notoriety for
appropriate group)
your reputation
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
notoriety prestige
Your Moves
Charm [+1] you get small ship & sail on, then choose one more
Small Ship
Cunning [0]
By default, your ship has a wear track with four boxes. Mark wear when it
suffers serious damage or when a move calls for it. When your ship’s wear track
is filled, it is dead in the water and must be repaired at port. If you must mark
wear on your ship but its whole track is full, your ship is lost. If you ever lose the
Finesse [0] ship the GM may present you with an opportunity to get a new one.
Your Ship’s Name: _____________________ Wear
Blessings (choose 2):
Luck [+1]
stocked: your ship gains a 2-box depletion track of cargo and gear
nimble: take +1 ongoing to tricking NPCs when relying on your ship’s speed
renowned: take +1 to reputation with a chosen faction while on your ship
swift: once per session, mark wear to outrun any pursuer on the water
Might [0] Flaws (choose 2):
dreaded: take -1 to reputation with a chosen faction while on your ship
rickety: your ship has one fewer box of wear than usual
add +1 to a stat of your choice, to a max of +2
clumsy: take -1 ongoing to trusting fate when piloting your ship carefully
stolen: someone dangerous is pursuing you to recover their property
injury Sail On
exhaustion When you travel from clearing to clearing by ship, mark wear on the ship
and roll with Luck. On a hit, you reach the next port; the GM will tell you one
depletion (mostly) friendly denizen you know there. On a 7-9, they are holding a grudge—
work it out or offer at least 2-value to let things go. On a miss, you are caught in
Roguish Feats
a dangerous situation along your route before you arrive at port.
Equipment starting value: 8 carrying: ____ burdened (4 + might): ____ max (twice burdened): ____
Root® and Leder Games® logo and key art TM & © 2017 Leder Games. Text and design TM & © 2021 Magpie Games. All rights reserved.
The Prince
You are a second-generation vagabond, heir to your parent’s masteries and
knowledge, but also born to this life of roguery and independence—you are not a
vagabond by your own volition.
_________________________________ Choose Your Nature
• fox, mouse, rabbit, bird, ■ Scion
Details Clear your exhaustion track when you
• he, she, they, shifting enter danger to attack the enemies or
• bright-eyed, practical, short, simple defend the allies of your parents.
• trusty backpack, comfortable jacket,
family compass, walking stick
Demeanor ■ Trailblazer
• arrogant, curious, foolhardy, brave
Clear your exhaustion track when you
depart on a wild and risky new course
Background of action with others.
Why did your parents raise you as
a vagabond?
They rejected the ordinary life of a
Your Connections
Your Drives
clearing of the Woodland
They feared their enemies would
find them if they settled down Peer
They wanted me to make my own ____________ used to work with one
choose two drives
choices free of society’s influence of my parents and invited me to join
They never fit in with the denizens the band when I came of age. How did I
They didn’t know how else to live impress them with my talents?
Name your ward. Advance when you
What happened to your parents? If you share information with them after
protect them from significant danger, or
reading a tense situation, you both benefit
Captured by a powerful faction when time passes and your ward is safe. from the +1 for acting on the answers. If you
Felled by a rival vagabond
Retired to a Woodland clearing Freedom help them while they attempt a roguish
feat, you gain choices on the help move as if
Missing in the forest, now Advance when you free a group of you had marked 2-exhaustion when you mark
presumed dead denizens from oppression. 1-exhaustion.
Killed in battle by agents of a
powerful faction Crime
Which faction did your parents
Advance when you illicitly score a Family
significant prize or pull off an illegal ____________ was mentored by one
serve the most? (mark two prestige caper against impressive odds. of my parents. What vagabond skills
for appropriate group)
did they learn from my parents that I’ve
With faction did your parents always struggled to master?
Advance when you finish a journey to a
most often oppose? (mark one clearing.
When you help them fulfill their nature, you
notoriety for appropriate group) both clear your exhaustion track.
your reputation
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
notoriety prestige
Your Moves
Charm [-1] you get heirloom weapon & legacy, then choose one more
Heirloom Weapon Wear
Cunning [+1]
Your parents bestowed a family heirloom upon you—it has 4 boxes of
wear, and its value is functionally priceless to you. If the weapon is ever
destroyed, the GM will tell you what tasks you must undertake to restore it.
• Choose a weapon type: dagger, axe, hammer, sword, spear, crossbow, bow
Finesse [+1] • Choose an appropriate range: intimate, close, far
• Choose two features:
Reliable: +2 boxes of wear and an Flexible: Choose 2 weapon skill
additional range tags for this weapon
[+1] Feared: When you engage Unique: Your weapon is of
in combat against foes who unusual design; once per
recognize this weapon, inflict session, mark exhaustion to
Take +1 Luck (max+3).
Equipment starting value: 7 carrying: ____ burdened (4 + might): ____ max (twice burdened): ____
Root® and Leder Games® logo and key art TM & © 2017 Leder Games. Text and design TM & © 2021 Magpie Games. All rights reserved.
The Raconteur
You are a storyteller, making coin and earning trust by moving
amid the clearings and weaving tales that ultimately teach the
denizens the “truth” of what goes on in the Woodland.
_________________________________ Choose Your Nature
• fox, mouse, rabbit, bird, weasel, ■ Legend
Details Clear your exhaustion track when you
• he, she, they, shifting put on a performace in front of a large,
• shabby, flashy, haphazard, effete attentive audience.
• gold tooth, swirling cloak, homespun
memento, tuning fork
Demeanor ■ Companion
• ingenuous, passionate, verbose, smooth
Clear your exhaustion track when you
effusively praise a friend to a powerful
Background person or group.
Where do you call home?
____________ clearing
Your Connections
the forest
Your Drives
a place far from here
Why are you a vagabond? Friend
I want to see all of the Woodland ____________ and I still talk about
I want to find a worthy hero to choose two drives
the time we were run out of a clearing,
write about
I want to witness a legendary Discovery even though we thought our adventures
would lead the powers-that-be to treat
moment firsthand Advance when you encounter a new
us as heroes. What did we do? How did
I want to find the kind of true love wonder or ruin in the forests.
it go wrong?
found in epic poetry
I have been run out of too many Thrills When you help them, you can mark
clearings to stay still Advance when you escape from certain 2-exhaustion to give a +2, instead of
death or incarceration. 1-exhaustion for a +1.
Whom have you wronged and how?
A lover, with my words Infamy Family
A friend, with my actions Advance when you decrease your
An innocent, with my silence ____________ and I have been through
reputation with any faction.
An ally, with my inaction battles, ruin-delves, heists, and more
A sibling, many times Clean Paws together. Which particular incident made
Advance when you accomplish an us close? How did I make it famous?
Which faction have you served
illicit, criminal goal while maintaining a When you help them fulfill their nature, you
the most? (mark two prestige for
believable veneer of innocence. both clear your exhaustion track.
appropriate group)
your reputation
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
notoriety prestige
Your Moves
Charm [+2] you get tools of the trade, then choose two more
Tools of the Trade Wear
Cunning [+1]
You have a valued (at least to you) symbol of your skill and talent; it starts with 3
boxes of wear and its value is essentially priceless to you.
• Choose a type: musical instrument, poetry book, unique costume, stage prop
• Choose a look: battered, fancy, delicate, stained, pristine
Finesse [+1] • Choose three features:
Sturdy: +2 boxes of wear; when you tend to your symbol after a public
performance, clear a box of wear.
Enchanting: mark wear instead of exhaustion to add +2 when you help
[-1] another vagabond by distracting someone with your performance
Versatile: choose two equipment tags for your symbol
Revealing: when you perform in public, mark wear to ask any one
Might [-1]
character who watched “what truly motivates your character?”; take +1
when acting on the answer
Pleasant: when you perform for your band while traveling on a path,
add +1 to a stat of your choice, to a max of +2 mark wear to clear up to 2 additional exhaustion from each vagabond.
When you first put on an earnest, public performance in a clearing, roll with
injury Charm. On a hit, name a faction you flatter; an important member comes
forward to offer you work. On a 10+, mark prestige with their faction as well. On
exhaustion a miss, you draws the worst kind of attention to you and your friends.
depletion Adoring Fans
When you first enter a clearing, roll with Charm. On a hit, a fan recognizes
you; they relate gossip, offer a place to stay, and show your band around. On a
Roguish Feats 10+, your fan will go even further to help you. On a miss, you meet a fan with
start with marked feats good intentions who immediately makes your situation much, much worse.
Acrobatics Pick pocket
All Eyes on Me
Blindside Sneak When you create a distraction through outlandish performance, mark
Counterfeit Pick lock
exhaustion and roll with Charm. On a hit, the room can’t look away; your allies
Disable Device Sleight of hand take +1 ongoing to sneak, hide, pickpocket, or trust fate while you perform. On
Hide a 10+, hold 1; spend the hold to grant an ally a +3 for one of the aforementioned
rolls instead. On a miss, your audience finds something about your performance
Weapon Skills insulting or misguided; they fall over themselves to give you their opinion.
choose one bolded weapon skill to start Quick Fingers, Quicker Eyes
When you read a tense situation while performing, you may always ask one
Cleave Parry
question, even on a miss.
Confuse Senses Quick Shot
Disarm Storm a Group Silver Tongue
Harry Trick Shot When you persuade an NPC with a colorful anecdote, mark exhaustion on a
Improvise Vicious Strike hit to make them reveal something important and relevant about the situation.
Sweet as Honey
Take +1 Charm (max +3).
Equipment starting value: 8 carrying: ____ burdened (4 + might): ____ max (twice burdened): ____
Root® and Leder Games® logo and key art TM & © 2017 Leder Games. Text and design TM & © 2021 Magpie Games. All rights reserved.
The Raider You are a bandit, a thief-by-force, dangerous and threatening, but perhaps with
the capacity to turn your axe to good use...and all the better if you get paid for it.
_________________________________ Choose Your Nature
• fox, mouse, rabbit, bird, ■ Bandit
Details Clear your exhaustion track when you
• he, she, they, shifting try to use the threat of force to secure
• well-groomed, huge, scarred, lean valuables from formidable opposition.
• sigil pendant, dark cloak, face paint,
sentimental talisman
Demeanor ■ Hero
• intimidating, jovial, curt, curious
Clear your exhaustion track when you
outright attack a dangerous, oppressive,
Background or villainous NPC.
Where do you call home?
____________ clearing
Your Connections
the forest
Your Drives
a place far from here
Why are you a vagabond? Protector
I am feared by most denizens The first time I saw ____________ they
I wish to see all the Woodlands choose two drives
piqued my curiosity; I went out of my
have to offer
I refuse to serve someone Loyalty way to protect them from the ire of my
own band. What about them sparked
unworthy You’re loyal to someone; name them.
my loyalty?
I seek to overthrow all oppressors Advance when you obey their order at a
I am running from powerful When they are in reach, mark exhaustion to
great cost to yourself.
enemies take a blow meant for them. If you do, take
Chaos +1 ongoing to weapon moves for the rest of
Whom have you left behind? Advance when you topple a tyrannical or the scene.
my mentor dangerously overbearing figure or order.
my ward
my loved one Crime Watcher
my sibling
____________ bested me in combat
Advance when you illicitly score a
my best friend when I got out of hand. How? Why did I
significant prize or pull off an illegal
thank them for it?
Which faction have you served caper against impressive odds.
When you figure them out, you always hold
the most? (mark two prestige for
appropriate group)
Greed 1, even on a miss. When you plead with them
Advance when you secure a serious to go along with you, you can let them clear
payday or treasure. 2-exhaustion instead of 1.
With which faction have you
earned a special enmity?
(mark one notoriety for
appropriate group)
your reputation
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
notoriety prestige
Your Moves choose three
Charm [0]
Eye For Battle
When you read a tense situation just as violence breaks out, roll with
When a group inflicts harm on you, suffer 2 fewer harm from each attack
Finesse [+1] (minimum 1-harm); when you inflict harm on a group, inflict 1 additional harm.
Might [+2]
• It is of special value to a particular faction (+4 prestige if traded to them)
• It is extremely durable (+1-wear)
On a miss, you can get your hands on it, but it is sought by dangerous
denizens who are all too willing to kill to take it from whoever possesses it.
add +1 to a stat of your choice, to a max of +2
Merciful Might
injury When you try to befriend an NPC you’ve saved from the wrath of
another, spend time helping them further (mark exhaustion) or buy them
exhaustion a drink (mark depletion). Your continued kindness pays dividends; they’ll
share a valuable secret or grant you a serious favor.
Plan of Attack
When you work out a plan of attack with someone, roll with Might. On a
Roguish Feats 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 2. You can spend your hold 1-for-1, regardless of
start with marked feats distance, while the plan is being carried out to:
• Lend a hand; add +1 to someone’s roll (choose after rolling)
Pick pocket • Soften a blow; reduce by one the harm someone suffers from a single attack
Sneak • Ensure your gear holds; allow someone to ignore marking depletion or wear
Counterfeit Pick lock On a miss, hold 1, but your plan encounters some disastrous opposition
Disable Device Sleight of hand right from the start.
Fearsome Visage
Weapon Skills You can make a pointed threat or publicly draw attention to yourself as
an enemy of a faction when you have a Reputation of 0 or lower with that
choose one bolded weapon skill to start faction, not just the usual -3 or -2 reputation required. Remember, you roll
Cleave Parry as if your negative reputation was positive, so a -1 Reputation becomes a +1
Confuse Senses Quick Shot for the roll and a 0 remains a 0.
Disarm Storm a Group
Harry Trick Shot
Improvise Vicious Strike
Equipment starting value: 9 carrying: ____ burdened (4 + might): ____ max (twice burdened): ____
Root® and Leder Games® logo and key art TM & © 2017 Leder Games. Text and design TM & © 2021 Magpie Games. All rights reserved.
The Seeker
You are an explorer by nature, interested in free-ranging discovery, delving into
ruins, and uncovering whatever secret wonders and ancient truths lie hidden
amid the Woodland.
_________________________________ Choose Your Nature
• fox, mouse, rabbit, bird, mole, ■ Explorer
Details Clear your exhaustion track when you
• he, she, they, shifting enter a ruin or other dangerous area of
• honest, traveled, whimsical, young the forest.
• trusty satchel, large and grandiose
hat, book of stamps, sturdy boots
Demeanor ■ Historian
• absentminded, driven, jovial, quiet
Clear your exhaustion track when you
refuse to allow someone to cover up or
Background obscure the truth.
Where do you call home?
____________ clearing
Your Connections
the forest
Your Drives
a place far from here
Why are you a vagabond? Partner
I want to wander the Woodland. ____________ and I have seen the
I’m seeking answers to a mystery choose two drives
wonders of the Woodland together.
I need to find and reconnect with
a loved one Justice What makes them a stalwart
companion on my travels?
I am pursuing a treasure Advance when you achieve justice
I stole and sold something precious When you fill in this connection, you each
for someone wronged by a powerful,
from someone dangerous mark 2-prestige with the faction you helped,
wealthy, or high-status individual. and mark 2-notoriety with the faction you
Whom have you left behind? Discovery harmed. During play, if you are spotted
together, then any prestige or notoriety gains
my family Advance when you encounter a new
my spouse or loved one with those factions are doubled for the two
wonder or ruin in the forests. of you.
my best friend
my fellow explorer Greed
my idol Advance when you secure a serious Peer
Which faction have you served payday or treasure. ____________ is famous for a discovery
the most? (mark two prestige for of their own. I greatly respect them!
appropriate group) What did they discover? How?
Advance when you finish a journey to a
If you share information with them after
With which faction have you clearing.
reading a tense situation, you both benefit
earned a special enmity? from the +1 for acting on the answers. If you
(mark one notoriety for help them while they attempt a roguish
appropriate group) feat, you gain choices on the help move as if
you had marked 2-exhaustion when you mark
your reputation
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
_________________ -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
notoriety prestige
Your Moves
Charm [-1] you get word on the street, then choose two more
Word on the Street
Cunning [+1]
When you spend time in a clearing talking with locals, roll with Finesse. On a
hit, you catch wind of a nearby unexplored wonder or ruin; someone promises
to take you to it for a fair fee (1-value). On a 7-9, the dangers make their price
steeper—an additional 1-value of coin or gear. On a miss, the location is under
Finesse [+1] threat—soon it will be plundered, destroyed, or claimed by another power.
Never Lost
Take two additional boxes of injury and depletion you can mark when
Luck [+1] you confront dangers within a ruin and a +1 ongoing to trusting fate and
performing roguish feats while exploring such ancient locales.
Treasurer Hunter
Might [+0] When you sell the treasures you found in a ruin at market, roll with
Cunning. On a hit, you find some buyers. On a 7-9, take 1. On a 10+, both:
• you get a good price; you get double what such findings are usually worth
add +1 to a stat of your choice, to a max of +2 • you are popular; mark two prestige with the controlling faction
On a miss, you still sell the items for a fair price, but someone powerful
injury takes offense at your plunder of such sacred sites.
Roguish Feats
general—more riches, information, a prize or trophy. On a 7-9, they want
something specific—a singular treasure, secret knowledge, a lost ritual. On a
start with marked feats miss, they mount a competing expedition based on what you have told them.
Pick pocket Watch the Signs
Blindside Sneak When you first attune yourself to a ruin or mysterious site by taking in its
Pick lock signs, symbols, particular traits, and layout, roll with Cunning. On a 10+, hold
Disable Device Sleight of hand 3. On a 7-9, hold 2. On a miss, you may mark an exhaustion to hold 1. While
Hide within that ruin or mysterious site, you can spend your hold 1 for 1 to:
• Identify the quickest path to the closest valuable treasure or knowledge
Weapon Skills • Disarm a trap or overcome a natural hazard without cost
• Name a character within reach about to suffer harm; you suffer it instead
choose one bolded weapon skill to start • Name a character in the ruin; you cross the distance to them instantly
Cleave Parry • Take cover in the ruin; ignore all harm from a single attack or catastrophe
Confuse Senses Quick Shot
Disarm Storm a Group Unstable Ground
Harry Trick Shot When you use a rough or chaotic environment—slippery rocks, a crowded
Improvise Vicious Strike market, etc—to gain an advantage over your opponents in a fight, you can
grapple them using Finesse instead of Might.
Equipment starting value: 8 carrying: ____ burdened (4 + might): ____ max (twice burdened): ____
Root® and Leder Games® logo and key art TM & © 2017 Leder Games. Text and design TM & © 2021 Magpie Games. All rights reserved.