Recrea Midterm

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Study Guide 2


✔ Different Leisure and Recreation
Facilities and Different Categories of
National Leisure Facilities
✔ Classification of Recreation
✔ Benefits of Providing Excellent
Customer Service
✔ Understanding Leisure and
Recreation Clientele Effective
Costumer Service
✔ 7 Rules for Effective Customer
Service Communication
✔ Effectiveness customer service in the
leisure and recreation industry
❑ Different Categories of National Leisure Facilities
National leisure facilities refer to public or private venues and spaces that are
designed to provide recreational and leisure activities for individuals and
communities on a national scale. These facilities can vary widely in terms of
their size, purpose, and the activities they offer. Some common types of national
leisure facilities include:
1. Sports Stadiums and Arenas:
These large venues are often
used for hosting national and
international sporting events,
such as football, basketball,
soccer, and concerts.

2. Amusement Parks: National

amusement parks offer a wide range
of rides, attractions, and
entertainment options for visitors of
all ages
3. National Parks: These protected natural areas
offer opportunities for outdoor recreation, including
hiking, camping, bird-watching, and more.

4. Cultural Centers and Museums: Facilities like

museums, art galleries, and cultural centers often
host national exhibitions and events to promote art,
history, and culture.

5.Recreation Centers: These facilities provide

indoor and outdoor spaces for activities like
swimming, fitness, group sports, and other leisure
6. Golf Courses: National golf courses are often
well-maintained and designed for championship
play, attracting golf enthusiasts from across the

7. Aquariums and Zoos: These facilities house a

wide variety of animals and aquatic life, providing
educational and recreational experiences for

8. Convention Centers: While primarily used for

business events, national convention centers can
also host large-scale entertainment and leisure
9. Cruise Ships: Some nations have
cruise ships that offer leisure cruises along
their coastlines or to international

10.Wildlife Reserves: These protected

areas conserve and showcase native
wildlife, offering opportunities for wildlife
viewing and environmental education.

National leisure facilities play a crucial role

in promoting physical and mental
well-being, tourism, and cultural
enrichment. They often receive
government support and investment to
ensure their accessibility and sustainability
for the enjoyment of the public.
❑ Classification of Recreation
Recreation can be broadly categorized into two main types:
active recreation and passive recreation. These categories
are based on the level of physical activity and engagement
involved in the recreational activity. Here's an explanation
of each type:
1. Active Recreation:

Physical Activity: Active recreation involves physical exertion and participation in

activities that require effort, movement, and skill.

Sports such as soccer, basketball, tennis, and hiking.
Adventure activities like rock climbing, kayaking, and mountain biking.
Exercise and fitness activities like jogging, swimming, and weightlifting.
Dancing, martial arts, and other physically demanding pursuits.

Benefits: Active recreation promotes physical fitness, improved health, and

enhanced coordination. It can also be socially engaging and competitive.
2. Passive Recreation:
Relaxation and Observation: Passive recreation, on the other hand, involves
less physical activity and is often centered around relaxation, observation, and
leisurely pursuits.
Reading a book or magazine.
Watching a movie, theater performance, or sports event.
Picnicking in a park or lounging on a beach.
Bird watching, stargazing, or simply enjoying the beauty of nature.

Benefits: Passive recreation provides opportunities for relaxation, stress

reduction, and mental rejuvenation. It allows individuals to enjoy leisure without
significant physical effort.

It's important to note that these two types of recreation are not mutually exclusive,
and many recreational activities may incorporate elements of both active and
passive participation. For example, going for a leisurely walk in a beautiful park
(passive) can also involve physical activity (active), while attending a sports event
(passive) can be emotionally engaging and exciting.
People often choose their recreational activities based on personal preferences,
interests, and physical capabilities. Both active and passive recreation have their
own unique benefits and can contribute to a balanced and fulfilling leisure lifestyle.
3. Physical and Mental. -Physical recreation is usually more
purposeful and planned than play, but it tends
to have a limited organizational structure.
Mental recreation anything that stimulates, activates or
enriches the mind.

Physical recreation Includes: Mental Recreation Includes:

Golf Arts and crafts.
Basketball Working in a community garden.
Running Woodworking.
Swimming Yog
Bowling a
Spending time with animals.

4.Public, Private and Commercial.

Commercial recreation means a Building or Lot or part thereof used solely for
recreation or entertainment purposes for profit or gain
Bingo halls
Dance halls
Bowling ally

❑ Understanding Leisure and Recreation Clientele Effective Costumer Service

1. Costumer service

Refers to the assistance and support provided by

a business or organization to its customers
before, during, and after they purchase a product
or service. It is a crucial aspect of maintaining
customer satisfaction and building positive
relationships with clients. Customer service
involves addressing customer inquiries, resolving
issues or complaints, and ensuring that
customers have a positive experience when
interacting with a company.
Costumer service plays a major role in attracting new
costumers and main source of this is

the powerful influence of the word of mouth.

Existing costumer who are impressed by the costumer service
at an organization will tell other people about it. This means
that an organization keeps its existing costumer as well as
gaining new ones.

❑ 7 Rules for Effective Customer

Service Communication
1. Personalize the interaction
Personalizing the interaction in customer service
involves tailoring your communication and support
to meet the specific needs and preferences of each
individual customer. It goes beyond generic or
scripted responses and aims to create a more
personalized and meaningful experience for
2. Avoid negative phrases.
Avoiding negative phrases in customer service is crucial for
maintaining a positive and helpful interaction with customers.
Negative language can escalate conflicts, frustrate customers,
and lead to a poor customer service experience. Here are some
examples of negative phrases to avoid,
✔ Negative: "I can't help you with that." Positive: "Let me find
the best solution for you."
✔ Negative: "That's not our policy." Positive: "Our policy is
typically this, but let me see what I can do for you in this
✔ Negative: "You're wrong." Positive: "I understand your
perspective, and I'd like to clarify."
✔ Negative: "There's nothing I can do." Positive: "I'm
committed to finding a solution for you."
✔ Negative: "You need to..." Positive: "You might consider..."

3. Use positive language with a touch of

means approaching interactions with customers in a way that conveys
understanding, support, and a willingness to help while maintaining a positive
and constructive tone. It involves using words and phrases that show empathy
and a commitment to resolving customer issues or concerns while keeping the
conversation positive and solution-oriented.
4. Listen closely and avoid interrupting
the customer.
Listening closely and avoiding interruptions in customer
service is a fundamental aspect of providing effective
support to customers. When you listen attentively
without interruption, you show respect for the
customer's perspective and give them the opportunity to
express their concerns fully

5. Use consistent brand vocabulary.

Using consistent brand vocabulary in customer service is essential for
maintaining a cohesive and professional image for your company. It involves
using specific words, phrases, and terminology that align with your brand's
identity and values when communicating with customers
6. Give thorough answers to technical
Providing thorough answers to technical questions
in customer service is crucial for ensuring that
customers receive the information they need to
resolve their issues or make informed decisions.
7. Make communication clear and concise.
Making communication clear and concise in customer service is
essential for ensuring that customers easily understand the
information or assistance you provide. Clear and concise
communication helps prevent misunderstandings, reduces
frustration, and enhances the overall customer experience.

These rules can help you provide exceptional

customer service communication, fostering
positive relationships with customers and
enhancing their overall experience with your
❑ Effectiveness customer service in the
leisure and recreation industry
● Attracting new costumers
● Retaining existing costumer
● Reinforcing customer satisfaction
● Securing repeat business
● Gaining an edge over the competition

❑ Benefits of Providing Excellent

Customer Service

1) It retains the customer

Naturally, when the customer is happy with your service, he will
stick back with your brand and will not shift to competitors. This in
itself is a big plus point for the company as customer retention is
far cheaper then customer acquisition.
2) Gets you more references
When you give good customer service, your customers talk about you to
others They tend to do so even more when they have been receiving good
quality service over a period of time. These references mean money to your
business. The more the references, the more customers acquired without
spending a dime.
3) Creates word of mouth
The word of mouth may travel to
many people, but everyone will not be a customer. Nonetheless, a good customer
service can generate excellent word of mouth.

4) Increases profitability
When your service is good, and the word of mouth and references are good, you will
acquire new customers at a fraction of the cost you were supposed to. A normal
business spends a lot in advertising, promotions and whatnot to get customers to
walk in to their doors. But with good customer service, all that is being done by
your existing customers. This ensures fantastic profitability as you are getting
maximum returns on the investment already done.

5) Gives you and your employees confidence

When a customer praises your business, it also boosts your employee morale.
Naturally, over a period of time, your confidence rises on your business and you
now know that giving good customer service is the key to build confidence in your
employees, who will be empowered enough to keep their customers happy.
Ultimately, your own internal customers are also happy.

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