Hobbies - Introduction To Hobbies and Types of Hobbies

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The main objectives of this lecture are:

 to understand the meaning and nature of hobby
 to understand the basic objectives of pursuing a hobby
 to learn the important characteristics of a hobby
 to understand the classifications and types of hobbies available
 to understand that the basic principles for selecting a hobby.

A hobby is a leisure-time activity in which interest is enjoyed over a
length of time. Basically, a hobby is an individual recreation pursuit which
permit the hobbyist to start and stop when he or she chooses. It can and often
does lead the hobbyist into group participation.
Hobbies are an encouraged by-product of leisure education because
they are lifelong leisure skills chosen because of their natural integration into
the individual lifestyle. A person chooses a hobby for its ability to satisfy
unique personal needs – whether those needs are physical or mental
development, recognition, monetary gain, or others. One individual might
chooses photography as a form of self-expression, while another is attracted
by its potential for profit making. A hobby’s appropriateness for an
individual is largely related to how the nature of the activity is agreeable to
that individual’s personality.

Values of Hobby
Hobbyists (person engaged in the hobby) do not become dependent on
the local leisure service agency to program their free time hours-the
possession of a hobby acknowledges people’s ability to pursue a self-
directed leisure activity over an extended period without any agency
dependency. In the true essence of leisure education, the leisure services
agency becomes a resources for hobbyists rather than a filler of frenzied
leisure hours. Therefore, recreation agencies are encouraged to schedule
hobby fair/exhibits that educate the public to the variety of hobbies they can
choose from.
A hobby provides ways in which an individual’s social and
psychological needs are met. The real value of a hobby depends to a large
extent on how well these needs are met and how much satisfaction of gained
through participation. Hobbies are a means of relaxation, but they can also
help alleviate boredom. They can provide opportunity for creative
expression as well as knowledge and learning skills. Above all, hobbies can
lead to social acceptance and recognition and can enhance the joy of living.
Objectives of Pursuing Hobbies
1) Enjoyment should be a high priority objective. The fun people have
when participating in an event, activity or contest is reason enough to
establish the program.
2) Release of tension associated with the pressures of life is another
important objective and participation serves to enhance mental and
emotional health.
3) Pursuing activity as a hobby provide an important carry-over value.
Interests and skills developed in these programs will positively
influence the future leisure time activities.
4) Skill development is another important outcome for many
participants. Through such activities hobbyist can attain a higher level
of skill which will be of value to them throughout their lives and assist
them in enjoying activities more.
5) Vigorous activities as hobby assist the young and old alike in attaining
and maintaining satisfactory levels of physical fitness. A good
program will provide non-competitive as well as competitive
6) Socialization and teamwork experiences are two additional goals that
can be reached through hobbies. A chance is provided to the
participant to meet and interact with others in an enjoyable and
meaningful manner.
Important characteristics of Hobbies
 Activity voluntarily chosen. The choice of activity or involvement is
voluntary, free of compulsion or obligation. However, one should also
accept the fact that, once one entered into an activity – one has to
accept a set of obligations to the other members of the team or group.
 Mostly carried within one’s leisure time. Hobby is widely regarded as
activity (including physical, mental, social, or emotional involvement)
as contrasted with sheer idleness or complete rest.
 Provides important values, pleasure and satisfaction. Prompted by
internal motivation and the desire to achieve personal satisfaction
rather than by extrinsic goals or rewards.
It is evident that people can use leisure time constructively or
destructively. One of the basic aim of hobbies activities and recreational
program is to teach the wise use of leisure time. People should be made
aware of the vital place that wholesome recreation can play in the full
enjoyment of life.
Classification and Types of Hobbies
The range and variety of hobbies are as broad as human interest.
Fundamentally, hobbies have been classified or type into four major
categories. Some examples of the various types of hobbies are listed below:
1. Collecting Hobbies
Collecting is a natural habit for many people and, the two most
popular collection hobbies are that of stamps and antiques. Collecting
hobbies are almost unlimited in scope and include coins, books, clocks, dolls,
autograph, sea shells, pebbles stones etc. Historic relics are one of the most
favourite among collectors.
2. Creating Hobbies
People have a great urge to create, construct or make. People’s desire
to create has been largely met by painting, writing, composing, inventing,
designing and making objects of various types and kinds. Hobbies constitute
one of the most effective ways to satisfy human creative urge.
3. Educational Hobbies
This large variety of activities involves the acquisition of knowledge
and the learning of new skills. Two of the most sought-after rewards of
educational hobbies are adventure and exploring. Quite often, an educational
hobby will also involve collecting books.
4. Performing Hobbies
Performing hobbies are based on the use of skills and have enjoyed
spectacular popularity since the ‘cultural and arts explosion’ began in the
1950s. Many people receive satisfaction from performing for others.
Selection of Hobby
In selecting a hobby, the individual considers a number of factors
including the space, equipment, time, local resources, money, skills, and
level of social contact needed to pursue it. For example, having limited
money and space might reduce the feasibility of antique collecting as a
hobby. No hobby should be forced on an individual, however, it is desirable
for recreators and their agencies to offer both motivation and leadership to
those with hobbies. Most of the leadership is applied indirectly although
hobby clubs and shows can be sponsored by an agency.
The selection and enjoyment of a hobby is often determined by a
number of factors. The common factors include the following:
 Space needed
 Time available
 Availability of money
 Interest of the activity
 Enjoyment level gained
 Cooperation of other people needed
 Acceptability of hobby
 Skills required
 Materials needed

There are countless hobbies that can be conveniently categorized into
creative, educational, collecting, or performing hobbies. Creative hobbies
involve the personal creation of art or utilitarian objects. Educational
hobbies involve the investigation of information and learning of material. In
the collecting hobby, the hobbyist is absorbed in gathering items of interest.
In performing hobby, the individual is engaged in an activity that involves
some physical performance.
Hobbyists quite often are interested in more than one hobby. For
example, an interest in an art may not only take the form of creating through
painting, but also may entail studying the mixing of colours, collecting
postal card size reproductions of artistic works, and studying the style of
eminent artists by visiting museums, exhibits, and doing research on the
Hobbies are often mistakenly viewed as activities for shut-ins or out
for individuals in the privacy of their attics. On the contrary, hobbies can be
active and group-oriented, such example being gardening, camping, travels,
dramatics and folk dancing. The development of common hobbies among
family members increases family cohesiveness.
Hobby should be seen as leisure time involvement that helps to enrich
one’s personality by balancing work, study and self-maintenance activities
with other kind of creative experience and self-expression. Today, pursuing
one’s hobby is seen as fully justified in its own right, existing side-by-side
with work as part of a holistic life framework, contributing both to the
quality of daily living and to the physical and mental health of the
participant. Constructive, creative and challenging leisure activity contribute
not only to one’s happiness but also to one’s competence and effective
functioning in a variety of spheres, including work, family and community.

Hobbies are an encouraged by-product of leisure education because
they are lifelong leisure skills chosen because of their natural integration into
the individual lifestyle. A hobby is an individual recreation pursuit which
permit the hobbyist to start and stop when he or she chooses, it can and often
does lead the hobbyist into group participation. Hobbyists (person engaged
in the hobby) do not become dependent on the local leisure service agency to
program their free time hours-the possession of a hobby acknowledges
people’s ability to pursue a self-directed leisure activity without any
dependency.A hobby provides ways in which an individual’s social and
psychological needs are met. The real value of a hobby depends to a large
extent on how well these needs are met and how much satisfaction is gained
through participation. The main objective of hobby is enjoyment and
desirably it should be a socially acceptable activities.
An important characteristics of hobbies is that, the activity is
voluntarily chosen, carried within one’s leisure time and, provides important
values, pleasure and satisfaction. It is evident that people can use leisure
time constructively or destructively. One of the basic aim of hobbies
activities and recreational program is to teach the wise use of leisure time.
People should be made aware of the vital place that wholesome recreation
can play in the full enjoyment of life.

Antiques:A collection of object such as a piece of furniture or work of art
that has a high value because of its age and quality.
Creating: Refers to an outcome of creative work, to make something new.
Educational: A process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of new
knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits.
Leisure: The time when one is not working or occupied, free time. Time
free from demand of work or duty.
Obligation: An act or course of action in which a person is morally and
legally bound, a duty or commitment.
Performing:To carry out, accomplish, or to fulfil an action, task or function.
Satisfaction:Fulfilling expectations or needs, acceptable though may not be
outstanding or perfect.
Vigorous:Forceful with good physical strength and good health.
Voluntary: An act done or given of one’s free will, to do work without any
demand for payment.


1) What do you understand about hobbies?

Ans. Hobbies are an encouraged by-product of leisure education

because they are lifelong leisure skills chosen because of their natural
integration into the individual lifestyle.

2) What is role of leisure services agency?

Ans. The leisure services agency roles is to become a resource for

hobbyists rather than a filler of frenzied leisure hours.

3) What is considered to be an important outcome of hobby/leisure


Ans.Skill development is another important outcome of hobby/leisure

pursue for many participants.

4) What do you mean by voluntarily chosen activity?

Ans. It means the choice of activity or involvement is voluntary, free

of compulsion or obligation.

5) What do you mean by educational hobbies?

Ans. Educational hobbies are those that involves the acquisition of

knowledge and the learning of new skills.

6) What do you understand about performing hobbies?

Ans. A performing hobbies are those activities based on the use of


7) What are the factors to be considered while selecting a hobby?

Ans.In selecting a hobby, the individual considers a number of factors
including the space, equipment, time, local resources, money, skills,
and level of social contact needed to pursue it.

8) What must recreation agencies do to encourage those with


Ans.It is desirable for recreators and their agencies to offer both

motivation and leadership to those with hobbies.

9) How can one satisfy human creative urge?

Ans.Hobbies constitute one of the most effective ways to satisfy

human creative urge.

10) What are the two ways people uses their leisure time?

Ans.People mostly used their leisure time either constructively or


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