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Journal of Environmental Science and Management 20-2: 54-67 (December 2017) ISSN 0119-1144

Threats on the Natural Stand of Philippine Teak

along Verde Island Passage Marine Corridor
(VIPMC), Southern Luzon, Philippines


This study documents the threats of the critically endangered Tectona Romel U. Briones1*
philippinensis in the backdrop of the past conservation policies and projects. Twelve Edwin R. Tadiosa2
20m x 50m plots were distributed in three altitudinal strata (S1= 50 – 100 m asl, S2= Antonio C. Manila3
150 to 200 m asl, and S3= 250 – 300 m asl) using stratified random sampling. Every
tree was examined to detect presence of pest and diseases on foliage, stem, buttress 1
Tropical Forestry Department
and exposed root system. Threats of anomalous weather patterns like intense drought College of Agriculture and Forestry –
and human disturbances were also recorded. Leaf skeletonizers, shotholes, buttrot, BatStateU Lobo Campus
heartrot, rootrot, illegal harvesting, charcoal making, wind damages, and intense dry Batangas State University,
season are among the most alarming threats of T. philippinensis. Germinants and Rizal Avenue, Batangas City,
wildlings are most susceptible to wilting during intense drought during dry season. A Philippines 4200
number of interesting species of arthropods and macrofungi within the stand were also 2
Philippine National Herbarium
encountered. There are variations on the incidence and infection across altitudinal Botany Division, National Museum of
habitat and across diameter classes. Poles and standards at lower altitudinal habitat the Philippines, Manila
(<100 m asl) are the most disturbed and susceptible to the disturbances. Existing 3
Biodiversity Management Bureau
conservation and protection policies should be strictly implemented especially in Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife
hotspot habitats. Center, 1100 Diliman Quezon City,

Key words: Philippine Teak, critically endangered, forest survey, anthropogenic, *Corresponding author:
disease infection rmlbriones@yahoo.com


Anthropogenic disturbances such as habitat globe regarding the threats on the survival of endangered
conversion, over-exploitation and pollution are considered and endemic flora. At global scale, Lierop et al. (2015)
to be the most alarming threats to biodiversity. Along reported that between 2003 to 2012 approximately 67 M
with these, the impacts of climate change which causes ha (1.7%) of forest land burned annually, 85 M ha are
anomalous weather patterns as well as emergence of affected by insect pests, 28 M ha are affected by severe
pests and diseases add and amplify the stresses to species weather patterns especially in Asian region and 12.5
survival. If there will be no intervention, mass extinction M ha are disturbed by diseases. Some location specific
with adverse environmental consequences is highly studies include of Kim et al. (2016) which found out that
probable. According to Biello (2012), losing 21 percent of Korean fir trees was disturbed for longer than the last two
species in an ecosystem would result to 10% reduction in decades, potentially by the browsing of the seedlings by
biomass reduction. Species naturally extinct due to long- ungulate Siberian roe deer and by the physical hindrance
term shift on environment. Today, however, man-made of the dwarf bamboo in Hallasan National Park, Jeju
disturbances like degradation, over-exploitation, spread Island, Korea. Furthermore, competition with associated
of non-native species and disease accelerated the phase threes, herbs and shrubs can also affect growth and
of species endangerment and extinction (Patarkalashvili, survival of endemic trees (Kim et al. 2016). Habitat
2017). Reliable and updated data on natural and man- loss is also one of the main factors that contribute to the
made forest disturbances are important to understand genetic diversity reduction and reproductive failure of the
ecosystem condition, safeguard sustainable production endangered and endemic Santalum album in Indonesia
of ecosystem goods and services (Lierop et al. 2015). (Indrioko and Ratnaningrum 2015). Severe overcutting
and uprooting as well as disturbance through unmanaged
Several studies has been conducted around the human activities and increasing for fuel are the threats of
Journal of Environmental Science and Management Vol. 20 No. 2 (December 2017) 55
Phlomis aurea (Shaltout et al. 2004; Moustafa and Abd trees is essential for formulation of proactive conservation
El-Wahab 2013). Agathis australis has been reduced by and protection measures (Macpherson et al. 2017).
logging and fire however recent declines are primarily
due to ‘kauri dieback” a disease caused by Phytophthora This study documents the different environmental
agathidicida (Weir et al. 2015) and anthropogenic disturbances that threatened the
survival of T. philippinensis. Moreover, some notable
In the Philippines, endemic and endangered plants role of T. philippinensis forest on housing arthropods
are also facing eminent extinction due to deforestation and macrofungi diversity were also documented. This
and forest land conversions (Amoroso and Aspiras information can be used in developing and implementing
2011). Tectona philippinensis is a critically endangered conservation and protection projects to ensure the long-
and endemic flora with habitat concentration in southern term survival of this biological important and critically
Batangas and Iling Island of the Occidental Mindoro endangered flora.
province (Madulid and Agoo 1990). Past studies
regarding the population distribution and conservation MATERIALS AND METHODS
status of Philippine teak recorded the presence of various
potential threats (Caringal 2004 and Madulid and Agoo The Study Area
1990). Currently, there very limited information on the
existing environmental and anthropogenic threats of The study was conducted in Southeastern Batangas
T. philippinensis aside from some onsite observation particularly in the municipality of Lobo which lies
as part of pioneering studies. Previous studies focused between 130° 38’ 8” N latitude and 1210° 12’ 6” E
on population distribution (Caringal and Makahiya longitude (Figure 1). It is 36 km east of Batangas
2000), conservation status (Madulid and Agoo 1900; city and 170 km south of Manila and composed of 26
Caringal and Castillo 2002; and Caringal 2004) and on villages (barangays). This municipality, having areas rich
phytogeography and physiognomy (Caringal 2007). in plant species, large number of endemic species and
diverse range of habitat ranks 5th among the biodiversity
Studying threats on the natural stand of endangered hotspots in the Philippines.

Figure 1. The location of the study showing the three localities with the highest concentration of Philippine Teak along
Verde Island Passage.
56 Threats on the Philipine Teak along VIPMC
This area was generally composed of mountain
ranges which consist of volcanic materials of various
ages; it consists of igneous rocks formed during Upper
Miocene and Pliocene period; volcanic agglomerate (VA)
during Middle Miocene and Pliocene time; and Andesite
Basalt Series (N2V). Likewise, sedimentary rocks were
formed during Pliocene-Pliestocene; Mt. Santiago
Limestone (N3LS) during Upper Miocene-Pliocene as
well as Mapulo Limestone (N2LS), and recently formed
Alluvium. San Juan Metarocks (kpg) is also present in the
area, it consist of extensive metamorphosed sediments
and volcanic rocks made up chiefly of highly indurate
greywacke and ferruginous sandstone and shale with
occasional banded chert and basalt, andesite with some
volcanic agglomerate (MPDC Lobo 2000).

Climatic regime falls under type III in Corona’s and

type D in Thronthwaite, Moh and Schmidt’s classification
(Madulid and Agoo 1990). There are two pronounced
season in the locality, wet and dry. Dry season is prevalent
from November to April while wet season occurs from
June to October. Temperature ranges from 240-280°C.
Low rainfall distribution was recorded at 30 mm while
high distribution was noted in the month of August at 80
mm (MPDC Lobo 2000). Rainfall data for a three year Figure 7. Distribution of twelve sampling plots on three
period (1998-2000) gathered at the Lobo vicinities show altitudinal ranges in three local villages of
that the total average annual rainfall was 2,060.40 mm or Lobo, Batangas.
an overall all mean of 171.7 mm monthly (Wallace 2001).
Pests and Diseases Survey
Selection of Sampling Sites and Establishment of
Sampling Plots After the sampling plots have been laid out, survey
of Philippine teak within the plots was conducted. For this
Stratified random sampling was used in plot purpose, a survey form was used to gather information
selections. The survey was conducted to cover 544 trees on the pathological, entomological, anthropogenic
or roughly 10% of the population in Lobo Batangas. and environmental threats for each individual tree.
The altitudinal habitat ranges range of Philippine teak Included in the survey form are the basic biophysical and
is from from 50-300 msl (Pangga 2002; Caringal and geographical data of the sampling plots. Every Philippine
Castillo 2002) and by chances can also be found on 500 teak tree from wildlings to veteran was morphologically
msl (Caringal 2004). Since Philippine teak forest was examined for the presence of root, stem, and foliage
not confined on a certain area and scattered on different diseases. Symptoms and manifestation were recorded on
localities and mountain ranges in southeastern Batangas, every abnormalities and diseases encountered. Whenever
sampling plots were established on three selected villages fungal specimens are available from the diseased tree,
of Brgy. Balatbat, Sawang, and Biga, all have relatively they were collected and preserved for identification and
high population density. On this study, local habitats were verification. Other recognizable and possible pests like
classified and group on three altitudinal strata (S1= 50- insects and other arthropods that tend to post harm to the
100 m asl, S2= 150-200 m asl, and S3= 250-300 m asl). species were also documented and identified. Likewise,
Using proportional allocation method eight plots were whenever insects are not familiar to the researcher and
assigned to Strata 1, three plots on Strata 2, and one plot on-site identification was not possible, specimens were
on the third strata. A total of 12 plots with the dimension collected. Survey and identification were done both on
of 20m x 50m were distributed on three altitudinal strata transition period of summer and rainy season. After the
(Figure 2). identity of pests was established, its alternative hosts
were also searched. This was done on the summer were
the foliage of Philippine teak stand was diseased which
Journal of Environmental Science and Management Vol. 20 No. 2 (December 2017) 57
tend the parasites or defoliators to look for alternative anthropogenic disturbances such habitat destructions,
source of food on nearby the stand. Every identified shifting cultivations, extraction and land use conversion
abnormalities and threats were recorded and photographed were done throughout the span of the study.
for the purpose of documentations.
Identification of Pests and Causal Organisms
Disturbances and threats to Philippine teak were
The specimens collected during the survey were classified into three general categories. First is the pest
preserved for proper identification. Fruiting bodies of and diseases which include major wood rotting and leaf
wood rooting fungi were dried and put in papers bags diseases, insect pests, and strangles and twiners. Seconds
which are used as temporary storage and to transport threats induced by anomalous climate such as strong
for identification. Soft-bodied insect specimens were wind and excessive rainfall brought about by tradewinds
preserved using preservative chemicals inside vials as and typhoons. Lastly are threats by human which include
containers. Technical knowledge and background of unauthorized cutting for poles and charcoal as well
the researcher in pathology and entomology were the damaged/slashed stem from various human activities
primary tools used to identify the causal agents like fungi inside the forest like fuel wood and fodder gathering.
for the diseases and insects for the pests. Handbooks
are used as identification key to establish the initial Pest and diseases on Philippine teak forest
identity of the fungi. Collected specimens were brought
to the experts for validation and confirmation of the Insect pest is one of the important emerging causes
initially established identity of the causal organism. Key of forest decline in around the world especially in
handbooks for insects and other arthropods were also temperate country (Lierop et al. 2015). However, there
used in initial identification for insect pests. Consultation are considerable insect pests in the tropics including
to several entomologist and pathologists/ mycologists for Tectona philippinensis. The most obvious pest is a
were done to validate the initial identification done by leaf skeletonizer which is larva of a moth from family
the researchers. Pyralidae of order Lepidoptera (Figure 3). It appears
on rainy season probably from June to last part of the
Documentation of Other Environmental and month of December when the stand has succulent foliage
Anthropogenic Factors for larva to feed on. The larval feed on the younger leaf
tissue leaving the midrib and vein structures. The detailed
Field observations and documentations on

Figure 3. The leaf skeletonizer of Philippine teak showing its (a) eggs laid under the leaf, (b) partially skeletonized leaf
(c) larvae consuming the leaf, (d) adult moth (e) a larvae which about to pupate under P. teak bark, and (f)
heavily defoliated saplings.
58 Threats on the Philipine Teak along VIPMC
life cycle and biological information of the Philippine characterized by decaying of roots frequently connected
teak skeletonizer were not yet determined in this study from the occurrence of butt rot and heart rot in a tree.
and only baseline information about its life cycle and Open wound of the bark or stem serve as entry point for
physical feature was established. The moth laid their eggs fungi. This linked and interconnectedness of different
beneath the surface of the leaf and after 2- 4 days hatched disturbances are natural and common both in tropical and
and start to feed on the leaf. Its pupal stage may last for temperate forest around the world (Lierop et al. 2015).
about 4 to 5 days before the new adult emerges. Larva The class of fungi responsible for almost all of wood
measure about 15 mm yellowish in color with pair spiny rotting fungal diseases belongs to the Basidiomycetes
transparent hair on each segment while the adult was which was noticeable for their fruiting bodies. Among
light brown in color light-brown to dark brown toward to the wood rotting fungi found to have fruiting bodies in
wing tip. The head, thorax and abdomen are white and it the natural stand of Philippine teak were Auricularia
has a wing span of about 20 to 25 mm (Figure 4) across. mesenterica (Dicks.) Pres, Auricularia auricula,
Leaf skeletonizer consume mostly succulent young Cantharellus infundibuliformis, Daedalea palisoti, Fomes
leaves, although it may not totally kill the host tree, it sp., Ganoderma lucidum, Hexagonia apiaria, Lenzites
can bring significant effect to growth rate the host tree betulina, Panus rudis, Polyporus abieta and Polyporus sp.
by dramatically reducing the photosynthesis and growth
increment. In the case of Philippine teak, defoliation by These diseases may not totally kill the tree but it has
this insect as well as its effect may only last until foliage severe effect on its vitality. Infected stems lose much of its
before the onset of summer from January to March. structural support to upper branches and to the crown. As
in the case of Philippine teak in southeastern Batangas,
Three most common wood rotting fungal diseases majority of natural stand was located uphill from 50 m asl
were studied and documented on the natural stand of to 300 m asl and directly facing the sea, presence of wood
Philippine teak (Figure 4). The heart rot which denoted rotting fungal diseases increases their susceptibility to be
by the rotting of the heartwood leaving the sapwood blown down or uprooted by strong wind during cyclone
and phloem, the butt rot which is characterized by the and strong monsoon. Foliage diseases like shot holes and
rotting of heartwood and some portion of sapwood that is leaf spot were also observed (Figure 5). Cercospora sp.
confined to the base of the tree, and the root rot which is is the most probable causal organism which is the most

Figure 4. Different wood rotting fungal diseases of Philippine teak: (a) standard sized tree infected with butt rot, (b)
standard sized tree with trunk rot, (c) pole infected with root rot, (d) sapling arise from stump infected with
hearth rot, (e) pole sized with heart rot, and (f) a pole arises from stump with heart rot.
Journal of Environmental Science and Management Vol. 20 No. 2 (December 2017) 59

Figure 5. Leafspot and shotholes of Philippine teak which suspected to cause by Cercospora sp with the following
features: (a) scattered circular holes after necrotic tissue falls, (b) leafspot, (c) & (d) infected leaves.

common for brown spot of hardwood species recorded per year. Lobo which is a coastal town in southern
in the Philippines base from the study of Militante and Batangas is one of area affected by these natural
Manalo (1990) and by Quiniones and Dayan (1988). This phenomena.
genus also causes major losses in agriculture and forestry
around the globe (Zeng et al. 2017). As of now, the lack Temperature will continue to rise on the following
of efforts to control or address these fungal diseases can decades which will affect all ecosystem of the world
contribute to uncertainty of the future of this critically particularly the forest. Scientist predicted that several
endangered tree species (Wyse et al. 2014). species of plants will move on higher elevations as
the temperature get warmer. Fungal activities and
Vines, stranglers and twiners are enormously found proliferations are also affected due to shift of temperature
in the natural stand of Philippine teak. These plants bring along altitudinal gradient (Cordier et al. 2012). Extinction
significant effect to stand by suppressing the growth of of plants and animals especially those that are endemic
wildlings and saplings. There are many instances that and sensitive to climatic changes are inevitable. The
regenerants and wildlings were totally gulp down by effect of this weather condition was apparent on the stand
these plants putting too much stress on upward growth of Philippine teak. Intense heat and severe drought lead
the stem which resulted to stunted growth. to desiccation of its regenerants and wildlings. These
conditions were further aggravated with unfavorable soil
Disturbances by anomalous weather patterns condition on the habitat of Philippine teak which results
to massive wilting and eventually death of wildlings and
Aside from the defoliator and wood rotting regenerants (Figure 7). If the present trend continue,
diseases, other natural threats found on the natural stand sudden population decline in the next few years is
of Philippine teak were damages due to strong wind, vines inevitable. Moreover, there is also very risk of occurrence
and stranglers, and effects of climate change (Figure 6). wild fires because of high amount dry forest litters and
Philippines were frequently visited by strong monsoon branches which so combustible at very low moisture
and cyclonic typhoon which averages 20 typhoons content that can spontaneously ignited by intense heat.
60 Threats on the Philipine Teak along VIPMC

Figure 6. Other natural and anthropogenic threats on the natural stand of Philippine teak: (a) sapling entangled with
woody vines, (b) sapling wind slashed bark (c) stump of a harvested pole, (d) and (g) desiccated leaves due
to extreme heat and drought, (e) a pole size tree with cut branches, and (f) a standard size brown down by
strong wind, and (g) leafless stand Philippine teak during intense summer.

Figure 7. (a) Panoramic view of northern part of Lobo Batangas which include Mt.Banoy during the onset of summer,
(b) a leafless regenerants in a very dry and rocky soil (c) leafless Philippine teak forest (d) Philippine teak
forest adjacent to the sea.
Journal of Environmental Science and Management Vol. 20 No. 2 (December 2017) 61
Anthropogenic disturbances during the seasonal transition when insect’s activity and
food source are dramatically decreasing. But during
A municipal ordinance that was enacted on 2003 the preliminary survey conducted last July 2009, it was
that prohibits the cutting and gathering of Philippine estimated that 90-100% of the stand was colonized by
teak however illegal cutting and harvesting is still being this defoliator. Although it doesn’t consider as direct
practice. Harvesting of the stem is being committed threats, rate of presence of other insects and arthropods
primarily for domestic uses such house and furniture was included in the listing with 63.6 % occurrence on the
construction but in some cases for charcoal production stand. Moving from tree to tree to source out for food,
(Figure 6). There is also large number of damaged these organisms may be vector for the spread of wood
and slashed stem due to various human like firewood rotting diseases by carrying the spores from infected tree
and fodder gathering. One of the reasons that drive to healthy one. Furthermore, fungal diversity with is high
local community to harvest this protected tree is that it on T. philippinensis are correlated to tree diversity on
possesses good quality of wood making it suitable for which can contribute to high incidence of fungal diseases
building material. Even in the past, its wood together with (Nguyen et al. 2016).
other premium hardwoods like molave (Vitex parviflora)
and dungon (Heritiera sylvatica) were used as building On the other hand, leaf diseases in the form of
material for galleon ship that plied the Manila-Acapulco leaf spots and shotholes recoded 57.72% infection on
route during the Spanish era. Another reason, is the the population, all of them with observed symptoms.
proximity of its habitat to local villages making it readily Among the wood rotting diseases, trunk rot are the
accessible for consumption as the need for wood arises. most prevalent with 22.06% infection while root rot
This illegal harvesting activity threatened the longterm being the less conspicuous has lowest with 5.7%. Other
survival of T. philippinensis and sustainable functioning natural threats like presence of entanglers and veins and
of the forest stand (Ploeg et al. 2017). casualties due to strong wind are also common with
40.44% and 2.57% respectively. Considerable part of
Extent of damage and infection population (8.64%) was harvested by local community
for domestic consumption. The researchers observed the
There were 11 observed threats and disturbances in human disturbances are still the most important threats to
the natural stand of the T. philippinensis. Of these, six the natural stand of T. philippinensis.
are under pest and diseases, two are man-induced and
three are due to extreme weather patterns (Table 1). Disturbances across altitudinal habitat
Defoliators parasitized 2.76 % of the trees survey. This
was fairly low in terms of severity and may seem not so Of the 544 trees, majority (74%) were surveyed within
alarming. This was because the actual survey was done 50-100 m asl followed by 150-200 m asl and 300 -350

Table 1. Summary table of percentages of occurrence of all identified threats on the natural stand of Philippine teak.
Different Threats Total Number of Trees Number of Tree Infected/ Percentage (%)
Surveyed Affected
Pest and diseases
Defoliator/ Skeletonizer 544 15 2.76
*Other arthropods 544 346 63.60
Butt rot 544 97 17.83
Trunk rot 544 120 22.06
Root rot 544 31 5.70
Leaf spot/shotholes 544 314 57.72
With stranglers and twiners 544 220 40.44
Anthropogenic threats
Slashed bark and stem 544 159 29.23
Pole and wood harvesting 544 47 8.64
Other natural threats
Wind damages
(Broken branches and stem) 544 75 13.79
(Totally uprooted) 544 14 2.57
Desiccated regenerants due to intense dry season 544 223 42.83
62 Threats on the Philipine Teak along VIPMC
m asl with 16% and 10% respectively. Clearly, T. fungi has also been observed by Terhonen et al. (2011)
philippinensis primary habitat is low elevated coastal and Millberg et al. (2015).
areas along southeastern Batangas coast (Caringal
2004). Frequency of disturbances and threats across Twiners and stranglers suppress the growth of
the three altitudinal habitat was examined to determine regenerants that are mostly located at lower altitude (50-
variations. Results showed that wood rotting diseases 100 m asl). Disturbance from extreme weather patterns
such as butt rot, trunk rot and root rot are most prevalent such as strong wind is highest in middle altitude (150-200
within 150 to 200 m altitudinal habitat with 40%, 46% m asl) with 30% of trees damaged in the form of broken
and 13% infection of the total surveyed trees respectively branches and splits while and 5% were totally blown
(Table 2). It is interesting to note that on this elevation down. Wounds from the broken branches will serve as
range, there is also highest incidence (30%) of damage entry point (Eusebio 1998) for wood rooting fungi.
stem and branches probably due to strong wind during
monsoon and typhoons. Moreover, this is high number High incidence of illegal harvesting and forest
insects and arthropods thriving under the flaky bark of related activities inside the Philippine teak forest were
T. philippinensis within this altitudinal habitat. These found within 50 to 100 m asl. Inside this altitudinal
two factors together damaging human activities are the range, 33.83% out of 405 trees surveyed were found to
suspected cause for high occurrences of wood rotting have damaged stem as result of various human activities.
diseases within this elevation as pointed out by Eusebio Similarly, prevalence of illegal harvesting for pole and
(1998) and Tadiosa (1998). Variation on infection of charcoal making were observed in the same range with
wood rotting fungi across elevation gradient can be 11.60% out of 405 trees surveyed was utilized for these
attributed to differences on microclimatic factors such purposes. These areas are near to the communities which
as moisture, temperature, relative humidity, and wind are the immediate utilizers of wood and other derivatives
velocity and direction can affect the fungal composition, of Philippine teak. On the other hand, there are observed
activity, and growth within a given area as pointed out sudden decreased of those mentioned threats as the
by Cordier et al. (2012) and Tadiosa (1998). Meanwhile, elevation increases. Altitudinal habitat from 300m asl
P. teak skeletonizers are almost equally present in all to 350 m asl has 9.62% stem damage and no observed
altitudinal habitat while leaf diseases such as skeletonizer, harvesting. These habitat areas are of steep slopes and far
leafspots and shotholes are more prevalent within 50-100 enough for immediate consumption of local communities.
m altitudinal habitat while least incidence within higher
altitudinal habitat (300-350 m asl). Disturbances across diameter classes

These variations in geographical scales of foliar A total of 544 trees were surveyed composed of
62 wildlings, 196 saplings, 266 poles, and 20 standards
with corresponding percentage of 11%, 36%, 49%, and
Table 2. Frequency and the corresponding percentage of 4% respectively. There was no veteran tree encountered
natural and anthropogenic threats on the three- but there were 4224+ regenerants counted within the 12
altitudinal habitat of T. philippinensis. established plots from elevation of 50 m asl to 300 m asl.
Altitudinal habitat range (msl) Incidence wood rotting diseases is directly proportional
50-100 150-200 300-350 with the age and diameter of the trees. Around half of
Disturbances and Number of individuals surveyed the standard was infected of butt rot (45%) and trunk rot
threats (60%) which are also prevalent also among the associated
405 87 52
trees in the area (Table 3). Although there is no recorded
Frequency of infection/ damage
occurrences of root rot yet in the Philippines (Eusebio
Butt rot 52(13) 35(40) 10(19) 1998), 10% of the standard suspected to have root rot
Trunk rot 74(18) 40(46) 6(12)
with obvious and observable symptoms. Wildlings and
Root rot 11(3) 13(15) 7(13)
saplings have the lowest rate of occurrence of wood
Twiners and stranglers 181(45) 14(16) 25(48)
Leaf Skeletonizer 11(3) 2(2) 2(4) rooting diseases with 8.06% and 13.78% infection of butt
Leaf Spot 90(22) 4(5) 0(0) rot, 4.84% and 3.23% infection of trunk rot, and 3.23%
Shootholes 188(46) 32(37) 0(0) and 4.08% infection of root rot. These occurrences may
Broken/damaged stem 44(11) 26(30) 5(10) be surprising for saplings and wildling but it worth
Uprooted 9(2) 4(5) 1(2) noting that these infection cases are coppices arises from
with Slashed on stem 137(34) 17(20) 5(10) infected trees. Like most of tree species in the natural
Harvested 47(12) 0(0) 0(0) forest, susceptibility to wood rotting diseases increases
Journal of Environmental Science and Management Vol. 20 No. 2 (December 2017) 63

Table 3. Frequency and the corresponding percentage of natural and anthropogenic threats on different diameter class
of T. philippinensis.
Diameter class
Wildlings Saplings Pole Standard
Number of trees surveyed
Disturbances and threats
62 196 266 20
Frequency of infection/ damage
Butt rot 5(8%) 27(14%) 56(21%) 9(45%)
Trunk rot 3(5%) 33(17%) 66(25%) 12(60%)
Root rot 2(3%) 8(4%) 19(7%) 2(10%)
Twiners and stranglers 25(40%) 89(45%) 93(35%) 13(65%)
Leaf Skeletonizer 9(15%) 42(21%) 36(14%) 7(35%)
Leaf Spot 1(2%) 8(4%) 3(1%) 3(15%)
Shootholes 17(27%) 79(40%) 112(42%) 12(60%)
Broken/damaged stem 2(3%) 36(18%) 43(16%) 4(20%)
Uprooted 1(2%) 2(1%) 8(3%) 3(15%)
with Slashed on stem 2(3%) 36(18%) 43(16%) 4(20%)
Harvested 1(2%) 8(4%) 40(15%) 0(0%)

as the age and diameter of the trees increases. the regenerants because of the intense heat and drought.
Wildlings are the most reactive to drought and heat with
Likewise, prevalence of leaf diseases leaf diseases more than half defoliated follow by saplings with 50%
and skeletonizers are higher among larger diameter while larger diameter trees are more resistant to drought
classes. Standards has highest remaining infection from due to deeper root system that can tapped the deeper soil
rainy season to the unset of the summer with 15% of moisture.
20 individual surveyed were still parasitized. This was
significantly higher that the three remaining classes: Notes on Arthropods and macrofungi diversity in
wildlings, sapling, and pole with 1.61%, 4.08%, and Philippine teak forest
1.13% respectively. It was also observed that larger
diameter classes have also higher foliage volume which Aside from the leaf skeletonizer, a number of insects
took longer to shed off. As a result, they were observed to and other arthropods was encountered and documented
have much remaining foliage which is still good source (Figure 8). These organisms were not regarded as pest
of food for the leaf skeletonizer and infection courts because almost all of them were not feeding from the
for pathogens as compared to trees of smaller diameter tree or posting any harm on it. Majority of the insects
class. Wind damages like broken branches and blown and other arthropods are found in the rigid flaky bark of
down trees were also higher for pole and standard than Philippine teak which served as a very good shelter against
in wildlings and saplings. Damages from this natural predators, extreme temperature, and unfavorable weather
factors together with anthropogenic impact produce conditions. Among the insect found are (several species
wounds which serves as infection court or entry points for each order): silverfish (Order Thysanura), ants (Order
for pores carried by mobile insects and other arthropods Hymenoptera), crickets (Order Orthoptera), cockroaches
(Eusebio 1998). (Order Blattodea), moths (Order Lepidoptera),
praying mantis (Order Mantodea), stick insects (Order
Among the potential anthropogenic threats pointed Phasmatodea), termites (Order Isoptera), beetles (Order
out by Madulid and Agoo (1990) and Caringal and Castillo Coleoptera), and Scorpio flies (Order Mecoptera) (Figure
(2002), utilization of Philippine teak for charcoal and pole 8). Other arthropods encountered are from the classes
was observed in the field having the poles to be the most of Arachnida which includes spiders (Order Aranae)
exploited with 15% as shown in table 3. Similarly, larger and scorpion (Order Scorpiones), Diplopoda which
diameter classes were also the most affected by other include cylinder millipedes (Julus sp.) and flat backed-
human activities inside the Philippine teak forest resulted millipedes (Polydesmus species), and Chilopoda (Order
to 16% of poles and 20% of standard found to have stem Scolopendrida). Other invertebrate such as forest snail
damages like slashed and cut. The effects of seasonal (Gastropods) was also found hibernating from the intense
defoliation have been observed to be fatal now among summer under the bark. These arthropods are performing
64 Threats on the Philipine Teak along VIPMC

Figure 8. Other insect species found in the Philippine teak: (a) snout beetle (Curculionidae), (b) Tenebrionid beetle,
(c) predatory ground beetle (Carabidae), (d) mealybugs with ants (Pseudococcidae), (e) silverfish
(Thysanura), (f) walkingstick (Phasmida) (g) Scorpio flies (Mecoptera), (h) termites (Isoptera), (i) tussock
moth (Lymantriidae), (j) unkown specie (k) cockroaches (Blattodea), (l) cricket (Gryllidae), (m) tropical
green ant (Oecoplylla smaragdina), (n) white ants (hymenoptera), (o) brown moth (Pyralidae), (p) black ant
(Dolichoderus), and (q ) mantis (Phasmatodea).

specifics ecological functions which contribute to to cause the butt rot, heart rot and root rot of the Philippine
maintenance of functioning forest ecosystem . Even teak. With their presence, it is also worth mentioning that
though documentation about this is not one of the main there is a high diversity of fungi in the natural stand of
objectives of this study, it is worth mentioning that Philippine teak.
Philippine teak houses high diversity of invertebrates

A number of macro fungi was also found in Despite recent conservation and protection efforts
Philippine teak forest (Figure 9). The class of fungi of the local government, there are notable anthropogenic
which responsible for almost all of wood rotting diseases threats to T. philippinensis including illegal harvesting for
are belongs to Basidiomycetes which was notable for domestic poles and lumber even for charcoal production.
their fruiting bodies. They are sometimes regarded as These disturbances together with wind damages increase
macroscopic fungi because of their conspicuous and large the risk to wood rotting diseases like butt rot, heart rot
fruiting bodies. Among the wood rotting fungi found to and root rot which are already prevalent within the stand.
have fruiting bodies in the natural stand of Philippine teak There were observed defoliator and leaf diseases in the
were Auricularia mesenterica (Dicks.) Pres, Auricularia stand with lesser threat to its survival. Variation on the
auricula, Cantharellus infundibuliformis, Daedalea extent and frequency for both leaf and wood diseases
palisoti, Fomes sp., Ganoderam lucidum, Hexagonia across altitudinal habitat range and across diameter class.
apiaria, Lenzites betulina, Panus rudis, Polyporus abieta Upper diameter classes (pole and standard) at lower
and Polyporus sp. (Figure 9). These fungi were suspected habitat range (<100 m asl) are most threatened both
Journal of Environmental Science and Management Vol. 20 No. 2 (December 2017) 65

Figure 9. Different wood rotting fungi which can cause heart rot diseases on the natural stand of Philippine teak:
(a) Polyporus sp., (b) Ganoderma lucidum, (c) Polyporus abietina, (d) Cantharellus infundibuliformis, (e)
Hexagonia apiaria (Pers.) Fr. (f) Auricularia mesenterica (Dicks.) Pers., (g) Daedalea palisoti, Fr., (h) Panus
rudis, (i) Lenzites betulina, (j) Auricularia auricula, (k) Fomes sp., and (l) Ganoderma applanatum.

naturally and anthropogenically. Philippine teak was be reiterated to the local community especially those
also directly affected with the impacts of climate residing at close proximity. Furthermore, Philippine teak
change. Increasing intensity of heat and drought during can be included on priority species for reforestation/
summer was also a major challenge to the survival of afforestation programs such as National Greening
the regenerants. Ex-situ propagation of teaklets to Program (NGP). Regular inventory and other monitoring
assist natural regeneration can be good intervention to mechanisms must be initiated and institutionalized to
ensure continuous survival. Philippine teak also serves tract status. Comprehensive studies on biology of pests
as an important function for a number of insects and and diseases, arthropods and macrofungi diversity, and
other species of arthropods sheltering under its bark. climate change sensitivity must be done to provide more
Moreover, a number of species of macrofungi was also basis in ensuring its survival.
documented within the natural stand. This observation
adds to its existing ecological importance. However, REFERENCES
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