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J. Bio. & Env. Sci.


Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES)

ISSN: 2220-6663 (Print) 2222-3045 (Online)
Vol. 15, No. 3, p. 88-102, 2019


Species composition and diversity in a natural and reforested

mangrove forests in Panguil Bay, Mindanao, Philippines

Psyche Karren Ann S Osing*, Manuel Anthony P Jondonero, Peter D Suson,

Jaime Q Guihawan, Ruben F Amparado Jr

Environmental Science Graduate Program, Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science

and Mathematics, Mindanao State University, Iligan Institute of Technology, Iligan City,

Article published on September 30, 2019

Key words: mangroves, natural mangrove forest, reforested mangrove forest, composition, diversity.

Mangroves are recognized as one of the richest ecosystems worldwide. Despite their importance and the efforts to
preserve and protect these ecosystems, threats are still prevalent. Thus, in order to contribute in the preservation
and protection of the remaining mangrove ecosystems, this study was conducted with the aim of determining the
species composition and diversity of the natural mangrove forest in Barangay Matampay Bucana and the reforested
mangrove forest in Barangay Mukas in Panguil Bay. This inventory is a benchmark study to determine the
biodiversity of the mangrove species in both sites. It is then implied that any change in species composition and
diversity may be attributed to human intervention. Transect-quadrat method was employed in gathering the data. A
100% inventory of mangrove species inside each 10x10m quadrat was done. Species composition data revealed ten
true mangrove species and three mangrove associates. It was found that the natural forest hosts eight true
mangrove species while the reforested forest have only five true mangrove species but it also host three mangrove
associates. There are three species common to the two forests namely; Avicennia alba, Bruguiera parviflora and
Rhizophora mucronata. The study also revealed that the reforested forests has slightly higher diversity index than
of the natural forests. However, the two forests are classified as very low in diversity index according to categories
classified by Fernando (1998). The differences in composition and diversity of each forest were attributed to the
type of forests- natural and reforested, and to their geographical location.
*Corresponding Author: Psyche Karren Ann S  Osing [email protected]

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Introduction of mangrove species. According to McKee et al. (2007)

Mangrove ecosystems play crucial roles in their species diversity and abundance within mangrove
ecological integrity and provide valuable ecosystem forests determine how well the system can function
services. It is recognized as one of the world’s richest and provide services. Thus, the more diverse forests
ecosystem. They serve as habitat for many aquatic offer higher delivery of ecosystem goods and services.
and terrestrial organisms and provide direct Nevertheless, only about 35% of the remaining
economic contribution in forms of timber, firewood, mangrove forests in the country are protected by
fiber and other products which can be harvested national laws (Cudiamat & Rodriguez, 2017).
(Kathiresan & Bingham, 2001). However, despite
their ecological and economic importance, mangroves Albeit, greater conservation and localized replanting
are becoming vulnerable to degradation and loss efforts, mangrove degradation is still anticipated in
worldwide. They have become ideal areas for the Philippines (Samson & Rollon 2008). The
conversion to commercial and industrial activities importance of mangroves seemed to be undervalued
because of their accessibility. by many. Massive conversion and overexploitation
have been noted as one of the main threats to the

Globally, already half of the mangrove forests have existence of these ecosystems. However, these

been lost since the mid-twentieth century (Spalding, activities are still active today. Panguil Bay, in
particular, was included in the critical list of Fisheries
Blasco & Field, 1997). Over the last 50 years, one-
Sector Program due to observed environmental
third of the world’s mangroves were already lost
degradation (Philippine Journal of Development,
(McLEod & Salm, 2006). According to Valiela et al.
2004). Thus, to preserve and protect the remaining
(2001), maricultural activities accounts to about 52%
mangrove forest in the area, their assessment is
of the destruction of mangrove forests. Other
greatly needed (Kauffman et al., 2011).
activities such as coastal development, aquaculture,
pollution and overharvesting had also led to loss of
Hence, this study generally aimed to provide an
mangrove forests.
inventory of mangrove species and species diversity of

In the Philippines, continuous decline of mangrove natural and reforested mangrove forests in Panguil

forests is also noticeable (Gevaña & Pampolina, Bay. Specifically, it sought to determine the species
composition, taxonomic classification, morphological
2009). Brown and Fischer (1920) noted that in 1918
characteristics, and conservation status of the
the mangrove forest in the country was estimated to
determined mangrove species and the similarities and
occupy between 400,000 and 500,000 Hectares
differences of mangrove species present in the two
while the recent data of 247,362 hectares (Forest
mangrove forests. This inventory is a benchmark
Management Bureau, 2007 as cited by Garcia et al.,
study to determine the biodiversity of the mangrove
2013) indicates that already half of the estimated
species in both sites. It is then implied that any
mangrove cover was already lost. It is quite alarming
change in species composition and diversity may be
that with the existing loss of mangrove cover, it still
attributed to human intervention.
continues to face threats. Among their major threats
is the conversion to fishponds for commercial fishing Materials and methods
and shrimp farming (Spalding et al., 1997). The Study Site
The study was conducted in the natural mangrove
Despite the threats and drastic decrease in the forest of Barangay Matampay Bucana of the
mangrove areas, the country is still noted as one of Municipality of Lala and the reforested mangrove
the countries which support a high number of true forest of Barangay Mukas of the Municipality of
mangrove species, having about 39 species belonging Kolambugan (see Fig. 1). These mangrove forests
to 16 families (Sinfuego & Buot, 2008). This fact extend in the coastal areas of the Province of Lanao
implies that the Philippines still holds high diversity del Norte in Northern Mindanao.

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Fig. 1. Geographic map showing the location of the two municipalities involved in the study.

Barangay Matampay Bucana is the sixth largest The loss of original vegetation in the coast of
barangay among the ten (10) coastal barangays of the Barangay Matampay Bucana was attributed to this
Municipality of Lala with a total land area of 322 activity. At present, it has an estimated mangrove
hectares. It is one the two migratory bird monitoring cover of 181.16 hectares (LiDAR, 2015). The Key
sites in Lanao del Norte. Fishponds are notably Informant Interview revealed that the natural growth
operated in the area. mangrove forest in Bonbonon, the study site in Brgy.

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Matampay Bucana where the study was conducted were calculated using the Shannon-Wiener’s Diversity
has been in existence for about 15 years. Index (Shannon & Weaver, 1963).
Shannon-Weiner Diversity (H’): 𝐻 ′ =
Barangay Mukas has the largest land area of 696 − ∑𝑠𝑖=1(𝑝𝑖 𝑥 ln 𝑝𝑖),
hectares among the 12 coastal barangays of the
Municipality of Kolambugan. The barangay has an Where S as the total number of species, pi as the
approximate total mangrove cover of 71.48 hectares proportion of individuals to the ith species expressed as
(LiDAR, 2015). Barangay Mukas together with a portion of the total cover and ln as the log base of n.
Barangay Matampay Bucana are listed as migratory The diversity values for Shannon-Weiner classified
bird monitoring sites in the province. based on a scale developed by Fernando (1998) is
presented in Table 1.
Similar to Barangay Matampay Bucana, fishponds
also caused the destruction of the natural vegetation Table 1. Classification of Diversity Values.
of its mangrove ecosystem. Reclamation of mangrove Relative Values H’ Values
areas for residential and other infrastructures is also Very High > 3.50
High 3.00 – 3.49
apparent. Fortunately, according to the locals, non- Moderate 2.50 – 2.99
government organizations had initiated the Low 2.00 – 2.49
Very Low < 1.99
reforestation of the mangrove forest in the area.
Among the areas reforested by an NGO is Sitio Pasil
Data Analyses
where the study was conducted.
Descriptive statistics and graphs were computed and
plotted using Microsoft Excel 2010.
Sampling Design
A non-destructive transect-quadrat sampling
Results and discussion
technique was employed to determine the mangrove
Species Composition
species composition and diversity of the natural and
Mangrove species are categorized as exclusive and
reforested mangrove forests. With an aid of a
nonexclusive species. Exclusive species refer to plants
compass, a 100-meter transect line was established
unique to the inter-tidal mangrove habitats commonly
parallel to the shoreline which served as the baseline.
called as true mangrove species while nonexclusive
From the baseline three (3) 150-meters transect were
species are mainly distributed in terrestrial or aquatic
established (perpendicular to the shoreline) with 50
habitat but also occur in the mangrove ecosystem and
meters distance between transects. In every line
are usually referred as mangrove associates (Parani et
transect, five (5) 100 square meter quadrats were
al., 1998; Lacerda et al., 2002). Ten (10) true mangrove
established for species diversity.
species and three (3) mangrove associates were observed
Species Composition in the natural and reforested mangrove forests in
A 100% inventory of mangrove species inside each Panguil Bay (Table 2).
plot was conducted. Identification of the mangrove
species were done in situ with an aid of a field guide Sinfuego & Buot (2008) cited that there are about 39
to Philippine mangroves by Primavera (2004). Plant true mangrove species known present in the
growth form, leaves, inflorescence, fruits, buttresses Philippines. About 25.64% (10 out of 39) of these
and bark were photographed for description of species exist in the mangrove forests in the two
morphological features of each mangrove species. sampling sites. Compared to the study conducted by
Rivera et al. (2016) in the three (3) barangays of
Species Diversity Determination Tangub City which hold eight (8) true mangrove
Individual species inside each quadrat was quantified species while in this study, Barangay Matampay
and recorded. The mangrove species diversity indices Bucana and Barangay Mukas, respectively, of the

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Province of Lanao del Norte, host more true

mangrove species than in Tangub City. Tangub City is
one of the two coastal cities in Misamis Occidental
also along Panguil Bay.

Table 2. Inventory of mangrove species present in

natural and reforested mangrove forests in Panguil Bay.
Category Scientific Name Local Name
Nypa fruticans Nipa
Avicennia alba Miapi
Lumnitzera littorea Saging-saging
Sonneratia alba Pagatpat
Species Tabigi
Bakhaw babae
Bakhaw lalaki
parviflora Fig. 2. Morphological characteristics of Acanthus
Mangrove Tiwi ebracteatus: A. Growth form, B. Leaf arrangement
Talipariti tiliaceum Malabago and stem with axial spines, C. Inflorescence, D. Leaf
Terminalia catappa Talisay
margin (smooth), E. Leaf abaxial surface (serrated),
F. Leaf adaxial surface.
Taxonomic Classification and Morphological
Characteristics of Mangrove Species
Plant Morphology
The recorded true mangrove species belong to eight
Acanthus ebracteatus or Sea Holly is a shrub with
(8) families namely; Acanthaceae, Arecaceae,
decumbent stems. Its opposite, stalked leaves have
Avicenniaceae, Combretaceae, Euphorbiaceae,
blades that are oblong elliptic in shape, its apices are
Meliaceae, Rhizophoraceae and Lythraceae while the
acute with or without spiny edge. Its leaf margin has
mangrove associate species belong to three (3)
variation, from entire to spiny and dentate. Its leaf’s
families namely; Bignoniaceae, Combretaceae and
adaxial surface appears darker green than its abaxial
Malvaceae. Among these 13 mangrove species, one (1)
surface. The species’ inflorescence is a spike with
is palm (Nypa fruticans), one (1) is shrub (Acanthus
white petals. The inflorescence of Acanthus
ebracteatus) and the remaining species are trees.
ebracteatus and Acanthus volubilis are white
Figs. 2-14 exhibit the morphological features of the
compared to Acanthus ilicifolius that is is mostly
recorded species in natural and reforested mangrove
purple, blue or dark blue (Ragavan et al., 2015).
forests in Panguil Bay.

Taxonomic Classification Taxonomic Classification

Phylum: Tracheophyta Phylum: Tracheophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida Class: Liliopsida
Order: Scrophulariales Order: Arecales
Family: Acanthaceae Family: Arecaceae
Genus: Acanthus Genus: Nypa
Species: Acanthus ebracteatus (see Fig. 2) Species: Nypa fruticans (see Fig. 3)

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Fig. 3. Morphological characteristics of Nypa fruticans: A. Growth form, B. Bulbous base, C. Mature fruit.

Plant Morphology Order: Myrtales

Nypa fruticans or Nipa is a palm with large and erect Family: Combretaceae
leaf fronds. Its fronds possess stout leaf stalks that are Genus: Lumnitzera
bulbous at the base and are arranged alternately. Its Species: Lumnitzera littorea (see Fig. 5)
lanceolate leaflets are arranged oppositely on each
side of its rachis. Its fruits vary from brown to dark
brown depending on its maturity. Young fruit appears
lighter brown while mature fruit appears darker.

Taxonomic Classification
Phylum: Tracheophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Lamiales
Family: Avicenniaceae
Genus: Avicennia
Species: Avicennia alba (see Fig. 4)

Plant Morphology
Avicennia alba or Miapi is a tree with numerous
pneumatophores extending around its main trunk. Its
trunk appears pale brown to darkish brown. Among
the distinguishing feature of this species from other
Avicennia spp. is the burnt-like feature of its bark. Its
alternate, petioled and broadly elliptical leaves appear
glossy dark green in its adaxial surface and pale green
in its abaxial surface. This pale green appearance of
its leaf abaxial surface is also a distinguishing feature
of this tree. Its inflorescence is a panicle with
individual flowers appears yellow to orange.
Fig. 4. Morphological characteristics of Avicennia
Taxonomic Classification alba: A. Growth form and its pneumatophores, B.
Phylum: Tracheophyta Trunk, C. Leaf arrangement (adaxial surface), D. Leaf
Class: Magnoliopsida arrangement (abaxial surface), E. Inflorescence.

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Fig. 5. Morphological characteristics of Lumnitzera littorea: A. Growth form, B. Trunk, C. Leaf arrangement and

Plant Morphology
Lumnitzera littorea or Red-flowered black mangrove
is a tree with slightly spiral fissures. Its bark is dark
brown to black. Its obovate shaped leaves have short
petioles and are arranged alternately. Its
inflorescence is a spike. Its individual flowers have
fused green sepals and vibrant red petals.
Fig. 6. Morphological characteristics of Excoecaria
agallocha: A. Growth form, B. Trunk with lenticels,
Taxonomic Classification
C. Leaf arrangement (abaxial and adaxial surface).
Phylum: Tracheophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Malpighiales
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Genus: Excoecaria
Species: Excoecaria agallocha (see Fig. 6)

Plant Morphology
Excoecaria agallocha or Milky Mangrove is a tree
with linearly-arranged brown lenticels on its bark. Its
alternate and spirally arranged, petioled, and ovate
shaped leaves appear dark green on its adaxial surface
and lighter green on its abaxial surface. Both barks
and leaves exude latex when cut.

Taxonomic Classification
Phylum: Tracheophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Sapindales
Family: Meliaceae Fig. 7. Morphological characteristics of Xylocarpus
Genus: Xylocarpus granatum: A. Growth form, B. Trunk, C. Leaf
Species: Xylocarpus granatum (see Fig. 7) arrangement (adaxial surface), D. Fruit.

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Plant Morphology Its terminal bud appears dark red. The propagule of
Xylocarpus granatum or Cannonball Mangrove is a this plant is brownish-green.
tree with long buttresses that extends laterally. Its
smooth bark appears flaky with light brown to Taxonomic Classification
yellowish or greenish colour. Its brown fruit is a Phylum: Tracheophyta
woody capsule. Its pinnate leaves are petioled and Class: Magnoliopsida
arranged alternately. The shortly petioled leaflets are Order: Rhizophorales
arranged oppositely and are oval in shape. Family: Rhizophoraceae
Genus: Rhizophora
Taxonomic Classification Species: Rhizophora apiculata (see Fig. 9)
Phylum: Tracheophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Rhizophorales
Family: Rhizophoraceae
Genus: Rhizophora
Species: Rhizophora mucronata (see Fig. 8)

Fig. 9. Morphological characteristics of Rhizophora

apiculata: A. Growth form (mature trees), B. Propagule
(28.5cm), C. Leaf adaxial surface, D. Leaf abaxial
Fig. 8. Morphological characteristics of Rhizophora surface, E. Inflorescence bud, F. Inflorescence.
mucronata: A. Growth form (young tree), B.
Propagule (70cm), C. Leaf arrangement (adaxial Plant Morphology
surface), D. Inflorescence bud, E. Inflorescence. Rhizophora apiculata or Bakhaw lalaki is a tree with
stilt roots. Its bark is light brown to grey. Its petioled,
Plant Morphology elliptic shaped, entire margined leaves appear
Rhizophora mucronata or Red Mangrove is a tree leathery and dark green in its adaxial surface while
with both aerial and stilt roots. Its bark appears light yellowish-green on its abaxial surface. Its brownish-
brown to dark brown. Its oval-shaped, petioled and green propagules are shorter than the propagules of
leathery dark-green leaves are arranged oppositely. Rhizophora mucronata.

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Taxonomic Classification Order: Scrophulariales

Phylum: Tracheophyta Family: Bignoniaceae
Class: Magnoliopsida Genus: Dolichandrone
Order: Rhizophorales Species: Dolichandrone spathacea (see Fig. 12)
Family: Rhizophoraceae
Genus: Bruguiera
Species: Bruguiera parviflora (see Fig. 10)

Fig. 10. Morphological characteristics of Bruguiera

parviflora: A. Growth form (young tree), B. Buttress
roots (mature tree), C. Leaf arrangement (adaxial

Plant Morphology
Bruguiera parviflora or Smallflower Bruguiera is a tree
with brownish-grey trunk. Part of its lateral roots can be
observed above the muddy surface. These protruding
roots are called knee roots and it appears grey and flaky.
Its leaves are elliptic and yellowish-green. Fig. 11. Morphological characteristics of Sonneratia
alba: A. Growth form, B. Flower, C. Fruit, D. Leaf
Taxonomic Classification arrangement (abaxial leaf surface).
Phylum: Tracheophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Myrtales
Family: Lythraceae
Genus: Sonneratia
Species: Sonneratia alba (see Fig. 11)

Plant Morphology
Sonneratia alba or Mangrove Apple is a tree
surrounded by thick and numerous pneumatophores. Fig. 12. Morphological characteristics of

Its inflorescence is simple umbel. Its berry fruit is Dolichandrone spathacea: A. Growth form, B. Trunk,

hard, round and flattened and has calyx at the base. C. Leaf arrangement (adaxial surface).

Its petioled and oppositely arranged leaves are

orbicular in shape with rounded apex. Plant Morphology
Dolichandrone spathacea or Mangrove Trumpet is a

Taxonomic Classification tree with yellowish brown to grey trunk. Its pinnate

Phylum: Tracheophyta leaves are petioled and arranged oppositely. Its elliptic

Class: Magnoliopsida leaflets are also stalked and arranged oppositely.

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Taxonomic Classification and monitoring resource management program

Phylum: Tracheophyta especially that it pertains to the number of existing
Class: Magnoliopsida individuals for each species. It could also serve as
Order: Myrtales guide to conservation actions and its monitoring.
Family: Combretaceae
Genus: Terminalia
Species: Terminalia catappa (see Fig. 13)

Fig. 13. Morphological characteristics of Terminalia

catappa: A. Growth form, B. Leaf adaxial surface, C.
Leaf abaxial surface.

Plant Morphology
Terminalia catappa or Tropical Almond is a tree with
lightly fissured light brown to grey bark. It has spiral,
Fig. 14. Morphological characteristics of Talipariti
stalked leaves that are papery to thinly leathery, dark
tiliaceum: A. Growth form, B. Trunk (mature tree), C.
green on its adaxial surface and light green on its abaxial
Leaf arrangement, D. Leaf adaxial surface, E. Trunk
surface. Its leaves are clustered at the end of the twigs.
(young tree)

Taxonomic Classification
Of the total recorded mangrove species in this study,
Phylum: Tracheophyta
about 85% (see Fig. 15) are noted to be of least
Class: Magnoliopsida
concern conservation status based on the account of
Order: Malvales
the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Family: Malvaceae
This implies that there are still no major threats to
Genus: Talipariti
these mangrove species. Among this species with least
Species: Talipariti tiliaceum (see Fig. 14)
concern status are Acanthus ebracteatus, Nypa
fruticans, Avicennia alba, Lumnitzera littorea,
Plant Morphology
Excoecaria agallocha, Sonneratia alba, Xylocarpus
Talipariti tiliaceum or Beach Hibiscus is a tree. Its trunk
granatum, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora
is yellowish-brown with white pigmentation when in
apiculata, Bruguiera parviflora, and Dolichandrone
mature stage while smooth dark green when in younger
spathacea. Though major threats such as habitat
stage. Its leaves are reniform in shape with acuminate
destruction and removal of mangrove areas have been
apex and finely-serrated margins, appear dark green on
reduced due to conservation efforts, these mangrove
its adaxial surface and with fine hairs on its abaxial
species are still facing threats from pollution which
surface and are spirally arranged along stem.
includes sewage effluent, solid waste, siltation, oils
Conservation Status of Mangrove Species and grease, and agricultural and urban runoff (Ellison
According to Oldfield (2018), the conservation et al., 2010). Furthermore, there are about (2/13) or
status of plant species is essential to planning 15% of the 13 recorded mangrove species in the study

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that are not yet evaluated for their conservation status such as accumulated solid waste, oils and grease and
namely; Talipariti tiliaceum and Terminalia residential areas situated in the intertidal zones are
catappa. There is therefore a need to study the apparent. In particular, accumulation of solid waste
importance and economic value of these species to generally of sawdust from Findlay Miller and plastics
know how their utilization by the local community had created a natural dike in the area which stretches
affects their number. to about 70 meters parallel to the shoreline and with a
distance of about 50-60 meters from the seaward
front zone. This dike now caters both true mangrove
and mangrove associate species but more of mangrove
associate species. This mangrove associate species
namely; Acanthus ebracteatus, Dolichandrone
spathacea and Terminalia catappa perhaps grow
favorably in the seasonally inundated dike; thus,
contributing to the diversity of the reforested
mangrove forest.

Fig. 15. Conservation (IUCN) status of mangrove

species in a natural and reforested mangrove forests
in Panguil Bay.

Species Diversity
The computed Shannon-Weiner Diversity Index
revealed that the reforested mangrove forest of Barangay
Mukas has higher diversity index of 1.481 than of the
natural mangrove forest of Barangay Matampay Bucana
Fig. 16. Species diversity index of a natural and
with 1.176 diversity index (Fig. 16). However, both
reforested mangrove forests in Panguil Bay, Mindanao.
forests are classified with very low diversity based on the
scale developed by Fernando (1998). This is primarily Similarities and differences of species composition in
due to the lack of species variation in the mangrove natural and reforested mangrove forest
stands. A number of studies also concluded that Of the total 13 mangrove species, about eight (8) true
mangrove forests had very low diversity indices due to mangrove species were found in a natural mangrove
their unique stand formation compared to other tropical forest of Barangay Matampay Bucana while only five
forest ecosystems (Gevaña and Pampolina, 2009; (5) true mangrove species and three (3) mangrove
Kovacs et al., 2013). associates were found in the reforested mangrove
forest of Barangay Mukas. A seriation analysis was
Moreover, according to Ellison and Farnsworth used to evaluate the similarities and differences of
(1996) human activities have significantly modified mangrove species present in naturally grown and
the mangrove vegetation in various parts of the world reforested mangrove forests (Fig. 17). Apparently,
on a scale at least equivalent to some of the natural there are only three (3) species common to the two
changes. Many of the human activities led to (2) forests namely; Avicennia alba, Bruguiera
modification of these ecosystems and eventually parviflora and Rhizophora mucronata. There are five
cause changes in the species composition through (5) species unique to Barangay Matampay Bucana
secondary succession. In the case of the reforested namely; Excoecaria agallocha, Lumnitzera littorea,
mangrove forest in Barangay Mukas, major stressors Nypa fruticans, Xylocarpus granatum and Sonneratia

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alba while Barangay Mukas also hosts five (5) unique that the growth of other mangrove species in
species namely; Rhizophora apiculata, Acanthus Barangay Matampay Bucana, where Nypa fruticans is
ebracteatus, Dolichandrone spathacea, Talipariti abundant, could be impeded thus, affecting the
tiliaceum and Terminalia catappa. diversity of species in the area. Furthermore, in the
unpublished report of Middeljans (2015) in the

managed and unmanaged Nypa fruticans stands in

Species Bohol, Philippines revealed that the unmanaged
stand has lower species diversity than the managed
Excoecaria agallocha stand. This could additionally imply that the
Lumnitzera littorea
unmanaged Nypa fruticans in the natural forest of
Nypa fruticans
Matampay Bucana has affected the diversity in the
Xylocarpus granatum
area. Another factor which could also help explain is
Sonneratia alba
the location of Barangay Matampay Bucana from the
Avicennia alba
Bruguiera parviflora inlet or entrance of Panguil Bay as well as the age of
Rhizophora mucronata its mangrove stand. Barangay Mukas is situated near
Rhizophora apiculata the inlet of Panguil Bay and has much older mangrove
Acanthus ebracteatus stand, suggesting that natural introduction of new
Dolichandrone spathacea species was and is more likely to occur than of
Talipariti tiliaceum
Barangay Matampay Bucana. Dethier et al. (2003)
Terminalia catappa
also hypothesized that the difference in the species
present and diversity in an area could be due to its
Fig. 17. Seriation analysis of mangrove species
potential exposure to natural recruitment of
present in the natural and reforested mangrove
propagules via advection current and land based flow.
forests in Panguil Bay.

The differences in the composition and diversity of Conclusion

mangrove stand in Barangay Matampay Bucana and Mangroves species found in the natural and
Barangay Mukas are generally related to the type of reforested mangrove forests in Panguil Bay vary in
stand namely; natural and reforested mangrove composition and diversity. The 15-year old natural
forests. It could also be further attributed to the mangrove forest hosts eight (8) true mangrove
geographic location of these barangays. Barangay species while the 30-year old reforested mangrove
Matampay Bucana covers an estuary of where its forest holds only five (5) true mangrove species and
name is derived from (“Bucana”- mouth of a river). three (3) mangrove associates. There are three (3)
Given that the sampling area is situated near the species common to the two (2) forests, namely;
estuary, salinity could be one of the factors affecting Avicennia alba, Rhizophora mucronata and
its species composition. Lower water salinity Bruguiera parviflora. The identification of these
promotes growth of Nypa fruticans. Robertson and species was in situ with an aid of Primavera’s field
Alongi as cited by Duke (1992) noted that this species guide to Philippine mangroves (2004). Thus, it is
is fast growing, especially in estuaries and body of recommended to conduct biomolecular analysis of the
water with salinity ranges from 1-10ppt, and is a recorded species to verify taxonomic classification and
competitive species. Barangay Matampay Bucana has for future reference. Moreover, it was also found that
an average salinity of 21ppt which is comparable to the reforested mangrove forest of Brgy. Mukas has
the salinity of Barangay Mukas with an average value higher species diversity than the natural mangrove
of 27ppt (data not shown). This may imply that Nypa forest of Brgy. Matampay Bucana of which was
fruticans can only tolerate and compete in areas with attributed to the areas’ geographical location, salinity
water salinity not far from 21ppt. It further implies and age of the stand. However, both mangrove forests

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