Writing Genre of Text

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English language education program

academic year 2022/2023

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, praise and gratitude we pray to the presence of Allah SWT who
has given health and enthusiasm to humans so that they can continue to learn, on this
occasion I will complete the paper assignment given by Mam Conny, spd, M Hum. Reason I
completed this task is to better understand genre of the text. Another reason is to be able to
fulfill the tasks given by the lecturer.
I am very grateful to the lecturer who has provided material to me so that I can understand it
better. I also thank my colleagues who have supported me in completing this task, if in the
explanation of the material I convey there are errors, I apologize.

Binjai 16 Oktober 2022

Muhammad Khairi S

Cover .......................................................................................................................................1
Foreword ...............................................................................................................................2
Table of content ...................................................................................................................3
Chapter 1 ...............................................................................................................................4
Introduction .............................................................................................................................4
1.1Background ..........................................................................................................................4
1.2Formulation of the problem...................................................................................................4

Chapter ll .............................................................................................................................. 5
Disscusion .................................................................................................................................5
2.1 Definition of genre text........................................................................................................5
2.2 Social function…………………..........................................................................................5
2.3 Generic structure…………………......................................................................................5
2.4 Language feuture…………………......................................................................................5
2.5 Type of text...…………………………………………………………...............................6

Chapter lll ...........................................................................................................................16

3.1 Conclusion..........................................................................................................................16
3.2 Reference............................................................................................................................16


Background Descriptive text, or in writing terms which is better known as “description” is

one of the English lessons that must be mastered not only by junior high school children, but
also by high school children, students and anyone who likes English. Because also, writing
description material is very necessary for the development of our English language skills.
Some writers, especially fiction writers, have the ability to write descriptive text so well that
the writing is so easy to read that it’s so easy to understand. Therefore, if we are able to
master this subject well, we may become great writers in the future.


1. What is definition of genre text ?

2. What is social function of text ?
3. How many generic structure of text ?
4. What is language feuture of text ?
5. What are types of text ?


1. For understanding definition of genre text

2. For understanding social function of text
3. For knowing generic structure of text
4. For understanding language feuture of text
5. For knowing types of text


Genre is a form of writing with a defined function determined by its social needs. For
example, grocery lists are a genre that thrived on the need to remember what you shopped at
the grocery store. This is a form of writing with general expectations – brief and to-the-point,
in a list format, usually following the layout of the store. The genre is determined by the
needs and expectations of the audience. A memo conveys information in a thoughtful way
that helps the audience understand recent events or issues. Meanwhile, business letters are
more formal and detailed, with an audience that may need more background information.


The social function of text is to describe a particular person, place, thing, or animal.


It consists of two parts they are (a) identification; identification, that is the statement that
consist of one topic to be describe, and (b) description, which consists of the details
description about the object that is identified in identification.


Language Features refers to sentence structure, punctuation, noun, vocabulary, phrases, etc.
Used in content supports, provides meaning to the communication. Different language
features used in connection shape the conversation; therefore, it is crucial to choose the right
language features to define form, and construct content.

Descriptive text is a text in English that is used to describe an object (thing, person, or place)
in English.
Generic Structure Descriptive Text in Generic Structure Descriptive Text there are 2 parts;
• Identification : This section contains a brief description of the object that we will
• Description : In the section contains a description / description of the object we are
observing (elaboration of the Identification section).
Bedroom is my favourite place in my home. (identification)
My bedroom is placed in the second floor, next to my brother’s room. My room is designed
with minimalist and homey concept. The floor is covered by wood granite and the wall is full
of white. I put my PC on my desk, close to the window. This is the place where I spend a
whole dday I work, play some video games, and take my rest at this room. (description).

Narrative Text is a text that serves to tell a story / story in the past and aims as an entertainer.
Generic Structure Narrative Text
There are several sections in Generic Structure Narrative Text, namely;
• Orientation : This section contains the introduction of the story that will be told, as for the
introduction of the places and characters in the story.
• Complication : In this section contains the story that is happening in the story. Usually also
marked by the emergence of a conflict/problem in the story.
• Resolution : This section contains the ending of the story, which is usually marked by the
completion of a conflict in the story (Problem solving)
• Reorientation : This section contains the conclusion of the story.
True Friends
Once upon a time, there were two close friends who were walking through the forest
together. They knew that anything dangerous can happen any time in the forest. So they
promised each other that they would always be together in any case of danger. Suddenly,
they saw a large bear getting closer toward them. One of them climbed a nearby tree at once.
But unfortunately the other one did not know how to climb up the tree. So being led by his
common sense, he lay down on the ground breathless and pretended to be a dead man.
The bear came near the one who was lying on the ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly
left the place because the bears do not want to touch the dead creatures. After that, the friend
on the tree came down and asked his friend that was on the ground, “Friend, what did the
bear whisper into your ears?” The other friend replied, “Just now the bear advised me not to
believe a false friend”.

Report Text is a text in English which contains information presented in written form. The
information can be about anything that happened.
Generic Structure Report Text
In the Generic Structure Report Text there are 2 parts;
• General Classification : This section contains a general classification of what we will report
in the text.
• Description : In this section the writer begins to describe/describe what actually happened.
The blue whale is not only the biggest whale living today; the blue whale is the biggest
creature ever to have lived on Earth. They are mind-bogglingly gigantic; much larger than
any of the dinosaurs. Blue whales and the other ocean giants live their whole lives in

Blue whales commonly reach the colossal length of 29m, that’s roughly as long as three
London red double-decker buses parked end to end. Blue whales in the Southern Hemisphere
are generally larger than those in the Northern Hemisphere and female blues are larger than
The longest blue whale on record is a female measured at a South Georgia whaling station in
the South Atlantic (1909); she was 33.58m. The heaviest blue whale was also a female
hunted in the Southern Ocean, Antarctica, on 20 March 1947. She tipped the scales at 190
tonnes which is equivalent to about 30 elephants or 2500 people.
Blue whales are now extremely rare due to uncontrolled commercial whaling. Some
populations could be endangered to the point of extinction.

Recount Text is a text in English which has the function of explaining/telling a story in the
past. Recount text is in the form of past tense or past tense.
Generic Structure Recount Text
There are several sections in Generic Structure Recount Text, namely;
• Orientation : In this section contains the opening paragraph of a text, contains the
introduction first (Opening / beginning of a story).
• Events : In this section begin to tell what events or experiences have been experienced
(sequence of a story).
• Reorientation : This section contains a conclusion to the content of the story.
I had the best experience of my life in 2015, I participated in Asian-African Student
Conference in Bandung. I was interested in Asian-African Conference history and dreamed
to be a part of it. I prepared an essay and idea to be presented at that event. The other
participants also helped me and gave me some idea for our comittee discussion. I didn’t talk
too much, but it was a good experience for me.

Procedure Text is a text in English that serves to explain/tell the ways or stages of making
something either objects or others. In English (How to make or How to do something).
Generic Structure Procedure Text
There are several sections in Generic Structure Procedure Text, namely;
• Aim/Goal : In this section, it is about explaining the purpose of the process of making/doing
• Materials/ Equipment : This section contains items or objects (tools) that will be used to
make/do something.
• Steps : This section contains steps or ways to make or do something.
How to Make Scrambled Eggs
2 eggs
1 teaspoon of butter
A pinch of salt and water
1. First, crack the eggs into a small bowl and add a pinch of salt and pepper. Whisk until
all is well blended.
2. In a frying pan, add butter and let it melt.
3. Pour in the eggs and milk, and wait for around 20 seconds, do not stir it.
4. After that, fold the eggs to the center and stir it with a spatula.
5. Repeat the previous step until all the eggs are mostly cooked.
6. Remove the eggs from the heat, and continue to fold and stir the eggs for around a
Last, lift the eggs, and put them on a serving plate. Your scrambled eggs are ready.

Analytical Exposition is a text in English that contains an opinion (argumentation text). The
purpose of this type of text is to convince the reader that the topic presented is an important
topic to discuss or get attention by providing arguments or opinions that support the main
idea or topic.
Generic Structure Analytical Exposition
There are several sections in the Generic Structure Analytical Exposition Text, namely;
1. Thesis : This section introduces the topic or main idea to be discussed. Thesis is located in
the first paragraph in the Analytical Exposition Text.
2. Arguments : In this section the author provides arguments or opinions that support the
author’s main idea.
3. Reiteration : This section is the closing part of an Analytical Exposition Text which is
always located at the end of the paragraph.
The Danger of Texting While Driving
The popularity of mobile devices has had some dangerous consequences. We know that
mobile communications are linked to a significant increase in distracted driving which
results in injury and loss of life.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that in 2010 driver distraction
was the cause of 18 percent of all fatal crashes – with 3,092 people killed – and crashes
resulting in an injury – with 416,000 people wounded.
The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute found that text messaging creates a crash risk 23
times worse than driving while not distracted.

Hortatory Exposition Text is a text in English which is compiled based on the author’s
thoughts/ideas on an idea which is intended to give advice or suggestions to the reader.
Generic Structure Text Hortatory Exposition
Like other types of text in English which have a pattern of arrangement of meaning which is
realized by paragraph by paragraph, an example of a hortatory exposition will be arranged
based on the following elements:
1. Thesis : This section contains the idea or theory being conveyed by the speaker. Author
2. Arguments : In this section contains a thesis, then presented several arguments or reasons
that support the author’s thoughts.
3. Recommendation: In this section, it is the last part that distinguishes the most exposition
text types from one another, where the author needs to give a recommendation that the reader
should or should not do.
Music is Fun for Learning English.
Learning English through music and songs can be very enjoyable. You can mix pleasure
with learning when you listen to a song and exploit the song as a means to your English
progress. Some underlying reason can be drawn to support the idea why we use songs in
language learning.
Firstly, “the song stuck in my head” Phenomenon (the echoing in our minds of the last song
we heard after leaving a restaurant, shopping malls, etc) can be both enjoyable and
sometimes unnerving. This phenomenon also seems to reinforce the idea that songs work on
our shortand-long term memory.
Secondly, songs in general also use simple conversational language, with a lot of repetition,
which is just what many learners look for sample text. The fact that they are effective makes
them many times more motivating than other text. Although usually simple, some songs can
be quite complex syntactically, lexically and poetically, and can be analyzed in the same way
as any other literary sample.
Furthermore, song can be appropriated by listener for their own purpose. Most pop songs
and probably many other types don’t have precise people, place or time reference.
In addition, songs are relaxing. They provide variety and fun, and encourage harmony within
oneself and within one group. Little wonder they are important tools in sustaining culture,
religion, patriotism and yeas, even revolution.
Last but not least, there are many learning activities we can do with songs such as studying
grammar, practicing selective listening comprehension, translating songs, learning
vocabulary, spelling and culture.
From the elaboration above, it can be suggested that learning through music and songs,
learning English can be enjoyable and fun.

Review Text is a text in English that serves to provide comments or evaluate about a
particular product.
Generic Structure Review Text
There are several sections in the Generic Structure Review Text, namely;
• Orientation : This section contains an introduction to something that we will review.
• Interpretation : this section contains the interpretation or assessment of a product that we
will review.
• Evaluation : This section contains evaluations and comments on something.
Example Of Review Text About Laskar Pelangi Novel.
Laskar Pelangi (Rainbow Troops) is a fictional novel by Andrea Hirata. In 2008, this novel
was adapted into a movie with the same title. The movie was directed by Riri Riza.
The Laskar Pelangi novel tells a story of 10 elementary school students in Gantong Village,
Bangka Belitung Province. The novel describes the real condition of the poor villagers.
Happiness and sadness are mixed together. No wonder so many people cry when reading the
The story of Laskar Pelangi really touched my heart. This novel is very inspiring, especially
for children who strive for their dreams. I have read this book so many times.
I give it an 8.0 / 10 rating for the moral value told in the novel.
The Laskar Pelangi novel is very worth reading. Especially to fill in spare time. The Laskar
Pelangi school was built to be a tourist location. For those of you who are curious about the
novel, I recommend you to read it!

Explanation Text is a text in English that serves to explain the occurrence of something
clearly and completely.
Generic Structure Explanation Text
There are several sections in Generic Structure Explanation Text, namely;
• Title : This section contains the title or theme that we will explain.
• Definition : This section contains the definition of the text.
• Description : This section contains a description of the thing.
• Process : This section contains an explanation of the current process.
• Application : This section contains the application or its application.
Explanation Text Tsunami
In Indonesia, we are very familiar with the word “ Tsunami “. This natural disaster has ever
killed thousands of lives in Banda Aceh a few years ago. Indonesia mourned, the world
mourned. Then, how the Tsunami happens? Here is a brief explanation of the process of how
the Asian tsunami happens.
Tsunamis can occur if there is a phenomenon which causes the displacement of large
amounts of water in the ocean, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides, and
meteors that fall to Earth. However, 90% of tsunamis is the result of underwater earthquakes.
Vertical movement in the Earth’s crust in the bottom of the ocean causes a sudden up or
down movement of sea floor which then causes the water balance disorders above it. This
disturbance causes the occurrence of the flow of the massive sea water energy, that once it
reaches the shore, it becomes huge waves resulting Tsunami.


Anecdote Text is a text in English that serves to tell strange things that happened in the past.
Anecdote also serves to provide entertainment to the reader (entertain the reader).
Generic Structure Anecdote Text
There are several sections in Generic Structure Anecdote Text, namely;
• Abstract : This section contains the beginning of the story of the occurrence of an event .
• Orientation : This section contains the setting or background of an event.
• Crisis : This section contains the obstacles that occur in the story.
• Reaction : In this section the author begins to end the oddities that occur.
• Coda : In this section contains the conclusion or message in the story.
A foolish order
I was working in a photo store, which specializes in restoring old photographs.
One day, a lady brought an old picture of a man sitting behind a cow milk, milking it.

“Can you fix this picture for me?” she asked.

“Sure, what would you like us to do?”

“Can you move the cow?”

I stared at her astonishingly and replied, “Move the cow?”

“Right. I want to know what my great-grandfather looked like. That’s him.” She pointed to
the feet sticking out under the cow.
“I don’t think we can do that.”

“Just move the cow over, and we’ll be able to see his face.” She insisted.

“I’m sorry. We don’t have the technology to do that.”

“Well, I think I’ll just take this somewhere else.”


Spoof Text is a text in English that serves to explain funny events or events that occurred in
the past.
Generic Structure Spoof Text
There are several sections in Generic Structure Spoof Text, namely;
• Orientation : This section contains an introduction to the story
• Event : This section contains the description of the story that will be told
• Twist : This section contains the ending or the end of the story.

“Bad Dream”
Once there was a couple sleeping. The wife had a bad dream. She woke up, and was scared
and cried. Her husband tried to comfort her and asked why she cried. Then she replied: “I
had a dream that a very rich and handsome man kidnapped me from you.” Hearing his wife
answer, the husband said: “It’s okay, Honey, it was just a dream.”

Immediately the wife responded loudly: “That is why I’m crying.”


News Item Text is a text in English that serves to present / describe a news that is hot. Its
purpose is to provide information about what happened.
Generic Structure News Item
There are several sections in the Generic Structure News Item Text, namely;
• Main event : This section contains the main news about something that happened.
• Background : This section contains where the incident occurred.
• Source: This section contains the source from which the news came.

George Clooney to direct and star in ‘Good Morning, Midnight’ for Netflix
Newsworthy Events
George Clooney has signed on to direct and star in “Good Morning, Midnight” for Netflix. It
will be his first project with the streaming service.

Background Events

Clooney and Smokehouse Pictures’ Grant Heslov will produce the adaptation of Lily
BrooksDalton’s novel, “which follows a lonely scientist in the Arctic, as he races to make
contact with the crew of a spacecraft as they try to return home to Earth,” according to a
description from Netflix.

“Grant and I couldn’t be more excited to be involved with this incredible project,” Clooney
told Variety. “Mark is a writer we’ve long admired and his script is haunting. We’re thrilled
to be working with our friends at Netflix as well.”
The story is a sci-fi thriller, and was named one of the best books of 2017 by the Chicago
Review of Books. Clooney will play the lead scientist. Scott Stuber, head of Netflix’s film
division, said: “Having known and worked with George for over two decades, I can’t think
of anyone better to bring this amazing story to life. The book is powerful and moving, and
Mark’s adaptation is beautifully written. At its core, this is a story about human nature, and
one that I know our global audiences will fall in love with, just like I did when I read it.”
Clooney recently executive produced, appeared in, and directed a few episodes of Hulu’s
“Catch-22.” The film, which does not yet have a title, will begin production in October.


Discussion Text is a text in English that serves to describe a discussion or debate about a
theme or problem that occurs. In this text the pros and cons appear according to the theme
being discussed.
Generic Structure Discussion Text
There are several sections in the Generic Structure Discussion Text, namely;
• Issue : This section contains the current issues.
• Arguments : In this section contains the reasons for the themes discussed.
• Elaboration : In this section, the opinion will be chosen.
• Conclusion : This section contains conclusions regarding the theme being raised.
Should the death penalty be allowed?
Some people were executed in Indonesia through July 2016. Most death penalty cases
involve the execution of drug peddlers although capital punishment can also be applied for
treason, espionage, and other crimes. Many for and against reactions came after the
execution. Then, should the death penalty be allowed in Indonesia?
Proponents of the death penalty say that it is an important tool for law enforcement, deters
crime, and costs less than life imprisonment. They also argue that retribution or “an eye for
an eye” honors the victim, helps console grieving families, and ensures that the perpetrators
of heinous crimes never have an opportunity to cause future tragedy.
Opponents of capital punishment say that it has no deterrent effect on crime, gives
governments’ overlapped power to take human life, and potentially makes social injustices
by disproportionately targeting people of color (racist) and people who cannot afford good
attorneys (classist). They say lifetime jail sentences are a more appropriate than death.
In conclusion, death penalty will always exist in our society as well as its pros and cons. For
the proponents of this action, they think that it will be very effective to deter crime. While
for those who are against this policy, they argue that this punishment will potentially make
social injustice.


Conclusion Descriptive text is text that says what someone or something looks like. Its
purpose is to describe and express a particular person, place, or thing. Descriptive Text
structure (general structure) is: 1. Identification (ID) is an introduction, in the form of a
general description of a topic. 2. Description (description) contains special characteristics
possessed by the object, place, or person being described. Characteristics of Descriptive Text:
1. Using the simple present tense 2. Using verb attributes, such as Be (am, is, are) 3. Just
focus on one object.



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