Dietas Com Baixo Teor de Carboidratos, Com Alto Consumo de Proteínas, A Cetose Não É Observada.

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Lead Review Article October 2003: 327–341

Ketones: Metabolism’s Ugly Duckling

Theodore B. VanItallie, M.D., and Thomas H. Nufert, B.A.

Ketones were Žrst discovered in the urine of dia- tone—suffered the stigma so often in icted on those
betic patients in the mid-19th century; for almost 50 discovered in bad company. When ketones Ž rst came to

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years thereafter, they were thought to be abnormal the attention of physicians in the latter part of the 19th
and undesirable by-products of incomplete fat ox- century, it was because they were found in abundance in
idation. In the early 20th century, however, they the urine of patients in diabetic coma.1,2 It soon became
were recognized as normal circulating metabolites evident that a vast overproduction of ketones in the body
produced by liver and readily utilized by extrahe- was largely responsible for the devastating clinical man-
patic tissues. In the 1920s, a drastic “hyperketo- ifestations of what is now called diabetic ketoacidosis.
genic” diet was found remarkably effective for treat-
Negative views about ketones prevailed and the nature of
ment of drug-resistant epilepsy in children. In 1967,
the relationship between impaired glucose utilization and
circulating ketones were discovered to replace glu-
ketone body metabolism continued to be misunderstood
cose as the brain’s major fuel during the marked
hyperketonemia of prolonged fasting. Until then, for nearly a half century. In the words of Peters and Van
the adult human brain was thought to be entirely Slyke,3 “The formation of b-hydroxybutyric and aceto-
dependent upon glucose. During the 1990s, diet- acetic acids instead of CO2 H2O was believed to
induced hyperketonemia was found therapeutically denote incomplete combustion of fat. It was therefore
effective for treatment of several rare genetic disor- deduced that complete combustion of fat required simul-
ders involving impaired neuronal utilization of glu- taneous oxidation of carbohydrate, an opinion vividly
cose or its metabolic products. Finally, growing expressed by Naunyn in the aphorism, ‘Fats burn in the
evidence suggests that mitochondrial dysfunction  ame of carbohydrate’ . . . As analytical techniques have
and reduced bioenergetic efŽciency occur in brains gained in precision and sensitivity, ketone bodies have
of patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Alz- proved to be normal components of blood, not products
heimer’s disease (AD). Because ketones are efŽ- that appear only when the metabolism of carbohydrate is
ciently used by mitochondria for ATP generation disordered.”
and may also help protect vulnerable neurons from
free radical damage, hyperketogenic diets should
be evaluated for ability to beneŽt patients with PD, Physiology and Metabolism
AD, and certain other neurodegenerative disorders.
Starting in the 1930s, studies of the physiology of keto-
Key words: ketogenic diet, hyperketonemia, Par- genesis and ketolysis established the hepatic origin of
kinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, mitochon- ketone bodies and their rapid utilization by extrahepatic
driopathies, seizure disorders, ketone metabolism tissues.4–6 Diabetic animals were found to use ketones as
© 2003 International Life Sciences Institute
rapidly as normal animals do.7,8 Early studies involving
doi: 10.131/nr.2003.oct.327–341
injection of BHB into laboratory animals showed that its
utilization increased as its concentration in the blood
rose. As the blood level of BHB continued to rise,
An Inauspicious Debut
however, its utilization slowed and then reached a point
From the very beginning, ketone bodies—b-hydroxybu- at which further BHB administration did not increase
tyric acid (BHB), acetoacetic acid (AcAc), and ace- peripheral uptake.9,10 Such observations underlie the
currently held view that hyperketonemia results when
hepatic production of ketone bodies exceeds the ability
Dr. VanItallie and Mr. Nufert are with the Division of the extrahepatic tissues to remove them.
of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Nutrition, Department
In 1958, Johnson et al.11 reported on the normal
of Medicine, St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center in
New York City, 10025 USA. Dr. VanItallie is Professor variations in total ketone bodies measured in serum and
Emeritus of Medicine, Columbia University College of urine of 208 healthy young men eating normal diets and
Physicians & Surgeons. engaging in moderate daily physical activity. They found

Nutrition Reviews , Vol. 61, No. 10 327

that there are always measurable concentrations of ke- studied by Hall et al. were well below the mean of 0.7
tones in serum and urine. Regardless of season, the mean mM/L reported by Johnson et al.11 as “normal.” Hall et
postabsorptive blood serum level for this group was 0.7 al. measured AcAc and BHB enzymatically, adapting the
mM/L. (It is now evident that the method used by procedure described by Williamson et al. in 1962.19 In
Johnson et al. to measure serum ketones systematically the normal subjects, mean rates of ketone release and
overestimated ketone concentrations. When currently removal were of the order of 100 mmol min 1 m 2. In
preferred enzymatic methods are used, blood ketone the patients with newly diagnosed, untreated type 1
levels after an overnight fast rarely exceed 0.5 mM/L and diabetes mellitus, the mean postabsorptive ketone level
are usually much lower.) was 2.46 mM/L, approximately 20 times higher than that
The postabsorptive serum levels of ketones that in normal subjects. Mean ketone release rate in the
Johnson and associates thought normal should be con- diabetic patients was approximately triple that of the
trasted with the dramatically higher concentrations (in normal subjects. Mean ketone removal rate in the dia-

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mM/L) of BHB (ca 4.4 –5.5) and AcAc (ca 1.0) that betic patients was approximately double that of the
occur after a week or more of fasting in non-diabetic normal subjects; however, the mean rate coefŽ cient for
obese individuals.12 Among hospitalized patients in se- ketone removal (the fraction of the total uptake lost by
vere diabetic ketoacidosis, initial BHB levels of 23.0 oxidation and excretion) was reduced to 1/3 of normal.
mM/L are not unusual.13 In the 10 severely obese subjects, the mean postab-
By 1949, investigators knew that two molecules of sorptive plasma ketone level (0.42 mM/L) was higher
acetyl-CoA (the primary metabolic intermediate arising than that in the normal individuals. The obese subjects
from b-oxidation of fatty acids) could condense to form also exhibited substantially higher than normal mean
AcAc.14 The principal pathway by which AcAc is rates of ketone release and removal (171 vs. 81 and 210
formed in the liver from acetoacetyl-CoA remained un- vs. 111 mmol min 1 m 2, respectively). Similar to the
clear until 1958, however, when Lynen et al.15 reported diabetic patients, the obese subjects showed a lower than
elegant studies indicating that deacylation of acetoacetyl- normal mean rate coefŽ cient for ketone removal.
CoA did not take place directly but involved two steps: In the obese subjects who had been deprived of food
(1) condensation of acetoacetyl-CoA with acetyl-CoA to for 1 to 2 weeks, the mean postabsorptive ketone level
form b-hydroxy-b-methylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA), was 7.01 mM/L, almost 60 times normal. At the same
and (2) cleavage of HMG-CoA to form AcAc and acetyl- time, mean ketone release and removal rates in the
CoA. As shown in Figure 1, the pathway proposed by food-deprived obese individuals were approximately Ž ve
Lynen et al. is the one currently accepted. Formation of times normal, whereas the rate coefŽ cient for ketone
HMG-CoA from acetoacetyl CoA is catalyzed by mito- removal was reduced to approximately 1/6 of normal.
chondrial HMG-CoA synthase, a step that is stimulated Whenever ketone body levels were elevated in the dia-
by starvation, low levels of insulin, and consumption of betic and obese subjects, the increase was almost always
a low-carbohydrate/low-protein, high-fat diet. AcAc is in the form of BHB.
produced from HMG-CoA by HMG-CoA lyase.16 Mech- These observations indicate that ketone bodies are
anisms by which ketones are formed in the liver and used very rapidly cleared from the circulation and metabo-
in extrahepatic tissues are shown in Figure 1. lized by extrahepatic tissues. In untreated patients with
type 1 diabetes, ketone production and removal rates are
greatly augmented. In the presence of such high plasma
Ketone Body Kinetics in Humans
ketone levels, however, the mean rate coefŽ cient for
As measured by Wastney and associates,17 the ketone ketone removal is signiŽ cantly reduced. This reduction
bodies have a turnover time in the blood circulation of in the rate coefŽ cient for ketone removal (also observed
approximately 2 minutes. From the circulation, they in the postabsorptive and food-deprived obese subjects)
rapidly enter a compartment (probably the body cell was found by Hall et al.18 to be coupled with an increase
mass) that turns over approximately once a minute. In in the interconversion between the ketones, with a larger
1984, Hall et al.18 reported measurements of postabsorp- fraction of AcAc being converted to BHB than the
tive plasma concentrations and kinetics of AcAc and reverse (we now know that this re ects reduction of the
BHB release and removal in 11 normal subjects, 6 free [NAD ]:[NADH] ratio with which ketones are in
patients with newly diagnosed and untreated insulin- near equilibrium).20
dependent (type 1) diabetes, and 10 severely obese indi- The biochemical mechanism underlying the in-
viduals who were Ž rst studied in the postabsorptive state creased ketonemia that occurs when food deprivation is
and then again after 1 to 2 weeks of starvation (Table 1). prolonged is incompletely understood. Because the lipol-
As shown in Table 1, the mean postabsorptive ysis rate after 5 weeks remains essentially unchanged
plasma ketone levels (0.12 mM/L) for normal subjects from that seen during the Ž rst few days of food depriva-

328 Nutrition Reviews , Vol. 61, No. 10

tion, and the rate of ketogenesis also remains un- Effect of Total Starvation and Carbohydrate
changed,21 it is evident that the rate of peripheral clear- Restriction on Blood and Urine Ketones
ance of ketones must diminish in order to account for the In the late 19th century, physiologists focused on the
elevated blood ketone levels measured during the food- striking association between ketonuria and worsening
deprivation period. diabetes mellitus. Later, as methods for detecting and
Laffel22 suggested that the inverse relationship be- quantifying ketones in biologic  uids improved, atten-
tween level of ketonemia and rate coefŽ cient for ketone tion shifted to the effect of food deprivation, changes in
removal could arise from down-regulation of an enzyme energy expenditure, and modiŽ cations of dietary compo-
involved in ketone utilization in response to a rise in sition on the urinary excretion and blood levels of ketone
intracellular levels of AcAc during starvation, in associ- bodies. It was soon evident that the ketonuria associated
ation with dietary carbohydrate/protein restriction, or in with total starvation does not become substantial until 3
type 1 diabetes. This explanation seems reasonable; how- to 5 days have elapsed. This is the time it takes for liver

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ever, the evidence thus far is inconclusive that any such glycogen to be thoroughly depleted. In 1931, Behre26
enzyme is sufŽ ciently inhibited or decreased to account reported that ketonuria begins to increase within a few
for the observed diminution in ketone utilization. It is hours after a meal is skipped. In three subjects studied by
noteworthy, however, that the brain adapts to starvation Kartin et al.27 during a 6-day period of total starvation,
with an increased rate of ketone utilization and that an blood ketones after 2 days of food deprivation varied
increase in 3-oxoacid-CoA transferase (OCT) activity from 1.1 to 2.5 mM/L. After 6 days blood ketones had risen
has been demonstrated in the brain of the starved rat. By to 2.3 to 4.0 mM/L. Peters and Van Slyke3 point out that
contrast, decreased OCT activity has been described in such rises “. . . are not enough to tax severely the mecha-
the skeletal muscle of rats with diabetes of more than 10 nisms for the preservation of acid-base equilibrium; the
days’ duration.16 To complicate matters further, exercise serum bicarbonate does not fall below 35 to 40 volumes per
training for a number of weeks appears to increase the cent . . . Benedict’s subject averaged about 6 grams of
capacity of muscle to use ketones. Because exercise also b-hydroxybutyric acid in the urine daily for the last 2 weeks
promotes ketogenesis, the muscles presumably accom- of his 31-day fast . . . In diabetic acidosis ketonuria has been
modate to such increased production by inducing or known to reach 10 times as much as this.”
activating relevant ketone-utilizing enzymes.16,23 By accelerating the rate of carbohydrate utilization,
The physiologic explanation for the increased ke- human physical exercise,23,28 administration of dinitro-
tonemia during the early phase of food deprivation ap- phenol or thyroid hormone to rabbits,10 and increased
pears to lie in data reported by Owen and Reichard,24 bovine lactation29 can give rise to appreciable ketosis.
Pregnant women maintain higher than normal ketone
who showed that the rise in blood ketones during the Ž rst
levels and show an exaggerated ketogenic response to
2 weeks of starvation results from a decreasing rate of
fasting.30 In human subjects undergoing experimental
ketone utilization in muscle. As food deprivation contin-
starvation, consumption of relatively small amounts of
ues, a dramatic change occurs in glucose and ketone
glucose per day (e.g., 50 –75 g) greatly reduces ketone
utilization by the nervous system and muscle. Glucose
body production.31
utilization in the brain drops to 1/3 that in the fed state,
A low-carbohydrate diet is not necessarily a keto-
with ketones Ž lling the energy gap. A nearly reciprocal
genic diet. This is particularly true of diets with unre-
relationship exists for muscle, which seems to adapt so
stricted content of meat and other protein-rich foods.
fully to prolonged fasting that it virtually ignores ketones Heinbecker32 reported in 1928 that BafŽ n Island Eski-
as an energy source, drawing instead on fatty acids.21 As mos subsisting on their usual diet of meat (virtually the
Cahill25 stated, “. . . early in starvation, ketoacids serve only source of carbohydrate in their food was the glyco-
as muscle fuel, but with more prolonged starvation they gen in seal muscle) showed minimal ketonuria. (As a
are less well used. In fact, as acetoacetate is taken up by reference point, muscle glycogen concentration in resting
the muscle, it is returned back to the blood as b-hydroxy- humans on a mixed diet is approximately 14.4 g/kg.33) It
butyrate, signifying a more reduced state of the muscle is unlikely that these very small amounts of glycogen
mitochondria—secondary to free fatty acid utilization. could have accounted for the absence of appreciable
Thus fatty acids appear to take preference for oxidation ketonuria. A much more likely explanation is that the
and ketoacid oxidation ceases, sparing the ketoacids for glucose derived from catabolism of ingested meat pro-
the brain, a superb survival process.” tein was sufŽ cient to prevent ketosis. McClellan and
According to Laffel,22 healthy adult liver can pro- DuBois34 fed two human volunteers “carbohydrate-free”
duce as much as 185 g of ketone bodies per day. Ketones diets high in meat content (an Eskimo-type diet) for
supply 2 to 6% of the body’s energy needs after an many months in a metabolic ward setting. Their Ž ndings
overnight fast and 30 to 40% after a 3-day fast. led them to conclude that, in persons subsisting on diets

Nutrition Reviews , Vol. 61, No. 10 329

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Nutrition Reviews , Vol. 61, No. 10

Table 1. Postabsorptive Plasma Concentrations of Acetoacetate (AcAc) and b-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB)
and Rates of Ketone Release and Removal, Together with Rate CoefŽcients for Ketone Removal (mean
SD) in Normal, Diabetic, and Normally Fed and Subsequently Food-deprived Severely Obese Subjects
Ketone Ketone Rate
Release Removal CoefŽ cient
Rate Rate for Ketone
Metabolic AcAc BHB ( mol ( mol Removal*
Diagnosis State (mM/L) (mM/L) min 1 m 2) min 1 m 2) (min 1)
( n 5 11) Postabsorptive 0.05 0.02 0.07 0.04 81 66 110.7 105.9 0.168 0.169
( n 5 6) Postabsorptive 0.67 0.75 1.79 2.63 208 118 218.8 87.4 0.055 0.040

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( n 5 10) Postabsorptive 0.15 0.06 0.27 0.12 171 70 210.1 93.2 0.066 0.040
1–2 weeks§ 1.04 0.26 5.97 1.13 569 286 567.3 256.2 0.027 0.019
*Fraction lost by oxidation and excretion.

Recently diagnosed, untreated patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

Subjects severely obese.
Subjects received 50 kcal and 1 multivitamin tablet/day.
Data from Reference 18.

very low in carbohydrate, ketosis varies inversely with glucose. Therefore, to obtain a degree of hyperketonemia
the quantity of protein eaten. This occurs because ap- (approximately 2–7 mM/L) believed to be therapeuti-
proximately 48 to 58% of the amino acids in most dietary cally effective in certain important medical conditions
proteins are glucogenic.35,36 For every 2 grams of protein such as epilepsy, patients must rigorously restrict protein
consumed in a carbohydrate-free diet, somewhere be- as well as carbohydrate intake37 and, when possible,
tween 1.0 and 1.2 grams are potentially convertible to increase their level of physical activity.23

Figure 1. Hepatic formation and peripheral utilization of ketone bodies. Mobilization of non-esteriŽ ed fatty acids (NEFA) from
adipose tissue fat stores by the activation of hormone-sensitive lipase is an initial step that provides ample substrate for the hepatic
production of ketone bodies (b-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate). Once fatty acids enter the hepatocyte from the blood circulation,
they are activated to CoA esters by the family of membrane-bound fatty acid acyl-CoA synthetases. The action of one of these
synthetases (long-chain acyl CoA synthetase) is identiŽ ed as (3). After CoA esteriŽ cation, the metabolic paths diverge based on the
fatty acid (acyl) chain length. Short- and medium-chain acyl-CoAs readily cross the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes and
undergo b-oxidation into acetyl-CoA and acetoacetate (the terminal 4-carbon fragment). Long-chain acyl-CoAs readily cross the
outer mitochondrial membrane, after which they must be converted to long-chain acylcarnitine by membrane-bound carnitine
palmitoyltransferaseI, or CPT-1 (1), for subsequent transport across the inner mitochondrial membrane. The inner membrane– bound
enzyme, carnitine acylcarnitine translocase (4), exchanges one long-chain acyl-CoA from the intermembrane space with one free
(unacylated) carnitine from the matrix, thereby permitting carnitine’s return to the intermembrane space. The inner membrane– bound
enzyme carnitine palmitoyltransferase II, or CPT-II (2), converts the fatty acid back into its CoA ester for subsequent b-oxidation,
freeing carnitine for recycling. Very long– chain acyl-CoAs and unsaturated fatty acids of various lengths are transported into
peroxisomes, along with long- and medium-chain acyl-CoAs, for chain-length reduction via b-oxidation. Unlike mitochondrial
b-oxidation, peroxisomal b-oxidation does not proceed to completion. This results in peroxisomal export of medium-chain acyl and
acylcarnitine compounds to the mitochondria for further oxidation. Mitochondrial b-oxidation produces acetyl-CoA, which enters the
TCA cycle for further oxidation to produce ATP. Ketogenesis occurs when hepatic energy requirements are met allowing excess
acetyl-CoA to be acted upon by thiolase, which condenses two acetyl-CoAs to form acetoacetyl-CoA. Hydroxymethylglutyaryl-CoA
synthase (HMG-CoA synthase) condenses acetoacetyl-CoA with acetyl-CoA to form hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA, which is then
dissociated into acetoacetate and acetyl-CoA by hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA lyase (HMG-CoA lyase). The action of the
enzyme b-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (5) reduces much of the acetoacetate to b-hydroxybutyrate using NADH as a
reductant. Both acetoacetate and b-hydroxybutyrate are transported back through the mitochondrial membranes for export into
the blood circulation. The pathway of lipogenesis, illustrated by dashed lines, becomes activated in the fed state and results in
the synthesis of fatty acids and their esteriŽ cation into triacylglycerol (triglycerides). The Ž rst committed intermediary in fatty
acid synthesis is malonyl-CoA, which inhibits CPT-1 (enzyme 1). This inhibition is illustrated as a thin dashed line pointing
to CPT-1. Inhibition of CPT-1 prevents mitochondrial uptake of fatty acyl-CoA (and its subsequent b-oxidation), and thereby
blocks ketogenesis. In the fed (non-ketotic) state, triglyceride is exported from the liver as very low– density lipoprotein

Nutrition Reviews , Vol. 61, No. 10 331

Ketones: Substrates in Search of a Mission achieved blood ketone levels close to 7 mM/L and blood
glucose concentrations of ca 3.8 mM/L), BHB and AcAc
By the early 1960s, a great deal of information had
replaced glucose as the predominant fuel(s) for brain
accumulated about the biochemistry and physiology of
metabolism. The “starvation paradox” was thus resolved.
the ketone bodies, yet their role in human metabolism
It also became clear that during starvation the liver’s
remained obscure.38 Nevertheless, Ž ve facts were known
ability to generate ketones for use by the brain represents
to medical scientists that, had they been viewed in proper
a biologic strategy for maintaining strength and prolong-
perspective, would have suggested strongly that ketones
ing life during conditions of severe nutritional privation.
have to be the brain’s back-up fuel during starvation.
In this way, the burden of sustaining life during starva-
First, scientists recognized that when people are deprived
tion is shifted from the body’s protein stores to its
of food for 3 days or longer, they become hyperketone-
reserves of fat—a far more effective and efŽ cient adap-
mic and hyperketonuric. Second, catheterization studies
tation. Thanks to the pioneering studies of Cahill et al.,
showed that the adult human brain uses approximately

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metabolism’s ugly duckling Ž nally began to emerge as
100 to 150 g glucose per day.39 Third, scientists under-
an incipient swan!
stood that non-esteriŽ ed fatty acids do not cross the
blood-brain barrier (BBB) and are not directly available
to the brain as an energy source.40 Fourth, Benedict41 Ketones: Uniquely EfŽ cient Metabolic Fuel
showed that during 31 days of total caloric starvation, his In the mid 1940s, Lardy and associates45,46 demonstrated
“fasting man” excreted an average of 8.72 g/day of that when tested on sperm BHB and AcAc, compared
nitrogen (N), which corresponds to a rate of body protein with other metabolic substrates, have the ability to de-
catabolism of approximately 55 g/day. Approximately crease oxygen consumption while increasing motility.
32 g of this amount (0.58 55.0) could have been For almost half a century this apparent increase in met-
available as fuel for the brain—approximately 27% of abolic efŽ ciency remained unexplained. In 1994 and
the brain’s daily needs. In another subject deprived of 1995, however, R.L. Veech’s group47–49 at the National
food for 15 days, mean total N excretion was 4.82 g/day, Institutes of Health showed that in the working perfused
making only 17.4 g of glucose/day potentially available rat heart, when 5 mM ketone bodies/L were added to the
to the brain.42 glucose-containing perfusate, there was a 25% increase
Finally, because glucose was widely assumed to be in hydraulic work with a signiŽ cant decrease in oxygen
the exclusive fuel of the adult human brain,38 one might consumption. Addition of ketones also brought about a
infer that during continuing starvation (after liver glyco- reduction of the mitochrondrial NAD couple, with oxi-
gen stores were exhausted) the brain would have to be dation of the mitochondrial co-enzyme Q couple. The
sustained by glucose derived from intracellular protein. consequence is an increase in the energy of the redox
Making 100 to 150 g of glucose/day available to the span between site I and site II of the electron transport
brain would require the gluconeogenic breakdown of system.
some 172 to 259 g/day of body protein. At this unsus- As Veech et al.50 described, “An increase in the
tainable rate of protein attrition, death might be expected redox span between two sites will result in an increased
to occur within approximately 2 weeks— certainly not energy release by the electron traveling across that span
the 57 to 73 days (mean 61 2.5 [SEM] days) that it . . . With an increase in redox energy of the respiratory
reportedly takes for totally starved young men of average chain, there is a corresponding increase in the energy of
body composition to die.43 If the nutrition scientists of the protons ejected from the mitochondria at the energy-
the time had given more thought to the meaning of this conserving sites, which is then re ected in an increase in
unexplained “prolongation” of life during total starva- the energy of ATP hydrolysis.”
tion, they might have reasoned that during extended food As shown in Table 2, Veech and associates47–49 also
deprivation the brain is able to use the ketones generated observed that the introduction of ketone bodies into the
in such abundance as an alternative energy source. Such rat heart perfusate produced a 16-fold rise in acetyl-CoA
a scenario would have explained the greater than ex- content and increases in TCA cycle intermediates. These
pected longevity and the far lower than expected daily stimulatory effects on TCA cycle activity were similar to
nitrogen deŽ cit exhibited by starved individuals. those obtained with the administration of saturating
In 1966, Cahill et al.39 “connected the dots” and doses of insulin. Insulin increases glucose transport in
concluded that ketones might provide an alternate fuel the myocardium by promoting translocation of insulin-
for the brain during starvation. To test this hypothesis, sensitive GLUT4 to the plasma membrane. Insulin also
the authors performed brain catheterization studies in stimulates the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase mul-
obese patients undergoing 5 to 6 weeks of therapeutic tienzyme complex (PDH)—a rate-limiting step in the
fasting.44 This landmark study showed that under condi- mitochondrial transformation of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA.
tions of sustained starvation (during which the subjects As Veech et al.50 put it, “The implication was that

332 Nutrition Reviews , Vol. 61, No. 10

Table 2. Insulin and Ketone Effects on Cardiac EfŽciency, Acetyl-CoA Production, [NADH]/[NAD ] Ratio,
and Free Energy of ATP Hydrolysis ( GA TP ) in the Perfused Rat Heart
G of ATP Cardiac
Hydrolysis* Cardiac EfŽ ciency*
Substrates Added Acetyl [NADH]/[NAD ]‡§ (cytosolic) EfŽ ciency* (%, relative
to Perfusate CoA*† (mitochondrial) kJ/mol (%) to glucose)
Glucose 1 0.05 56.2 10.5 100
Glucose Insulin 9 0.22¶ 58.9¶ 13.4¶ 128
Glucose Ketones 15 0.62¶ 57.6¶ 13.0¶ 124
Glucose Insulin
Ketones 18 0.43¶ 58.9¶ 14.3¶ 136
*Data of Sato K et al.4 8 and ‡ Kashiwaya et al.4 7 ,4 9

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Numbers represent multiples of that measured with perfusate containing only glucose.
Expressed by Kashiwaya et al.4 7 ,4 9 as [NAD ]/[NADH].

Indicates a signiŽ cant difference ( P , 0.05) from perfusate containing 10 mmol/L glucose; ketones added at 4 mM/L
D-b-hydroxybutyrate 1 mM/L acetoacetate.

ketosis, which is the physiological response to insulin Examples of mechanisms by which diet-induced
deprivation during starvation, was equivalent in meta- hyperketonemia might overcome or circumvent meta-
bolic effects to the actions of insulin . . . (Moreover), bolic impediments to utilization of such substrates as
ketones by-passed the block in glucose transport caused glucose and pyruvate are shown schematically in Fig-
by lack of insulin . . . (and) also by-passed the block in ure 3.
PDH induced by insulin deŽ ciency by providing an
alternative source of mitochondrial acetyl CoA.” The
Use of a “Hyperketogenic” Diet in Treatment
pathway by which ketones are able to achieve this effect
of Seizure Disorders
is shown in Figure 2.
Veech et al.50 pointed out that the gradients of K Fasting has long been acknowledged as a method to
and Na (and Ca ) between the extra- and intracellular prevent or reduce seizures in epileptic individuals.37
phases of the cell are normally in virtual equilibrium Because of the obvious limitations of this treatment, use
with the resting electrical potential between these two of a ketogenic diet to mimic the metabolic effects of food
phases, and with the energy ( G) of ATP hydrolysis, deprivation was proposed in 1921 by both Woodyatt52
which sustains the action of the Na pump. By increas- and Wilder53 at the Mayo Clinic. In 1924, Peterman54
ing metabolic efŽ ciency and, thereby, the energy pro- (also from Mayo) reported the clinical application and
duced by ATP hydrolysis, BHB augments the potential effectiveness of the regimen suggested by Woodyatt and
between the extra- and intracellular phases, giving rise to Wilder. Peterman’s diet provided (per day) 1 g of pro-
an increase in the energy of the K gradient (ratio of tein/kg body weight (considerably less in adults), 10 to
[K ]out/[K ]in) in muscle and brain. A larger mitochon- 15 g of carbohydrate, and the remainder of the calories as
drial membrane potential would lead to larger energy fat. The Peterman ketogenic diet is sometimes called the
production because it is the mitrochondrial membrane 4:1 diet because it provided a ratio of approximately 4
potential difference that drives the production of ATP. parts (by weight) fat to 1 part (by weight) of a mixture of
Maintenance of a suitable K gradient in the cell is, of protein and carbohydrate. This distribution of the major
course, indispensable to its proper functioning. As will macronutrients is almost identical to that of most anti-
be discussed below, impairment of ion homeostasis convulsant diets used today.37 The term “hyperketogenic
within neuronal cells in certain brain areas might result diet” (HKD) will be used in this review to distinguish the
in a degree of electrical instability sufŽ cient to trigger an 4:1 diet (and certain variations thereof) from the far less
epileptic seizure (or, in the heart, a cardiac arrhythmia). drastic, low-carbohydrate, mildly ketogenic diets that
Studies of blood  ow and oxygen consumption in have been advocated for weight control in a succession
the brains of food-deprived obese human subjects re- of popular diet books.
vealed values (45 mL min 1 100 g 1 and 2.7 mL O2 In the 1970s, several investigators55,56 modiŽ ed the
min 1 100 mL 1)44 that were well below the normal Peterman HKD by substituting medium-chain triglycer-
levels for adult human brains of 57 and 3.6, respective- ides (MCT) in varying amounts for long-chain triglycer-
ly.51 Although these data need conŽ rmation, they suggest ides. (MCT’s ketogenic effect is not dependent on con-
an increase in the metabolic efŽ ciency in human brains current restriction of dietary carbohydrate.57) Although
using ketoacids as their principal energy source in place all such variations of the HKD were approximately equal
of glucose. in reducing seizures, many of the children given MCT-

Nutrition Reviews , Vol. 61, No. 10 333

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Figure 2. Production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) in extrahepatic tissues arising from use of ketones and glucose. Glucose is
regulated by a family of GLUT transporter proteins. GLUT4 transporters, found in most body tissues, are mediated by insulin.
GLUT1 transporters, common in tissues such as brain and erythrocytes, allow glucose uptake without insulin mediation. By contrast,
uptake of ketone bodies (shown as BHB and AcAc) occurs via the family of monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs), which are not
insulin mediated. MCT proteins enable ketones to pass readily through the blood-brain barrier. Many types of peripheral cells,
including brain cells, not only use glucose, but also use ketones to produce acetyl-CoA. Glucose utilization depends on glycolytic
enzymes (not shown), which produce pyruvate. Pyruvate, in turn, enters the mitochondrion and is converted to acetyl-CoA by the
pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex (PDH). Ketone substrates enter the mitochondrion in the form of (1) acetoacetate
(AcAc) and (2) b-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), which is readily converted to acetoacetate by b-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (HBD).
Two enzymes principally control ketolysis. First, 3-oxoacid-CoA transferase (OCT) adds coenzyme-A to AcAc, which is then split
into two molecules of acetyl-CoA by acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase (ACT). Acetyl-CoA undergoes oxidative degradation in the TCA
cycle to reduce the electron carrriers NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) and FAD ( avin adenine dinucleotide) to NADH
and FADH 2 , respectively. Acetyl-CoA is also used for lipid or sterol synthesis (not shown). NADH and FADH 2 donate electrons to
the protein complexes I and II of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. The  ow of these electrons down the electron-transport chain
to oxygen (O2 ) allows complexes I, III, and IV to pump protons (shown as H ) out of the matrix and into the intermembrane space,
which generates a proton motive force (pmf) between the intermembrane space and the matrix. The pmf provides the energy to drive
protons back through complex V (ATP synthase) to produce ATP from ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and inorganic phosphate (Pi ).

augmented diets complained of nausea, diarrhea, and 1972, Uhleman and Neims60 demonstrated that mice
occasional vomiting.58 pups fed a high-fat ketogenic diet exhibited signiŽ cantly
Among those patients who adhere to the 4:1 HKD increased thresholds against investigator-applied electro-
for 12 months, 40% experience greater than 90% reduc- shock challenges. This resistance to electroshock disap-
tion in seizures, whereas an additional 40% experience peared promptly after the animals were shifted to a
50 to 90% reduction. Although the precise mechanism of high-carbohydrate diet. Subsequently, a number of stud-
action responsible for the clinical efŽ cacy of the diet has ies have shown an increase in the electroconvulsive
never been clariŽ ed, it is likely that the hyperketonemia threshold in rats maintained on a high-fat diet or de-
induced by the 4:1 HKD is the key factor responsible for prived of food for 48 hours. De Vivo et al.61 found that
the regimen’s anticonvulsant effect, rather than the ac- the ratios of ATP to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) were
companying metabolic acidosis59 or dehydration.37 In signiŽ cantly increased in the brains of rats fed the high-

334 Nutrition Reviews , Vol. 61, No. 10

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Figure 3. Conditions that can impede acetyl-CoA production from pyruvate and its precursors. Examples include: (1) insufŽ cient
insulin; (2) insulin receptor abnormalities; (3) diminished transport of glucose owing to impaired release of GLUT4 transporters
associated with insulin resistance [see below]; (4) pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDH) deŽ ciency or dysfunction; (5)
unavailability of glucose at the cell membrane; and (6) GLUT1 mutations. Provision of ketones to the cell can effectively circumvent
or overcome such impediments and compensate for the resulting deŽ cits of glycolytically derived acetyl-CoA. (GLUT1 designates
the insulin-independent membrane protein responsible for glucose transport in red blood cells and throughout the blood-brain barrier
[BBB]. GLUT4 designates the insulin-dependentglucose transporter protein expressed in most cells. Many forms of insulin resistance
entail putative post-receptor defects of insulin-signal transduction resulting in the failure of insulin to release GLUT4 transporters
from the GLUT4 pool at a rate sufŽ cient to bind and transport enough extracellular glucose to maintain cellular pyruvate levels.)

fat diet. They concluded “. . . the anticonvulsant property Janigro64 summarized studies indicating that there is
of the ketogenic diet derives from the observed increase a reduction in both glucose uptake and metabolic activity
in cerebral energy reserve, which in turn re ects the in seizure foci in epileptic patients. In his words, “Di-
higher ATP/ADP ratio . . . [this] might provide a reason- minished ion homeostasis together with increased meta-
able explanation for the increased neuronal stability that bolic demand of hyperactive neurons may further aggra-
develops during chronic ketosis.” In 1999, Pan et al.62 vate neuropathological consequences of BBB loss of
carried out 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopic imag- glucose uptake mechanisms.” Therefore, one explanation
ing studies in seven patients with intractable epilepsy for the effectiveness of the 4:1 HKD in preventing
before and after institution of a ketogenic diet. They seizures could be the increased transport of BHB at the
measured signiŽ cant increases ( P , 0.05) in high- BBB and its increased availability as an energy source to
energy phosphates in association with adherence to the the affected neurons. BHB is not only an alternate source
ketogenic diet in these subjects. They concluded that of energy for seizure foci in the brain— bypassing an
enhancement of brain energy metabolism occurs with impairment of carbohydrate utilization such as that
use of the ketogenic diet in humans as in lab animals. which can occur from a block in mitochondrial PDH
Thavendiranathan et al.63 have recently reported activity— but it may actually promote ketone and glu-
studies of the effect of the “classic” ketogenic diet on cose uptake in such foci. In rats, diet-induced ketosis
seizures triggered by two threshold tests—the pentyle- produces an eightfold increase in the activity of the
netetrazol infusion test and the threshold electroconvul- monocarboxylate transporter and increases the level of
sive shock test. These authors observed small but signif- the glucose transporter, GLUT1, in brain endothelial
icant threshold elevations (15–20%) against both cells and neuropil.65 The hypothesis put forth by Janigro
chemically and electrically triggered seizures. Similarly to explain how ketosis might eliminate or reduce seizures
protective effects were not seen when suprathreshold is supported by reports that a suitable ketogenic diet is
stimuli were employed. the treatment of choice for two rare conditions that may

Nutrition Reviews , Vol. 61, No. 10 335

be complicated by seizures—the facilitated glucose energy metabolism and contribute to cellular damage and
transporter protein type 1 (GLUT1) deŽ ciency syn- destruction.
drome66,67 and the PDH complex deŽ ciency syndrome.68
Treatment with a ketogenic diet reportedly brought about
Parkinson’s Disease
dramatic clinical improvement in a one-year-old boy
Although the etiology of PD is complex, involving both
with Leigh syndrome, which is associated with a deŽ -
genetic and environmental factors, there is growing in-
ciency of PDH.69 In this child, treatment with a keto-
terest in the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in the
genic diet was associated with striking improvement of
pathogenesis of this disorder. Schapira76 pointed out that
the cerebral lesions, as measured by neuroimaging.
a proportion of PD patients exhibit a deŽ ciency in mito-
In 1973, Buckley and Williamson70 proposed that
chondrial respiratory chain function, most notably a
neural lipid synthesis preferentially uses AcAc over
defect of complex I within neurons of the substantia
glucose. Patel and Owen71 obtained conŽ rmatory data
nigra. In his words, “Both mitochondrial mutations and

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for this hypothesis in 1976. In 1984, Koper et al.72
compared the rate of incorporation of AcAc and glucose toxic agents (endogenous and exogenous) have been
into fatty acids and cholesterol using labeled AcAc and demonstrated to cause a deŽ ciency in complex I func-
glucose. At saturating levels of glucose the authors tion. This is achieved by increasing the degree of, or
observed that the rate at which AcAc label incorporated susceptibility to, oxidative stress, which may contribute
into fatty acids and cholesterol exceeded that of glucose to apoptopic cell death.”
by a factor of 5 to 10 in both oligodendrocytes and Finsterer77 reported metabolic studies indicating that
astrocytes. These observations provide a basis for argu- PD can be a manifestation of MCP. In his series, 6.3% of
ing that some of the beneŽ ts associated with ketogenic PD patients had features of generalized MCP; however,
diets may be related to their enhancing effects on lipo- he used lactate stress testing to detect patients with
genesis and/or sterol synthesis (i.e., damaged neurons MCP—an approach that could not be expected to pick up
might repair more readily in brains given an adequate mitochondrial lesions limited to brain sites.
ketone supply). According to Veech et al., “PD appears to result
from an acquired defect in the mitochondrial NADH
multienzyme complex of the dopaminergic cells of the
Therapeutic Potential of Diet-induced
Hyperketonemia in Neurodegenerative and mesencephalon.”78 They point out, although the disease
Other Disorders is treatable for a period by administration of levodopa
(the metabolic precursor of dopamine), continuing free
Veech et al.50 suggest that maintenance of a suitable radical damage eventually reduces the effectiveness of
degree of diet-induced hyperketonemia (in the range of this therapy. Kashiwaya et al.79 reported that primary
2–7 mM/L) has the potential to aid management of
cultures of mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons ex-
several neurologic diseases, including common neurode-
posed to the meperidine analogue MPP (a molecule that
generative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and
inhibits NADH dehydrogenase [complex 1] and causes
Parkinson’s disease (PD). In their “hypothesis paper,”
oxygen free radical formation) can be protected from
the authors single out AD, PD, Friedreich’s Ataxia,
death by addition of 4 mM D-b-hydroxybutyrate. Veech
Leprechaunisms, and lesser forms of insulin disorders as
et al.50 suggest that BHB probably acts by decreasing the
examples of illnesses that might beneŽ t from therapeutic
source of mitochondrial oxygen radical formation
ketosis. They also describe experience with one case of
LaFora body disease (until now a uniformly fatal genetic “. . . by oxidizing the coenzyme Q couple while at the
disease associated with progressive dementia), in which same time reducing the redox potential of the NADP
use of the 4:1 HKD resulted in unprecedented improve- couple which, through glutathione, is the Ž nal detoxiŽ -
ment in cognition, gait, and awareness after one month.73 cation step of H 2O2.” In a recent review, Schon and
In this disease, mutations in a gene encoding a novel Manfredi80 wrote, “Because complexes I and III are the
protein, tyrosine phosphatase, cause progressive myo- principal sources of free radicals in the cell, altered
clonic epilepsy. complex I function in the substantia nigra pars compacta
Calabrese et al.74 and DiMauro and Schon75 have could be responsible for the increased DNA damage and
recently called attention to evidence suggesting the mi- lipid peroxidation found in PD brains.”
tochondrial genome may play a key role in neurodegen- To the extent that ketones crossing the BBB could
erative diseases. Decreases in respiratory chain complex circumvent or compensate for mitochondrial defects as-
activities have been identiŽ ed in AD, PD, amyotrophic sociated with PD, or could protect dopaminergic neurons
lateral sclerosis, and Huntington’s disease. Mitochondri- from free radical damage, a suitable ketogenic diet might
opathies (MCPs), possibly associated with oxidant/anti- well have beneŽ cial effects in certain patients suffering
oxidant balance perturbation, may underlie defects in from Parkinsonism.

336 Nutrition Reviews , Vol. 61, No. 10

Alzheimer’s Disease inhibit key enzymes, and contribute to the impairment of
In 1996, Ogawa et al.81 determined regional cerebral energy metabolism observed in AD.
blood  ow and studied energy utilization in the brains of Veech et al.50 contend that the foregoing studies
seven patients with AD by measuring arteriovenous provide a rationale for trial of a ketogenic diet in the
differences of an array of substrates. Single-photon emis- treatment of AD. Ketones can overcome localized insulin
sion computed tomography showed that the patients had resistance, can bypass a block in PDH, and have been
signiŽ cantly decreased regional cerebral blood  ow lim- shown to protect dopaminergic neurons from free radical
ited to the parietotemporal region. The glucose extraction damage and from apoptosis induced by the 1– 42 amy-
fraction and global cerebral metabolic rate of glucose loid fragment in tissue-culture experiments.
were signiŽ cantly decreased, whereas the global cerebral
metabolic rate of oxygen was only slightly decreased. What Next?
Because the cerebral metabolic rates of the various sub-

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In considering the potential usefulness of therapeutic
strates (ketones, lactate, etc.) did not change, the authors hyperketonemia in the treatment of AD, PD, and certain
concluded that the markedly elevated oxygen:glucose other neurodegenerative conditions, it is essential to be
utilization ratio indicated an altered energy metabolism clear about what is meant by terms like “ketogenic diet”
in AD. and “hyperketonemia.”
Conceivably the impairment of glucose metabolism There is widespread confusion among both physi-
in AD patients described by Ogawa et al. is attributable, cians and lay individuals about what constitutes a keto-
at least in part, to local insulin resistance. Watson and genic diet. Similar to glucose, ketones are present in the
Craft82 called attention to emerging evidence that insulin blood at all times. As shown in Table 3, the range of
abnormalities and insulin resistance in AD may contrib- ketone levels that can be achieved by prolonged food
ute to the pathophysiology and clinical symptoms of this deprivation or by adherence to various diets is quite
disorder. In their words, “It has been recently demon- wide. Hence, it makes no sense to speak of a “ketogenic
strated that insulin-sensitive glucose transporters are lo- diet” without also specifying the degree of serum ketone
calized in the same regions supporting memory and that elevation that the diet is intended to achieve.
insulin plays a role in memory functions. Collectively, The serum concentrations sought for treatment of
these Ž ndings suggest that insulin may contribute to epilepsy range from 2 to 7 mM/L. Such levels can be
normal cognitive functioning and that insulin abnormal- achieved only by strict adherence to a regimen like the
ities may exacerbate cognitive impairments, such as 4:1 HKD— one most patients Ž nd burdensome. On the
those associated with AD.” The authors suggest that other hand, the kind of low-carbohydrate “ketogenic
improving insulin effectiveness may have therapeutic diet” (e.g., 30% protein, 8% carbohydrate, 61% fat [as
beneŽ t for patients with AD. The suggestion of Watson proportions of total energy]) that has recently become
and Craft that insulin abnormalities may play a role in popular—although much easier to follow—achieves
the pathogenesis of AD has to be reconciled with the BHB levels of only 0.28 – 0.40 mM/L.87 (This “popular”
Ž nding by Molina et al.83 that cerebrospinal  uid insulin ketogenic diet, at a 2000 kcal/day intake, provides 127 g
of presumptive carbohydrate [40 preformed] plus 87 g
levels in 27 AD patients did not differ from those in 16
derivable from 150 g protein, not including the small
matched controls.
quantity of glycerol released in the course of adipocyte
In 1996, Hoshi et al.84 reported that a fragment of
triglyceride hydrolysis. At the same energy level, the 4:1
the beta chain of amyloid inhibits PDH activity in pri-
HKD would yield 33 g of presumptive carbohydrate
mary cultures of hippocampal neurons. A year later, the
[10 g preformed] plus 23 g derivable from 40 g protein.
same authors found that the 1– 42 fragment of the beta
Thus, the effective quantity of carbohydrate provided by
chain of amyloid, Ab1–42, can inhibit acetyl choline the popular ketogenic diet is almost four times that
synthesis of septal neurons.85 Veech et al.50 note that supplied by the 4:1 HKD.)
cultured hippocampal neurons die when exposed to Future research must address the problem of match-
Ab1–42. However, addition of 4 mM D-b-hydroxybu- ing diet-induced elevation of serum ketone levels with
tyrate protects these neurons from amyloid fragment– therapeutic beneŽ ts. Because the drastic type of hyper-
induced death. Casley et al.86 showed that beta-amyloid ketogenic diet—the one used to treat epilepsy and related
causes a signiŽ cant reduction in state 3 and state 4 neurologic disorders—is so onerous and difŽ cult to fol-
mitochondrial respiration, which is diminished further by low, it is especially important to determine the extent to
nitric oxide. These authors also found that cytochrome which such a diet can be liberalized without losing
oxidase, -ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, and PDH activ- desirable therapeutic effects. Given the daunting nature
ities are inhibited by b-amyloid. They concluded that of the 4:1 HKD, it is encouraging that there exists a
b-amyloid can directly disrupt mitochondrial function, potential nutritional stratagem, which eventually may

Nutrition Reviews , Vol. 61, No. 10 337

Table 3. Relationship of Metabolic State and Diet Composition to Plasma Levels of Acetoacetate (AcAc)
and b-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB) in Normal-weight, Overweight, and Obese Adults
Metabolic State/
Diet AcAc BHB
Composition Comments (mM/L) (mM/L) References
Postabsorptive Males
n 5 11 Normal weight 0.05 0.07 Hall et al.18
n 5 12 Normal weight 0.08 Sharman et al.87
n 5 10 Obese 0.15 0.27 Hall et al.18
n 5 6 Overweight 0.01 0.02 Cahill et al.39
Ketogenic diets* Males (normal weight)
(eucaloric) 3 weeks on diet ( n 5 12) 0.40 Sharman et al.87
Sharman et al.87

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C8, P30, F61 6 weeks on diet 0.28
Female (normal weight)
C2, P8, F90 2 weeks on diet ( n 5 1) 0.70 6.02 VanItallie, Nonas & HeymsŽ eld†
Fasting Males
n 5 6 (overweight)
1-week fast 0.95 3.58 Cahill et al.39
n 5 6 (obese)
1–2-week fast 1.04 5.97 Hall et al.18
*Distribution (percent total calories) of carbohydrate (C), protein (P), and fat (F).

Unpublished study (St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital, 2003).
Where n . 1, all values are means.

make it possible to induce therapeutic hyperketonemia in Acknowledgment

patients without requiring them to adhere to a Draconian
We thank Richard L. Veech, M.D., D.Phil., for his
regimen. The stratagem entails administration by mouth
encouragement and very helpful suggestions. We also
of substantial quantities of ketones in a form—namely,
thank Steven W. Fowkes for creative and elegant ren-
as esters or small polymers—suitable for ingestion. In
dering of Figures 1–3 and editorial advice.
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