MQAP Denso Protal 7200 Brush Grade

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Manufacturer's With reference to Page 1 of 4

Qualified Application CSA Z245.30

Denso Protal Procedure MQAP Field-applied external
coatings for steel
7200 Brush pipeline systems

Manufacturer Denso North America (Canada)
90 Ironside Crescent, Unit 12, Toronto Ontario, Canada M1X1M3
Tel: 416-291-3435,
Fax: 416-291-0898
MQAP Version Number 1.0 (1 July-2015)
MQAP Unique identifier Denso Protal 7200 (CSA Z245.30 System FC1/FC3)

a) tools, consumables, and equipment Variable speed power drill with mixing paddle and
required to apply the coating. strong wooden stir sticks. 4" wide brushes for small
diameter pipe and/or short nap rollers for large
diameter applications.
b) approved solvents or other cleaning Including but not limited to: water, acetone, xylene,
agents to be used to clean the steel and MEK, ethanol, toluene.
adjacent anti- corrosion coating prior to
surface preparation.
c) surface preparation of the steel Prior to being grit blasted, oil and grease
contaminants should be removed in accordance with
SSPC SP-1 and/or using a solvent (ie: Xylene, Acetone,
MEK, Water etc.). All abrasive blast by-product
contaminants shall be removed from the steel surface
to be coated. All surfaces to be coated shall be
abrasive blasted to a near-white finish (SSPC SP-10,
NACE 2 or SIS Sa 2 1/2). A surface profile of 0.063 –
0.125 mm (2.5 – 5 mils) is required. Metal areas that
develop flash rust due to exposure to rain or moisture
shall be re-blasted to return them to their original
blasted condition.

d) surface preparation of adjacent anti- Edges of the existing coating shall be roughened by
corrosion coatings sweep blasting the coating for a distance of 25mm
(1”) minimum to feather edge the transition. The
prepared adjacent coating will also be free of any
contamination or residue left by abrasive blast
material, a proper solvent in conjunction with clean,
lint free cloths and/or compressed air are
recommended here.
e) compatibility with other anti-corrosion Compatible with all anti-corrosion coatings.
f) preheat methods Propane torch, induction coil or infrared heaters are
acceptable methods for pre-heating.
g) substrate temperature range for surface Substrate temperature range for application of Protal
preparation, application, and cure is 10C (50F) to 100C (212F).
Manufacturer's With reference to Page 2 of 4
Qualified Application CSA Z245.30
Denso Protal Procedure MQAP Field-applied external
coatings for steel
7200 Brush pipeline systems

Manufacturer Denso North America (Canada)
90 Ironside Crescent, Unit 12, Toronto Ontario, Canada M1X1M3
Tel: 416-291-3435,
Fax: 416-291-0898
MQAP Version Number 1.0 (1 July-2015)
MQAP Unique identifier Denso Protal 7200 (CSA Z245.30 System FC1/FC3)

h) ambient conditions considering dew Substrate temperature must be a minimum of 3C

point temperature (5F) above the dew point temperature before
h) ambient conditions considering dew proceeding with the coating operation. Ambient
point temperature – cont’d temperature can be lower if the substrate is heated
with a propane torch prior to abrasive blasting or an
induction-heating coil may be utilized either before or
after abrasive blasting.

i) coating mixing and thinning procedures This product is 3:1 100% solids epoxy and no thinners
can be used at any time. Lowering the viscosity of the
Part A (base) and Part B (hardener) will be done so by
storing/warming the material prior to application to a
temperature of 20C (68F) to 35C (98F). Ensure the
part A (Resin) and Part B (Hardener) components
match in both material and size as specified on the
containers. Mix the B component first, independent
of the resin. Pour the contents into the part A (Resin)
component. Mix, using a power drill with a mixing
paddle at a slow speed so as not to introduce air into
the mix, making sure to scrape the bottom and sides
of the container with a wooden stir stick, continue
mixing with the power drill until a uniform color is
achieved. Application shall take place immediately
after mixing.

j) coating thickness range A wet on wet brush technique where coating should
be applied to a thickness of 0.508 – 2.032 mm (20 - 80
mils) in single coat. A thinner (i.e. 0.635 - 0.889 mm
or 25 - 35 mils) application is recommended for
standard burial where a thicker application (i.e. 1.016
- 1.778 mm or 40 - 70 mils) is to be used on sections of
pipe that require extra abrasion resistance.
Manufacturer's With reference to Page 3 of 4
Qualified Application CSA Z245.30
Denso Protal Procedure MQAP Field-applied external
coatings for steel
7200 Brush pipeline systems

Manufacturer Denso North America (Canada)
90 Ironside Crescent, Unit 12, Toronto Ontario, Canada M1X1M3
Tel: 416-291-3435,
Fax: 416-291-0898
MQAP Version Number 1.0 (1 July-2015)
MQAP Unique identifier Denso Protal 7200 (CSA Z245.30 System FC1/FC3)

k) coating application method Material shall be applied by a Denso approved

applicator using the prescribed equipment in part a).
Pour the mixed product onto the top of the pipe and
spread down and around the entire surface of the
bare steel and overlap onto the existing coating a
minimum of 1". Applicators shall use a brush to
smooth out any obvious sags or rough edges, valleys,
or drips. Special attention shall be given to weld
buttons and bottom of the pipe. The coating shall be
applied to the specified Dry Film Thickness (DFT) up to
2.032 mm (80 mils) in one application. The finished
coating will be free of runs, sags, and drips.

l) coating curing or cooling schedule and The coating curing is time and temperature
condition dependent i.e. handling time at 25°C (77°F) ambient is
2.5 - 3 Hours, at 47°C (117°F) is 1 Hour, and at 69°C
(157°F) is 20 Minutes.
If the steel substrate falls below 5 C (41F) the
coating will stop curing, below 0 C (32F) the coating
will freeze. A detailed coating cure chart is available
from the manufacturer.
m) recoat and repair method Small repairs may be accomplished by using Protal
Repair Cartridges. Larger repairs shall be repaired
using Protal 7200 Brush Grade or Protal 7200 Spray
Grade. The surface to be coated shall be abraded
using 80 grit sandpaper or by sweep blasting the
repair area. The abraded area should be wiped clean
with a solvent and shall be clean and dry prior to
applying the coating. Surfaces below 50F (10C) shall
be pre-heated.
n) time to backfill The coating curing is time and temperature
dependent and cure times can be adjusted by
controlling the temperature of the steel substrate or
the temperature of the surrounding environment. For
most applications, backfill can be accomplished when
the coating reaches a minimum Shore D of 80. The
Manufacturer's With reference to Page 4 of 4
Qualified Application CSA Z245.30
Denso Protal Procedure MQAP Field-applied external
coatings for steel
7200 Brush pipeline systems

Manufacturer Denso North America (Canada)
90 Ironside Crescent, Unit 12, Toronto Ontario, Canada M1X1M3
Tel: 416-291-3435,
Fax: 416-291-0898
MQAP Version Number 1.0 (1 July-2015)
MQAP Unique identifier Denso Protal 7200 (CSA Z245.30 System FC1/FC3)

n) time to backfill – cont’d “thumb nail test” can also be used. The thumb nail
test is defined by when one can no longer make a
permanent indentation in the coating using one’s
thumb nail.
An acceptable field test to check to see if the coating
has a full chemical cure, a solvent such as Xylene, MEK
or Toluene can be rubbed on to the coating. If the
gloss/sheen is removed the coating is not fully cured.
Holiday testing shall be performed to ensure proper
film thickness and for holiday inspection. The voltage
used for testing weld joints and field applications shall
be equal to that used for testing the mainline coating
in the field or 100 -125 volts/mil based on the
specified minimum mil thickness.
o) handling and storage requirements for Storage and shipping of the material shall be between
coating materials: 5 C (41F) and 40C (104F). The containers shall be
stored up right in a dry environment.
i) temperature limitations (e.g., freezing, Materials will freeze below 0 C (32F), product
excessive heat); cannot be used after it has been frozen. Excessive
heat will shorten the shelf life of the material.
ii) humidity; Store in a dry place.

iii) protection from the elements (e.g., Store in a dry place.

snow, rain, sunlight);
iv)protection from contaminants (e.g., dust, Store in original packaging.
water, chemicals);
v) expiration date Expiration date is labelled on the packaging of the

vi) protection from physical damage. In normal use no special measures required. Do not
over-stack pallets of product.

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