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Induction hot bending and heat treatment of 20'' API 5L X80 pipe

Conference Paper · January 2006

DOI: 10.1115/IPC2006-10089


8 6,397

4 authors, including:

Gilmar Batista Eduardo Hippert

Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. Petróleo Brasileiro S.A.


I. S. Bott
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro


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Proceedings of IPC 2006
6th International Pipeline Conference
September 25-29, 2006, Calgary, Alberta, Canada



Gilmar Zacca Batista Leonardo Naschpitz

[email protected] [email protected]

Eduardo Hippert Jr. Ivani de S. Bott

[email protected] [email protected]

ABSTRACT m3/day in 2010 [1]. To attend this demand, is necessary

that the new gas pipelines have larger diameters and
The present work discusses the effect of the operate with higher pressures, thus a pipe wall thickness
induction hot bending process on the microstructure and increase or higher strength steels will be required.
the mechanical properties of an API 5L X80, 20” pipe Increasing the strength of the steel permits the
produced by the UOE process. The key characteristic of maintenance of pipe diameter while avoiding excessive
the pipe was the manufacturing process of the steel plate, wall thickness. In this way, the overall weight of the steel
involving thermomechanical controlled rolling without necessary for a given high pressure pipeline project can
accelerated cooling. The pipe bending was carried out be reduced and economic advantages obtained.
applying local induction heating followed by water In Brazil, the production of high strength X80 pipe
quenching and a further temper heat treatment which was grade, according to API 5L specification, is performed via
applied to the curved section. The methodology of the traditional controlled rolling process, as opposed to
analysis compared the curved section with the original the accelerated cooling process that is used in other
body pipe (tangent end), taking into account dimensional countries. Although already successfully produced in
analysis, microstructural evaluation and mechanical tests Brazil, the X80 pipe has not been used in onshore
which included Charpy-V impact, tensile and pipelines. For this purpose, it is necessary to evaluate the
microhardness. A significant microstructural change and pipe behavior during the field construction, more
decrease, not only in the transition temperature, but also specifically the bending and welding processes.
in the yield strength, occurred after induction bending. During pipeline construction, depending on the field
This reduction resulted in a tensile strength below the profile, about 30% to 40% of the pipes are bent. The
standard requirements. The subsequent tempering heat preference is cold bending, because this can be
treatment applied to the curved section produced an performed in the field. However, when the bend radius is
increase in the yield strength to achieve the API 5L small, it becomes necessary to apply a hot bending
requirements for this class of steel. process. This process causes localized heating and fast
cooling of the pipe section that is being bent, which can
INTRODUCTION produce significant microstructural changes in the steel
and, consequent changes in its mechanical properties.
Gas production and consumption in Brazil are Nowadays there is a lack of information in the open
growing more and more. According to the Petrobras literature that shows the metallurgical details about the
Strategic Plan, the growth perspective for the natural gas induction hot bending process in API 5L X80 pipe steel
market is from 30,7 million m3/day in 2003 to 77,6 million manufactured by controlled rolling, without accelerated

1 Copyright © 2006 by ASME

cooling. In this study the influence resulting from the hot that is followed by a water quenching, applied at the
bending process and heat treatment in the microstructure external pipe surface.
and mechanical properties of the API 5L X80 pipe made
in Brazil is evaluated.
This paper will be particularly useful for potential
users of hot bends and present extensive and significant
partial results of a thorough, ongoing program to evaluate
the X80 hot bending process to facilitate its applications
in pipelines.


A 20” x 0.75” API 5L X80 pipe, produced by the UOE

process, was used for this study. The steel plate for pipe
production was made by thermomechanical controlled
rolling without accelerated cooling. This pipe was
originally developed to be used as a straight pipe, so the Figure 1- Schematic diagram of the bending process [2].
wall thickness, the chemical composition and the route of
production were not elaborated to anticipate the effects of The bending temperature was around 1050ºC and a
the induction bending process. This situation is very 2.54 m bend radius was produced, resulting in a 70º bend
common in pipeline construction in Brazil, since the angle.
amount of hot bends is very limited and doesn’t justify a Figure 2 shows the 20” X80 bending process. Note
special batch production. Besides that, the specification that, just after the passage of the heating coil, the pipe is
and the purchase of pipes are made before the final land water cooled externally.
profile evaluation is concluded when the amount of bends
that will be necessary is not still known, so the pipeline
constructor has to choose the pipes available. Table 1
shows the steel’s chemical composition and carbon
equivalent values.

Table 1- Chemical Composition.

Elements (wt %)
C Mn Si Nb V Ti

0.05 1.76 0.17 0.066 0.025 0.016

Ceq Ceq Figure 2- X80 bending process [3].

Mo Cr Cu Nb+V+Ti
(IIW) (Pcm)

0.20 0.15 0.02 0.42 0.17 0.11 To evaluate the effect of the bending process on the
pipe, mechanical tests (tensile, Charpy V and
Elements (ppm) microhardness) and dimensional analysis were
undertaken. The mechanical tests were carried out
P S Sn B Ca Ni N Al
according to API 5L [4] and ASTM A 370 [5] standards.
160 20 20 3 30 200 57 350 Tensile properties were measured using transverse round
bar specimens. Impact properties were measured using
Figure 1 shows the hot bending process applied. The transverse, full size Charpy V specimens where the long
pipe end is pushed while a rotating arm guides the pipe dimension was parallel to the circumferential direction.
during the bending according to the desired bend radius, Charpy V and tensile specimens were taken from the
the other end remaining fixed. During the bending, the middle of the wall thickness. In addition, a microstructural
pipe passes through a high frequency coil that creates a analysis was performed.
concentrated magnetic field and induces an electric The purpose of this test methodology is not qualify a
potential in the pipe creating a current flow. The pipe’s bend procedure according applicable standards but to
resistance to the flow causes fast and localized heating determine the influence of the applied heating in all parts

2 Copyright © 2006 by ASME

of the bend. The regions evaluated in this study are not The ovalization was relatively slight (only 0.5%), as
only in agreement with ISO 15590-1 [6], DNV-OS-F101 calculated by the difference between the largest and
[7] and ASME B16.49 [8] but also meet these standards smallest external diameters divided by nominal diameter.
requirements as can be seen in Figure 3. The slight amount of ovalization can be attributed to the
relatively small diameter/wall thickness ratio.
The intrados wall thickness increase was 9.8% and
extrados decrease was 8.4%. Pipe subjected to the hot
bending process should take into account these
dimensional changes. However, as mentioned before, the
specification and the purchase of pipes are often
performed before the final land profile evaluation is
concluded, so the pipeline constructor have to choose the
thicker pipes available (usually the excess pipes
purchased for directional drilling).

Microstructural Evaluation

During induction hot bending the maximum

temperature to which the steel is heated usually exceeds
the upper critical temperature for 1 to 2 minutes; thus the
microstructure of steel is transformed to austenite.
Immediately after passing through the induction coil, the
heated area is water quenched. After quenching, the
microstructure of the steel may consist of various
microconstituents, depending upon the pipe composition
Figure 3- Location for extraction of samples for testing. and cooling rate, such as ferrite, pearlite, bainite,
martensite, or combinations of these transformation
products. Furthermore, Williams [9] explains that different
1- Tangent Weld; points around the pipe circumference pass beneath the
2- Extrados Transition Zone; induction coil at different speeds, depending on their
3- Extrados; distance from the bend axis. The outer radius would be
4- Bend Weld; under the induction coil for a shorter time than would the
5- Weld Transition Zone; inner radius, for example.
6- Neutral Axis Transition Zone; The microstructure observed in the tangent end is
7- Intrados; shown in Figure 4.
8- Neutral Axis;
9- Intrados Transition Zone;
10- Tangent End.


Dimensional Evaluation

During pipe bending, the main dimensional changes

are extrados wall thickness decreasing, intrados
increasing, changes in pipe diameter and ovalization.
Wall thickness measurements were performed using
an ultrasonic thickness gage. These measurements were
made in the intrados, extrados and tangent end regions.
Pipe diameter and ovalization measurements also were
The pipe diameter decreased only 0.1%. According Figure 4- Original microstructure (tangent ends). Optical
Williams [9], this decrease is attributed to thermal Microscopy. Magnification: 500X. Etch: 2% Nital.
expansion and contraction effects as the pipe passed
Figure 5 shows the tangent end and bend (intrados,
through the induction coil.
extrados and neutral axis) microstructures for three wall

3 Copyright © 2006 by ASME

thickness areas (I- inner surface, M- mid-thickness, O- A significant microstructural change was observed
outside surface). The Vickers microhardness values across the wall thickness. The outside surface has a
(Load: 100gf) is presented at the right of the pictures. more acicular microstructure due to the higher cooling
The original pipe microstructure consisted of fine rate caused by outside water quenching, resulting in high
polygonal ferrite with a small amount of pearlite (Figure 4) hardness values. As compared to other bend areas, the
and, scanning electron microscopy, after a two-step intrados reached larger austenite grain sizes. This can be
electrolytic etching, Ikawa’s solution [10 and 11] (Figure explained because this region had a longer exposition
5a) confirmed presence of MA (martensite-austenite) in time at bending temperature and also because the
the ferrite matrix. After quenching, the microstructures of bending strain will be higher at extrados, contributing to
all bend regions are changed (Figure 5 b, c, d). the grain refinement.
The transition zone’s microstructures are very similar
Microstructure HV Microstructure HV to original (tangent ends). However, due to the
discontinuous bending procedures, a greater variety of
grain sizes can be observed (Figure 6).
289 337 Microstructure HV Microstructure HV

288 282

277 265

291 253

290 267

309 277
a) Tangent end. b) Neutral axis.

c) Extrados TZ. d) Intrados TZ.

286 354 Figure 6- Transition Zones Microstructures. Optical
Microscopy. Magnification: 500X. Etch: 2% Nital.

Mechanical Properties

M M In a bent pipe section, normally there are significant

270 274 differences in mechanical properties from tangent ends to
the bent region and between different locations around
the pipe circumference. Figure 7 shows tangent end and
bent region Charpy absorbed impact energy curves. The
temperature associated with the 100J absorbed energy
I I level in the impact tests was observed to decrease after
264 270 bending. The tangent end transition temperature is about
30ºC above the intrados and about 40ºC above the
extrados transition temperatures.
c) Extrados. d) Intrados. The behavior of transition zones is very similar to
Figure 5- Tangent end and bend region microstructures. original pipe and also has higher transition temperatures
Scanning Electron Microscopy. Magnification: 2000X. than bent region.
Etch: Two-step electrolytic etching, using Ikawa’s solution
[10 and 11].

4 Copyright © 2006 by ASME

is used to produce fine grained microstructure and
appropriate microconstituents in the steels to guarantee
the desired yield strength. As a result of the induction hot
bend process, the effects of the controlled rolling on the
microstructure and properties of the steel was eliminated.
DNV-OS-F101 [7] also shows that the pipes
manufactured from thermomechanical control process
(TMCP) plate, may not have adequate hardenability to
achieve the required mechanical properties after
induction bending. Kondo [2] suggests that the strength of
bent pipes up to X80 grade can be controlled using CE as
an indicator of hardenability and that the CE of induction
bent pipe should be designed to be higher in order to
increase the hardenability and minimize the yield strength
For straight pipes the low CE assures good
weldability but, on the other hand, does not provide the
necessary hardenability to assure the high strength in
bends made by the quench process. For this reason the
Figure 7- Charpy absorbed impact energy curves. pipe should have a CE content suitable for the hot bend
In general, Figure 7 shows impact toughness Previous work [15] found an optimum CE value of
improvement after induction hot bending. One reason for 0.48% for the X80 grade. This value assures good
this improvement could be associated with the presence strength after bending. The steel studied in this work has
of alloying elements such as Nb and Ti that precipitates a CE of only 0.42%.
as carbides and nitrides, during induction heating and the
resulting fine precipitates suppress austenite grain
Kondo et al [2] showed that although the austenite
grain size of the Nb-bearing steel increases with an
increase in heating temperature, because an increase in
heating temperature promotes solution of Nb (C, N) in the
austenite phase, it is clear that the size is much smaller
than that of the Nb-free steel. Fine austenite grains lead
to a fine microstructure after quenching and hence good
toughness. Ti precipitates have a similar effect however
with different dissolution temperature. TiN, for example, is
stable at high temperatures and then is very effective in
order to suppress austenite grain growth [12, 13].
Furthermore the microstructure in Figure 5 shows
that the hot bending process promotes new, small ferrite
grain formation as a result of refined austenite and water
cooling and also reduces strain hardening which is good
Figure 8- Yield and tensile strength.
for the toughness [13].
TZ = Transition Zone.
In spite of high toughness, the low carbon Nb steels
have low hardenability (low carbon equivalent) and for
this reason, it is necessary to add other alloying elements Kondo et al [2] explain that the cooling rate is also an
to meet the required strength. Figure 8 shows the tangent important parameter and strongly depends on wall
end, bend and transition zones tensile properties. thickness. Therefore, the application of a cooling method
The yield strength measured in the bend region from both inside and outside for induction bending of high
(extrados, intrados and neutral axis) was appreciably strength steel pipe (and/or heavy wall thickness)
lower than that in the original pipe and also lower than the increases the cooling rate and is effective in reducing CE.
specified minimum yield strength (SMYS). Groeneveld Thus high strength could be achieved in low CE steel by
[14] explains that the controlled rolling process in cooling both sides.
combination with the tailoring of the chemical composition

5 Copyright © 2006 by ASME

Another way to improve yield strength is to perform a
heat treatment after bending.

Influence of Hot Bending on Weld Seam Properties

In a bending process, the bent region and tangent

end weld seams have significant differences. The tangent
end weld seam is in the as-welded condition while the
bent region is quenched. If a tempering heat treatment is
applied, the bent region will be quenched and tempered
and the tangent ends only tempered. Therefore, it is
necessary a suitable alloy design to obtain sufficient
properties for the both bent region and the tangent ends.
The weld metal chemical composition is given in
Table 2.
Figure 9- Charpy absorbed impact energy curves
Table 2- Weld metal chemical composition. of tangent end weld seam.
Elements (wt %)
C Mn Si Nb V Ti The Vickers microhardness values of base metal,
weld metal and HAZ are very close (Figure 10). However,
0.06 1.54 0.32 0.037 0.015 0.013 it is possible to note that the HAZ has the lowest average
microhardness and the weld metal the highest. Similar
results were found for a 30" pipe of 0,625" wall thickness,
Mo Cr Cu Ni P S Al produced by the same production route as the pipe
studied here [16].
0.205 0.102 0.055 0.016 0.018 0.005 0.011

Kondo [2] shows that the chemical composition

employed in this study can result in lower transition
temperatures and therefore good toughness.
Figure 9 shows the tangent end weld seam Charpy
absorbed impact energy curves. It can be seen that weld
metal has the highest transition temperature and the
heated affected zone (HAZ) has the lower. Previous work
[16], with the same kind of pipe used in this study,
attributes the HAZ’s high toughness to the microstructural
transformations induced by the welding thermal cycle
where the high toughness is related to the MA constituent
in the HAZ, which is smaller than MA in base metal, and
the larger distance between the particles. Another factor
that could be contributing to the high toughness values is
the lack of interconnection between the particles. All
these factors (morphology, size and distribution of MA)
can cause the same effect as that observed in the HAZ in
this study. Figure 10- Tangent end weld seam microhardness.

As well as the base metal, the weld metal and HAZ

also present a significant change in mechanical
properties after hot bending. Williams [9] reports that the
induction hot bend process results in the removal of the

6 Copyright © 2006 by ASME

HAZ in the bending section and appreciable
homogenization and grain refinement of the weld metal.
This results in a HAZ and weld metal toughness
improvement, decreasing the transition temperature, as
can be seen in Figure 11.

Figure 13- Microhardness of bend region

after hot bending.

Figure 11- Effect of hot bending on HAZ and weld metal

transition temperature.

Like the tangent ends, the HAZ microhardness of the

bend region and transition zones is lower than that of the
weld metal (Figure 12 and Figure 13). The lower HAZ
hardness does not impair the weld seam strength as can
be seen in Figure 14. For all regions evaluated, the weld
seam strength is higher than base metal strength.

Figure 14- Weld and base metal tensile strength.

HAZ softening has been observed in high strength

steels welded using submerged arc welding processes
(tandem technique) [16]. Nagae [17] found similar results
where HAZ softening did not affect the tensile strength

Figure 12- Microhardness of transition zone

after hot bending.

7 Copyright © 2006 by ASME

HEAT TREATMENT Figure 16 shows the extrados and intrados
microstructures and Vickers microhardness values after
In order to improve the yield strength after induction tempering heat treatment. The microstructural differences
hot bending, a tempering heat treatment was applied. The across the wall thickness are smaller than as quenched
parameters employed are described below: condition. It can also be seen that the amount of MA
constituent is lower.
- Free heating up to 300 ºC;
- Between 300 and 500 ºC: heating rate of 100º/h; Microstructure HV Microstructure HV
- Soaking temperature: 500 ºC;
- Soaking time: 1 hour;
- Cooling: Air. O O
269 294
The heat treatment was evaluated only at the
intrados and extrados areas. The complete evaluation of
the tempering effect in the bend properties is still
underway but significant partial results of this study are
presented. M M
The heat treatment applied does not reestablish the 246 262
original X80 yield strength, however it increases the value
to above the minimum required by API 5L standard
(Figure 15).
The mechanism by which the yield strength increases
and the tensile strength decreases is not yet clear. The
yield strength improvement might be related to a I I
231 234
precipitation hardening mechanism caused by the
presence of alloying elements. Vanadium, for example, is
in solid solution at the bending temperature and stay this
way due to the high cooling rate promoted by water c) Extrados. d) Intrados.
quenching. During the tempering heat treatment, the
vanadium precipitate occurs as carbides and nitrides, Figure 16- Microstructures after tempering. Scanning
inducing the yield strength increase. However, the Electron Microscopy. Magnification: 2000X.
evidence of precipitates formation is not available in this Etch: Two-step electrolytic etching, using Ikawa’s solution
study. [10 and 11].

Figure 17 shows the Vickers microhardness values

for tangent end (original pipe), extrados and intrados
regions. It can be seen that the tempering treatment
reduces extrados and intrados hardness values.

Figure 15- Yield and tensile strength before and after heat
treatment. Ext = Extrados, Int = Intrados.
Figure 17- Vickers microhardness of the temperd pipe.

8 Copyright © 2006 by ASME

The hardness values of the tempered pipe are in - A significant extrados and intrados yield strength
agreement with the international pipe standards for non improvement was achieved by the tempering heat
sour service application. For example, ISO 15590-1 [6] treatment applied, increasing this value to above the
and DNV-OS-F101 [7] specify 300 HV as a maximum minimum required by the API 5L standard. This
acceptable hardness value. improvement might be related with a precipitation
hardening mechanism caused by the presence of V. The
CONCLUSIONS effect of precipitation on yield strength depends on the
particle size and matrix distribution and on heat treatment
The induction hot bending of API 5L X80 and its effect parameters. To improve the effect of tempering conditions
on mechanical properties after bending and after heat on the mechanical properties it will be necessary to make
treatment, as well as weld seam performance before tests with different parameters and evaluate the effect on
tempering, are presented in this paper. The main the X80 mechanical properties.
conclusions are described below:
- The extrados wall thinning is about 8 %. It should be
taken into account during pipe wall thickness design. The authors wish to acknowledge the financial
support of the CNPq and of Petrobras. The technical
- The outside water cooling, after a region of the pipe support of CONFAB and PROTUBO is also
passes through the heating coil, results in a acknowledged.
microstructure gradient across the wall thickness. Thus
the hardness values can vary from 260 HV (inner REFERENCES
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