Animal Fat As Fuel

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A thesis submitted to
The University of Birmingham
for the degree of


School of Mechanical Engineering

The University of Birmingham
March 2012

University of Birmingham Research Archive
e-theses repository

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of this work are as defined by The Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 or
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Any use made of information contained in this thesis/dissertation must be in

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of the copyright holder.

Power generation is the largest single source of greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for

some 40% of the world total (1). The situation can be improved by usage of renewable

fuels. There is a lot of controversy and growing concerns regarding usage of so called first

generation bio fuels produced from food crops. The attention of industry and researchers is

moving towards second generation fuels obtained from non edible sources. Waste food or

meat by-products can be processed into tallow. This thesis focuses on the suitability and

feasibility of animal fat usage as a fuel for internal combustion engines. The applied

approach can be characterised by acknowledging the challenges and difficulties of using

untreated fat in the engine, where modifications to the fuel supply system are minimal; the

consequences are described and analysed. This work is an attempt to provide guidance and

minimal requirements for animal fat to be utilised as fuel.

Animal fat (tallow) has been used by humans as source of energy since the Palaeolithic

age. The main area of application was combustion in various types of lamps. Tallow is

obtained from animal by-products in a process called rendering. The raw material is

crushed and heated. The process eliminates water, sterilises the material and allows it to be

separated into fats, meat and bone meal. It may regarded to be a waste product, however,

access to the raw material, such as whales washed on shore, was regulated by law from as

early as the 12th century. The feasibility of alternative fuel usage may often be a critical

factor affecting power plant type selection. The renewable electricity generation

subsidising system in the United Kingdom has been reviewed. A basic feasibility study for

the installed generating set was prepared and the highest tallow price at which electricity

generation is profitable was determined. It was proven that usage of tallow can be feasible,

provided that some form of incentive for biomass or waste technology is implemented.

The properties of tallow were monitored on a weekly basis throughout a period of one

year. By performing an analysis of laboratory test results, it was established whether the

product quality is in statistical control. Some properties, such as acidity, moisture or ash

content, showed significant variability throughout the year. Possible reasons causing

variable and high acidity are given together with a proposal for an acidity removal method.

The proposed method of evaporating free fatty acid under reduced pressure was tested in a

laboratory installation and a promising reduction efficiency of 50 % was achieved.

The effect of storage and supply temperatures on the properties of tallow was investigated.

The available laboratory facilities enabled the verification of changes in fat’s viscosity,

density and surface tension. Pre heating to 90°C enables reduction of all tested properties,

however, the achieved results are comparable with Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) rather than

automotive diesel fuel. Lubricity of tallow was tested, to predict possible effects of its

usage on the longevity of the engine fuel supply system. Elevated temperature does not

have a negative impact on the lubricating properties of tallow. Storage conditions are an

important factor affecting the quality of bio fuels. The impact of storage temperature on

deterioration in tallow quality was investigated over a period of one month. It was proven

that animal fat can be stored in a liquid form for a prolonged period of time without

deterioration of its properties.

The combustion process of animal fat was compared with that of diesel fuel. Tests were

conducted at three different loads. Usage of animal fat results in higher cylinder pressures,

and the heat release rate for the premixed combustion phase is significantly lower. For high

load operation, all measured emissions were lower for animal fat with exception of

nitrogen oxides. Due to low sulphur content there is no requirement for a sulphur dioxide

abatement system. The available emission control systems have been reviewed and a

solution choice has been made, based on legal and economic criteria. Cooled Exhaust Gas

Recirculation (cEGR) was designed and installed. Trial test results are presented and

analysed. The system enabled reduction of nitrogen oxides’ emissions by 75%.

A summary of two thousand hours operation of the 800 kW generating set using neat fat is

provided. The performance of injectors and fuel pumps was investigated. It was proven

that appropriate filtration and supply strategy can enable problem free operation of the

internal combustion engine. An increased tendency for deposit formation was recorded.

Two types of lubricating oil were tested. By adhering to the manufacturer’s

recommendation for the lubricating oil centrifuge cleaning frequency, enabled the

achievement of a 1000 hours oil change interval, the same as for fossil fuel operation.

Usage of tallow causes an increase in oil viscosity.


I would like to express my deepest gratitude and sincere thanks to my Supervisors

Professor Miroslaw L. Wyszynski and Doctor Athanasios Tsolakis, for their guidance and

support throughout this project.

Thanks go to the host company – John Pointon & Sons Ltd. for providing facilities and

fuel to conduct the research described in this thesis. In particular the input from Paul A.

Latham and Barney Williams was invaluable.

Support by Arthur Garlant and North Lincs Engineering was highly valuable and


The Technology Strategy Board of HM Government is gratefully acknowledged for part-

funding of the Knowledge Transfer Partnership Project which made this work possible.

The School of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Birmingham (UK) is also

gratefully acknowledged for the PhD scholarship to Mr. J. Piaszyk.

Some equipment used in this study was funded by Advantage West Midlands and the

European Regional Development Fund as part of the Science City Research Alliance

Energy Efficiency project.

List of Publications, Related Work and Achievements

1. Tallow combustion in a large diesel engine and hydrogen production via tallow


J. Piaszyk, P. Leung, M. L. Wyszynski, A. Tsolakis, B. Williams, P. Latham, A.

York, Energy & Fuels, submitted 2011.

2. The economics of renewable energy generation by gas engines in the United


J. Piaszyk, M. L. Wyszynski, A. Tsolakis, P. Latham, in Gas Engines - chosen

topics, A. Duzynski, Ed. (Wydawnictwo Politechniki Czestochowskiej,

Czestochowa, 2010), pp. 404-417.

3. Acidity of Tallow (Animal Fat) and Its Effect on Suitability of Tallow as Fuel

in Electricity Generating Engines.

J. Piaszyk, M. L. Wyszynski, A. Tsolakis, Archivum Combustionis 30, 471 (2010).

4. Possible application of animal fat as engine fuel - lubricity aspects.

J. Piaszyk, M. L. Wyszynski, Combustion Engines 147, 35 (2011).

5. Animal fat combustion in diesel engine as a way of renewable electricity


J. Piaszyk, M. L. Wyszynski, A. Tsolakis, B. Williams, P. Latham , poster at

Research Poster Conference 2011, University of Birmingham (2011).

6. Chartered Management Institute – Diploma in Management (2010).

7. Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) Associate Certificate (2010).

Table of Contents

Abstract................................................................................................................................... i

Acknowledgements .............................................................................................................. iv

List of Publications, Related Work and Achievements ......................................................... v

Table of Contents ................................................................................................................. vi

List of Figures...................................................................................................................... xii

List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... xvii

List of Definitions and Abbreviations .............................................................................. xviii

Chapter 1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Thesis Background .............................................................................................. 1

1.2 Objectives ............................................................................................................ 2

1.3 Thesis Outline ..................................................................................................... 2

Chapter 2 Literature Review ........................................................................................ 6

2.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 6

2.2 Definition of Tallow ............................................................................................ 6

2.3 History of Tallow Usage ..................................................................................... 8

2.4 Production Process ............................................................................................ 11

2.5 Categories and Grades....................................................................................... 14

2.6 Legal Status ....................................................................................................... 15

2.7 Usage of Triacylglycerols as Engine Fuels ....................................................... 16

2.8 Potential of Tallow for Biodiesel Production.................................................... 27

2.9 Combustion of Neat Fat in Internal Compressed Ignition Engine .................... 27

2.10 Emissions Abatement Methods for Large Engines ....................................... 34

2.10.1 Nitrogen Oxides Emissions Abatement ..................................................... 34 Classification of Abatement Methods................................................. 34 Exhaust Gas Recirculation .................................................................. 35 Optimisation of Injection Strategy ...................................................... 37 SCR – Selective Catalytic Reduction ................................................. 40 Usage of Water ................................................................................... 42

2.10.2 Reduction of Sulphur Oxides Emissions ................................................... 42

2.11 Summary........................................................................................................ 43

Chapter 3 Feasibility of Electricity Generation when Using an Internal Combustion

Engine Fuelled with Tallow as the Prime Mover ............................................................ 44

3.1 Factors Affecting Feasibility of Electricity Generation .................................... 44

3.2 Supporting Legislation for Renewable Electricity Generation ......................... 45

3.2.1 The History of Renewable Energy Support System .................................. 45 Fossil Fuel Levy and Non Fossil Fuel Obligation ................................ 45 Renewable Obligation ........................................................................... 49

3.2.2 Existing Support Policy ............................................................................. 52 Climate Change Levy and Levy Exemption Certificates ..................... 52 Renewable Obligation ........................................................................... 55

vii Feed-in Tariffs ...................................................................................... 56 Renewable Heat Incentive .................................................................... 56

3.2.3 Combined Heat and Power ........................................................................ 58

3.2.4 Summary .................................................................................................... 59

3.3 Tallow Prices ..................................................................................................... 60

3.4 Feasibility Study of 0.8 MWe Generating Plant ............................................... 61

3.5 Feasibility Study of Large Scale 20 MWe Generating Plant ............................ 63

3.6 Economics of Electricity Generation ................................................................ 64

Chapter 4 Experimental Facilities .............................................................................. 66

4.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 66

4.2 Engine Facility .................................................................................................. 66

4.2.1 Engine Specifications................................................................................. 66

4.2.2 Monitoring Equipment ............................................................................... 69

4.2.3 Fuel Supply System ................................................................................... 73

4.2.4 Emissions Abatement System .................................................................... 79

4.3 Fuel Laboratory Facilities ................................................................................. 81

4.3.1 Density Test ............................................................................................... 81

4.3.2 Surface Tension Test ................................................................................. 82

4.3.3 Viscosity Test............................................................................................. 83

4.3.4 Lubricity Test ............................................................................................. 84

4.3.5 Free Fatty Acids Removal ......................................................................... 86

Chapter 5 Consistency of Tallow Properties .............................................................. 88

5.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 88

5.2 Long Term Monitoring Programme .................................................................. 89

5.2.1 Results ........................................................................................................ 91

5.3 Available Acidity Reduction Methods .............................................................. 97

5.4 Acidity Reduction by Evaporation – Trial Test ................................................ 97

5.4.1 Preliminary Information............................................................................. 97

5.4.2 Large Scale Plant Utilising Rothoterm® Technology by Artisan Industries

Inc. 98

5.4.3 Small Scale Test Results and Discussion .................................................. 98

5.5 Conclusions ....................................................................................................... 99

Chapter 6 Determination of Appropriate Storage and Supply Temperatures .......... 100

6.1 Effect of Temperature on Properties of Animal Fat........................................ 100

6.1.1 Viscosity .................................................................................................. 101

6.1.2 Lubricity................................................................................................... 104

6.1.3 Surface Tension ....................................................................................... 110

6.1.4 Density ..................................................................................................... 111

6.2 Maximum Allowable Long Term Storage Temperature ................................. 112

6.3 Conclusions ..................................................................................................... 115

Chapter 7 Combustion Process Analysis .................................................................. 117

7.1 Combustion Characteristics ............................................................................ 117

7.2 Emissions Comparison .................................................................................... 127

7.3 Use of EGR ..................................................................................................... 130

7.4 Conclusions ..................................................................................................... 134

Chapter 8 Long Term Effect of Using Tallow ......................................................... 137

8.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 137

8.2 Lubricating Oil ................................................................................................ 137

8.2.1 Requirements for Lubricating Oils Used in Generating Sets................... 137

8.2.2 Testing Programme .................................................................................. 138

8.2.3 Results ...................................................................................................... 141

8.3 Impact on Injectors and Fuel Pumps ............................................................... 144

8.4 Conclusions ..................................................................................................... 150

Chapter 9 Conclusions and further Work ................................................................. 152

9.1 Summary of Presented Findings ..................................................................... 152

9.1.1 Consistency of Tallow Properties ............................................................ 152

9.1.2 Determination of Appropriate Storage and Supply Temperatures .......... 153

9.1.3 Combustion Process Analysis .................................................................. 155

9.1.4 Long Term Effects of Using Tallow on Engine Components ................. 156

9.1.5 Economics of Electricity Generation ....................................................... 156

9.2 Suggestions for Future Work .......................................................................... 157

9.2.1 Engine Modifications ............................................................................... 157

9.2.2 Emissions Abatement .............................................................................. 158

9.2.3 Animal Fat Quality .................................................................................. 158

References ......................................................................................................................... 160

Appendices ........................................................................................................................ 168

Appendix 1 – cEGR Calculations and Technical Drawings.............................................. 169

Appendix 2 – Feasibility price estimates for FFA removal systems including Artisan

Rototherm® E evaporators. ............................................................................................... 177

Appendix 3 – Certificates of Analysis............................................................................... 181

Appendix 4 – Summary of the KTP Project ...................................................................... 184

List of Figures

Figure 2.1 General structure of triacylglycerol, R, R', and R" indicate fatty acid groups (8) 7

Figure 2.2 Structures of common C18 fatty acids: stearic, oleic, and linoleic acids (8) ....... 7

Figure 2.3 A deer fat lamp, found in a Lascaux cave. It can be viewed in the National

Prehistory Museum in Les Eyzies-de-Tayac (12) ................................................................. 9

Figure 2.4 Large Rorqual stranded at Tynemouth in August, 1532 (14) ............................ 10

Figure 2.5 Tallow lamp - 19th century (15) ........................................................................ 10

Figure 2.6 Rendering process schematic diagram ............................................................... 12

Figure 2.7 Cooker used for rendering process (17) ............................................................. 13

Figure 2.8 Haarslev screw press (18) .................................................................................. 13

Figure 2.9 Typical engine test bed with dual fuel supply system used for triacylglycerol

fuels testing (52) .................................................................................................................. 29

Figure 2.10 Pieksamaki research power plant (69) ............................................................. 31

Figure 2.11 Different layouts for EGR system; case 1 – high pressure EGR, case 2- low

pressure EGR, case 3 – charge dilution (44) ....................................................................... 36

Figure 2.12 Effect of EGR on the 4T50MX engine emission (44) ..................................... 36

Figure 2.13 Fuel injection patterns, including pre-injection and the effects on SFOC and

NOx emissions (44).............................................................................................................. 38

Figure 2.14 MAN ME engine control system layout .......................................................... 39

Figure 2.15 SCR system layout for MAN B&W S46 MC-C engine (87) ........................... 41

Figure 3.1 Total output by year and technology (GWh) (96) .............................................. 47

Figure 3.2 Real average contracted price for each technology (2000 prices). The average is

a capacity-weighted average of the contracted price and does not account for the length of

the contract. PPP is the Pool Purchase Price in the electricity market (96) ........................ 49

Figure 3.3 Track record for ROC auction prices by Compliance Period (CP) (98) ............ 51

Figure 3.4 Comparison of animal fat (grade 6) and crude oil (Brent) prices in 2009 (114,

115) ...................................................................................................................................... 61

Figure 3.5 Impact of animal fat price on electricity generation feasibility. Assumptions:

electricity selling price - 92 £/MWh, ROC price - 45 £/MWh ............................................ 63

Figure 4.1 Ruston 6AR engine installed at John Pointon and Sons Ltd. premises at

Cheddleton ........................................................................................................................... 67

Figure 4.2 Generating station single line diagram showing Ruston 6AR engine (Gen 11kV)

and dedicated electricity metering system complying with OFGEM requirements ............ 69

Figure 4.3 Kistler 6613CA pressure transmitter (116) ........................................................ 71

Figure 4.4 Standard fuel system layout (119) ..................................................................... 74

Figure 4.5 Fuel supply system layout .................................................................................. 76

Figure 4.6 Fuel supply system - diesel mode ...................................................................... 77

Figure 4.7 Fuel supply system - tallow mode...................................................................... 78

Figure 4.8 cEGR system layout - including gas cooling and humidification chamber ....... 79

Figure 4.9 Water injecting nozzles ...................................................................................... 80

Figure 4.10 EGR cyclone chamber...................................................................................... 81

Figure 4.11 Hydrometer scale reading for opaque fluids (120) .......................................... 82

Figure 4.12 PCS Ultra Shear Viscometer ............................................................................ 83

Figure 4.13 USV main parts (122) ...................................................................................... 84

Figure 4.14 Schematic diagram of HFRR (124).................................................................. 85

Figure 4.15 Test rig for FFA removal via evaporation at reduced pressure........................ 87

Figure 5.1 Moisture, insoluble impurities, ash levels in tallow during 2009 ...................... 91

Figure 5.2 Iodine number and polyethylene levels in tallow during 2009 .......................... 92

Figure 5.3 Free fatty acids (FFA) level in tallow and weekly average ambient temperature

during 2009 .......................................................................................................................... 92

Figure 5.4 Calorific value (higher) and density of tallow during 2009 ............................... 93

Figure 5.5 EWMA control charts for monitored tallow properties ..................................... 96

Figure 6.1 Comparison of dynamic viscosity of animal fat and ULSD at range of

temperatures ...................................................................................................................... 102

Figure 6.2 Effect of temperature on animal fat kinematic viscosity ................................. 103

Figure 6.3 Relationship between shear stress and shear rate for animal fat and ULSD at a

range of temperatures ........................................................................................................ 104

Figure 6.4 Wear scar captured by digital microscope; ULSD at 60⁰C.............................. 106

Figure 6.5 Wear scar captured by digital microscope; Animal Fat at 60⁰C ...................... 106

Figure 6.6 Film percentages for ULSD and animal fat at a range of temperatures. .......... 107

Figure 6.7 Film percentages for ULSD and animal fat at a range of temperatures - first 5

minutes of HFRR test ........................................................................................................ 108

Figure 6.8 Friction coefficients for ULSD and animal fat at a range of temperatures ...... 108

Figure 6.9 Wear scar captured by digital microscope; Animal Fat at 90⁰C ...................... 109

Figure 6.10 Comparison of surface tension measured at a range of temperatures for ULSD

and animal fat .................................................................................................................... 111

Figure 6.11 Impact of fat temperature on density ............................................................. 112

Figure 6.12 Free fatty acids content in animal fat stored for four weeks at various

temperatures ...................................................................................................................... 114

Figure 7.1 Combustion process comparison – 75% load .................................................. 120

Figure 7.2 Cylinder pressure rise rate – 75% load ............................................................ 120

Figure 7.3 Combustion process comparison - 50% load ................................................... 121

Figure 7.4 Cylinder pressure rise rate - 50% load ............................................................. 121

Figure 7.5 Combustion process comparison - 25% load ................................................... 122

Figure 7.6 Cylinder pressure rise rate - 25% load ............................................................. 122

Figure 7.7 Premixed combustion net heat release (NHRR) patterns for both tested fuels at

three tested loads. Local maxima for premixed combustion phase are marked. ............... 124

Figure 7.8 Effect of fuel on the specific fuel consumption (not adjusted for calorific value)

........................................................................................................................................... 124

Figure 7.9 Daily fuel consumption curve .......................................................................... 126

Figure 7.10 Weekly fuel consumption curve..................................................................... 126

Figure 7.11 Effect of fuel type on the engine exhaust emissions - 75% load ................... 128

Figure 7.12 Effect of fuel type on the engine exhaust emissions - 50% load ................... 129

Figure 7.13 Effect of fuel type on the engine exhaust emissions - 25% load ................... 130

Figure 7.14 Impact of the EGR on tallow combustion ...................................................... 131

Figure 7.15 Impact of the cooled EGR (cEGR) on tallow combustion ............................. 131

Figure 7.16 Impact of EGR concentration on engine emissions when fuelled with tallow -

75% load ............................................................................................................................ 133

Figure 7.17 Impact of cooled EGR concentration on engine emissions when fuelled with

tallow - 75% load............................................................................................................... 133

Figure 7.18 Effect of EGR and cEGR concentration on nitrogen oxides reduction potential

and fuel consumption at 75% load .................................................................................... 134

Figure 8.1 Ruston 6AR lubricating system ....................................................................... 140

Figure 8.2 Long term effect of animal fat usage on lubricating oil viscosity.................... 141

Figure 8.3 Long term effect of animal fat usage on engine wear - iron concentration ..... 142

Figure 8.4 Assembly of fuel pump (119) .......................................................................... 145

Figure 8.5 Fuel leaking from fuel pumps damaged by fat containing polyethylene ......... 147

Figure 8.6 Deposit build-up ............................................................................................... 148

Figure 8.7 Injector nozzle damage caused by high temperature ....................................... 149

Figure 8.8 Burned exhaust valve ....................................................................................... 149

Figure 8.9 Ruston 6AR cylinder head - valve damage visible .......................................... 150

List of Tables

Table 2.1 Typical fatty acid composition (%wt) of major animal fats (7). Fatty acid

specification (e.g. 16:1) includes the length of carbon chain and amount of double bonds.. 7

Table 2.2 Tallow categories and its permitted applications (6, 19-21) ............................... 14

Table 2.3 Properties of technical tallows and animal greases (22) ..................................... 15

Table 2.4 Standard fuels and triacylglycerols as fuels for CI engines - comparison of

selected properties ............................................................................................................... 22

Table 2.5 Guiding biofuel specification for MAN B&W two-stroke low speed diesel

engines (40) ......................................................................................................................... 25

Table 2.6 Liquid biofuel specification for Wärtsilä 4-stroke engines (69) ......................... 26

Table 2.7 Comparison of combustion characteristics and emissions obtained at a range of

testing conditions for engines fuelled with animal fat with values obtained for fossil fuels

............................................................................................................................................. 32

Table 3.1 Fossil Fuel Levy rates (94) ................................................................................. 46

Table 3.2 Renewables Obligation percentage and buy-out price for different obligation

periods (97) .......................................................................................................................... 50

Table 3.3 Climate Change Levy rates (99-102) .................................................................. 53

Table 3.4 Renewable Obligation scheme technologies banding (95) ................................. 55

Table 3.5 Coefficients for the calculation of QI for various sizes and types of new CHP

scheme (113) ....................................................................................................................... 59

Table 4.1 Engine technical data ........................................................................................... 68

Table 4.2 Sita Proline T15 technical data ............................................................................ 82

Table 4.3 PCS HFRR technical specification ...................................................................... 85

Table 4.4 Test conditions based on ISO 12156 ................................................................... 86

Table 5.1 Required tallow properties .................................................................................. 89

Table 5.2 Summary of statistical analysis and compliance with various specifications ..... 95

Table 5.3 FFA evaporation at low pressure – 6.5 – 9.5 hPa ................................................ 98

Table 6.1 Animal fat typical specification, tested sample properties ................................ 101

Table 6.2 HFRR test results............................................................................................... 105

Table 6.3 Animal fat acidity - long term storage ............................................................... 114

Table 7.1 Combustion analysis results .............................................................................. 123

Table 8.1 Lubricating oil properties (145, 146)................................................................. 139

Table 8.2 Effect of ageing during operation on animal fat on various types of lubricating

oil ....................................................................................................................................... 143

Table 8.3 Fuel pump specification .................................................................................... 144

List of Definitions and Abbreviations

AD Anaerobic Digestion

AN Acid Number

ANSI American National Standards Institute

ASTM formerly known as American Society for Testing and Materials

ATDC After Top Dead Centre

BOTS Ball on Three Seats

BSFC Brake Specific Fuel Consumption

BSE Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

BTDC Before Top Dead Centre

CASS Combustion Air Saturation System

CCL Climate Change Levy

cEGR Cooled Exhaust Gas Recirculation

CHP Combined Heat and Power

CHPQA Quality Assurance for Combined Heat and Power

CI Compression Ignition

CO Carbon Monoxide

CO2 Carbon Dioxide

COV Coefficient of Variance

CP Compliance Period

CPO Crude Palm Oil

DC Direct Current

DECC Department of Energy and Climate Change

degCA Crank Angle Degree

DNC Declared Net Capacity

EfW Energy from Waste

EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation

EWMA Exponentially Weighted Moving Average

FAME Fatty Acid Methyl Ester

FFA Free Fatty Acid

FID Flame Ionisation Detector

FIT Feed In Tariff

FYP Final Year Project

GFC Gas Filter Correlation

HC Hydrocarbons

HFO Heavy Fuel Oil

HFRR High Frequency Reciprocating Rig

HOC Heat Obligation Certificate

HRC Rockwell Hardness

HV Vickers Hardness

IMEP Indicated Mean Effective Pressure

IP Indicated Pressure

ISO International Organisation for Standardisation

KTP Knowledge Transfer Partnership

LCL Lower Control Limit

LEC Levy Exemption Certificate

LFG Landfill Gas

MBM Meat and Bone Meal

MEP Mean Effective Pressure

MFB Mass Fraction Burned

MR Moving Range

MWSD Mean Wear Scar Diameter

NFFO Non Fossil Fuel Obligation

NFPA Non Fossil Purchasing Agency

NH3 Ammonia

NHRR Net Heat Release Rate

NOx Nitrogen Oxides

OFGEM Office of the Gas and Electricity Markets

OH Hydroxyl Group

PDA Phase Doppler Anemometry

PE Power Efficiency

PM Particulate Matter

PP Peak Pressure

ppm Parts per Million

PPP Pool Purchase Price

PV Photovoltaics

QI Quality Index

Ra Profile Roughness Parameter

REC Regional Electricity Company

RHI Renewable Heat Incentive

RHO Renewable Heat Obligation

RO Renewables Obligation

ROC Renewables Obligation Certificate

rpm Revolutions per Minute

SAN Strong Acid Number

SCR Selective Catalytic Reduction

SECA Sulphur Emission Control Area

SFOC Specific Fuel Oil Consumption

SLBOCLE Scuffing Load Ball on Cylinder Lubricity Evaluator

SMD Sauter Mean Diameter

SRM Specified Risk Material

TAN Total Acid Number

TBN Total Base Number

TSB Technology Strategy Board

TSE Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies

UCL Upper Control Limit

ULSD Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel

USV Ultra Shear Viscometer

VAG Volkswagen Audi Group

VOC Volatile Organic Compound

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

WID Waste Incineration Directive

WSD Wear Scar Diameter


1.1 Thesis Background

The UK Government has set strategic targets for both the energy market and industry.

Documents such as the Low Carbon Transition Plan and Renewable Energy Strategy

specify that emissions, expressed as metric tonne carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e),

must be cut by 18% by 2020 (compared to the 2008 level) (2) and 15% of energy should be

generated from renewable sources by 2020 (3). The targets can be achieved by extended

usage of biomass as a source of renewable energy. There is a potential in using crude fats,

like tallow, as fuel for internal combustion engines. By adopting the right working

practices and procedures and implementing appropriate treatment methods, the rendering

industry may play an important role in the renewable energy sector.

This thesis is one of the outputs of a collaborative project established between The School

of Mechanical Engineering at The University of Birmingham and a leader in the UK

rendering industry, Staffordshire based, John Pointon & Sons. Cooperation was in the form

of a TSB (Technology Strategy Board) funded KTP (Knowledge Transfer Partnership).

1.2 Objectives

The main aim of the research process described in this thesis is to verify suitability of

animal fat as fuel for internal combustion engines. The objectives of this research were to:

- identify, analyse and solve fuel flow-related problems with close attention given to

the fuel supply system and fuel injection system

- study the impact of raw and treated tallow on the combustion quality, emissions,

performance and economy

- study the mechanical and chemical effects of animal fat fuel on the engine

components and longevity

- optimise the engine operation, prepare procedures for operation of gen-set engines

using tallow fuels

- improve or modify fuel quality by varying the tallow preparation, fuel production

or pre-treatment

- verify the feasibility of the usage of tallow for power generation application by

conducting analysis of existing support policies for biomass/waste fuels.

1.3 Thesis Outline

The thesis is divided into nine consecutive chapters which cover various aspects of animal

fat usage as fuel for reciprocating engines.

A literature review is presented in Chapter 2, which introduces a definition of animal fat

(tallow), describes the production process and also provides basic information regarding

how tallow is divided into grades and categories. Available information regarding neat

triglycerides’ usage as an engine fuel is analysed to obtain guidance for engine test trials. A

short review of the emissions abatement systems available for large engines is also given.

A very limited amount of published data regarding usage of animal fat as fuel for large

internal combustion engines justifies the necessity of a conducted research programme.

An electricity generation feasibility study is presented in Chapter 3. It contains calculations

for a small scale plant (<1MW) and also a large scale plant (20MW). The relationship that

links animal fat price with fossil fuel price is analysed. The effect of fuel price change on

generation feasibility is given.

The experimental set up is described in Chapter 4. It contains a description of the 800 kW

research power plant located at John Pointon & Sons Ltd. premises at Cheddleton, Staffs,

UK. Usage of animal fat required modification of the fuel supply system to enable dual

fuel operation – the working principle is explained. The designed emission abatement

system in a form of EGR with gases cooling and humidification, (cEGR), is presented

together with technical drawings appended. Tests conducted at the research power plant

were accompanied by laboratory tests, of which main the objective was fuel properties’

testing – a laboratory facilities description is provided.

Chapter 5 presents results of an investigation that focused on the consistency of fuel

properties. Changes of properties during the calendar year are statistically analysed. A

possible reason for variable acidity is given together with a review of available acidity

reduction methods. One of the physical methods has been tested in a laboratory scale


Chapter 6 is devoted to analysis of fuel temperature effect on its properties. The main

objective of this chapter is to verify if pre heating is a correct way of animal fat pre-


Combined results of tests described in Chapters 5-6 lead to establishing a suitable fuel

specification. Another outcome is the creation of an engine testing programme where

operating conditions, such as fuel temperature, are considered.

Analysis of the combustion process together with emissions data are given in Chapter 7.

All data is recorded for fossil fuel (diesel), hence reference data is obtained, and then

compared with results for animal fat. Tests were performed at synchronous speed for three

different engine loads.

The long term effect of animal fat usage on engine components’ longevity is described in

Chapter 8. Analysis is divided into sub sections describing fuel pumps, injectors and

lubricating oil.

Conclusions and suggestions for future work constitute the final chapter of this thesis.


2.1 Introduction

This chapter contains a short summary of information available in literature concerning the

possible application of animal fat and other triglycerides as fuel for compressed ignition

engines. Emissions abatement methods used for marine and stationary applications are

briefly described.

2.2 Definition of Tallow

Tallow is an animal fat obtained by rendering animal carcases and waste from the food

industry. Crude fats primarily consist of triacylglycerols but also contain non glyceride

substances (unsaponifiable fraction), that affect chemical and physical properties (4). A

triacylglycerol consists of a three carbon glycerol head group to which are added three

fatty acid chains (5). A structure of triacylglycerol is shown in Figure 2.1. All

triacylglycerols have the same basic structure, and the differences in properties and use of

commercial triglycerides depend largely on the length, degree of unsaturation and other

chemical modifications to the fatty acid chains (6, 7). Examples of the structures of

common C18 fatty acids are given in Figure 2.2, as C18:0 (stearic acid, octadecanoic acid),

C18:1 (oleic acid, 9-octadecenoic acid), and C18:2 (linoleic acid, 9,12-octadecenoic acid)

(8). Typical fatty acid composition of tallow and other animal fats is given in Table 2.1.

Figure 2.1 General structure of triacylglycerol, R, R', and R" indicate fatty acid groups (8)

Figure 2.2 Structures of common C18 fatty acids: stearic, oleic, and linoleic acids (8)

Table 2.1 Typical fatty acid composition (%wt) of major animal fats (7). Fatty acid specification (e.g.
16:1) includes the length of carbon chain and amount of double bonds.

Fatty acid

Fat 14:0 16:0 16:1 18:0 18:1a 18:2

Myristic Palmitic Palmitoleic Stearic Oleic Linoleic

Butterb 12 26 3 11 28 2 18

Lard 2 26 5 11 44 11 1

Beef tallow 3 27 11 7 48 2 2

Mutton tallow 6 27 2 32 31 2 0

Chicken fat 1 22 6 7 40 20 4
– including trans isomers
– also 4:0 (3%), 6:0 (2%), 8:0 (1%), 10:0 (3%), and 12:0 (4%).

2.3 History of Tallow Usage

Animal fat was used not only as a fuel but also for nutritional purposes and medicines.

Widespread usage of animal fats for lighting purposes can be associated with the easy

controllable combustion process and feedstock availability. Proof of animal fat usage from

prehistoric times was discovered. Palaeolithic humans were living in caves and caverns

where flint mining required artificial lighting. The first primitive lamps were used

alongside with torches and fires. In southern France, in the region of the limestone hills

upon the river Vezere, at the Lascaux cave complex, small stones with little cavities were

found (shown in Figure 2.3). Some of these were black as a result of a combustion process.

Hollow bones filled with animal fat were also used as a light source (9). During the

Neolithic Age, humans living on the Danish coast were using oval, clay lamps. Analysed

samples revealed the presence of small amounts of animal fat (fish oil). Fats obtained from

sea birds like cormorants and sea gulls were also used (10). Flint mines in Grimes Graves

and Cissbury were lit by small lamps made from chalk (10). Animal fat burned in stone

lamps was also used in one of the largest flint mines in Europe which consisted of a

thousand pit shafts, located in Krzemionki Opatowskie in Poland (11).

Figure 2.3 A deer fat lamp, found in a Lascaux cave. It can be viewed in the National Prehistory Museum in
Les Eyzies-de-Tayac (12)

In the polar zone, seal fat was used for heating and as a light source till modern times.

Obtaining fat was inevitably linked with waste or a by-product conversion process and

feedstock availability. In some cases fat was obtained from hunted animals. Whales thrown

on the seashores (shown in Figure 2.4) were considered as a valuable resource. Magnus

(13) listed possible ways of utilising one whale for: meat, fat for heating and lighting,

leather for clothing, and bones for heating (small) and construction (large). Often people

fought over it. Since the 12th century this issue was regulated by law (10).

Figure 2.4 Large Rorqual stranded at Tynemouth in August, 1532 (14)

Usage of animal fat as a source of light in mining extends even up to the 19th century.

Metal lamps (shown in Figure 2.5) burning with an open flame, where a textile wick was

pushed into the spout, were fitted into miners’ cloth caps.

Figure 2.5 Tallow lamp - 19th century (15)

Tallow was used for candle making for centuries. Even nowadays it is possible to purchase

tallow candles that, according to a manufacturer, are not only a source of light and heat

(used to aid lighting a fire), but in a survival situation can be eaten (16).

From this short summary it can be seen that animal fat is a resource that has been used by

humans since prehistory. Sourcing fat and other products obtained from stranded whales

can be seen as an exemplary way of the sustainable processing of waste. The rendering

process can be seen as a modern follower of this route.

2.4 Production Process

Rendering is a straightforward process in which animal carcases and trimmings are crushed

and heated. This process drives off the water, sterilises the material and allows it to be

separated into the fats (tallow) and meat and bone meal (MBM). Raw materials are all the

unusable parts of a carcass, including bones, internal organs and trimmings. Raw materials

are collected for processing from abattoirs and from butchers and food processing sites.

Two types of the process can be distinguished: batch and continuous rendering.

Continuous systems are suitable for higher capacities. A process schematic diagram is

shown in Figure 2.6.

Figure 2.6 Rendering process schematic diagram

After arrival at the processing plant, by-products are placed in the hopper and then are

transferred to a crusher where their size is reduced. Material is cooked in the cooker

(shown in Figure 2.7) for a period of no less than 1 hour, at temperatures in excess of


Figure 2.7 Cooker used for rendering process (17)

The separation process is conducted in the screw presses, shown in Figure 2.8. As the

greaves pass along the screw, the fat is pressed out, and the greaves are discharged as press


Figure 2.8 Haarslev screw press (18)

Vapours from the material are diverted to thermal oxidisers, fuelled with fat, where at a

temperature above 950⁰C all VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) are oxidised. Steam

which is raised at the oxidisers is used for the cooking process.

2.5 Categories and Grades

Animal by-products are divided into three categories depending on their potential risk to

human and animal health or to the environment. There are different rules for disposing of

waste in each category (19). Categories of tallow and permitted applications were defined

by Animal By-Products Regulations (20). A summary is given in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2 Tallow categories and its permitted applications (6, 19-21)

Category Feedstock Application

animals and materials suspected or confirmed to be infected by
TSEs (transmissible spongiform encephalopathies) such as
scrapie in sheep or BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy)
1 – very in cattle, animals that have been experimented on, zoo and pet Fuel
high risk
animal carcasses, catering waste from international transport,
specified risk material (SRM) (tissues from cattle, sheep or
goats that are, or may be, infected with BSE)
diseased animals (this excludes animals infected by TSEs),
manure or animal by-products that could be contaminated with Fuel, production of
2 – high animal diseases, animals kept for human consumption, which tallow derivatives
risk for technical use
die by means other than slaughtering, animals that die on farms only
that do not contain SRM
raw meat and fish from food manufacturers and retailers,
former foodstuffs other than catering waste, this includes Fuel, pet food
3 – low manufacturing or packaging defects, eggs and other by- production,
risk production of tallow
products that do not show signs of transmissible disease, raw
milk, fish and other sea animals

Tallow is also graded in terms of quality. The two key grades for the UK market are:

- grade 2 – high quality, low colour, used for demanding applications such as soap;

- grade 6 – low quality, highly coloured, used for technical applications (6).

Specifications for various tallow grades are given in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3 Properties of technical tallows and animal greases (22)

Moisture and Unsaponifiable Iodine

FFA max. Titre
Grade dirt matter number
max % (m/m) % (m/m) max % (m/m) min °C max
1 3.0 0.5 0.5 40.0 55
2 5.0 1.0 1.0 40.0 55
3 8.0 1.0 1.0 40.0 55
4 12.0 1.0 1.5 40.0 58
5 15.0 1.0 1.5 40.0 58
6 20.0 1.0 2.0 40.0 58
20.0 2.0 2.0 36.0-40.0 61

2.6 Legal Status

According to current legislation, in the UK, animal fat is treated as waste (23). Therefore,

the Waste Incineration Directive applies. One of the requirements is that exhaust gas

resulting from the process is raised to a temperature of 850ºC for 2 seconds (23). For the

purpose of this research project – a Knowledge Transfer Partnership, the Environment

Agency issued a permit to operate a generating set fuelled with animal fat (24).

Products of the animal fat esterification process conducted in accordance with quality

requirements described in Quality Protocol (25) are not classed as waste.

The rendering industry is working on developing End of Waste Test criteria so tallow will

be excluded from the Waste Incineration Directive.

2.7 Usage of Triacylglycerols as Engine Fuels

Usage of triacylglycerols as fuels for internal combustion engines interested researchers in

the earliest stages of engine history. Attempts, described as successful, were conducted by

Dr Diesel (26). In the performed tests, earth nut oil has been used; however, potential for

usage of other vegetable oil or animal fat is also mentioned. Due to lower prices of crude

oil distillation products, oils and fats were not given much attention until the fuel shortages

during the second world war and after the fuel crisis in the 1970s-80s (27). Some

properties of oil and fats, important for substances designed to be used as fuels, are listed

and described below.


Density of the fuel has an impact on the fuel atomisation, for higher densities atomisation

is worse (28, 29). Higher density results in increased formation of particulates, especially

for higher loads (30, 31). As for the majority of injection systems, a fuel dose is controlled

on a volumetric basis or based on timed events; a change in fuel density will affect the

injection strategy (27, 32, 33). Density of triacylglycerols is on average, 10% higher than

ULSD and approximately 10% lower than HFO.


Fuel viscosity is another parameter affecting atomisation of fuel; its contribution towards

change in the SMD is approximated to be around 90% (28). For heavier fuels viscosity is

an important parameter used to determine the appropriate design of auxiliary fuel supply

systems such as centrifuges and pre-heaters. Changes in viscosity have an impact on the

efficiency of the fuel pumps, for higher viscosities leaks are reduced resulting in increased

efficiency accompanied with larger fuel dose (27, 34).

Surface Tension

Surface tension affects fuel atomisation. For higher tensions, droplet radius increases and

atomisation is worse (35, 36).


For road fuels a contamination is defined as all un-dissolved substances retained on a filter

after filtration under test conditions (37). For residual fuels contamination is called a

sediment and is a sum of insoluble organic and inorganic material, separated from the bulk

of the sample by filtration through a specified filter, and also insoluble in a predominantly

paraffinic solvent (38). The standard specific for the rendering industry includes also a

mineral matter combined as soaps (22). Particles present in the fuel will increase wear of

the injection system elements.

For fuels of vegetable origin potential for contamination is lower than for crude fuels,

however, in the case of fats, contamination with finely divided particles of protein, bone

and fibre requires close monitoring (31, 39).

Water Content

Water content in the fuel despite lowering its calorific value may lead to corrosion of the

fuel system elements. The problem of corrosion applies especially to crude fuels that may

be contaminated with sea water containing salt (31, 40). Water presence reduces

lubricating properties of fuels. At lower temperatures, ice crystals together with solid

impurities are the nucleus of crystallisation for waxes and paraffins (27). In the case of bio

fuels, water can speed up the biodegradation of the fuel. For animal fats moisture content

characterises the efficiency of the filtration and separation processes. It is desirable to keep

moisture at low levels. High moisture content may encourage hydrolysis and increase

acidity as a result (39).

Carbon Residue/Ash Content

Ash represents solid contaminants as well as metals bound in the fuel (e.g. vanadium and

nickel). Part of the ash could be catalyst particles from the refining process for mineral

fuels. Solid ash should be removed to the widest possible extent by centrifuging, and

cleaning can be improved by installing a fine filter after the centrifuge (e.g. 50 μm) (40).

The carbon residue is measured as Conradson Carbon or Microcarbon. Carbon residue is

an amount left after evaporation and pyrolysis to provide some indication of relative coke

forming propensity (41). Fuels with a high carbon residue content could cause increased

fouling of the gas ways, necessitating more frequent cleaning, especially of the

turbocharger (40).


Acidity is expressed as an Acid Number (AN) [or Total Acid Number (TAN)] and

measured in mg KOH/g or Free Fatty Acid content (in %). FFA results may be expressed

in terms of acid value by multiplying the FFA percent by 1.99 (4). Monitoring of this

parameter is important due to the corrosive impact of high acidity fuels on the fuel

injection systems (31, 42).

Acid number (AN) – the quantity of base, expressed in milligrams of potassium hydroxide

per gram of sample, required to titrate a sample in the solvent from its initial meter reading

to a meter reading corresponding to a freshly prepared non-aqueous basic buffer solution,

or a well defined inflection point, as specified in the test method (43).

Strong acid number (SAN) – the quantity of base, expressed as milligrams of potassium

hydroxide per gram of sample, required to titrate a sample in the solvent from its initial

meter reading to a meter reading corresponding to a freshly prepared non-aqueous acidic

buffer solution, or a well defined inflection point, as specified in the test method (43).

Iodine number

Properties of oils and fats depend on the ratio of saturated and unsaturated acids. Iodine

number is the parameter describing the unsaturation level of the fat (4, 7).


All sulphur entering the engine combustion chamber is oxidized to SOX, which is emitted

into the atmosphere with the exhaust gases. The SOX emissions from the engine depend on

the fuel sulphur content and fuel consumption (44, 45). Low sulphur content is one the

most significant advantages of bio fuels.

Calorific Value

The upper (higher or gross) calorific value is the heat of combustion, calculated assuming

that all of the water in the products has condensed to liquid. Lower (or net) value is

obtained in the case where none of the water is assumed to condense (46).

The use of gross or net calorific value varies with type of industry. Engine and gas turbine

manufacturers, for example, use net calorific value, whereas UK boiler manufacturers use

gross when stating the efficiency of their plant (47).

The calorific value for oils and fats is lower when compared to mineral fuels due to the

oxygen content.

Flash Point

Flash point temperature is measured to assess the tendency of the fuel to form a flammable

mixture with air. The flash point can indicate the possible presence of highly volatile and

flammable materials in a relatively non-volatile or non-flammable material (48). Crude bio

fuels have a higher flash point compared to mineral fuels (31).

Cetane Number

The cetane number characterizes the time between injection and combustion in a diesel

engine. The higher the number, the more flammable the fuel. The cetane numbers obtained

for most vegetable oils are between 29 and 43 as opposed to 45–55 for diesel (32).

It has been noted that a cetane number is not applicable for heavy residual fuels as an

indicator of ignition quality. The concept of an ignition index based on viscosity and

density was developed (31, 32). The CCAI (Calculated Carbon Aromaticity Index) is a

unit-less number allowing ranking the ignition qualities of different residual fuel oils: the

lower the number, the better the ignition characteristics. The CCAI does not give an

absolute measure of ignition performance since this is much more dependent upon engine

design and operating conditions (49).

Due to the complex structure and composition of tallow, a cetane number or calculated

indexes may not be appropriate criteria for assessment of its ignition quality.

Table 2.4 Standard fuels and triacylglycerols as fuels for CI engines - comparison of selected

CI Lower
Carbon Iodine Flash Cetane Sulphur
Engine Density Viscosity calorific Ref.
residue number point number content
Fuel value
kg/m 2
mm /s@30°C % w/w gI2/kg MJ/kg °C - mg/kg
a c 10 50-52)
Diesel 820-845 2.0-4.5 0.30 N/A 41.4-42.7 55 46-50

Diesel – a c
820 1.5-5.5 0.30 N/A 42.3 56 Min 45 0.2 [%] (53)
Class A2

a c (27,
FAME 860-900 3.5-5.0 0.30 120 37.1 101 47-51 10 54)

HFO – a b
960 30 10 N/A 60 - 3.5 [%] 40,
RMA 30 55)
HFO – a b
1010 700 22 N/A 60 - 4.5 [%] 40,
RMK 700 55)
(4, 27,
Coconut 915-920 32-40 - 7.5-10.5 35.0-35.8 228 37 0.01-4 51,

c (4, 31,
Corn 915-920 60-64/35 0.24 118-128 37.8-39.5 277 38-42 0.01 50)

c 234- (4, 31,

Cotton 916-918 50-73/34 - 98-118 36.7-39.7 38-41.8 0.01 50)
c 180- 32,
Jathropa 901-940 25-53 0.20-0.40 94 38.9 33.7-51 0.01 58,
(4, 31,
b c
Palm 915/889 95-106/39.6 - 46-56 36.5-36.9 280 42 <1 60,

Rapeseed 915 34-39 0.30 98 36.8-37.4 320 37.6 0.01-2.6 31,

Soybean 917-921 58-63 0.27 123-139 37.3 330 37.9 0.01 (4, 31)

(4, 31,
Sunflower 918-923 55-62/34 0.23 125-136 36.5-37.8 316 37 0.01 50,

312- (64,
Waste Oil 910-940 72.6 - 107-115 39.2-39.6 36-37 0.02 65)

c (52,
Animal fat 890-920 40-55 0.36 40-49 36.5-39.8 268 ~40 <0.01 66-68)

a b c
– at 15°C – at 50°C – at 40°C

A comparison of selected properties of various vegetable oils and animal fat is given in

Table 2.4. Many of the physical and chemical properties of liquid vegetable oils are similar

to those of fossil fuels. However, there are also differences that affect engine operation.

The main differences are (27, 69):

- The energy content is about 8–14% lower.

- The flash point is very high.

- The sulphur content is very low.

- The acidity of certain vegetable oils is higher.

- The cloud point / cold filter plugging point of certain vegetable oils is higher.

- The viscosity and surface tension are higher

- Vegetable oils have a different distillation curve – up to 250°C little volume of

vegetable oil can be distilled, above that temperature, oil can be thermo cracked

and follows a decomposition process.

Researchers from Wartsila (69) recommend paying attention to the following issues when

comparing the properties of liquid bio fuels and fossil fuels:

- Solidification properties - the fuel injection equipment and fuel system must be

designed to avoid filter clogging and breakage.

- Acidity corrosion should be avoided.

- Contents of ash constituents fouling the exhaust gas system, combustion chamber

components, and the catalyst elements in the SCR and oxidation catalyst, should be


- Lower energy content - an adequate flow capacity in the fuel injection system is


Usage of tricylglycerols as engine fuels has several considerable advantages (32):

- They are produced in rural areas and can contribute to the local economy.

- They are biodegradable and they are a renewable fuel with a short carbon cycle

period (1–2 years compared to millions of years for petroleum fuels) and are

environmentally friendly.

- They have physical and combustion characteristics similar to those of pure diesel


- They have a low sulphur content compared to pure diesel oil.

- They have a flash point higher than that of diesel oil thus are safer for use.

Some manufacturers allow usage of crude biofuels in their engines. Guiding specifications

are given for two stroke engines (Table 2.5) and four stroke engines (Table 2.6).

Table 2.5 Guiding biofuel specification for MAN B&W two-stroke low speed diesel engines (40)

Designation Unit Limit 1)

Density at 15°C kg/m3 1010

Kinematic viscosity at 100°C cSt 55

Flash point °C >60

Carbon residue % (m/m) 22

Ash % (m/m) 0.15

Water % (m/m) 1.0

Sulphur % (m/m) 5.0

Vanadium ppm (m/m) 600

Aluminium + Silicon mg/kg 80

Sodium plus potassium ppm (m/m) 200

Calcium ppm (m/m) 200

Lead ppm (m/m) 10

TAN (Total Acid Number) mg KOH/g <25

SAN (Strong Acid Number) mg KOH/g 0

1) Valid at inlet to centrifuge plant
2) Pre-heating down to 15 cSt at engine inlet flange is to be ensured
3) Iodine, phosphorus and sulphur content according to agreement with emission controls maker
4) Experience shows that a high Total Acid Number has influence on the time between overhaul of the engine fuel system
and, therefore, need to be adjusted accordingly

Table 2.6 Liquid biofuel specification for Wärtsilä 4-stroke engines (69)

Test method
Property Unit Limit
Viscosity, max. cSt @ 40 °C 100 ISO 3104

Viscosity, min. cSt 1.8 - 2.8 1) ISO 3104

Injection viscosity,
cSt 24 ISO 3104
Density, max. kg/m3 @ 15 °C 991 ISO 3675 OR 12185
Ignition properties FIA test
Water, max. before
% V/V 0.20 ISO 3733
Carbon residue (micro
% m/m 0.30 ISO 10370
Flash point (PMCC),
°C 60 ISO 2719
Pour point, max. °C ISO 3016
Cloud point, max. °C ISO 3015
Cold fi lter plugging 3)
°C IP 309
point, max.
Total sediment
% m/m 0.05 ISO 10307-1
existent, max.
Sulphur, max. % m/m 0.05 ISO 8754

Ash, max. % m/m 0.05 ISO 6245

Phosphorus, max. mg/kg 100 ISO 10478

Silicon, max. mg/kg 10 ISO 10478

Alkali content (Na+K),
mg/kg 30 ISO 10478
Copper strip corrosion,
Rating 1b ASTM D130
(3 hrs @ 50°C) max.
Steel corrosion
(24/72hrs @ 20, 60, Rating No signs of corrosion LP 2902
120°C), max.
Acid number, max. mg KOH/g 5.0 ASTM D664
Strong acid number,
mg KOH/g 0.0 ASTM D664
Iodine number, max. 120 ISO 3961
1) depends on the engine model
2) To be equal or better than the requirements for fossil fuels, i.e. CI min. 35, CCAI max. 870
3) To be at least 10 °C below fuel injection temperature

2.8 Potential of Tallow for Biodiesel Production

Usage of tallow for biodiesel production has been described by other researchers (70-79).

High and variable acidity level (free fatty acid - FFA content) required a two stage

transesterification process. The FFA removal stage has an impact on yield and feasibility

of biodiesel production. Therefore, this use of tallow has not been described in this thesis.

2.9 Combustion of Neat Fat in Internal Compressed Ignition Engine

The majority of researchers focused on the combustion of triacylglycerols of vegetable

origin. Animal fat, due to its different chemical composition and production process may

present challenges in application as fuel, hence should be described separately.

Some researchers attempted to use preheated animal fat as fuel for automotive scale

engines. Takayuki (66) used a 411cc Mitsubishi engine and animal fat preheated to 60°C.

A decrease in NOx emissions by 10-15% is reported accompanied by an increase of CO

and HC emissions, especially for low loads. PM emissions were higher than for diesel fuel

at high load. Lower cylinder pressure and shorter ignition delay was recorded for animal

fat. Decreased engine output is associated with lower calorific value of the fat.

Kleinova (80) presented results of tests conducted on VAG engines – 1.9 TDI (rotary

pump) and 2.5 TDI (pump injector unit). Decrease in engine performance is explained as

being related to the lower energy content of bio fuels (lard and chicken fat). Very low CO

and HC emissions are reported; also the NOx level is lower when compared to results

obtained for engines fuelled with diesel. The authors suggest than problematic operation of

engines fuelled with triglycerides can be associated with poor fuel atomisation and low

injection pressure. It is claimed that in the case of using a high pressure common rail

system, it is possible to achieve good results for bio fuels. Paper contains a conclusion to

disregard results obtained for triglycerides fuels in engines equipped with fuel supply

systems different from common rail.

Kumar (52) ran a series of tests on a Lister Petter TS1 – 630cc engine. Animal fat was

preheated to 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70⁰C. Peak pressure and rate of pressure rise are lower with

animal fat at low temperature as compared to diesel. Increasing fuel temperature results in

an increase of both measured parameters. Ignition delay is higher for animal fat at all tested

loads. Ignition delay depends on fuel temperature, for higher temperatures reduced delay

has been reported. Heat release rates are lower for animal fat with a tendency to increase

for elevated fuel temperatures. Operation on bio fuel resulted in an increased exhaust

temperature. Emissions of CO and HC are higher with animal fat as compared to diesel.

However, fuel pre heating reduces these emissions. Emissions of NOx were lower with a

tendency to increase with elevated fuel temperature. Obtained results were confirmed by

another member of the same research team – Kerihuel (81).

Figure 2.9 Typical engine test bed with dual fuel supply system used for triacylglycerol fuels testing (52)

Research published by Mormino (67) was conducted at a test bed incorporating a four

stroke turbocharged diesel engine without charge air cooler .A Volvo TD 60 B six cylinder

engine has a swept volume of 913 cc per cylinder. The combustion process and resulting

emissions from diesel, vegetable oils and animal fat were compared. Animal fat was

preheated to 70 ⁰C. Ignition delay for animal fat was shorter; the difference was more

significant for lower test speeds (rpm). The lower emissions of nitrogen oxides were

explained by a limited premixed combustion phase and lower temperature in the

combustion chamber. Lower emissions of soot were reported, the difference was

associated with the oxygen content and lack of aromatic compounds in fat. Hydrocarbons’

emissions were higher for oils and fat when compared to diesel as a result of less effective


Kapusta (68) briefly described research conducted by Wartsila with regard to potential

usage of various bio fuels for large generating sets. Tests were performed at two research

power plants (VTT and Pieksamaki) equipped with Wartsila 4R32LN and 6L20 engines. A

view of the Pieksamaki research power plant with a description of its main components is

given in Figure 2.10. Significant reduction in soot emissions was observed for animal fat

(up to 60%). While emission of nitrogen oxides was comparable for all tested fuels, a

slight increase in hydrocarbons’ emission was detected. Researchers concluded that fuel

quality and preparation is crucial for problem free engine operation.

Figure 2.10 Pieksamaki research power plant (69)

Reported results are combined together and presented in Table 2.7. It has to be noted that

conclusions made by other researchers are not consistent. For example, in the case of

nitrogen oxides’ emissions, the assessment varies from a significant reduction in the case

of a small engine fuelled with animal fat supplied at low temperature, while on the other

hand, for a large engine with a fuel preheating system, an increase of those emissions is


Table 2.7 Comparison of combustion characteristics and emissions obtained at a range of testing conditions for engines fuelled with animal fat with values
obtained for fossil fuels

Test Conditions Combustion Characteristics Emissions

Specific Fuel
Ref Fuel Peak Ignition
Engine Load Release NOx CO HC Smoke Consumption
temp Pressure delay

Takayuki (66)
Mitsubishi LL 60 - - - + + ~a +
D800 HL 60 - - - - - - +
Kleinova (80)
VW 1.9 TDI LL b
- + ~ + +
& 2.5 TDI HLc - ~ + + +
LL 30 -- + + - +
Kumar (52)
Lister Petter LL 70 - ~ ~ - +
TS1 HL 30 -- ++ -- -- ++ ++ - +
HL 70 - + - - -- ~ -- +
Mormino (67)
Range 70 - - - - + d
Kapusta (68)
Wartsila LL + + ~ --
6L20 HL + + + --
‘+’ – increase, ‘+ +’ - significant increase, ‘-‘ – decrease, ‘- -‘ - significant decrease, ‘~’ – comparable result, LL – low load, HL – high load, a – decrease
in PM emissions was also reported, b - at speed of 60 km/h, c - at speed of 120 km/h, d – decrease in soot emissions also reported, not significant
difference for low speeds

There is no full set of test results (including emissions and combustion characteristics) for

a large diesel engine, which may be used by the rendering industry to offset part of their

electricity demand by utilising animal fat for renewable electricity generation. Hence,

conducting a research programme, as described in this thesis, which aims to investigate

various aspects of neat animal fat application as fuel for internal combustion engines, is


2.10 Emissions Abatement Methods for Large Engines

The research power plant described in this thesis was granted special permission by the

Environment Agency to conduct a trial test of the animal fat combustion in a large diesel

engine. At the end of the trial, an abatement system enabling compliance with given limits

should be proposed and installed. Review of available methods typical for large diesel

engines is presented in following section.

2.10.1 Nitrogen Oxides Emissions Abatement Classification of Abatement Methods

There are various method classification criteria. Wartsila segregates methods as ‘dry’ or

‘wet’. ‘Dry’ methods can be characterised by modification and optimisation of engine

operation through fuel injection strategy alteration and modification of combustion

chamber shape. NOx reduction in ‘wet’ methods is achieved thanks to water presence in

the combustion chamber. MAN B&W divides methods into ‘primary’ – where

modifications prevent NOx formation and ‘secondary’ where exhaust after treatment needs

to be applied.

34 Exhaust Gas Recirculation

The Exhaust Gas Recirculation method’s working principle is the feeding of a portion of

the exhaust gas back to the cylinder. Nitrogen oxides emission depends on partial pressure

of reagents – oxygen and nitrogen. The partial pressure can be altered by modification of

charge composition in the cylinder. NOx emission can be reduced if oxygen concentration

is lowered (dilution effect). Exhaust recirculation results in increased heat capacity of the

cylinder charge (thermal effect). Carbon dioxide and water, present in the exhaust, can

potentially, dissociate at high temperatures and take part in the combustion process

(chemical effect) (82). EGR cooling is necessary to prevent soot emissions from rising to

unacceptable levels and to avoid a significant drop in engine efficiency. The need for EGR

cooling is more evident at high EGR rates and low engine speeds (83).

Possible layouts of the EGR system are shown in Figure 2.11. Exhaust gas can be fed back

before (case 1) or after (case 2) the turbocharger. Other researchers point out that charge

dilution should be applied in circumstances where clean gas with low oxygen content is

available (case 3) (44). For this reason, the EGR is disregarded as a NOx abatement method

for marine applications by Wartsila (45). However, high reduction potential has to be

noted, according to (44, 84), 5% recirculation can reduce NOx emission by 30%. Results of

tests conducted by MAN B&W on a 4T50MX engine are given in Figure 2.12.

Figure 2.11 Different layouts for EGR system; case 1 – high pressure EGR, case 2- low pressure EGR, case
3 – charge dilution (44)

Figure 2.12 Effect of EGR on the 4T50MX engine emission (44)

36 Optimisation of Injection Strategy

NOx emissions can be lowered by alteration of injector type. Large engine manufacturers

implemented various solutions to improve fuel atomisation and provide better injection

control. Wartsila introduced the RT-flex engine family equipped with a common rail

injection system. MAN B&W introduced the ME engine family equipped with an

individual electronic module responsible for fuel injection for each cylinder and a

hydraulic exhaust valve actuator. The ME engine control system layout is shown in Figure


Figure 2.13 presents a development process, starting with basic injection flow (InFl basic)

optimised for low fuel consumption and used in production engines (Standard MC).

Injection strategy management can lead to NOx emission reduction by even 20% (fuel

consumption penalty of 3%) – for example via pilot injection introduction (pre-injection).

Figure 2.13 Fuel injection patterns, including pre-injection and the effects on SFOC and NOx emissions (44)

Figure 2.14 MAN ME engine control system layout

39 SCR – Selective Catalytic Reduction

The working principle of the method is mixing exhaust gases with ammonia NH3, typically

supplied as urea, and passing it through a catalytic reactor where nitrogen oxides are

reduced to N2 and H20 at a temperature of 300 – 400⁰C. The following reactions occur

once the urea has been decomposed and hydrolysed (85, 86):

4 NO + 4 NH3 + O2 = 4 N2 + 6 H2O (NO SCR)

6 NO2 + 8 NH3 = 7 N2 + 12 H2O (NO2 SCR)

NO + NO2 + 2NH3 = 2N2 + 3H2O (Fast SCR)

The main advantage of this method is very high efficiency, reaching even 98%.

Complicated installation, shown in Figure 2.15, resulting in higher capital expenditure and

maintenance cost is a disadvantage. Despite the reaction of NOx reduction – a reversion

process occurs as well. Calculation of both reaction coefficients at various temperatures

can determine the appropriate operational temperature for the reactor. For low

temperatures the reactor will not achieve its desired reduction efficiency. For higher

temperatures ammonia will be burned before reduction reaction occurs. NOx reduction

depends also on the amount of added ammonia – for higher concentrations, ammonia slip

may occur – therefore a precise dosing system is required for efficient SCR operation.

Another variable that may have impact on the SCR system reduction efficiency is location

and type of ammonia injectors (44, 84).

Figure 2.15 SCR system layout for MAN B&W S46 MC-C engine (87)

41 Usage of Water

The combustion process in a CI engine can be characterised by high local air excess ratios.

Formation of nitrogen oxides can be reduced by lowering the temperature in the

combustion chamber. It can be achieved through introduction of water, which absorbs heat

via evaporation. Water can be delivered to the combustion chamber in various ways: with

an additional water injector, through injection into the engine intake, supply the engine

with water-fuel emulsion (88). CASS – (Combustion Air Saturation System) is an example

of a system using water injection into the engine intake. A reported high reduction

efficiency of 50-60% with no fuel penalty is accompanied by high fresh water

consumption. Lower water consumption can be achieved through direct water injection


2.10.2 Reduction of Sulphur Oxides Emissions

Sulphur present in fuel is oxidised to sulphur oxides in the combustion chamber. Sulphur

oxides’ emission is proportional to sulphur content in the fuel (45). The only viable method

of SOx emission is usage of low fuels with low sulphur content. It is reflected in the

introduction of SECAs (Sulphur Emission Control Area) (89-91) where ships have to use

low sulphur fuels.

2.11 Summary

The following conclusions and predictions can be made based on the presented literature


- Animal fat atomisation can be affected by its physical properties.

- Atomisation can be assessed by optical methods – changes in Sauter Mean

Diameter (SMD).

- Emission of carbon monoxide can be used as an indicator of atomisation quality.

- Atomisation can be improved by:

o Increase of fuel temperature

o Increase of injection pressure.

- For good atomisation the benefit of the oxygen content may lead to a decrease of

CO, HC and soot emissions.

- Emissions of NOx may increase for high fuel temperatures.

- Calorific value of the tallow is lower – it may decrease the engine performance

(max power).

- High acidity may lead to corrosion of the fuel supply system.

- No abatement system for SO2 should be required due to low sulphur content of the

animal fat.




3.1 Factors Affecting Feasibility of Electricity Generation

In this chapter renewable electricity and heat production support in the UK is described.

Tallow prices recorded in 2009 are given. Fuel price, combined with additional subsidies

available in 2009, are used to calculate the feasibility of a research power plant operation.

The feasibility of electricity generation from animal fat in power plants using reciprocating

engines depends on the following factors:

- Electricity price (selling price)

- Fuel price

- Subsidies for renewable electricity/heat producers.

3.2 Supporting Legislation for Renewable Electricity Generation

3.2.1 The History of Renewable Energy Support System Fossil Fuel Levy and Non Fossil Fuel Obligation

Fossil Fuel Levy

In the late 1980s the UK Government decided to privatise and deregulate the energy

industry. Privatisation of the nuclear energy sector turned out to be a challenge. Private

investors refused to accept all the risks and liabilities linked with nuclear power. Energy

generated by nuclear plants was more expensive than energy derived from fossil fuels.

The government thus kept the nuclear energy sector in public hands. To cover additional

costs and protect the generators, a Non Fossil Fuel Obligation together with a Fossil Fuel

Levy system, were then introduced in 1989 (92).

Energy distributors were forced to purchase electricity generated by nuclear power

stations. The levy was imposed on fossil fuel based power, and was set by an independent

electricity regulator. Through this mechanism, the government made all consumers pay the

extra costs for the ‘benefits’ of nuclear production by applying a broad carbon tax on the

rest of the sector (93). The Fossil Fuel Levy Rates are given in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Fossil Fuel Levy rates (94)

Dates Rates (%)

1 Apr 1990 to 31 Mar 1991 10.60

1 Apr 1991 to 31 Mar 1993 11.00

1 Apr 1993 to 30 Sep 1996 10.00

31 Oct 1996 to 31 Mar 1997 3.70

1 Apr 1997 to 31 Mar 1998 2.20

1 Apr 1998 to 31 Dec 1998 0.90

1 Jan 1999 to 30 Sep 1999 0.70

1 Oct 1999 to 31 Mar 2002 0.30

NFFO process

Under the 1989 Electricity Act, the Secretary of State made five Orders requiring the

Regional Electricity Companies (RECs) in England and Wales to contract for certain

amounts of electricity generating capacity from renewable sources. The first Non Fossil

Fuel Obligation Order (NFFO 1) took place in 1990, with the others following in 1991,

1995, 1997 and 1998. The European Commission ruled that the NFFO constituted a state

subsidy to the nuclear industry and thus they had to end in 1998 (93).

Each Order specified the generating capacity for each technology band. These bands were:

large wind projects, small wind projects, hydro, landfill gas, waste to energy and biomass.

Project developers were then asked to bid for contracts. Winning offers were selected by

the Non-Fossil Purchasing Agency (NFPA) based solely on bid price (94). A winning

project was then rewarded with a long term (typically 15 years (95)) contract to supply

electricity to the National Grid. The energy was purchased by the NFPA and then sold to

one of the RECs at the price set by the market regulator. The funds collected under the

Fossil Fuel Levy were used to cover the difference between the sale price and the

contracted cost (93).

Figure 3.1 Total output by year and technology (GWh) (96)

Figure 3.1 presents total output by year and technology. The output includes the generation

of NFFO contracted projects. NFFO 1 and 2 contracts ended at the end of 1998. The output

produced from NFFO 1 and 2 contracts during 1998 have been added to the 1999 and 2000

output from NFFO 3, 4 and 5 contracts. This may overstate generation if these projects did

not continue to produce at NFFO contracted levels.

The key aspects of the NFFO concept can be identified as follows:

- The UK Government would theoretically secure the largest amount of renewable

generating capacity for a given cost.

- By giving developers secure long-term contracts, financing would be relatively easy to

come by and also cheap.

- The price of each technology would be revealed, and through successive competitions,

driven down (93).

The Impact of NFFO

The Department of Trade and Industry asked the Frontier Economics and Byrne O’Cleirigh

consultancy companies to evaluate support for renewable energy under the NFFO. The

final report has been prepared (96) and its results can be summarised as follows:

The NFFO has encouraged the uptake of renewable technologies, especially in landfill gas

and onshore wind. In total, over 3200 MW capacity has been contracted through the NFFO

in England and Wales. It has been estimated that nearly 24000 GWh have been produced

by the NFFO contracted plants. The competitive NFFO process has helped to identify

competitive prices for renewable energy and has enabled the government to maximise

contracted capacity at the lowest cost. Electricity from NFFO contracted plants has

replaced a significant amount of fossil-fuel production (96).

Figure 3.2 Real average contracted price for each technology (2000 prices). The average is a capacity-
weighted average of the contracted price and does not account for the length of the contract. PPP is the Pool
Purchase Price in the electricity market (96)

Figure 3.2 presents contracted prices for different technologies. Lowering the prices of the

renewable energy is regarded to be one of the largest successes of the NFFO system (93,

94, 96). Data given in Figure 3.2 show those technologies such as landfill gas (LFG) and

onshore wind could be developed in the future without additional funding. Renewable Obligation

The Renewable Obligation support system was introduced on 1 April 2002 by the

Renewable Obligation Order. Each MWh of electricity generated from eligible renewable

sources is entitled to receive a special certificate – the ROC (Renewable Obligation

Certificate). At that stage no technology banding was introduced. Certificates were

introduced as tradable instruments. Therefore renewable energy generators had two main

sources of revenue, sold energy and sold ROCs.

The licensed electricity suppliers must provide a certain percentage of sold energy that

originates from renewable sources. The percentage is set by the government, as shown in

Table 3.2. If a supplier is unable to present the required amount of ROCs, it has to pay a

buy-out price. Funds raised this way are then divided between suppliers who comply with

the obligation.

Table 3.2 Renewables Obligation percentage and buy-out price for different obligation periods (97)

Buy-out price
Obligation period Obligation (%)
1 Apr 2002 to 31 Mar 2003 3.0 30.00

1 Apr 2003 to 31 Mar 2004 4.3 30.51

1 Apr 2004 to 31 Mar 2005 4.9 31.59

1 Apr 2005 to 31 Mar 2006 5.5 32.33

1 Apr 2006 to 31 Mar 2007 6.7 33.24

1 Apr 2007 to 31 Mar 2008 7.9 34.30

1 Apr 2008 to 31 Mar 2009 9.1 35.76

1 Apr 2009 to 31 Mar 2010 9.7 37.19

1 Apr 2010 to 31 Mar 2011 10.4 -

1 Apr 2011 to 31 Mar 2012 11.4 -

1 Apr 2012 to 31 Mar 2013 12.4 -

1 Apr 2013 to 31 Mar 2014 13.4 -

1 Apr 2014 to 31 Mar 2015 14.4 -

1 Apr 2015 to 31 Mar 2016 15.4 -

As the amount of ROCs is limited due to the small number of accredited generators, ROCs

are traded through auction systems. The electronic auction system is administrated by the

Non-Fossil Purchasing Agency (NFPA). Figure 3.3 presents the historic record of auction

ROCs prices.

Figure 3.3 Track record for ROC auction prices by Compliance Period (CP) (98)

As no technology banding was introduced, all power plants using internal combustion

engines fuelled with gaseous fuels such as sewage gas, landfill gas or biogas are entitled to

the same level of support. However, plants using bio fuels have to agree to and accredit the

Fuel Measurement and Sampling procedure. Since 2007 ‘own use’ electricity is also

entitled for support within the RO scheme (95). Different rules apply to micro generators

(DNC less than 50kW).

3.2.2 Existing Support Policy Climate Change Levy and Levy Exemption Certificates

Climate Change Levy (CCL)

The Climate Change Levy (CCL) is an environmental tax that came into force on 1 April

2001. The levy is chargeable on the industrial and commercial supply of taxable

commodities for lighting, heating and power used by consumers in the following sectors of


- industry

- commerce

- agriculture

- public administration, and

- other services.

The levy does not apply to taxable commodities used by domestic consumers, or by

charities for non-business use (99). The tax is applied as a rate per unit of energy. Each

category of commodity has a specific rate of the tax .

Table 3.3 Climate Change Levy rates (99-102)

Taxable commodity 1 April 2001 – 1 April 2007 – 1 April 2008 – 1 April 2009 –
31 March 31 March 31 March 31 March
2007 2008 2009 2010
£0.00430 £0.00441 £0.00456 £0.00470
/kWh /kWh /kWh /kWh
Gas supplied by a gas utility or any
gas supplied in a gaseous state £0.00150 £0.00154 £0.00159 £0.00164
that is of a kind supplied by a gas /kWh /kWh /kWh /kWh
Any petroleum gas, or other
gaseous hydrocarbon, supplied in a £0.00960 /kg £0.00985 /kg £0.01018 /kg £0.01050 /kg
liquid state
Any other taxable commodity £0.01170 /kg £0.01201 /kg £0.01242 /kg £0.01281 /kg

The CCL should deliver estimated annual carbon dioxide savings of over 3.5 million

tonnes of carbon in 2010 (in the UK). It was also estimated to lead to an increase of good

quality heat and power capacity by 1.2 Gigawatts of electricity by 2010 (103). The CCL

policy was reviewed in 2006 and it was calculated that it resulted in cumulative savings of

60.5 million tonnes of carbon (103, 104).

Levy Exemption Certificates (LECs)

Energy generated from qualified renewable sources is exempt from the Levy where certain

conditions can be met.

Renewable source technologies eligible for exemption include:

- wind energy

- hydro power (up to 10 MW)

- tidal power

- wave energy

- photovoltaic cells

- photo conversion

- geothermal hot dry rock

- geothermal aquifers

- municipal and industrial wastes

- landfill gas

- agriculture and forestry wastes, and

- energy crops (105).

The Generators must be accredited by Ofgem (market regulator) for the renewable

electricity they generate. Exemption certificates (LECs) are then issued for each monthly

qualifying output. Certificates can be traded separately from the electricity for which they

were issued (106).

CHP stations are regarded to be one of the most effective ways of reducing the carbon

footprint. Therefore output from such plants may qualify for CCL exemption.

Whether a CHP Station qualifies for CCL exemption on its entire energy inputs and

outputs will be determined under the CHP Quality Assurance (CHPQA) programme

administered on behalf of the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC). Under

the programme rules, the Quality Index (QI), and Power Efficiency (PE) of a CHP station

are calculated from the fuel used, electricity generated, and heat supplied (107). Renewable Obligation

The Renewable Obligation Order 2009 introduced several changes to the RO scheme. The

most important is technology banding, introduced to support more advanced technologies.

Banding details are given in Table 3.4. The Renewable Obligation scheme will remain

operational as support for large scale renewable projects. The Renewable Obligation Order

will implement few changes to the system. The lifetime of the scheme will be extended to

2037. The Generators will not be entitled to receive support for more than 20 years (108,


Table 3.4 Renewable Obligation scheme technologies banding (95)

Number of
Level of support to be
Technologies ROCs/MWh generated for
1 ROC to be
Landfill gas 0.25 4

Sewage gas, co-firing on non-energy crop (regular) biomass 0.5 2

Onshore wind; hydro-electric; co-firing of energy crops; co-firing
on non-energy crop (regular) biomass with CHP; EfW with
1.0 1
CHP; geo pressure; the use of fuels made using standard
gasification or pyrolysis; other not specified
Offshore wind; co-firing of energy crops with CHP; dedicated
1.5 2/3
regular biomass
Wave; tidal stream; fuels made using anaerobic digestion,
advanced gasification or pyrolysis; dedicated biomass burning 2.0 ½
etidal impoundment; micro generation;

55 Feed-in Tariffs

During the consultation regarding the 2008 Renewable Energy Strategy, many replies

indicated Feed in Tariffs (FITs) as the most appropriate support mechanism for distributed

and small scale electricity (109). Key characteristics of the mechanism are:

- Each kWh generated from an eligible source will receive a fixed payment depending

on the type of technology used (the ‘generation tariff’).

- Generators will be guaranteed a market for their exports at a long-term guaranteed

price (the ‘export tariff’). However, generators are entitled to individually negotiate the

price for exported electricity with suppliers.

- electricity can be used on-site (109).

The FITs were introduced on 1 April 2010 and cover generators with declared net capacity

(DNC) lower than 5MW (110). FIT supports generation technologies such as: anaerobic

digestion (AD), hydro, micro CHP, photovoltaic cells and wind turbines. Renewable Heat Incentive

Choosing from many available support models the government has decided to introduce

the Renewable Heat Obligation as a support scheme for renewable heat. According to the

Ernst and Young (Consultants) report (111) the key characteristics of an RHO mechanism

would be:

 Suppliers of heat guarantee a minimum percentage of heat demand to be met by

renewable heat applications (‘Obligation’), with the percentage increasing over

time to achieve a specific future target for renewable heat supplied as a proportion

of total heat demand.

 Suppliers either pay a penalty if they fail to achieve their Obligation (‘Buy-Out’),

or obtain Heat Obligation Certificates (HOC) for metered renewable heat

generation that contributes to their Obligation.

 Revenues from supplier penalties are recycled to compliant suppliers who meet

their obligation (111).

The RHI was introduced in April 2011 (112). The incentive is promoting various

technologies, including:

 heat pumps,

 solar thermal

 biomass boilers

 renewable CHP

 use of biogas and bio-liquids

 bio-methane injection into gas grid (112).

3.2.3 Combined Heat and Power

A CHP scheme must be accredited within the Good Quality CHP programme. The

accreditation process is conducted to prove that a particular plant provides significant

‘environmental and other benefits’ compared to best available energy supply alternatives

(113). Projects are assessed by analysing the Quality Index (QI). This factor was

introduced to compare the CHP schemes with other projects that generate power or heat

only. To calculate the QI the following formula (1) is used:

(1) QI  X  Power  Y  Heat

(2)  Power  CHPTPO / CHPTFI

(3)  Heat  CHPQHO / CHPTFI ,

Where: Total Power Output (CHPTPO) is the total registered annual power generation from a CHP Scheme

(MWhe) as measured at the generator terminals; Qualifying Heat Output (CHPQHO) is the total registered

amount of useful heat supplied annually from a CHP Scheme (MWhth). Total Fuel Input (CHPTFI) is the total

registered annual fuel input to a CHP Scheme (MWh). All numbers are based on Gross Calorific Value


For the proposed plants the following conditions must be met: QI > 105 and  Power  20%

(113). The X and Y coefficient values for new CHP schemes are given in Table 3.6.

Table 3.5 Coefficients for the calculation of QI for various sizes and types of new CHP scheme (113)

Size Techno- Techno- Size

Technology X Y Size X Y X Y
[MWe] logy logy [MWe]
≤1 249 ≤1 294 ≤1 370
By-Product Biomass or
1 – 10 195 1 – 25 221 120 1 – 25 370 120
Gases Solid Waste
10 – 25 191 > 25 193 > 25 220
25 – 50 186 ≤1 285 ≤1 329
Natural Gas (IC
50 – 100 179 115 1 – 25 251 1 – 25 315
engines incl.) Biogas 120 Wood Fuels 120
100 –
176 > 25 193 > 25 220
200 –
173 ≤1 329
Waste Gas or
> 500 172 1 – 25 299 120
≤1 249 > 25 193
Oil 1 – 25 191 115 ≤1 275
> 25 176 Liquid Biofuels 1 – 25 191 120
≤1 249 > 25 176
Coal 1 – 25 191 115 ≤1 275
> 25 176 Liquid Waste 1 – 25 260 120
Fuel Cell 180 120 > 25 176

3.2.4 Summary

It is very important to correctly determine all sources of revenue for a feasibility study of a

planned generating station. The majority of the data required to prepare a good feasibility

study is specific for the chosen engine and fuel type. Moreover, the revenue from the sale

of energy or offset, depends on agreement with the regional electricity supplier, thus it is

different for each project.

The RO banding introduced in 2009 resulted in reduced support for proven technologies

like landfill gas or sewage gas. Anaerobic digestion (AD) was granted a double value ROC

band. Landfill gas and sewage gas will not be supported under the new FIT scheme

designed for plants with DNC < 5MW. Small and medium scale biogas (AD) projects will

be supported with the highest subsidy reaching even £115/MWh.

Animal fat combustion can be supported only in the case of large (> 5MW) projects within

the RO scheme. Generating plants equipped with reciprocating engines can be used also as

sources of heat – combined heat and power – therefore additional support can be granted

from the RHI scheme.

3.3 Tallow Prices

The tallow market in the UK is limited to a few types of organizations, such as rendering

companies (producers), oleo chemical companies, biodiesel production companies, pet

food industry (clients). There is no open market for tallow – trade is done via direct

contracts between companies. Therefore data regarding tallow consumption and prices is

commercially sensitive. It corresponds with AEA findings presented in their report (6). For

the purpose of the project described in this thesis, the up to date price for Grade 6 Category

3 tallow has been obtained weekly. The data have been used for an electricity generation

feasibility analysis. Crude oil prices were obtained from BP (114, 115) – those reported are

weekly average prices of Brent crude oil. Comparison of tallow and crude oil prices is

shown in Figure 3.4. It has to be noted that animal fat price is given in GBP per tonne

while oil price is reported in USD per barrel. The presented data proves that to some extent

animal fat prices are linked with fossil fuel prices. The lack of consistency in the last few

weeks of 2009 can be explained by the higher availability of animal fat during the winter,

this could have stopped the price from rising along the trend line which was visible during

the earlier months of the year.

Animal Fat Brent Oil

400 80

350 75

300 70

250 65

200 60

150 55

100 50

50 45

0 40
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53

Figure 3.4 Comparison of animal fat (grade 6) and crude oil (Brent) prices in 2009 (114, 115)

3.4 Feasibility Study of 0.8 MWe Generating Plant

The following approach has been followed to assess a feasibility study of the research

power plant installed at the host company premises at Cheddleton, Staffs, England.

Each kWh of energy generated by the test generator results in a lower electricity bill for the

host company. As the company has signed a long term contract, the price of energy units

can be treated as constant.

Energy is generated from a renewable source so it is entitled to be supported by the

Renewable Obligation System. The amount of money is related to the amount of MWh

generated. Therefore:

Income = MWh * ( A + B )


A – Electricity price (£/MWh)

B – Subsidy (£/MWh)

Fixed costs such as: emission monitoring system hire (£/week) or engine servicing cost

(£/year) were identified. The main variable cost is the price of fuel:

Expenditure = MWh * C

Where: C – fuel price (£/tonne)

The used model does not take depreciation into account as the engine used for the study

was not an up to date model and it was difficult to correctly estimate the cost of replacing

it. Analysis of animal price effect on generation feasibility has been conducted. Results are

given in Figure 3.5. It can be seen that for the given engine, at prices of animal fat

exceeding 300 GBP/tonne electricity production is not feasible. Only additional support in

form of ROCs can make electricity production from animal fat profitable, however, in the

case of a fuel price rise above 500 GBP/tonne, even subsidised production is not profitable.

Depending on the price, the fuel forms between 80-90% of total production cost.

Profit/Loss Profit/Loss (subsidised) Production cost

80 160

60 140

Production cost (£/MWh)

Profit/Loss (£/MWh)

40 120

20 100

0 80

‐20 60

‐40 40

‐60 20

‐80 0
300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500
Animal Fat price (GBP/tonne)

Figure 3.5 Impact of animal fat price on electricity generation feasibility. Assumptions: electricity selling
price - 92 £/MWh, ROC price - 45 £/MWh

3.5 Feasibility Study of Large Scale 20 MWe Generating Plant

A feasibility study for a proposed large (20 MW) power plant fuelled with animal fat has

been prepared. Two documents: Electrical Production Cost Study and Feasibility

Calculation, have been prepared by MAN B&W in cooperation with the Author for the

host company – John Pointon & Sons Ltd. The electrical production cost analysis gives a

total description of the economic flow in the financial period. The electricity, heat

production and the running costs were assumed to be constant throughout the financial

period. The sensitivity analysis covers the most important economical parameters, in order

to show the influence the changed values on the comparison between the plant alternatives.

The findings can be summarised as follows: electricity production from animal fat even in

a high efficiency (48%) two stroke reciprocating engine driven plant is not feasible without

additional support in the form of ROC or another scheme. Fuel price is responsible for

approximately 85% of the total running cost (including staff costs, servicing and

maintenance etc.). For a long payback time (25 years), electricity generation cost does not

fall below 85 £/MWh. At the time of the study preparation, price paid to electricity

generators was approximately at a level of 40 £/MWh.

3.6 Economics of Electricity Generation

Currently power plants using engine driven generators and fuelled with animal fat are

entitled to government subsidies in the form of Renewable Obligation Certificates. This

scheme supports the production of electricity in large (>5MW) stations using biomass.

Animal fat is currently classed as biomass. Each MWh receives a virtual certificate that

can be traded with other generators and suppliers. Heat generated by a CHP plant fuelled

with tallow can be classed as output enabling the generator to obtain Climate Change Levy

Exemption Certificates (LECs). The recently introduced RHI creates another possible

source of income by subsidising heat production.

The analysis of animal fat prices was a difficult task as there is no open market for this

commodity trade. The collected data showed that a link between animal fat and fossil fuels

exists, in consequence it makes tallow price very volatile which can possibly lead to the

wrong process of feasibility assessment. On the other hand, animal fat price can be

predicted to some level of accuracy by the usage of similar methods which are used for

fossil fuel prices’ prediction.

The feasibility analysis prepared for the research plant showed that fuel price can

constitute up to 90% of total electricity production cost. Therefore, animal fat price has a

major impact on feasibility. Electricity generation was only profitable in the case of

receiving support in the form of ROCs. For tallow prices above 500 £/tonne it was not

feasible to operate the plant.

Similar findings are included in the feasibility study for the proposed large power plant.

Very efficient two stroke diesel engines were proposed for this particular application but

still fuel price contributes to approximately 85% of the total generation cost. Also in the

case of the proposed plant, feasibility is very sensitive to fuel price change. Electricity

production from animal fat can be profitable only when additional support such as the

Renewable Obligation or Renewable Heat Incentive is available.


4.1 Introduction

This chapter describes facilities used in the research process. It can be divided into two

areas: facilities located at the hosting company premises, such as the engine-generating set

together with monitoring equipment (in cylinder pressure sensor, shaft encoder etc.),

emission monitoring, modified fuel supply system and developed emission abatement

system; and laboratory facilities located at the University of Birmingham, where fuel

properties have been tested. It has to be noted that the engine used in this research was

designed and manufactured in the 1960s – therefore obtained results shouldn’t be directly

compared with those gained from modern facilities.

4.2 Engine Facility

4.2.1 Engine Specifications

A Ruston 6AR has been modified for the research described in this thesis. Modifications

included installation of a new heated fuel supply system, installation of an electronic

control unit enabling engine speed control, operational parameters monitoring and also

synchronising with the grid. The engine has been equipped with cylinder pressure sensors,

a shaft encoder and emission monitoring system. A new emission abatement system has

been designed and installed. The 6AR (shown in Figure 4.1) is a six cylinder, four stroke,

direct injection diesel unit of 260.5 mm bore and 368 mm stroke. The engine is equipped

with a turbocharger and water cooled air cooler. The cylinder liners are of the wet type.

Separate cylinder heads are provided for each cylinder carrying two inlets, two exhaust

valves, fuel injector and air starter valve. A chain driven camshaft, through a set of cams,

operates valves and individual fuel injection pumps. The engine is water cooled with two

circuits of raw and fresh water. The engine is started with a compressed air system. The air

for the starter is raised by a diesel powered compressor. Engine technical data is given in

Table 4.1.

Figure 4.1 Ruston 6AR engine installed at John Pointon and Sons Ltd. premises at Cheddleton

Table 4.1 Engine technical data

No. of cylinders 6 -

Nominal speed 600 rpm

Power 809 kW

Bore 260.5 mm

Stroke 368 mm

MEP 1.4 MPa

Compression ratio 12.3:1 -

Injection pressure 200 Bar

Injection commences 22 ºBTDC

The engine is mechanically coupled to a Brush 11 kV alternator and exciter. The

generating set has been installed at the hosting company premises at Cheddleton,

Staffordshire, England and registered with OFGEM as ‘Pointon_gen4’ station. A single

line diagram showing the local electrical grid configuration with the newly designed

metering system is given in Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2 Generating station single line diagram showing Ruston 6AR engine (Gen 11kV) and dedicated
electricity metering system complying with OFGEM requirements

4.2.2 Monitoring Equipment

Cylinder pressure monitoring equipment

The cylinder pressure monitoring system consists of:

- pressure transmitter

- shaft encoder

- data acquisition PC card

- data acquisition software

Pressure transmitter

The pressure transmitter Kistler 6613CA, shown in Figure 4.3, contains a piezoelectric

sensor and an integrated charge amplifier. The pressure transmitter is made for continuous

cylinder pressure monitoring of large engines. The integrated charge amplifier provides a

uniform output and can be connected directly to a data acquisition unit. There are no

individual sensitivity adjustments necessary, since the output has uniform sensitivity. The

sensor has a voltage output of 0 - 5 V with a zero line of 2 V (if pressure is 0 MPa) (116).

The sensor can record pressure within two ranges: the first up to 25 MPa, and the second

up to 10 MPa with sensitivities of 100 mV/MPa and 250 mV/MPa respectively.

The calibration of the pressure transducer was performed on an oil weight bench machine

in the range of 0MPa/1.5V to 9MPa/2.5V. The obtained characteristics of the pressure

transducer were applied to the data acquisition software as a tuned coefficient.

Working principle

The cylinder pressure is acting on the diaphragm. The diaphragm converts the pressure in

proportional force on the sensor element. The piezoelectric sensor element converts the

force into a charge. The charge is converted by a charge amplifier into a voltage. The

complete measuring chain is designed for easy operation and very long life time.

The advantages of the piezoelectric principle are:

- It operates safely up to high temperatures and therefore is ideally suited for

accurate measurements in harsh conditions.

- It has a very small sensitivity change over a temperature range.

- Its high stiffness results in small diaphragm stress.

- It has high reproducibility since the piezoelectric constant of the measuring element

is a constant of nature and does not change over time (116).

Figure 4.3 Kistler 6613CA pressure transmitter (116)

Data acquisition software

The software used is a LabView based programme developed at the University of

Birmingham. The cylinder pressure signal is recorded and then various parameters can be

calculated, for example:

- maximum pressure (comparison between cycles)

- heat release rate

- IMEP (indicated mean effective pressure)

- compression and exhaust polytrope factor – k

- pressure vs. crank angle

- pressure vs. volume.

Emission monitoring system

The emission monitoring system was provided by CBISS Ltd. The system consisted of:-

- MIR9000 – an infra red spectrophotometer that uses a Gas Filter Correlation

technique. The advantage of the GFC technique is that it uses a pair of narrow band

pass interference filters, specific to each gaseous species, to establish and remove

any cross interference from other gases (117).

- FID – Flame Ionisation Detector – Gas is sampled with a heated pump and led to

the burner supplied with pure hydrogen and air filtered and purified through an

internal generator. The separation of the hydrocarbon molecules at high

temperature in the cone of the flame provides an ionizing current, the strength of

which is directly proportional to the number of carbon atoms of the analysed

mixture (117).

- PCME LMS 181 probe - The LMS181 measures the scattered forward light from a

laser source. The measurement volume in the sensor probe is positioned in a

representative location within the stack. The scattered light response is directly

proportional to soot concentration. The instrument optimises its resolution and zero

drift characteristics (118).

The emission data was recorded continuously and stored in the system memory. The daily

report contained half hourly averages and the daily average of the following exhaust

components and parameters: sulphur dioxide – SO2, nitrogen monoxide – NO, nitrogen

oxides – NOx , carbon monoxide – CO, carbon dioxide – CO2, flow, temperature, soot,

hydrocarbons – HC.

4.2.3 Fuel Supply System

According to the engine manual (119) the standard fuel supply system comprises of the

following items:

- Daily service tank

- Fuel filters: before fuel pumps and edge filters in each injector

- Individual fuel pumps for each cylinder

- Injectors

- Interconnecting piping.

A standard fuel system diagram is given in Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.4 Standard fuel system layout (119)

As animal fat is solid at room temperature, the fuel supply system had to be modified to

enable operation on alternative fuel. The following assumptions were made:

- The engine should start and stop on diesel fuel

- The fuel supply system should be able to switch back to standard fuel in case of an

alarm condition such as grid voltage loss, engine overheating, synchronisation loss etc.

The fuel system has been modified by adding a second fuel tank with a heating coil for

animal fat storage. Pipe work connecting the tank with the fuel supply panel has been fitted

with trace heating preventing fat from solidification and non return valves were also fitted.

The fuel supply panel consisted of two fuel boost pumps, one for diesel and another for

liquid fat, powered by electric motors, four sets of filters, where two were preliminary

filters located before the boost pumps, and main filters located before the engine inlet.

Three interlinked valves, one for diesel supply, second for fat supply and third for fuel

return, were operated by a pneumatic actuator. The described arrangement enabled smooth

transition between the fuels. The system layout is given in Figure 4.5. The valve

arrangement and the fuels’ flow patterns for diesel operation (engine start up and warm up

or alarm state) are given in Figure 4.6. The system state for animal fat operation is given in

Figure 4.7.

Fuel consumption has been measured with two flow meters. Coriolis mass flow meter,

Promass 83F supplied by Endress+Hauser, has been used for animal fat consumption

measurement. The flow meter was linked to a PC with a data acquisition software package

installed. Diesel consumption was recorded with a positive displacement type flow meter,

MP 025S supplied by Trimec.

Figure 4.5 Fuel supply system layout

Figure 4.6 Fuel supply system - diesel mode

Figure 4.7 Fuel supply system - tallow mode

4.2.4 Emissions Abatement System

The main reason for the EGR testing was to reduce NOx emission from the generating set.

The limit was set by the local authorities at the level of 450 mg/m3 (concentration in dry air

at a temperature of 273K at a pressure of 101.3 kPa and with an oxygen content of 11%

dry) (24). Method efficiency should reach 75-80%. An abatement system combining the

effects of exhaust gases recirculation and introduction of water to the combustion chamber

was designed and installed. Figure 4.8 shows the EGR system with gases cooling and

humidification installed on the engine. Usage of water for an abatement system was

carefully considered and was found acceptable for the purpose of this particular

installation, because of reclaimed water availability within the rendering plant.

Exhaust cooler – cyclone
with water injection

exhaust turbine

Water OUT 6AR

Air Filter air compressor

Figure 4.8 cEGR system layout - including gas cooling and humidification chamber

The proportion of recirculated exhaust can be controlled by a set of manually operated

valves. EGR percentage was determined by comparison between two CO2 concentrations.

One was measured at the engine intake, the second at the stack outlet. To achieve higher

NOx emissions’ reduction efficiency, the EGR was cooled (cEGR) and humidified.

Exhaust was diverted to a spray chamber where water was injected through a set of

nozzles, shown in Figure 4.9. The mixture should be free of water droplets, therefore a

cyclone chamber, shown in Figure 4.10, was installed to spin the gases. Any excess water

was flowing down the walls of the chamber. Water injection can be switched off; the

engine operates then with typical gas recirculation (EGR). Technical drawings of the

cEGR system form Appendix 1.

Figure 4.9 Water injecting nozzles

Figure 4.10 EGR cyclone chamber

4.3 Fuel Laboratory Facilities

4.3.1 Density Test

The hydrometer method has been used for determination of animal fat density. A tested

fuel sample was placed in a water bath with a thermostat to minimise sample temperature

variation. Animal fat is an opaque liquid in all conditions, therefore the scale reading

method described in ASTM standard D1298-99 (2005) (120) and shown in Figure 4.11,

was used.

Figure 4.11 Hydrometer scale reading for opaque fluids (120)

4.3.2 Surface Tension Test

A maximum bubble pressure method has been used to measure surface tension of various

fuels. A Sita Proline T15 tension meter was used and technical data are given in Table 4.2.

Sample temperature was controlled by a water bath.

Table 4.2 Sita Proline T15 technical data

Surface Tension

Measuring range 10 - 100 mN/m (dyn/cm)

Resolution 0.1 mN/m (dyn/cm)

Bubble Lifetime

Controlled range 15 - 15000 ms

Resolution 1 ms

Liquid Temperature

Measuring range 0 - 100°C

Resolution 0.1 K

Variable bubble lifetime makes obtaining results comparable with static methods possible.

Bubble pressure method suitability, for measurement of viscous fluids, has been positively

verified by Fainerman (121).

4.3.3 Viscosity Test

Fuel viscosity has been analysed with an Ultra Shear Viscometer provided by PCS. The

Ultra Shear Viscometer can carry out fully automated viscosity measurements over a shear

rate range from 106 s-1 to 107 s-1 and temperatures between 40 and 150°C. The meter is

fitted with a DC servo motor capable of speeds of over 20,000 rpm and an electromagnetic

clutch which engages the rotor for only a very short period of time (typically 30 ms). This

brief shearing interval minimizes the shear heating in the lubricant (122). The viscometer is

shown in Figure 4.12 and its main parts are shown in Figure 4.13.

Figure 4.12 PCS Ultra Shear Viscometer

Figure 4.13 USV main parts (122)

4.3.4 Lubricity Test

Several methods have been developed to assess fuel lubricity. These include: the Scuffing

Load Ball on Cylinder Lubricity Evaluator (SLBOCLE), the High-Frequency

Reciprocating Rig (HFRR), and the Ball on Three Seats (BOTS). More detailed description

and discussion of correlation between full scale injection pump systems and laboratory

methods can be found in the literature (123). High Frequency Reciprocating Rig (HFRR)

method has been used in this study to assess lubricating properties of animal fat. The rig

has been provided by PCS Instruments Ltd. London, UK. A schematic diagram showing

the working principle is given in Figure 4.14 . The technical specification is given in

Table 4.3.

Figure 4.14 Schematic diagram of HFRR (124)

Table 4.3 PCS HFRR technical specification

Frequency 10 – 200 Hz

Stroke 20 µm – 2.0 mm

Load 0 – 1.0 kg

Max. friction force 10.0 N

Temperature Up to 400 °C

Upper specimen 6.0 mm diameter ball

Lower specimen 10.0 mm diameter x 3.0 mm thick disc

Camera resolution 2048 x 1536 pixels

To increase test repeatability and reduce scatter the rig has been fitted with a temperature

and humidity controlled cabinet so tests can be carried out at constant temperature and

relative humidity. The wear scar diameter is measured with a Meiji metallurgical

microscope equipped with a digital measurement camera. Test conditions were based on

ISO 12156 standard (refer to Table 4.4).

Table 4.4 Test conditions based on ISO 12156

Fluid volume 2 ± 0.2 ml

Stroke length 1 ± 0.002 mm

Frequency 50 ± 1 Hz

Fluid temperature 60, 75, 90 ± 2 °C

Applied load 200 ± 1 g

Test duration 75 ± 0.1 min

Bath surface area 6 ± 1 cm2

Certified specimens provided by PCS were used for testing. The upper specimen is a 6.0

mm diameter ball that is loaded into the upper specimen holder. The upper specimen is

specified to grade 28 (ANSI B3.12), ANSI E-52100 steel, with a Rockwell hardness "C"

scale (HRC) number of 58-66 (ISO 6508), and a surface finish of less than 0.05 µm Ra.

The lower specimen is the disc that is loaded into the lower specimen holder. The lower

specimen is specified to ANSI E-52100 steel machined from annealed rod, with

Vickers hardness "HV30" scale number of 190-210 (ISO 6507/1). It is turned lapped and

polished to a surface finish of less than 0.02 µm Ra (122).

4.3.5 Free Fatty Acids Removal

One possible method of acidity reduction is free fatty acid (FFA) evaporation under

reduced pressure. FFA removal is described in more detail in sections 5.3 and 5.4.

A small scale laboratory test rig was designed to run the trial with tallow fuel. A sample of

animal fat was put in a beaker; the outlet was connected to a vacuum pump. The pump is

capable of reducing pressure down to 6.5 - 9.5 hPa. The beaker, prepared as described

above, was placed in a liquid bath. The temperature was set to 100⁰C and 220⁰C. The

sample was exposed to the raised temperature over one and three hours. The experimental

set up is presented in Figure 4.15.

Figure 4.15 Test rig for FFA removal via evaporation at reduced pressure


5.1 Introduction

There are properties that are widely used to determine tallow quality and suitability for

applications within the chemical and food industry. Usually the free fatty acid content,

polyethylene contamination, moisture, insoluble impurities, ash and iodine values are

measured. Those properties are tested on a regular basis in the host company’s on-site

laboratory. Analysis presented in this chapter is based on test results obtained there.

The amount of free fatty acid an animal fat contains is a good indication of whether the fats

were properly handled before rendering. Meat tissues contain fat-splitting enzymes, which

start to hydrolyze the fat to form free fatty acid as soon as the animal dies. Rendering must

be performed as soon as possible after the animals are slaughtered for a minimum of free

fatty acid development (4). The raw material is usually contaminated with polyethylene

that will melt and disperse in the tallow during the rendering process. Polyethylene may

solidify as the tallow is cooled and contaminate pipe work and valves or damage the fuel

injection system. Moisture content characterises the efficiency of tallow filtration and

separation processes. It is desirable to keep moisture at low levels. High moisture content

may encourage hydrolysis and increase acidity as a result. Insoluble impurities are usually

small particles of protein, bone and fibre. Animal fats are highly saturated and the iodine

value is a parameter describing the level of saturation.

Industrial requirements for grade 6 tallow and crude bio-fuel specifications for two- and

four-stroke heavy fuel oil engines are given in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1 Required tallow properties

Limit value
4-stroke engine spec 2-stroke engine spec
Grade 6 tallow
(69) (42)
Free fatty acids (FFA) <15 % <10% <15%

Polyethylene <200 ppm - -

Moisture <0.03% 0.2% 1.0%

Insoluble impurities <0.05% 0.05% -

Ash <0.02% 0.05% 0.15%

Iodine value <60 120 -

Calorific value 36-40 MJ/kg - -

5.2 Long Term Monitoring Programme

A category 3 grade 6 tallow batch was prepared on a weekly basis and pumped to a heated

tank supplying the test generator. Samples were taken weekly throughout 2009 and tests

were also conducted on a weekly basis with the exemption of density and calorific value,

where monthly composite samples were tested.

Results were statistically analysed to determine whether the data came from a process

which is subject to statistical description. A two stage approach was chosen. The first step

was to check if the data values follow the normal distribution. A test for data normality

consisting of Chi-square, Shapiro-Wilks statistics and Z scores for skewness and kurtosis

was used and P-values were calculated. It can be assumed that data are adequately

modelled by a normal distribution if the P-value is greater than 0.05 (125, 126). As the

sample size used for process monitoring is n=1, a control chart for an individual unit

should be used during the second stage of the data analysing process. If the data values

follow normal distribution then a moving range control chart for individual measurements

(MR chart) can be used. In case the data values do not follow normal distribution an

exponentially weighted moving average control chart (EWMA chart) can be used. The

exponentially weighted moving average is defined as:

λx 1 λ z

Where 0<λ<1 is a constant and the starting value is the process target (126).

Montgomery (126) claims that a EWMA with lambda parameter λ = 0.05 – 0.10 and an

appropriately chosen control limit will perform very well against both normal and non

normal distributions.

To check if the acidity of the fuel depends on the ambient temperature, it has been

recorded at hourly intervals. The weekly average temperature was then calculated.

Calculated annual mean values were compared with industrial requirements for grade 6

tallow and bio fuel specification for large four and two stroke engines used for power


5.2.1 Results

Results of tests for weeks 6-8 are excluded due to a failure of the filtration system which

resulted in ‘off spec’ fuel provided for the research engine. Other data are graphically

presented in Figure 5.1 and Figure 5.2. Acidity test results are presented in Figure 5.3

together with the weekly average ambient temperatures. Monthly composite samples

results are presented in Figure 5.4.

Moisture Insoluble impurities Ash

Concentrations [%]






1 3 5 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52

Figure 5.1 Moisture, insoluble impurities, ash levels in tallow during 2009

70 70
Iodine value Polyethylene
60 60
Iodine value [g I2/100g]

Polyethylene [ppm]
50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49

Figure 5.2 Iodine number and polyethylene levels in tallow during 2009

35 35
30 30

Weekly average ambient

Free fatty acid [%]

temperature [degC]
25 25

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0


Figure 5.3 Free fatty acids (FFA) level in tallow and weekly average ambient temperature during 2009

41.0 1000
CV Density

Density [kg/m3 @ 40degC]

40.5 950
Calorific value [MJ/kg]

40.0 900

39.5 850

39.0 800

38.5 750

38.0 700
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 5.4 Calorific value (higher) and density of tallow during 2009

Statistical analysis shows that the majority of measured properties are not within the

statistical model. In Figure 5.5, EWMA control charts prepared with the Statgraphics®

software package for all the measured properties are presented. Graphs include the plotted

moving average value together with upper and lower control limits (UCL and LCL). The

process centre line was approximated by the data arithmetic average. Lack of consistency

in the data can be seen for acidity and the ash data series. For calorific value results only

one point is outside defined control limits. The significant variation detected for January

and August samples can be explained by different feedstock used for fat production.

During those months demand for meat is higher, hence the amount of meat by-products in

the mix is higher than for other months, where a large proportion of the feedstock is food

waste. A summary of statistical analysis is presented in Table 5.2. In the second column

the smallest P-values of four conducted tests for data normality are given. If the value is

smaller than 0.05 then it can’t be assumed that that particular data series follows normal

distribution. The process is within statistical control if the obtained results are within

designed limits – EWMA upper and lower control limits (UCL and LCL) in the case of the

analysis presented in this paragraph. In the fourth column it is stated whether a particular

tested property is within statistical control. A comparison of the calculated annual average

and highest recorded values with three specifications (grade 6 tallow, 4- and 2-stroke

engines) is also included; Y – means that the calculated/measured value complies with the

specification, N – means that the calculated/measured value does not comply with the

particular specification. It can be concluded that although some properties, like

polyethylene contamination, are not consistent during the sampling period, they do not

prevent the tallow from being used in industrial applications, as calculated averages exceed

the required specification (grade 6). The only parameter that disqualifies the tested tallow

from being used as a fuel in any available combustion engine is the acidity expressed as

free fatty acids level. The highest measured value of FFA exceeds the specification for a

two stroke low speed engine by 100%. Moisture content in the tested fuel seems to be

within the statistical limits, however, the mean value does not meet requirements of grade

6 tallow and bio fuel for a four stroke engine.

As shown in Figure 5.3, there is a relationship between ambient temperature and free fatty

acids’ level. Acidity is considerably higher during the summer period. The collected data

are very random so it was difficult to create a detailed model or equation linking ambient

temperature with acidity level. However, a very coarse approximation can be formulated:

increase of ambient temperature by one degree can increase acidity of tallow by 0.75%.

Acidity level depends on the intensity of the decomposition process and fat hydrolysis by

enzymes. Clearly, the ambient temperature is one of the factors affecting the reaction rate.

Table 5.2 Summary of statistical analysis and compliance with various specifications

Smallest Normal in Annual Highest
Data series Unit specification
P-value distribution statistical average reading
control G6 4S 2S

Moisture 0.0008 No Yes 0.28 0.69 % N/N N/N Y/Y

1.05*10-8 No No 0.13 0.54 % N/N N/N -
Ash 13 No No 0.04 0.11 % N/N Y/N Y/Y

Iodine value 0.0150 No Yes 50.9 55.8 gI2/100g Y/Y Y/Y -

Polyethylene 0.0017 No No 13.7 34.0 ppm Y/Y - -

FFA 5.11*10-6 No No 21.9 32.6 % N/N N/N N/N

Density 0.0008 No Yes 897.4 899.5 kg/m3 - Y/Y Y/Y

0.0005 No No 39.34 38.98 MJ/kg Y/Y - -
Where: G6 – grade 6 specification, 4S – four stroke specification, 2S – two stroke specification

Figure 5.5 EWMA control charts for monitored tallow properties

5.3 Available Acidity Reduction Methods

Acidity can be lowered in many ways. Bhosle et al. (127) describe three main groups of

methods: chemical, physical and miscella deacidification. The chemical method of

lowering acidity comprises of the addition of an alkali to degummed oil, thereby turning

the FFA into soap, which is then removed by mechanical separation from the neutral oil.

This method has been widely researched by Zheng et al. (78) and Meher et al. (128) and

applied in first generation biodiesel production by Canakci et al. (129). An alternative

approach is presented by Cmolik et al. (130), where advantages of physical methods like

lower environment pollution due to lack of chemicals, higher yields achieved, are

described. The most common physical methods are steam refining and inert gas stripping.

Further investigation is required to determine the best solution for deacidification

technology that can be implemented in the case of tallow used as fuel in engines.

5.4 Acidity Reduction by Evaporation – Trial Test

5.4.1 Preliminary Information

In the case of the project described in this thesis, it was desirable to find an acidity

lowering method that will not involve the usage of chemicals. Chemical FFA removal is a

well known process and is already used in the biodiesel production industry, even for

treatment of the fat sourced from the host company.

All physical methods are based on the fact that free fatty acids evaporate at lower

temperatures if the pressure is reduced. The main goal is to lower the temperature to avoid

polymerisation and fat decomposition. One of the physical method variations is thin film

evaporation. The industrial scale method is described below. A Laboratory scale

experiment has been conducted to ensure that fat specific for this project can be treated

with this method – as there is no experience in dealing with grade 6 feedstock (correct at

2010, experience in yellow grease treatment – FFA of 25%).

5.4.2 Large Scale Plant Utilising Rothoterm® Technology by Artisan Industries Inc.

A technology description accompanied by a process flow diagram is attached as Appendix 2.

5.4.3 Small Scale Test Results and Discussion

Average acidity reported in Table 5.3 has been calculated based on three consecutive tests.

Tallow samples were tested on the rig described in paragraph 4.3.5.

Table 5.3 FFA evaporation at low pressure – 6.5 – 9.5 hPa

Test temperature [⁰C]

Test duration [hours]
100 220

0 [ref] 9.38 %

1 9.63 % 4.26 %

3 9.21 % 7.53 %

It can be seen that heating animal fat at low pressure will encourage evaporation of free

fatty acids. In the case of prolonged heating, high acidity can probably be explained by

hydrolysis reaction affected by the higher temperature. As expected, the acids’ removal

process should be fast – in industrial applications it is achieved either by supplying fats to

stripping columns in the form of spray or in the case of evaporators in a thin film layer.

The conducted test proves that fat produced by the host company can be potentially treated

with one of the physical deacidification methods. No negative impact of the treatment on

fat has been detected.

5.5 Conclusions

Data collected throughout the duration of the project proved that acidity of the tallow is

high and does not meet any requirements given by engine manufacturers. An appropriate

method of deacidification must be implemented to modify tallow properties to enable its

usage as fuel for engine driven power plants. Moreover, high variability of acidity was

detected. Ambient temperature affects the speed of the decomposition process, hence the

acidity level. Observations proved the possible suitability of tallow as a fuel, due to high

calorific value, which is consistent during the year. The quality of the fuel preparation

process must be improved so that moisture content can be lowered. Tallow can be treated

as a potential fuel for renewable energy power plants, however, its quality and pre-

treatment have to be developed and improved.



6.1 Effect of Temperature on Properties of Animal Fat

This chapter describes an attempt to establish the appropriate temperature for animal fat to

be supplied as a fuel for reciprocating engines. Tallow is solid at ambient conditions and

melts in temperatures above 35 °C. The following aspects have been discussed in this part

of the study; elevating temperature will reduce the fat’s viscosity and surface tension thus

improving spray characteristics. At the same time, high temperature may have an impact

on the lubricating properties of the fuel. In the light of findings presented in Chapter 5,

acidity seems to be one of the fuel properties that need close monitoring; therefore the

possible contribution of high storage temperature towards increased acidity was also

investigated. The main objective of this part of the study was to determine optimal feed

and storage temperature for animal fat.

The investigation concluded in Chapter 5 focused on properties’ consistency. Despite

acidity variation associated with ambient temperature influencing the decomposition

process, other properties presented some level of consistency, enabling the establishment

of a set of typical values for animal fat. The next step was to establish limits – the internal

specification when fuel would be rejected and not used for engine trials. Fuel used for tests

presented in the current chapter was within the limits given in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1 Animal fat typical specification, tested sample properties

Data series Limit Sample Unit

Moisture 0.28 0.5 0.16 %

0.13 0.4 0.15 %
Ash 0.04 0.1 0.06 %

Iodine value 50.9 55 54 gI2/100g

Polyethylene 13.7 35.0 15 ppm

6.1.1 Viscosity

Tallow contains high levels of saturated fatty acids, which give it a solid consistency at

room temperature (4). Fuel pre heating was reported by numerous researchers (32, 66, 131,

132) as a potential way of utilising neat triglycerides as engine fuels. The importance of

viscosity reduction was noted by Ejim et al. (28) as it has the largest contribution, about

90%, to change in the SMD. Therefore, viscosity reduction should be prioritised to achieve

better fuel atomisation.

Figure 6.1 presents a comparison of dynamic viscosity of two fuels – animal fat and ULSD

– measured at a range of temperatures. The presented results are calculated averages of

four consecutive tests performed at USV. The first condition measured was a temperature

of 40 ⁰C – often used in fuel specifications as a reference. A temperature of 60 ⁰C is often

regarded to be the temperature of fuel in the supply system and is used as a reference for

example in the lubricity HFRR test. It was impossible to perform a test for animal fat at

lower temperatures and higher shear rates as viscosity values were reported to be too high.

The impact of temperature on the viscosity of animal fat is significant; raising the

temperature from 40⁰C up to 60⁰C results in viscosity reduction from approximately 40 cP

down to 20 cP. Further heating up to 90⁰C reduces viscosity to 9 cP (for low shear rate)

and 8 cP (for high shear rate). It has to be noted that even heating up to 90⁰C does not

reduce viscosity to levels comparable with ULSD. However, calculated kinematic viscosity

(presented in Figure 6.2) of 13.5 cSt (for 80⁰C) and 10.8 cSt (for 90⁰C) is lower than the

limit of 15 cSt at the engine inlet flange defined for large two stroke engines (133).

Therefore, it should be possible to use animal fat as fuel in large engines equipped with a

fuel supply system capable of handling viscous fuels such as HFO or crude oil. The engine

used in trials presented in this thesis can be supplied with fuel of viscosity limited to 14.5

cSt at 40⁰C (119).

Diesel 40degC Diesel 60degC Tallow 40degC

Tallow 60degC Tallow 80degC Tallow 90degC


Dynamic Viscosity [cP]







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Shear Rate [x10^6]

Figure 6.1 Comparison of dynamic viscosity of animal fat and ULSD at range of temperatures



Kinematic Viscosity [cSt]

limit for HFO RMA30 @ 50 degC





limit for FAME @ 40 degC
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Temperature [degC]

Figure 6.2 Effect of temperature on animal fat kinematic viscosity

Presented results prove that pre heating above 80⁰C is required to reduce viscosity to a

level comparable with that required by the engine manufacturer.

The character of animal fat as a fluid can be determined by analysis of the relationship

between stress and shear rate. Shear stress for animal fat and ULSD at various

temperatures is shown in Figure 6.3. For ULSD at both tested temperatures a linear

relationship between shear stress and shear rate was observed. A similar conclusion can be

drawn for animal fat for temperatures of 80 and 90⁰C. It proves that tallow is Newtonian

fluid. For lower test temperatures animal fat shows minimal signs of shear-thinning as

curve gradient (viscosity) reduces with increasing shear rate.

Diesel 40degC Diesel 60degC Tallow 40degC
Tallow 60degC Tallow 80degC Tallow 90degC

Shear Stress [Pa]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Shear Rate [x10^6]

Figure 6.3 Relationship between shear stress and shear rate for animal fat and ULSD at a range of

6.1.2 Lubricity

Verification of lubricating properties initially applied only to fuels used in the aviation

industry (123). Introduction of low sulphur diesel fuels resulted in fuel injection pump and

distributor pump failures, particularly in Sweden (134). Low sulphur fuels possess poorer

lubricity than non-desulphurised fuels, mainly due to the removal of polar oxygen and

nitrogen containing compounds (135, 136). Products of the triglycerides’

transesterification process are regarded to be good lubricity enhancers, especially when

blended at a level of 1-2% with ULSD (136-138). Lubricity of neat fatty compounds

depends on various features such as saturation, oxygen presence, number of OH groups


The test for each temperature has been repeated three times, calculated averages are

reported in Table 6.2. The wear scar measured for ULSD is shown in Figure 6.4. The

measured diameter of 320 µm is consistent with values available in literature (138, 139).

Table 6.2 HFRR test results

Avg. Friction
Temperature MWSD WS1.4 Avg. Film
[degC] [µm] [µm] [%] [-]

ULSD 60 315.0 320.0 83 0.176

Fat 60 85.5 102.3 100 0.069

Fat 75 86.5 104.2 100 0.078

Fat 90 89.5 108.9 100 0.082

Where: MWSD – uncorrected mean wear scar diameter; WS1.4 – corrected wear scar diameter

Figure 6.4 Wear scar captured by digital microscope; ULSD at 60⁰C

Figure 6.5 Wear scar captured by digital microscope; Animal Fat at 60⁰C

As expected wear scar diameter is significantly lower for animal fat than for diesel fuel.

The measurement result is shown in Figure 6.5. It can be explained by high unsaturation of

animal fat - presence of double bonds, indicated by a iodine number. Animal fat contains

10% oxygen which improves lubricity. According to Knothe et al. (140) oleic and linoleic

acids have excellent lubricating properties, as no wear scar has been recorded. These two

components constitute more than 50% of animal fat composition (7). Differences in

lubricity of animal fat and ULSD are even more significant if film thickness is compared.

For animal fat, film is developed after less than 5 minutes of the HFRR test, whilst for

ULSD it never exceeds 85% of thickness. Comparison of film thickness for both analysed

fuels is given in Figure 6.6 and a more detailed comparison focusing on the first 5 minutes

of the test is given in Figure 6.7. Better lubricity of animal fat can also be proved by lower

friction coefficients; in all cases the difference is significant. Comparison is given in Figure


Fat 90 Fat 75 Fat 60 ULSD 60


Film percentage




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Test duration [minutes]

Figure 6.6 Film percentages for ULSD and animal fat at a range of temperatures.

Fat 90 Fat 75 Fat 60 ULSD 60

Film percentage




0 1 2 3 4 5
Test duration [minutes]

Figure 6.7 Film percentages for ULSD and animal fat at a range of temperatures - first 5 minutes of HFRR

Fat 90 Fat 75 Fat 60 ULSD 60


Friction coefficient




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Test duration [minutes]

Figure 6.8 Friction coefficients for ULSD and animal fat at a range of temperatures

No significant impact of elevated temperature on lubricating properties has been detected.

The wear scar diameter increased for the highest test point (90⁰C) by 7 µm; the wear scar

is shown in Figure 6.9. Friction coefficient increased by 0.013 indicating worse lubrication.

HFRR test results are consistent with those expected from the literature review. Further

investigation is required to find correlation between the HFRR test parameters and the

working conditions of the injection equipment of stationary engines. Conducted tests

proved that impurities present in fuel prepared for engine trials do not affect lubricating

properties. Lack of significant increase of wear scar diameter for the high temperature test

ensures that fuel pre heating, necessary for viscosity reduction, will not have a negative

impact on fuel pumps’ wear. This conclusion was verified by long term tests of fuel pumps

which are described in section 8.3.

Figure 6.9 Wear scar captured by digital microscope; Animal Fat at 90⁰C

6.1.3 Surface Tension

Fuel surface tension is one of the parameters that have significant impact on fuel

atomisation. For hydrocarbon fuels it increases together with viscosity and density and

decreases when temperature and pressure rises.

Surface tension has been measured with a bubble pressure tension meter at a range of

temperatures, starting at 60⁰C going up to 90⁰C with intervals of 10⁰C. Diesel fuel (ULSD)

has been tested at a temperature of 60⁰C. Each reading has been repeated three times –

results are shown in Figure 6.10. The maximum bubble pressure method enables the

recording of changes of fuel surface tension influenced by hydrodynamic effects (121). To

compare results obtained with the bubble tension meter with data available in literature and

obtained with static methods, long bubble lifetimes should be used. If results obtained for

animal fat are considered, it can be seen that for bubble lifetimes longer than 5 seconds,

measured surface tension remains constant. Significant impact of bubble lifetime on animal

fat surface tension was recorded. It can be expected that hydrodynamic effects may have a

negative impact on the atomisation process.

Pre heating of animal fat reduces its surface tension. Raising the temperature to 90⁰C

lowers the value down to 25.8 [mN/m] from 31.0 [mN/m] recorded at 40⁰C. The surface

tension is still considerably higher than for mineral fuel – 23.4 [mN/m].

Tallow 40degC Tallow 50degC Tallow 60 degC Tallow 70 degC
Tallow 80 degC Tallow 90 degC ULSD 60degC

Surface Tension [mN/m]







10 100 1000 10000
Bubble lifetime [log ms]

Figure 6.10 Comparison of surface tension measured at a range of temperatures for ULSD and animal fat

6.1.4 Density

A sample of animal fat was tested with accordance with ISO 12185 standard,- as the

standard test temperature is 15⁰C, the fat was solid. To investigate the impact of elevated

temperature, the sample was put in a water bath with a temperature control. Density was

tested with a hydrometer at temperatures between 40 and 90⁰C with intervals of 10⁰C.

Each test was repeated three times; calculated averages are reported and shown in Figure


limit for HFO RMA30 @ 15 degC

Density [kg/m3]


limit for FAME @ 15 degC




limit for ULSD @ 15 degC

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Test Temperature [degC]

Figure 6.11 Impact of fat temperature on density

The obtained results present a linear trend where density decreases as temperature rises.

The measured density at standard conditions (temperature 15⁰C) – 915 kg/m3 – is higher

than the maximum density for diesel fuels (800 – 845 kg/m3 (37)) and FAME (860 – 900

kg/m3 (54)). The density is similar to values reported in the literature (4).

6.2 Maximum Allowable Long Term Storage Temperature

Animal fat is usually stored in a solid state and preheated before transportation or usage. In

a small generating station with power below 1 MW, this regime does not seem to be

practical as a multiple tank arrangement will increase installation and maintenance costs.

For large plants, where fuel is transferred from storage tanks to daily service tanks, animal

fat can possibly be stored for prolonged periods of time in a solid state. Due to its

composition, tallow can easily oxidise (4). Nitrogen blanketing can be used to prevent fat

oxidation. Multiple heating and cooling should be avoided due to potential fat

polymerisation. In the case of the research plant described in this study, the size of the tank

was determined to be approximately 20 tonnes. The tank would fulfil weekly fuel demand.

Rice et al. (141) and the host company staff reported the potential impact of the storage

temperature on animal fat acidity. As acidity of the tested fuel is already high (please refer

to Chapter 5) any potential cause for its increase should be avoided. It should be noted that

both findings apply to fat of higher quality (Grade 2). Due to lack of literature data it was

decided to investigate the impact of storage temperature on tallow acidity.

An experiment was set up at the hosting company. On that basis, a Final Year Project was

established at The University of Birmingham – Mr Paik Seng Teoh conducted experiments

and produced final report (142). Tested fuel samples were stored at a range of temperatures

(ambient, 20, 60, 85, 105⁰C) for four weeks. Free fatty acid content was tested on a weekly


The findings can be summarised as follows; animal fat storage in liquid form at elevated

temperatures does not increase its acidity, refer to data given in Table 6.3 and graphically

presented in Figure 6.12. An increase has been detected for room and ambient temperature

– however, due to a large error margin, it cannot be regarded as significant.

Table 6.3 Animal fat acidity - long term storage

Content of Free Fatty Acid (%)

Temp (0C)
Reference Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Ambient 9.4 9.1 9.3 9.1 9.7
20 9.4 9.1 9.3 9.1 9.3
65 9.4 9.1 9.3 9.3 9.7
85 9.4 9.2 9.1 8.9 9.0
105 9.4 9.0 8.7 8.6 7.9

Ambient 20 degC 65degC 85 degC 105 degC

FFA Concentrations [%]



Reference Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Figure 6.12 Free fatty acids content in animal fat stored for four weeks at various temperatures

6.3 Conclusions

The investigation presented in this chapter can be summarised as follows. Animal fat

viscosity can be reduced by pre heating, however, even raising the temperature up to 90⁰C

does not bring the viscosity down to a level comparable with conventional diesel fuel. For

lower temperatures, like 40⁰C, when viscosity is high, a shear heating effect was observed.

A linear relationship between fat temperature and its density was proved. The measured

density is higher than conventional fuel and FAME, despite elevating the fuel temperature.

A similar relationship was detected for fuel surface tension where pre heating reduces fat

surface tension for various bubble lifetimes. The applied method – maximum bubble

pressure – enabled detection of a significant difference between diesel fuel and fat,

especially for short bubble lifetimes. Investigation of the hydrodynamic effect on fuel

atomisation requires further analysis. Lubricating properties were tested at HFRR. Tests

proved the excellent lubricity of animal fat at a range of temperatures. The impact of

elevating the temperature up to 90⁰C was studied and no significant change in the wear

scar diameter was detected. Acidity dependence on storage temperature was another area

investigated in this chapter. Results of tests performed as part of FYP proved that animal

fat storage at higher temperatures does not have an impact on fuels’ acidity.

Two samples of tallow were sent for more detailed analysis to external laboratories.

Certificates of analysis form Appendix 3.

The general conclusion of the tests presented in this chapter is that pre heating can be used

as a method of altering physical properties to match those of conventional fuel. It has to be

noted that raising fuel temperature even above 90⁰C does not result in achieving properties

similar to ULSD. Animal fat should be treated as an alternative to heavy fuel oil (HFO). As

no negative consequences of pre heating were detected, fat temperature of 80-90⁰C was

chosen for engine trials.


7.1 Combustion Characteristics

Heat release analysis is conducted in a way proposed and described by Stone (143). Net

heat release rate is calculated with the following equation:

1 1

where k is approximated to be the polytropic exponent of compression and expansion, for

which a different value is calculated for the respective parts of the cycle. Presented results

are averages obtained from 100 cycles.

The in-cylinder pressure and heat release rate patterns, accompanied by cylinder pressure

rise rates for three rated loads from the engine operation on diesel and animal fat, are

shown in Figures 47-52. A summary of combustion analysis is given in Table 7.1. Fossil

diesel fuel has a higher calorific value than animal fat, thus the mass flow of animal fat was

increased on average by 10-15 %, whereas volumetric flow rose by 5-7 %. The peak

engine load for animal fat fuelling was reduced by 10%, as the fuel injection system was

not modified to deliver higher quantities of fuels.

Figure 7.1 presents pressure and heat release patterns for diesel and tallow combustion at

high load (75%). It can be seen that peak pressure for tallow combustion is higher and

occurs approximately two crank angle degrees later than for diesel. The difference in heat

release patterns is evident. Net heat release rate (NHRR) during the premixed combustion

is higher for diesel compared with tallow. Mixing controlled combustion heat release tends

to dominate in the case of tallow (period between -5 deg BTDC and 15 deg ATDC). The

peak of the heat release rate for diesel was recorded at -9 deg BTDC and 5 deg ATDC for

tallow. Late burn heat release is greater for diesel. Pressure increase for animal fat is

slower than for mineral fuel (Figure 7.2).

Figure 7.3 shows a comparison of the combustion process at medium load (50%). Again,

recorded peak pressure for tallow is higher and occurs later; however, the difference is not

as evident as at high load. The peak of heat release for diesel was recorded at -7 deg BTDC

and -8 deg BTDC for tallow. For medium load it was noted that pressure rise, although

lower for animal fat, occurs earlier – it may indicate shorter ignition delay (Figure 7.4).

The comparison for combustion at low load (25%) is shown in Figure 7.5. Peak pressure

for tallow is slightly lower but again delay was recorded. The peak of heat release for

diesel was recorded at -6 deg BTDC and -7 deg BTDC for tallow.

Heat release rate patterns for the premixed combustion phase at various loads for both

fuels, are shown in Figure 7.7. For all three loads compared, more heat was delivered in the

premixed mode for diesel fuel. However, recorded patterns show that combustion begins

earlier for tallow and local maxima were noted approximately one crank angle degree

earlier. Ignition delay increases for lower loads. The shorter ignition delay in the case of

tallow combustion can be explained by chemical composition. As tallow contains

unsaturated fatty acids, a chemical reaction, such as carbon double bond cracking could

have produced light volatile compounds (131). Shorter ignition delay for a high

temperature of fat has been reported by Kumar (52). The larger amount of heat released in

the diffusion combustion phase can be associated with multiple reasons. Firstly,

polymerisation of triglyceride at the high temperature spray core, could have produced

heavy low-volatility compounds (131). Heavy compounds are difficult to combust;

therefore the process extends to the late phase. Physical properties of tallow, such as high

viscosity (even at elevated temperature) and increased surface tension, affect the spray

formation, leading to poor atomisation compared to diesel. Higher fuel viscosity can lead

to a decrease in leaks in fuel pumps (34). Therefore it can be assumed than injection

commences earlier. In the case of animal fat usage, diffusion combustion phase is the

predominant form of combustion process. Lower heat release rate during the premixed

combustion phase can be explained by limited availability of combustible mixture due to

the higher viscosity and surface tension of animal fat. Therefore more time is required for

the fuel droplet to evaporate and combust. It results in peak pressure occurrence delay by

1-2 degCA for animal fat combustion. The coefficient of variance for IMEP, regarded to be

a combustion stability evaluation criterion, is lower than 5% for high and medium loads for

both fuels. At low load combustion stability is worse, most likely due to poor atomisation

of animal fat. Lower calorific value of tallow requires more fuel to be injected per cycle

through an unmodified injection system.

70 2000

60 1600
Cylinder Pressure (bar)


NHRR (J/degCA)




0 ‐400
‐20 ‐10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Crank Angle (deg)

Figure 7.1 Combustion process comparison – 75% load


Cylinder Pressure Rise Rate




‐14 ‐12 ‐10 ‐8 ‐6 ‐4 ‐2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Crank Angle (deg)

Figure 7.2 Cylinder pressure rise rate – 75% load

70 2000
Cylinder Pressure (bar)


NHRR (J/degCA)




0 ‐400
‐20 ‐10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Crank Angle (deg)

Figure 7.3 Combustion process comparison - 50% load

3.5 Tallow
Cylinder Pressure Rise Rate





‐10 ‐8 ‐6 ‐4 ‐2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Crank Angle (deg)

Figure 7.4 Cylinder pressure rise rate - 50% load

70 2000

Cylinder Pressure (bar)


NHRR (J/degCA)




0 ‐400
‐20 ‐10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Crank Angle (deg)

Figure 7.5 Combustion process comparison - 25% load

3 Tallow
Cylinder Pressure Rise Rate


‐10 ‐8 ‐6 ‐4 ‐2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Crank Angle (deg)

Figure 7.6 Cylinder pressure rise rate - 25% load

Table 7.1 Combustion analysis results

Test condition
Parameter Unit
D75 T75 D50 T50 D25 T25
Ignition delay deg CA 12 12 12 12 13 13

25% HR @ deg CA 0 0 -4 -4 -6 -6

50% HR @ deg CA 10 8 3 3 -3 -3

95% HR @ deg CA 40 36 32 30 19 20
Total duration
deg CA 61 57 53 51 40 41
(Injection -95% MFB)
Avg. PP bar 64.5 66.7 54.5 55.0 42.5 41.6

Avg. IP bar 102.1 103.0 69.1 67.3 36.1 34.6

Avg. IMEP bar 10.1 10.2 6.8 6.6 3.6 3.4

COV PP % 2.7 2.2 1.8 2.1 2.8 1.5

COV IP % 2.0 1.2 1.8 2.5 1.7 5.1

COV IMEP % 2.0 1.2 1.8 2.5 1.7 5.1

Fuel Mass Flow kg/h 145 160 100 110 60 65

Fuel Vol. Flow l/h 175 185 120 125 70 75

Where: HR – heat released, PP – peak pressure, IP – indicated pressure, IMEP - indicated mean
effective pressure, COV – coefficient of variance

Tallow 75% load Diesel 75% load Tallow 50% load
Diesel 50% load Tallow 25% load Diesel 25% load
NHRR (J/degCA)

‐15 ‐14 ‐13 ‐12 ‐11 ‐10 ‐9 ‐8 ‐7 ‐6 ‐5
Crank Angle (deg)

Figure 7.7 Premixed combustion net heat release (NHRR) patterns for both tested fuels at three tested loads.
Local maxima for premixed combustion phase are marked.


Diesel Tallow
BSFC [g/kWh]







5 25 50 75 95
Engine load [%]

Figure 7.8 Effect of fuel on the specific fuel consumption (not adjusted for calorific value)

Figure 7.8 shows the variation of the specific fuel consumption for the tested engine when

fuelled with tallow and diesel. Tallow consumption is higher than diesel consumption by

10 – 15%. Specific fuel consumption remains constant at loads varying between 50 and 95

per cent for both tested fuels. Table 7.1 contains a comparison of fuel volumetric and mass


Fuel consumption has been recorded during the trial. Tallow consumption was recorded by

a mass flow meter with data acquisition module and software. The permit for the trial

specified a limit on tallow throughput to be Q max  270kg  . Prior to starting the engine
 h 

and switching to tallow, the fuel supply system permeability was checked by draining for a

few seconds. It resulted in high fuel flow spikes being recorded by a flow meter. In Figure

7.9 typical daily fuel consumption data is presented together with a fuel temperature curve.

A weekly tallow consumption graph is shown in Figure 7.10.

Figure 7.9 Daily fuel consumption curve

Figure 7.10 Weekly fuel consumption curve

7.2 Emissions Comparison

Engine emissions were measured for three loads and two tested fuels. Figure 7.11 contains

a comparison of emissions for the high load operation. One of the main advantages of

animal fat is its very low sulphur content resulting in sulphur dioxide emissions complying

with WID standards for all three tested loads. It eliminates the necessity of a SO2

abatement system.

As animal fat does not contain nitrogen, all nitrogen oxides are formed at high temperature

in the combustion chamber. Higher NOx emissions corresponds with higher cylinder peak

pressure and a prolonged combustion process (Figure 7.1). Higher exhaust temperature for

animal fat combustion has been recorded. Oxygen content in the animal fat improves the

combustion process, as a result, emissions of carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons

are considerably lower.


Diesel Tallow
Emissions (mg/m3) 300






NOx * 10 CO HC Soot SO2

Figure 7.11 Effect of fuel type on the engine exhaust emissions - 75% load

For the medium load, nitrogen oxides emissions are higher for animal fat (Figure 7.12),

however, the measured difference is not as significant as for the high load. Carbon

monoxide emissions are higher for animal fat. A similar observation was made for the low

load operation, but the differences in emissions’ levels are more significant. For the low

load operation (Figure 7.13) nitrogen oxides emissions are lower due to lower peak

pressure and lower temperature for fat combustion.

Increasing formation of carbon monoxide, accompanied by descending concentration of

nitrogen oxides for tallow combustion at the medium and low load operation, can be

associated with multiple reasons. Firstly, the physical properties of tallow cause poor

atomization, despite the presence of oxygen in the fuel molecule. Secondly, it can be

explained by the characteristics and efficiency of the turbocharger. The Ruston 6AR is

equipped with a Napier turbocharger with a constant geometry setting optimised for high

load operation. Therefore cylinder filling and scavenging is worse for low loads. Finally,

implications of the engine design type may affect the atomization process and tallow

combustion. For a direct injection engine with a low compression ratio, the air temperature

before start of the injection will be lower than for high loads.

Emissions (mg/m3)






NOx * 10 CO HC Soot SO2

Figure 7.12 Effect of fuel type on the engine exhaust emissions - 50% load


Diesel Tallow
Emissions (mg/m3)







NOx * 10 CO HC Soot SO2

Figure 7.13 Effect of fuel type on the engine exhaust emissions - 25% load

7.3 Use of EGR

The effects of various EGR concentrations on tallow combustion have been tested, with

and without water injection. Results for the standard EGR configuration combustion

analysis are given in Figure 7.14. As expected, peak pressure decreases with increased

proportions of recirculated gases. The addition of exhaust gas prolongs the duration of the

combustion process. For low recirculation rates there is no significant impact on the

combustion process. Figure 7.15 shows the impact of cooled exhaust gas recirculation on

the tallow combustion process. Addition of more than 20% of EGR results in a significant

drop in peak pressure.

70 2000
EGR 9.3%
EGR 12.6% 1600
Cylinder Pressure (bar)

EGR 18.3%

NHRR (J/degCA)




0 ‐400
‐20 ‐10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Crank Angle (deg)

Figure 7.14 Impact of the EGR on tallow combustion

70 2000
cEGR 9.5%
cEGR 14.5% 1600
cEGR 23.3%
Cylinder Pressure (bar)

NHRR (J/degCA)




0 ‐400
‐20 ‐10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Crank Angle (deg)

Figure 7.15 Impact of the cooled EGR (cEGR) on tallow combustion

Figure 7.16 presents an emissions’ comparison for various EGR concentrations. As

expected, increasing the recirculation rate results in an increase of carbon monoxide. For

cooled EGR, (Figure 7.17), more gases can be recirculated without an increase in exhaust

temperature; better NOx reduction has been achieved. Emission of nitrogen oxides has

been reduced by 75%, below the required 450 mg/m3, compared with the 0% EGR case. At

the same time, carbon monoxide emission increased by 280%, and soot emission increased

by 300%. It should be noted that the reference level for animal fat combustion is already

low compared to fossil fuels. However, hydrocarbons emission decreased by 25%. This

can be explained by the scrubbing effect of water sprayed into the exhaust and spun in the

cyclone chamber. Visible carbon containing deposits were found in the excess water.

Addition of water cooling and gas humidification improved the efficiency of the NOx

reduction process (Figure 7.18). EGR concentrations higher than 18% were not achieved

without cooling, due to an increase of exhaust temperature above 450°C and charge air

temperature above 50°C. Gas cooling and water injection enabled the desired NOx

reduction efficiency, at the same time charge air temperature did not increase above 40°C

and exhaust temperature was stable at a 450°C level. Specific fuel consumption increased

by 7%. The results obtained are consistent with those obtained on a low speed two stroke

engine by MAN Diesel (84).

EGR OFF EGR 9.3% EGR 12.6% EGR 18.3%

Emissions (mg/m3) 500





NOx * 10 CO HC Soot SO2

Figure 7.16 Impact of EGR concentration on engine emissions when fuelled with tallow - 75% load

cEGR OFF cEGR 9.5% cEGR 14.6% cEGR 23.3%


Emissions (mg/m3)





NOx * 10 CO HC Soot SO2

Figure 7.17 Impact of cooled EGR concentration on engine emissions when fuelled with tallow - 75% load

2000 295
NOx emissions (mg/m3)


BSFC 9g/kWh)
500 270
0 260
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0
EGR concentration (%)

Figure 7.18 Effect of EGR and cEGR concentration on nitrogen oxides reduction potential and fuel
consumption at 75% load

7.4 Conclusions

Physical properties of animal fat such as density, viscosity and surface tension are much

higher compared to mineral fuel. Preheating was chosen as a way of bringing them closer

to values typical for light fossil fuels. However, the engine fuel supply system must be

capable of handling higher viscosity fuels, such as HFO or CFO. In the case of a supply

system conversion, larger fuel pumps have to be implemented due to the lower calorific

value of fat requiring a higher mass flow. These results are consistent with findings

reported by Gotfredsen (42).

Combustion of animal fat results in achieving higher peak pressures; emissions of NOx

increase as a result. The ignition delay was shorter for animal fat; the difference is evident

for low load operation. Pressure rise rate for the animal fat was lower for all tested loads.

Specific fuel consumption for the tested engine increased when fuelled with tallow.

Animal fat contains oxygen, it leads to a more complete oxidation process, as a result

emissions of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and soot are considerably lower at high

loads. At medium and low load conditions the negative effect of the physical properties of

the fuel on fuel atomization seem to prevail the benefits of the oxygen content, resulting in

increased CO emissions. Emissions of sulphur dioxide were very low, complying with

limits set by the local authority. Application of animal fat as fuel eliminates a necessity of

SO2 abatement system.

As described in the literature review - Table 2.7 - increased emissions of CO and HC

accompanied with lower NOx emissions for animal fat were reported. It has to be noted

that the described tests were conducted at a relatively low fuel temperature – 60 ºC.

Considering the fact that animal fat temperature for the current test was set above 80 ºC,

obtained results seem to confirm the positive effect of higher triacylglycerol supply

temperature on the combustion characteristics and emissions.

The suitability of exhaust gas recirculation as a nitrogen oxides’ reduction method for

stationary engines operating at high loads has been tested. Introduction of gas cooling and

humidification increased the method’s efficiency enabling a 75% reduction in NOx


The impact of the reported higher fuel consumption on generating station feasibility has to

be considered. Combining the effect of lowering oxygen concentration by exhaust gas

recirculation with the presence of water vapour, can be considered as a feasible method of

NOx abatement, even for stationary engines designed to operate on high loads for

prolonged periods of time.


8.1 Introduction

This chapter presents the consequences of using neat animal fat in a medium speed, four

stroke diesel engine. The impact on the fuel supply system, injectors and lubricating oil is

described. A preliminary assessment of the possible impact of animal fat on the fuel supply

system has been conducted by analysis of the lubricating properties. Lubricity has been

measured at an HFRR (High Frequency Reciprocating Rig). As high acidity of fuel was

detected it was decided to verify the capability of the upgraded lubricating oil to withstand

an operation of the engine when fuelled with animal fat. Two lubricating oils were


8.2 Lubricating Oil

8.2.1 Requirements for Lubricating Oils Used in Generating Sets

A modern engine needs a wide range of oil qualities. Oil acts in the following processes:

- Separation of moving surfaces with oil film

- Engine cooling by combustion and friction heat dissipation

- Combustion chamber sealing

- Cleaning the engine from deposits.

Juoperi (144) listed demands for medium-speed diesel engine lubricating oils:

- Excellent thermal stability

- Excellent oxidation stability

- Effective capability to neutralize acid compounds entering lube oil

- Slow viscosity increase rate (influence of insoluble matter and oxidation)

- Excellent water shedding properties (removal of water also from used lube oil)

- Excellent compatibility with fuels preventing:

o deposit formation into piston cooling gallery

o deposit formation on piston ring groove area

o black sludge / deposit formation on cold engine component surfaces

o sticking of fuel injection pumps

8.2.2 Testing Programme

Two types of lubricating oils were used in the research plant described in paragraph 4.2.

The oil properties are given in Table 8.1. The main purpose of this part of the research was

to verify what kind of impact on oil properties is caused by the usage of animal fat as a

fuel. The first oil, Fuchs Titan 30 – SAE 30 grade, complies with the engine

manufacturer’s recommendations. After 1000h of operation the oil grade was altered to

Fuchs Titan Marine 30, which can be characterised by higher TBN and increased

detergency. The oil type was chosen after the fuel properties’ testing, described in Chapter

5, which showed a very high TAN of tallow, reaching even 70 mgKOH/g fuel.

Table 8.1 Lubricating oil properties (145, 146)

Titan TXE 30 Titan Marine

Characteristics Unit Test Method
Oil 30 Oil
SAE - - 30 30

Kinematic Viscosity

@100⁰C mm2/s IP 71 11.2 12.3

@40⁰C 96 107

Viscosity Index 102 106

Flash point ⁰C IP34 220 210

TBN mg KOH/g - 14

Sulphated ash %wt. - 1.7

Specific gravity at
kg/dm3 IP160 0.893 0.890
Pour Point ⁰C IP15 -20 -15

The oil was sampled directly from the sump by a vacuum sampling pump and then tested

against a set of criteria, including viscosity, soot content and chemical composition. The

testing interval was set to be 100 hours or 1 month. The engine lubricating system, shown

in Figure 8.1, has been modified to avoid the possibility of oil contamination with fuel that

may leak from the fuel pumps’ supply lines. The oil lubricating rocker gear, delivered by

pipe No. 22 and returning via pipe No. 21 was originally going back to the sump through

the drip tray. In the modified arrangement this oil was diverted to the waste oil tank.

Figure 8.1 Ruston 6AR lubricating system

8.2.3 Results

Data collected during the trials are given in Table 8.2. The table is accompanied by two

graphs showing changes in oil viscosity (Figure 8.2) and iron concentration (Figure 8.3).

Increasing viscosity can indicate fuel contamination, high iron content may be caused by

excessive engine wear.

SAE 30 Marine SAE 30 (1) Marine SAE 30 (2)

Kinematic Viscosity @ 40 degC [cSt]









0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Oil Age [h]

Figure 8.2 Long term effect of animal fat usage on lubricating oil viscosity

SAE 30 Marine SAE 30 (1) Marine SAE 30 (2)



Fe [ppm]





0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Oil Age [h]

Figure 8.3 Long term effect of animal fat usage on engine wear - iron concentration

Table 8.2 Effect of ageing during operation on animal fat on various types of lubricating oil

Oil Type SAE 30 Marine SAE 30 (1) Marine SAE 30 (2)

Hours 100 200 313 350 500 600 700 800 900 990 1040 40 125 170 250 310 78 172 360
KV [mm /s] 107.3 107 109.7 108.8 109.9 116.5 117.5 119.4 120.9 119.7 121.8 91.4 105.8 110.6 111.8 112.5 109.3 110.2 116.3
Soot 0.4 0.5 1.3 1.4 1.7 1.9 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.5 2.5 0.2 0 0.5 0 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6
Concentration [ppm]
Iron (Fe) 14 18 37 43 40 45 52 50 54 64 69 16 29 31 42 40 24 29 27
Copper (Cu) 1 1 4 5 4 5 4 3 3 3 4 1 1 1 2 5 1 1 1
Silicon (Si) 2 6 6 7 5 8 7 6 7 5 9 3 7 10 6 10 17 15 10
Aluminium (Al) 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 1 2 1 4 0 2 1
Chromium (Cr) 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
Nickel (Ni) 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0
Molybdenum (Mo) 47 48 50 50 49 52 59 54 58 62 67 37 21 16 8 7 2 1 1
Manganese (Mn) 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
Lead (Pb) 2 1 2 3 3 4 5 3 5 6 7 6 3 3 1 7 1 8 11
Tin (Sn) 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 0
Lithium (Li) 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Titanium (Ti) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Vanadium (V) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Silver (Ag) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Boron (B) 6 3 4 5 4 3 2 2 2 4 7 12 9 9 7 6 1 8 4
Sodium (Na) 7 9 16 18 17 26 36 31 32 45 50 10 24 34 61 63 63 119 83
Barium (Ba) 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 0
Calcium (Ca) 1682 1740 1931 1861 1651 1887 1993 1794 1869 1862 2114 2884 4214 5027 5244 5113 4764 5610 5677
Magnesium (Mg) 9 9 12 15 9 12 12 10 10 11 12 13 19 18 19 18 14 17 16
Phosphorus (P) 689 740 803 790 718 799 858 774 824 860 888 715 665 641 595 549 502 566 567
Zinc (Zn) 74 810 865 887 768 883 988 842 893 946 950 825 771 764 726 695 593 657 643
Where: KV – Kinematic Viscosity

It can be seen that oil viscosity increased for both types of tested oils. During the trials the

oil centrifuge had to be cleaned more frequently than for standard fuel operation due to fast

deposit formation. The maintenance schedule was altered. Oil contamination with fuel can

be caused by increased spray penetration due to different physical properties of fuel; hence

droplets may hit liner walls and penetrate to the sump. Excessive wear has not been

detected for both types of lubricating oil as concentrations of bearing materials (Cu, Pb,

Sn) remained below warning limits. Conclusions are presented in paragraph 8.4.

8.3 Impact on Injectors and Fuel Pumps

Two sets of Ruston FAR 20000 fuel pumps (shown in Figure 8.4) were installed on the

Ruston 6AR engine. Technical data are given in Table 8.3. The fuel pumps were inspected

daily for leaks. Each set was used for approximately 1000 h.

Table 8.3 Fuel pump specification

Pump type FAR – 20000

Camshaft speed 300 rpm

Pump stroke 15 mm

Plunger diameter 22 mm

Fuel delivery at full load 200 cm3/100 strokes

Injector nozzle configuration 10 x 0.014’’

Injector release pressure 200 bar

Figure 8.4 Assembly of fuel pump (119)

1 – control rack slipper, 2 – rack support bracket, 3 – lead sealed grub screw for 20, 4 – setting pointer, 5 –
tappet retaining ring, 6 – plunger tappet, 7 – spring ring, 8 – operating pinion, 9 – plunger guide, 10 – air
vent plug, 11 – delivery valve stop, 12 – delivery valve spring, 13 – delivery valve assembly, 14 – spill plug,
15 – plunger, 16 – upper spring collar, 17 – plunger spring, 18 – lower spring collar, 19 – operating rack,
20 – overload stop screw.

The engine usually operated at high loads, above 75% of nominal power. Throughout the

duration of the trials no issues with fuel pumps were recorded. This confirms laboratory

test results (paragraph 6.1.2) and the excellent lubricating properties of animal fat. The

filtration process used for fuel pre-treatment is efficient enough to provide fuel with a set

of properties enabling trouble-free usage in the reciprocating engine fuel supply system. It

has to be noted that implementation of these fuels for new common rail systems may

require further investigation and specification alteration.

Fuel not complying with internal specifications has also been tested. Contamination with

polyethylene, ash and insoluble impurities was noticeably higher. As a result, fuel pumps

were damaged in less than 100 hours. The seal between the plunger and the guide was lost

and fuel was leaking to the orifice below the fuel pumps, shown in Figure 8.5 (the picture

has been taken through the inspection window below the fuel pump assembly; fuel droplets

reflect flash light and are visible as a group of white points surrounding the plunger). Fuel

injection pressure could not be maintained at the required level, therefore it was impossible

to operate the engine at high load. Low injection pressure had an impact on the fuel spray

resulting in an increase of emissions of unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide by

approximately 300%. The pumps were later dismantled and a visual inspection of the

plunger surface confirmed wear signs caused by a higher level of impurities present in the

fuel. It has to be highlighted that damage occurred despite having a standard fuel filter in

place (5 micron cartridge).

Figure 8.5 Fuel leaking from fuel pumps damaged by fat containing polyethylene

Standard injectors without nozzles’ cooling were used. Release pressure was set to 200 bar.

Deposit formation on the injector nozzles was detected. Figure 8.6 shows a blocked nozzle

(bad case). The tests proved that nozzles can be used for up to 130 hours of continuous

operation. After that period the nozzles require cleaning. Usually the nozzles required

replacement after two cleaning cycles. As described in paragraph 7.2, emissions of carbon

monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons are lower due to the oxygen content in animal fat.

Therefore any increase in monitored carbon monoxide emissions or visible smoke can

indicate deposit build-up requiring intervention. One of the possible methods of extending

cleaning intervals is periodic operation on fossil fuel. Application of this method must be

carefully considered, as there is a 10% limit for fossil fuel content in fuel mix used for

subsidised renewable electricity generation in the UK (95). The combustion of fat resulted

in a higher temperature inside the combustion chamber and in the exhaust system. It led to

the nozzle’s tip breaking, as shown in Figure 8.7. Part of the trial run was performed with

fuel heated up to 65⁰C. It resulted in valve damage (please refer to Figure 8.8 and Figure

8.9) and an increased tendency to deposit build-up on the injector nozzles. It can be

explained by fat’s higher density, viscosity and surface tension leading to poor atomisation

and increased spray penetration (66).

Figure 8.6 Deposit build-up

Figure 8.7 Injector nozzle damage caused by high temperature

Figure 8.8 Burned exhaust valve

Figure 8.9 Ruston 6AR cylinder head - valve damage visible

8.4 Conclusions

Engine tests lasted for 2000 hours. More than 1 GWh of electricity has been generated and

approximately 285 tonnes of animal fat have been utilised. This research has shown that

appropriately filtered animal fat can be used as fuel for large, stationary engines.

Usage of animal fat as fuel for an internal combustion engine requires modification of its

maintenance schedule and may lead to injection system failures. The conducted tests

proved that it is possible to operate a compressed ignition engine fuelled with tallow

without major alteration of the lubricating system. Standard lubricating oil (SAE 30 grade)

withstood a 1000 hours’ change interval. Application of marine oil did not result in a

significant difference in oil contamination with various wear products. It has to be noted

that due to piston failure, the engine oil (Marine) had to be replaced before reaching the

planned 1000 hours. The capacity of the oil centrifuge should be increased to improve

removal of fat from the lubricating oil. Another modification that improved operation on

animal fat was increased diameter of the pipe feeding the centrifuge and introduction of

trace heating. It resulted in improved flow of oil to the centrifuge and ensured that

contaminated oil will not solidify in the narrow parts of the lubricating system.

Animal fat has a tendency to build up deposits on the injector nozzles’ tips. The

relationship between fuel temperature and longevity was observed. Fuel pre heating above

85⁰C improved the atomisation and emissions (CO, HC). Operation on partial loads or low

temperature fuel (below 70⁰C) resulted in increased deposit build up. Another consequence

was poor atomisation and increased spray penetration. The following remedies can be

suggested to extend intervals between injector nozzle cleaning and/or replacement: firstly,

nozzle cooling can be implemented, the fuel can be fed at a higher temperature so

atomisation is improved and cooling should prevent the nozzle from the damage described

earlier in this chapter. Another strategy is periodical operation on fossil fuel when deposits

are removed.


9.1 Summary of Presented Findings

This thesis contains numerous findings on the use of animal fat in internal combustion

engines. The research programme focused on large compressed ignition engines used in

marine and stationary power generation applications. The most important and significant

findings and observations are presented in the following sections in the order of the

original chapters. A summary of the KTP Project – extracted from the KTP Final Report

(147) forms Appendix 4.

9.1.1 Consistency of Tallow Properties

The conducted tests identified a high variability of animal fat properties. It was also proven

that constant monitoring of the fat properties is required in order to utilise it in the engine,

as the quality can vary significantly even from batch to batch. Acidity was identified as a

crucial property that has to be improved in order to comply with the bio fuel specification

of any available generating set. The impact of ambient temperature on fat acidity has been

detected, as high temperature during summer months speeds up the feedstock

decomposition process. The most important outcome of research presented in Chapter 5 is

the understanding of what is a typical set of properties of animal fat – thus in the further

stages of the research process the appropriate fuel sample was used.

The possibility of free fatty acid removal by evaporation has been investigated. The trial

runs have shown a promising removal efficiency reaching more than 50%.

9.1.2 Determination of Appropriate Storage and Supply Temperatures

As animal fat is solid at room temperature, pre heating is required to reduce the viscosity

and feed the fuel through a standard fuel supply system. Investigation focused on analysis

of the effect of elevated temperature on physical properties of the animal fat. The viscosity

test showed that animal fat needs to be preheated above 80⁰C to reduce its viscosity to a

level complying with requirements given by 2-stroke large engine fuelled with HFO

(Heavy Fuel Oil). The impact of temperature on the viscosity of animal fat is significant;

raising the temperature from 40⁰C up to 60⁰C results in viscosity reduction from

approximately 40 cP down to 20 cP. Further heating up to 90⁰C reduces viscosity to 9 cP

(for low shear rate) and 8 cP (for high shear rate).

The lubricity of animal fat has been analysed – as the HFRR (High Frequency

Reciprocating Rig) method has been applied. Tallow lubricating properties are excellent as

WSD (Wear Scar Diameter) is less than 110 µm, compared with 320 µm for diesel. It can

be explained by the presence of unsaturated fatty acids in the animal fat. Tallow contains

10% oxygen that improves lubricity. No significant impact of elevated temperature on

lubricating properties has been detected. Wear scar diameter increased for the highest test

point (90⁰C) only by 7 µm

Pre heating of animal fat reduces its surface tension. Raising the temperature to 90⁰C

lowers the value down to 25.8 [mN/m] from 31.0 [mN/m] recorded at 40⁰C. Surface

tension is still considerably higher than that of mineral fuel – 23.4 [mN/m] recorded at


The obtained density test results present a linear trend where density decreases as

temperature rises. The measured density at standard conditions (temperature 15⁰C) – 915

kg/m3 – is higher than the maximum density for diesel fuels (800 – 845 kg/m3) specified in

a standard (37).

It can be concluded that pre heating of fuel to a temperature of at least 85⁰C is required to

modify its properties to suit the requirements given by HFO fuelled engines and also the

Ruston 6AR engine available at the research power plant.

The impact of high fat storage temperature on its properties (acidity) has been studied.

Storage at a temperature of 90⁰C for a prolonged period of time (1 month) did not result in

increased acidity. Fat polymerisation did not occur.

9.1.3 Combustion Process Analysis

Recorded cylinder pressure patterns varied from those obtained for diesel for all tested

loads. A lower heat release rate for the premixed combustion phase is characteristic for

tallow across the tested load range. Due to fat’s properties, its atomisation is worse

resulting in prolonged combustion. Difficult atomisation is more significant at low and

medium loads causing an increase of CO and HC emissions. At high loads, however, the

benefit of oxygen presence in tallow leads to more complete oxidation, as a result,

emissions of soot, CO and HC are significantly lower. Emissions of NOx were higher for

animal fat at high load. One of the biggest advantages of using the animal fat as fuel for

reciprocating engines is its low sulphur content, which eliminates the requirement for a

SOx abatement system.

The research programme was focused on design and implementation of an appropriate

nitrogen oxides abatement system. An exhaust gas recirculation system with gases cooling

and humidification was designed and installed. The method achieved desired a NOx

reduction of 75% by recirculating approximately 23% of the exhaust at high load. The

impact of the reported higher fuel consumption on station feasibility has to be considered.

Combining the effect of lowering oxygen concentration by exhaust gas recirculation with

the presence of water vapour, can be considered as a feasible method of NOx abatement,

even for stationary engines designed to operate at high loads for prolonged periods of time.

9.1.4 Long Term Effects of Using Tallow on Engine Components

Findings presented in this thesis are supported with experience gained during nearly 2000

hours of extensive tests in the research power plant. One of the outcomes of the KTP

project was the establishing of procedures for generating set operation and maintenance

and also internal fuel specification. Fuel quality is crucial for problem free operation of the

engine on animal fat. It has been proven that engines can run on alternative fuel without

significant problems; however, the injectors’ maintenance schedule has to be modified to

incorporate more frequent cleaning and nozzle replacement due to deposit formation. Fuel

pre heating is a simple way to alter properties of viscous fuels like animal fat. The fuel

internal specification and operational parameters defined in Chapters 5 and 6 were proven

satisfactory for prolonged usage.

9.1.5 Economics of Electricity Generation

An open market for animal fat trade does not exist in the UK, therefore it is difficult to

assess the feasibility of electricity generation using it. The collaborative project described

in this thesis was a unique opportunity to access data regarding fat pricing. The

relationship linking animal fat prices and fossil fuels was presented – based on information

collected throughout a period of 12 months. In both analysed cases, a small research power

plant and a proposed large generating station, generation was not feasible without

additional subsidies in form of a ROC or RHI. The renewable electricity support system in

the UK has been described – currently animal fat can be used as a subsidy eligible source

of renewable electricity in power plants using internal combustion engines where installed

power exceeds 5 MW.

9.2 Suggestions for Future Work

9.2.1 Engine Modifications

It has been proven that fuel temperature has a critical impact on fat atomisation. However,

high temperatures may have a negative impact on the injector nozzles – therefore injectors

with nozzle cooling should be tested on the engine or the test rig to investigate the long

term effect of animal fat usage. An alternative spray system should be tested to investigate

spray penetration, cone angle etc. Ideally research should be conducted at facilities using

modern optical equipment – such as PDA.

The lubricating oil filtration system capacity should be increased to accommodate any

volume of fuel that passes to the sump. It may be interesting to investigate usage of bio

based lubricating oils for engines fuelled with animal fat or CPO.

9.2.2 Emissions Abatement

Additional research focusing on the nature of particulates formed during animal fat

combustion is required for better assessment of the benefits. The test engine should be

equipped with an SCR system – hence the effect of the composition of animal fat on the

catalyst longevity may be assessed. The high content of phosphorus may be challenging


9.2.3 Animal Fat Quality

Acidity seems to be one of the parameters that should be targeted first if tallow is

considered as alternative fuel. A larger scale evaporator should be tested to investigate the

possible effect of high temperature exposure on other fat properties.

This thesis focused on pre heating as a way of viscosity reduction. Depending on local

circumstances – blending with light hydrocarbons may be a viable solution.

Due to variable and complex chemical composition, cetane number is not an appropriate

criterion for ignition quality assessment. A new index, possibly similar to CCAI, should be


The lubricity test presented in this thesis was based on conditions in line with the ISO

standard developed for automotive fuels and light marine fuels. The only parameter altered

was the fuel temperature. Further investigation should be conducted to verify whether

other test conditions such as stroke or load have an impact on the wear scar diameter.

Attempts to source syngas from animal fat were made within the Future Power Systems

Group. Up to 10% and 5% vol. of H2 and CO, respectively, were detected when 60ml/h of

tallow fuel was injected. As it has been reported in other studies, adding reformed

hydrogen syn-gas as a closed loop to a diesel engine would improve combustion efficiency

and therefore specific emissions (148). This reformed syn-gas has also been reported as

beneficial to other diesel after-treatment devices (149). Results of tests look promising

therefore investigation should be continued.


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