Theory Relative Motion E TOC

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Relative Motion

Motion is a combined property of the object under study as well as the observer. It is always relative ;
there is no such thing like absolute motion or absolute rest. Motion is always defined with respect to an
observer or reference frame.
Reference frame :
Reference frame is an axis system from which motion is observed along with a clock attached to the
axis, to measure time. Reference frame can be stationary or moving.
 Suppose there are two persons A and B sitting in a car moving at constant speed. Two stationary
persons C and D observe them from the ground.

Here B appears to be moving for C and D, but at rest for A. Similarly C appears to be at rest for D
but moving backward for A and B.


2.1. Relative Position :
It is the position of a particle w.r.t. observer.
In general if position of A w.r.t. to origin is x A and that of B w.r.t. origin is xB then “Position of A w.r.t. B”
xAB is
xB xAB

Origin B A
xAB = xA – xB
Solved Example
Example 1. See the figure (take +ve direction towards right and –ve towards left). Find xBA, xCA, xCB, xAB and

4m 6m

Here, Position of B w.r.t. A is 4 m towards right. (xBA = +4m)
Position of C w.r.t. A is 10 m towards right. (xCA = +10m)
Position of C w.r.t. B is 6 m towards right (xCB = +6m)
Position of A w.r.t. B is 4 m towards left. (xAB = –4 m)
Position of A w.r.t. C is 10 m towards left. (xAC = –10m)

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Relative Motion

——————————————————————————————————— 
2.2. Relative Velocity
Definition : Relative velocity of a particle A with respect to B is defined as the velocity with which A
appears to move if B is considered to be at rest. In other words, it is the velocity with which A appears
to move as seen by B considering itself to be at rest.
NOTE 1 : All velocities are relative & have no significance unless observer is specified. However,
when we say “velocity of A”, what we mean is, velocity of A w.r.t. ground which is assumed
to be at rest.
Relative velocity in one dimension -
If xA is the position of A w.r.t. ground, xB is position of B w.r.t. ground and x AB is position of A w.r.t. B
dx A
then we can say vA = velocity of A w.r.t. ground =
vB = velocity of B w.r.t. ground =
dx AB d dx A dxB
and vAB = velocity of A w.r.t. B = = (x A  xB ) = –
dt dt dt dt
Thus vAB = vA – vB
NOTE 2 : Velocity of an object w.r.t. itself is always zero.
Solved Example
Example 2. An object A is moving with 5 m/s and B is moving with 20 m/s in the same direction. (Positive x-axis)
(i) Find velocity of B with respect to A.
(ii) Find velocity of A with respect to B
Solution :
(i) vB = +20 m/s, vA = +5 m/s,
vBA = vB – vA = +15 m/s
(ii) vB = +20 m/s, vA = +15 m/s
vAB = vA – vB = – 15 m/s
Note : vBA = – vAB
Example 3. Two objects A and B are moving towards each other with
velocities 10 m/s and 12 m/s respectively as shown.
(i) Find the velocity of A with respect to B.
(ii) Find the velocity of B with respect to A
Solution : vA = +10, vB = – 12
(i) vAB = vA – vB = (10) – (–12) = 22 m/s.
(ii) vBA = vB – vA = (–12) – (10) = –22 m/s.
2.3. Relative Acceleration
It is the rate at which relative velocity is changing.
dv AB dv A dv B
aAB = = – = aA – aB
dt dt dt
Equations of motion when relative acceleration is constant.
vrel = urel + arel t
srel = urel t + arel t2
v2rel = u2rel + 2arel srel
2.4. Velocity of Approach / Separation
It is the component of relative velocity of one particle w.r.t. another, along the line joining them. If the
separation is decreasing, we say it is velocity of approach and if separation is increasing, then we say it
is velocity of separation. In one dimension, since relative velocity is along the line joining A and B,
hence velocity of approach / separation is simply equal to magnitude of relative velocity of A w.r.t. B.

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Relative Motion
Solved Example
Example 4. A particle A is moving with a speed of 10 m/s towards right and another particle B is moving at
speed of 12 m/s towards left. Find their velocity of approach.

Solution : VA = +10, VB = – 12  VAB = VA – VB  10 – (–12) = 22 m/s

since separation is decreasing hence Vapp = |VAB| = 22 m/s
Ans. 22 m/s
Example 5. A particle A is moving with a speed of 20 m/s towards right and another particle B is moving at
a speed of 5 m/s towards right. Find their velocity of approach.

Solution : VA = +20, VB = +5 
VAB = VA – VB 
20 – (+5) = 15 m/s
since separation is decreasing hence Vapp = |VAB| = 15 m/s
Ans. 15 m/s
Example 6. A particle A is moving with a speed of 10 m/s towards right, particle B is moving at a speed of
10 m/s towards right and another particle C is moving at speed of 10 m/s towards left. The
separation between A and B is 100 m. Find the time interval between C meeting B and C
meeting A.
10m/s 10m/s


seperation between A and C 100
Solution : t= = = 5 sec.
Vapp of A and C 10 – ( 10)
Ans. : 5 sec.
 d d
Note : aapp =   v app , asep = v sep
 dt  dt
vapp = a app dt , vsep = a sep dt

Example 7. A and B are thrown vertically upward with velocity, 5 m/s and 10 m/s respectively (g = 10 m/s 2.
Find separation between them after one second
Solution : SA = ut – gt2
= 5t – × 10 × t2 = 5 × 1 – 5 × 12 = 5 – 5 = 0
1 1
SB = ut – gt2 = 10 × 1 – × 10 × 12 = 10 – 5 = 5
2 2
   SB – SA = separation = 5m.
Aliter : aBA = aB – aA = (–10) – (–10) = 0
Also vBA = vB – v A = 10 – 5 = 5 m/s
   sBA (in 1 sec) = vBA × t = 5 × 1= 5 m
 Distance between A and B after 1 sec = 5 m.

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Relative Motion
Example 8. A ball is thrown downwards with a speed of 20 m/s from the top of a
building 150 m high and simultaneously another ball is thrown vertically
upwards with a speed of 30 m/s from the foot of the building. Find the
time after which both the balls will meet. (g = 10 m/s2)
Solution : S1 = 20 t + 5 t2
S2 = 30 t – 5 t2
S1 + S2 = 150
 150 = 50 t t = 3 s
Aliter : Relative acceleration of both is zero since both have same
acceleration in downward direction
aAB = aA – aB = g – g = 0
vBA = 30 – (–20) = 50
sBA = vBA × t
s 150
t = BA = =3s
v BA 50

Example 9. Two cars C1 and C2 moving in the same direction on a straight single lane road with velocities
12 m/s and 10 m/s respectively. When the separation between the two was 200 m C2 started
accelerating to avoid collision. What is the minimum acceleration of car C 2 so that they don’t

Solution : Acceleration of car 1 w.r.t. car 2

a12  a1  a2 = aC1 – aC2 = 0 – a = (–a)
u12 = u1 – u2 = 12 – 10 = 2 m/s.
The collision is just avoided if relative velocity becomes zero just at the moment the two cars
meet each other.
i.e. v12 = 0 When s12 = 200
Now v12 = 0, u12 = 2, a12 = – a and s12 = 200 
    2
v12 – u12
= 2a12s12
 0 – 22 = – 2 × a × 200  a= m/s2 = 0.1 m/s2 = 1 cm/s2.
 Minimum acceleration needed by car C2 = 1 cm/s2
rA = position of A with respect to O
rB = position of B with respect to O
rAB = position of A with respect to B.
rAB  rA  rB (The vector sum rA  rB can be done by  law of
addition or resolution method)
d(rAB ) d(rA ) d(rB )
 = – .
dt dt dt
d(v AB ) d(v A ) d(v B )
 vAB  v A  vB ; = –  aAB  aA  aB
dt dt dt

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Relative Motion
Solved Example
Example 10. Object A and B both have speed of 10 m/s. A is moving towards East while B is moving
towards North starting from the same point as shown. Find velocity of A relative to B.

Solution :
Method 1 : v AB = v A – vB  v AB = 102

Method 2 : v A = 10 î , vB = 10 ĵ
v AB = v A – vB = 10 î – 10 ĵ  v AB = 102

Note : v A  v B = v2A  vB2  2v A vB cos  , where  is angle between v A and vB .

Example 11. Two particles A and B are projected in air. A is thrown with a speed of 30 m/sec and B with a
speed of 40 m/sec as shown in the figure. What is the separation between them after 1 sec.
40 m/s


30 m/s
53° 37°
Solution : aAB = aA – aB = g  g = 0  v AB = 302  402 = 50 sAB = vABt = 50 t = 50 m
Example 12. An old man and a boy are walking towards each other and a bird is flying over them as shown
in the figure.

12 m/s 20
16 m/s

Tree ĵ
Boy 16 m/s old person

(1) Find the velocity of tree, bird and old man as seen by boy.
(2) Find the velocity of tree, bird and boy as seen by old man
(3) Find the velocity of tree, boy and old man as seen by bird.
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Relative Motion
Solution :
(1) With respect to boy :
vtree = 16 m/s () or –16 î
vbird = 12 m/s () or 12 ĵ
vold man = 18 m/s () or –18 î
(2) With respect to old man :
vBoy = 18 m/s () or 18 î
vTree = 2 m/s () or 2 î
vBird = 18 m/s () and 12 m/s () or 18 î + 12ˆj
(3) With respect to Bird : vTree = 12 m/s () and 16 m/s () or –12 ĵ –16 î
vold man = 18 m/s () and 12 m/s () or–18 î –12 ĵ
vBoy= 12 m/s () or –12 ĵ
3.2. Relative Motion in Lift
Projectile motion in a lift moving with acceleration a upwards
(1) In the reference frame of lift, acceleration of a freely falling object is (g + a)
(2) Velocity at maximum height = ucos
2usin 
(3) T =
u2 sin2 
(4) Maximum height (H) =
2(g  a)
u2 sin 2
(5) Range =
Solved Example
Example 13. A lift is moving up with acceleration a. A person inside the lift throws the ball upwards with a
velocity u relative to hand.

(a) What is the time of flight of the ball?

(b) What is the maximum height reached by the ball in the lift?
Solution :
(a) aBL = aB – aL = g + a
s = u t + 1 a t2
0 = uT – 1/2 (g + a)T2   
     T =
(g  a)
(b) v2 – u2 = 2 as
0 – u2 = –2(g + a) H
2(g  a)

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Relative Motion

If a man can swim relative to water with velocity vmR and water is flowing relative to ground with velocity
vR , velocity of man relative to ground vm will be given by :
vmR = vm – vR or vm = vmR + vR
If vR = 0, then vm = vmR in words, velocity of man in still water = velocity of man w.r.t. river

4.1. River Problem in One Dimension :

  Velocity of river is u & velocity of man in still water is v.
Case (i) : Man swimming downstream (along the direction of river
flow). In this case velocity of river vR = + u (u + v)
velocity of man w.r.t. river vmR = +v u
now vm = vmR + vR = u + v
Case (ii) : Man swimming upstream (opposite to the direction of river
flow). In this case velocity of river vR = – u
(v - u)
velocity of man w.r.t. river vmR = +v u
now vm = vmR + vR = (v – u)
Solved Example
Example 14. A swimmer capable of swimming with velocity ‘v’ relative to water jumps in a flowing river
having velocity ‘u’. The man swims a distance d down stream and returns back to the original
position. Find out the time taken in complete motion.
Solution : Total time = time of swimming downstream + time of swimming upstream
d d 2dv
t = tdown + tup = + = 2 Ans.
v u v u v  u2
4.2. Motion of Man Swimming in a River
Consider a man swimming in a river with a velocity of vMR relative to river at an angle of  with the river
flow. The velocity of river is VR . Let there be two observers  and , observer  is on ground and
observer  is on a raft floating along with the river and hence moving with the same velocity as that of
river. Hence motion w.r.t. observer  is same as motion w.r.t. river. i.e., the man will appear to swim at
an angle  with the river flow for observer  .
For observer  the velocity of swimmer will be vM = vMR + vR ,
Hence the swimmer will appear to move at an angle ’ with the river flow.

Observer  vMR
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Observer 
 : Motion of swimmer for observer 
 : Motion of swimmer for observer 

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Relative Motion
4.3. River problem in two dimension (crossing river) :
Consider a man swimming in a river with a velocity of vMR relative to river at an angle of  with the river
flow. The velocity of river is VR and the width of the river is d



vM = vMR + vR  vM = (vMRcos î + vMRsin ĵ ) +vR î  vM = (vMRcos + vR) î + vMRsin ĵ 

Here vMR sinis the component of velocity of man in the direction perpendicular to the river flow. This
component of velocity is responsible for the man crossing the river. Hence if the time to cross the river
d d
is t, then t = =
vy v MR sin
It is defined as the displacement of man in the direction of river flow. (See the figure). It is simply the
displacement along x-axis, during the period the man crosses the river. (vMRcos + vR)is the component of
velocity of man in the direction of river flow and this component of velocity is responsible for drift along the
river flow. If drift is x then,
Drift = vx × t
x = (vMRcos + vR)×
v MR sin
4.4. Crossing the river in shortest time
As we know that t = . Clearly t will be minimum when  = 90° i.e. time to cross the river will be
v MR sin
minimum if man swims perpendicular to the river flow. Which is equal to .
v MR
4.5. Crossing the river in shortest path, Minimum Drift
The minimum possible drift is zero. In this case the man swims in the direction perpendicular to the river
flow as seen from the ground. This path is known as shortest path
here xmin = 0  (vMRcos + vR) = 0 or cos = – R
v MR
 since cos is –ve,  > 90°, i.e. for minimum drift the man must swim at some angle  with the
perpendicular in backward direction. Where sin  =
v MR
 v R  vR
  = cos1    < 1 i.e. vR < vMR
 vMR  vMR
 i.e. minimum drift is zero if and only if velocity of man in still water is greater than or equal to the
velocity of river.
Time to cross the river along the shortest path



d d
t= =
v MR sin v 2
MR  VR2
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Relative Motion

Note :
 If vR > vMR then it is not possible to have zero drift. In this case the minimum drift
(corresponding to shortest possible path is non zero and the condition for minimum drift
v  v 
can be proved to be cos = –  MR  or sin  =  MR  for minimum but non zero drift.
 vR   vR 
Solved Example
Example 15. A 400 m wide river is flowing at a rate of 2.0 m/s.A boat is sailing with a velocity of 10 m/s with
respect to the water, in a direction perpendicular to the river.
(a) Find the time taken by the boat to reach the opposite bank.
(b) How far from the point directly opposite to the starting point does the boat reach the
opposite bank.
(c) In what direction does the boat actually move, with river flow (downstream).
Solution :

d 400m
(a) time taken to cross the river t = = = 40 s Ans.
vy 10m / s
(b) drift (x) = (vx)(t) = (2m/s) (40s) = 80 m Ans.
 10 
(c) Actual direction of boat,  = tan–1  –1
 = tan 5, (downstream) with the river flow.
 2 
Example 16. A man can swim at the rate of 5 km/h in still water. A 1 km wide river flows at the rate of 3 km/h.
The man wishes to swim across the river directly opposite to the starting point.
(a) Along what direction must the man swim?
(b) What should be his resultant velocity?
(c) How much time will he take to cross the river?
Solution :
(a) The velocity of man with respect to river vmR= 5 km/hr, this is greater than the river flow
velocity, therefore, he can cross the river directly (along the shortest path). The angle of
swim must be
  v   v  3
= + sin–1  r  = 90º + sin-1  r  = 90º + sin–1   = 90º + 37º
2  v mR   v mR  5
= 127º w.r.t. the river flow or 37° w.r.t. perpendicular in backward direction Ans.
(b) Resultant velocity will be
vm = 2
vmR  vR2 = 52  32 = 4 km/hr
along the direction perpendicular to the river flow.
d 1km 1
(c) time taken to cross the t = = = h = 15 min
v 2
mR v 2
4km / hr 4

Example 17. A man wishing to cross a river flowing with velocity u jumps at an angle with the river flow.
(i) Find the net velocity of the man with respect to ground if he can swim with speed v in still water.
(ii) In what direction does the man actually move.
(iii) Find how far from the point directly opposite to the starting point does the man reach the
opposite bank, if the width of the river is d. (i.e. drift)

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Relative Motion
Solution :
(i) vMR = v , vR = u ; vM = vMR + vR
 Velocity of man,
vM = u2  v2  2vucos  Ans.
v sin 
(ii) tan  = Ans. v M  v MR  v R
u  v cos 
(iii) (v sin) t = d  t= ;
v sin
x = (u + v cos ) t = (u + v cos)
v sin
Example 18. A boat moves relative to water with a velocity v which is n times less than the river flow velocity u.
At what angle to the stream direction must the boat move to minimize drifting ?
Solution : (In this problem, one thing should be carefully noted that the velocity of boat is less than the
river flow velocity. Hence boat cannot reach the point directly opposite to its starting point. i.e.,
drift can never be zero)
Suppose boat starts at an angle  from the normal direction up stream as shown.
Component of velocity of boat along the river, vx = u – v sin 
and velocity perpendicular to the river, B drift = x C
vy = v cos .
time taken to cross the river is y
d d d u
t= = . x
vy v cos  v v cos

Drift x = (vx)t = (u – v sin )
v cos  A u-v sin

= sec  – d tan 
The drift x is minimum, when = 0,
 ud 
 (sec  . tan ) – d sec  = 0
or  2
 v 
u v
or sin  = 1 or sin  =
v u
This is the result we stated without proof as a note in section 4.5
v 1
so, for minimum drift, the boat must move at an angle  = sin–1   = sin–1 from normal direction.
u n
This is very similar to boat river flow problems. The only difference is that boat is replaced by aeroplane
and river is replaced by wind.
Thus, velocity of aeroplane with respect to wind
vaw  va  v w or va  vaw  v w
where, v a = velocity of aeroplane w.r.t. ground and, v w = velocity of wind.
Solved Example
Example 19. An aeroplane flies along a straight path A to B and returns back again. The distance between A
and B is  and the aeroplane maintains the constant speed v w.r.t. wind. There is a steady wind
with a speed u at an angle  with line AB. Determine the expression for the total time of the trip.

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Relative Motion
Solution : Suppose plane is oriented at an angle  w.r.t. line AB
while the plane is moving from A to B :
Velocity of plane along AB = v cos – ucos,
and for no-drift from line AB ; v sin = usin
usin 
   sin =
time taken from A to B : tAB =
v cos   ucos 
Suppose plane is oriented at an angle ’ w.r.t. line AB
while the plane is moving from B to A :
velocity of plane along BA = vcos + u cos and for no drift from line AB ; vsin = usin
usin 
 sin =    = ’
time taken from B to A : tBA =
v cos   ucos 
total time taken = tAB + tBA = +
v cos   ucos  v cos   ucos 
u sin 
2 2
2v 1
2v cos  v2
= = .
v 2 cos2  – u2 cos 2  v u
2 2

Example 20. Find the time an aeroplane having velocity v, takes to fly around a square with side a if the wind
is blowing at a velocity u along one side of the square.
Answer :
v 2  u2

v  v 2  u2 
Solution :

vwind= u

Velocity of aeroplane while flying through AB
vA = v + u ; tAB =
v u
Velocity of aeroplane while flying through BC u
vA = v u
2 2
; v A  v 2  u2
tBC =
v 2  u2
v u
Velocity of aeroplane while flying through CD
vA=v – u
vA = v – u ; tCD =
Velocity of aeroplane while flying through DA v A  v 2  u2
vA = v 2  u2 ; tDA = u
v  u2

Total time = tAB + tBC + tCD + tDA =

v u

v u
2 2

 u

v u
2 2
= 2
 u2
v  v 2  u2  

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Relative Motion

If rain is falling vertically with a velocity vR and an
observer is moving horizontally with velocity vm , the –vm
velocity of rain relative to observer will be :

vRm = vR – vm or vRm = vR2  vm2 vRm
 vm 
and direction  = tan–1   with the vertical as shown in
 vR 
Solved Example
Example 21. Rain is falling vertically at speed of 10 m/s and a man is moving with velocity 6 m/s. Find the
angle at which the man should hold his umbrella to avoid getting wet.
Solution :

v rain = –10 ĵ  v man = 6 ĵ

v r.w.r.t. man = –10 ĵ – 6 î

6 3
tan  =   = tan–1  
10 5
Where  is angle with vertical

Example 22. A man moving with 5m/s observes rain falling vertically at the rate of 10 m/s. Find the speed
and direction of the rain with respect to ground.

Solution : vRM = 10 m/s, vM = 5 m/s

vRM = vR – vM
    vR = vRM + vM
    vR = 5 5
1 1
tan  = ,  = tan–1 .
2 2

Example 23. A standing man, observes rain falling with velocity of 20 m/s at an angle of 30º with the vertical.
(i) Find the velocity with which the man should move so that rain appears to fall vertically to him.
(ii) Now if he further increases his speed, rain again appears to fall at 30º with the vertical.
Find his new velocity.

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Relative Motion
Solution : m/s

(i) vm = –v î (let)

vR = –10 î – 10 3 ĵ

vRM = – (10 î – v) – 10 3 ĵ
 – (10 – v) = 0
(for vertical fall, horizontal component
must be zero)
or v = 10 m/s Ans.
(ii) vR = –10 î – 10 3 ĵ 10 m/s

vm = –vx î

vRM = – (10 – vx) î – 10 3 ĵ

Angle with the vertical = 30º
10  v x
 tan 30º =  vx = 20 m/s
10 3

It is the component of relative velocity of one particle w.r.t. another, along the line joining them.
If the separation is decreasing, we say it is velocity of approach and if separation is increasing, then we
say it is velocity of separation.
Solved Example
Example 24. Particle A is at rest and particle B is moving with constant velocity v as shown in the diagram at
t = 0. Find their velocity of separation

B v

Solution : vBA = vB – vA = v
vsep = component of vBA along line AB = vcos

Example 25. Two particles A and B are moving with constant velocities v 1
and v2. At t = 0, v1 makes an angle 1 with the line joining A and 1 2 v2
B and v2 makes an angle 2 with the line joining A and B. Find A B
their velocity of approach.
Solution : Velocity of approach is relative velocity along line AB
vAPP = v1cos1 + v2cos2

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Relative Motion
Example 26. Particles A and B are moving as shown in the diagram at t = 0. Find their velocity of separation


(i) at t = 0
(ii) at t = 1 sec.
Solution :
(i) tan  = 3/4
vsep = relative velocity along line AB


3m 3sin

 3m/s

4 3 24
= 3cos + 4sin= 3. + 4. = = 4.8 m/s
5 5 5
(ii)  = 45°
vsep = relative velocity along line AB

= 45° 3m/s

7m B

1 1 7
= 3cos + 4sin = 3. + 4. = m/s
2 2 2

7.2. Condition for uniformly moving particles to collide
If two particles are moving with uniform velocities and the relative velocity of one particle w.r.t. other
particle is directed towards each other then they will collide.

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Relative Motion
Solved Example
Example 27. Two particles A and B are moving with constant velocities
v1 and v2. At t = 0, v1 makes an angle 1 with the line joining A 1 2 v2
and B and v2 makes an angle 2 with the line joining A and B. A B
(i) Find the condition for A and B to collide. d
(ii) Find the time after which A and B will collide if separation between them is d at t = 0
Solution :
(i) For A and B to collide, their relative velocity must be directed along the line joining them.
Therefore their relative velocity along the perpendicular to this line must be zero.
Thus v1 sin1 = v2 sin2.
d d
(ii) vAPP = v1cos1 + v2cos2 ; t = 
v app v1 cos 1  v 2 cos 2

7.3. Minimum / Maximum distance between two particles
If the separation between two particles decreases and after some time it starts increasing then the
separation between them will be minimum at the instant, velocity of approach changes to velocity of
separation. (at this instant vapp = 0)
Mathematically SAB is minimum when =0
Similarly for maximum separation vsep = 0.
Note :
 If the initial position of two particles are r1 and r2 and their velocities are v1 and v 2 then shortest
| r12  v12 |
distance between the particles, dshortest = and time after which this situation will occur,
| v12 |
r12 .v12
| v12 |2

Solved Example
Example 28. Two cars A and B are moving west to east and south to north respectively along crossroads.
A moves with a speed of 72 kmh–1 and is 500 m away from point of intersection of cross roads
and B moves with a speed of 54 kmh–1 and is 400 m away from point of intersection of cross
roads. Find the shortest distance between them?
Solution :
Method 1 : (Using the concept of relative velocity)
In this method we watch the velocity of A w.r.t. B. To do this we plot the resultant velocity Vr.
Since the accelerations of both the bodies is zero, so the relative acceleration between them is
also zero. Hence the relative velocity will remain constant. So the path of A with respect to B
will be straight line and along the direction of relative velocity of A with respect to B. The
shortest distance between A & B is when A is at point F (i.e. when we drop a perpendicular
from B on the line of motion of A with respect to B).
From figure

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Relative Motion

VB 15 3
tan = = = ..........................(i)
VA 20 4
This  is the angle made by the resultant velocity vector with the x-axis.
Also we know that from figure
x 3
OE = = ..........................(ii)
500 4
From equation (i) & (ii) we get
 x = 375 m
 EB = OB – OE = 400 – 375 = 25 m
But the shortest distance is BF.
From magnified figure we see that BF = EB cos = 25 × 4/5
 BF = 20 m
Method 2 : (Using the concept of maxima – minima)
A & B be are the initial positions and A’, B’ be the final positions after time t.
B is moving with a speed of 15 m/sec so it will travel a distance of BB’ = 15t during time t.
A is moving with a speed of 20 m/sec so it will travel a distance of AA’ = 20t during time t.
OA’ =500 – 20 t
OB’ = 400 – 15 t
A’B’2 = OA’2 + OB’2
= (500 – 20t)2 + (400 – 15t)2 .....(i)
For A’B’ to be minimum A’B’2 should also be
d(A 'B '2 ) d(400  15t)2  (500  20t)2
 = =0
dt dt
= 2(400 – 15t) (–15) + 2(500 – 20t) (–20) = 0
= – 1200 + 45t = 2000 – 80 t
 125 t = 3200
 t= s.
Hence A and B will be closest after s.

d2 A 'B'
Now comes out to be positive hence it is a minima.
dt 2

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Relative Motion
On substituting the value of t in equation (i) we get
2 2
 128   128 
 A’B’2 =  400  15   +  500  20. 5   16  (12) = 20 m
2 2

 5   
 Minimum distance A’B’ = 20 m.
Method 3 : (Using the concept of relative velocity of approach)
After time t let us plot the components of velocity of A and B in the direction along AB. When
the distance between the two is minimum, the relative velocity of approach is zero.
 VA cosf+ VB sinf = 0
(where f is the angle made by the line A’B’ with the x-axis)
20 cosf = – 15 sinf
20 4
 tanf =  = 
15 3
(Here do not confuse this angle with the angle  in
method (I) because that  is the angle made by the net
relative velocity with x-axis, but f is the angle made by
the line joining the two particles with x-axis when velocity
of approach in zero.)
400  15t 4
 =
500  20t 3
 t= So, OB’ = 16 m and OA’ = – 12m
A’B’ = 162  (12)2 = 20 m

Example 29. Two ships are 10 km apart on a line joining south to north. The 20km/h 1
one farther north is steaming west at 20 km h–1. The other is
steaming north at 20 km h–1. What is their distance of closest 10km
approach ? How long do they take to reach it ?
Solution : Solving from the frame of particle -1 1
we get dshort = 10 cos 45° = = 5 2 km
10 sin 45 10  1/ 2 1
t= = = h = 15 min. 45°
| V21 | 20 2 4
2 20km/h

Example 30. Two particles A and B are moving with uniform velocity as shown in the figure given below at
t = 0.

(i) Will the two particle collide

(ii) Find out shortest distance between two particles

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Relative Motion
Solution : Solving from the frame of B A 10 m/s D O

10 1
we get tan = =  
20 2 20 m/s

again tan = = =    
CD 40 2 
    AD = 20  DO = 10  BC = 10
10  2 C 
dshort = BC cos = 10 cos = = 4 5m dshort
Since closest distance is non zero therefore they will
not collide
7.4. Miscellaneous Problems on collision
Solved Example
Example 31. There are particles A, B and C are situated at the vertices of an equilateral triangle ABC of side
a at t = 0. Each of the particles moves with constant speed v. A always has its velocity along
AB, B along BC and C along CA. At what time will the particle meet each other?
Solution : The motion of the particles is roughly sketched in figure. By symmetry they will meet at the centroid
O of the triangle. At any instant the particles will from an equilateral triangle ABC with the same

Centroid O. All the particles will meet at the centre.

Concentrate on the motion of any one particle, say B. At any
instant its velocity makes angle 30º with BO. The component
of this velocity along BO is v cos 30º. This component is the
rate of decrease of the distance BO. Initially
a/2 a
BO = = = displacement of each particle. Therefore,
cos30º 3
the time taken for BO to become zero
a/ 3 2a 2a
= = = .
v cos 30º 3v  3 3v
Aliter : Velocity of B is v along BC. The velocity of C is
along CA. Its component along BC is v cos 60º = v/2. Thus,
the separation BC decreases at the rate of approach
v 3v
 approach velocity = v + =
2 2
Since, the rate of approach is constant, the time taken in reducing
a 2a
the separation BC from a to zero is t = 
3v 3v

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Relative Motion
Example 32. Six particles situated at the corners of a regular hexagon of side a move at a constant speed v.
Each particle maintains a direction towards the particle at the next corner. Calculate the time
the particles will take to meet each other.
Solution : Vapp = V – Vcos 60° = V – V/2 = V/2
a a

a a
a 60°
v vcos60
a a 2a
t= = =
Vapp V/2 V

Example 33. ‘A’ moves with constant velocity u along the ‘x’ axis. B always has velocity towards A. After how
much time will B meet A if B moves with constant speed v. What distance will be travelled by A
and B.

Solution : Let at any instant the velocity of B makes an angle  with that of x axis and the time to collide is T.
vapp = v – u cos 

=  v app dt =
 (v – ucos )dt
....... (1)

Now equating the displacement of A and B along x direction we get

uT =  v cos  dt ....... (2)
Now from (1) and (2) we get

u u
 = vT –  u cos  dt = vT –
v0 v cos  dt = vT – . uT
v 2  u2
Now distance travelled by A and B
v v uv v2
=u× 2 and v × 2 = 2 and 2
v u 2
v u 2
v u2
v  u2

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