Answer Sheet BLM 1-12
Answer Sheet BLM 1-12
Answer Sheet BLM 1-12
JO Digital Immersion Mini School Student Commitment & Parent/Guardian Field Studies Consent Form
530 East 41st Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5W 1P3
Telephone: 604.713.8938
(signifies that teachers have been given notice of absence from their class for the specified activity)
➢ My child has been informed that they are to abide by the rules and regulations, including directions and instructions from the
school’s and/or service provider’s administrators, instructors, and supervisors over all phases of the program/activity.
➢ In the event my child fails to abide by these rules and regulations, disciplinary action may require their exclusion from further
participation or that I be contacted to have them picked up, unless I have specified other transport arrangements.
➢ I acknowledge that the trip supervisors may secure transport to emergency medical services as they deem necessary for my child's
immediate health and safety, and that I may be financially responsible for such services.
➢ I acknowledge and accept that due to this activity requiring the student to be absent from class, that the responsibility lies with the
student to make the necessary arrangements to meet their commitments to their school subject classes, and that failure to do so
may result in lost credit and/or ineligibility to participate in subsequent activities.
➢ I acknowledge and accept that my child will have the opportunity to select their preference for the overnight rooming arrangement
in relation to gender (all female, all male, all gender inclusive).
I, _________________________ (name of parent/guardian) give permission for ______________ _____ (name of student) to participate in the
activity described above, and understand and accept the conditions, expectations and responsibilities as outlined above.
Date: ________________ Name of Parent/Guardian (Please print): ___________________________ Signature: ____________________________
Date: ________________ Name of Student (Please print): __________________________________ Signature: ____________________________
Parent/Guardian Contact Numbers: Day _____________________ Evening ______________________ Cell _________________________
Comments (please include any restrictions or limitations which would prevent your child from fully participating in this trip, or any other special concerns
which Board staff should be aware of surrounding your child._______________________________________________________________________
NOTE: Efforts to minimize costs have been made to support student participation.In accordance with VSB policy Students Fees, Fines& Hardship no
student shall be denied opportunity to participate because of financial inability Please contact the Teacher if you have questions or need assistance.
Administrator: Mr. B. Schieman
2022 JODIMS Field Studies Consent Form JO TemplateRevised 2022SEP
Medical Information For Extracurricular Participation
The collection and retention of information requested on this form is authorized and governed by
the British Columbia School Act and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
BC Medical Services Plan Personal Health No.: ______________________ Student School Accident Insurance: Yes No
Allergies (e.g., specific drugs, certain foods, insect stings, hay fever) Specify:
Carries Epi pen? Yes No Inhaler? Yes No Medical Alert Bracelet? Yes No
Medical/physical conditions that may affect participation in the stated program/activity (e.g., recent illness or injury, recent hospitalization or
surgery, chronic conditions, phobias, etc.). Be specific:
Specify the condition(s) and requirements for program modification or specific activities your child should not participate in:
Prescribed medication(s) taken at this time (name, reason, dosage, storage, potential side effects/treatment of such):
Emergency Contacts:
1) ____________________________________ Phone: (H) __________________ (W) ________________ (C) ________________
Should it become necessary for my child to have medical care, I hereby give the teacher permission to use his/her best judgment in
obtaining the best of such service for my child. I understand that any cost will be my responsibility. I also understand that in the event of
illness or accident, I will be notified as soon as possible via the emergency contact information listed above.