Microbio Lab Midterm Notes
Microbio Lab Midterm Notes
Microbio Lab Midterm Notes
- Ability of the lens to distinguish two
points as clear and as distinct.
- One of the most important parts of
Depends on:
the microscope are the lenses
Wavelength of light
used to actually view the specimen
- ↓λ= ↑R
- The microscope uses the eyepiece
lens or the lens you look through,
Numerical Aperture (NA)
to present the image of the
- characteristic of the lens system.
- engraved on the condenser and
- Eyepiece lenses are typically 10X,
but may also come in 5X, 15X, or
- refers to the light-gathering ability
of the lens
- The power is generally found
- expressing mathematically the
labeled on the eyepiece itself
solid cone of light delivered to the
Immersion Oil Lense
Parfocal Slide
- A microscope that is calibrated this - This rectangular, plate, made of
way will maintain the specimen in either plastic or glass, is used to
focus when the objective lens is hold the specimen
Slip Clutch
Pointer - This mechanical device prevents
- Some microscopes feature a gear damage to the microscope
pointer that is visible when looking when the focus adjustment
through the eyepiece of lens reaches its maximum travel
Stand X
- For lower-power microscopes, - This represents the magnification
there are typically three types of factor of a lens or view
connections between the
microscope body and the base XR
including Post Stand, Fixed Arm, - In this notation, the X represents
and Universal Stand the magnification of the lenses
while the R stand for retractable
Stereo - XR lenses contain a spring-loaded
- When using two objectives slightly mechanism that allows them to
offset, the image is presented in telescope inwards to prevent
3D damage to the lens
- This area is located directly below Other important features of the
the stage itself microscope objectives
- Focal length (mm) is an optical
T-mount constant of the lens system, is the
- This type of adapter is useful for distance from the center of the lens
attaching still cameras to the to the point where parallel rays
microscope entering the lens are brought to a
Tension Adjustment - Numerical aperture (N.A.) is a
- A factory adjustment of the measure of the resolving power of
focusing mechanism that makes an objective. An objective with 0.25
the microscope easy to focus N.A. allows the viewer to
distinguish as separate 25000 lines
Trinocular Head per inch.
- This type of microscope features - Working distance (mm) is the
two eyepieces for viewing and a free space between the specimen
third for attaching a camera surface and the objective.
Stage micrometer
- is used for calibrating ocular or filar
micrometer. It is a glass slide with
graduations of known intervals.
The length of the smallest division
is 0.01 mm or 10 µm and is a
formula constant. There are 100
divisions in a stage, which gives it
a total length of 1000 µm. The unit
of linear measurement in
microbiology is the micrometer
(µm), which is equivalent to 1/1000
mm or 1/25400 inch.
Basic dyes
- such as methylene blue, safranin,
or crystal violet, the chromophore
is positively charged and stick to
cell walls, which typically have
negative charges making the
former a positive stain.
Acidic dyes
- The reverse Preparation of Smears
- with the chromophores negatively 1. Properly label slides corresponding
charged resulting in the staining of to your 24-hr bacterial culture.
the specimen surroundings and 2. Using a sterile wire loop, place a
producing silhouettes of the loopful of water on a clean glass
organisms as in negative slide
staining. 3. From the slant culture, get a
loopful of your specimen by lightly
Differential Staining scraping the surface of the agar,
- is another type of staining then mix it with the water on your
technique that uses two or more slide until turbid as in 1.b,d. Be
dyes to distinguish organisms sure to follow aseptic technique to
based on their interactions with prevent contamination such as
multiple stains. Examples of this flaming loop before and after use,
technique commonly used in and flaming the mouth of the
clinical settings include Gram
culture tube before and after taking - Air dry only.
your sample. - Focus under the OIO.
4. Air Dry, then fix by heat by passing - The microorganisms should
the slide quickly over the flame for appear colorless with a dark
2 to 3 times. Set aside for staining. background.
- Stain a smear with methylene blue - Stain the bacterial smears with
for 30s. ammonium oxalate crystal violet
- Wash with water and blot dry. for 1 minute. Rinse thoroughly and
Focus under the OIO. gently with tap water.
- The microorganisms should be - Cover the smears with iodine
colored blue with a bright solution (mordant) for 1 min. Rinse
background. with tap water.
- Add with 95 % ethanol drop by
Negative Staining drop for about 15 sec. or until the
alcohol becomes clear. Rinse with
tap water.
- Counterstain with safranin solution
for 1 min. Rinse with tap water and
blot dry. Air dry or blot with tissue
to dry. Focus under the OIO.
- The microorganisms should be
either blue to violet for gram
positive and pink to red for gram
- Put a drop of nigrosine dye on a
clean slide.
- Using a wire loop to take a loopful
of your bacterial culture, mix with
the dye and spread thinly. Perform
this aseptically.
Developing a thorough understanding and
Module 4: Culture Media Preparation knowledge of aseptic techniques and
culture transfer procedures is a
Medium (media) prerequisite to working with
- in microbiology, the liquid or solid microbiological cultures. You will save
nutrient mixture(s) used to grow yourself a lot of time and energy and avoid
microorganisms erroneous results if a few simple and
common sense rules are observed when
Pure Culture working with cultures.
- a laboratory culture containing a
single species of organism. 1. Disinfect the work area before and
after use.
Mixed Culture 2. Do not touch or breathe into sterile
- one that contains more than one culture media or the stock cultures.
type of organism growing in a 3. When working with tubes, the tube
sterile medium. caps should not be placed on the
table top, they should be held in
Aseptic technique your hand while inoculating.
- a series of steps taken to prevent 4. Always sterilize your inoculating
contamination of laboratory loop by flaming before using it to
cultures and media. enter any culture material.
- the presence of unwanted
organisms in the culture.
Aseptic Techniques
- Some bacterial species produce
Surface pigments that can be either
- “How does the surface of the water-soluble or soluble in fat.
colony appear” - The production of pigments may
vary depending on the
environmental conditions or age of
the colony
Size of Colony
- Can vary from large colonies to
tiny colonies less than 1mm =
punctiform (pin-point). Measure
with a millimeter rule.