Tibet Insight News Report 1 31 Jul 2021

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TIBET INSIGHT, July 1-31, 2021


The Head of Human Resources and Social Security of Nyingtri, Metok County inspects
Incubation base
June 30, 2021

Zhang Yuan, the Head of Nyingtri Human Resources and Social Security Bureau along with
Dhondup Tsering and Tsering Dorjee, the Deputy Magistrates of Metok (Ch: Medog) County,
and Zhang Pengfei, Director of Metok Human Resource and Social Security Bureau of Metok
County on June 28 inspected an entrepreneurial incubation base under construction in the
county. The entrepreneurial incubation project is meant to generate employment for young
college graduates with innovative and leadership capabilities.

On July 7, a meeting was held by the People’s Government of Metok County to discuss the
key projects for 2021. The incubation base is one of the projects. At the meeting, the County
Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Rural Revitalization Bureau, Water
Resources Bureau, and Health and Health Commission reported on the progress of their
respective key projects for the first half of the year.

Recruitment of Female Soldiers for the second (conscription) batch of 2021

July 7, 2021

According to the TAR Recruitment Office the recruitment process of female soldiers for the
second half of 2021 started in TAR on June 26, and will end on August 15, 2021. Youth with
the right credentials willing to join the military have been directed to log in to the National
Recruitment Network (https//www.gfbzb.gov.cn) website to register. Eligibility criteria
include high school graduates between 18-22 years old. It is also open to current
college/university going students. Children of martyrs, military personnel or of personnel who
have lost a family member on duty will be given priority and preference.

The recruitment process includes: online registration, preliminary examination, physical

examination, political examination, aptitude and competency exam, followed by finalisation of
candidates, pre-service training and finally, approval.

3,069 young men and 753 young women of whom 22 women were from cities across TAR
cleared the preliminary screening test and took part in the final conscription examination at the
Physical Examination Centre of the General Hospital of Tibet Military Command.

TAR Party Secretary meets Deputy Minister of Water Resources

July 8, 2021

TAR Party Secretary Wu Yingjie met Wei Shazhong, Deputy Minister of China’s Ministry of
Water Resources in Lhasa in July 2021. At the meeting TAR was represented by TAR Party
Secretary Wu Yingjie, Chairman of TAR People’s Government, Che Dalha/Qi Zhala, Standing
Committee Member and Secretary-General of TAR Party Committee, Liu Jiang.

TAR Party Secretary Wu Yingjie, after expressing his gratitude to the Ministry of Water
Resources for their projects in TAR, said that since the 18th Party Congress the TAR Water
Conservancy Bureau had made significant progress and ‘historic achievements’. He credited
these to President Xi Jinping and the special care of the CCP Central Party Committee under
his leadership and the support and care of the Ministry of Water Resources.

Wu Yingjie further pointed out that the Ministry of Water Resources understands the overall
political strategy of the Party and undertook implementation in Tibet of all the CCP CC’s
decisions with diligence and earnestness. He said for the new journey ahead, implementing the
spirit of the seventh Work Forum on Tibet, and focusing on the four areas such as development,
ecology, border security and stability is vital and should be taken as an important task.

Wei Shanzhong echoed Wu Yingjie’s praise of Xi Jinping, saying “Tibet has become a
Xiaogang (well-off) society in all aspects due to the special care and leadership of Xi Jinping,
and the CCP Central Committee”.

TAR Discipline Inspection Commission convenes a meeting

July 9, 2021

On July 8, the Discipline Inspection Commission of TAR met the Lhasa Municipality
Discipline and Inspection Commission to assess the preliminary findings of their field

investigations. Members of the Supervisory Committee of Lhasa Municipality’s Discipline
Inspection Committee, concerned officials of Internal institutions, Persons-in-Charge of all
field investigations, and secretaries of County and District Discipline Inspection Committees
attended the meeting.

Wang Weidong, Standing Member of TAR Party Committee, Secretary of the Disciplinary
Committee and Director of TAR Supervisory Committee presided over the meeting and also

Wang Weidong stressed to the attending Officials to understand the “political importance” of
Lhasa in TAR and that implementing responsibilities and tasks concerning the four areas of
work; “Stability, Development, Ecology and Border Consolidation” is important. He urged the
Officials to strengthen and consolidate political supervision and told them to conduct daily
inspections to ensure implementation of party policies including the Party’s ethnic and
religious guidelines. He further added; “we must persevere on conducting a clean work style,
abandon privileges and resolutely investigate and punish Officials with corrupt behaviours
such as creating nexus between official duty and personal business, and transferring benefits
to family and friends”.

Wang Weidong also emphasised on self-introspection and self-discipline of the Officials

themselves; and said told to keep good image of the party.

CCP Central Committee’s 9th Steering Group on Party’s History and Education
Programme inspects Tibet
July 13, 2021

The CCP Central Committee’s 9th Steering Group on the Party’s History and Education
Programme led by Yu Xiaoming, member of the Group inspected TAR from July 7-11, 2021.

Yu Xiaoming inspected some prefectures, cities and grassroots units in TAR and evaluated the
progress of the Party History and Education Programme. Wang Haizhou, Standing Committee
Member of TAR Party Committee and Minister of TAR Propaganda Department accompanied
the inspecting team during their stay in TAR. Xu Chengcang, Deputy Director of the Standing
Committee of TAR People’s Congress and Secretary of Nyingtri Party Committee and Ma

Shengchang, the Party Secretary of Nyingtri (Ch: Linzhi) participated in some of the

During their five day stay, Yu Xiaoming and his team inspected counties and grassroots units
in Lhasa, Lhoka (Ch: Shannan), Nyingtri (Ch: Linzhi) and Chamdo, listened to work reports
from concerned officials, held meetings with grassroots party organizations and interacted with
party members.

The team inspected the Million Serf Liberation in Tibet Memorial Hall. They told the officials
that Tibet has a Party history textbook of 70 years of ‘peaceful liberation’ and asked them to
use it and build a contrasting narrative of old and new Tibet to educate and guide people of all
ethnic groups in Tibet.

They next visited Kesong village, said to be the first village of ‘democratic reform’ in Chamdo,
Tibet, and interacted with the residents. Jampa Dolma, an internet star in the village, was told
to use the internet and spread awareness about the Party’s history and propagate party policies.

In Nyingtri, the team visited Dragyib Chu (Ch: Bayi) County. Yu Xiaoming told Party cadres
to self-criticize and self-analyse and actively build strong grassroots party organizations. He
urged them to study and understand the spirit of Xi Jinping’s July 1st speech.

Former Party Secretary and Deputy Director of Nyingtri Water Resource Bureau
expelled from Office and the Party
July 15, 2021

The Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission of Nyingtri Municipal Party

Committee expelled Hou Guishou, the former Party Secretary and Deputy Director of Nyingtri
Water Resource Bureau, on charges of “serious violations of law and discipline”.

After investigation, Hou Guishou was charged with abandoning political ideals and beliefs,
and accepting gifts and bribes for the selection/appointment of officials and party cadres. He
was also accused of indulging in activities that violated party regulations and guidelines.

TAR Party Secretary meets Deputy-Secretary-General of the State Council
July 17, 2021

TAR Party Secretary Wu Yingjie met Li Baorong, Deputy Secretary-General of the State
Council and Director of the State Administration Bureau, on July 16, in Lhasa. Li Baorong was
in Lhasa to conduct an “in-depth” investigation on the preparation work for the grand
celebrations of the “70th anniversary of the liberation of Tibet”.

Other top TAR leaders such as Che Dalha (Ch: Qi Zhala), Deputy Secretary of TAR Party
Committee and Chairman of TAR People’s Government; Lobsang Gyaltsen, Deputy Secretary
of TAR Party Committee and Chairman of TAR People’s Congress; Zhuang Yan, Executive
Deputy Secretary of TAR Party Committee and Secretary of TAR People’s Political
Consultative Conference (PPCC); Ren Wei, Vice Chairman of TAR People’s Government; and
members of the Standing Committee of TAR, Pema Wangdui, Liu Jiang and Wang Weidong
attended the meeting.

Wu Yingjie presented reports on the implementation of the spirit of the Seventh Work Forum
on Tibet. He also shared that under TAR Party Committee’s leadership, the branch Party
Committees and Municipal Governments across TAR attach importance to the preparations for
the grand celebration to be held in a grand, pragmatic, simple and safe manner.

Li Baorong said, “the grand celebration of the 70th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of
Tibet is a major political event” and that the State Administration Bureau will diligently follow
the work requirements of the CCPCC to ensure a smooth and successful celebration.

(Comment: Li Baorong, Deputy Secretary-General of the State Council and Director of the
State Administration Bureau, and his team carried out their inspection five days ahead of Xi
Jinping’s visit to Tibet.)

TAR recruits Non-Commissioned Officers for Targeted Training

July 19, 2021

According to the TAR Recruitment Office, 165 young recruits from all the prefectures of TAR
completed an orientation programme spearheaded by the General Hospital of the Tibet Military

Command on July 16-17. Of them, 90 recruits are to be trained as officials for a 'targeted
purpose'. Some of the departments for recruiting 'Non-Commissioned Officers' are the Tibet
Vocational and Technical College, Hunan National Defense Bureau, Telecommunications
college, and Xi’an Aviation’s Vocational and Technical College. Areas of focus include
automobile inspection and maintenance technologies, construction engineering and
Telecommunications. The recruits have to train for two and a half years.

The interview for the short-listed candidates was conducted on July 17. Those who clear the
physical examination and final interview will have to return to their place of residence (county,
district, city etc) where their household registration card is registered to sit for the political

UFWD Head of Gonjo County in Chamdo conducts inspections in monasteries

July 20, 2021

Tashi Rigden, Head of the United Front Work Department (UFWD) of Gonjo (Ch: Gonjue)
county of Chamdo (Ch: Changdu) inspected five towns in the county from 13-16 July. He also
inspected some monasteries and nunneries to evaluate the progress in vaccination of monks
and nuns, and to ascertain implementation of the key tasks assigned to the monastic cadres in
the monasteries and nunneries.

On July 20, the Chamdo prefectural UFWD held a training session for all the UFWD ministers
of the eleven counties when they were told to unify their ideologies, improve work mechanisms
and implement policies with clear priorities. Tsering Gyurmey, Standing Committee Member
of the Municipal Party Committee, Minister of UFWD of Chamdo, and Deputy Secretary of
PPCC, Chamdo, emphasised the need to understand and grasp both, domestic and international,
scenarios of the country. He urged the officials to use UFWD as a “magic weapon” for fulfilling
the Party’s dreams in the new era.

UFWD of Shigatse organizes Party History and Education meeting

July 20, 2021

The UFWD of Shigatse (Ch: Xigaze) Municipal Party Committee organized a Party History
and Education Programme meeting on July 19, 2021, for self-introspection and criticism.

Penpa Tashi, Standing Committee Member of the Shigatse Municipal Party Committee and
Minister of UFWD Shigatse, attended and spoke at the meeting. The meeting was presided
over by Tian Tao, Executive Deputy Director of the UFWD. Before the meeting, a ‘heart-to-
heart’ exchange programme was held to study Xi Jinping’s speech during the 100th
anniversary of the CCP and his thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new
era. Special focus was given to the study materials given by the CCP Central Committee
focusing on four aspects including analysing and assigning all party members to understand
the current situation and deal with problems effectively and efficiently.

Penpa Tashi urged all party members to report work honestly, and conduct self-criticism
frankly. He explained that the 100th year of party history is a result of the hard work of
“countless communists with sacrifices of blood, sweat, tears, courage, wisdom and strength.

TAR Reform Committee held a meeting to study’s Xi Jinping’s speeches

July 20, 2021

On July 19, Wu Yingjie, TAR Party Secretary and Director of the Comprehensive Reform
Committee of TAR, chaired a meeting in Lhasa to study Xi Jinping’s in-depth expositions on
the party’s strategy of governing Tibet in the New Era, and the spirit of Xi Jinping’s speeches
given during the 19th and 20th meetings of the CCP Central Committee on Comprehensive
and Deepening Reform. The meeting also discussed Xi Jinping’s visits to Guizhou, Guangxi,
Fujian, Qinghai and other places in 2021.

Che Dalha, Deputy Secretary of TAR Party Committee and Chairman of TAR People’s
Government; Zhuang Yan, Executive Deputy Secretary of TAR Party Committee and
Secretary of TAR People’s Political Consultative Conference (PPCC); Yan Jinhai, Party
Secretary of Lhasa Municipality, and Deputy Director of the Comprehensive Deepening
Reform Committee of TAR; and members of the TAR Comprehensive Deepening Reform
Committee Danke, Jiang Jie, Pema Wangdui, Wang Weigong and Wang Haizhou attended the

Acknowledging the achievements of the Committee, Wu Yingjie emphasised that all

departments at all levels must deepen their implementation of the “four consciousness”, “four
self-confidence” and “two safeguards” along with political judgement, political understanding,

and strengthen political execution of these campaigns. Wu Yingjie spoke about the importance
of firmly establishing national security, co-relating national security with development,
maintain social stability and unremittingly instilling Chinese nationalism, sinicization,
adapting Tibetan Buddhism to socialism with Chinese Characteristics, and ensuring and
consolidating border security.

Chinese President Xi Jinping visits Tibet for the first time since becoming the President
July 23, 2021

Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) at Nyingtri’s
Mainling Airport on July 21 at the start of a two-day (July 21-23, 2021) visit, without prior
public notice. He was accompanied by a high-level delegation that included Ding Xuexiang,
Head of the CCP CC General Office; Vice Premier, Politburo member and Director of the
Office serving the CCP’s Central Financial and Economic Affairs Commission headed by Xi
Jinping Liu He; Politburo member and Chairman of the National Supervisory Commission
Yang Xiaodu; Politburo member and Head of the CCP CC's Organisation Department Chen
Xi; Minister of the important National Development and Reform Commission He Lifeng; and
Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission Zhang Youxia.

Wu Yingjie, Party Secretary of TAR, and Che Dalha, Chairman of TAR People’s Government
accompanied the President during his entire visit. Xi Jinping also met other TAR leaders like
Lobsang Gyaltsen, Chairman of TAR People’s Congress, Danke, Director of the United Front
Work Department of TAR, Zhuang Yan, Deputy Secretary of the TAR and Executive Vice
Chairman of TAR People’s Government, Yan Jinhai, Deputy Secretary of TAR People’s
Government and Party Secretary of Lhasa Municipality Party Committee, Phakpa Lha Gelek
Namgyal, Vice Chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC),
and the Honorary President of the Buddhist Association of China. Among the retired cadres of
Tibetan ethnicity, Xi Jinping met Pasang (retired in 2002) former Deputy Secretary of TAR
Party Committee. He was among the primary leaders of TAR when it was formed in 1965. Xi
Jinping also met Lekchok, one of the old guards among Jampa Phuntsok, Raidi and Phakpa
Lha Gelek Namgyal. Xi Jinping also met Samding Dorjee Phagmo, current Vice-Chairwoman
of All-China Women’s Federation and Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of TAR
People’s Congress and a ‘living Budha’.

During the visit, Xi Jinping toured Nyingtri where he visited ecological and environmental
protection sites, met some villagers and received a detailed briefing on the plans and
construction of the Lhasa-Nyingtri and Lhasa-Chengdu Railway. His delegation left for Lhasa
by the Fuxing (Bullet) train. In Lhasa, Xi Jinping went to the Potala Palace Square, Drepung
Monastery and took a brief walk down to the Barkhor street before listening to work reports of
the TAR Party and TAR Government. During the visit, Xi Jinping spoke of 'blending' the ethnic
community with the Han; adapting Tibetan Buddhism to socialism with Chinese
characteristics; promoting Mandarin as the primary language in ethnic schools throughout
TAR; consolidating the security of Tibet's borders and building the well-off border defence
villages etc. He later addressed over 400 PLA and PLA Air Force officers at a separate meeting
in Lhasa. At this meeting, he thanked them for their service and for protecting the borders. He
urged them to follow the Party ideology and said, “They have already passed the difficult
challenge of Tibet's harsh climate and environment and protected the country and they have
done a good job. However, they need to continue training hard and prepare for future wars”.

Prior to his departure for Beijing, Xi Jinping convened a meeting on July 23 morning and heard
the work reports of the TAR Party Committee and TAR People’s Government and met military
officers. While acknowledging TAR’s achievements, he urged the TAR Party Committee and
TAR People’s Government to continue to unite and lead cadres and masses to create a
'prosperous, harmonious and stable socialist Tibet'. He spoke about integrating education,
instilling education with socialist values, propagating education and comparison of ‘old and
new Tibet’, and enhancement of education on “anti-separatism”. Xi Jinping pointed out that
the CCP Central Party Committee is very concerned about cadres and employees in Tibet, and
that working in Tibet is extremely difficult, and as such, special salary and other employee-
related welfare policies are formulated. He urged the TAR authorities to implement these
special benefits effectively, and said that the health protection of the cadres and employees
must be paid with careful attention and that their problems/issues must be resolved.
Before this meeting, Xi Jinping met representatives of all units and departments including
representatives of ethnic groups, Tibet aid cadres, Political and Legal Committee, Religious
circles, Police Officers, retired Officers, army officers and soldiers. He particularly expressed
his gratitude to all commanders and fighting troops stationed in Tibet for their “outstanding
contributions” and told them to “implement the party’s strategy of strengthening army in the
new era, enhance their military training and preparations; and actively contribute to long-term
stability and development of Tibet”.

TAR Standing Committee holds meeting to study Xi Jinping’s Tibet visit speech
July 24, 2021

Just hours after Chinese President Xi Jinping left Tibet, TAR Party Secretary Wu Yingjie
convened a meeting of all TAR leaders to study and discuss his speech given during his visit
to Tibet from July 21-23, 2021. Urging TAR leaders to understand the significance of Xi
Jinping’s visit to Tibet, Wu Yingjie reiterated the need to strengthen “Four Consciousness”,
“Four Confidences”, “Two Safeguards” and to improve political judgement. Taking the
President’s visit to Tibet and his expositions on governing Tibet in the New Era as a motivation,
he told the TAR leaders to acknowledge the President’s special love and care for the Tibetan
people. He said they must, therefore, also earnestly work to improve social governance,
maintain stability and oppose separatism. He reiterated that defending Tibet’s southwest border
must be treated as a political responsibility and one must have the aptitude to recognize
incidents before they happen, and lay a solid foundation to prevent major incidents from
happening. Wu Yingjie emphasised that the fight against “separatism” must be comprehensive
and that ensuring social stability, national security and people’s happiness continues to be a
major political task.

In addition, Wu Yingjie stressed the following:

1. Echoing Xi Jinping, he emphasised improving peoples' livelihood, and enhancing the
sense of happiness and security of all ethnic groups in Tibet.
2. Forging the consciousness of the Chinese community and nationalism and promotion
of ethnic exchanges and assimilation must be comprehended. Paying close attention to
publicity and propaganda; magnifying Xi Jinping’s thoughts, his care and concern, the
superiority of socialism, and the warmth of the motherland must be propagated. He said
efforts must be strengthened on historical research and that the masses must be educated
‘that Tibet has been an inseparable part of China since ancient times and that the Tibetan
culture is an important part of the Chinese culture’.
3. Deeply comprehend General Secretary Xi Jinping’s instructions that Tibetan Buddhism
should be adapted to socialism with Chinese characteristics. He emphasised managing
religious affairs as per law, strengthening monastic management and educating
religious believers to treat religion rationally.
4. Xi Jinping’s expositions on accelerating construction of infrastructure in border areas,
consolidation of border security and encouraging people of all ethnic groups to take

root in border areas, protect the country and be guardians of the country were reiterated
by the TAR Party Secretary.
5. To propagate and strengthen Party History and education programmes was also

Wu Yingjie urged party organizations at all levels to bear in the mind the expectations of Xi
Jinping, and the Central Committee. He told them to implement the Party’s strategy of
governing Tibet in the new era, adhere to the mandated requirements of maintaining stability,
and consolidate border security.

TAR Party Secretary meets Deputy Director of the Central Agricultural Office
July 27, 2021

TAR Party Secretary Wu Yingjie had yet another guest from Beijing in Liu Huanxin, the
Deputy Director of the CCP Central Agricultural Office, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group
of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

Welcoming Liu Huanxin and his delegation on behalf of the TAR Party Committee, and TAR
People’s Government, Wu Yingjie thanked the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs for
its long-term support for works in Tibet. Wu Yingjie added that to implement the spirit of the
Seventh Work Forum on Tibet, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs was designated
as an ‘Assistant Unit’ for Nyang County, in Nyingtri and had worked hard in Tibet. Liu
Huanxin said that to implement the spirit of the Seventh Work Forum on Tibet his ministry
will provide talent support, technical training, industrial development and policy support.

TAR Party Committee inspects 29 of its Units and Party Organizations across TAR
July 28, 2021

As part of a rectification drive, the TAR Party Committee conducted its ninth inspection of 29
Party Units and Party Organizations across TAR in three months. Its report on the rectification
of the respective Units and Party Organizations concluded as follows:
1. General Office of TAR Party Committee: 79 rectification measures were
implemented against 11 issues in four aspects. At the end of the three-month

rectification drive, 79 rules and regulations were implemented and fines totalling
888,200 yuan were imposed for violation of rules and regulations.
2. The Secret Bureau of TAR Party Committee: was found with ten problems after
inspections. After the three-month rectification period, all ten problems were reportedly
resolved after 23 measures were implemented.
3. TAR Special Communication Bureau: was found to have 12 problems/issues and 11
problems were rectified after the inspection. A fine of 113,500 yuan was imposed on
26 people who were found to have violated rules and regulations.
4. The Party Group of TAR PPCC: 80 rectification measures were imposed after it was
found with 13 problems/issues. 176,000 Yuan of public funds borrowed by 46
individuals were recovered
5. Party Group of TAR Party Committee: 13 problems were found after investigation,
and 10 were rectified after the three-month rectification period. 36,500 yuan were
recovered from five people who violated rules and regulations
6. Tibet Branch of the Buddhist Association of China: 12 problems were found during
the rectification drive, and 9 problems had been rectified at the end of three months.
7. Propaganda Department of TAR Party Committee: 105 rectification measures were
established to rectify 11 issues. 4,169, 400 Yuan were recovered through fines for
violation of rules and regulations
8. Cyberspace Administration of TAR Party Committee: 12 problems were found by
the rectification team and 105 rectification measures were established.
9. Tibet Daily Media: 86 rectification measures were established for resolving 11
problems found by the rectification team. In the course of the three-month rectification
period, 10 problems were rectified.
10. United Front Work Department (UFWD): The TAR UFWD found 14
issues/problems for which 78 rectification measures were imposed. After the three-
month rectification period, 12 issues were resolved. In addition to this, six new rules
and regulations were formulated. One person was investigated while another person
was put under the scanner. A fine of 30,000 yuan was imposed for violation of rules
and regulations.
11. Religious Affairs Bureau: During the three-month rectification drive, the Religious
Affairs Bureau of TAR was found to have 11 issues of which 8 were resolved. 23
rectification measures were formulated.

12. Buddhist College of Tibet: 31 rectification measures were established to resolve 11
issues. 10 problems were resolved. In addition to the current rules and regulations, 18
more were added. The rectification Team interrogated three people, warned four and
notices questioning two people were issued. A fine of 272,800 yuan was imposed.
13. Political and Legal Committee: 16 issues were found with the Political and Legal
Committee of TAR. 46 rectification measures were formulated. At the end of the three-
month rectification period, 13 of the 16 issues were resolved. Six policy documents
were drafted and 12 system mechanisms were re-evaluated. A total of 18 people were
interrogated. Three persons were punished, four were warned and a fine of 44,000 yuan
was levied.
14. People’s High Court: The People’s High Court of TAR was found with 14 issues
during the rectification drive. A total of 76 rectification measures were established. All
14 issues have been rectified. In addition to the existing rules and regulations, 12 more
were added. Four people were interrogated and fined 400,000 yuan for violation of rules
and regulations.
15. Public Security Bureau: The TAR Public Security Bureau and its party units across
TAR were found with 13 problems, and 180 rectification measures were imposed to
rectify them. After the three-month rectification period, 12 problems were resolved. 50
new rules and regulations were added. Four people were interrogated and two were
punished. A fine of 143,000 yuan was imposed.
16. Justice Department of TAR: The Justice Department of TAR was found with 11
issues/problems and 96 rectification measures were formulated in response to these
problems. 27 rules and were resolved. Eight persons were interrogated.
17. Police College of Tibet: 103 rectification measures against 16 problems was
established. 15 problems were resolved after the three-month rectification period. 27
rules and regulations were improved. 17 people were investigated. 1.5 million Yuan in
tuition fees yet to be given by students were recovered.
18. Radio, Film and Television Bureau: 14 problems were found by the Rectification
Team. 71 rectification measures were established and 11 problems were resolved at the
end of the rectification drive. Eight rules and regulations were improvised. Five people
were investigated. A fine of 350,700 was imposed for violation of rules and regulations.
19. Tibet Radio and Television Station: 36 rectification measures were established to
resolve 13 problems. At the end of the three-month rectification period, all 13 problems

were resolved. Five people were interrogated, two were investigated and a fine of
1,291,200 yuan was imposed.
20. Tibetan Language Commission of TAR: The Rectification Team found the
Commission had 15 issues. 82 rectification measures were established. After the three-
month rectification drive, nine problems were resolved. Six rules and regulations were
improvised and two persons were interrogated.
21. Political Research Section of TAR Party Committee: 81 rectification measures were
established to resolve 12 problems/issues found with the Political Research Section of
the TAR Party Committee. All 12 problems were resolved according to the
Rectification Team. One person was reprimanded and two others were interrogated.
22. Reform Office of TAR: 114 rectification measures were established against 12
issues/problems found at the Reform Office of TAR. All 12 problems have been
resolved. 18 new rules and regulations were added and warnings issued to two people.
23. Foreign Affairs Office of TAR: The Foreign Affairs Office of TAR was found to have
13 problems/issues by the Rectification Team. 89 rectification measures were
formulated, and five problems/issues were resolved by the team by the end of the three-
month rectification period. Ten new rules and regulations were formulated. A person
was interrogated while another was reprimanded. A total of 116,000 yuan was
recovered which, according to the Team, was misappropriated by the Office.
24. Veterans Office of TAR: 44 rectification measures were levelled against 12
issues/problems found by the Rectification Team.
25. Emergency Department of TAR: The Emergency Department of TAR was found
with 11 issues/problems of which nine were resolved after 123 rectification measures
were established. 24 existing administrative rules and regulations were changed, three
people were investigated. A total of 1,490,300 yuan which was misappropriated was
recovered after the rectification.
26. The Audit Office of TAR: 15 issues/problems were found with the Audit Office of
TAR by the Rectification Team. 34 rectification measures were implemented after
which all issues/problems were said to have been resolved. 501,300 yuan lost due to
violation of rules and regulations were recovered.
27. Tourism Department of TAR: 13 issues/problems were found with the Tourism
Department of TAR. The Rectification Team introduced 41 rectification measures to
resolve these 13 issues. During the three-month intensive rectification period, 10 issues

were resolved, and nine new rules and regulations were added. One person in the
Department was interrogated.

TAR Party Secretary meets Director of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration
July 29, 2021

TAR Party Secretary Wu Yingjie met Zhang Jianmin, the Director of the State Tobacco
(Monopoly) Administration, and General Manager of China National Tobacco Corporation on
26 July in Lhasa. Liu Jiang, Executive Deputy Secretary of TAR Party Committee and
Secretary of TAR PPCC and Chen Yongqi, Standing Committee Member of the TAR Party
Committee and Director of TAR Organization Department and Jamphel, Vice Chairman of
TAR People’s Government, attended the meeting with Zhang Jianmin.

On behalf of the TAR Party Committee, and TAR People’s Government, Wu Yingjie thanked
the China National Tobacco Corporation for their support to works in Tibet. He said that cadres
and people of all ethnic groups in Tibet are grateful for the love and care of the CCP Central
Committee, and assured that TAR will return the party’s love and care by working towards
creating a stable, prosperous, united and modern socialist Tibet.

Zhang Jianmin pointed out that the achievements in the field of stability maintenance and
development in Tibet are encouraging and that the State Tobacco Administration will
conscientiously implement the spirit of the Seventh Work Forum on Tibet, will shoulder its
responsibilities in the field of social stability, economic development and ethnic unity.

TAR Party Secretary meets Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform
July 30, 2021

On July 27, TAR Party Secretary Wu Yingjie met Ning Jizhe, Deputy Director of the National
Development and Reform Commission and Director of the National Bureau of Statistics. They
had an in-depth discussion on how to further deepen the implementation of the 14th Five Year
Plan’s statistical assistance work in Tibet.

Lobsang Gyaltsen, Deputy Secretary of TAR Party Committee and Chairman of TAR People’s
Congress; Yan Jinhai, Deputy Secretary of TAR Party Committee and Party Secretary of Lhasa
Municipal Party Committee; Jiang Jie, Standing Committee Member of TAR Party Committee;
and Liu Jiang, Executive Deputy Secretary of TAR Party Committee and Secretary of TAR
PPCC, attended the meeting.

Wu Yingjie stressed that ambiguities will be resolved in Tibet through statistical data analysis,
industrial development and products production and expressed the hope for further support
from Ning Jizhe and his leadership. Ning Jizhe thanked the TAR Party Committee and TAR
People’s Government for their support and cooperation with the National Development and
Reform Commission and the National Bureau of Statistics. He assured continued support and
productive data analysis to further deepen development in Tibet.

TAR People’s Political Consultative Conference holds its 17th meeting

July 30, 2021

On July 28, 2021, the TAR People’s Political Consultative Conference(PPCC) held its 17th
meeting in Lhasa. The meeting was presided over by Danke (Ch: Tenkho), Standing member
of TAR Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of TAR Party Committee, Vice Chairman of TAR
PPCC and Minister of TAR United Front Work Department (UFWD). Speaking at the meeting
Phakpa Lha Gelek Namgyal, Vice Chairman of CPPCC, and Chairman of TAR PPCC,
focussed primarily on studying Xi Jinping’s speech during his visit to Tibet.

The meeting built a consensus to instil the sense of Chinese nationalism within the members
of TAR PPCC. Along with focussing on Xi Jinping’s speeches in Tibet for a new stage of
development for Tibet, it focussed on building socialism with Chinese characteristics. The
meeting emphasised studying and implementing Xi Jinping’s speeches as an important political
task at present and said that his thoughts on governing Tibet in the new era must be
implemented based on the reality of Tibet.

A resolution on the Role of the TAR PPCC members in cultivating Chinese nationalism was
passed. Invitees attended a series of lectures and study sessions on the theme of archaeology
ascertaining and confirming that Tibet has been an inalienable part of China since time

The meeting was attended by all the members of TAR PPCC including Zhukhang Thupten
Khedup, Zholo Jampa Khedup, Sonam Phunlha, Sonam Rinzin, Sangay Tempa, Gyamtso, Du
Jiangong, and Thupten Thinley, Deputy Political Commissar of the Tibet Military Region, and
Liu Hushan, Secretary-General of TAR PPCC.

TAR People’s Congress held its 31st Meeting

July 30, 2021

The 11th TAR People’s Congress convened its 31st meeting on July 29, 2021, which was
attended by its Chairman, Lobsang Gyaltsen, and the Deputy Directors of the Standing
Committee of TAR People’s Congress Ding Yexian, Norbu Dhondup, Doto, Xu Xueguang,
Samding Dorjee Phakmo, Dechen Choezin, Chime Rinzin, Ji Guogang, Ma Shengchang, Wang
Jun, Xu Chengcang and the Secretary-General of TAR People’s Congress Liu Guangxu.

Resolutions on Measures of implementation for the seed law of the People’s Republic of China
in TAR, Regulations on the Supervision of Administrative Law Enforcement in TAR, and the
appointment and removal of officials of the TAR People’s Congress were passed at the

Lobsang Gyaltsen, pointed out that the speeches Xi Jinping had given during his visit to Tibet
and on July 1 on the 100th founding anniversary of the CCP must be studied in-depth. He
emphasised implementing and strengthening propaganda campaigns such as the ‘Four
Consciousness', 'Two Safeguards' and 'Four Confidences' with consistency. He also spoke on
focussing on the four major focus areas for the 14th Five Year Plan in Tibet namely, stability,
development, ecological protection and consolidation of borders.

A Delegation from Zhejiang Province inspects its Tibet-Aid Work in Tibet

July 31, 2021

A delegation from Zhejiang Province led by Yuan Jiajun, the Party Secretary of Zhejiang
Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of Zhejiang People’s
Congress, inspected its Tibet aid work from July 28 to 30.

A meeting was convened for the delegation in the presence of TAR leaders including Party
Secretary Wu Yingjie; Chairman of TAR People’s Congress Lobsang Gyaltsen; Chairman of
TAR People’s Government Che Dalha; Executive Deputy Secretary of TAR Party Committee
and Secretary of TAR People’s Political Consultative Conference (PPCC) Zhuang Yan; and
Deputy Secretary of TAR Party Committee and Party Secretary of Lhasa Municipality, Yan

Zhou Jiangyong, Standing Committee Member of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and
Secretary of Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee; Peng Jiaxue, Standing Committee
Member of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of Ningbo Municipal Party
Committee; Che Yijun, Standing Committee Member and Secretary-General of Zhejiang
Provincial Party Committee; and Xing Fu, the Vice Governor of Zhejiang Province
accompanied Yuan Jiajun.

TAR Party Secretary Wu Yingjie acknowledged Zhejiang Province’s contribution to social and
economic development in Tibet. He added that Party Secretary Yuan Jiajun personally leading
a delegation to assist Tibet and help implement the spirit of the Seventh Work Forum on Tibet
strengthens “our determination to build long-term stability and high-quality development in
the Tibetan plateau”. Yuan Jiajun thanked Tibet for its long-term support and assistance to
Zhejiang Province's economic and social development plans in Tibet.

China Appointed Panchen Lama visits Tibet

July 31, 2021

Gyaltsen Norbu, the China appointed Panchen Lama, member of the Standing Committee of
the CPPCC, Vice Chairman of the Buddhist Association of China, and Chairman of the Tibet
Branch of the Buddhist Association of China, arrived in Tibet on July 30.

He was received at Lhasa Gongga Airport by Danke (Ch: Tenkho), Standing Committee
member of TAR Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of TAR Party Committee, Vice Chairman
of TAR PPCC and Minister of TAR United Front Work Department (UFWD); Zhukhang
Thupten Khedup, Standing Committee Member of the 13th CPPCC, Vice Chairman of TAR
PPCC, Vice Chairman of the Buddhist Association of China, Executive Vice Chairman of the
Tibet Branch of the Buddhist Association of China, and the Dean of the Tibetan Buddhist

College; and Samding Dorjee Phakmo (first female ‘living Buddha’) member of the 13th
CPPCC, Vice-Chairman of the All-China Women’s Federation and Deputy Director of TAR
People’s Congress.

Gyaltsen Norbu was also welcomed by Zhuang Yan, Executive Deputy Secretary of TAR Party
Committee and Secretary of TAR People’s Political Consultative Conference (PPCC), the 19th
Alternate Member of CCP Central Committee and Yan Jinhai, Deputy Secretary of TAR Party
Committee, and Party Secretary of Lhasa Municipality Committee among other leaders.
Representatives of the monks and monasteries of Lhasa nominated by the CCP greeted the
China appointed Panchen Lama with white scarves. Gyaltsen Norbu went to Shuling Dorjee
Phodrang (Palace) where he will be staying. The duration of his visit is not yet known.


China appointed Panchen Lama conducts inspections in Gansu

July 31, 2021

Gyaltsen Norbu, China appointed Panchen Lama, member of the Standing Committee of
CPPCC, Vice Chairman of the Buddhist Association of China, and Chairman of the Tibet
Branch of the Buddhist Association of China, inspected Tibetan areas of Gansu (Tib: Karze)
and Sichuan (Tib: Ngawa, Amdo) on July 12.

During the inspection, he met local Tibetans and told them to realise the “preferential policies
of the CCPCC and to be grateful to the party”. It is not easy to build a happy life without the
Party, he said. Gyaltsen Norbu has visited the Tibetan areas of Gansu twice, in 2003 and 2010
respectively. During his inspection, he went to several monasteries including, Labrang
Monastery in Amdo. He was greeted warmly by local monks wherever he went. He said during
his inspection that Tibetan Buddhism should play a constructive role in the new era and must
not let itself be used by anti-China forces as a tool to divide China. He said that the monks and
nuns should not become tools in the hands of (western) foreign forces to oppose ethnic and
national unity.

The Tibetan and Chinese services of Radio Free Asia (RFA) claimed that except for designated
officials, the Tibetan public in Kardze (Chinese: Ganzi) and Ngawa (Aba) Prefectures of

Sichuan Province ignored orders to turn out in large numbers during the visit of the China
appointed Panchen Lama. Unlike other religious figures whom Tibetans revere and approach
to receive blessings, no Tibetans showed up to welcome him, said sources to RFA. The only
people allowed to see him were specially chosen by the Chinese. Shel Gedhun Tsering, a
former Tibetan political prisoner now living in Australia said, “my contacts back home told me
that abbots and religious figures in monasteries in the region had been coerced into receiving
and greeting the Panchen Lama”.

China collecting data on exiles from their families in Tibet in information control move
July 31, 2021

The Tibetan Service of rfa.org on July 30 reported that Chinese authorities in Tibet have
ordered Tibetan families to turn over the names and other personal information about their
relatives living in exile communities. Those found failing to do so are said to face denial of
promised state benefits such as land and housing. Quoting an anonymous source the report said
that despite giving all the required information these people were not given any benefits and
even their mobile phones were confiscated apparently for the “crime” of having relatives living

Families are required to give their details along with the names, photos, and occupations of
their relatives living abroad. In case the relatives are in India, then the duration of their stay in
India has to be given.

The campaign was launched in Apr 2021 in the border county of Dingri in Ngari (Ch: Ali). The
report said the campaign was underway in other parts of Tibet as well, including Nagchu
(Chinese: Naqu) Prefecture in northern Tibet Autonomous Region and Lithang (Litang)
County in Kardze (Ganzi) Prefecture of Sichuan Province.

China forcibly shut down monastery in Gansu

August 4, 2021

Some videos went viral on social media of monks and nuns of Hongcheng Monastery, based
in Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture in the north-western province of Gansu, crying after the
local Communist authorities forcibly shut down the monastery for fear of the influence of

Tibetan Buddhism spreading to other parts of China. The videos of the incident show monks
at Hongcheng Monastery, also known as the Yulingta Monastery, holding up banners that read,
“Forcible defrocking of monks is illegal and unacceptable!” and other protest slogans. Monks
were seen sitting on the roof of the monastery shouting down at a group of unidentified people
on the ground.

The move is seen as likely to be linked to a recent visit by the Chinese appointed Panchen
Lama, who said Tibetan Buddhism must not be used as a tool for 'hostile foreign forces' to
undermine CCP rule. Online comments claimed local officials were possibly interested in the
monastery’s wealth, as it had received a huge in donations during the coronavirus pandemic.
A Gansu-based historian surnamed Gao said the move was in line with the CCP’s campaign
against monasteries targeting Tibetan Buddhism and forcibly defrocking monks and nuns. The
report noted that the Hongcheng Monastery was already destroyed once in 1958 before
reconstruction began under President Hu Jintao in 2011. On a previous occasion, the local
government had forced the monastery to share its income equally with it after nothing came
from an investigation to ascertain how it had become so wealthy.


US Secretary of State meets the Dalai Lama’s Representative during his visit to India
July 28, 2021

During his two-day visit to India, US Secretary of State Mr Antony Blinken on July 28, met
the Delhi-based representative of the Central Tibetan Administration Ngodup Dongchung.
Details of the discussions have not been disclosed. Beijing predicatble reacted angrily.

Blinken’s meeting with Ngodup Dongchung was significant since it was the first high level
meeting between a senior US official and a Dalai Lama’s representative since the Dalai Lama
met President Barack Obama in Washington in 2016. The same day, Blinken also met Geshe
Dorjee Damdul, head of Tibet House in Delhi, at a Roundtable meeting with Civil society


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