Tibet Insight News Report 1 15 Mar 2024

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“Special Meeting” on resuming Chinese Companies Huatailong Mining( Gold Mining

Business) and Julong Copper
March 4, 2024

The Party Secretary of Lhasa Municipal Party Committee, Xiao Youcai chaired a special
meeting on February 29 regarding the resumption of operations at the Tibet Huatailong Mining
Development Corporation and Julong Copper Mine located in Gyama township,
Maldrogungkar county, Tibet, the largest copper mine in the whole world. Those attending
included municipal leaders Wang Qiang, Deputy Secretary of Lhasa Municipal Party
Committee, Damdul, Deputy Secretary of Lhasa Municipal Party Committee, Zhang
Chunyang, Standing Committee member and Secretary-General of Lhasa Municipal Party
Committee, Tashi Palden, Deputy Mayor of the Lhasa Municipal Party Committee, Lu Congfu,
Deputy Mayor of Lhasa Municipal Party Committee, Kuang Hui, Deputy Mayor and Zhao
Shidong, Deputy Mayor of Lhasa. The meeting focused on addressing challenges and
facilitating win-win development. It emphasised a problem-oriented approach, prioritizing
enterprise needs, and providing frontline services. Xiao Youcai stressed the importance of strict
implementation of local management and industry supervision, adherence to legal procedures,
and resolving the reasonable demands of the people. He emphasised the need to accelerate
completion of the project while safeguarding the environment, fostering conducive economic
growth and social stability in Lhasa.

TAR Party Secretary publishes article, reiterating Xi Jinping and CCP’s Strategy of
Governing Tibet
March 06, 2024

TAR Party Secretary Wang Junzheng published a lengthy article in Xinhua Daily Telegraph
(March 6) titled “Implementing the Party’s Tibet Strategy in the new era for long-term peace,
security and high quality development in Tibet.” Wang Junzheng wrote that the TAR Party
Committee is steadfast in leading the “Tibet work” using Xi Jinping's ideology on Socialism
with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and that it diligently follows Xi Jinping's “crucial
directives” regarding Tibet work and the Party's governance strategy for Tibet in the new era
and ensuring that Tibet's affairs are firmly under the control of the party. He added that the
TAR Party Committee is committed to the “four priorities” of stability, develop ment,
ecological civilization and border security. The goal is to establish “Tibet” as a model region
for national unity and advancement, a leading region for top-tier economic growth in plateau
areas, and a pivotal hub for ecological conservation on a national scale. Additionally, Tibet
aims to take effective measures to enhance the security of border regions while improving the
livelihoods of people living in border areas.

Wang Junzheng asserted that “National security is the foundation of national rejuvenation, and
social stability is the prerequisite for national strength.” He added that the TAR Party
Committee, is closely focussing on safeguarding the reunification of the motherland and
strengthening national unity, fighting against “separatism” and regards maintaining stability as
the first political task.

Wang Junzeng wrote that by implementing the “grid style social governance + digital
governance" model, the TAR is advancing the creation of a “modernized social goverance
system with enhanced capabilities. Initiatives such as “sowing the seed of love for China” as
part of the “Six Actions” campaign are being thoroughly implemented in addition to
implementing the “spirit” of the “Forum on Building Awareness of the Communal sense of the
Chinese nation held in September 2023), and popularising the “National Common Language”.
Wang Junzheng said the Party’s policy on religious affairs is being extensively propagated
through campaigns in the religious community on the “three awareness” (‘national awareness,
citizenship awareness, and awareness of the rule of law”). He said that TAR intends to extend

this campaign beyond the religious institutions and religious community. He also noted the
progress in the process of sinicization of Tibetan Buddhism.

Wang Junzheng also stressed the need to prioritize both military presence and the well-being
of the people in the border areas. He emphasised border security, the revitalization of border
regions to ensure robust defense, and the security and happiness of border residents. He
reiterated Xi Jinping’s statement “Only when there is a country can there be a family. Without
the peace of the country, there will be no peace of thousands of families.” The TAR Party
Secretary said the TAR Party Committee has improved infrastructure, intensified ‘smart’
border defense, and fostered unity between the military and civilians. He said subsidies to
border residents had been enhanced, living conditions improved and industry promoted in
border areas. This has led to increased prosperity, strengthened patriotism, and heightened
awareness of border defense among border residents who, he said, are striving to protect their
homeland and build prosperous communities.

(Note: “Sowing the Seeds of Love for China" involves implementing programs to promote
Chinese culture, language, and education in Tibet. It aims to increase the understanding and
appreciation of Chinese culture among Tibetans, and foster connections between Tibet and the
rest of China.)

Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs of the TAR conducts inspections in Lhasa on
March 10
March 11, 2024

On the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the Tibetan national uprising on March 10, Liu Jiang,
Deputy Secretary of the TAR Party Committee and Secretary of the TAR Political and Legal
Affairs Committee, conducted inspections in and around Lhasa to oversee “stability and social
security, to examine possibilities of alarms for trouble, vigilancy and overall social harmony.”

Liu Jiang inspected the TAR Stability Maintenance Headquarters, Barkhor Street, Gucheng
Public Security Bureau, and Jokhang Temple to assess stability maintenance efforts in each
locality. He also oversaw and examined the readiness and safety measures. Liu Jiang stressed
that it is imperative for all departments at every level within TAR to consistently adhere to the
directives issued by the TAR Party Committee, which include upholding social security and

stability, bolstering political accountability, executing political duties, heightening vigilance,
adopting a proactive mindset, embodying resilience, and decisively combating complacency,
inertia, fatigue, and over-reliance on luck. He urged cadres to be steadfast in their commitment
and ensure robust stability maintenance and prevention measures.

Liu Jiang emphasized effective resolution of conflicts and disputes at the grassroots level to
prevent them from escalating. Liu Jiang urged joint patrols involving the party, government,
military, police, and civilians. He said this would swiftly identify and eliminate various
potential risks, thereby further strengthening the foundation of social governance at the local


Nyingtri Party Secretary conducts inspections in Nang County

March 08, 2024

Ao Liuquan, Party Secretary of Nyingtri (Ch:Linzhi) Municipal Party Committee, conducted

a two-day (March 6-7) inspection in Nang county to examine rural revitalisation, grassroot
party organizations, industrial development and land greening projects in Dromda Town,
Dungkar Town and Nang Town. During the inspections, Ao Liuquan stressed the need to
deeply comprehend and implement Xi Jinping’s Thoughts on socialism with Chinese
characteristics for a new era. He also emphasised implementation of rural revitalization,
particularly through the "one village, one policy" approach. At Drungkar village in Dromda
town, he inspected village households, inquired about the rural housing renovation and
upgrading project started in 2023, and attributed the project to the “special attention” from the
CCP Central Committee under the leadership of Xi Jinping. Ao Liuquan also stressed the
importance of ideological allegiance and a “sense of solidarity between the Party-government
leadership and the people.

Inspecting the Ganden Rabten monastery and the People’s Government of Dungkar Town, Ao
Liuquan, stated that the Ethnic and Religious Affairs Department of the United Front Work
Department (UFWD) must accord top priority to “social stability maintenance”, attach
importance to fire safety and cultural relics protection, and intensify the ‘three awareness’
propaganda campaign. He exhorted officials of the UFWD to educate the monks and nuns and

impress upon them that “unity and stability are blessings, separatism is a disaster” and they
must “safeguard national unity and social harmony.”

Ethnic and Religious Bureau and Women’s Committee conducts “voluntary service” in
Monasteries, urges unity, equals “separatism” as disaster
March 08, 2024

Lan Junwei, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Party Branch of the Nyingtri Ethnic
and Religious Affairs Bureau, along with seven party cadres from the Women's Committee,
conducted volunteer service activities at Dorjeephakding monastery and Demo monastery in
Bayi district on March 8. The theme was “warming people’s hearts; advancing with the party
in the new era.”

Lan Junwei and the team first visited Dechen Dolker, a female party cadre of the
Dorjeephakding Monasteric Management Committee, and Tsering Dolkar, a nun from Demu
monastery, with essential supplies such as rice, noodles, and cooking oil. They inspected the
fire safety measures of the monasteries and examined the work reports of the Monastic
Management Committees. They the monks and nuns to discuss legal and “educational” topics
including study materials on “national” ethnic and religious policies, and the importance of
social stability and opposing “separatism.”
More than 70 volumes and copies of propaganda materials, relating to China’s ethnic and
religious policies and implementation of Putonghua were distributed.

Head of Metok County People’s Government inspects major project construction sites
March 06, 2024

On March 5, Li Jiejie, Deputy Secretary of the Metok County Party Committee and Secretary
of the Party Leadership Group of Metok County People’s Government, along with County
Magistrate Li Chengxi, visited the construction site of Meiduo Garden of the Renqing Beng
Area Upgrading and Renovation Project, as well as the Renqing Beng Monastic Management
Committee and Dromo Yatung Police Station to inspect the progress of key projects. Officials
from various county government departments including the County Government Office,
Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Culture and Tourism Bureau, and Metok
Town participated in the inspection.

Li Chengxi and his team first visited the Meiduo Garden construction site to assess the project's
status and held detailed discussions with developers and construction teams for briefings on
progress, material availability, and staffing. He stressed that timely completion of Meiduo
Garden is crucial for the people's livelihood, social stability, and public interest. All relevant
units must understand the significance, shoulder the political responsibility, enhance
supervision, and ensure smooth project delivery. He said that construction units should
optimize organization, ensure sufficient workforce and materials, and prioritize speed without
compromising quality and safety. He asked developers to secure finances and allocate funds
promptly to keep the project on track.

Next, Li Chengxi and his team inspected the Renqing Beng Area Upgrading and
Reconstruction Project. They reviewed project reports and plans while emphasizing the need
for efficient coordination and completion. Li Chengxi stressed that the County Culture and
Tourism Bureau must plan and coordinate projects effectively to expedite the area's

At the Renqing Beng Temple Management Committee and Yatung Police Station, Li Chengxi
reviewed duty schedules and work logs, discussing duties, emergency responses, and overall
operations. He stressed the primacy of maintaining stability as the top political task,
emphasizing adherence to stability maintenance directives and rigorous management to
prevent errors and risks.

Metok County Organization Department conducts survey to “identify talents”

March 04, 2024

Chen Jinxin, Member of the Standing Committee of the Metok County Party Committee and
Minister of the Organization Department, led a research team to Damu Lhoba Ethnic
Township, Gedang Township, and Resa Township for identifying talent and assessing
grassroots party building work. Emphasizing the importance of selecting capable individuals
and aligning personnel with job requirements, Chen Jinxin stressed the significance of 2024 as
a pivotal year for “national” and regional development initiatives. He highlighted the county
party committee's focus on grassroots party building and the programme "Love Me, Medog,
Guard My Border" and stressed commitment to the ‘core leadership’ and the unity of military

and civilian efforts. He said it is essential for grassroots party organizations and members to
uphold these principles and contribute to the region's development goals.

Chen Jinxin also emphasised the need for unity between local military personnel and civilians,
who would join forces to protect the border, safeguard the sacred land, and develop a thriving
homeland. He said unity mobilizes officers, soldiers, party members, cadres, and the local
populace stationed in Medog to collaborate in border defense efforts. Hence, it is imperative
for all grassroots party organizations and members in the county to emphasize their affection
for Medog and their steadfast commitment to their duties.

Nyingtri Forest Fire Fighting Detachment’s Milin Squadron carries out training on
picture recognition and use of pictures
March 04, 2024

To enhance practical training, the Nyingtri Forest Fire Fighting Detachment’s Milin Squadron
recently conducted training on picture recognition under real combat scenarios. By
interpreting and utilizing maps, the team members were required to locate target locations and
execute rescue missions in mountainous terrain in Milin.
The squadron leader split all personnel into two teams and provided each with terrain maps of
nearby areas. Armed solely with a blank sheet of paper, a map, ruler, and pen—without the aid
of GPS or a map— the training sought to assess the judgement of team members in difficult
mountainous terrain.
Team members calculated points, navigated obstacles, and located targets within specified
timeframes. The training was a test of judgment, physical strength, and application of
Nyingtri’s Bayi District builds a Tibetan medicine bath brand
March 05, 2024

Drayib/Bayi district in Nyingtri (Ch:Linzhi) has invested in healthcare in recent years, with
the focus on Tibetan medicinal baths and traditional practices to develop the region as a pioneer
area for reform and opening up. Drayib District arranged for key personnel to visit Qinghai,
Sichuan, and Yunnan to learn about Tibetan medicine baths, incorporate modern management
concepts and actively promote industries with distinctive “national characteristics.” Since
2023, the Drayib District has pooled 3.4 million yuan to establish a comprehensive Tibetan

medicine bath system. Additionally, 12.3 million yuan has been invested to develop critical
specialties like surgery, medicinal baths, disease prevention, and promote Tibetan medicine at
the Drayib District Tibetan Hospital.
Simultaneously, Drayib District has focussed on enhancing personnel training by arranging
follow-up studies and training sessions for grassroots township medical staff and village

Sakya Monastery in Shigatse conducts emergency evacuation drills

March 07, 2024

The Sakya Monastery in Shigatse (Ch: Xigaze) conducted emergency evacuation drills on
March 5, to train monks. Organized by the Monastic Management Committee of the Sakya
monastery, in collaboration with the monastery’s fire rescue brigade and Monastery police
station, over 40 monks participated in the drills.

The head of the Sakya Temple Fire Rescue Brigade briefed the monks on emergency
evacuation procedures and precautions. The Monastic Management Committee cadres posed
as tourist pilgrims, while the monastery incense lamp master coordinated the actual evacuation
drills. Firefighters analyzed and identified areas for improvement, proposing specific measures
for enhancement.

Summarizing the drills, Phurbu Wangdui, Director of the Public Security Management
Department of the Sakya Monastery Management Committee, stressed: (i) the importance of
maintaining a vigilant awareness of emergency responses and consistently prioritizing safety
and stability measures; (ii) the significance of continuous learning emergency protocols and
equipment to establish a solid foundation for managing emergencies; and (iii) the necessity of
implementing techniques acquired through drills into practical scenarios to effectively
safeguard lives and property during emergencies.

Shigatse Party Secretary meets Chairman of Huadian Energy Co.Ltd.
March 05, 2024

Sonam Nyima, Vice Chairman of TAR People’s Government and Party Secretary of Shigatse
Municipal Party Committee, met Wang Liang, Chairman of Huadian Tibet Energy Co. Ltd. on
March 4. They focused on deepening cooperation, emphasizing mutual benefit and sustainable
development. Sonam Nyima, expressed his gratitude to Huadian Tibet Energy Co., Ltd. for its
support to Shigatse and said Shigatse plays a significant role as a major agricultural, population,
cultural, ecological, and border city in Tibet. He emphasised its vast potential for development,
especially in the clean energy sector.

Sonam Nyima added that Shigatse aims to become a regional sub-central city and an
international land port and urged Huadian Tibet Energy Co., Ltd. to leverage Shigatse's
advantages, foster collaboration, and explore opportunities in clean energy development.
Replying, Wang Liang pledged to strengthen communication and facilitate cooperation.


Regulations on Management of human settlements in Agricultural and Pastoral areas

released in Lhoka
March 01, 2024

The "Lhokha City Regulations on the Management of Human Settlements in Agricultural and
Pastoral Areas" was officially released on March 1. The "Regulations" contain 22 articles,
covering the principles, scope, purpose and significance, specific measures, publicity and
education methods, reward and punishment measures, rights and obligations and other aspects
of the management of human settlements in agricultural and pastoral areas.

Party Officials in Lhoka tune in the “Two Sessions”

March 06, 2024

On March 5, CCP officials in Lhoka (Ch:Shannan), including Xu Cheng Cang, Deputy Director
of the Standing Committee of TAR People’s Congress and Party Secretary of Lhoka Municipal
Party Committee, and Pema Wangdu, Vice Chairman of the TAR PPCC, joined other cadres

to watch the opening of the 14th CCP National People's Congress (NPC). Also in attendance
were members of Members of the TAR Supervision Group and Lhoka Municipal leaders
Bakdu, Nyima Tenzin, Wang Yunqing, and Tashi Phuntso, along with prefectural-level
leaders, watched the event together.


Ngari Party Secretary convenes meeting to study speeches of Xi Jinping

March 08, 2024

The Party Secretary of Ngari Municipal Party Committee, Duan Hai convened the 6th
Prefectural Committee meeting on March 8, to discuss the recent speeches of Xi Jinping and
TAR Party Secretary Wang Junzheng. He said Xi Jinping’s speeches address the “the unique
challenges and opportunities facing energy development in the Ngari region” and emphasise
the need for innovative approaches and high-quality development strategies. Duan Hai urged
all levels and departments within the Ngari region to prioritize cadre education, align with Xi
Jinping’s vision for inspiring young cadres and promote party learning and innovation.


China’s continued crackdown targets Tibetans who might have sent out Dege dam
protest videos
March 8, 2024

In February, China arrested over 1,000 Tibetans in Dege County, Sichuan province, following
protests against a hydroelectric dam called Gangtuo Dam.

Around 40 Tibetans were released later, but prohibited from communicating with outsiders.
Once built, the project would submerge homes of around 2,000 Tibetans and centuries-old
monasteries, including valuable artifacts. Tenzin, a monastery administrator of Wonto
monastery, and Tamdrin, a village official of the Wonpotoe, were transferred to a detention
center after being severely beaten by Chinese police. Authorities are targeting those who shared
videos of protests and are monitoring social media accounts and restricting movement and

internet access. Daily searches and interrogations are being conducted. Tibetans have
expressed anger and warned of violent protests if forced relocation occurs.

(Comment: Gangtuo Dam, which is part of a plan announced by China’s National Development
and Reform Commission in 2012 to build a massive 13-tier hydropower complex on the
Drichu. It is located at Wontok (or Gangtuo, in Chinese) in Dege county, northwest of Kardze
(Chinese: Ganzi) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. The total planned capacity of the 13
hydropower stations is 13,920 megawatts.)

Tibetan institutions cyber-attacked by China-linked threat

March 9, 2024

A group of cyber hackers linked to China and called “Evasive Panda” has been identified as
responsible for a series of targeted cyberattacks against Tibetan users since September 2023.
The attacks, discovered by cybersecurity researchers at Essential Security against Evolving
Threats (ESET) in January 2024, utilize “watering hole” and “supply chain” attack methods. In
watering hole attacks, malicious code is inserted into websites frequented by targeted users,
infecting visitors with malware. Supply chain attacks involve compromising an organization's
suppliers to gain unauthorized access to their systems or data. Evasive Panda's objective is to
distribute malicious downloaders for both Windows and macOS systems, including a known
backdoor called MgBot and a previously undocumented Windows implant named
“Nightdoor”. The group compromised at least three websites for watering hole attacks and
infiltrated a Tibetan software company's supply chain.

One of the compromised websites is Kagyu International Monlam Trust, a religious

organization promoting Tibetan Buddhism internationally. The attackers inserted a script on
this site to identify the IP addresses of potential victims and prompt them to download a
malicious file disguised as a certificate fix.

These attacks specifically target users in India, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia, and the U.S.
and aims to reach Tibetan communities across different countries. The attackers utilize Google
Drive API for command-and-control purposes and compromise websites to host malicious

Evasive Panda's arsenal includes multiple downloaders, droppers, and backdoors, with MgBot
and Nightdoor being key components. Nightdoor, a recent addition, primarily targets networks
in East Asia.

Mother of detained Tibetan writer passes away after prolonged depression

March 11, 2024

The mother of incarcerated 29-year-old Tibetan writer, Tenzin Khernrab, died on February 17,
2024, at the age of 53. The Chinese authorities refused to give her news about her son who has
been imprisoned for over a year. Tenzin Khernrab was arrested for allegedly possessing a
photo of the Dalai Lama on his phone and various e-books. He is from Lower Wuthok Village
in Nyakchu County and is well-educated in Tibetan and Chinese languages.

Tibetan quarter in Chengdu under tight surveillance on uprising anniversary

March 16, 2024

Tibetans and their supporters worldwide marked the 65th anniversary of their national uprising
on March 10. China intensified security measures ahead of the event, as is customary each
year, and a report in japannews.yomiuri.co.jp on March 16 revealed that similarly security
restrictions were imposed in the Tibetan quarter of Chengdu, Sichuan province.

It said heavily armed police officers were stationed at every intersection in one area of
Chengdu, where shops sell Tibetan Buddhist items and books.

According to Xinhua, Chengdu hosts a significant Tibetan community, with approximately

30,000 permanent residents and up to 200,000 temporary residents. The Tibetan Quarter in
Chengdu has grown, partly due to its proximity to Tibet and the presence of landmarks like the
Kangding Hotel and the South West University of Nationalities. The university offers courses
in Tibetan language, attracting many Tibetan students.

Tibetan prisoner released with disabled leg after forced labour
March 13, 2024

Ludup, a Tibetan prisoner, was released from prison last month after serving a three-and-a-
half-year sentence during which he was subjected to forced labor, resulting in serious leg
injuries. Despite returning home, Ludup is regularly interrogated and subjected to politically
re-education by the authorities. He was arrested in Ngaba County in June 2020, 12 years after
participating in a protest near Kirti Monastery in 2008. His family was not informed about his
trial or charges. Ludup spent 2008 to 2020 in hiding and faced difficulties accessing medical
care due to the loss of his identity card. He remains under surveillance and is unable to meet
family and friends even during the Tibetan New Year. Ludup, 54, is originally from the
Samsang family in Ngaba County, and was enrolled as a monk at Kirti Monastery at a young

Tibetan writer continues to remain disappeared in fourth year of Chinese arrest

March 15, 2024

Gendun Lhundrub, a well-known Tibetan writer and poet, was taken away by police in Malho
prefecture of Qinghai province more than three years ago and his whereabouts are still not
known. Gendun Lhundrub, formerly a monk at Rongwo Monastery, was taken away without
any explanation on December 2, 2020. He was under police surveillance for some time prior
to his disappearance on suspicion for “separatist” activities. Gendun Lhundrub, born in 1974,
was known for his poetry collection "Khorwa" and his writings advocating artistic freedom.
He is respected among Tibetans worldwide.


No evidence against MP Monlam Tharchin meeting Chinese embassy staff, concludes

Dept. of Security report
March 14, 2024

Months after the adjournment of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile's session last September, the
Department of Security of the Tibetan government in exile concluded that there is no evidence
to support allegations of Bon MP Monlam Tharchin meeting with Chinese embassy staff on

July 6, 2023, in Siliguri. Speaker Khenpo Sonam Temphel announced during the continuation
of the sixth session on March 13, 2024, that MP Monlam Tharchin is exonerated of the
accusations made by MP Dawa Phunkyi. The sixth session last year was adjourned due to a
lack of quorum, with some MPs refusing to participate until the allegations against Monlam
Tharchin were resolved by the Department of Security.

New resolution on Tibet introduced in the US House

March 15, 2024

A resolution titled "Recognizing the 65th anniversary of the Tibetan Uprising Day of March
10, 1959, and condemning human rights violations related to the hydropower dam construction
project in Derge" has been introduced in the United States House of Representatives. Led by
Representatives Jim McGovern (D-Massachusetts) and Young Kim (R-California), the
resolution condemns China's mass arrest of peaceful Tibetan protestors and reaffirms support
for Tibetan self-determination. It acknowledges historical events surrounding the Tibetan
Uprising Day and recent protests against a hydropower dam project in Derge County, eastern
Tibet. The resolution demands the release of protestors and prisoners of conscience and urges
the Biden administration to enforce laws to hold China accountable. It also calls for halting the
dam project and respecting Tibetan input into development projects. This resolution builds on
previous Congressional actions supporting Tibet, including the Reciprocal Access to Tibet Act
of 2018 and the Tibetan Policy and Support Act of 2020, as well as the recently passed Resolve
Tibet Act.



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