Research Methodology Lecture - 7

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Brief lecture notes on Measurement, Scaling and Attitude Concept

Concept of measurement
A generalized idea about a class of objects, attributes, occurrences, or processes.
The process or the act of measurement consists of obtaining a quantitative
comparison between a predefined Standard and Measurand. The word
Measurand is used to designate the particular physical parameter being observed
and quantified; that is, the input quantity to the measuring process. (A physical
quantity, property or condition to be measured)

A Measurement is an act of assigning a specific value to a physical variable.

That physical variable becomes the Measured Variable.

Example of standard organization

ISO: The International Organization for Standardization.

Operational Definition
Specifies what the researcher must do to measure the concept under

• Series of items arranged according to value for the purpose of
• A continuous spectrum

Types of scales
Variables can be classified on the basis of their level of measurement. The way
we classify variables greatly affects how we can use them in our analysis. The
Classifications are:
 Nominal
 Ordinal
 Interval
 Ratio

Nominal level
A nominal measurement is created when names are used to establish categories
into which variables can be exclusively recorded.

For example, Soft drinks may be classified as Coke, Pepsi, 7-ups. It is

important to remember that a nominal measurement carries no indication of
order of preference. An example is given in Table 1.

Table 1: Top Passenger Car Sales in Dhaka by Company.
Company Annual sales (number of units)
Toyota 1000
Hyundai 1500
Honda 2500
All others 1700

Ordinal level
Unlike a nominal measurement, an ordinal scale produces a distinct ordering or
arrangement of the data i.e. the observations is ranked on the basis of some
criterion. Table 2 lists the ratings of the company commander by the nurses
under her command is an illustration of the ordinal level of measurement.
Table 2: Ratings of the Company Commander
Rating Number of nurses
Superior 7
Good 23
Average 26
Poor 18
Inferior 0

Interval level
It includes all the characteristics of the ordinal scale, but in addition, the
distance between values is a constant size. Temperature on the Fahrenheit
scale is an example.

Ratio level
This level has all the characteristics of interval level: the distances between
numbers are of a known; constant size.
For example, we can compare 30 units of sales made by Rahim to 90 units of
sales made by Karim, set up the ratio 90:30 and say that Karim sold three times
as much as Rahim.

Scale Properties
• Uniquely classifies
• Preserves order
• Equal intervals
• Natural zero

Nominal Scale Properties
• Uniquely classifies
– Sammy Sosa # 21
– Barry Bonds # 25

Ordinal Scale Properties

• Uniquely classifies
• Preserves order
– Win, place, & show

Interval Scale Properties

• Uniquely classifies
• Preserves order
• Equal intervals
– Consumer Price Index (Base 100)
– Fahrenheit temperature

Ratio Scale Properties

• Uniquely classifies
• Preserves order
• Equal intervals
– Natural zero
– Weight and distance

The Goal of Measurement Validity

The ability of a scale to measure what was intended to be measured

The degree to which measures are free from random error and therefore yield
consistent results

Reliability and Validity on Target

Old Rifle New Rifle New Rifle Sun glare

Reliable but Not
Low Reliability High Reliability Valid (Target C)

(Target A) (Target B)





• A measurement instrument’s ability to accurately measure variability in
stimuli or responses.

Attitude Measurement
Attitude: An enduring disposition to consistently respond in a given matter

Attitudes as Hypothetical Constructs

• The term hypothetical construct is used to describe a variable that is not
directly observable, but is measurable by an indirect means such as verbal
expression or overt behavior - attitudes are considered to be such variables.

Three Components of an Attitude

• Affective
• Cognitive
• Behavioral

Affective: The feelings or emotions toward an object

Cognitive: Knowledge and beliefs

• Predisposition to action
• Intentions
• Behavioral expectations

Measuring Attitudes
• Ranking
• Rating
• Sorting
• Choice

The Attitude Measuring Process
Ranking - Rank order preference
Rating - Estimates magnitude of a characteristic
Sorting - Arrange or classify concepts
Choice - Selection of preferred alternative

Ranking tasks require that the respondent rank order a small number of objects
in overall performance on the basis of some characteristic or stimulus.

Rating asks the respondent to estimate the magnitude of a characteristic, or

quality, that an object possesses. The respondent’s position on a scale(s) is
where he or she would rate an object.

Sorting might present the respondent with several concepts typed on cards and
require that the respondent arrange the cards into a number of piles or otherwise
classify the concepts.

Choice between two or more alternatives is another type of attitude

measurement - it is assumed that the chosen object is preferred over the other.

Simple Attitude Scaling

In its most basic form, attitude scaling requires that an individual agree with a
statement or respond to a single question. This type of self-rating scale merely
classifies respondents into one of two categories;

Simplified Scaling Example


Category Scales
 A category scale is a more sensitive measure than a scale having only two
response categories - it provides more information.
 Questions working is an extremely important factor in the usefulness of
these scales.

Example of Category Scale

Method of Summated Ratings: The Likert Scale

• An extremely popular means for measuring attitudes. Respondents indicate
their own attitudes by checking how strongly they agree or disagree with
• Response alternatives: “strongly agree”, “agree”, “uncertain”, “disagree”,
and “strongly disagree”.

Likert Scale for Measuring Attitudes Toward Tennis

Graphic Rating Scales
A graphic rating scale presents respondents with a graphic continuum.

Graphic Rating Scale Stressing Pictorial Visual Communications

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