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MEENUSHARMA KM Road, Jharsuguda, 768201, 0disha

"91 7978085093
[email protected]
Assistant Branch Head

2013-2016 Around 6Years of experlence and well-maintained professionol hoving ample amount
B.COM of knowledge in the banking sector and seeking an opportunity in the organizotion to
Women's College, Use my skills and be able to contribute to the firm for whlch lam working. Iwill put my
Jharsuguda best effort tolearn the company's pollcles and make better decislons In the fovor of
2019-2022 the company. Iwant to Become Self Independent ond Help Business Grow through my
M.COM full support and service to on Organization. Iam aself-motivoted person with a good
Gangadhar Meher balance of soft and hord skills with Organlzatlongl Sklls and looking for on
College, Sambalpur opportunity to explore mý unseen abilities.


PROFESSIONAL 2023 Bandhan Bank
Advanced Excel
. Dashboording Transactions: Monitor and track daily responslblitles, oversee processing of
Data Anolysis transactions, manage ATMs/Cash/Lockers, authorize ond verify branch
Fast Typing Instructions, monitor adherence toprocesses, resolve escalated issüues in order
" MS Access
to ensure timely and effective transaction execution.
" Tally Software
Analytlcal Thinking Operatlons ond Systems management, Track market and regulatory changes,
" Critical Thinking monltor and upgrade existing system, implement change, ensure systemback
up. Regulating and Optimizing Operatlons and Systems Management.

AWARD Customer service set servlce standards, ensure redressal of customér

grlevances, monltor customer services by team, ond address escalated issues in
AWARD/ACHIEVEMENT order to ensure smooth relationship with clients.
Bandhan Bank

Winner of Knock out series " Branch Administration, Ensure proper upkeep of branch premises,
Winner of Winter corvinal Housekeeping. Leave records, Vendor Management etc. Support Branch Head in
Winner of June ka junun soles promotions activitles, display ofof branch
hronch merchandlse, monltor
Best performance for diwal administratlon budgets In order to resource all branch ctivtles within torgeted
fiesta finoncial cost. Making sure perfect Branch Administration:
Outstanding performance of
the year 2022 ldentifyingareas of Improvement and recommending process modlflcatlons and
equipment calibrations to enhnce efficiencies.
Maintalning the entire Banking 0peratlons.
" Handle interaction with various external &Internal parties like RBl
quditors &BMU.
Adherence to AML &KYC guidelines of the bank.
" Buld, develop, and grow key relatlonships that are vital to the success of the buslness effectively prloritizing dnd
execute tasks according to business requlrements.


2023 Bandhan Bank

Responsible for entering and updating the clent's financial data based on the Bank's computer systems.
Monitoring dally cash transaction and also keep detailed records of cash transactions. Managing finoncial information
of customers andrevlewing thelr opplicotions and documents. Retaining the customers by taking care of thelr
service issues. Cross sell products like life insurance, general insurance, Demat account, Mutual Funds to the
Customers. Maintaln periodlc status reports, Including daily actlvity report and colls/follow-ups. Monitoring and
following up thewhole loan process In order to ensure sotistoctory of clients and prompt repayment. Evaluating and
interpreting clients' financial condition and characteristic as to ensure borrower's repayment capacity. Malntaining
good relatlon with clients, Negotiatlng and declsion making over setting conditions. Perfornas key contact polnt for
portfolo ofclients deoling with routine matters throughout range of services and products and Developing and
overseeing relationships with cllents performing alongslde Relotlonshlp Manager to ensure top level service provided
to clients

2020 IDFC Bank


Interacting with Customers and Clients for their Financlal Needs and planning. Awareness of Internal and External
needs of a Customer and Analyzng the Changing requirements based upon different Working environments,
Communlcating and connecting to different people to understand them önd expand business. Working with a
Dynamic team responsible for Mutiple tasks. Lead Generatlon &new CASA Ocquisition with Portfollo Growth analysis.
Responsible for sales of Life Insurance &General Insurance ProductsWorking on Budget and Human Resources

. Attended industry conferences and events, and helpedin almost all the activitles and preparations.
" Participated In professlonal associations, and provided access to tralning and development opportunities, as
well as provided opportunities to connect with other industry professlonals.
Volunteered in the community, and built relaionships ond increased visibility for the bank to provide
opportunities to develop leadershlp and teamwork skills.
. Participoted in training and development programs: Also Trained Freshers on Fundamentals of Finance and
Engoged in mentorship or coaching to provide valuable guldonce and support for New Jolners as they hold an
Important role In novlgating the Bank's Overall Success.

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