Food Analysis-6
Food Analysis-6
Food Analysis-6
• The mixograph test quickly analyzes small quantities of flour for dough gluten strength.
Wheat breeders use mixograph results to screen early generation lines for dough gluten
strength. Flour water absorption measured by the mixograph often serves as bake
absorption in bread baking tests.
Gluten percentage:
• Gluten is responsible for the elasticity and extensibility characteristics of flour dough. Wet
gluten reflects protein content and is a common flour specification required by end-users in
the food industry. The wet gluten test provides information on the quantity and estimates the
quality of gluten in wheat or flour samples.
• Cooking quality is an important aspect of grain quality. The hydration capacity, hydration
index, swelling capacity, swelling index, time taken for cooking, the increase in weight
and volume after cooking, solid loss etc. are the parameters that determine the cooking
Cooking time:
• The known weight of grains was transferred to a beaker containing boiling water. Note the
time and continue boiling till done. Check the grain for doneness by pressing the grain
between two glass slides until the chalky white color disappears. Note the final time. The
difference indicates the time taken for cooking.
Solid loss:
• Sample was cooked in excess water in a beaker. Twenty five ml sample of cooked water
was placed in a pre-weighed flask and air dried in an oven at 1050 C for one hour. After
that, the sample was fully dried at the same temperature until a constant weight in the
presence of P2O5 desiccant. The amount of solids leached was calculated as gram of solids
per gram of dry grain.
Sensory Evaluation
• When the quality of a food product is assessed by means of human sensory organs, the
evaluation is said to be sensory or subjective or organoleptic.
• Evaluation of the sample is done using 9 points hedonic rating test. The product will be
evaluated for appearance, color, flavor, texture, taste, overall acceptability etc.
• Ratings:
1 – Dislike extremely
• Instrumental method of texture measurement may be classified into three groups:
1. FUNDAMENTAL: Measure rheological properties like viscosity and elasticity.
2. EMPIRICAL: Measures parameters which are often poorly defined, but appear to relate to
textural quality as in the case of measurement of texture using penetrometers and shearing
3. IMITATIVE: Stimulates the conditions to which materials are subjected in practice.