The Challenge of Illuminati Cultic Society To Christianity in Africa

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Prof. Clement Chinkambako Abenguni Majawa,

The Catholic University of Eastern Africa,

EMAIL: [email protected]
Tel: +254.722.659020.


In the twenty first century many are asking a pertinent question if reality of Illuminati is real or
not?, a religion or secular organization? The Order of the Illuminati is often at the center of debates
about the impact of this secret society in Church and society today. Is the Illuminati a myth or does
it truly secretly rule the world? Why is this secret society of Illuminati famous and yet no one
comes out in the open and explain its existence or show allegiance to it. Maltese Bishop Late
Emmanuel Barbara (1949-2018) of Malindi diocese addressed a conference at Don Bosco Utumi
Theological college in Karen, Kenya. He revealed that Illuminati is a challenging pastoral issue
which threatens the growth of faith and prevents deeper evangelization because research has shown
that the Bishops in Africa are aware of such secret societies or groups, and how it entice Christians
to join such occults for prosperity, fame, monetary beneficiaries and become influential in society.
Yet, agents of evangelization are uncomfortable to discuss it; local catechisms or teachings
overlook the topic of illuminati. The Illuminati is dangerous at all fronts of the Church and
society because initially, it was meant to be a secretive organization (1776-1785) built on gnostic
ideas and began by a German philosopher and theologian Adam Weishaupt. It was meant for
enlightened intellectuals whose goal was the overthrow of an oppressive monarchy and the control
of civil authorities by the Roman Catholic Church.. Often it is credited for influencing the French
Revolution in 1787. The Illuminati taught a doctrine of social revolution and political liberation
that hinged on the equality of man and woman, the embrace of relativism and rationalism, and the
denial of powerful authority of the Church considered as the legitimate institutions for the
regulation of social and moral values in the world. It envisions to be a secret society that would
influence the world policy makers, political decisions and control of globalization by providing
highest education and leadership to the elite on reason, secular values, oppression of religion, anti-
Church, anti-clergy, corrupt biblical interpretation and misleading philanthropy, donate huge
project funds to ‘help’ and exploit poor countries and churches. The secret societies
metamorphosed into other societies like Freemasonry, Knights Templar, devil worshippers, Order
of Skulls and Bones; Order of St. Hubertus, Rosicrucians, Luciferians, etc. Africa has some secret
societies like: Abakua, Crocodile society, Ekpe, Leopard skin, Big dance (Nyau), etc. These
confuse and distort the identity of Christianity.

Pam Shepperd (2011) in her research on The Illuminati Church Connection revealed that in the late
1940’s, the Illuminati Secret society wanted to infiltrate the churches secretly subtly and discreetly
because they understood the power of God within the highly organized structure of the church
which needs money to run it; so they knew through money and material benefits they can control
the Church’s power and mission. Thus, they had to find a way to infiltrate the church to break down
that spiritual strength within the church, the power of the Holy Spirit that works within the church.
They (the Illuminati) had to find a way to infiltrate that, and they wanted to bring the world into the
churches so that the churches wouldn’t be so strong spiritually. John Todd also revealed that it was
the illuminati who financially backed the word of faith, charismatic movement and put various
mega preachers on the world wide map. He was discredited and mysteriously killed. This became a

recipe for misunderstanding and tension. Illuminati is not a ‘religion’ thus its members are free to
join and follow any church or religious faith, as long as such beliefs do not openly condemn them
openly. Members through the larger organization (which often gets money through corrupt, dubious
or criminal means) then work secretly to become the church’s or religious’ financial donors or
benefactors, etc. in return for intercessory prayers or ‘Mass’. This is the most dangerous route
because for them the ‘end’ justifies the ‘means’. Many within and outside the Church are at
crossroad; their faith is threatened, they live in ignorance and fear of it, people are seeking for
genuine answers and guidance with the vice of illuminati. This research paper does not claim to
“reveal” or “expose” everything about ‘illuminati’. It rather attempts to investigate and draw a
more balanced and objective picture of the society origin, identity and mission in society. The
Illuminati conspiracy theory and secret cult claim a super-secret genius and ‘elite’ society which
has to penetrate churches, religions, governments, finance, education science, business and the
entertainment industry with one goal in mind: world domination creating ‘One secular and
materialistic world order’. Finally is proposes some approaches of addressing it for personal
integrity, society’s transformation, and help in developing a quality catechesis for deeper
evangelization. The study points out that there is one important teaching, belief and fact that must
be known clearly by all: ‘God is omnipotent and has sovereignly allowed all these secret cults in
history, and it seems they are not outside of His overall salvific plan. No matter what happens:
constructive or distractive experiences, God as Creator is always in control of events in history and
NOT the Illuminati in Africa and beyond.

KEY WORDS: Illuminati, Secret society, Threat to Faith, New world order, Evangelization,

Preamble: The What of Illuminati?

The ‘Essai sur la secte des Illumines’, written by Prof. Mason de Luchet (1789) gives a poetic summary of
the nature of Illuminati in the world:

“There are a certain number of people who have arrived at the highest degree of imposture.
They have conceived the project of reigning over opinions, and of conquering, not
kingdoms, nor provinces, but the human mind. This project is gigantic, and has something
of madness in it, which causes neither alarm nor uneasiness; but when we descend to
details, when we regard what passes before our eyes of the hidden principles, when we
perceive a sudden revolution in favor of ignorance and incapacity, we must look for the
cause of it; and if we find that a revealed and known system explains all the phenomena
which succeed each other with terrifying rapidity, how can we not believe it?”

The word ‘Illuminati’ originates from Latin word ‘Lumen’ meaning ‘Light’. Illuminati therefore refer to
the individual with laminated or lightened mind, intellect and spirit. An American scholar of ‘Religions
and Secret Societies’ Frank Daniels (1984) cites that Illuminati is one of the most secret influential
organizations ever existed. As an Order, the “Enlightened Ones” "Illuminated Ones" or "All-Knowing
Ones" are said to have derived their name and wisdom from “Luce”, "Lucifer" the "Light Bearer" whom
they worship, consult and receive their power.1 The Occult "Illuminati" in its philosophy and praxis fears
no one except the community or groups which are super-intelligent, internationally connected and are self-
sufficient with finances, material power, military superiority, international policy making, ICT expertise,
religious imperialism and neo-forms of colonialism etc. It envisions to the world and establish the most
powerful classless New Order. In its mission and approach, Illuminati strive to reach its goal through
Anti-Christ, Anti-Church, Anti-religion, Anti-life and Anti socio-economic and political National
institutions. Thus, Benedict XVI (2010) made a stern warning that the Illuminati society driven by powers
of darkness and Satan is against values of Christianity, the Church and Civilization. It poses a great
pastoral challenge to humanity.2 Christianity is called upon to research, understand and teach the truth
about such challenging phenomenon of Illuminati.3
Frank Daniels, The Anatomy and Praxis of Illuminati in the World Order, New York, 1984, 96.
Benedict XVI, Address Superiors of Lay Movements in the Catholic Church, Rome, 2010.
See: accessed 23/05/2017.

Aim of Presentation:
The argument of the essay navigates around the three-fold objectives:
 To share knowledge and experiences of the nature, history, mission, re-insurgence and impact of
‘Illuminati’ on Christianity and societal development.
 To draw parameters of the Church’s socio-psycho pastoral theological response to Illuminati and
other unrighteous societies like Masonry, Occultism and Satanism.
 To initiate conversation and engagement in addressing ‘Illuminati’ among scholars, the Church,
government and pertinent stake holders for quality and transformative life.

Illumination of the New World Order

Pope John Paul II (1993) warned that the Devil is real today 4. Anyone who denies this reality is not honest
with himself or herself. The Devil uses one’s insatiable greed for materialism, consumerism and relativism
to manifest himself in new forms of atheism and socio-religious-political secret societies like Masonry,
Illuminati, Mafia, Satanism and New World Order. Stake holders in the Church and society should
collaborate and engage in serious research, catechesis and pastoral conversation on how to address this
historical phenomenon.5 Merdado Cardinal Mazombwe of Lusaka Catholic Archdiocese in Zambia
remarked that Africa’s cultural identity, moral fiber, equal distribution of natural resources, socio-economic
transformation and religious strength is being threatened by new foreign ideologies of Illuminati, Masonry,
Satanism and anti-natural behaviors.6

The word “Illuminati” is often discussed loosely, freely and without logical discernment to describe the elite
and enlightened wealthy group of people believed to be called by supernatural powers and are protected by
powerful socio-economic-political international curtails who secretly run the world agenda with the aim of
establishing a New Classless Utopian World order. In his research on the ‘Challenges of Secret Societies in
the 21st Century’ Charles Noel O’Connell (1995) found out that many people have a general idea of the
meaning of the term ‘illuminati’, some have a distorted understanding of it; then there are those who fail to
figure out what it is. Although, it is talked about and featured in schools, church, various organizations,
social media and pertinent literature, many are not sure about its visibility and feasibility on the ground. 7

What are the illuminati in practical terms? What are their goals and beliefs? Why do its followers act in
secret? Do they practice it in the light of occultism, magic, Satanism, witchcraft or in connection with
international criminal organizations? A German ecclesiologist, Bernard Hans Burke (2009) in his
worldwide occult analysis observed that attempting to objectively research the subject of masonry and
illuminati can become an arduous task as most sources end up being religiously biased and socially
compromising. However, afraid to dialogue with illuminati and other secret societies does not solve the
problem but only increases ill-informed fear based on ignorance, rumors and misconceptions in the Church
and society.8 Prof. Donald Eastwood (1996) observes that there are secret religious societies or orders with
unbiblical and unrighteous intentions in the world. While some find them to have constructive agenda for
unifying the world, others see them as immoral, destructive and to be condemned at all times. Therefore,
there is conscious need to know the goal and luring strategies of illuminati, if Christianity should preserve its
identity and undeterred in its mission.9

The Order of the Illuminati is often at the center of controversial debates, researches, conferences,
interreligious dialogue and international conferences about the impact of the secret society on human
The Devil or Satan is real in the world. He has had different names and his intension is to wage war against God, Christ, the Church the Light,
values and righteousness in society. Satanism or Diabolatry has specific meaning in the context of evil. According to the modern Satanist, Geifodd,
"Diabolatry is the religious worship of the Devil. Unlike Christians and people of other conventional religions, Diabolators, or Devil worshipers, do
not believe the Devil to be a completely 'evil' entity". [Paul Geifodd, The Meaning of the Devil and Its Impact on World Christianity, London, 1982,
33].Theistic Satanist, Diane Vera agrees with these descriptions, but also classified these types of Satanists as part of theistic Satanism, "Other terms
for "theistic Satanism" or "traditional Satanism" include "Devil worship," "spiritual Satanism," and "Diabolatry”. Some of us may consider one or
more of these other labels to be more accurate or otherwise more appropriate". [Diane Vera, Types of Satanism in Theistic Satanism, New York,
1976, 23]. Satanists have defined their own identification with Satan that is separate and evolved from Christian beliefs.
John Paul II, Address to the Leaders of Worldwide Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement in Paul VI International Conference Auditorium at
the Vatican, Rome, November, 1993
His Eminence Merdardo Cardinal Mazombwe, ‘Maintaining Christian Identity for Deeper Evangelization in Africa amidst the Challenges of New
Forms of Atheism Today’, during The Catholic University of Eastern Africa’s Silver Jubilee celebration at Langata Main Campus in Nairobi, 2009.
Charles Noel O’Connell, Challenges of Secret Societies in the 21st Century, San Francisco: Ignatian Press, 1995, 13-14.
Bernard Hans Burke, Worldwide Analysis of Illuminati Secret Order, New York: Harper Collins, 2009, 78.
Donald Eastwood, The Dangers Facing Christianity in the Contemporary World, Melbourne: Lawrence INC, 1996, 99.

history. Is Illuminati a myth or does it truly secretly rule the world? Is its conspiracy theory to liberate
people from Christianity or to continue exploiting people’s ignorance, poverty and helpless contexts of the
global South? As the number of people and scholars asking these questions has grown, facts about the Order
continue to have many misconceptions, errors, negative impact on our church, schools, families, companies
and institutions, making the reality of Illuminati very difficult to comprehend and address it effectively.
With this background, this essay attempts to shed some factual light on the Order of the Illuminati by tracing
its history and evolution through reviewing some of its important documents, engaging scholars and
researching on its existence. Secondly, the study interrogates the impact of this secret society on Christianity
and transformation of peoples. Finally it entails to give some socio-religious pastoral approaches of
addressing the illuminati in global contexts.

Illuminati with Roots in Occultism

The term “occult” comes from the Latin ‘occultus’ meaning “hidden or clandestine, unbecoming or unseen,
secret or unknown”. The word is generally used to describe secret and mysterious supernatural powers or
magical religious rituals. It is knowledge or beliefs of the hidden reality often with unrighteous or
destructive motive. Occultism is considered as the study, belief or practice of occult practices, including
illuminati, masonry, magic, sorcery, witchcraft, voodoo, Satanism, alchemy, scientology, extra-sensory
perception, astrology, spiritualism, shamanism, necromancy, quasi-religion, psycho-somatic unrighteous
beliefs and divination. The Illuminati has a long historical background. Gregory Ron Sedmak (1976) in his
review of the Illuminati in contemporary world states that the Illuminati Order has existed through many
centuries, even during Roman times, and that Alexander the Great was one of their "prototypes" in the
ancient world, as was Hitler and others in modern times. But the Illuminati society as we know it today was
formed in the 17th century (out of Catholic roots, ie. the Knights Templar and Roscicrucianism)10. The idea
of a modern 'One World Order' became popular in the 1700's with the ideas of Prof. Adams Weishaupt and
others, and they have been working towards this goal since the mid 18th century.

Therefore, throughout history “occult” believers and practitioners have attempted to gain supernatural power
or knowledge, and manipulate it so as to have power of control in society outside religion, and apart from
God and the Bible. Interpretation of occultism and its concepts can be found in the belief structures of
philosophies and religions such as Satanism, magic, gnosticism, hermeticism, theosophy, wicca, witchcraft,
modern paganism and illuminati.11 The historian of religions, Vincent Couture (1975) describes why the
cults of illumati and freemasonry attract so many people: ‘Members believe to belong to the special elitist
and divinely privileged group or community and have a role to intercede for the common people to higher
power (god) who could give the masses: (a) Cultural, religious, political & supernatural powers, (b)
women, wine, wealth, livestock, bumper agricultural yields, riches and festivities; (c) conquest of the weak,
blasphemous and enemies. (d) Conspiracy to rule and control the world’12

Three Guiding Theories of Illimunati

1. Sociological Theory Of Religion And Occultism

French Sociologist Emile Durkheim [1858-1971] developed a ‘Sociological Theory of Religion’ which
refers to a natural-supernatural relationship and generation conscious of the mystical power of society to
mould the goodness or heal the brokenness of its members. The theory refers to this power by suggesting
that the gods or supernatural realities whom people worship are imaginary beings, which unconsciously
fabricated by society, exercise control over the thoughts and behavior of the individual. Every religion can
have a transformative or a de-formative goal depending on the relationship between human beings and the
supernatural beings.13

According to this theory, when people have the religious feeling before a higher power that transcends their
personal lives, and impress its will upon them as a moral imperative, then they are in the presence of a
Gregory Ron Sedmak, The History and Evolution of the World Secret Societies, New York, 1976, 81. Bishop Gerard Bouffard (2006) outlines
how illuminati are the real enemy of the Church at all levels. He mentions the first hand knowledge of the evil lurking within the hierarchy of the
Vatican and particularly the Jesuit Order, which confirms the testimony of other historians and researchers, including Bill Hughes, author of the
shocking books The Enemy Unmasked and The Secret Terrorists, as well as preeminent researcher of the Jesuit Order, Eric Jon Phelps, author of
Vatican Assassins (September, 2006). These secret orders should be addressed seriously within and outside the Church because of the gravity of their
Nicholas FitzGerald, Experience of Clandestine Beliefs and Practices, Vermont: St. Michaels’s College, 1963, 104.
Vincent Couture, Reinterpretation of Secret Religions in the Changing World, Bangalore: Redemptorist Publications, 1977, 26-27.
Emile Durkheim, The Elementary of the Religious Life, New York, 1915, 419.

greater reality which is not a supernatural being but a natural fact of society. This power can also be
manipulated by some people using intellectual powers, various secretive skills or crafts to create fear,
insecure, tension and gaps in peoples’ life. The people go to religion to seek solutions, security, healing,
satisfaction and completion. If religion fails in this unitary mission, people then approach those ‘elite’
members of society who can establish secret societies and claim to have religious powers to reverse
sickness, pain, etc. and provide them with life satisfaction. When such religious powers are rooted in evil
spirits and are used to confuse and destroy the good in people and society, then they form Occultism,
profane faiths or other diabolic groups. 14

After seven years of research American sociologist, Patrick Burke found out that ‘The sociological theory of
religion’ has more merits than demerits in relating Occultism, Illuminati and other profane secretive
societies to Emile Durkheim Sociological Theory of Religion. The theory relates superstition, magic,
wizardry, witchcraft and social evils in the society to such secret societies’. 15

2. Theory of Luciferanism
Paul Zimmermann (1972) explains that Luciferianism is an ideology and belief which holds that Lucifer
(Satan) is the controller of history and the destiny of humanity. 16 In its final reality, this belief has a mixture
of Christian teaching, satanic beliefs, secularism, relativism, atheistic consumerism, materialistic
imperialism, moral indifferentism and unjust international exploitation which according to its followers
provide ‘true and uncompromised’ human and societal fulfillment, civilization and happiness in the world.

The Ideology states that ‘the highest supernatural power’ is the creator. Angels (and Lucifer) were the first
creation. The world and first human beings were weak and in need of a powerful guide. Lucifer is the wisest
and strongest personality that the ‘most powerful being’ had created. Lucifer lured and controlled the
primordial humanity. Lucifer had plans to rule the universe and led it to common perfection of materialism.
Knowledge based on Luciferian philosophy is power, is right and has to rule the world with just sharing of
the world’s natural resources.17 The writings of Luciferianism further attest that:
 The Old Testament is simply the history of how Satan became the prince of the world and caused the
first pair of humanity to defect from God to Satan.
 Lucifer (Satan) continues to rule history and the world through illuminated ideas socio-economic-
political power, money and material attractions.
 Luciferan Negative-Teaching to Goodness in Life has the following characteristics: (1) Anti-God
(Trinity), (2) Anti-Scriptures, (3) Anti-Church, (4) Anti-natural law; (4) Anti-Life, (5) Anti-morality, (6)
Anti- social order, (7) Anti- salvation history.
 In Luciferian Ideology and Spirituality “The motto is idealizing Satan, the Prince and Light of the
material world”. The idea is to love what Christ hates and to hate what Christ loves.
 Illuminati members who believe in Luciferian teaching consider themselves as people with proven
superior intelligence and extra ordinary success in the world.
 Believe they have a vocation and a right to rule over the less-gifted, less intelligent, less religious and
less-developed people; they have a mission to those who are unhappy, poor, sick, refugees,
marginalized, and the suffering because the masses don’t know what is best for them. 18

3. World-Illuminati Conspiracy Theory

The Illuminati conspiracy theory holds that there is a "global elite" society that is either in control of the
world or is seeking to take charge of history. As with most conspiracy theories, beliefs regarding the
Illuminati conspiracy vary. As a result, it is virtually impossible to give a synopsis of the Illuminati
conspiracy. Popularized in the internet, social media, some literature, holy-wood, some institutions of high
learning, highly charged political agenda, etc. perpetuate the beliefs of the future which will be governed by
Illuminati power and influence. The Illuminati conspiracy creates fear, helplessness and manipulation

Emile Durkheim, The Elementary Forms of Religious Life, New York, 1961 pp 4-6.
Anderson Ludwig, Theory and Praxis of Religion, New York, 1976, 45
Paul Zimmermann, The Authority of Satanism in the Underworld, Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, INC, 1972, 63.
Ibid. 65-67.
Stephen Macdonnel, Satanic Powers One Real in the World- Influencing the Church and Society, West Port CT: Praeger Publishers, 2009,76-78)
See also, Rodgers Achermman, Luciferian Ideology in the History of Humanity, London: Ashgate publishing,2001,47

among the people. However George Rusten (1977) argues that in the world there is Power of Reason, of
Light, of the Truth and of the Scriptures which challenges the powers of Illuminati.

Revelation 20:10 warns that the fate of the Illuminati will be the same as the fate of their lord, Satan /
Lucifer, who will be cast into the lake of fire, to be tormented day and night, forever and ever. In John 16:33
Jesus declared, "In this world you will have trouble. But take courage! I have conquered the world (with its
evil powers)". For Christians, all we need to understand about the Illuminati conspiracy is summarized in the
words of 1 John 4:4, "You, dear children, are from God and have overcome powers of the world, because
the One who is in you is greater than the evil spirits is in the world."19

Conspiracy Theories make materialistic rules and take full advantage of people’s ignorance, weakness and
fear. Conspiracy Theories are causing many people to live in fear, in sin and become so paranoid. These
theories are part of the universal satanic movement to use global socio-political power, international
monetary organizations, capitalist materialistic supremacy and secretive religious societies, distort Christian
Teaching, abuse global Information Communication Technology and social Media curtails, so as to
influence the world events.20

Founder of Illuminati Order

The founder of the Order of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt was born on 6 th February 1748 at Ingolstdt in
Bavaria, Germany. He died on 18 th November 1830 at Gotha. His Jewish father and mother had converted
to Catholicism. He was a Jesuit priest, a great philosopher and theologian at Inglostadt University. Later he
became a professor of Canon Law and a Freemason. Adam founded the Secret Order of Illuminati on 1 st
May 1776 with four colleagues. By coincidence, the 1 st May is Independence Day of the United States (The
US Dollar bill has the Illuminati Pyramid symbol). There is a theory that Illuminati philosophy influenced
the constitution and mega monetary institutions of the USA which people believe to be the world’s greatest
country and influencing the world socio-economic and political agenda. Furthermore, 1 st May is a high feast
day of celebration of the Illuminati, Devil worship, satanic fraternities and witchcraft (Wicca) secret
societies worldwide.21

Maxwell Stackhouse (1986) cited that the French Revolution, which Adam and his Illuminist colleagues
helped to define, focused on renouncing Christianity and the destruction of the Church. Illuminati believe
that bishops, priests, religious men and women and the laity alike were condemned and would perish if they
will not reject Christian faith and pay allegiance to Satan22 the lord of the universe. Illuminati beliefs said
that Churches were full of evil, hypocrisy, lies, injustices, corruption, exploitation, and continue to silence
and oppress the poor and marginalized for the enrichment and sensual pleasure of their leaders. Thus, only
the Illuminati Order would liberate the Christians, but they need to listen to its message first, understand and
engage it before becoming its followers in the world. Jesus was condemned as an opportunist who had failed
his followers. The society worked to distort, confuse and denounce the Christian Church and socio-political

accessed 25/07/2017. ?qid=20120601191132AAaumnU&p=dangers%20of%20illuminati%20on%20christianity%20and%20social%20progress.
Accessed 2/07/2017.
The Conspiracy Theories are connected to Mystic Affiliations historical societies under the Pyramids of Egypt, the esoteric sect of Pythagoras, the
astrologers or mathematicians of Rome in the time of Domitian, the House of Wisdom in Cairo, the Ismailis or Assassins, Companions of the Old
Man of the Mountain, the Templars, the Rose-Croix (Rosicrucians), the Carbonari, the Jesuits, Freemasons, B'nai B'rith, Knights of Columbus, the
Souffrants, the Chercheurs, Lodges of St. John, of Melchisedek, Royal Priests, Masters of the Wise, the Asiatic Brethren . . . all appear to form an
uninterrupted chain of these superior affiliations . . . under the name of the Illuminati, under the Directing Power of the Invisibles—Earthly beings—
Masters working on the Astral, whose self-appointed role was to be the arbiters and Masters of the World; see also accessed 25/07/2017
Gregory Pearson, Illuminati in the context of New World Order’ London, 1998, 12 ( The theme was captured in ‘The Occult and World
Revolution’ Wednesday, October 17, 2012) Maxwell Stackhouse (1986) mentions that regardless of the false historical origins, in its modern form,
Illuminati as a form of devil worship is the spiritual worship of the Christian Satan. It is a specific practice that depends on the theology and
interpretations of Satan of Christian and Jewish literature, and it includes prayers, and teachings. Followers of Illuminati may have an interest in anti-
Bible, anti-Christian activities and religious blasphemy as a form of spiritual expression as used in Black Mass for worship. They also have an
interest in the reversal of Christian morals, and the use of Christian demonic hierarchies for worship or summoning in the society. (Illuminati Order
as a Form of Devil Worship, London, 1986, 95)
Satanism is real and has a great impact in both Church and society. It has a long played both a self-critical and dark roles in history. Later
organized Satanism emerged after LaVey in the 1960's. It is a little known fact amongst satanists that Devil worship was promoted by the early
Church of Satan. In the book, "The Satanic Rituals', LaVey gives a description of the Yazidi peoples whom he labeled as the 'original devil
worshipers'. He also suggested that Satanists should use them for a personal example of how Satanists should relate to Satan. LaVey also
characterized Satan as a demon, called upon him during rituals and recommended the invocation of Satan before the use of magic.

diversity. Through Illuminati and Masonry, Jesus’ doctrine was distorted, abused and referred to as
“Secular” or “Sinner” or “A Failure” in the Teachings of Jesuology, Jesuophony, Jesuogony.23

7-Fold Plan (Objectives) For New World Order of Illuminati

In 1773, Prof. Adam Weishaupt started a worldwide audacious plan, one that had huge size and scope.
However, pawns of Satan know no limit to their personal ambitions. As the founder of the Order of the
Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt had written out a 7-point plan that he felt would create a New World Order.
The 7-point plan is:
1. Abolition of all Order Governments and Monarchies.
2. Abolition of Private Property and institute communism.
3. Abolition of Inheritance.
4. Abolition of Patriotism and Nationalism.
5. Abolition of the Family and Marriage institution.
6. Abolition of Religion.
7. Creation of a New Classless World Order (Utopian Globalism)

The Illuminmati Chronicles

The Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2003: 208) defines ‘Chronicles’ as a carefully written
record of historical events of a particular reality with the aim of preserving and advancing a higher and noble
cause.24 The Illuminati Chronicles give the main outline of their nature, teaching and mission.
 In 1774, an Act of God placed the Bavarian Government in possession of evidence which promoted
Luciferian conspiracy which later led to illuminati secret society.
 Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit trained professor of canon law defected from the Catholic Church and
embraced Luciferian ideology while teaching in Inglostadt University.
 Adam left the church because: Lack of acknowledgement of the important role played by Satanism
in intellectual creativity, progress and civilizations in world history.
 Catholic Faith and teaching did not truly address inner vacuum and spiritual hunger of humanity.
 The Church structures neglected the rich politicians, influential personalities, business tycoons and
unethical people in its decision making machinery.
 There is too much stress on the Church symbols, images, rituals, structures and high liturgies with
little or no spiritual values which transform the people.
 Anti-movement against the Church’s hierarchy, the evangelical counsels: vows of obedience,
poverty and chastity are against human nature. These are against natural law and so to be rejected.
 Many inside and outside the Church are ignorant about the nature and Mission of the Devil or Satan
or Lucifer. Therefore, many people are ignorant about him and so fail to relate to him
 In 1776, Prof. Adam founded a Socio-Religious Secrete Society called Illuminati Secret Cult and its
goal was to rule the world through submission to Luciferian ideology (materialistic, secularistic and
relativistic beliefs).
 Illuminati missionary methods of expansionism was (through devilish strategies) using the most
influential socio-economic, political wealthy people in society for secrets assassinations, bribery,
corruption, human-trafficking, sexual liberalism, black-mail, terrorism revolutions, material and
secularized imperialism, espionage, genocide, wars against humanity, ethnic cleansing, apartheid,
Christian-dwarfism, biblical Syncretism.
 Initially, the Illuminati targets were kings, queens, monarchies, governors, business men and women
in Europe and also Church leaders. Some trends have connection with some church organizations or
mission bodies which are involved with financing church projects, missionary work etc. 25
 Some Illuminati bodies plan, control and manipulate banks, money-lending powers, worlds’ project
financiers and some International Organizations.
 Illuminati employ secretive, manipulative and satanic means to seduce lead astray many and lead
them to his materialistic kingdom. Satanic kingdom is real and very attractive with many members. 26
Maxwell Stackhouse, London, 1986, 99-100.
Patrick Gillard, ed., The Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003: 208
Andrew Fredman, The Church at the Crossroad: Addressing the Challenge of Secret Societies in the church, New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1997,
25 – 26.
In Illuminati, Satanism and Diabolatry has meaning of tempting, luring seducing men and women in history. According to the modern Satanist,
Geifodd (1978) "Illuminati is a form of religious worship of the Devil. Unlike Christians and people of other conventional religions, Illuminati
followers or Devil worshipers, do not believe the Devil to be a completely 'evil' entity". 3 Theistic Satanist, Diane Vera agrees with these descriptions,

Illuminati’s Dire Consequences
Alexander Boyd (2003) cites that the concept and belief in illuminati is very complex that it is confusing
many because of its links to some Catholic theological discourses, the Jesuit order, Knights of St. Columbus
and the powerful Church funding organizations. The question which many ask is, ‘Is Illuminati a righteous,
a religious, a secular or satanic organization’? 27 German philosopher and theologian Dirk Hans Ruthermann
(2011) in his critical research on ‘the Socio-religious horizontal and vertical scope of Secret religious
societies in the world’ revealed that the reality of secret societies like illuminati and masonry are real and
affecting people in Church and society, among the educated and the wealthy, among the scientists as well as
influential personalities.28 Benedict XVI (2007) concurred with this statement when he mentioned the ten
detrimental challenges to Faith and Society in Africa and Worldwide which have roots in some historical
erroneous beliefs and philosophies which are often anti-Christian in their teachings.
These are:
 Ignorance of the signs of the times.
 Anti-church, anti-Christ and anti-life attitudes.
 Uncontrolled mushrooming of churches and religious bodies.
 Relativistic secularism and materialism.
 Corruption and Moral decadence.
 Sexual liberalism.
 Destruction of Family and Marital values.
 Technological – abuse syndrome.
 Economics or International Exploitation.
 Re-insurgence of 5 syncretistic principalities: Satanism, occultism, illuminati, witchcraft and

Gregory Pearson (1998) discussed profoundly the issue of ‘Illuminati in the Context of New World Order’
by practical definition of Illuminati, Freemasonry, Scientology which are secretly penetrating into societal
structures and Christian communities. The three have ‘ties’ with the Jesuit order. Then he points out the
difference between Illuminati and Freemasonry: Initially the Illuminati were a Bavarian political action
group that advocated the overthrow of European monarchies. They were disbanded about 300 years ago.
Freemasons are members of Freemasonry which is the world's oldest social fraternity and largest
philanthropy; funding both Church and government major projects. Scientology is a secret society which
promotes knowledge and scientific discoveries as principle source for controlling humanity. 29 The three
secret societies have some historical ‘ties’ with the Jesuit Order which is considered by some as a ‘Military
religious order’ for the Church. It is comprised of priests, scholars and researchers with connections to
powerful social, educational, political and financial organizations. 30
No wonder the founder of Illuminati was a Jewish Jesuit university scholar, Prof. Adam Weishaupt. The
Society of Jesus was originally organized by Crypto-Jews. In 1492 the entire Jewish community of Spain,

but also classified these types of Satanists as part of theistic Satanism, "Other terms for "theistic Satanism" or "traditional Satanism" include "Devil
worship," "spiritual Satanism," and "Diabolatry”. Illuminati fraternity or Satanists have defined their own constitution, institutions and
identification that is different from Christian beliefs and teaching.
Alexander Boyd, Which Direction for Secretive Religious Organizations, New York, 2003, 55.
Dirk Hans Ruthermann, The Socio-religious Horizontal and Vertical Scope of Secret Religious Societies in the World , London: sage INC, 2007,
67. Patrisch Siegle (In Search of Secretive Dominance of World Powers, 1945) cited that secret societies use the vertical false religious beliefs so as
to manipulate and build horizontal great socio-political economic powers. According to encyclopedias, illumnati is connected with some of the worst
historical tragedies done to humanity. Some of them were done under the guise of Catholicism. The ravages of the Catholic Inquisition, in which
thousands of innocents were slain and tortured, suffering the most cruel of fates, being branded, painfully wracked by ghoulish devices and
instruments, and finally burned at the stake, were overseen by a Jewish convert to the papacy—Tomás de Torquemada (1420-1498). The Jewish-born
Torquemada must have been filled with glee at the opportunity to so fiendishly torment true Christian believers. Among his victims were many
women and children. Jonathan Kelleher ( Exposing the Secret Religions and Deals in International Community, 1955) discusses that in more recent
history, we find that the Jewish cult is associated not only for some crimes of Illuminism and Communism, but also for such unholy political, social,
and religious movements as Freemasonry, Witchcraft, Satanism, and the New Age heresy.
Ibid. 13-15. See also, Ronald Enroth, A Guide to New Religious Movements, Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2005; Norman L. Geisler and
Ron Rhodes, Correcting the Cults, Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005; Irving Hexham, Encountering New Religious Movements, Grand Rapids; Kregel,
2004; Bob Larson, Larson’s Book of World Religions and Alternative Spirituality, Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale, 2004; Walter R. Martin, Kingdom of
the Cults, Ravi Zacharias ed., Minneapolis: Bethany House, 2003; George A. Mather,, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Cults, Sects and World
Religions, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006.

Ibid. 16; Further literature on the theme: James McDowell and Don Stewart, Handbook of Today’s Religions, Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1993;
Irvine Robertson, What the Cults Believe, Chicago: Moody, 1966; Steve Russo, What’s the Deal with Wicca? A Deeper Look into the Dark Side of
Today’s Witchcraft, Minneapolis: Bethany House, 2005; Jerald & Sandra Tanner, The Changing World of Mormonism, Chicago: Moody, 1980;
Mark Water, AMG’s Encyclopedia of World Religions, Cults and the Occult, Chattanooga: AMG, 2006; Tim Baker, Why So Many Gods,
Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2002.

about 200 thousand were expelled. The Order was created in 1543 by Marrano Jews: Ignatius of Loyola,
Alfonso Salmeron and Diego Lainez. 31 The Illuminati hold that Christian faith is failing to listen to people
and so does not address the challenges facing them. Bartholomew Jordan (1978) makes it clear that when
Christianity appears to be arrogant and seems to lack the clarity, the relevance and the religious mechanism
to enforce and counteract the gaps in the process of social and spiritual transformation then negative
characteristics are attributed to mainstream churches. These justify the reasons for leaving Christian faith
and joining Illuminati and Masonry orders.32

Illuminanti as Anti-Biblical Teaching:

Paul Sanderson (1946) expressed that the Bible is the most used and most abused literature in human
history. It has been used to exploit people, to commit all sorts of crimes, slavery, colonialism, apartheid,
prostitution, world wars, etc. Thus, many ask: Is the Bible the Word of God as Christianity claims it to be?
Some critics today argue that the Bible is not a reliable guide to Christ's teachings .33 Mark, the oldest of the
Gospels, was written at least 30 years after Christ's death, and the newest of them might have been written
more than 200 years after his death. These texts have been amended, translated, and re-translated so often
that it is extremely difficult to gauge the accuracy of current editions, even aside from the matter of the
accuracy of texts written decades or centuries after the death of their subject. 34 This is such a problem that
the Jesus Seminar, a colloquium of over 200 Protestant Gospel scholars mostly employed at religious
colleges and seminaries, undertook in 1985 a multi-year investigation into the historicity of the statements
and deeds attributed to Jesus in the New Testament. They concluded that only 18% of the statements and
16% of the deeds attributed to Jesus had a high likelihood of being historically accurate. So, in a very real
sense some fundamentals who claim to believe in the literal truth of the Bible, are not true followers of
Jesus Christ; rather, they are followers of those who, decades or centuries later, put words in his mouth to
justify their unrighteous or radical views in life. Thus, the Anti-Christ societies identify some Biblical gaps
to justify their anti-Biblical attitudes in life.35

In his critical analysis, Raphael Sanders (1974) attests that Christianity’s source of revelation, the Bible, is
riddled with some contradictions. There are a number of glaring contradictions in the Bible, in both the Old
and New Testaments, and including some within the same books. A few examples:

(a) "God cannot be tempted with evil, neither can he tempts any man." (James 1:13)
"And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham." (Genesis 22:1)
(b) "for I am merciful”, says the Lord, “and I will not keep anger forever." (Jeremiah 3:12)
"You have kindled a fire in mine anger, which shall burn forever. Thus says the Lord." (Jeremiah 17:4)
(c) "If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true." (John 5:31) "I am the one that bears witness of
myself . . ." (John 8:18)

Christian apologists typically attempt to explain away such contradictions by claiming that the fault lies in
the translation and interpretations, however many Biblical scholars attest that there were “no” contradictions
in the original text. What we have is the result of some textual hermeneutics and evolutionary historicism.
Yet, the illuminati argue that it's difficult to see how this could be so, given the many direct biblical
contradictions. The question that remains is: does such a “sacred’ literature with so many inconsistencies
and controversies, have moral authority to determine the mission and destiny of humanity?

Barton Pfeiffer, The Roots of the Worldwide Secret Societies, London, 1965, 23-25. Illuminati is a worldwide secret order connected with Jewish
enlightenment. Illuminism eventually metamorphosed into Communism, thanks to Rothschild, Warburg, Schiff, and other Jewish bankers who
financed both Theodore Herzl’s 1890s Zionist Movement and Karl Marx’s lunatic ravings (The Communist Manifesto). Marx was, of course, a Jew,
and his grandfather had been a rabbi. Marx was, moreover, a satanist and his writings give evidence of his devotion to Lucifer and the dark forces
(see Wurmbrand’s Marx and Satan, 1952). Karl Marx’s unworkable doctrines were put into action in 1917 as the Russian Empire fell to Communist
conspirators Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky, two Jews who had the backing of Jewish bankers in Germany, Britain, and France. Their Jewish
bloodline was kept secret from the Russian and Soviet people, but is today admitted by historians. The Lenin Museum, in Moscow, Russia, now
openly lists Lenin as a Jew. The Russian Jewish connection contributed more to the positioning of Illuminati in global politics and socio-economic
Bartholomew Jordan, The Future of Christianity amidst Secret Societies, London, 1978, 105.
Paul Sanderson, The Use and Abuse of the Bible: Is it Relevant Today, New York, 1998, 66-67.
Ibid. See also, Charles Bufe, 20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity, London, Sharp Press, 2016 ,
to-abandon-christianity accessed29/07/2017
Ibid. Refer also Robert Hender , R. J. Report on the Impact of Mormons, Freemasonry and Illuminati in USA, on Sept 16,
2010accessed 29/07/2017

The illuminati confirm that the Bible is not a reliable guide to Christ’s words and so should not guide the
New Classless world Order.36 Patrick Compton (2002) says that the Biblical inconsistencies have contributed
to some people to leave mainstream Christian Churches, apart from the reasons of the Biblical Christianity’s
failure to address the interior challenges of poverty, injustice, exploitation, insecurity, bad political
governance, corruption, un-discerned Western capitalism, institutionalized evil and sufferings in the global

Reasons for Leaving Christianity to Illuminati

A well known author, co-author of numerous books and expert on socio-history and Christianity, Charles
Buffe has elaborated critical reasons why some people are finding it difficult to belong to mainstream
Christian Churches, and are opting to becoming members of secret societies:
1. Christianity is based on fear.
2. Christianity preys on the innocent
3. Christianity is based on dishonesty
4. Christianity is extremely egocentric
5. Christianity breeds arrogance, a chosen-people mentality
6. Christianity breeds authoritarianism
7. Christianity is cruel
8. Christianity is anti-intellectual, anti-scientific
9. Christianity has a morbid, unhealthy preoccupation with sex
10. Christianity produces sexual misery
11. Christianity has an exceedingly narrow, legalistic view of morality
12. Christianity encourages acceptance of real evils while focusing on imaginary evils
13. Christianity depreciates the natural world
14. Christianity models hierarchical, authoritarian organization
15. Christianity sanctions slavery
16. Christianity is misogynistic
17. Christianity is homophobic
18. The Bible is not a reliable guide to Christ's teachings
19. The Bible is riddled with contradictions
20. Christianity borrowed its central myths and ceremonies from other ancient religions.

The reasons explicates why the presence of illimunati and masonry beliefs in our society have made some
people to feel uncomfortable and undesirable with Christianity. This is both from a personal and social
perspective. From this premise there are those who conclude that Christianity is not addressing the holistic
challenges of people. Thus amidst the poverty, injustices, pain and suffering and the attractions of secret
societies, some are leaving Christian churches in search of transformative shelter elsewhere.

Penetration of Illuminati in Christianity and worldwide community.

Although several groups worldwide called themselves “Illuminati” in the past, the most influential and
memorable of them was the Bavarian Illuminati. Founded on May 1, 1776, the organization created by Prof.
Adam Weishaupt blurred the line between “spiritual” and “political” Secret Societies. By rejecting the
Biblical foundations and social morality, and by mixing the occult sciences or societies of Luciferianism 38
Patrick Compton, The Bible at the Crossroad in the World of Controversies, London, 2002, 89-91.
Luciferianism is a belief system that includes both theistic and secular denominations and is, therefore, heavily influenced by personal
perspectives and experiences. Considered by many to be a religion and by some to be a philosophy or way of life, Luciferianism as a whole has no
specific dogma to which its “followers” adhere. Rather, it is a deeply personal outlook with numerous variations ranging from the veneration of a
literal deity and the practice of occultism to a secular set of principles, using mythological references as a form of symbolism and cultural tradition.
Although sometimes mistakenly associated with Satanism due to the Christian interpretation of the fallen angel, Luciferianism is a wholly different
and unrelated belief system and does not revere the Devil figure which is the creation of Christianity. For Luciferians, enlightenment is the ultimate
goal. They prize the wonders of nature and seek to connect with the natural world and the universe that humans inhabit, in order to move humankind
forward, whether it be physically or socially. The basic Luciferian principles highlight truth and freedom of will, worshipping the inner self and one’s
ultimate potential. Traditional dogma is shunned as a basis for morality on the grounds that humans should not need deities or fear of eternal
punishment to distinguish right from wrong and to do good. All ideas should be tested before being accepted, and even then one should remain
skeptical because knowledge and understanding are fluid. In whatever incarnation Lucifer is viewed, whether theistic or not, he is a representation of
ultimate knowledge and exploration: humanity’s savior and a champion for continuing personal growth.
Luciferianism constitutes the nucleus of the ruling class religion. While there are definitely political and economic rationales for elite criminality,
Luciferianism can account for the longevity of many of the oligarchs’ projects. Many of the longest and most brutal human endeavors have been
underpinned by some form of religious zealotry. The Crusades testify to this historical fact. Likewise, the power elite’s ongoing campaign to

Freemasonry39 and Rosicrucianism40 while conspiring to achieve precise universal political goals, the
Illuminati became an actor on the world stage of teaching the “value’ of international communion and
communism through New Classless Order; it became to be associated with major international donor or
finance agencies and an entity to fight Euro-American Capitalism and “imperialistic empire of
Christianity”. Secret Societies like masonry and illuminati have existed throughout the course of history,
each of them with different aims and with different roles in society. 41

Lawrence Boyd (1977) saw that the two world wars in 1914-1918 and 1939-1945 respectively, defined the
course of modern history and Christianity. On the other hand the two wars initiated the need to slow down
the current Western Capitalistic system and sought to searching for the New Classless World Order. The two
wars raised critical questions to the authenticity of Christianity. If Christian Church is serious about Christ’s
message of love; if it is honest about preserving life and international unity and progress, why did the same
Western Christian countries began the two world Wars and killed millions of their Christian members? Why
did the two Wars contribute to further divisions in the world and began to discriminate more people on
racial, cultural and religious basis.42 These sentiments made many to resent and oppose the reality of
Christianity and Capitalism. They argued that Christian Teaching was exploitative, was anti-freedom, anti-
development, anti-women and anti-transformation. Christian experts and scholars began to explore more on
Marxist philosophy of ‘Religion as the opium of the masses’. Capitalism was perceived as the evil of
widening the gap between the rich and the poor’. The best remedy for preservation of the world peace,
justice, equal opportunities and transformation for all, is the establishment of the New Classless Order or
New International World Government. The philosophy and spirituality of Illuminati was ideal for creation of
such a super communitarian classless society.43

A survey on ‘Christian Faith and Secret Societies in the United States’, published in August 1988 by the
Association of North American Missions revealed that most Christians care little about the needs of the
Church. “People are placing a higher value on money, material possession and their lifestyle than on their
spirituality and moral integrity” (1985 Annual Report of the Association of North American Missions). This
means that Christianity is mainly a nominal affair with little spiritual value. Therefore, people are
dissatisfied with churches and are looking elsewhere for the truth, meaning and sense of belongingness and
they see secret societies like ‘illuminati’ and ‘masonry’ offering the better option in life.
Boyd (1977) goes on to argue that the weaknesses in Christianity created a deep interior gap which was
taken advantage of by secret societies. The societies like masonry and illuminati offered new world
developmental opportunities; relativistic, materialistic and atheistic ideologies and praxis of filling in this
socio-religious gap so as to create a transformed international government for all. Christianity and
Capitalism strived on attitudes of unjust educational system, unequal competition, racism, apartheid, slavery,
colonialism, selfishness, greed, immorality and indifference, etc. Thus, history has shown that masonry and
Illuminati beliefs have taken advantage of these weaknesses and have flourished because they have easily
penetrated most Christian denominations.44 In July 1989 Tom C. McKenney and others in their research,
revealed shocking statistics that some Protestant denominations in the United States have large percentage of
their pastors joining the society of masonry. “The destruction of Christianity could be accomplished only by
establish a socialist totalitarian global government has Luciferianism to thank for both its longevity and frequently violent character. In the mind of
the modern oligarch, Luciferianism provides religious legitimacy for otherwise morally questionable plans. Luciferianism is the product of religious
engineering, which sociologist William Sims Bainbridge defines as “the conscious, systematic, skilled creation of a new religion” (“New Religions,
Science, and Secularization,” no pagination). Illuminati as an arm of Luciferianism aims at establishment of New International World Order. (Arturo
and Morris de Hoyos, Is It True What They Say About Freemasonry? S. Brent, 1988, 27-36; Morris, S. Brent, The Complete Idiot's Guide to
Freemasonry, London: Alpha Books, 2006, 173; Chris Relitz, Antichrist Osiris: the History of the Luciferian Conspiracy,London, Daniel1133
Books.2012, 111;156; ( accessed 03/08/2017.
Masonry: Freemasonry is a secret society with roots in Egyptian pagan worship, and is a thinly veiled form of a combination of atheistic beliefs,
magic, witchcraft, phallic worship, paganism, pantheism and Luciferianism (Satansim). It has a secret agenda of diverting people from, Natural law,
Christianity and morality in life. Its (secret) overall goals are (1) the progressive destruction of Christianity, and (2) the establishment of a one world
Rosicrucians (Order of the Rose-Croix should unite people by freeing them from oppression of religion.) In the early 1300's, the surviving Knights
Templars merged with Illuminati Order since they were not allowed to continue their own organization because of their radical views on Christianity
and world civilization. Their beliefs and practices were very secret through the 1600's. They may have been the pre-cursors of the Masonic Orders.
The names of the last three Masonic degrees of the York Rite are: Knight of the Red Cross (means the same thing as Rose-Croix), Knight of Malta,
Knight Templar. The 18th Degree of Scottish Rite of the Masonic Order is called the Sovereign Prince of Rose-Croix.
James Wasserman, The Mystery Traditions, London, 1976, 45.
Lawrence Body, The Innovation Theory for The Reconstruction of the World Order, London, 1973, 77-78.
Ibid. 80
Ibid. 82-83

those who are entrusted to preserve it, by the pastors, priests and the men of the cloth who because of their
double standards have lost the sense of moral direction. They are deceiving themselves and their Christian
flock, who later on find their way to the Masonry order. 45 In 1907, Prof Harry Ward who was mentored and
financed by John Rockefeller to set up the Methodist Foundation of Social Service began to teach bright
young men to become the so-called ministers of Christ and place them as pastors of churches. In these
satellite ‘contact churches’, they wanted to pursue ideologies of masonry and illuminati. 46

Robert Hender (2010) in his research findings on ‘Historical Analysis of Illuminati Societies and their
Impact on the Contemporary Cultures” revealed that according to masonry and illuminati when Christianity
would be sufficiently weakened, rejected, made irrelevant and indifferent to life context and universal
prosperity, then the final experience was to be dealt with by the sword of relentless tension and
persecution. Then there would be mass defections to the secret societies. A reign of terror was to spread over
the whole earth against Christianity. This was to be followed by a Universal Classless Brotherhood without
institutionalized religion, politics, marriage, family, private property, God, government or law, etc. 47 It is
clear that some churches have been dented, wounded and collapsed into apostasy 48. In addition Lorraine
Day (1996) in her research on “The New World Order is using the Christian Churches and their Pastors to
Destroy Christianity” found out that because many Christian Churches are tax-exempt organizations and are
enjoying many state privileges, they are normally controlled by the State, rather than being controlled by
Jesus Christ and Christian principles. 49 Thus, what the churches may or may not teach and preach is largely
influenced and controlled by the State organs, rather than by Jesus Christ.

Infiltration of Illuminati into Churches

The founder of modern illuminati Prof. Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830) said about the Catholic Church: “We
will infiltrate that place (Vatican) and once inside we will never come out. We will expose the evil that is
happening inside it and bore from within until it remains nothing but an empty shell." Later Arthur W.
Terminiello cites that the Mormons-Freemasonry and Illuminati Church President commented some time
back that the Illuminati organization had infiltrated the church, even to the very highest levels of the
Church. The Church deals comfortably with many leading financial organizations in the world. Some
monetary deals are righteous and others are not. Furthermore, the Illuminati have promised that apart from
Christian churches, they would infiltrate every organization in the world and control from within using its
powerful financial and international organizations connection. 50 The look of things today show that there is
already anti-God, anti-religious, atheistic tendencies and idolizing and glorifying of modern ICT, social
media, materialism and consumerism which is demonstrating that Organized Evil and institutionalized crime
is taking over Europe and America, and by gradual extension the developing countries.

In his investigation about Religious Analysis of the Masonry and Illuminati Worldwide, Emmanuel Bizmark
(2001) mentions that the majority of the lay Christians are unable to comprehend what is really going on in
their Church today.51 For the most part, the lay men and women are ignorant of the existence and operation
of the Judaeo-Masonic Illuminati and its powerful Spy Ring designated Organization X. They are not only
puzzled, but frightened and sick with horror when informed about some unbecoming positions which were
witnessed at the Vatican Council II. Some of the radical discussions considered by some conservatives as
revolutionary were already predicted by the High Priestess of the Illuminati Order, Alice A. Bailey, over
fifty years ago, in her book, A Treatise on the Cosmic Fire (1925). And, in the words of Cardinal Giusppi
Siri, Conservative Archbishop of Genoa, "It would take at least forty years to repair the damage done to the
Church by four years of John XXIII’s pontificate." Some held the view that the prophecy of Adam

Tom C. McKenny, The Deadly Deception and the Protestant Christianity in the United States, New York, 1989, 30-32.
Ibid. 33; Also, Richard Delgado argues that it is possible to regulate cults without contravening the Establishment Clause in "When Religious
Exercise Is Not Free: Deprogramming and the Constitutional Status of Coercively Induced Belief," 37 VAND. L. REV. 1071 (1984). Jeremiah
Gutman disputes Delgado's argument in Extemporaneous Remarks, 9(1) N.Y. U. REV. L. & SOC. CHANGE 69 (1979-80).
Robert Hender , R. J. Report on the Impact of Mormons, Freemasonry and Illuminati in USA, on Sept 16, 2010,
(Also accessed 05/08/2017.
Dillon, The New World Order and Christianity, New York, 1998, 7-8.
Lorraine Day, How the New World Order is Using the Christian Churches and their Pastors to Destroy Christianity, New York, 1996,
( accessed 05/08/2017.
Robert Hender , R. J. Report on the Impact of Mormons, Freemasonry and Illuminati in USA, on Sept 16, 2010,
(Also accessed 05/08/2017.
Emmanuel Bizimark, Interventions in the Secret Societies and Transformation of the World, Collegeville, 2001, 13.

Weishaupt (1748-1830) published nearly two centuries ago, was fulfilled in the present nature of
Christianity 52

Barrack Van Seters (1971) mentioned that the much celebrated Vatican II which was a meant to be a
"reform" Council, was to a certain extent “compromised” by some secular ideologies. Some believe that
although it was never intended to bring major and revolutionary position to the understanding of the Church
in contemporary times, but like the so-called "Reformation" of the 16th century, it seems it was organized
and financed with the assistance of some Church organizations which have links with the Judaeo-Masonic
Illuminati orders that Adam Weishaupt reorganized in the 18th century. 53 The Mystical Body of Christ is a
Perfect Body composed of imperfect members, and it is the imperfection that needs to be reformed. Truly,
the words of Pope Adrian VI (1522-23) apply to the Church today: "Holy Scripture makes it abundantly
clear that often the sins of the people have their origin in the lack of belief of the Church’s leadership. ’.
There is great need to bring conversion and reform in the Christendom beginning with the Church leadership
within and then to the rest of the people.54

The secret society named the “Illuminati” was founded in Bavaria on May 1st, 1776. It was made up of
freethinkers as an offshoot of the Enlightenment and seems to have been modeled after the Freemasons. The
original goals of the organization included trying to eliminate superstition, prejudice and the Roman
Catholic Church's domination over government, philosophy and science. Other goals included trying to
reduce oppressive state abuses of power, and trying to support the education and treatment of women as
intellectual equals. In 1777, a new ruler came over Bavaria, and his government banned all secret societies,
including the Illuminati, and they publicly disbanded in 1785. 55 However, the society continued to exist as a
strictly hidden order in the Christian countries with their agenda of converting people to illuminati. Today
the “Illuminati” have a well-known, unofficial reputation. Many people believe this organization has
complete power over the world, making far-reaching, illusive decisions and orders from the shadows,
controlling the minds of the masses with programming and hidden symbolism. There is undoubtedly an
outside influence in the decisions of governments, the coverage of the media, and the countless forms of
entertainment being shoved down the throats of consumers, but it is not an enlightened, evil, secret society
that originated in the 1700s.56 The people who really pull the strings in society are the grotesquely wealthy
bank and corporation owners. Even if all the rumors about them being part of secret societies and
worshiping Satan by performing pagan and occult rituals are true, it doesn’t matter much, because those
superstitions, magic, witchcraft, sorcery and evil (Satan) are mind-made. We allow them to control us. The
best way to control them begins in the mind also. The truth about them should be known and taught, for
only the Truth sets us free (Jn.8:32).

Infiltration of Illuminati and Occultism in Schools and Colleges

Robert Hender , R. J. Report on the Impact of Mormons, Freemasonry and Illuminati in USA, on Sept 16, 2010,
(Also accessed 05/08/2017.
Barrack Van Seters, The Compromise of Vatican II and Its Impact of the Contemporary Christianity, London, 1971, 33-34.
54 accessed 07/08/1017. Also, Adam Weishaupt,
of: ALERTE! No. 16, published by Advocates Of Our Lady For background of "ORGANIZATION X," see INTELLIGENCE DIGEST,
COUNCIL, 36 Walnut St., Uniontown, Pa., THE CARDINAL SPELLMAN STORY by Rev. Robert I. Cannon, S. J., Doubleday, 1962,
p. 346 APOSTIE FOR OUR TIME - POPE PAUL VI, by Msgr. John G. Clancy, Imprimatur: Richard Cardinal Cushing, 9/13/63, pub by
Avon Books, N.Y., N.Y. 1963 pp. 81, 82.; etc. Further information of this issue consult the background of the Judaeo-Masonic
Illuminati war directed against the Holy Roman Empire of the Hapsburg Dynasty by boring from within through the Jew Bombello, an
apostate Jesuit, the Jewish temptress, Fanny Eisner, indebtedness to the Rothchilds, murder and assassination, see APPENDIX - THE
Ibid. The Illuminati survived the dark moments of its existence because of its strategies of secrecy and connection with the powerful social,
religious and financial organizations. Between 1797 and 1798, Augustin Barruel's Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism and John Robison's
Proofs of a Conspiracy publicized the theory that the Illuminati had survived and represented an ongoing international conspiracy. This included the
claim that it was behind the French Revolution. Both books proved to be very popular, spurring reprints and paraphrases by others. A prime example
of this is Proofs of the Real Existence, and Dangerous Tendency, Of Illuminism by Reverend Seth Payson, published in 1802. Some of the response
to this was critical, for example Jean-Joseph Mounier's On the Influence Attributed to Philosophers, Free-Masons, and to the Illuminati on the
Revolution of France. An expert on Secrete Societies in the world, Bonaventure Matthews (1969) commented that today there are hundreds
of illuminati groups which have grown and diversified their mission originating from the 1776 Prof. Adam’s Illuminati. Several recent and present-
day fraternal organisations claim to be descended from the original Bavarian Illuminati and openly use the name "Illuminati" (Illuminati Fraternal
Organizations Today, Michigan: Servant Books, 1969) Some of these groups use a variation on the name "The Illuminati Order" in the name of their
own secret organizations, while others, such as the Ordo Templi Orientis, have "Illuminati" as a level within their organisation's hierarchy. However,
there is no evidence that these present-day groups have amassed significant political power or influence on the world stage. And in order for such
groups to remain relevant today, rather than trying to remain secret, they promote unsubstantiated links to the Bavarian Illuminati as a means of
attracting membership. (Bonaventure Matthews, 1969)

(a) Research Findings In SADC57 (Southern Africa) Region
Many have asked, “Is there any relevance of the Illuminati societies to the African contexts. Do the Bavarian
Illuminati and Masonry societies have connection with some of the evils like magic, superstition, sorcery,
witchcraft and all forms of injustices, extreme poverty, abuse of human rights, etc. on the African continent?
In response to these questions, a timely research was carried out in some Southern African countries, with
reference to a selected schools and colleges. The study research conducted in twelve schools in Malawi,
Zambia and Zimbabwe on ‘The Impact of Occultism and Secret Societies in Secondary Schools in SADC
Region’ by Alexander Phiri, Patrick Mlenga, Nini Thambudzai and Thami Ncube Nkosikazi, in 2010,
revealed that many students are lured to join Illuminati and other secret societies because of the following
1. Lack of quality educational guidance, parental guidance, Church’s or Religions’ pastoral care and
institutional counseling facilities.
2. Seeking for social, psychological, financial, educational and religious support, scholarships in schools.
3. High competition among students to gain more knowledge and better life – search in books, literature
and internet.
4. Escaping from challenges of poverty, pain, witchcraft, sickness – seeking liberation and deliverance
5. Seeking astral-relaxed power and feeling high through drugs, opium, alcohol, etc – as escape from
frustrations, etc.
6. Floods of peripatetic preachers, tele-evangelists and apostles of the gospel prosperity in schools.
7. Unhealthy superstitious connections with parents, relatives and people at student’s home.
8. Searching for charms of lack in relationships and passing examinations.
9. Promises of quality life, scholarships, wealthy friends etc. through the face-book, etc.
10. Some lecturers and teachers recruit students for International Illuminati organizations and occult secret
societies for personal gains.
11. Participation in secret student gangs, fraternities and sororities in students dormitories which involves
unrighteous initiations, superstitious sexual orgies, satanic rituals, etc.
12. Ideal place for recruiting for scouts or young pioneers of Devil worship, Fellowship of prosperity,
Green-Satanism, Red-Luciferians, Black Hawks; Black Generals, Universal Knights, etc.
13. Glorification of atheistic tendencies, relativism, secularism, materialism and pro anti-mainstream
14. Lack of Catholic Teaching, presence, identity, values and witness in the schools due to laxity, shyness
and lack of aggressiveness:
15. Each Occult school has its own ideals of physical, spiritual and intellectual excellence, methods of
communication and progress in life.
16. Disciples of Occult schools have higher ideals of mystical consciousness and skills of religious and
psychic liberation and are trained for future leadership.
17. A fully initiated and trained student in Occultism stands out or is considered as a Shining Star of
excellence and development among the non-member students and people. Occult and Illuminati schools
welcome and introduce new students with the motto: “An occult member is a soldier-scholar like a cat,
endowed with secrets good life”. 58

(b) Worldwide Research Findings in Church and Academia

1. Many Catholic schools do not offer quality courses of Christian Religious Education, Christian Ethics
and Catholic Education: (Congregation of Catholic Education on True Education for Transformative
World, Vatican, 2003]
2. Lack of trained students’ “Holistic Counselors” and “Pastoral Guidance and Life Sojourners” in our
Catholic schools and colleges. [Late Bishop De Jong, former Chancellor of CUEA and Bishop of Ndola
in Zambia, 1988]
3. Availability and easy access to recruitment process of new members through Cult-Websites [Internet]
which lure students to join in and enjoy the benefits of academic and material support.
4. Free inclusion of non-Catholic students in Catholic schools attributes to rise of Occultism. It should be
made clear that Catholic Education is always inclusive. However, there has to be caution to see that non-

SADC means ‘Southern African Development Coorporation’ (Regional Economic Body of Development)
M.Moore, Education for Continuity and Change: A New Model for Christian Religious Education, Nashiville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1983; See also
Josh McDowell and Don Stewart, The Occult: The Authority of the Believer Over the Powers of Darkness (San Bernardino, California: Here’s Life
Publishers, 1992, 249).

Catholic students respect the Teachings, Values and Identity of the Catholic Church (Sacred
Congregation for Catholic Education, 1977, no. 85; Also J. Kent Donlevy 2008]
5. Secrecy in Occult Fraternities and Illuminati Orders: These are secret groups in which students join
according to their ethnic communities or sexual orientations, or location (towns), or status quo, or
“secret Christian devotional groups or movements”, they have unique symbols and language, they have
body tattoos, etc. They are initiated in satanic culture and vow to protect each other [ J. Elias, Catholic
Education in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Bede Circle: Pennsylvania, 2002,]
6. [6] Occultism and Immorality: Most cults are engaged in immoral activities which are anti-law and anti
–authority. This attracts many young people to join organization which allows all sorts of dubious
activities, sexual orgies, prostitution, naked dances and Halloween parties, etc. Esoteric philosophy and
practices of ‘free-sex’ for physical health and the goodness in the world are encouraged. [Gerald
Mackeens, 2011, 67].
7. Occult Meditation and Psycho-spiritual resting: Often cults employ the combination of two methods of
(a) Resting in higher degree of spiritual and intellectual silence,
(b) Ability to attain inner relaxation and communicating with spirits guided by a good master or guru
[Yoga, Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.] Strong belief in schools that such forms of meditation
clears and transforms the mind and prepares it for excellent study and education.
8. Occultism and Vegetarianism: The good spirits are believed to stay in vegetative life. Animals with
blood are believed to have wild and aggressive spirits. Occult students have vegetative diet which
members believe makes them intelligence, smart, beautiful, hardworking and secure. This is a sign of
the real chosen few [Dr. Besant, The Vegetarian 1998, 12-20]
9. Religious Relativism: Is the belief that every religion or worship is good depending on the context.
Thus, one religion is as good as another. In a world of multiplicity of Churches and religions, one can
easily pray in any Church or religion, or join any cult without problem. Thus, students join cults and
remain Christians without any guilt. There is a danger of syncretism and compromise in our schools.

(c) Behavior Related To Illuminati and Occultism in Schools

Many research studies conducted with the facilitation of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (2010-
2015) in various schools, institutions of higher learning, in parishes and among pastoral agents at different
levels in Kenya and AMECEA59 region revealed that the challenge of radicalization through religious
fundamentalism and secret societies like: Illuminati, Freemasonry and other occult groups is real. The school
and college administrators, managers, principals, headmasters/mistresses, teachers; the diocesan educational
secretaries and representatives of the Ministry of education, members of Parents Teachers Association
(PTA), parents, sponsors and students themselves all agree to the existence of these challenges in schools,
colleges, families and communities.60 Among the reasons given as the cause of joining these secret societies
and fundamentalist religious groups include:
1. Some students join them in search of identity and community which they miss.
2. Others join because of depression and seeking security and support from members in difficult times.
3. Obsession with electronic gadgets: mobile-phones, Laptop, I-Pad phones for learning and
4. Engage in secret sexual relationship (including gay] and even procure abortions.
5. Meet for social perverted prayers and plant-the-seed ministries in dormitories [6] Use of mobile phones
etc to communicate with Materialistic preachers or apostles or ministers outside school premises.
6. Fleeing from bad or evil visions or dreams of enemies, witches, sorcerers or demons. Thus, they seek
protection from other members.
7. They join to pass national examinations (there are secret linkages of exams).
8. There is peer pressure from friends who lure them to join to avoid bullying of new students; it is a means
for getting money and goodies in schools.

AMECEA refers to Association of Member Episcopal Conferences of Eastern Africa. It comprises of the following countries: Eritrea, Ethiopia,
Kenya, Malawi, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia;
At the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, the author and the pertinent research team facilitated a study on ‘Devil Worship, Illuminati,
Freemasonry and Occultism’ in the light of secret societies; and the investigation also included challenges of ‘Superstition, Magic, Sorcery,
Witchcraft , Attacks on Albinos and Persons with Disabilities’ in Kenya and beyond; It was conducted within the time frame of 2008-2015; The
findings were shared with various stake-holders in the Church and society. This research is a supplement of a Course offered by the Department of
Dogmatic Theology at the postgraduate level in the Faculty of Theology in the same university. The Course is entitled, Witchcraft in Africa:
Anthropological and Theological Analysis (L-SD 130)

9. Easy acquisition of books and literature which praises the social religion of Occultism.
10. There is a factor of mysterious sicknesses which affect the psychic and emotions of students; thus, there
is need to seek for healing and security in such Occults.
11. There are promises of scholarships given to Occult members to enable them complete school and
assurance of university studies. External Powerful Occult Organizations and Societies fund such

Nature of Illuminati
A researcher on religious secret societies, Gerald Scagnelli (1974) explicates that all religions, be they
‘private/secretive’ or ‘public/common’, share one fundamental reality: ‘there is an intrinsic relationship
between human existence and transcendent reality’ for the common good. No religion exists in isolation.
Every religion borrows some values from other beliefs. Many scholars view Illuminati as having some
religious categories and influences from other religions. Thus, Illuminati Order has elements of Judaism,
Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, Islam, African Traditional Religion, Freemasonry,
Scientology, etc. And because of the multiplicity of common religious insights, Illuminati society becomes
‘attractive’ to other religions.62 A leading Jewish philosopher, theologian and Rabbi Geoffrey Denis (2007)
stated that Judaism is one of the oldest living esoteric traditions in the world. Virtually every form of
Western mysticism and spiritualism known today draws upon Jewish mythic and occult teachings: magic,
angelology, alchemy, numerology, astral projection, astrology, amulets, state of consciousness, alternate
healing and rituals of power. All have roots in the Jewish occult. Some Jewish beliefs and Christian
practices have evolved and ‘metamorphosed’ into Illuminati society. 63

Etymologically, Illuminati come from the Latin word, Lumen meaning light. Illuminati means enlightened
mind, refers to those endowed with intellectual enlightenment and intended to bring transformative change
to the entire world. The occultism come from the Latin word occultus "clandestine, hidden, secret") is
"knowledge or beliefs of the hidden reality. In common English usage, occult refers to "knowledge of the
paranormal", as opposed to "knowledge of the measurable", usually referred to as science. 64 Occultism is the
study of occult practices, including (but not limited to) magic, alchemy, extra-sensory perception, astrology,
spiritualism, religion, psycho-somatic unrighteous beliefs and divination. Interpretation of occultism and its
concepts can be found in the belief structures of philosophies and religions such as Chaos magic,
Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Theosophy, Wicca, Thelema, modern paganism and Illuminati. 65

Members believed to belong to the special elitist and divinely privileged group or community and had a role
to intercede for the common people to higher power (god) who could give the masses: (a) Cultural,
religious, political & supernatural powers, (b) women, wine, wealth, livestock, bumper agricultural yields,
riches and festivities; (c) and conquest of the weak, blasphemous and enemies. (d) Conspiracy to rule and
control the world.

Six Qualities of Illuminati

Professor William Guy Carr Parins (1958) in his research about The Historical Implications of Illuminati in
the Society revealed the following six qualities about the nature and mission of Illuminati society:
1. Highly secretive, underground and hidden religious belief, community or movement based on evil and
Luciferians Ideology which is in conformity with Satanism and distorts beliefs of Christianity.
2. Illuminated knowledge, light, philosophy, insight and vision for the selected men (called by God) to
impart and change the world.
3. For the influential socio-economic political leaders and high-profiled personalities with power to
influence the public-policy and direction of global activities.
4. Engaging in international network conspiracy and organization by use of secret illegal and unjust means.
5. Misuse, abuse of scriptures and misinterpretation of the Christian Teaching so as to lead astray people.
Gerald Scagnelli, The Religiosity of Secret Societies and the Challenges of Religious Liberty, Leiden: Brill, 1974, 62-63.
Rabbi Geoffrey W. Dennis, Jewish Myth, Magic, and Mysticism , London, 2007.
Ibid. Also Crabb, G. English synonyms explained, in alphabetical order, copious illustrations and examples drawn from the best writers . New
York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co, 1927.
E. Underhill, Mysticism, Meridian, New York, 1911.
Blavatsky, H.P. (1888). The Secret Doctrine. Whitefish, MT:Kessinger Publishing,1888.
Houghton Mifflin Company. (2004). The American Heritage College Thesaurus. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2004, 530.
Wright, C. F; An outline of the Principles of Modern Theosophy, Boston: New England Theosophical Corp, 1895.

6. The Illuminati through the Luciferian Ideology (Satanism) organized evil-conspiracy and coordinated
synagogue (House) of Satan enforce Satan's world domination and Lucifer's kingdom upon the human
race, having the final social cataclysm. Such Luciferian ideology creeps in many national and
international organizations, and even some church’s commissions or bodies. Illuminati promised quality
life and security which the world fails to provide.66

The Illuminati members who believe in Luciferian ideology 67 (believe in the primacy of the power of the
Devil, Lucifer, to control the world events and human destiny) consider themselves as people with proven
superior intelligence and extra ordinary success in the world. They perceive that they have a vocation and a
right to rule over the less-gifted, less intelligent, less religious and less-developed and less happiness, the
poor, the sick, the refugees and the suffering because the masses don’t know what is best for them. They
need the most intelligent group of people to make decisions for them for prosperity. According to an article
in The National Catholic Register (2004), the dangers of Occultism are real in the society. When the occult
is so prevalently marketed as entertainment, social media product of building relationships, and as comfort
for the bereaved, many contemporary Americans and international community may wonder why the church
is so adamant and not addressing this issue seriously in its teaching. 68 In his Modern Catholic Dictionary the
late Jesuit Father John Hardon (1980) explained that behind the church's attitude toward Spiritualism is the
concern that a Catholic would expose oneself to the risk of actually dealing with the evil spirit because
he/she doesn’t know how to handle it. It is a fact that today many Catholics feel ignorant, inadequate and do
not like to deal with issues of the Holy Spirit, His pneumatic gifts and Charismatic movement. The
assumption is that if ignorance, fear, escapism, fraud or deception are excluded from this issue, and
manifestations occur that are beyond natural explanation, the active agent in these cases is neither God nor
any one of the good spirits (whether angelic or human) but demonic forces that are sure to mislead the
Catholic and endanger the integrity of his faith. The Catholic Church should wake up, read the signs of the
times, listen to the cries of the people on the ground and address favorably with compassion issues of Devil
worship, Illuminati and charismatic Pentecostalism.” 69

Illuminati Secularistic Christology

Christian faith is at war with forces of evil and Satanism manifested in multifaceted dimensions which
include distortion of Christian mysteries. There are secular religious ideologies with compromised Christian
Teaching e.g. Secular Trinitology, materialistic Christology, relativistic sacramentology, gospel of
prosperity, etc. meant to penetrate the Church and attempt to dilute it from within. This is a serious spiritual
warfare on Christian identity and Christological values. Secret societies like Illuminati and Freemasonry
play a role of promoting such compromised Teaching in spreading the message of anti-Christ and anti-
church in the society today. Some of the Secular and materialistic christologies include:

Jesuology: teaches that Jesus Christ had human nature only without divinity. The human Jesus is presented
as super star, a rapper, a reggae artist, who can dance, sing, wears jeans and eats like the youth without sin.
They have tattoos of Jesus and pictures of Jesus on clothes. However, this disrespects and degrades Jesus
Christ’s identity.70

Jesuism: is a Christian philosophical-theological movement named for its understanding of Jesus as a

simple teacher of morals who makes everybody, especially the youth happy. Thus he is present at social
gatherings. Such a social religion seems to provide students with good healthy, food, passing exam, etc. This
has appearances of solely human-Jesus claiming to be Jesus Christ and performing luring miracles and
providing material benefits to people. The human-Jesus Christ presented as a football player or a comrade
of drug addicts, or a gangster who helps in the liberation of people, a colleague of and promoter of the trade
of prostitution, a renowned boozer of beer, etc.71
Prof. William Guy Carr Parins, London, (1958); Also Michael MacGoffrey the Domains Of the Devil Worlwide, London, Cassell,2001,84-86
Lucifer comes from Latin word Luche meaning light. Lucifer means light bearer or bringing light. Lucifer at first was a pure spiritual being (angel)
who was endowed with supernatural light or grace. After rebelling and disobeying God the Hebrew Bible named him Satan( Adversary or Accuser,
or Belzabuul(Lord of Flies) or Demon (evil spirit) or Devil (Diabolos, Slander or Liar), In the Bible he is also referred to as seducer(Gen 3:1-5,Lev.
17;7,Deut.32:17,Judges9:23,1kings 16:14-16,Tobias 3:8; Job 1:6,9; Psalms 90:6, Eccl. 21:30, Isaiah 14:12-14, Baruch 4:7, Habakuk3:5,Zach3:1-2,
1Mac 1:38,Mt4:1-11,MK1:13,32,Lk 4:2-5,7:33, Jhn 6:71:7-20,Rom 16-20,1cor5:5, 2Cor2:11,Eph 4:27,1 Thes2:18,1Tim1:20, Heb2:14, James
2:19,1peter 5:8,1Jn3:8,Jude1:9,Rev2:9,13:24:12:9.
Scott Waddell, ‘Manifestation of Occultism in the United States of America’ in The National Catholic Register, May 18th 2004.
John Hardon, ed., Modern Catholic Dictionary, New York, 25th March, 1980.
M. Moore, Education for Continuity and Change: A New Model for Christian Religious Education, Nashiville, TN, Abingdon Press, 1983
Thomas Altizer, The Gospel of Christian Atheism, London, 1966, 12

Jesuogony: is a Pseudo-belief that Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph and Mary worked with small elite
groups like the twelve Apostles and with this group he gave them secret powers to change and influence the
entire Christian world. Today, Jesus still chooses the elite few to work in secret elite society and members
are given intelligence, money and skills to influence the international community. They recruit more in
developing countries, among students, the poor and in independent churches, etc. 72 This teaching is
dangerous to Christianity because they present partial truth about the reality of Jesus in relation to histories
of revelation and salvation. How are these teachings related to the Bible, the principle source of revelation?
Where is the contradiction between the two?

Bible on Lucifer, Luciferians and Illuminatic Concerns

 As seen before, Lucifer comes from Latin word Luche meaning light. Lucifer means light bearer or
bringing light. Lucifer at first was a pure spiritual being (angel) who was endowed with supernatural
light or grace. This Light was abused by pride and disobedience to become Darkness but He still
influence humanity in the negative way. 73
 After rebelling and disobeying God the Hebrew Bible named him Satan (Adversary or Accuser, or
Beelzebub (Lord of Flies) or Demon (evil spirit) or Devil (Diabolos, Slander or Liar),
 Lucifer as a fallen angel is visionary and very intelligent, clever, shrewd, cunning, smart, constructive,
analytical, strategist, powerful and working between evil and goodness, light and darkness. 74
 St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) teaches that the first sin of Lucifer had a 5-fold dimensional character:
Disobedience, Pride, Greed, Conspiracy and Spiritual lust.
 Lucifer has some sovereign powers over his followers and rebellion: Lucifer, devil and his angels (Rev.
12:9). The Dragon and his angels (Rev 12-7); Beelzebub, the prince of devils Matt 9:34, Mk 3:22. He is
prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:22)
 Illuminati cults are associated with Lucifer because of the biblical attributes of power, seduction and
attracting many followers: The accuser (Rev 12:10) Liar (Jn 8:44) murderer (Jn8:44) betrayer
(Jn13:29)Roaring lion (1 Pet. 5:8) Blasphemers (Rev.2:9) Seducers (Rev.20:7) Deceitful (Gen3:13)
Thieving (Jn10:10) Hypocritical (1Tim4:2) Jealous (Num5:14) Fierce (Mt8:28) Troublesome
(1kings16:15) Violent (Mt 17:15) Wicked(Mt 12:45).
 Lucifer was the first courageous angel to question God’s orders and vision. He defeated the first human
 Christ came to earth when conspiracy revealed the stage that Lucifer controlled all those high places. He
exposed the synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2:9; 3:9).
 Christ denounces those who belonged to the kingdom of Satan;
 He castigated the Devil as the Father of lies (Jn8:44) and prince of deceit(2cor11:14)
 He is often identified with influential ‘corrupt’ and ‘unrighteous’ personalities in the world.
 He is identified with money-changers, bankers, business leaders, the scribes and the Pharisees as
illuminati of his day.

In the Bible the Devil of Lucifer is also referred to as seducer (Gen.3:1-5, Lev. 17;7, Deut.32:17, Judges
9:23, 1 Kings 16:14-16, Tobias 3:8; Job 1:6, 9; Psalms 90:6, Eccl. 21:30, Isaiah 14:12-14, Baruch 4:7,
Habakuk 3:5, Zach 3:1-2, 1 Mac. 1:38, Mt. 4:1-11, Mk. 1:13, 32, Lk 4:2-5, Lk 7:33, Jhn 6:71:7-20, Rom 16-
20, 1 Cor 5:5, 2 Cor2:11, Eph 4:27,1 Thes 2:18, 1Tim 1:20, Heb2:14, James 2:19, 1 Peter :8,

Occultism and Science

Scientology is the study, religious experience and handling of the spirit guided by scientific wisdom in
relationship to itself, oneself, others, nature and all of life. In Scientology no one is asked to accept anything
as belief or on faith, but all are united towards the common good. The founder of Scientology, L. Ron
Hubbart (1955) had a punching quotation: "Scientology is here to rescue you. Scientology’s may be the most
transformative and debilitating set of rituals of any cult in America." Prof. Hubbard claimed to have
discovered certain "natural laws" of the spiritual universe, which he claimed can be used to predict and
control behavior and phenomena in a manner similar to the way in which the natural laws codified in the

Frederick Van Schrooten, Occultism and Christianity, New York, 2004, 68
David Preiswerk, Theoretical Framework of Understanding Occultism in the History of Christianity, London, 1951, 48.
Joan Cruz, Angels and Devils, Rockford Illinois: Tan Books and Pubishers INC,1999,156)
Luke Dupont, Christian Anthropology and the Sin of the First Pair of Human Beings, Brewester,MA: Paraclete Press,2009 74-75

physical sciences can be used to predict and control phenomena in the physical world. Thus, theories and
rituals of scientology are referred to as ‘Spiritual Technology’. Scientology describes itself as the study and
handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, others, and all of life. Scientologists also believe that people
have innate, yet suppressed, power and ability which can be regained if cleared of enforced and unwanted
behavior patterns and discomforts. Scientology is described as "a religion to help people use scientific
approaches to self-actualize their full potential." The Church of Scientology believes that " Man is basically
good, that he is seeking to survive, (and) that his survival depends on himself and his attainment of
brotherhood with the universe," as stated in the Creed of the Church of Scientology.76

Occultism and scientology share some religious insights. Researcher of religion and science, Marger
Wakefield (1991) in her study on ‘What Christians Need to Know about Scientology’ revealed that when
new people are inducted into Scientology, they are often told that there is no inherent conflict between
Scientology and any religion, including Christianity. But it is common for Scientologists to be less than
truthful at the outset. By calming the new person's misgivings, they know that by the time the person has
become fully indoctrinated, these misgivings will no longer matter. The members are led to embrace
teachings which are in conflict with Christianity. These views create a recipe for joining secret societies like
Illuminati and Freemasonry, just to mention a few. 77 In fact, there is no compatibility between Scientology
and Christianity. One explains itself in light of satanic attitudes, while the other upholds the wisdom of
revelation in the Bible. As a belief system based on satanic principles, Scientology is diametrically opposed
to Christianity. The truth is that you cannot be both a Christian and a Scientologist. Thus, Occultism should
not be entertained in Christian schools, colleges, families or communities. 78

Throughout history “occult” and illuminati practitioners have attempted to gain supernatural power or
knowledge, apart from the God of the Bible. The term “occult” or occultism generally refers to ‘secret
destructive powers’, witchcraft, Satanism, neo-paganism, or any of the various forms of Psychic discernment
such as astrology, séances, palm reading, etc. 79 It is generally recognized that there are 10 main categories
that comprise the world of the occultism: (1) magic, (2) witchcraft/sorcery/voodoo, (3) Satanism, (4)
spiritism, (5) divination, (6) astrology, (7) shamanism, (8) necromancy (9) scientology and (10) masonry.
Collectively, these ten categories include literally hundreds if not thousands of methods and techniques that
serve to contact the spirit world. The following list is a just a brief sampling of occult practices and belief
The Index of Cults and Religions states that those caught up in the “New Age Movement” generally exhibit
one or more of the following beliefs, oftentimes in conjunction with “occult” methodology.
1. All is one. All reality is part of the whole.
2. Everything is God and God is everything (pantheism or pan-en-theism) God is not only in religion
3. Man/woman is God or part of God (Because of his intellect man can should control the world)
4. Man/woman never dies, but continues to live through reincarnation (Intellect recreates the world)
5. Man/woman can create his/her own reality of universal government through transformed

Leonard Quinn (1973) in his research on ‘Interpretation of Occult Organization for the Transformation of
Third World Countries’ revealed that Occultism or Illuminati has an aggressive belief, a philosophy, a
science, a relation with a methodology of analyzing issues with supernatural powers to control the destiny of
the universe and religion; and often work against true Christianity. 80 Thus, occult societies are associated

( accessed 11/08/2017. Scientology is religious system based on the seeking of
self-knowledge and spiritual fulfillment through graded courses of study, research and training in search of highest form of values in life. It provided
alternative healing practices and meditative forms of communication. It was founded by American science-fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard (1911–86)
in 1955. Scientology describes itself as the religious study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, others, nature and all of life experience.
It is an applied religious philosophy that contains workable answers to the problems of people face. (
Marger Wakefield, in her research study on ‘What Christians Need to Know about Scientology, London, 1991, accessed 11/08/2017
Ibid. Also, Prof. Craig Branch, Director of the Apologetics Resource Center in Birmingham, Alabama, examined the teaching and practice of
Scientology from a Christian perspective since 1989. He investigated and studied extensively new religious movements for over 20 years. He also
worked intensively with a US Watchman Fellowship, a ministry focusing on outreach to non-Christian religions. One Scientology policy which is
discriminating to anti-scientology society, says a "suppressive" person who is an enemy of the church of scientology" may be deprived of property or
injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. [A suppressive] may be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed"
(High Command Office Policy Letter, Oct. 18, 1967) Cf. ( accessed 11/08/2017.

Leonard Quinn, Interpretation of Occult Organization for the Transformation of Third World Countries, London, 1973, 42-43.

with highly profiled academicians, politicians and scientists. Being elitist society, it attracts intellectuals,
academicians, bankers, business people, economists, highly religious leaders, highly placed sportsmen /
women, actors and actresses, musicians, social media personalities who have influence on the population.

To the occultist, occultism is conceived of as the study of the inner nature of things, as opposed to the outer
characteristics that are studied by science. The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1964) designates
this "inner nature" with the term Will, and suggests that science and mathematics are unable to penetrate
beyond the relationship between one thing and another in order to explain the "inner nature" of the thing
itself, independent of any external causal relationships with other "things”. Occultism, on the other hand, is
concerned with the nature of the "thing-in-itself" from its interior self. Thus, occultism brings true change
and transformation to reality because it begins from the inner self of the individual and so becomes
permanent. Unlike Christian churches, occult or illuminati societies bring permanent transformation to the
world. That is why there is need to establish a New International Classless and irreligious order, where all
are equal, developed and happy without external influence or imperialism. 81

Christianity and Occultism (Illiminati)

Occultism and Illuminati in forms of superstition, magic and witchcraft has existed from time memorial and
so was openly and widely practiced in Old Testament times (Isaiah 8:19; 19:3; 29:4; Ezekiel 21:21; Hosea
4:12; Micah 3:6-7; 5:12). It was a form of religion and so against the first commandment (Exodus 20:1-6) It
was strongly condemned. God warns of the ultimate punishment. Revelation 21: 8 says of “…those who
practice magic arts …their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur… the second death. Those who
practice witchcraft, magic and sorcery will not inherit the Kingdom of God (Gal. 5:20-21). These practices
are anti-God and are in rebellion against Him. Many citizens of ancient Ephesus practiced magic and
sorcery secretly. Those who became Christians realized the foolish error of their former lives and burned
their expensive books of magic as the trash and useless they were (Acts 19:19). The Bible tells how the
Apostle Paul once dealt with and defeated one of these diviners, deceivers, a sorcerer and false prophet who
led people astray. (Acts 13:9-11)

Thus, Christianity condemns Occultism and Illuminati because it is a sin of idolatry, and directly opposes
the first commandment of God: “You shall not have any other god apart from me” (Ex.20:4-6). Christian
authorities have generally regarded occultism as heretical whenever they met this: from early Christian
times, in the form of Gnosticism to late Renaissance times, in the form of various occult philosophies.
Though there is a Christian occult tradition that goes back at least to Renaissance times, when Marsilio
Ficino (1433-1499) developed a Christian Hermeticasm of Italian Renaissance82 and Giovanni Pico della
Mirandola (1463-1494) developed a Christian form of Kabbalism mainstream Christianity has always
resisted occult influences.83

In the Christian Tradition, the Bible strongly warns people not to consult mediums, diviners, demonic
powers and spiritists for the truth, but to inquire of God (Isaiah 8:19). Clearly, if those who practiced these
arts have any power (beyond being great deceivers), it is not a gift from God (as some falsely claim). A
Biblical scholar Raphael Thomson (1973) cites passionately that the Bible condemns and forbids these
secret satanic practices because they anger God (Deut.18:9-14; Is. 44:25; Jer.27:9; 2kgs 21:6). Divination
and spiritism were despised practices of the heathens (Ez.21:21; Is. 19:3; 1 Sam.28). Scriptures say that one
of the reasons King Soul died was “because he consulted a medium for guidance” rather than God (1
Chron.10:13-14).84 The Bible provides examples showing the folly and failures of those who claimed the
ability to predict the future or establish an all powerful material kingdom based on their own powers or those
of spirits (Dan.2:27). God calls the word of diviners, fortune-tellers, illuminati as “nonsense,” “lies” and
“deception” for foolish people (Ez.13:8; Jer.14:14; Is. 44:25) God said, “Woe to the foolish prophets who
follow their own spirit, their own ideology and have seen nothing!”(Ez.13:3). If an Israelite lived the
deceitful practice of being a medium, it was punishable by death (Lev.20:17) 85 Romans 12:2 warns, “Do not
listen to and do not be conformed to heresies and errors of this world but be transformed by the renewal of
Arthur Schopenhauer, Inner Nature of Occult Society as Independent from External Influences, New York, 1964, 33.
Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499) Influential humanist , philosopher and astrologer of Italian Renaissance in Platonic
Theology of the Immortal Soul, trans. Harvard University, 1471.
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494), nobleman and philosopher on Religion, philosophy and magic, Oration
on the Dignity of Man, Modena, 1486.
Raphael Thomson, Anatomy of Biblical Interpretation of Superstition and Secret Societies, London, 1973, 72.

your mind so that by Wisdom testing, you may discern the will of God. Do what is good, righteous,
acceptable, perfect and holy. 1 Pet 1:14 – 16 teaches that as obedient children of God, do not conform to the
false teaching or evil design you had when you lived in ignorance, but be holy because the Lord your God is

A leading opponent of Gnosticism and old Illuminati beliefs in the Second Century was a Latin Church
Father St. Irenaeus (202 AD) Bishop of Lyons. His book Against Heresies describes some of the Gnostic
and secretive cults. These blends of pagan superstition and Christianity bear a remarkable resemblance to
much of the occult and illuminati errors drifting around today. Historian cum theologian Constantine
Osborne (1955) states that the Second Century of Christianity was a boom season for Gnosticism, satanic
ideologies, and for new and exotic varieties of paganism. People were bored with the formal – conservative
state religion of imperial Rome, and looked to the East for religious relevance, thrills and excitement. In
Rome came, a new wave of soothsayers, sorcerers, wizards, secular-diviners, witches, crooks and crackpots,
peddling theatrical cults spiced with witchcraft and perversion. These satanic occults led people away from

Today, some religions like Freemasonry, Mormons, Scientology, Illuminati and sects enthusiastically
embrace occultism as an integral esoteric aspect of mystical religious experience. This attitude is common
within Wicca and other modern pagan secret religions. Many Christian religious denominations disapprove
of secret occultism in most or all forms. Osborne further argues that it is evident that these occult religions
are creating misunderstanding, confusion, divisions and barrier to spiritual growth in mainstream Churches.
They view the occult as being anything supernatural or paranormal which is not achieved by or through God
and is therefore the work of an opposing and malevolent entity. 87 Occult beliefs and practices,
understandings and misunderstandings, with Christian views and satanic theories, in schools and Churches,
in local and worldwide contexts, are widespread in Kenya, Africa and elsewhere. Majawa (2010) in his
research on “The Impact of Occult Experiences in Schools and Colleges in Kenya” observed that,“The
reality of Occultism is like a ghost, many people talk about it but very few have witnessed it. Occultism as a
secretive society is like destructive wind like a stormy Hurricane [wind], everybody feels its force and
destruction, yet nobody has seen it”. Many people pretend to know about it and its consequences in schools
on the face value, and they often reject its existence when it comes to its second value because of its
complexity and so they fail to explain why so many people believe in it and are influenced by it”. Why are
many students and even teachers in our schools become members of this society which often contradicts the
Catholic Teaching, Faith and Morals? The phenomenon of Occult is real in AMECEA countries and needs a
consulted pastoral research at all levels of the society.”88

Illuminati as Catalyst for ‘New World Order’

This New World Order as it is commonly called is the concept of a model society with an “enlightened”
world government. In this model, Christianity and religion is subsumed into the philosophy and illumination
of the Mysteries. There are two variants: one is the New Age Movement, which seeks a one-world religion
and social order based on a revival of the Mysteries; another is radical atheism, which seeks the destruction
of all outward religion in a Communist society.89
The phenomenon of New World Order has roots in Greek philosophy and cosmogony. The ancient Greek
philosopher Plato recorded the Atlantean legend with the worldview of ‘Temple of Isis’. The Egyptian
Temple of Isis90 is a replica of Paradise, and when entering one is equivalent to doing a ritual pilgrimage to
Constantine Osborne, History of Religious Experience in the Early Centuries of Christianity, New York, 1955, 33-35.
Ibid. 37
Clement Majawa, Threats of Religious Secretive Societies as Threats to Deeper Evangelization in Africa, Nairobi, 2010, 95]
New World Order today has twisted elements of Freemasonry, Occultism, Scientology, .Illuminati, Communism, Witchcraft, Satanism and
Wicca. Some of these secret societies contribute to experiences of organized crimes, international injustices and wars, terror groups, radicalization,
religious indifferentism, unnatural behaviors, etc. Some heathen and unrighteous activities are kept from the public by international curtails which
control the ICT and social media. Yet the truth about Illuminati, Satanism and secret societies need to be known so as to contain it worldwide. ( Anton
Szando La Vay & Jack Rosenberg, Oulanem, 1966, 68);
ISIS: The Egyptian Mother goddess of Motherhood, Family, Royalty, Commitment and Wisdom. Isis was the daughter of Geb and Nut. She went
to the ends of the Earth to find the remains of her murdered husband Osiris. With cunning ingenuity she managed to reassemble the body for burial,
and couldn’t resist one last rite which was more fertility than funeral. In consequence, she became pregnant with strong, athletic and glorious Horus,
and had to go into hiding before bad brother Set found out the secret. Luckily her mothering skills paid off and Horus grew into a Set -beating
superhero who became the first ruler of a peaceful united Egypt. ISIS settled down to enjoy royal life, attending garden parties and state functions in
her role as King’s Mother. ISIS was one of the few Egyptian Gods the Greeks took a fancy to, and she even went through to the Romans. There was a
temple built to her at Pompeii. During the Roman Cleopatra/Anthony Ceaser affair, Cleo saw herself as the personification of ISIS. With the
Christians she happily became identified as the Blessed Virgin Mary (New Testament Christological Isis).

the Paradise, just as the ancient heroes such as Hercules, Gilgamesh, Ulysses and Alexander once did, long
ago.91 At the end of the Isis legend, Isis established secretly a great peaceful and fertile Kingdom where she
was the queen mother. The Isis legend prefigured the secret establishment of Illuminati Kingdom of the
‘New World Order’.

Furthermore, in the legend from the Temple of Isis in Egypt, the priests were the elite and were called by
goddess Isis to help in the establishment of a great perfect classless society. Some elements of the legend
have also been preserved through occult societies like Illuminati and Freemasonry. It is versions of this
Atlantean model of society which the occult societies and Freemasonry have sought to re-establish. 92
Plato’s principles of philosophy and his Model Republic based on the Communist principles of common
property under the powerful State are also expressions of this model society. Illuminati order has similar
communist principles.

The Illuminati are having an influential role in determining the destination of many socio-economic and
political affairs of the world including creation of the new classless world order. The illuminati and other
occult societies saw the continent of America as an ideal place to establish their model society, a recreation
of Egyptian Atlantis Universal community model, even before Columbus arrived there. Paul Dirk
Achermann (1986) observes that to many people the great nation of USA is a super power in many respects
because it controls most of the world affairs because it is a replica of Egyptian Atlantis Community Model
and it implements the philosophy and spirituality of Illuminati as taught by Prof. Adam Weishaupt. 93

The discovery of America by Columbus in 1492 was of profound significance. He sailed under the ‘ Sign of
the Red Cross’, the ‘Sign of the Templars’ secret society. There is resemblance between the Templars and
the Knights of St. Columbus. After the discovery, Pope Alexander VI (1492-1503) laid claim to the
America as his own, and divided it between Spain and Portugal. The Church of Rome and in particular the
Jesuits had enormous influence all over Central and Southern America in the following 200 to 300 years.
The Jesuits founded their model society in Paraguay, based on the Communist principles of Plato. The
parallel between the Jesuits’ Communist state of Paraguay in the 17th century and the New World Order of
the occult societies is remarkable. The superiority of Rome declined in Central and Southern America during
the 18th & 19th centuries, as revolutions occurred that gave birth to countries we know today. Pope Pius X
(1903-1914) made it clear in ‘Acta Apostolicae Sedis’ that it is a fact that great international powers of the
world can exist on their own devoid of the guidance of a superior supernatural power which is enshrined in
the Natural and Divine Laws. The best way to address the fears and traps of secret societies like Illuminati
and Masonry is through discerned conversation and engagement with Christian values. 94

Illuminati Pyramid of Manipulation in the World

A scientist of Illuminati and religious secret societies Dirk Abraham Dillistone (1969) in his research on the
‘Impact of Illuminati and Masonry in North America’ revealed that these two societies are highly organized
on the international scene and have a most sophisticated Information Communication Technology strategies
of manipulating global societies.95

( accessed 15/08/2017.

Arysio Nunes dos Santos, Atlantean Symbolism of the Egyptian Temple, London, 1970s
( accessed 15/08/2017.
See also, Anthony S. Mercantante, Who's What in Egyptian Mythology?, New York: MetroBooks, 2002, 114; Geraldine Pinch, Handbook of
Egyptian Mythology. New York: ABC-CLIO Ltd., 2002, 79.; Gwyn, J. Griffiths, "Isis". In D. B. Redford (Ed.), The Ancient Gods Speak: A guide to
Egyptian religion. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002, 169.; Holger Kockelmann, Praising the Goddess: A Comparative and Annotated Re-
edition of Six Demotic Hymns and Praises Addressed to Isis, Berlin; New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2008.; Forrest, M. Isidora (2001). Isis Magic:
Cultivating a Relationship with the Goddess of 10,000 Names. St. Paul, Minneapolis: Llewellyn Publications, 624.
Paul Dirk Achermann, The Rise of the New World Power in the United States of America, Pretoria: University of South Africa, 1986, 26.
Pope Pius X, Acta Apostolicae Sedis, 1911.
Dirk Abraham Dillistone, Report on the Impact of Illuminati and Masonry in North America , New York, 1969, 23-24.

This diagram of Illuminati Pyramid shows how this secret society penetrates various structures of our
society and influences individuals and communities from within. This palm of humanity will never join the
inner circle of true knowledge, but rather be left to its own devices. Illuminati ideology makes itself relevant
and functional to all aspects of life. It percolates slowly into human structures and like ‘yeast’ expands the
society from within through mystical experience. The Hand of Mysticism will do what it must to balm the
burning pain of ignorance (The Hand of Mysticism -Various online sources).

The great danger today is a compromise between Christian faith and similar religious practices like those of
mysticism, spiritualism, freemasonry, etc. Many Christians nowadays think they know what yoga,
mysticism, the New Age and the term “occult” mean, and that they are not being affected by such.
Unfortunately, many Christian leaders are leading people into such things without even realizing how
dangerous these things are. In light of such, it is imperative that the Christian understand just what these
terms mean. Cultists, spiritual abusers and false Christian leaders are experts at redefining biblical
terminology. Simply put, they load biblical terminology with meanings that are not accurate. They take
different forms of pagan spirituality, contemplative spirituality, mysticism, and even pure occultism, and
lightly spray these forms of spirituality with Christian terminology, thus deceiving non-believers and
undiscerning Christians alike. As a result of this, people are led into grave error by attempting to worship the
true God of the Bible in ways that are not Christian at all.96

Pastoral Imagination and Initiatives of Addressing Illuminati

Pope Pius Xii Teaching on Cults And Illuminati
Pope Pius XII (1939-1958) warns contemporary Christians against the temptation, lies and compromise of
Satan (Luciferian) and Illuminati.
 The Pope warns the people to be careful about what comes out of your mouth using false teaching and
the Lords name in vain “ you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain” Ex 20:7
 The challenge of the devil religious secret society and destructive forces in church and society is that
Evil power is real. Lucifer is seducing and luring the entire world, he is leading religious and societal
leaders astray. He is shrewdly breaking families. Religious commitment missionary life and society
 The Pontiff urges agents of evangelization to find permanent pastor means of addressing this issue so
that the church and society become True Body of Christ.97

Michael Macgaffey, The Domains of the Devil Worldwide, London: Cassell 2001,84-86

St Cyprian of Carthage Teaching On Illuminati and Satanism:
The Influence of Lucifer (Satan) Over the Human Race
 St. Cyprian of Carthage (210-258) said that from creation after the fall of the Angels, God didn’t take
away the powers of Lucifer of superior intelligence, deception, control and establishment of His
Diabolic Kingdom. Satan continues to influence humanity and history in a negative way. Triune God
will always prevail against satanic, diabolic and anti-life powers. 98
 The Devil with his superior intelligence knows the people (from Genesis) their weakness of the flesh
and desires; and preys upon them and leads them to his Kingdom. The devil can act directly or indirectly
on the body, on exterior and interior senses of man and woman particularly on their imagination,
memory, will, passion as well as desires. The Devil works on people’s conscience and temptation and
reduces them to disobey God’s will. Christological powers will always prevail and overcome the powers
of Satan through the Church, Word of God, 3-Fold Ministries of priests, 3-Fold Evangelical Counsels,
Sacraments, Devotions and Exorcism.99
 Human beings and human history was, is and will always be weak and vulnerable because the inner
vacuum life. Long sensual appetite, spiritual restlessness and desire for material gratification so the
Devil uses these Human gaps to advice, control and influence humanity and history both negatively and
positively in the church and society. Powers and the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit will always overcome
the temptation and seduction of Satan and The evil one.100

From Indoctrination to Transformative Educational Pedagogy

The Catholic Intellectual Heritage developed the ‘Heart to Heart Educational and Transforming Pedagogy’
as an approach of learning and conversation with one’s interior self whereby the individual’s conscience is
evoked to denounce and renounce unrighteous behavior, and through the Gospel values one is made to
embark on renewed quality life. This is an approach which challenges people to see the need of critiquing
personal life and promise to lead a transformative life in the light of Love and Divine wisdom.

 The De La Sallean101 Theory teaches that quality education which is a grace of God to humanity
needs quality teachers who are mentored by the virtuous qualities of Jesus Christ the Ideal
Teacher102. Sallean Educationa method should promotes quality teachers, quality students, quality
research and open discussion o issues of life like, justice and peace, poverty and development,
radicalization and inter-religious dialogue for human conscientiousness and transformation in
society. ( C.Majawa: Patristic Education, 2014,306)
 Quality Education based on Intellectual Tradition of the Catholic Church teaches that “Religion
which fights religious values or human integrity is no religion at all. Educational curricula should
always reflect the Gospel of Peace, Justice and Reconciliation.(Cf. Second African Synod, 1994).

Don Bosco (1815-1888) Educational System of ‘The Preventive System’103 has three wisdom-pillars:
(a) The Use of Reason; (b) The Use of Religion; (c) The Way of Kindness. The system means quality
acceptance of the learners in a given context; and “disposing their minds in such a way that without any
external violence they be inclined to do what is right for personal transformation and the common good.
The Salesian educational system seeks to avoid external violence, violent and corporal punishment or
coercive measures in the process of imparting knowledge and discipline. The system employs
‘compassionate persuasion, kindness and charity in the spirit of family and union with God’ pedagogy
leading to transformation of the whole individual and to “divinize” the world. 104

St. Cyprian, Corpus Seriptorum Ecclesiasti Corum Latino – in J. Tixerant,A Handbookof Patrology, London: Herder & Herder Book
Company, 1920, 84-90
Prof. Adolphe Tangucre, The spiritual Life: A Treatise on Ascetical and Mystical Theology, Wesminister: The Newman Press, 1930,115-116.
Prof. Delaporte, The Devil:Does He exist? And What Does He Do, London : TAN BOOKS, 1982,126-128.
St. John Baptist De La Salle 1651-1719] He is the Founder of the Brothers of Christian Schools and Patron Saint of Teachers
The Sallean Educational Method promotes the 12 Virtues of a Good and Righteous Teacher: Dignity, Calmness, Humility, Prudence, Wisdom,
Patience, Self-Control, Gentleness, Zeal, Vigilance, Prayerfulness and Generosity. John Baptist De La Salle recommended these 12 qualities of a
teacher for academic excellence in schools and colleges.
The Salesian Educational Method is a special style and approach of education based on Catholic Intellectual tradition, developed by Don Bosco
with an ardent and creative zeal for the salvation of the young in the light of the wisdom ‘Give me souls, away with all else” and handed down to the
Salesian principles and methods of practicing the apostolate among the youth. The Salesian Educational Method or ‘Preventive Educational System’
is the fourth constitutive element of the Salesian Charism.
Pietro Stella, DON BOSCO Religious Outlook and Spirituality (translated by John Drury),New Rochelle, New York: Salesiana Publishers, 1996,
480-481; See also Gaetano Alimonda, Giovanni Bosco e il suo secolo: Ai Funeral di Trigesima ,Turin, 1888.

Pius X (1903-1914) Catechesis on ‘Love Of God’, Threats Of Evil And Secret Societies’.
The Devil can be overcome because God the omnipotent and omniscient is the Creator. He existed before
Lucifer and condemned him with eternal punishment. Thus Pope Pius X said, ‘In life one can do TWO
things; Believe, trust, do God’s Will, fear nothing and be happy forever; OR Believe, trust, do Satan’s will
and live in perpetual fear of the unknown, magic and the dark world’. Therefore Christianity should teach
people the values of the Gospel, and the satanic traits of evil in secret societies.

He can be overcome by knowledge of his Faith, Hope and Love in God, experience of the Word of God;
commitment to the Church, servant in the community, fighting Satan through pneumatic deliverance,
exorcism, prayer, sacraments, penance, righteousness and mature spiritual life, Ten Commandments, Seven
Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Works of Mercy, Fasting, Devotions, Sacramentals, calling upon the Grace of

Patristic Educational Method

Pius XII’s teaching about the importance of Christian Education in today’s world pointed out: “A society
that is really interested in intellectual and moral values, a society that does not want to slip and slide towards
relativism, materialism, secularism, consumerism and superstition to which it is being drawn by weight of
the ever more mechanical life of technical civilization, holds on to quality, holistic and credible education
founded on Gospel values and defined by the Church Fathers”.106

Patristic education is a quality, holistic and value-oriented education for all in the dynamic rhythm of life
defined by early Church Fathers based on Christ’s Teaching which was defined, developed and interpreted
in the Church’s Intellectual Tradition, Magisterial Propositions with discerned consideration of historical
righteous ‘Classical Paideia’(Egyptian-Greek-Roman-Jewish-Semitic educational values) for the
advancement of informative, formative and transformative encyclopedic knowledge and witnessing of an
individual and society for the highest common good (i.e. integral meaning, integral liberation, integral
evangelization, integral development and integral salvation); and whose teachings and experiences are
relevant today.107

A leading Catholic historian and educationist and counselor Friedrich Randal (1991) gives ‘SIX Patristic
Qualities of Ideal Education’ which transcends threats of atheism, fear, magic, superstition, relativism,
materialism and radicalization in society:
(a) Divine Wisdom (Omnisophia)
(b) Truth about God, Humanity and Nature (Cosmotheandrian)
(c) Quality, Holistic and for all (Omni-anthropic: for all cultures and religions).
(d) Informative (Knowledge)
(e) Formative (Heart, Conscience and Character)
(f) Transformative (Community values, Charity and development)108

Education of ‘De-Schooling Unrighteous Traits for De-Radicalization Process

- (Theory of Douglas Montgomery)
Education as a ‘De-schooling unrighteous Traits for De-radicalization Process’ [Theory of Douglas
Montgomery 1952] Human beings are endowed with natural intellectual, psychological and emotional
stimuli and forces which determine behaviour and destiny of life. These can be trained and enhanced to do
good or manipulated to do evil at the earliest stages of human development. Young people are vulnerable to
indoctrination of unrighteous radical behaviours at their infant formative stages. The radical behaviour if
unchecked and uncontrolled easily leads to radical behaviour in adulthood. However, with psycho-somatic-
spiritual counselling for such wounded youth can be reversed through education with ‘De-schooling radical
traits and introduced to Transformative development’ 109All stake holders of education, all agents of
evangelization and socio-political leaders should be sensitized on the importance and relevance of holistic
and quality education (and catechesis) which will promote human dignity, religious integrity and social
transformation for all in Church and society. Such a pastoral approaches and socio-political strategies will

Prof. Joan Caroll Cruz Angels and Devils Rockford Illinois/TAN Books and publishers.1999,165.
Pius XII, “Aims of an Italian Teachers’ Union”, Address of January 5, 1954, The Pope Speaks, 1, April 1954, 11 – 54.
Clement Majawa, Patristic Education Module 1, Nairobi: The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi, 2005.
Friedrich Randall, The Intellectual History of Universal Christianity, Brooklyn: New City INC, 1991. 65.
Douglas Montgomery, De-schooling Cultural Traits and Radical Perceptions in Transformative Education, New York: Desclee, 1952, 74-75.

help to address the challenges of secret societies like Illuminati, Occultism, superstition and witchcraft,
radicalization and unrighteous ‘New World Orders’ in Africa and global contexts.


In modern society in Africa and global contexts, there is need for openness, coordinated
sensitization, teaching and catechesis on the reality of Illuminati. Since there is still evidence of
ignorance, secrecy, reluctance and fear surrounding this unrighteous vice, Church, religious and
government leadership should collaborate in making the populace aware of it and how to address it
for deeper evangelization and sustainable development. It is factual that the Illuminati is thought to
be a group of elite civil and religious leaders ranging from business men/woman to politicians to
celebrities, to chief executives, to bankers, to medical doctors, to cabinet secretaries, to academic
professors, to scientists, to military and police top officers, to bishops or prophets of churches, etc
who control everything that happens with an eye on the distant and not-so-distant future. In
particular, they are thought to be very intelligent and wise, setting up society for their rule and
watch by controlling the majority of the world’s wealth, economy, policy, monopolizing advances
in health care and education to extend their lives, and eventually wiping out large swaths of society
in a mass epidemic that will make the world’s population easier to control and lessen the burden on
the planet they mean to rule.

As the digital age of ICT and social media have emerged, theories on both sides of the fence have
sprouted regarding the Illuminati. While at first there may have been valid points for and against its
existence, the topic became so over-saturated that it was hard to separate legitimate theory from
erroneous. One of the Illuminati ideas regards triangles and ancient Pyramids, and anytime anyone
of fame makes this symbol, intentionally or not, people point to it as a sign that the Illuminati does
in fact exist. People should have good understanding that some of the global or international
societal or Church organizations have strong ties with Illuminati. Some of them become powerful
donor bodies of financial or material benefactors. They believe they are doing a greater mission of
goodness and compassion to transform the world by helping and assisting the poor, the
marginalized, the underdeveloped and the vulnerable.

Illuminati continue to operate under globalized exclusive and professional secrecy. Thus, the
masses remain ignorant of the fact that these shadowy forces behind the New World Order agenda
are set to weaken religious faith, to distort Christian teaching and morality and wreak the old
dictatorial order and bring liberated and developed New Order of existence across the planet. It is a
fact that in the world of capitalistic globalization, there is an extreme widening gao between the
rich and the poor. Therefore, an increasingly number of people is becoming aware that 99% of the
Earth’s population is controlled by an “elite” 1%. And 80% of the world natural resources is used
by 20% of the global population. Illuminati envisions to address this imbalance and structured
exploitation perpetuated by some international bodies. Quality and holistic education at all levels
can help in realization of this. Another mass-enslavement tool that maintains the status quo is so
called Educational system. Many would attest that schools and colleges are no longer what they
used to be and children or students are learning to memorize without thinking and obey without
questioning. Schools should become once again institutions of excellence, justice, liberation,
human rights and sustainable development. They should not be dwarfed by religious values of
government exploitation.

The love of Money is the root of all evil (1 Tim. 6:10). Some say that Money is a sword that can cut
even the Gordian knot. Or, Money is an universal language speaking any tongue. Others say, Money is an
epitome of human power. Or, Money is both blood and life to men and women; Or, Money is first to be
sought, virtue afterwards. Without Money we can almost do nothing. Illuminati succeeds in its
mission because it has big monies and is connected to huge international monetary organizations,

banks and wealthy personalities. No wonder, Illuminati thrives and become influential in the world.
All of the world’s biggest problems have their roots deeply embedded in the financial plague: wars
are profitable, diseases are profitable, poverty is profitable, Church organization in charge of the
poor, the refugees, flood victims, orphanages, etc are profitable. Earth’s plundering is profitable,
human trafficking is profitable and inhumane working conditions are profitable., etc. Illuminati
exploit these religious, socio-economic and political conditions and use them as means of spreading
their agenda of controlling the nations.

Mankind’s faith is hanging in the balance right now, as the control of the NWO octopus spreads.
On the one hand, we are very close to our complete enslavement, while on the other hand, we could
easily crumble to the ground their pyramid of power, by simply uniting against their deception in a
peaceful revolution of minds, hearts and souls. The Church should re-strategize their missionary
evangelization approaches. Their pastoral strategies should empower Christians to become self-
reliant so as to support themselves financially and materially. They should stop the defeatist
attitude that they are poor and need Church’s external organizations eg. to support their ecclesial
projects. There is need for intensive catechesis and spirituality of self-reliance, self-propagating,
self-ministering and self-critiquing and self-determination in the Church in Africa. The government
should come up with realistic manifestos and implement development policies which use local
resources to develop their countries and not rely on external help.

Finally, among the many reforms towards the 2063 development goals on the African continent is
the quality, holistic, ICT-empowered and value-oriented academic initiative to introduce se1f
actualization and self-reliance philosophy, spirituality and activities in the school curriculum.
These were designed to overcome elitism and exclusive-few-privileged structures, and integrate
education with traditional values and worldview. Religious faith and self-governance in Africa
need to be owned and developed to another level by Africans themselves. It is important to know
that Illuminati secret society with the mission of establishing the New World Order (NOW) favors
educational policies and socio-economic political agenda which support the Western capitalism and
Euro-American ‘democratic’ imperialism.

From December 8th to 9th, 2016, the Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO) of
the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) in
Nairobi, Kenya convened a continental-regional consultation with development partners to discuss
the domestication and mainstreaming of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the
African Union (AU) strategic framework for socioeconomic development in Africa, commonly
known as Agenda 2063. The AU is implementing Agenda 2063.through Regional
Intergovernmental and Inter-parliamentary Bodies, of the East Africa Community (EAC), Common
Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), Intergovernmental Authority on Development
(IGAD), and the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC). The implementation will be
done through integrating the SDGs and Agenda 2063 due to their universal coverage, convening
power, intergovernmental nature and strength, broad-based cross-sectorial mandate, and experience
in mobilizing regional consensus on key intergovernmental agreements. 110 While this agenda 2063
is a commendable ‘development’ initiative, the paper suggests and challenges these bodies to
implement the agenda with human-rights caution and in the light of preservation of African identity
and values supported by ‘home-ground’ self-reliant strategies which will limit the exploitation of
the continent by such societies as Illuminati.


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