Brightstars International School

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First Term Examination Questions
1. What is the mass number of an element having 20 neutrons, 15 protons and 15 electrons
(a) 15 (b) 30 (c) 35 (d) 50
2. An element which can exist in two or more forms in the same physical state, exhibits
(a)isotopy (b) structural isomerism (c) allotropy (d) variable valency
3. If an atom is represented by , which of the following deductions is correct? (a) it
contains 20 protons (b) it forms a covalent chloride (c) its atomic number is 19 (d) it has
the mass number of 19.
4. An atom with 17 protons, 17 electrons and 18 neutrons has a mass number of (a) 17 (b)
18 (c) 34 (d) 35
5. Atomic orbital is (a) the circular path through which electrons revolve round the nucleus
(b) a region around the nucleus where electrons are most likely to be found (c) the path
around the nucleus through (d) the path around the nucleus through which protons move
6. The purity of a solid sample can be determined by its _____ (a) boiling point (b) melting
point (c) conductivity (d) solubility
7. A substance is said to be impure if (a) its melting point range is wide (b) it dissolves in
water with difficulty (c) it has a low melting point (d) it is coloured
8. Corrosion of iron can also be called (a) chemical (b) physical change (c) rusting (d)
9. Which of the following methods can be used to separate a mixture of two miscible liquids
with different boiling points? (a) decantation (b) distillation (c) evaporation (d) filtration
10. Which of the following are mixtures? (i) petroleum (ii) Rubber latex (iii) vulcanizers
solution (iv) carbon (v) sulphide (a) i, ii and iii (b) i, ii, iv (c) i and ii only (d) i and iv.
11. Which of the following elements is diatomic? (a) iron (b) neon (c) oxygen (d) sodium
12. When an atom gains an electron, it becomes (a) chemically inactive (b) negatively
charged (c) oxidized (d) a cation (e) a complex iron
13. The fundamental particles of an atom are (a) proton, nucleus, electron (b) proton,
nucleon, neutron (c) proton, neutron, nucleus (d) proton, neutron, electron (e) proton,
nucleus, electron
14. What is the atomic number of an element whose cation Y + has the electronic
configuration 1s22s22p6 (a) 9 (b) 10 (c) 11 (d) 12
15. The number of proton in on atom of an element is generally called (a) mass number (b)
atomic number (c) nucleon number (d) proton number
16. Chemistry is defined as (a) a branch of knowledge which produces chemicals (b) a
branch of science which makes physics and biology clearer (c) the oldest branch of
science (d) the branch of science which deals with changes in matter
17. Studying chemistry gives us training in the (a) scientific method (b) burning field (c) oil
and margarine (d) rotting leaves
18. These are adverse effects of chemistry except (a) pollution (b) population (c) corrosion
(d) drug abuse
19. These are adverse effects of chemistry except (a) pollution (b) population (c) corrosion
(d) drug abuse
20. Rusting can be prevented by the following except (a) alloying (b) cathodic protection (c)
supportive method (d) application of protective coating
21. When hypothesis has been tested and found to be within the limits of available evidence
it becomes (a) hypothesis (b) experiments (c) positive results (d) theory
22. All are careers in chemistry except (a) pollution (b) agriculture (c) forestry (d) food
23. ____ has helped to increase food production (a) mobile (b) fertilizer (c) man-made fibres
(d) space science
24. We study chemistry to acquire knowledge about ____ (a) bioscience (b) theory (c) matter
(d) hypothesis
25. All are examples of chemical reactions except (a) rusting (b) sour soups (c) melting of
candle wax (d) burning of substances
26. Which of the following is an example of a chemical change? (a) dissolution of salt in
water (b) rusting of iron (c) melting of ice (d) separating a mixture of distillation
27. The addition of water to calcium oxide leads to (a) physical change (b) chemical change
(c) the formation of a mixture (d) an endothermic change
28. Chemical changes around us include all except (a) rusting of iron nails (b) fading of
coloured cloth (c) sieving (d) decomposition of green leaves in a compost
29. Fractional distillation is used to separate (a) an insoluble substance from a soluble
volatile substance (b) substances which are absorbed differently, and which are absorbed
differently, and which differ in their solubilities in a solvent (c) liquids with different
boiling points (d) gas, liquids or solid impurities from a mixture
30. Which of the following elements is diatomic? (a) sodium (b) oxygen (c) iron (d) neon

Section B (Theory)

Answer any three questions

1. Define the following

i. Molecule
ii. Atom
iii. Ion
iv. Compound
v. Element
b. Give three differences between physical change and chemical change.
c. Explain the term “separation”
2. List five separation you know
b. Explain any two of the above techniques listed
c. State Dalton’s atomic theories
3. What is the mass of 3 moles of oxygen, gas O2? (O = 16)
b. Find the empirical formula of a compound which on analysis yields the following as
the reading masses. Carbon = 2.Og, hydrogen = O.34g, oxygen = 2.67g. from your result,
find the molecular formula of the compound, if its relative molecular mass is 60. (c = 12,
H = 1, O = 16).
4. How many moles are there in 20g of CaCo3? (CaCO3=100)
b. Calculate the relative molecular mass of slaked lime
i. Ca (OH)2
ii. CO2
iii. CO
First Term Examination Questions
1. Mendele’v periodic table was arranged in order of their (a) atomic numbers (b) molecular
shapes and orbitals (c) increasing relative atomic mass (d) orbital configuration
2. Which of the following is insoluble in water? (a) MgO (b) K2O (c) P4O10 (d) N2O3
3. All these properties belong to the halogens except (a) they are all non-metals (b) they
exist as diatomic molecules (c) they are coloured (d) they do not ionize to form univalent
negative ions
4. The periodic trends include all except (a) ionization energy (b) electronegativity (c)
electrolysis (d) atomic radius
5. Halogens are_____ (a) complexions (b) anions (c) salt formers (d) electro-positive metals
6. The type of chemical reaction shown below in H3O+ + OH- - 2H2O (a) Hydrolysis (b)
direct combination (c) oxonolysis (d) neutralization
7. The major difference between thermal dissociation and thermal decomposition is that (a)
thermal dissociation is not reversible (b) thermal decomposition is reversible (c) thermal
dissociation is reversible (d) thermal decomposition is not reversible
8. Oxidation reaction may be defined as follows except (a) oxidation is one in which
electron is lost (b) oxidation reaction is one in which there is an increase in the oxidation
number (c) oxidation reaction is one in which oxygen is gained (d) oxidation is one in
which hydrogen is gained
9. The oxidation state of sulphur in tetraoxosulphate (vi) is (a) +5 (b) +6 (c) +2 (d) -2 (e) +4
10. From the reaction 21-(aq) + 2Fe3+(aq) 12(s)+ 2Fe2+(aq), who is the reducing agent? (a) 1 - (b)
3+ 2+
2Fe (c) 2Fe (d) 12
11. Cl2 + 2kBr 2kcl + Br2
In the above equation, chlorine is (a) an oxidizing agent (b) a reducing agent (c) an
electron donor (d) an acid (e) a base
12. What is the S.I unit of molar mass? (a) Mo1dm-3 (b) mo1-1 (c) gmo1-1 (d) mo1
13. In the periodic table, elements are arranged according to their (a) atomic masses (b) mass
numbers (c) atomic numbers (d) electro-negatives (e) valence electrons
14. The s-block elements of the periodic table are made up of (a) groups 1, 2, 3 (b) groups 1
and 2 (c) group 3 (d) groups 3 to 7
15. Which of the following decreases across the period? (a) atomic size (b) electron affinity
(c) electro-negativity (d) inert tendencies
16. Which of the following noble gasses has the greatest ionization energy (a) He (b) Ar (c)
Xe (d) Kr
17. The energy required to remove the most loosely bond electron from a gaseous atom form
the gaseous ion is (a) gaseous energy (b) dissociation energy (c) atomization energy (d)
ionization energy
18. The properties of the transition elements include all except (a) ability to form coloured
ions (b) ability to show variable valencies (c) ability to complex ions (d) ability to be
used as catalyst
19. Lithium has the valence electron of (a) 3 (b) 1 (c) 4 (d) 2
20. Proton and neutron are located at the ____ of an atom (a) electron (b) orbit (c) shell (d)
21. AB + CD AD + BC is what kind of a chemical reaction? (a) decomposition reaction
(b) displacement reaction (c) double decomposition reaction (d) combination reaction
22. The number of electron in 3d orbital of 24Cr is (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
23. The group to which elements belong in the periodic table is determined by the number of
(a) electrons (b) core electrons (c) valence shells (d) valence electrons
24. Which of the following arrangement represents the correct order of electronic energy
level? (a) 1s 2s 2p 3p 3s 4s (b) 1s 2s 3p 2p 4s 3d (c) 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d (d) 1s 2s 2p 3s
3p 3d 4s
25. In the periodic table, alkaline earth metals can be found in group (a) i (b) ii (c) iii (d) iv
(e) vii
26. How many orbitals are contained in an atom with atomic number 13? (a) 7 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d)
10 (e) 5
27. Halogens generally react with metals to form (a) alkalis (b) acids (c) bases (d) salts
28. The valence electrons of the element 12Mg are in the (a) 1s orbital (b) 2s orbital (c) 2px
orbital (d) 3s orbital (e) 2py orbital
29. Which of the following atoms contains the highest number of electrons in the outermost
shell? (a)8O (b) 10Ne (c) 15P (d) 19K
30. Which of the orbitals, 4s, 4p and 4d has lowest energy? (a) 4p (b) 4d (c) 4s (d) 4p
Section B (Theory) (Answer any three questions)
1. List and explain any three chemical reactions you know
b. Using an equation, only explain combination reaction
c. In two different ways, explain oxidation
2. Define accurately the term catalyst and give five characteristics of a catalyst
b. Write down the half equation which represents the oxidation of iron (ii).
3. Calculate the number of moles of calcium chloride CaCl 2 that can be obtained from 25g
of limestone, CaCo3, in the presence of excess hydrogen chloride, HCl (ca = 40, c = 12,
O = 16, H = 1, Cl = 35.5)
b. Write briefly, the characteristics of transition elements
4. Define the terms;
i. Ionization energy
ii. Atomic radius
iii. Electronegativity
b. Discuss their trends across the periods and write down the groups in the periodic
First Term Examination Questions
1. These are volumetric analysis tools except (a) indicator (b) deflagrating spoon (c) white
tile (d) wash bottle
2. A blind student may not carry out volumetric analysis adequately because (a) he/she is
blind (b) he/she may not observe the end point (c) he/she may not use the funnel
adequately (d) he/she may not carry out calculations adequately
3. Filling the burette for titration involves these except (a) wash with water (b) rinse with
acid (c) eject air bubbles (d) read at eye level
4. What is the S.I unit of molar mass? (a) gmol-1 (b) Mol-1 (c) Moldm-3
5. From this balanced equation, what is the value of X in Pb (No3)2(aq) + XNacl(aq) Pbcl2(5)
+ 2NaNO3(aq)
6. Most metals exist in nature as (a) alloys (b) felspar (c) crust (d) ores
7. Corrosion of highly reactive metals is called (a) rusting (b) tarnishing (c) concentration of
8. An acid present in protein is (a) ethanoic acid (b) citric acid (c) ascorbic acid (d) lactic
acid (e) amino acid
9. The reaction representation by the equation
C6H12O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 is known as (a) fermentation (b) neutralization (c)
hydrolysis (d) oxidation
10. How many atoms are contained in 1 mole of hydrogen molecule? (a) 6.02 X 1023 (b)
22.4dm3 (c) 1.0 X 6.23 X 1023
11. Which of the following substance is not akali? (a) sodium hydroxide (b) aquous ammonia
(c) none of the above
12. Hydrogen differs from the rest of the common non-metals because (a) it is an electron
acceptor (b) it is an electron donor (c) it is monatomic (d) it appears in free state
13. Most reactive metals are extracted from their ores through electrolysis except (a) Na (b)
Ca (c) Mg (d) Al
14. Group 1 metals are good reducing agents because (a) they are soft (b) they are light (c)
they easily form unipositive ions (d) they have low melting points
15. Calcium reacts directly with nitrogen to form (a) Ca3N3 (b) Ca2N3 (c) Ca3N2 (d) Ca3N
16. The physical properties of metals include all except (a) malleability (b) ductility (c)
relativity high density (d) reducing and oxidizing agents
17. The two approaches to quantitative analysis are (a) qualitative and volumetric analysis (b)
qualitative and quantitative analysis (c) gravimetric and volumetric analysis (d) all of the
18. In titration, a standard solution is one with (a) known amount (b) a known solute (c)
grans per dm3 (d) known concentration
19. Mass number can be defined as (a) the number of protons (b) total number of electrons
(c) the sum of proton and neutron number of an element
20. Example of a hydrocarbon is (a) benzene (b) brobutane (c) iodopentane (d) 2-
21. Transition elements include all except (a) Na (b) Sc (c) Mn (d) Zn
22. The first transition elements are (a) Sc, Ti, v, Cr, MO, N1, Cu, ZN (b) Sc, Ti, v, Cr, Mn,
Fe, CO, Ni, Cu, Zn (c) Sc, v, Cr, Mn, Fe, CO, Ni, Cu, Zn
23. The number of electron in 3d orbital of 24Cr is (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
24. The group to which elements belong to the periodic table is determined by the number of
(a) core electrons (b) valence shell (c) valence electrons
25. What is th S.I unit of molar mass? (a) Moldm-3 (b) Mol-1 (c) gmol-1 (d) mol
26. Rusting can be prevented by the following except (a) alloying (b) cathodic protection (c)
supportive method (d) application of protective coaling
27. These are adverse effect of chemicals except (a) pollution (b) population (c) corrosion
28. Which of the following does not lead to a chemical change (a) stirring iron in sulphur (vi)
(b) stirring sodium carbonate in water (c) mixing sulphur (vi) acid with potassium
carbonate (d) titrating an acid against a base
29. A difference between chemical and physical change is that in a chemical change (a)
oxygen is consumed (b) heat is supplied (c) a reversible process occurs (d) a new
substance is formed
30. The presence of impurities in a solid will make the melting point to (a) decrease (b)
increase (c) remain unchanged (d) zero
Section B (Theory) (Answer any three questions)
1. State three physical properties of fats and oil.
b. Define the term “hydrocarbon”.
2. State the uses of fats and oils
b. Explain saponification process
3. Explain and classify carbohydrates
b. Distinguish between cracking and reforming
c. Write the structural formula of fructose.
4. List the first transition element
b. Using a chemical equation only, state the extraction of tin.

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