Chem Test5 F2

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Fifth Sequence Chemistry Test Class: Form Two Time: 60 min No:____
Name:________________________________________________ Date:_______________
Section A (30mks)
Mark a line (-) across the letter that corresponds to the most correct answer.
1) A group of atoms that behave as a single atom is called

a) Compound b) Radical c) Formula d) Element

2) Which among the following pair of atoms show variable (more than one) valencies?

a) H and O b) Cl and K c) Fe and Cu d) Fe and Br

3) What is the Latin name of sodium?

a) Natrium b) Ferrum c) Sorrium d) Plumbum

4) The product formed when magnesium reacts with oxygen is

a) MgO b) Mg2O c) Mg2O2 d) MgO2

5) An element that has 15 protons and mass number 31. Therefore it has

a) 16 electrons c) 15 electrons and 16 neutrons

b) 16 electrons and 15 neutrons d) None of the above

6) The most abundant component of air is

a) Water Vapour b) Carbon dioxide c) Oxygen d) Nitrogen

7) What is the atomic number of an element if its atom contains 13 protons, 14 neutrons and 13

a) 40 b) 27 c) 26 d) 13

8) All group VIII elements have 8 valence electrons except

a) Hydrogen b) Helium c) Argon d) Neon

9) An element has electronic configuration 2;8;8. The element is an/a

a) Alkali metal b) Halogen c) Transition metal d) Noble Gases

10) Which of the elements is the odd one out?

a) Lithium b) Sodium c) Calcium d) Potassium

11) Which Scientist is considered the father of the modern periodic table?

a) Newlands b) Newton c) Mendeleev d) Dobereiner

12) The following reaction is called? CaCO3 CaO + CO2

a) Neutralisation b) Decomposition c) Synthesis d) Reversible

13) One or two letters which represent an atom of an element is called

a) Radical b) Symbol c) Formula d) Equation

14) When a substance breaks down into two or more products when heated, the reaction is called.

a) Cooking b) Splitting c) Decomposition d) Combustion

15) A reaction that proceeds in both directions is said to be ________________________.

a) Decomposition b) Combustion c) Reversible d) Irreversible

16) All the following can decompose on heating except.

a) Magnesium carbonate c) Calcium carbonate

b) Potassium carbonate d) None of the above

17) When a substance contains water of crystallisation, it is said to be

a) Anhydrous b) Hydrated c) Waterated d) A Hydrate

18) SONARA separates petroleum into components like kerosene, petrol and cooking gas by

a) Fractional distillation c) Boiling

b) Separating Funnel d) Sublimation

19) Electrolytes conduct electricity in the molten state or in solution because they contain

a) Ions c) Protons
b) Electrons d) Electrons and ions

20) Which of the following is an electrolyte?

a) Alcohol b) Sodium chloride c) Water d) Copper

21) Which of the following will move to the anode in the electrolysis of copper II sulphate solution.

a) Cu2+ b) S c) SO4- d) SO2

22) One or two letters which represent an atom of an element is called

a) Radical b) Symbol c) Formula d) Equation

23) According to Dalton’s atomic theory,

a) Atoms of different elements are identical
b) Elements can be created and destroyed
c) Elements cannot be created but can be destroyed
d) Elements cannot be created or destroyed
24) A change in which a new substance is formed is also a

a) Physical change c) Chemical Reaction

b) Chemistry change d) Reversible reaction

25) Combustion means

a) Respiration b) Burning c) Rusting d) Nitrogen

26) Another name for group 0 elements is group

a) I b) III c) VII d) VIII
27) The Particle of an atom that is electrically neutral

a) Nucleus b) Neutron c) Proton d) Electron

28) An element has atomic number 11. The element is

a) An alkali metal c) A halogen

b) A Transition metal d) An inert gas

29) Elements in the same period on the periodic table have the same number of;

a) Electrons c) Valence electrons

b) Shells d) Protons

30) One of the following is always produced when we burn fossil fuel.

a) Oxygen
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Hydrogen
d) Carbon
Section B (50mks)
1) a) What is a compound?(1mk)


b) Give the names of the following compounds.(2mks)

I. H2SO4______________________________ II. Ca(OH)2_____________________________

c) Balance the following equations. (2mks)

I. Na + O2 Na2O
II. Mg + HCl MgCl2 + H2

d) Write the balanced equation for the following reaction using the symbols and formulae of the
elements and compounds concerned. (2mks)

Calcium + Oxygen Calcium Oxide


2) a) Define the following. (2mks)

I. Atom______________________________________________________________________
II. Mass0number_______________________________________________________________

b) Complete the table below that concerns three elements M, N and O. Where M, N, O are not the usual
symbols of the elements. (3mks)

Elements Mass number Atomic number Number of Number of

electrons neutrons
M 39 19
N 15 16
O 11 5

c) The elements A, B, C and D have atomic numbers 12, 17, 11 and 10 respectively, where A, B, C and D
are not the usual symbols of the elements.(3mks)

I. Which is of the elements (A, B, C or D);

Is a halogen__________________________
Will react with water to form a weak alkaline solution________________________
II. Give the formula of the compound formed between A and B.__________________
a) 13 Al is an element on the periodic table. (2mks)
i. Give the atomic mass and atomic number of Al.
Atomic mass_____________________ Atomic number______________________
ii. Give the number of electrons and neutrons of Al._______________________________.

a) Write balanced equations to show the action of heat on the following substances.(3mks)

I. Hydrated copper II sulphate (CuSO4).


II. Lead IV oxide (PbO2)


b) Suggest methods for separating the following mixtures. (2mks)

Engine oil and Water._______________________________________________.

Iron Fillings and Sulphur._______________________________________________.

Ammonium chloride and Sand._______________________________________________.

Sugar and water._______________________________________________.

4) Give the difference between the following. (3mks)

a. A conductor and an electrolyte.


b. The Cathode and the anode.


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