Java 1

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Self Learning Material

Directorate.of Distance Education


N MEERUT-250005
SIM Module Developed by : Raman Chadha

Reviewed by the Study Material Assessment Committee Comprising:

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3. Dr. Mohan Gupta
4. Mr. Shashiraj Teotia
5. Mr. Ashish Bhatnagar

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DEM-2231-86.50-INTERNET PROG (JAVA) C-126 -o
Typeset at: Goswami Associates, Delhi Printed at:
Units Page No.

I. Fundamentals of Java Programming 1

II. Data Types, Operators and Arrays 13
III. Classes and Objects in Java 35
IV. . Exception Handling 56
V. . Packages and Interfaces 72
Vi Multithreaded Programming 85
VII. I/O In Java j 108
VIII. Applets . ' j 132
IX. Graphics and User Interface 153



Unit 1: Introduction to Java

1.1 Applets and Applications
1.2 Java Buzzwords
1.3 The Java Plateform
1.4 Java Libraries
1.5 Starting With Java

Unit 2: Data Types, Operators and Arrays

2.1 Data Types In Java
2.2 Operators
2.3 Java Keywords
2.4 Mixing Datatypes
.2.5 TypeCasting
2.6 Programming Constructors in Java
2.7 Arrays

Unit 3: Classes and Objects In Java

3.1 Classes and Objects
3.2 Constructor
3.3 Subclassing
3.4 The Extends Keyword
3.5 The instance of Operator
3.6 Static Variables,and Methods
3.7 The Final Keyword
3.8 Access Control
3.9 Method Overriding
3.10 Abstract Classes
3.11 Inner Classes

Unit 4: Exception Handling

4.1 Exception Classes
4.2 Using Try and Catch
4.3 Handling Multiple Exceptions
4.4 Sequencing Catch Blocks
4.5 Using Finally
4.6 Built -in Exception
4.7 Throwing Exceptions
4.8 Catching Exceptions
4.9 User Defined Exception

Unit 5: Packages and Interfaces

5.1 Creating Packages
5.2 Adding Classes to Existing Packages
5.3 , Interface
5.4 Creating Interfaces
5.5 Exceptions


Unit 6: Multithreaded Programming

6.1 Multithreading: an introduction
6.2 The Main Thread
6.3 Java Thread Model
6.4 Thread Priorities
6.5 Synchronization in Java
6.6 Interthread Communication

Unit 7: I/O in Java

. 7.1 I/O Basics
7.2 Streams and Stream Classes
7.2.1 Byte Stream Classes
7.2.2 Character Stream Classes
7.3 The Predefined Streams
7.4 Reading form, and Writing to, Console
7.5 Reading and Writing File
7.6 The Transient and Volatile Modifiers
7.7 Using Native Methods

Unit 8: Applets
8.1 The Applet Class |
8.2 Applet Architecture !
8.3 An Applet Skeleton: Initialization and Termination j
. 8.4 Handling Events
8.5 HTML Applet Tag
Unit 9: Graphics and User Interface
. 9.1 Graphics Contexts and Graphics Objects
9.1.1 Color Control ^
9.1.2 Fonts •■'j

9.1.3 Coordinate System

9.2 User Interface Components
9.3 Building User Interface with AWT
9.4 Swing - Based GUI
9.5 Layouts and Layout Manager
9.6 Container

UNIT Fundamentals of JAVA



1.0 Learning Objectives

1.1 Applets and Applications
1.2 Java Buzzwords
1.3 The JavaPlatform
1.4 Java Libraries^
1.5 Starting with Java
• Summary
• Review Questions


After going through this unit, you will be able to :

• discuss about the applets and applications
• define the java virtual machine
• explain the j ava buzzwords • /
• describe the java libraries /
• differentiate the starting with java^and java platform.


Now a day, Java is widely used for applications and applets. The code for the
application in object format resides on the user’s machine and is executed by a run­
time interpreter. Applications *are stand alone and are executed using a Java
interpreter. Whereas, A Java applet produces object code which restricts local user
resource access and can be normally be interpreted within the user’s browser. Applets
can be very useful, user friendly programs or can be a lot of fun. Applets are written in
HTML documents and are executed from within a Java empowered browser such as
Inter Explorer or Netscape Navigator. For instance, whenever we pull up any web
page, the Java code is embedded within HTML code. On the contrary any program
which is not embedded within HTML code is pertained to as an application. An Applet

Self-Instructional Material 1
Introduction to Internet is a program that runs within a web browser. The main idea of applets is to allow the
Programming (JAVA) program to be launched by any Java Enabled web browser. On the other hand Java
applications runs stand alone (can run like any program Le. on our computer). It
is important to note at this stage that by default, Java applets have some restrictions
NOTES when it Comes to dealing with the operating system. If we developed a program that
would be independent from the system, then applets would be a good solution. There
are certain methods which can help us to modifying those security restrictions. In
order to run an application or an applet on any machine we are required to have a
JVM (Java virtual machine) installed on our machine. Following are some important i
discussions and differences between applets and applications:
• Applets are the small programs while applications are larger programs.
• Applets don’t have the main method while in an application execution starts,
with the main method. Applets can run in our browser’s window or in an
•. To run the applet in ah appletviewer will be an advantage for debugging^ ^
• Applets are the powerful tools because it covers half of the java language picture.
• Java applets are the best way of creating the programs in java.
• Both (Applets and the java applications) have the same importance at their own
places. Applications are also the platform independent as well as byte oriented
just like the applets. . _
• Applets are designed just for handling the client site problems, while the java
applications are designed to work with the client as well as server.
• Applications are designed to exist in a secure area, while the applets are typically
• Applications and applets have much of the similarity such as both have most of
the same features and share the same resources.
• Applets are created by extending the java.applet. Applet class while the java
applications start execution from the main method.
• Applications are not too small to embed into a HTML page so that the user can
view the application in our browser. On the other hand applets have the
accessibility criteria of the resources.
The key feature is that while they have so many differences but both can perform
the same purpose.
To create an applet just creates a class that extends the java.applet. Applet class
and inherit all the features available in the parent class. The following programs make
all the things clear:
import java.awt.*;-
import java.applet;
class Myclass extends Applet{
public void init{){
/* All the variables, methods and images initialize here will
be called only once because this method is called only once when
the applet is first initializes*/

2 Self-Instructional Material
Fundamentals of JAVA
public void start{){
/* The components needed to be initialize more than once in
applet, are written here. This method can be called more than NOTES
public void stop(){
/*-This method is the counterpart to start(). The code, used to
stop the execution is written here*/
public void destroy(){ j
/* Thi's^method contains the code that result-in to release the
resources.-to the applet before it is-.finished. This method is
called only once.*/ f-
• }
public void paint(Graphics g){-
/* Write the code in this method to draw, write, or Color things
on the applet pane are */

In the above applet we have seen that there are five methods. In which two (init()
and destroy) are called only once while remaining three (start(), stopO, and paintO)
can be called any number of times as per the requirements. The major difference
between the two (applet and application) is thatiava applications are designed to
work under the homogenous and more secure areas. Java applets are designed to run
the heterogeneous and probably unsecured environment. Internet has imposed several
restrictions on it. The conclusion is that the java applets provides a wide variety of
formats for program execution and a very tight security model on the open environment
as on the Internet. "
Java applications have the majority of differences with the java applets.
Applications are stand-alone programs that do not require the use of a browser.
Java applications run by starting the Java interpreter from the command line and by
specifying the file that contains the compiled application. Applications usually reside
on the system on which they are deployed. Applications access resources on the system,
and are restricted by the Java security model. The following program illustrates the
structure of the java application: 1

public class MyClass{ 1

/* Various methods and variable used by the class MyClass are
written here */ •
class myClass{
/* This contains the body of the class myClass*/

Self-jnstrujpiftyjal Material 3
Introduction to Internet
Programming (JAVA) public static void main(Strihg args[]){
/* The application starts it's actual execution from this place.

The main method here is nothing but the system method used to invoke the
application. The code that results an action should locate in the main method. Therefore
this method is more than the other method in any java application.


Buzzwords of java are actually representation java language features, as like

Simple, Object Oriented, Secdre and Distributed etc. No discussion of the origins of
java is complete without a look at the java buzzwords. The key considerations were
summed up by the java team in the following list of buzzwords:
• Simple '
• Secure
• Portable
• Object-oriented .
. • Robust
• Multithreaded
• Architecture-neutral
• Interpreted
• High performance
• Distributed
• Dynamic.

Let’s examine of this what it implies:

• Simple: Java was designed to be easy for the professional programmer to learn
and use effectively. If you already understand the basic concepts of object-oriented
programming, learning java will be even easier. Best of all, if you are an experienced
C++ programmer, moving to java will require very little effort. Because java'inherits
the C/C++ syntax and many of the object-oriented features of C++.
•^Secure: Java is intended for use in networked/distributed environments. Toward
that end, a lot of emphasis has been placed on security. Java enables the construction
of virus-free, tamper-free systems. The authentication techniques are based on public-
key encryption. There is a strong interplay between "robust”and "secure."For example,
the changes to the semantics of pointers make it impossible for applications to forge
access to data structures or to access private data in objects that they do not have
access to. This closes the door on most activities of viruses.
• Portable: Being architecture neutral is a big chunk of being portable, but there’s
more to it than that. Unlike. C and C++, there are no "implementation dependent”
aspects of the specification. The sizes of the primitive data types are specified, as is the
behavior of arithmetic on them. For example, “int” always means a signed two’s
complement 32 bit integer, and “float” always means a 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point
X Self-Instructional Material
number. Making these choices is feasible in this day and age because essentially all Fundamentals i>f JA\fy
interesting CPUs share these characteristics. Programming

• Object-Oriented: Although influenced by its predecessors, java was not

.■ designed to be source-code compatible with any other language. The object model in
java is simple and easy to extend, while simple types, such as integers, are kept as NOTES
high performance non-objects. But object-oriented design is very powerful because it
facilitates the clean definition of interfaces and makes it possible to provide reusable
“software ICs.” Simply stated, object-oriented design is a technique that focuses design
on the data (= objects) and on the interfaces to it.
• Robust: The multi platformed environment of the Web places extraordinary
demands on a program, because the program must execute reliably in a variety of
systems. Thus, the ability to create robust programs was given a high priority in the
design of java. To gain reliability, java restricts you in a few key areas, to force you to
find your mistakes early in program development. At the same time, java frees you
from having to worry about many of the most common causes of programming errors.
Because java is a strictly typed language, it checks your code at compile time. However,
it also checks your code at run time. To better understand how java is robust, consider
tow of the main reasons for^program.
Web 2.0 is the latest buzzwords. Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer
industry caused by the move to\he internet as platform, and an attempt to understand
the rules for success on that new platform.
• Multithreaded: There are many things going on at the same time in the world
around us. Multithreading is a way of building applications with multiple threads
Unfortunately, writing programs that deal with many things happening at once can
be much more difficult than writing in the conventional single-threaded C and C++
style. Java has a sophisticated set of synchronization primitives that are based on the
widely used monitor and condition variable paradigm.
• Architecture-neutral: Java was designed to support applications on networks.
In general, networks are composed of a variety of systems with a variety of CPU and
operating system architectures. To enable a Java application to execute anywhere on
the network, the compiler generates an architecture-neutral object file format—the
compiled code is executable on many processors, given the presence of the Java runtime
This is useful not only for networks but also for single system software distribution.
Jn the present personal computer market, application writers have to produce versions
of their application that are compatible with the IBM PC and with the Apple Macintosh.
• Interpreted: Java bytecodes are translated on the fly to native machine
instructions (interpreted) and not stored anywhere. And since linking is a more
incremental and lightweight process, the development process can be much more rapid
and exploratory. As a part of the bytecode stream, more compile-time information is
carried over and available at runtime. This is what the linker’s type checks are based
on. It also makes programs more amenable to debugging.
• High performance: While the performance of interpreted bytecodes is usually
more than adequate, there are situations where higher performance is required. The
bytecodes can be translated on the fly (at runtime) into machine code for the particular
CPU the application is running on. The bytecode format was designed with generating
machine codes in mind, so the actual process of generating machine code is generally

Self-Instructional Material 5
Introduction to Internet simple. Efficient code is produced: the compiler does automatic register allocation and
' Programming (JAVA) some optimization when it produces the bytecodes.
• Dynamic: In a number of ways, Java is a more dynamic language than C or
C++. It was designed to adapt to an evolving environment. For example, one major
NOTES problem with C++ in a production environment is a side-effect of the way that code is
implemented. If company A produces a class library (a library of plug and play
components) and company B buys it and uses it in their product, then if A changes its
library and distributes a new release, B will almost certainly have to recompile and
redistribute their own software. In an environment where the end user gets A and B’s
software independently (say A is an OS vendor and B is an application vendor) problems
can result. For example, if A distributes an upgrade to its libraries, then all of the
.software from B will break. It is possible to avoid this problem in C++, but it is
extraordinarily difficult and it effectively means not using any of the language’s 00
features directly. j


Java (with a capital J) is a platform for application development. A platform is a

loosely defined computer industry buzzword that typically means some combination
of hardware and system software that will mostly run all the same software. For
instance PowerMacs running Mac OS 9.2 would be one platform. DEC Alphas running
Windows NT would be another.
Java solves the problem of platform-independence by using byte code. The Java
compiler does not produce native executable code for a particular machine like a C
compiler would. Instead it produces a special format called byte code. Java byte code
written in hexadecimal, byte by byte, looks like this:
CA FE BA BE 00 03 00 2D 00 3E 08 00 3B 08 00 01 08 00 20 08
This looks a lot like machine language, but unlike machine language Java byte
code is exactly the same on every platform. Java programs that have been compiled
into byte code still need an interpreter to execute them on any given platform. The
interpreter reads the byte code and translates it into the native language of the host
machine on the fly. The most common such interpreter is Sun’s program java (with a
little j). Since, the byte code is completely platform independent, only the interpreter
and a few native libraries need to be ported to get Java to run on a new computer or
operating system. The rest of the runtime environment including the compiler and
most of the class libraries are written in Java. All these pieces, the javac compiler,
the java interpreter, the Java programming language, and more are collectively referred
to as Java.
Table 1.1 Summarizes the key packages of the Java platform

Package Description

java.beans The JavaBeans component model for reusable, embeddable

software components.

java.beans.beancontext Additional classes that define bean context objects that hold
and provide services to the JavaBeans objects they contain.
6 Self-Instructional Material
Fundamentals of JAVA Classes and interfaces for input and output. Although some Programming
of the classes in this package are for working directly with
files, most are for working with streams of bytes or characters.

javaJang The core classes of the language, such as String, Math, NOTES
System, Thread, and Exception.

java.lang.ref Classes that define weak references to objects. A weak

reference is one that does not prevent the referent object from
being garbage-collected.

java.lang.reflect Classes and interfaces that allow Java programs to reflect on

themselves by examining the constructors, methods, and fields
of classes. '

java.math A small package that contains classes for arbitrary-precision

integer and floating-point arithmetic. Classes and interfaces for networking with other systems. Classes and interfaces for access control and authentication.

Supports cryptographic message digests and digital

java.seciirity.acl A package that supports access control lists. Deprecated and

unused as of Java 1.2. Classes and interfaces for working with public key certificates. Interfaces used with DSA and RSA public-key encryption. Classes and interfaces for transparent representations of keys

and parameters used in public-key cryptography.

java.text Classes and interfaces for working with text in

internationalized applications. .

java.util Various utility classes, including the powerful collections

framework for working with collections of objects.

java.util.jar Classes for reading and writing JAR files. Classes for reading and writing ZIP files.

javax.crypto Classes and interfaces for encryption and decryption of data.

javax.crypto.interfaces Interfaces that represent the Diffie-Hellman public/private

keys used in the Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol.

javax.crypto.spec Classes that define transparent representations of keys and

parameters used in cryptography.

Above Table 1.1 does not list all the packages in the Java platform. Java also
defines numerous packages for graphics and graphical user interface programming
and for distributed, or enterprise, computing. The graphics and GUI packages are
java.awt and javax.swing and their many subpackages. The enterprise
packages of Java include java.rmi, java.sql, javax.jndi, org.omg.CORBA,
org.omg.CosNaming, and all of their subpackages.

Self-Instructional Material 7
Introduction to Internet
Programming (JAVA) 1.4. JAVA LIBRARIES
A library is a reusable software component that saves developers time by providing
NOTES access to the code that performs a programming task. Libraries exist to assist with'
many different types of tasks. Library design is difficult. Most modem languages try
to help the programmer create good libraries, and the Java language is no exception.
Our objective is to learn how the Java language can help to build an effective library.
To achieve this goal, we’ll discuss the design of a simple library that facilitates
implementing network servers. When creating a network server, there are a number
of issues to consider:
• Listening on a socket.
• Accepting connections.
• Getting access to the streams represented by a connection.
• Processing the incoming data in some way, and sending back a response.
The Java Library is a set of dynamically loadable libraries that Java applications
can call at runtime. Because the Java Platform is not dependent on any specific
operating system, applications cannot rely on any of the existing libraries. The Java
class libraries serve three purposes within the Java Platform:
• Like other standard code libraries, they provide the programmer a well-known
set of useful facilities, such as container classes and regular expressions.'
• In addition, the class libraries provide an abstract interface to tasks that would
normally depend heavily on the hardware and operating system.
•T* Finally, some underlying platforms may not support all of the features a Java
application expects. In these cases, the class libraries can either emulate those .
features using whatever is available.
The Java Class Library is almost entirely written in Java itself, except for the
parts that need direct access to the hardware and operating system (such as for I/O, or
bitmap graphics). The classes that give access to these functions commonly use native
interface wrappers to access the API of the operating system. Almost all of the Java
Class Library is stored in a .single Java archive file called “rt.jar”, which is provided
with JRE and JDK distributions. The Java Class Library (rtjar) is located in the
default bootstrap classpath, and does not have to be found in the classpath declared
for the application.
Features of the Class Library are accessed through classes grouped by packages.
• Java'.lang contains fundamental classes and interfaces closely tied to the
language and runtime system.
• I/O and networking: access to the platform file system and more generally
to networks, is provided through the, and packages.
• Mathematics package: java.math provides regular mathematical
expressions, as well as arbitrary-precision decimals and integer’s numbers.
• Collections and Utilities: provide built-in Collection data structures, and .
various utility classes, for Regular expressions, Concurrency, logging and Data

8 Self-Instructional Material
• GUI and 2D Graphics: the java.awt package supports basic GUI operations Fundamentals of JAVA
and binds to the underlying native system. It also contains the 2D Graphics Programming
API. '
• ' Sound: provides interfaces and classes for reading, writing, sequencing, and
synthesizing of sound data.
• Text: the java.text package deals with text, dates, numbers, and messages.

• Image package: java.awt.image and javax.imageib provide APIs to write,

read, and modify images. f
• XML: built-in classes handle SAX, DOM, StAX, XSLT transforms, XPath,
and various APIs for Web services, as SOAP protocol and JAX-WS.
• Databases: access to SQL databases is provided through the java.sql package.
• Access to Scripting engines: the javax.script package gives access any
Scripting language that conforms to this API.
• Applets: java.applet allows applications to be downloaded over a network
and run within a guarded sandbox. ?
• Java Beans: java.beans provides ways to manipulate reusable components.


Many computers already have Java preinstalled. To find'but, open a command
prompt and type java. If an error receives, then the program is unknown and we have
to need to install Java. To compile Java programs, we required the Java Development
Kit (JDK}. This- contains compiler and other necessary tools. To run Java programs,
you wiU need-the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). |
Writing Hello word: Most programmers start out with a Hello World program;
this is the most basic program in any language. Java developed by Sim Microsystems;
first release in 1995.
• Java is a first programming language to make it easy to write programs that
can be executed on the Web. 1
• / An Object-oriented language.
• An platform-independent language—by the use of byte-code and the Java
Virtual Machine (JVM) interpreter.
/interpreter for
X Processor 1’
Java Java
Source > Byte ’ Interpreter forN
Code Code Processor 2 /
Compiler Java
(Javac) . Virtual Machine
• (java) Hello.class

Self-Instructional Material 9
■Introduction to Internet
Programming (JAVA) /* filename:
A Simple application program which displays "Hello, world!" to
the terminal,. */
public class Hello
{public static void main(String[ ] args)
{System.out.println("Hello, world!");// message string in
in one line
• Every Java program is a class.
• This program MUST be written in a file called —
because the class name is Hello.
• Java is case sensitive (Hello is different, from hello).
• The "main" in Java is ALWAYS indicated by "public static
void main(String[] args)"—where "args" is a variable chosen
by the user. ' ' '
• Every statement in Java ends with a semicolon;
•A multi-line comment is bounded by /'* */, and a ingle-line
comment starts with//.
* • System.out is the console terminal.
• println is a "method" which prints a string in one line
(followed by a newline/carriage return).

To compile Java code, we need to use the ‘javac’ tool. From a command line, the
command to compile this program is: javac
For this to work, the javac must be in shell’s path or must explicitly specify the
path to the program. If the compilation is successful, javac will quietly end and return
to a .command prompt. To run the program simply you can run with the command:
java Hello and then see the result or output like: Hello, world !
• •. Classes: In Java, everything is an object, because Java is an object oriented
language. In object oriented programming we use what are called classes.
Class is short for classification, and can be thought of as meaning “thing” of
“item” or similar terms. A class has attributes and functions just like real
objects. On my desk there is a water bottle. It has attributes like dimensions,
color, volume, and water level. All water bottles have these attributes. In
Java (and other programming languages), these are modeled as variables.
• Instances:. The distinction between an object and a class is tricky but
Important. A class can be thought of as a type, category, or definition. For
example, the class “water bottle” consists of all the characteristics and functions
that are common to all water bottles. An object, however, is an instance of a
class. The particular water bottle on the desk is an object because it is an
instance of a more general class. For functionality, my water bottle has abilities
like drinking water and throwing it at someone. In Object Oriented progra­
mming these are called methods. Methods are things that can do to or with an
Object. The public keyword indicates visibility. It indicates that everyone can

10 Self-Instructional Material
see this class. In Java these are a few visibility levels, but for completeness Fundamentals of JAVA
they are: Programming

• Public - Everyone can see it regardless, of that Object’s relationship to this

• Private ^Only this class can see these items, nothing outside can, not even
inheritingclasses. ,
• Protected - These items can only be seen within this class or its inheriting
classes. I
• Default- If no visibility is specified, then only classes in the same package can
see this item.
Here in this program, we have one class called Hello and it has no attributes. It
does have one method, called main. I
• Main Method: Now main is a very special method or function in Java. Main
is where a program begins. In Java, every program must have a main method
declared just like the one we see above. From above we know that it is public
so that it will be visible to all classes, main methods in Java must be declared
in this way.
• Static: The static keyword means simply that this method exists without the
need for an instance of an object of this class. Function, main is the first method
to run, if main could not be run without an instance of Hello, then how would
we get an instance of Hello? We would not be able to run anything in that
case. '
• Return type: The return type of main is void, which simply means it returns
nothing. When main finishes, the program simply ends so no return is required.
Some prefer to use int main and return a value of 0 on exit to indicate successful
execution. i

• Parameters: The main function takes one parameter called args. Args is an
array of type String which is indicated by the line String[]. Args is used to
receive command line arguments if this program is called from the command
line. Each argument would end up in a different cell for the array.
• Braces: In Java, braces {} are used to begin and end blocks. We see one opening
brace {after the class declaration, which signifies the beginning of the class’s
contents. We next see an opening brace {on the line declaring main to indicate
the beginning of its contents. We then see a} after the System.out.println
statement, which closes the main function and ends its contents. Braces are
always paired.for each opening brace {there must be a closing brace}. Finally,
; the class is closed with the last closing brace}.
• Printing: The statement in.the function that says System.out.println is a
print statement. It sends output to the Java console window. It is actually a
call to a built in Java function that takes a parameter of a String to be printed.
Here we supply the String “Hello World” as a literal String. Strings in Java
are always enclosed in quotations marks
• Semicolon: Finally, this line ends in a semicolon(;). In Java, semicolons end
all lines of the program other than control constructs like for, if and while or
function and class declarations. Everything before the semicolon is one line of
code, even { spans manylines of text.
11 ■ • i

Self-Instructional Material 11
Introduction to Internet • Comments: In Java comments being with either // if they are one line or /* if
Programming (JAVA). they span multiple lines, Single line comments end at a carriage return and
multi-line comments end at a */. Comments.are ignored by the compiler and
used by humans to understand their own and other people’s code.
NOTES • Saving a file: Now, open favorite text editor and paste in this source code.
Now save the file as it is important that this name be exact. In
Java, the source file name must have the name of the class with a .java
extension, otherwise it will not compile.

• Now a day, Java is widely used for applications and applets. The code for the
application in object format resides on the user’s machine and is executed by
a run-time interpreter.
• Java enables the .construction of virus-free, tamper-free systems. The
authentication techniques are based on public-key encryption. There is a strong
interplay between "robust” and "secure.”
• The sizes of the primitive data types are specified, as is the behavior of
• arithmetic on them.
• The multi platformed environment of the Web places extraordinary demands
on a program, because the program must-execute reliably in a variety of
• While tKe performance of interpreted bytecodes is usually more than adequate; ;:v:
there are situations where higher performance is required.


1. What do you mean by applet and applications in java programming?

2. Define Java Buzzwords with suitable list example.
3. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Portable
(b) Multithreaded >
(c) Object Oriented
(d) Robust
• (e) Dynamic.
4. What do you understand by the term java platform? Summarizes the key packages
of the Java platform.
5. Describe the term java library and explain its features of the Class Library are
accessed through classes grouped by packages.
6. What is the task of the main method in a java program?
7. Define the term class, main method and static word in java program.
8. Write a simple program in java to print the name, address and phone number on
the screen, where class name is data. • *

12 Self-Instructional Material
UNIT Data Types, Operators
and Arrays




2.0 Learning Objectives

2.1 Data Type's in Java
2.2 Operators
2.3 Java Keywords
2.4 Mixing Data Types
2.5 Type Casting
2.6 Programming Constructors in Java
2.7 Arrays
• Summary
• Review Questions


After going through this unit, you will be able to :
• explain data types in java
. • define operators
discuss java keywords
• explain mixing data types
• define type casting
• explain arrays.


Data type defines a set of permitted values on which the legal operations can be
performed. In java, all the variables needs to be declared first i.e., before using a
particular variable, , it must be declared in the program Tor the memory allocation
process. Like: int pedal = 1;
This statement exists a field named “pedal” that holds the numerical value as 1.
The value assigned to a variable determines its data type, on which the legal operations

Self-Instructional Material 13
Introduction to Internet of java are performed. This behaviour specifies that, Java is a strongly-typed
Programming (JAVA) programming language. The data types in the Java programming language are divided
into two categories i.e., Primitive Data Types and Reference Data Types. Data
types in java can be explained using the following hierarchy structure: '
Java Data Types

Primitive Data Types Reference Data Types

Integer Floating Array Class Interface
Data Types Data Types

1. Primitive Data Types: The primitive data types are predefined data types,
which always hold the value of the same data type, and the values of a primitive data '
type don’t share the state with other primitive values. These data types are named by
a reserved keyword in Java programming language. There are eight primitive
data types supported by Java programming language:
• Byte: The byte data type is an 8-bit signed two’s complement integer. It ranges
from -128 tol27 (inclusive). This type of data type is useful to save memory in
large arrays. We can also use byte instead of int to increase the limit of the
code. The syntax of declaring a byte type variable is shown as: byte b = 5 ;
• Short: The short data type is a 16-bit signed two’s complement integer. It
ranges from -32,768 to 32,767. Short is used to save memory in large arrays.
The syntax of declaring a short type variable is shown as: short s = 2;
• Int: The int data type is used to store the integer values not the fraction .
values. It is a 32-bit signed two’s complement integer data type. It ranges
from -2*147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 that is more enough to store large number
in your program. However for wider range of values use long. The syntax of
declaring a int type variable is shown as: int num = 50;
. • Long: The long data type is a 64-bit signed two’s complement integer. It ranges
from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. Use this data
type with larger range of values. The syntax of declaring a long type variable
is shown as: long In = 746; . \

• Float: The float data type is a single-precision 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point.
It ranges from 1.40129846432481707e-45 to 3.40282346638528860e+38
(positive or negative). Use a float (instead of double) to save memory in large
arrays. We do not use this data type for the exact values such as currency. For -
that we have to use java.math.BigDecimal class. The syntax of declaring a
float type variable is: float f = 105.65 ; float f = -5000.12
• Double: This data type is a double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point.
It ranges from 4.94065645841246544e-324d to 1.79769313486231570e+308d
(positive or negative). This data type is generally the default choice for decimal
values. The syntax of declaring a double type variable is shown as:
double d 6677.60

14 Self-Instructional Material
• Char: The char data type is a single 16-bit, unsigned Unicode character. It Data Types, Operators
ranges from 0 to 65,535. They are hot integral data type like int, short etc. i:e., and Arrays
the char data type can’t hold the numeric values. The syntax of declaring a
char type variable is shown as: char‘c*;
• . Boolean: The Boolean data type represents only two values: true and false NOTES
and occupy is 1-bit in the memory. These values are keywords in Java and
represent the two boolean states: on or off, yes or do. We use boolean data
type for specifying conditional statements as if, while, do, for. In Java, true
and false are not the same as True and False. They are defined constants of
the language. The syntax of declaring a-boolean type variable is shown as:
boolean result = true; |
The ranges of these data types can be described with default values using the
following table:

Data Default Size (in bits) Minimum Maximum

Type Value Range Range

byte 0 Occupy 8 bits in

memory -128 +127

short 0 Occupy 16 bits in

memory -32768 +32767

int 0 Occupy 32 bits in

memory -2147483648 // +2147483647

long OL Occupy 64 bits in

memory -9223372036854775808 +9223372036854775807

float O.Of Occupy 32-bit IEEE

754 floating point 1.40129846432481707e-45 3.40282346638528860e

double O.Od Occupy 64-bit IEEE 4.94065645841246544 1.79769313486231570e

754 floating point e-324d +308d

char ‘\u0000’ Occupy 16-bit,

unsigned Unicode
character 0 to 65,535

boolean false Occupy 1- bit in

memory NA NA

When we declare a field it is not always essential that we initialize it too. The
compiler sets a default value to the fields which are riot initialized which might be zero
or null. However this is not recommended. '
Integer Data Types: So far you would have been known about these data types.
Now let’s take an Integer data type in brief to better understand:

Self-Instructional Material 15
Introduction to Internet As we have described that an integer number can hold a whole number. Java
Programming {JAVA) provides four different primitive integer data types that can be defined as byte, short
int, and long that can store both positive and negative values. The ranges of these
data types can be described using the following table:
Data Size (in bits) Minimum Range Maximum Range

byte Occupy 8 bits in memory -128 +127

short Occupy 16 bitsin memory -32768 +32767

int Occupy 32 bits in memory -2147483648 +2147483647

long Occupy 64 bits in memory -9223372036854775808 +9223372036854775807

Examples of int data type are: 0,1, 123, and 42000
• Floating-point numbers: A floating-point number'represents a real numbe
that may have a fractional values i.e., In the floating type o^ variable, you can assign
the numbers in an in a decimal or scientific notation. Floating-point numbers have
only a limited number of digits, where most values can be\represented only
approximately. The floating-point types are float and double with a^single-precision
32-bit IEEE 754 floating point and double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 floating poin
respectively. Examples of floating-point literals are: 10.0003,48.89, -2000.15,7.04el2
2. Reference Data Types:

Reference Data

Array Class Interface

In Java a reference data type is a variable that can contain the reference or ar
address of dynamically created object. These types of data type are not predefined likf
primitive data type. The reference data types are arrays, classes and interfaces
that are made and handle according to a programmer in a java program, which cai
hold the three kinds of values as:
> array type //Points to an array instance
> class type //Points to an object or a class instance
> interface type- //Points to ah object and a method, which is
//to the corresponding interface
• Array Type: An array is a special kind of object that contains values calle<
elements. The java array enables the user to store the values of the sam
type in contiguous memory allocations. The elements in an array ar
identified by an integer index which initially starts from 0 and ends wit’
one less than number of elements available in the array. All elements of a

16 Self-Instructional Material
array must contain the same type of value i.e., if an array is a type of integer Data Types,t Operators
then all the elements must be of integer type. It is a reference data type and Arrays
because the class named as Array implicitly extends java.lang.Object. The
syntax of declaring the array is shown as:
DataType [] variable!, variables,. .. variableN;
DataType [] variable « new DataType [ArraySize];
DataType [] variable = {item 1, item 2,..'.item n);
For example:

int t] a = new int '[101;

String [1 b = {"reference","data", "type");

In the first statement, an array variable “a” is declared of integer data type that
holds the memory spaces according to the size of int. The index of the array starts
from a[0] and ends with a[9]. Thus, the integer value can be aissigned for each or a
particular index position of the array.
In the second statement, the array “b” is declared of string data type that has
the enough memory spaces to directly hold the three string values. Thus each value is
assigned for each index position of the array.
• class type: We know that Java is an object-oriented programming language
where an object is a variable, associated with methods that are described by a
class. The name of a class is treated as a type in a java program, so that you
can declare a variable of an object-type, and a method which can be called
using that object-type variable. .
Whenever a variable is created, a reference to an object is also created using the
name of a class for its type i.e., that variable can contain either null or a reference to
an object of that class. It is not allowed to contain any other kinds of values. Such type
.is called reference types in java. The object becomes ah instance when the memory
is allocated to that object using new keyword. In addition, array types are reference
types because these are treated as objects in Java. For example:

class Fruit
{fColor( H....}
fSize( ){....)
Fruit mango;
Fruit banana;
In the given example the Fruit is a class that has the reference variables as
mango and banana through which we can call the behaviours associated with that
class as mango.fColorO; within the main method of the super class.
• Interface Type: Java provides an another kind of reference data type or a
mechanism to support multiple inheritance feature called an interface.
The name of an interface can be used to specify the type of a reference. A
value is not allowed to be assign to a variable declared using an interface type
until the object implements the specified interface.
Self-Instructional Material 17
Introduction to Internet When a class declaration implements an interface, that class inherits all of the.
Programming (JAVA) variables and methods declared in that interface. So the implementations for all of the
methods declared in the interface must be provided by that class. For example, Java
provides an interface called ActionListener whose method named
NOTES actionPerformedO is used to handle the different kind of event. Java also provides a
class called Thread that implements Runnable interface. Thus the following
assignment can be allowed:

Runnable r;
R = new Thread{);


Java provides a rich set of operators to manipulate variables. We can divide all
the Java operators into the following groups:
• Arithmetic Operators
• Relational Operators
• Bitwise Operators
• Logical Operators
• Assignment Operators
• Misc. Operators
• The Arithmetic Operators: Arithmetic operators are used in mathematical
expressions in the same way that they are used in algebra. The following
table lists the arithmetic operators:
Assume integer variable A holds 10 and variable B holds 20 then:
Show Examples

Operator Description Example

+ Addition - Adds values on either side A + B will give 30

of the operator
Subtraction - Subtracts right hand A - B will give -10
operand from left hand operand
Multiplication - Multiplies values A * B will give 200
-on either side of the operator
/ Division - Divides left hand operand B / A will give 2
by right hand operand
% Modulus - Divides left hand operand B % A will give 0
by right hand operand and returns remainder
++ • Increment * Increase the value of operand by 1 B++ gives 21

Decrement - Decrease the value of operand by 1 B— gives 19

18 Self-Instructional Material
• The Relational Operators: There are following relational operators Data Types, Operators
supported by Java language and Arrays
Assume variable A holds 10 and variable. B holds 20 theti:
Show Examples
Operator Description Example

Checks if the value of two operands is equal (A == B) is not true.

or not, if yes then condition becomes true.

Checks if the value of two operands are (A != B) is true.

equal or not, if values are not equal then
condition becomes true.

> Checks if the value of left operand is greater (A > B) is not true.
than the value of right operand, if yes then
condition becomes true. j

< Checks if the value of left operand is less than ; (A < B) is true.
the value of right operand, if yes then condition
becomes true.

>= Checks if the value of left operand is greater (A >= B) is not true.
than or equal to the value of right operand, if yes
then condition becomes true.

<= Checks if the value of left operand .is less than (A <= B) is true.
or equal to the value of right operand, if yes then
condition becomes true.

• The Bitwise Operators: Java defines several bitwise operators which can
be applied to the integer types, long, int, short, char, and byte.
Bitwise operator works on bits and performs bit by bit operation. Assume if
a = 60; and b = 13; Now in binary format they will be as follows:
a = 0011 1100 '
6 = 0000 1101

a&6 = 0000 1100

a | 6 = 0011 1101
a A b = 0011 0001
-a = 1100 0011
The following table lists the bitwise operators:
Assume integer variable A holds 60 and variable B holds 13 then:

Self-Instructional Material 19
Introduction to Internet Show Examples
Programming (JAVA)
Operator Description Example

& Binary AND Operator copies a bit to the (A & B) will give 12 which is
NOTES result if it exists in both operands. 0000 1100

Binary OR Operator copies a bit if it (A | B) will give 61 which is

exists in either operand. 00111101

Binary XOR Operator copies the bit if it (A A B) will give 49 which is

is set in one operand but not both. 00110001

Binary Ones Complement Operator is (-A ) will give -60 which is

unary and has the effect of‘flipping’ bits. 1100.0011

« Binary Left Shift Operator. The left A « 2 will give 240 which is
operands value is moved left by the lill 0000
number of bits specified by the right

» Binary Right Shift Operator. The left A » 2 will give 15 which is

operands value is moved right by the 1111
number of bits specified by the right

>» Shift right zero fill operators. The left A >»2 will give 15 which is
operands value is moved right by the 0000 1111
number of bits specified by the right
operand and shifted values are filled
up with zeros.

• The Logical Operators: The following table lists the logical operators:
Assume boolean variables A holds true and variable B holds false then:
Show Examples

Operator Description Example

&& Called Logical AND operator. If both the (A && B) is false.

operands are non zero then condition
becomes true.

Called Logical OR Operator. If any of (A |[ B) is true.

the two operands are non zero then
condition becomes true.

Called Logical NOT Operator. Use to !(A && B) is true.

reverses the logical state of its operand.
: If a condition is true then Logical NOT
operator will make false.

20 Self-Instructional Material
• The Assignment Operators: There are following assignment operators Data Types, Operators '
supported by Java language: and Arrays,
Show Examples

Operator Description Example NOTES

Simple assignment operator, Assigns values from C = A + B will assign value

right side operands to left side operand of A + B into C

+= Add AND assignment operator, it adds right C + — A is equivalent to

operand to the left operand and assign the result C = C + A
to left operand

Subtract AND assignment operator, it subtracts C - — A is equivalent to

right operand from the left operand and assign C=C-A
the result to left operand
*= Multiply AND assignment operator, it multiplies C *= A is equivalent to
right operand with the left operand and assign C=C*A
the result to left operand

/= Divide AND assignment operator, it divides left C /= A is equivalent to

operand with the right operand and assign the C-C/A
result to left operand

%= Modulus AND assignment operator, it takes : C %= A is equivalent to

modulus using two operands and assign the C=C%A
result to left operand
e.. '
«= Left shift AND assignment operator C «= 2 is same as C = C « 2

»= Right shift AND assignment operator C »= 2 is same asC = C »2

Bitwise AND assignment operator C 2 is same as C = 0 & 2
/ •
* a bitwise exclusive OR and assigmrient operator C A= 2 is same as C = C A 2

% bitwise inclusive OR and assignment C | = 2 is same as C = C | 2


• Misc Operators: There are few other operators supported by Java Language.
• Conditional Operator (?:): Conditional operator is also known as the ternary
operator. This operator consists of three operands and is used to .evaluate boolean
expressions. The goal of the operator is to decide which value should be assigned to the
variable. The operator is written as :

variable x = (expression) ? value if true : value if false

Following is the example:

public class Test {

public static void main(String args[]){
int a , b;

' . * » 4. .

Self-Instructional Material 21
Introduction to Internet
a = 10;.
Programming (JAVA)
b (a == 1) ? 20: 30;
System.out.println{ "Value of b is + b);
NOTES b = (a 10) ? 20: 30;
System.out.println{ "Value of b is : " + b );.

This would produce following result:

Value of b is : 30
Value of b is : 20

• instance of Operator: This operator is used only for object reference variables.
The operator checks whether the object is of a particular type(class type or interface
type), instance of operator is written as:

( Object reference variable ) instanceOf (class/interface type)

If the object referred by the variable on the left side of the operator passes the
IS-A check for the class/interface type on the right side then the result will be true.
Following is the example:

String name = = 'James';

boolean result = s instanceOf String;
// This will return true since name is type of String

This operator will still return true if the object being compared is the assignment
compatible with the type on the right. Following is one more example:

class Vehicle {}

public class Car extends Vehicle {

public static void main(String args[]){
Vehicle a = mew Car();
boolean result a instanceof Car;

This would produce following result:

. true
• Precedence of Java Operators: Operator precedence determines the grouping
of terms in an expression. This affects how an expression is evaluated. Certain operators
have higher precedence than others; for example, the multiplication operator has higher
precedence than the addition operator:
For example, x = 7 + 3 * 2; Here x is assigned 13, not 20 because dperator * has
higher precedence than + so it first get multiplied with 3*2 and then adds into 7. Here
operators with the highest precedence appear at the top of the table; those with the

22 Self-Instructional Material
lowest appear at the bottom. Within an expression, higher precedence operators will Data Types, Operators
be evaluated first. and Arrays

Category Operator Associativity

Postfix () [] . (dot operator) Left to right

Unary ++--! Right to left

Multiplicative */% Left to right

Additive +- Left to right

Shift » »> « Left to right

Relational >>=<<= Left to right

Equality Left to right

Bitwise AND & Left to right

Bitwise XOR A
Left to right

Bitwise OR Left to right

Logical AND && Left to right

Logical OR Left to right

Conditional ?: Right to left

Assignment = +=- = *=/= %= >>= «= &= A= Right to left

Comma Left to right


Keywords are reserved words that are predefined in the language; see the table
below. All the keywords are in lowercase.

abstract boolean break byte case catch

char class const continue default do

double - else extends final finally float.

for goto if implements import instanceof

int interface long. native • new package

private protected public return short static

strictfp super switch synchronized this throw

throws transient try void volatile while

Self-InstructionalMaterial 23
Introduction to Internet • abstract: The abstract keyword is used to declare a class or method to be abstract.
Programming (JAVA) An abstract method has no implementation; all classes containing abstract
methods must themselves be abstract, although not all abstract classes have
abstract methods. Objects of a class which is abstract cannot be instantiated, but
NOTES can be extended by other classes. All subclasses of an abstract class must either
provide implementations for all abstract methods, or must also be abstract.
• boolean: The boolean keyword is used to declare a field that can store a boolean
, value; that is, either true or false. This keyword is also used to declare that a
. method returns a value of type boolean!
• break: Used to resume program execution at the statement immediately following
the current enclosing block or statement. If followed by a label, the program
resumes execution at the statement immediately following the enclosing labeled
statement or block.
• byte: The byte keyword is used to declare a field that can store 'an 8-bit signed
two’s complement integer. This keyword is also used to declare that a method
returns a value of type byte. ,
• case: The case keyword is used to create individual cases in a switch statement;
see switch. .
•- catch: Defines an exception handler—a group of statements that are executed if
an exception is thrown in the block defined by a preceding try keyword. The code
is executed only if the class of the thrown exception is assignment compatible
with the exception class declared by the catch clause.
• char: The char keyword is used to declare a field that can store a 16-bit Unicode
character. This keyword is also used to declare that a method returns a value of
type char.
• class: A type that defines the implementation of a particular kind of object. A
class definition defines instance and class fields, methods, and inner classes as
well as specifying the interfaces the class implements and the immediate
superclass of the class. If the superclass is not explicitly specified, the superclass
is implicitly Object.
• const: Although reserved as a keyword in Java, const is not used and has no
• continue: Used to resume program execution at the end of the current loop body.
If followed by a label, continue resumes execution at the end of the enclosing
\ labeled loop body.
• default: The default can optionally be used in a switch statement to label a block
of statements to be executed if no case matches the specified value.
•. do: The do keyword is used in conjunction with while to create a do-while loop,
which executes a block of statements associated with the loop and then tests a
boolean expression associated with the while. If the expression evaluates to true,
the block is executed again; this continues until the expression evaluates to false.
• double: The double keyword is used to declare a field that can hold a 64-bit
double precision IEEE 754 floating-point number. This keyword is also used to
declare that a method returns a value of type double.
• else: The else keyword is used in conjunction|with if to create an if-else statement,.
which tests ’a boolean expression; if the expression evaluates to true, the block of
• statements associated with the if are evaluated; if it evaluates to false, the block'
of statements associated with the else are evaluated.
24- Self-Instructional Material
• enum: A Java keyword used to declare an enumerated type. Enumerations extend Data Types, Operators
the base class Enum. and Arrays

• extends: Used in a class declaration to specify the superclass; used in an interface

declaration to specify one or more super interfaces. Class X extends class Y to
add functionality, either by adding fields or methods to class Y, or by overriding NOTES
methods of class Y. An interface Z extends one or more interfaces by adding
methods. Class X is said to be a subclass of class Y; Interface Z is said to be a sub
interface of the interfaces it extends.
• final: Define an entity once that cannot be changed nor derived from later. More
specifically: a final class cannot be subclassed, a final method cannot be overridden,
and a final variable can occur at most once as a left-hand expression. All methods
in a final class are implicitly final.
• finally: Used to define a block of statements for a block defined previously by the
try keyword.
• Float: The float keyword is used to declare a field that can hold a 32-bit single
precision IEEE 754 floating-point number. This keyword is also used to declare
that a method returns a value of type float.
• for: The for keyword is used to create a for loop, which specifies-a1 variable
initialization, a boolean expression.-^andjen incrementation. The variable
initialization is performed first^#i^then>§ie;bbqlean expression is evaluated; If
the expressioneValuates'\tq';triife^tk^Mpckof statements-assbciated with the loop,
« ' r;,ar;eexecuted, and'4heh>^^ ". ;
AlthougpffVsetyed^^Seywbfd.'in JavS-, gotpis not used and has no function.1
ite?^f^fi^^ferif;.^Sp^^'is''usedV4p;' if .statement1,’' which tests-'a; boolean'.
:ji'> if the expression evaliiates"-to true; the block of statements associated
^with the’if statemeht is executed.
• impiementsrlneluded in a class declaration to specify one or.more interfaces
that are implemented by the current class. A class inherits the types and abstract
methods declared by the interfaces.
• import: Used at the beginning of a source file to specify classes or entire Java
packages to be referred to later without including their package names in the
• instanceof: A binary operator that takes an object reference as its first operand
and a class or interface as its second operand and produces a boolean result. The
instanceof operator evaluates to true if and only if the runtime type of the object
is assignment compatible with the class or interface.
• int: The int keyword is used to declare a field that can hold a 32-bit signed two’s
complement integer. This keyword is also used to declare that a method returns
a value of type int.
• interface: Used to declare a special type of class that only contains abstract
methods, constant (static final) fields and static interfaces. It can later be
implemented by classes that declare the interface with the implements keyword.
, t
• long: The long keyword is used to declare a field, that can hold a 64-bit signed
two’s complement integer. This keyword is also used to declare that a method
returns a value of type long.

. Self-Instructional Material 25
Introduction to Internet native: Used in method declarations to specify that the method is not implemented
Programming (JAVA) in the same Java source file, but rather in another language.
new: Used to create an instance of a class or array/an object.
NOTES package: A group of types. Packages are declared with the package keyword.
Private: The private keyword is used in the declaration of a method, field, or
inner class; private members can only be accessed by other members of their own
protected: The protected keyword is used in the declaration of a method, field,
or inner class; protected members can only be accessed by members of their own
class, that class’s subclasses or classes from the same package.
public: The public keyword is used in the declaration of a class, method, or field;
public classes, methods, and fields can be accessed by the members of any class.
return: Used to finish the execution of a method. It can be followed by a value
required by the method definition that is returned to the caller.
short: The short keyword is used to declare a field that can hold a 16-bit. signed
two’s complement integer. This keyword is also used to declare that a method
returns a value of type short.
static: Used to declare a field, method or inner class as a class field. Classes
maintain one copy of class fields regardless of how many instances exist of that
class, static also is used to'define a method as a class method,
strictfp: A Java keyword used to restrict the precision and rounding of floating
point calculations to ensure portability.
super: Used to access members of a class inherited by the class in which it appears.
Allows a subclass to access overridden methods and hidden members of its
superclass. The super keyword is also used to forward a call from a constructor to
a constructor in the superclass.
switch: The switch keyword is used in conjunction with case and default to create .
a switch statement, which evaluates a variable, matches its value to a specific
case, and executes the block of statements associated with that case.
synchronized: Used in the declaration of a method or code block to acquire the
mutex lock for an object while the current thread executes the code. For static
methods, the object locked is the class’ Class. The mutex lock is automatically
released when execution exits the synchronized code.
this: Used to represent an instance of the class in which it appears. This can be
used to access class members and as a reference to the current instance. This
keyword is also used to forward a call from one constructor in a class to another
constructor in the same class. ’ ' ’ ’
throw: Causes the declared exception instance to be thrown. This causes execution
to continue with the first enclosing exception handler declared by the catch
keyword to handle an assignment compatible exception type.
throws: Used in method declarations to specify which exceptions are not handled
within the method but rather passed to the next higher level of the program.
transient : Declares that an instance field is not part of the default serialized
form of an object. When an object is serialized, only the values of its non-transient
instance fields are included in the default serial representation.

26 Self-Instructional Material
• try: Defines a block of statements that have exception handling. If an exception Data Types, Operators
is thrown inside the try block, an.optional catch block can handle declared and Arrays
exception types. A try block must have at least one catch clause or a finally block.
• void: The void keyword is used to declare that a method does not return any
value. NOTES
, 1 •
• volatile: Used in field declarations to specify that the variable is modified
asynchronously by concurrently running threads. Methods, classes and interfaces
thus cannot be declared volatile. !
• .while: The while keyword is used to create a while loop, which tests a boolean
expression and executes the block of statements associated with the loop if the
expression.evaluates to true; this continues until the expression evaluates to
Reserved words for literal values
> false: A boolean literal value.
> hull: A reference literal value.
> true: A boolean literal value.


To learn how Java handles math operations on integers and decimals:

Integers vs. Doubles: A few starting points:
1. When integers interact with integers, the result is always integer.
2. When decimals interact with decimals, the result is always decimal.
3. When integers and decimals interact, the result will always be in decimal
Let’s see some examples. Assume the following declarations:

int intt; double dub;

A Sampling of Mixed-Mode Arithmetic

Assignments Results Comment

intt = 3 + 2; intt = 5 dub gets the decimal version of 5

dub = 3 + 2; dub = 5.0

intt = 3.2 + 2.5; intt = error intt can’t receive a decimal value
dub = 3.2 + 2.5; dub = 5.7 * this is a loss of precision error

intt = 3.2 + 2; intt = error intt can’t receive a decimal value -

dub = 3.2 + 2; dub = 5.2 this is a loss of precision error

intt = 3 + 2.5; intt = error intt can’t receive a decimal value -

dub = 3 +. 2.5; dub = 5.5 this is a loss of precision error

intt = 3/2; intt = 1 . intt and dub both get the truncated
dub = 3/2; dub = 1.0 value of 1.5, dropping the decimal to get 1

Self-Instructional Material 27
Introduction to Internet Division with Integers: The last example requires further analysis. The rule
Programming (JAVA) to remember is that integers mixing with integers results in an integer. Even though
the result is stored in a double, it is a truncated integer before it is stored. So how can
we get the correct decimal answer when dividing integers? Below are two ways to
NOTES accomplish that. Assume the variable declarations given.

int inti, int2; double quotient;

quotient = 1.0.* inti / int2;
quotient = (double) inti / int2; //NOT (double) (lntl/int2);

The first example multiplies the numerator by a decimal, creating a decimal

divided by an int, therefore resulting in a decimal.
The second example makes use of typecasting, temporarily assigning or casting
an int value as a double. Note the use of parentheses around the keyword double.
- More with Typecasting: Typecasting can also enable a decimal value to be
stored in an int. variable, as a truncated integer. Recall the loss of precision errors
from above when attempting to store a decimal in an int. If we typecast, as follows:

intt (int)(3.2 + 2.5);

the result is that intt will contain 5, the truncated form of 5.7. This technique can be •
used in problem 12, when we want to round down to the nearest integer.


Type casting refers to changing an entity of one datatype into another. This is
important for the type conversion in developing any application. If.we stored an int
value into a byte variable directly, this will be illegal operation. For storing our
calculated int value in a byte variable we have to change the type of resultant data.
This type of operation has illustrated below:
1 In this example we will see that how to convert the data type by using type casting.
Inlthe given line of the code c = (char)(t?l:0); illustrates that if t which is boolean type
variable is true then value of c which is the char type variable will be 1 but 1 is a
numeric value. So, 1 is changed into character according to the Unicode value. But in
this line c = (char)(tVl 't'O); 1 is already given as a character which will be stored as it
is in the char type variable c.
Code of the program:

public class conversion!

public static void main(String[] args){
boolean t = true;
byte b = 2; 1
short s = 100;
char c = 'C';
int i = 200; ,

28 Self-Instructional Material
Data Types, Operators
long 1 = 24000;
and Arrays
float f = 3.14f;
double d = 0.000000000000053;
String g = "string"; NOTES
System.out.println{"Value•of all the variables like");
System.out.printlh("t = " + t ); I
System.out.println("b ="'+b);
System.out.println{"s = " + s );
System.out.println{"c ="+c);
System, out .println{ "i = " + i ); -|
System.out.println("l = "+.!);
System.out.println{"f = " + f );
System.out.println("d = " + d ); 1 • ' .
System.out.println("g = " + g ); j
System.out.println(); 1 - .
//Convert from boolean to byte.
b = (byte) <t?l:0); ' . . ,
System.out.println("Value of b after conversion : " + b);
//Convert from boolean to short,
s = (short)(t?l:0);
System.out.println("Value of s after conversion : " + s);
//Convert from boolean to int.
i = {int) {t ?1:0); ,|
System.out.println("Value, of i after conversion : " + i);
//Convert from boolean to char,
c = (char)(t?'l,:'0,);
System.out.println{"Value of c after conversion : " .+ c);
c (char) (t?l: 0);
System.out.println("Value ofc after conversion in Unicode
: " + c);
//Convert from boolean to long.
.1 (long)(t?l;0); '■
System.out.println("Value of 1 after conversion : " + 1);
//Convert from boolean to float.'
f (float)(t?1:0);
System.out.println("Value of f after conversion : " + f);
//Convert from'boolean to double. * '
d (double) (t?1: 0);
System.out.println{"Value of d aft$r conversion : " + d);
//Convert from String.

Self-Instructional Material .29
Introduction to Internet
g = String.valueOf{t);
Programming (JAVA)
System.out.println("Value of g after conversion : " + g);
g (String){t?"l":"0");
NOTES System.out.println("Value of g after conversion : " + g);
*int sum = (int) (b+i+l+d+f);
System.out.println{"Value of sum after conversion : " +
/ sum); -
• ))


Every class has at least one it’s own constructor. Constructor creates a instance
/ for the class! Constructor initiates something related to the class’s methods. Constructor
/. is the method which name is same to the class. But there are many difference between
the method s and the Constructor. In this example we will see that how to implement
the constructor feature in a class. This program is using two classes. First class is .
TestConstructor and second is the main class which name is TestConstructorClient:

Class TestConstructor •
{ int x,y;
TestConstructor (int a, int b){
I x a; y = b;
TestConstructor {)
{ x = 2; y 3;
int area{)
{ int ar = x*y; return(ar); •
public class TestConstructorClient
{ public static void main(String[] args)
{ TestConstructor a = new TestConstructor ();'
System.out .println( "Area of rectangle : " + a.areaO);'
TestConstructor b = new TestConstructor(l,l);
System.out<println("Afea of rectangle : " + b.areaO);
Constructors are used to assign initial values to instance variables of the class. A
default constructor with no arguments will be called automatically by the Java Virtual
Machine (JVM). Constructor is always called by new operator. Constructors are declared
just like as we declare method^, except that the constructor doesn’t have any return
type. Constructor caii be overloaded provided they should have different arguments

30 Self-Instructional Material
because JVM differentiates constructors on the basis of arguments passed in the . Data Types, Operators
constructor. s . and Arrays

Whenever we assign the name of the method same as class name. Remember this
method should not have any return type. This is called as constructor overloading. We
have made one program on a constructor overloading, after going through it the concept NOTES
of constructor overloading will get more clear. In the example below we have made
three overloaded constructors each having different arguments types so that the JVM
can differentiates between the various constructors.

public class ConstructorOverloading

(public static void main (String argsd)
(Rectangle rectanglel = new Rectangle (2,4j) ;
int arealnFirstConstructor^ rectanglel.fitstO ;
System, out .println (" The area of a rectangle in first constructor is :
" + arealnFirstConstructfor) ;
Rectangle rectangle2 = new Rectangle(5);

int area!nSecondConstructor= rectangle2.second();

System.out .println ( " The area of a rectangle in first constructor is :
" + arealnSecondConstructor);
Rectangle rectangle3 = new Rectangle(2.Of) ;

float area!nThirdConstructor= rectangle3.third();

System, out .println(" The area of a rectangle in first constructor is :
" + arealnThirdConstructor} ;
Re c t angle rectangle4 new Rectangle(3.0f,2.0f);
float areaInFourthConstructor= rectangle4.fourth();
System.out .println(" The area of a rectangle in first constructor is :
" + arealnFourthConstructor);
class Rectangle
(int 1, b; '
float p, q;
public Rectangle(int x, int y)
(1 x;
• *• b y;
}public int first(){
return(1 * b);
}public.Rectangle{int x){
1 x;
b x;

Self-Instructional Material 31
Introduction to Internet
Prog ramming (JAVA) public int second()
{return{1 * b);
NOTES public Rectangle(float^x){
p = x; q = x;
public float third(){
return(p * q);
public Rectangle(float x, float y){
p. =:x; q y;
public float fourth (■){
return(p * q);
}}' .

When you need to store same ‘type’ of data that can be logically grouped together,
then we can go for java array. For example, imagine if we have to store the list of
countries in individual java variables and manipulate them. We required more than
hundred variables to manage. Array is the most important thing in any programming
language. By definition, array is the static memory allocation. It allocates the memory
for the same data type in sequence. It contains multiple values of,same types. It also
store the values in memory at the fixed size. Multiple types of arrays are used in any
programming language such as:
one-dimensional, two-dimensional or can say multi-dimensional.
Declaration of an array:
int num[]; or int num = new int[23;
Some times user declares an array and it's size simultaneously.
We may or may not be define the size in the declaration time.-
such as:
int num[] = {50,20,45,82,25,63);
In this program we will see how to declare and implementation. This program
illustrates that the array working way. This program takes the numbers present in
the num[] array in unofdered list and prints numbers in ascending order. In this
program the sort() function of the java.util.*; package is using to sort all the numbers
present in the num[] array. The Arrays.sortO automatically sorts the list of number
in ascending order by default. This function held’the argument which is the array
name num.

32 Self-Instructional Material
Here is the code of the prograin: Data Types, Operators
and Arrays
import java.util.*;
public class array
{public static void main{String[] args) NOTES
{int num[] = {50,20,45,82,25,63);
int 1 = num. length-;
int i,j,t;
System.out.print("Given number : ");
for {i = 0;i < l;i++ \
{System.out.print(" " + num[i]);
System.out.print{"Ascending order number : ")
for(i =0; i < 1; i++)
.{System, out .print ( " " + num[i])?

Output of the program:

C:\chandan>javac .
C:\chandan>java array
Given number : 50 20 45 82 25 63
Ascending order number : 20 25 45 50 63 82
Application of Array:
• Array is used to store elements of the same data type.
• Array Can be used for maintaining multiple variable names using single
• Array Can be used for Sorting Elements
• Array Can Perform Matrix Operation.
• Arr'ay Can be used in CPU Scheduling [Queue]
• Array Can be used in Recursive Function


• Data type defines a set of permitted values on which the legal operations can
be performed.
• The byte data type is an 8-bit signed two's complement integer. It ranges from
-128 to!27 (inclusive). This type of data type is useful to save memory in
large arrays.
• The short data type is a $6-bit signed two’s complement integer. It ranges
from -32,768 to 32,767. _
• The int data type is used to store the integer values not the fraction values.

Self-Instructional Material 33
Introduction to Internet The float data type is a single-precision 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point.
Programming (JAVA)
The Boolean data type represents only two values: true and false and occupy
is 1-bit in the memory.
A floating-point number represents a real number that may have a fractional
An array is a special kind of object that contains values called elements.
Conditional operator is also known as the ternary operator. This operator
consists of three operands and is used to evaluate boolean expressions.
Keywords are reserved words that are predefined in the language
The boolean keyword is used to declare a field that can store a boolean value;
that is, either true or false.
\ ' The byte keyword is used to declare a field that can store an 8-bit signed two’s
complement integer.
Although reserved as a keyword in Java, goto is not used and has no function.
Used at the beginning of a source file to specify classes or entire Java packages
to be referred to later without including their package names in the reference.
Type Casting refers to changing an entity of one datatype into another. This
is important for the type conversion in developing any application.


1. Explain different types of data types in Java.

2. Differentiate between primitive data types and reference data types.
3. What are the operators used in Java programming language?
4. Write short notes on mixing Datatypes?
5. What are the type casting? Explain with suitable example:
6. How we can make a program in constructor? Explain with an example.
7. What is an array? Explain its various types.
8. What are the application of an array?

34 Self-Instructional Material
UNIT Classes and Objects
in Java




3.0 Learning Objectives

3.1 Classes and Objects
3.2 Constructor
3.3 Subclassing
3.4 The Extends Keyword
3.5 The Instanceof Operator
3.6 Static Variables and Methods
3.7 1 The Final Keywords
3.8 Access Control
3.9 Method Overriding
3.10 Abstract Classes i-*?

3.11 Inner Classes

• Summary
• Review Questions


After going through this unit, you will be able to : ;

• define constructor 1 ,

• explain static variables and methods

• discuss the term access control
• explain inner classes.

— Self-Instructional Material 35
Introduction to Internet
. To understand objects, we must understand classes. To understand classes, we
NOTES need to understand objects. Here we shall discuss about the concepts of Classes and
• Object: Objects have states and behaviors. Example: A dog has states-color,
name, and breed as well as behaviors-wagging, barking and eating. An object is
an instance of a class.
• Class: A class can be defined as a template/blue print that describe the behaviors/
states that object of its t^e support.
Objects in Java: Let us now look deep into what are objects. If we consider the
real-world we can find many objects around us, Cars, Dogs, and Humans etc. All these
objects have a state and behavior. If we consider a dog then its state is: name, breed,
color and the behavior is; barking, wagging, running. If we compare the software object
with a real world object, they have very similar characteristics. Software objects also
have a state and behavior. A software object’s state is stored in fields and behavior is
shown via methods; So in software development methods operate on the internal state
of an object and the object-to-object communication is done via methods.
A typical Java program creates many objects. Object interactions, a program can
carry out various tasks, such as implementing a GUI, running ah animation, or sending
and receiving information over a network. Once an object has completed the work for
which it was created, its resources are recycled for use by other objects. Here’s a small
program, called CreateObjectDemo, that creates three objects: one Point object and
two Rectangle objects. You will need all three source files to compile this program.

public class CreateObjectDemo

{ public static void main(String[] args)
{ //Declare and create a point object and two rectangle
Point originOne = new.Point(23, 94);
Rectangle fectOne = new Rectangle(originOne, 100, 200);
Rectangle rectTwo = new Rectangle (50., 100);

//display rectOne's width, height, and area

System.out.println("Width of rectOne: " + rectOne.width);
• System.out.println("Height of rectOne: " + rectOne.height);
System.out.println("Area of rectOne: " + rectOne.getAreaO);

//set rectTwo#s position

rectTwo.origin = originOne;
//display rectTwo's position
System.out.println("X Position of rectTwo:
"+ rectTwo.origin.x);

36 Self-Instructional Material ■
System, out .prinCln('\Y Position of rectTwo: Classes and Objects
in Java
"+ rectTwo.origin.y);

//move rectTwo and display its new position

rectTwo .move (40, .72); NOTES
System.out.println("X Position of rectTwo:
" + rectTwo.origin.x);
• System.out.println{"Y Position of rectTwo:
" + rectTwo.origin.y); ' i
. ))
\ This program creates, manipulates, and displays information about various
objects. Here’s the output:
Width of rectOne: 100
Height of rectOne: 200
Area of rectOne: 20000 I
X Position of rectTwo: 23
Y Position of rectTwo: 94
X Position of rectTwo: 40
Y Position of rectTwo: 72
Classes in Java: A class is a blue print from which individual objects are created.
A sample of a class is given below: i .

.public class Dog

{ String breed;
int age;
String _color;
void barking.<)
{ }
void hungry()
C )
void sleeping()
{ )
} •
A class can contain any of the following variable types:
• Local variables: variables defined inside methods, constructors or blocks are
called local variables. The variable will be declared and initialized within the
method and the variable will be destroyed when the method has completed.
• Instance variables: Instance variables are variables within a class but outside
any method. These variables are instantiated when the class is loaded. Instance
variables can be accessed from inside any. method, constructor or blocks of that
particular class.

Self-Instructional Material 37
Introduction '.o Internet • Class variables: Class variables are variables declared with in a class, outside
Programming (JAVA) any method, with the static keyword.
A class can have any number of methods to access the value of various kinds of
methods. In the above example, barking (), hungry () and sleeping () are variables.
Below mentioned are some of the important topics that need to be discussed when
looking into classes of the Java Language. The introduction to object-oriented concepts
in the lesson titled Object-oriented Programming Concepts used a bicycle class as an
example, with racing bikes, mountain bikes and tandem bikes as subclasses. Here is
sample code for a possible implementation of a Bicycle class, to give an overview of a
class declaration. .Subsequent sections of this lesson will back up'and explain class
declarations step by step.

public class Bicycle

{ // the Bicycle class has three fields
public int cadence;
public int gear; . • .
public int speed;
- // the Bicycle class .has one constructor
public Bicycle(int startCadence, int startSpeed, int startGear) {
gear startGear;
cadence = startCadence;
speed = startSpeed;
// the Bicycle class has four methods
public void setCadence (.int newValue)
{ cadence = newValue;
public void setGear(int newValue)
{ gear = newValue;
public void applyBrake(int decrement)
{ speed - = decrement;
public void speedUp(int increment)
-< { speed + = increment;

A class declaration for a MountainBike class that is a subclass of Bicycle might

look like this:

public class MountainBike extends Bicycle

{ // the MountainBike subclass has one field
public int seatHeight;

38 Self-Instructional Material
7/ the MountainBike subclass has one constructor Classes and Objects
in Java
public MountainBike(int startHeight, int startCadence,
int startSpeed, int startGear) ^
{ super(startCadence, startSpeed, startGear); NOTES
•seatHeight = startHeight;
'// the MountainBike subclass has one jnethod
public void seatHeight(int newValue) ^
{ seatHeight = newValue;

MountainBike inherits all the fields and methods of Bicycle and adds the field,
seat Height and a method to set it. .

A constructor is a special method that is used to initialize a newly created
object and is called just after the memory is allocated for the object. It can be used to
initialize the objects, to required, or default values at the time of object creation. It
is not mandatory for the coder to write a* constructor for the class. When discussing
about classes one of the most important sub topic would be constructors. Every class
has a constructor. Ifwe do not explicitly write a constructor for a class the java compiler
builds a default constructor for that class. Each time a new object is created at least
one constructor will be invoked. The main rule of constructors is that they should have
the same name as the class. A class can have more than one constructor. Example of a
constructor is given below:

class Puppy
{ public puppy() .
{ }
public puppy (String name){ j
// This constructor has one parameter, name.

Java also supports Singleton Classes where you would be able to create only one
instance of a class. Constructors are similar to methods, but with some important
differences. Some of the important discussions about cipnstructor are given below:
• Constructor name is class name: A constructors must have the same name
as\ the class its in.
• Default constructor: If you don’t define a constructor for a class, a default
parameterless constructor is automatically created by the compiler. The default
constructor calls the default parent constructor (super ()) and initializes all
instance variables to default value (zero for numeric types, null for object
references, and false for booleans). j

Self-Instructional Material 39
Introduction to Internet • Default constructor is created only if there are no constructors: If you
Programming (JAVA) define any constructor for your class, no default constructor is automatically
• Differences between.xnethods and constructors:
There is no return type given in a constructor signature (header). The value is
this object itself so there is no need to indicate a return value.
There is no return statement in the body of the constructor.
The first line of a constructor must either be a call on another constructor in
the same class (using this), or a call on the superclass constructor (using
super). If the first line is neither of these, the compiler automatically inserts
a call to the parameterless super class constructor.
If no user defined constructor is provided for a class, compiler initializes member
variables to its default values.
• numeric data types are set to 0
• char data types are set to null character(‘\0’)
• reference variables are set to null .
In order to create a Constructor observe the following rules
1. It has the. same name as the class
2. It should not return a value not even void

class Demo
{ int valuel, value2;
{. valuel = 10;
value2 20;
System.out.printin'("inside Constructor");
public void display(){
System.out.println ("Valuel === " + valuel);
System.out.println < "Value2 === " + value2);
public static void main(String args[]){
Demo dl = new Demo () ;
dl.display ();

Constructor Overloading: Constructor overloading is a technique in Java in

which a class can have any number of constructors that differ in parameter lists. The
compiler differentiates these constructors by taking into account the number of
parameters in the list and their type. Examples of valid constructors for Class Account
are: ,

40 Self-Instructional Material
Account (int a); Classes and Objects
in Java
Account (int a, Int b);
Account (String a, int b);
Example: NOTES

class Demo ! .
{ int valuel, yalue2;
/* Demo ()
{ valuel = 10; value2 =20;
System.out.println {"Inside 1st Constructor ");
)*/ .
Demo (int a){
. valuel = a;
System.out.println ("Inside 2nd Constructor ");

Demo (int a, int b){.

valuel = a;
value2 = b;
System.out.println (”Inside.3rd Constructor") ;
public void display{){
System.out.println ("Valuel === " + valuel);
System.out.println ("Value2 = = 3r " + value2);
public static void main(String args[]){
Demo dl = new Demo();
Demo d2 = new Demo (30);
Demo d3 = new Demo (30,40); 1
‘ d2.display();
d3.display(); -


Declaring one class to be a subclass of another (class ... extends ...)—this allows
a subclass to inherit functionality from its superclass. To create an extendable class:
• all constructors, readObject, and clone must not invoke an overridable method
(one that is not static, private, or final)

Self-Instructional Material 41
Introduction to Internet • if a method depends on an implementation of a overridable method, this
Programming (JAVA) dependence must be explicitly stated in its javadoc.
• do not implement Serializable unless you absolutely need to.
NOTES • do not implement Cloneable unless you absolutely need to.
Consider using an “interface + default implementation” pair. This will allow users to
choose the desired style of inheritance:
• subclass the default implementation directly, •
• use the default implementation as a field, and forward calls to it,
• ignore the default implementation, and implement the interface entirely from
scratch. .
A Java subclass is a class which inherits a method or methods from a Java
superclass. A Java class may be either a subclass, a superclass, both, or neither!
The Cat class in the following example is the subclass and the Animal class is the

public.class Animal {
public static void hide() {
System.out.println("The hide ,method in Animal.");
public void override()
{ System.out.println ("The override method in-Animal;
public class Cat extends Animal
{ public static void hide() {
.System.out.println("The hide method in Cat.");
public void override()
{ System.out.println("The override method in Cat.");
public static void main(String[] args)

{ Cat. myCat = new Cat () ;

Animal myAnimal = (Animal)myCat;
myAnimal.override() ;


The extends is a Java keyword, used in inheritance process of Java. It
specifies the superclass in a class declaration using extends keyword. It is a keyword
that indicates the parent class that a subclass is inheriting from and may not be used

42 Self-Instructional Material
as identifiers i'.e., you cannot declare a variable or class with this name in your Java Classes and Objects
program. In Java, every class is a subclass ofjava.lang.Object. For example, Class X in Java
extends class Y to add functionality, either by adding fields br methods to class Y, or
by overriding methods of class Y. Take a look at the following example, which
demonstrates the use of the ‘extends’ keyword. 1 NOTES

public class A
{ public int number;
class B extends A
{ public void increment{)
{ number++;

In this example, we inherit from class A, which means ^that B will also contain a
field called number. Two or more classes can also be inherited from the same parent
class, extends keyword is also used in an interface declaration to specify one or more
For instance:
interface Mylnterface {
•5 •?

interface Mylnterface extends Superinterface {

} '


The instanceof operator can be useful to call a method based explicitly on the
class of same object instead of implicitly using ah overridden method and polymorphism.
The instanceof operator determines if a given obj ect is of the type of a specific class. To
be more specific, the instanceof operator tests whether its first operand is an instance
of its second operand. The test is made at runtime. The first operand is supposed to be
the name of an object or an array element, and the second operand is supposed to be
the name of a class, interface, or array type. The syntax is : <opl> instanceof <op2>
The result of this operation is a boolean: true or false. If an object specified by
<opl> is an instance of a class specified by <op2>, the outcome of the operation is true,
and otherwise is false. The outcome of the operation will also be true if <op2> specifies
an interface that is implemented either by the class of the object specified by <opl> or
by one of its superclasses. For example, consider the following code fragment:

interface X{}
class A implements X {}
class B extends A {}
A a = new A();
B b new ri() ;
Self-Instructional Material 43
Introduction to Internet Note that class B does not implement the interface X directly, but class A does,
Programming (JAVA) and class B extends class A. Given this code, all of the following statements are true:

if(b instanceof X)
NOTES if(b instanceof B)
if(b instance of A)
if (a instance, of A),
if{a instanceof X)

Knowing the type of an object at runtime is useful for the following reasons:
• Some invalid casts (explicit type conversions) involving class hierarchies cannot
be caught at compile time. Therefore, they must be checked at runtime (using
the instanceof operator), to avoid a runtime error.
• You might have a situation where one process is generating various kinds of
objects, and the other process is processing them. The other process may need
to know the object type before it can properly process it. In this situation the
instanceof operator would be helpful, too.
The instanceof operator allows us to determine the type of an object. It takes an
object on the left side of the operator and a type on the right side of the operator and
returns a boolean value indicating whether the object belongs to that type or not. This
is most clearly demonstrated with, an example:

Package test;
import java . util.Date;
import java .util .HashMap; •
import java.util.Map;
public class InstanceofTest {
public static void main{String[] args) {
Map m = new HashMapO;
System.out.println(wm instanceof Map: ” + (m instanceof Map));
System.out.println(wm instanceof HashMap: " +. <m instanceof
System.out.println("m instanceof Object: " + (m instanceof
Obj ect));
System.out .println {"m instanceof Date: " + (m instanceof Date)) ;
System.out.println("m = null, m instanceof HashMap:
" + (m instanceof HashMap));

If we execute the Instanceof Test class, we obtain the following results.

Console output from executing InstanceofTest

m .instanceof Map: true
m instanceof HashMap:' true
m’instanceof Object: true
m instanceof'Date: ’ false •
m null, ^m instanceof HashMap:
t false

44 Self-Instructional Material
We started by creating a Map object that is implemented using a HashMap. Map Classes and Objects
is an interface. Notice from the results that m is both ail instanceof Map and an in Java
instanceof HashMap. Thus, we can use interfaces in addition to classes on the right
side of the instanceof operator. From the results, also notice that m is an instanceof
Object. This makes sense, since every object in Java inherits from Object. The instanceof NOTES
operator returns' true if we ask if an object is an instanceofj one of its parent classes.
Notice that m is not an instanceof Date, since m is a Map object and is not an
implementation of the Date class. ; .


In place of global variables as in C/C++, Java allows variables in a class to be

declared static: public class A ( static int k__var; }
A single memory location is assigned to this variable and it exists and is accessible
even when no instances of class A are created. This static variable is also called class
variables, since they belong to the class as a whole. If a class property is also declared
final, then it becomes a global constant (i.e., can’t be altered):

public class A { final static int k_var; }

Similarly, methods can also be declared static, and are called
class methods
public class A { static void A_method(float x){ } )

These class methods also can be called even when no instance of the class exists.
The code in a class method can only refer to static variables arid the argument variables.
There are situations in which the method’s behavior does not depend on the state of an
object. So, there Will be no use of having an object when the method itself will not be
instance specific.
Variables and methods marked static belong to the class rather than to any
particular instance of the class. These can be used without having any instances of
- that class at all. Only the class is sufficient to invoke a static method or access a static
variable. A static variable is shared by all the instances of that class i.e., only one copy
of the static variable is maintained.

class Animal
static int animalCount=0;
public Animal()
{animalCount + =1;
} public static void main(String[] args)
{ new Animal();
new Animal{);
new Animal();
System.out.println("The Number of Animals is: "+ animalCount);
}) 1 .

'! Self-Instructional Material 45

Introduction to Internet The output is - “TTie Number of Animals is 3”.
Programming (JAVA)
A static method cannot access non-static/instance variables, because a static
method is never associated with any instance. The same applies with the non-static
methods as well, a static method can’t directly invoke a non-static method. But static
NOTES method can access non-static methods by means of declaring instances and using them.
Static members are not associated with any instances. So there is no point in
using the object. So, the way static methods (or static variables) are accessed is by
using the dot operator on the class name, as opposed to using it on a reference to an

class Animal
{ static int animalCount = 0;
public Animal{)
{ animalCount + =1;
public static int getCount()
{return animalCount;
class TestAnimal
{ public static void main(String[] args)
• { new Animal();
new Animal(); .
new Animal();
System.out.println("The Number of Animals is:
"+ Animal.getCount());

Remember that static methods can’t be overridden. They can be redefined in a

subclass, but redefining and overriding aren’t the same thing. It’s called as Hiding.


Following points must be remembers in favour of final keywords:

• A java variable can be declared using the keyword final. Then the final variable
can be assigned only once;
• A variable that is declared as final and not initialized is called a blank final
variable. A blank final variable forces the constructors to initialize it.
• Java classes declared as final cannot be extended. Restricting inheritance!
• Methods declared as final cannot be overridden. In methods private is equal to
final, but in variables it is not.
• final parameters-values of the parameters cannot be changed after initialization.
Do a small java exercise to find out the implications of final parameters in
method overriding.
V .
46 Self-Instructional Material
• Java local classes can only reference local variables and parameters that are Classes and Objects
declared as final. in Java
• A visible advantage of declaring a java variable as static final is, the compiled
java class results in faster performance.
The final keyword precedes a declared constant which after Instantiation cannot
be modified.
final double PI = 3.14;
PI = 1234; // does not compile or
final double ONE;
ONE =1; It Instantiated
ONE =2; // does not•compile

final keyword can also apply to a method or a class. When applied to a method—it
means the method cannot be over-ridden. Specially useful when a method assigns a
state that should not be changed in the classes that inherit it, and should use it as it is
(not change the method behavior).When applied to a class it means that the class
cannot be instantiated. A common use is for a class that only allows static methods as
entry points or static final constants-to be accessed without a class-instance.
Advantages: !
• It is used only when we know that the value is not going to be changed further.
• It won’t allow anyone to change that value further iii anyway.
• It helps the compiler to generate code faster.

// final keyword code

class Another
final int xyz;-
• public Another()
public void display()
{System.out.prihtln("XYZ = " + xyz);
public class FinalTest
{ static final int y = 3;
public FinalTest()
{ }
{ System, out .println ( " Just for fun...");
public static void main(String!] args)
{ final int x=5;
System, out. println ( "X = 'u +x);
System.out.println{"Y =" +y);
Another ano=new Another();
ano.display(); N

Self-Instructional Material 47
Introduction to Internet
Programming (JAVA) 3.8. ACCESS CONTROL

Encapsulation links data with the code that manipulates it. However
NOTES encapsulation provides another important attribute: access control. Through
encapsulation, we can control what parts of a program can access the members of a
class. We can define access control as the methods by which interactions with resources
are limited to collections of users or programs for the purpose of enforcing integrity,
confidentiality, or availability constraints. How a member can be accessed is determined
by the access specifier that modifies its declaration.
Java supplies a rich set of access specifiers. Some aspects of access control are
related mostly to inheritance or packages. Java’s access specifiers are public, private
and protected. Java also defines a default access level. When a member of a class is
modified by the public specifier then that member can be accessed by any other code in
your program. When a member of a class is specified as private then that member can
only be accessed by other members of its class.
When no access specifier is used then by default the member of a class is public
within it’s own package but cannot be accessed outside of its package.
When a member of a class is specified as protected it is available to all classes in
the same package and also available to all subclasses of the class that owns the protected
feature. This access is provided even to subclasses that reside in a different package
from the class that owns the protected feature. There are two levels of access control:
• At the top level—public, or package-private (no explicit modifier).
• At the member level—public, private, protected, or package-private (no explicit
A class may be declared with the modifier public, in which case that class is
visible to all classes everywhere. If a class has no modifier, it is visible only within its
own package. Every class has declared an access control, whether you explicitly type
one or not. When a class has access to another class it means he can do one of 3 things
• Create an instance of that class.
• Extend the class (become a subclass).
• Access certain methods and variables within that class.


Below example illustrates method overriding in java. Method overriding in java

means a subclass method overriding a super class method. Superclass method should
be non-static. Subclass uses extends keyword to extend the super class. In the example
class B is the subclass and class A is the superclass. In overriding methods of both
subclass and superclass possess same signatures. Overriding is used in modifying the
methods of the superclass. In overriding return types and constructor parameters of
methods should match.

48 Self-Instructional Material
Example (1): Classes and Objects
in Java
class A {
int i;
A (int a, int b)
{ i = a + b;
} void add() !
{System.out.println ("Sum of a and b is: " +. i);
• }}
class B extends-A
{ int j;
B(int a, int b, int c).
{ super (a, b);
a + b + c;
void add O'.
.{ super.addO;
System, out.println ("Sum of a, b and c is:'-" + j);
class MethodOverriding {
.public static void main(String args[]) {
B b = new B(10, 20, 30);

Output will be displayed as:

C:\NeuExamples>jaUac JlethodOueiu'iding. j&u

C:\Ne wExamples > jay a MetbodOue'rriding
J>um of a and;Bb is: 30 >*
Sun of a, b and c is: 60

In a class hierarchy, when a method in a subclass has the same name and type
signature as a method in its superclass, then the method in the subclass is said to
override the method in the superclass. When an overridden method is called from
within a subclass, it will always refer to the version of that method defined by the
subclass. The version of the method defined by the superclass will be hidden. Consider
the following:
Example: (2) Method overriding.
class A {
int i, j;
A (int a, int b) {
i a;
j = b;

Self-Instructional Material 49
Introduction to Internet
Programming (JAVA)
// display i and j
void show()
System.out.println{"i and j: " + i + " " + j) ;
}} '
class B extends A
{ int k;
B(int a, int b, int c)
{ super(a, b);
k c;
// display k - this overrides show () in A
void show
{' System.out\println("k: " + k);
Class Override {
public static void main{String args [ ] ). {
B subOb new B(l,2,3);-
subOb.shpw(); // this calls show() in B
The output produced by this program is shown here:
k: 3
When show() is invoked on an object of type B, the version of show() defined
within B is used. That is, the version of show() inside B overrides the version declared
in A. If we wish to access the superclass version of an overridden function, then.we can
do so by using super. For example, in this version of B, the superclass version of
show() is invoked within the subclass’ version.


Java Abstract classes are used to declare common characteristics of subclasses.

An abstract class cannot be instantiated. It can only be.used as a superclass for other
classes that extend the abstract class. Abstract classes are declared with the abstract
keyword. Like any other class, an abstract class can contain fields that describe the
characteristics and methods that describe the actions that a class can perform. An
abstract class can include methods that contain no implementation. These are called
abstract methods. The abstract method declaration must then end with a semicolon
rather than a block. If a class has any abstract methods, whether declared or inherited,
the entire class must be declared abstract. Abstract methods are used to provide a
template for the classes that inherit the abstract methods.

50 Self-Instructional Material
Abstract classes cannot be instantiated; they must be subclassed and actual Classes and Objects
implementations must be provided for the abstract methods. Any implementation in Java
specified can, of course, be overridden by additional subclasses. An object must have,
an implementation for all of its methods. You need to create a subclass that provides
an implementation for'the abstract method. A class abstract Vehicle might be specified NOTES
as abstract to represent.the general abstraction of a vehicle, as creating instances of
the class would not be meaningful.
abstract class Vehicle {
int numofGears;
abstract boolean hasDiskBrake() ;
• abstract int getNoofGears();

Example of a shape class as an abstract class

Abstract class Shape {

public String color;
' public.Shape() {
public void setColor{String c)
color c;
public String getColor() {
return color;
} abstract public double areaO;
. }

We can also implement the generic shapes class as an abstract class so that we
can draw lines, circles, triangles etc. All shapes have som€ common fields and methods,
but each can, of course, add more fields and methods. The abstract class guarantees
that each shape will have the same set of basic properties. |Ve declare this class abstract
because there is no such thing as a generic shape. There can only be concrete shapes
such as squares, circles, triangles etc.

public class Point extends Shape {

static int x, y;
public Point{) {
. x =■ 0;

Y = 0;
public double area()
{ return 0;

Self-Instructional Material 51
Introduction to Internet
public double perimeter()
Programming (JAVA)
{ return 0;
NOTES public static void print() {
System.out.println'("Point: " + x + + y) ;
public static void main(String'args[])
{ Point p = new Point{);
p.print(); .

Point: 0, 0

Notice that, in order to create a Point object, its class cannot be abstract. This
means that all of the abstract methods of the Shape class must be implemented by the
Point class. The subclass must define an implementatiojtfor every abstract method of
the abstract superclass, or the subclass itself will also be abstract. Similarly other
shape objects can be created using the generic Shape Abstract class. A big Disadvantage
of using abstract classes is not able to use multiple inheritances. In the sense, when a
class extends an abstract class, it can’t extend any other class.
There are situations in which you will want to define a superclass that declares
the structure of a given abstraction without providing a complete implementation of
every method. That is, sometimes you will want to create a superclass that only defines
a generalized form that will be shared by all of its subclasses, leaving it to each subclass
to fill in the details. Such a class determines the nature of the methods that the
subclasses must implement. One way this situation can occur is when a superclass is
unable to create a meaningful implementation for a method. Here is a simple example
of a class with an abstract method, followed by a class which implements that method:

//A Simple demonstration of abstract.

abstract class A { . . •
abstract void callmeO;
// concrete methods are still allowed in abstract classes
void callmetooO { /
System.out.println("This is a concrete method.");
class B extends A {
void callme {). {
System, out .’println ( "B's implementation of callme.");
class AbstractDemo {
public static void main(String args[j)-{
B b = new B();

52 Self-Instructional Material
Notice that no objects of class A are declared in the program. As mentioned, it is Classes and Objects
not possible to instantiate an abstract class. One other_point: class A implements a in Java
concrete method called cailmetoo( ). This is perfectly acceptable. Abstract classes
can include as much implementation as they see fit.


The classes and interfaces we have seen so far in this chapter have all been top-
level classes (i.e., they are direct members of packages, not nested within any other
classes). Starting in Java 1.1, however, there are four other types of classes, loosely
known as inner classes that can be defined in a Java program. Used correctly, inner
classes are an elegant and powerful feature of the Java language. These four types of
classes are summarized here:
• Static member classes: A static member class is a class (or interface) defined
as a static member of another class. A static method is called a class method,
so, by analogy, we could call this type of inner class a “class class,” but this
terminology would obviously be confusing. A static member class behaves much
like an ordinary top-level class, except that it can access the static members of
the class that contains it. Interfaces can be defined as static members of classes.
• Member classes :A member class is also defined as a member of an enclosing
class, but is not declared with the static modifier. This type of inner class is
analogous to an instance method or field. An instance of a member class is
always associated with an instance of the enclosing class, and the code of a
member class has access to all the fields and methods (both static and non­
static) of its enclosing class. There are several features of Java syntax that
exist specifically to work with the enclosing instance of a member class.
Interfaces can only be defined as static members of a class, not as non-static
• Local classes: A local class is a class defined within a block of Java code. Like
a local variable, a local class is visible only within that block. Although local
classes are not member classes, they are still defined within an enclosing class,
so they share many of the features of member classes. Additionally, however, a
local class can access any final local variables or parameters that are accessible
in the scope of the block that defines .the class. Interfaces cannot be defined
locally. ’
• Anonymous classes: An anonymous class is a kind of local class that has no
name; it combines the syntax for class definition with the syntax for object
instantiation. While a local class definition is a Java statement, an anonymous
class definition (and instantiation) is a Java expression, so it can appear as
part of a larger expression, such as method invocation. Interfaces cannot be
defined anonymously.
.Use of Inner classes: Inner classes allow us to do several things.
1. Naming, if we have a class whose only purpose is for its outer class, then we
can put it there to help describe its meaning.

Self-Instructional Material 53
Introduction to Internet 2. non-static inner classes keep a reference to the outer class allowing it to access
Programming (JAVA)
member variables of the outer class.
3. access, we can declare an inner class non-public to only allows private or
protected access. Inner classes can also access the private variables of its outer


• Variables defined inside methods, constructors or blocks are called local

variables. The variable will be declared and initialized within the method and
the variable will be destroyed when the method has completed.
Instance variables are variables within a class but outside any method. These
variables are instantiated when the class is loaded.
Class variables are variables declared with in a class, outside any method,
with the static keyword.
A constructor is a special method that is used to initialize a newly created
object and is called just after the memory is allocated for the object.
Constructor overloading is a technique in Java in which a class can have any
number of constructors that differ in parameter lists.
The extends is a Java keyword, which is used in inheritance process of Java.
A Java subclass is a class which inherits a method or methods from a Java
superclass. A Java class may be either a subclass, a superclass, both, or neither!
The instanceof operator can be useful to call a method based explicitly on the
class of same object instead of implicitly using an overridden method and
polymorphism. The instanceof operator determines if a given object is of the
type of a specific class.
Method overriding in java means a subclass method overriding a super class
method. Superclass method should be non-static. Subclass uses' extends
keyword to extend the super class.
Java Abstract classes are used to declare common characteristics of subclasses.
Abstract classes are declared with the abstract keyword.
A static member class is a class (or interface) defined as a static member of
another class. A static method is called a class method, so, by analogy, we
could call this type of inner class a “class class,” but this terminology would
obviously be confusing. "
A member class is also defined as a member of an enclosing class, but is not
declared with the static modifier.
A local class is a class defined within a block of Java code. Like a local variable,
a local class is visible only within that block.
An anonymous class is a kind of local class that has no name; it combines the
syntax for class definition with the syntax for object instantiation.

54 Self-Instructional Material
Classes and Objects

1. What are the classes and objects? Explain with an example?

2. How the objects can be created in Java? NOTES
3. Write short notes on the following:
(i) Constructor.
(w) Subclassing.
(Hi) Extends keywords. , -
(iv) instanceof Operator.
(o) Final Keywords.
(vi) Access Control.
4. What are the static variables and static methods in Java?
5. What is the difference between a constructor and a method?
6. Define Overriding. Explain it with an example.
7. What is abstract class? Explain it with an example?
8. What is the use of “Inner classes”? When we will use these classes?

Self-Instructional Material 55
Introduction to Internet UNIT
- Programming (JAVA)




4.0 Learning Objectives

4.1 . Exception Classes.
4.2 Using Try and Catch
4.3 Handling Multiple Exceptions
4.4 Sequencing Catch Blocks
4.5 Using Finally
, 4;6 Built-in Exception
4.7 Throwing Exceptions
4.8 Catching Exception
4.9 User Defined Exception
• Summary
• Review Questions


After going through this unit, you will be able to :

• explain exception classes
• describe handing multiple exceptions
• discuss built-in exception
• define user defined exception
• explain catching exception.


An exception is a problem that arises during the execution of a program. An

exception can occur for many different reasons, including the following:
• A user has entered invalid data.
• A file that needs to be opened cannot be found.

56 • Self-Instructional Material
• A network connection has been lost in the middle of communications, or the Exception Handling
JVM has run out of memory.
Some of these exceptions are caused by user error, others by programmer error,
and others by physical resources that have failed in some manner.
To understand how exception handling works in Java, you need to understand
the three categories of exceptions:
• Checked exceptions: A checked exception is an exception that is typically a
user error or a problem that cannot be foreseen by the programmer. For example,
if a file is to be opened, but the file cannot be found, an exception occurs. These
exceptions cannot simply be ignored at the time of compilation.
• Runtime exceptions: A runtime exception is ail.exception that occurs that
probably could have been avoided by the progran mer. As opposed to checked
exceptions, runtime exceptions are ignored at the time of compilation.
• Errors: These are not exceptions at all, but problems that arise beyond the
control of the user or the programmer. Errors are typically ignored in your code
because you can rarely do anything about an er*or. For example, if a stack
overflow occurs, an error will arise. They are also ignored at the time of
The hierarchy of exception classes commence from Throwable class which is
the base class for an entire family of exception classes, declared in java Jang package
as java.lang.Throwable. A throwable contains a snapshot of the execution stack at
• the time it was created and also a message string that gives more information about
the error. This class can be instantiated and thrown by the program. The throwable
class is further divided into two subclasses:
1. Exceptions: Exceptions are thrown if any kind of unusual condition occurs
that can be caught. Sometimes it also happens that the exception could not be
caught and the program may get terminated. Remember that they are a
member of Exception family and can be type of Checked or Unchecked
2. Errors: When any kind of serious problem occurs which could not be handled
easily like OutOfMemoryError then an error is* thrown. Well, errors are not
something which is thrown by you rather they are thrown by the Java API or
by the Java virtual machine itself i.e., only the exceptions are thrown by
your code and not the errors. Also remember that' they are a member of Error,
The exception classes can be explained as well seeing the exception hierarchy


java.lang.Throwable * java.lang.Error

java.lang.Exception java.lang.Runtime

Self-Instructional Material 57
Introduction to Internet The java.lang package defines several classes and exceptions. Some of these
Programming (JAVA) classes are not checked while some other classes are checked.

Exceptions Description Checked Unchecked

ArithmeticException Arithmetic errors such as a YES
divide by zero
ArraylndexOutOfBounds Arrays index is not within YES
Exception array.length
ClassNotFoundException Related Class not found YES
lOExceptiori InputOuput field not found YES
IllegalArgumentException Illegal argument when YES
calling a method
InterruptedException One thread has been inter­ YES
rupted by another thread
NoSuchMethodException No nexistent method YES
NullPointerException Invalid use of null reference YES
NumberFormatException • Invalid string for conversion YES '
to number
As we know the exceptions are Objects that means an object is thrown when we
throw an exception. Moreover only those objects could be thrown whose , classes are
derived from Throwable. It is interesting to note here that the objects of our own
design could also be thrown provided that they should be the subclass of some member
of the Throwable family. Also the throwable classes which are defined by you must
extend Exception class.
It depends upon the situation that whether to use an existing exception class
from java.lang or create any of your own. Such as IllegalArgumentException, a
subclass of RuntimeException in java.lang can be thrown if any method with an
invalid argument is thrown by you. On the other hand you need not to worry if you
Vish to impart some more information about any unusual condition'other than a class .
from java.lang because it will be indicated by the class of exception object itself.
For example, if a thrown exception object has class IllegalArgumentException,
that indicates someone passed an illegal argument to a method. Sometimes you will
want to indicate that a method encountered an abnormal condition that isn’t
represented by a class in the Throwable family of java.lang.
For instance, lets tweak an example below that demonstrates the exceptional
conditions that might occur while driving a car.

// In Source Packet in file except/exl/

class SpeedException extends Exception
{ 1 ■
// In Source Packet in file except/exl/
class VeryFastException extends SpeedException
{ }
// In Source Packet in file except/exl/
class VerySlowException extends SpeedException {

58 Self-Instructional Material
Lets tweak the diagram below. Exception Handling




1 VerySlowException

It is clear from the above program that there is something abnormal with the
speed of the car i.e., either it is very fast or it is very slow. Hence two exceptions are
thrown by the program-VeryFastException and VerySlowException. To be more
precise the SpeedException family specifies three new exceptions thrown by the
program which indicate some abnormal conditions. That is the SpeedException specifies
that there is something unusual with the speed; VeryFastException and
VerySlowException specifies the abnormal conditions of the speed.


Exception, that means exceptional-errors. Actually exceptions are used for handling
errors in programs that occurs during the program execution. During the program
execution if any error occurs and you want to print your own message or the system
message about the error then you write the part of the program which generate the
error in the tryO block and catch the errors using catchO mock. Exception turns the
direction of normal flow of the program control and send to* the related catchO block.
Error that occurs during the program execution generate a specific object which has
the information about the errors occurred in the program. |
In the.following example code you will see that how the exception handling can
be done in java program; This example reads two integer numbers for the variables a
and b. If you enter any other character except number (0 - 9) then the error is caught
by NumberFormatException object. After that ex.getMessage () prints the information
about the error occurring causes.
• ■.

Code of the program:

public class exceptionHandle{
■ .-.ft
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception^
int a,b;
BufferedReader in;
* = new Buf feredReader (new InputStreamR.eader ( ; •
a' = Integer.parselnt(in.readLineO ) ; 1
b = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()); j

Self-Instructional Material 59
Introduction to Internet
Programming (JAVA)
catch(NumberFormatException ex){
System.out.printIn{ex.getMessage( )
NOTES +." is not a numeric value.");
) )>

Catching Exceptions: A method catches an exception using a combination of

the try and catch keywords. A try/catch block is placed around the code that might
generate an exception. Code within a try/catch block is referred to as protected code .
and the syntax for using try/catch looks like the following:

.{ • •
//Protected code
}catch(ExceptionName el)
{ //Catch block

A catch statement involves declaring the type of exception you are trying to catch.
If an exception occurs in protected code, the catch block (or blocks) that follow the try
.is checked. If the type of exception that occurred is listed in a catch block, the exception
is passed to the catch block much as an argument is passed into a method parameter.
Example: The following is an array is declared with 2 elements. Then the code
tries to access the-3rd element of the array which throws an exception.

// File Name :

public class ExcepTest
{• public static void main(String args[])' '~
' ( try ■ '
{ int a[] = new int[2];
System, out .println ( "Access element three:." + a[3]); .
}catch(ArraylndexOutOfBoundsException e)
{ System, out.println ("Exception thrown:" + e);.
} System.out.println ("Out of the block");

This would produce following result:

Exception thrown: java.lang. ArraylndexOutOfBoundsException: 3 Out of the block
To guard against and handle error, simply enclose the code that you
want to monitor inside a try block. Immediately following, the try block, include a
catch clause that specifies the exception type that you wish to catch. To illustrate how
easily this can be done, the following program includes a try block and a catch clause
which processes the ArlthmeticException generated by the division-by-zero error:

60 Self-Instructional Material
Exception Handling
class Exc2 {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int d, a;
try { // monitor a block of code. NOTES
d = 0;
a = 42 7 d;
System.out.println("This will not be printed.");
} catch (ArithmeticException e) { // catch divide-by-zero error
System.out.println("Division by zero.");
System.out.println{"After catch statement.");

This program generates the following output:

Division by zero.
After catch statement.
Notice that the call to println() inside the try block is never executed. Once an
exception is thrown, program control transfers out of the try block into the catch
block. Put differently, catch is not “called,” so execution never “returns” to the try
block from a catch. Thus, the line “This will not be printed.” is not displayed. Once the
catch statement has executed, program control continues with the next line in the
program following the entire try/catch mechanism.
A try and its catch statement form a unit. The scope of the-catch clause is
restricted to those statements specified by the immediately preceding try statement.
A catch statement cannot catch an exception thrown by another try statement. The
statements that are protected by try must be surrounded by curly braces. You cannot
use try on a single statement.
The goal of most well-constructed catch clauses should be to resolve the
exceptional condition and then continue on as if the error had never happened. For
• example, in the next program each iteration of the for loop obtains two random integers.
Those two integers are divided by each other, and the result is used to divide the value
12345. The final result is put into a. If either division operation causes a divide-by-
zero error, it is caught, the value of a is set to zero, and the program continues.

// Handle an exception and move on.

import java.util.Random;
class HandleError {
public static void main(String args[]) {
. int a=0, b=0, c=0;
Random r new Random();
for{int i=0; i<32000; i++) {
try { b = r.nextlnt();
c r.nextlnt();
a 12345 /. (b/c) ;
.} catch (ArithmeticException e) |
• System.out.printIn{"Division by zero.");
a 0; // set a to zero and continue
) System, out. println (^'a': " + a) -;

Self-Instructional Material 61
Introduction to Internet
A single try block can have many catch blocks. This is necessary when the try
NOTES block has statements that raise different types of exceptions. For e.g., the following
code traps three types of exceptions:

Public class TryCatch

{•public static void main(String args[ })
{ int array[] {0,0};
int numl,num2,result = 0;
numl=100 ; num2 = 0;
{ result = numl / num2;
System.out.println(numl / array[2]);
}catch (ArithmeticException e) \
{ System.out.println ( "Error.... Division by zero"); \
} catch (ArraylndexOutOfBoundsException e)
{ System, out .println ("Error.... of Bounds");
Jcatch (Exception e)
{ System, out .println ( "Error..." ) ;
) System.out.println ("The result'is : "+result);


If an exception is thrown during a sequence of statements inside a try-catch block,

. the sequence of statements is interrupted and the flow of control will skip directly to
the catch-block. This code can be interrupted by several.places:

public void openFileO

{ try { ■ . .
// constructor may throw FileNotFoundException
FileHeader reader = new FileReader("someFile");
int i =0;
while(i!= -1) !
{ // may throw lOException
System.out.println((char) i );
} reader.close(); .
System.out.println{"— File End —");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
//do something'clever with the exception
}'catch (lOException e) {
//do something clever with the exception

'62 Self-Instructional Material.

If the reader.readO method call throws an lOException, the following Exception Handling
System.out.println((char) i); is not executed. Neither is the last reader.closeO or the
,System.out.println(“— File End.—”•); statements. Instead the program skips directly
to the catchdOException e){ ... } catch clause. If the new FileReader(“someFile”);
constructor call throws an exception, none of the code inside the try-block is executed. NOTES


When exception is thrown, execution in a method takes a rather abrupt, nonlinear
path that alters the normal flow through the method. Depending upon how the method
is coded, the method may return prematurely. For example, if a method opens a
database connection on entry and closes it upon exit, then you will not want the code
that closes the file to be bypassed by the exception-handling mechanism the finally
keyword is designed to address this contingency. . ; •
Finally creates a block of code that will be executed after a try/catch block has
completed and before the code following the try/catch block. The finally block will
execute whether or not an exception is thrown. If an exception is thrown, the finally
block will execute even if no catch statement matches the exception. Any time a method
is about to return to the caller from inside a try/catch block, yia an uncgught exception
or an explicit return statement, the finally clause is also executed just before the
method returns. This can be useful for closing file handles and freeing up any other
resources that might have been allocated at the beginning of a method with the intent
of disposing of them before returning. The finally clause is optional. However, each
try statement requires at least one catch or a finally clause. Here is an example
program that shows three methods that exit in various ways, none without executing
their finally clauses: ,

// Demonstrate finally.
class FinallyDemo. .{
/,/ Through an exception out of the method.
static void procA() {
try { System.out.printIn("inside procA");
throw new RuntimeException("demo");
}finally (
System.out.printIn("procA's finally");
II Return from within a try block.
static void procB() {
try {
System.out.printIn("inside procB");
} finally {
System.out.printIn("procB's finally");
// Execute a try block normally.
static void procC() {
try {

Self-Instructional Material 63
Introduction to Internet
Programming (JAVA) System.out.println("inside procC");
} finally {
System, out .println ( "procC'.s finally" ) ;
NOTES > > . '
public static void main(String args[]) {
try { ' . ' .
} catch {Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception caught");

inside procA
procA's finally
Exception caught
inside procB
procB's finally
inside procC
procC's finally
In this example, procA( ) prematurely breaks out of the try by throwing ah
exception. The finally clause is executed on the way out. procB( )’s try’ statement is
exited via a return statement. The finally clause is executed before procB() returns.
In procC(), the try statement executes normally, without error. However, the finally
block is still executed.
Note; If a finally block is associated with a try, the finally block will be executed
upon conclusion of the try.


The built-in exceptions in j ava are categorized on the basis of whether the exception
is handled by the java compiler or not. Java consists of the following categories of
built-in exceptions:
f • - •

• Checked Exceptions.
• Unchecked Exceptions.
Checked Exceptions'. Checked exceptions are the objects of the Exception class
dr any of its subclasses excluding the Runtime Exception class. Checked Exceptions
are the invalid conditions that occur in a java program due to invalid user input,
network connectivity problem or database problems. Java uses the try-catch block to
handle the checked exceptions. The statements Vithin a program that throw an
exception are placed in the try block. You associate an exception-handler with the try
block by providing one or more catch handlers immediately after the try block. Various
checked exceptions defined in the java.lang.package are:
1. ClassNotFoundException.
2. IllegalAccessException.
64 Self-Instructional Material
3. InstantiationException. Exception Handling
4. NoSuchMethodExceptibn.
Unchecked Exceptions: Unchecked exceptions are the ruh-time errors that
occur because of programming errors, such as invalid arguments passed to a public NOTES
method. The java complier does not check the unchecked exceptions during program
compilation. Various UncheckedExceptions are:
1. ArithmeticException. ‘
2. ArraylndexOutOfBoundsException. j
3. ArrayStoreException. j '
4. ClassCastException.

5. IllegalArgumentException.
6. NegativeArraySizeException.
7. NullPointerException. /
8. NumberFormatException.
Java defines several exception classes inside the standard package java.lang.
The most general of these exceptions are subclasses of the standard type
RuntimeException. Since java.lang is implicitly imported into all Java programs, most
exceptions derived from RuntimeException are automatically available. Java defines
several other types of exceptions that relate to its various class libraries. Following is
the list of Java Unchecked RuntimeException.

Exception Description
ArithmeticException Arithmetic error, such as divide-by-zero.
ArraylndexOutOfBoundsException Array index is out-of-bounds.
ArrayStoreException 4 Assignment to an array element of an incompatible
ClassCastException Invalid cast.
IllegalArgumentException Illegal argument.used to invoke a method.
IllegalMonitorStateException Illegal monitor operation, such as waiting on an
unlocked thread.
IllegalStateException Environment or application is in incorrect state.
Ille'galThreadStateException Requested operation not compatible with current
thread state.
IndexQutOfBoundsException Some type of index is out-of-bounds.
NegativeArraySizeException Array created with a negative size.
NullPointerException Invalid use of a null reference.
NumberFormatException Invalid conversion of a string to a numeric format.
SecurityException. Attempt to violate security.
StringlndexOutOfBounds Attempt to index outside the bounds of a string.
UnsupportedOperationException An unsupported operation was encountered.

Self-Instructional Material 65
Introduction to Internet Following is the list of Java Checked Exceptions Defined in java.lang.
Programming (JAVA)
Exception Description
ClassNotFoundException Class not found.
CloneNotSupportedException Attempt to clone ah object that does not implement
the Cloneable interface.
IllegalAccessException Access to a class is denied.
InstantiationException Attempt to create an object of an abstract class or
InterruptedException One thread has been interrupted by another
. NoSuchFieldException A requested field does not exist. .
NoSuchMethodException A requested method does riot exist. . .


We can throw an exception explicitly using the throw statement. For e.g., we
need to throw an exception when a user enters a wrong login ID or password. The
throws clause-is^used to list the types of exception that can be thrown during the
execution of a metKbd-in^a program.

Using the Throw Statement

1. The throw statement causes termination of the normal flow of control of the
java code and stops the execution of the subsequent statements.
2. The throw clause transfers the control to the nearest catch block handling the
type of exception object throws.
3. If no such catch block exists, the program terminates.
The throw statement accepts a single argument, which is an object of the Exception
class Syntax to declare the throw statement,
throw ThrowableObj
We can use the following code to throw the IllegalStateException exception:

class ThrowStatement
{ Static void throwdemo ( )
{ try { throw new IllegalStateException { );
} catch (NullPointerException objA)
{ System.out.println {"Not Caught by the catch block inside
throwDemo ().");
}.} public 'static void main (String args[ 3)
{ try { throwDemo ( ); • .
•} Catch (IllegalStateException objB)
{ System.out.println ("Exception Caught in:"+objB);.
H }

66 Self-Instructional Material
Output: Exception Handling
java’ThrowStatement r
Exception Caught in: java.lang.IllegalStateException ' NOTES
The programmer can throw an Exception from a method using the statement
throw. A call to the above mentioned sample method should be always placed in a try
block as it is throwing a Checked Exception-IOExceptionj.

public void sample(){ r

//if (somethixigWrpng)
lOException e = newlOExpeption{);
throw e;
//More Statements

. In Java, to invoke a method,, the programmer needs to know the name of the
method, list of parameters, the return type and the Checked Exceptions being thrown’
by the method. Java syntax mandates the programmer to list all the Checked Exceptions
that are being thrown from a method using the throws clause. If method is trying to
. throw an exception, then the programmer must handle the exception either with try/
catch block or with throws clause. In case a method throws more than one exception,
all of.them should be listed in throws.

class Number{ i
private int num; ■
public void accept(int n) throws Excepticn{
if{ n == 0 ){ *
throw new Exception ("can' t assign zero...'');.
else if(n < 0){
throw new Exception ( "can' t assign -ve value...");
else{ . • ,
System.out.printIn("\n\n\tValid value.");
num = n;
public class ThrowsDemo{
public static void main(String args[]){
Number ob = new Number();
try {

Self-Instructional Material 61
Introduction to Internet
ob.accept(-8) ;
Programming (JAVA)
NOTES catch(Exception e){
System.out.println{"\n Error: " + e) ;

Error: java.lang.Exception: can't assign -ve value.


To catch an exception in Java, you write a try block with one or more catch clauses.
Each catch clause specifies,one exception type that it is prepared to handle. The try
block places a fence around a bit of code that is under the watchful eye of the associated
catchers. If the bit of code delimited by the try block throws an exception, the associated
catch clauses will be examined by the Java virtual machine. If the virtual machine .
finds a catch clause that is prepared to handle the thrown exception, the program
continues execution starting with the first statement of that catch clause.
As an example, consider a program that requires one argument on the command
line, a string that can be parsed into an integer. When you have a String and want an
int, you can invoke the parselntO method of the Integer class. If the string you pass
represents an-integer, parselntO will return the value. If the string doesn’t represent
an integer, parselntO throws NumberFormatException. Here is how you might parse
an int from a command-line argument:

// In Source Packet in file except/exl/

class Examplel {
public static void main(String[) args) (
int temperature = 0;
•if (args.length > 0) {
try {
temperature =. Integer.parselnt(args[0]);
catch(NumberFormatException e) {
System.out.println( "Must enter integer as first argument.");
. return; } }
else {
System.out.println{ "Must enter temperature as first

68 Self-Instructional Material
Exception Handling
It Create a new coffee cup and set the temperature of its
CoffeeCup cup = new CoffeeCup();.
cup.setTemperature{temperature); NOTES
// Create and serve a virtual customer.
VirtualPerson oust = new VirtualPerson();
VirtualCafe.serveCustomer(cust,' cup);

Here, the invocation of parselntO sits inside a try block. Attached to the try block
is a catch clause that catches NumberFormatException:

catch{NumberFormatException e) .
{ System.out.,println( "Must enter integer as first'argument;

The lowercase character e is a reference to the thrown (and caught)

NumberFormatException object. This reference could have been used inside the catch
clause, although in this case it isn’t. (Examples of catch clauses that use the reference
are shown later in this article.)
If the user types Harumph as the first argument to the Examplel program,
parselntO will throw a. NumberFormatException exception and the catch clause will
catch it. The program will print:
Must enter integer as first argument
Although the above example had only one catch clause, you can have many catch
clauses associated with a single try block. Here’s an example:

// In Source Packet in file except/exl/

class VirtualCafe { ' ;
public static void serveCustomer(VirtualPerson cust,
CoffeeCup cup) {
try {'
System.out.println("Coffee is just right.");-
catch (TooColdException e) {
System, out .println ( "Cof fee is too cold-.");
// Deal with an irate customer...
catch (TooHotException e) {
System.out.println("Coffee is too hot.");
// Deal with an irate customer...

Self-Instructional Material 6
Introduction to Internet If any code inside a try block throws an exception, its catch clauses are examined
Programming (JAVA) in their order of appearance in the source file. For example, if the try block in the
above example .throws an exception, the catch clause for TooColdException will be
examined first, then the catch clause for TooHotException. During this examination
NOTES process, the first catch clause encountered that handles the thrown object’s class gets
to “catch” the exception. The ordering of catch-clause examination matters because it
is possible that multiple catch clauses of a try block could handle the same exception.


Java supports exception handling by its -try catch constructs. Exceptions are,
conditions which the JVM or applications developed in Java are unable to handle. The
Java API defines exception classes for such conditions. These classes are derived from
java.lang. Throwable class. User defined exceptions are those exceptions which an
application provider or an API provider defines by extending java.lang. Throwable
class. Though Java provides an extensive set of in-built exceptions, there are cases in
which we may need to define our own exceptions in order to handle the various
application specific errors that we might encounter.
While defining an user defined exception, we need to take care of the following
• The user defined exception class should extend from Exception class.'-
• The toStringO method should be overridden in the user defined exception class
in order to display meaningful information about the exception.
Let us see a simple example to learn how to define and make use of user defined

public class NegativeAgeException extends Exception {

private int age;
public NegativeAgeException(int age){
this.age = age;
public String toString('){
" return "Age cannot be negative" + " " +a‘ge
• )}


public class CustomExceptionTest {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
int age = .getAge();
if (age < 0){ '
throw new NegativeAgeException(age);
System.out.println("Age entered is " + age);
static int getAge(){
return -10;

70 Self-instructional Material
In the CustomExceptionTest class, the age is expected to be a positive number. It Exception Handling
would throw the user defined exception NegativeAgeException if the age is assigned a
negative number. At runtime, we get the following exception since the age is a negative
Exception in thread “main” Age cannot be negative -10 NOTES
at tips.basics.exception.CustomExceptionTest.main


• A checked exception is an exception that is typically a user error or a problem

that cannot be foreseen by the programmer.
• A runtime exception is an exception that occurs that probably could have been
avoided by the programmer.
• These are not exceptions at all, but problems that arise beyond the control of
the user of the programmer. ;
• Finally creates a block of code that willbe executed after a try/catch block has
completed and before the code following-the try/catch block. The finally block'
will execute whether or hot an exception is thrown. If an exception is thrown,
the finally-block will execute evenif no catch statement matches the exception.
• Thfe built-in exceptions in java are categorized on the basis of whether the
exception is handled by the j ava compiler or not. Java consists of the following
categories of built-in exceptions:
• Checked exceptions are the objects of the Exception class or any of its subclasses
excluding the Runtime Exception class. Checked Exceptions are the invalid
conditions that occur in a java program due to invalid user input, network
connectivity problem or database problems. j
• Unchecked exceptions are the run-time errors that occur because of
programming errors, such as invalid arguments passed to a public method.


1. What are exception classes? Explain with an hierarchy structure.

2. Explain with an example using try and catch exceptions.
3. How to handle multiple exceptions? !
4. Write short notes on the following:
(i) Sequencing catch block.
Hi) using finally.
(ui) Built in exception.
(iu) Throwing exceptions.
(u) Catching exceptions.
5. Differentiate between checked exception and unchecked exceptions.
6. What are user defined exception? Explain with an example.
Self-Instructional Material 71
. Introduction to Internet UNIT
Programming (JAVA)


5.0 Learning Objectives
5.1 Creating Packages
5.2 Adding Classes to Existing Packages
5.3 Interface
5.4 Creating Interfaces
5.5 Exceptions
• Summary
• Review Questions


After going through this unit, you will be able to :
• explain creating packages
• discuss interface
• define exceptions
• explain interface
• discuss^adding classes to exsisting packages.


Java is an object oriented programming language and any Java programmer will
quickly build a large number of different classes for use in each application, that they
develop. Initially it may be tempting to store the classes in the same directory as the
end application, but as the complexity applications grow so will the number of classes.
The answer is to organize the classes into packages.
When creating a package, we should choose a name for the package and put a
package statement with that name at the top of every source file that contains the
classes, interfaces, enumerations and annotation types that we want to include in the
package. The package statement should be the first line in the source file. There can
be only one package statement in each source file, and it applies to all types in the file.

72 Self-Instructional Material
If a package statement is not used then the class, interfaces, enumefai Packages and Interfaces
aniintation types will be put into an unnamed packa™ Lr..* us look at
ere n package called animals. It is comino:i ;■/ use •
pac ;-.r '.'.s t.n avoid any conflicts with the names of inlerface^

package animals';
{ public void eat();
public.void travel();

Now put an implementation in the same package animals'.

package animals;
public class Mammallnt implements Animal
•{ public void eat(){
System.out.println("Mammal eats");
} .
public void travel{){
System, out .println ( "Mammal travels" ) •;
} .
public int noOfLegs(){
return 0;
public static void main(String args[]){
Mammallnt m = new Mammallnt();
m. eat{);
m. travel();

Now you compile these two files and put them in sub-directory called animals
and try to run as follows:

package mymath;
{public static void add(int i,int j)
{ int k=i+j;
System.out.println("The sum of " + i + " and"+j + " is "+k) ;
public void sub(int i,int j) . • '
{ int k=i-j; .
System.out.println("The substaction of "+i+" and"+j+" is "+k);

Self-Instructional Material 73
Introduction to Internet
Programming (JAVA) }
public static void mul(int i,int j)
{' int k=i*j;
NOTES System.out.println(”The multiplication of "+i+" and"+j + " is "+k) ;
public void div{int i,int j)
{ int k=i/j; -
System.out.println("The division of "4i+" and"+j + " is "+k) ;
How to create a package: Suppose we have a file called,
and we want to put this file in a package world. First thing we have to do is to specify ‘
the keyword package with the name of the package we want to use (world in our case)
on top of bur source file, before the code that defines the real classes in the package, as
shown in our HelloWorld class below:
// only comment can be here
package world;
public class HelloWorld
{ public static void main(String[] args)
{ System.out.println("Hello World");
One thing is important that after creating a package for the class is to create
nested subdirectories to represent package hierarchy of the class. In our case, we have
the world package, which requires only one directory. So, we create a directory world
and put our into it.

CAworid 13
[FotfeT....... x Name I Seel Type
$-C5> (0) ^KekWoridjava 1KB JAVA Fie
1-Pi ,mec
B-E) Diamond

£ o fond000
Pi hetpife
fflEl Kpow
§-£) Mutimed»Ffes
-0 My Download Fiet
-0 My Muse
(20 ProgtamFle*
(1-0 T emp
-0 weUogic_piJ)hh
B-0 Wrrt
L0 world F El
lobjectftl fceeVpece: 2Fl^B| zrj.
Fig. 5.1. HelloWorld in world package (C:\world\
That’s it!!! Right now we have HelloWorld class inside world package. Next, we
have to introduce the world package into our CLASSPATH.
Setting up the CLASSPATH: From Fig. 5.1 we put the package world under ,
C:. So we just set our CLASSPATH as:

74 Seif-Instructional Material
set CLASSPATH^.;C:\; Packages and Interfaces
We set the CLASSPATH to point to 2 places, . (dot) and C:\
When compiling HelloWorld class, we just go to the world direc­ NOTES
tory and type the command:
C:\world\javac .
If you try to run this HelloWorld using java HelloWorld, you
will get the following error:
C:\world>java HelloWorld t
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Nod’assDefFoundError:
HelloWorld (wrong name:
world/HelloWorld). i

To make this example more understandable, let’s put the HelloWorld class along
with its package (world) be under C:\myclasses directory iiistead. The new location
of our HelloWorld should be as shown in Fig. 5.2.

Fokfett Name J Stttl Type

•«< (fr)He»6Woridieva 1KS JAVA Fie
S}-Q Diamond r
Found 000
E-Q inefpub
E )-Q MuUmeda Fie*
-£] My DowrioadFies
-Q MyMwic
b-Q myciawet
(PtoaamFie* ial i"
1 oteec4<) b}«ea (Ditk Hvt t&ace: 273MBJ My CongUCT ...... ^

Fig. 5.2. HelloWorld class (in world package) under myclasses directory
We just changed the location of the package from C:\world\ to
C:\myclasses\world\ Our CLASSPATH then needs to be changed to
point to the new location of the package world accordingly, i
set CLASSPATH=. ;C:\ntyclasses;
Thus, Java will look for java classes from the current directory and C:\myclasses
directory instead. We can run the HelloWorld from anywhere as long as we still include
the package world in~the CLASSPATH. For example,

C:\>set CLASSPATH=.;C:\;
C:\>set CLASSPATH // see what we have in CLASSPATH
C: \>cd world'^ -
C: \world>java 'world.HelloWorld
Hello World
C:\world>cd ..
C:^>java world.HelloWorld
Hello World
Self-fnsinictional Material 75
Introduction to Internet
Subpackage (package inside another package)
Programming (JAVA)
Assume we have another file called We want to store it in a
subpackage “moon”, which stays inside package world. The HelloMoon class should
look something like this:
package world.moon;
public' class HelloMoon {
private String holeName = "rabbit hole";
public getHoleName() {
return hole;
public setHole{String holeName) {
this.holeName = holeName;
> }


• In order to add a class to an existing package just adds the package statement
as the first statement before the class definition.
• Save the file in the folder that contains other classes of that package.
• Compile the file to generate the class file.
• Now the new class is added into the package and can be imported into the
other programs.
To add a Class to an existing Java Package do the following:
To add the class MyClass to the Java Package v2k.awt, add the following
statement to the source file. (It must be the first non-comment
statement of the file):
i package v2k.awt;
Move the Java source file to ^he source directory for Package
UNIX example: • ,
% mv^/src/v2k/awtA
You are ready to compile the new class and ma^ce it part of the v2k.awt Java
Package. If the CLASSPATH environment variable is set (the path to search
for classes being imported by, do the following:
% javac -d /GUI/java/classes /GUI/java/src/v2k/awt/
The -d option tells the compiler to place the MyClass.class file in the directory:
■ /GUI/java/classes/v2k/awt.
If the CLASSPATH environment is not set, do the following:
% javac -d /GUI/java/classes -classpath .:/GUI/java/classes:/usr/java/classes
. /GUI/java/src/v2k/awt/

76 Self-Instructional Material
The -d option tells the compiler to place the MyClass.class file in the directory: Packages and Interfaces
The -classpath option tells the compiler to search for classes being in the path: .:/GUI/java/classes/. ; NOTES
The class “MyClass” is now part of the Java Package v2k.awt. We can now import
this class using the statement import v2k.awt.MyClass.


An interface in the Java programming language is an abstract type that is used

to specify an interface that classes must implement. Interfaces are declared using the
interface keyword and may only contain method signatures and constant declarations.
An interface may never contain method definitions.
Interfaces cannot be instantiated. A class that implements an interface must.
implement all of the methods described in the interface, or be an abstract class. Object
references in Java may be specified to be of an interface type; in which case, they must
either be null, or be bound to an object that implements the interface.
One benefit of using interfaces is that they simulate multiple inheritance. All
classes in Java (other than java.lang.Object, the root class 'of the Java type system)
• must have exactly one base class; multiple inheritance of classes is not allowed.
Furthermore, a Java class may implement and an interface may extend, any number
of interfaces; however an interface may not implement an interface.
/, • '
Interfaces are used to encode similarities which the classes of various types share,
but do not necessarily constitute a class relationship. For instance, a human and a
parrot can both whistle; however, it would not make sense to represent Humans and
Parrots as subclasses of a Whistler class. Rather they would most likely be subclasses

of an Animal class, but both would implement the Whistler interface.

Another use of interfaces is being able to use an object without knowing its type
of class, but rather only that it implements a certain interface. For instance, if one
were annoyed by a whistling noise, one may not know whether it is a human or a
parrot, because all that could be determined is that a whistler is whistling. In a more
practical example, a sorting algorithm may expect an object of type Comparable. Thus,
it knows that the object’s type can somehow be sorted, but it is irrelevant what the
type of the object is whistleO will call the implemented method whistle of object whistler
no matter what class it has, provided it implements Whistler.
For example: ,

interface Bounceable
{ void setBounce(); // Note the semicolon:-
// Interface methods are public.and abstract.
// Think of them as prototypes only; no
implementations are allowed.

Self-Instructional Material 77
Introduction to Internet Defining an interface: Interfaces are defined with the following syntax (compare
Programming (JAVA) to Java’s class definition):

[visibility] interface Interfacetfame [extends other interfaces]

constant declarations
abstract method declarations

The body of the interface contains abstract methods, but since all methods in an
interface are, by definition, abstract, the abstract keyword is not required. Since the
interface specifies a set of exposed behaviors, all methods are implicitly public.
Thus, a simple interface may be

public interface Predator {

boolean chasePrey{Prey p);
void eatPrey(Prey p);•

The member type declarations in an interface are implicitly static, final and public,
but otherwise they can be any type of class or interface. The syntax for implementing
an interface uses this formula: '

. ; . implements InterfaceName[, another interface, another, . ..]

Classes may implement an interface. For example,

public class Lion implements Predator {

public boolean chasePrey(Prey p)

{• * // programming to chase prey p (specifically for a lion)

public void eatPrey (Prey p) .

( // programming to eat prey p (specifically for a lion)

If a class implements an interface and does not implement all its methods, it
must be marked as abstract. If a class is abstract, one of its subclasses is expected to
implement its unimplemented methods.
Classes can implement multiple interfaces
public class Frog implements Predator, Prey { . ... }
Interfaces are commonly used in the Java language for callbacks. Java does not
allow the passing of methods (procedures) as arguments. Therefore, the practice is to
define an interface and use it as the argument and use the method signature knowing
that the signature will be later implemented.

78 Self-Instructional Material
Subinterfaces: Interfaces can extend several other interfaces, using the same Packages and Interfaces
formula as described below. For example

public interface VenomousPredator extends Predator, Venomous

{ //interface body NOTES

is legal and defines a subinterface. Note how it allows multiple inheritances, unlike
classes. Note also that predator and venomous may possibly define or inherit methods
with the same signature. When a class implements VenomousPredator it will implement
both methods simultaneously.
Examples: Some common Java interfaces are:
• Comparable has the method compareTo, which is used to describe two objects
as equal, or to indicate one is greater than the other. Generics allow
implementing classes to specify which class instances can be compared to
them. -
• Serializable is a marker interface with no methods or fields - it has an empty
body. It is used to indicate that a class can be serialized. Its.Javadoc describes
how it should function, although nothing is programmatically enforced.

public class Main

'public static void main(String[] args) {
shape circleshape=new circle();
interface shape
, { public String baseclass = "shape";.
public void Draw{);
class circle implements shape
.{ public void Draw{) {
System.out.println("Drawing Circle here");


Interface is defined as group of method, that implement a empty body. An example

of Radio Tuner, when a listener switch on Radio Tuner, the tuner act as interface
between the electrical wing circuit inside the radio and you. Usually the Java do not
support multiple inheritance, Interface in java is used for multiple inheritance.
Understand with Example: The given below code illustrates that interface in
java support multiple inheritance in order to implement interface we implement a
keyword implement. The step involved in the program are described below:
Self-Instructional Material 79
Introduction to Internet. 1. We have taken an interface check, that implement a empty method message ().
Programming (JAVA)
2. Inside the class we create an object of interface check and implement a body
to the method message.
3. The object call and expose a message () method to the outside world.
4. In case there is an exception in the try block, the subsequent catch block
handle the exception.

interface check {
public void message();
public class Interface {
public static void main (String [•] args) {
try {
check t = new check!) { .
public void message!) ( .
Systern.out.println("Method• defined in the interface");
t.message() ; ' .
catch (Exception ex)
{ Systern.out.println{"" +• ex.getMessage());
> ) )

Output of the program:

Method defined in the interface
The following figure shows that an interface definition has two components: the
interface declaration and the interface body. The interface declaration declares various
attributes about the interface such as its name and whether it extends another interface.
The interface body contains the constant and method declarations within that interface.
Declaration public interface Sleeper
public void wakeUp!); < — Method
Interface public long ONE_SECOND = 1000; -'I Constant
Body public long ONE_MINUTE = 60000; / Declaration

The Interface Declaration: The declaration for the Sleeper interface uses the
two required elements of an interface declaration—the interface keyword and the name
of the interface—plus the public access modifier:

public interface Sleeper {

80 Self-Instructional Material
An interface declaration can have one other component: the public access specifier Packages and Interfaces
and a list of super interfaces. The full interface declaration looks like this figure:

public Makes this interface public.

interface InterfaceName Class ‘cannot be instantiated.
Extends SuperInterfaces This interface's .superinterfaces:


The public access specifier indicates that the interface can be used by any class
in any package. If you do not specify that your interface is public, then your interface
will be accessible only to classes that are defined in the same package as the interface.
To create an interface definition: f
• define it like a Java class, in its own file that matches the interface name
• use the keyword interface instead of class.
• declare methods using the same approach as abstract methods:
• note the semicolon after each method declaration-and that no executable
code is supplied(and no curly braces).
• the elements will automatically be public and abstract, and cannot have
any other state; it is OK to specify those terms, but not necessary (usually
public is specified and abstract is not-that makes it easy to copy the list of
methods, paste them into a class, and modify them ).
• The access level for the entire interface is usually public:
• it may be omitted, in which case the interface is only available to other
classes in the same package (i.e., in the same directory).
• note, for the sake of completeness, there are situations where the interface
definition could be protected or private; these involve what are called inner

[modifiers) interface InterfaceName {

// declaring methods
[public abstract) returnType methodNamel(arguments);
// defining constants
[ public static .final ]
type propertyName = value;


In java it, is possible to define two categories of Exceptions and Errors.

Self-Instructional Material 81 .[
Introduction to Internet • JVM Exceptions: These are exceptions/errors that are exclusively or logically
Programming (JAVA) thrown by the JVM. Examples: NullPointerException, ArraylndexOutOf
BoundsException, ClassCastException.
• Programmatic exceptions: These exceptions are thrown explicitly by the
NOTES application or the API programmers Examples: IllegalArgumentException,
Provides classes and interfaces for handling exceptions thrown by the SDK layer.

Exception Summary
BICapabilityNotSupportedException Thrown when a certain feature is not
supported by a connector.
BIConnectionFailedException Thrown to indicate that a connection has not
been successfully established.
BIConnectorException Thrown to indicate miscellaneous error
situations in a connector.
BIException General-purpose exception for the BI Java
BIJmiVerifyException Exception thrown by generated JMI objects of
the BI Java SDK;
BIOIapQueryException Checked exception which is thrown within the
context of an OLAP query.
BIOlapQueryRuntimeException Runtime exception which is thrown within the
context of an OLAP query. .
BIResourceExcepti on Thrown to indicate a lower-level problem.
BIRuntimeException Represents BI Java SDK-specific runtime
BISQLException Exception providing information on errors
occurring while interacting with BI Java SDK
relational connectors.
BISQLWarning Exception providing information on errors
occurring while interacting with BI J ava SDK
relational connectors.

Provides classes and interfaces for handling exceptions thrown by the SDK layer.
Exception handling in the BI Java SDK both conforms to SAP'standards and supports
legacy exceptions. All exceptions thrown by the SDK interfaces implement the
IBaseException interface in order to comply with SAP solution production standards.
This also provides integration with SAP’s Java logging and tracing framework used
for instrumenting the code in case of error situations.
The SDK exceptions either directly implement the IBaseException interface,
as in the case of BIResourceException, or they extend exceptions in the package, as with BaseException. Legacy exceptions, which are
exceptions that are thrown by components outside the SDK, do not implement
the IBaseException interface but are handled by providing wrapper exceptions.
These wrappers have exactly the same semantics as the underlying legacy
exception and simply add the implementation, of IBaseException. For example,
the legacy exception BIResourceException wraps exceptions of the type

. 82 Self-Instructional Material
The diagram below illustrates how the BI Java SDK exceptions relate to legacy Packages and Interfaces
exceptions such as javax.resource.RescourceExceptioh and the SAP Exception
Framework base exceptions:

lavax resource I NOTES


com,sap.exception |

IBaseException 4 BaseException BaseRuntimeException

X |

BIResourceExcention BIExccption BIRuntimeException

Java is an object oriented programming language and any Java programmer
will quickly build a large number of different classes for use in each application
that they develop.
When creating a package, we should choose a name for the package and put a
package statement with that name at the top of every source file that contains
the classes, interfaces, enumerations and annotation types that we want to
include in the package.
*# In order to add a class to an existing package just adds the package statement
as the first statement before the class definition.
An interface in the Java programming language is an abstract type that is
used to specify an interface that classes must implement. Interfaces are
declared using the interface keyword and may only contain method signatures
and constant declarations. An interface may never contain method definitions.
One benefit of using interfaces is that they simulate multiple inheritance.
Interfaces are used to encode similarities which the classes of various types
share, but do not necessarily constitute a class relationship.
.. j

JVM Exceptions are exceptions/errors that are exclusively or logically thrown

by the JVM. |
Programmatic exceptions are thrown explicitly by the application or the API
programmers. x

Self-Instructional Material 83
Introduction to Internet
1. How you can creating a packages in Java? Explain with an example.
NOTES 2. How the class can be added to an existing packages?
3. What is interface? Explain with an example.
4. How you can define an interface?
5., What is subinterfaces? What are the common java interfaces?
6. How you can create an interface? Explain with an example.
7. What are exceptions?


84 ' Self-Instructional Material

UN IT Multithreaded


6.0 Learning Objectives
6.1 Multithreading an Introduction
6.2 The main Thread
6.3 Java Thread Model
6.4 * Thread Priorities
6.5 Synchronization in Java
6.6 Interthread Communication
• Summary
• Review Questions


After going through this unit, you will be able to :

• explain.multithreading
• discuss thread priorities
• derive synchronization in java
• explain interthread communication
• discuss java thread model.


We know about a single thread. Let us know about the concept of multithreading
and learn the implementation of it. But before that, let’s be aware from the multitasking.
Multitasking: Multitasking allow to execute more than one tasks at the same
time, a task being a program.In multitasking only one CPU is involved but it can
switches from one program to another program so quickly that’s gives the
appearance of executing all of the programs at the same time. Multitasking allow
processes (i.e., programs) to run concurrently on the program. For Example running
the spreadsheet program and you are working with word processor also. Multitasking
is running heavyweight processes by a single OS.

Self-Instructional Material 85
■Introduction to Internet Multithreading is a technique that allows a program or a process to execute
Programming (JAVA) many tasks concurrently (at the same time and parallel). It allows a process to run'its
tasks in parallel mode on a single processor system. In the multithreading concept,
several multiple lightweight processes are run in a single process/task or program by
NOTES a single processor. For Example, when you use a word processor you perform a
many different tasks such as printing, spell checking and so on. Multithreaded
software treats each process as a separate program.
In Java, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) allows an application to have multiple
threads of execution running concurrently. It allows a program to be more responsible
to the user. When a program contains multiple threads then the CPU can switch
between the two threads to execute them at the same time. For example, look at the
diagram shown as:
Single Process
Thread! , Thread 2
Operation 1 Operation 1

Operation 2 Operation 2

Operation N Operation N

In this diagram, two threads are being executed having more than one task. The
task of each thread is switched to the task of another thread.
Advantages of multithreading over multitasking:
• Reduces the computation time.
• Improves performance of an application.
• Threads share the same address space so it saves the memory.
• Context switching between threads is usually less expensive than between
• Cost of communication between threads is relatively low.
Different states implementing Multiple-Threads are:

Leaving non-mnnable
Start Non-runnablc states
: .chedulii g Entering
non-nmnab!c r Blocked for > Blocked for
Running Sleeping Join Completion I/O
C impIeted/lTerminated
Waiting for on notification Blocked for N
Dead notification *\lock acquisition

As we have seen different states that may be occur with the single thread. A
running thread can enter to any non-mnnable state, depending on the circumstances.
A thread cannot enters directly to the running state from non-mnnable state, firstly it
goes to runnable state. Now let’s understand the some non-mnnable states which may
be occur handling the multithreads.
. 86 Self-Instructional Material
• Sleeping: On this state, the thread is still alive but it is not runnable, it might Multithreaded
be return to runnable state later, if a particular event occurs. On this state a Programming
thread sleeps for a specified amount of time. You can use the method sleep() to
stop the running state of a thread.
static void sleepdong millisecond) throws Interrupted Exception
• Waiting for Notification: A thread waits for notification from another thread.
The thread sends back to runnable state after sending notification from another
final void waitdong timeout) throws InterruptedException
final void waitdong timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException
final void wait() throws InterruptedException
• Blocked on I/O: The thread waits for completion of blocking operation. A thread
can enter on this state because of waiting I/O resource. In that case the thread
sends back to runnable state after availability of resources.
• Blocked for joint completion: The thread can come on this state because of
waiting the completion of another thread.
• Blocked for lock acquisition: The thread can come on this state because of
waiting to acquire the lock of an object.
Short summary of Multithreading: Many applications can run on the same
computer at the same time. Each instance, in the running condition, is known as process.
Each process can have one or more threads. A thread is a sequence of code, this code is
often responsible for one aspect of the programmer one task a program has beengiven.
For instance a program doing a complex long calculation may split into two threads,
one to keep a user interface responsive, and one (or more) to progress through the
lengthy calculation. ,
Java has a built in support, for multithreading programming. A multithreading
is a specialized form of multitasking. Multitasking threads require less overhead than
multitasking processes. A thread has various stages during it’s life cycle. For example,
a thread is bom, started, runs, and then dies. Given below diagram contains various
stages during it's life cycle: .

O New
Program starts
Unlock signal Thread completes
—I signal all r-------1 —i task ' i
Waiting Runnable * Terminated

lock Await Interval
sleep expires

Timed waiting

Self-Instructional Material 87
Introduction to Internet The description of the stages of a thread during it’s life cycle are given below:
Programming (JAVA)
Life Cycle Stage Description
tfew A new thread begins its life cycle in the new state. It remains in
NOTES this state until the program starts the thread. It is also referred
to as a born thread.
Runnable After thread born in ‘New’ Stage, the thread becomes runnable.
A thread in this state is considered to be executing its task.
Waiting A runnable thread can enter the timed waiting state for a specified
interval of time. A thread in these state transitions back to the
runnable state when that time interval expires or when the event
it is waiting, for occurs.
Timed Waiting A runnable thread can enter the timed waiting state for a specified
interval of time. A thread in these state transitions back to the
runnable state when that time interval expires or when the event
it is waiting for occurs.
Terminated A runnable thread enters the terminated state when it completes
its task or otherwise terminates


The ‘mainO’ method in Java is referred to the thread that is running, whenever a
Java program runs. It calls the main thread because it is the first thread that starts
running when a program begins. Other threads can be spawned from this main thread.
The main thread must be the last thread in the program to end. When the main thread
stops, the program stops running. Main thread is created automatically, but it can be
controlled by the program by using a Thread object. The Thread object will hold the
reference of the main thread with the help of currentThreadO method of the Thread
class. Listing shows how main thread can be controlled by a program:

class MainThread
public static void main(String args U )
Thread t = Thread.currentThread ( );
System.out.println ("Current Thread: " + t);
System.out.println ("Name : " + t.getName ( ) );
System.out.println {" ");
t.setName ("New Thread");
System.out.println ("After changing name");
System.out.println ("Current Thread: " + t);
System.out.println ("Name: " + t.getName ());
System.out.println (" ");

88 Self-Instructional Material'
System.out.println ("This thread prints first 10 numbers"); Programming
try - i / . ■
{ for (int i=l; i<=10;i++) ' . J
{ System.out.print(i); ' NOTES
System.out.print(" "); !
Thread.sleep(1000) ; j
} }
catch (Interrupted^xception e)
{ System.out.println(e) ;
} ) )

The output of this program is given below:

Current thread: Thread [main , 5,main ]
Name : main
■ After changing name
Current Thread : Thread [New Thread, 5,main]
Name : New Thread .
This thread prints first 10 numbers
12345678 910
Let us now understand the working of the program in the listing. The program
first creates a Thread object called V and assigns the reference of current thread (main
thread) to it. So now main thread can be accessed via Thread object ‘t\ This is done
with the help of currentThreadO method of Thread class which return a reference to
the current running thread. The Thread object‘t’ is then printed as a result of which
you see the output Current Thread : Thread [main,5,main]. The first value in the
square brackets of this output indicates the name of the thread, the name of the group
to which the thread belongs. The program then prints the name of the thread with the
help of getNameO method.
The name of the thread is changed with the help of setNameO method. The thread
and thread name is then again printed. Then the thread performs the operation of
printing first 10 numbers. When you run the program you will that the system wait
for sometime after printing each number. This is caused by the statement Thread.sleep
(1000). The sleepO method can also used in another way in which it accepts two
arguments. The first argument represents the amount of milliseconds and the second
argument represents the amount of nanoseconds. Effectively, the thread will sleep for
specified milliseconds + nanoseconds. Its (sleepO method’s) prototype is as follows:
Static void sleep (long milliseconds, int nanoseconds)
The Main thread of java can also explain in the following manner:
When a Java program starts up, one thread begins running immediately. This is
usually called the main thread of your program, because it is the one that is executed r*.
when your program begins. The main thread is important for two reasons:
• It is the thread from which other “child” threads will be spawned.
• It must be the last thread to finish execution. When the main thread stops,
your program terminates.
Self-Instructional Material 89
Introduction to Internet Although the main thread is created automatically when your program is started,
Programming (JAVA) it can be controlled through a Thread object. We must obtain a reference to it by
calling the method currentThread(), which is a public static member of Thread.
Its general form is shown here: static Thread currentThread( )
NOTES This method returns a reference to the thread in which it is called. Once we have
a reference to the main thread, we can control it just like any other thread. Let’s begin
by reviewing the following example:

// Controlling the main Thread.

class CurrentThreadDemo
{ public static void main(String, args[]) {
Thread t = Thread.currentThread(); ~
System.out.println("Current thread: " + t);
// change the name of the thread
.t.setName("My Thread");
System.out.println("After name change: " + t) ;
try { for(int n = 5; n > 0; n—)
,{ System, out. println (n) ;
} .
catch (InterruptedSxception e)
{• System..out.println("Main thread interrupted");

In this program, a reference to the current thread (the main thread, in this case)
is obtained by calling currentThread( ), and this reference is stored in the local
variable t. Next, the program displays information about the thread. The program
then calls setName() to change the internal name of the thread. Information about
the thread is then redisplayed. Next, a loop counts down from five, pausing one second
between each line. The pause is accomplished by the sleep() method. The argument
to sleep() specifies the delay period in milliseconds. Notice the try/catch block around
this loop. The sleep() method in Thread might throw an InterruptedException.
This would happen if some other thread wanted to interrupt this sleeping one. This
example just prints a message if it gets interrupted. In a real program, you would
need to handle this differently. Here is the output generated by this program:
Current thread: Thread [main,5, main]
After name change: Thread [My Thread,5,main]

90 Self-Instructional Material
Notice the output produced when t is used as an argument to println (). These Multithreaded
displays, in order: the name of the thread, its priority, and the name of its group. By Programming
default, the name of the main thread is main. Its priority is 5, which is the default
value, and main is also the name of the group of threads to which this thread belongs.
A thread group is a data structure that controls the state of a collection of threads as NOTES
a whole. This process is managed by the particular run-time environment and is not
discussed in detail here. After the name of the thread is changed, t is again output.
This time, the new name of the thread is displayed.


' The benefit of Java's multithreading is that a thread can pause without stopping
other parts of your program. A paused thread can restart. A thread will be referred to
as dead when the processing of the thread is completed. After a thread reaches the
dead state, then it is not possible to restart it. '
The thread exists as an object; threads have several well-defined
states in addition
to the dead states. These
state are: \

• Ready State: When a thread is created, it doesn’t begin executing immediately.

You must first invoke start () method to start the execution of the thread. In
this process the thread scheduler must allocate CPU time to the Thread. A
thread may also enter the ready state if it was stopped for a while and is ready
to resume its execution.
• Running State: Threads are bom to rim, and a thread is said to be in the
running state when it is actually executing. It may leave this state for a number
of reasons, which we will discuss in the next section of this unit.
• Waiting State: A running thread may perform a number of actions that will
• cause it to wait. A common example is when the thread performs some type of
input or output operations.
As you can see in Fig. 6.1 given below, a thread in the waiting state can go to the
ready state and from there to the running state. Every thread after performing its
operations has to go to the dead state. |


Start . Ready 4—* Running Dead

Fig. 6.2. The Thread States

A thread begins as a ready thread and then enters the running state when the
thread scheduler schedules it. The thread may be prompted by other threads and
returned to the ready state, or it may wait on a resource, or simply stop for sometime.
When this happens, the thread enters the waiting state. To run again, the thread
must enter the ready state. Finally, the thread will cease its execution and enter the
dead state. /

The multithreading systerrHn Java is built upon the Thread Class, its methods
and its companion'interface, Runnable'. To create a new thread, your program will
Self-Instructional Material 91
Introduction to Internet either extend Thread Class or implement the Runnable interface. The Thread Class
Programming (JAVA) defines several methods that help in managing threads.
For example, if you have to create your own thread then you have to do one of the
following things:
class MyThread extends. Thread
MyThread(arguments) // constructor

•public void run{)
//- perform operations
Write the following • code to create a thread and start it
. running:
MyThread p = new MyThread(arguments); ‘ .

class MyThread implements Runnable
' }
public void run()
// perform operation

The Thread Class Constructors

The following are the Thread class constructors:
ThreadO '
Thread(Runnable target)
Thread (Runnable target, String name)
Thread(String name) -
Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target) V

92 Self-Instructional Material
Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target, String name) Thread(ThreadGroup Multithreaded
group, Runnable target, String name, long stackSize) Thread(ThreadGroup group, Programming
String name).
Thread Class Method
Some commonly used methods of Thread class are given below:
static Thread currentThreadO Returns a reference to the currently executing
thread object. j
String getNameO Returns the name of the thread in which it is called
int getPriorityO Returns the Thread’s priority
void interruptO Used for Interrupting the thread,
static boolean interrupted() Used to tests whether the current thread has been
interrupted or not.
boolean isAliveO Used for testing whether a tread is alive or not.
boolean isDaemonO Used for testing whether a thread is a daemon thread or
void setName(String NewName) Changes the name of the thread to NewName
void setPriority(int newPriority) Changes the priority of thread.
static void sleepdong millisec) Causes the currently executing thread to sleep
(temporarily cease execution) for the specified number of milliseconds.
. void startO Used to begin execution of a thread .The Java Virtual Machine calls
the run method of the thread^in which this method is called.
String toStringO Returns a string representation of thread.String includes the
thread’s name, priority, and thread group.
static void yieldO Used to pause temporarily to currently executing thread object
and allow other threads to execute.
static int activeCountO Returns the number of active threads in the current
thread’s thread group.
void destroyO Destroys the thread without any cleanup.
Creating Threads: Java provides native support for multithreading. This support
is centered on the Java.lang.Thread class, the Java.lang.Runnable interface and
methods of the Java.lang.object class. In Java, support for multithreaded programming
is also provided through synchronized methods and statements.
The thread class provides the capability to create thread objects, each with its
own separate flow of control. The thread class encapsulates the data and methods
associated with separate threads of execution and enables multithreading to be
integrated within Java’s object oriented framework. The minimal multithreading
support required of the Thread Class is specified by the java.lang.Runnable interface.
This interface defines a single but important method run.
public void run ( ) |.
This method provides the entry point for a separate thi;ead of execution. As we
have discussed already Java provides two approaches for creating threads. In the first
approach, you create a subclass of the Thread class and override the run() method to
provide an entry point for the Thread’s execution. When you create an instance of
subclass of Thread class, you invoke start() method to cause the thread to execute as

Self-Instructional Material 93
Introduction to Internet an independent sequence of instructions. The start( ) method is inherited from the
Programming (JAVA) Thread class. It initializes the thread using the operating system’s multithreading
Capabilities, and invokes the run() method.
Now let us SG2 the program given below for creating threads by inheriting the
NOTES Thread class.

class MyThreadDemo extends Thread
public String MyMessage [ ]= {"Java"is ","very","good",
MyThreadDemo(String s)
}• .
public void run( )
String name = getName( );
for ( int i=0; i < MyMessage.length;i++)
Wait{ ); .
System.out.println (name +":"+ MyMessage [i]);
void Wa'it( )
catch (InterruptedException e)
System.out.println {" Thread is Interrupted");
} .
class ThreadDemo
public static void\main. ( String args [ ])
{ i

94 Self-Instructional Material
MyThreadDemo Tdl= new MyThreadDemo("thread 1: ’)•;
MyThreadDemo Td2= new MyThreadDemo{"thread 2:
Tdl.start { );
Td2.start - ( ); NOTES
boolean isAlivel true;
boolean isAlive2. true ;
' {
• if (isAlivel && ! Tdl.isAlive( )')
System, out .println ("Thread 1' is dead");
if (isAlive2 && !.Td2. isAlive ( ) )
isAlive2= false; .
System.out.println ("Thread 2 is dead");
• while(isAlivel || isAlive2);

thread l::Java
thread 2::Java
thread l::is
thread 2:;is
thread T.ivery
thread 2::very
thread l::good
thread 2::good *\
thread 1 "Programming
thread 2::Programming
thread l;:Language
thread 2::Language
Thread 1 is dead
Thread 2 is dead
This output shows how two threads execute in sequence, displaying information
on the console. The program creates two threads of execution, Td 1 and Td2. The
threads display the “Java”,“is”,“very”,“good”,“Programming”,“Language” message word

Self-Instructional Material 95
Introduction to Internet by word, while waiting a short amount of time between each word. Because both threads
Programming (JAVA) share the console window, the program’s output identifies which thread wrote to the
console during the program’s execution.
Now let us see how threads are created in Java by implementing the
NOTES java.lang.Runnable interface. The Runnable interface consists of only one method,
i.e., run ()method that provides an entry point into your threads execution.
In order to run an object of class you have created, as an independent thread, you
have to pass it as an argument to a constructor of class Thread.'

class MyThreadDemo implements Runnable
public String MyMessage [ ]
= {"Java","is","very","good","Programming","Language"};
String name;
public MyThreadDemo{String s)
name - s;
public void run( )
for ( int i=0; i < MyMessage.length;i++)
Wait (, ) ;•
System.out.println (name +":"+ MyMessage [i]);
void Wait( )
{ '
Thread.currentThread(.) .sleep(lOOO) ;
catch (InterruptedException e)
• System.out.println (" Thread is Interrupted");
} i

class ThreadDemol

96 Self-Instructional Material
public static void main { String args [ ])
Thread Tdl= new Thread( new MyThreadDemol"thread 1:"));
Thread Td2= new Thread{new MyThreadDemo{"thread 2:")); NOTES
Tdl.start ( );
Td2.start { );
boolean isAlivel true;
. boolean•isAlive2 true;
if (isAlivel && \ Tdl.isAlive( ))
isAlivel= false;
System.out.println ("Thread 1 is dead");
if(isAlive2 && !Td2.isAlive( ))
isAlive2= false;
System.out.println ("Thread 2 is dead");.

• while ( isAlivel |'| 'isAlive2);y
> /
} /
thread l::Java
thread 2::Java
thread l::is
thread 2::is
thread l::very
thread 2::vefy
thread l::good
thread 2::good
thread l::Programming
■ \

thread 2::Programming
thread l::Language
Thread 1 is dead ■w
thread 2::Language \
Thread 2 is dead

' Self-Instructional Material 91

Introduction to Internet This program is similar to previous program and also gives same output. The
Programming (JAVA) advantage of using the Runnable interface is that your class does not need to extend
the thread class. This is a very helpful feature when you create multithreaded applets.
The only disadvantage of this approach is that you have to do some more work to
NOTES create and execute your own threads.


Java assigns to each thread a priority that determines how that thread should be
treated with respect to others. Priorities are integer values. A higher-priority thread
doesn’t run any faster than a low-priority thread if it is the only thread running. Instead,
a priority is used to determine when to switch from one running thread to the next.
This is called context-switch. A thread can voluntarily relinquish control (yielding,
sleeping or blocking on pending I/O). A higher-priority thread (Preemptive multitasking)
can preempt another thread.
In Java, thread scheduler can use the thread priorities in the form of integer
value to each of its thread to determine the execution schedule of threads. Thread
gets the ready-to-run state according to their priorities. The thread scheduler
provides the CPU time to thread of highest priority during ready-to-run state. Priorities
are integer values from 1 (lowest priority given by the constant
Thread.IVIIN_PRlORITY) to 10 (highest priority given by the constant
Thread.MAX_PRIORITY). The default priority is 5 (Thread.NORM_PRIORITY).

Constant Description

Thread.MIN PRIORITY The maximum priority of any thread (an int value of 10)
Thread.MAX_PRIORITY The minimum priority of any thread (an int value of 1)
Thread.NORM_PRIORITY The normal priority of any thread (an int value of 5)

The methods that are used to set the priority of thread shown as:

Method Description

• setPriorityO This method is used to set the priority of thread.

. getPriorityO This method is used to get the priority of thread.

When a Java thread is created, it inherits its priority from the thread that created
it. At any given time, when multiple threads are ready to be execftted, the runtime
system chooses the runnable thread with the highest priority for execution. In Java
runtime system, preemptive scheduling algorithm is applied. If at the execution
time a thread with a higher priority and all other threads are runnable then the runtime
system chooses the new higher priority thread for execution. On the other hand, if
two threads of the same priority are waiting to be executed by the CPU then the
round-robin algorithm is applied in which the scheduler chooses one of them to run
according to their round of time-slice.

98 Self-Instructional Material
Thread Scheduler: In the implementation of threading scheduler usually applies Multithreaded
one of the two following strategies: i Programming

• Preemptive scheduling: If the new thread has a higher priority then current
running thread leaves the runnable state and higher priority thread enter to
the runnable state. NOTES
• Time-Sliced (Round-Robin) Scheduling: A running thread is allowed to be
executing for the fixed time, after completion the time, current thread indicates
to the thread to enter it in the runnable state. }
We can also set a thread’s priority at any time (after its creation using the
setPriority method. Let’s see, how to set and get the priority of a thread.

class MyThreadl extends 'I'hreadf

MyThreadl(String s){
. public void run{){
for(int i=0;i<3;i++}{
Thread cur=Thread.currentThread() ;
int p=cur.getPriority();
System.out.println{"Thread Name
System.out.println{"thread Priority:"+cur)
class MyThread2 extends Threadf
MyThread2(String s){ •
public void run(){ j
for(int i=0;i<3;i++){ i
Thread cur=Thread.currentThread();
cur . setPriority (Thread.'MAX_PRIORITY) ; •
int p=cur.getPriority();
System.out.println("Thread Name
System.out.println("Thread Priority:"+cur);

Self-Instructional Material 99
Introduction to Internet
Programming (JAVA) public class ThreadPriority{
public static void main(String args []){
MyThreadl ml=new MyThreadl{"My Thread 1");
NOTES MyThread2 'm2=new MyThread2("My Thread 2");

Output of the Program:

C:\nisha>java ThreadPriority
Thread Name : My Thread 1
Thread Name : My Thread 2
Thread Priority :Thread[My Thread 2,10,main]
Thread Name : My Thread 2
ThreadPriority :Thread[My Thread 2,10,main]
Thread Name : My Thread 2
ThreadPriority :Thread[MyThread 2,10,main]
ThreadPriority :Thread[My Thread 1,
In this program two threads are created. We have set up maximum priority for
the first thread “MyThread2” and minimum priority for the first thread “MyThreadl”
i.e., the after executing the program, the first thread is executed only once and the
second thread “MyThread2” started to run until either it gets end or another thread
of the equal priority gets ready to run state.


If you want two threads to communicate and share a complicated data structure,
such as a linked list or graph, you need some way to ensure that they don’t conflict
with each other. In other words, you must prevent one thread from writing data while
another thread is in the middle of reading it. For this purpose, Java implements model
of interprocess synchronizations. You know that once a thread enters a monitor,
all other threads must wait until that thread exists in the monitor. Synchronization
support is built in to the Java language.
There are many situations in which multiple threads must share access to common
objects. There are times when you might want to coordinate access to shared resources.
For example, in a database system, you would not want one be updating a
database record while another thread is trying to read from the database. Java enables
you to coordinate the actions of multiple threads using synchronized methods and
/ synchronized statements. Synchronization provides a simple monitor facility that can
be used to provide mutual exclusion between Java threads.
Once you have divided your program into separate threads, you need to define
how they will communicate with each other. Synchronized methods are used to
coordinate access to objects'that are shared among multiple threads. These methods
are declared with the synchronized keyword. Only one synchronized method at a time

100 Self-Instructional Material

can be invoked for an object at a given point of time. When a synchronized method is Multithreaded
invoked for a given object, it acquires the monitor for that object. In this case no other Programming
synchronized method may be invoked for that object until the monitor is released.
This keeps synchronized methods in multiple threads without any conflict with each
other. I NOTES
When a synchronized method is invoked for a given object, it tries to acquire the
lock for that object. If it succeeds, ho other synchronized |method may-be invoked for
that object until the lock is released. A lock is automatically released when the method
completes its execution and returns. A lock may also be re eased when a synchronized
method executes certain methods, such as wait().
Now let us see this example which explains how synchronized methods and object
locks are used to coordinate access to a common object by multiple threads.

class Call_Test
.synchronized void callme (String msg)
//This prevents other threads £rom entering call( ) while
another thread is using it.
System.out.print ("["+msg);
( -
Thread.sleep (2000);
catch (• InterruptedException e)
System.out.println ("Thread is Interrupted ) ;
System.out.println ("]");
class Call implements Runnable
String msg;
Call_Test obi;
Thread t; .
public Call (Call_Test tar, String s)
System.out.println("Inside caller method");
obl= tar; .
msg s;

Self-Instructional Material 101

Introduction to Internet
t = new Thread(this)
Programming (JAVA)
public void run( )
} .
class Synchro_Test
public static void main (String args-[ ])
Call_Test T= new Call_Test( );
Call obl= new Call (T, "Hi");
Call ob2= new Call (T, "This
Call ob3= new Call (T, "is");
Call ob4= new Call (T, "Synchronization");
Call ob5= new Call (T, "Testing");
obi.t.join{ );
ob2.t.j oin( );
ob3.t.j oin( );
ob4.t,j oin( );
ob5.t.join( );
catch ( InterruptedException e)
System.out.println (" Interrupted");

Inside caller method
Inside caller method
Inside caller method
Inside caller method
Inside caller method
[This ]

102 Self-Instructional Material

If you run this program after removing synchronized keyword, you will-find some Multithreaded
output similar to: Programming

Inside caller method

Inside caller method
Inside caller method
Inside caller method
[Hi[This [islnside caller method
[Synchronization [Testing]


This result is because when in program sleep( ) is ca led, the callme( ) method
allows execution to switch to another thread. Due to this, o itput is a mix of the three
message strings.
So if at any time you have a method, or group of methods, that manipulates the
internal state of an object in a multithreaded situation, you should make these methods
synchronized. It helps in avoiding conflict.
An effective means of achieving synchronization is to create synchronized methods
within classes. But it will not work in all cases, for example, if you want to synchronize
access to object’s of a class that was not designed for multithreaded programming or
the class does not use synchronized methods. In this situation, the synchronized
statement is a solution. Synchronized statements are similar to synchronized methods.
It is used to acquire a lock on an object before performing an action.
The synchronized statement is different from a synchronized method in the sense
that it can be used with the lock of any object and the synchronized method can only be
used with its object’s (or class’s) lock. It is also different in the sense that it applies to
a statement block, rather than an entire method. The syntax of the synchronized
statement is as follows:

synchronized (object)
/./ statement (s)

The statement(s) enclosed by the braces are only executed when the current thread
acquires the lock for the object or class enclosed by parentheses.
Now let us see how interthread communication takes place in java.


Java provides a very efficient way through which multiple-threads can

communicate with each-other. This way reduces the CPU idle time i.e., A process where,
a thread is paused running in its critical region and another thread is allowed to enter

Self-Instructional Material 103

Introduction to Internet (or lock) in. the same critical section to be executed. This technique is known as
Programming (JAVA) Interthread communication which is implemented by some methods. These methods'
are defined in “java.lang” package and can only be called within synchronized code
shown as:
Method Description
wait() It indicates the calling thread to give up the monitor and go to sleep
until some other thread enters the same monitor and calls method
notify () or notifyAll ().
notify() It wakes up the first thread that called wait() on the same object.
notifyAll() Wakes up (Unlock) all the threads that called wait ( ) on the same
object. The highest priority thread will run first.

All these methods must' be called within a try-catch block. Let’s see an example
implementing these methods:

class Shared {
int num=0;
boolean value = false;
synchronized int get() {
if (value= =false)
try {

catch {InterruptedException e) {
• System.out,println{"InterruptedException caught");
System.out.println("consume: " + num);
notify(); .
synchronized void put{int num) {
if {value==true)
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("InterruptedException caught");
System:out.println("Produce: " + num);

104 Self-Instructional Material

value=false; Programming
notify ()’ ;
class Producer extends Thread { NOTES
Shared s; . . •
Producer(Shared s) {
this.start() ;
public void run() {
int i=0; ■
class Consumer extends Thread{
Shared s;
Consumer{Shared s) {•
this.start(); i

public void run() {
public class InterThread{
public static void main (String [ ] args.)
Shared s=new Shared{);
new.Producer(s) ;
new Consumer(s);

Output of the Program:

C:\nisha>javac j
C:\nisha>java InterThread |
Produce: 1 |
consume: 1 . i
In this program, two threads “Producer” and ^Consumer” share the
t synchronized methods of the class “Shared”. At time of program execution, the
/ /“put( )” method is invoked through the “Producer” class which increments the
* ( variable “num” by 1. After producing 1 by the producer, the method “get()” is invoked
by through the “Consumer” class which retrieves the produced number and returns
it to the output. Thus the Consumer can’t retrieve the number without producing of it.
Self-Instructional Material 105
Introduction to Internet Another program demonstrates the uses of waitO & notifyO methods:
Programming {JAVA)-
public class DemoWait extends Thread
{ inf val=20;
public static void main(String args[]) {
. DemoWait d=new DemoWait();
d. start();
new Demol(d);
public void run{){
try {
System^out.println("value is : "+val);
}catch{Exception e){)
public void valchange(int val){
try ■{

synchronized(this) {

}catch(Exception e){)
class Demol extends Thread{
DemoWait d;
Demol(DemoWait d) - {
} public void run{){
try{ System.out.println("Demol value is " + d.val); •
}catch(Exception e){}

Output of the Program:

C:\j2se6\thread>java DemoWait
Demol value is20
value is: 40

106 Self-Instructional Material

SUMMARY Programming

• Multitasking allow to execute more than one tasks it the same time, a task
being aerogram.In multitasking only one CPU is involved but it can switches NOTES
from one program to another program so quickly that’s why it gives the
appearance of executing all of the programs at the same time. Multitasking
allow processes (i.e., programs) to run concurrently on the program.
• Multithreading is a technique that allows a program or a process to execute
many tasks concurrently (at the same time and parallel). It allows a process
to run its tasks in parallel mode on a single processc r system.
•. The ‘mainO’ method in Java is referred to the thread that is running, whenever
a Java program runs. It calls the main thread because it is the first thread
that starts running when a program begins.
• In Java, thread scheduler can use the thread priorities in the form of integer
value to each of its thread to determine the execution-schedule of threads.
Thread gets the ready-to-run state according to their priorities.
• Synchronized methods are used to coordinate access to objects that are shared
among multiple threads. These methods are declared with the synchronized
keyword. Only one synchronized method at a time cari be invoked for an object
at a given point of time.
• When a synchronized method is invoked for a given object, it tries to acquire
the lock for that object. If it succeeds, no other synchronized method may be
invoked for that object until the lock is released.


1. What is multithreading concept in Java? Also write it’s advantages over

2. Write short notes on:
• Multitasking.
• The Main Thread.
• Java thread Model. I

3. What are the thread Priorities? Explain with an example.

4. Define Synchronization in Java with an example.
5. Explain how threads are created by implementing Runnable interface
6. Define the term waitO, notifyO and notify All().
7. Explain with a program of the uses of waitO and notifyO methods.
8. Explain with an example Interthreaded Communication.

Self-Instructional Material 107

Introduction to Internet U N I T
Programming (JAVA)



7.0 Learning Objectives

7.1 I/O Basics
7.2 Streams and Stream Classes
7.3 The Predefined Streams
7.4 Reading form and Writing to Console
7.5 Reading and Writing File
7.6 The Transient and Volatile Modifiers
7.7 Using Native Methods
• Summary
• Review Questions.


After going through this unit, you will be able to :

• explain I/O basics y
• discuss transient and volatile modifiers
• describe predefined streams
• explain reading and writing file
• discuss stream and stream classes.


Here are some basic points about I/O:

• Data in files on your system is called persistent data because it persists after
the program runs.*
• Files are created through streams in Java code.
• A stream is a linear, sequential flow of bytes of input or output data.
' • Streams are written to the file system to create files.

- \
108 Self-Instructional Material
• It can move the work from the server to the client, making a web solution more Applets
scalable with the number of users/clients.
• If a standalone program talks to a web server, that server normally needs to
support all prior versions for users which have not kept their client software
updated. In contrast, a properly configured browser loads (and caches) the latest NOTES
applet version, so there is no need to support legacy versions.
• The applet naturally supports the changing user state, such as figure positions
on the chessboard.
• Developers can develop and debug an applet direct simply by creating a main
routine and calling initQ and start() on the applet.
• An untrusted applet has no access to the local machine and can only access the
server it came from. This , makes such an applet much safer to run than a
standalone executable that it could replace. However, a signed applet can have
full access to the machine it is running on if the user agrees.
• Java applets are fast-and can even have similar performance to native installed
software. |
Disadvantages: A Java applet may have any of the following disadvantages:
• It requires the Java plug-in.
• Some organizations only allow software-installed, by the administrators. As a
result, some users can only view applets that are| important enough to justify
contacting the administrator to request installation of the Java plug-in. •
• As with any.client-side scripting, security restrictions may make it difficult or
even impossible for an untrusted applet to achieve the desired goals.
• Some applets require a specific JRE. This is discouraged.
• If an applet requires a newer JRE than available on the system, or a specific
JRE, the user running it the first time will need to wait for the large JRE
download to complete. I
• Java automatic installation or update may fail if a proxy server is used to access
the web. This makes applets with specific requirements impossible to run unless
Java is manually updated. The Java automatic updater that is part of a Java
installation also may be complex to configure if it must work through a proxy.
• Unlike the older applet tag, the object tag needs workarounds to write a cross­
browser HTML document..
Below is the list given for Do’s and Don’ts of Java Applets:
• Draw pictures on a web page.
• Create a-new window and draw the picture in it.
• Play sounds.
• Receive input from the user through the keyboard or the mouse.
• Make a network connection to the server from where the Applet is downloaded,
and send to and receive arbitrary data from that server.
•• Write data on any of the host’s disks.
• Read any data from the host’s disks without the user’s permission. In some
environments, notably Netscape, an Applet cannot read data from the user’s
disks even with permission.
• Delete files.
Self-Instructional Material 137
Introduction to Internet • Read from or write to arbitrary blocks of memory, even on a non-memory-
Programming (JAVA) protected operating system like the MacOS
• Make a network connection to a host on the Internet other than the one from
which it was downloaded.
NOTES • Call the native API directly (though Java API calls may eventually lead back to
native API calls). ; .
• Introduce a virus or Trojan horse into the host system.


Java Applets are essentially Java programs that run within a web page. Applet
programs are Java classes that extend the Java. Applet. Applet classes are embedded
by reference within a HTML page. You can observe that when Applets are combined
with HTML, they can make an interface more dynamic and powerful than with HTML
alone. While some Applets do nothing more than scroll text or play animations, but by
incorporating these basic features in web pages you can make them dynamic. These
dynamic web pages can be used in an enterprise application to view or manipulate
data coming from some source on the server. For example, an Applet may be used to
browse and modify records in a database or control runtime aspects of some other
application running on the server.
Besides the class file defining the Java Applet itself, Applets can use a collection
of utility classes, either by themselves or archived into a JAR file. The Applets and
their class files are distributed through standard HTTP requests and therefore can be
sent across firewalls with the web page data. Applet code is refreshed automatically
each time the user revisits the hosting website. Therefore, keeps full application up to
date on each client desktop on which it is running. Since Applets are extensions of the
Java platform, you can reuse existing Java components when you build web application
interface with Applets. As we’ll see in example programs in this unit, we can use
complex Java objects developed originally for server-side applications as components
of your Applets . In fact, you can write Java code that can operate as either an Applet •
or an application. In Fig. 8.1, we can see that using Applet program running in a Java-
enabled web browser can communicate to the server.

WWW Server

4------- *


/ Fig. 8.1. Applet Architecture

138 Self-Instructional Material

All applets share the same general architecture and have the same life cycle. Applets
Architecturally, applets resemble window-based, GUI programs. This means that they
are not organized like console-based programs. Execution of an applet does not began
at mainO. Actually, few applets even have main () methods. Instead, execution of an
applet is started and controlled by its life cycle methods. Output to an applet’s window NOTES
is not performed by System.out.printlnO and you won't normally use a methods like
readLineO for input. Instead, user interactions are handled by the various controls
provided by AWT or Swing components, such as check boxes, lists and button. It is
also possible to write output directly to an applet’s windows, but you will use a method
such as drawstring () rather than println (). Following points must be remembered
in Applet Architecture:
• Applets are event driven.
• The applet waits until an event occurs.
• The AWT notifies the applet about an event by calling event handler that has
been provided by t he applet. The applet takes appropriate action and then
quickly return control to AWT.
• All swing components descend from the AWT container class.



Here, we will discuss about the Applet life cycle. If you think about the Basic
Applet Life Cycle, the points listed below should be thought of:
1. The browser reads the HTML page and finds any <APfLET> tags.
2. The browser parses the <APPLET> tag to find the CODE j ind possibly CODEBASE
3. The browser downloads the. Class file for the Applet from the URL (Uniform
Resource Locator) found in the last step. -
4. The browser converts the raw bytes downloaded into a Java class, that is a
Java.lang.Class object.
5. The browser instantiates the Applet class to form an Ap Diet object. This requires
the Applet to have a no-args constructor.
6. The browser calls the Applet’s init () method.
7. The browser calls the Applet’s start () method.
8. While the Applet is running, the browser passes all the events intended for the
Applet, like mouse clicks, key presses, etc. to the Applet’s handle Event () method.
9. The default method paint() in Applets just draw messages or graphics (such as
lines, ovals etc.) on the screen. Update events are us'ed to tell the Applet that it
needs to repaint itself.
10. The browser calls the Applets stop () method.

Self-Instructional Material 139

Introduction to Internet 11. The browser calls the Applet’s destroy () method.
Programming (JAVA)
In brief, we can say that, all Applets use their five following methods:
• public void init ();'
NOTES • public void startO;
• public void paintQ;
. • public void stopO;
• public void destroyO.
Every Applet program use these methods in its life cycle. Their methods are
defined in super class, Java.applet.
In the superclass, these are simply do-nothing methods. Subclasses may override
these methods to accomplish certain tasks at certain times. For example, public void
initO {} init () method is used to read parameters that were passed to the Applet via
<PARAM> tags because it’s called exactly once when the Applet starts up. If there is
such need in your program you can override initO method. Since these methods are
declared in the super class, the Web browser can invoke them when it needs, without
knowing in advance whether the method is implemented in the super class or the
subclass. This is a good example of polymorphism.
A brief description of init (), start (), paint (), stop (), and destroy () methods
are given below:
• init () method: The initO. method is called exactly once in an Applet’s life,
when the Applet is first loaded. It’s normally used to read PARAM tags, start
downloading any other images or media files you need, and to set up the user
interface. Most Applets have init () methods.
• start 0 method: The startO method is called at least once in an Applet’s life,
when the Applet is started or restarted. In some cases it may be called more
than once. Many Applets-you write will not have explicit start () method and
will merely inherit one from their super class. A startO method is often used to
start any threads the Applet will need while it runs.
• paint 0 method: The task of paint 0 method is to draw graphics (such as
lines, rectangles, string on characters on the screen).
• stopO method: The stop () method is called at least once in an Applet’s life,
when the browser leaves the page in which the Applet is embedded. The Applet’s
start () method will be called if at some later point the browser returns to the
page containing the Applet. In some cases the stop 0 method may be called
multiple times in an Applet’s life. Many Applets you write will not have explicit
stop () methods and will merely inherit one from their super class. Your Applet
should use the stop () method to pause any running threads. When your Applet
is stopped, should not use any CPU cycles.
• destroy () method: The destroyO method is called exactly once in an Applet’s
life, just before the web browser unloads the Applet. This method is generally
used to perform any final clean-up. For example, an Applet that stores state on
the server might send some data back to the server before it is terminated.
Many Applet programs generally don’t have explicit destroy 0 methods and
just inherit one from their super class.
Let us take one example to explain the use of the methods explained above. For
example in a video Applet, the init<) method might draw the controls and start loading

140 ' Self-Instructional Material

the video file. The start () method would wait until the file was loaded, and then start Applets
playing it. The stop () method would pause the video, but not rewind it. If the start ()
method were called again, the video would pick up from where it left off; it would not
start over from the beginning. However, if destroy () were calk d and then init (), the
video would start over from..the beginning. NOTES
The point to note here is, if you run an Applet program using Appletviewer,
selecting the restart menu item calls stop () and then start (j. Selecting the Reload
menu item calls stop (), destroy (), and init (), in the order.
Note 1: The Applet start () and stop () methods are not related to the similarly
'named methods in the Java.lang.
Note 2: (i) Your own code may occasionally invoke star t() and stopQ. For example,
it is customary to stop playing an animation when the user clicks the mouse in the
Applet and restart it when s/he clicks the mouse again.
(ii) Now we are familiar with the basic needs and ways to write Applet program.
You can see a simple Applet program given below to say Hello World.

import Java.applet.Applet;
import Java.awt,Graphics;
public class HelloWorldApplet extends Applet
{ /
public void paint(Graphics g)
g.drawstring{"Hello world!", 50, 25);.

If you observej that this Applet version of Hello World is1 a little more complicated
than to write an application program to say Hello World, it will take a little more
effort to run it as well. . i
First you have to type in the source code and save it into file called
. HelloWorldApplet.Java.
Compile this file in the usual way. If all is well a file called HelloWorldApplet.class
will be created.
Now you need Were ate an HTML file that will include: 'our Applet. The following
simple HTML file will do. .
<TITLE> Hello World </TITLE>
</HEAD> .
This is the Applet :<P>
<Applet code=“HelloWorldApplet” width=“150” heigl:t=“50">
</BODY> t

</HTML> .
Self-Instructional Material 141
Introduction to Internet Save this file as HelloWorldApplet.html in the same directory as the
Programming (JAVA) RelloWorldApplet.class file.
When you’ve done that, load the HTML file into a Java enabled browser like
Internet Explorer or Sun’s Applet viewer. You should see something like below, though
NOTES of course the exact details depend on which browser you use.-
If the Applet is compiled without error and produced a HelloWorldApplet.class
file, and yet you don’t see the string “Hello World” in your browser chances are that
the class file is in the wrong place. Make sure HelloWorldApplet.class is in the same
directory as HelloWorld.html.
Also make sure that you’re using a version of Netscape or Internet Explorer which
supports Java. Not all versions do.
. In any case Netscape’s Java support is less than the perfect, so if you have trouble
with an Applet, the first thing to try is load it into Sun’s Applet Viewer. If the Applet1
Viewer has a problem, then chances are pretty good the problem is with the Applet
and not with the browser.
According to Sun “An Applet is a small program that is intended not to be run on
its own, but rather to be embedded inside another application. The Applet class provides
a standard interface between Applets and their environment.”
The output of the program will be like:
Applet Vlev£ prialffgf

Hello world!

Applet started.


You are leaving for work in the morning and someone rings the doorbell,... That
is an event!
In life, you encounter events that force you to suspend other activities and respond
to them immediately. In Java, events represent all actions that go on between the user
and the application. Java’s Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT) communicates these
actions to the programs using events. When the user interacts with a program let us
say by clicking a command button, the system creates an event representing the action
and delegates it to the event-handling code within the program. This code determines
how to handle the event so the user gets the appropriate response.
Originally, JDK 1.0.2 applications handled events using an inheritance model. A
container sub class inherits the action () and handle Event 0 methods of its parent and
handled the events for all components it contained. For instance, the following code
would represent the event handler for a panel containing an OK and a Cancel button:
public boolean handleEvent (Java.awt.Event e)
if ( Java. awt. Event'. ACT I ON_EVENT)

142 Self-Instructional Material

if ( = = buttonOK) ' Applets

else if ( ==-buttonCancel) -
return super.handleEvent(e);
The problem with this method is that events cannot be delivired to specific objects.
Instead, they have to be routed through a universal handler, which increases complexity
and therefore, weakens your design.
But Java 1.1 onward has introduced the concepts of the event delegation model.
This model allows special classes, known as “adapter classes” to be built and be
registered with a component in order to handle certain events.' ’hree simple steps are
required to use this model: - . .
1. Implement the desired listener interface in your adapter class! Depending on
what event you’re handling, a number of listener interfaces are available.
These include: j
ActionListener, WindowListener, MouseListener, MouseMotion
Listener, ComponentListener, FocusListenerj and ListSelection
2. Register the adapter listener with the desired component(s). This can be in
the form of an add XXX Listener () method supported by the component for
example include add ActionListener (), add MouseListener (), and add
FocusListener ().
3. Implement the listener interface’s methods in your adapter class. It is in this
code that you will actually handle the event. !
The event delegation model allows the developer to separate the component’s
display (user interface) from the event handling (application data) which results in a
cleaner and more object-oriented design.
Components of an Event: Can be put under the follow ng categories.
1. Event Object: When the user interacts with the applica ion by clicking a mouse
button or pressing a key an event is generated. The Operating System traps this event
and the data associated with it.. For example, info about time at which the event
occurred, the event types (like keypress or mouse click etc.). This data is then passed
on to the application to which the event belongs.
You must note that, in Java, objects, which describe the events themselves,
represent events. Java has a number of classes that descritJe and handle different
categories of events. I
2. Event Source: An event source is the object that generated the event, for
example, if you click a button an ActionEvent Object is generated. The object of the
ActionEvent class contains information about the event (button click).

Self-Instructional Material 143

Introduction to internet 3. Event’Handler: Is a method that understands the event and processes it. The
Programming (JAVA) event-handler method takes the Event object as a parameter. You can specify the
objects that are to be notified when a specific event occurs. If the event is irrelevant, it
is discarded. The four main components based on this model axe Event classes, Event
NOTES Listeners, Explicit event handling and Adapters.
Let me give you a closer look at them one by one.
Event Classes: The EventObject class is at the top of the event class hierarchy.
It belongs to the Java.util package. While most of the other event classes are present
in Java.awt.event package.
The get Source () method of the EventObject class returns the object that initiated
the event.
The getld () method returns the nature of the event. For example, if a mouse
event occurs, you can find out whether the event was a click, a press, a move or release
from the event object.
AWT provides two conceptual types of events: Semantic and Low-level events.
• Semantic event: These are defined at a higher-level to encapsulate the semantics
of user interface component’s model.
Now let us see what the various semantic event classes are and when they are
An ActionEvent object is generated when a component is activated.
An Adjustment Event Object is generated when scrollbars and other adjustment
elements are used.
A Text Event object is generated when text of a component is modified.
An Item Event is generated when an item from a list, a choice or checkbox is
selected. Low-Level Events: These events are those that represent a low-level input
or windows-system occurrence on a visual component on the screen.
The various low-level event classes and what they generate are as follows:
• A Container Event Object is generated when components are added or removed
from container.
• A Component Event object is generated when a component is resized moved
• A Focus Event object is generated when component receives focus for input.
• A Key Event object is generated when key on keyboard is pressed, released
• A Window Event object is generated when a window activity, like maximizing
or close o'ccurs.
• A Mouse Event object is generated when a mouse is used.
• A Paint Event object is generated when component is painted.
Event Listeners: An object delegates,the task of handling an event to an event
listener. When an event occurs, an event object of the appropriate type (as explained
below) is created. This object is passed to a Listener. The listener must implement
the interface that has the method for event handling. A component can have multiple
listeners, and a listener can be removed using remove Action Listener () method.
You can understand a listener as a person who has listened to your command and is
doing the work which you commanded him to do so.
144 Self-instructional Material

As you have studied about interfaces in Block 2 Unit 3 of th s course, an Interface Applets
contains constant values and method declaration. The Java.awt. jvent package contains
definitions of all event classes and listener interface. The semantic listener interfaces
defined by AWT for the above-mentioned semantic events are:
• ActionListener, NOTES
• AjdustmentListener,
• ItemListener,
• TextListener.
The low-level event listeners are as follows:
• ComponentListener,
• ContainerListener,
• FocusListener,
• KeyListener,
• MouseListener,
• MouseMotionListener,
• WindowsListener.
Action Event using the ActionListener interfaces.* In Fig. 8.2 the Event
Handling Model of AWT is given. This figure illustrates the usage of ActionEvent and
ActionListener interface in a Classic Java Application.
You can see in the program given below that the Button Listener is handling the
event generated by pressing button “Click Me”. Each time t!he button “Click Me” is
pressed; the message “The Button is pressed” is printed in the output area. As shown
in the output of this program, the message. “The Button is pressed” is printed three
times, since “Click Me” is pressed thrice.
Event object

Event handling
v methods

Event source Event listener

. Fig. 8.2. Event Handling Model of AWT-

import Java.awt.event;
import Java.awt.*;
public class MyEvent extends.Frame
public MyEvent()
super("Window Title: Event Handling");
Button bl;
bl = new Button("Click Me");

Self-Instructional Material 145

Introduction to Internet
Programming (JAVA)
. Button Listener listen = new Button Listener();
NOTES bl.add Action Listener(listen);
set Visible (true); ■ '
set Size (200,200);
} \
public static void main ('string args[])
My Event event = new My Event();
}; // note the semicolon
class Button Listener implements ActionListener
public void action Performed (ActionEvent evt).
Button sourcel = (Button) evt. get Source ();
System, out. print In ("The Button is Pressed");
Output of the program:

Tltlfc; Cv«gr«! i;. iont^T

j ,

. i

The Button is Pressed

The Button is Pressed
The Button is Pressed
How does the above Application work? The answer to this question is given below
in steps.
1. The execution begins with the main method.
2. An Object of the MyEvent class is created in the main method, by invoking
the constructor of the MyEvent class.
3. Super () method calls the constructor of the base class and sets the title of the
window as given, “Windows Title: Event Handling”.
4. A button object is created and placed at the center of the window.
5. Button object is added in the event.

146 Self-lnstructional Materia!

' 6. A Listener Object is created. Applets .

7. The addAction Listener () method registers the listener object for the button.
8. SetVisible () method displays the window.
9. The Application waits for the user to interact with it. NOTES
10. Then the user clicks on the button labeled “Click-Me”: The “ActionEvent” event
is generated. Then the ActionEvent object is created and delegated to the
registered listener object for processing. The Listener object contains the
actionPerformed () method which processes the ActionEvent In the
actionPerformed 0 method, the reference to the event source is retrieved using
getSource 0 method. The message “The Button is Pressed” is printed.


Till now you have written some Applets and have run'them in the browser or
Appletviewer. You have used basic tags needed for running an Applet program. Now
you will learn some more tag that contains various attributes. •
Applets are embedded in web pages using the <APPLET> and </APPLET> tags.
, APPLET elements accept The. class file with the CODE attribute. The CODE attribute
tells the browser where to look for the compiled .class file. It is relative to the location
of the source document.
If the Applet resides somewhere other than the same directory where the page
lives on, you don’t just give a URL to its location. Rather, you have to point at the
CODEBASE. The CODEBASE attribute is a URL that points at the directory where
the .class file is. The CODE attribute is the name of the .class file itself. For instance
if on the HTML page in the previous section had you written
<APPLET CODE=“HelloWorldApplet” CODEBASE=“cIasses”
WIDTH=“200" HEIGHT=”200n>
then the browser would have tried to find HelloWorldApplet.class in the classes
subdirectory inside in directory where the HTML page that included the Applet is
contained. On the other hand if you had written !
<APPLET CODE= “HelloWorldApplet”
WIDTH=“200M HEIGHT=”200">
then the browser would try to retrieve the Applet from
HelloWorldApplet.class regardless of where the HTML page is residing.
If the Applet is in a non-default package, then the full package qualified name
must be used. For example,
<APPLET CODE=“mypackage. HelloWorldApplet”
CODEBASE=“c:\FoIder\Java\” WroTH^OO" HEIGHT=”200">

Self-Instructional Material 147

Introduction to Internet The HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes work exactly as they do with IMG, specifying
Programming (JAVA) how big a rectangle the browser should set aside for the Applet. These numbers are
specified in pixels.
Spacing Preferences: The <APPLET> tag has several attributes to define how
NOTES it is positioned on the page.
The ALIGN attribute defines how the Applet’s rectangle is placed on the page
relative to other elements. Possible values include LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, TEXTTOP,
You can specify an HSPACE and a VSPACE in pixels to set the amount of blank
space between ah Applet and the surrounding text. The HSPACE and VSPACE
attributes are optional.
<Applet code=“HelloWorldApplet” width=200 height=200
The ALIGN, HSPACE, and VSPACE attributes are identical to the attributes
used by the <IMG> tag.
Alternate Text: The <APPLET> has an ALT attribute. An ALT attribute is
used by a browser that understands the APPLET tag but for some reason cannot play
the Applet. For instance, if you’ve turned off Java in Netscape Navigator 3.0, then the.
browser should display the ALT text. The ALT tag is optional. ’ .. .
<Applet code=“HelloWorldApplet”
CODEBASE=“c:\Folder\classes” width=“200" height=”200"
ALT=“HeIlo World!”>
ALT is not used by browsers that do not understand <APPLET> at all. For that
purpose <APPLET> has been defined to require a closing tag, </APPLET>.
All raw text between the opening and closing <APPLET> tags is ignored by a
Java capable browser. However, a non-Java-capable browser will ignore the <APPLET>
tags instead and read the text between them. For example, the following HTML
fragment says Hello World!, both with and without Java-capable browsers.
<Applet code=“HelloWorldApplet” width=200 height=200
ALT=“HeIlo World!”>
Hello World!<P>
Naming Applets: You can give an Applet a name by using the NAME attribute
of the APPLET tag. This allows communication between different Applets on the same
Web page.
<APPLET CODE=“HelloWorldApplet” NAME=”Appletl"
CODEBASE=“c:\Folder\Classes” WIDTH=“200" HEIGHT=”200''
align=“right” HSPACE=“5n YSPACE^’TO"

148 Self-Instructional Material

ALT=“Hello WorId!”> Applets
Hello World!<P>
JAR Achieves: HTTP 1.0 uses a separate connection for each request. When NOTES
you’re downloading many-small files, the time required to set up and tear down the
connections can be a significant fraction of the total amount of time needed to load a
page. It would be better if you could load all the HTML documents, images, Applets,
and sounds in a page in one connection.
One way to do this without changing the HTTP protocol is to pack all those
different files into a single archive file, perhaps a zip archive, and just download that.
We aren’t quite there yet. Browsers do not yet understand archive files, but in
Java 1.1 Applets do. You can pack all the images, souncs; and. class files that an
Applet needs into one JAR archive and load that instead of the individual files. Applet
classes do not have to be loaded directly. They can also be stored in JAR archives. \
To do this you use the ARCHIVES attribute of the APPLET tag.
<APPLET C ODE=“HelloWorldApple't” WIDTHS 200"
HEIGHT=:“100" ARCHIVES=”HelloWorld.jar”>
Hello World!
In this example, the Applet class is still HelloWorldA 3plet. However, there is no
HelloWorldApplet.class file to be downloaded. Instead the class is stored inside
the archive file HelloWorld.jar. Sun provides a tool for creating JAR archives with its
JDK 1.1 onwards..
For Example:
% jar cf HelloWorld.jar class
This puts all the .class files in the current directory in a file named
“HelloWorld.jar". The syntax of the jar command is similar to the Unix tar command.
The Object Tag: HTML 4.0 deprecates the <APPLET> tag. Instead you are
supposed to use the <OBJECT> tag. For the purposes of embedding. Applets, the
<OBJECT> tag is used almost exactly like the <APPLET> tag except that the class
attribute becomes the classid attribute. For example,
cOBJECT classid=”MyApplet” CODEBASE=”c:\Folder\CIasses”
width=200 height=200 ALIGN=RIGHT HSPACE=5 VSPACE=10>
The <OBJECT> tag is also used to embed ActiveX controls and other kinds of
active content. It has a few additional attributes to allow it to do that. However, for
the purposes of Java you don’t need to know about these.
The <OBJECT> tag is supported by Netscape and Internet Explorer. It is not
supported by earlier versions of these browsers. <APPLET> is unlikely to disappear
anytime soon in the further.

Self-Instructional Material 149

Introduction to Internet You can support both by placing an <APPLET> element inside an <OBJECT>
Programming (JAVA) element like this:
cOBJECT classid=“MyApplet” width=”200M height=”200">
<APPLET code=“MyApplet” width=”200" height=”200n>
You will notice that browsers that understand <OBJECT> will ignore its content
while the browsers will display its content.
PARAM elements are the same for <OBJECT> as for <APPLET>.
Passing Parameters to Applets: Parameters are passed to Applets in NAME
and VALUE attribute pairs in <PARAM> tags between the opening and closing
APPLET tags. Inside the Applet, you read the values passed through the PARAM tags
with the getParameterO method of the Java.Applet.Applet class.
The program below demonstrates this with a generic string drawing Applet. The
Applet parameter “Message” is the string to be drawn.

•import Java . Applet .'* ;

import Java.awt.*;
public class DrawStringApplet extends Applet {
private String str = "Hello!";
public void paint(Graphics g) {
String str = this.getParameter("Message");
g.drawstring(str, 50, 25);

} •

You also need an HTML file that references your Applet. The following simple
HTML file will do:
. <HEAD>
<TITLE> Draw String </TITLE>
This is the Applet:<P>
<APPLET code=”Draw String Applet” width=”300" height=”50">
<PARAM name=”Message” value=”My new Parameter value!”>

150 Self-Instructional Material

' Applets
^Applet Viewer: DrawStringflpplet] lulallixi

My new Parameter value! ’ NOTES

/ /

Applet started.
Of course you are free to change “My new Parameter value!” to a “message” of
' your choice. You only need to change the HTML, not the Java source code. PARAMs
let you customize Applets without changing or recompiling the code.
This Applet is very similar to the HelloWorldApplet. However rather than
hardcoding the message to be printed it’s read into the variable str through get
. parameter () method from a PARAM in the HTML.
You pass get ParameterO a string that names the parameter you want. This
string should match the name of a <PARAM> tag in the HTML page. getParameter()
returns the value of the parameter. All values are passed asj strings. If you want to get
another type like an integer, then you'll need to pass it as a string and convert it to the
type you really want.
The <PARAM> HTML tag is also straightforward. It occurs between <APPLET>
and </APPLET>.Tt has two attributes of its own, NAME and VALUE. NAME identifies
which PARAM this is. VALUE is the value of the PARAM as a String. Both should be
enclosed in double quote marks if they contain white space!
An Applet is not limited to one PARAM. You can pass as many named PARAMs
to an Applet as you like. An Applet does not necessarily need to use all the PARAMs
that are in the HTML. You can be safely ignore additional PARAMs.
Processing an Unknown Number Of Parameters: Sometimes the parameters
are not known to you, in that case most of the time you have a fairly good idea of what
parameters will and won’t be passed to your Applet or perhaps you want to write an
Applet that displays several lines of text. While it would be possible to cram all this
information into one long string, that’s not too friendly to | authors who want to use
your Applet on their pages. It’s much more sensible to give each line its own <PARAM>
tag. If this is the case, you should name the tags via some predictable and numeric
scheme. For instance in the text example the following set of <PARAM> tags would be
<PARAM name=uparamlf1 value=”Hello Good Morning”>
<PARAM name=“param2" value=”Here I am “>

• An applet is just a Java class that runs in a Web Browser such as. Internet
Explorer or Netscape.
• To test our Applet in a Web Browser, we need to be sure that our Web Browser
supports Java. Assuming that your Browser has Java turned ‘on’, load up the
HTML file we created into the Browser. Both Internet Explorer and Netscape

Self-Instructional Material 151

Introduction to Internet permit you to display local HTML pages by selecting File-Open from the Menu
Programming (JAVA) Bar and selecting the HTML page.
Applet is a program provided by java which is designed for execution within
the web browser. Applets are mostly used for a small internet and intranet
NOTES applications because of small size and it’s compatibility among almost all web
The initO method is called exactly once in an Applet’s life, when the Applet is
first loaded. It’s normally used to read PARAM tags, start downloading any
other images or media files you need, and to set lip the user interface.
The startQ method is called at least once in an Applet’s life, when the Applet
is started or restarted.
The stop () method is called at least once in an Applet’s life, when the browser'
leaves the page in which the Applet is embedded. The Applet’s start () method
will be called if .at some later point the browser returns to the page containing
the Applet.
- - • The destroyO method is called exactly once in an Applet’s life, just before the
web browser unloads the Applet. This method is generally used to perform
any final clean-up.
JDK 1.0.2 applications handled events using an inheritance model. A container
sub class inherits the action () and handle Event 0 methods of its parent and
handled the events for all components it contained.
When the user interacts with the application by clicking a mouse button or
pressing a key. an event is generated. The Operating System traps this event
and the data associated with it.
An event source is the object that generated the event.
Event-handler is a method that understands the event and processes it.
An object delegates the task of handling an event to an event listener. When
an event occurs; an event object of the appropriate type (as explained below)
is created. This object is passed to a Listener. The listener must implement
the interface that has the method for event handling.


1. Explain what an Applet is? .

2. What are the various ways to execute an Applet?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Java Applets?
4. What to do and don’ts while designing a Applets?
5. Explain the Applet Architecture with a neat sketch.
6. What is the sequence of interpretation, compilation of a Java Applet?
7. How can you re-execute an Applet from Appletviewer?
8. Give in brief the description of an Applet life cycle.
9. Is it possible to access the network resources through an Applet on the browser?
10. Write a program in which whenever you click the mouse on the frame, the
coordinates of the point on which the mouse is clicked are displayed on the screen?
11. Write an Applet program in which you place a button and a textarea. When you
click on button, in text area Your name and address is displayed. You have to
take your name and address using < PARAM>.
152 Self-Instructional Matdrial
UNIT Graphics and User



9.0 Learning Objectives
9.1 Graphics Contexts and Graphics Objects
9.2 User Interface Components
9.3 Building User Interface with AWT
9.4 Swing-Based GUL /
9.5 Layouts and Layouts Manager
9.6 Container
• Summary
• Review Questions i..-*


After going through this unit, you will be able to:

• define graphics contexts
• explain the term graphic objects
• discuss about building user interface with AWT
• describe the layouts and layouts manager
• explain the term container.


We all wonder that on seeing 2D or 3D movies or graphics, even on the Internet > *
we see and admire good animation oh various sites. The java technology provides you
the platform to develop these graphics using the Graphics class. In this unit you have
to overview several java capabilities for drawing two-dimensioial shapes, colors and
fonts. You will learn to make your own interface, which will b i user-interactive and
friendly. These interfaces can be made either using java AWT components or java
SWING components. In this unit you will learn to use some basic components like
button, text field, text area, etc.

.Self-Instructional Material 153

Introduction to Internet Interfaces using GUI allow the user to spend less time trying to remember which
Programming (JAVA)
keystroke sequences do what and allow spend more time using' the program in a
productive manner. It is very important to learn how you can beautify your components
placed on the canvas area using FONT and'COLOR class. For placing components on -
NOTES different layouts knowing use of various Layout managers is essential.
How can you build your own animation using Graphics Class? A Java graphics
context enables drawing on the screen. A Graphics object manages a graphics context
by controlling how objects are drawn. Graphics objects contain methods for drawing,
font manipulation, color manipulation and the other related operations. It has been
developed using the Graphics object g (the argument to the applet’s paint method) to
manage the applet’s graphics context. In other words you can say that Java’s Graphics
is capable of:
• Drawing 2D shapes,
• Controlling colors, . , '
• Controlling fonts,
• Providing Java 2D API,
• Using More sophisticated graphics capabilities,
• Drawing custom 2D shapes,
• Filling shapes with colors and patterns.
Before we begin drawing with Graphics, you must understand Java’s coordinate
system, which is a scheme for identifying every possible point on the screen. Let us
start with Graphics Context and Graphics Class.
Graphics Context and Graphics Class
• Enables drawing on screen,
• Graphics object manages graphics context,
• Controls how objects is drawn,
• Class Graphics'is abstract,
• Cannot be instantiated,
• Contributes to Java’s portability,
• Class Component method paint takes Graphics object.
The Graphics class is the abstract base class for all graphics contexts; It allows
an application to draw onto components that are realized on various devices, as well
. as on to off-screen images.
Public Abstract Class Graphics Extends Object
You have seen that every applet performs drawing on the screen.
Graphics Objects: In Java all drawing takes place via a Graphics object. This is
an instance of the class java.awt.Graphics.
Initially the Graphics object you use will be passed as an argument to an applet’s
paintO method. The drawing can be done Applet Panels, Frames, Buttons, Canvases
etc. Each Graphics object has its own coordinate system, and methods for drawing
strings, lines, rectangles, circles, polygons etc. Drawing in Java starts with particular
Graphics object. You get access to the Graphics object through the paint (Graphics g)
method of your applet.

154 Self-Instructional Material
Each draw method call will look like: g.drawString(“HeIIo World”, 0, 50); Graphics and User
Where g is the particular Graphics object with which you’re drawing. For
convenience sake in this unit the variable g will always refer to a pre-existing object of
the Graphics class. It is not a rule you are free to use some other name for the particular
Graphics context, such as myGraphics or applet-Graphics or anything else. NOTES

Color Control i

It is known that Color enhances the appearance of a program and helps in

conveying meanings. To provide color to your objects use class Color, which defines
methods and constants for manipulation colors? Colors are created from red, green
and blue components RGB values. All three RGB components can be integers in the
range 0 to 255, or floating point values in the range 0.0 to 1.0
The first part defines the amount of red, the second defines the. amount of green
. and the third defines the amount of blue. So, if you want to give dark red color to your
graphics you will have to give the first parameter value 255 arid two parameter zero.
Some of the most common colors are available by name and their RGB values in
Table 9.1.

Table 9.1: Colors and their RGB values

Color Constant Color RGB Values

Public final static Color ORANGE Orange 255, 200, 0
Public final static Color PINK / Pink 255, 175, 175
Public final static Color CYAN Cyan 0, 255, 255

Public final static Color MAGENTA Magenta 255, 0, 255

Public final static Color YELLOW Yellow 255, 255, 0

Public final static Color BLACK Black 0, 0, 0

Public final static Color WHITE White 255, 255, 255

Public final static Color GRAY Gray 128, 128, 128
Public.fmal static Color LIGHT.GRAY light gray 192, 192, 192
. Public final static Color DARK_GRAY dark gray 64, 64, 64
Public final static Color RED Red 255, 0, 0

Public final static Color GREEN Green 0,255,0

Public final static Color BLUE Blue 0, 0, 255

Color Methods: To apply color in your graphical picture (objects) or text two
Color methods get Color and set Color are provided. Method get Color returns a Color
object representing the current drawing color and method set Color used to sets the
current drawing color.
Color Constructor:
public Color(int r, int g, int b): Creates a color based on the values of red,
green and blue components expressed as integers from 0 to 255.

Self-Instructional Material 155

Introduction to Internet public Color (float r, float g, float b ): Creates a color based the values of on
Programming (JAVA) red, green and blue components expressed as floating-point values from 0.0 to 1.0.
Color methods:
public int getRedO: Returns a value between 0 and 255 representing the red
public int getGreenO: Returns a value between 0 and 255 representing the
green content public int getBlueO. Returns a value between 0 and 255 representing
the blue content.
Graphics Methods For Manipulating Colors: public Color getColor (): Returns
a Color object representing the current color for the graphics context, public void
setColor (Color c): Sets the current color for drawing with the graphics context. As you
do with any variable you should preferably give your colors descriptive names. For
Color medGray = new Color(127,127,127);
Color cream = new Color(255,231,187);
Color lightGreen = new Color (0, 55, 0);
You should note that Color is not a property of a particular rectangle, string or
other object you may draw, rather color is a part of the Graphics object that does the
drawing. You change the color of your Graphics object and everything you draw from
that point forward will be in the new color, at least until you change it again.
When an applet starts running, its color is set to black by default. You can change
this to red by calling g.setColor( You can change it back to black,by calling

You must have noticed that until now all the applets have used the default font.
However unlike HTML Java allows you to choose your fonts. Java implementations
are guaranteed to have a serif font like Times that can be accessed with the name
“Serif”, a monospaced font like courier that can be accessed with the name “Mono”,
and a sans serif font like Helvetica that can be accessed with the name “SansSerif”.
How can you know the available fonts on your system for an applet program?
You can list the fonts available on the system by using the getFontListO method from
java.awt.Toolkit. This method returns an array of strings containing the names of the
available fonts. These may or may not be the same as the fonts to installed on your
system. It is implementation is dependent on whether or not all the fonts in a system
are available to the applet.
Choosing a font face is very easy. You just create a new Font object and then call.
setFont(Font f).
To instantiate a Font object the constructor
public Font(String name, int style, int size) can be used, name is the name of the
font family, e.g., “Serif’, “SansSefif”, or “Mono”.
Size is the size of the font in points. In computer graphics a point is considered to
be equal to one pixel. 12 points is a normal size font.
Style is an mnemonic constant from java.awt.Font that tells whether the text
will be bold, italics or plain. The three constants are Font.PLAIN, Font.BOLD, and

156 Self-Instructional Material

^ 1

In other words, The Class Font contains methods and constants for font control. Graphics and User
Font constructor takes three arguments Interface

Font name Monospaced, SansSerif, Serif, etc.,

Font style Font.PLAIN, Font.ITALIC and Font.BOLD- NOTES
Font size Measured in points (1/72 of inch)
Graphics method for Manipulating Fonts: public Font get FontO: Returns a
Font object reference representing the current Font, public void setFont(Font f): Sets
the current font, style and size specified by the Font object reference f.
Font Metrics: Sometimes you will need to know how much space a particular
string will occupy. You can find this out with a FontMetrics object. FontMetrics allow
you to determine the height, width or other useful characteristics of a particular string,
character, or array of characters in a particular font. In Fig. 9.1 you can see a string
with some of its basic.characteristics.
ARCD Ascent
; Fig. 9.1. String Characteristics
In order to tell where and whether to wrap a String, you reed to measure the
string, not its length in characters, which can be variable in its width, and height in
pixels. Measurements of this sort on strings clearly depend on the font that is used to
draw the string. All other things being equal a 14-point string will be wider than the
same string in 12 or 10-point type. To measure character and strilng sizes you need to
look at the FontMetrics of the current font. To get a FontMetrics object for the current
Graphics object you use the java.awt.Graphics.getFontMetricsO method.
java.awt.FontMetrics provide method stringWidth(Strihg s) to return the width
of a string in a particular font, and method getLeadingO to get the appropriate line
spacing for the font. There are many more methods in java.awt.FontMetrics that let
you measure the height and width of specific characters as well as ascenders, descended
and more, but these three methods will be sufficient for basic programs.

Coordinate System
By Default the upper left corner of a GUI component (such as applet or window)
has thie coordinates (0,0). A coordinate pair is composed of ^-coordinate (the horizontal
coordinate) and a y-coordinate (the vertical coordinate). The r-coordinate is the
horizontal distance moving right from the upper left corner.
The y-coordinate is the vertical distance moving down from t re upper left corner.
The x-axis describes every horizontal coordinate, and they-axis describes every vertical
coordinate. You must note that different display cards have different resolutions
(i.e., the density of pixels varies). Fig. 9.2 represents coordinate system. This may
cause graphics to appear to be different sizes on different monitors.

Self-Instructional Material 157

Introduction to Internet x +
Programming (JAVA) (0,0) X axis

y 4
NOTES <*.»

Y axis
Fig. 9.2. Co-ordinate System
Now we will move towards drawing of different objects. Here, we will demonstrate
drawing in applications.
Drawing Lines '
Drawing straight lines with Java can be done as follows:
g.drawLineOcl, yl, x2, y2)
method, where (xl, yl) and (x2, y2) are the endpoints of your lines and g is the
Graphics object you are drawing with. The following program will result in a line on
the applet. /
import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; public class SimpleLine extends Applet {
public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawLine(10, 20, 30, 40); } }

I iBisn

Applet started.

Drawing Rectangle
Drawing rectangles is simple. Start with a Graphics object g and call its drawRectO
public void drawRect(int x, int y, int width, int height)
The first argument int is the left hand side of the rectangle, the second is the top
of the rectangle, the third is the width and the fourth is the height. This is in contrast
to some APIs where the four sides of the rectangle are given.
Remember that the- upper left hand corner of the applet starts at (0, 0), not at
(1, 1). This means that a 100 by 200 pixel applet includes the points with x coordinates
between 0 and 99, not between 0 and 100. Similarly the y coordinates are between 0
and 199 inclusive, not 0 and 200.
Drawing Ovals and Circles
Java has methods to draw outlined and filled ovals. These methods are called
drawOvaK) and fillOvaK) respectively. These two methods are:
public void drawOvaKint left, int top, int width, int height)
public void fillOvaftint left, int top, int width, int height)
158 Self-Instructional Material

Instead of dimensions of the oval itself, the dimensions of the smallest rectangle, Graphics and User
which can enclose the oval, are specified. The oval is drawn as large as it can be to Interface
touch the rectangle’s edges at their centers. Figure 9.3 may help you to understand
properly. *

Fig. 9.3. An Oval

The arguments to drawOvalQ are the same as the arguments to drawRect().
The first int is the left hand side of the enclosing rectangle, the seiond is the top of the
enclosing rectangle, the third is the width and the fourth is the height. There is no
special method to draw a circle. Just draw an oval inside a square.
Drawing Polygons and Polylines
You have already seen that in Java rectangles are defined by the position of their
upper left hand corner, their height, and their width. However it is implicitly assumed
that there is in fact an upper left hand corner. What’s been assuiAed so far is that the
sides of the rectangle are parallel to the coordinate axes. You can’t y it handle a rectangle
that has been rotated at an arbitrary angle.
There are some other things you can’t handle either, triangles, stars, rhombuses,
kites, octagons and more. To take care of this broad class of shapes Java has a Polygon
Polygons are defined by their corners. No assumptions are made about them
except that they lie in a 2-D plane. The basic constructor for the Polygon class is:
public Polygon(int[l xpoints, int[] ypoints, int npoints)
xpoints is an array that contains the x coordinates of the po ygon. ypoints is an
array that contains the y coordinates. Both should have the lengh npoints. Thus to
construct a right triangle' with the right angle on the origin you would type
int[] xpoints = {0, 3, 0};
int[3 ypoints = {0, 0, 4};
Polygon myTriangle = new Polygon(xpoints, ypoints, 3);
-To draw the polygon you can use java.awt.Oraphics’s drawPolygon(Polygon p)
method within your paintO method like this: g.drawPolygon(myTriangle);
You can pass the arrays and number of points directly to the drawPolygonO method
if you prefer: g.drawPolygon(xpoints, ypoints, xpoints.length);
There’s also an overloaded fillPolygonO method, you can call this method like
g.fillPolygon(xpoints, ypoints, xpoints.longthO);
To simplify user interaction and make data entry easier, Java provides different
controls and interfaces. Now let us see some of the basic user interface components of
Java. i


Java provides many controls. Controls are components, such as buttons, labels
and text boxes that can be added to containers like frames, panels and applets. The

Self-Instructional Material 159

Introduction to Internet Java.awt package provides an integrated set of classes to manage user interface
Programming (JAVA) components. Components are placed on the user interface by adding them to a container.
A container itself is a component. The easiest way to demonstrate interface design is
by using the container you have been working with, i.e., the Applet class. The simplest
NOTES form of Java AWT component is the basic User Interface Component. You can create
and add these to your applet without any need to know anything about creating
containers or panels. In fact, your applet, even before you start painting and drawing
and handling events, is an AWT container. Because an applet is a container, you can
put any of AWT components, and (or) other containers, in'it.


In order to add a control to a container, you need to perform the following two
1. Create an object of the control by passing the required arguments to the
2. Add the component (control) to the container.

Table 9.2: (a) Controls in Java

Controls Functions
Textbox Accepts single line alphanumeric entry.
'TextArea Accepts multiple line alphanumeric entry.
Push button . Triggers a sequence of actions.
Label Displays Text.
Check box Accepts data that has a yes/no value. More than one checkbox can be
Radio button Similar to check box except that it allows the user to select a single
option from a group.
Combo box Displays a drop-down list for- single item selection. It allows new value
to be entered.
List box Similar to combo box except that it allows a user to select single or
multiple items. New values cannot be entered.

Table 9.2: (fr) Classes for controls

Controls Class
• Textbox TextField
TextArea TextArea
Push button Button
Check box CheckBox
Radio button CheckboxGroup with CheckBox
Combo box Choice
List box List

160 Self-Instructional Material

Introduction to Internet
Programming (JAVA) Applet app = new HelloWorldApplet();
NOTES frame.addWindowListener(net* WindowAdapter(){
public void windowclosing(WindowEvent e){
System. exit (.0);
) '
• }) ;
) '
public void paint(Graphics g)
{ g. drawstring ( "Hell'o World! ",200,100);

Compiling Applets:.
javac HelloWorldAppletJava
Running Applet from console:
java HelloWorldApplet
Running Applet from Web browser:
•Running applet in browser is very easy job, create an html file with the following

<title>A Simple Applet program</title>
<APPLET CODE=”HelloWorldApplet.class” WIDTH=700 HE1GHT=500>

</html> 1
The Applet tag in html is used to embed an applet in the web page.
<APPLET CQDT&=nHelloWorldApplet.class” WIDTH=700 HEIGHT=500>
CODE tag is usedito specify the name of Java applet class name. To test your
applet opens the html file in web browser. You browser should display applet.
Advantages: A Java applet can have any or all of the following advantages:
• It is simple to make it work on Linux, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X i.e., to
make it cross platform. Applets are supported by most web browsers.
• The same applet can work on “all” installed versions of Java at the same time,
rather than just the latest plug-in version only. However, if an applet requires
a later version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) the client will be forced
to wait during the large download.
• Most web browsers cache applets so will be quick to load when returning to a
web page. Applets also improve with use: after a first applet is run, the JVM is
already running and starts quickly.
136 Self-Instructional Material
Miciasoll Internet Lxplo/ei HE?
Look A }Q Practice B fe)

FJeoame: lEnampleUjl.toml J Q^> 1

Fte* erf type- fniMlffa' E Cancel

Here’s our Applet running in Internet Explorer...

<3 C;\Jt:iletVPiacticcSExan)p>fi14_1.htiT)l - Micioiofl Inlcmol tiKpl-.BIlglE

£te £drf View Fflvwi« lodt Help

* . Stop
® (2
Home i

] Ajfdew |^J C:VIFIes\Prac&e\Exampte1 rf_1.html TT] ^»Go ] Inks ^

hove Java

Done 1.5 My Computer

As you can see, the results are basically the same as those we found when running
within the Applet Viewer—the difference is that the Web Browser is now acting as the
container for our object, not the Applet Viewer.
Example of class Applet: Applet is a program provided by java which is designed
for execution within the web browser. Applets are mostly used for a small internet and
intranet applications because of small size and it’s compatibility among almost all
web browsers. Applets are also very secure. For example, Applets can be used to serve
animated graphics on the web. Following example creates a simple applet that displays
Hello World message

import java.applet.Applet;
import j ava.awt.*;
import j ava.awt.event.*;
public class HelloWorldApplet extends Applet!
public static void main(String!] args){
Fraune frame = new Frame(""} ;
frame.setSize(400,200) ;

Self-Instructional Material 135

IniroducSion to Internet display its output in a Web Browser. You can.saved the HTML as Examplel4_l.html
Programming (JAVA) HTML works primarily with tags, and the code that you see is an Applet tag to tell the
Browser reading the HTML to create an instance of the Examplel4_l class, within a
window 200 pixels wide and 60 pixel high. We’re now ready to load our Applet into a
NOTES browser, but before we do that, we must be known about the Applet Viewer.

0 flxtfmplft14_l.html - Notepad BSD

£fe Search tfelp
<applet code-' ExanplMh 1“ width • 200 height-60> E3
</applet> J

Use the Applet Viewer to test our Applet: Java includes, in its Java Developers
Kit, a special interpreter called the Applet Viewer which can be used to test the Applets
we write. To execute it, >pen up a Command Window and enter the following
instructions to execute the HTML file we just wrote.

C:'.WiNMT\Sy*tcm32\r.oimnand.ct>m BSD
C:\JJ3! LESVPRflCT ICE>rtppietw-iowcr Exonp Lel4_l. .htnl

J JJ £

If we now press the ENTER key, we should seethe Applet Viewer display window,
and within it, the results of the execution of our Java applet...

^Applet Viewer. Exa... BBtS


I love Java

Applet started.

The Applet Viewer can be shut down simply by, clicking on its close button or
Control Menu Icon.
Display our Applet in a Web Browser: To test our Applet in a Web Browser,
we need to be sure that our Web Browser supports Java. Assuming that your Browser
has Java turned ‘on’, load up the HTML file we created into the Browser. Both Internet
Explorer and Netscape permit you to display local HTML pages by selecting File-Open
from the Menu Bar and Lelecting the HTML page.

134 Self-Instructional Material

import java.awt.*;. Applets

import java.applet;
public class Examplel4_l extends Applet {
public void paint(Graphics-g) { NOTES
g.drawstring("I love Java",20,20);
Let’s take a closer look at the code and then well compile it and discuss how to
‘run’ it in a Web page.
The first thing to note is the two import statements. We need to import ‘awt’ in
order to produce the window within our browser. The second import statement is
necessary because all Applets extend; or inherit from, the Java applet class.
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet;
Because of that, the line of code defining the Applet class must use the keyword
‘extends’as this one does here...
public class Examplel4_l extends Applet {
The second thing to note is that Java Applets, unlike the Java Applications we
followed in the book, may not have a mainO method. A Java Applet, when it fires up in
a Web Browser, automatically looks to execute three methods in this order.
• initO
• startO . .
• paint \
We can choose which of these to code:
• The initO method is executed when an Applet object is first instantiated.
• The startO method is executed after the initO method completes execution and
every time the user of the browser returns to the HTML page on which the
applet resides.
• The paintO method is called after the init method has completed and after the
startO method has begun-most importantly, code in the paintO method is
guaranteed to run each time the window needs to be re-drawn (i.e., after the
browser has been minimized, covered, the HTML page has changed, etc.,)
For our purposes, we coded the paint method, which uses a Graphics object (here
defined as‘g*) to do the drawing...
public void paint(Graphics g) {
The code in the paintO method is used to draw the window that will be displayed
in the Web Browser. To do that we use the drawStringO method of the Graphics object,
supplying the text that we wish to appear in the window and it’s dimensions...
g.drawString(‘T love Java”,20,20); _
As we know that Applet classes need to run within a Web Browser. Assuming
you have now compiled the Java source file into a Bytecode file, we now need to create
an HTML document Which will create an instance of our Applet class when displayed
in a Web Browser. Here’s the HTML necessary to create an instance of our object and.
Self-Instructional Material 133
Introduction to Internet UNIT
Programming (JAVA)


8.0 Learning Objectives
8.1 The Applet Class
8.2 The Applet Architecture
8.3 An Applet Skeleton: Initialization and Termination
8.4 Handling Events
8.5 HTML Applet Tag
• Summary '
• Review Questions


After going through this unit, you will be able to :
• explain the applet class
® define applet architecture
• discuss applet skelet >n
• describe handling events.


An applet is just a Java class that runs in a Web Browser such as Internet Explorer
or.Netscape. Creating an Applet is really easy, unfortunately, there’s one problem.
Neither Internet Explorer o|r Netscape support the latest and greatest from Java—
namely its Swing Package, so if you intend to use Swing components in your Applet
we need to do a little more work. But let’s start with a simple Applet so that we can see
what’s going on. Here’s the code for our first Applet which will display T love Java’ as
a message in a Web page. .

132 Self-Instructional Material

I/O in Java

• Data in files on your system is called persistent data-because'it persists after

the program runs. "I NOTES
• Streams are written to the file system to create files.
• The InputStream and OutputStream are central classes in the package which
are used for reading from and writing to byte streams, respectively.
• Byte streams carry integers with values that range from 0 to 255. A diversified
data can be expressed in byte format, including numerical data, executable
• Character Streams are specialized type of byte streams that can handle only
textual data.
• Byte streams read bytes that fall under ASCII range and character streams
read Unicode characters that include characters of many international
• „ The InputStream class defines methods for reading bytes or arrays of bytes,
marking locations in the stream, skipping bytes of input, finding out the
number of bytes available for reading, and resetting the current position within
the stream. An input stream is automatically opened when created.
• The character streams are capable to read 16-bit characters (byte streams
read 8-bit characters). Character streams are capable to translate implicitly
8-bit data to 16-bit data or vice versa.
• Native Method is a method, which is not written in Java and is outside of the
JVM in a library.


1. What are the I/O basics in Java? Also explain the difference between InputStream
and OutputStream.
2. What are the Stream and Stream Classes? Explain with an example.
3. What is the methods of InputStream class and Methods of OutputStream class?
4. Define Character Stream Classes with an example.
5. Explain Predefined Stream.
6. How you can reading and writing a file?
7. Write short notes on the following:
(i) Transient and Volatile Modifiers.
(ii) Transient-Keyword.
(tii) Volatile Modifier. . ^
(iu) Using Native Methods.
8. Write a program for I/O operation using BufferedlnputStream and
9. Write a program using FileReader and PrintWriter classes for file handling.
10. Which class may be used for reading from console?
11. Object of which class may be used for writing on console. -S.

12. Write a program to read the output of a file and display it on console.

Self-Instructional Material 131

Introduction to Internet
You will often feel the requirement that a Java application must communicate
NOTES with the environment outside of Java. This is, perhaps, the main reason for the existence
of native methods. The Java implementation needs to communicate with the underlying
system - such as an operating system (as Solaris or Win32, or) a Web browser, custom
hardware, (such as a Pd!a., Set-top-device,) etc., Regardless of the underlying system,
there must be a mechanism in Java to communicate with that system. Native methods
provide a simple clean approach to providing this interface between Java and non-
Java world without burdening the rest of the Java application with special knowledge.
Native Method is a method, which is not written in Java and is outside of the
JVM in a library. This eature is not special to Java. Most languages provide some
mechanism to call routines written in another language. In C++, you must use.the
extern “C” statement to signal that the C++ compiler is making a call to C functions.
To declare a native method in Java, a method is preceded with native modifiers
much like you use the public or static modifiers, but don’t define any body for the
method simply place a semicolon in its place.
For example:
public native int meth();
The following class defines a variety of native methods:
public class IHaveNatives {native public void NativeKint x); native static public
long Native2(); native synchronized private float Native3( Object o );
native void Nativ44(int[l ary) throws Exception ; 1
Native methods can be static methods, thus not requiring the creation of an object
\ (or instance of a class). This is often convenient when using native methods to access
an existing C-based libjrary. Naturally, native methods can limit their visibility with
the public, private, protected, or unspecified default access.
Every other Java method modifier can be used along with native, except abstract.
This is logical, because the native modifier implies that an implementation exists, and
the abstract modifier i isists that there is no implementation.
The Following program is a simple demonstration of native method

class ShowMsgBox
public static void main(String [] args)
{ '
ShowMsgBox app = new ShowMsgBox();
app.ShowMessage("Generated with Native Method");
private native void ShowMessage(String msg);
System. loadLibrary("Msglmpl" )' ;

130 Self-Instructional Material

I/O in Java
SerialDemo a*= new SerialDemo("Java", "sun");
System.out.println{ "Login is = " + a);
Ob-jectOutputStream 0 = new NOTES
• ObjectOutputStream( new FileOutputStreain("Login.out"));
0 .writeObject (a)';
0.close{); .
// Delay: • .
int seconds =10;
long t = System.currentTimeMillis()+ seconds- * 1000;'
while(System.currentTimeMillis() < t)

// Now get them back:

Objectl'nputStream in = new ObjectlnputStream(new
FilelnputStream {"Login.out"});
Sys tem. out. println ( "Recovering object at " + new DateO);
a (SerialDemo)in.readObject();
System.out;println( "login a = " + a);

Login is = Logon info:
Username: Java
Date: Thu Feb 03 04:06:22 GMT+05:30 2005
Password: sun
Recovering object at Thu Feb 03 04:06:32 GMT+05:30 2005
login a = Logon info:
Username: Java
Date: Thu Feb 03 04:06:22 GMT+05:30 2005
Password: (n/a)
In the above exercise Date and Username fields are ordinary (not transient),
and thus are automatically serialized. However, the password is transient, and so it
is not stored on the disk. Also the serialization mechanism makes no attempt to recover
it. The transient keyword is for use with Serializable objects only.
Volatile Modifier: The volatile modifier is used v/hen you are working with
multiple threads. The Java language allows threads that access shared variables to
keep private working copies of the variables. This allows a more efficient
implementation of multiple threads. These working copies need to be reconciled with
the master copies in the shared (main) memory only at prescribed synchronization
points, namely when objects are locked or unlocked. As a rule, to ensure that shared
variables are consistently and reliably updated, a thread should ensure that it has
exclusive use of such variables by obtaining a lock and conventionally enforcing mutual
exclusion for those shared variables. Only variables may be volatile. Declaring them
so indicates that such methods may be modified asynchronously.

Self-Instructional Material 129

Introduction to Internet There exists, a couple of other features'of a serializable class. First, it has a zero
Programming (JAVA) parameter constructor. When you read the object, it needs to be able to construct and
allocate memory for an object, and it is going to fill in that memory from what it has
read from the serial stream. The static fields, or class attributes, are not saved because
NOTES they are not part of an object.
If you do not want J data attribute to be serialized, you can make it transient.
That would save on the amount of storage or transmission required to transmit an
object. The transient indicates that the variable is not part of the persistent state of
the object and will not be kaved when the object is archived. Java defines two types of
modifiers Transient and (Volatile. The volatile indicates that the variable is modified
asynchronously by concurrently running threads.
Transient Keyword: When an object that can be serialized, you have to consider
whether all the instance variables of the object will be saved or not. Sometimes you
have some objects or sub objects which carry sensitive information like password. If
you serialize such objects even if information (sensitive information) is private in that
object if can be accessed from outside. To control this you can turn off serialization on
a field- by-field basis using the transient keyword.
See the program given below to create a login object that keeps information about
a login session. In case yoju want to store the login data, but without the password, the
easiest way to do it is to implements Serializable and mark the password field as

- import*;
import Java.util, * .
public class SerialDemo implements Serializable
private Date date = new Date();
private String username;
private transient String password;
SerialDemo(String name, String pwd)
• {
username = name;
password = pwd;
public String toStringO
•{ .
String pwd = (password == null) ? "(n/a)" : password;
return "Logon into: \n " + "Username: + username +
"\n Date: " + dale + "\n Password: " + pwd;.

public static void main{String[1 args)
throws lOException, ClassNotFoundException

128 ' Self-Instructional Material

I/O in Java
System.out.printIn("(Az to terminate)");
// read from keyboard, write to file output stream
String s2;
while ({s2 = stdin.readLine0) null) NOTES
// close disk file
outFile.close() ;

Enter some text on the keyboard...
(Az to terminate)
hello students ! enjoying Java Session
Open out.txt you will find
“hello students ! enjoying Java Session” is stored in it.


Object serialization is very important aspect of I/O programming. Now we will

discuss about the serializations.
Object Serialization: It takes all the data attributes, writes them out as an
object, and reads them back in as an object. For an object to be saved to a disk file it
needs to be converted to a serial form. An object can be used with streams by
implementing the serializable interface. The serialization is used to indicate that objects
of that class can be saved and retrieved in serial form. Object serialization is quite
useful when you need to use object persistence. By object persistence, the stored object
continues to serve the purpose even when no Java program is running and stored
information can be retrieved in a program so it can resume functioning unlike the
other objects that cease to exist when object stops running.
DataOutputStreams and DatalnputStreams are used to write each attribute
out individually, and then can read them back in on the other end. But to deal with the
entire object, not its individual attributes, store away an object or send it over a stream
of objects. Object serialization takes the data members of an object and stores them
away or retrieves them, or sends them over a stream.
Objectlnput interface is used for input, which extends the Datalnput interface,
and ObjectOutput interface is used for output, which extends DataOutput. You are
still going to have the methods readlntQ, writelntO and so forth. ObjectlnputStream,
which implements Objectlnput, is going to read what ObjectOutputStream produces.
Working of object serialization:. For Objectlnput and ObjectOutput interface,
the class must be serializable. The serializable characteristic is assigned when a class
is first defined. Your class must implement the serializable interface. This marker is
an interface that says to the Java virtual machine that you want to allow this class to
be serializable. You don’t have to add any additional methods or anything.
Self-Instructional Material 127 ♦
Introduction to Internet Output:
Programming (JAVA)
File statistics for ‘input.txt’...
Number of lines = 3
NOTES Number of characters - 7.
Writing Files: You can open a file output stream to which text can be written.
For this use the FileWriter class. As always, it is best to buffer the output. The following
code sets up a buffered file writer stream named outFile to write text into a file named
output.txt. [
PrintWriter outFile new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new
The object outFile,; is an object of PrintWriter class, just like System.out. If a
string, s, contains some text, to be written in “output.text”. It is written to the file as
When finished, the'file is closed as: outFile.closeO;
FileWriter constructor can be used with two arguments, where the second
argument is a boolean type specifying an “append” option. For example, the expression
new FileWriter(“output.txt”, true) opens “output.txt” as a file output stream. If the
file currently exists, subsequent output is appended to the file.
One more possibility is of opening an existing read-only file for writing. In this
case, the program terminates with an “access is denied”, exception. This should be
caught and dealt within the program.

class FileWriteDemo
public static void main{StringU' args) throws ICException
{ // open keyboard for input
BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader(new
String s = "output.txt";
//check if output file exists
File f = new File(s);
if {f.exists{)) ■
{ System, out. print ("Overwrite " + s + " (y/n)?
if ( ! stdin. readLine () . toLowerCase () ..equals ( "y" ) )
// open file.foi: output k

PrintWriter outFile = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter

{new -FileWriter(s))); \
i * 1
System.out.println("Enter some text on the keyboard...");

126 Self-Instructional Material

f/0 in Java
File f = new File{fileName);
if (f.exists())
System.out.print("File already fexists. Overwrite (y/n)? "); NOTES
if(!stdin.readLine().toLowerCase().equals{"y")) .

See the program written below open a text file called input.txt and to
count the number of lines and characters in that file.

public class FileOperation
public static void main(String[] args) throws lOException
// the file must be called 'input.txt'
String s = "input.txt"
File f = new File{s);
//check if file exists
if (!f.exists())
System, out .println \ + s +'"\' does not exit!");
// open disk file for input
Buf feredReader inputFile = new Buf feredReader (new FileReader (s) ) ;
// read lines from the disk file, compute stats
String line;
» int nLines = 0;
int nCharacters = 0;
while ((line = inputFile.readLine()) != null)
nCharacters += line-, length () ;
// output file statistics
System.out.println{"File statistics for \'" + s + w\'...");
System.out.println("Number of lines = " + nLines);
System.out.println("Nuinber of characters = " + nCharacters);
inputFile.close(); .1

Self-Instructional Material 125

Introduction to Internet appear on the screen. PrintWriter is different from other input/output classes as it
Programming (JAVA) doesn’t throw an lOException. It is necessary to send check Error message, which
returns true if an error has occurred. One more side effect of this method is that it
flushes the stream. We can create PrintWriter object as given below.
NOTES PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter (System.out, true)
The ReadWriteDemo program discussed earlier for reading and then displaying
the content of a file. This program will give you an idea how to use FileReader and
PrintWriter classes. ‘ .
We may have observed that close()method is not required for objects created for
standard input and output. We should have a question in mind*whether to use
System.out or PrintWriter? There is nothing wrong in using System.out for sample
programs but for real world applications PrintWriter is easier.


The streams are most often used for the standard input (the keyboard) and the
standard output (the1 CRT display). Alternatively, input can arrive from a disk file
using “input redirection”, and output can be written to a disk file using “output
redirection”. • •
I/O redirection is convenient, but there are limitations to it. It is not possible to
read data from a file using input redirection and receive user input from the keyboard
at same time. Also, it is not possible to read or write multiple files using input
redirection. A more flexible mechanism to read or write disk files is available in Java
through its file streams. Java has two file streams-the file reader stream and the
file writer stream. Unlike the standard I/O streams, file stream must explicitly “open”
the stream before using it. Although, it is not necessary to close after operation is over,
but it is a good practice to “close” the stream.
Reading Files: Let’s begin with the FileReader class. As with keyboard input, it
is most efficient to work through the BufferedReader class. If input is text to be read
from a file, let us say “input.txt,” it is opened as a file input stream as follows:
BufferedReader inputFile-new
BufferedReader(new FileReader(“input.txt”));
The line above opens, input.txt as a FileReader object and passes it to the
constructor of the BufferedReader class. The result is a BufferedReader object named
inputFile. To read a line of text from input.txt, use the readLineO method of the
BufferedReader class.
String s = inputFile.readLineO;
We can see that input.txt is not being read using input redirection. It is explicitly
opened as a file input stream. This means that the keyboard is still available for input.
So, user can take the name of a file, instead of “hard coding”. Once you are finished
with the operations on file, the file stream is closed as: inputFile.closeQ;
Some additional file I/O services are available through Java’s File class, which
supports simple operations with filenames and paths. For example, if fileNaine is a
. string containing the name of a file, the following code checks if the file exists and, if
so, proceeds only if the user enters “y” to continue.

124 Self'lnstruciional Material

I/O in Java

BufferedlnputStream buff = new BufferedInputStream(System;in);

int in = 0; ' NOTES
char inChar; •
in =;
inChar = (char) in;
if (in !=.-!)
response. append (inChar)
) while ((in != .1} &.(inChar != '\n'));
return response.toString();
catch (lOException e)
System, out.println ( "Exception: " + e. getMessage (),) ;
return null;
public static void main(String[] arguments)
System.out.print{"NnWhat is your name? ");
String.input = Consolelnput.readLine{);
System.out.println("\nHello, " + input);
• )}

C: \ JAVA \ B IN>Java Consolelnput
What is your name? Java Tutorial
Hello, Java Tutorial

Writing Console Output: We have to use System.out for standard Output in

Java. It is mostly used for tracing the errors or for sample programs. These sources
can be associated with a writer and sink objects by wrapping them in writer object.
For standard output, an OutputStreamWriter object can be used, but this is often
used to retain the functionality of print and println methods. In this case the appropriate
writer is PrintWriter. The second argument to PrintWriter constructor requests that
the output will be flushed whenever the println method is used. This avoids the need
to write explicit calls to the flush method in order to cause the pending output to
Self-Instructional Material 123
Introduction to Internet

Java automatically imports the Java.lang package. This package defines a class
NOTES called System, which encapsulates several aspects of run-time environment. System
also contains three predefijied stream objects, in, out, and errs. These objects are
declared as public and static within System. This means they can be used by other
parts of your program withlout reference to your System object.
Access to standard input, standard output and standard error streams are
provided via public static, System.out and System.err objects. These are
usually automatically associated with a user’s keyboard and screen.
System.out refers to standard output stream. By default this is the console. refers to standard input, which is keyboard by default.
System.err refers to standard error stream, which also is console by default. is an object of InputStream. System.out and System.err are objects
of PrintStream. These ar 2 byte streams, even though they typically are used to read
and write characters from and to the console.
The predefined Prim Streams, out, and err within system class are useful for
printing diagnostics when debugging Java programs and applets. The standard input
stream is available, for reading inputs.


Now we will discuss how we can take input from console and see the output on
Reading Console Input: Java takes input from console by reading from It can be assc dated with these sources with reader and sink objects by
wrapping them in a reader object. For an InputStreamReader is appropriate.
This can be further wrapped in a BufferedReader as given below, if a line-based input
is required. |
BufferedReader b!r = new BufferedReader
(new InputStreamReader(
After this statement br is a character-based stream that is linked to the console
through System Jn
The program given below is for receiving console input in any of your
Java applications.

.class Consolelhput
{ •
static String readLine()
StringBuffer response = .new StringBuffer{);

122 Self-Instructional Material.

I/O in-Java
int temp;
while( ( temp = fr.readO') '!= -1 )
fw.write(temp); // writes to xyz.txt
System.out.print((char) temp); NOTES
// at DOS prompt
} fw.closeO;
fr.close{); . })

C:\COMPUTEO\system32\cfnd.exe . pixl

C:\snr\way2java\iojava FileToFi1e2 1


FileReader fr = new FileReader(“pqr.txt”);

FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(“xyz.txt”);
The explanation of this program is the same of byte streams illustrated in The pqr.txt is the source file opened with FileReader constructor
in read mode. Similarly xyz.txt is the destination file opened with FileWriter
constructor in write mode. In case of byte sterams, the classes used are
FilelnputStream and FileOutputStream.
FileWriter fw = new FiIeWriter(“xyz.txt”, true);
The optional second boolean parameter true opens the file, “xyz.txt”, in append
while( (temp = fr.readO ) != -1)
The read() method of FileReader reads one* byte at a time from the source file,
converts into ASCII (ASCII is a subset of Unicode) integer value and returns. For
example if‘A’ is there in the source file, the read() method reads it and converts to 65
and returns. The same method returns -1 if EOF is encountered while reading. That
is, every byte read is checked against -1 and then enters the loop.
System.out.print((char) temp);
The write(temp) method of FileWriter takes the ASCII value, converts back to
the original character and then writes to the destination file. To write to the DOS
prompt with printlnQ method, the ASCII value is converted to char explicitly and then
' fr.closeO;
When the job is over, close the streams in the order of first writer stream and
then reader stream.
Note: If the streams are not closed.properly, sometimes buffers (maintained internally by
the system) are not cleared and thereby data will not be not seen in the destination file.. .
Self-instructional Material 121
Introduction to Internet Specialized Descendant Stream Classes: There are several specialized stream
Programming (JAVA)
subclasses of the Reader and Writer class to provide additional functionality. For
example, the BufferedReader not only provides buffered reading for efficiency but also
provides methods such as “readLineO” to read a line from the input.
NOTES The following class hierarchy shows a few of the specialized classes in the
—> Reader: |
• BufferedReader •
• LineN.umberReader
• FilterReader
• PushbackReader
• InputStreamReader
• FileReader
• StringReader.
Now let us see a program to understand how the read and write methods can be
import*;. .
public class ReadWriteDemo
{ ■

public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception

FileReader fileread = new FileReader("StrCap.Java");
PrintWriter printwrite = new PrintWriter(System.outtrue);
char c[] = new char[Id];
int read = 0; '
while ({read = != -1)
printwrite.write(c, 0, read);

File copying with Character Streams: The files can be read with character
streams also. In the following program, file to file copying is done with FileReader and
FileWriter. It is equivalent to of byte streams copying.

public class FileToFile2
W public static void main(String args[]) throws lOException
' { FileReader fr =• new FileReader{"pqr.txt");
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("xyz.txt");

120 Self-Instructional Material

Character Streams are defined by using two class Jav' and 1/0 in Java hierarchies. Both Reader and Writer are the abstract parent classes
for character-stream based classes in the package. Reader classes are used to
read 16-bit character streams and Writer classes are used to write to 16-bit character
streams. The methods for reading from and writing to streams found in these two . NOTES
classes and their descendant classes given below:

int readO
int read{char cbufd).
int read(char cbuf[], int offset/ int length)
int write(int c)
int write {chair cbufd )
int write(char cbufd, int offset, int length)



InputStreamRcader FilcReader
Object Reader
FilterReatler PushbackReadcr

BuffercdRcader LineNumberReader


Abstract class

Fig. 7.3. Reader Hierarchy




Object r FilterWriter

OutputStreamWriter FileWriter



Abstract class

Fig. 7.4. Writer Hierarchy

Self-Instructional Material 119

Introduction to Internet
{ buffout.write(a);
Programming (JAVA)
a = a+3;

buff out. close’() ;
FilelnputStfeam filein = ,new FileInputStream{"out.txt");
BufferedlnputStream buffin = new BufferedlnputStream(filein);
int i=0;
{ <) ;
if (i ! = -1).
System, out .print'ln ( ". "+ i);
} while (i != -1);

catch (lOExcepti on e) , .
{ System.out.pri ntln("Error Opening a file" + e) ;
} ) }


Character Stream Classes

The character streams are capable to. read 16-bit characters (byte streams read
8-bit characters). Character streams are capable to translate implicitly 8-bit data to
16-bit data or vice versa. The two super-most classes from which all character streams
are derived are Reader and Writer. Following hierarchies can be referred for the list
of all character streams.

118 Self-Instructional Material

Filtered Streams: One of the most powerful aspects of streams is that one stream I/O in Java
can chain to the end of another. For example, the basic input stream only provides a
readOmethod for reading bytes. If you want to read strings and integers, attach a
special data input stream to an input stream and have methods for reading strings,
integers, and even floats. NOTES
The FilterlnputStream and FilterOutputStream classes provide the
capability to chain streams together. The constructors for the FilterlnputStream and
FilterOutputStream take InputStream and OutputStream objects as parameters:
public FilterlnputStreamdnputStream in) -
public FilterOutputStream(OutputStream out)
FilterlnputStream has four filtering subclasses, - Buffer InputStream, Data
, InputStream^ LineNumberlnputStream, and PushbacklnputStream.
BufferedlnputStream class: It maintains a buffer of the input data that it
receives. This eliminates the need to read from the stream’s source every time an
input byte is needed.
DatalnputStream class: Itimplements the Datalnput interface, a set of methods
that allow objects and primitive data types to be read from a stream.
LineNumberlnputStream class: This is used to keep track of input line
PushbacklnputStream class: It provides the capability to push data back onto
the stream that it is read from so that it can be read again.
The FilterOutputStream class provides three subclasses - BufferedOutputStream,
DataOutputStream and Printstream.
BufferedOutputStream class: It is the output class analogous to the
BufferedlnputStream class. It buffers output so that output bytes can be written to
devices in larger groups.
DataOutputStream class: It implements the DataOutput interface. It provides
methods that write objects and primitive data types to streams so that they can be
read by the Datalnput interface methods.
PrintStream class: It provides the familiar print() and printlnO methods.
We can see in the .program given below how objects of classes FilelnputStream,
FileOutputStream, BufferedlnputStream, and BufferedOutputStream are used for I/O

' \ ■ 1

public class StreamsIODemo

{ public static void main(Stfing args[])
{ try
{ int a. = 1;
FileOutputStream fileout = new FileOutputStream("out.txt");
BufferedOutputStream.buffout = new BufferedOutputStream(fileout) ;

Self-Instructional Material 117

Introduction to Internet ByteArrayOutputS ;ream provides some additional methods not declared for
Programming (JAVA) OutputStream. The resetO method resets the output buffer to allow writing to restart
at the beginning of the buffer. The write to () method is new.
• SequencelnputStream: Concatenate multiple input streams into one input
NOTES stream.
• StringBufferlnputStream: Allow programs to read from a StringBuffer as if
it were an input scream.
Now let us see how Input and Output is being handled in the program given
below: this program creates a file and writes a string in it, and reads the
number of bytes in file.

// program for I/b

import Java.lang.System;
import; ' . '
• I
import Java.10.lOException;'
public class FilelOOperations {
public static void main(String args[]) throws lOException {
'll create output file test.txt -
FileOutputStream DutStream = new FileOutputStream("test.txt");.
String s "This program is for Testing I/O Operations";
•for(int i=0;i<s.length();++i)
// Open test.txt for input
FilelnputStream inStream = new FileInputStream("test:txt");
int inBytes = inStream.available();
System.out.printlL.( "test.txt has " + inBytes + " available bytes");
byte . inBuf [.] = new byte [ inBytes ] ;
int bytesRead =,0,inBytes);
System.out.println(bytesRead+" bytes were read");
System.out.println {" -Bytes read are: "+new String{inBuf));
File f new File ("test.txt").;
f.delete {);

test.txt has 42 available bytes
42 bytes were read - .
Bytes read are: This program is for Testing I/O Operations.

116 Self-Instructional Material

• InputStream Class: The InputStream class defines methods for reading bytes I/O in Java
or arrays of bytes, marking locations in the stream, skipping bytes of input,
finding out the number of bytes available for reading, and resetting the current
position within the stream. An input stream is automatically opened when
created. The closeO method can explicitly close a stream. NOTES
Methods of InputStream class:
. > The basic method for getting data from any InputStream object is the
readOmethod. Public abstract int readO throws lOException: reads a single
byte from the input stream and returns it.
> Public int read(byte[] bytes) throws lOException: fills an array with bytes
read from the stream and returns the number of bytes read.
^ Public int read(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) throws lOException: fills
an array from stream starting at position offset, up to length bytes. It returns
either the number of bytes read or -1 for end of file.
> Public int availableO throws lOException: the readmethod always blocks
when there is ho data available. To avoid blocking, program might need to
ask ahead of time exactly how many bytes can safely read without blocking.
The available method returns this number.
> Public long skipdong n): the skipO method skips over n bytes (passed as
argument of skipOmethod) in a stream.
> Public synchronized void mark (int readLimit): this method marks the current
position in the stream so it can backed up later.
• OutputStream class: The OutputStream defines methods for writing bytes or
arrays of bytes to the stream. An output stream is automatically opened when
created. An Output stream can be explicitly closed with the closeO method.
Methods of OutputStream class:
> Public abstract void write(int b) throws lOException: writes a single byte of
data to an output stream.
> Public void write(byte[l bytes) throws lOException: writes the entire contents
of the bytes array to the output stream.
> Public void write(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) throws lOException:
writes length number of bytes starting at position offset from the bytes array.
> The package contains several subclasses of InputStream and
OutputStream that implement specific input or output functions. Some of
these classes are:
FilelnputStream and FileOutputStream: Read data from or write data
to a file on the native file system.
PipedlnputStream and PipedOutputStream: Implement the input and
output components of a pipe. Pipes are used to channel the output from
one program (or thread) into the input of another. A. PipedlnputStream
must be connected to a PipedOutputStream and a PipedOutputStream
must be connected to a PipedlnputStream.
ByteArraylnputStream and ByteArrayOutputStream: Read data
from or write data to a byte array in memory.

Self-Instructional Material 115

Introduction to Internet All the classes needed to do with reading and writing (like file copying) are placed
Programming (JAVA) in the package by the designers. All the I/O streams do the file reading or
writing sequentially (means one byte after another from start to the end of file). It
can be done at random also. For this another class exists - RandomAccessFile. The
NOTES package also includes another class, File, to know the properties of a file like
the file has read permission or write permission etc.
Most stream classes are part of the package. The two main classes are and These are abstract base classes
for many different subclasses with more specialized abilities, including:
• BufferedinputStream
• BufferedOutputStream
• ByteArraylnputStream
• ByteArrayOutputStream
• DatalnputStream
• DataOutputStream
• FilelnputStream
• FileOutputStream
• FilterlnputStream
• FilterOutputStream
• LineNumberlnputStream
• ObjectlnputStream
• ObjectOutputStream
• PipedlnputStream
• PipedOutputStream
• PrintStream j
• PushbacklnputStream
• SequencelnputStream
• StringBufferlnputStream.

Byte Stream Classes

. Java defines two major classes of byte streams: InputStream and
OutputStream. To provide a variety of I/O capabilities subclasses are derived from
these InputStream and OutputStream classes. Byte streams read bytes that fall under
ASCII range and character streams read Unicode characters that include characters '
of many international languages. Being latest, introduced with JDK 1.1, the character
streams are advantageous over byte streams like the inclusion of newLineO method
(that is not deprecated) with BufferedReader. BufferedWriter includes a overloaded
writeO method that can write a whole string or a part of a string; but the writeBytesO
method of DataOutputStream is not overloaded and writes a whole line (but not part).
Sometimes, byte streams are more efficient to read binary data like the files containing
images and sound. To.bridge or link byte streams with character streams, there comes
two classes InputStreamReader and OiitputStreamWriter. Many byte streams
(not all) have equivalent classes in character stfeams like FilelnputStream equivalent
FileReadef and FileOutputStream equivalent to FileWriter etc.

114 Self-Instructional Material

For example, to read files using character streams use the I/O in Java
class, and for reading it using byte streams use
Unless you are writing programs to work with binary data, such as image and
sound files, use readers and writers (character streams) to read and write information
for the following reasons: NOTES
• They can handle any character in the Unicode character set (while the byte
streams are limited to ISO-Latin-1 8-bit bytes).
• They are easier to internationalize because they are not dependent upon a
specific character encoding.
• They use buffering techniques internally and are therefore potentially much
more efficient than byte streams.
Data can be stored on a computer system, as per the code requirements, in two
ways, either permanently or temporarily. Temporary storage can be accomplished
by storing the data in data structures or instance variables. The data is temporary
because it is stored in RAM. For a permanent storage, the data should be stored on the
hard disk either in the form of database tables or files. This tutorial is concerned with
I/O streams used to write data to a file and later read from the file. There Come two
entities-a source and a destination. Source is that from where data is read and the
destination is that one to where data is written. The source and destination need not
be a file only; it can be a socket or keyboard input etc. To do the job of reading and
writing, there come two types of streams-input streams and output streams. An
input stream job is to read from the source and the output stream job is to write to the
destination. That is, in the program, it is necessary to link the input stream object to
the source and the output stream object to the destination.
I/O streams are carriers of data from one place to another. The input stream
carries data from the source and places it temporarily in a variable (like int k or
String str etc.) in the process (program);The output stream takes the data from the
variable and writes to the destination. The variable works like a temporary buffer
between input stream and output stream.

Source File
Reads from file
Input Stream
Places in the RAM
Stores as variable
RAM Memory in the program
Draws from the RAM
Output Stream
' Writes to file
Destination File

Fig. 7.2. Concept of I/O streams

It is clear from the above figure, the input stream reads from the source and puts
in the buffer (actually in programming, in a temporary variable, shown later). The
output stream takes from the memory and writes to the destination.
Self-Instructional Material 113
Introduction to Internet
Programming (JAVA)
File -—► FilelnputStream —*■ Application -+ FileOutputStieam ♦ File

Network SocketlnputStream -► Socketoutput Network

‘•4- InputStream —► InputStream Filter

H OutputStream
♦ OutputStream -►

Fig. 7.1. I/O stream basics *

For example:
• If you are using binary data, such as integers or doubles, then use the
InputStream and OutputStream classes.
• If you are using text data, then the Reader and Writer classes are right.
Exceptions Handling during I/O: Almost every input or output method throws
an exception. Therefore, any time you do an I/O operation, the program needs to catch
exceptions. There is a large hierarchy of I/O exceptions derived from lOException class.
Typically you can just catch lOException, which catches all the derived class exceptions.
However, some exceptions thrown by I/O methods are not in the lOException hierarchy,
so you should be careful about exception handling during I/O operations.


To bring data into a program, a Java program opens a stream to a data source,
such as a file or remote socket, and reads the information serially. On the flip side, a
program can open a stream to a data source and write to it in a serial fashion. Whether
you are reading from a file or from a socket, the concept of serially reading from, and
writing to different data sources is the same. For that reason, once you understand
the top level classes (,, the remaining classes are
straightforward to work with. In Java 10 streams are flows of data that can either
read from, or write to.
The Java model for I/O is entirely based on streams. There are two types of
streams: byte streams and character streams:
• Byte streams carry integers with values that range from 0 to 255. A diversified
data can be expressed in byte format, including numerical data, executable
programs, and byte codes-the class file that runs a Java program.
• Character Streams are specialized type of byte streams that can handle only
textual data.
Most of the functionality available for byte streams is also provided for character
streams. The methods for character streams generally accept parameters of data type
char, while byte streams work with byte data types. The names of the methods in both
sets of classes are almost identical except for the suffix, that is, character-stream classes
end with the suffix Reader or Writer and byte-stream classes end with the suffix
InputStream and OutputStream.
112 Self-Instructional Material
disk-file may be a text file or a binary file. When we work with a text file, we use a I/O in Java
character stream where one character is treated as per byte on disk. When we work

with a binary file, we use a binary stream.

The working process of the I/O streams can be shown in the given diagram.
InputStream £
Flow of Data <fe

Internal Memory Disk-File

Flow of Data

Java input and output are based on the use of streams, or sequences of bytes that
travel from a source to a destination over a communication path. If a program is writing
to a stream, you can consider it as a stream’s source. If it is reading from a stream, it
is the stream’s destination. The communication path is dependent on the type of I/O
. being performed. It can consist of memory-tormemory transfers, a file system, a network,
and other forms of I/O.
Streams are powerful because they abstract away the details of the communication
path from input and output operations. This allows all I/O to be performed using a
common set of methods. These methods can be extended to provide higher-level custom
I/O capabilities.
Three streams given below are created automatically:
• System.out-standard output stream.
• input stream.
• System.err-standard error.
An InputStream represents a stream of data from which data can be read. Again,
this stream will be either directly connected to a device or else to another stream.
An OutputStream represents a stream to which data can be written. Typically,
this stream will either be directly connected to a device, such as a file or a network
connection, or to another output stream. package: This package provides support for basic I/O operations. When
you are dealing with the package some questions given below need to be
• addressed.
• What is the file format: text or binary?
• Do you want random access capability? .
• Are you dealing with objects or non-objects?
• What are your sources and sinks for data?
• Do you need to use filtering (You will know about it in later section of this
. . unit)?

Seif-Instruclional Material 111

Introduction to Internet • InputStream: The InputStream class is used for reading the data such as a
Programming (JAVA) byte and array of bytes from an input source. An input source can be a file, a
string, or memory that may contain the data. It is an abstract class that defines
the programming interface for all input streams that are inherited from it. An
NOTES input stream is automatically opened when you create it. You can explicitly
close a stream with the close() method, or let it be closed implicitly when the
object is found as a garbage.
.The subclasses inherited from the InputStream class can be seen in a hierarchy
manner shown below:


InputStream —► —»<]^F»lterInputStreani^^>


. InputStream is inherited from the Object class. Each class of the InputStreams
provided by the package is intended for a different purpose.
• OutputStream: The OutputStream class is a sibling to InputStream that is
used for writing byte and array of bytes to an output source. Similar to input
sources, an output source can be anything such as a file, a string, or memory
containing the' data. Like an input stream, an output stream is automatically
opened when you create it. You can explicitly close an output stream with the
close!) method, or let it be closed implicitly when the object is garbage collected.
The classes inherited from the OutputStream class can be seen in a hierarchy
structure shown below:

FileOutput$tream~~^^> Kl[^DataOutputStreani^]>

OutputStream —► FilterOutputStream^^> ■Kl^ PrintStream

ObjectOutputStream^^) ><^BufTcredOutputStream^>


OutputStream is also inherited from the' Object class. Each class of the
OutputStreams provided by the package is intended for a different purpose.
How Files and Streams Work: Java uses streams to handle I/O operations
through which the data is flowed from one location to another. For example, an
InputStream can flow the data from a disk file to the internal memory and an
OutputStream can flow the data from the internal memory to a disk file. The

•130 Self-Instructional Material


Streams can also be transferred over the Internet. I/O in Java

• - Three streams are created for us automatically:
System.out-standard output stream
Syst^ input stream
Syst*em.err-standard error NOTES
Input/output on the local file system using applets is dependent on the
browser’s security manager. Typically, I/O is not done using applets. On the
other hand, stand-alone applications have no security manager by default
unless the developer has added that functionality.
In fact, aside from print() and println(), none of the I/O methods have‘been used
significantly. The' reason is simple: most real applications of Java are not text-based,
console programs. Rather, they are graphically oriented applets that rely upon Java’s'
Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) for interaction with the user. Although text-based
programs are excellent as teaching examples, they do not constitute an important use
for Java in the real world. Also, Java’s support for console I/O is limited and somewhat
awkward to use—even in simple example programs. Text-based console I/O is just not
very important to Java programming. The preceding paragraph notwithstanding, Java
does provide strong, flexible support for I/O as it relates to files and networks. Java’s
. I/O system is cohesive and consistent. In fact, once you understand its fundamentals,
the rest of the I/O system is easy to master.
The Java Input/Output (I/O) is a part of package. The javano package
contains a relatively large number of classes that support input and output operations.
The classes in the package are primarily abstract classes and stream-oriented that
define methods and subclasses which allow bytes to be read from and written to files
or other input and output sources. The InputStream and OutputStream are central
classes in the package which are used for reading from and writing to byfe streams,
respectively. The package can be categories along with its stream classes in a
hierarchy structure shown below: ’ .



■*\ •
* InputStream

*<^SequenceI nputStream^>




♦ OutputStream ><^^FUcterOutputSncam^^



Self-Instructional Material 109

✓ s.

• The Button: Let us first start with one of the simplest of UI components: the • Graphics and User
button. Buttons are used to trigger events in a GUI environment The Button Interface
class is used to create buttons. When you add components to the container, you
don’t specify a set of coordinates that indicate where the components are to be
placed. A layout manager in effect for the container handles the arrangement NOTES
of components. The default layout for a container is flowj layout (for an applet
also default layout will be flow layout). More about different layouts you will
learn in later section of this unit. Now let us write a simple code to test our
button class. !
To create a button use, one of the following constructors:
ButtonO creates a button with no text label.
Button(String) creates a button with the given string as label.
.Example Program:

/* <Applet code= "ButtonTest.class"

Width = 500
Height = 100>
import j ava.awt.*;
import java.applet.Applet;
public class ButtonTest extends Applet
{ Button bl = new Button ("Play");
Button b2 = new Button ("Stop"); .
■ public void initO
{ add(bl);
) }


I^Appk* Viewer: ButtoTvTest.class 1EISM1


H5I fstVi

Applet started.

As you can see this program will place two buttons on the Applet with the caption
Play and Stop.
. • The Label: Labels are created using the Label class. Labels are basically used
to identify the purpose of other components on a given interface; they cannot be

Self-Instructional Material 161

Introduction to Internet edited directly by the user. Using a label is much easier than using a
Programming (JAVA) drawString() method because labels are drawn automatically and don’t have
to be handled explicitly in the paint() method. Labels can be laid out according
to the layout manager, instead of using [x,y] coordinates, as in drawString().
NOTES To create a Label, use any one of the following constructors:
LabeK ): creates a label with its string aligned to the left.
Label (String): creates , a label initialized with the given string, and aligned
LabeKString, int): creates a label with specified text and alignment indicated
by any one of the three int arguments. Label.Right, Label.Left and
getText() method is used to indicate the current label’s text setText() method
to change the label’s and text. setFont() method is used to change the label’s
• The Checkbox: Check Boxes are labeled or unlabeled boxes that can be either
“Checked off’ or “Empty”. Typically, they are used to select or deselect an option
in a program. *
Sometimes Check are. nonexclusive, which means that if you have six check
boxes in a container, all the six can either be checked or unchecked at the same
time. This component can be organized into Check Box Group, which is
sometimes called radio buttons. Both kinds of check boxes are created using
the Checkbox class. To create a nonexclusive check box you can use one of the
following constructors:
CheckboxO creates an unlabeled checkbox that is not checked.
Checkbox(String) creates an unchecked checkbox with the given label as its
After you create a checkbox object, you can use the setState(booIean) method
with a true value as argument for checked checkboxes, and false to get
unchecked. Three checkboxes are created in the example given below, which is
an applet to enable you to select up to three courses at a time.

import java.awt.*;
public class checkboxTest extends java.applet.Applet
{ Checkbox cl s new Checkbox ("Java");
Checkbox c2 = new Checkbox ("XML");
Checkbox c3 = new Checkbox ("VB");
public void init()
{ add(cl);
add{c2); . -
> >

162 Self-Instructional Material

Output: Graphics and User
jgjApptet Viewer: Checkbox! est.class

Applet started.
• The Checkbox group: CheckboxGroup is also called like a radio button or
exclusive check boxes. To organize several Checkboxes into a group so that only
one can be selected at a time, you can create CheckboxGroup object as follows:
CheckboxGroup radio = new CheckboxGroup (); {
The CheckboxGroup keeps track of all the check boxes in its group. We have to
use this object as an extra argument to the Checkbox constructor.
Checkbox (String, CheckboxGroup, Boolean) creates a checkbox labeled
with the given string that belongs to the CheckboxGroupj indicated in the second
argument. The last argument equals true if box is checked and false otherwise.
The set Current (checkbox) method can be used to make the set of currently
selected check boxes in the group. There is also a get Current () method, which
returns the currently selected checkbox. j
• The Choice List: Choice List is created from the Choice class. List has
components that enable a single item to be picked from a pulldown list. We
encounter this control very often on the web when filling out forms.
The first step in creating a Choice: *
You can create a choice object to hold the list, as shown below:
Choice egender = new ChoiceO;
Items are added to the Choice List by using addltem(String) method the object.
The following code adds two items to the gender choice list.
cgender.addltem (“Female”);
After you add the Choice List it is added to the container like any other component
using the add() method.
The following example shows an Applet that contains a list of shopping items
in the store.

import java.awt.*;
Public class ChoiceTest extends java.applet.Applet
{ Choice shoplist e new ChoiceO;
Public void initO
{ shoplist.addltemp'Bed And Bath");
shoplist. addXteni( "Furniture");

Self-Instructional Material 163

Introduction to Internet shopliet. addXtexn ("Clothing");
Programming (JAVA)
shoplist.addltem("Home Appliance");
shoplist.addItem("Toyfl and Accessories");
NOTES add(shoplist); }

Applet Viewer: ChoiceTegt^las?


lyeoAnd^bam 3
[Home Appliance
^oys and Accessories
Applet startetr

The choice list class has several methods, which are given in Table 9.3.

Table 9.3: Choice List Class Methods

' Method Action
getltemO Returns the string item at the given position (items inside a choice
begin at 0, just like arrays).
countltemsO Returns the number of items in the menu.
getSelectedlndexQ Returns the index position of the item that’s selected.
getSelectedltemO Returns the currently selected item as a string.
select(int) Selects the item at the given position.
select(String) . Selects the item with the given string.

• The Text Field: To accept textual data from user, AWT provided two classes,
TextField and TextArea. The TextField handles a single line of text and does
not have scrollbars, whereas the TextArea class handles multiple lines of text.
Both the classes are derived from the TextComponent class. Hence they share
many common methods. TextFields provide an area where you can enter and
edit a single line of text. To create a text field, use one of the following •
TextFieldO: creates an empty TextField with no specified width.
TextField(int): creates an empty text field with enough width to display the
specified number of characters (this has been depreciated in Java2).
TextField(String): creates a text field initialized with the given string.
TextField(String, int): creates a .text field with specified text and specified
For example, the following line creates a text field 25 characters wide with the
string “Brewing Java” as its initial contents:
TextField txtfld = new TextField (“Brewing Java”, 25); add(txtfld);

164 Self-Instructional Material

TextField, can use methods like: Graphics and User
setTextQ: Used to set the text in text field.. I
getTextQ: Used to get the text currently contained by text field.
etEditableQ: Used to provide control whether the content of text field may be NOTES
modified by user or not.
isEditableO: It return true if the text in text filed may be changed and false
• Text Area: The TextArea is an editable text field that can handle more than
one line of input. Text areas have horizontal and vertical scrollbars to scroll
through the text. Adding a text area to a container is similar to adding a text
field. To create a text area you can use one of the following constructors:
TextAreaQ: creates an empty text area with unspecified width and height.
TextArea(int, int): creates an empty text area with indicated number of lines
and specified width in characters.
TextArea(String): creates a text area initialized wit! \ the given string.
TextFi eld (String, int, int): creates a text area containing the indicated text
and specified number of lines and width in the characters.
The TextArea, similar to TextField, can use methods! ike setTextO, getTextQ,
setEditableQ, and isEditableO.
In addition,- there are two more methods like these. The first is the
insertText(String, int) method, used to insert indicated strings at the character index
specified by the second argument. The next one is replaceTextl(String, int, int) method,
used to replace text between given.integer position specified by second and third
argument with the indicated string.
The basic idea behind the AWT is that a graphical Java program is a set of nested
components, starting from the outermost window all the wayj down to the smallest UI
component. Components can include things you can actually see on the screen, such as
windows, menu bars, buttons, and text fields, and they can also include containers,
which in turn can contain other components.
Hope you have got a clear picture of Java AWT and its some basic UI components,
In the next section of the Unit we will deal with more advance user .interface


You must be thinking that when you can make GUI interface with AWT package
then what is the purpose of learning Swing-based GUI? Actually Swing has lightweight
components 'and does not write itself to the screen; but redirects it to the component it
builds on. On the other hand AWT are heavyweight and have their own view port,
which sends the output to the screen. Heavyweight components also have their own
2-ordering (look and feel) dependent on the machine on which the program is running.
This is the reason why you can’t combine AWT and Swing in the same container. If
you do, AWT will always be drawn on top of the Swing components.

Self-Instructional Material 165


Introduction to Internet Another difference is that Swing is pure J ava, and therefore platform independent,
Programming (JAVA) Swing looks identically on all platforms, while AWT looks different on different
See, basically Swing provides a rich set of GUI components; features include
NOTES model-UI separation and a plug able look and feel. Actually you can make your GUI
also with AWT but with Swing you can make it more user-friendly and interactive.
Swing components make programs efficient.
- ' Swing GUI components are packaged into Package javax.swing.
In the Java class hierarchy there is a. class:
Class Component which contains method paint for drawing Component onscreen
Class Container which is a collection of related components and contains method add
for adding components and Class JComponent which has Pluggable look and feel for
customizing look and feel Shortcut keys (mnemonics)
Common event-handling capabilities, The Hierarchy is as follows:
Object—> Component—> Container—» Component
In Swings we have classes prefixed with the letter ‘J’ like
JLabel ■> Displays single line of read only text
JTextField ■> Displays or accepts input in a single line
JTextArea -> Displays or accepts input in multiple lines
JCheckBox ->Gives choices for multiple options
JButton -> Accepts command and does the action
JList • > Gives multiple choices and display for selection
JHadioButton - > Gives choices for multiple option, but can select one at a time.


When you add a component to an applet or a container, the container uses its
layout manager to decide where to put the component. Different LayoutManager classes
use different rules to place components.
java.awt.LayoutManager is an interface. Five classes in the java packages
implement it:
• FlowLayout,
• BorderLayout,
• CardLayout,
• GridLayout,
• GridBagLayout,
• plus javax.swing.BoxLayout.
• FlowLayout: A FlowLayout arranges widgets from left to right until there’s
no more space left. Then it begins a row lower and moves from left to right
again. Each component in a FlowLayout gets as much space as it needs and
no more.
This is the default LayoutManager for applets and panels. FlowLayout is the
default layout for java.awt.Panel of which java.applet.AppIet is a subclasses.
166 Self-Instructional Material
• \
Therefore you don’t-need to do anything special to create a FlowLayout in an Graphics and User ’
applet. However you do need to use the following constructors if you want to Interface
use a FlowLayout in a Window.LayoutManagers have constructors like any
other class. • •
The constructor for a FlowLayout is . / NOTES
public FlowLayoutO
Thus to create a new FlowLayout object you write'
FlowLayout fl;
fl = new FlowLayoutO; '
As usual this can be shortened to
FlowLayout fl = new FlowLayoutO;
You tell an applet to use a particular LayoutManager instance by passing the
object to the applet’s setLayoutO method like this: this.setLayout(fl);
Most of the time setLayoutO is called in the initO method. You normally just
create the LayoutManager right inside the call to setLayoutO like this
this.setLayout(new FlowLayoutO);
For example the following applet uses a FlowLayout to position a series of
buttons that mimic the buttons on a tape deck.

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.* ;
public class FlowTest extends Applet {
public void initO {
this.setLayout(new FlowLayout(});
this.add( new ButtonCAdd")} ;
this.add( new Button("Modify"));
this.add( new Button("Delete"));
this.add( new Button("Ok"));
this.add( new Button("CANCEL"));

[j|| Applet Viewer: FlowTcst.doss; :rJinixi
iAddH I Modify"] I Delete I [~o7| |cANC£l |

Applet started.

Self-Instructional Material 167

Introduction to Internet You can change the alignment of a FIowLayout in the constructor. Components
Programming (JAVA) are normally centered in an applet. You can make them left or right justified. To do
this just passes one of the defined constants FIowLayout.LEFT, FlowLayout.RIGHT
or FIowLayout.CENTER to the constructor, e.g., this.setLayout(new
NOTES FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
Another constructor allows you spacing option in FIowLayout:
public FlowLayout(int alignment, int horizontalSpace, int verticalSpace); i
For instance to set up a FIowLayout with a ten pixel horizontal gap and a twenty
pixel vertical gap, aligned with the left edge of the panel, you would use the constructor
FIowLayout fl = new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 20,10);
Buttons arranged according to a center-aligned FIowLayout with a 20 pixel
horizontal spacing and a 10 pixel vertical spacing
• BorderLayout: A BorderLayout organizes an applet into North, South, East,
West and Center sections. North, South, East and West are the rectangular
edges of the applet. They’re continually resized .to fit the sizes of the widgets
included in them. Center is whatever is left over in the middle.
A BorderLayout places objects in the North, South, East, West and center of an
applet. You create a new BorderLayout object much like a FIowLayout object,
in the initO method call to setLayout like this:
this.setLayout(new BorderLayoutO);
There’s no centering, left alignment, or right alignment in a BorderLayout.
However, you can add horizontal and vertical gaps between the areas. Here is
how you would add a two pixel horizontal gap and a three pixel vertical gap to
a BorderLayout:
this.setLayout(new BorderLayout(2, 3));
To add components to a BorderLayout include the name of the section you wish
to add them to do like done in the program given below.

this.add("South", new Button("Start"));

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class BorderLayouttest extends Applet
public'void init() {
this.setLayout(new BorderLayout(2, 3));
this.add("South", new Button("Start"));
this.add{"North", new Button("Stop"));
this.add("East", new Button{"Play"))?
this ."aHd ( "West" , new Button { "Pause" )); •

168 Self-Instructional Material

[IS! rjgj ? Graphics and User
/ Ape** Interface



Appltt aftrttd.

• CardLayout: A CardLayout breaks the applet into a de :k of cards, each of

which has its own Layout Manager. Only one card appeals on the screen at a
time. The user flips between cards, each of which shows a different set of
components. The common analogy is with HyperCard on the Mac and Tool book
on Windows. In Java this might be used for a series of data input screens,
where more input is needed than will comfortably fit on a single screen.
• GridLayout: A GridLayout divides an applet into a specified number of rows
and columns, which form a grid of cells, each equally sized and spaced. It is
important to note that each is equally sized and spacedj as there is another
similar named Layout known as GridBagLayout .As Components are added to
the layout they are placed in the cells, starting at the up'per left hand comer
and moving to the right and down the page. Each component is sized to fit into
its cell.. This tends to squeeze and stretch components unnecessarily.
. You will find the GridLayout is great for arranging Panels. A GridLayout
specifiesthe number of rows and columns into which components will be placed.
The applet is broken up into a table of equal sized cells, j
GridLayout\s useful when you want to place a number of similarly sized objects.
It is great for putting together lists of checkboxes and radio buttons as you did
in the Ingredients applet. GridLayout looks like Fig. 9.4.

^ GridLayout Demo

one two three

four five six

Fig. 9.4. GridLayout Demo

• GridBagLayout: GridBagLayout is the most precise of the five AWT Layout
Managers. It is similar to the GridLayout, but components do not need to be of
the same size. Each component can occupy one or more cells of the layout.
Furthermore, components are not necessarily placed in the cells beginning at
the upper left-hand comer and moving to the right and down.

Self-lnstructional Material 169

Introduction to Internet In simple applets with just a few components you often need only one layout
Programming (JAVA) manager. In more complicated applets, however, you will often split your applet
into panels, lay out the panels according to a layout manager, and give each
panel its own layout manager that arranges the components inside it.
NOTES The GridBagLayout constructor is trivial, GridBagLayoutO with no arguments.
GridBagLayout gbl = new GridBagLayoutO;
Unlike the GridLayoutQ constructor, this does not say how many rows or columns
there will be. The cells your program refers to determine this. If you put a
component in row 8 and column 2, then Java will make sure there are at least
nine rows and three columns. (Rows and columns start counting at zero.) If you
later put a component in row 10 and column 4, Java will add the necessary
extra rows and columns. You may have a picture in your mind of the finished
grid, but Java does not need to know this when you create a GridBagLayout.
Unlike most other LayoutManagers you should not create a GridBagLayout
inside a cell to setLayoutO. You will need access to the GridBagLayout object
later in the applet when you use a GridBagConstraints.
A GridBagConstraints object specifies the location and area of the component’s
display area within the container (normally the applet panel) and how the
component is laid out inside its display area. The GridBagConstraints, in
conjunction with the component’s minimum size and the preferred size of the
component’s container, determines where the display area is placed within the
The GridBagConstraintsO constructor is trivial
GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraintsO;
Your interaction with a GridBagConstraints object takes place through its eleven
fields and fifteen mnemonic constants.
• gridx and gridy: The gridx and gridy fields specify the x and y coordinates of the
cell at the upper left of the Component’s display area. The upper-left-most cell has .
coordinates (0,0). The mnemonic constant GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE specifies
that the Component is placed immediately to the right of (gridx) or immediately
below (gridy) the previous Component added to this container.
• Gridwidth and Gridheight: The gridwidth and gridheight fields specify the
number of cells in a row (gridwidth) or column (gridheight) in the Component’s
display area.' The mnemonic constant GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER
specifies that the Component should use all remaining cells in its row (for
gridwidth) or column (for gridheight). The mnemonic constant
GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE specifies that the Component should fill all
but the last cell in its row (gridwidth) or column (gridheight).
• Fill: The GridBagConstraints fill field determines whether and how a component
is resized if the component’s display area is larger than the component itself.
•The mnemonic constants you use to set this variable are
GridBagConstraints.NONE:Don’t resize the component
GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL: Make the component wide enough to fill
the display area, but don’t change its height.
GridBagConstraints.VERTICAL: Make the component tall enough to fill its
display area, but don’t change its width.

170 Self-Instructional Material

GridBagConstraints.BOTH: Resize the component enough to completely fill its Graphics and User
display area both vertically and horizontally. Interface
• Ipadx and Ipady: Each component has a minimum width and a minimum
height, smaller than which it will not be. If the component’s minimum size is
smaller than the component’s display area, then only pkrt of the component NOTES
will be shown.
The ipadx and ipady fields let you increase this minimum size by padding the
edges of the component with extra pixels. For instance sei ting ipadx to two will
guarantee that the component is at least four pixels wider than its normal
minimum, (ipadx adds two pixels to each side.).
• Insets: The insets field is an instance of the java.awt.In sets class. It specifies
the padding between,the component and the edges of its display area.
Anchor: When a component is smaller than its display area, the anchor field
specifies where to place it in the grid cell. The mnemonic constants you use for
this purpose are similar to those used in a BorderLayout but a little more specific.
They are
GridB agConstraints. EAST
The default is GridBagConstraints.CENTER.
• Weightx and weighty: The weightx and weighty fields determine how the
cells are distributed in the container when the total size if the cells is less than
the size of the container. With weights of zero (the defaul:;) the cells all have the
minimum size they need, and everything clumps together in the center. All the
extra space is pushed to the edges of the container. It doesn’t matter where
they go and the default of center is fine.
See the program given bellow for visualizing GridbagLayout.

import java.awt.*;
public class.GridbagLayouttest extends Frame
• {
Button bl,b2,b3,b4/b5;
GridBagLayout gbl=new GridBagLayout();
GridBagConstraints gbc=new GridBagConstraints(
public GridbagLayouttest()
• setLayout (gbl.) ;

Self-Instructional Material 171

Introduction to Internet
Programming (JAVA)
• gbl .setConstraints {bl=new Button ("O/.O") ,gbc).;
NOTES gbc.gridx=4; //4th column
gbc.gridy=3; //3rd row
gbl.setConstraints(b2=new Button("4,3"),gbc);
gbc.gridx=8; //8th column
gbc.gridy=5; //5rd row
gbl. setConstraints (b3=new. Button('"8,5") ,gbc)
gbc.gridx=10; //10th column .
gbc.gridy=3; //3rd row
gbl.setConstraints(b4=new Button("10,3"),gbc);
gbc.gridx=20; //20th column
gbc.gridy=3; //3rd row
gbl.setConstraints(b5=new Button("20,3"),gbc);
add(b2); .
add (b3) ; - '
add(b4); . ■ .
setSize(200,200) ;
public static void main(String a[])

GridbagLayouttest gb= new GridbagLayouttest () ;





172 Self-Instructi'onal Material

.. I

Graphics and User

9.6. CONTAINER Interface

You must be thinking that container will be a thing that co: itains something, like
a bowl. Then you are right!! Actually container object is derived from the NOTES
java.awt.Container class is one of (or inherited from) th1*ee primary classes:
java.awt.Window, java.awt.Panel, java.awt.ScrollPane.
The Window class represents a standalone window (either an application window
: in the form of a java.awt.Frame, or a dialog box in the form of a java.awt.Dialog).
' , The java.awt.Panel class is not a standalone window by it self; instead, it acts as
a background container for all other components on a form. For instance, the
java.awt. Applet class is a direct descendant of java.awt.Panel.
' The three steps common for all Java GUI applications ;are:
1. Creation of a container.
2. Layout of GUI components. \
3. Handling of events.
The Container class contains the setLayoutO method so that you can set the
default LayoutManager to be used by your GUI. To actually c.dd components to the
container, you can use the container’s addO method: /
Panel p = new java.awt.PanelO;
Button b = new java.awt.Button(“OK”);
A JPanel is a Container, which means that it can contain other components. GUI
design in Java relies on a layered approach where each layer uses an appropriate
layout manager.
FlowLayout is the default for JPanel objects. To use a ilifferent manager use
either of the following:
JPanel pane2 = new JPaneK) // make the panel first
pane2.setLayout(new BorderLayoutO); //then reset its manager
JPanel pane3 = new JPanel(new BorderLayoutO); // all i:i one!


Interfaces using GUI allow the user to spend less time trying to remember
which keystroke sequences do what and allow spenk more time using the
program in a.productive manner. It is very important to learn how you can
beautify your components placed on the canvas area using FONT and COLOR
Controls are components, such as buttons, labels and text boxes that can be
added to containers like frames, panels and applets. The Java.awt package
provides an integrated set of classes to manage user interface components.
Buttons are used to trigger events in a GUI environment
Labels are basically used to identify! the purpose of other components on a
given interface; they cannot be edited directly by the user.'
\ !
Self-Instructional Material 173
Introduction to Internet The TextField handles a single line of text and does not have scrollbars,
Programming (JAVA) whereas the TextArea classjiandles multiple lines of text. Both the classes
are derived from the TextComponent class.
TextFieldQ creates an empty TextField with no specified width.
A FlowLayout arranges widgets from left to right until there’s no more space
A BorderLayout organizes an applet into North, South, East, West and Center
sections. North, South, East and West are the rectangular edges of the applet.
They’re continually resized to fit the sizes of the widgets included in them.
A CardLayout breaks the applet into a deck of cards, each of which has its
. own Layout Manager.'
A GridLayout divides an applet into a specified number of rows and columns,
which form a grid of cells, each equally sized and spaced.
GridBagLayout is the most precise of the five AWT Layout Managers. It is
similar to the GridLayout, but components do not need to be of the same size.
A GridBagConstraints object specifies the location and area of the component’s
display area within the container (normally the applet panel) and how the
component is laid out inside its display area.
The gridx and gridy fields specify the x and y coordinates of the cell at the upper
left of the Component’s display area.
The gridwidth and gridheight fields specify the number of cells in a row
(gridwidth) or column (gridheight) in the Component’s display area.
The GridBagConstraints fill field determines whether and how a component
is resized if the component’s display area is larger than the component itself.
The Window class represents a standalone window (either an application
window in the form of a java.awt.Frame, or a dialog box in the form of a


1. What are the Graphics contexts and Graphics Objects?

2. Write short notes on the following:
(i) Color control.
(it) Fonts.
(Hi) Coordinate System.
(iv) User Interface Components.
3. What are the various color constructors?
4. Write a program to set the Color of a String to red?
5. What is the method to retrieve the color of the text? Write a program to retrieve
RGB values in a given color.
6. Write a program to set the font of your String as font name as “ArialVont size as
12 and font style as FONT.ITALIC.

174 Self-Instructional Material

7. What is the method to retrieve .the font of the text? Write a program for font Graphics and User
retrieval. Interface

8. Write a program that will give you the Fontmetrics parameters of a String.
9. Write a program which draws a line, a rectangle; and an oval on the applet. NOTES
10. Write a program that draws a color-filled line, a color-filled rectangle, and a color
filled oval on the applet.
11. Write a-program to add various checkboxes under the CheckboxGroup
12. Write a program in which the Applet displays a text area that is filled with a
string, when the programs begin running.
13. Describe the features of the. Swing components that subc ass J Component.
14. What are the difference between Swing and AWT?
15. Why do you think Layout Manager is important?
16. How does repaintO method work with Applet?
17. How many Listeners are there for trapping mouse movements:


Self-Instructional Material 175



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