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US Soccer Grassroots Recertification

Which of the following ARE NOT considered offside offenses when the attacker is in an
offside position at the moment when the ball was played or touched by a teammate?

a) Being involved in active play by interfering with play

b) Being involved in active play by interfering with an opponent
c) Being involved in active play by gaining an advantage by playing the ball or
interfering with an opponent
d) All of the above are offside offenses - ANS yes

Where three or more defending team players form a "wall," all teammates of the kicker
(attacking team) must remain at least:

a) 10 yards from the wall

b) 4.5 yards from the wall
c) 2 yards from the wall
d) 1 yard from the wall - ANS not a

A player taking a penalty kick plays the ball forward for a team-mate to run on to it and
score. Is that permitted?

a) No. The kick must be retaken as this is not permitted.

b) Yes, provides the correct penalty kick procedures have been followed.
c) No. The referee stops play and restarts the game with an indirect free kick to the
defending team from the penalty mark.
d) No. The goal is disallowed and the referee restarts play with a goal kick. - ANS b)
Yes, provides the correct penalty kick procedures have been followed.

In the penalty area decision in the second half, the referee could not see that the foul
occurred over the penalty are line and therefore inside the penalty area. The referee
awarded a direct free kick outside the penalty area. What can I do to improve on similar
situations in the next game?

a) As an assistant referee, call the referee.

b) As an assistant referee, make eye contact and call the referee if they are not looking
at me.
c) As an assistant referee, make eye contact, get the referee's attention, and use the
'skirt' signal to indicate that the offense occurred inside the penalty area. - ANS c) As
an assistant referee, make eye contact, get the referee's attention, and use the 'skirt'
signal to indicate that the offense occurred inside the penalty area.

An assistant referee signals that the ball has passed over the touch line. A defender
inside the penalty area violently strikes an attacker after the ball leaves the field of play.
What decision should the referee make?

a) The referee should send and show the red card to the defender for violent conduct.
Play is restarted with a throw-in.
b) The referee should send off the offender and show the red card to the defender for
violent conduct. Play is restarted with a penalty kick.
c) The referee should caution and show the yellow card to the defender for unsporting
behavior. Play is restarted with a throw-in.
d) The referee should caution and show the yellow card to the defender for unsporting
behavior. Play is restarted with a penalty kick. - ANS Not b

Wow! My confidence and comfort level have increased after several games and with the
help of my fellow referees. I have also started my self-reflection journal where I write
brief notes on:

a) 'What went well' and 'why'

b) 'What did not go well' and 'why'
c) Determining what steps to take to help me with addressing some of the items that did
not go so well such as reviewing part of the online course and/or specific law.
d) All of the above are correct. - ANS d) All of the above are correct.

A shorter time spent during subs is possible by applying the substitution procedure. This
includes the referee:

a) Allowing a player being substituted to leave by the nearest point on the boundary line
in most cases.
b) Allowing only 5 substitutions per team in every match from grassroots to
c) Allowing a maximum of 3 minutes for the player who is to be substituted to leave. -
ANS a) Allowing a player being substituted to leave by the nearest point on the
boundary line in most cases.
How does the referee penalize kicking or attempt to kick an opponent using excessive
force if the ball is not in play?

a) Serious Foul Play

b) Unsporting Behavior
c) Violent Conduct
d) Playing in a dangerous manner - ANS c) Violent Conduct

A player who is off the field of play to receive medical treatment trips a player who is on
the field of play. What decision does the referee make?

a) The referee shows a red card and sends off the player. Play is restarted with an
indirect free kick.
b) The referee shows a yellow card and cautions the player. Play is restarted with an
indirect free kick.
c) The referee either cautions or sends off the player as appropriate. Play is restarted
with either a penalty kick or a direct free kick.
d) The referee cautions the player and restarts with a dropped ball. - ANS c) The
referee either cautions or sends off the player as appropriate. Play is restarted with
either a penalty kick or a direct free kick.

At the taking of a throw-in, all opponents must stand no less than __ yards from the
point at which the throw-in is taken.

a) 3 yards
b) 4 yards
c) 5 yards
d) 2 yards - ANS d) 2 yards

An obvious goal-scoring opportunity is denied by a player who deliberately kicks the

opponent. Is this situation of kicking an opponent considered serious foul play?

a) Yes, always
b) No, never
c) Yes, if the offense is committed using excessive force
d) Only if it prevents an obvious goal-scoring opportunity. - ANS not d

Can the yellow or red card be shown to a substitute who is sitting on the bench?
a) Yes
b) No
c) It depends on the referee
d) According to IFAB, it is not possible. - ANS a) Yes

The referee awards a free kick. An opponent stands in front of the ball. Play is restarted
and the ball hits the opponent who is less than 10 yards from the ball. What decision
should the referee make.

a) The referee allows play to continue. When the ball goes next out of play, the referee
sends off and shows a red card to the offending player. Play is restarted according to
the Laws of the Game.
b) The referee allows play to continue because the opponent does not prevent the free
kick from being taken.
c) The referee cautions and shows a yellow card to the opponent for failing to respect
the required distance when play is restarted with a free kick.
d) None of the answers are correct. - ANS not b

I am the assistant referee in an adult 11v11 game, and I see an offense committed by
an attacker against an opponent while challenging for the ball. I should convey this
information to the referee if the whistle is not blown to stop play because there is no
advantage. I should:

a) Look at where the referee is, determine if they saw the action
b) Look at where the referee is, determine if they saw the action and if their view was
c) Look at where the referee is; determine if they saw the action; if their view was
obstructed, raise my flag with my left hand so long as there is no advantage; slightly
wave my flag; and after they stop the game, point in the direction of the restart. - ANS
c) Look at where the referee is; determine if they saw the action; if their view was
obstructed, raise my flag with my left hand so long as there is no advantage; slightly
wave my flag; and after they stop the game, point in the direction of the restart.

If at the taking of a goal kick an opponent enters the penalty area before the ball is in
play and is fouled by a defender, what is the correct restart of play?

a) The goal kick is retaken

b) The game is restarted by a dropped ball.
c) The goal kick is retaken, and the defender MAY be cautioned or sent off depending
on the nature of the offense.
d) The goal kick is retaken, and the defender MUST be cautioned or sent off depending
on the nature of the offense. - ANS not sure

Now you have 1 year or more season(s) of experience, and perhaps you worked with 1
or more assignors in your area or state. Navigating the assigning process includes the
following EXCEPT:

a) Building and maintaining a positive relationship with the assignor(s)

b) Ensuring that the assignor's contact information is readily available, and that the
assignor has my correct contact information as well.
c) Regularly updating my availability to officiate games
d) All of the above are correct - ANS d) All of the above are correct

The responsibilities of the referee consist of:

a) Preparing prior to each game to increase understanding and application of the Laws
of the Game
b) Performing during the game to apply the laws fairly and consistently along with the
referee team.
c) Reflecting on the performance after the game and after completing the game
d) All of the above. - ANS d) All of the above.

The performing environment of the Grassroots referee includes the following

a) Grassroots games (young and adult) in small-sided, 7v7, 9v9, and 11v11
b) Professional stadiums
c) Professional players and coaches - ANS a) Grassroots games (young and adult) in
small-sided, 7v7, 9v9, and 11v11 competitions

Does the announcement of the number of minutes of 'added time' state the exact
amount of time left in the game?

a) Yes, once stated, the time cannot be changed

b) No, it simply indicates the minimum amount of time that the referee will add on to the
end of the period.
c) Yes, but there should be no more than five minutes added to the game
d) Yes, the final whistle must be blown as soon as that amount of time has ended. -
ANS b) No, it simply indicates the minimum amount of time that the referee will add on
to the end of the period.
The referee kicks-off the game with a loud whistle. As an assistant referee during the
game, I must position myself:

a) Along the touchline with a defender other than the goalkeeper

b) Along the touchline of one half of the field, in line with the player attacking to goal
c) Along the touchline of one half of the field, either by the team benches or by the
spectators, in line with the second-to-last defender
d) Along the touchline of one half of the field, either by the team benches or by the
spectators, in line with the second-to-last defender, or in line with the ball whichever is
closer to the goal line - ANS d) Along the touchline of one half of the field, either by the
team benches or by the spectators, in line with the second-to-last defender, or in line
with the ball whichever is closer to the goal line

The purpose of the Grassroots referee is to:

a) Keep the game going

b) Facilitate a fair, safe, and fun game for players
c) Be on time for the first game of the day - ANS b) Facilitate a fair, safe, and fun game
for players

The ball and the shoulder area ABOVE the armpit of an attacker make contact and the
ball goes into goal. What is the decision by the referee?

a) Award a direct free kick for handball to the defending team

b) Award an indirect free kick for handball and immediately scoring a goal
c) Award a penalty kick since the handball occurred inside the penalty area
d) Award a goal to the attacker since boundary for handball between the shoulder and
the upper arm is defined as the bottom of the armpit - ANS d) Award a goal to the
attacker since boundary for handball between the shoulder and the upper arm is defined
as the bottom of the armpit

I do not feel I was assigned many games in my first season. I should:

a) Communicate with my assignor(s) to let them know that your goal is to increase the
number of games in the current season without sustaining an injury for working too
b) Demand 2-3 games per day regardless or decline when I only get one game
c) Decline more games until I get what I want - ANS a) Communicate with my
assignor(s) to let them know that your goal is to increase the number of games in the
current season without sustaining an injury for working too many

The two team captains agree to eliminate the halftime interval but one of the players
insists on a halftime interval. What decision should the referee make?

a) The referee should ignore it.

b) The referee must grant a halftime interval.
c) The referee should send off the player
d) The coach should substitute the player - ANS b) The referee must grant a halftime

Where should play be restarted after the unsporting behavior of a player who lifts the
ball with his foot to head the ball back to her own goalkeeper?

a) From where the offending player was when the goalkeeper received the ball.
b) From where the goalkeeper was standing
c) From the position of the player who commits the offense
d) None of the answers are correct - ANS c) From the position of the player who
commits the offense

When should the referee lower his/her arm after signaling an indirect free kick?

a) When the ball leaves the field of play

b) When an offense is committed
c) When the ball is touched again by another player
d) All of the answers can be correct - ANS d) All of the answers can be correct

According to the correct procedure to allow a substitution, is it always necessary for a

substitute to enter the field of play for the substitution to be completed?

a) Yes
b) No, if they go to take a corner kick or throw-in
c) No, if they go to take a corner kick or throw-in and the referee allows it
d) None of the answers are correct. - ANS a) Yes

At the taking of a throw-in, an opponent unfairly distracts or impedes the thrower

(including moving closer than 2 yards to the place where the throw-in is to be taken).
What is the correct decision?
a) He/she is cautioned and shown the yellow card for unsporting behavior
b) A free kick is awarded to the attacking team
c) He/she is sent-off and shown the red card for violent conduct
d) No action is required by the referee - ANS a) He/she is cautioned and shown the
yellow card for unsporting behavior

My goal this season is to increase understanding of the 'four moments of soccer' in

order to anticipate and apply moving to an optimal position to see the action without
interfering. The four moments of soccer are:

a) Attacking, defending, substitution, and water break

b) Winning the ball, attacking, losing the ball, and defending
c) Attacking, losing the ball, defending, and fouls
d) Winning the coin toss, attacking, losing the ball, and defending - ANS b) Winning
the ball, attacking, losing the ball, and defending

If an opposing player did not have time to leave the penalty area at the taking of a goal
kick, can the player play, touch, or challenge for the ball?

a) Yes, the referee can allow play to continue

b) No, if an opponent plays, touches or challenges for the ball, the goal kick is retaken -
ANS b) No, if an opponent plays, touches or challenges for the ball, the goal kick is

During reflection, referees can ask questions to clarify the scenario being discussed, the
correct decision, and the justification and supporting segments in the Laws of the

a) True
b) False - ANS a) True

As an assistant referee (AR), in the case where the referee needs my assistance to
determine if the foul occurred inside the penalty area, I can:

a) Use the traditional signal holding the flag at waist heights in a similar way as a sub
b) If the AR is not already at the corner of the field, make eye contact with the referee
and walk towards the corner flag
c) Both a and b are correct - ANS c) Both a and b are correct
After each game I officiate, I feel more comfortable communicating during the game and
remembering to use the following:

a) Referee and assistant referee signals (e.g. throw-in, goal kick, corner kick, fouls, etc.)
b) Body language (e.g. body posture, eye contact, etc.)
c) Tools (e.g. whistle, flags, or cards)
d) All of the above are correct - ANS d) All of the above are correct

U.S. Soccer requires that all re-certifying referees to once more complete an in-person
field session in the licensing process.
a) True
b) False - ANS b) False

A corner kick is taken, and the ball deflects off the referee and into the goal. What
decision should the referee make?

a) The referee awards a goal

b) The referee stops play and a dropped ball is awarded
c) The referee stops play and awards an indirect free kick
d) The referee stops play and has the corner kick retaken - ANS not a

A deliberate handball by a defending player is considered a deliberate play for purposes

of the offside decision.

a) True
b) False - ANS a) True

The following are true about reflection after each game EXCEPT:

a) Reflection is a way to practice lifelong learning.

b) 'What went well' only and NOT about 'what didn't go well'
c) We learn from our mistakes, but it is important to recognize our successes! - ANS b)
'What went well' only and NOT about 'what didn't go well'

Which of the following statements IS NOT true regarding the procedure of the taking of
a goal kick?

a) The ball is kicked from any point within the goal area by a player of the attacking
b) The ball is in play when it is kicked directly out of the penalty area
c) Opponents remain outside the penalty area until the ball is in play
d) The kicker must NOT play the ball again until it has touched another player - ANS
not sure

Which of the following would help to predict when a direct free kick foul (e.g. a careless:
charge, jumping at, kick, push, strike, tackle, or trip) is most likely to happen?

a) When teammates are close to each other during their attack

b) When teammates are far apart from each other while defending
c) When opponents are far apart creating or blocking chances to pass or score
d) When opponents are close to each other during a challenge for the ball - ANS d)
When opponents are close to each other during a challenge for the ball

A direct free kick signal by the referee involves one arm straight up with the palm open.

a) True
b) False - ANS b) False

Over my experience (1 year or more), I am more aware and understand the importance
of moving into a position to see a challenge for the ball between opponents by:

a) Staying in motion (walking, jogging, running, or sprinting) in a similar way as the

b) Staying close to play, about 15 yards, while avoiding being on the way, typically using
the diagonal as a reference\
c) Both a and b are correct - ANS c) Both a and b are correct

For a free kick by the defending team from inside their own penalty area the Laws of the
Game allow for:

a) The kicker's team to kick while an opponent(s) is/are moving out of the penalty area
b) The ball to be in play when it is kicked and clearly moves
c) Both a and b are correct - ANS c) Both a and b are correct

Players, coaches, and spectators must:

a) Cheer for their team and yell at the referee team

b) Respect each other, the referee team, and the referee team's decisions
c) Blow whistles that interfere with the game - ANS b) Respect each other, the referee
team, and the referee team's decisions
I was assigned and accepted mostly 4 games on Saturday and 4 on Sunday. Although
the pay is good, I am starting to feel some pain in my left knee. I should:

a) Demand a maximum of two games per day or decline all the games
b) Accept more games until I get what I want
c) Communicate with my assignor(s) to let them know that you will only be able to work
fewer games, maximum of two per day, until you are able to see your doctor for advice -
ANS c) Communicate with my assignor(s) to let them know that you will only be able to
work fewer games, maximum of two per day, until you are able to see your doctor for

The most common fouls or offenses for which the referee must blow the whistle, if there
is no advantage, are careless actions against an opponent during play including:

a) Trips, tackles, or pushes

b) Jumps at, charges, kicks, or strikes
c) Both a and b are correct - ANS c) Both a and b are correct

Is it permissible to make a mark outside the boundary of the field of play?

a) No
b) Yes, 10 yards from the corner arc
c) Yes, 10 yards from the corner flag post
d) None of the answers are correct - ANS not c

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