2022 Exam Answers

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 1.

During a penalty kick, Player A2 kicks the ball and the ball becomes deflated when it
hits the crossbar. What is the appropriate restart? (REF: 2-2-4)

o A) Retake the penalty kick.

o B) Goal kick awarded to Team B.

o C) Corner kick awarded to Team A.

o D) Indirect free kick for Team B.

 2. During the game, the referee notices several players with untucked jerseys. The referee
should: (REF: 4-1-1a)

o A) Caution the offending players for improper uniform.

o B) Caution the head coach for having players with improper uniforms.

o C) Warn the players and have them tuck their jerseys.

o D) Do nothing, as jerseys are not required to be tucked into the shorts.

 3. A pass by A2 to A3 strikes the referee who is standing in the penalty area. The ball
remains on the field of play and is controlled by B2. What is the appropriate restart? (REF: 9-1-
1(b), 9-2-1(e), 9-2-3)

o A) Indirect free kick.

o B) Throw-in.

o C) Drop ball to the team that last touched the ball prior to hitting the referee.

o D) Drop ball to the defending goalkeeper.

 4. Player A1 is on an attack, kicks the ball and it deflects off the referee to Player B1. What
is the appropriate procedure? (REF: 9-1-1(b)3, 9-2-3)

o A) The official should let play continue, so as not to disrupt the advantage by Team

o B) The officials should stop play and award an indirect free kick to Team A.
o C) The officials should stop play and award an indirect free kick to Team B.

o D) The officials should stop play and conduct a drop ball with one player from
Team A at the position where it was last touched by the official.

 5. If Team A, while defending, is awarded an indirect free kick inside the penalty area, the
opposing plays shall stand: (REF: 13-3-1)

o A) Outside the penalty area, at least 10 yards from the ball.

o B) At least 10 yards from the ball, regardless of ball placement.

o C) Outside the penalty area, at least 10 yards from the ball, until the ball is in

o D) At least 4 yards from the ball.

 6. If the referee fails to signal the kick is indirect and the ball goes directly into the
opponent's goal, the result shall be: (REF: 13-3-4 )

o A) Retake the indirect free kick.

o B) Award a goal to the kicking team.

o C) A goal kick to the opposing team; goal is not allowed.

o D) Drop ball.

 7. A10 is in an offside position. After receiving a pass from B7, B9 accidentally passes the
ball to A10. The official shall: (REF: 11-1-4 )

o A) Penalize for being offside and award an indirect free kick to Team B.

o B) Issue a caution for being offside and award an indirect free kick to Team B.

o C) Allow play to continue.

o D) Award a drop ball.

 8. A3 receives the ball directly from a corner kick taken by A5, while A3 is standing in an
offside position. The official shall: (REF: 11-1-2)

o A) Caution A3 and award an indirect free kick to the opposing team.

o B) Caution A3 and retake the corner kick.

o C) Allow play to continue.

o D) Issue a verbal waring for being in an offside position

 9. During active play, Substitute/Bench Player B12 mistakenly thinks the ball has gone out
of bounds and kicks the ball toward a teammate who is in play. (REF: 13-2-1j)

o A) Award Team A a direct kick from the point where B12 kicked the ball and
caution B12.

o B) Award Team A an indirect kick from the point where B12 kicked the ball.

o C) Resume play with a drop ball at the point where B12 kicked the ball.

o D) Allow play to continue with no stoppage.

 10. If a goal kick is touched twice by the kicker before another player has touched the ball,
what is the proper penalty? (REF: 16-1-1)

o A) The goal kick is taken again.

o B) Yellow card to the kicker and the kick is taken again.

o C) Indirect kick from the spot of the infraction.

o D) Direct kick taken from the closest position outside of the penalty area.

11. A goal may be scored directly from a: (REF: 10-1-2c)

o A) Throw-in.

o B) Dropped Ball.
o C) Goal Kick.

o D) Goal kick into a team's own goal.

 12. In which case should a goal be allowed? (REF: 10-1-1)

o A) A portion of the ball is on the goal line.

o B) A portion of the ball is beyond the goal line.

o C) The entire ball is beyond the goal line.

o D) None of the above.

 13. A goal may NOT be scored directly from a: (REF: 10-1-3c)

o A) Kickoff.

o B) Direct kick.

o C) Punt.

o D) Goalkeeper's throw.

 14. During the taking of a penalty kick, the kick rebounds off the goalkeeper back to an
attacking player who entered the penalty area early. What happens? (REF: 14-1-6)

o A) Retake the penalty kick.

o B) Play continues.

o C) Indirect free kick.

o D) Goal kick.

 15. During the taking of a penalty kick, the kick rebounds off the goalkeeper's back to a
defending player who entered the penalty area early. What happens? (REF: 14-1-6)

o A) Retake the penalty kick.

o B) Play continues.

o C) Indirect free kick.

o D) Goal kick.

 16. A1, an offensive player, steps off the field to avoid being called for offside. What is the
ruling? (REF: 11-1-2 )

o A) Illegal. Offside should be called on A1.

o B) Illegal. A1 should be cautioned for the action.

o C) Legal. A1 can leave the field if for the sole purpose of not being offside.

o D) Illegal. Team A's head coach should be cautioned.

 17. A10, in an offside position, receives a header from B10. What is the ruling? (REF: 11-1-

o A) Illegal. A10 should be called for offside.

o B) Legal. A10 should be allowed to play the ball as it was last played by an

o C) Legal, but A10 cannot score from the succeeding play on the ball.

o D) Illegal. A10 did not receive the ball from a deliberate play.

 18. A4 is in an offside position on the opponent's half of the field. A5 passes the ball to A4
who returns to A4's own half of the field and receives the ball. (REF: 11-1-4 )

o A) Legal. A4 is no longer offside upon return to A4's own half of the field.

o B) Legal. A4 negates the offside by returning to A4's half of the field.

o C) Illegal. A4 is still defined as offside.

o D) Illegal. A4 should be cautioned for unsporting play.

 19. Spectators enter the field and disrupt play. What does the referee have the authority to
do? (REF: 5-3-2e)

o A) Stop play and caution the coach of the team that the spectators represent.

o B) Stop play and disqualify the coach of the team that the spectators represent.

o C) Terminate or suspend the game.

o D) None of the above.

 20. The home team shall provide ball holders for the game. (REF: 6-1-1)

o A) This is a requirement or the game cannot be played.

o B) At least two ball holders must be provided by the home team.

o C) At least two ball holders must be provided by the visiting team.

o D) There must be at least four ball holders assigned to the game.

21. A player is cautioned and the referee orders the clock to be stopped: (REF: 7-4-2)

o A) The official timer restarts the clock when the cautioned player leaves the field.

o B) Time is restarted when the ball is properly put into play.

o C) Time is restarted when the referee blows the whistle.

o D) As soon as the substitute enters the field, time is restarted.

 22. What happens when the referee inadvertently sounds the whistle? (REF: 9-2-1c)

o A) Realizing the error, the referee verbally directs "play on" to the players to
continue play.

o B) The referee stops play and awards a dropped ball to a player of the team last
in possession, or to the defending team's goalkeeper if the ball was in the penalty
area, when play was stopped.
o C) The referee stops play and awards an indirect kick to the team in possession.

o D) The referee should do nothing and allow play to continue.

 23. B19 is standing in an offside position. B12 kicks the ball forward but the ball deflects
off A11 to B19. B19 should be: (REF: 11-1-4b, DIAGRAM 12)

o A) Allowed to continue with play as long as B19 passes the ball to B12.

o B) Allowed to continue with play.

o C) Penalized for being offside.

o D) Issued a caution for being offside.

 24. Player A of the attacking team is clearly in an offside position when Player A's
teammate delivers the ball to Player A with a throw-in. Player A collects the ball and kicks it
into the goal. The referee should: (REF: 11-1-2)

o A) Award an indirect free kick to Team B.

o B) Award a goal to Team A.

o C) Award a goal kick to Team B.

o D) Award a re-take to Team A.

 25. Player A, who is in an offside position, receives the ball from a goal kick by A2. (REF:

o A) The assistant referee raises the flag to indicate offside.

o B) The assistant referee indicates offside violation and the referee stops play and
awards an indirect free kick.

o C) There is no offside violation and play is allowed to continue.

o D) Stop play and retake the goal kick.

 26. The referee has awarded Team B a penalty kick. As B4 runs toward the ball to take the
kick, A5 enters the penalty area before B4 kicks the ball. The referee should: (REF: 14-1-2

o A) Blow the whistle as soon as A enters the penalty area.

o B) Allow the play to continue and award a goal if the kick by B4 enters the goal.

o C) Allow the play to continue and award a goal kick if the kick by B4 goes
untouched over the goal.

o D) Allow the play to continue and award a corner kick if the kick by B4 is played by
the goalkeeper who pushes the ball over the goal line outside of the goal.

 27. Player A2 takes a penalty kick during the game. The ball rebounds off the goalpost
directly to A2 who shoots and scores. (REF: 14-1-5)

o A) The referee shall allow the goal.

o B) The referee shall not allow the goal and restart with an indirect kick.

o C) The referee shall not allow the goal and restart with a goal kick.

o D) The referee shall order the kick retaken.

 28. If on a penalty kick there is a deflection out of bounds by the goalkeeper and no
violation by either team, the restart is a: (REF: 14-1 Penalty Kick Chart)

o A) Retake.

o B) Indirect free kick.

o C) Corner kick.

o D) Goal kick.

 29. Player A’s throw-in lands completely outside the touchline, without having broken the
plane of the touchline, and bounds into the field of play. (REF: 15-1-5)

o A) The referee orders a re-throw by Team A since the ball never was put into play.
o B) The referee awards a throw-in to Team B.

o C) The referee allows play to continue.

o D) The referee issues a team caution for delay of game.

 30. A2 receives a goal kick in the attacking half of the field from A1. There are not at least
two opponents nearer their own goal line when A2 receives the ball directly from A1. (REF: 11-
1-1b, Diagram 22 Offside)

o A) A2 should be ruled offside because there are not at least two opponents nearer
their own goal than A2 when the ball is received.

o B) The official rules "play on."

o C) A2 is not offside since a player cannot be offside when receiving the ball
directly from a goal kick.

o D) The official blows the whistle and gives Team B an indirect kick for the violation.

31. The home team’s logo obscures the halfway line. What is the best referee
response? (REF: 1-2-3)

o A) The field is not properly marked. Do not start the game.

o B) Request the school administrator apply temporary paint to form a halfway line,
then start the game.

o C) The field is illegal, but the official should start the game and notify the state
association following the game.

o D) The field is legal. Start the game.

 32. During inspection of the field, the referee determines the penalty area is 45 yards wide.
What is the best referee response? (REF: 1-2-6)

o A) The field is illegally marked. Do not start the game.

o B) Start the game, but make a mental note of where the boundary should be and
make calls using the mental/invisible lines.
o C) Start the game and use the lines as marked. Contact the state association
after the game.

o D) Ask coaches if they wish to play the game with the mis-marked field.

 33. The home team and the visiting team are both wearing white shorts. (REF: 4-1-1a)

o A) The referee should not begin the game until the home team is wearing dark shorts.

o B) This is permitted.

o C) The referee should not begin the game until the home team is wearing a different
color shorts than the visiting team.

o D) The home team should change to dark shorts. If unable to correct, the game shall
be played and the referee must notify the state association following the game.

 34. If the ball becomes deflated during play, it is declared dead and resumes by: (REF: 2-2-
4, 9-2-3)

o A) Direct free kick.

o B) Indirect free kick.

o C) Indirect free kick at the spot where it was last played to the team that last possesed
the ball.

o D) Drop ball at the spot where it was last played to the team that last possesed
the ball.

 35. Which of the following needs to be included on the team roster: (REF: 3-1-3)

o A) Players.

o B) Bench personnel.

o C) Coaches.

o D) All of the above.

 36. The visiting team arrives at the game site and the goalie’s jersey does not have a
number. (REF: 4-1-1)

o A) The visiting team should change to a legal goalie jersey. If unable to correct
the game shall be played and the referee must notify the state association following
the game.

o B) The game should not start until corrected.

o C) The officials should allow the game to start, but caution the head coach before

o D) The officials should allow the game to begin but caution the head coach at the
first stoppage.

 37. A player enters the game wearing beads in the hair that are securely wrapped in a bun
and secured to the head. The official shall: (REF: 4-2-2)

o A) Require the player to leave the game.

o B) Issue a caution to the player and at the next stoppage of play have the player
replaced or rectify the issue.

o C) Take no action and allow the player to enter. The hair adornment is legal.

o D) Card the head coach and replace the player.

 38. The hosting school schedules a junior varsity and varsity match on the same day. After
the JV match has concluded, the visiting JV team stays to watch its varsity team. During the
match, the JV players from the spectator stands are shouting comments containing abusive
language toward the referees that are causing game management issues. The referee
should: (REF: 5-3-2e)

o A) Allow play to continue and ignore the comments from the spectators.

o B) Suspend the match and request the home school administration to take
appropriate action with the JV team members.

o C) Stop play and yell up to the stands a warning that the game will be suspended and
or terminated if their behavior continues.

o D) Stop play and direct the JV players to leave the playing area and board their
school’s bus for the remainder of the varsity match.
 39. Player A1 passes the ball to A3 using the shoulder area above the armpit. The referee
should: (REF: 12-2-1)

o A) Blow the whistle and award a direct free kick to a player from Team B for

o B) Blow the whistle and award an indirect free kick to a player from Team B for an
accidental handling.

o C) Allow play to continue.

o D) Blow the whistle and award an indirect free kick to a player from Team A for an
unintentional handling.

 40. The goalkeeper for Team A is wearing light blue socks. The goalkeeper's teammates
are wearing black socks. (REF: 4-1-1g(3))

o A) Legal as long as Team B is not wearing light blue socks.

o B) The official must send the goalkeeper off until a change is made to black socks to
match teammates.

o C) Legal even if the opposing team is also wearing light blue socks.

o D) Legal as long as the socks match the goalkeeper's jersey.

 41. With 1 minute and 30 seconds left in the first half of play, Team A has a two-goal lead.
When the ball goes out of play for a goal kick, Team A makes a substitution. The official timer
should: (REF: 7-4-3)

o A) Notify the official of the substitution.

o B) Notify the official of the substitution and stop the clock since the team in the lead
is subbing.

o C) Disallow the substitution and do not notify the official.

o D) Notify the official of the substitution and stop the clock until the losing team also
makes a substitution.
 42. B2 is pulled down by the jersey by A5. The referee stops play and awards a free kick to
Team B. A5 then picks up the ball and begins walking away with the ball yelling the player fell
down on his own. (REF: 12-8-1c, 13-3-1)

o A) The referee should grab the ball out of the player's hand and place in spot of the
foul and signal for the restart of play.

o B) The referee should ignore A5 and wait until he puts the ball down.

o C) The referee should give Team B 2 more yards for its free kick.

o D) The referee should caution A5 and require A5 to leave the field of play.

 43. After a goal by Team B, a player on Team A stands in the opponent’s half of the field
and kicks the ball backward after the official blows the whistle to restart the game. Before the
ball is touched by another player, the same player kicks the ball again to redirect it. (REF: 8-1-
2, 8-1-4)

o A) This is legal and play should continue.

o B) This is illegal and the kick should be retaken.

o C) This is illegal and Team B should be awarded a direct free kick.

o D) This is illegal and Team B should be awarded an indirect free kick.

 44. The goalkeeper, before taking a goal kick, moves from the right side of the goal area to
the left side of the goal area before spotting the ball. (REF: 12-8-1f(2), 16-1-3)

o A) Immediately stop play and give corner kick to opponent.

o B) The referee shall stop the clock and restart once the ball is put into play.

o C) If this is considered time-wasting, the referee shall award an indirect kick.

o D) This is allowed, but if this is deemed a time-wasting ploy, the referee shall
stop the clock and caution the goalkeeper.

 45. During the taking of a penalty kick, kicker B2 plays the ball backward to teammate B5
who shoots and scores a goal. What happens next? (REF: 14-1)
o A) Rekick.

o B) Allow goal.

o C) Indirect free kick for defending team.

o D) Goal kick.

 46. The referee observes Player A1 wearing socks with the foot cut off. (REF: 4-1-1)

o A) This is illegal. Cut socks cannot be worn.

o B) This is illegal. The color of the foot of the sock must match the body of the sock.

o C) This is legal as long as the visible material under the sock (and above the
ankle) is similar in color to the predominant color of the sock.

o D) This is legal. The color of the visible material under the sock does not matter.

 47. On a corner kick the defending team should be positioned 10 yards away from: (REF:

o A) Ball.

o B) Corner flag.

o C) Corner arc.

o D) Touchline.

 48. Team A is in the lead during the last five minutes of the game. Team B has a player
who has reported to the official area and is ready to substitute. Team A then sends a player to
report to the official area and is ready to substitute. The ball goes out of play and Team B is
awarded a throw-in. The official shall: (REF: 3-4-3)

o A) Not stop the clock if both teams are substituting.

o B) Allow the substitutions and the clock is not stopped.

o C) Stop the clock for the substitutions.

o D) Caution the Team A coach for unsporting behavior.

 49. A player from Team B kicks the ball toward a teammate but the ball strikes the hand
of a player from Team A whose back is to the kicker and whose hand is at the side. The referee
should: (REF: 12-2-1)

o A) Award an indirect free kick to a player from Team B.

o B) Award a direct free kick to a player from Team B.

o C) Award a drop ball to the kicker fromTeam B.

o D) Allow play to continue as no foul occurred.

 50. Each team shall submit a team roster. Which is not permissible to do once the game
starts? (REF: 3-1-3)

o A) Add players to the roster.

o B) Change uniform numbers on the roster.

o C) Add bench personnel to the roster.

o D) All of the above are permissible.

Section 1: Video Question #1

 1. What should the referee do? (REF: 9-1-1b)

o A) Play On

o B) Indirect Free Kick for White Team.

o C) Indirect Free Kick for Red Team.

o D) Drop Ball to the team that last played the ball.

Section 2: Video Question #2

 1. Is the Black Team player guilty of obstruction? (REF: 12-5-1)

o A) Yes
o B) No

Section 3: Video Question #3

 1. The correct restart for the play in the video is? (REF: 9-1-1, 16-1-1)

o A) Drop Ball

o B) Direct Free Kick

o C) Indirect Free Kick

o D) Goal Kick

Section 4: Video Question #4

 1. The correct restart for the play in the video is? (REF: 12-1-2)

o A) Indirect free kick.

o B) Direct Free Kick

o C) Drop Ball

o D) Throw-in

Section 5: Video Question #5

 1. What action should the official take in the video? (REF: 12-8-1f)

o A) No foul, play on

o B) Direct Free Kick to the defending team

o C) Penalty Kick, disqualify the goalkeeper

o D) Penalty kick, caution the goalkeeper

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