9 English Eng PP 2023 24 2

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Directorate of Education, GNCT of Delhi

Practice Paper (Session: 2023- 2024)

Class: IX Sub: English- Language and Literature (184)
Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions:

1. This Question Paper contains THREE sections- READING, WRITING & GRAMMAR

2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.


Reading Comprehension Through Unseen Passages

Q1. Read the following text. (10 marks)

Bhagat Singh, an iconic figure in the annals of Indian history, has emerged as a symbol of courage,
resilience and unwavering commitment to the pursuit of justice. Born on September 28, 1907 in
Banga, Punjab, Singh's life unfolded against the backdrop of British colonial rule, developing in
him an early passion for the struggle against oppression. His father Kishan Singh and uncle Ajit
Singh played an important role in shaping his political consciousness.

From an early age, Bhagat Singh demonstrated keen intelligence and a voracious appetite for
knowledge. His voracious reading included the works of revolutionaries and philosophers,
molding his ideology into a powerful blend of socialism and patriotism. The JallianwalaBagh
massacre of 1919 left an indelible impression on him, sowing the seeds of discontent against the
British Raj.

In 1928, the young firebrand joined the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA), a
radical organization advocating complete independence from British rule. In the same year, HSRA
prepared a bold plan to protest against the draconian Defense of India Act and Trade Disputes Act.
Bhagat Singh and his comrades sought to avenge the death of LalaLajpat Rai, who succumbed to
injuries sustained during a peaceful protest against the Simon Commission.

The infamous incident that brought Bhagat Singh into the national spotlight occurred on April 8,
1929, when he and BatukeshwarDutt threw non-lethal smoke bombs into the Central Legislative
Assembly. His aim was not to cause harm but to use the upcoming trial as a platform to support
his revolutionary ideals. During the trial, Bhagat Singh's eloquence and expression left an indelible
impression on those who witnessed the proceedings.
The sad thing is that the search for justice took a poignant turn with the hanging of LalaLajpat
Rai's attackers. Seeking vengeance, Bhagat Singh along with Rajguru and Sukhdev killed the
responsible British police officer J.P. Conspired to eliminate Saunders. This historic event took
place on December 17, 1928 in Lahore, where Bhagat Singh and his comrades confronted
Saunders and avenged the death of Lajpat Rai.

The subsequent trial and imprisonment further strengthened Bhagat Singh's commitment to his
cause. Even in the face of imminent execution, he displayed remarkable patience, refusing to ask
for clemency. Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev were hanged on March 23, 1931, immortalizing
their sacrifice in the history of India's freedom struggle.

Bhagat Singh's legacy endures as a symbol of courage and inspires future generations. His
unwavering commitment to justice, coupled with intellectual prowess, established him as an icon
of India's freedom movement, reminding the world that true heroism lies in the pursuit of a just
and equitable society.

Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.

1.Select the event that had a profound impact on Bhagat Singh, leading to his discontent against
British rule? 1

A) Quit India Movement

B) JallianwalaBagh massacre
C) Non-Cooperation Movement
D) Simon Commission protest

2. Describe the event in 1928 that led Bhagat Singh to conspire to eliminate British police officer
J.P. Saunders, and what was the historical significance of this event in India's freedom struggle?

3. Complete the sentence appropriately. 1

The main reason behind Bhagat Singh's refusal to ask for clemency even in the face of imminent
execution was ______________________________________. 1

4. Find the word which means ‘inarticulateness’ from the passage 1

a. ideology b.eloquence c. resilience d. clemency

5. Complete the sentence appropriately. 1

According to the author, Bhagat Singh joined the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association
(HSRA) in 1928. The primary objective of the plan devised by him and his comrades was

6. Based on the reading of the passage, examine, How did Bhagat Singh's reading habits shape his
ideology, and what role did the Jallianwala Bagh massacre play in fostering his discontent against
British colonial rule? Answer in about 40 words 2

7. Based on the understanding of the above paragraph, what was the primary ideology that Bhagat
Singh developed through his voracious reading? 1

A) Capitalism
B) Communism
C) Socialism
D) Imperialism

8. Study the following statement and state True or False: 1

Statement: Bhagat Singh's legacy primarily emphasizes his intellectual prowess rather than his
commitment to justice.

Q2. Read the following text. (10 marks)

According to Canalys estimates, the Indian PC market (desktops, notebooks and tablets) has
declined by a massive 22% year-on-year, with shipments of 4.1 million units in Q4 2022. This was
due to a sharp decline in notebook shipments, which declined 31% to 2.3 million units. Desktop
shipments declined 5% to 695,000 units, while tablet shipments declined 7% to 1.2 million units.
But, overall, 2022 was a successful year for the industry in India, with shipments growing by 5%
in 2021. While notebook shipments fell 7% to 11 million units, desktop and tablet shipments grew
significantly by 37% and 21% to 3.2 million. 5.4 million units respectively in 2022.
The main ongoing concerns are recession and inflation fears, which have risen again after
subsiding in late 2022. “Indian consumers spent on devices in the first half of 2022, but demand
fell sharply, leading to a weak holiday season for vendors and retailers,” Canalys analyst
AshvizAithal said. “Meanwhile, the commercial sector continued to grapple with inventory and
supply chain issues, but the decline in demand is helping ease procurement delays. Pockets of
enterprise spending after last year's lockdowns have helped desktops maintain some momentum,
while education deals have boosted tablet shipments.

Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.

1. Fill the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets, based on your
understanding of para 1. 1
According to Canalys estimates, the year-on-year decline in the Indian PC market
was______________ (5%/ 15%/ 22%) in Q4 2022.

2. Complete the following appropriately, based on your understanding of para 1 & 2. 1

We can say that the category of PC shipments which experienced the sharpest decline in
Q4 2022 in India was____________________

3. Based on the survey results, what was the overall growth rate in PC shipments in India in
2021? 1

4. Describe the major factors contributing to the 22% year-on-year decline in the Indian PC
market in Q4 2022 according to Canalys estimates, and how did the individual segments
of notebooks, desktops, and tablets perform during this period? Rationalize your answer in
40 words. 2

5. According to the Canalys report, what are the two main ongoing concerns mentioned in
the paragraph? 1

6. What happened to demand for devices in the second half of 2022, according to Canalys
analyst AshvizAithal? 1
A. It remained stable.
B. It rose significantly.
C. It fell sharply
D. It continued to grow.

7. How did recession and inflation fears impact consumer behavior in the Indian PC market,
as highlighted by Canalys analyst Ashviz Aithal? Additionally, what factors contributed to
maintaining momentum for desktops and boosting tablet shipments amidst challenges in
the commercial sector? 2

8. Which sector saw a boost in shipments due to education deals, according to the information
provided? 1
A. Commercial sector
B. Device sector
C. Tablet sector
D. Enterprise sector



Q3. Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed. 1x10

i. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given
portion of an E mail :
This is with reference to your Email query; we are thrilled to inform you that you have
been ___________(select) for the post of Asst. Professor.

ii. Read the given sentence from an article on social media. Identify the error and supply
the correction in the sentence.
Social networking sites has become the latest fad among school children.
Use the given format for your response.
Error correction

iii. Krish and Komal had a conversation about the inauguration of Komal’s book launch.

Report Krish’s question.

Are you excited about your book launch?

iv. Read the dialogue between Saloni and her dance teacher, Lakshmi, regarding her dance

Saloni: Is my posture okay when I do this movement?

Lakshmi: I think you need to work upon your back a bit.

Select the correct option to complete the reporting of the above dialogue.

Saloni asked Lakshmi if __________________________ that movement. Lakshmi

replied that she thought Saloni needed to work upon her back a bit.

A. my posture was okay when she did

B. her posture was okay when she did
C. her posture is okay when she did
D. her posture was being okay when she does

v. Fill the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the line of a story.
It was a dark moonless night. Saumya ________(was/were/would) returning home
after his late night-shift duty.

vi. Identify the error and supply correction for the given sentence from a marketing

The company aimed at increasing authority in areas frequently visited by the clients.

Use the given format for your response.

Error correction
vii. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following
line, from an analytical report.

Instead of a rush of text that competes for attention, your clients see a collection
of beautiful graphs those transform their historical data into actionable insights.

Option No. Error Correction

A of for
B those that
C into to
D actionable action

viii. Complete the given narrative, by filling the blank with the correct option.

One by one, snowflakes fell from a gray and motionless sky, only to ______ and melt
instantly on the windshield.

A. land
B. having land
C. landing
D. lands

ix. Report the dialogue between a Delivery agent and his customer, by completing the

Delivery agent: Sir, Please give me a five star rating for this order.

Customer: I need to check the packet before I give the rating.

The delivery agent requested the customer to give him a five star rating for that order. The customer
answered that he needed to _____________________________________.

x.. Fill the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the news report.

With technological advancements and _________customer expectations, businesses need a robust

digital transformation strategy.

A. Evolving
B. Evolve
C. Evolution
D. Evolves
xi. Complete the line from a self- awareness song, by filling the blank with the correct option.

Delightful display

Snowdrops bow their pure white heads

To the sun's _______.

A. glorious
B. glory
C. glory’s
D. gloried

xii. Identify the error and supply correction for the following note in a passengers’ flight instruction

The SAMPLE TESTING MESSAGE send through Cell Broadcasting System aims to enhance
public safety and provide timely alerts during emergencies.

Use the given format for your response.

Error correction

WRITING (10 Marks)

Q4 A. You are Deepika/Deepak. You were on your morning walk when you happened to see an
injured bird on the pavement under a huge Banyan tree. You picked it up and took it to an avian
veterinarian. Make a Diary entry about your experience in not more than 120 words.


Q4B. “I was sleeping peacefully when I heard some noise from the outside. I woke up and ran
towards the balcony……...”

Complete the story in 100-120 words, giving it a suitable title.

Q5 A. It was your father’s birthday and your mom cooked a delicious Meal: write a descriptive
paragraph in not more than 120 words engaging the reader's senses by describing a mouthwatering,
homemade dish, including its appearance, aroma, and taste.

Q5 B.You were down with viral fever for a few days and missed a lot of school work. A classmate
of yours helped you a lot by sharing notes. Write the descriptive paragraph in not more than 120
words describing her appearance and thoughtful gestures.


(40 marks)

Q6. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given.

A. One of the famous papers of 1905 was Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, according to
which time and distance are not absolute. Indeed, two perfectly accurate clocks will not
continue to show the same time if they come together again after a journey if one of them has
been moving very fast relative to the other. From this followed the world's most famous
formula which describes the relationship between mass and energy: E=mc2
In the mathematics equation, E stands for energy, m for mass and c for the speed of the light
in a vacuum (about 300,000 km/s.)

(A Truly Beautiful Mind)

i. What does Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity suggest about the nature of time
and distance? 1
a. Time and distance are absolute.
b. Time and distance are relative.
c. Time is absolute, but distance is relative.
d. Time is relative, but distance is absolute.

ii. According to the passage, what happens to the time shown on two perfectly
accurate clocks that come together after a journey, where one has been moving very
fast relative to the other? Answer in about 40 words. 2

iii. State true or false: Einstein's equation E=mc^2 relates mass and energy. 1
iv. Which word/phrase would correctly substitute 'Journey', in the given sentence from
the extract. 1


B. In the evening, there was another storm but the leaf did not fall. Johnsy lay for a long time
looking at the leaf. Then she called out to Sue. “I have been a bad girl. You have looked after
me so lovingly and I have not cooperated with you. I have been depressed and gloomy. The
last leaf has shown me how wicked I have been. I have realised that it is a in to want to die."
Sue hugged Johnsy. Then she gave her lots of hot soup and a mirror. Johnsy combed her hair
and smiled brightly. In the afternoon the doctor came. After examining his patient, he told Sue,
"Johnsy now has the will to live. I am confident she'll recover soon.
(The Last Leaf)

i. What did Johnsy realize after looking at the last leaf during the storm? 1
A. She had been a bad friend
B. Sue had been uncooperative
C. Depression is wicked
D. It is a sin to want to die

ii. What did the doctor say about Johnsy after examining her? 1

iii... In what ways did the doctor assess Johnsy's condition, and what was his prognosis for
her recovery? Answer in about 40 words. 2

iv..Which of the following words is closest in meaning to ‘melancholy’ as mentioned in

the extract?

A. Gloomy
B. Cooperated
C. Depressed
D. Recover

Q7 Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given.

A. Then good Saint peter grew angry,

For he was hungry and faint;
And surely such a woman
Was enough to provoke a saint.
(A Legend of the Northland)

i. Fill the blank with one word. 1

Saint Peter felt __________ in the given lines

ii. According to the lines, what condition was Saint Peter in? 1
A. Happy and content
B. Hungry and faint
C. Excited and energetic
D. Tired but satisfied
iii. In the context of the stanza, analyze the emotions of Saint Peter. How does hunger
contribute to his reaction, and what does the poet imply about the impact of the
woman's actions on Saint Peter's state of mind? Rationalise your answer in about
40 words. 2

iv. Which of the following words can be an antonym of the word “provoked” as
mentioned in the line: “Was enough to provoke a saint.”
a. Stirred
b. kind
c. Pleased
d. Shy

B. It takes much time to kill a tree,

Not a simple jab of the knife
Will do it. It has grown
Slowly consuming the earth,
Rising out of it, feeding
Upon its crust, absorbing
Years of sunlight, air, water,
And out of it leprous hide
Sprouting leaves.
(On Killing A Tree)

i.. What is the poet's view on killing a tree according to the lines? 1

ii.. According to the poet How does the tree grow and what does the tree feed upon as it grows?”.
Explain in about 40 words. 2

iii.. Complete the sentence with the appropriate option. 1

According to the poet, the tree's leaves represent _________of the tree.

iv.. Find the word which means ‘Diseased’ from the above stanza of the poem. 1

Q8. AnswerANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40-50 words. 4x3=12

i. Margie had never studied in a regular school. But she got to know about the traditional
school. Comment on the statements. (The Fun They Had)

ii. Kezia did not have a loving relationship with her father. She always felt scared of him.
Justify this taking examples from the chapter “The Little Girl”
iii. Describe the feeling of Bliss, According to the poet in the poem, Rain on The Roof.

iv. Give a brief description of the central idea of the poem, “Wind”.

v. Mention the qualities that Kalam inherited from both his parents. (My Childhood)

Q9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. 2x3=6

i. The disciple decided to stay in the Kingdom of Fools while the Guru left? Give reasons.

ii. According to the author, Iswaran seemed to more than make up for the absence of TV
in Mahendra’s quarter. How? Elaborate.

iii. How did Olga’s treatment of Lushkoff, brought a life altering change in the latter?

Q 10. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. 6

Some remarkable values of Evelyn’s character made her achieve the target despite her handicap.
Santosh Yadav also had to face the challenges from a traditional family during her growing up
years. Compare and contrast the characters of both in the light of above statements.

(The Sound of Music and Reach for The Top)


“Einstein was deeply shaken by the extent of destruction during the second world war”. What
qualities of Einstein’s character are revealed by this statement? What efforts did he make to
promote peace and democracy? Elaborate

(A Truly Beautiful Mind)

Q11. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. 6

Childhood is a period which is full of joyful moments. The child in the “The Lost Child” is
fascinated to see many things before going to the fair but later on, the same things didn’t bring him
any joy. Comment and justify the statements taking examples from the story.


Draw a character sketch of the Guru in the chapter, “In The Kingdom of Fools”

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