Talent Identification Protocols 1622101420

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Talent Identification

Table of Content

S.No Sport Page Number

1 Athletics 2- 14
2 Archery 15-37
3 Badminton 38-52
4 Basketball 53-68
5 Boxing 69-79
6 Cycling 80-87
7 Fencing 88-96
8 Football 97-109
9 Gymnastics 110-119
10 Hockey 120-135
11 Judo 136-147
12 Kabaddi 148-157
13 Kho Kho 158-166
14 Rowing 167-180
15 Shooting 181-196
16 Swimming 197-205
17 Table Tennis 206-220
18 Volleyball 221-229
19 Weightlifting 230-243
20 Wrestling 244-253

1. Athletics

A. Talent Identification Test Matrix for
Grassroot Talent

S. No Sports Categories Tests Measurement

One-foot balance test (eyes open

and eyes closed) / standing stork
20m start (U14) / 30m Start (U16)
(Best of Two)
Standing long jump Meters

vertical jump Centimeters

1. Athletics Under 14 40m obstacle run (U14) / 50m

Under 16 Seconds
obstacle run (U16)

5-step bounding Centimeters/Meters

chest-pass (U14-Girls 1 Kg, Boys 2
Kg)(U16-Girls 2 Kg, Boys 3 Kg) Centimeters/Meters
Best of Two
cricket ball overhead throw
Best of Two
Minutes and
1.6km endurance run


The coaches have to ensure that the participants conduct a quick, general warm-up before
starting with the first test. This might have to be conducted by the coaches themselves or the
local PE teacher. To avoid any form of dehydration, the coaches have to ensure that the
participants are drinking enough water during the time of the test.

For all tests, the health and safety of all participants as well as coaches is of utmost
importance. The coaches have to do a site-check before conducting the tests. Sprinting and
jumping areas should be even, without any dents.

Every area should be marked with cones, no one except the performing athlete and the
coaches involved are supposed to enter the sprint area as well as the landing area of the jumps
and throws.

Sharp edges have to be covered. Equipment, which is not fulfilling the demands, has to be
replaced, especially the obstacles and throwing implements.

Description of Talent Identification Tests

Test No. 1/2: One-foot balance test (eyes open and eyes closed) / standing stork

Purpose: To estimate motor-skill-level (balance)

Equipment: Stop watch

Procedure: In the first round, the athletes are asked to take their shoes off and move
into a standing position, with their hands on the hips, one foot resting
against the opposite upper calf (heel touching the knee) and an upright
upper body position including a fully extended hip joint. They are
performing one attempt with the left and one with the right foot.

For the second round, the athletes are asked to move into the same
position, but with their eyes closed. For both variations, the coach
measures the time, using the stopwatch, until the athlete is not able to
maintain in the stable position any longer (once the elevated foot leaves
the opposite leg or the stance leg foot leaves the ground). The exercise
should be stopped after one [1] minute.

No. of attempts: One [1] per leg.

Fig 1 . One-foot balance test

Scoring: score is length in seconds between the time the heel is raised and
balance is lost. The best of Two trials to be recorded.*

Note: Several athletes can execute the exercise parallels, as long as the coach
is able to ensure that they are beginning exactly at the same moment
and that he/she is able to measure and note down the correct time for
each individual athlete.

Test No. 3: 20m start (U14) / 30m Start (U16)

Purpose: To estimate speed (acceleration).

Equipment: Photo cells / light gate including output device, measuring tape, tape /
cone (for marking), and a 45m running course or strip.

Procedure: The coach marks a 20m (for U14 athletes) / 30m (for U16 athletes)
straight line with cones and / or tape (preferably tape for a start and
finish line). The athletes begin to run exactly 1.00m before the start line
(an additional marker / line will be necessary) from a standing part
position, with the toes of the front foot being very close to, but not
touching the line.

The athletes are asked to accelerate with maximum effort until 5M

behind the finish line (an additional cone might be helpful).

The first photocell will be located at the start line, the second photocell
at the finish line. The coaches note down the electronic time for both

No. of attempts: Two attempts are given. A rest of at least four [4] minutes should be
given in between the two attempts.

Scoring: Record time in seconds to the nearest tenth of a second.*

Note: Spiked shoes are not allowed during the test.

Test No.4: Standing long jump

Purpose: To estimate power (lower body)

Equipment: Measuring tape, rope / rope for marking

Procedure: The coach marks one line with tape or a rope on even ground (soft but
even surface for the landing area, if possible). A measurement tape with
the zero-point at the beginning of this line will be installed at the side of
the jumping area.

The athletes are asked to move to this line (toes of both feet should be
very close but not touching the line), feet shoulder width apart. They
progress into a squat position and directly perform a standing long jump
with a stable landing on their feet. Arm swing / movement is allowed for
the jump.

No. of attempts: Every athlete is allowed to execute two [2] jumps. If an additional jump
is necessary due to instable landing, a third attempt will be granted.

The distance covered from starting point to the nearest breaking point (5cm steps on the
measurement tape) will be considered for the record.*

Note: The coaches always downscale the distance to the nearest 5cm mark to
save time. A stick might be helpful to estimate the correct length of the
jump. The stick then has to be fixed at the landing point (rear heel) with
a 90° angle to the measurement point.

Fig 2. Standing Long Jump

Test No. 5: Standing Vertical Jump

Purpose: Estimate power (lower body)

Equipment: Measuring tape, chair, chalk powder, duster

Procedure: A vertical wall is prominently marked in five [5] centimeter steps

upto3.50 meters.

The athletes dip their fingers in chalk powder and stand side-wise
against the wall, keeping the arm raised completely above the head
and clap the extended hand marked with chalk on finger straight. The
feet have to remain flat on the ground, without raising the heels.

They progress into a squat position and directly perform a vertical

jump (counter-movement). The athletes jump as high up as possible
to touch the wall.

Fig 3. Standing Vertical Jump

No. of attempts: Every athlete is allowed to execute two[2]jumps. If an additional jump

is necessary due to instable landing, a third attempt will be granted.

Scoring: Record to the nearest 5 centimeters mark

The reading shall be noted by keeping eyes in level with the chalk
mark on the progressed marking. Two attempts are permitted. If an
additional jump is necessary, a third attempt will be granted. *

Note: The coaches always down scale the distance to the nearest 5cm mark.

Test No. 6: 40m obstacle run (U14) / 50m obstacle run(U16)

Purpose: To estimate speed and motor-skill-level(rhythm)

Equipment: Photo cells / light gate, measuring tape, tape / cones (for marking),
obstacles (40cm height –tbd)

Procedure: The coach marks a 40m (for U14 athletes) / 50m (for U16 athletes)
straight line with cones and / or tape (preferably tape for a start and
finish line). The athletes begin to run exactly 1.00m before the start
line (an additional marker / line will be necessary) from a standing
part position, with the toes of the front foot being very close to, but not
touching the line.

The obstacle shall have a height of 40cm (e.g. a banana box or small
plastic hurdle). No sharp edges are allowed. The first obstacle will be
positioned 10m behind the start line. 4 additional obstacles will be
positioned with a distance of 6.50m in between (16.50 / 23.00 / 29.50/
36.00m) for the U14 category and 5 additional obstacles with 7.00m in
between for the U16 (17.00 / 24.00 / 31.00 / 38.00 / 45.00m).

The athletes are asked to accelerate with maximum effort until 5m

behind the finish line (an additional cone might be helpful).

The first photo cell will be located at the start line, the second photo
cell at the finish line. The coaches note down the electronic time for
both attempts.

No. of attempts: Two attempts are given. A rest of at least four [4] minutes should be
given in between the two attempts.

Scoring: The score is the total time taken to complete the course in minutes and

Note: Spiked shoes are not allowed during the test. It makes sense to mark
the position of the obstacles with chalk and / or tape in case an athlete
hits one of the obstacles.

Test No. 7: 5-step bounding

Purpose: Estimate reactive strength

Equipment: Measuring tape, tape, / cones (for marking)

Procedure: The coach marks one line with tape or a rope on even ground
(preferably track or even grass, if possible). A measurement tape with
the zero-point at the beginning of this line will be installed at the side
of the jumping area.

The athletes are asked to move to this line (toes of the front foot should
be very close but not touching the line), feet shoulder width apart.
From this standing start position the athlete tries to jump as far as
possible using alternate leg action (e.g. RLRLR or LRLRLR). The athlete
is supposed to land in as table position on both feet. Arm movement is
allowed during the jumps.

No. of attempts: Every athlete is allowed to execute two [2] jumps. If an additional jump
is necessary due to instable landing or other reasons, a third attempt
will be granted.

Scoring: The distance covered from starting point to the nearest breaking point
(5 cm steps on the measurement tape) will be considered for the

Note: The coaches always down scale the distance to the nearest 5 cm mark
to save time. As tick might be helpful to estimate the correct length of
the jump. The stick then has to be fixed at the landing point (rear heel)
with a 90° angle to the measurement point.

Test No.8: double-arm chest-pass

Purpose: To estimate power (upper body)

Equipment: 4x 1kg, 4x2kg, 4x3kg medicine ball, measuring tape, tape / cones (for

Procedure: The coach marks one line with tape or a rope on even ground (preferably
track or even grass, if possible). A measurement tape with

the zero-point at the beginning of this line will be installed at the side of
the throwing area.

U14 girls are throwing with the 1kg ball, U14 boys with the 2kg ball. U16
girls are throwing the 2kg ball, U16 boys the 3kg ball.

The athletes are asked to take a ball and move to the line (toes of both
feet should be very close but not touching the line), feet shoulder width
apart. They move into a semi-squad position with the medicine ball in
both hands in front of their chest. Elbows are supposed to stay at
shoulder level.

The athletes then perform a chest-pass, trying to push the medicine ball
as far as possible. They are supposed to use their legs for the overall
body extension to increase power and thereby the velocity of the ball.

No. of attempts: Every athlete is allowed to execute two [2] throws. If an additional throw
is necessary due to whatever reason, a third attempt will be granted.

Scoring: The distance covered from zero-point to the landing point of the
implement (50cm steps on the measurement tape) will be considered
for the record.*

Note: The coaches always downscale the distance to the nearest 50cm mark to
save time.

Test No. 9: cricket ball overhead throw

Purpose: To estimate power (shoulder-flexion / elbow extension)

Equipment: 8-12 cricket balls, measuring tape, tape / cones (for marking)

Procedure: The coach marks one line with tape or a rope on even ground (preferably
track or even grass, if possible). A measurement tape with the zero-point
at the beginning of this line will be installed at the side of the throwing
area. The athletes are asked to take a ball and move to the line (toes of
the front foot should be very close but not touching the line). They
progress into the power position, similar to the standing throw position
in javelin throw.

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The athletes perform a straight throw, with the ball staying above
shoulder height throughout the movement, trying to throw the cricket
ball as far as possible. They are supposed to use their legs and hips for
the overall body extension to increase power and the velocity of the ball.

No. of attempts: Every athlete is allowed to execute two [2] throws with one arm. If an
additional throw is necessary due to whatever reason, a third attempt
will be granted.

Scoring: The distance covered from zero-point to the landing point of the
implement (1.00m steps on the measurement tape) will be considered
for the record.*

Note: The coaches always downscale the distance to the nearest 1.00m mark
to save time.

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Test No. 10: 1.6km endurance run

Purpose: To Estimate anaerobic / aerobic capacity

Equipment: Stopwatch, tape / cones (for marking), measuring wheel (if no stadium

Procedure: The athletes are asked to line up in a standing start position at the 400m
start at a regular stadium (400m round). If a stadium is not available, the
coach has to ensure that there is another possibility to measure the exact
distance of 1,600m (e.g. using a measuring wheel).

After the signal, the athlete has to run the 1.6km as fast as possible.

No. of attempts: Only one attempt is given to the athletes.

Scoring: The score is the total time taken to complete the course in minutes and

Note: It might be helpful to pass numbers to the athletes based on their

position at the finish. One coach can easily record the time, another one
is passing the numbers. Afterwards times and numbers can be matched
to avoid irritation and to save time. Athletes have to be instructed to
keep their number and not to change it with anyone else.

The 1.6km endurance run should not be conducted in very hot


Fig 4. 1.6 km endurance run

12 | P a g e

Complete Haemogram
a Haemoglobin g/dL

b Packed Cell Volume %

c RBC Count mill/mm3

d MCV fL

e MCH Pg

f MCHC g/dL

g Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) %

h Total Leukocyte count (TLC) thou/mm3

i Differential Leukocyte Count

j Segmented Neutrophils %

k Lymphocytes %

l Monocytes %

m Eosinophils %

n Basophils %

o Absolute Leukocyte count

p Neutrophils thou/mm3

q Lymphocytes thou/mm3

r Monocytes thou/mm3

s Eosinophils thou/mm3

13 | P a g e
t Basophils thou/mm3

u Platelet Count thou/mm3

v ESR Mm/hr

II Urea Mg/dL
a. Bile salts Mg/dL
b. Bile pigments & Microscopy Mg/dL
c. Sr. Bilirubin Mg/dL

S.NO TEST NAME (Anthropometrical) UNITS

a. Height Cm
b. Weight Kg
c. Body Mass Index Kg.m-2
d. Arm Span Cm
e. Waist Hip ratio waist(cm)/ hip(cm) *score<1
f. Sitting Height Cm

14 | P a g e
2. Archery

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A. Talent Identification Test Matrix for Grassroot Talent

S.No Sports Categories Tests Measurement

Physical Tests
Running1.6 kms Minutes
Heart Rate Count per Minute
Bow Hand Holding Minutes/Seconds
Push Up Count (Number)
Sit Up Count (Number)
Sit and Reach Centimeters
Plank Test Minutes/Seconds
Vertical Jump Meters/Centimeters
Broad Jump Meters/Centimeters
Skill Tests
2. Archery Under 12
Draw Points
Anchor Points
Follow Through Points
Release Points
T-Stance Points
Left Elbow Points
Mental Ability Tests
Concentration Points
Reasoning Points
Reaction Points
Command Points


The coaches have to ensure that the participants conduct a quick, general warm-up before
starting with the first test. This might have to be conducted by the coaches themselves or the
local PE teacher. To avoid any form of dehydration, the coaches have to ensure that the
participants are drinking enough water during the time of the test.

For all tests, the health and safety of all participants as well as coaches is of utmost
importance. The coaches have to do a site-check before conducting the tests. Sprinting and
jumping areas should be even, without any dents.

Every area should be marked with cones, no one except the performing athlete and the
coaches involved are supposed to enter the sprint area as well as the landing area of the jumps

16 | P a g e
and throws.

Sharp edges have to be covered. Equipment, which is not fulfilling the demands, has to be
replaced, especially the obstacles and throwing implements.

17 | P a g e
Description of Talent Identification Tests

(I) Description of Physical Tests

Test No. 1: Running 1.6 Kms

Purpose: To assess speed, endurance, and cardio vascular ability

Equipment: Stop watches, 400 m Track, Whistle

Markings: The 400m distance is marked on the field or a marked 400m track can
be used where curve start is to be given.

Fig. 1. 400 M Athletic Track

Procedure: The athletes to stand behind the starting line. On the starting signal,
athlete will run 4 rounds of 400 meters distance in as limited time as

Scoring: The time to cover 4 rounds x 400 m to nearer 1/10" of a second is

recorded as score of the test.

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Test No. 2: Heart Rate

Purpose: To help in assessing anxiety level during competition.

Equipment: Stop watch and a Para Medic

Procedure: The para medic measures resting pulse rate in the morning when the
athlete gets up and reaches warming up area after refreshing and wash
up. The resting pulse measured in one minute.

Scoring: Grading to be done as under mentioned:

Physical Parameters of Archers - Heart Rate

Recurve Compound
Points Recurve Boys Compound Girls
Girls Boys
4 <65
3 66-70
2 70-75
1 >75

Test No. 3: Bow Hand Holding

Purpose: To assess holding power of the archer

Equipment: Bow, whistle and stop watch

Procedure: The athlete will put his bow hand and hold in the draw position. On the
count of zero, the coach blows the whistle and the timing of the athlete
is noted till the point that they start trembling and not able to hold the

19 | P a g e
Fig.2.Bow Holding Test

Scoring: Total time will be taken on completion of holding. Grading will be

given 4-3-2-1(Higher time of holding will be awarded highest

Physical Parameters of Archers – Holding (Seconds)

Recurve Recurve Compound Compound
Boys Girls Boys Girls
4 <60
3 60-50
2 50-40
1 >30

Test No. 5: Push up

Purpose: To assess strength in shoulder muscles

Equipment: Whistle and stop watch

Procedure: The athlete will lie down on the mat on the floor. On the count of zero,
the coach blows the whistle and the timing of the athlete is noted for
maximum repetition in one minute.

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Fig.3. Push up

Scoring: Total number of push-ups taken in one minute. Grading will be given 1-
0.75-0.5-0.25 (Higher number of push-up will be awarded highest

Test No. 6: Sit up

Purpose: To assess strength in abdominal muscles

Equipment: Whistle and stop watch

Procedure: The athlete lies down on the mat on the floor facing upwards and folds
his/her legs at the knees. Another athlete holds his/her knees in folded
position. On the count of zero, the coach blows the whistle and the timing
of the athlete is noted for maximum repetition in one minute.

Fig.4. Sit up

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Scoring: Total number of sit ups taken in one minute. Grading will be given 1-
0.75-0.5-0.25 (Higher number of sit ups will be awarded highest

Test No.7: Sit & Reach

Purpose: The purpose of this test was to measure the subject's trunk flexibility

Equipment: Sit and reach box (or alternatively a ruler can be used, and a step or box)

Fig.5. Sit& Reach Test

Procedure: This test involves sitting on the floor with legs stretched out straight
ahead. Shoes should be removed. The soles of the feet are placed flat
against the box. Both knees should be locked and pressed flat to the floor
- the tester may assist by holding them down. With the palms facing
downwards and the hands on the top of each other or side by side, the
subject reaches forward along the measuring line as far as possible.
Ensure that the hands remain at the same level, not one reaching further
forward than the other. After some practice reaches, the subject reaches
out and holds that position for one-two seconds while the distance is
recorded. Make sure there are no jerky movements.

Scoring: The score is recorded to the nearest centimeter or half inch as the
distance reached by the hand. Some test versions use the level of the heel
touching the ground as the zero mark, while others have the zero mark
9 inches before the level of the heel touching the ground. Three trials are
given and best one is recorded in cm or inches for analysis.

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Test No. 8: Plank Test

Purpose: To help in assessing the endurance of the back/core stabilizing muscles

Equipment: Flat and clean surface, stopwatch, recording sheets, pen

Procedure: The athlete is made to raise the body and squat on the elbow. Time taken
to hold in the position is noted.

Fig.6. Plank Test

Scoring: Scoring is recorded as given below:

Rating Time

Excellent 2-5 minutes

Very Good 1-2 minutes
Average 30-60 second
Poor 15-30 second

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Test No. 9: Vertical Jump

Purpose: To measure the explosive power of lower limbs (legs)

Equipment: Measuring Tape, Bench, Chair, Chalk Powder and Duster

Marking: A vertical wall is prominently marked in centimeters up to 3.50 meters.

Fig.7. Vertical Jump

Procedure: The athletes dips his or her fingers in chalk powder and stand side-wise
against the wall, keeping the arm raised completely above the head and
clap the extended hand marked with chalk on finger straight. The athlete
jumps as high up as possible and touch the wall. The reading shall be
noted by keeping eyes in level with the chalk mark on the progressed
marking. Three attempts are permitted.

Scoring: The standing reach is subtracted from the jumping reach. The score is
recorded to the nearest centimeter. shall be best of three jumps.

Test No. 10: Standing Broad Jump

Purpose: To measure explosive power of Legs and body coordination

Equipment: Floor/ Ground, Measuring Tape, Marker

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Fig.8. Standing Broad Jump

Procedure: The athlete stands behind a line marked on the ground with feet slightly
apart. A two-foot take-off and landing is used, with swinging of the arms
and bending of the knees to provide forward drive. The subject will
attempt to jump as far as possible, landing on both feet without falling
backwards. Three attempts are allowed.

Scoring: The measurement is taken from take-off line to the nearest point of
contact on the landing (back of the heels). Three attempts, one after the
other are given. All the three are marked. The longest distance jumped,
the best of three attempts, will be the score of the athlete. The score is
recorded to the nearest meters.

25 | P a g e

3 Point 2 Point 1 Point

Running Boys (2.4km) 9 to 10:45 min 10:45 to 12:00 Above 12 min
Girls(1.6km) 10:45 to 12:30 12:30 to 14:30 Above 14:30
min min min
Push Ups Boys 25& Above 20 to 25 Below 20
Girls 20-25 20-15 Below 15
Left Hand Boys & Girls Above 3min 2 to 3 min Below 2
Holding min
Sit Ups Boys 25 & Above 20 to 25 Below 20
Girls 15 & Above 10 to 15 Below 10
Plank Test Boys 2-5 min 1-2 min 30 sec

Girls 1-2 min 45-30 sec 15-30 sec

Flexibility Boys 6” Touch 4” to 6” Touch Below 4”
Girls 5.5 Touch 4” to 5.5” Touch Below 4”
Height Boys 5’.8” & Above Below 5’.8” Below
Girls 5’.5” & Above Below 5’.4” Below
Vertical Jump Boys 24 in 18 in 12 in
Girls 18 in 15 in 12 in
Broad Jump Boys 72 in 60 in 48 in
Girls 60 in 48 in 36 in
Heart Rate Boys & Girls <65 65-75 >75

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(ii) Description of Skill Tests

Purpose: To assess the technique and body structure well suited for Archery

Equipment: The archer is to be observed while shooting to identify the required skills.

Procedure: The coach has to observe the archer while shooting at 30 mts

The following observations should be made: -

Test No. 1: Draw

Points are given based on bio mechanical draw in horizontal plane.

Fig. 9. Draw

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Test No. 2: Anchor

Points are given based on smooth anchor, head movement, finger stiffness.

Fig.10. Anchor

Test No.3: T-Stance

Points are given based on the position of elbow at full draw. Check for monkey elbow as well
drawing elbow whether in line with arrow or not in a horizontal plane.

Fig. 11. T-Stance

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Test No. 4: Release

Points are given based on while release. Release should be smooth without any jerk and body

Test No. 5: Follow Through

Points are given based on whether the archer is maintaining his power from release to

Release Follow Through

Fig. 12. Release& Follow Through

Test No. 6: Left Elbow

Points are given on monkey arm and normal position of elbow with minimum turning to
reduce torque.

Fig. 13. Left Elbow

29 | P a g e
Perfect Need Improvement Faulty

Draw 5 3 0
Anchor 5 3 0
T Stance 5 3 0
5 3 0

Follow through 5 3 0
Left Elbow 5 3 0

(iii) Description of Mental Tests

Test No. 1: Concentration

Purpose: To assess concentration of an archer and his ability to focus on the

execution of shot.

Equipment: Whistle and stop watch Pen/pencil and eraser.

Procedure: The athletes are put in a class or allowed to sit on a floor at a distance
apart. Athletes are given the concentration grid sheet. Once the timer
starts, beginning from 1 up till 50, athletes have to put a slash through
each number in the proper sequence. Once an athlete reaches 50, they
have to note down the timing it took them to complete the test.

Scoring: Grading out of 7 points based on time taken.

19 32 13 42 49 17 33 7 38 44

10 47 2 28 5 18 35 27 22 30

15 20 34 11 8 31 1 45 23 12

29 39 25 41 14 21 43 16 6 36

40 50 4 48 26 46 9 37 24 3

30 | P a g e
Test No. 2: Reasoning

Purpose: To assess mental reasoning and analytical ability of an archer as he has

to judge the wind conditions and aim off accordingly.

Equipment: Whistle and stop watch Pen/pencil and eraser.

Procedure: The athletes are put in a class or allowed to sit on a floor at a distance
apart. They need to have their pen or pencil and eraser with them. They
are given 7 minutes to answer the 7 questions.

Scoring: Grading out of 7 points based on right answers.

2 4 - 8

1 3 5 -

4 - 16 25

3 8 - 24

5 10 17 -


31 | P a g e
Test No. 3: Reaction test

Purpose: To assess reaction time, hand eye coordination and attention of an


Equipment: Whistle and ruler.

Procedure: The ruler is held by the assistant between the outstretched index finger
and thumb of the athlete's dominant hand so that the top of the athlete's
thumb is level with the zero-centimeter line on the ruler. The assistant
instructs the athlete to catch the ruler as soon as possible after it has
been released. The assistant releases the ruler and the athlete catches
the ruler between their index finger and thumb as quickly as possible.
The assistant is to record the distance between the bottom of the ruler
and the top of the athlete's thumb where the ruler has been caught. The
test is repeated two more times and the average value used in the

Scoring: Grading out of 7 points. The score is recorded to the nearest centimeter

(Adapted from Davis, 2000)

Rating Distance
7 <7.5cm

5 7.5-15.9cm

3 15.9-20.4cm

1 20.4 - 28cm

0 >28cm

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Test No. 4: Command Test

Purpose: To assess panic state of an archer

Equipment: Bow and a target boss & stand

Procedure: The athletes are asked to shoot an arrow on command and reaction
time noted to shoot the arrow.

Scoring: Grading out of 7 points based on reaction

Rating Timing
Excellent Within 1 sec
Very >1Sec - <3 Sec
Average >3 Sec or Release Post Command


1. Shoulder

Purpose: To assess good physique as per Archery

Observation: Wider shoulder is required for Archery. The shoulders should not be
straight and it should be little down. Because of wider shoulder, back
muscle is bigger, there is power in back muscle which helps in smooth

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2. Fingers

Purpose: To assess good physique as per Archery.

Observation: Finger should be normal and it should not be very long or short. Long
finger is weak and there is no power. Short finger is stiff and there is
problem in anchor because of this. Thumb of average size is good. Very
small thumb may create problem for Compound archers.

3. Chest

Purpose: To assess good physique as per Archery

Observation: All should have flat chest; Bird chest is not good for archery. In bird
chest, chest is not relaxed and there is problem in alignment for

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4. Chin Position

Purpose: To assess good physique as per Archery

Observation: Chin should not be small as small chin creates problem in Anchoring
and in future, it creates problem in Aiming at 70 meter.

5. Eye Sight

Purpose: To assess good physique as per Archer

Observation: Those who do not have normal eye vision and wear spectacles, can do
Archery without any problem.

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I Complete Haemogram

a Haemoglobin g/dL

b Packed Cell Volume %

c RBC Count mill/mm3

d MCV fL

e MCH Pg

f MCHC g/dL

g Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) %

h Total Leukocyte count (TLC) thou/mm3

i Differential Leukocyte Count

j Segmented Neutrophils %

k Lymphocytes %

l Monocytes %

m Eosinophils %

n Basophils %

o Absolute Leukocyte count

p Neutrophils thou/mm3

q Lymphocytes thou/mm3

r Monocytes thou/mm3

s Eosinophils thou/mm3

t Basophils thou/mm3

36 | P a g e
u Platelet Count thou/mm3

v ESR Mm/hr

II Urea mg/dL

a Bile salt mg/dL

b Bile pigment mg/dL

c Sr. Bilirubin mg/dL

S.NO. TEST NAME (Anthropometrical) UNITS

a Height Cm
b Weight Kg
c Body Mass Index kg.m-2
d Sitting Height Cm
e Arm Span cm
f Waist Hip Ratio waist(cm)/ hip(cm) *score

37 | P a g e
3. Badminton

38 | P a g e
A. Talent Identification Test Matrix for Grassroot Talent

Sl. Sports Categories Tests Measurement units

Physical Tests

Side Step Jump test Count (Number)

Modified bass test Success/Fail

Nelson Hand Reaction Test Centimeters & Seconds

Nelson Foot Reaction Test Seconds

20M Shuttle Run Test Level & Number

3. Badminton Under 12
Shoulder Flexibility Test Centimeters & Grading

Sit and Reach Test Centimeter

Maximum Grip Strength (Kg)

Hand Grip Test
Vertical Jump

Standing Long Jump Meters

Push Up Count (Number)

Plank Test Seconds and Minutes

39 | P a g e

The coaches have to ensure that the participants conduct a quick, general warm-up before
starting with the first test. This might have to be conducted by the coaches themselves or the
local PE teacher. To avoid any form of dehydration, the coaches have to ensure that the
participants are drinking enough water during the time of the test.

For all tests, the health and safety of all participants as well as coaches is of utmost
importance. The coaches have to do a site-check before conducting the tests. Sprinting and
jumping areas should be even, without any dents.

Every area should be marked with cones, no one except the performing athlete and the
coaches involved are supposed to enter the sprint area as well as the landing area of the jumps
and throws.

Sharp edges have to be covered. Equipment, which is not fulfilling the demands, has to be
replaced, especially the obstacles and throwing implements.

40 | P a g e
Description of Talent Identification Tests
Test No. 1: Side Step Jump Test

Purpose: To estimate the agility

Equipment: Flat and non-slip floor, with line markings (can use masking tape), tape
measure and stopwatch.

Procedure: The subject stands at a centre line, then jumps 30cm to the side (e.g.
right) and touches a line with the closest foot, jumps back to the centre
then jumps 30 cm to the other side, then back to the centre. This is one
complete cycle. The subject tries to complete as many cycles as possible
in one minute.

Scoring: One complete cycle is recorded as 1, and half a cycle as 0.5. The score
is expressed as the number of repetitions in one minute. Some
normative values are presented below.

Poor Fair Average Good High

Male 38-41
<33 33-37 42-45 46+

<37 38-41 42-45 46-49 50+

Test No. 2: Modified Bass test of Dynamic Balance

Purpose: To measure dynamic balance

Equipment: Adequate floor space, sticky tape for marking floor, measuring tape,

Procedure: The course is marked out as illustrated in the diagram. The subject
begins by standing stationary on the right foot on the starting point
square. The subject then hops to the first tape mark with the left foot

41 | P a g e
and immediately holds a static position for five seconds. After this time,
he then hops to the second tape mark with the right foot and holds a
static position for another five seconds. This continues with alternate
foot hopping and holding a static position for five seconds at each point
until the course is completed. At each point, the sole of the foot must
completely cover each tape mark so that it cannot be seen. A period of
practice with the procedure and on the course should be allowed.

Fig 1. Modified Bass Test

Scoring: The result is recorded as either a success or fail. A successful

performance consists of hopping to each tape mark without touching the
floor with the heel or any other part of the body, and holding a static
position on each tape mark for five seconds without exposing the tape

42 | P a g e
Test No. 3: Nelson Hand Reaction Test

Purpose: To measure reaction time, hand-eye quickness, and attentiveness.

Equipment: 1 meter long ruler or Yardstick, calculator.

Procedure: The person to be tested stands or sits near the edge of a table, resting
their elbow on the table so that their wrist extends over the side. The
assessor holds the ruler vertically in the air between the subject's thumb
and index finger, but not touching. Align the zero mark with the subject’s
fingers. The subject should indicate when they are ready. Without
warning, release the ruler and let it drop - the subject must catch it as
quickly as possible as soon as they see it fall. Record in meters the
distance the ruler fell. Repeat several times (e.g. 10 times) and take the
average score.

Scoring: The average distance the meter stick fell is to be calculated and then
record the time taken by the ruler to fall the measured distance (distance
in cm, time in seconds). A table based on the formula - t = sqrt (2d / g),
where d = the distance the ruler fell in meters, g = the acceleration of
gravity (9.8 m/s^2), and t = the time the ruler was falling (seconds) is
used to calculate this time.

Test No. 4:Nelson Foot Reaction Test

Purpose: To measure the foot reaction time of the subjects.

Equipment: Nelson Reaction Time Scale, Table or Bench and Wall Space

Procedure: The subject will be asked to sit on a table which will be about one inch
away from the wall with his shoe off. The subject positioned his foot so
that the ball of the foot will be held about one inch from the wall with
the heel resting on the table top about two inches from the table edge.
The tester held the reaction time stick near the wall so that it hangs
between the wall and subject’s foot with the base line of the times
opposite to the end of the beg toe. The subject will be asked to look at
the concentration zone and to react as soon as the time stick will bed
roped by pressing the times stick against the wall with the ball of the
subject foot. Each subject will be given twenty trials.

43 | P a g e
Scoring: The reaction time of each trial will be recorded from the line just above
the end of the big toe when the foot pressed the stick to the wall. Out of
20 trials the average of the middle ten trials ignoring the five fastest and
five slowest trials will be taken as the score of this test. The score is
recorded to the nearest centimeter

To get the reaction time following formula will be computer


Reaction time (Sec.) = 2 X Distance the stick timer falls (in Feet)
32 (Acceleration due to Gravity)

Test No. 5: 20M Shuttle Run Test


Purpose: To estimate an athlete's aerobic capacity (VO2 max).

Equipment: Flat, non-slip surface, marking cones, 20m measuring tape, beep test
audio, audio player, recording sheets.

Procedure: This test involves continuous running between two lines 20m apart in
time to recorded beeps. For this reason, the test is also often called the
'beep' or 'bleep' test. The participants stand behind one of the lines
facing the second line, and begin running when instructed by the
recording. The speed at the start is quite slow. The subject continues
running between the two lines, turning when signaled by the recorded
beeps. After about one minute, a sound indicates an increase in speed,
and the beeps will be closer together. This continues each minute (level).
If the line is reached before the beep sounds, the subject must wait until
the beep sounds before continuing. If the line is not reached before the
beep sounds, the subject is given a warning and must continue to run to
the line, then turn and try to catch up with the pace within two more
‘beep’. The subject is given a warning the first time they fail to reach the
line (within 2 meters), and eliminated after the second warning.

Scoring: The athlete's score is the level and number of shuttles (20m) reached
before they were unable to keep up with the recording. Record the last
level completed (not necessarily the level stopped at).

44 | P a g e
Fig 2. 20M Shuttle Run Test

Test No. 6: Shoulder Flexibility Test

Purpose: To test the flexibility of the shoulder joint, which is important for injury

Equipment: Ruler or tape measure.

Procedure: The subject should test their left shoulder by standing with their right
arm straight up, and then bend the elbow so that the hand hangs behind
their head. Keeping the upper arm stationary, the palm between your
shoulder blades. Subject should reach around behind them with their
left arm so the palm is facing out and should try to touch the fingers of
both hands together. The procedure is reversed and repeated with the
opposite shoulder.

Fig 3. Shoulder Flexibility Test (Good & Poor)

Scoring: The minimum distance between hands is measured and rated as: -
Good– Fingers are touching; Fair– Fingertips are not touching but are
less than two inches (5cm) apart; Poor – Fingertips are greater than two
inches (5cm) apart.

45 | P a g e
Test No. 7: Sit & Reach

Purpose: The purpose of this test was to measure the subject's trunk flexibility.

Equipment: Sit and reach box (or alternatively a ruler can be used, and a step or

Fig 4. Sit & Reach Test

Procedure: This test involves sitting on the floor with legs stretched out straight
ahead. Shoes should be removed. The soles of the feet are placed flat
against the box. Both knees should be locked and pressed flat to the floor
- the tester may assist by holding them down. With the palms facing
downwards and the hands on the top of each other or side by side, the
subject reaches forward along the measuring line as far as possible.
Ensure that the hands remain at the same level, not one reaching further
forward than the other. After some practice reaches, the subject reaches
out and holds that position for one-two seconds while the distance is
recorded. Make sure there are no jerky movements.

Scoring: Three trials are given and best one is recorded in cm for analysis. The
score is recorded to the nearest centimeter

Test No. 8: Hand Grip Strength

Purpose: To measure the maximum isometric strength of the hand and forearm

Equipment: Handgrip dynamometer

Procedure: The subject holds the dynamometer in the hand to be tested, with the
arm at right angles and the elbow by the side of the body. The handle

46 | P a g e
of the dynamometer is adjusted if required - the base should rest on the
first metacarpal (heel of palm), while the handle should rest on middle
of the four fingers. When ready the subject squeezes the dynamometer
with maximum isometric effort, which is maintained for about 5
seconds. No other body movement is allowed. The subject should be
strongly encouraged to give a maximum effort.

Fig 5. Handgrip Test

Scoring: The best result from several trials for each hand is recorded, with at least
15 seconds recovery between each effort.

Test No. 9: Vertical Jump

Purpose: To measure the explosive power of lower limbs (legs).

Equipment: Measuring Tape, Bench, Chair, Chalk Powder, and Duster.

Marking: A vertical wall is prominently marked in centimeters up to 3.50 meters

Procedure: The athletes dips his or her fingers in chalk powder and stand side-wise
against the wall, keeping the arm raised completely above the head and
clap the extended hand marked with chalk on finger straight. The athlete
jumps as high up as possible and touch the wall. The reading shall be
noted by keeping eyes in level with the chalk mark on the progressed
marking. Three attempts are permitted.

47 | P a g e
Fig 8. Vertical Jump

Scoring: The standing reach is subtracted from the jumping reach. The score shall
be best of three jumps. The score is recorded to the nearest centimeter.

Test No. 10: Standing long jump

Purpose: To estimate power (lower body)

Equipment: Measuring tape, rope / rope for marking

Procedure: The coach marks one line with tape or a rope on even ground (soft but
even surface for the landing area, if possible). A measurement tape with
the zero-point at the beginning of this line will be installed at the side of
the jumping area.

The athletes are asked to move to this line (toes of both feet should be
very close but not touching the line), feet shoulder width apart. They
progress into a squat position and directly perform a standing long jump
with a stable landing on their feet. Arm swing / movement is allowed for
the jump. Every athlete is allowed to execute two [2] jumps. If an
additional jump is necessary due to instable landing, a third attempt will
be granted.

48 | P a g e
Fig 9. Standing Long Jump

Scoring: The distance covered from starting point to the nearest breaking point
(5cm steps on the measurement tape) will be considered for the record.
The score is recorded to the nearest meter.

Test No. 11: Push up

Purpose: To assess strength in shoulder muscles.

Equipment: Whistle and stop watch

Procedure: The athlete lies down on the mat on the floor. On the count of zero the
coach blows the whistle and the timing of the athlete noted for maximum
repetition in one minute.

Fig 10. Push up

Scoring: Total number of push-ups taken. Grading will be given 1-0.75-0.5-0.25

(Higher number of push-up will be awarded highest grading).

49 | P a g e
Test No. 12: Plank Test

Purpose: To help in assessing the endurance of the back/core stabilizing muscles.

Equipment: Flat and clean surface, stopwatch, recording sheets, pen.

Procedure: The archer is made to raise the body and squat on the elbow. Time taken
to hold in the position is noted.

Fig 11. Plank Test

Scoring: Scoring is recorded as given below:

Rating Time

Excellent 2-5 minutes

Very Good 1-2 minutes
Average 30-60 second
Poor 15-30 second

50 | P a g e

I Complete Haemogram

a Haemoglobin g/dL

b Packed Cell Volume %

c RBC Count mill/mm3

d MCV fL

e MCH Pg

f MCHC g/dL

g Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) %

h Total Leukocyte count (TLC) thou/mm3

i Differential Leukocyte Count

j Segmented Neutrophils %

k Lymphocytes %

l Monocytes %

m Eosinophils %

n Basophils %

o Absolute Leukocyte count

p Neutrophils thou/mm3

q Lymphocytes thou/mm3

r Monocytes thou/mm3

s Eosinophils thou/mm3

t Basophils thou/mm3

u Platelet Count thou/mm3

51 | P a g e
v ESR Mm/hr

II Urea mg/dL

a Bile salt mg/dL

b Bile pigment mg/dL

c Sr. Bilirubin mg/dL

S.NO. TEST NAME (Anthropometrical) UNITS

a Height Cm
b Weight Kg
c Body Mass Index kg.m-2
d Sitting Height Cm
e Arm Span cm
f Waist Hip Ratio waist(cm)/ hip(cm) *score

52 | P a g e
4. Basketball

53 | P a g e
A. Talent Identification Test Matrix for Grassroot Talent
S.No Sports Categories Tests Measurement

Under 12 Physical Tests

30m Standing Start Time
Vertical Jump Centimeter/ Meters
10 Bound Test Centimeter/ Meters
Plank Test Time
Sit Ups (Pike Position) Count (Number)
Push Up Count (Number)
4. Basketball Pull Ups/Chin Ups Test Count (Number)
Seated Medicine Ball Throw Meters
Illinois Agility Test (Modified) Time
YoYo Test IR1/IR2 Meters/Level
Specific Test
Control Dribble Test Time
Spot Shooting Test Percentage (Accurate
throws and Timing )
Wall Passing Test Count/ Number


The coaches have to ensure that the participants conduct a quick, general warm-up before
starting with the first test. This might have to be conducted by the coaches themselves or the
local PE teacher. To avoid any form of dehydration, the coaches have to ensure that the
participants are drinking enough water during the time of the test.

For all tests, the health and safety of all participants as well as coaches is of utmost
importance. The coaches have to do a site-check before conducting the tests. Sprinting and
jumping areas should be even, without any dents.

Every area should be marked with cones, no one except the performing athlete and the
coaches involved are supposed to enter the sprint area as well as the landing area of the jumps
and throws.

Sharp edges have to be covered. Equipment, which is not fulfilling the demands, has to be
replaced, especially the obstacles and throwing implements.

54 | P a g e
Description of Talent Identification Tests

Test No.1. 30 Meter Standing Start

Purpose: To measure the running speed

Equipment: Stop watch, Marker, Flag, Ground/ floor

Procedure: The test is to be administered from standing position (standing start).

The subject needs to be stand just behind the starting line. On an audible
signal he/she has to start running as fast as possible and finish the 30m

Scoring: Time to be taken in sec. to cover 30 m distances. Two attempts are to be

given at 7-10 min. interval and the better performance is to be
considered for scoring purpose.

Test No. 2. Vertical Jump Test

Purpose: To measure the explosive power of lower limbs (legs)

Equipment: Measuring Tape, Bench, Chair, Chalk Powder and Duster

Marking: A vertical wall is prominently marked in centimeters up to 3.50 meters

Procedure: The athletes dips their fingers in chalk powder and stand side-wise
against the wall, keeping the arm raised completely above the head and
clap the extended hand marked with chalk on finger straight. The athlete
jumps as high up as possible and touch the wall. The reading shall be
noted by keeping eyes in level with the chalk mark on the progressed
marking. Three attempts are permitted.

55 | P a g e
Scoring: The standing reach is subtracted from the jumping reach. The score shall be
best of three jumps. The score is recorded to the nearest centimeter.

Fig. 1 Vertical Jump

Test No.3. 10 Bound Test

Purpose: To measure the explosive power of lower limbs

Equipment: Measuring Tape, & Chalk Powder. Marking: A start line 1.22 m is marked

Procedure: The athletes stand just behind the start line and executed consecutive
10 bounds without break. Two attempts are permitted.

Fig 2. 10 Bound Test

Scoring: The maximum distance cover is measured as score. The score is

recorded to the nearest meter.

56 | P a g e
Test No.4. Plank Test

Purpose: The plank test measures the control and endurance of the back/core
stabilizing muscles

Equipment: Flat and clean surface, stopwatch, recording sheets, pen

Pre-test: Explain the test procedures to the subject. Perform screening of health
risks and obtain informed consent. Prepare forms and record basic
information such age, height, body weight, gender and test conditions.
Perform a standard warm-up

Procedure: The aim of this test is to hold an elevated position for as long as possible.
Start with the upper body supported off the ground by the elbows and
forearms, and the legs straight with the weight taken by the toes. The hip
is lifted off the floor creating a straight line from head to toe. As soon as
the subject is in the correct position, the stopwatch is started. The test is
over when the subject is unable to hold the back straight and the hip is

Fig 3. Plank Test

Scoring: The maximum time the plank is held by the athlete

Test No.5. Sit ups (pike position)

Purpose: To measure explosive Abdominal Strength

Equipment: Floor/ Ground, Stop Watch

57 | P a g e
Procedure: The athlete assumes back lying position on the mat keeping her arms
over the head. On the command "GO" he/she energetically lifts the legs
and upper body and touches his/her feet with the hands. This is called
sit ups in "V" position. He/she performs maximum sit ups in picked
position in 30 seconds. The time keeper starts taking time on the
command "GO" and stops the watch at 30 seconds.

Fig. 4 Sit Ups

Scoring: Maximum number of Sit Ups performed in 30 seconds will be his/her


Test No. 6: Push Up

Purpose: The push-up fitness test (also called the press up test) measures upper
body strength and endurance.

Equipment: Floor mat, metronome (or audio tape, clapping, drums), stopwatch, wall,

Pre-test: Explain the test procedures to the subject. Perform screening of health
risks and obtain informed consent. Prepare forms and record basic
information such age, height, body weight, gender and test conditions.
Perform a standard warm-up.

58 | P a g e
Fig. 5 Push Up

Procedure: A standard push-up begins with the hands and toes touching the floor,
the body and legs in a straight line, feet slightly apart, the arms at
shoulder width apart, extended and at a right angle to the body. Keeping
the back and knees straight, the subject lowers the body to a
predetermined point, to touch some other object, or until there is a 90-
degree angle at the elbows, then returns back to the starting position
with the arms extended. This action is repeated, and the test continues
until exhaustion, or until they can do no more in rhythm or have reached
the target number of push-ups.

Scoring: Record the number of correctly completed push-ups in 1 minute.

Test No.7: Pull Ups / Chin Ups Test

Purpose: To measure strength endurance of arms and shoulders (Upper body).

Equipment: Horizontal bar, Stop watch, Paper and Pencil

Fig: 5: Chin up for boys and Chin up hold position for girls

59 | P a g e
Procedure: Step up to the bar and grasp it with the palms facing athlete. Arms should
be fully extended. Cross ankles and bend knees, Pull the body up until the
elbows are completely bent and close to the body, reaching the chin to the
bar. Lower body until the arms and legs are fully extended in the starting
position. This counts one chin up for men players. A player should perform
as many repetitions as he can.

For women, step up to the bar and grasp it with the palms facing athlete.
Arms should be fully extended. Cross ankles and bend the knees, Pull the
body up until the elbows are bent at 90°. In case of women the maximum
time a girl hold in that position is recorded and that becomes her score.

Scoring: For women the maximum time a girl holds in that position is recorded and
that becomes her score, for Boys as many repetitions as possible.

Test No.8. Seated Medicine Ball Throw

Purpose: This test measures upper body (arm) strength and explosive power.

Equipment: 2 kg medicine ball for girls and 3kg medicine ball for boys, tape for

Procedure: The athlete sits on the floor with his legs fully extended in a wide V
position. The ball is held with the hands behind the shoulder. The
forearms are bent from elbow, positioned parallel to the ground. The
athlete throws the medicine ball vigorously as far straight forward as he
can while maintaining the back straight.

Fig:6. Seated Medicine ball throw

60 | P a g e
Scoring: The maximum distance in meter out of two throws will be recorded.

Test No.9: Illinois Agility Test (Modified)

Purpose: To test running agility

Equipment: Flat non-slip surface, marking cones, stopwatch, measuring tape, timing
gates (optional)

Procedure: The athlete has to stand at the start point, on the command “Go” he/she
has to run up to 10 meters then shuffle towards right side for 5 meters
then again, he/she has to move in backward running for 10meters.

The athlete has to run in zig zag manner between the cones up to 10
meters then shuffle 5 meters towards right then the athlete has to turn
around and run 10 meter up to finishing line)

Fig7. Illinois Agility Test (Modified)

Score: The minimum time to be considered for scoring

61 | P a g e
Test No.10: Testing of intense intermittent exercise capacity

A test of the ability to perform Basketball specific repeated high intensity exercise.(Aerobic-
Anaerobic Capacity)

Purpose: To evaluate a player’s capacity to recover after repeated intense exercise

of a similar nature as in a Basketball game.

Equipment: The description of the tests and test signals are provided in a CD-rom.
To perform the test a CD-player, a tape measure, markers/cones, a stop
watch and a pencil are needed.

Markings: Two markers are placed on the ground exactly 20 m apart (two lines can
also be used) and a third marker is placed 5 m behind the start maker.

Fig.8: YoYo Intermittent Recovery test

Procedure: Yo-Yo IR test last for 5-15 minutes of running and consists of 2x 20
meters interval of running inter spread by a regular short rest periods
10 sec. The CD –rom that fallows the Yo –Yo test package provides the
information about how to perform the test and gives the signal to control
the speed. Briefly the player runs forward 20 meters at a speed, so that
the player reaches the 20-meter marker exactly at the time of the signal.
A turn is made at the 20-meter markers and the player runs back to the
starting marker which has to be reached at the time of the next signal.

62 | P a g e
Then the player has a 10- second break running slowly around the third marker
placed 5 meters behind. If the players run too quickly, he/she must wait at the
marker until the next signal. It is recommended that that the players upon
turning switches between left and right foot to avoid one sided load on the body.
The course is repeated until failure to complete the shuttle run in time on two
occasions. The first time the start marker is not reached a warning is given
(yellow card) and the second time the test is terminated (red card). The last
running interval that a player has completed before being excluded from the
test is noted and the test result is expressed as the total running distance
covered in the test.

Scoring: Test result is expressed as total running distance covered and the same can
be converted to VO2 max values by using the prediction formula given

Formula to calculate Predicted Vo2 Max from Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery test.

YY1R1:Vo2 Max (ml/kg/min) =IR1 distance (m) x 0.008 + 36.4

YY1R2:Vo2 Max (ml/kg/min) =IR2 distance (m) x 0.0136 + 45.3

63 | P a g e
Specific Test

Test No.1. Control Dribble Test

Purpose: To measure the dribbling ability.
Equipment/Facilities: An obstacle course marked by six cones will be set up in restricted
area (Key area, Three second area) of a regular basketball court as shown in Figure below.

Procedure: Three trials will be given, the first is a practice trial and the last two are scored
for the record. The performer starts with the ball on his / her non-dominant hand side at
cone A. On the signal “Go” the performer will dribble with non-dominant hand to the non-
dominant hand side to the middle cone B. The performer will then proceed to follow the
course using the proffered hand, changing hands as deemed appropriate until the finish line
is crossed by both feet.

Scoring: The score of each trial will be elapsed time required to legally complete the
course. Scores should be recorded to the nearest hundredth of a second for each trial. The
final test score will be the least time out of the two trials.

Violations/ penalties:
i. If the performer does ball handling infractions (travelling, double, dribble) the trials will be
stopped and the performer has to return to starting point and begin the trial again.
ii. The performer and the ball has to remain outside the cone (this includes dribbling the ball
either inside or over the cone). If there was failure of this, the trial will be stopped and the
performer has to return to start and begin again.
iii. If the performer fails to begin at the point in the course where control was last the trial will be
stopped and the performer has to return to start and begin again.

64 | P a g e
Test No.2. Spot Shooting Test

Purpose: To measure the shooting ability.

Equipment / Facilities: A regular basketball court as shown in Figure and Basket balls.

Procedure: Players have to make 40 throws from 10 spots: 4 series with 10 throws in each
one in minimum time. Percentage of accurate throws and timing to be considered. Spots are
marked on the field according to the figure 3. Spots are on the line, parallel to the
base line. Spots 3,4,7,8 are on the 45 lines to the base line to the left and right from the
basket. Spots 5.6 are on the line, perpendicular to the base line. Distance from the basket
centre projection on the ground to spots 1, 3,5,7,9, is 4, 5 meters. To the spots 2, 4, 6,8,10
are 6 meters. Each set of 10 throws should be acted in the strict order of spots 1,
2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. The player should collect the ball after each throw by himself and come
to the next spot dribbling the ball.

65 | P a g e
Test No.3. Wall Passing Test

Purpose: To measure the passing ability.

Equipment/ Facilities: There will be six squares of 60 cm. each, marked on the wall so that
the base of the squares is either 1.55 m or 0.9 m above the floor at a distance of 2.50 m from
the wall as shown in Figure below.

Procedure: There will be three trials of 30 seconds each. The first trial is considered as a
practice and the last two are recorded. Number of passes counted for 30 seconds. The
subject (with a ball) stands behind the restraining line and face the target on the far left (A).
On the signal “Go” the performer chest passes to first target recovers the rebound while
moving to a location behind the second and behind the restraining line and chest pass at
target B. This pattern continues until target F is reached where two chest passes are
executed following, which the performer then passes to E, repeating the sequence by
moving towards the left. The stopwatch will also be started on the signal “Go” and on
completion of 30 seconds, the watch will be stopped. Number of hits made on the target will
be counted.

66 | P a g e

I Complete Haemogram

a Haemoglobin g/dL

b Packed Cell Volume %

c RBC Count mill/mm3

d MCV fL

e MCH Pg

f MCHC g/dL

g Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) %

h Total Leukocyte count (TLC) thou/mm3

i Differential Leukocyte Count

j Segmented Neutrophils %

k Lymphocytes %

l Monocytes %

m Eosinophils %

n Basophils %

o Absolute Leukocyte count

p Neutrophils thou/mm3

q Lymphocytes thou/mm3

r Monocytes thou/mm3

67 | P a g e
s Eosinophils thou/mm3

t Basophils thou/mm3

u Platelet Count thou/mm3

v ESR Mm/hr

II Urea mg/dL

a Bile salt mg/dL

b Bile pigment mg/dL

c Sr. Bilirubin mg/dL

S.NO. TEST NAME (Anthropometrical) UNITS

a Height Cm
b Weight Kg
c Body Mass Index kg.m-2
d Sitting Height Cm
e Arm Span cm
f Waist Hip Ratio waist(cm)/ hip(cm) *score <1

68 | P a g e
5. Boxing

69 | P a g e
A. Talent Identification Test Matrix for Grassroot Talent

S.No. Sports Categories Tests Measurement Units

Physical Tests
800 Mtr Run Minutes
Hand Grip Maximum Grip Strength (Kg)
Medicine Ball Throw Meters
5. Boxing Under 12
Standing Vertical Jump Meters/Centimeters
30 Mts Flying Start Sprint Seconds
Harres Test for Agility Minutes
Bend & Reach Centimeters


The coaches have to ensure that the participants conduct a quick, general warm-up before
starting with the first test. This might have to be conducted by the coaches themselves or the
local PE teacher. To avoid any form of dehydration, the coaches have to ensure that the
participants are drinking enough water during the time of the test.

For all tests, the health and safety of all participants as well as coaches is of utmost
importance. The coaches have to do a site-check before conducting the tests. Sprinting and
jumping areas should be even, without any dents.

Every area should be marked with cones, no one except the performing athlete and the
coaches involved are supposed to enter the sprint area as well as the landing area of the jumps
and throws.

Sharp edges have to be covered. Equipment, which is not fulfilling the demands, has to be
replaced, especially the obstacles and throwing implements.

70 | P a g e
Description of Talent Identification Tests

Test No. 1: 800 Mtr Run Test

Purpose: The objective of 800 Mtr run is to monitor the aerobic capacity.

Equipment: 400 Mtr Track, Stopwatch.

Fig 1. 800 Mtr Run Test

Procedure: The aim of this test is to complete the 800 meter course in the quickest possible
time. To start, all participants line up behind the starting line.

Scoring:The time to cover 2 rounds x 400 m to nearer 1/10" of a second is recorded as score
of the test.

71 | P a g e
Test No. 2: Hand Grip Test

Purpose: (Left/Right) for hand strength.

Equipment: Hand Grip Dynamometer.

Fig 2. Hand Grip Test

Procedure: The subject holds the dynamometer in the hand to be tested, with the arm at
right angles and the elbow by the side of the body. The handle of
the dynamometer is adjusted if required - the base should rest on the first
metacarpal (heel of palm), while the handle should rest on middle of the four

Scoring: The best result from several trials for each hand is recorded, with at least 15
seconds recovery between each effort.

Test No. 3 Medicine Ball Throw Test

Purpose: (while sitting Chest Throw) for Upper body strength. The objective is to
measure back and explosive strength of the upper body.

Equipment: Mini Basketball/Medicine Ball, Measuring tape, One meter diameter circle.

72 | P a g e
Fig 3. Medicine Ball Throw Test

• Sit on the ground next to the tape measure with your back against a wall and your
head slightly off the wall.
• Hold the med ball at your chest.
• Explosively throw the ball at a 45-degree angle as far as you can. Drive the med
ball; do not throw it.

Scoring: The maximum distance in meter out of two throws will be recorded. The
score is recorded to the nearest meters.

Test No. 4Standing Vertical Jump Test

Purpose: Standing Vertical Jump for Lower body strength.

Equipment: measuring tape or marked wall, chalk for marking wall (or Vertec or jump mat).

73 | P a g e
Fig 4. Standing Vertical Jump Test


• Stand with your side to a wall

• With your feet flat on the ground, reach the arm closest to the wall as high as possible.
• Mark the highest spot you can reach.
• From the same standing position, jump and hit the wall at the highest point of your

Scoring: The standing reach is subtracted from the jumping reach. The score shall be
best of three jumps. The score is recorded to the nearest centimeters.

Test No. 5. 30 Mts Flying Start Sprint Test

Purpose: For Speed.

Equipment: Measuring tape or marked track, stopwatch or timing gates, cone markers, flat
and clear surface.

74 | P a g e
Fig 5. 30 Mts Flying Start Sprint Test

Procedure: Set up cones at 0, 30m and 60m along a straight line, and timing gates if
available at 30m and 60m. The test involves a 30m acceleration area to enable
the runner to get up to their maximum speed, then maximal sprinting over 30

Scoring: Two trials are allowed, and the best time is recorded to the nearest two decimal
places. The timing starts from when the athlete's torso passes through the first
timing gate, or by stopwatch when they pass the 30m cone, and finishes at the
60m cone marker.

Test No. 6, Harres Test for agility Test

Purpose: To determine the agility of the athlete.

Equipment: A soft carpet, a cone, three hurdles and a taped starting line of one meter.

Fig 6. 30 Harres Test for agility Test

75 | P a g e
Procedure: You will need a soft carpet, a cone, three hurdles and a taped starting line of
one meter, the center of which should lie just in front of the cone. The height of
the hurdles must be adapted to the respective test person's branch height (i.e.
so that the height of the hurdle, when the test person stands with each leg on
either side of the hurdle, reaches to the branch.) The support legs of the hurdles
must be turned in- wards in the path. The test person should not touch the
hurdles, either during jumps or crawling. If the hurdles are knocked over or
moved, the test is not approved.

Be sure to move the carpet away after the forward roll so that you do not slip
on it when rounding the cone or at the finish. Three attempts are allowed.

1. Start behind a line and make a forward roll on the carpet.

2. Run forward and then turn 90 degrees around the cone to the left.

3. Jump over hurdle 1 and crawl back under it.

4. Round the cone and then turn 90 degrees to the left.

5. Jump over hurdle 2 and crawl back under it.

6. Round the cone and turn 90 degrees to the left.

7. Jump over hurdle 3 and crawl back under it.

8. Round the cone and turn 90 degrees to the left.

9. Run through the finish line (i .e., the same as the start line).

Test No. 7 Bend & Reach Test

Purpose: For Flexibility.

Equipment: Sit and reach box (or alternatively a ruler can be used, and a step or box).

76 | P a g e
Fig 7 Bend & Reach Test

Procedure: This test involves sitting on the floor with legs stretched out straight ahead.
Shoes should be removed. The soles of the feet are placed flat against the box.
Both knees should be locked and pressed flat to the floor. The tester may assist
by holding them down.

Scoring: The score is recorded to the nearest centimeter or half inch as the distance
reached by the hand. Some test versions use the level of the heel touching the
ground as the zero mark, while others have the zero mark 9 inches before the
level of the heel touching the ground. Three trials are given and best one is
recorded in cm or inches for analysis.

77 | P a g e

I Complete Haemogram

a Haemoglobin g/dL

b Packed Cell Volume %

c RBC Count mill/mm3

d MCV fL

e MCH Pg

f MCHC g/dL

g Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) %

h Total Leukocyte count (TLC) thou/mm3

i Differential Leukocyte Count

j Segmented Neutrophils %

k Lymphocytes %

l Monocytes %

m Eosinophils %

n Basophils %

o Absolute Leukocyte count

p Neutrophils thou/mm3

q Lymphocytes thou/mm3

r Monocytes thou/mm3

s Eosinophils thou/mm3

t Basophils thou/mm3

u Platelet Count thou/mm3

78 | P a g e
v ESR Mm/hr

II Urea mg/dL

a Bile salt mg/dL

b Bile pigment mg/dL

c Sr. Bilirubin mg/dL

S.NO. TEST NAME (Anthropometrical) UNITS

a Height Cm
b Weight Kg
c Body Mass Index kg.m-2
d Sitting Height Cm
e Arm Span cm
f Waist Hip Ratio waist(cm)/ hip(cm) *score <1

79 | P a g e
6. Cycling

80 | P a g e
A. Talent Identification Test Matrix for Grassroot Talent

S.No. Sports Categories Tests Measurement Units

Physical Tests
Standing Board Jump Meters/Centimeters
Standing Vertical Jump Meters/Centimeters
6. Cycling Under 12 1600 meters endurance run
for boys/800 meters Minutes
endurance run for girls
Watt bike Test Watt


The coaches have to ensure that the participants conduct a quick, general warm-up before
starting with the first test. This might have to be conducted by the coaches themselves or the
local PE teacher. To avoid any form of dehydration, the coaches have to ensure that the
participants are drinking enough water during the time of the test.

For all tests, the health and safety of all participants as well as coaches is of utmost importance.
The coaches have to do a site-check before conducting the tests. Sprinting and jumping areas
should be even, without any dents.

Every area should be marked with cones, no one except the performing athlete and the coaches
involved are supposed to enter the sprint area as well as the landing area of the jumps and

Sharp edges have to be covered. Equipment, which is not fulfilling the demands, has to be
replaced, especially the obstacles and throwing implements.

81 | P a g e
Description of Talent Identification Tests
Test No. 1. Standing Broad Jump

Purpose: To find the maximum muscle power.

• A flat jumping area at least 20 feet in length.
• A tape measure at least 10 feet long duct tape or masking tape.

Fig 1. Standing Broad Jump

• Place a 2- to 3-foot (0.6-0.9 m) length of tape on the floor to serve as a starting line.
• The athlete stands with the toes just behind the starting line.
• The athlete performs a countermovement and jumps forward as far as possible.
• The athlete must land on the feet for the jump to be scored. Otherwise the trial is
• A marker is placed at the back edge of the athlete’s rearmost heel, and the tape measure
determines the distance between the starting line and the mark.
• The best of three trials is recorded to the nearest 0.5 inch or 1 cm.

82 | P a g e
Scoring: The measurement is taken from take-off line to the nearest point of
contact on the landing (back of the heels). Three attempts, one after the
other are given. All the three are marked. The longest distance jumped,
the best of three attempts, will be the score of the athlete. The score is
recorded to the nearest meter.

Test No.2: Standing Vertical Jump

Purpose: To find the maximum muscle power.

• A smooth wall with a ceiling higher than the highest jumper’s jump height
• A flat floor with good traction
• Chalk of a different color than the wall.
• Measuring tape or stick

Fig 2. Standing Vertical Jump

Procedure: (Using a Wall and Chalk)

a) The tester rubs chalk on the fingertips of the athlete’s dominant hand.
b) The athlete stands with the dominant shoulder about 6 inches (15 cm) from the
wall and, with both feet flat on the floor, reaches as high as possible with the dominant
hand and makes a chalk mark on the wall.
c) The athlete then lowers the dominant hand and, without a preparatory or stutter
step, performs a countermovement by quickly flexing the knees and hips, moving the
trunk forward and downward, and swinging the arms backward. During the jump, the
dominant arm reaches upward, while the non-dominant arm moves downward

83 | P a g e
relative to the body.
d) At the highest point in the jump, the athlete places a second chalk mark on the wall
with the fingers of the dominant hand using a swiping motion of the fingers. The score
is the vertical distance between the two chalk marks.
e) The best of three trials is recorded to the nearest 0.5 inches

No. of attempts: Every athlete is allowed to execute two [2] jumps. If an additional jump
is necessary due to instable landing, a third attempt will be granted.

Scoring: The standing reach is subtracted from the jumping reach. The score shall
be best of three jumps. The score is recorded to the nearest centimeter.

Test No. 3: 1600 M endurance run for boys/ 800 m endurance run for girls

Purpose: To estimate the aerobic capacity

Equipment: For 1600M, Stopwatch, tape / cones (for marking), measuring wheel (if
no stadium available) and for 800M, oval or 400M running track,
stopwatch, recording sheets.

Procedure: The 1600M is done for boys and here the athletes are asked to line up in
a standing start position at the 400M start at a regular stadium (400M
round). If a stadium is not available, the coach has to ensure that there
is another possibility to measure the exact distance of 1,600M (e.g. using
a measuring wheel). After the signal, the athlete has to run the 1.6km as
fast as possible. Only one attempt is given to the athletes. In case of the
800M run for girls, the test is to complete the 800-meter course in the
quickest possible time. To start, all participants line up behind the
starting line. On the command ‘go,’ the clock will start, and they will
begin running at their own pace. Cheering or calling out the elapsed time
is also permitted to encourage the participants to achieve their best

Scoring: The coach records the results using his / her stopwatch. The total time
taken to complete the distance is recorded. For 1600M, minimum 06:00
Min. – 00 Points and 1 point each on securing 5 sec. faster. For 800M,
minimum 03:45 Min. - 00 Points and 1 point each on securing 5 sec.

84 | P a g e
Fig3. 1600M endurance run

Test No. 4: Watt bike Test

Purpose: To estimate the power peak, power average, power mass and Cadence

Equipment: Watt bike Cycle

Procedure: The tests cover the full range of fitness levels and include procedures
for both sub-maximal and maximal testing.

6 Sec. test – 4 Minute recovery

6 Sec. test – 4 Minute recovery

30 sec. test – 5:30 minute recovery

4-minute Test

Fig 4. Watt bike Cycle Test

85 | P a g e

I Complete Haemogram

a Haemoglobin g/dL

b Packed Cell Volume %

c RBC Count mill/mm3

d MCV fL

e MCH Pg

f MCHC g/dL

g Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) %

h Total Leukocyte count (TLC) thou/mm3

i Differential Leukocyte Count

j Segmented Neutrophils %

k Lymphocytes %

l Monocytes %

m Eosinophils %

n Basophils %

o Absolute Leukocyte count

p Neutrophils thou/mm3

q Lymphocytes thou/mm3

r Monocytes thou/mm3

s Eosinophils thou/mm3

t Basophils thou/mm3

u Platelet Count thou/mm3

86 | P a g e
v ESR Mm/hr

II Urea mg/dL

a Bile salt mg/dL

b Bile pigment mg/dL

c Sr. Bilirubin mg/dL

S.NO. TEST NAME (Anthropometrical) UNITS

a Height Cm
b Weight Kg
c Body Mass Index kg.m-2
d Sitting Height Cm
e Arm Span cm
f Waist Hip Ratio waist(cm)/ hip(cm) *score

87 | P a g e
7. Fencing

88 | P a g e
A. Talent Identification Test Matrix for Grassroot Talent

S.No Sports Categories Tests Measurement

Physical Tests

Standing Broad Jump Centimeters

Medicine Ball Put Meters
Forward Bend and Reach Centimeters
30 Meter Flying Start Seconds

7. Fencing Under 12 Seconds&

10 X 6 Shuttle Run Minutes

800 Meters run Minutes

Modified 300 Meter Shuttle

Seconds &
Run Test 25m x 12


The coaches have to ensure that the kids conduct a quick, general warm-up before starting
with the first test. This might have to be conducted by the coaches themselves or the local PE
teacher. To avoid any form of dehydration, the coaches have to ensure that the participants
are drinking enough during the time of the test.

For all tests, the health and safety of all participants as well as coaches is of utmost
importance. The coaches have to do a site-check before conducting the tests. Sprinting and
jumping areas should be even, without any dents.

Every area should be marked with cones, no one except the performing athlete and the
coaches involved are supposed to enter the sprint area as well as the landing area of the jumps
and throws.

Sharp edges have to be covered. Equipment, which is not fulfilling the demands, has to be
replaced, especially the obstacles and throwing implements.

89 | P a g e
Description of Talent Identification Tests

Test No. 1: Standing Broad Jump

Purpose: To measure the Explosive Strength of lower leg.

Equipment: Commercial Long Jump Landing Mats to measure distance jumped/

Measuring Tape, non-slip floor for takeoff, and soft-landing area
preferred. The take off line should be clearly marked.

Fig 1. Standing Broad Jump

Procedure: The athlete stands behind a line marked on the ground with feet slightly
apart. A two-foot takeoff and landing is used, with swinging of the arms
and bending of the knees to provide forward drive. The subject attempts
to jump as far as possible, landing on both feet without falling
backwards. Three attempts are allowed.

Scoring: The measurement is taken from take-off line to the nearest point of
contact on the landing (back of the heels). Record the longest distance
jumped, the best of three attempts. The score is recorded to the nearest

Test No.2: Medicine Ball Put

Purpose: To measure the Explosive Strength of Arms

90 | P a g e
Equipment: Measuring Tape

Procedure: The athlete sits on the floor with his legs fully extended, feet 24 inches
(~60 cm) apart and with the back against a wall. The ball is held with
the hands on the side and slightly behind the centre and back against the
centre of the chest. The forearms are positioned parallel to the ground.
The athlete throws the medicine ball vigorously as far straight forward
as he can while maintaining the back against the wall. The distance
thrown is recorded.

Score: The distance from the wall to where the ball land is recorded. The
measurement is recorded to the nearest centimeter. The best result of
three throws is used.

Fig 2. Medicine Ball Put

Test No.3: Forward Bend and Reach

Purpose: The purpose of this test was to measure the subject's trunk flexibility.

Equipment: A Specified marked box

91 | P a g e
Fig 3: Forward bend and reach test

Procedure: The player was asked to sit down keeping his leg straight and heel
together. The sole of the feet should touch the box as shown in diagram.
He was asked to bend the trunk forward, with fingers in the front of the
scale. The subject then slowly tried to reached forwards as much as
possible, the fingertips of both hands moved parallel to each other and
equally forward on scale and hold the position for 2 seconds. He was not
permitted to flex their knees.

Scoring: Three trials were given and best one was recorded in cm for analysis.

Test No.4: 30 Meter Flying Start

Purpose: To measure the maximum speed.

Equipment: Electronic Stop Watch, Flag pole (Six), Measuring Tape and45 meters
running course or strip. The running strip should be firm and non-

Marking: The distance of 45 meter is divided into two zones of 15 meters and 30
meters as shown in the diagram – 1. That is DE (15 m) and EF (30 m).
Take radius of 30 meters and mark an arc from point “E”. Mark another
arc of 30 meters from point “F” and intersecting at point “C”. Join CE and
extend to A’ and join CF and extend to B’. Fix flags at all these seven
92 | P a g e
Fig 4. 30 m Run (Flying Start)

Procedure: The athlete stands behind the line “D” and on signal accelerates and
crosses the line “E” with extreme possible speed and also cross the line
“F” with same speed. Athletes are not permitted to run with spikes. Two
trials are permitted.

Scoring: The time keeper stands on point “C” and when the athlete reaches in the
line with flags “A-A’” and “E” line he stars the watch and when the torso
of the athlete comes in the line “B-B’” and cross “F” stops the watch. The
time is then recorded from the watch in Sec.

Test No. 5: 10 X 6 Shuttle Run

Purpose: To determine the agility of the athlete.

Equipment: Stop watch, lime powder and a running course of 10 meters. Surface of
the course should be non-slippery.

Marking: 10 meters of distance is marked by two parallel lines of 5 meters each.

Procedure: The athletes (2 together) stand behind the starting line. On the
commend of starting signal “GO”, athletes run faster, go nearest to the
other line and touch it with the one hand, turn and come back to starting
line, touch it with hand, turns and repeat it for a total of 5 times and 6th
time, run over the line as fast as possible. Two chances are permitted.

93 | P a g e
Scoring: The better time taken by the athlete to complete the course of 6 X10
meters to the nearest 1/ 10 of a second is recorded as score of the test.
The better attempt out of the two is considered or scoring purpose.

Fig.5: Shuttle Run Test

Test No.6: 800 Meters run

Purpose: To measure the endurance capacity of the subjects

Equipment: Stop watches, 400 m Track, Whistle

Markings: A marked 400m track can be used where curve start is to be given.

Procedure: The athlete stands behind the starting line. On the starting signal athlete
runs the 400m track twice as limited time as possible.

Scoring: The time to cover the 800 meters distance to nearer 1/10" of a second is
recorded as score of the test.

Fig. 6: 400 M Track

94 | P a g e
Test No.7: Modified 300 Meter Shuttle Run Test 25 Meter x 12

Purpose: To monitor the athlete's intermediate anaerobic power (lactate system).

Equipment: Measuring Tape, Marking Cones, Stop Watch

Procedure: Marker cones and lines are placed 25 Meters apart to indicate the sprint
distance. Start with a foot on one line. When instructed by the timer, the
player runs to the opposite 25Meter line, touches it with their foot, turns
and run back to the start. This is repeated six times without stopping
(covering 300 Meter total).

Scoring: The average of the two 300M shuttles is recorded meters distance to
nearer 1/10" of a second is recorded as score of the test.



I Complete Haemogram

a Haemoglobin g/dL

b Packed Cell Volume %

c RBC Count mill/mm3

d MCV fL

e MCH Pg

f MCHC g/dL

g Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) %

h Total Leukocyte count (TLC) thou/mm3

i Differential Leukocyte Count

j Segmented Neutrophils %

95 | P a g e
k Lymphocytes %

l Monocytes %

m Eosinophils %

n Basophils %

o Absolute Leukocyte count

p Neutrophils thou/mm3

q Lymphocytes thou/mm3

r Monocytes thou/mm3

s Eosinophils thou/mm3

t Basophils thou/mm3

u Platelet Count thou/mm3

v ESR Mm/hr

II Urea mg/dL

a Bile salt mg/dL

b Bile pigment mg/dL

c Sr. Bilirubin mg/dL

S.NO. TEST NAME (Anthropometrical) UNITS

a Height Cm
b Weight Kg
c Body Mass Index kg.m-2
d Sitting Height Cm
e Arm Span cm
f Waist Hip Ratio waist(cm)/ hip(cm) *score

96 | P a g e
8. Football

97 | P a g e
A. Talent Identification Test Matrix for Grassroot Talent

S.No Sports Categories Tests Measurement

Physical Tests
Sit & Reach Test Centimeters
12 X 20 m repetitive sprint test
with 20 secs recovery Seconds& Minutes

Standing vertical jump Centimeters

30 M Flying Test Seconds
8. Football Under 14 1 Kg Medicine Ball Throw

2x cricket ball overhead throw


T /L Test Seconds & Minutes

Yo-Yo Intermittent Level 1



The coaches have to ensure that the kids conduct a quick, general warm-up before starting
with the first test. This might have to be conducted by the coaches themselves or the local PE
teacher. To avoid any form of dehydration, the coaches have to ensure that the participants
are drinking enough during the time of the test.

For all tests, the health and safety of all participants as well as coaches is of utmost
importance. The coaches have to do a site-check before conducting the tests. Sprinting and
jumping areas should be even, without any dents.

Every area should be marked with cones, no one except the performing athlete and the
coaches involved are supposed to enter the sprint area as well as the landing area of the jumps
and throws.

Sharp edges have to be covered. Equipment, which is not fulfilling the demands, has to be
replaced, especially the obstacles and throwing implements.

98 | P a g e
Description of Talent Identification Tests
Test No. 1: Sit and Reach Test

Purpose: The purpose of this test was to measure the subject's trunk flexibility.

Equipment: Sit and reach box (or alternatively a ruler can be used, and a step or

Fig 1. Sit & Reach Test

Procedure: This test involves sitting on the floor with legs stretched out straight
ahead. Shoes should be removed. The soles of the feet are placed flat
against the box. Both knees should be locked and pressed flat to the floor
- the tester may assist by holding them down. With the palms facing
downwards and the hands on the top of each other or side by side, the
subject reaches forward along the measuring line as far as possible.
Ensure that the hands remain at the same level, not one reaching further
forward than the other. After some practice reaches, the subject reaches
out and holds that position for one-two seconds while the distance is
recorded. Make sure there are no jerky movements.

Scoring: Three trials were given and best one was recorded in cm for analysis.

Test No. 2: 12 X 20 M repetitive sprint test with 20 secs recovery

Purpose: To determine the anaerobic capacity, the ability to recover between sprints
and produce the same level of power repeatedly.

99 | P a g e
Equipment: Timing gates, measuring tape, stopwatch, marker cones, at least 50-
meter track.

Procedure: Two lines are drawn (or tape used) on the track 20 meters apart, and
timing gates placed at these points. Two cones are placed 10m beyond
each end of the 20M, which will be the turning area. The participant
places their preferred foot at the starting line and then sprints
maximally for 20M, ensuring that they do not slow down before reaching
the end. A stopwatch is started on the first movement of the runner, and
is left on to measure total cumulative time. Record the time for each
sprint from the timing gate system. After each sprint the runner turns
(at the cones) and makes their way to the opposite end ready for the next
sprint, to be done in the opposite direction to the previous sprint. The
next 20 M sprint starts 20 seconds after the first one started. This cycle
continues until 12 sprints are completed. The sprints start a 0, 20 sec, 40
sec, 1 min, 1min 20 sec, and 1min 40 sec after the start of the first sprint.

Fig 2. 12x20M repetitive sprint

Scoring: The scoring is done by calculating the best time X 12. Distance to nearer
1/10" of a second is recorded as score of the test.

100 | P a g e
Test No. 3: Standing Vertical Jump

Purpose: To measure the explosive power of lower limbs (legs).

Equipment: Measuring Tape, Bench, Chair, Chalk Powder and Duster.

Marking: A vertical wall is prominently marked in centimeters up to 3.50 meters

Fig 3. Vertical Jump

Procedure: The athletes dips his or her fingers in chalk powder and stand side-wise
against the wall, keeping the arm raised completely above the head and
clap the extended hand marked with chalk on finger straight. The athlete
jumps as high up as possible and touch the wall. The reading shall be
noted by keeping eyes in level with the chalk mark on the progressed
marking. Three attempts are permitted.

Scoring: The standing reach is subtracted from the jumping reach. The score shall
be best of three jumps. The score is recorded to the nearest centimeter.

Test No. 4:30 M Flying Test

Purpose: To determine speed endurance and anaerobic recovery.

Equipment: Measuring tape or marked track, stopwatch or timing gates, cone

markers, flat and clear surface of at least 80 meters.

101 | P a g e
Procedure: Set up cones at 0, 30m and 60m along a straight line, and timing gates
if available at 30m and 60m. The test involves a 30m acceleration area
to enable the runner to get up to their maximum speed, then maximal
sprinting over 30 meters. The tester should provide hints for
maximizing speed (such as keeping low, driving hard with the arms
and legs) and encourage them to continue running with maximum
effort past the finish line.

Scoring: Two trials are allowed, and the best time is recorded to the nearest two
decimal places. The timing starts from when the athlete's torso passes
through the first timing gate, or by stopwatch when they pass the 30m
cone, and finishes at the 60m cone marker. The flying 30m time can be
used to predict 100m sprint times.

Fig 4. 30 m Flying Test

Test No. 5: 1 Kg Medicine Ball Throw

Purpose: To measure back and explosive strength of the upper body.

Equipment: Medicine ball of 1kg, Measuring Tape, One-meter diameter circle.

Procedure: The subject sits in the centre of the one-meter diameter’s circle with his/
her legs stretched forward comfortably. Legs should also be securely
apart and spine should be in line with the centre of the circle as shown
in fig. 4. From this positing subject throws the ball up and forward as far
as possible with both the hands over the head. Three attempts are

102 | P a g e
Scoring: The score shall be best of the three throws where a horizontal distance
shall be measured from the centre of the circle in centimeters.

Fig.5. Medicine ball throw

Test No. 6: cricket ball overhead throw

Purpose: To estimate power (shoulder-flexion / elbow extension)

Equipment: 8-12 cricket balls, measuring tape, tape / cones (for marking)

Procedure: The coach marks one line with tape or a rope on even ground (preferably
track or even grass, if possible). A measurement tape with the zero-point
at the beginning of this line will be installed at the side of the throwing

The athletes are asked to take a ball and move to the line (toes of the
front foot should be very close but not touching the line). They progress
into the power position, similar to the standing throw position in javelin

The athletes perform a straight throw, with the ball staying above
shoulder height throughout the movement, trying to throw the cricket
ball as far as possible. They are supposed to use their legs and hips for
the overall body extension to increase power and the velocity of the ball.
Every athlete is allowed to execute two [2] throws with one arm.

103 | P a g e
If an additional throw is necessary due to whatever reason, a third
attempt will be granted.

Scoring: The distance covered from zero-point to the landing point of the
implement (1.00m steps on the measurement tape) will be considered
for the record.

Test No. 7: T - Test

Purpose: To determine the agility for athletes, and includes forward, lateral, and
backwards running.

Equipment: Tape measure, marking cones, stopwatch, timing gates (optional).

Procedure: Four cones as illustrated in the diagram below are set up (5 yards = 4.57
m, 10 yards = 9.14 m). The subject starts at cone A. On the command of
the timer, the subject sprints to cone B and touches the base of the cone
with their right hand. They then turn left and shuffle sideways to cone C,
and also touches its base, this time with their left hand. Then shuffling
sideways to the right to cone D and touching the base with the right
hand. They then shuffle back to cone B touching with the left hand, and
run backwards to cone A. The stopwatch is stopped as they pass cone A.

Fig 6. T-Test for agility

104 | P a g e
Scoring: The trial will not be counted if the subject crosses one foot in front of the
other while shuffling, fails to touch the base of the cones, or fails to face
forward throughout the test. The best time of three successful trials to
the nearest 0.1 seconds is recorded.

Test No. 8: Yo-Yo Intermittent Level 1 for Children Test

Purpose: To evaluate the ability to repeatedly perform high-intensity aerobic


Equipment: The description of the tests and test signals are provided in a CD-ROM.
To perform the test a CD-player, a tape measure, markers/cones, a stop
watch and a pencil are needed.

Markings: Two markers are placed on the ground exactly 16 m apart (two lines can
also be used) and a third marker is placed 4 m behind the start maker.

Fig7. YoYo Intermittent Level 1 for Children

Procedure: Yo-Yo IR test last for 5-15 minutes of running and consists of 2 × 16
meters shuttle runs interval of running and 2 × 4 meters for active
recovery inter spread by a regular short rest periods 10 sec. The CD –
rom that fallows the Yo –Yo test package provides the information about
how to perform the test and gives the signal to control the speed. Briefly
the player runs forward 16 meters at a speed, so that

105 | P a g e
the player reaches the 16-meter marker exactly at the time of the signal.
A turn is made at the 16-meter markers and the player runs back to the
starting marker which has to be reached at the time of the next signal.
Then the player has a 10- second break running slowly around the third
marker placed 4 meters behind. If the players run too quickly, he/she
must wait at the marker until the next signal. It is recommended that
that the players upon turning switches between left and right foot to
avoid one sided load on the body. The course is repeated until failure to
complete the shuttle run in time on two occasions. The first time the
start marker is not reached a warning is given (yellow card) and the
second time the test is terminated (red card).The last running interval
that a player has completed before being excluded from the test is noted
and the test result is expressed as the total running distance covered in
the test.

Scoring: The results for the yo-yo test can be given as the time to exhaustion, the
total distance covered, the level number achieved, or speed level and
shuttles, though the most common way the score is reported is the speed
level plus the number of shuttles.

106 | P a g e

I Complete Haemogram

a Haemoglobin g/dL

b Packed Cell Volume %

c RBC Count mill/mm3

d MCV fL

e MCH Pg

f MCHC g/dL

g Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) %

h Total Leukocyte count (TLC) thou/mm3

i Differential Leukocyte Count

j Segmented Neutrophils %

k Lymphocytes %

l Monocytes %

m Eosinophils %

n Basophils %

o Absolute Leukocyte count

p Neutrophils thou/mm3

q Lymphocytes thou/mm3

r Monocytes thou/mm3

s Eosinophils thou/mm3

t Basophils thou/mm3

107 | P a g e
u Platelet Count thou/mm3

v ESR Mm/hr

II Urea mg/dL

a Bile salt mg/dL

b Bile pigment mg/dL

c Sr. Bilirubin mg/dL

S.NO. TEST NAME (Anthropometrical) UNITS

a Height Cm
b Weight Kg
c Body Mass Index kg.m-2
d Sitting Height Cm
e Arm Span cm
f Waist Hip Ratio waist(cm)/ hip(cm) *score

AIFF Scouting Assessment Template for SUB-JUNIOR, JUNIOR INDUCTION

PLAYERS (Boys U11/U12 & Girls) (TECHNICAL)

Parameters (provide Assessment Score or marks on a scale of 1-10, where 10 is

Attacking: Physical:
Defending: Psychological:
Transition: Technical:

REMARKS: (insert any other relevant positive & negative observations; any extraordinary

Comment on inborn qualities:

Comfort on ball Passing accuracy Intelligence
Speed Spirit Height (estimate growth)

108 | P a g e
Any additional: *any other notable aspects, positive or negative

Insert picture: past & current photographs of players

OTHER INFORMATION FOR DUE DILIGENCE (collected or recorded separately)

Parents/Family all docs, photos,
Aadhaar NOC
Personal meeting with immediate
School ID family
past report cards Personal & Family medical history
School etc.

*Notes: Selection/admission of player to be based on POTENTIAL, POTENTIAL to

be based on the attributes necessary in a player for SENIOR
INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL assessment norms to undergo
alterations/changes depending upon new information, technology, best
practices, etc. tests related sports science, age, genealogy, etc. to be added
as per developing systems in football

109 | P a g e
9. Gymnastics

110 | P a g e
A. Talent Identification Test Matrix for Grassroot Talent

S.No Sports Categories Tests Measurement

Physical Tests

Seconds & Minutes

20 M Sprint

Standing Broad Jump

Hand Grip Strength (Both left

9. Gymnastics Under 12 and right hands) Kilograms

Shuttle Run – 10X6 M Seconds & Minutes

Flexed Hang on High Bar Seconds & Minutes

Straight and Side Walking on
Balancing Beam Seconds & Minutes


The coaches have to ensure that the kids conduct a quick, general warm-up before starting
with the first test. This might have to be conducted by the coaches themselves or the local PE
teacher. To avoid any form of dehydration, the coaches have to ensure that the participants
are drinking enough during the time of the test.

For all tests, the health and safety of all participants as well as coaches is of utmost
importance. The coaches have to do a site-check before conducting the tests. Sprinting and
jumping areas should be even, without any dents.

Every area should be marked with cones, no one except the performing athlete and the
coaches involved are supposed to enter the sprint area as well as the landing area of the jumps
and throws.

Sharp edges have to be covered. Equipment, which is not fulfilling the demands, has to be
replaced, especially the obstacles and throwing implements.

111 | P a g e
Description of Talent Identification Tests

Test No. 1: 20 M Sprint

Purpose: To measure the running speed.

Equipment: Stop watch, Marker, Flag, Ground, / floor.

Procedure: The test is to be administered from standing position (standing start).

The subject needs to stand just behind the starting line. On an audible
signal, he/she starts running as fast as possible and finishes at the end
of the 20m line.

Scoring: Time taken in sec. to cover 20 m. distances is recorded. Two attempts

are given at 10 min. interval and the better performance is to be
considered for scoring purpose. The time is recorded electronically. If
manually done, there must be two time keepers. the score is recorded in
nearest 0.1 sec.

Fig 1: 20 M Sprint from standing start

112 | P a g e
Test No. 2: Standing Broad Jump

Purpose: The purpose of this test is to test the explosive strength of lower body

Equipment: (i) A flat jumping area at least 20 feet in length.

(ii) A tape measure at least 10 feet long duct tape or masking tape
Procedure: (Using a Tape Measure)

• Place a 2- to 3-foot (0.6-0.9 m) length of tape on the floor to serve as

a starting line.
• The athlete stands with the toes just behind the starting line.
• The athlete performs a countermovement and jumps forward as far
as possible.
• The athlete must land on the feet for the jump to be scored.
Otherwise the trial is repeated.
• A marker is placed at the back edge of the athlete’s rearmost heel,
and the tape measure determines the distance between the starting
line and the mark.
• The best of three trials is recorded to the nearest 0.5 inch or 1 cm.

Fig 2. Standing Broad Jump

Scoring: The distance covered from starting point to the nearest breaking point
(5cm steps on the measurement tape) will be considered for the record.
The score is recorded to the nearest meter.

113 | P a g e
Test No. 3: Hand Grip Strength (Both left and right hand)

Purpose: To measure the maximum isometric strength of the hand and forearm

Equipment: Handgrip dynamometer

Procedure: The subject holds the dynamometer in the hand to be tested, with the
arm at right angles and the elbow by the side of the body. The handle of
the dynamometer is adjusted if required - the base should rest on the
first metacarpal (heel of palm), while the handle should rest on middle
of the four fingers. When ready the subject squeezes the dynamometer
with maximum isometric effort, which is maintained for about 5
seconds. No other body movement is allowed. The subject should be
strongly encouraged to give a maximum effort.

Fig 3. Handgrip Test

Scoring: The best result from several trials for each hand is recorded, with at
least 15 seconds recovery between each effort.

Test No. 4: 10 m x 6 times Shuttle Run

Purpose: To measure Agility and Coordination.

Equipment: Stop watch, lime powder and a running course of 10 meters. Surface of
the course should be non-slippery.

Marking: 10 meters of distance is marked by two parallel lines of 5 meters each.

114 | P a g e
Fig 4. Shuttle Run Test

Procedure: The athletes (2 together) stand behind the starting line. On the
commend of starting signal “GO”, athletes run faster, go nearest to the
other line and touch it with the one hand, turn and come back to starting
line, touch it with hand, turns and repeat it for a total of 5 times and 6th
time, run over the line as fast as possible. Two chances are permitted.

Scoring: The better time taken by the athlete to complete the course of 6 X10
meters to the nearest 1/ 10 of a second is recorded as score of the test.
The better attempt out of the two is considered or scoring purpose.

Test No. 5: Flexed Hang on High Bar

Purpose: To measure grip, arms and shoulder strength.

Equipment: Horizontal Bar, Bench/ Box, Stop Watch, a mat under the bar for safety

Procedure: The subject should grip the bar with hands shoulder width apart and get
into the top most pull-up position, with chin above the bar. They may
take assistance of any person or may use bench / box to come to the
position. Then, he/she is to hold the position without any support other
than his/her hands for as long as possible.

Scoring: The maximum hold time of the subject is recorded in seconds, which
becomes his/ her score.

115 | P a g e
Fig 5. Flexed Hang Position on High Bar

Test No. 6: Straight and Side Walking on Balancing Beam (Height 100cm)

Purpose: To measure balancing ability (and indirectly fearlessness).

Equipment: Balancing Beam Stop Watch, a mat under the Beam for safety purpose.
(Height of the Beam to be fixed at 100 cm from the mat of 20 cm height)

Procedure: A player is asked to stand on the end of the Beam, keeping arms
sideways. On the Command “GO”, the player would start walking as fast
as possible towards the other end of the Beam. After touching the second
end of the Beam, the player shall right side (90®) and start walking
sideways, by keeping his/ her arms sideways. After touching the First
end with right toes, he/ she must walk as fast as possible, towards left
side. After reaching at the second end, he/ she will turn left side and
jump to land on the mat.

116 | P a g e
Scoring: The maximum time taken to cover three lengths of the beam till landing
on the Mat is recorded for scoring purpose.

Fig 6. Walking on Balance Beam

117 | P a g e

I Complete Haemogram

a Haemoglobin g/dL

b Packed Cell Volume %

c RBC Count mill/mm3

d MCV fL

e MCH Pg

f MCHC g/dL

g Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) %

h Total Leukocyte count (TLC) thou/mm3

i Differential Leukocyte Count

j Segmented Neutrophils %

k Lymphocytes %

l Monocytes %

m Eosinophils %

n Basophils %

o Absolute Leukocyte count

p Neutrophils thou/mm3

q Lymphocytes thou/mm3

r Monocytes thou/mm3

s Eosinophils thou/mm3

t Basophils thou/mm3

118 | P a g e
u Platelet Count thou/mm3

v ESR Mm/hr

II Urea mg/dL

a Bile salt mg/dL

b Bile pigment mg/dL

c Sr. Bilirubin mg/dL

S.NO. TEST NAME (Anthropometrical) UNITS

a Height Cm
b Weight Kg
c Body Mass Index kg.m-2
d Sitting Height Cm
e Arm Span cm
f Waist Hip Ratio waist(cm)/ hip(cm) *score

119 | P a g e
10. Hockey

120 | P a g e
A. Talent Identification Test Matrix for Grassroot Talent

S.No Sports Categories Tests Measurement

Physical Tests
Speed -10 m time Seconds/Minutes

Speed – 40 m time

Repeated Sprints (6x30 Percentage Difference


Skill Tests
Receiving Short Distances Score in Percentage
Fore stick Count and
Reverse stick Count
Receiving Long Distances Score in Percentage
Fore stick Count and
10. Hockey Under 12 Reverse stick Count
Passing Short Distances Score in Percentage
Fore stick Count and
Reverse stick Count
Passing Long Distances Score in Percentage
Fore stick Count and
Reverse stick Count
Overhead Passing and Score in Percentage
Pass Count & Receive
Tackling Score in Percentage
Aerial Skills Score in Percentage
Forehand Count &
Backhand Count
Drag Flicks Score in Percentage
1 vs 1 Score in Percentage

121 | P a g e

The coaches have to ensure that the kids conduct a quick, general warm-up before starting
with the first test. This might have to be conducted by the coaches themselves or the local PE
teacher. To avoid any form of dehydration, the coaches have to ensure that the participants
are drinking enough during the time of the test.

For all tests, the health and safety of all participants as well as coaches is of utmost
importance. The coaches have to do a site-check before conducting the tests. Sprinting and
jumping areas should be even, without any dents.

Every area should be marked with cones, no one except the performing athlete and the
coaches involved are supposed to enter the sprint area as well as the landing area of the jumps
and throws.

Sharp edges have to be covered. Equipment, which is not fulfilling the demands, has to be
replaced, especially the obstacles and throwing implement.

122 | P a g e
Description of Talent Identification Tests
Test No. 1: 10 Meter time

Purpose: The purpose of this test is to determine acceleration, maximum running

speed and speed endurance.

Equipment: Measuring tape or marked track, stopwatch or timing gates, cone


Fig 1. 10 M time

Procedure: The test involves running a single maximum sprint over a set distance,
with time recorded. After a standardized warm up, the test is conducted
over 10 meters. The starting position should be standardized, starting
from a stationary position with a foot behind the starting line, with no
rocking movements. With the timing gate equipment, the time to run
each split distance is measured during the same run, and then
acceleration and peak velocity can also be determined.

Scoring: The scoring is done with measure of the time for the first 10 meters or
yards from a stationary start as a score for acceleration. The sore is
recorded in nearest 0.1 sec.

123 | P a g e
Guidelines for Scoring

(i) Sub-Junior Age:

Excellent < 1.80 secs < 2.00 secs
Very Good 1.81 – 1.90 2.01 – 2.10
Average 1.91 – 2.00 2.11 – 2.20
Fair < 2.01 sec < 2.21 secs

(ii) Junior Age:

Excellent < 1.75 secs <1.90 secs
Very Good 1.76 – 1.85 1.91 – 2.00
Average 1.86 – 1.95 2.01 – 2.10
Fair < 1.96 secs < 2.11 secs

Test No.2: 40 Meter Time

Purpose: The aim of this test is to determine acceleration and speed.

Equipment: Measuring tape or marked track, stopwatch or timing gates, cone

markers, flat and clear surface of at least 60 meters.

Fig 2. 40 Meter Time

124 | P a g e
Procedure: The test involves running a single maximum sprint over 40 meters,
with the time recorded. A thorough warm up should be given, including
some practice starts and accelerations. Start from a stationary position,
with one foot in front of the other. The front foot must be on the starting
line. This runner should be stationary prior to starting. The person
timing should stand at the finish line with one arm held high, and call
‘ready’ followed by a sweep down their arm quickly to start the subject
(do not call out ‘go’ due to the time delay in the subject hearing the call).
As the arm sweeps down, the tester should start the stopwatch which
is held in the downward sweeping arm, and finish the stopwatch as
their chest passes through the finish line.

Scoring: Three trials are allowed, and the best time is recorded to the nearest two
decimal places (sec).

Guidelines for Scoring

(i) Sub-Junior Age:

Excellent < 5.50 secs < 6.00 secs
Very Good 5.51 – 5.70 6.01 – 6.20
Average 5.71 – 5.90 6.21 – 6.40
Fair < 5.90 secs < 6.40 secs

(ii) Junior Age:

Excellent < 5.30 secs < 5.70 secs
Very Good 5.31 – 5.50 5.71 – 5.90
Average 5.51 – 5.70 5.91 – 6.10
Fair < 5.70 secs <6.10 secs

125 | P a g e
Test No. 3: Repeated Sprints (6x30 m)

Purpose: To estimate the anaerobic capacity, the ability to recover between

sprints and produce the same level of power repeatedly.

Equipment: 2 stopwatches, measuring tape, marker cones, at least 50 meters track.

Procedure: a) Measure a distance of 30 meters.

b) Use two stop watches and whistle. First stop watch records players’
30 M time. Second stopwatch to be on for continuous 30 mins with
player to repeat sprint every 30 seconds.

c) From a standing start, player sprints 30. Record time.

d) Player performs 6x30M consecutive sprints every 30 seconds.

Scoring: The percentage difference between the best time and the slowest times.
e.g. 5.50/5.90 x 100 = 7% difference.

Guidelines for Scoring:

< 2% difference – Excellent
2 – 3% difference – Very Good
3 – 5% difference - Average
>5% difference - Fair

126 | P a g e
Test No. 1:Receiving Short Distances

Player must receive balls hit at speed from 18 m (girls) and 23 m (boys)

Mark the ability of the player to trap the ball ‘dead’ and their foot positioning.

• Player receives 10 balls onto fore-stick.

• Player receives 10 balls onto reverse-stick.

Note: Player must receive moving at 45 degrees to the pass.

Guidelines for scoring:

>90 % - Excellent
80 – 90 % - Good
70 – 80 % - Average
< 70 % - Fair

127 | P a g e
Test No. 2:Receiving Long Distances

Player must receive balls hit at speed from more than 23 m (girls) and 28 m (boys)

Mark the ability of the player to trap the ball ‘dead’ and their foot positioning.

• Player receives 10 balls onto fore-stick.

• Player receives 10 balls onto reverse-stick.

Note: Player must receive moving forward towards the pass and cannot be stationary.

Guidelines for scoring:

>90 % - Excellent
80 – 90 % - Good
70 – 80 % - Average
< 70 % - Fair

Test No. 3: Passing Short Distances

Player must display passing skills over 18 m (girls) or 23 m (boys) with accuracy.Four cones
are placed in a 2.5 m square on the 25-yard line directly in front of the player and four cones
in a 2.5 m square on the 25-yard line at 45 degrees to the passing player.

128 | P a g e
(i) Sub-Junior Girls:

• Using a receiving a 5m pass, pass ball using fore-stick at speed directly in front
between the cones spaced 2.5 meters.
• Repeat the same procedure, passing 10 balls at 45-degree angle on the fore stick.
• Repeat the same procedure, passing 10 balls at 45-degree angle on the reverse

(ii) Sub-Junior Boys:

• After receiving a 10 m pass from slightly off-centre, pass the ball using fore-stick at
speed directly in front between the cones spaced 2.5 meters apart. Perform 10
• Repeat the same procedure, passing 10 balls at 45-degree angle on the fore stick.
• Repeat the same procedure, passing 10 balls at 45-degree angle on the reverse
Record the accuracy of the 10 passes. A successful pass occurs if the ball passes between the

129 | P a g e
Guidelines for scoring:

>90 % - Excellent
80 – 90 % - Good
70 – 80 % - Average
< 70 % - Fair

Test No. 4: Passing Long Distances

Player must display passing skills over 23 m (girls) or 28 m (boys) with accuracy.

Four cones are placed in a 5 m square on the 35 m directly in front of the player and four cones
in a 5 m square on the 5 meters at 45 degrees to the passing player.

(iii) Sub-Junior Girls:

• Using a receiving a 5m pass, pass ball using fore-stick at speed directly in front
through cones (23m) spaced 5 meters apart. Perform 10 times.
• Repeat the same procedure, passing 10 balls at 45-degree angle on the fore stick.
• Repeat the same procedure, passing 10 balls at 45-degree angle on the reverse

130 | P a g e
(iv) Sub-Junior Boys:

• After receiving a 10 m pass from slightly off-centre, pass the ball using fore-stick
at speed directly in front between the cones spaced 2.5 meters apart. Perform 10
• Repeat the same procedure, passing 10 balls at 45-degree angle on the fore stick.
• Repeat the same procedure, passing 10 balls at 45-degree angle on the reverse
Guidelines for scoring:

>90 % - Excellent
80 – 90 % - Good
70 – 80 % - Average
< 70 % - Fair

Test No. 5: Overhead Passing and Receiving

Player must display overhead passing and receiving skills over 15 m (girls) or 23 m (boys)
with accuracy.

Four cones are placed in 2.5 m square 15 m directly in front of the player (girls) and four
cones in a 2.5 m square 23 m in front of the boys.

• From a stationary ball, play an overhead pass into the designated target. Repeat this
procedure 10 times.

131 | P a g e
• Standing inside the designated area, the player must trap and control the overhead
pass. Repeat 10 times.
Guidelines for scoring:

Record the accuracy of the 10 overhead passes. A successful pass occurs if the ball passes into
the square of cones.

>90 % - Excellent
80 – 90 % - Good
70 – 80 % - Average
< 70 % - Fair

Record the accuracy of the 10 overhead receives. A player must show the ability to control
the ball to the ground.

>90 % - Excellent
80 – 90 % - Good
70 – 80 % - Average
< 70 % - Fair

Test No. 6: Tackling

Player must display their proficiency of tackling in 2 vs 1 situation. A 20m x 10m channel in
the field is created. The tackling player stands on the 10m (half line). Three pair of players
(two at one end and one pair at opposite end) is required.

• A start is paired and staying within the channel, a 2 vs 1 against the tackling player is
played. If the tackling player succesfully wins the ball without committing a foul, a
positive score is given.
• If the two players beat the tackling player, the ball is passed to Pair B and the exercise
begins again. Then it is passed to a third pair.
• A total of 10 tackles are performed.

132 | P a g e
Test No. 7: Aerial Skills
Players display their proficiency in performing skills.

Within a 10 m square area, two hockey sticks, two shin guards, two dome hats, two 6 inch
hurdles and two stick bags are placed on the ground with space between the items.

The ball (jink) must be lifted by the player using their fore-head side over 5 items and their
back-hand over 5 times.

The ball must not touch the item to receive a perfect score.

The accuracy of 10 jinks are recorded. Then the player shows the ability to control the ball in
the air.

>90 % - Excellent
80 – 90 % - Good
70 – 80 % - Average
< 70 % - Fair

Test No. 8: Drag Flicks

This Skill Test is performed for one who has performed the skill of drag flicking.

After receiving an injection and a clean trap, the player completes a drag flick. A total of 5 drag
clicks should be completed with quality of the drag flick based on speed and accuracy.


• A drag flick that does not land in goal records as negative results.
• A drag flick that lands in the goal record but has little or no speed records as a negative
• A poor injection or trap is not counted and the process is repeated until 5 drag flicks
are scored.

Test No. 9: 1 vs 1
To assess proficiency of players performing a 1 vs 1 from the 23 m line.

With a goal keeper in place, the player has 8 seconds to score a goal.

After the first 1 vs 1, a minimum of 30 seconds is allowed for GK and player to recover.

A total of five 1 vs 1 efforts are scored.

133 | P a g e

I Complete Haemogram

A Haemoglobin g/dL

B Packed Cell Volume %

C RBC Count mill/mm3




G Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) %

H Total Leukocyte count (TLC) thou/mm3

I Differential Leukocyte Count

J Segmented Neutrophils %

K Lymphocytes %

l Monocytes %

m Eosinophils %

n Basophils %

o Absolute Leukocyte count

p Neutrophils thou/mm3

q Lymphocytes thou/mm3

r Monocytes thou/mm3

s Eosinophils thou/mm3

t Basophils thou/mm3

134 | P a g e
u Platelet Count thou/mm3

v ESR Mm/hr

II Urea mg/dL

a Bile salt mg/dL

b Bile pigment mg/dL

c Sr. Bilirubin mg/dL

S.NO. TEST NAME (Anthropometrical) UNITS

a Height Cm
b Weight Kg
c Body Mass Index kg.m-2
d Sitting Height Cm
e Arm Span cm
f Waist Hip Ratio waist(cm)/ hip(cm) *score <1

135 | P a g e
11. Judo

136 | P a g e
A. Talent Identification Test Matrix for Grassroot Talent

S.No. Sports Categories Test Measurement

Physical Tests
Sit and Reach Test Centimeter

Modified Bass Test Success/Fail

Modified 300M Shuttle Seconds&

11. Judo Under 12 T- Test Seconds &
Vertical Jump Centimeters

Medicine Ball Put Meters

Multistage Shuttle Run Level & Count

Pull Up Number (Count)


The coaches have to ensure that the kids conduct a quick, general warm-up before starting
with the first test. This might have to be conducted by the coaches themselves or the local PE
teacher. To avoid any form of dehydration, the coaches have to ensure that the participants
are drinking enough during the time of the test.

For all tests, the health and safety of all participants as well as coaches is of utmost
importance. The coaches have to do a site-check before conducting the tests. Sprinting and
jumping areas should be even, without any dents.

Every area should be marked with cones, no one except the performing athlete and the
coaches involved are supposed to enter the sprint area as well as the landing area of the jumps
and throws.

Sharp edges have to be covered. Equipment, which is not fulfilling the demands, has to be
replaced, especially the obstacles and throwing implement.

137 | P a g e
Description of Talent Identification Tests
Test No.1: Sit & Reach

Purpose: The purpose of this test is to measure the subject's trunk flexibility.

Equipment: Sit and reach box (or alternatively a ruler can be used, and a step or

Fig 1. Sit & Reach Test

Procedure: This test involves sitting on the floor with legs stretched out straight
ahead. Shoes should be removed. The soles of the feet are placed flat
against the box. Both knees should be locked and pressed flat to the floor
- the tester may assist by holding them down. With the palms facing
downwards and the hands on the top of each other or side by side, the
subject reaches forward along the measuring line as far as possible.
Ensure that the hands remain at the same level, not one reaching further
forward than the other. After some practice reaches, the subject reaches
out and holds that position for one-two seconds while the distance is
recorded. Make sure there are no jerky movements.

Scoring: Three trials are given and best one is recorded in cm for analysis.

Test No. 2: Modified Bass test of Dynamic Balance

Purpose: To measure dynamic balance

Equipment: Adequate floor space, sticky tape for marking floor, measuring tape,

138 | P a g e
Procedure: The course is marked out as illustrated in the diagram. The subject
begins by standing stationary on the right foot on the starting point
square. The subject then hops to the first tape mark with the left foot and
immediately holds a static position for five seconds. After this time, he
then hops to the second tape mark with the right foot and holds a static
position for another five seconds. This continues with alternate foot
hopping and holding a static position for five seconds at each point until
the course is completed. At each point, the sole of the foot must
completely cover each tape mark so that it cannot be seen. A period of
practice with the procedure and on the course should be allowed.

Fig 2. Modified Bass Test

Scoring: The result is recorded as either a success or fail. A successful

performance consists of hopping to each tape mark without touching the
floor with the heel or any other part of the body, and holding a static
position on each tape mark for five seconds without exposing the tape

139 | P a g e
Test No. 3: Modified 300M Shuttle

Purpose: To measure anaerobic endurance

Equipment: Stopwatch, measuring tape, marker cones, a flat grass surface

Procedure: Marker cones and lines are placed 25 yards apart to indicate the sprint
distance. Start with a foot on one line. When instructed by the timer, the
player runs to the opposite 25-yard line, touches it with their foot, turns
and run back to the start. This is repeated six times without stopping
(covering 300 yards total). After a rest of five minutes, the test is

Fig 3. Modified 300M Shuttle Test

Scoring: Record the average of the two 300-yard shuttles. The scoring is recorded
in sec.

Test No. 4: T-Test

Purpose: To determine the general agility of the body in maneuvering forward,

backward and sideward.

140 | P a g e
Equipment: Four cones with 9 inches base and 12 inches height, stop watch,
measuring tape and marking powder.

Procedure: A rectangle of 12' by 19' feet was marked with adequate running space
around it. Four plastic cones '9' by '9' inches base with '12' inches height,
were put in every inside of the corner of the marked field. The subject
stood on starting point 1 and on signal, started side step from cone 1 to
2 and passed outside the corner cone 2 and back pedal from cone 2 to 3
and passed to the inside of the corner cone 3. Then he sprinted forward
from cone 3 to cone 1, outside the corner cone. He made back pedal from
cone 1 to cone 4 and passed to the inside of the cone 4. Then he made
sprint forward from cone 4 to cone 2 and passed outside of the corner
cone 2. In the last, he took side step from cone 2 to the finishing line at
cone 1.

Fig 4. Semo agility test

Test No.5: Standing Vertical Jump

Purpose: To find the maximum muscle power.

Equipment: (i) A smooth wall with a ceiling higher than the highest jumper’s jump
(ii) A flat floor with good traction
(iii) Chalk of a different color than the wall.
(iv) Measuring tape or stick

141 | P a g e
Fig 5. Standing Vertical Jump

Procedure: (Using a Wall and Chalk)

a) The tester rubs chalk on the fingertips of the athlete’s dominant
b) The athlete stands with the dominant shoulder about 6 inches
(15 cm) from the wall and, with both feet flat on the floor,
reaches as high as possible with the dominant hand and makes
a chalk mark on the wall.
c) The athlete then lowers the dominant hand and, without a
preparatory or stutter step, performs a countermovement by
quickly flexing the knees and hips, moving the trunk forward
and downward, and swinging the arms backward. During the
jump, the dominant arm reaches upward, while the non-
dominant arm moves downward relative to the body.
d) At the highest point in the jump, the athlete places a second
chalk mark on the wall with the fingers of the dominant hand
using a swiping motion of the fingers. The score is the vertical
distance between the two chalk marks.
e) The best of three trials is recorded to the nearest 0.5 inches

No. of attempts: Every athlete is allowed to execute two [2] jumps. If an additional jump
is necessary due to instable landing, a third attempt will be granted.

Scoring: The standing reach is subtracted from the jumping reach. The score shall
be best of three jumps. The scoring is recorded in nearest centimeter

142 | P a g e
Test No. 6: 1 Kg Medicine Ball Put

Purpose: To measure the Explosive Strength of Arms

Equipment: Measuring Tape

Procedure: The athlete sits on the floor with his legs fully extended, feet 24 inches
(~60 cm) apart and with the back against a wall. The ball is held with
the hands on the side and slightly behind the centre and back against the
centre of the chest. The forearms are positioned parallel to the ground.
The athlete throws the medicine ball vigorously as far straight forward
as he can while maintaining the back against the wall. The distance
thrown is recorded.

Score: The distance from the wall to where the ball land is recorded. The
measurement is recorded to the nearest centimeter. The best result of
three throws is used.

Fig 6. Medicine Ball Put

143 | P a g e
Test No. 7: 20M Shuttle Run Test
/ (Beep test)

Purpose: To estimate an athlete's aerobic capacity (VO2 max).

Equipment: Flat, non-slip surface, marking cones, 20m measuring tape, beep test
audio, audio player, recording sheets.

Procedure: This test involves continuous running between two lines 20m apart in
time to recorded beeps. For this reason, the test is also often called the
'beep' or 'bleep' test. The participants stand behind one of the lines
facing the second line, and begin running when instructed by the
recording. The speed at the start is quite slow. The subject continues
running between the two lines, turning when signaled by the recorded
beeps. After about one minute, a sound indicates an increase in speed,
and the beeps will be closer together. This continues each minute (level).
If the line is reached before the beep sounds, the subject must wait until
the beep sounds before continuing. If the line is not reached before the
beep sounds, the subject is given a warning and must continue to run to
the line, then turn and try to catch up with the pace within two more
‘beep’. The subject is given a warning the first time they fail to reach the
line (within 2 meters), and eliminated after the second warning.

Scoring: The athlete's score is the level and number of shuttles (20m) reached
before they were unable to keep up with the recording. Record the last
level completed (not necessarily the level stopped at).

Fig 7. 20M Shuttle Run Test

144 | P a g e
Test No. 8: Pull Ups

Purpose: To measure strength endurance of arms and shoulders (Upper body).

Equipment: Horizontal bar, Stop watch, Paper and Pencil

Fig8. Pull Ups

Procedure: Grasp the overhead bar using either an overhand grip (palms facing
away from body) or underhand grip (palms facing toward body), with
the arms fully extended. The subject then raises the body until the chin
clears the top of the bar, then lowers again to a position with the arms
fully extended. The pull-ups should be done in a smooth motion. Jerky
motion, swinging the body, and kicking or bending the legs is not
permitted. As many full pull-ups as possible are performed.

Scoring: The total number of correctly completed pull-ups is recorded

145 | P a g e

I Complete Haemogram

a Haemoglobin g/dL

b Packed Cell Volume %

c RBC Count mill/mm3

d MCV fL

e MCH Pg

f MCHC g/dL

g Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) %

h Total Leukocyte count (TLC) thou/mm3

i Differential Leukocyte Count

j Segmented Neutrophils %

k Lymphocytes %

l Monocytes %

m Eosinophils %

n Basophils %

o Absolute Leukocyte count

p Neutrophils thou/mm3

q Lymphocytes thou/mm3

r Monocytes thou/mm3

s Eosinophils thou/mm3

t Basophils thou/mm3

146 | P a g e
u Platelet Count thou/mm3

v ESR Mm/hr

II Urea mg/dL

a Bile salt mg/dL

b Bile pigment mg/dL

c Sr. Bilirubin mg/dL

S.NO. TEST NAME (Anthropometrical) UNITS

a Height Cm
b Weight Kg
c Body Mass Index kg.m-2
d Sitting Height Cm
e Arm Span cm
f Waist Hip Ratio waist(cm)/ hip(cm) *score <1

147 | P a g e
12. Kabaddi

148 | P a g e
A. Talent Identification Test Matrix for Grassroot Talent

S.No Sports Categories Tests Measurement

Physical Tests
6x 10 M Shuttle Run
Seconds and
30 M Run
Seconds and
Standing Broad Jump

12. Kabaddi Under 12 Forward bend and reach

Test Centimeters

Medicine ball throw

Sit ups Count

800 Mts Run Seconds and


The coaches have to ensure that the kids conduct a quick, general warm-up before starting
with the first test. This might have to be conducted by the coaches themselves or the local PE
teacher. To avoid any form of dehydration, the coaches have to ensure that the participants
are drinking enough during the time of the test.

For all tests, the health and safety of all participants as well as coaches is of utmost
importance. The coaches have to do a site-check before conducting the tests. Sprinting and
jumping areas should be even, without any dents.

Every area should be marked with cones, no one except the performing athlete and the
coaches involved are supposed to enter the sprint area as well as the landing area of the jumps
and throws.

Sharp edges have to be covered. Equipment, which is not fulfilling the demands, has to be
replaced, especially the obstacles and throwing implement.

149 | P a g e
Description of Talent Identification Tests
Test No.1: 6X10 M Shuttle Run

Purpose: To determine the agility of the athlete.

Equipment: Stop watch, lime powder and a running course of 10 meters. Surface of
the course should be non-slippery.

Marking: 10 meters of distance is marked by two parallel lines of 5 meters each.

Fig.1 Shuttle run test

Procedure: The athletes (2 together) stand behind the starting line. On the
commend of starting signal “GO”, athletes run faster, go nearest to the
other line and touch it with the one hand, turn and come back to starting
line, touch it with hand, turns and repeat it for a total of 5 times and 6 th
time, run over the line as fast as possible. Two chances are permitted.

Scoring: The better time taken by the athlete to complete the course of 6 X10
meters to the nearest 1/ 10 of a second is recorded as score of the test.
The better attempt out of the two is considered or scoring purpose.

150 | P a g e
Test No.2: 30 meters run

Purpose: To determine acceleration and speed.

Equipment: Measuring tape or marked track, stopwatch or timing gates, cone

markers, flat and clear surface of at least 50 meters.

Fig 2. 30 meters run

Procedure: The test involves running a single maximum sprint over 30 meters, with
the time recorded. A thorough warm up should be given, including some
practice starts and accelerations. Start from a stationary position, with
one foot in front of the other. The front foot must be on or behind the
starting line. This starting position should be held for 2 seconds prior to
starting, and no rocking movements are allowed. The tester should
provide hints for maximizing speed (such as keeping low, driving hard
with the arms and legs) and encourage them to continue running hard
through the finish line.

Scoring: Two trials are allowed, and the best time is recorded to the nearest 2
decimal places. The timing starts from the first movement (if using a
stopwatch) or when the timing system is triggered, and finishes when
the chest crosses the finish line and/or the finishing timing gate is

151 | P a g e
Test No.3: Standing Broad Jump

Purpose: To measure explosive Legs strength and body coordination

Equipment: Floor/ Ground, Measuring Tape, Marker

Fig 3. Standing Broad Jump

Procedure: The athlete stands behind a line marked on the ground with feet slightly
apart. A two-foot takeoff and landing is used, with swinging of the arms
and bending of the knees to provide forward drive. The subject attempts
to jump as far as possible, landing on both feet without falling
backwards. Three attempts are allowed.

Scoring: The measurement is taken from take-off line to the nearest point of
contact on the landing (back of the heels). Three attempts one after the
other are given. All the three are marked. The longest distance jumped,
the best of three attempts, will be the score of the athlete. The scoring is
recorded in nearest meters.

Test No.4: Forward Bend and Reach

Purpose: The purpose of this test was to measure the subject's trunk flexibility.

Equipment: Sit and reach box (or alternatively a ruler can be used, and a step or

152 | P a g e
Fig 4. Sit & Reach Test

Procedure: This test involves sitting on the floor with legs stretched out straight
ahead. Shoes should be removed. The soles of the feet are placed flat
against the box. Both knees should be locked and pressed flat to the floor
- the tester may assist by holding them down. With the palms facing
downwards and the hands on the top of each other or side by side, the
subject reaches forward along the measuring line as far as possible.
Ensure that the hands remain at the same level, not one reaching further
forward than the other. After some practice reaches, the subject reaches
out and holds that position for one-two seconds while the distance is
recorded. Make sure there are no jerky movements.

Scoring: Three trials were given and best one was recorded in cm for analysis.

Test No.5: Medicine Ball throw

Purpose: To measure back and explosive strength of the upper body.

Equipment: Medicine ball of 1kg, Measuring Tape, One-meter diameter circle.

Fig.5. Medicine ball throw

153 | P a g e
Procedure: The subject sits in the centre of the one-meter diameter’s circle with his/
her legs stretched forward comfortably. Legs should also be securely
apart and spine should be in line with the centre of the circle as shown
in fig. 4. From this positing subject throws the ball up and forward as far
as possible with both the hands over the head. Three attempts are

Scoring: The score shall be best of the three throws where a horizontal distance
shall be measured from the centre of the circle in centimeters.

Test No.6: Sit Ups

Purpose: To measure explosive Abdominal Strength

Equipment: Floor/ Ground, Stop Watch

Procedure: The athlete assumes back lying position on the mat keeping her arms
over the head. On the command "GO” he/she energetically lifts the legs
and upper body and touches his/her feet with the hands. This is called
sit-ups in "V” position. He/she performs maximum sit-ups in picked
position in 60 seconds. The time keeper starts taking time on the
command "GO" and stops the watch at 60 seconds.

Fig 6. Sit Ups

Scoring: Maximum number of Sit Ups performed in 60 seconds will be his/her


154 | P a g e
Test No.7: 800 M Run

Purpose: The aim of this test is to complete 800 meters in the quickest possible
time. This is a test of an athlete’s ability to run quickly over a short

Equipment: Oval or 400m running track, stopwatch, recording sheets.

Procedure: The aim of this test is to complete the 800 M course in the quickest
possible time. To start, all participants line up behind the starting line.
On the command ‘go,’ the clock will start, and they will begin running at
their own pace. Cheering or calling out the elapsed time is also permitted
to encourage the participants to achieve their best time.

Scoring: The total time taken to run 800m is recorded. Use the table below to get
a rating from the test time for adults.

155 | P a g e

I Complete Haemogram

a Haemoglobin g/dL

b Packed Cell Volume %

c RBC Count mill/mm3

d MCV fL

e MCH Pg

f MCHC g/dL

g Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) %

h Total Leukocyte count (TLC) thou/mm3

i Differential Leukocyte Count

j Segmented Neutrophils %

k Lymphocytes %

l Monocytes %

m Eosinophils %

n Basophils %

o Absolute Leukocyte count

p Neutrophils thou/mm3

q Lymphocytes thou/mm3

r Monocytes thou/mm3

s Eosinophils thou/mm3

t Basophils thou/mm3

156 | P a g e
u Platelet Count thou/mm3

v ESR Mm/hr

II Urea mg/dL

a Bile salt mg/dL

b Bile pigment mg/dL

c Sr. Bilirubin mg/dL

S.NO. TEST NAME (Anthropometrical) UNITS

a Height Cm
b Weight Kg
c Body Mass Index kg.m-2
d Sitting Height Cm
e Arm Span cm
f Waist Hip Ratio waist(cm)/ hip(cm) *score

157 | P a g e
13. Kho Kho

158 | P a g e
A. Talent Identification Test Matrix for Grassroot Talent

S.No. Sports Categories Tests Measurement

General Tests
Cover and Attack Seconds and Minutes

Pole Turn Test Count (Number)

13. Kho-Kho Under 12
Oval Run Test Seconds and Minutes
Zig Zag Seconds and Minutes

3-3-2 Seconds and Minutes


The coaches have to ensure that the participants conduct a quick, general warm-up before
starting with the first test. This might have to be conducted by the coaches themselves or the
local PE teacher. To avoid any form of dehydration, the coaches have to ensure that the
participants are drinking enough water during the time of the test.

For all tests, the health and safety of all participants as well as coaches is of utmost
importance. The coaches have to do a site-check before conducting the tests. Sprinting and
jumping areas should be even, without any dents.

Every area should be marked with cones, no one except the performing athlete and the
coaches involved are supposed to enter the sprint area as well as the landing area of the
jumps and throws.

Sharp edges have to be covered. Equipment, which is not fulfilling the demands, has to be
replaced, especially the obstacles and throwing implements.

159 | P a g e
Description of Talent Identification Tests

Test No.1: Cover and Attack

Purpose: To check covering and attacking ability of a Chaser.

Equipment: Stop watch, Whistle, Marking Powder, Cones.
Step 1: Subject start test from point A and go straight for 2 mtrs from point A to point
Step 2: When subject reaches at point B, Subject suddenly moves towards his right in
diagonal direction from point B to point C and subject needs to sit in the
Chaser’s box at point C.
Step 3: Again subject needs to stand at point C and go straight for 6 mtrs from point C
to point D.
Step 4: From point D Subject moves towards his left in diagonal direction from point D
to point E and subject needs to sit in Chaser box at point E.
Step 5: Again subject needs to stand at point E and go straight for 2 mtrs from point E
to point F.
Step 6: When subject reached at point F, Subject suddenly moves towards his left in
diagonal direction from point F to point G and subject needs to sit back in
Chaser’s box at point G.
Step 7: Again subject needs to stand at point G and go straight for 6 mtrs from point G
to point H.
Step 8: From point H Subject moves towards his right in diagonal direction from point
H to point A and subject needs to sit in Chaser box at point A.
The tester to start stop watch, when subject start on whistle from point A and should
stop his stop watch, when subject finished his/her test after sitting back in Chaser box
at point A.
Time elapsed from the starting point to the finishing point in secs. to be considered as
the score obtained of the subject.

160 | P a g e
Test No.2: Pole Turn Test

Purpose: To measure Pole Turn ability.

Eq. required: Stop watch, Whistle, Marking Powder, Cones.
Procedure: In the beginning of the Test, subject sits on first Chaser box and on
command “Go” subject start moving towards nearest Pole for Pole turning. After Pole
turning subject needs to comeback and sit back in first Chaser box. Subject needs to
perform this activity repeatedly for 30 seconds in clockwise direction (right side pole
turning) and 30 seconds in anti-clockwise wise direction (left side Pole turning)
separately, with a span of at-least 5 minutes.
Scoring: Number of pole turning perform by the subject in 30 seconds is consider as
score obtained of the subject.

Start and

161 | P a g e
Test No.3: Oval Run Test

Purpose: To measure the foot work (ring game foot work).

Eq. required: Stop watch, Whistle, Marking Powder, Cones.
Procedure: Subject to perform this test in the following manner:
Step 1: Forward run from point A to point B and turn around at point B in clockwise
Step 2: Sideward run from point B to point C.
Step 3: Backward run from point C to D.
Step 4: Forward run from point D to point E and turn around at point E in anti clock
wise direction.
Step 5: Sideward run from point E to point F.
Step 6: Backward run from point F to G.

The tester start stopwatch, when subject start from point A and tester should stop his
stopwatch, when subject cross point G.

Scoring: Time elapsed to perform activity from point A to points G in seconds be

considered as score obtained of the subject.

162 | P a g e
Test No.4 (a): Zig-Zag

Purpose: To measure the foot work (Chain game footwork).

Eq. required: Stop watch, Whistle, Marking Powder, Cones.
Procedure: Subject will stand behind the Post line on the start of the signal “Go”, run Zig-Zag
running from point A to B, while reaching at point B, again subject will start Zig-Zag run
continuously from point B to A. The distance between one chaser box to another chaser box is
2.30 mtr, except Chaser block which is nearest to the Post both side and the distance between
first Chaser block to Post is 2.55 mtr.

Scoring: Time taken from starting point to finishing point in sec. to be considered as the
score obtained of the subject.

Test No.4 (b): 3-3-2 Run

Purpose: To measure the foot work (Chain game foot work)

Eq. required: Stop watch, Whistle, Marking Powder, Cones

Procedure: Subject to stand behind the Post line, on the start of the signal “Go”, run 3-3-2
by taking entry from the back of 3rd and 6th seated Chaser and straight run up
to the point B and again, the subject shall start 3-3-2 run continuously by taking
entry from 3rd and 6th seated chaser from the side of point B, and after taking
entry from the 6th seated chaser back, the subject shall run up to point A.

163 | P a g e
Scoring: Time taken from starting point to finishing point in sec. to be considered as the score
obtained of the subject.

164 | P a g e

I Complete Haemogram

a Haemoglobin g/dL

b Packed Cell Volume %

c RBC Count mill/mm3

d MCV fL

e MCH Pg

f MCHC g/dL

g Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) %

h Total Leukocyte count (TLC) thou/mm3

i Differential Leukocyte Count

j Segmented Neutrophils %

k Lymphocytes %

l Monocytes %

m Eosinophils %

n Basophils %

o Absolute Leukocyte count

p Neutrophils thou/mm3

q Lymphocytes thou/mm3

r Monocytes thou/mm3

s Eosinophils thou/mm3

165 | P a g e
t Basophils thou/mm3

u Platelet Count thou/mm3

v ESR Mm/hr

II Urea mg/dL

a Bile salt mg/dL

b Bile pigment mg/dL

c Sr. Bilirubin mg/dL

S.NO. TEST NAME (Anthropometrical) UNITS

a Height Cm
b Weight Kg
c Body Mass Index kg.m-2
d Sitting Height Cm
e Arm Span cm
f Waist Hip Ratio waist(cm)/ hip(cm) *score <1

166 | P a g e
14. Rowing

167 | P a g e
A. Talent Identification Test Matrix for Grassroot Talent

S.No Sports Categories Tests Measurement

Physical Tests
Sit & Reach Centimeters
Vertical Jump Meters
500 m Rowing Ergo meter Min/Secs& Average
Stroke Rate

Sit up Count (Number)

Pull up Count (Number)
Push up Count (Number)
14. Rowing Under 12 1Repetition Maximum (RM)
Count (Number)
Bench pull
1RM Squat Kilograms
Wall Toss test
Stick Reaction Time Test
Aerobic endurance capacity- l/min (litters per
Measuring VO2 Max on a Rowing minute) or
Ergometer ml/kg/min


The coaches have to ensure that the kids conduct a quick, general warm-up before starting
with the first test. This might have to be conducted by the coaches themselves or the local PE
teacher. To avoid any form of dehydration, the coaches have to ensure that the participants
are drinking enough during the time of the test.

For all tests, the health and safety of all participants as well as coaches is of utmost
importance. The coaches have to do a site-check before conducting the tests. Sprinting and
jumping areas should be even, without any dents.

Every area should be marked with cones, no one except the performing athlete and the
coaches involved are supposed to enter the sprint area as well as the landing area of the jumps
and throws.

Sharp edges have to be covered. Equipment, which is not fulfilling the demands, has to be
replaced, especially the obstacles and throwing implement.

168 | P a g e
Description of Talent Identification Tests

Test No. 1: Sit & Reach Test

Purpose: The purpose of this test was to measure the subject's trunk flexibility.

Equipment: Sit and reach box (or alternatively a ruler can be used, and a step or

Fig 1. Sit & Reach Test

Procedure: This test involves sitting on the floor with legs stretched out straight
ahead. Shoes should be removed. The soles of the feet are placed flat
against the box. Both knees should be locked and pressed flat to the floor
- the tester may assist by holding them down. With the palms facing
downwards and the hands on the top of each other or side by side, the
subject reaches forward along the measuring line as far as possible.
Ensure that the hands remain at the same level, not one reaching further
forward than the other. After some practice reaches, the subject reaches
out and holds that position for one-two seconds while the distance is
recorded. Make sure there are no jerky movements.

Scoring: Three trials are given and best one is recorded in cm for analysis.

169 | P a g e
Test No.2: Vertical Jump Test

Purpose: To measure the explosive power of lower limbs (legs).

Equipment: Measuring Tape, Bench, Chair, Chalk Powder, and Duster.

Marking: A vertical wall is prominently marked in centimeters up to 3.50 meters.

Fig. 2: Vertical Jump Test

Procedure: The athletes dips his or her fingers in chalk powder and stand side-wise
against the wall, keeping the arm raised completely above the head and
clap the extended hand marked with chalk on finger straight. The athlete
jumps as high up as possible and touch the wall. The reading shall be
noted by keeping eyes in level with the chalk mark on the progressed
marking. Three attempts are permitted.

Scoring: The standing reach is subtracted from the jumping reach. The score shall
be best of three jumps measured in cm.

Test No.3: 500 M Rowing Ergometer

Purpose: To measure total body anaerobic power. The test is designed to

completely exhaust all anaerobic energy production pathways

170 | P a g e
Equipment: Concept IID rowing ergometer (or equivalent). A specific drag factor
needs to be set.

Procedure: It has to be ensured that the correct drag factor is set correctly with the
preferred display option selected on screen (see comments below). Sit
ready to start the 500m test. The aim of the test is to cover the 500m in
the shortest possible time, and one should be exhausted at the
completion of the 500m trial. Experience has shown that better scores
are achieved with an even split (same time for first 250 as for the second
250m) rather than starting conservatively and then coming home
strong, or going out too fast and not being able to complete the distance.

Fig 3. 500 M Rowing Ergometer

Scoring: The time taken to complete the 500m in minutes and seconds and the
average stroke rate is recorded.

Test No.4: Sit Ups

Purpose: To measure explosive Abdominal Strength

Equipment: Floor/ Ground, Stop Watch

171 | P a g e
Procedure: The athlete assumes back lying position on the mat keeping her arms
over the head. On the command "GO” he/she energetically lifts the legs
and upper body and touches his/her feet with the hands. This is called
sit-ups in "V”-position. He/she performs maximum sit-ups in picked
position in 60 seconds. The time keeper starts taking time on the
command "GO" and stops the watch at 60 seconds.

Fig 4. Sit Ups

Scoring: Maximum number of Sit Ups performed in 60 seconds will be his/her


Test No. 5: Pull Ups

Purpose: To measure strength endurance of arms and shoulders (Upper body)

Equipment: Horizontal bar, Stop watch, Paper and Pencil

Fig 5. Pull Ups

172 | P a g e
Procedure: The subject should step up to the bar and grasp it with the palms facing
towards them. Arms should be fully extended. Cross ankles and bend
knees. It is necessary pull the body up until the elbows are completely
bent and close to the body, reaching the chin to the bar. Lower body until
the arms and legs are fully extended in the starting position. This counts
one chin up for men players. A player should perform as many
repetitions as he can.

For women, one should step up to the bar and grasp it with the palms
facing them. Arms should be fully extended. Cross ankles and bend the
knees, pull the body up until the elbows are bent at 90°. In case of
women, the maximum time a girl hold in that position is recorded and
that becomes her score.

Test No. 6: Push Up

Purpose: The push-up fitness test (also called the press up test) measures upper
body strength and endurance.

Equipment: Floor mat, metronome (or audio tape, clapping, drums), stopwatch, wall,

Fig 6. Push Up

Procedure: A standard push-up begins with the hands and toes touching the floor,
the body and legs in a straight line, feet slightly apart, the arms at
shoulder width apart, extended and at a right angle to the body. Keeping
the back and knees straight, the subject lowers the body to a
predetermined point, to touch some other object, or until there is a 90-
degree angle at the elbows, then returns back to the starting position
173 | P a g e
with the arms extended. This action is repeated, and the test continues
until exhaustion, or until they can do no more in rhythm or have reached
the target number of push-ups.

Scoring: The number of correctly completed push-ups in 1 minute is recorded.

Test No. 7: 1 RM Bench Pull

Purpose: To measure upper body muscular endurance.

Equipment: A bench with adjustable height capacity (allow enough room

underneath to permit full extension of the arms), 20kg Olympic bar with
collars, a selection of 5kg and 10kg free weights. The weights should be
set at 25kg for females and 40kg for males (make sure you include the
20kg Olympic barbell plus the mass of any collars).

Procedure: The bench height is set so that the subject can comfortably grip the bar
while the weight is off the ground in the hang position. The bench should
be horizontal to the ground. The subject lies prone (face down) on the
bench with arms extended below the bench. The subject takes a
shoulder wide overhand grip on the bar and pulls it up until the bar
makes contact with the bottom of the bench, ensuring that the elbows
are kept out and the chest on the bench. Subjects must only move their
arms and shoulders in lifting the weight, the remainder of the body
(head, trunk and legs) must remain still throughout the movement (an
assistant may hold the legs down). Once the bar makes contact with the
bench, the subject extends their arms, lowering the weight in a
controlled manner back to the starting hang position without touching
the ground. The subject maintains a continuous movement sequence at
approximately one full repetition every two seconds. As many bench-
pull possible are performed.

Scoring: The total number of correctly completed bench pulls (see technical
violations) are recorded (whole numbers). One repetition equals a full
pull up and release down to the starting hang position.

174 | P a g e
Test No. 8: 1RM Squat

Purpose: To measure lower body maximum strength.

Equipment: Various free weights and a barbell.

Procedure: After an adequate warm up, the subject stands under the bar, with feet
shoulder-width apart. The knees should be in line with the toes. Take the
weight on your shoulders, then bend at the knees and hips to lower the
body. Ensure the head and neck are in a neutral position with eyes facing
forward (avoid rounding of the spine). Lower the body until the knees is
at a right angle, then push back up to a standing position. Move in a slow,
smooth, and continuous movement.

Fig 7. 1RM Squat

Scoring: The maximum weight lifted is recorded. To standardize the score, it

may be useful to calculate a score proportional to the person's

175 | P a g e
Test No. 9: Wall Toss Test

Purpose: To measure hand-eye coordination

Equipment: Tennis ball or baseball, smooth, and solid wall, marking tape,
stopwatch (optional)

Fig 8. Wall Toss Test

Procedure: A mark is placed a certain distance from the wall (e.g. 2 meters, 3 feet).
The person stands behind the line and facing the wall. The ball is thrown
from one hand in an underarm action against the wall, and attempted to
be caught with the opposite hand. The ball is then thrown back against
the wall and caught with the initial hand. The test can continue for a
nominated number of attempts or for a set time period (e.g. 30 seconds).
By adding the constraint of a set time period, you also add the factor of
working under pressure.

Scoring: This table lists general ratings for the Wall Toss Test, based on the
score of the number of successful catches in a 30 second period

176 | P a g e
RATING SCORE (in 30 seconds)
Excellent >35
Good 30-35
Average 20-29
Fair 15-19
Poor <15

Test No. 10: Stick Reaction Time

Purpose: To measure reaction time, hand-eye quickness and attentiveness.

Equipment: 1-meter long ruler or Yardstick, calculator.

Procedure: The person to be tested stands or sits near the edge of a table, resting
their elbow on the table so that their wrist extends over the side. The
assessor holds the ruler vertically in the air between the subject's thumb
and index finger, but not touching. Align the zero mark with the subject’s

Fig 9. Stick Reaction Time

The subject should indicate when they are ready. Without warning,
release the ruler and let it drop - the subject must catch it as quickly as
possible as soon as they see it fall. Record in meters the distance the
ruler fell. Repeat several times (e.g. 10 times) and take the average score.

177 | P a g e
Scoring: The scoring is done by measuring the average distance the meterstick
fell. Based on the following formula: t = sqrt (2d / g), where d = the
distance the ruler fell in meters, g = the acceleration of gravity (9.8
m/s^2), and t = the time the ruler was falling (seconds).

Test No. 11: Aerobic endurance capacity Measuring VO2 Max on a Rowing Ergometer

Purpose: To measure the aerobic power in athletes

Equipment: Oxygen and carbon dioxide analyzers, heart rate monitor (optional), and
a stopwatch. Appropriate ergometer (treadmill, cycle, swim bench etc.).
Expired air may be collected and volume measured via Douglas bags or
a Tissot tank, or measured by a pneumotach or turbine ventilometer.

Procedure: Exercise is performed on an ergometer, ideally appropriate to the sport

or usual exercise mode of the subject. The exercise workloads are
selected to gradually progress in increments from moderate to maximal
intensity (see cycling protocols). Oxygen uptake is calculated from
measures of ventilation and the oxygen and carbon dioxide in the
expired air, and the maximal level is determined at or near test
completion (see VO2max videos)

Scoring: Results are presented as either l/min (litters per minute) or ml/kg/min
(mls of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute). The athlete is
considered to have reached their VO2max

178 | P a g e

I Complete Haemogram

a Haemoglobin g/dL

b Packed Cell Volume %

c RBC Count mill/mm3

d MCV fL

e MCH Pg

f MCHC g/dL

g Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) %

h Total Leukocyte count (TLC) thou/mm3

i Differential Leukocyte Count

j Segmented Neutrophils %

k Lymphocytes %

l Monocytes %

m Eosinophils %

n Basophils %

o Absolute Leukocyte count

p Neutrophils thou/mm3

q Lymphocytes thou/mm3

r Monocytes thou/mm3

s Eosinophils thou/mm3

t Basophils thou/mm3

179 | P a g e
u Platelet Count thou/mm3

v ESR Mm/hr

II Urea mg/dL

a Bile salt mg/dL

b Bile pigment mg/dL

c Sr. Bilirubin mg/dL

S.NO. TEST NAME (Anthropometrical) UNITS

a Height Cm
b Weight Kg
c Body Mass Index kg.m-2
d Sitting Height Cm
e Arm Span cm
f Waist Hip Ratio waist(cm)/ hip(cm) *score <1

180 | P a g e
15. Shooting

181 | P a g e
A. Talent Identification Test Matrix for Grassroot Talent
S.No Sports Categories Tests Measurement
Physical Tests
Bent-Arm Hang test Seconds
Sit Ups Count (Number)

Sit and Reach Centimeters

Flamingo Balance Count & Score
Single leg balance test (closed
eyes) Score
Hand Grip Maximum Weight (Kg)
Plate Tapping Time
15. Shooting Under 12 Push Ups Count (Number)

Modified Pull Ups Count (Number)

Hip and Waist Circumference Centimeters
Wall Squat Time (Seconds)
Shoulder Stretch Yes or No
2Kg Medicine ball Throw Centimeters
12 minutes Run Test ml/kg/min
2 minutes Dribble Test Count & Score
Bicycle ergometer W170 Watts (W/kg)

The coaches have to ensure that the kids conduct a quick, general warm-up before starting
with the first test. This might have to be conducted by the coaches themselves or the local PE
teacher. To avoid any form of dehydration, the coaches have to ensure that the participants
are drinking enough during the time of the test.

For all tests, the health and safety of all participants as well as coaches is of utmost
importance. The coaches have to do a site-check before conducting the tests. Sprinting and
jumping areas should be even, without any dents.

Every area should be marked with cones, no one except the performing athlete and the
coaches involved are supposed to enter the sprint area as well as the landing area of the jumps
and throws.

Sharp edges have to be covered. Equipment, which is not fulfilling the demands, has to be
replaced, especially the obstacles and throwing implement.

182 | P a g e
Description of Talent Identification Tests

Test No. 1: Bent-Arm Hang test

Purpose: To measure upper body relative strength and endurance

Equipment: Stopwatch, an elevated horizontal bar.

Procedure: The subject is assisted into position, the body lifted to a height so that
the chin is level with the horizontal bar. The bar is grasped using an
overhand grip (palms are facing away from body), with the hands
shoulder width apart. The timing starts when the subject is released.
They should attempt to hold this position for as long as possible. Timing
stops when the person's chin falls below the level of the bar or the head
is tilted backward to enable the chin to stay level with the bar.

Scoring: The total time held in the flex-arm position in seconds is recorded.

Test No.2: Sit Ups

Purpose: To measure explosive Abdominal Strength

Equipment: Floor/ Ground, Stop Watch

Procedure: The athlete assumes back lying position on the mat keeping her arms
over the head. On the command "GO” he/she energetically lifts the legs
and upper body and touches his/her feet with the hands. This is called
sit-ups in "V” position. He/she performs maximum sit-ups in picked
position in 60 seconds. The time keeper starts taking time on the
command "GO" and stops the watch at 60 seconds.

Fig 1. Sit Ups

183 | P a g e
Scoring: Maximum number of Sit Ups performed in 60 seconds will be his/her

Test No.3: Sit & Reach

Purpose: The purpose of this test was to measure the subject's trunk flexibility.

Equipment: A Specified marked box

Procedure: The player was asked to sit down keeping his leg straight and heel
together. The sole of the feet should touch the box as shown in diagram.
He was asked to bend the trunk forward, with fingers in the front of the
scale. The subject then slowly tried to reached forwards as much as
possible, the fingertips of both hands moved parallel to each other and
equally forward on scale and hold the position for 2 seconds. He was not
permitted to flex their knees.

Scoring: Three trials were given and best one was recorded in cm for analysis.

Fig2. Sit & Reach Test

184 | P a g e
Test No. 4: Flamingo Balance

Purpose: To assess the ability to balance successfully on a single leg.

Equipment: Stopwatch, metal beam 50cm long, 5cm high and 3cm wide (the beam is
stabilized by two supports at each end, and should have a non-slip

Fig 3. Flamingo Test

Procedure: Stand on the beam with shoes removed. Keep balance by holding the
instructor’s hand. While balancing on the preferred leg, the free leg is
flexed at the knee and the foot of this leg held close to the buttocks. Start
the watch as the instructor lets go. Stop the stopwatch each time the
person loses balance (either by falling off the beam or letting go of the
foot being held). Start over, again timing until they lose balance. Count
the number of falls in 60 seconds of balancing. If there are more than 15
falls in the first 30 seconds, the test is terminated and a score of zero is

Scoring: The total number of falls or loss of balance in 60 seconds is recorded.

185 | P a g e
Test No. 5: Single leg balance test closed eyes

Purpose: To assess static postural and balance control of the athlete.

Equipment: Medium density foam pad (approximately 50 cm x 40 cm x 6 cm);

stopwatch or timing device; an assistant to serve as a spotter.

Procedure: Identification of the athlete’s dominant leg is to be done by asking them

which leg they normally use to kick a ball. Then the opposite leg would
be referred as the non-dominant leg. Then, the athlete would be
instructed that they will have to stand still while balancing on the
nondominant leg with the hands on their hips and their eyes closed for
a period of 20 seconds.

Fig 4. Single Leg Balance Test (Closed Eyes)

During this time, evaluation will be done about how much one moves. If
the feet move out of position, then one can open their eyes, return to the
starting position, close the eyes, and continue the test. The athlete is
signalled verbally to begin and record a point (upto a total of 10)
whenever the following happens: -

• the hands leave the hips

• the eyes are opened
• stepping, stumbling, or falling occurs
• the client or athlete is out of position for longer than five seconds

186 | P a g e
• major bending at the hip joint occurs (>30 degrees in any
• the forefoot or heel is lifted

Scoring: Following completion of the test (after 20 seconds has passed) on the
stable surface, the athlete will return to the starting position and relax.
Next, he/she will complete the same test but will stand on the foam pad.

Test No. 6: Hand Grip Test

Purpose: To measure the maximum isometric strength of the hand and forearm

Equipment: Handgrip dynamometer

Fig 4. Hand Grip Test

Procedure: The subject holds the dynamometer in the hand to be tested, with the
arm at right angles and the elbow by the side of the body. The handle of
the dynamometer is adjusted if required - the base should rest on the
first metacarpal (heel of palm), while the handle should rest on middle
of the four fingers. When ready the subject squeezes the dynamometer
with maximum isometric effort, which is maintained for about 5
seconds. No other body movement is allowed. The subject should be
strongly encouraged to give a maximum effort.

187 | P a g e
Scoring: The best result from several trials for each hand is recorded, with at least
15 seconds recovery between each effort.

Test No.7: Plate Tapping

Purpose: To assess the speed and the coordination of limb movement.

Equipment: Table (adjustable height), yellow discs (20cm diameter), rectangle (30 x
20 cm), stopwatch.

Procedure: If possible, the table height should be adjusted so that the subject is
standing comfortably in front of the discs. The two yellow discs are
placed with their centres 60 cm apart on the table. The rectangle is
placed equidistant between both discs. The non-preferred hand is
placed on the rectangle. The subject moves the preferred hand back and
forth between the discs over the hand in the middle as quickly as
possible. This action is repeated for 25 full cycles (50 taps).

Fig. 5 Plate Tapping Test

Scoring: The time taken to complete 25 cycles is recorded. Performed the test
twice and the best result is recorded.

188 | P a g e
Test No. 8: Push Ups

Purpose: The push-up fitness test (also called the press up test) measures upper
body strength and endurance.

Equipment: Floor mat, metronome (or audio tape, clapping, drums), stopwatch, wall,

Fig 6. Push Ups

Procedure: The athlete is taken to a wok station (multi gym). Another athlete
monitors the count. On the count of zero the coach blows the whistle and
the timing of the athlete noted for maximum repetitions in one minute.

Scoring: Total number of repetitions taken. Grading will be given 1-0.75-0.5-0.25

(Higher number of leg press will be awarded highest grading).

Test No. 9: Modified Pull-Up Test

Purpose: This test measures upper body pulling strength and endurance.

Equipment: Pull-up apparatus (or any adjustable horizontal bar).

Procedure: The participant positions themselves with their shoulders directly

below the horizontal bar, then reaches up to grip the bar slightly wider
than shoulder width using an overhand grip. The hips are lifted so that

189 | P a g e
the body is straight and the arms fully extended with the elbows locked.
Weight should be resting on the heels of the feet. They then pull their
body up towards the bar until the chin rises above the elastic band,
keeping the body straight. Repeat as many times as possible, ensuring
that the chin reaches the elastic for each repetition.

Fig 7. Modified Pull Up

Scoring: The maximum number of correctly performed pull ups is recorded.

Test No. 10: Hip and Waist Circumference

Purpose: To determine the ratio of waist circumference to the hip circumference,

as this has been shown to be related to the risk of coronary heart disease.

Equipment: Tape measure

Procedure: A simple calculation of the measurements of the waist girth divided by

the hip girth. Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR) = Gw / Gh, where Gw = waist
girth, Gh = hip girth. It does not matter which units of measurement you
use, as long as it is the same for each measure.

Scoring: The table below gives general guidelines for acceptable levels for hip to
waist ratio. Acceptable values are excellent and good. Any units for the
measurements (e.g. cm or inches) is used as it is only the ratio that is

190 | P a g e
Values Male Female
Extreme > 1.00 > 0.90
High 0.95 - 1.00 0.85 - 0.90
Average 0.90 - 0.95 0.80 - 0.85
Good 0.85 - 0.90 0.75 - 0.80
Excellent < 0.85 < 0.75

Test No. 11: Wall Squat Test

Purpose: To measure the strength endurance of the lower body, particularly the
strength of your quads, hamstrings and glutes.

Equipment: Flat non-slip floor, smooth wall and a stopwatch.

Procedure: Stand comfortably with feet shoulder width apart and about 2 feet from
the wall, with your back against a smooth vertical wall. Slowly slide your
back down the wall to assume a position with both your knees and hips
at a 90° angle. Move the feet distance from the wall if required. Ensure
that the feet are flat on the ground, the back flat against the wall, and the
knees and hips are at right angles. The knees should be directly above
your ankles (rather than over your toes), and the thighs parallel to the
ground. The timing starts when the correct position is assumed, and is
stopped when the subject cannot maintain that position.

Fig 8. Wall Squat Test

191 | P a g e
Scoring: Record the total time in seconds that the position was held.

Test No. 12: Shoulder Stretch Test

Purpose: To measure upper arm and shoulder girdle flexibility

Equipment: None

Procedure: This test is done in the standing position. Place one hand behind the head
and back over the shoulder, and reach as far as possible down the middle
of your back, your palm touching your body and the fingers directed
downwards. Place the other arm behind your back, palm facing outward
and fingers upward and reach up as far as possible attempting to touch
the fingers of each hand. The tester may be required to direct the subject
so that the fingers are aligned. See if the subject can touch their fingers.
Test the left and right shoulders.

Fig 9. Shoulder Stretch Test

Scoring: The score is recorded as either a YES or NO, for each side.

192 | P a g e
Test No. 13: 2Kg Medicine Ball Throw

Purpose: To measure back and explosive strength of the upper body.

Equipment: Medicine ball of 2kg, Measuring Tape, One-meter diameter circle.

Fig10. Medicine ball throw

Procedure: The subject sits in the centre of the one-meter diameter’s circle with his/
her legs stretched forward comfortably. Legs should also be securely
apart and spine should be in line with the centre of the circle as shown
in fig. 5. From this positing subject throws the ball up and forward as far
as possible with both the hands over the head. Three attempts are

Scoring: The score shall be best of the three throws where a horizontal distance
shall be measured from the centre of the circle in centimeters.

Test No. 14: 12 minutes Run Test

Purpose: To test aerobic fitness (the ability of the body to use oxygen to power it
while running).

Equipment: Flat oval or running track, marker cones, recording sheets, stop watch.

Procedure: Place markers at set intervals around the track to aid in measuring the
completed distance. Participants run for 12 minutes, and the total
distance covered is recorded. Walking is allowed, though the

193 | P a g e
participants must be encouraged to push themselves as hard as they can
to maximize the distance covered.

Scoring: There are Cooper test norm tables for general guidelines for interpreting
the results of this test for adults. There are also several equations that
can be used to estimate VO2max (in ml/kg/min) from the distance score
(a formula for either kms or miles):

VO2max = (35.97 x miles) - 11.29

VO2max = (22.35 x kilometers) - 11.29

Test No. 15: 2 minutes Dribble Test

Test No. 16: Bicycle ergometer W170

194 | P a g e

I Complete Haemogram

a Haemoglobin g/dL

b Packed Cell Volume %

c RBC Count mill/mm3

d MCV fL

e MCH Pg

f MCHC g/dL

g Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) %

h Total Leukocyte count (TLC) thou/mm3

i Differential Leukocyte Count

j Segmented Neutrophils %

k Lymphocytes %

l Monocytes %

m Eosinophils %

n Basophils %

o Absolute Leukocyte count

p Neutrophils thou/mm3

q Lymphocytes thou/mm3

r Monocytes thou/mm3

s Eosinophils thou/mm3

t Basophils thou/mm3

195 | P a g e
u Platelet Count thou/mm3

v ESR Mm/hr

II Urea mg/dL

a Bile salt mg/dL

b Bile pigment mg/dL

c Sr. Bilirubin mg/dL

S.NO. TEST NAME (Anthropometrical) UNITS

a Height Cm
b Weight Kg
c Body Mass Index kg.m-2
d Sitting Height Cm
e Arm Span cm
f Waist Hip Ratio waist(cm)/ hip(cm) *score <1

196 | P a g e
16. Swimming

197 | P a g e
A. Talent Identification Test Matrix for Grassroot Talent

S.No. Sports Categories Tests Measurement Units

Physical Tests
Sit & Reach Test
Sit Up Number (Count)
16. Swimming Under 12
Plank Test Seconds & Minutes
Reaction Test Grading
Speed Test


The coaches have to ensure that the kids conduct a quick, general warm-up before starting
with the first test. This might have to be conducted by the coaches themselves or the local PE
teacher. To avoid any form of dehydration, the coaches have to ensure that the participants
are drinking enough during the time of the test.

For all tests, the health and safety of all participants as well as coaches is of utmost
importance. The coaches have to do a site-check before conducting the tests. Sprinting and
jumping areas should be even, without any dents.

Every area should be marked with cones, no one except the performing athlete and the
coaches involved are supposed to enter the sprint area as well as the landing area of the jumps
and throws.

Sharp edges have to be covered. Equipment, which is not fulfilling the demands, has to be
replaced, especially the obstacles and throwing implement.

198 | P a g e
Description Of Talent Identification Tests

Test No. 1: Sit & Reach Test

Purpose: The purpose of this test was to measure the subject's trunk flexibility Equipment:
Sit and reach box (or alternatively a ruler can be used, and a step or

Fig 1.Sit & Reach Test

Procedure: This test involves sitting on the floor with legs stretched out straight ahead.
Shoes should be removed. The soles of the feet are placed flat against the
box. Both knees should be locked and pressed flat to the floor - the tester
may assist by holding them down. With the palms facing downwards and
the hands on the top of each other or side by side, the subject reaches
forward along the measuring line as far as possible. Ensure that the hands
remain at the same level, not one reaching further forward than the other.
After some practice reaches, the subject reaches out and holds that position
for one-two seconds while the distance is recorded. Make sure there are no
jerky movements.

Scoring: The score is recorded to the nearest centimeter or half inch as the distance
reached by the hand. Some test versions use the level of the heel touching
the ground as the zero mark, while others have the zero mark 9 inches
before the level of the heel touching the ground. Three trials are given and
best one is recorded in cm or Inches for analysis.

199 | P a g e
Test No. 2: Sit up Test

Purpose: To assess strength in abdominal muscles

Equipment: Whistle and stop watch

Fig 2.Sit up Test

Procedure: The athlete lies down on the mat on the floor facing upwards and
folds his/her legs at the knees. Another athlete holds his/her
knees in folded position. On the count of zero, the coach blows
the whistle and the timing of the athlete is noted for maximum
repetition in one minute.

Scoring: Total number of sit ups taken in one minute. Grading will be
given 1-0.75-0.5-0.25 (Higher number of sit ups will be awarded
highest grading).

200 | P a g e
Test No. 3: Plank Test

Purpose: To help in assessing the endurance of the back/core stabilizing


Equipment: Flat and clean surface, stopwatch, recording sheets, pen

Fig 3.Plank Test

Procedure: The athlete is made to raise the body and squat on the elbow.
Time taken to hold in the position is noted.

Scoring: Scoring is recorded as given below:

Excellent 2-5 minutes

Very Good 1-2 minutes
Average 30-60 second
Poor 15-30 second

201 | P a g e
Test No. 4: Reaction Test

Purpose: To assess reaction time, hand eye coordination and attention of an

Equipment: Whistle and ruler.

Fig 4.Reaction Test

Procedure: The ruler is held by the assistant between the outstretched index
finger and thumb of the athlete's dominant hand so that the top
of the athlete's thumb is level with the zero-centimeter line on
the ruler. The assistant instructs the athlete to catch the ruler as
soon as possible after it has been released. The assistant releases
the ruler and the athlete catches the ruler between their index
finger and thumb as quickly as possible. The assistant is to record
the distance between the bottom of the ruler and the top of the
athlete's thumb where the ruler has been caught. The test is
repeated two more times and the average value used in the

202 | P a g e
Scoring: The average distance the meterstick fell is to be calculated and
then record the time taken by the ruler to fall the measured
distance(distance in cm, time in seconds). A table based on the
formula - t = sqrt (2d / g), where d = the distance the ruler fell in
meters, g = the acceleration of gravity (9.8 m/s^2), and t = the
time the ruler was falling (seconds)is used to calculate this time
Grading out of 7points.

(Adapted from Davis, 2000)

Scoring Distance

7 <7.5cm

5 7.5 – 15.9cm

3 15.9 – 20.4cm

1 20.4 – 28cm

0 >28cm

203 | P a g e

I Complete Haemogram

a Haemoglobin g/dL

b Packed Cell Volume %

c RBC Count mill/mm3

d MCV fL

e MCH Pg

f MCHC g/dL

g Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) %

h Total Leukocyte count (TLC) thou/mm3

i Differential Leukocyte Count

j Segmented Neutrophils %

k Lymphocytes %

l Monocytes %

m Eosinophils %

n Basophils %

o Absolute Leukocyte count

p Neutrophils thou/mm3

q Lymphocytes thou/mm3

r Monocytes thou/mm3

s Eosinophils thou/mm3

t Basophils thou/mm3

204 | P a g e
u Platelet Count thou/mm3

v ESR Mm/hr

II Urea mg/dL

a Bile salt mg/dL

b Bile pigment mg/dL

c Sr. Bilirubin mg/dL

S.NO. TEST NAME (Anthropometrical) UNITS

a Height Cm
b Weight Kg
c Body Mass Index kg.m-2
d Sitting Height Cm
e Arm Span cm
f Waist Hip Ratio waist(cm)/ hip(cm) *score

205 | P a g e
17. Table Tennis

206 | P a g e
A. Talent Identification Test Matrix for Grassroot Talent

S.No Sports Categories Tests Measurement

Physical Tests
Kraus Weber strength test Pass/ Fail

Harvard Step Test Fitness Index score

Meridith Physical Growth Centimeter (Height)
17. Table Kg (Weight)
Tennis Under 12 BMI (Range)
Sit & Reach test Centimeters
Skill Tests
Nelson’s hand/leg reaction Meters and Seconds
time test
Semo Agility Test Time (Seconds)
Flamingo Balance Test Count & Score


The coaches have to ensure that the kids conduct a quick, general warm-up before starting
with the first test. This might have to be conducted by the coaches themselves or the local PE
teacher. To avoid any form of dehydration, the coaches have to ensure that the participants
are drinking enough during the time of the test.

For all tests, the health and safety of all participants as well as coaches is of utmost
importance. The coaches have to do a site-check before conducting the tests. Sprinting and
jumping areas should be even, without any dents.

Every area should be marked with cones, no one except the performing athlete and the
coaches involved are supposed to enter the sprint area as well as the landing area of the jumps
and throws.

Sharp edges have to be covered. Equipment, which is not fulfilling the demands, has to be
replaced, especially the obstacles and throwing implement.

207 | P a g e
Description of Talent Identification Tests

Test No.1: Kraus Weber Strength Test

The Kraus Weber Strength Test comprises of six-item medical fitness test that measures the
strength and flexibility of key postural (core) muscles. The test consists of five strength
challenges and one general flexibility procedure.

(i) Kraus-Weber Abdominal Strength Test 1

Purpose: To assess the strength of the abdominal and psoas muscles.

Equipment: Flat surface

Procedure: The subject lies down in supine position i.e., flat on his back and hands
behind his neck. The legs are straight. The examiner holds the feet to
keep them on the ground. The subject is asked to perform one sit-up. If
he performs one sit-up, he passes this test. If he cannot raise his
shoulders from the table or ground, his score is zero.

Fig 1 (i). Kraus Weber Abdominal Strength Test 1

208 | P a g e
Scoring: This test is graded on a pass-fail basis. The Kraus-Weber test comprises
6 exercises - being unable to perform even one of the six exercises
results in failing the test.

(ii) Kraus-Weber Abdominal Strength Test 2

Purpose: To assess the strength of the abdominal muscles.

Equipment: A flat surface

Procedure: The lying position for this test is the same as the first K-W test - the
subject lies down in a supine position flat on his back and hands behind
his neck, except that this time the knees are bent. The examiner holds
the feet to keep them on the ground. The subject is required to perform
one sit-up. If he is able to perform a full sit-up, he passes this test. If he is
unable to raise his shoulders from the table or ground, the score is zero.

Fig 1 (ii). Kraus-Weber Abdominal Strength Test 2

Scoring: This test is graded on a pass-fail basis. The Kraus-Weber test comprises
6 exercises - being unable to perform even one of the six exercises
results in failing the test.

209 | P a g e
(iii) Kraus-Weber Abdominal Strength Test 3

Purpose: To assess the strength of the psoas and lower abdominal muscles.

Equipment: Flat surface, ruler, stopwatch

Procedure: Subject lies in supine position i.e., flat on his back with his hands behind
the neck. He is asked to raise his feet 25cm (10 inches) from the ground.
His legs should be straight, no bending at the knee. The examiner counts
to 10 seconds.

Fig 1(iii). Kraus-Weber Abdominal Strength Test 3

Scoring: This test is graded on a pass-fail basis. The test is passed if the subject
holds the position for ten seconds. The Kraus-Weber test comprises 6
exercises - being unable to perform even one of the six exercises results
in failing the test overall.

(iv) Upper Back Muscle Strength (Kraus-Weber Test 4)

Purpose: To assess the strength of the upper back muscles.

Equipment: Flat surface, pillow, stopwatch

Procedure: The subject lies in prone position i.e., face down on his stomach with a
pillow under his lower abdomen and his hands behind his neck. The
examiner holds his feet down (compared to the other Kraus Webber

210 | P a g e
back strength test in which the chest is held down). The subject is asked
to raise his chest, head and shoulders, while the examiner counts to 10
seconds. He passes this test if he is able to hold the exact position up to
10 seconds.

Fig 1(iv). Upper Back Muscle Strength (Kraus-Weber Test 4)

Scoring: This test is graded on a pass-fail basis. The test is passed if the subject
holds the position for ten seconds. The Kraus-Weber test comprises 6
exercises - being unable to perform even one of the six exercises results
in failing the test overall.

(v) Lower Back Muscle Strength (Kraus-Weber Test 5)

Purpose: To assess the strength of the lower back muscles.

Equipment: Flat surface, pillow, stopwatch, recording sheets.

Procedure: The subject lies in prone position i.e., face down on his stomach with a
pillow under his lower abdomen and his hands behind his neck. The
examiner holds his chest down (compared to the other Kraus Webber
back strength test in which the feet are held down). The subject is asked
to raise his feet, keeping his knees straight. The examiner counts to 10

211 | P a g e
Fig 1(v). Lower Back Muscle Strength (Kraus-Weber Test 5)

Scoring: This test is graded on a pass-fail basis. The test is passed if the subject
holds the position for ten seconds. The Kraus-Weber test comprises 6
exercises - being unable to perform even one of the six exercises results
in failing the test overall.

(vi) Floor Touch Test (Kraus-Weber Test 6)

Purpose: To measure the flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles.
Lower back flexibility is important because tightness in this area is
implicated in lumbar lordosis, forward pelvic tilt and lower back pain.

Equipment: Stopwatch

Procedure: The subject stands erect, bare-footed, hands at sides and feet together.
The subject then is asked to lean down slowly to touch the floor with
their finger-tips for 10 seconds. Bouncing and jerking is not allowed. The
examiner holds the knees straight in order to prevent any bending.

Scoring: This test is graded on a pass-fail basis. The test is passed if the subject
holds the position correctly for ten seconds. The Kraus-Weber test
comprises 6 exercises - being unable to perform even one of the six
exercises results in failing the test overall.

212 | P a g e
Fig 1(vi). Floor Touch Test

Test No.2: Harvard Step Test

Purpose: To assess the aerobic fitness

Equipment: Step or platform 20 inches / 50.8 cm high, stopwatch, metronome or

cadence tape.

Procedure: The athlete steps up and down on the platform at a rate of 30 steps per
minute (every two seconds) for 5 minutes or until exhaustion.
Exhaustion is defined as when the athlete cannot maintain the stepping
rate for 15 seconds. The athlete immediately sits down on completion of
the test, and the total number of heart beats is counted between 1 to 1.5
minutes after finishing (see measuring heart rate). This is the only
measure required if using the short form of the test. If the long form of
the test is being conducted, there is an additional heart rate measures at
between 2 to 2.5 minutes, and between 3 to 3.5 minutes. See some
videos of Harvard Step tests being performed.

213 | P a g e
Fig 2. Harvard Step Test

Scoring: The Fitness Index score is determined by the following equations. For
example, if the total test time was 300 seconds (if completed the whole
5 minutes), and the number of heart beats between 1-1.5 minutes was
90, between 2-2.5 it was 80 and between 3-3.5 it was 70, then the long
form Fitness Index score would be: (100 x 300) / (240 x 2) = 62.5. Note:
you are using the total number of heart beats in the 30 second period,
not the rate (beats per minute) during that time.

Test No. 3: Meridith Physical Growth

Test No. 4: Sit & Reach Test

Purpose: The purpose of this test was to measure the subject's trunk flexibility.

Equipment: Sit and reach box (or alternatively a ruler can be used, and a step or

214 | P a g e
Fig 3. Sit & Reach Test

Procedure: This test involves sitting on the floor with legs stretched out straight
ahead. Shoes should be removed. The soles of the feet are placed flat
against the box. Both knees should be locked and pressed flat to the floor
- the tester may assist by holding them down. With the palms facing
downwards and the hands on the top of each other or side by side, the
subject reaches forward along the measuring line as far as possible.
Ensure that the hands remain at the same level, not one reaching further
forward than the other. After some practice reaches, the subject reaches
out and holds that position for one-two seconds while the distance is
recorded. Make sure there are no jerky movements.

Scoring: Three trials were given and best one was recorded in cm for analysis.


Test No. 1: Nelson’s Hand/Leg Reaction Time Test

Purpose: To measure reaction time, hand-eye quickness, and attentiveness.

Equipment: 1 meter long ruler or Yardstick, calculator.

Procedure: The person to be tested stands or sits near the edge of a table, resting
their elbow on the table so that their wrist extends over the side. The
assessor holds the ruler vertically in the air between the subject's thumb
and index finger, but not touching. Align the zero mark with the subject’s
fingers. The subject should indicate when they are ready. Without
warning, release the ruler and let it drop - the subject must catch it as
quickly as possible as soon as they see it fall. Record in meters the

215 | P a g e
distance the ruler fell. Repeat several times (e.g. 10 times) and take the
average score.

Fig 4. Nelson’s hand reaction time test

Scoring: The average distance the meterstick fell is to be calculated and then
record the time taken by the ruler to fall the measured distance(distance
in cm, time in seconds). A table based on the formula - t = sqrt (2d / g),
where d = the distance the ruler fell in meters, g = the acceleration of
gravity (9.8 m/s^2), and t = the time the ruler was falling (seconds)is
used to calculate this time.


Nelson’s Leg Reaction Time Test-

Purpose: To measure the foot reaction time of the subjects.

Equipment: Reaction time scale, Table or Bench, Wall space etc.

Procedure: The subject is asked to sit on a table which was about one inch away
from the wall with his/her shoe off. The subject positioned his/her foot
so that the ball of the foot was held about one inch from the wall with
the heel resting on the table top about two inches from the table edge.
The tester would hold the reaction time stick near the wall so that it
hangs between the wall and subject’s foot with the base line of the times
216 | P a g e
opposite to the end of the beg toe. The subject is asked to look at the
concentration zone and to react as soon as the time stick was dropped
by pressing the times stick against the wall with the ball of the subject
foot. A total of twenty trials would be given.

Scoring: The reaction time of each trial was recorded from the line just above the
end of the big toe when the foot pressed the stick to the wall. Out of 20
trials the average of the middle ten trials ignoring the five fastest and
five slowest trials were taken as the score of this test.

Test No. 2: Semo Agility Test

Purpose: To determine the general agility of the body in maneuvering forward,

backward and sideward.

Equipment: Four cones with 9 inches base and 12 inches height, stop watch,
measuring tape and marking powder.

Procedure: A rectangle of 12' by 19' feet is marked with adequate running space
around it. Four plastic cones '9' by '9' inches base with '12' inches height,
are put in every inside of the corner of the marked field. The subject
stands on starting point 1 and on signal, starts side step from cone 1 to
2 and passed outside the corner cone 2 and back pedals from cone 2 to
3 and passes to the inside of the corner cone 3.

Fig5. Marking for Semo Agility test

217 | P a g e
Then, sprints forward from cone 3 to cone 1, outside the corner cone.
The subject again made back pedal from cone 1 to cone 4 and passed to
the inside of the cone 4. Then he/she makes sprint forward from cone 4
to cone 2 and passes outside of the corner cone 2. At last, he/she takes
side step from cone 2 to the finishing line at cone 1.

Scoring: The score is the time taken on the better of two trials recorded to the
nearest one hundredth of a second.

Test No. 3: Flamingo Balance

Purpose: To assess the ability to balance successfully on a single leg.

Equipment: Stopwatch, metal beam 50cm long, 5cm high and 3cm wide (the beam
is stabilized by two supports at each end, and should have a non-slip

Fig 3. Flamingo Test

Procedure: Stand on the beam with shoes removed. Keep balance by holding the
instructor’s hand. While balancing on the preferred leg, the free leg is
flexed at the knee and the foot of this leg held close to the buttocks. Start
the watch as the instructor lets go. Stop the stopwatch each time the
person loses balance (either by falling off the beam or letting go of the
foot being held). Start over, again timing until they lose balance. Count
the number of falls in 60 seconds of balancing. If there are more than 15
falls in the first 30 seconds, the test is terminated and a score of zero is

Scoring: The total number of falls or loss of balance in 60 seconds is recorded.

218 | P a g e

I Complete Haemogram

a Haemoglobin g/dL

b Packed Cell Volume %

c RBC Count mill/mm3

d MCV fL

e MCH Pg

f MCHC g/dL

g Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) %

h Total Leukocyte count (TLC) thou/mm3

i Differential Leukocyte Count

j Segmented Neutrophils %

k Lymphocytes %

l Monocytes %

m Eosinophils %

n Basophils %

o Absolute Leukocyte count

p Neutrophils thou/mm3

q Lymphocytes thou/mm3

r Monocytes thou/mm3

s Eosinophils thou/mm3

t Basophils thou/mm3

219 | P a g e
u Platelet Count thou/mm3

v ESR Mm/hr

II Urea mg/dL

a Bile salt mg/dL

b Bile pigment mg/dL

c Sr. Bilirubin mg/dL

S.NO. TEST NAME (Anthropometrical) UNITS

a Height Cm
b Weight Kg
c Body Mass Index kg.m-2
d Sitting Height Cm
e Arm Span cm
f Waist Hip Ratio waist(cm)/ hip(cm) *score

220 | P a g e
18. Volleyball

221 | P a g e
A. Talent Identification Test Matrix for Grassroot Talent

S.No Sports Categories Tests Measurement

Physical Tests
Absolute Vertical Jump Centimeters
20 mts Flying Test – For speed. Time (Seconds)
18. Volleyball Under 12 1 Kg Medicine Ball Throw- Upper Meters
body strength.

Semo/T Test – For agility. Seconds


The coaches have to ensure that the kids conduct a quick, general warm-up before starting
with the first test. This might have to be conducted by the coaches themselves or the local PE
teacher. To avoid any form of dehydration, the coaches have to ensure that the participants
are drinking enough during the time of the test.

For all tests, the health and safety of all participants as well as coaches is of utmost
importance. The coaches have to do a site-check before conducting the tests. Sprinting and
jumping areas should be even, without any dents.

Every area should be marked with cones, no one except the performing athlete and the
coaches involved are supposed to enter the sprint area as well as the landing area of the jumps
and throws.

Sharp edges have to be covered. Equipment, which is not fulfilling the demands, has to be
replaced, especially the obstacles and throwing implement.

222 | P a g e
Description of Talent Identification Tests

Test No. 1: Absolute Vertical Jump (with approach)

Purpose: To assess the jumping ability of a volleyball player which include mainly the
explosiveness of leg as well as using of trunk and shoulder strength during spike
jump. It also includes the ability of a player to convert the horizontal velocity
into vertical and synchronization of power of various body parts.

Equipment: Jumping apparatus, white powder, and recording sheet

Procedure: First take the standing reach with shoes of a player. Then ask the player to warm
up. After warm up, the player puts white powder on the tip of the hitting hand
fingers. Then the player was asked to jump as high as possible and touch on the
jumping apparatus with approach run. Three trials were given and best one will
be assessed.

1 2 3

1. Standing reach 2. Take off after approach run 3. Jump reach

Fig 1. Absolute Vertical Jump (With Approach)

223 | P a g e
Scoring: Deduct the standing reach from best one jump reach of the three trials
to get absolute vertical jump.

Assessment: Following table will be used to for assessment.

Age in years Absolute vertical Absolute vertical

jump (MALE) jump (FEMALE)

(cm) (cm)

8 33+ 30+

9 35+ 33+

10 38+ 35+

11 41+ 38+

12 45+ 41+

13 50+ 45+

14 55+ 50+

15 66+ 62+

16 83+ 67+

17 86+ 69+

18 90+ 70+

19 95+ 72+

20 100+ 75+

224 | P a g e
Test No. 2: 20 Meter Sprint

Purpose: To measure speed (reaction time, movement ability and acceleration


Equipment: Area to mark 20-meter dash, stop watch, measuring tape and marking

Procedure: Instructions related to test were given to the players before warm up.
Then the players were asked to warm up. After warm up players were
asked to take their position behind starting line one by one. On
command ‘Go’ the player start running as fast as possible till he reaches
the finish line. They were asked to slow down gradually after crossing
finish line. Two trials were given and best one is recorded for analysis.

Scoring: The time elapsed from the start to when the subject crosses the finish
line was recorded up to hundredth of a second.

Test No. 3: 1 Kg Medicine Ball Throw Upper body strength

Purpose: The purpose of this test was to measure shoulder power.

Equipment: 1kg medicine balls and an area marked off occupying a space of
approximately20 by 50 meters long, measuring tape, recording sheet.

Procedure: After warm up the subject was asked to throw 1kg medicine ball in
overhead manner while standing behind the throwing line. He must not
step on or across the throwing line.

225 | P a g e
Fig 2. Medicine Ball Throw

Scoring: Three consecutive throws are allowed. The best throw data is being
recorded in meters.

Test No. 4: Semo/T Test for agility

Purpose: To determine the general agility of the body in maneuvering

forward, backward and sideward.

Equipment: Four cones with 9 inches base and 12 inches height, stop watch,
measuring tape and marking powder.

Procedure: A rectangle of 12' by 19' feet was marked with adequate running space
around it. Four plastic cones '9' by '9' inches base with '12' inches height,
were put in every inside of the corner of the marked field. The subject
stood on starting point 1 and on signal, started side step from cone 1 to
2 and passed outside the corner cone 2 and back pedal from cone 2 to 3
and passed to the inside of the corner cone 3. Then he sprinted forward
from cone 3 to cone 1, outside the corner cone. He made back pedal from
cone 1 to cone 4 and passed to the inside of the cone 4. Then he made
sprint forward from cone 4 to cone 2 and passed outside of the corner
cone 2. In the last, he took side step from cone 2 to the finishing line at
cone 1.

226 | P a g e
Fig 3.SemoAgility test

Scoring: The score was the time taken on the better of two trials
recorded to the near stone hundredth of a second.

227 | P a g e

I Complete Haemogram

a Haemoglobin g/dL

b Packed Cell Volume %

c RBC Count mill/mm3

d MCV fL

e MCH Pg

f MCHC g/dL

g Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) %

h Total Leukocyte count (TLC) thou/mm3

i Differential Leukocyte Count

j Segmented Neutrophils %

k Lymphocytes %

l Monocytes %

m Eosinophils %

n Basophils %

o Absolute Leukocyte count

p Neutrophils thou/mm3

q Lymphocytes thou/mm3

r Monocytes thou/mm3

s Eosinophils thou/mm3

228 | P a g e
t Basophils thou/mm3

u Platelet Count thou/mm3

v ESR Mm/hr

II Urea mg/dL

a Bile salt mg/dL

b Bile pigment mg/dL

c Sr. Bilirubin mg/dL

S.NO. TEST NAME (Anthropometrical) UNITS

a Height Cm
b Weight Kg
c Body Mass Index kg.m-2
d Sitting Height Cm
e Arm Span cm
f Waist Hip Ratio waist(cm)/ hip(cm) *score

229 | P a g e
19. Weightlifting

230 | P a g e
A. Talent Identification Test Matrix for Grassroot Talent

S.No Sports Categories Tests Measurement

Physical Tests
Standing Broad Jump Centimeters
Vertical Jump Meters
Push Ups Count (Number)
Sit Ups Count (Number)
Time (Minutes &
Shuttle Run – 6 x 10M
Time (Minutes &
12-14 300 M Run Seconds)
19. Weightlifting
1.5 miles/Cooper Test of 12 min Meters
for above 12 for endurance and
VO2 Max

Sports Specific Tests

Dead Lift Maximum Kg
Bench Press Maximum Kg
Squat Maximum Kg

The coaches have to ensure that the kids conduct a quick, general warm-up before starting
with the first test. This might have to be conducted by the coaches themselves or the local PE
teacher. To avoid any form of dehydration, the coaches have to ensure that the participants
are drinking enough during the time of the test.

For all tests, the health and safety of all participants as well as coaches is of utmost
importance. The coaches have to do a site-check before conducting the tests. Sprinting and
jumping areas should be even, without any dents.

Every area should be marked with cones, no one except the performing athlete and the
coaches involved are supposed to enter the sprint area as well as the landing area of the jumps
and throws.

Sharp edges have to be covered. Equipment, which is not fulfilling the demands, has to be
replaced, especially the obstacles and throwing implement.

231 | P a g e
Description of Talent Identification Tests

Test No.1: Standing Broad Jump

Purpose: To measure explosive Legs strength and body coordination

Equipment: Floor/ Ground, Measuring Tape, Marker

Fig 1. Standing Broad Jump

Procedure: The athlete stands behind a line marked on the ground with feet slightly
apart. A two feet take-off and landing is used, with swinging of the arms
and bending of the knees to provide forward drive. The subject attempts
to jump as far as possible, landing on both feet without falling
backwards. Three attempts are allowed.

Scoring: The measurement is taken from take-off line to the nearest point of
contact on the landing (back of the heels). Three attempts, one after the
other are given. All the three are marked. The longest distance jumped,
the best of three attempts, will be the score of the athlete. The scoring is
recorded in Meters.

232 | P a g e
Test No.2: Vertical Jump

Purpose: To measure the explosive power of lower limbs (legs).

Equipment: Measuring Tape, Bench, Chair, Chalk Powder and Duster.

Marking: A vertical wall is prominently marked in centimeters up to 3.50 meters

Procedure: The athletes dips his or her fingers in chalk powder and stand side-wise
against the wall, keeping the arm raised completely above the head and
clap the extended hand marked with chalk on finger straight. The athlete
jumps as high up as possible and touch the wall. The reading shall be
noted by keeping eyes in level with the chalk mark on the progressed
marking. Three attempts are permitted.

Scoring: The standing reach is subtracted from the jumping reach. The score shall
be best of three jumps. The scoring is recorded in centimeters.

Fig. 2: Vertical Jump Test

233 | P a g e
Test No.3: Push Ups – Maximum in 1 minute

Purpose: The push-up fitness test (also called the press up test) measures upper
body strength and endurance.

Equipment: Floor mat, metronome (or audio tape, clapping, drums), stopwatch, wall,

Procedure: A standard push-up begins with the hands and toes touching the floor,
the body and legs in a straight line, feet slightly apart, the arms at
shoulder width apart, extended and at a right angle to the body. Keeping
the back and knees straight, the subject lowers the body to a
predetermined point, to touch some other object, or until there is a 90-
degree angle at the elbows, then returns back to the starting position
with the arms extended. This action is repeated, and the test continues
until exhaustion, or until they can do no more in rhythm or have reached
the target number of push-ups.

Scoring: Record the number of correctly completed push-ups in 1 minute.

Fig.3: Push up

234 | P a g e
Test No.4: Sit Ups – Maximum in 1 minute

Purpose: To measure explosive Abdominal Strength

Equipment: Floor/ Ground, Stop Watch

Procedure: The athlete assumes back lying position on the mat keeping her arms
over the head. On the command "GO” he/she energetically lifts the legs
and upper body and touches his/her feet with the hands. This is called
sit ups in "V” position. He/she performs maximum sit ups in pike
position in 30 seconds. The time keeper starts taking time on the
command "GO" and stops the watch at 30 seconds.

Scoring: Maximum number of Sit Ups performed in 1 minute will be his/her


Fig 4: Sit Ups

235 | P a g e
Test No.5: Shuttle Run – 6 X 10M

Purpose: To determine the agility of the athlete.

Equipment: Stop watch, lime powder and a running course of 10 meters. Surface of
the course should be non-slippery.

Marking: 10 meters of distance is marked by two parallel lines of 5 meters each.

Procedure: The athletes (2 together) stand behind the starting line. On the
commend of starting signal “GO”, athletes run faster, go nearest to the
other line and touch it with the one hand , turn and come back to starting
line, touch it with hand, turns and repeat it for a total of 5 times and 6th
time, run over the line as fast as possible. Two chances are permitted.

Scoring: The better time taken by the athlete to complete the course of 6 X10
meters to the nearest 1/ 10 of a second is recorded as score of the test.
The better attempt out of the two is considered or scoring purpose.

Fig 5. Shuttle Run Test

236 | P a g e
Test No.6: 300M Run

Purpose: To measure the endurance capacity of the subjects

Equipment: Stop watches, 400 m Track, Whistle

Markings: The 300m distance is marked on the field or a marked 400m track can
be used where curve start is to be given.

Procedure: The athlete stands behind the starting line. On the starting signal athlete
runs the 300 meters distance in 400m track as limited time as possible.

Scoring: The time to cover the 300 meters distance to nearer 1/10" of a second is
recorded as score of the test.

Fig. 6: 400 meter Track

237 | P a g e
Test No.7: 1.5 miles/Cooper Test of 12 min for above 12 for endurance and VO2 Max

Purpose: To measure Aerobic Endurance Capacity

Equipment: Measured running track / 400 m. track, Stop Watch, Measuring Tape.

Procedure: After proper warm up, an athlete stands on the starting point & on
command "GO”, the athlete starts running in the track for 12 minutes.

Scoring: The distance covered by the athlete in 12 minutes by the athlete is

recorded as score.

Test No. 8: Deadlift

Purpose: To measure lower body maximum strength

Equipment: Various free weights and a deadlift "hex-bar" bar (the bar splits around
the subject so they can stand in the middle).

Procedure: After an adequate warm up, the subject stands inside the open space of
the bar, with feet shoulder-width apart. The knees should be in line with
the toes. Bend at the hips to lower the body and grasp the bar. Ensure
the head and neck are in a neutral position with eyes facing forward
(avoid rounding of the spine). To perform the deadlift, pull the bar
straight up by extending the knees and hips in a slow, smooth, and
continuous movement, until the legs are straight and the body upright.
During the lifting motion, the subject must not allow the knees to
collapse inward, and the shoulders must remain above the hips at all
times. The heels must also maintain contact with the ground throughout
the lift.

238 | P a g e
Fig 7. Deadlift

Scoring: The maximum weight lifted is recorded. To standardize the score, it may
be useful to calculate a score proportional to the person's bodyweight.

Test No. 9: Bench Press

Purpose: To measure maximum strength of the chest muscle groups.

Equipment: Bench with safety, bar and various free weights.

Procedure: The subject should perform an adequate warm up. An example would be
to warm up with 5-10 reps of a light-to-moderate weight, then after a
minute rest perform two heavier warm-up sets of 2-5 reps, with a two-
minute rest between sets. The subject should then rest two to four
minutes, then perform the one-rep-max attempt with proper technique.
If the lift is successful, rest for another two to four minutes and increase
the load 5-10%, and attempt another lift. If the subject

fails to perform the lift with correct technique, rest two to four minutes
and attempt a weight 2.5-5% lower. Keep increasing and decreasing the
weight until a maximum left is performed. Selection of the starting
weight is crucial so that the maximum lift is completed within
approximately five attempts after the warm-up sets.

239 | P a g e
Fig 8. Bench Press

Scoring: The maximum weight lifted is recorded. To standardize the score, it may
be useful to calculate a score proportional to the person's bodyweight.
The sequence of lifts should also be recorded as these can be used in
subsequent tests to help in determining the starting lifts.

Test No. 10: Squat

Purpose: To measure lower body maximum strength

Equipment: Various free weights and a barbell.

Procedure: After an adequate warm up, the subject stands under the bar, with feet
shoulder-width apart. The knees should be in line with the toes. Take the
weight on your shoulders, then bend at the knees and hips to lower the
body. Ensure the head and neck are in a neutral position with eyes facing
forward (avoid rounding of the spine). Lower the body until the knees is
at a right angle, then push back up to a standing position. Move in a slow,
smooth, and continuous movement.

Then, it starts with a 'check' 3-rep test with the weight of 40lbs or less,
to check for correct technique. Then one repetition is performed for each
weight in an ascending sequence. Less than 1-minute rest is allowed
between reps. If a weight is failed, another attempt may be made.

240 | P a g e
Fig 9. Squat

Scoring: The maximum weight lifted is recorded. To standardize the score, it may
be useful to calculate a score proportional to the person's bodyweight.

241 | P a g e

I Complete Haemogram

a Haemoglobin g/dL

b Packed Cell Volume %

c RBC Count mill/mm3

d MCV fL

e MCH Pg

f MCHC g/dL

g Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) %

h Total Leukocyte count (TLC) thou/mm3

i Differential Leukocyte Count

j Segmented Neutrophils %

k Lymphocytes %

l Monocytes %

m Eosinophils %

n Basophils %

o Absolute Leukocyte count

p Neutrophils thou/mm3

q Lymphocytes thou/mm3

r Monocytes thou/mm3

s Eosinophils thou/mm3

t Basophils thou/mm3

242 | P a g e
u Platelet Count thou/mm3

v ESR Mm/hr

II Urea mg/dL

a Bile salt mg/dL

b Bile pigment mg/dL

c Sr. Bilirubin mg/dL

S.NO. TEST NAME (Anthropometrical) UNITS

a Height Cm
b Weight Kg
c Body Mass Index kg.m-2
d Sitting Height Cm
e Arm Span cm
f Waist Hip Ratio waist(cm)/ hip(cm) *score

243 | P a g e
20. Wrestling

244 | P a g e
A. Talent Identification Test Matrix for Grassroot Talent

S.No Sports Categories Tests Measurement

Physical Tests
Semo Agility/T Test Time

30M sprint for speed assessment
Sit and Reach test Centimeters
Sit Ups in 1 min Count (Number)
Standing Broad Jump Centimeters
20. Wrestling Under 12
1000M for aerobic endurance Time

Rope Climbing 1 rep X 5 m for

arm strength Time

200M run for anaerobic

endurance Seconds


The coaches have to ensure that the kids conduct a quick, general warm-up before starting
with the first test. This might have to be conducted by the coaches themselves or the local PE
teacher. To avoid any form of dehydration, the coaches have to ensure that the participants
are drinking enough during the time of the test.

For all tests, the health and safety of all participants as well as coaches is of utmost
importance. The coaches have to do a site-check before conducting the tests. Sprinting and
jumping areas should be even, without any dents.

Every area should be marked with cones, no one except the performing athlete and the
coaches involved are supposed to enter the sprint area as well as the landing area of the jumps
and throws.

Sharp edges have to be covered. Equipment, which is not fulfilling the demands, has to be
replaced, especially the obstacles and throwing implement.

245 | P a g e
Description of Talent Identification Tests

Test No. 1: Semo Agility /T Test

Purpose: To determine the general agility of the body in maneuvering

forward, backward and sideward.

Equipment: Four cones with 9 inches base and 12 inches height, stop watch,
measuring tape and marking powder.

Procedure: A rectangle of 12' by 19' feet was marked with adequate running space
around it. Four plastic cones '9' by '9' inches base with '12' inches height,
were put in every inside of the corner of the marked field. The subject
stood on starting point 1 and on signal, started side step from cone 1 to
2 and passed outside the corner cone 2 and back pedal from cone 2 to 3
and passed to the inside of the corner cone 3. Then he sprinted forward
from cone 3 to cone 1, outside the corner cone. He made back pedal from
cone 1 to cone 4 and passed to the inside of the cone 4. Then he made
sprint forward from cone 4 to cone 2 and passed outside of the corner
cone 2. In the last, he took side step from cone 2 to the finishing line at
cone 1.

Fig 1.Semo agility test

246 | P a g e
Scoring: The score was the time taken on the better of two trials recorded to the
near stone hundredth of a second.

Test No. 2: 30 Mtr Sprint

Purpose: To determine acceleration and speed.

Equipment: Measuring tape or marked track, stopwatch or timing gates, cone

markers, flat and clear surface of at least 50 meters.

Fig 2. 30 meter Sprint

Procedure: The test involves running a single maximum sprint over 30 meters, with
the time recorded. A thorough warm up should be given, including some
practice starts and accelerations. Start from a stationary position, with
one foot in front of the other. The front foot must be on or behind the
starting line. This starting position should be held for 2 seconds prior to
starting, and no rocking movements are allowed. The tester should
provide hints for maximizing speed (such as keeping low, driving hard
with the arms and legs) and encourage them to continue running hard
through the finish line.

Scoring: Two trials are allowed, and the best time is recorded to the nearest 2
decimal places. The timing starts from the first movement (if using a
stopwatch) or when the timing system is triggered, and finishes when
the chest crosses the finish line and/or the finishing timing gate is

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Test No.3: Sit & Reach

Purpose: The purpose of this test was to measure the subject's trunk flexibility.

Equipment: Sit and reach box (or alternatively a ruler can be used, and a step or

Fig 3. Sit & Reach Test

Procedure: This test involves sitting on the floor with legs stretched out straight
ahead. Shoes should be removed. The soles of the feet are placed flat
against the box. Both knees should be locked and pressed flat to the floor
- the tester may assist by holding them down. With the palms facing
downwards and the hands on the top of each other or side by side, the
subject reaches forward along the measuring line as far as possible.
Ensure that the hands remain at the same level, not one reaching further
forward than the other. After some practice reaches, the subject reaches
out and holds that position for one-two seconds while the distance is
recorded. Make sure there are no jerky movements.

Scoring: Three trials are given and best one is recorded in cm for analysis.

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Test No.4: Sit Ups – Maximum in 1 minute

Purpose: To measure explosive Abdominal Strength

Equipment: Floor/ Ground, Stop Watch

Procedure: The athlete assumes back lying position on the mat keeping her arms
over the head. On the command "GO” he/she energetically lifts the legs
and upper body and touches his/her feet with the hands. This is called
sit ups in "V” position. He/she performs maximum sit ups in pike
position in 30 seconds. The time keeper starts taking time on the
command "GO" and stops the watch at 30 seconds.

Fig 4: Sit Ups

Scoring: Maximum number of Sit Ups performed in 1 minute will be his/her


Test No. 5: Standing Broad Jump

Purpose: The purpose of this test is to test the explosive strength of lower body

Equipment: (i) A flat jumping area at least 20 feet in length.

(ii) A tape measure at least 10 feet long duct tape or masking tape

Procedure: (Using a Tape Measure)

• Place a 2- to 3-foot (0.6-0.9 m) length of tape on the floor to serve as

a starting line.
• The athlete stands with the toes just behind the starting line.

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• The athlete performs a countermovement and jumps forward as far
as possible.
• The athlete must land on the feet for the jump to be scored.
Otherwise the trial is repeated.
• A marker is placed at the back edge of the athlete’s rearmost heel,
and the tape measure determines the distance between the starting
line and the mark.
• The best of three trials is recorded to the nearest 0.5 inch or 1 cm.

Fig 5. Standing Broad Jump

Scoring: The measurement is taken from take-off line to the nearest point of
contact on the landing (back of the heels). Three attempts, one after the
other are given. All the three are marked. The longest distance jumped,
the best of three attempts, will be the score of the athlete. The scoring is
recorded in Meters.

Test No. 6: 1000M for aerobic endurance

Purpose: To measure aerobic fitness in the young or those of low fitness level

Equipment: Oval or running track, stopwatch.

Procedure: The aim of this test is to complete the required distance in the fastest
possible time. On the signal, "ready," all participants line up behind the
starting line. On the command ‘Go!’ the clock will start, and they will
begin running at their own pace. Cheering or calling out the elapsed time
is also permitted to encourage the participants. Walking is permitted but
not encouraged.

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Fig 6. 1000M for aerobic endurance

Scoring: The total time taken to complete the distance is recorded, in minutes and

Test No. 7: Rope Climbing 1 rep X 5 m for arm strength

Test No. 8: 200 M run for anaerobic endurance

Purpose: To measure anaerobic endurance

Equipment: Stopwatch, measuring tape, marker cones, a flat grass surface

Procedure: Marker cones and lines are placed 25 yards apart to indicate the sprint
distance. Start with a foot on one line. When instructed by the timer, the
player runs to the opposite 25-yard line, touches it with their foot, turns
and run back to the start. This is repeated four times without stopping
(covering 200 yards total). After a rest of five minutes, the test is

Scoring: Record the average of the two 300-yard shuttles in sec.

251 | P a g e

I Complete Haemogram

a Haemoglobin g/dL

b Packed Cell Volume %

c RBC Count mill/mm3

d MCV fL

e MCH Pg

f MCHC g/dL

g Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) %

h Total Leukocyte count (TLC) thou/mm3

i Differential Leukocyte Count

j Segmented Neutrophils %

k Lymphocytes %

l Monocytes %

m Eosinophils %

n Basophils %

o Absolute Leukocyte count

p Neutrophils thou/mm3

q Lymphocytes thou/mm3

r Monocytes thou/mm3

s Eosinophils thou/mm3

t Basophils thou/mm3

252 | P a g e
u Platelet Count thou/mm3

v ESR Mm/hr

II Urea mg/dL

a Bile salt mg/dL

b Bile pigment mg/dL

c Sr. Bilirubin mg/dL

S.NO. TEST NAME (Anthropometrical) UNITS

a Height Cm
b Weight Kg
c Body Mass Index kg.m-2
d Sitting Height Cm
e Arm Span cm
f Waist Hip Ratio waist(cm)/ hip(cm) *score

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