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Badji Mokhtar University - Annaba

‫ عنابة‬-‫جامعة باجي مختار‬

Faculty of Technology
‫كلية التكنولوجيا‬
Common Core Technology Engineer Department

1st Year Structure of Matter TD SeriesN°3: Constituents of the atom 2023-2024

Exercise 01: Complete the following nuclear reactions:

𝑎/ 226 0
88𝑅𝑎 → −1𝑒 + ⋯ 𝑏/ 105𝐵 + 42𝐻𝑒 → 136𝐶 + ⋯ 𝑐/ 31𝐻 + 21𝐻 → … + 10𝑛
d/ 92𝑈 + 0𝑛 → 53𝐼 + ⋯ + 3 0𝑛 𝑒/ 84𝑅𝑎 (… . ) 82𝑅𝑛 𝑓/49𝐵𝑒(𝛽 + , 𝛼 ) ….
235 1 139 1 226 222

g/ …(d,n) 137𝑁 h/ 23
11𝑁𝑎 (P,n)…. I/ 26 23
12𝑀𝑔 (n, …) 10𝑁𝑒
1. For each equation indicate the type of reaction it is.
2. Identify among these reactions those which manifest natural and artificial

Exercise 02:

1) The Hiroshima nuclear explosion required 2kg of 235𝑈 and released a total energy of
a) Calculate the mass of matter remaining after fission ?
2) Consider the formation reaction of the helium nucleus: : 2 11𝐻 + 210𝑛 → 42𝐻𝑒
a) Calculate the energy released by this reaction in J, cal and MeV?
b) Deduce the value of the energy in (kcal) for the formation of a mole of helium?
c) Calculate the mass of coal which corresponds to the synthesis of 4g of helium?
Knowing that the carbon combustion reaction is 94.1Kcal.
C= 3.108m/s ; 1𝐻 = 1.007278 ; 10𝑛 = 1,008665 ; 42𝐻𝑒 = 4,001503

Exercise 03:

I) Consider the following nuclear reactions:

0𝑛 ? ?
94𝑃𝑢 + …→ 242
94𝑃𝑢 + γ → … + γ → 243 244 244
95𝐴𝑚 → 95𝐴𝑚 → 96𝐶𝑚 + …
1. Complete these reactions.
2. Americium is found in the residues of aromatic products; its radioactive constant is
9.4.10-5 year-1 . If we want to protect humans and food products, we must isolate these
residues for a time corresponding to 20 periods.
a) How many years does it take for the danger of contamination by 243 95𝐴𝑚 to
b) The initial activity of americium being 120 Bq, what will be its activity after 20
Badji Mokhtar University - Annaba
‫ عنابة‬-‫جامعة باجي مختار‬
Faculty of Technology
‫كلية التكنولوجيا‬
Common Core Technology Engineer Department

1st Year Structure of Matter TD SeriesN°3: Constituents of the atom 2023-2024

Exercise 04:

1/ By radioactive disintegration, radium 226 222

88𝑅𝑎 is transformed into inert gas, radon 86𝑅𝑛. A
decay of 35.38% of 226 88𝑅𝑎 occurs every 1000 years.
- Determine the radioactive constant and the period of this transformation?
2/ The period of 22286𝑅𝑛 being 54.5 seconds, Calculate the mass equivalent to one millicurie?
3/ The radioactive half-life of 95 95
39𝑌 is 10 min. A sample contains 106 nuclei of 39𝑌 . How many
will be left after an hour?
4/ Calculate the activity of a radioactive source consisting of 500 mg of strontium 90𝑆𝑐 if its
half-life is 28 years.
- What happens to this activity a year later?
- After how long this activity will be reduced by 10%.
5/ The activity of a radioactive sample decreases by a factor of 10 after a time interval of 5
minutes. What is its decay constant?
6/ We consider the natural radioactive family whose initial nucleus is thorium 232 90𝑇ℎ and the
final nucleus is lead 82𝑃𝑏 . indicate the number of radioactive disintegrations involved during
this evolution.

Exercise 05:

The core of 131

53𝐼 is used in the field of medical diagnosis. It is β radioactive and its half-life is

8 days. We consider a sample whose initial activity is 38 MBq.

1- Write the decay reaction of the new 131 53𝐼 knowing that a Xenon (Xe) nucleus is
2- Calculate the value of the radioactive constant of 131 -1
53𝐼 in s .
3- Calculate the initial number N0 of radioactive nuclei present in the sample.
4- Determine the activity of this sample after 16 days.
5- Determine the time required for the sample activity to be divided by 100.

Exercise 06:

A piece of dead wood is found during archaeological excavations. The measured activity is
equal to 8.3 Bq. A piece of living wood of the same mass has an activity A0= 255 Bq. We
carry out the carbon-14 dating method, the half-life of which is 5700 years.
1- Calculate the age of the piece of wood found during archaeological excavations.

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